#Becca rants
I work from home, but had to go into the office for a presentation and lunch, and because no one on here knows the people I work with, I am free to say how downright awkward and irritating the whole affair was.
I could truly use a stiff drink right about now, but I have to go back to work, so I'm throwing the DOD episode up to help distract/comfort me from the shitshow I just endured🤦🏼‍♀️🙄
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r3dvlvet · 6 months
Trying to be optimistic about job hunting. I’ve been out of work for a little over two months now and it’s exhausting to not even get past the first interview hurdle. I’m grateful I have a good support system, but by god I’m exhausted.
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Billy and Becca Butcher are a deliberate play on fridging in writing. The reason Butcher is the one who fridges his own wife instead of the writing is because he is consciously aware of what his wife's wishes would and wouldn't be, but still chooses to use what happened to her as a false motive and narrative behind his actions while disregarding her wishes.
The writing makes a point of understanding this distinction by making Hughie understand that using his own girlfriend's death as a motive for harming others isn't what she would have wanted for him, so it's not what he should be doing. They are both used as a lesson to make a point about fridging and how people tend to infantilize and ignore the will of the actual victims, because that's what fridging is.
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incorrect-pipravi · 1 year
Things that I want in the AGGGTM show!
This idea is inspired by @/pippasheadphones video on tiktok!
Warning: this contains spoilers for the entire book series!
Obviously I’m not expecting everything in the books to be adapted in the show, especially because the show has a limited screen time and there are a lot of more important plots/scenes they need to focus on but there are a few scenes/stuff that I really want to see in the show!
Pip and Cara comforting Lauren after her breakup with Tom (I think that was his name).
Flashbacks of 5 years ago. Not just the night Andie went missing but everything else too. Especially the fight with Mr. Ward and Becca!
I really would like it if they included Kill Joy in the adaptation.
Pip’s monologues!!!!!!!
Cara and Lauren giving Pip a makeover before the calamity.
Whatever happens after Ravi sent that text to Pip (if they reach that point in the adaptation ofc)!
More PipCara!
Actually more Pip and the girls in general!
More Jamie and Nat!!! (They’re literally my beloveds)
Becca and Pip friendship.
More of Cara and Steph!
No Ant!
Sal and Ravi flashbacks!
Sal and Andie flashbacks!
More of Ravi’s POV.
Victor and Leanne.
Ravi forgetting to shake Pip’s hand and just holding it.
Max trial scenes (the first one because I want people to hate him more!)
Taylor Swift on the track list (esp No Body No Crime)
More PipRavi (their first kiss, how they got together, everything!!!!)
The hotel owner telling Pip that she’s lucky and Ravi’s handsome!
The rain kiss and confession!
More Ravi teasing Pip!
A scene where Ravi puts the AGGGTM sticker on Pip’s headphones (iykyk)!
Ravi and Pip recording the podcast!
Cara’s “can’t relate”
A scene where one of Pip’s parents ask her why she always skips the third step (iykyk pt.2)!
Connor my beloved!
The “maybe she’ll be interested in you if you were homework or Ravi Singh”
Naomi and Cara!
Andie and Becca!
The group at the calamity
Joe King (he is so silly😭)
The Pip meme that went viral
More iconic scenes of the other girls!!
Can’t think of more stuff but I’ll definitely keep adding when I remember!
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I like to imagine Becca is just waiting in heaven to throw Billy into the deepest pits of hell personally, considering what he gaslighted Ryan and what he'll do in the future.
Also, she would feel brokenhearted for sure, if her son will likely end up in the same hell.
I can't even imagine what that would feel like as a mother watching her child become a monster and being helpless to stop it if it were to happen.
As much as I feel for Ryan, it's possible at some point he's going to make a choice just like his spermdonor and billy did
welp... honestly, i gotta say it's a good thing she's dead and not actually watchin' it cause gotdamn.
but yeah, i'd *like* to imagine she'd string billy up by the balls for not making ryan his priority and still being the nutjob who goes after homelander.
and can't not mention comics becca, she'da probably lost her mind knowing billy mashed her baby to death with a lamp. woman was a soul too caring and compassionate and too fucking good for billy honestly.
i do imagine that if she were watching her son break/become another homelander, know what billy'd done and chose to do *despite* what he'd fucking promised her (if not just for the fact that he was about to fucking beat ryan to death *right* after she died), that would def be enough to get her pissed enough to disavow billy for good and tell him to fuck off.
the boi has pretty much ignored every single thing becca has and would have wanted and was legit one of the worst things to ever happen to her. she absolutely loved him but billy was so obsessed with being his father that it was destroying her mental state even before homelander came along to drive the final nail in the coffin.
