#Benimaru Netherworld
tarithenurse · 3 years
Spark - 25
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shōbōtai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: Angst, feels, danger, stubbornness. The usual. A/N: Manage to get myself pretty confused because it said I’d already posted 25 chapters on AO3 but here on Tumblr it only claimed 24...aaaand then I remembered posting the what-if directly in the story there but not here...so yeah! Feel free to ASK (or reblog) for tag – in fact: always reblog. Thanks to those who have already <3
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25. Forged by fire
...   Reader   ...
Your brain is protesting as you wake up. No, scratch that. Your entire body is throbbing as you’re being jostled by each step of the one carrying. Benimaru. The scent and heat can only be his but it’s comforting to open the eyes and see the shock of dark hair flopping about, occasionally blocking the view of his right cheek bone. Somehow, probably with the help of Joker, you’ve been tied together, allowing your arms to hang limply over his shoulders while he supports your by wrapping his arms around your thighs. It’s not comfortable but it’s efficient.
“Wait,” Joker hisses from up ahead.
There’s very little light – barely enough to illuminate the obstacles littering the crumbled hallway – and you can’t see what has alerted the gangly man, but you feel the uncrowned king of Asakusa tense beneath you, his lungs slowly expanding as he takes in the surroundings.
“Hm. I smell it.”
Smell? Sniffing the air, you don’t pick up on anything much at first apart from Benimaru, dust; and your own need for a bath.
“Don’t worry, [Y/N], just stay calm.” He must have felt you stirring.
Nothing snappy comes to mind and it doesn’t matter because that’s when you realize that a curl of sulphurous stench is mingling with the air.
“Let me down.”
“You can’t stand on that leg,” he argues as Joker steps closer.
Already fumbling with the sash holding the two of you together, the idea of supporting the weight seems like a horrible idea. “It wasn’t an invitation to a discussion, Beni,” you growl, “I’ll hold you back if you carry me.”
“I’m not leaving you behind!” Stubbornly digging the fingers into your thighs, he’s probably stubborn enough to stick to the word.
Finally free of the restraints, you tug at his hair. “I’m only telling you to put me down for now.”
There are whispers now, low murmuring groans coming from both directions as if carried on the fumes. The lightest dust and ashes are starting to dance on the ground in spiralling patterns that clash and divide in mesmerizing patterns. They could have been fascinating to watch if it wasn’t for the temperature slowly rising.
“Do as she says, Shinmon,” Joker drawls, his eye fixed at a warm glow that has appeared in the distance.
Begrudgingly, the man sets you on the ground, careful to let you gain the balance on your good leg before letting go. It’s obvious on his face: one wrong move and he’ll sweep you off your feet. I’m so gonna use this to my benefit once we’re home. You decide to ignore the nagging sense of doubt and instead focus on the growing lights in either direction of the tunnel.
What at first was nothing more than a glow has now, beyond a doubt, taken shape of several flickering fires moving towards the same cluster of targets. Misshapen bodies cast their stretching shadows beneath the flames, obscuring dozens of shuffling feet as the pace begins to pick up. They know you’re there. They are hungry.
Glancing at the men, the darkness before them is illuminated in red and purple and the air around them is shimmering with heat.
“Let them get close.”
“Guess you’re too exhausted to think clearly, dear,” Joker chuckles but then hesitates as he sees your face, “...okay. Call it.”
...  Joker  ...
Smiling behind the collar, Joker recognizes the worry flashing across the other man’s face. It’s a bold plan and he isn’t sure it’s strictly necessary...but they can’t be sure what else they’ll be facing on their way out, so [Y/N]’s idea of preserving the would-be rescuers’ power for later makes sense.
“Lighten up...or not, actually,” he smiles wickedly at Shinmon, “let’s see what our girl can do, eh?”
The glare he receives from the captain is a logical response.
“[Y/N]...there’s no reason to push yourse-”
“I didn’t survive this shit just to be rescued like some fairy tale maiden.” The threatening purr combined with the half-dried blood makes her seem tantalizingly dangerous. “There’s no one to take out my revenge on, but at least I can clean up the mess I’ve made when I let the lab blow up too.”
