#Bed Plates
hugs-and-stabbies · 5 months
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[ part 6 : end ]
[link to previous part]
and we're done!! I made yall some lil epilogue type of doodles for sticking by me through this tiny little comic! they're under the cut ^^
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asouwan · 8 months
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Wait a minute…
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
Can I offer them a bunch of groceries? The idea of them running low on supplies worries me ;v;
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Horror: FUCK- YEAH- I M ean- yeah. thank you. this is appreciated s'much thank you-
(Creator sidenote: i can't draw grocery bags)
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
I need to move so I have a fully flat wall to put my dresser mirror up against and I can sit in front of it combing my hair in my nightgown like a pre-Raphaelite sorceress
this is critical Marzi Enrichment
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voilaammayi · 7 months
I just can’t stop wondering how much we don’t know because we can’t hear it - because of sherlock & co being recorded.
how many times had john rolled his eyes at sherlock when he was being ridiculous, but smiled to himself the moment he turned around? how many times had mariana leaned in the doorway to 221b baker street and silently but fondly watched john and sherlock bickering? how many times sherlock just didn’t say anything when archie climbed on his lap and instead started to scratch behind the dog’s ears?
how many gentle smiles, cheeky grins and warm gazes with sparkling eyes? fingers touching one’s arm, hands on the shoulder or tight hugs? how much affection spread without words?
how much is being not said, left to imagination?
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
rb and put in tags the name of the stuffed toy(s) you sleep with
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theperksofbeingstupid · 2 months
i like to think qcellbit regularly tripped off his bridge and ate shit in the middle of the night when he was trying to leave/arrive at castelo
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edenfire · 3 days
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🌸💗 "ughh, you can't be serious..." 💗🌸
just imagine akira doing something cringe just out of frame lol😂💞💞
I've been really struggling with some of my current projects, so I needed to doodle a grumpy lil goro to help ease my nerves😌💗🌸
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doriana-gray-games · 1 year
Ms Hudson is hilarious I love her. ‘Her current hobby is getting Sherlock married well’ meanwhile my Sherlock is falling for their morally dubious penpal.
How does Ms Hudson feel about the Ros being in a relationship with Sherlock? Which ones does she like the best?
(Mrs Hudson loves you too! 🥰❤️)
Hmm 🧐
Well, as is quite obvious in ch4, she is a big fan of H. So for now, H is the clear winner in her book 🏆 Rich, respectful, good-looking, rich. What's not to love.
Other than that, W is probably nr 2 on her list. She would make jokes like "Or if you two could marry one day—" much to W's embarrassment.
L is quite low in her books... they vary from place nr 3 and 4 depending on how charming or rakish Adler has been lately. Mostly because L doesn't talk much to Mrs Hudson, I think they are a little terrified of the old woman...
A is usually at the bottom. She likes A a lot, but... she does not trust them. She wants something more stable for Sherlock. But if MC tells her they are happy with A she will ofc be happy for you too ❤️
She doesn't even know of X lol. X would have to win her over first to even appear on the list—or tell her they have an impressive occupation/income.
*If mc is the same sex as the ROs she doesn't really ship the two (yet) because she doesn't know of either one's preferences. She can figure it out with time though, or if you tell her (and then she will become very shipping enthusiastic indeed) 🤭
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nocherrybombs · 3 months
Food Safety Part 2: Girl Dinner in Fontaine
Furina: Wow, Navia, whatever you have in the oven smells absolutely amazing! I can't wait to try it.
Navia: Oh, that's not mine. I didn't have time to make dinner tonight, but luckily Clorinde volunteered to pick up the slack.
Furina: Oh no, please tell me you didn't let her cook!
Navia: Of course I let her cook. Why wouldn't I?
Arlecchino: Yes, what exactly is wrong with Clorinde's cooking?
Furina: Nothing is wrong with it per se, but I think she learned all of her culinary techniques from wolves.
Clorinde, wearing a chef's hat and presenting barely-roasted duck breast in bulle fruit sauce: Voilà. I call it "Tagged and Bagged". Bon appétit.
Navia: Clorinde, dear, this duck is, um... slightly underdone.
Clorinde, already eating: Yes, it is.
Arlecchino: Ha! I knew you could eat it raw. May I have an extra portion of this to bring home? I need to prove a point to my children.
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Moodboard for Mikayla:
♡ | ♡ | ♡ | ♡
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
This is random.. But is there anything in canon that indicates Billy likes to read? I've seen a lot of fanfic that pegs him as a Jane Austen fan, but it's been so long since I've watched season 2 & 3 so I dunno if that's in the series at all for real.