"i could never save you!"
she legit tells him she doesn't want his violence, she doesn't want him to bring that near her or her son, that she doesn't fucking want his revenge--she just wants to get her son out and get him safe.
she fucking chose *vought* instead of billy, because she felt so goddamn unsafe. *VOUGHT*, the company that *created* homelander. over her husband.
and billy doesn't give a shit. it doesn't get talked about as often how much billy disrespects and drags becca through the mud (cause we all know she's too good and would forgive him for his bullshit, fucking CHRIST--i actually think this may be *why* they're adding the whole 'cheating' reveal, to drive this point home)
but he was going to sell ryan back to vought and rip a mother away from her child. becca forgave him because of course she did, she loved him and she wants to believe in him and believe there's good in him, but even she knew.
the only reason he's doing what he does isn't to avenge her or get revenge for her, it is absolutely not and never was *for her* because she *LITERALLY* told him she didn't fucking want him to go on a revenge rampage *TO HIS FACE*. it's because of his own pride and--to honor his *father*. *not* becca.
if he actually gave an honest shit about her, he would respect what *she* wanted, and he deliberately does not and even *knows* that.
she was too good for him and i will always say that.
he was supposed to be the guy she could turn to during the most distressful moment of her life, not the guy she would *dread* telling what happened for *fear* of how he'd react--and then turns out she was fucking right about her fears!
i will forever lament that he made her feel so fucking unsafe about her situation, so unheard and unseen and like she wouldn't be listened to, that she, as a victim, could not come forward to her own fucking emotionally inept husband.
honestly, fuck him--
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beccas-gf · 5 months
Chris nation, is his route worth it? I played Chris' route like once but only for the first book. I see a lot of cute pots for his route tho
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bonkobarnes · 4 months
As we recontexualize Becca and Cam’s hookup in ep 3 it’s important to remember Cam still is not comfortable in her queerness. Yes “it’s okay to feel that” might be loaded with many meanings, but one of them is still blaringly ‘it’s okay to feel attracted to women’
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becca4leafclover · 1 year
I miss telling stories I miss making the art I really enjoy it's not for lack of effort it's that every time I try to approach it from a different angle there's another brick wall in my face that I'm not strong enough to break through. But if I'm not telling stories what else am I supposed to do in life? That's the only thing that's ever kept me going
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
saw some people say that cassie and becca were giving sam and deena vibes. and i definitely see it
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bonesbuckleup · 1 year
You’re writing a book?! What the hell that’s so exciting!!
I was gonna ask you about it bc I’m 👀🍽️ but then I saw the ask game you were having and realized that nr 17 fits perfectly >:) (ofc you can be as specific as you want/are able to be) I’m also really curious about 23, more specifically if there’s a place you often go to where you generally feel more productive?
(and if these have already been asked you can just pick whichever question you feel like you want to answer lol ♥️)
Answering out of order!
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
I have a standing desk in my bedroom with a walking pad. On that desk is a Bluetooth keyboard, a stand for my laptop, and a second monitor. There's also a lamp, some speakers, a copy of Save the Cat Writes a Novel, a bunch of notebooks, some scrap paper, a mug with pens, some thumb tacks, and a candle. I've got a white board to the left, cork boards, and a conspiracy wall of paper taped everywhere for easy-access notes. I'm talking full Pepe Silvia set up, to be honest. It is not elegant, but it gets the job done.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Rambling vaguely about my original projects beneath the cut. There are two: the one I'm about to rewrite that I've been submitting to agents, and then the shiny new thing.
Project One! A YA contemporary fantasy novel called Initiate. To steal my twitter pitch/aesthetic.
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The women of 16-year-old Cal Townsend's family have two traditions--witchcraft and secrets. When her father suddenly dies, and Cal is sent to live with her estranged maternal grandmother on a remote island in Lake Superior, Cal unknowingly enters into both. Initiate has:
Great Lakes gothic vibes
A Superior-based magic system
Queer kids trying their best
Sentient shadows
Hauntings of various kinds
Breaking generational curses
So! Much! Ice!
ANYWAY. I am about to rip that one apart at the seams, so that's all I have to say about it. However, I am also working on a new one that would probably appeal to Batfam fandom fans, so why not pop it in here as well.
It does not have a title yet, and is only the crime mage boys wip.
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Set in a world that's exactly like ours except magic is an unquestioned part of it, the vibe of the crime mage boys wip is The Outsiders meets Rear Window but, like, also with magic and Chicago. Basically almost everyone has the capacity to do small magic (light a cigarette with a snap of the fingers, etc etc), but a small portion of the population can't do any (null) and another small portion can do big magic (mages).
