#Ben 10 Helen Wheels
ben-101-rewrite · 5 months
Love the art. Can't wait to see your version of the Plumbers' Kids (and Kevin's transformation), but it got me thinking. I know you retconned the Rooter retcon, in that they're not genetically modified hybrids, but how did they come to be?
It's hard to imagine an osmosian and a human creating an offspring considering they're completely different species, let alone a tetramand or a pyronite.
I have a whole system behind hybrids in Ben 10. For starters, quite a few aliens can have kids with each other naturally if they are close enough. So a tetramand and human, or even a kineceleran and human, can have kids, they just often have to be wary of issues that could arise. But the more unnatural a pairing is, the harder to have a kid is naturally, to the point that you get cases where they can't have a kid naturally. But there are many facilities that help via science to help parents have kids if they can't naturally. This is often taking the parents gamete cells, and raising the baby in a test tube like environment so they can control the entire process from the start, sometimes having to select specific genes to make sure the kid can live a healthy life. One of the most successful facilities is on Galvan Prime, run by a galvan doctor named Doctor Geno, she's a friend of Azmuth's sister. Of course there are limits to what aliens can have kids with each other, but as science grows each day, some things that were thought to be impossible have become possible, so you never know what could be made next. Hybrids also seem to function a 70/30 percent rule, in that they take after one species gene more than the other. E.g Helen is more kineceleran than human. Hybrids can only be two things as well, you can't get a big mix of many aliens in one alien. Though there are some that break these rules, like anodites and osmosians due to how their genetics work. So in terms of the plumber kids, ones like Helen and Manny were naturally made, though Alan was made via the science route when his parents went to one of these facilities. In terms of Kevin, since you mentioned osmosians, they behave more by inheriting powers. Due to osmosian having DNA absorption, it means a lot of them are able to have kids with many races, but their hybrids don't look like them. They will always look like the alien species their other parent is, beyond maybe getting minor things like eye or hair colour. What the kids inherit is the matter and energy absorption powers, though not really the DNA absorption (unless the omnitrix is involved lol). So they're kind of a changeling vibe with them. So Kevin looks entirely human, but as a hybrid as the powers.
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electraslight · 4 months
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helen and pierce. fraternal twins from el paso texas, 6 minutes apart (helen is older). their last name is not wheels but pierce wont let helen tell you what it is
they were selected by the rooters for their unique genetic anomalies (twins, both born with vitiligo) which were theorized to help along the genetic merging. their parents own a body shop and are still looking for them.
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safekeeperscosm · 1 year
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idc if the timeline doesn't add up there are scenarios in my head !!!!!!!!!!
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notskull29 · 7 months
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A buncha girls and stuff
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leeisjustlee · 5 months
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Joined a mermay challenge on discord, so let me introduce y'all to flying fish mermaid Helen
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tomatoshapedstars · 2 months
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Had to get used to drawing them.
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puppy--jam · 7 months
Here are two redesigns from Ben 10 that I drew in 2021/2022.
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I hate the design of the Kinecelerans in Omniverse(there is also kineceleran from Secret of the Omnitrix and Helen's UAF version here), so I decided to create a new one.
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aimlovesmusic · 6 months
I did something 🙃
Yay angst
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tiggyloo · 11 months
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Helen's design always confused me a little bit, because you can't really tell what parts are clothes and what parts are just her body. Kineceleran helmets are parts of their skulls and skin, which goes into the neck and further along the body. And despite being half human, the alien side obviously reigns supreme.
So what's going on here. What are your leg pouches attached to.
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Ben 10: Triple Threat
Decided to upload pics (not scans) of my copy of Triple Threat in case anybody wanted to read it
Rest of pics in reblog
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autoacafiles · 1 year
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parradx · 7 months
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Helen prolly one of my fav characterz ever in the rooterz/plumber kidz and the franchise as a whole, she'z soooo great that i wanted to give a try on drawing her (in a generic ass outfit srry
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groundrunner100 · 2 years
Please be honest, not only with me, but with yourselves.
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
Ben and Jen:Anti-heros
Ben and Jen both slowly awoke from a peaceful slumber. The twins had been camping out on the roofs of buildings, in the forest, and hotels with no trouble. The twins have been putting their powers to use in living a stable runaway life. Sometimes the twins would use their nana to put on shows, other times Ben would use his wealth tarot card on rich assholes, or the twins would sing in parks. And the twins would always help people less fortunate than them where ever they went.
