#Beauy and the Beast
art-o-bart-o · 2 months
This is an old edit from 2023 I did of this Gaston statue cus I don't like how it doesn't translate well with Gaston's 2d design
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Lashes are optional lol
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spiritspeanutfancon · 3 months
Disney Princess
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worldwrapfederation · 2 years
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H.E.R. Set To Play As Belle In Beauty And The Beast
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asbestieos · 1 year
aizo cannot move because hiyori is sleeping on his shoulder and yujiro is sleeping on his lap.... heavenyl hell,
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artemisaq · 2 years
top 10 artists + your favorite piece of art they've made?
Ohh mitali!, this is an extraordinary question; I lovee it sm.💫
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsk + Piano Concerto No. 1 in B Minor { i L O V E Tchaikovsk with all my heart; I could listen to him for ever and ever}
Ophelia by John Everett Millais (painting)
Dante and Virgil in Hell by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (painting)
Lacrimosa, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Manifestacion by Antonio Berni (painting)
Almond Blossom by Vincent Van Gogh ( painting)
Beauy and the Beast Prologue by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman 💕
Frida Kahlo { i love all her paintings so I can't pick one, sorry!]}
Freddy Mercury {same as Frida, Freddy was an amazing artist and all of his songs are very special to me}
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halfabird · 1 month
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Anna Hulačová (1984), Beauy and the beast, 2013
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sweetfirebird · 5 years
I put those comments in the tags and ignored the most obvious one: 
Joe is a Belle type.
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comiccrusaders · 6 years
Review: Belle - Beast Hunter #1 (of 6)
Review: Belle – Beast Hunter #1 (of 6)
Zenescope have come a long way in the way that they re-interpret existing fairy tales and fables, morphing them into a recognisable and consistent universe.  Now, they turn their focus on one of the classics, Beauty and the Beast.  Of course, this being Zenescope, it is definitely not the Disney version on show; instead, taking a leaf out of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to some extent, we are…
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dfkshkjs · 7 years
im gonnac ry 
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spiritspeanutfancon · 3 months
Beauy And The Beast
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supersmentaz · 4 years
Oh my gosh, same here! It's kinda scary because the information is all jumbled up and there is a lot of fake news going around. Anyways since school is out, how about a Beauy and the Beast tyrus aesthetic please? I miss requesting aesthetics but I had no ideas, until now!
I'm just happy to have a break, people are acting like it's the apocalypse, but I'm just a little less worried about it. I'm just sad my comic con got cancelled, I got a great SpiderGwen suit and I guess now I'm stuck doing tiktoks with it. But sure babe!!
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"Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme . . ."
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
People were mad that they cast an Indian person in Aladdin because Aladdin doesn't take place in India and that actor was only cast for their looks. No one likes these live action adaptations anyway. Most of them flop. Like nobody watched Aladdin and everyone complained about the Lion King and Beauy and the Beast. No one will be interested in Hercules either.
The actress was of Indian descend because in the cartoon Agraba was a cultural mix of middle eastern and Indian cultures. A small example, the tiger is called Raj, meaning king in Hindi and similar languages. True, the cast was not perfect there but they tried. If they try the same way as they tried with Aladdin, the very least, then I will be happy.
Nobody watches them? Have you seen how much money they make? Everyone says it's the next live adaptation will flop and then millions of people go and watch it.
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firewireblog-blog · 7 years
Check Out These Character Posters For Disney’s Beauty And The Beast
Check Out These Character Posters For Disney’s Beauty And The Beast
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Here is your first look at the character posters for Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” the live-action adaptation of the studio’s animated classic, which include: Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens as the Beast, Dan Stevens as the Prince, Luke Evans as Gaston, Kevin Kline as Maurice, Josh Gad as LeFou, Ewan McGregor as Lumière, Stanley Tucci as Cadenza, Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Plumette, Audra McDonald…
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So, I don’t hate the Live Action Beauty and the Beast
But I don’t... like it.
I went to a local production of the musical last night and I honestly went in with a bad feeling about it all (tbh I only went because I knew the guy playing Beast has an incredible voice). The director’s note had your general blab about the terrible Beast learning to love and the spunky and all-around perfect Belle that shows him the way and honestly...
Because in a lot of ways, Beauty and the Beast was Disney’s attempt at a Pride and Prejudice story. Belle is.... kinda a snob. Whether or not the villagers understand her, her words about them are equally unkind (if more eloquent) and her determination to leave, to move on, to find “something” that’s missing in her life....... It’s just not the mindset of a 100% healthy person, or at least you’d have to have more there for it to be. And in both the Disney animated movie and in the musical, she has to change. She has to grow up. She has to realize that her wild dreams of “adventure in the great, wide somewhere” are without substance.
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There’s a lovely song near the end of the stage musical called “A Change in Me” where Belle realizes that she needs to stop constantly looking everywhere but instead look where she is. She needs to stop thinking she knows exactly what her life should be like. She has to drop those preconceptions and live in the now, with the people she’s with, with people she never thought she’d love but who are now most precious to her.