The Grayson brothers (I know okay shut up) are hanging on by a thread. Leo (23, null, Tired™️) has been his brothers' legal guardian for the past 5 years and works multiple jobs with long hours to keep them afloat. JT (18/19, on week 52 of being in a bad mood) was a promising mage who had his magic permanently cut off by the police after being in the wrong place at the wrong time-- effectively torpedoing every future plan he'd ever had in a single night and leaving him floundering. Miles (14, protagonist, text book flight risk) just wants to keep his head down and not add to his brothers' many problems.
To bring in some extra money, Miles secretly works for a PI and helps her gather evidence (photos of cheaters caught in the act, checking to see if people really live at addresses--low risk recon jobs, basically). But add in a witnessed murder, a DIY-vigilante who keeps putting himself in Miles's way, and a growing mages' rights movement sweeping over the city, and Miles is getting a hell of a lot more than he bargained for.
ANYWAY that one is still very much in progress, but please enjoy these picrews of the three brothers: Miles, JT, and Leo, in that order.
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woodsy-hoe · 8 months
ya know, finding out i have MS and need extensive immunotherapy treatments to manage the damage, all while i made a huge career shift from nursing to teaching, is kinda too much for ya boi right about now lolol
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thottybrucewayne · 10 months
White people will see you experience intense bigotry your entire life and then be like "What's it like to be born morally lucky?"
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The Boys fandom really needs to get its shit together. I know full well the victim blaming of Becca Butcher is just plain old misogyny but holy fuck.
Woobifying Billy Butcher of all people cause you find him hawt and don't want to hold him responsible for HIS OWN ACTIONS AND OBSESSIVE HATE BONER?? Let alone Homelander who you fucking witnessed take down at least 2 planes in the first season alone?? Both with children on board!!
What. The. Fuck.
Oh yes, rape from a child murderer. Totes unbelievable. SARCASM. Never mind the fact that murder is the next step you puritan fucks!
I'm calm. I am... Calm.
I am so over this fucking shit. But since apparently it isn't through people's thick headed bullshit yet.
Billy Butcher is a sociopath with a violence boner as strong as if not stronger than Homelander's that predates Becca by a long shot because his dad was an abusive fuck. He is historically, unnecessarily violent and enjoys it.
No I don't care how adorable he is or that the actor has the biggest puppy eyes I have ever seen on a grown ass man.
The only thing saying "bEcCa BuTcHeR cHeAtEd" accomplishes is absolving HOMELANDER of his crime, making Billy a goddamn cuck and SIMP who got played like a sucka, and puts BILLY even MORE in the wrong because he does all that shit to go after a guy who didn't actually do anything to his wife!!
And let me be clear since this also doesn't seem to be registering for the misogyny melted head cases out there.
IF Becca had cheated and chose to leave Butcher. It would have meant she simply didn't want him anymore. Which would ALSO mean he is not entitled to ANYTHING from her. WHICH WOULD ALSO MAKE HIM AN INCEL FUCK.
For the love of Homelander. I am so fucking tired of this petty jealousy bullshit over FICTIONAL DICK you horrible people who do this.
Why. WHY?????
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incorrect-pipravi · 1 year
Heavy spoilers for all three books!
tw: mentions of rape/sa, self-harm, everything from canon!
Becca Bell is such an underrated character which is kinda ironic because in the books, she was always in Andie’s shadow and so is she in the fandom. People don’t talk about her unless it’s about Andie and I get it. They’re sisters and their storylines are deeply intertwined, so it’s bound to happen, but I see people talk about Andie as an independent character all the time but never so with Becca!
In my opinion, Becca is as interesting as Andie. There’s so much material to explore with her. The emotional abuse she suffered from her father and her response to it (getting quieter), being in her sister’s shadow and not feeling enough, the trauma of what Max did to her and the fact that her friend got mad at her the next morning, dealing with sh, the fact that her sister was somehow involved with her rape, seeing her sister die … etc. There’s so much potential!
Especially with the ignorance theme/pattern in her story. “Ignorance is a bless” but not in Becca’s case. Ignorance was Becca’s downfall. Her not knowing the truth about her father, about her sister’s efforts to save them, about everything really. Becca makes the wrong choices again and again because she doesn’t know any better. She doesn’t know any better because of her circumstances/what she went through. It’s all so tragic, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
In conclusion, Becca needs more appreciation and I love her so so much!
P.s: I’m planning a post about Becca and Stanley and their parallels, because their relationship needs to be explored.
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autumnsoldier13 · 1 year
Why can’t anyone ever have fun? 🙃
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gambitandrogues · 2 years
Jamie's parents prioritize her challenge (impossible)
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