#Bertie at the Worldwide Games
rosemariecawkwell · 3 years
Children's Picture Book Review: Bertie at the Worldwide Games, by Wendy H. Jones, Illustrated by Barry Diaper
Children’s Picture Book Review: Bertie at the Worldwide Games, by Wendy H. Jones, Illustrated by Barry Diaper
Blurb Bertie the Buffalo is having fun on the farm where he lives in Scotland. Then a mysterious letter arrives inviting him to represent Scotland in the Worldwide Games. Bertie and his friends fly to Tokyo where they meet new and exotic animals and try to win first prize in all the different events. Bertie is sad when he isn’t winning any medals but finds out if he works together with his…
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
HPMA Profile - Annika Xue
A lot of people are doing this, and I don’t even know when the game is gonna release worldwide. But anyway, I’ll hop on the bandwagon. 
Template by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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Name: Annika Zhuo-Yin Xue
Gender: Female
Birth Date: January 21, year TBD
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Hetero
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: Chinese
Residence: Changchun, China
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
Wand: Maple with phoenix feather core, 10.5 inches, pliant
I have often found that those chosen by maple wands are by nature travellers and explorers; they are not stay-at-home wands, and prefer ambition in their witch or wizard, otherwise their magic grows heavy and lacklustre. Fresh challenges and regular changes of scene cause this wand to literally shine, burnishing itself as it grows, with its partner, in ability and status. This is a beautiful and desirable wood, and wand quality maple has been among the most costly for centuries. Possession of a maple wand has long been a mark of status, because of its reputation as the wand of high achievers.
Animagus: N/A
Misc Magical Abilities: N/A as of now
Boggart Form: Annika’s Boggart is almost completely impossible to see, but it bubbles on the ground to the point where she could sink forever into the depths. She’s scared of sinking into quicksand in the midst of rainy weather, losing her footing until the earth swallows her whole.
Riddikulus Form: In the Riddikulus form, the Boggart would turn into a bunch of confetti on the floor, with more confetti raining down on her. 
Amortentia: Annika would smell like raspberries, mint, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and...popcorn?
Amortentia: What does she smell? Currently unknown.
Patronus: If Annika were to produce a Patronus, her form would be a field mouse.
Patronus Memory: Her Patronus memory would be of the day she took the flying motorbike ride with Hagrid. It was the first real taste of freedom she had, after all--and the first time she realized how much she loved to fly.
Mirror of Erised: In the Mirror of Erised, Annika would see herself as a successful inventor, with goggles on and her tools at the ready. Whatever it was she was inventing in her reflection, she would never know, but the image held so much use to her. Magical engineering has always been her dream.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Wingardium Leviosa is her favourite. She loved to see things fly. She also likes to use Stupefy in a duel, Reparo on her books, Aguamenti just because, and Ascendio to feel that rush of flight without a broom. 
Faceclaim: Zheng Shuang
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Voiceclaim: Stephanie Hsu
Height: 5’4”
Weight: She errs on the lighter side of the average weight of girls her age, but she’s not completely frail.
Physique: Slender and willowy
Eye Colour: dark brown
Hair Colour: black
Skin Tone: pale
Body Modifications: Pierced ears--Annika wears studded earrings (her favourite ones are the snowflake ones, by the way).
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: Annika always carries a few things from home and more if she needs them in a pinch. Some of the things she’d bring because of obvious reasons are three quills, two ink pots, several rolls of empty parchment, a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, a locket with a picture of her family on their farm, a calligraphy brush, her Ravenclaw scarf, and a small wrench. 
