#Beetle in the Anthill
halucygeno · 1 year
The Strugatsky brothers: general notes on style and storytelling
Heya. If you want something to disagree with right out of the gate, here’s my tier list:
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Ok, but seriously, I'm about halfway through the whole Strugatsky bros bibliography, and it's been kinda hit-or-miss. Some books are fantastic in terms of both storytelling and themes, some are a bit confusing and start very slow, but stick the landing with the drama and philosophy kicking into high-gear towards the end, and others are just... meh.
Anyway, here’s a loose, disorganised list of things I’ve noticed:
1) The Strugatsky's style of narration feels a tad homogenous after a while. Their POV character is usually a pragmatic, goal oriented man, intelligent enough to analyse themselves and the world around them, and often cynical to the point of distrusting simple, comforting narratives (voicing their scepticism through dry wit or sarcasm). The main variation seems to be in the protagonist's level of refinement vs. crudeness (some of them have a short fuse and poor manners), and how much they are motivated by a sense of duty vs. self-interest. The other character archetype they sometimes do is the "inexperienced young man with ambition and spunk" ("Space Apprentice", "Monday Begins on Saturday"). Yet there's some crossover - Sasha from "Monday" often shifts between bewildered novice and confident snarker, depending on the scene - and it all still "sounds" quite similar. I guess you could say this is their authorial voice - the "Strugatsky style", if you will - but to me, it makes reading their books back-to-back feel a bit... same-y.
2) Mystery is everywhere. Im surprised the Strugatskys only wrote one detective novel (which kind of turned out not to be a detective novel anyway), when tons of their works start with some inexplicable, mysterious event which then goes on to be gradually unravelled. I mean, half of "The Waves Extinguish the Wind" is just reports from an investigation into the motives of a mysterious alien species. "Beetle in the Anthill" is one long hunt for a mysterious fugitive, gradually finding out who they are and why they're so dangerous, and "The Final Circle of Paradise" is about busting a crime ring peddling a new, mysterious drug. But even when it’s not explicitly about detectives or investigations, they still often focus on an unexplained event or series of events ("Space Mowgli", "One Million Years to the End of the World").
A lot of the appeal which keeps the stories engaging for me is that they either set up a big question and slowly reveal pieces of the answer, or set up a lot of small questions that get much quicker answers, which then lead to more questions (sometimes both). In one case, they even nested a mystery within a mystery! “Beetle in the Anthill” is both a question of “where is Lev Aboukin hiding and what is his next move” and “who is Lev Aboukin and why was I ordered to track him down”?
Maybe this mystery focus is just part of the wider space fantasy sci-fi genre. Alien contact, phenomena beyond our understanding... these are very conducive to mystery; A few other sci-fi authors I've read have very similar set-ups. Well, whatever it is - authorial style or genre trope - I love it. It gives stories this feeling of discovery and learning, often with only half-satisfying conclusions that leave room for interpretation and reflection.
3) Holy shit, their representation of women is (mostly) terrible. I've heard a few people call the Strugatskys' writing misogynistic, and while I was sceptical at first (Guta from "Roadside Picnic" struck me as pretty cool and strong), after reading more, I definitely see it now. Most of the time, they depict women as trivial side characters, love interests for the protagonist, or worse, symbols of promiscuity, decadence and stupidity. I could maybe argue that some of these portrayals are more nuanced than it would first seem, but others are just... blegh.
A handful of their works ("Space Mowgli", "Monday Beings on Saturday" and "Space Apprentice") show women working alongside men as equals - suggesting some progressive ideals. "Space Apprentice" even has one chapter where they take down Shershen - a controlling, misogynistic professor who tries to sabotage his female student's career because he doens’t think women should work in space.
But none of this counters the causal sexism displayed generally, even in these seemingly positive examples. Stella's introductory scene from "Monday Begins on Saturday" shows her cowering in fear from Vybegallo's upiór, screaming hysterically. While she goes on to be much cooler in Story 3 of that book, she's still a rather lowly employee of the institute - not as experienced as the magisters (who are, you guessed it, all men).
Maya Glumova in "Space Mowgli" - the female character with perhaps the most screen time and agency from everything I've read so far - is still hinted to be more emotional and motherly towards the alien which the team discovers. So even when the female character is important and actively participates in the plot, she is partially defined by her femininity. And when she comes back in "Beetle in the Anthill", she's basically just a childhood love interest, acting as another clue to the mystery of Lev Aboukin's identity.
Natasha from "Space Apprentice" is the only time I've seen the Strugatskys write from a female POV, and even so, it only lasts two chapters, with her being completely irrelevant for the rest of the story. For the short while we get to see from her perspective, she mostly sits around and listens to other people, rarely taking the initiative to do anything. Some of her scenes feel like they could be commentary on workplace sexism, but they're too short and fleeting for the message to read clearly.
All these baby steps towards decent female representation are even harder to appreciate when you consider... everything else. Most egregiously, some visual descriptions of female characters are just gross, focusing on the lips, curves and skin in a very sexualised way. At first I thought that maybe this was a condemnation of the POV character, showing that we're following a crass, tactless protagonist who isn't above ogling someone they find attractive; a contemptible person who doesn't reflect the opinions of the authors. But without clear textual elements criticising this creepy behaviour, it really feels like it's being treated as normal, which... no, it really, really shouldn't be. At least the Strugatskys had the decency not to use this kind of sexualised, beauty-obsessed language when describing the aforementioned respectable worker women - Stella, Maya and Natasha.
On two occasions, women are shown arguing in favour of shallow, self-interested hedonism - an ideological foil to our responsible, socially-minded male protagonists. While this is a fine direction to take a character (and some male characters are criticised in a similar way - mostly in "The Final Circle of Paradise", where hedonism is a central theme), it feels like a waste to use an already small female presence as fodder for this philosophical debate.
So yeah, even though I love these stories, my appreciation is heavily dampened anytime a female character is introduced and turns out to be underutilised and irrelevant (which is disappointing), some dumb bimbo for the protagonist to sexualise (which is cringe), or a proxy for an ideology the Strugatskys want to criticise (which is disappointing).
4) Bromance! While the Strugatskys’ depictions of relationships between men and their female love interests are rather underdeveloped (a side effect of women having so little prominence, I think), the way they write emotional relationships between men and men is quite amazing. Most of these stories are brimming with a sense of camraderie and emotional closeness, with the male characters inspiring each other, guiding each other, criticising each other, learning from each other, etc. My three favourite dynamics have to be from "The Inhabited Island", "Space Apprentice" and "Monday Begins on Saturday".
In "The Inhabited Island", Maxim manages to gradually deprogram Guy from his nationalistic, fascist ideology by just being there, acting kind and showing him that an alternative way of thinking is possible. He points out inconsistencies in the government’s propaganda in a non-confrontational, innocuous way. Then, we see Guy's inner conflict when Maxim defects from the military and joins the resistance - having to view this close friend as a "traitor", despite having a lingering affection for him. And when Maxim finally gets Guy to defect and join his side, this affection is twisted into something monstrous and horrifying in a scene that I dare not spoil. It's an emotional roller-coaster, that one.
"Space Apprentice" has an interesting tension between two role models. Young Yura Borodin, despite his somewhat mundane job as a space welder, is eager to travel the stars and self-actualise. He's hungry for action, and would rather die than retire. Due to unfortunate circumstances, he's unable to catch his flight for the planet Rhea, and has to join the crew of another ship as a trainee (kinda like hitch-hiking, but in space, haha). He ends up under the supervision of Yurkovsky and Ivan Zhilin, both of which try to impart different lessons onto him. Yurkovsky is the embodiment of Yura's ideal - a world-renowned planetologist past his prime, still yearning for exciting work and hoping to make the "discovery of his lifetime". Zhilin is the ship's engineer, and has a far more cautious, protective attitude. Both of them like Yura's youthful enthusiasm, but while the former encourages his ambition and adventurous spirit, the latter tries to temper his expectations and teach him about responsibility. The stops along their route form a series of unrelated vignettes where we see the two philosophies in practice, and the ending resolves this tension in a really beautiful, heart-wrenching way.
"Monday Begins on Saturday" is just one huge "me and the boys" meme and I fuckin' love it. We have the confused yet curious newbie, Sasha Privalov, the measured and wise mentor figure, Roman Oira-Oira, the talented but rude snarker and critic, Vitya Korneev (who is still affectionate in his own way - he doesn't actually hate people, just enjoys banter), and the polite and helpful sidekick, Edik Amperian (+ a whole bunch of other colourful characters). The shenanigans these lads get up to are just a wonderful romp, as they juggle their own eccentricities and the absurd bureaucracy of a magical Soviet institute. Despite the chaotic nature of their work, often wrought with disagreement and a lack of resources, everything has this undercurrent of mutual respect and affection. I swear, this book has the most idyllic workplace culture I've ever seen, to the point that it makes it actually fun to read about office politics.
5) They start in medias res and fill the gaps with natural-sounding exposition. This is one of the core things that I believe makes the pacing of (most) Strugatsky novels feel very brisk. Characters are dropped into already unfolding situations - no lengthy backstories or elaborate speeches about the history of the world. Flashbacks are relatively rare and often contextualised (some focal point prompts the memory, making for a smoother transition). The majority of what we learn about characters comes from clues in their speech, thoughts and actions. Same applies to the world - details are drip-fed to you as they become relevant.
That's not to say that the Strugatskys never drop exposition dumps on the audience, but it's less common, and even then, is usually done intelligently. Most often, a character will see something and, in the process of expressing their opinion, bring up background details that show how they feel about it - we get both world-buiding and characterisation at the same time.
An even better way they disguise exposition dumps is by having characters casually debate something - in a moment of respite from the action, they sit together and bounce arguments back and forth: “is X thing ethical”, “what would happen if Y”, “these Z activists are starting to get on my nerves”, etc. As they make their points, they bring up examples, facts, anecdotes, and very quickly, not only do we know what they believe, but also learn about a whole bunch of things that exist or happened, all while never being explicitly told.
This is probably the best lesson you can learn from the Strugatskys - if your setting has interesting elements, either show them directly in the action of the story, or make them a talking point which characters have conflicting opinions on (better yet, do both - the Zone in “Roadside Picnic” is a masterclass in being a springboard for both characters and plot). If not, don’t bother - you’ll just distract the audience with pointless guff.
