#Ben answers
ask-the-main-four · 2 months
r u LGBT? if yes, what gender and what sexsuality?
sorry for so many asks I just love to know xd(autism🥳🥰)
I’m a HOMOSEXUAL‼️‼️ oh, and so is Jax :3
I would be open to try dating a guy I guess
Ew, I’m not gay.
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kindlystrawberry · 21 days
Made up fic title game!
Sunrise & Sunset
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it (accepting!)
So, for this title, I'm thinking a 5+1 fic sort of deal. Maybe something about the time of day, where I start the fic with a sunrise thing and end it with sunset? Or maybe just 3 Sunrises, 3 Sunsets, or 5 Sunsets and 1 Sunrise, etc. I think that would be fun! And when it comes to those more structured fic genres like 5+1 things, I love using/adding an extra semblance of structure, like times of day, seasons, etc.
Since I am forever in RF4 brainrot, an RF fic comes to mind. I can't think of a particular ship, but it would probably be fluffy and emotional, and show the progress of a relationship. Like, the last sunrise or sunset is them looking towards the future together after having confessed their feelings or something.
Thank you for sending this!! Sorry this took me a hot minute to reply to.
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wingsofthegundam · 8 months
tbh I feel like I wouldn't mind a Megatron who switched sides as much as I do if the fact that he did it for selfish reasons and isn't working to better himself but for his own sake was actually acknowledged. a Megatron where everyone's just like "yeah he's not redeeming himself or whatever, he's still a selfish bastard but just on our side now" is WAY better than "everybody fucking loves Megatron inexplicably for w/ever reasons and he's totally a good guy now even though he doesn't actually redeem himself/we never see him do so!" which I truly fucking loathe
Honestly anon thats the fucking tea
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bedgarsuggestions · 1 year
keep an eye out for Five if you can!
*the dragon scans the forest for signs of life as the he approaches the smoke, animals are running away from the blaze in a frenzy*
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thewheatgerm · 1 year
how's the weather down there?
shut up i’m average height
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commonwealthcats · 2 years
“Meet me later tonight?“
Ben raised his brows in surprised, not expecting the invitation, and unsure if he should think about it further than base level. Just because she was inviting him to her boat, at night, didn’t necessarily mean anything. After all, despite their interactions, Ben wasn’t really sure she was interested in him as anything more than a friend.
Dana would probably say Tyler must have plans on throwing him overboard.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Same dock you were at the first time, right?” Ben asked, trying to shrug off his uncertainty with a broad smile. “The one Garrett fell off, with the missing board near the end?”
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readandwritesilver · 4 months
do u still write mq?
maybe ! if you have a request send it to me and no promises but i probably will write it😁 but i don't really write it of my own volition anymore, just not super into where the show has gone.
i don't write much fic in general anymore lol. most of the stuff on my ao3 was written when i was like 15/16 and i have a lot more responsabilities (and also a lot more friends😭) than i did at that age. i still love to write, but i also just find more enjoyment in writing long 10k-20k+ word pieces that i work on over many months and post when i feel like it instead of like four 2k oneshots a week (not that i didn't enjoy it at the time, just not so much my style anymore)
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lizethdraws · 6 months
Imagine Ben messing with a laser pointer and Rook tries to catch the red dot.
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rook is never beating the cat allegations
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turpotypo · 2 months
who wants some creepypastas i doodled in class
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ft. @eravvena 's ben design because oohghhhghhhg <33333
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ask-the-main-four · 2 months
chocolate: white or dark?
I like white chocolate.
I like milk ch-
Oh my god, speak up Jax. Literally nobody can hear you. I don’t like chocolate
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kindlystrawberry · 2 months
top 5 rune factory character designs :)
Hi anon THANK YOU FOR THIS QUESTION omg this is wonderful and I have so many opinions. I’ve played various amounts of the 5 main games but I’ve mostly played 1 & 4 so pls note that my opinions will probably be biased. Ok let’s go:
Runner-ups (forgive me, there are SO many good designs I had to include this section):
-I ADORE the butler outfits in rf4. They make so little sense practically, but they are so fun and communicate their design style so well. I also am obsessed with the color scheme.
- FORTE!! She nearly made it to this list but got bumped out my the other rf4 bachelorette designs here. I adore her armor and how it’s relatively practical as far as anime style armor goes (I’m looking at you, armor bikinis), I love the cohesive color palette, and I love all the details of the fabrics.
- literally just. All the rf1 bachelorette. They are so underrated and their shit is SO COOL. Melody?? Adorable. Mist?? Iconic. Lynette?? The eye patch?? The Heterochromia?? Serving. They are all fantastic.
- Karina. Her outfit is cute as hell, and feels pretty unique for rf while still being very much of the series’ style. I love that little bandanna, and as you’re gonna see in this list I’m a sucker for the silver/white/blue palette.
- Beatrice !! She nearly made it on here, but alas. I love her cool regal design, I love her color palette (blue/white anyone?) and I love the shape of her silhouette, but imo her design gets a bit muddled/overcrowded which takes her off the list.