Oh? That must be an interesting story...for later. Finding an adequate slab of broken concrete, he brushes it off and sits down. In one of the inner pockets of the coat is a pack wrapped in cellophane and he picks a cigarette from it, lighting it with a flick of his fingers. Aaah. The acrid taste fills him for a handful of seconds before it’s blown out through his nostrils together with the last hours’ worth of stress – he could almost chill for a moment if it wasn’t for Benimaru joining him by the boulder, sitting as relaxed as a statue about to crack.
“Has anyone ever told you t-”
“Shut up, Joker.”
The men relapse into silence. It’s not that the man with the hat doesn’t understand Benimaru’s sentiment: the girl’s in horrible condition and is using almost all her strength to stand, it seems. The white-clad ran from her. The image of a dying man clutching a bundle of hastily written notes is still clear in Joker’s mind. Abandoned a comrade together with a demon infernal...he didn’t think they could end it. It’s clear, though, that something did put it to rest, most likely causing the explosion at the same time. Show us what you’ve got, [Y/N).
...  Benimaru ...
Like lit matches, only their heads are burning as they rush forward. At first surging for whomever is nearest until a clear shout orders them to ignore the men.
“I am what you want!”
The way the infernals all zero in on [Y/N] it really looks like she’s right and as they swarm around, pushing closer but never able to touch her, he can barely see her until he stand up on the slab of concrete.
Eye glowing bright yellow even against the infernals’ blaze, she doesn’t flinch as charred fingers scrape against the air, trying to reach her. She stands, immovable, talking calmly as if they could understand her. Maybe they can. Yes, they absolutely can and some must be accepting what she says because they stop and wait without a sound. Wait for what? A few infernals continue their struggle only to be wrapped in the arms of those standing by until finally, none of them are moving more than their dead faces.
There’s a shift in the air as [Y/N] spreads her arms, smoke and heat pushed outwards by an unseen pressure and stilling the flames of the damned.
“I’m sorry,” the woman whispers a second before tugging her fists tightly to the chest and plunging the Nether in darkness once more.
Benimaru can hear the muted sounds of clothing landing in heaps on the ground, the impact softened by dust and ashes, but the room is obscured by dark flakes filling the air to the extend that the glow from Joker’s cigarette nor the captain’s excellent vision can guarantee a view of the woman they came here for.
“Impressive,” the smoking man comments, snapping a fiery playing card out of nowhere to illuminate the space.
No one is listening to the compliment. The captain of Special Fire Force Company Seven is reaching out for the swaying figure of the woman he loves, barely making it over the heap of sooty jumpsuits in time to catch her as she collapses one more time.
“[Y/N]!” he croaks, frantically feeling for a pulse.
Eyelashes flutter for a brief second before she scrunches her face to look up at him. “Yeah yeah...I’ll let you carry me this time too.”
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animeimagineposts · 4 years
Benimaru (Fire Force)
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Asakusa had managed to overthrow the white-clad who'd tried and failed to bring everyone to their knees. As I circle checking on citizens I come across a male white-clad stood in front of a fountain holding someone under the water who slowly stopped struggling and let their body go limp.
'What are you doing?' I shout, running over to intervene.
The male white-clad smirks and steps away from the body dressed identical to him, 'we take care of our traitors just like you lot do.'
I was confused, then in the next second, the white-clad vanished into thin air. Instinct takes over and I pull the unconscious white-clad out of the water and begin resuscitation noting that once the hood fell away the victim was a girl. After what seemed like forever the girl splutters and coughs up water opening their eyes which held pure fear.
'You can explain everything later,' I say, not wanting her to cause herself more stress.
I pick the girl up and carry her in my arms deciding to take her to my house instead of the company. The male white-clad had called her a traitor, and I couldn't possibly see how this girl could do anything wrong because she looked so innocent and kind of weak.
Once inside the house I carry her up to the bathroom and place her down on the edge of the tub while I grab a towel to wrap around her now shaking and dripping wet body.