* * *
That’s about it. I could probably go on, but I’m too tired to continue writing. I’d love to pick apart more specific examples of points 2), 4) and 5), so maybe I’ll make separate posts for them in the future (lemme know if that’s something you’d be interested in). Mostly, though, I'm desperate to find other people as obsessed with the Strugatskys as I am and discuss their lesser known works. I personally feel that "The Final Circle of Paradise" is a hidden gem of theirs, one that has flown under the pop-culture radar but is well worth discussing.
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ranfordgallus · 3 months
for your post about submitting animals—i've got three!
1) bearded vultures!! they've got white irises and blood red (literally) sclera, stain their naturally-white feathers with the reddest dirt they can find to assert their dominance, and their diet is 90% bone!! they're frequently compared to dragons
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2) shoebill storks! in a similar vein to the bearded vulture, theyre big cute birds that are often compared to dinosaurs (their species name is literally B. rex.) don't have as many fun facts about these guys other than that they can make a sound that sounds like a machine gun, and also that a disproportionate amount of their fans seem to be lesbians (myself included.)
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3) bombardier beetles!! super fun beetles that shoot boiling hot acid out of their abdomens! if i remember correctly, they sneak into anthills and feast on the ants living there. wickedly cool bugs. and so cute!!
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i could be wrong about these not having been done before, but i'm pretty sure they're untouched. hope you like these! :D
Here it is lol...kinda fun
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clumsiestgiantess · 22 days
Just for y’all, a short that became a little two-part story (next part coming soon) inspired by this post by @tinyascanbe
@thetinylittlespider @entomolog-t @tinyundercover y’all seemed interested in this unforgiving angst, so here you go!
Blood trickles down my arm for.. I don’t know, maybe the fifth time?  Sixth?  I’ve only been like this for three days.  Already the threat of bleeding to death is a common occurrence for me.  It’s not like I have much blood to bleed out anyway.  I’m.. I don’t know how small I am.  The grass is taller than my head, and bugs can be anywhere from forearm length to larger than myself.  I really just want to go home.
I was jogging through one of the nearby neighborhoods like I always did, when something felt wrong.  Lightheadedness clouded my thoughts, so I’d stepped into a lawn beside myself to avoid getting hit while I recovered — perhaps I hadn’t drank enough water.  However, by the time my head cleared, I was standing below the grass I’d previously been stepping on.
At first it was just confusing.  How could something like that just happen?  For a while I had myself convinced that it was some weird dream; I hadn’t even woken up and started my day at all.  However, things got real rather quickly once my search for a clearing in the forest of weeds and blades of grass landed me at the edges of an anthill.  I’d been chased out of there — hounded down and nearly bitten to death.  
Their jaws.. mandibles.. whatever the hell they are.. nearly tore my limbs right off my body.  I had to beat at their eyes and heads relentlessly until they were forced to let me go.  I just wasn’t strong enough to get out of their grip.  To think I once flicked them off me without a second thought.  Now, after managing to get far enough away from them to stop and look at my injuries, I found that all it took was a few hard bites to put a limb out of commission for the day.  Thankfully, I hadn’t gotten many more than that, or I would’ve lost a limb permanently.
It was like I’d been dropped on an alien world.  I’m all for a good hike, and I know a decent amount about camping out in nature, but no survival guide had ever told me how to kill a beetle the size of my torso for a meal, or warned me that said beetle could then turn and try to make a meal out of me.  That was about all the hunting I was up for once I was left with large gashes torn out of my back and arms.
Every day and night since then I only became more and more aware of just how awful life had become.  I’d gone from believing it was a dream, to begging for it to be a dream.  Though if anything it’s a nightmare.  
My only hope is getting to the house that this yard is connected to.  If I could just get someone who isn’t a bug to find me — someone who wouldn’t try to hurt me on sight or stare at me with an emotionless terrifying face as I pass by.  I’ve barely drank anything the last three days, and I know I haven’t eaten.  Sleep is basically an afterthought.  Everything starts shrieking at night, and even if it were silent, something might come and drag me away the moment I doze off.
By the dawn of the third day, I start hallucinating.  I- I swear I can hear my friends voices.   They’re here somewhere with me, right?  They came to find me, right?!  I can’t.. die out here alone.
There!  Oh my god there’s someone here!  “HELP!” I screamed, stumbling blearily through the endless stalks of grass.  They’re running from me; why are they running?!  “PLEASE!  COME BACK!”  
I.. might’ve fell?  Scrambling upright, I rushed through the grass and weeds that seemed to have grown denser with each step.  I couldn’t run through them anymore and begun clawing at their stalks, desperately trying to carve a path through.  How did they get through so easily?!
Sobbing angrily, I shoved and pushed and clawed- and passed out.  It could’ve been an hour or a few seconds later when I came to.  I was in a ditch of dirt, grime coating my arms, shoulders, and especially fingers — everything I’d used to make my way through the strangely dense plants.  For a brief moment I sat in silence, then bubbly laughter began to wheeze uncontrollably from my parched throat.  “I was clawing up dirt the whole time!” I gasped through almost manic laughter.  “It was pointless!  I- There wasn’t anyone there!”
And that’s where I’m at: bleeding out from the wounds I tore open yet again — curled up in a ditch I’ve dug for myself.  It’ll most likely be my grave.  My stomach growls angrily and my insides start to burn.  The acid inside it jumps up my throat, and my uncontrollable giggling quickly morphs into a sob.  “Please…  I- I can’t do this anymore…” I whimper, clutching my stomach only for my atrophied muscles to spasm and ooze blood from my cuts.
“JUST KILL ME!!!” I shriek into the void, “IT HURTS!!!”  One moment I’m laying there in my own blood and tears, the next I’m being dragged away by something.  Some large and furry creature starts dragging me across the ground with one of my legs in its mouth.  I let it.  At least I’m going somewhere.  
I.. think I fell asleep?  More accurately I probably just slipped out of consciousness.  But I wake up once pain begins tearing freshly against my back.  I’m no longer being dragged over dirt, but rough concrete.  The front step.  Holy hell, I made it.  Forgetting about wanting to give up, I kick the creature as hard as I can with my other leg.  It squeaks, drops me, and runs off.
Slowly and agonizingly, I drag myself to the first and only step.  If it were day one or maybe two, I could’ve managed getting over it, but now, starting up at the top from the ground… it’s impossible.  I’d die trying to make it up.  “Someone h- help..”  It was supposed to be a scream, but I couldn’t even manage that.  Panting in pain and sobbing in desperation, I silently beg someone — anyone — to come find me.  No one does.
I wake up in complete darkness, unable to move.  Terrified that I’d died, I cry out.  “H—?”  Well, I try crying out.  I hear rumbling, like distant thunder.  If it rains I think I should drown myself at this point.  There’s a scraping around me.  I’m inside a box or.. some kind of container.  Sudden light flashes into my vision and I yelp, closing my eyes as they painfully adjust.  
“Y- You woke up?”  A voice echoes through the air — far too loud to be normal.  I blink through the new lighting and stare up at the person towering over me.  A middle-aged woman looks down from above, baffled.  “You… I- I thought you were dead!”  I flinch at her exclamation and turn away, only to find myself at the bottom of a small box made to fit a bracelet or necklace.  The perfect size to become a makeshift coffin for something my size.  “I-” I cough as my throat closes up for a few seconds.  “I’m sorry?” the voice from above asks.  They lean closer in time to catch the tail end of my coughing.
“Oh!  Here, I’ll get you something to drink.  I- I’m so sorry I sealed you in a box; poor thing!  I.. thought you were already dead, but I was too fascinated to bury you quite yet.”  I’m not sure whether to be thankful for that or be terrified by it.  What do you mean, ‘fascinated’?  I didn’t have the strength to get up so I just sorta.. lay there, staring at the ceiling way too high above me.
When she comes back, the giant- ..human.  Human, not giant.  I’m just.. small.  She tries to sit me up, but my whole body tenses in pain and I cry out in agony.  I’m released as she flinches, and I fall back to the bottom of the box with another sob.  “Oh honey, I’m sorry!” she apologizes hastily, “I- I didn’t mean to do that.  You- You’re hurt!  Here, let me help you.”  She dresses my more obvious wounds, gently moving each limb as she cares for it.  Picking up my hand, she gently turns it over — pressing it between her fingers as she scrutinizes it.
“You’re.. so small,” she says in awe.  “You aren’t a fairy-tale creature, are you?  You’re wearing.. normal clothes.. so I’d think you aren’t.  Those shouldn’t even be that small…”  I briefly glance down at my under armour tee.
“Are you…?  Did you…?”  She keeps pausing, unsure what to say.  “Were you normal-sized before?”  I nod weakly, and she gasps.  “Oh no!  How long have you been out there for?”  With a shaking hand I manage to hold up three fingers.  “Three hours?  That must’ve been awf-”  I interrupt her with a head shake.  “Three.. Three days?”  That time I give a nod.  “No wonder you’re in such awful shape!  I can’t believe it…  I found you curled up at the bottom of my doorstep.  I thought you were my youngest’s toy at first, but when I picked you up you.. started bleeding.”  Her voice grew hushed, mind wandering.
“Do you have anyone at home to look after you?” she asks me.  I begin to shake my head, then pause as the realization dawns on me.  I.. can’t even go home.  I won’t be able to get anything to help myself.  The gigantic person leans down over me to check my understanding and I quickly shake my head so she’ll get back.  “Oh.. that’s alright, honey.  I’ll take care of you in the meantime.  Do you need anything now?”
“Wa—  Water-” I manage to choke out.  I desperately wanted to talk to her — to ask her if she could bring me something more comfortable to lay on, or at the very least feed me.  The woman nodded, “Of course!  I forgot I even brought this.  You’ll have to sit up, though.  You’ll choke otherwise.”  I knew that.  I want to sit up.  However, I can’t even move without severe pain stopping me.  “Here, let me.”  Fearfully, I watch her fingers slide down to the sides of my head.  I cry out, trying to duck to get away from the massive digits.  Her squeezing and pressing my hand was terrifying enough; I was nearly convinced she would accidentally twist it in the wrong direction.  But my face.. my head?!  One strong grip will be enough to cave my skull in.
“No, no, no!  Shh, it’s ok!  I won’t hurt you; I’m just trying to help.”  “I -n— th-t!” I squeak out, nearly incomprehensibly.  My muscles sting while I try in vain to cover my face.  As her fingers nudge my head upwards, I squeeze my eyes shut and try to force away the horrible dark thoughts.  This is what I wanted — someone who can help me...  So why is this just as terrifying as being outside?!  I nearly scream as the pad of a gigantic finger rests at the back of my neck.  I can feel the strength wavering just behind it.  I can feel just how little pressure she’d have to apply to get it to snap.
