amphiptere-art · 3 months
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Here is a design that has actually been around for quite a bit. Beast Maker! I've actually drawn him in the margins of some things for a while. His fallen angel look has always been codified just never really illustrated properly. So here he is.
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I’ll respond to as many of the scenarios you listed as I can let’s see
Draconis would at first be looking for the starholder, not really trusting this place, but when he finds Chapter he’ll probably just leave him there, he only takes stars from people he deems evil and it’s not like this guy is hurting people. He debates bringing him back to reality but isn’t sure he’d react well to that.
Bold of you to assume Draconis will let them be dismissive of him. He’s probably going into dragon form to pick them up and examine them. Not like he has any fear of any of em. Draconis doesn’t know enough about Antares’ world to want to steal his star, he’s just having fun messing with them.
Draconis would just be curious of Runaway Eclipse, no real taunting just talking to him
Honey isn’t deemed evil so no star theft there, although he’d probably offer to take them to his world to help fix Cider.
Draconis will humor Beastmaker for a bit, maybe going dragon form when they try to transform him. He is secretly planning star theft though
Depends on the deal Blue Moon tries making with him, but the initial attack will lead to Draconis taunting him a bit. I mean Draconis has five stars on his body alone, so I can’t imagine the star hating guy has a very good reaction to that.
Ahh. I wasn't quite sure What type of star sealer he was. There's quite a bit more scenarios that would be interesting but we'll go with we got.
I mean chapter is just sitting in a closet asleep with maybe his Star chucked to the side. Chapter is literally just sleeping silently. Although it's clear from like the dust and cobwebs that are literally on his person that he's been sleeping for a really long time. If they do wake him up he will be grouchy and asking why the hell would they disturb him from his dream space. His only friends are there.
I mean everyone will be very upset about being picked up. But they aren't exactly surprised by the dragon? How depending on where he is Horn, Black Stars pet dragon might get territorial. Most of them will be grouching about how he's just trying to get attention because he's too prideful to realize that his life is a waste. And most of them all assuming since he's definitely not Sun, he must be an eclipse.
As long as they are at first very nice runaway won't run away at first. He'll exchange a simple greeting and say he seems like the strongest powerful thing around here. And he will be very obviously somewhat terrified and just hoping he doesn't try and kill him.
Honey will be thankful for any sort of help. He isn't really sure Cider is fixable. Seeing the horrors of the universe is not something you can quite program out. But a more hospitable place will be greatly appreciated. Although cider might quietly mumble that he doesn't want to leave Apple behind. Apple being the wither storm that did this to their universe in the first place.
Beastmaker is a mix of childlike wonder and recklessness to the point of being near suicidal. The dragon though will just impress him heavily. He enjoys it very very much. He wants it very much for himself. Also good luck getting the star. Because he's basically merged with it. Or maybe it's the whistle. I've never honestly thought where the star is.
I mean Blue Moon's not going to be the one making a deal. They want this man dead. Honestly Blue Moon will tell him he's abusing power that shouldn't be his. Plus the fact that, ahh. Well Blue Moon's going to be glowing like a freaking god. Blue moon gets magical power from the stars. Not the direct Creation magic boost. But basically it's like he's taking the magic from all the stars and merging it into some powerful ass spells. Blue Moon will probably match him in magical strength.
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albumarchives · 2 months
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Beastmaker | Body and Soul (2020)
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sigery · 8 months
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Chaos: *huddling over Blue Moon protectively*
beastmaker Lunar: ah, I see you have a beast of your own. Not as grotesque which is half the fun
Gluttony: *confused* ... beast? what? *realization* rude! Chaos is not a beast! and he choose that appearance so extra rude
@madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @amphiptere-art
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rastronomicals · 2 months
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6:56 AM EDT April 13, 2024:
Beastmaker - "Black Sabbath" From 'Black Sabbath': The CVLT Nation Sessions (January 18, 2017)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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Albums of the Week! Solid new releases from Cattle Decapitation, Thulcandra, and Frozen Soul. I discovered Blackevil, which was great, and played some older favorites.
1. Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite (2023)
2. Metallica - 72 Seasons (2023)
3. Thulcandra - Hail The Abyss (2023)
4. Frozen Soul - Glacial Domination (2023)
5. Decapitated - Cancer Culture
6. Blackevil - Forever Baptised In Eternal Fire
7. Death - Leprosy
8. Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell
9. Beastmaker - Body & Soul
What did you listen to this week?
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asthevermincrawls · 2 years
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punkrockmixtapes · 11 months
Beastmaker - Night Of The Devil
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horrorpatch · 1 year
BEASTMAKER Back From Hiatus; To Reissue Many EP Releases!
BEASTMAKER Back From Hiatus; To Reissue Many EP Releases!
Fresno, CA.-based doom purveyors BEASTMAKER have announced they are back from their brief hiatus and will begin working on new material in the very near future. The band also announced they will be reissuing several of their EP releases in a partnership with Helter Skelter Productions. Get all the details below. From The Press Release Today, Helter Skelter Productions (distributed & marketed…
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BEASTMAKER revitalized and begin extensive reissue campaign thru HELTER SKELTER / REGAIN
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igneous-croc · 5 days
Man I'm feeling a bit frustrated, maybe I'll try and complete some Spyro Flight Levels to take my mind off things <- absolutely incomprehensible, reprehensible, disastrous idea
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amphiptere-art · 5 months
Here he is.
A proper ref for the lovely beastmaker Eclipse.
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As we can see. He is a lovely monstrosity. This has taken days of redoing his design. Of even giving him a design. There was too many situations where I wanted to draw this boy. So I finally gave him a design. Hope it is as terrifying as your imagination.
Wouldn't he be a lovely being to see chasing after you. Remember, Beastmaker Eclipse looms over Blue Moon. Enough to snap him in half. So he's a big boy. Have fun.
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*tosses Witherstorm Monty at Beastmaker*
New friend! A slimy little black beast like alligator. Such intrigue! I wonder what type of beast that could make out of something composed of the void?! Oh hoho! Beast maker will show no fear. Only the playful aggression they usually show with visitors. Although the other beasts will be fearful around them. At least until beast Maker instructs them to attack and corner.
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zekethebeastmaker · 2 years
Zeke has a bad tendency to go into really gorey, graphic detail when talking about his leeches, snails, slugs, and all sorts of ailments he's had to treat- even when there's kids around. He once told Spyro the story about the time a leech got stuck up his nose and almost ate out his brains. Spyro, fortunately, loves the story and gets Zeke to tell him it every time he sees him, which Zeke gladly does.
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theskelosbadlands · 1 year
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rest my friend,
we’re gonna make this right
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rastronomicals · 1 year
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3:00 AM EST February 1, 2023:
Beastmaker - "Skulls" From Walk Among Us: The CVLT Nation Sessions
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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