Fashion: Annika’s actually very prim and proper when it comes to clothing, but she knows casual just as well. She loves wearing colourful pull-over sweaters in the fall, paired with jeans and black and white sneakers; in the winter it’s a sheep wool coat of a brown colour made from her family’s farm, with jeans and a pair of warm black boots; in the spring and summer it’s a t-shirt with a skirt and sandals. No, there’s no need to name colours here. After she made the Quidditch team, she could also be seen wearing her sports sweater once in a while.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Affiliations/Organizations: Ravenclaw House, Hogwarts; Ravenclaw Quidditch team; TBD
Professions: Self-employed Inventor. She eventually founded a company of her own that geared toward incorporating magic in everyday Muggle items--safely, of course--and it flourished through the years.
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Flying: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Electives: Muggle Studies (O), Arithmancy (E), Ancient Runes (A), Care of Magical Creatures (E)
Quidditch: Ravenclaw Seeker (2nd year to the end of Hogwarts)
Extra Curricular: TBD
Favourite Professors: Professor Flitwick, Professor Slughorn
Least Favourite Professors: Professor Binns
Father: Frank Xue
Frank is an accomplished farmer who worked the land with his own parents throughout his life. Of course he got a fair education himself--he was homeschooled by his father until age 12, when he eventually went to public school. After he got his degree in agriculture and economics, he settled down on his own plot of land and continued to work on his crops.
Mother: Isla Xue (nee Zheng)
Isla was born a city girl, but eventually went with Frank to the country after she finished her degree in fine arts. She was raised with several siblings and so knew how to handle a family when the time came for it. She was kind but usually stern whenever someone stepped a toe out of line.
Love Interest: TBD
Best Friends: TBD
Rival: TBD
Enemy: TBD
Dormmates: TBD
Pets: Annika brought a rat named Cici--a small white rat who likes to sleep a lot.
Closest Canon Friends: TBD
Closest MC Friends: 
Henrietta “H.G.” Gray (@ljthebard1​)
Robin Llewelyn Isherwood (@cursebreakerfarrier​)
Pre Hogwarts: 
Annika was born and raised in Changchun on her family’s farm. A Muggleborn with big dreams, she would often be found chasing butterflies and dragonflies around on the farm at a younger age.
When she grew older she began to help around with minor fixes to make the family’s life much easier--repairing leaks, sewing tears in blankets, screwing on loose bolts, those kinds of things.
She didn’t realize she had magical powers until she was 9 years old, when she made things float on her own will. This scared her.
It wasn’t until Mahoutokoro first sent her a letter that she knew she was a born witch. Hogwarts’ letter followed swiftly after, however, and she was torn between which to go to until Hagrid actually burst into her home telling her all about Hogwarts.
1st Year: 
Annika was Sorted into Ravenclaw in her first year.
Annika actually was considered to be Seeker for the team but she declined the offer.
2nd Year: 
Annika makes the Ravenclaw team as Seeker after a fair tryout.
3rd Year: TBD
4th Year: TBD
5th Year: TBD
6th Year: TBD
7th Year: TBD
Following her graduation, she began to work on inventing things at home, and two years later began to open her own magical engineering company.
Annika is flighty and high spirited. Enthusiastic around friends, she is actually quite shy when one first meets her, though.
She has a big compassionate heart and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.
She doesn’t flaunt her intelligence as much as everyone expected her to. In fact, she keeps them to herself and only performs when needed.
Whenever trouble arises, she tries not to get involved. If it involves her friends, though, don’t be surprised to see her with a trick up her sleeve.