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in s2ep8 we see “My Life and Hard Times” by James Thurber during the scene where he’s getting ready to go out
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in the same episode you can see a book on the shelf behind him
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and then in s3ep6 we see child billy sitting at the table with a book in front of him, showing that he must’ve been reading before his parents started fighting
so billy reading is canon and it’s something that comes up more than once but, as to what he likes genre wise, i don’t think there’s a whole lot to go off of so it’s pretty much open to interpretation
hope that answers your question :)
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password-door-lock · 22 days
Unknown has a complicated relationship with sleep. 
He's always tired, but he never wants to admit that he needs to sleep. If you try to explain to him that everybody has to sleep at some point, he’ll only get annoyed with you. Who do you think you are to tell him what he needs? The way he sees it, he’s basically a machine anyway, so shouldn’t he at least get the benefits associated with a mechanical existence? But instead, every few days, his body forces him to sleep until his nightmares wake him up. 
He tries to stave it off as long as he can with caffeine, sugar, and cold showers. Sometimes, he’ll ask you to wake him up if he falls asleep in front of his computer— he’s never pleased about it when you refuse, but he also never retaliates. He doesn’t have the energy, and besides— at least he knows that you won’t hurt him or take advantage of his vulnerable state even when he tells you to.
Eventually, though, he has to sleep. He doesn’t like the thought of leaving you alone in the intelligence room when he’s unconscious elsewhere— what if some believer comes in and you say something misguided that makes you wind up in the basement? What if the Savior comes by and decides to question you about Unknown’s inactivity? There are simply too many variables to account for. The easiest solution, of course, is to sleep when you sleep, although it goes without saying that he'll be waking up before you. In Unknown's opinion, you spend far too long just laying there and nowhere near enough time helping him with his revenge.
You try to baby him even on his good nights. You bring him the best, most filling dinners you can throw together with the ingredients in the kitchen; these are usually accompanied by hot beverages to counteract the biting cold of the intelligence room. You’re about the only person (aside from the Savior, of course) from whom he would accept a mysterious drink, but Unknown has to admit that he enjoys the sweet vanilla chamomile that you always serve him. Though his rational mind knows that he can’t afford to take long breaks from his work, his body is soothed by the tea. 
If he’s exhausted enough, Unknown might agree to lay down with his head in your lap and let you play with his hair as he falls asleep. It’s easy for him to spin this position as a power move— obviously, you’re giving him this attention because like him, right? You wouldn't do anything like this for any of those bastards in the RFA. You’re trying to show him affection, to thank him for saving you— Unknown can allow that. Besides, it feels nice, and isn't he allowed to enjoy simple pleasures like this in between finishing his work? It's basically the same thing as eating ice cream or sending cryptic texts in hacked RFA chatrooms.
He likes falling asleep to the sound of your voice. You can even lull him back to sleep after he’s woken up from a nightmare, if you play your cards right. Tell him how good he is while you pet his hair, but don’t you dare breathe a word to him about it when he wakes up in the morning (or, more likely, in the middle of the night). After the fact, he feels a lot less powerful and a lot more pathetic, especially if there was a nightmare involved. The thought of whimpering and whining at you when he wasn’t awake enough to stop himself makes Unknown feel a little sick. Secretly, he's grateful for both your care and your discretion, though you'd never get him to admit it aloud.
He doesn’t want to want any kind of comfort, but the more time he spends with you, the less frequently he refuses when you offer. You might even be able to get him to let you read to him— entertainment as a concept is entirely foreign to Unknown, so it’ll take him a while to figure out what kind of stories he likes to hear. Really, what he likes best is the sound of your voice and the fact that you actually listen when he expresses a boundary or a preference. If you ask very nicely and you’re very lucky, he’ll even let you kiss him on the forehead as he drifts off into dreamland. 
Even if he still only gets a few hours of sleep each night, at least he’s resting better than he was before you came to him.
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i-chew-bugs · 7 months
He’s right behind me,, isn’t he..?? 😞
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Yayyy first post and it’s Vince omgaaa
Tw: bl0od!!
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He’s a messy eater 😋
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whosectype · 1 year
What’s ur comfort character
Well uhm *cough*
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greektragedybitch · 10 months
I have never seen anyone with more audacity, ungratefulness and hypocrisy than brown dads who call their daughters "kaamchor"
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