My head slowly gets pressed upward, and I can’t help but sob slightly.  “Aww, you’re alright little one.  I’ll be very gentle,” she tells me sweetly.  With tiny crumbs of food, and an oversized cap of water, she feeds me — right out of her hand.  It’s.. the only way I can eat without awful pain, but it’s humiliating!  After the first few bites to save my stomach from eating me alive, I debate going hungry rather than letting this happen.
After letting me eat for a while, the woman places a torn-off piece of a cotton ball beneath my head where her finger used to rest.  I want to ask: ‘you couldn’t have done that earlier?’ but hold back.  Mostly because my voice still sounds awful and unrecognizable, but also because I need her.  I can’t yell at her to get away from me, unless I want to try surviving on my own again…
“Alright,” the woman sighs, startling me from my thoughts, “I’ve got to get to bed.  Will you be fine, or do you think I should stay up to watch you?”  “I’ll be f-ne,” I rasp.  She nods slowly, “Ok.. I’ll come check up on you a bit later, alright?  Should I leave the light on?”  I shake my head.  “Just call for me if you need anything; my name’s Kristine.”
Stepping away from wherever she placed me, I watch her hand reach up to somewhere beyond my view and click off a lamp to the side of me.  For a long while I lay there in complete darkness with nothing but my thoughts and the dull throbbing of.. basically everything.  It was only then, in the middle of the night, when I actually needed to call her, that I realized I couldn’t.  My throat was too scratched up.  I fall back asleep with my stomach roiling.
The next morning, I wake up to an empty room.  Without a gigantic person hovering around, I feel brave enough to test my injuries.  Things finally seem to work again.  I can get up out of the little box I’d been placed in; I can speak properly.  Wandering the dresser where I stand, I use the free time to stretch my muscles — figure out what I can and can’t do.  The food and water I was given still sit beside the box, so I help myself to it.  I’m practically starving again.  
After filling myself to satisfaction, I notice a cord running down the back of the dresser.  It’s such a tempting idea to slide down it to the floor…  Surely I have enough time to explore and come back.  She might not be back for hours.  The logic seems sound enough to me.  I head for the space between the wall and the dresser and cautiously slip between them, shimmying downward.  It’s not so bad of a journey, but then I get to the opening at the bottom.  The place where the dresser stops and I can’t wedge myself between the large walls to stop myself from slipping.  With all the horrific events prior, my spent muscles can’t keep up with the sudden weight, and I tumble what must be the equivalent of eight feet to the floor.  
Oww.  That wasn’t the smartest thing for me to do directly after recovering, I’ll admit.  Standing wobbly to my feet, I look around the vast space.  Every piece of furniture, no matter how small, looks like a skyscraper to me.  It’s simultaneously terrifying and incredible at the same time.  Dust hangs in the air — reflecting sunlight like ambient lighting.  The carpet flooring nearly reaches my waist like an open field of high grass.
I get about a quarter of the way across the room before the gigantic door to my right swings open.  My heart thunders rapidly in my chest as I watch the giant person step into the room.  I try my hardest to convince myself I’ll be alright.  This isn’t an actual giant — just a person who looks like one from my tiny perspective.  She won’t try to hurt me.  Yet, I rethink my decision to stay instead of hide once she steps directly towards me while completely unaware of where I am.  
“Wait!” I cry out fearfully as her foot approaches, “I’m down here!  Don’t-!”  My words cut off as I brace myself for an awful weight to crush me down from above.  “Oh!  Oh my gosh I nearly stepped on you, little thing!  Why are you on the floor?”  Little thing?  “I- My name is-”  A hand the size of a large truck descends and snatches me into a fist before I can finish speaking.  Did she even hear me speaking?
Now I really am frightened.  I writhe in the giant woman’s grip, but to my horror, she only giggles.  “Oh stop it!  That tickles!”  Trapped on all sides by warm skin, I try kicking at the walls but it’s completely useless.  Seconds later she opens her hands and I fall ungracefully back into the little box where I’d woken.  I yelp in pain as I hit the bottom.  “Hello?!” I cry in outrage, startling the behemoth who dropped me.  “Could you be a bit gentler!?  I could barely move yesterday; I’m lucky just to be able to get up and walk around!”  
I’m given a pitying glance, which only makes my resentment stronger.  “Aww, even if you do get hurt again, I can always fix you up!  Besides, I don’t think it’s such a good idea for you to be wandering around the place, anyway.  Who knows what other ways you might get hurt.  I almost stepped on you just now!”  “And who’s fault is that?” I mumbled.  “Here, I’ll be right back,” she tells me, slipping easily out of the room.  As if she hadn’t completely skipped past the point that I wasn’t getting hurt — she was hurting me.
With Kristine gone for quite a while, I expected her to bring back fresh food for me, maybe something comfier to line the box that’s now my bed.  Instead, she comes back with a large plastic container with a snap-on top that’s lined with slits and features a little magnifying glass window — a cheap creature container.  A horrified chill seeps through my skin and clings tightly to my bones.  “No…  No!  What do you think you’re doing with that?!”  I scramble out of the little box and make a run for the electrical cord, but my muscles tense with pain and I stumble across the counter.  
My bruises scream agonizingly as I fall against a wall of flesh.  “Wait-!”  I’m scooped up into a palm and deposited on the cold surface of the plastic container.  My voice cracks as I realize what’s going to happen to me.  “Please!  I-  I just want to go home!  I have a life!  I have a family!  You can’t keep me here!”  My captor smiles softly at me, then begins filling the container with various items for me: a few blankets cut out of fabric scraps, some cotton balls, a little container of food and a bottle cap of water.  “Honey, I’d love to take you home, but you’d have no one there to take care of you.  I’m sorry, but keeping you here is the safest thing for you.  You’ll be fine; I’ll get you whatever you need!”
I blanch at how calmly my captor tried to soothe me.  As she reaches to place the lid over the top of the enclosure, I make another attempt at freeing myself.  “B- But.. Can’t I at least stay out there?”  She shakes her head and my heart drops into my stomach.  “I’ve been meaning to hide you somewhere, anyways.  I don’t want my kids finding you small like this, and I don’t think you do either.”  “I can hide from them!  I can-!”  I’m cut off as the cage lurches forward into my captor’s arms.  I watch through teary-eyed vison as the container is brought into a walk-in closet and shoved onto a high shelf.  Moments later, an old shirt is thrown over the top of it.  “There,” I hear Kristine say satisfactorily, “That looks perfectly hidden!”  Then, her footsteps begin to fade. “NO!  WAIT!  COME BACK!  Please, you have to come back!  I can’t live here like this!  PLEASE!”  I desperately hit the side of my cage — banging on it to call for her return.  My desperate voice echoes around me now that everything’s covered.  I fall to my knees and cringe awfully as pain ricochets up my arms and legs.  Panting in pain and sobbing in desperation, I silently beg someone — anyone — to come find me.  Still, no one does.
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Most Essential Vocabulary #3
Part 3 of some of the most essential Spanish vocabulary!
This time I decided to go with mostly nouns - animals (minus fish/marine life for the most part), metals, materials, fabrics, and basic weather expressions!
There are always going to be words I miss, but these are some of the most common ones you come across. Though if you’re watching nature documentaries or getting into crafting you might find other words or more specific words than these; still, this is a good baseline for things you’ll come across in everyday Spanish
Los Animales  [Animals]
el perro = dog la perra = dog [f] / bitch [the literal word for “female dog” Spanish-speakers do call their female dogs perra or perrita; but it is also the insult “bitch”]
el gato = cat la gata = cat [f] [again sometimes some unsavory elements to la gata but still very common]
perrito/a = puppy
gatito/a = kitten
el cachorro = puppy, pup el cachorro = pup / baby animal [mammals; it’s not specifically dogs]
el pájaro = bird
el loro = parrot
el lagarto = lizard la lagartija = lizard [small]
la tortuga = turtle / tortoise [large land turtles are sometimes called el galápago like the islands]
la serpiente = snake
el ratón, la rata = mouse / rat [interchangeable at this point]
el erizo = hedgehog
el hurón = ferret
la cobaya = guinea pig [in the medical sense too!] el cuy / el cuyo = guinea pig [South America] el conejillo de Indias = guinea pig [lit. “little rabbit from the Indies”; occasional, but not standard]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
el pez = fish [as opposed to el pescado “fish” which is fish you eat, aka “seafood”]
el reptil = reptile
el ave = bird
el mamífero = mammal
la mascota = pet [and “mascot” for teams]
gruñir = to growl
masticar = to bite
ladrar = to bark
maullar = to meow
arañar = to scratch
lamer = to lick
acariciar = to pet / to caress
Also, not totally necessary unless it is - el sabueso is “hound” while el galgo is “greyhound” or “running dog”
Los Insectos [Insects]
el insecto = insect
el bicho = bug [sometimes means something very different in other countries but it is generally “bug”]
la mariposa = butterfly
la hormiga = ant el hormiguero = anthill
el gusano = worm / maggot
la oruga = caterpillar
el ciempiés = centipede [lit. “hundred feet”, just like what “centipede” means]
la mosca = fly
el mosquito = mosquito
la araña = spider la telaraña = web, spiderweb, cobweb [lit. “spider fabric”]
la abeja = bee la colmena = hive, beehive el panal = honeycomb la reina = queen
el enjambre = swarm
la avispa = wasp
el zángano = drone el obrero, la obrera = worker
la picadura = bug bite / sting
la mantis (religiosa) = (praying) mantis
el escorpión = scorpion el alacrán = scorpion
el caracol = snail
el saltamontes = grasshopper
el grillo = cricket
la langosta = locust [also the word for “lobster”, which is unfortunate]
la cucaracha = cockroach
la pulga = flea
el escarabajo = beetle / scarab
la luciérnaga = firefly, lightning bug
la libélula = dragonfly
la mariquita = ladybug [lit. “little Mary”, because ladybugs are linked to Mary in Christianity in many languages]
I know some of these aren’t technically insects don’t @ me
Las Aves [Birds]
el pájaro = bird
el ave, las aves = bird, birds [technically feminine; umbrella term] (el) ave rapaz, las aves rapaces = birds of prey las aves acuáticas = waterfowl [lit. “aquatic birds”] las aves marinas = seabirds
el águila = eagle [technically feminine] el águila calva = bald eagle
el gorrión = sparrow
la golondrina = swallow
la alondra = lark
el petirrojo = robin
la urraca = magpie
el buitre = vulture
el pájaro carpintero = woodpecker [lit. “carpenter bird”]
la paloma = dove / pigeon
el pavo = turkey
el pavo real = peacock la pava real = peahen