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wendyhjones · 3 years
And it’s here, the first official images of the brand new Bertie the Buffalo Book - Bertie at the Worldwide Games. So I’d like some Beating of drums and clashing of cymbals. I’m also looking at book covers in general and why they are so important to a writer. Well worth reading in many levels as you’ll get to see Bertie in a kilt 😁
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podcast list - fiction
☐  A Very Fatal Murder from The Onion ☐  The Adventure Zone from Maximum Fun ☐  Adventures in New Americana from Night Vale Presents ☐  Alice Isn't Dead from Night Vale Presents ☐  The Angel of Vine from Vox Populi ☐  Bad Vibes from QCODE ☐  Blood Ties from Wondery ☐  The Bright Sessions from Atypical Artists ☐  Bubble from Maximum Fun ☐  The Bunker from Definitely Human ☐  Carrier from QCODE ☐  Creepy from Bloody Disgusting Podcast Network ☐  Darkest Night from The Paragon Collective ☐  Death by Dying from Evening Post Productions ☐  Dreamboy from Night Vale Presents ☐  DUST from Gunpowder & Sky ☐  The Edge of Sleep from QCODE & Wood Elf ☐  Faeire from Parcast Network ☐  Forest Guide from Crossroad Stations ☐  From Now from QCODE ☐  Hello From the Magic Tavern from Earwolf & Arnie Niekamp ☐  Hope and Red from Orbit & Hachette Audio ☐  The Infinite Bad from Definitely Human ☐  The International Worldwide Global Biscuit Review Podcast from Definitely Human ☐  The Last Movie from Public Radio Alliance ☐  It Makes A Sound with Jacquelyn Landgraf ☐  King Falls AM from Audioboom ☐  The Left Right Game from QCODE ☐  The Leviathan Chronicles from Leviathan Audio Productions ☐  Limetown from Two-Up ☐  The Magnus Archives from Rusty Quill ☐  MarsCorp from Definitely Human ☐  The Monster Hunters from Definitely Human ☐  Murmurs from BBC Radio ☐  The Mysterious Secrets Of Uncle Bertie's Botanarium from South Coast Shenanigans & Stitcher ☐  Mystery Show from Gimlet ☐  Old Gods of Appalachia from DeepNerd Media ☐  The Orbiting Human Circus from WNYC Studios & Night Vale Presents ☐  Passenger List from Radiotopia ☐  Pax Fortuna! from Definitely Human ☐  RABBITS from Public Radio Alliance ☐  Rude Tales of Magic ☐  SCP Archives from Bloody Disgusting Podcast Network ☐  Secrets, Crimes & Audiotape from Wondery ☐  The Seventh Daughter from iHeartRadio ☐  The Shadows from CBC Podcasts ☐  Soft Voice from QCODE ☐  Solve the World from Stockade Amusement ☐  Solve this Murder ☐  Tales from the Aletheian Society from The Aletheian Society ☐  TANIS from Public Radio Alliance ☐  Tomorrow's Monsters from iHeartRadio ☐  The Truth from Radiotopia ☐  Unwanted from QCODE ☐  Unwell from HartLife NFP ☐  We're Alive / Goldrush from Wayland Productions ☐  Welcome to Night Vale from Night Vale Presents ☐  The White Vault from Fool and Scholar Productions ☐  Within the Wires from Night Vale Presents ☐  Wolf 359 from Kinda Evil Genius Productions ☐  Wooden Overcoats from Wooden Overcoats Ltd ☐  Zero Hours from Long Story Short Productions
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vasilibox720 · 5 years
get to know me tag challenge
tagged by @thalassakimou​ eons ago
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people
Nickname: Vasili, Sili, Silly Sili, stupid ass
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5′ 9″ but my girlfriend swears I’m not that tall even though I am
Last thing searched: I looked up a variety of films from the Criterion Collection to plan my half-off sale haul
Favorite Musicians: Linkin Park, Taylor Swift, John Williams, Ariana Grande, Metallica, every other stereotypical nerd guy and basic white bitch favorite artist
Song stuck in head: the score from the final Rise of Skywalker trailer
If you had a time machine would you go back in time or visit the future? the future so I could see how far the MCU goes
Do I Get Asks: yes, but I forget to answer them a lot.
Following: 982 blogs
Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich because I would like to pay off me and my girlfriend’s debts thanks. Also wealth begets fame.
Amount of sleep: what is sleep?
Lucky Number: 27
What I’m wearing: Blue Captain America shield tee and orange shorts
Dream Job: it varies. high school teacher? college professor? movie theater owner? journalist? what is the truth?