'Thank you,' she whispers, as I wrap the towel around her.
'I'll go get you some dry clothes err—'
'y/n, I'm y/n,' she replies, voice still slightly hoarse.
I nod, 'I'm Benimaru.'
I leave the girl to undress and grab her something of mine which would surely swamp her frame. The bathroom door was slightly ajar as I return, and before I can knock I catch a glimpse of y/n's exposed back and the multitude of bruises and faded scars marking her skin. Now I was even more intrigued.
'Here are some dry clothes. I'll be in the kitchen once you're done,' I call out and place the clothes by the door.
Benimaru, the captain of Fire Company 8. Why had he saved you? You'd come to burn this place to the ground because the white-clad could. He should hate you. Maybe he'd saved you so that you could face trial for the white-clad crimes, or maybe he wanted to kill you himself. A million negative thoughts cross your mind as you undress.
'Here are some dry clothes. I'll be in the kitchen once you're done.' He calls out from the other side of the bathroom door.
You freeze upon turning to find the door ajar, had he seen your scars? He sounded pretty calm, so maybe he hadn't peaked. His clothes were way too big for you, to the point you had to roll the waist and both legs just to be able to walk without tripping over. You stare at your wet white-clad 'uniform' and shake your head, maybe this was your chance to start a new life.
You pad barefoot through the house until you find the kitchen and stop in the doorway watching Benimaru cooking something on the stove.
You bite your lip, 'why didn't you let him kill me? Do you want to kill me yourself?'
Benimaru turns around and instinctively you shrink back, 'why did he call you a traitor y/n?'
You sigh, 'that was my older brother. He's been loyal to the white-clad for years. When he found out I had some power he forced me to join, using our little sister as leverage who had no power and the white-clad would kill in a heartbeat. I never wanted to fight or use my power, I was happy living a bland life raising my sister after our parents died.'
You keep your eyes focused on your bare feet not wanting to make eye contact because you were embarrassed and ashamed, however, a shadow looms over you and next thing you know your chin is cupped and your face forcefully raised but not aggressively like you used to. Benimaru was an enigma amongst the captains, strong and respected but never seemed like he wanted the job.
'I know you're telling the truth y/n, you'd be an awful liar. Where is your sister now?' he asks, brushing some wet hair out of your eyes with his free hand.
You gulp, 'last time I heard the white-clad were keeping her somewhere in the Netherworld but my brother never gave me details because he knew I would try and risk dying to save her. What happens now?'
Benimaru tilts his head to the side, 'that's up to you y/n? Has anyone ever seen your face?'
You shake your head, 'no, I wore a mask. Why?'
Benimaru sighs, 'if you swear to give up any information on the white-clad, I will help you get your sister back. Do we have a deal?'
Your eyes widen, 'yes, we have a deal Benimaru. I will do anything to get my sister back and make the white-clad pay for what they've put me through.'
Next thing you know your chin is released and you're pulled into a bone-crushing hug, which was a sensation you hadn't felt in a very long time, so you shakily wrap your arms around the captain hugging him back.
'I saw the scars, I will make them pay y/n,' he mumbles into your hair.
You can't keep the smile off your face, this was the first time in a long time someone was genuinely on your side and you felt like you could trust someone.
'Thank you,' you reply softly, knowing things were about to change for better or for worse.
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 02/01/2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld EP#27 (03) - The Final Load Test: With GlowGen Defense Systems now in control of the main control room, they find that the computer system is locked down tight and that forcing their way into the sub control room or the lightcube cluster is not a viable option. Commander Gabriel Miller flashes back to his login session in GGO where his team battled against Kirito. Gabriel logs out of his session to find himself back at his office at Glowgen Defense Systems, where he serves as CTO. He accepts an assignment from the US government to seize the STL and the lightcube cluster. Back in the present, Gabriel discovers the existence of the final load test getting ready to commence, which will eliminate the border between the Human and Dark territories to test the humans. In order to accomplish his mission of locating Alice, he decides to log in as the Dark Emperor Vecta, with his lieutenant, Vassago, logging in as a dark knight. Meanwhile, Asuna decides to log in to the Underworld in an attempt to save Kirito and escort Alice out of the Underworld. Back in Tokyo, Sinon wakes up from a dream of her experience in GGO 4. The competition was left down to two people, her and Subtilizer (Gabriel), where Subitilizer easily takes her out with his bare hands, leaving her with the message "Your soul will be so sweet" and choking her to death.