el ganso = goose
el pato / la pata = duck
el pollo = chicken
el gallo = rooster
la gallina = hen
la gaviota = seagull
el cisne = swan
la garza = heron
la grulla = crane
el cuervo = crow
la corneja = raven [but usuallly cuervo; even in literature, Poe’s “The Raven” is El Cuervo]
el búho = owl
la lechuza = owl [the ones with flatter faces; those owls... think Hedwig from HP]
el cucú = cuckoo
el loro = parrot [sometimes el papagayo]
la cotorra = parrot [regional, such as las cotorras de Murcia]
el avestruz = ostrich
el pingüino = penguin
el ala, las alas = wings [technically feminine]
la aleta = flipper
el pico = beak
la garra = talon, claw
la pluma = feather [or “pen”, since it all originally came from the idea of a “quill” which is pluma]
el huevo = egg
el nido = nest
el polluelo = chick, baby bird
Los Animales De la Granja / Domésticos [Farm (Animals) / Domesticated Animals]
el ganado = livestock / cattle
la vaca = cow el toro = bull
el buey = ox
el caballo = horse la yegua =  mare
el establo / la caballeriza = stable, stables
el potro, la potra = foal / colt, filly [baby horse]
el ganso, la gansa = goose
el pollo = chicken el gallo = rooster la gallina = hen
el gallinero = chicken coop
el palomar = pigeon coop
el cerdo, la cerda = pig, sow el puerco, la puerca = pig, sow
el chiquero = sty, pen / pigsty, pigpen 
el corral = corral
el carnero = ram
la oveja = sheep
la cabra = goat
el cordero = lamb el borrego = lamb, yearling
el rebaño = flock (of sheep)
el asno / el burro = donkey
la mula = mule
dar de comer (al animal) = to feed (an animal)
ordeñar = to milk (an animal)
montar = to ride (an animal/bike)
a caballo = on horseback montar a caballo = to ride on a horse, horseback riding
Los Animales Salvajes [Wild Animals]
el lobo, la loba = wolf
el oso, la osa = bear el osenzo / osito/a = bear cub, cub el oso negro = black bear el oso pardo = grizzly bear, brown bear el oso panda / el panda = panda bear el oso polar = polar bear
la serpiente = snake la víbora = viper, venomous snake [poisonous snake, used almost like a generic name]
venenoso/a = poisonous, venomous no venenoso/a = non-venomous, not poisonous
el búfalo = buffalo
el buey, los bueyes = ox, oxen
el bisonte = bison
el jabalí = boar
el mono, la mona = monkey
el simio = ape, simian
el chimpancé = chimpanzee
la gorila = gorilla
el león = lion la leona = lioness
el tigre = tiger la tigresa = tiger [f], tigress
el línce = lynx
el elefante, la elefanta = elephant
la jirafa = giraffe
la cebra = zebra
el cocodrilo = crocodile
el caimán / el aligátor = caiman / alligator [sometimes it has other names that are regional]
el hipopótamo = hippopotamus
el rinoceronte = rhinoceros
el leopardo = leopard
el ciervo, la cierva = deer, stag / deer, doe el venado, la venada = deer, stag / deer, doe
el alce = elk / moose
el reno = reindeer
la ardilla = squirrel
la nutria = otter
el zorro = fox [the female form is la zorra which is “female fox” or “vixen”; also a very mean insult like “bitch”]
el conejo, la coneja = rabbit
la liebre = hare, rabbit
el mapache = racoon
la comadreja = weasel
el castor = beaver
el canguro = kangaroo [also a slang word for “babysitter”]
la hiena = hyena
el chacal = jackal 
el murciélago = bat
la foca = seal
la morsa = walrus
el delfín = dolphin
la ballena = whale
el asta = antler [technically feminine]
el cuerno = horn
el colmillo = fang el colmillo = tusk [boar, elephant, etc]
el hocico = snout / nose (of an animal)
la garra = claw
la zarpa = claw (feline)
la guarida = lair, den
la madriguera = den, lair, hideout
el depredador = predator
la presa = prey [la presa also means “reservoir” or “dam”]
el macho = male
la hembra = female
salvaje = wild / savage
manso/a = tame
la manada = pack / herd [generally the word for “a group of animals”, so you see it everywhere for animals but the most common example is la manada de lobos “wolf pack”]
Los Metales [Metals]
el metal = metal
metálico/a = metallic
el oro = gold
la plata = silver
el bronce = bronze
el cobre = copper
el plomo = lead
el hierro = iron
el acero = steel
el aluminio = aluminum / aluminium
el zinc / el zinco / el cinco = zinc
el platino = platinum
la lata / el estaño = tin / tinplate / tinfoil [la lata also means “a can” as in food]
el latón = brass
You will also find that el hierro “iron” is used very idiomatically just like in English to mean “strong” such as la Dama de Hierro “Iron Lady” which was the nickname for Margaret Thatcher; or the translation of Xiran Jay Zhao’s book la Viuda de Hierro “Iron Widow”
And many metals or things made out of metal can be called férreo, férrico, or ferroso. A common example is el ferrocarril or la vía férrea for “railroad” or “railway”. 
In etymology, you also see this linked to el herrero, la herrera “smith” or la herrerería “blacksmith” or the metal section of a hardware store; and the word for “hardware store” is sometimes el ferretero 
Additionally, though not metals some general materials:
el carbón = coal el carboncillo = charcoal [charcoal is also el carbón vegetal “plant coal”, el carbón de leña “firewood coal”] 
el papel = paper
el cartón = cardboard
el cristal = crystal / glass [more formal is el vidrio “glass”]
el cuarzo = quartz
el diamante = diamond
el rubí = ruby
la esmeralda = emerald
el zafiro = sapphire
el ópalo = opal
la amatista = amethyst
el topacio = topaz
el ámbar = amber
la joya = jewel
la gema = gem
la perla = pearl
el nácar = nacre, mother-of-pearl
el yeso = gypsum, plaster [also a “cast” for broken bones, which were made out of plaster] el revoque = plaster
la madera = wood
el plástico = plastic
el pegamento = glue, paste
la resina = resin
el ébano = ebony
el marfil = ivory
el mármol = marble
la piedra = stone
la arena = sand
el ladrillo = brick
la arcilla = clay
la arenisca = sandstone
la caliza = limestone la cal = limestone, lime
el granito = granite
el alquitrán = tar
el hueso = bone
la mina = mine
la veta = vein (for metals)
cavar = to dig
forjar = to forge fraguar = to forge [interchangeable; la forja “forge” and la fragua “forge” are also interchangeable]
la aleación = alloy
el crisol = melting pot, crucible
La Tela [Fabric]
la tela = fabric
la fibra = fiber
el hilo = thread / string / yarn
la aguja = needle
la cinta = ribbon
la seda = silk
el algodón = cotton
la lana = wool / yarn
el terciopelo = velvet
el encaje = lace
la red = net, fishnet
el poliéster = polyester
a lunares / de lunares = polkadot, with dots [lit. “with circular”]
a rayas / de rayas = striped, with stripes [lit. “with lines”] de raya fina / de raya diplomática = pinstripe
a cuadros = checkered, gingham, plaid escocés / tartán = plaid [lit. “Scottish”] / tartan cuadriculado/a = checkered [lit. “with little squares”]
la piel = leather [lit. “skin”] el cuero = leather [formal]
el pelo = fur, hair la piel = fur / hide las pieles sintéticas / la piel falsa = faux fur, synthetic fur, fake fur
la gamuza = suede
orgánico/a = organic
artificial = artificial, manmade
sintético/a = synthetic
coser = to sew
cortar = to cut
tejer = to knit
ajustar = to tighten / to adjust
You may find something like un abrigo de piel which would be like a “fur coat”, as opposed to una chaqueta de cuero “leather jacket”, as opposed to a “fur jacket”
The issue here is that la piel is “skin” but it also means “pelt” or “animal hide” [el pellejo is another one] which has fur attached, so depending on the context it could be “leather” or “fur” for materials depending on context
El Tiempo / El Clima [Weather]
el sol = sun
la nube = cloud
la lluvia = rain / rainfall
el aguacero = downpour
el hielo = ice
la nieve = snow la nevada = snowfall
el viento = wind
la ventisca = blizzard
el vendaval = strong wind, gale
el remolino = whirlwind / whirlpool / swirl
el granizo = hail
la tormenta = storm la tormenta eléctrica = thunderstorm la tormenta de arena = sandstorm
la tempestad = big storm
el trueno = thunder
el rayo = lightning bolt
el relámpago = lightning flash
el tornado = tornado
el ciclón = cyclone, tornado
el tifón = typhoon
el monzón = monsoon
el huracán = hurricane
hacer sol = to be sunny soleado/a = sunny
nublar(se) = to be cloudy nublado/a = cloudy
llover = to rain lluvioso/a = rainy
nevar = to snow
granizar = to hail
hacer viento = to be windy
tronar = to thunder / to boom, to be very loud
hacer frío = to be cold (weather)
hacer calor = to be hot (weather)
asomar(se) una tormenta = “for a storm to be brewing”
caer un rayo = for lightning to strike [lit. “for a bolt to fall”]
la estación = season [or “station”]
la primevera = spring de primavera / primaveral = springtime, spring [adj]
el verano = summer de verano / veraniego/a = summertime, summery, summer [adj]
el otoño = autumn, fall de otoño / otoñal = fall, autumn, autumnal [adj]
el invierno = winter de invierno / invernal = winter, wintry [adj]
La Transportación [Transportation]
la transportación = transportation
conducir = to drive [also “to guide” or “to conduct”] manejar = to drive [also sometimes “to manipulate”, or “to work by hand”]
el conductor, la conductora = driver / conducter
el carro = car [general Latin America] el coche = car [Spain and parts of Latin America, still understood] el auto = car [often South America but still understood; short for automóvil “automobile” which is also “self-moving” literally]
la carretera = highway / roadway / motorway [lit. “car-way” or “place for carts”]
la autopista = highway / roadway / motorway  [lit. “car-track” or “road/track for cars]
el camión, la camioneta = truck [regionally dependent [el camión is sometimes “very big truck” like the 18-wheelers, while la camioneta is sometimes a smaller truck that a regular person might drive; all regional but all makes sense]
la furgoneta = van / pick-up truck [regional; large car]
arrancar = to start a car (or machinery) [arrancar is actually “to yank” or “pull up/out”, but with many machines originally having a lever you had to “pull” the word became arrancar for starting machinery]
acelerar = to accelerate, to speed up
decelerar = to decelerate, to slow down
parar = to stop
dar (la/una) vuelta = to turn around / to make a U-turn
dar marcha atrás = to reverse, to drive in reverse retroceder = to go backwards
el autobús, el bus = bus
el taxi = taxi
el avión = plane, airplane
el helicóptero = helicopter
el aeropuerto = airport
el boleto / el billete / el pasaje = ticket (for a plane) [boleto and billete refer to a “slip of paper”, while el pasaje is literally “passage” or “fare”]
el pasajero, la pasajera = passenger
el viajante, la viajante = traveler 
el asiento = seat
la parada = a stop, a layover
el tren = train
la estación de tren = train station
el andén = platform (often for trains)
el ferrocarril = railroad, railway
la vía férrea = railroad, railway, tracks [lit. “iron way”]
el metro = subway, “tube”, metro [short for el metropólitano “metropolitan” which literally  means “inside the city”]
el subterráneo / el subte = subway / “underground” [regional for “subway”, usually Rioplatense Spanish; it’s literally “subterranean” or “underground” which is a basic enough adjective, but here it’s “the underground” as subway slang]
el túnel = tunnel
la bicicleta = bicycle la bici = bike (abbreviation)
la motocicleta = motorcycle la moto = motorcycle / motor bike (abbreviation)
ir = to go irse = to go away, to leave
marchar(se) = to go away
viajar = to travel, to voyage
volver = to return
de ida = one way el/un pasaje de ida = a one way trip/ticket
de vuelta = back / coming back el/un pasaje de vuelta = return trip/ticket
de ida y vuelta = round trip
¡Buen viaje! = “Have a good trip!” / Bon voyage!