Dream Trip: All of the Disney Parks worldwide.
If you were an animal what would you be? a large, fat bear who is good at hibernating but not good at camouflage 
Favorite food: pastitsio
What are some of your favorite books/films/shows/games/etc.? Books: Harry Potter, Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Of Mice and Men, The Mysterious Stranger, The Amazing Spider-Man. Films: the entire MCU, the James Bond series, It’s a Wonderful Life, 21 Jump Street. Shows: The Good Place, the Law & Order franchise, Supernatural, Agents of SHIELD, Shark Tank, Kitchen Nightmares. Games: Assassin’s Creed, Rock Band, Halo, Call of Duty, Civilization Revolution.
Play any instruments? No.
Describe yourself as aesthetics: I don’t know what an aesthetic is, but basically the suburban dad look standing in front of a movie theater is me.
Free space: Did I get bingo?
tagging 21 people (sorry yikes lol): @acastleintheair, @meganlikesbutts, @o98, @tallulalusa, @masked-mayhem, @katekarnage7, @monsieurcalot, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @boring-one, @literary-tapir, @loveinthekeyofx, @avacato, @dazzlignhaze, @mariganath, @aellos, @damsnacks, @anothermarvelfanboy, @bertie-renard, @bb-8dameron, @heylenaa, @jesuisfabulous
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rosemariecawkwell · 3 years
Blog Tour Calendar: Bertie at the Worldwide Games, by Wendy H Jones
Blog Tour Calendar: Bertie at the Worldwide Games, by Wendy H Jones
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
LeMahieu batting title, Voit HR crown near as Yanks win
NEW YORK (AP) — DJ LaMahieu moved into place to turn out to be the primary participant to earn undisputed batting titles in each leagues, Luke Voit hit his main league-leading 22nd homer and the New York Yankees rediscovered their energy in a 11-Four win over the Miami Marlins on Saturday.
LaMahieu posted his fourth four-hit recreation and three RBIs whereas elevating his common to .359, passing Washington’s Juan Soto (.351) for the most important league lead and opening a big margin over defending AL batting champion Tim Anderson of the Chicago White Sox, who started the day in second within the AL at .337.
LeMahieu gained the 2016 NL batting title with a .348 common for Colorado. The one participant to win batting titles in each leagues was Ed Delahanty, who hit .410 for the Philadelphia Phillies to win the NL championship in 1899. He’s credited by some researchers as profitable the AL championship at .376 for the 1902 Washington Senators, whereas others credit score Nap Lajoie with that title for hitting .378 regardless of missing the plate appearances required in additional trendy occasions.
A 32-year-old infielder in his second season with the Yankees, LeMahieu will turn out to be New York’s first batting champion since Bernie Williams in 1998. LeMahieu was sidelined in summer time camp after testing constructive for COVID-19, then was sidelined for 10 video games in August by an injured left thumb. He can turn out to be a free agent after the World Collection.
Voit hit a three-run drive in opposition to Nick Vincent in a seven-run sixth inning that staked New York to a 10-Three lead. He moved three forward of Jose Abreu of the White Sox for the massive league lead in homers.
Acquired from St. Louis in July 2017 for pitchers Chasen Shreve and Giovanny Gallegos plus $1 million in worldwide signing bonus pool allocation, Voit has performed with an injured foot for many of this season. An stomach damage sustained in London on June 29 final 12 months hampered him through the second half of final season and required surgical procedure. Nonetheless, he has made 38 consecutive begins, together with 19 straight at first base.
Yankees rookie Deivi Garcia (3-2) allowed 4 runs and 7 hits in 6 2/Three innings with seven strikeouts and a stroll.
New York trailed 3-Zero earlier than Tyler Wade’s two-run homer within the fifth in opposition to Ryan Stanek, and Aaron Hicks had a two-run homer within the sixth in opposition to former Yankee Stephen Tarpley (2-2) for a 5-Three lead.