Throughout all the running and anti-hero work Ben and Jen never once ran into Max, Gwen, or Sunny. However, that would all end today. Because across the street from the roof, Ben and Jen were on, Max, Gwen, and Sunny was parked. "Ben look," Jen said looking down, Ben moved beside Jen and looked down at Max. "Woof, he looks awful," Ben said taking note of Max's dark, sunken eyes, messy hair and clothes, and tired expression. "Wonder how Gwen and Sunny are?" Ben asked then Gwen and Sunny exited the store.
Gwen looked perfectly fine, aside from red puffy eyes, Sunny was a different story. Sunny's hair was tangled and matted, her clothes were wrinkled and dirty, her eyes were dark and sunken like Max's, her face was tear-stained, and she also held a tired expression. Ben and Jen shared a look and then nodded to each other.
Ben and Jen flew down and hid behind the RV and tossed small rocks at Sunny. When Sunny turned and saw the twins her eyes glowed brightly and she gained a wide smile. Sunny ran to Ben and Jen, hugging them tightly, "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to see you two." she said. Ben hissed in pain but smiled and returned the hug, "Nice to see you too Sunny." Ben said and Jen was quick to break the hug. "Careful Sunny, Ben is hurt," she said, then a nearby truck exploded.
Ben, Jen, and Sunny looked and saw three people. All three were dressed in black leather and helmets that covered their faces. "Rojo!" Ben and Jen growled in anger.
"Hello, the narrator here to give background. When Ben and Jen meet Rojo and her gang when they first arrived at their current location. They all got along at first that is until Rojo decided to invite the twins on a heist, knowing what their powers could do. Everything was going perfectly until Jen had a little slip-up and cost them the heist.
Rojo and Jen got into a screaming match and Rojo pulled out her alien gun. Ben pushed Jen away and took the shot for her and was seriously hurt. Jen went crazy and destroyed the gang's hideout and took Ben to the hospital. Rojo swore she would make the twins pay, so yeah, the twins are not on good terms with Rojo."
"You guys know them?" Sunny asked and Rojo turned to face them. "You!" Rojo growled and aimed her gun at them, "Fly!" Ben ordered and the three flew out of sight. "Ben, Jen!!" Max exclaimed when the twins flew past him. Ben and Jen paid Max no mind, they couldn't at the moment, Rojo kept shooting at them.
"I got this!" Gwen said and transformed into fourarms, and charged at Rojo and her gang. "Mind you business freak," Rojo said and sent her gang to deal with Gwen. "Sunny, help Gwen," Ben said then began throwing mana waves at Rojo. Sunny nodded, then took notice of the fact Jen had vanished. "One side!" Jen scored past Sunny with a giant war hammer.
Jen spun through the air toward Rojo, then she brought the hammer down. "AHHHH!!" Rojo was sent through the air and crashed into the convenience store Max was by. The impact broke the building and the ruble fell on Max. "GRANDPA!!" all four kids cried then drones came spring through the sky. The drones headed for Gwen, but Ben and Jen stopped them. "Get Grandpa to the hospital, it is down the street," Ben said smashing one of the drones. Gwen nodded and grabbed Max and Sunny followed and headed to the hospital.
Ben and Jen took care of the drones, and the police took care of Rojo and her gang. "What are these?" Jen asked picking up one of the busted drones. "Who knows, but they-" "AHHHH! " Jen's scream cut Ben off and he turned his head in shock. The drone gas some kind of cord latched onto Jen's neck. Red digital lines spread across Jen's neck and she began to change. Jen's skin turned red, and she grew in size, her clothes ripping and tearing and her pouch fell off. Jen's body also gained some weird red orbs and blades erupted from her skin, and her eyes turned red. "JEN!" Ben cried when Jen collapsed to the ground.
Jen ground and gripped her hair tightly as a voice filled her ears. "Listen to me whoever you are. My name is Vilgax, and you will assist me in retrieving the Omnitrix." the voice said viciously. "Ugh, well Vilgax, who do you think you are to tell me what to do," Jen asked her voice gaining gallons of venom. "Jen, who are you talking to?" Ben asked kneeling in front of Jen. "Fine, have it your way." Vilgax hissed and Jen began to get electrocuted and her mind went numb.
Everything stopped a few short minutes later and Jen collapsed in Ben's arms. "Jen!? Jen, are you ok?!" Ben asked while shaking Jen. Jen didn't make a sound but sat up and looked at Ben. "Jen?...." Ben asked, "Sorry, Jen isn't here right now," Jen said then grabbed Ben by the front of his hoodie and threw him to the side. 'BEN!' Jen cried from inside her mind, but she couldn't do anything.