Now for the main list! I’ll include pics at the bottom because I’m on mobile and it won’t let me insert them where I want (I’m at work, maybe I’ll fix this later lol.)
5. Sharon - RF1: my icon, my queen, my first girl, literally instrumental to my queer awakening when I was 10. I love her extremely limited color palette and simplistic design when compared to other RF designs. It makes her look so elegant and ethereal, which really communicates her vibes. I’m also obsessed with her jewelry, and which RF would use that more frequently as centerpieces of designs. She’s number 5 bc her design is a tiny bit TOO on the simple side, as much as I also love that about her. I would have loved if they had added just a bit more to her dress, like maybe some subtle lace so it’s not just long shapes of pure white.
4. Alicia - RF2: ok. Right off the bat let me say: yes, her design gets points deducted for the boobs. As a big-breasted woman myself, it always annoys me when I see impractical bra/bust designs with big old anime tiddies. As a queer woman though? I am looking respectfully. Onto the positive: the color palette is SO STRONG, with few colors but the colors they do have are bold and eye-catching. She arguably has the best silhouette of the entire list too, with the big defined shapes of her cape and hat contrasted with her wavy soft hair. I also love her bracelet dangles? She’s an icon.
3. Micah - RF3: he is the PARAGON of RF protagonist design to me. The fluff trim, the boots, the stripy fabrics, the spiky but soft-looking anime hair, the earth-gone palette… he is everything. I also am obsessed with his bare shoulders, those absolutely sell the design for me. Not to mention his wooly design. Mwah. Chef’s kiss. The only reason he’s at 3 is that his design is just a little muddled for me. Fixing up some of the trimmings and adding a tiny bit more cohesion to the color palette (like why black and orange pants??) would fix it for me.
2. Dolce - RF4: At number 2 is Dolce, ghost queen herself. I’m obsessed with her design. She was nearly number 1, but her color scheme and shape design is just a tiiiiny but less interesting to me than number 1. That being said i overall ADORE her red/pink centered palette, I love the overall dark but vibrant colors, and I love how solidly they stick to her design premise. I think the extra details on her dress and the use of jewelry on her, which are attention-catching enough to be so interesting and fun but not so much to totally be distracting.
1. Xiao Pai - RF4: Xiao Pai my BELOVED!!!! I don’t think her design gets nearly enough love. The color scheme is GORGEOUS and fun while still being so coherent, the shapes are a delight, and the details are perfectly balanced to keep her design interesting and unified! I also find her hair adorable, and I LOVE THAT SHE WEARS PANTS. I know that’s kind of silly but I just don’t think enough rf women get to wear pants and they just look SO cute on her. My favorite part of her outfit is either the shoulder pads(??) or the fluff waistcoat (??). Does her design make complete sense? No. But that’s what makes it rune factory, baby!!!!
Anyway, anon thank you so much for asking me this I had such a good (and difficult) time coming up with this list!! I hope this is what you were looking for!
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wingsofthegundam · 8 months
ya know, i dont think optimus is really given much depth in most redeemed megatron works. like hes always just super happy to have his friend back but.....he always seems so fucking passive. like megatron hasnt hurt him. like megatron didnt choose to become a genocidal monster, and yeah, optimus isnt perfect, but theres a big fucking difference between having normal human (or whatever) flaws and deciding that mass murder, torture, and a whole ton of other horrible shit would be a fun thing to do for a weekend getaway. like why isnt optimus ever hurt?? angry??? why doesnt he have any resentment, why does he seem to be completely unaffected by megatrons past actions?? im desperate for an optimus who cant forgive megatron, whose feeling actually fucking MATTER and is allowed to be angry with megan and not have all the fucking responsibility for redeeming megatron pushed onto him.
(sorry this is really fucking long lol but i think i just really needed to rant)
Agreed anon. You and me this is why l almost never look for megop fics really. Most of time they write Optimus as a prop for Megatron. Especialy tfa, prime and idw suffer this from the most.
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bedgarsuggestions · 1 year
Well... we've got a problem don't we...
- @angorsuggestions
*dragon-y snort huff*
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thewheatgerm · 1 year
How does it feel for the frive skis to be paid more than you?
the five pairs of skis are what???
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commonwealthcats · 2 years
“Birthdays are just excuses to, like, eat cake and open presents and shit. There’s no real meaning behind a birthday.” (Elvis)
“That’s what I’ve been telling her, but she refuses to listen,” Ben agreed, waving a hand in Dana’s direction. Dana, in turn, leveled a glare of frustration at Elvis.
“They do have meaning! It’s supposed to be your friends and family showing you how happy they are that you made it another year,” she countered, throwing a ball of crepe paper at Ben’s head, which bounced off his hair before hitting the counter.
“Even if you’re a Negative Nancy.”
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cryptid-paint · 2 months
Could Ben 10.000 carry Rook bridal style?
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I think he definitely could ;)
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