#Benjamin Graham
"And back in the spring of 1720, Sir Isaac Newton owned shares in the South Sea Company, the hottest stock in England. Sensing that the market was getting out of hand, the great physicist muttered that he 'could calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of the people.' Newton dumped his South Sea shares, pocketing a 100% profit totaling £7,000. But just months later, swept up in the wild enthusiasm of the market, Newton jumped back in at a much higher price—and lost £20,000 (or more than $3 million in today’s money). For the rest of his life, he forbade anyone to speak the words 'South Sea' in his presence.
Sir Isaac Newton was one of the most intelligent people who ever lived, as most of us would define intelligence. But, in Graham’s terms, Newton was far from an intelligent investor. By letting the roar of the crowd override his own judgment, the world’s greatest scientist acted like a fool."
— Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor, 1949
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stockstarsblog · 4 months
Walter Schloss: der vergessene Value-Investor
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Einer der Namen, der vielleicht nicht so oft im Rampenlicht steht wie einige seiner berühmteren Zeitgenossen, aber dennoch eine tiefgreifende Wirkung auf die Welt des Investierens hatte, ist Walter Schloss. Bekannt für seine außergewöhnliche Disziplin und die bemerkenswerte Fähigkeit, unterbewertete Aktien zu entdecken, repräsentiert Schloss das wahre Wesen des Value-Investing. In einer Ära von schnellen Trades und Marktmanipulationen blieb Schloss ein Fels in der Brandung der traditionellen Investmentprinzipien, die von seinem Mentor, dem legendären Benjamin Graham, geprägt wurden.
Mehr dazu: https://value-investor.e-monsite.com/pages/einfuhrung-in-die-value-investing-strategie-1715333571-1715597182.html
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the-lost-get-loud · 2 years
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bookreviewaz · 3 months
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Timeless Investing Wisdom: Lessons Learned from "Security Analysis" by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd
Unlock value investing wisdom from "Security Analysis"! Learn to research, avoid speculation, & master investor psychology. Use these timeless principles to invest better. Read now & share your thoughts! #ValueInvesting #InvestingWisdom #SecurityAnalysis
Few investing books have stood the test of time as well as “Security Analysis” by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd. First published in 1934, this authoritative work has served as the foundation for the value investing philosophy, influencing countless investors and shaping how we approach the financial markets. Benjamin Graham, often referred to as the “father of value investing,” was a renowned…
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linusjf · 8 months
Benjamin Graham & David Dodd: Adequate value
“The essential point is that security analysis does not seek to determine exactly what is the intrinsic value of a given security. It needs only to establish that the value is adequate – e.g., to protect a bond or to justify a stock purchase or else that the value is considerably higher or considerably lower than the market price. For such purposes an indefinite and approximate measure of the…
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thewealthystatus · 8 months
TODAY'S TOPIC: Embark on a transformative journey through 33 key lessons extracted from Benjamin Graham's monumental work, "The Intelligent Investor." Rooted in the principles of intelligent investing, these lessons encompass a spectrum of financial wisdom, ranging from the importance of patience, and understanding market cycles, to mastering risk management and the psychology of investing. Benjamin Graham, often regarded as the father of value investing, provides timeless insights that resonate in today's dynamic markets.
The video delves into critical concepts such as intrinsic value calculation, embracing contrarian investing, and navigating market peaks with discipline. Notably, Warren Buffett, a luminary in the investment realm, has endorsed this very book. His acknowledgment adds an extra layer of credibility to the lessons presented, emphasizing their enduring relevance. From the nuances of portfolio rebalancing to the impact of dividends and the role of economic analysis, each lesson contributes to a comprehensive guide for wealth-building. By embracing the art of value investing, viewers can navigate market fluctuations with resilience, fostering a disciplined approach that aligns with Graham's philosophy.
These lessons serve as a beacon for those seeking financial enlightenment, urging viewers to explore the intricacies of intelligent investing and ponder the next steps in their investment journey. Dive into the wealth of knowledge encapsulated in these lessons, and probe the profound insights offered by "The Intelligent Investor" for a prosperous financial future.