Vilgax had taken full control of Jen's mind and body, and Jen didn't have access to her tarot cards because her pouch fell off. "Now, to get the Omnitrix!" Vilgax said and began to head for the hospital. Vilgax could hear Jen crying and protesting, it hurt him, but not that much.
"Ugh, my head." Ben groaned and sat up holding his head tightly. Ben opened his eyes, his vision was slightly blurry, and his head ached, but he didn't care. Ben walked over and grabbed Jen's pouch, he had to get her the strength tarot card, but first, he had to warn Gwen.
At the hospital, Gwen and Sunny sat waiting for Max to wake up. Neither one of them said a word since the doctor left the room and they both hoped the other would. The silence was killing them both and neither one wanted to be alone with their thoughts.
"Wonder how the twins are doing?" Sunny asked finally breaking the silence. Gwen was released but then became angered, "Why does it matter this is their fault." Gwen said crossing her arms. Sunny furrowed her brows, "Gwen, I'm sure Jen didn't mean for Rojo to fly into the building and hurt Grandpa." Sunny said, but that just upset Gwen more.
"That wouldn't have happened if they stayed out of the way."
"Rojo attacked them first."
"Then they did something to deserve it."
Sunny gained a confused look and tears streamed down Gwen's face. Gwen huffed and ran into the hallway, Sunny followed, wanting answers. "Gwen?" Gwen stood facing out the window but it was easy to see she was becoming a mess. "I've always been envious of Ben and Jen," Gwen said turning to look at Sunny. Sunny came closer and nodded for Jen to carry on. Gwen sniffled and looked out the window, "Ben and Jen have always been, strong, brave, smart kids. No matter what they were faced with they saw the bright side and never gave up. I've always wanted to be like that, but I never was and I never will be." Gwen said and Sunny nodded.
"I always put so much effort into everything to overshadow the twins with my achievements. I thought it would make me feel better and put them down, and it worked. However, Ben and Jen still looked on the bright side and never give up. Then I got the watch and they got their powers. I just want to be happy for myself and enjoy who I am without having some kind of interior motive." Gwen said and fell to the floor in tears. Sunny pulled Gwen into a tight hug, she wasn't thinking that the things Gwen has done are okay, but she does think she needs a hug.
Gwen returned the hug, but Jen came crashing through the window. Gwen and Sunny jumped to their feet and stepped back, "Jen?" Sunny asked in shock. "Not exactly," Vilgax said and grabbed Sunny and threw her to the side. "AHHH!!" "What are you doing?" Gwen asked but Vilgax just chuckled and grabbed Gwen's arm ready to take the Omnitrix. " Ahh! Let me go!" Gwen cried then a mana blast flew past her head and hit Vilgax. A mana rope then wrapped around Gwen's waist, another around Sunny's, and the two girls have pulled out the window.
When Gwen and Sunny were let down they were met by Ben, "I'll explain on the way." Ben said and ran for cover. Gwen and Sunny followed and Ben explained what happened to Jen.
"Wait did you say Vilgax? I recognize that name." Sunny said and Ben stopped. Ben turned to face Sunny, "He is an evil overlord from Vilgaxia. He craves power and will not stop till he gets what he wants. That's what I've been told at least." Sunny said and Ben felt his stomach tighten. "We have to save Jen, and put this guy in his place," Ben said and headed for a wide open area.
Gwen and Sunny followed, "What are we gonna do?" Gwen asked hoping Ben had an actual plan. "We lure him to us and I put him in his place," Ben said and took to the sky. Sunny grabbed Gwen and followed, neither one had a good feeling.
Vilgax flee through the air in search of Gwen, but it was hard to focus. "Silence yourself!!" Vilgax orders, "Never, now let me go you freak!" Jen screamed hitting some kind of barrier. Vilgax growled and gripped his head tightly, "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!! I will NOT let go, not until I get the Omnitrix." Vilgax said and Jen growled.
"Why do you care about that watch so much?" Jen asked still attacking the barrier. "That watch is the most powerful device in the universe. With it, I will be unstoppable." Vilgax said and Jen began to laugh. "You are never getting your hands on the Omnitrix, not while Ben is still standing," Jen said, and now it was Vilgax's turn to laugh.
"Trust what I say Vilgax. When Ben gets his hands on you it's over." Jen said and right on cue, a mana blast struck. Vilgax growled and looked down, standing in the open area were Ben, Gwen, and Sunny. Vilgax didn't hesitate and flew down, his sights locked on Gwen. However, before Vilgax could reach her Ben came in with a mana-covered fist and gave a hard punch. Vilgax crashed to the ground and Ben trapped them in a large mana cube.