Getting ready for a first-round playoff collection on the highway, the Yankees (33-26) try to carry off third-place Toronto (31-27) and preserve the No. 5 seed. New York’s season has flowed and drifted just like the tide: a 16-6 begin, following by a 5-15 slide, a 10-game profitable streak and 5 losses in a six-game span coming in.
Wade’s homer ended the Yankees’ first five-game homerless streak since April 1-5, 2014. They haven’t gone six straight and not using a residence run since July 19-27, 2013.
Giancarlo Stanton was in was in a 1-for-21 slide with 12 strikeouts earlier than his RBI double to the left-center hole within the fifth that drove in Aaron Decide with the tying run.
Wade bunted to maneuver up two runners forward of LeMahieu’s two-run double within the sixth, the primary sacrifice for the Yankees since pitcher James Paxton had a pair on July 2, 2019. Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Tampa Bay stay with no sacrifices this 12 months.
4 regulars have been rested by the Marlins, a day after they clinched their first playoff berth since 2003: middle fielder Starling Marte, left fielder Corey Dickerson, first baseman Jesus Aguilar and third baseman Brian Anderson.
Miami (30-29) was coming off an NL-worst 57-105 file final 12 months, the primary staff to achieve the playoffs a 12 months after dropping 100 video games. The accomplishment was much more outstanding given 18 Marlins have been compelled off the sphere due to a COVID-19 outbreak following the opening collection in Philadelphia, inflicting the staff to have an eight-day layoff.
Miami made 174 roster strikes through the season, and simply six gamers remained on the energetic roster from the season’s begin to end. Marlins CEO Derek Jeter telephoned congratulations to supervisor Don Mattingly and baseball operations employees, and likewise despatched an electronic mail to their whole entrance workplace.
Miami used its pace to take a 3-Zero lead within the third. Monte Harrison singled main off and scored from first when he ran on the pitch and Miguel Rojas lined the ball to middle. Rojas sprinted into second with a double and scored when Jon Berti looped a single to middle. Berti stole second and got here residence on Matt Joyce’s two-out, broken-bat single.
Story continues
LeMahieu made an error at second, New York’s 48th error in 59 video games. The Yankees entered with a .976 fielding proportion, their lowest since 1973.
Yankees shortstop Gleyber Torres bought the time off, a day after he made his ninth error, tied for the most important league excessive amongst shortstops.
RHP Clarke Schmidt (0-0, 7.71 ERA) makes his first large league begin and third look within the regular-season finale, RHP Jose Urena (0-3, 6.00) begins for Miami.
Extra AP MLB: https://apnews.com/MLB and https://twitter.com/AP-Sports activities
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/lemahieu-batting-title-voit-hr-crown-near-as-yanks-win/ via https://growthnews.in
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kidsforkamala · 5 years
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Thrust RX Male Enhancement When this younger man will get the experience he wants in worldwide play and stays damage free he will be head for a FIFA participant of the yr award like lots of his fellow Brazilians. The German group that gained the 1972 European Championships and the 1974 World Cup featured a number of the best soccer players of all notably by Franz Beckenbauer, the team also included Berti Vogts and their prolific striker, Gerd Müller. The youngster is contracted to Flu until December 2020 and is a current Brazil U20 international. In a soccer match, many issues might be discovered there, corresponding to pop stars, targets, champion, famous manufacturers, soccer instruments and so on. It is an important thing for an organization to create its special football tools in order to fulfill the calls for of soccer gamers. Brazil sent 10 athletes to the 2006 Winter Video games in Turin ( Italy ). The Brazilian delegation had athletes competing in 4 sports activities: alpine skiing, bobsleigh, cross nation snowboarding and snowboarding. https://www.thefitnesssupplement.com/thrust-rx/
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jaouad2d · 7 years
Australian cuisine: An A to Z of the foods expats miss most
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(CNN) — There are countless things about our homeland that Australians miss after moving abroad: the magnificent landscape, the laid-back lifestyle and that endless blue sky, to name a few.