My Hero Academia Shie Hassaikai Arc Season 4 EP#74 (11) - Lemillion: While Toga and Twice were previously subjected to Shin Nemoto's Confession Quirk so the Shie Hassaikai can make sure Tomura will not betray them, the two backstab the yakuza on their own accord by first taunting Irinaka into exposing himself so the heroes can capture him. Meanwhile, Mirio manages to rescue Eri after fighting his way through Nemoto and his fellow Eight Expendable member Deidoro Sakaki. Overhaul then admits that Eri is not his daughter as he has Nemoto fire one of the completed Quirk-Destroying bullets at the girl to force Mirio to take the hit, losing his Quirk as consequence. But as Mirio refuses to back down, Izuku arrives.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#12 - The Second Mission from the Boss: Giorno, Fugo, and Abbacchio arrive in Pompeii seeking the key. They come across a strange mirror and Fugo is suddenly dragged into a mirror world by Hitman Team member Illuso and his Stand, Man in the Mirror. Fugo summons his Stand, Purple Haze, but it appears in the real world with Giorno and Abbacchio instead of the mirror world where he is trapped. A flashback explains how Fugo's pent-up rage led to a violent incident that led him to be disowned by his family and for him to eventually join Bucciarati's group. As Purple Haze begins to emit a deadly virus from its fists, Fugo has it smash the mirror as a message for Giorno; Giorno remains determined to save Fugo, despite Abbacchio's command that they find the key and flee.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba EP#14 - The House with the Wisteria Family Crest: Tanjiro punches Inosuke so hard he cracks his ribs, sending him sprawling. He tells him Zenitsu won't fight because they're both Demon Corps members and they're not supposed to draw their swords on each other. Inosuke takes that to mean it's alright if they fight bare-handed and proceeds to charge Tanjiro, who promises that's not what he meant. The two fight and when Inosuke dosn't stop, Tanjiro head-butts him, which makes Inosuke's boar mask fall off, revealing a very human, though beautiful and girly face. Inosuke collapses from a concussion, though Tanjiro is fine. When Inosuke later wakes up he sees Tanjiro and the others burying the bodies of the humans who were killed. Inosuke doesn't see the point in it and challenges Tanjiro to a fight. Tanjiro thinks Inosuke won't help with the burial because his wounds hurt him too much, so Inosuke goes to bury corpses, stating he can do more than them. Soon all the bodies are buried. A Kasugai crow appears and tells the group to descend from the mountain and follow him, which they do. The crow spits up a charm to ward off demons for Kiyoshi so he won't be attacked again and the siblings part ways from the Demon Hunters. The three are led to a manor with a wisteria crest and the crow tells them they're to rest inside until their wounds are recovered. The house belonged to a family once rescued by demon hunters, so they tend to demon hunters for free. An old lady gives them food and a change of clothes. Inosuke keeps trying to rile Tanjiro to fight him but he's too relaxed to rise to the bait. A doctor tends their wounds (all three have broken ribs). After they settle for the night, Inosuke tells them he joined the Demon Corps after beating up a Demon Slayer who came to his mountain and hearing about demons and Final Selection, thinking it sounded interesting. Zenitsu then asks why Tanjiro is traveling with a demon. Nezuko scratches at the box, hearing they're talking about her, freaking out Zenitsu. She comes out and Zenitsu is smitten by her beauty. He then thinks Tanjiro was carrying her around because she was pretty, joining the Demon Slayers to have a cute demon girl. He chases Tanjiro around the room, declaring he must be purged. Inosuke states it's too much thinking and falls asleep.