Vilgax stood and growled but Ben delivered another hard punch to the gut. Vilgax hit the way and realized he should have trusted Jen. "Ben, wait! It's me, I'm your sister. Please, Ben." Ben narrowed his eyes. Ben growled and his eyes began to glow bright, and so did his hair. "You are not my sister." been growled. Ben's hair began to defy gravity and the green glow in his eyes turned white. "You are just a power-crazy freak controlling her." Ben grabbed Vilgax and watched as Ben's skin began to tear and rip revealing inky black with green specs.
The light became too bright and Ben's voice was loud and overpowering. Gwen and Sunny turned away unable to watch due to the light and had to cover their ears. Sunny even covering her ears heard a familiar cracking noise and knew what was about to happen. Sunny quickly grabbed Gwen and put a shield around them before it was too late.
Sunny slowly let the shield down and was met with a cloud of smoke that had a bright glow in it. "Sunny?" Gwen asked but Sunny didn't answer. The smoke began to clear and Sunny's jaw dropped along with Gwen's.
Ben stood with Jen held in his arms unconscious. Ben kicked at the pile of metal on the ground by his feet and growled. Ben turned to look at Gwen and Sunny, but they couldn't bring themselves to speak, they were too captivated by Ben. He looked so different, he looked like an alien.
Ben's hair glowed a bright white and green while also defying gravity, one of his eyes glowed whit and the other a bright green. Ben's skin began inky black, with green star-like specs and a green outline. Ben's clothes had been torn and shredded allowing Gwen and Sunny to see the slim but muscular build he had. The only thing that didn't change was Ben still had his and Jeb's pouches perfectly intact on his leg.
Ben hummed then flew away with Jen in his arms, and Gwen and Sunny sat motionless. "There is no way." Sunny whispered not believing this could be true. "Sunny?" Gwen asked, "There is no way the are half-celestialsapian." Sunny said and Gwen became even more confused.
Ben landed on the roof of a building and collapsed with Jen still in his arms. There was a bright flash and Ben was back to his human form and he was so tired. Ben groaned and looked at himself and Jen, their clothes were ruined. Ben even though exhausted picked Jen up and began to fly. Ben and Jen could cover hundreds of miles in one night when they flew, he would have them at Aunt vera's by morning, she could help.
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chickedy1 · 2 years
Okk guys I lied 😅😅 Now there’s two Ben10 posts this month!
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Omniverse - Another crazy Spider-Verse crossover idea I had, this time based on Ben 10
Yep, I had this idea floating around in my head for quite a bit today, in part thanks to reading up plenty about Ben 10 on the TV Tropes wiki. It got me imagining; what if we had another Spider-Verse-esque crossover, but involving the universe of Ben 10 instead?
I mean, the premise of alternate realities and timelines has been explored quite a bit in the many iterations of the franchise (like Gwen getting the Omnitrix instead of Ben or Ben's other alternate counterparts), and it got me imagining a cast line-up for the concept. The ones I thought up for the story are as follows:
Miles Morales / Spider-Man II = Alt Alan Albright / Alan Fanon (harbouring on him being a fanon counterpart to the original)
Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man = Ben A. Tennyson / Ben 10
Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman = Julie Yamamoto / Julie 30
Spider-Man Noir = Classic Cartoon Ben 10
Spider-Ham = Reboot Ben 10
Peni Parker and SP//dr = Anime Lucy Mann and Ship
Pavitr Prabhakr / Spider-Man India = India Jimmy Jones
Hobie Brown / Spider-Punk = Ultimate Ben 10,000
Margo Kess / Spider-Byte = Gwen 10
Mayday Parker = Toddler Ken Green-Tennyson
Villains (Into the Omniverse)
William "Kingpin" Fisk = Phil Billings
Aaron Davis / The Prowler = Manny Armstrong / Techadon Warrior
Olivia Octavius / Doc-Ock = Arshika Charlie Animo / Dr. Animo
Green Goblin = Sunder the Retriever
Tombstone = Fistrick
Scorpion = Vulkanus
Villains (Across/Beyond the Omniverse)
Adriano Tumino / Renaissance Vulture = Pastel Master Kundo
Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot = Albedo / Negative Ben 10
Armadillo = Ssserpent
Miles G. Morales = Alan K. Albright
Villains (Miscellaneous)
Doctor Crawdaddy = Tim Buktu (Ben 10 Reboot)
Pavitr's Hobgoblin = Trombipulor
Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 = Reboot Evil Ben 10/Alien X
Lyla = Alternate Glitch (in a Gwen form)
Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman = Molly Gunther
Ben Reilly / Scarlet Spider = Ben 23
Supporting Cast (Base Universe)
Jefferson Morales = Alt Pierce Wheels
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
Spider-Man I = Ben B. Tennyson / Ben 10
May Parker = Grandpa Max Tennyson
Mary-Jane Watson-Parker = Kai Green-Tennyson
Ganke Lee = JT
Supporting Cast (Ben A.'s universe)
Mary-Jane Watson = Kai Green
Supporting Cast (Julie's universe)
Peter Parker / The Lizard = Ben Tennyson / Zs'Skayr
Captain George Stacy = Victor Valadis
Supporting Cast (Jimmy's universe)
Gayatri Singh = Elena Valadis
Supporting Cast (Alan K.'s universe)
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
The Omnitrix is the swap-in for the radioactive spider here, and whoever finds it is the one (in)voluntarily assigned to help protect the universe from all sorts of threats, whether they wish to or not, sending their life from ordinary to extraordinary fast.