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MAG 184 - Like Ants
doodle 184/200; days left - 17/110 1/128
sorry this one's so rushed but i had to improvise. i wanted to take a pic of Jordan in an anthill but for some reason all our ants died??? :(( idk there were just dead bodies on top and it seemed kinda insensitive to take a pic with them. i dont know what happened though :(( ( !!! what if it was the leitner i showed them (・_・;) )
speaking of insect though, today i found a wasp inside so i took her out, but on my way back i found a stag beetle on the pavement and while i was trying to pick him up the wasp found me again and stung me >:(( this is what i get for helping.
this is the best pic i got with the remaining few ants :(((
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rodrigobera04 · 3 months
Continuing with the list of ideas for Pokémon, now I'm going to do it with the Psychic type.
Here it is:
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Sleepwalking stuffed animal that creates sleepy waves with its yawn.
Psychedelic zebra walking in herds that form abstract patterns.
Ballerina balanced on her single leg through her telepathy.
Elephant distributing its weight to stay light and float.
Related to unown, themed on numbers and sums.
Frog with spiral innards that form a hypnotic pattern.
Rabbit creating illusory copies that can multiply.
Alien cartoon star; his true form is an eldritch creature with tentacles.
Llama creating thought clouds and covering himself with them.
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Fairy "princess" who controls fauna with music, especially butterfly Pokémon.
Anphiuma siren makes a croaking sound that creates illusions in the water.
Mothman predicting disasters and circling places to warn people.
Alien doppelganger that kidnaps people and takes their place; erases memories.
Puzzle creature, each piece has its own mind; it needs to be assembled to capture.
Invisible imp seen by children, acting as an imaginary friend.
Platypus with a sensory organ that allows it to see even with its eyes closed.
Quadrupedal magic lamp; its true body is a smoke djinn that performs wishes.
Dancing fairies making people dance in collective hysteria.
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Falcon capable of seeing the future through his greatly improved vision.
Floating sand dollar, reminiscent of a flying saucer.
Floating colorful flounder based on flying carpets.
Land animal that imagined it had wings and gained them through evolution.
Raven witch being able to fly without wings through a potion.
Floating dancer performing serpentine dance and creating abstract colorful shapes.
Little songbird flying dizzily while singing a disorienting song.
"Astronaut", mysterious space creature capable of floating in Earth's gravity.
Transparent sky rod that can erase its presence so as not to be seen.
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Tse-tse fly manipulating people's dreams and nightmares.
Cricket singing angelic songs that make everyone stop and listen.
Parasitic worm wrapped around insects like a scarf, controlling their movements.
Carnivorous larva making hypnotic luminous webs that attract winged prey.
Anthill beetle creating an army of mentally manipulated ants.
Stick bug satellite dish, receiving signals and passing them to televisions.
Swarm of insects (bees or wasps) forming a humanoid being with a collective mind.
Trapdoor spider that creates wormholes to ambush prey.
Telepathic insectoid alien similar to a praying mantis.
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Telepathic egg that is never hatched, increasing in size and multiplying.
Alien mutant cow disguised among ordinary cows.
Doodle monster brought to life by children's imagination.
Vinyl record that manipulates music around it.
Laboratory-made monkey/mouse hybrid with mental powers.
Hippie satyr with abilities to communicate with fauna and nature.
Gecko hypnotizing insects with its glowing eyes.
Clown seal creating spheres of psychic energy.
Small mammal with long whiskers resembling insect antennae.
Electric magician who manipulates static to make things float.
Creature with antennas that transforms its electrical pulsations into lightning.
Night monkey lighting up the dark with his lantern eyes.
Creature with three traffic light eyes, controlling the movement of targets.
Robot with advanced AI that gives him psychic powers.
Hammerhead shark with radar that locates hidden objects.
Heart creature, its beats manipulate emotions.
Witch creating spheres of lightning through her magic.
Chiton with magnetic ability, serving as a compass.
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Nocturnal predator, confused with a UFO; livestock predator.
"Baphomet" goat using one of its horns as a black magic staff.
Parasite sloth causing the host to become very relaxed and drowsy.
Nekomata with two heads, one white, the other black, representing ying and yang.
Psychic minotaur trapping prey in labyrinthine illusions.
Eyeless cave salamander, with its gills forming closed eyelids.
Ugly creature creating a mirage disguise that makes him beautiful.
Cyclops with a single, unsettling eye, giving an uncanny valley feel.
Angler fish couple sharing their mind and with hypnotic bait.
Astral vampire, a ghostly bat sucking positive energy from the victim.
Tiger skin with bizarre and psychedelic patterns.
Mummy manipulating people to be his servants.
Nightmare incarnate, demon that steps on sleeping people.
Scarecrow balloon haunting orchards, scaring birds with his "eyes".
Tulpa created by collective imagination that a place was haunted.
Voodoo doll hedgehog; its needles cause relief as well as pain.
Skin and bone instruments come to life in occult rituals.
Brocken specter inhabiting mountains and scaring climbers.
Psychic Kaiju, prefers to destroy buildings with the strength of his mind.
Kirin floating instead of walking, avoiding stepping on vegetation.
Alien race of reptiles, capable of changing shape.
Naga commanding snakes by scents and whistles, like a snake charmer.
Serpentine dragon making geometric shapes with its sinuous body.
Anglerfish like predator, with antennae imitating defenseless princesses.
Colonial monster organism like Destoroyah, formed by an individual Pokémon.
Dragon in the shape of a tongue, has a false illusory body, lying inside the "mouth".
Cockatrice with huge wings that form intimidating eyes.
Sea turtle with a calm aura, predators even give up attacking it, falling asleep.
Amabie capable of curing illnesses with just her image.
Venus glirde making undulating movements, matching its iridescence.
Hippocampus balanced on the surface of the water, performing acrobatic maneuvers.
Small fish from reef, summoning a ferocious shark from a portal.
Deep-sea toadfish, with fins for feet, slowly gaining intelligence.
Very fast sailfish, leaving an after-image, deceiving the opponent.
Peaceful pokémon that meditates over waterfalls, can even reverse water flows.
Rain elemental dancing a ritual dance to change the weather.
Psychedelic fern with spiral leaves.
Antelopes with flowery horns that bloom when using psychic powers.
Orchid imitating a female insect to seduce males.
Bromeliad spider with a mental link to a small frog.
Tree with beard of foliage, reminiscent of a wise elderly face.
Animal housed in a hollow trunk, transforming it into a huge puppet armor.
Flower making almost inaudible noises to converse among its kind.
Hallucinogenic angel's trumpet with its flower forming a witch or wizard's hat.
"Blob" organism spreading its viscous body and branching, spreading its mind.
Space creature making a cocoon of scrap metal in the earth's atmosphere.
Artist pokémon molding metal to create psychedelic works of art.
Psychic sniper manipulating metal and shooting guided bullets.
Monster like a spinal column with small neural tentacles like nerves.
Metallic and laminated spinning top kept upright by psychic powers.
Swordsman with needle and thread, sewing psychic threads, causing stumbles.
Heads and tails coin, changing luck in battle.
Sentient gear that gives life to mechanical bodies.
Monster with stethoscope ears, capturing sounds, can hear even on stone.
Alien coming on a meteor, has anti-gravity powers.
Sundial, looking like a turtle, alters someone's perception of time.
Hunky punky capable of seeing a person's nature, serving as a gatekeeper.
Stone beast animated by magical petroglyphs, created to protect caves.
Rocky burrowing owl with the ability to throw stones through its mind.
Ancient toy from archaeological sites, moved by a paranormal force.
Yokai posing as a baby, like a petrified fetus, becoming heavier when carried.
Pokémon parading and balancing rocks on their heads to maintain their posture.
"Buddha", a calm stone creature meditating, and can even become light.
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Octopus adapted to land and taking a more humanoid and intelligent form.
Carpet shark altering its image to look like just its silhouette.
Sentient floor engraving, probably created to communicate with aliens.
Desert fox creating mirages with sand manipulation.
Quagga that dematerializes into dust, escaping extinction.
False tree monster, with branched horns and branched feet for communication.
Clay elf disguised in the gardens, with real eyes who see everything.
Naked mole rat queen, on top of a throne of manipulated subjects.
Mini "planet", earth and water elemental flying in its own orbit.
Odalisque holding a serpent, fighting together in psychic harmony.
Contortionist capable of curling and knotting his body and limbs.
Neuron with strong tentacles, combining mind and strength.
Fragile creature commanding an organic biomass, serving as a brain.
Canine beast with radar to find victims of disasters, also raising debris.
Don Quixote-style paranoid knight, but capable of taking down even giants.
Fighter with a bump on his head that appears to increase his psychic strength.
Impact-resistant Pokémon, like a test dummy, and can heal itself with its mind.