Dr. Stone Communications Arc EP#21 - Spartan Crafts Club: Using the new waterwheel, Senku mechanizes the ironmaking process, freeing up the villagers to prepare for winter. Meanwhile, Senku, Chrome, and Kaseki begin developing light bulbs, allowing them to celebrate Christmas by decorating a tree. Chrome uses the new invention to explore deeper in caves, where he finds a host of new minerals. Senku and Kaseki attempt to create a vacuum tube, but they cannot find a filament that can withstand the heat. During a New Year's sunrise, Senku receives inspiration from Suika and realizes tungsten is the solution and employs himself, Chrome, and Magma on a spelunking expedition.
Fire Force Netherworld Arc EP#24 Finale - The Burning Past: Shinra duels with Commander Burns, who's explosive pyrokinetic ability initially overwhelms Shinra. However, Shinra eventually lands a blow on the commander's forearm, satisfying Burns that Shinra has sufficient resolve to hear the truth of his past. Burns reveals that the Evangelist was active 12 years earlier and knew that the Kusakabe brothers possessed Adolla Burst abilities. When the Evangelist sent Haumea to collect Sho, the child's power revealed itself which it started the fire. As the house went up in flames, Shinra's mother became the horned Infernal which Shinra always believed was the demon that started the fire. When Burns arrived at the scene, his team saved Shinra, but the boy's demonized mother took Sho and delivered him to the Evangelist. Burns realized the Adolla Link had been awakened, but kept the truth from young Shinra and told him his family was dead. Burns lost his right eye looking upon the Evangelist, but gained the use of the Adolla Link, and reveals that Shinra's demonized mother may still be alive within the Link. Later, Shinra arranges to meet Captain Soichiro Hague of Company 4, hoping that his connection to the Adolla Link could be used to turn Shinra's Infernalized mother back into a human. A few weeks later, Shinra is discharged from Company 6 and is welcomed home with a party organized by Company 8, including Hibana, Benimaru, Konro, and Karim.
Food Wars!: The Second Plate Totsuki Autumn Election Arc EP#27 - The Age of Kings: Despite a close battle, Kurokiba is declared the winner, though Megumi is still praised for her efforts. The next day, as Hayama and Hisako face off in a hamburger duel, Soma meets the eighth contestant, Subaru Mimasaka, who joins him, Megumi, and Takumi in watching the battle. Hisako presents her dish, a soft-shelled turtle burger, but is defeated by Hayama's kebab burger, which takes advantage of the burger's pickle aspect to enhance the flavor. Prior to the fourth match, Mimasaka provokes Takumi by insulting his brother, turning their match against each other into a Shokugeki.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#103 - Release from Misfortune: The new sword proves to be far more powerful than Asta's other swords as it removes the poison from everybody and Father Orsi recovers. Asta decides to use the sword to turn the possessed knights back to normal. The elf attacking the village, disgusted by all the humans, tries to unleash all his magic at once. Yuno senses the elf's soul is in great pain and Asta thinks the elf must be asking for help. To prevent the elf turning into something even more monstrous Asta strikes him in the chest. The new sword proves powerful enough to negate the entire reincarnation spell, returning him to a normal human. The Clover King, who has been asleep with his mistresses the entire time, is awoken and becomes terrified after learning the kingdom is under attack by its own magic knights and squad captains. Asta and Yuno tell Farther Orsi and the others everything they know about the elves while Digit, the no longer possessed knight, reveals the elf possessing him had no desire to fight. Asta decides they must save both their human friends and the elves and take Digit with them. The floating dungeon passes over Magna and Vanessa and the possessed Luck decides to attack a nearby village. Yuno senses this and they decide to split up to both follow the dungeon and stop Luck, though they argue about which of them should take Digit with them.
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Spark - 20
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shouboutai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: Angst. A/N: Hugs? Feel free to ASK (or reblog) for tag – in fact: always reblog. Thanks to those who have already <3
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20. Arson
...   Reader   ...