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Bei Arbitrage Investment AG bemühen wir uns, die inneren Kämpfe eines Anlegers zu entschärfen, wie Benjamin Graham es so treffend formulierte: "Das Hauptproblem des Anlegers - und sogar sein schlimmster Feind - ist wahrscheinlich er selbst. Durch disziplinierte Strategien und einfühlsame Beratung versuchen wir, die emotionalen und kognitiven Verzerrungen zu überwinden, damit unsere Anleger einen klaren, objektiven Weg zu ihren finanziellen Zielen finden. Unser erfahrenes Team macht sich die Essenz dieses Zitats zu eigen, indem es Sie über die üblichen internen Hürden hinwegführt und Ihnen eine reibungslosere Reise in die Finanzwelt ermöglicht.
Kontaktieren Sie uns unter: 📞 +49 221 29247310 📩 [email protected] 🌐 www.arbitrage-investment.de
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wausaupilot · 1 year
Police and Fire Commission interviewing chief contenders next week
The latest on the search:
Damakant Jayshi The Police and Fire Commission will be interviewing two candidates for the new chief of the Wausau Fire Department next week, according to officials. Wausau’s Human Resources Director, James Henderson, said the city will name the new chief of Wausau Police on Monday. Three candidates were interviewed for the position. The two contenders for the fire department’s top position…
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equityshala · 1 year
Book Review : The Intelligent Investor
https://amzn.to/3oS0GNs Chapter 1:The Intelligent Investor provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of investing, such as the distinction between stock speculation and stock investing. It explains why investing is a better route than speculating and why it’s important to be an informed investor. This chapter also introduces important concepts such as the idea of the margin of safety and…
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stockstarsblog · 5 months
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Benjamin Graham gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Investoren aller Zeiten und ist vor allem als Begründer des Value-Investing bekannt. Diese Investmentphilosophie, die den Kauf von unterbewerteten Aktien mit einem Sicherheitspolster betont, hat Generationen von Investoren geprägt, darunter auch den berühmten Warren Buffett. In diesem Blogartikel werfen wir einen detaillierten Blick auf das Leben und Wirken von Benjamin Graham und untersuchen, wie seine Ideen das Investieren bis heute beeinflussen.
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finance-economy · 1 year
The Basics of Value Investing, the Benjamin Graham Story
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sensibleinvesting · 2 years
Key Points from Benjamin Graham's The Intelligent Investor
Benjamin Graham is widely considered the father of value investing and his book "The Intelligent Investor" has been a seminal work in the world of investing. Here are some of the key points from the book:
Invest for the long-term: Graham emphasized the importance of taking a long-term approach to investing, as short-term market fluctuations are unpredictable and can lead to emotional decisions.
Invest in companies with a margin of safety: Graham suggested investing in companies that are undervalued, providing a margin of safety in case of adverse market conditions.
Diversify your portfolio: Graham believed that diversification is important for managing risk, and suggested owning a basket of stocks to reduce the impact of any individual company's performance.
Avoid speculation: Graham warned against speculating in the stock market, emphasizing that investing in companies with sound fundamentals is key to long-term success.
Understand the business: Graham advised investors to thoroughly research and understand the companies they invest in, including their financials, management team, and industry trends.
Avoid market timing: Graham suggested that attempting to time the market is a fool's errand, and that investors should focus on buying quality companies at a reasonable price.
Consider dividends: Graham believed that investing in companies that pay dividends can provide a reliable income stream and help to mitigate risk.
Be patient: Graham emphasized the importance of patience and discipline in investing, recognizing that successful investing requires a long-term perspective and the ability to withstand short-term market fluctuations.
Avoid emotional decision-making: Graham cautioned against making emotional investment decisions, as fear and greed can lead to poor outcomes.
Follow a systematic approach: Graham recommended following a systematic approach to investing, based on a clear set of criteria and disciplined decision-making processes.
Overall, "The Intelligent Investor" provides a thoughtful and disciplined approach to investing that has stood the test of time. By focusing on long-term fundamentals, diversification, and a systematic approach, investors can improve their chances of success and build a solid foundation for their financial future.
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bookreviewaz · 4 months
Explore Benjamin Graham's classic investment guide, updated by Jason Zweig, in 'The Intelligent Investor' – your key to smart investing.
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linusjf · 1 year
Benjamin Graham & David Dodd: Questionable accounting policies
“When an enterprise pursues questionable accounting policies, all its securities must be shunned by the investor, no matter how safe or attractive some of them may appear…. You cannot make a quantitative deduction to allow for an unscrupulous management; the only way to deal with such situations is to avoid them.” —Benjamin Graham & David Dodd
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