Sleeper using pillows in combat, irritated with whoever wakes him up.
Tarsier with huge flaming eyes that generates fire to see the future.
Desert antelope creating mirages from their super-heated horns.
Demon with a terrible fever that increases his power, but leaves his head glowing.
Spirit made of flames creating hypnotic movements while dancing.
Volcanic "deity" who manipulates minds with smoke so that they deliver sacrifices to him.
Candle changing the shapes of its flames to communicate.
flaming "cupid" that personifies passion.
Circus artist manipulating fire in the shape of balloons.
Jinni drawing powers from sunlight, radiating light.
Ice mirror distorting images and reflecting attacks.
Mountain goat balanced on thin strands of ice.
Yeti erasing memories and eluding witnesses.
Crystalline life form with a brain inside its icy body.
Intelligent cetacean evolving into a telepathic humanoid race.
Hermit turtle meditating in its shell that has become a "cave".
Crystalline ice figure, resembling a swan, skiing on the ice.
A hibernating animal, its dreams literally froze while it slept.
Snow Leopard, materializing its spots into destructive energy spheres.
Psychic mythical cat formed by geometric shapes, capable of changing the dimensions,shapes,forms and size of things.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Imagine Saru having way too goofy interests for his taste, like- idk, pretty ceramics, jellyfishes or some shit like that 😭😭
Fushimi having this random interest in jellyfish just makes me laugh, imagine him being so very fascinated but he can't tell anyone because he has an image to keep up XD Actually considering the whole anthill thing I could see Fushimi actively avoiding having any interests, because he feels like if he was to show interest in anything Niki would immediately try to destroy it. But then after Niki dies and Fushimi moves in with Yata he suddenly finds himself actually being able to have an interest in something and it's this whole new thing for him, being interested in the world around him. Imagine one day Homra all go to the aquarium, Totsuka thinking it would be nice to take Anna and all the Homra guys come too, including a reluctant Fushimi. Naturally Fushimi tries to separate from everyone as soon as possible, at some point Yata goes looking for him and finds Fushimi in this dark room staring at the bright jellyfish swimming around in a tank in the middle of the room. Yata thinks it's really amusing that Saruhiko likes jellyfish, Fushimi clicks his tongue and claims he was just in here because it's quietest in this room. He does however secretly buy a little jellyfish keychain and downloads a book on jellyfish on his PDA later, if anyone were to ask he doesn't even care but actually he's really entranced by them and likes to sneak out to the aquarium on his own when he gets stressed just to watch the jellyfish swim around.
This could also lead to him having a lot of really random interests that no one's aware of, like imagine Totsuka is always dragging Fushimi into his hobbies and what even Totsuka doesn't know is that sometimes Fushimi likes them (Fushimi himself is horrified by this, imagine Totsuka decides to get into making ceramic pots for a while and Fushimi actually really enjoyed using the pottery wheel but he will never ever admit it). Once he joins S4 Fushimi still secretly keeps up at a few of the hobbies but he has to be very careful because if Munakata finds out Fushimi will be dragged into all kinds of bonding activities. Of course Munakata's bonding activities also lead to unexpected weird interests, like Munakata made everyone hunt for beetles in a forest and now Fushimi likes collecting interesting leaves.
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todaysbug · 2 years
August 20th, 2022
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Ant Bag Beetle (Clytra laeviuscula)
With a red-orange color and black splotches, the ant bag beetle may be mistaken for a ladybird at first glance. These beetles belong to the group Camptosomata, or case-bearing leaf beetles, because adults encase their eggs in a ball of fecal matter. These beetles are found in most of Europe and the Near East, preferring to live in wet forests, floodplains, sunny forest edges, dry slopes and dry grasslands. They may occasionally be found in more urban areas, such as parks and gardens.
The clytrini tribe to which the ant bag beetle belongs is known for its myrmecophily, positive relationships with ants. Ant bag beetles are no exception! Females use their hind legs to wrap each of their eggs in a ball of fecal matter and mucus, which they then leave in the vicinity of an anthill. The ants bring these poop balls into their nests to use as building materials, unaware of the eggs hiding within them. Once hatched, the larvae create a sort of nest within the walls of the anthill, feeding mainly on the ants’ waste, and occasionally their brood. When confronted with the threat of ant stings, the larvae retreat into their home. They may live like this for two whole years, before finally pupating and emerging as adults two weeks later.
Adult ant bag beetles are polyphagous, meaning they can feed on many different types of food; in this case, these beetles are phytophagous (a fancy way to say herbivorous) and graze on the leaves, flowers and pollen of deciduous trees, as well as wild roses, snakeroots and oxeye daisies. 
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drawnecromancy · 8 months
amecareth is a monsterfucker? context? <3
OH god the context for that one is a series of fantasy books written in french by Anne Robillard, Les Chevaliers d'Emeraude (the Knights of Emerald in english, the 12 book series has been translated in english (!!rare thing to have happen) and is available as ebooks on her website but I don't really recommend them).
I'm going to put a content warning here for rape even though I'm not going to go into graphic detail.
The Big Bad Evil Guy, Emperor Amecareth of the Tanieth, has a hobby called "raping non-Tanieth people to have hybrid kids and have them learn magic and have a gaggle of superpowered evil kids to take over the world".
I think the Tanieth are meant to be beetle-humanoids ? But their home was once compared to an anthill so they're just ant guys in my brain. Little funny ants who are super tall and will kill you.
The manner in which Amecareth is written is very "he's evil and he rapes people for shock value, with 0 care attached to those kinds of storylines", and rape is rarely a subject I enjoy writing about, so I was just... writing a fanfic where he really is just the Tanieth equivalent of a monsterfucker, and doesn't rape people. Also he's the Tanieth equivalent of a very lost 20 year old in that fic.
I think he could be an immensely interesting character while still being an evil imperialist motherfucker (literally) without the need to go "yeah he's a rapist to tell you he's evil in a Shock Anecdote !"
But that would just loop back to my general gripes with Anne Robillard's writing - I think there's often very little care or substance on whatever she's writing/implying at any given moment. Amecareth being a rapist could be a useful character bit in the hands of another writer. I don't want to write that, as I don't think I have the skill to do so currently, so I'm chucking it out in the waste bin.
Now, realizing that political alliances with all sorts of human and non-human people is SUPER USEFUL if you HAVE KIDS WITH THEM ? and THEN using these kids as a way to give more power to your evil empire ? THAT's what I want to write about, and that's pretty much what "Amecareth is a monsterfucker" is about, if we add onto that first love and getting his ass handed to him.
A brief summary of the fic would be :
"Amecareth gets thrown out of his home by his father the emperor of the Tanieth for being too ambitious for his own good, and is told to go invade a southern continent about it on his own if he's THAT smart. Once there, Amecareth begins studying the people living there, finds love, war, and death in rapid succession.
This is the story that led to Enkidiev's First War against the Tanieth."
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teknikolor-walters · 9 months
hi bugs bugs bugs!! Did you know that stink beetles can live for up to three years?? Also crows will sit on fire anthills to get high!!!!!!!
Crow stoners
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 11 - Back To Basics
Looks like it’s time for Hank to switch names yet again now that he’s off the Avengers so he’s returned to just being Ant-Man for these next few adventures. He’s contacted by other heroes for several missions but he never joins their combat during this period, always opting for an alternative path that keeps him off of the battlefield. The one time he volunteers for super-heroics here is Marvel Feature Presents: The Astonishing Ant-Man.
Naturally, that went very poorly for him.
Avengers vol 1 #93
Hank donned his classic Ant-Man gear when Iron Man called a meeting of the original Avengers to determine if they thought the new Avengers were to blame for the recent Ronan incident. Rather than helping with their decision, he instead went on a solo adventure inside Vision’s body to determine the cause of a recent short in his brain.
Iron Man vol 1 #44
A flashback story set not long after Hank’s first battle with the Scarlet Beetle. Apparently, it had regained its super-intelligence sometime after Hank turned it back to normal and swore vengeance on humanity again. Before it could begin its new plan it was crushed by a canister of kerosene and seemingly killed.
Avengers vol 1 #99-100
The Avengers called Hank and T’Challa hoping either could cure Hercules of his recent amnesia, but neither could. Black Knight then summoned all of the Avengers to plan for an attack against Olympus, even the members who had quit (Hulk, Ant-Man, Wasp, and Swordsman). Hank and Jan stayed behind to monitor for portals between the realms while the rest of the team handled the fighting.
Incredible Hulk vol 1 #154-155
When a woman from a micro-cosmic world became stranded on Earth, Bruce Banner turned to Hank to help him return her to her world. Hank had not gone microscopic since his first adventure with the Fantastic Four, but still kept that particular serum in his personal laboratory vault. 
Marvel Feature vol 1 #4-10
Hank was working on some new drugs for Doctor Curt Connors with Peter Parker as his lab assistant when Connors’ son was kidnapped. A local cartel was holding him hostage in exchange for the experimental drugs, so Hank suited up as Ant-Man and saved him with Spider-Man’s help. The boy was saved but Hank was infected by a microbe that prevented him from growing back to his normal size.
On the way back to his lab Hank fought Egghead again, preventing him from siphoning the intelligence out of his niece, Trixie Starr. In exchange for his help she sewed him a new uniform and brought him back to his lab. There,  he found Jan bickering with her chauffeur (still Whirlwind in disguise), who took off after she refused to add him to her will. He returned in costume and attacked, but Hank made his presence known and fought him off. Jan wound up drinking the experimental serum that he hoped would negate the microbe and turn him back to normal. Of course, it got her stuck at small size as well. Whirlwind burned the lab down and told the press that Hank and Jan had died in the fire so that he could conspire with her attorney to get her fortune.
After Jan began to mutate into a half-wasp monster, Dr. Nemesis caught them and negated enough of the microbe’s influence to allow him to return to his normal size. In return he demanded classified Avengers intelligence. Hank knocked him out for asking.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Avengers vol 1 #135
Captain Marvel vol 1 #35, 37
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bam-monsterhospital · 2 months
more bugtalk
warning title for those who don't like bugs. I'm waiting for paint to dry, my adhd has latched on to the topic of 'bugs' and has ran with it, so here we go (an inside look into the adhd train):
yeah termites are cool, like ants, and i personally love the spires they build, but fuck termites. Really it only comes down to aesthetics: ants are cool, segmented, armoured, while termites are grotesque monstrosities with silky-pearly-squishy-looking bits. Nah. No thank you. Very cool, but ugly.