For the first time in your life, the idea of having ended up in the claws of Haijima seems preferable compared to whatever this madness is. It’s a nightmare. Just a nightmare. I’ll wake up in just a moment. You know you’re not but it’s the only comfort that’s keeping your from screaming out in fear at the scenery the girl has marched you through.
The hallway had been grim enough. What followed was worse: you supposed it’s a laboratory considering the oddly glowing wires and lights, and instruments that you haven’t got the faintest clue what are for. There was a row of containers with bugs on a table by the wall on one side while vials and beakers filled with concoctions (some bubbling above blue flames) were littering the workspace in the middle of the room. You were fleetingly glad that the girls controlling your body allowed you to march straight to the door at the other end of the room.
I should’ve known better.
Now, you can’t move at all even if the giggling puppeteers has relinquished control of your limbs. Strapped down tightly with chains and manacles, it’s impossible to do more than wiggle your toes. Well...you can move your eyes but you’re not sure you dare to.
Before you stands the dis-proportioned figure of Dr. Giovanni. The tall hat’s brim and his collar are cradling darkness behind the freaky mask – you can’t see his face, but you’re sure his smiling.
“Isn’t this better, hmm?” His voice crackles despite minimal intonation, “waiting...on the precipice to your destiny!”
“Mmrmmmglllm!” Shut the fuck up!
He gets the gist even with the gag impeding your speech. “Now, my dear, there’s no need to be so angry. I’m merely going to help you seize the power waiting for you. Wait and see.”
Giovanni strides over and opens a door and in comes yet another person dressed in white with a red cross. This one is big and muscly and his face is hidden behind a shroud but to be honest you’re paying more attention to what he’s dragging along: a girl, maybe ten years old, is trotting behind (her upper arm is engulfed by the man’s fist). Dressed in the same type of clothes as you and barefoot...that’s where the likeness ends because she’s dirty, skinny, her hair is a mop of matted strands managing to shield most of the face but not hiding the dried-up streaks from tears and snot.
“There’s good.” You’re only vaguely aware that Giovanni had gone to the lab and come back before hearing his order.
The muscle man parks the child in the appointed spot in front of you and then steps behind you. Out of sight. You want the girl to run, to show some sign of desire to get out of this hellhole...but her eyes are unseeing and she simply stands with a hanging head.
“[Y/N],” Giovanni’s voice crackles with delight, “let me show you what I’ve been working on.”
...  Benimaru  ...
“No,” Benimaru easily shuts down the conversation, “you’re not coming with me.”
He knows Konro wants to protest – his oldest friend might even go behind his back somehow in an effort to be of help – but there’s no doubt in the captain’s heart. No one else. Information is scant about the Netherworld and the White-Clad who seem to cherish the relics of a burned world, so going there won’t be a stroll in the park. While Benimaru is confident in his own powers (sometimes looking for a challenge, actually), he doesn’t know what waits underground and can’t guarantee the safety of others.
Pausing at the heavy cloth marking the entrance/exit of the fire station, Benimaru looks back briefly at his friend. “Keep Asakusa safe.”
The only person who might be willing to share any information of use is Joker. Of course, he’s not the kind of guy that’s easily found when he doesn’t want to be, but somehow it makes sense to see the slender figure waiting in the dark. Only the pulsing glow of his cigarette is occasionally enough to illuminate the man’s maniacal grin as Benimaru jumps off the matoï.
“You remembered, good,” Joker greets him.
Remembered what? Scratching his head, the captain walks over to the wall of metal and concrete that’s blocking the way below ground. Judging by partially overgrown grooves along the edges, it must be supposed to open outwards, but there’s no handle or lock and there are patches of rust wherever water has had a chance to linger.
“Netherworld...nether means below, so I figured this was an easy place to start,” he shrugs and bangs on the gate.
There’s a faint sound of echoing from the other side but, naturally, nothing else happens.
“Huh...” smoke accompanies Joker’s words, “no one’s home?”
Even if that were true, it won’t stop them and moments later they’ve found the old mechanism, freed it of vines and an abandoned birds’ nest, and activated it. The door clanks ominously and manages to grind far enough along the groove before it stops that the men can enter.
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