On the other side, Beast isn’t as terrible as you originally think. There’s another stage musical moment I love where the Beast sings that he made one mistake and is being punished for that mistake in perhaps the cruelest way possible.
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He is prideful. He has anger issues (though I’d argue they’re less than they’re made to be. He’s mostly just spoiled). But he’s an honestly good soul under all the fur and grump and it doesn’t take much for him to move past his stubborn pride in his supposedly irredeemable and unlovable self and move towards redemption.
So, how can they show all this? How do you tell a good Disney’s Beauy and the Beast story? Well, up till tonight, I thought there was one way only and all others were failures in showing that one way.
If you have two people who are going to grow into the good versions of themselves, they should probably start as a worse version of themselves. That is to say, you need to start with flawed characters with room to grow. It’s storytelling at its most basic and yet so many productions skip this step.
It’s easy enough to succeed with Beast. He locks us Maurice and then keeps Belle as a prisoner. He’s a jerk about dinner plans (Side note: In the musical, he tries to make up for how he acted and he’s insulted and it’s a super cute but sad moment. The musical is the best). He yells at Belle for breaking the rules. He then saves her life from the wolves. He falls in love with Belle and learns self-sacrifice. It’s a JOURNEY.
It’s harder to show with Belle. For starters, she honestly isn’t as bad as Beast. She isn’t doing any locking up of anyone for starters. That said, her flaws (pride, an inability to live in the moment, an imperfect understanding of what makes a person good and lovable) are nevertheless still flaws and need to be addressed if we are going to get a character arc going.
I honestly think the movie and I know the musical tried to make Belle have that flawed-but-with-potential thing discussed above. The original movie is a story of two fierce but good people who work to conquer their flaws and who grow together. But so much of that is lost in most stage adaptations (at least most of the ones I’ve seen) and it’s utterly ignored in the live action. Belle might learn to love the Beast, but there’s not really a clear message of how her idea of what is lovable has had to change. And I hate to go this direction but a good deal of that lack of clarity has to do with the current issues in society.
For one thing, Belle’s a woman, and any woman who is set upon by society automatically has to be in the right, right? Plus, she reads. She’s educated. She’s so much better than the simpleminded peasants. Adaptation Belles (Live Action and many stage productions) take the fire of original Disney Belle and acknowledge none of the flaws, often accomplished by making everyone around Belle so obnoxious that she’s an angel in comparison. The villagers aren’t just simple, they have to be outright oppressive of women. That way, Social justice warrior Belle can say whatever she wants about them and we the audience don’t see it as problematic. Beast was totally wrong to yell at Belle so we’ll not really acknowledge that Belle wasn’t supposed to go to the West Wing and we’ll also stage that tresspassing moment like she’s being brave and adventurous and not like she’s actually intruding where she’s, you know, not meant to be. Belle’s prejudiced, judgemental, and dreamy self is lost from the production and we get a supposedly perfect woman who just needs to find someone who can appreciate her.
Just look through the interviews that came out at the time of the Live Action B&tB and you’ll see that the creators had little interest in showing a Belle that had to grow. She was a feminist icon, and that meant she couldn’t be truly flawed as she opposed her backwards village, the truly awful Gaston, and the Beast.
And I don’t find that story engaging.
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(Emphasis on perfect)(ok bad gif but I couldn’t find anything better already made and I don’t know how to make gifs)
So all that is to say that if you want your fierce and spunky Belle, you have to acknowledge that some of that fire isn’t good. She is flawed. You need to let her grow. Let her have her “just a little change” moment. She can be a strong woman, even a strong woman in the modern sense of the term, but she can’t be perfect in that fierceness.
(And don’t get me wrong. I think that Belle can be a Feminist princess. You can be womanly and have to grow. We’re all human. I honestly find the message that feminist icons have to be perfect more damaging than not.)
And, now that I’ve written my essay, here’s to what I actually came here to say.
Because last night I found an alternative I actually hadn’t thought of before: why does Belle have to be fierce?
Oh, I don’t mean her moments of spunk, when she talks back to the Beast or tells off Gaston. But why does she have to have a sharp, forceful personality? Because the woman playing the character tonight was more in the line of Lily James in that Guernsey movie or even the live action Cinderella but just a tad more naive. Maybe a less obnoxious version of Aurora in Maleficent. She was quirky and endearing and a little spoiled and sheltered but genuinely good. She still had to learn to live in the now, but she wasn’t harsh. She was sweet and bubbly. It was honestly a “have your cake and eat it too” moment because she wasn’t all that blameworthy but she also had room to grow over the course of the story. Her prejudices were still present, but they weren’t malicious.
(Take a moment to appreciate how darling she is)
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And the Beast was more of a Teddy Bear than anything else. He growled and lost his temper, but it seemed more from a lack of understanding of how to interact with people than a true anger problem. Haha! Honestly, that’s how they both were: two socially awkward, bumbling people finding each other. If this was the Pride and Prejudice world, it was as if (in adorkabole-ness levels) it were Jane and Mr. Bingley dancing on stage rather than Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. They had their flaws. But the story was less about their flaws and more about them together and how they filled in where the other was lacking.