I picked Julie specifically for the role of Spider-Gwen, considering how she lost her overall touch in the series after Omniverse (and kinda because I personally shipped Ben and Julie as a kid, even with their rough spots), hence why I felt she and Alan would make a good fit for each other due to similar insecurities.
I had been thinking carefully about the roles to assign to each character I could. I originally intended Ben 23 to be the swap-in for Spider-Ham, but considering how full of himself he was before Omniverse Ben/Ben Prime came along (which is why he's in Reilly's place), I felt Reboot Ben 10, whose world is less serious than the others, could fit the role better, whilst also inheriting sympathetic traits like relating to losing someone close.
The Classic Cartoon Ben 10 isn't from the ORIGINAL storyline, but rather one based on classic cartoons from the 60s and 70s, just to avoid confusion there. Lucy Mann's genki girl approach, for one, made her a perfect fit for Peni's role here, too.
And considering Jimmy Jones is a big fan of Ben 10 in canon (and was respected for it in Ultimate Alien), I felt the naïve newcomer status could work for an alternate universe version of him from India. And as Ultimate Ben 10,000 is pretty much on top of his game (alongside being less likely to steer towards canon), he fits well for Hobie's role.
The evil reboot Ben 10, I felt, fits well for the role of Miguel, since he lost his Gwen and Max when they tried to save him, which led him down a darker path in life and required FIVE Omnitrix users to take him down. Likewise, I thought a Gwen variant of Glitch to go with him (which fits well with her sass in the series proper) fits Lyla's role as a digital assistant to a futuristic hero.
Since the four Plumbers' Helpers are of similar age, I felt that Pierce and Helen are Alan's legal guardians in Bellwood, alongside both assisting the Plumbers in protecting Earth. Manny, who has Aaron's role, is the most hot-headed of the four, but has a good heart deep down.
The reason for Alan having to inherit his Ben's role is through inheriting his Omnitrix after Ben gives him the responsibility to protect his world for him, and his compatibility with it came from the other dimension thanks to the experiments Phil's scientists were doing. As for the whole hair-sticking incident, Julie's hair was longer (as far down as her waist) before the accident, and at present, it's as long as in canon.
Max being the badass old man, no matter what universe, comes with the territory anyway, same with him being tech-savvy, which allows him to help Alan adjust to being the new hero. Kai is also commonly the girl Ben ultimately ends up marrying between universes, and JT being Alan's roomie contributes to him being the more chill between him and Cash (the glasses are a plus, too).
I also thought carefully about the rogues gallery between stories from throughout Ben 10's history, like having a female counterpart to Dr. Animo, or Ssserpent being the random villain Alan has to quickly deal with on his way back home with a cake, due to the villain's butt-monkey status in his first two appearances (he got better on the third).
Zs'Sakyr, I felt, was the best counterpart to represent The Lizard in Omniverse, since he's Ghostfreak's true self who tried possessing Ben and gaining full power over the Omnitrix. And I've kept up with the theme of altering art styles for the AU version of Master Kundo (like how Vulture was from the Renaissance, Green Impostor (Funkinverse) was from a sketchbook, and Snively (from my work, IAB!) was from a cell-shaded world).
Albedo, I thought, would be the best option available for a swap-in for Ohnn, as he became villainous through making a fake Omnitrix that made him a direct doppelganger of Ben (until a bioenergy feedback caused his appearance to shift), and since he fell into D-List villain territory, I felt he could have the biggest voyage to become an arch-enemy that Alan CAN'T ignore in general.
You guys are welcome to take all that as you will, and make up your own ideas on how things will turn out for them. See you later!
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