Do i have a favourite species of ant? Hmmm. I have a love-hate relationship with carpenter ants, so not them. Bulldog ants can be used as sutures and I adore that. Leafcutter ants farm fungi. Honeypot ants are adorable and silly-looking... so yeah there we go, those three.
I really shouldn't blame kait for hating ants, considering all the bullshit she's been through with them over the years. Oh also, if you hate ants? Don't move to Nova Scotia... certain areas of that province are just pure anthill. ALL the anthills. No unexcavated earth to be found. Let's just say living there has reprogramed our brains to be hypervigilant of ants... especially carpenter ants.
Honestly, and past-me would think I'm nuts but, I prefer Newfoundland's abundance of wolf spiders to living in ant-central. Wolf spiders don't form colonies, being solitary hunters, they take care of any and all other pests (except for mosquitos and blackflies >:I ), and instead of being a constant presence they only really pop up for specific reasons: high moisture attracts their prey and thus brings them out, etc. All in all, easier to control.
I still hate wolf spiders though. give me garden spoods any day: they at least stay in one place and don't roam... I do love all the zebra jumping spiders in this province though. I haven't seen so many jumping spiders since living in ottawa ouo
I do miss nova scotia's moths though. That's one thing NS has over other provinces: you wanna see a bunch of different LARGE moth species? Visit nova scotia. Here in nfld we get large versions of like, every other bug (flies, wasps, bees, DRAGONFLIES, beetles, butterflies, true-bugs, also non-insect other arthropods: many myriapods, kreb-adjacent boogs like allllll sorts of woodlice aka isopods, etc) but I haven't seen nearly as many moths as in ns.
spring is here, the bugs are coming back! YEEEEE!
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apex-pest-control · 4 months
Prevention of Ants
Are ant infestations something you'd like to avoid?
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Say goodbye to ants! Prepare to enter a bug-free house.
Cure the ant problem in your house. Upon completion of our work, we guarantee that your house will be pest-free.
Up to £65 for an ant treatment. Give us a call at your earliest convenience to terminate the ant problem.
Practical Methods for Eliminating Ants
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Find out what kind of ant you have and what you can do to keep them at bay.
If you're chasing specific types of ants, like red or black ants, you may have success using ant killers.
For complete ant colony elimination, aggressive food stations laced with pesticides work wonders.
After the workers consume the bait, they return it to the colony, where it consumes the queen ant and other members of the colony, ultimately killing them.
The ants are unable to obtain food since the boxes are sealed.
Occasionally, deterrents like formic acid and other natural home cures can be effective.
It may be wise to use expert goods that have a track record of success in challenging environments if your bug problems continue.
To what end are ant problems a cause for concern?
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Many ant species descended from unsightly ones that wreaked havoc on houses and businesses.
Carpenter ants are one kind of ant that can eat away at wood.
Due to the extensive damage that ants cause, this issue affects both homes and businesses.
A fire ant or a red ant's bite can be very painful. Ants may actually make people sick, which is something that a lot of people overlook.
People may get sick or experience other health issues if they eat food that contains these types of bugs.
Warning Signs of a Pest Problem
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The presence of live ants, particularly worker ants foraging for food, is a certain indicator of an ant infestation.
Black ants, garden ants, and other common ant species can indicate an ant infestation.
Many pathways exist for working ants to reach food sources outside of their nests. What you see here are the footprints of ants.
If you look closely enough, you can see ant trails leading to food, so you know there are ants around. Seeing these trails, particularly within your home, indicates that you have an ant problem.
Anthills are visible. In fields or in the spaces between windows and doors, you can easily find anthills, which indicate the location of ant nests. Depending on the species of ant, this can range from simple mounds to elaborate mansions.
Carpenter ants have the potential to ruin structural wood. They also left evidence of their presence by destroying food supplies. It is possible that dust mites and carpet beetles, among other pests, are present in the home when these breakouts occur.
Habitats and Nests
The nests that bees and ants construct for one another are architectural marvels. Different species of these ants build their nests in different locations.
The typical habitat of black garden ants is beneath flowerbeds or pavement stones. Soft ground is preferable to hard ground for ant colonies.
If you notice a small number of ants foraging in your yard or within your home, it could be a sign that a nest is nearby. An ant's bite can be devastating, depending on the species. Some instances of this include fire ants and pharaoh ants.
You could find that some areas of your home attract a particular kind of ant. A large number of ants make their homes in restrooms that have a constant flow of water.
Get to Know Ants
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When dealing with an ant infestation, it helps to be aware of the species of ant that are prevalent. That encompasses both the ubiquitous black ant and the more peculiar exotic ant species found across the globe.
Ant treatments and ant extermination methods are distinct. They require ant traps tailored to capture certain pests, since ant killer spray may be effective against some ants but ineffective against others.
Black Ants: Black ants are popular and can be seen all over, particularly in urban areas. People usually point fingers at these individuals when they complain about ant problems in their homes.
Tropical Ant: If you happen to reside in a colder climate or in London, you might have to use a specific ant poison on them.
Pharaoh Ant: Due to their social structure, pharaoh ant nests may contain multiple queens. The ant problem may persist even after you eliminate the queen. Insect control becomes more challenging as a result.
The following ant species are possible: flying ants, pavement ants, and ghost ants. Each one calls for a unique strategy to eradicate ant infestations.
Various Ant Types That We Handle
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Lasius niger is a powerful and swiftly moving ant. Formic acid uses its teeth to both attack and defend itself.
Its organisations will employ 15,000 individuals, the majority of whom will be in the range of 4,000 and 7,000. They even eat the dead bodies of other ants from other groups. Furthermore, insects have a sweet tooth.
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Lasius Flavus is a gardener and farmer who builds little mounds out of grassy places. It appears as though red ants are pursuing them. No one in the UK can match its nest-building abilities.
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Formica rufa is the name of a species of ant native to the United Kingdom. It is known as a wood ant. These species leave behind large mounds of pine needles and other forest debris along forest roads and clearings.
What species of ant you're dealing with, the size of their nest, and your method of extermination all play a role.
Depending on the species of ant you're dealing with, there are different methods for getting rid of them. A person attempting to eradicate bugs can benefit from using a magnifying lens to examine ant trails and nests.
Preventing pest problems is preferable to fixing them.
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Keeping Food Sealed
Carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, and black ants all find food anywhere. The population of ant colonies can explode in response to the proximity of accessible food sources.
Closed or airtight objects are inaccessible to ants. Additionally, it is highly effective against sugar ants and other ant species that exhibit a strong interest in food.
If you only see a few ants, you might be surprised at how many there are. One solution is to set out ant baits or nets. Because they include compounds that kill ants, ants can actually consume these traps. This regulates the quantity of ants.
Frequent Dusting
Things like crumbs and leftover food attract ant trails. Ants are less inclined to invade a home that is cleaned often. Spills of sticky food or liquids should be cleaned up immediately.
Ants of all kinds love dark, damp, and unattended areas, such as basements and restrooms. Regular inspection and cleaning of these areas is essential.
Garden maintenance
Pests will try to get access to your building through overgrown trees or anthills near its foundation.
Maintain your flower beds by removing overgrown branches and trimming them so they don't brush against your building's exterior. Because of this, ant infestations inside will be less likely.
Ants may make their homes in flower pots or behind stones on pavements, so be cautious. Checking your home frequently, particularly when flying ants are out and about, can prevent new colonies from developing.
Home Inspections and Repairs
Sealing gaps or cracks in exterior walls or windows is a good way to keep pests out, particularly wood-eating carpenter ants.
Preventing ant infestations—particularly those caused by fire ants and red ants, is as simple as keeping the HVAC system in good repair.
Natural Deterrents
Anise and lavender essential oils are effective ant repellents. An all-natural approach to ant control is to scatter weak pesticides in the area where the pests may be entering or leaving their path.
If you suspect an ant infestation, try placing cucumber or lemon slices at the entry points. These natural ingredients will ward off pests. The common black ant is one of the few ant species that dislikes its scent.
How Effective Is Apex Pest Control in Eliminating Ants?
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In the event that you encounter any issues, you must act without delay. The first step is to identify the ant species, such as ordinary black ants and unusual ant species.
Apex Pest Control eliminates anthills by eliminating worker ants that follow ant trails using bait sites and ant baits.
Ants can be a problem whether they're inside or out, but ant sprays and powders can help.
In areas where specific measures may be required, Apex Pest Control can assist you in permanently eliminating ant infestations in London, Sheffield, Barnsley, and Rotherham.
White vinegar and other over-the-counter medicines might work on occasion, but they might not be sufficient on a constant basis.
Apex Pest Control should be contacted if an infestation of pests is occurring or if you are experiencing problems with business ants.
Professionals in the field know just what to do to eliminate ant nests and ensure they won't return.
For effective ant control, quick action is necessary, along with the right tools and Apex Pest Control's knowledge.
Professional Assistance
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Should you suspect an infestation, we are able to conduct a comprehensive ant inspection. Because of their exceptional ability to distinguish between different species of ants, these exterminators can target specific ant problems.
Professional ant exterminators sell products that are effective in getting rid of ants. This category contains ant traps, ant killer sprays, and other pest control equipment utilised by the industry.
Keep in mind that ants can both carry and prevent infections. If you follow these instructions, ant problems will be far less likely to occur.
However, if the situation becomes unbearable, do not hesitate to contact a professional pest control agency.
Seeking Expert Assistance?
When dealing with large colonies of ants or certain species of ants, do-it-yourself approaches aren't always effective. For example, ant control may be more of a challenge in certain locations than others; for example, Rotherham, Barnsley, London, or Sheffield. This can be due to the local flora and fauna or the layout of the towns.
Hiring a professional exterminator may be necessary in such a situation. Pest control firms frequently treat and inspect properties on a regular basis as part of their contracts with businesses to prevent the formation of anthills or other ant colonies.
Nests can be found in both outdoor and indoor locations. Expert services will employ heat treatments and specific procedures to effectively eradicate them.
Contacting an Exterminator to Eliminate Ants
If you have already tried these methods without success, it may be time to hire an exterminator.
Experts in the field can assist you in finding effective commercial ant treatments. If you have flying ants in your yard or carpenter ants in your basement, they can help you get rid of them.
Tips for Choosing the Best Expert Assistance
Always go with a BPCA- or NPTA-member pest control service that has a history of satisfied clients.
To ensure you receive all the assistance you require, they should be forthright about the cost of pest management, be accessible in case of emergencies, and provide additional services such as biohazard cleanup or animal carcass removal.