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And it worked really, really well. As those frustrated with Romeo and Juliet will tell you, it’s hard to make a romance believable if it only takes a handful of days. Live Action B&tB stretched time out to give Belle and Beast about a week to fall in love but the original movie and the stage musical give them only two or three days. I could see someone as sweet and innocent and trusting as this Belle falling in love the moment she saw the Beast was good and understood her. I could see this Beast trusting this simple and quirky girl enough to begin to love her. They were both simple characters and so their love was simple and easily formed.
I think you can have fierce Belle and tell the story well. But you can also have soft Belle without undercutting the core of the story.
The show I saw last night had the story of their growth. We got them as good-at-heart from the start. We got them as humans learning to love and learning to be better. Belle could be considered practically perfect with only a few things to work on. Beast had issues but was truly lovely. They grew together. We got it all.
I loved elements of the Live Action Beauty and the Beast, but I thought this was lacking. This humanity. This vulnerability. The true transformation that love brings.
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What did this teach me?
Don’t limit yourself to one type of portrayal of a character. Tell the story. Show the changes. And don’t be afraid of being any less a feminist for not being angry.
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rubberduckyrye · 5 years
Did you know that team jnpr are all based on characters who cross dressed at one point in their story
I actually don’t know all of the things the characters are based off of :o I know Ruby is red riding hood, Jaune is Joan of Arc, Pyrrah is Pyrrhic victory/romans/greek mythos/Achilles... Penny was Pinocchio, Velvet is the velveteen rabbit... Blake is beauy and the beast, Yang is Goldie locks/beauty and the beast, Weiss is Snow white..... Yeah I can’t think of anyone else I know rip
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naaamy-csusm · 6 years
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2018 has come to me!!!😻 HAPPY NEW YEAR💫💫 新年明けたから2017年を振り返りつつ、2018年の抱負でも☺️✍️ . あっという間にすぎた2017年。大きな転機、留学前と後で分けられるかな。留学行くまではただただ辛いこともたくさんあった。BEAMSにいる中で、違和感を抱きながらもどうにもできないもどかしさから、春休みは本当に心が病んでた。経営に見せる顔とBEAMSに見せる顔が違くて、どれが自分の進むべき道なんだろうって。どうやったら円満に次のステップにシフトできるんだろうって。最後まで悩んで悩んでたなぁ。そして、色んな人も傷つけてきたな〜って今更ながらに思う。でも、確実にそこが私の分岐点。そして、一度もこの道に進んできたことは後悔してない😌留学が決まるまでは、アメリカに行くことがただの夢で、全然日本離れる現実味なんかなくて、1年前も同じ神社で「留学行けますように🙏」って祈願してた。今日、同じ神社にまた家族で行けたことが本当に本当に幸せを感じたん���けど、去年願ったことがちゃんと現実になったんだな〜ってしみじみ感じた。これをステップアップって呼んでいいなら、すごく嬉しい❣️ . 2017年後半は、本当に試練だったな。こんなに自分が弱虫で泣きまくるなんて思わなかった。その反面、こんなに自分にとって大事な友達が世界中にできるなんて思わなかった🌏4ヶ月のうちにたくさんのこと学んだ。家族や友達と離れる辛さ、孤独の寂しさ、寮生活の楽しさ、アメリカ人の良さ悪さ、自分の料理の作れなさ、英語力の未熟さ痛感、、、ハプニングは何度もあったし、ピンチな時もたくさんあった。辛いことのほうが楽しいことよりも強かったかもしれない。でもその都度、離れた家族や友達に支えられたし、そばにいる友達に笑顔をもらった。だからすごくそのありがたみを感じて、いまはみんなを大事にしようって思える。アメリカでの生活は絶対絶対忘れたくないし、今後に生かして行くしかないでしょ😆 . とりあえず決めた2018年の目標は、 「周りに流されないで凛と生きる」。💖 まずは大きな就職活動。大量な情報網の中、流されたり焦ったりせず、自分の軸を持って冷静に見極める。そして、必ず自分の本命で成功する。 それから私生活。SNSの見過ぎはやめる。人に関与しすぎないように、自分のプライベートをしっかり持つ。1人の時間を大切に、英語の勉強と読書は継続してやる!今やりたいことは、TOEICの勉強とBeauy and Beastの読書と就活の本とSPIの勉強。それから、今のうちにお金貯めるためにバイト。だから意外と時間がない🤷‍♀️😂携帯さわるよりも本を触る時間を多く持とう。笑 あと、凛とするっていう意味は、他の人から「ちょっと違うな」って一目置かれること。だから、自信のないことは行ったりしたりしないし、日頃の姿勢や礼儀からちゃんと意識するようにする。あと自分磨き。今の目標とする人は、経営の大好きな友達、みなあのみたいになること❣️ 自分を持って、磨き続けて、HAPPYな1年になりますように!🌱去年よりももっとステップアップした1年に!💫💫🙈
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