Collaborating with ant pest control services to eliminate ant infestations in homes
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To defeat ants, you need a lot of stuff. You can exterminate ant infestations with minimal effort, the correct equipment, and occasionally the assistance of experts.
Keep in mind that fascinating creatures live in anthills and that, when observed collectively, their behaviour is quite complex. We should be envious of their amazing lives. Also, we need to make sure they don't get into our homes.
Getting in Touch with Extermination Experts
Apex Pest Control will treat the ant nest immediately if possible. If that isn't an option, we use food around the house and on the ant path.
Our BPCA-trained technicians are not only highly effective in ant control, but they are also members of the National Pest Techs Association (NPTA). There are ant control methods specifically designed to eliminate ant species found indoors.
They're fast to fix it, and they won't hurt your family or pets in the process.
Apex may be contacted on 0114 349 1098.
How Well Does Ant Control Prevent Damage to Your House?
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While many find ants endearing, these tiny insects can quickly become a nuisance when they invade our homes. They were nomadic and constantly on the hunt for sustenance. Many problems with dwellings could result from this.
Even if the colony doesn't look dangerous at first glance, leaving it unchecked can lead to food contamination, property damage, and other problems.
Ant pest management information and resources are readily available online, allowing people to put an end to ant infestations.
Various Methods for Eliminating Ants
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Chemical Solutions
Using ant killer sprays is a fast fix. On the other hand, ant bombs are great for permanent solutions. When ants return to their nests with poisoned food, they spread the disease. Keep these items out of the reach of children and pets at all times.
Natural Remedies
Something with a peppermint or lemon scent may put people off. They deter ants and have a pleasant aroma. You can use common household items, such as lemon juice and sticky substances, to deter and prevent ant infestations.
They are fantastic for fast fixes, but keep in mind that they could not endure.
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Physical Barriers
Fix any cracks, particularly on the outside walls, and double-check that all the doors and windows fit snugly. You can say goodbye to ant problems. Additional methods for ant control include the use of sticky tape and ant traps.
Use our trustworthy service to get rid of pests in your commercial establishment.
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Businesses always contribute to the safety of their facilities and property when they eliminate pests.
Your company can avoid financial losses and negative evaluations with an effective pest control plan.
Among the numerous varieties of bugs, the most critical ones are:
Bed bugs
For a no-obligation quote on commercial pest management, contact Apex at 0114 349 1098.
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on-noon · 8 months
No Bug Deal- Chapter 1
I was eating dinner by myself, my husband was with the kids at a party, when the sky opened up. Giant bugs poured out of the jagged crack in the otherwise perfect blue. I froze in fear. Before I realized what was happening a beetle claw sliced through the apartment wall and left a huge gash on my chest.
As I lay bleeding out, in the pain I recognized the design of the bugs.
They reminded me of this one video game my friend was obsessed with, a small indie thing.
Next thing, I was in the anthill, the tutorial of the game. A health bar floats in the corner of my vision, following my gaze wherever I turn.
[press space to Attack]
The anthill walls were made of dirt, but each individual grain was so large, bigger than my hand.
[press space to Attack]
Where is that voice coming from?
I tried to jump. I couldn't move. I panicked.
My breaths came, fast and shallow.
[press space to Attack]
"I can't," I yelled.
[press space to Attack]
I took deep breaths. I couldn't do anything when panicking.
[press space to Attack]
It's Bug Deal's opening tutorial. I need to attack before moving on.
[press space to Attack]
I growl. I don't know what it wants. I don't have a space bar.
[press space to Attack]
I need to attack to move forward.
I punch the air.
[press ↑ to Move Forward]
I walk forward into a new hallway. It looks very similar, but the dirt clumps definitely shifted.
[Attack the Ant]
A dying ant lay on its back before me, legs in the air not moving. A glowing health bar was almost depleted, [Health: 1/200].
I punch the ant. It doesn't seems as if I have any affect upon its carapace, but the bug disappears.
[Your Attack dealt 1 Damage]
[You Vanquished the Ant]
[after Defeating a Bug, you will Gain a Skill]
Its really going through the whole tutorial.
[Skill Gained: Slap!]
I remember this one being really weak.
[Slap!: an Unarmed Strike that deals 3 Damage]
At least it'll be helpful in the tutorial.
In the next room, buzzes a fairyfly. [Health: 5/5]
[some Bugs can Dodge Attacks]
[Attack the Fairyfly]
I slap the fairyfly.
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
Fairyflies are so annoying. At least this one can't use magic. I try to slap the small bug, as it's flying all over the room.
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
I try to slap it again.
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
I hate fighting the Fairyfly.
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Your Slap! dealt 3 Damage]
I still need to hit it again.
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Fairyfly Dodged your Slap!]
[Your Slap! dealt 2 Damage]
[You Vanquished the Fairyfly]
I'm so glad the bugs disappear upon death, I don't want bug guts all over my hand.
[Skill Gained: Magic Immunity]
[Magic Immunity: Immunity from all Magic Effects]
I laughed. Immunities are the highest tier powers in the game, killing the boss gives only a one in a hundred chance of gaining an immunity. Magic Immunity is the worst of the immunities, famous for being a bad deal. Albert made a whole video about it. Although part of that was because its usually gained late, so you can't make a build centered around it.
I'll have to ask Albert about making a build centered around Magic Immunity, if I'm alive. If he's alive. If this isn't a dream that I'll forget upon waking up.
[there is a Fork in the Path]
[press <- to Head Left or press -> to Head Right]
The one choice in the tutorial. Albert has worked it all out, you take less damage from the roly-poly if you attack with over seven damage, but if lower, the fruitfly is safer.
I went left.
The fruitfly took up most of the room, there was barely any room for me. Bug Deal never showed the player, so I guess the room wasn't designed with an extra person inside.
I slapped the fly, I really had nothing else to do. The fruitfly feels the most standard of all the tutorial monsters as well, it attacks back and has no weird skills.
[Your Slap! dealt 3 Damage]
[Fruitfly Nipped you for 0.5 Damage]
[Your Slap! dealt 3 Damage]
[Fruitfly Nipped you for 0.2 Damage]
[Your Slap! dealt 3 Damage]
[Fruitfly Nipped you for 0.6 Damage]
[Your Slap! dealt 1 Damage]
[You Vanquished the Fruitfly]
[Skill Gained: Life Force]
[Life Force: Regenerate 1 Health when a Bug is Vanquished]
Life Force is a great skill, especially in the earlier levels. Especially if this is real life, and I die if my health reaches 0. I don't want to die. I hope I'm not dead.
Besides Fast Travel, Life Force is my favorite of the standard skills.
The next room, the last room, holds a singular bug egg.
[Bug Eggs will hatch into Bugs if not Destroyed]
[Attack the Ant Egg]
Albert always tells me that I can gain an extra skill by waiting for the ant to attack. I don't want to possibly die to an ant.
I step on the egg, it squishes seemingly easily, squirting out onto my boots.
[Tutorial Completed]
[Skill Gained: Three Quarters]
[Three Quarters: Block 25% of all Damage]
Finally. Now I can return home, I hope. This experience is too vivid for a dream. I can't believe I'm hoping that Bug Deal intruded into the real world, like some kind of webtoon. It's selfish, if it came into real life thousands, millions would be dead. But I'd be alive.
I step through the portal, and look around, to figure out the damage to the apartment.
[press space to Attack]
I'm in the first room of the tutorial. I look behind me, there's the egg room, but the egg has regenerated. I try to go back towards it. I'm frozen in place.
[press space to Attack]
You can't go backwards in Bug Deal.
You can't repeat the tutorial either.
[press space to Attack]
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vortexbatt · 10 months
Longer post today, wanted to introduce ya’ll to my OCs!!!
PLEASE DO NOT COMPARE MY OCS TO ANYTHING! Its very rude, and you shouldn’t do this to any artist!
Anton is an ant who runs a newspaper in Bug Village called “The Weekly Anthill” where he goes around the village taking informational interviews from all of the denizens of the villagers! He learns about what kind of bugs they are, what they do, etc!
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This is Buster, the biggest beetle in town! As a Hercules beetle, he prides himself on being strong, and being Antons best buddy! He loves exploring, helping out his friends and learning about his fellow bugs!
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Millie is the coolest red moth around! She loves riding around on her motorcycle and trying new things, promoting individuality and showing that you shouldn’t judge this kind bug by the spikes on her jacket!
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Mitchell, Millie’s brother, is a grumpy caterpillar! He’s yet to sprout his wings and feels pretty angry about it. Usually very hesitant to try new things, he promotes the idea of thinking before making any rash decisions, but also promotes learning to let your tension go to have fun, and that not everyone is too keen on going out, but instead staying in and reading.
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I’ll be having more posts about them coming along soon, of course there are plenty more buddies to learn about, so bear with me!! Here are some more fun pictures of the buddies! (Mostly just Anton and Buster lol)
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thehumanopera · 1 year
Ain't nothing worse than Paul McCartney and the Beatles other than Paul McCartney with the beetles' wings and the fish, Monty Python's magic band and the wild fishmans at midnight,
where methusalean meth users lean, meticulously meditating the "death to the scene"?
I mean... Manson and Kaczynski in blues, denim jeans, addicts' rotting bodies affixed to the streets like glued-down sardines?
At least better than the license plate game on these lonely floors, better not doze off y'all, go to the waffle house for the coffee and a doc to dose y'all with your Dolezal.
When on these roads, what's a way? The Goal is all!
Totally, Paul!
Pass the totem in the pastorale as the ancorman blast you with the fastest jams, the stuff they play and nobody else does, radio free amerika, where's the ANSWERS, MAN? Charlie and the Beach Boys or the charming little songs of Marshall Mathers, HUH? They ask, with their brains in jars in some facility in Texas, where Radio hallelloos and goob-shlob-goo-labbers.
Nexus, next track on the airwaves, dog will bless us, good ol bois of Cuntlick Missouri, and New England's Assthucke, Kneeling Young at the feet of Nash-Ville, passive but nonetheless manic like an anthill.
Focus on the road now, Ice and snow, lyce and skeletons and al-kee-hol and fuck an immigrant said the man that talks to Tucker Dick on the intercom, the same man also seen on Television.
In a lightning of blind rage the kind man's heartrate exceeds the cascading blastrates of rifles and the radius of hand grenades, spit out the window on the passing graves.
As the driver pully into the drive in, into the lay-down to lay low,
for the night he smiles and thinks "hey mom, I'm on the radio!"
(2023, for Nick)
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