But something as simple as a trip to the supermarket can leave us expats -- according to some reports there are an estimated one million of us -- feeling desperately homesick.
While some foods are the result of cultural influences, such as the Chiko Roll, there are others that are uniquely Aussie, like Golden Gaytime ice cream.
So which foods do expats crave when they are away from home?
We've rounded up the A-Z of Aussie favorites right here:
A: Aeroplane Jelly
Introduced in 1927, this simple dessert is an Australian classic.
Every Australian child grew up singing the famous 1930s jingle: "I like Aeroplane Jelly, Aeroplane Jelly for me!"
The brand's "Bertie the Aeroplane" mascot was named after inventor Bert Appleroth -- a Sydney tram driver who is said to have made the first batch in his bathtub.
Although now owned by an American company, Aeroplane Jelly has hardly changed since grandma was a girl.
Sure, there are plenty of brands of jelly available worldwide, but when it comes time to make a trifle or treat for the kids, Aussie parents can't resist this familiar favorite.
B: Bowen mangoes
An Australian variety of mango that isn't grown anywhere else in the world, the Bowen is considered the best of the best.
It was first discovered in the northern Queensland town of Bowen, hence the name, but is also known as Kensington Pride.
Bigger and juicer than other varieties, Bowen mangoes account for 80% of mangoes produced in Australia. Some are exported but arguably not enough to cater for the huge number of mango-loving expats.
To Aussies, mangoes are the taste of summer. No matter where we are in the world, the craving for a Bowen mango usually kicks in around Christmas.
C: Chiko Roll
This strange little deep-fried snack has been an Australian icon since 1950, when it was first sold by an enterprising boilermaker at football games.
Inspired by Chinese spring rolls, the exact recipe is a little unclear but the combination of meat, veg and some unknown spices hits the spot.
Best consumed with a couple of potato scallops and a soft drink, the Chiko Roll is the go-to for tradies on their lunch break or those 3 a.m. munchies on your way home from the pub.
And the only place to get them is a typical Aussie takeaway joint.
D: Dukkah
Dukkah -- a humble blend of crushed Middle Eastern spices, herbs and nuts from Egypt -- has been embraced by Australian foodies.
Its versatility is one of the reasons this condiment is so popular. Dukkah can be used as a garnish, a coating on a piece of meat or mixed with olive oil as a dip for bread.
A number of producers have given the basic dukkah recipe an Australian twist by adding native ingredients, such as lemon myrtle, macadamia nuts, wattleseed, saltbush and pepperleaf.
Expats can find many variations in Australian supermarkets and, fortunately, they're often sold in packets small enough to sneak into a suitcase.
E: Emu
The emu: A delicacy in Australia.
Australia is one of the few countries where it is considered perfectly acceptable to eat the coat of arms.
Exceptionally lean and gamey, emu and kangaroo tend to be popular among adventurous chefs in Australia.
But when living abroad, neither is easy to get your hands on.
A number of restaurants and specialty butchers offer native meats, but the expense involved in raising emus, in particular, means it's harder to come by.
F: Flat white coffee
The flat white is practically Australia's national drink.
courtey Espresso Alchemy
Thanks to the influx of Greek and Italian immigrants who brought "proper coffee" to Australia post WWII, we have become a nation of coffee snobs.
The flat white is almost Aussie enough to be called the national drink.
All over the world, café goers and baristas have been confounded as Aussie expats seek out their favorite brew abroad.
With less milk than a latte and without the froth of a cappuccino, the flat white requires special attention (it's all in the pouring).
One of the first questions asked on expat forums: "Where can I get a decent flat white in this town?"
And it's usually the first thing ordered at the airport café when back on home soil.
G: Golden Gaytime
Ice creams feature highly on the most-wanted lists of expats, so it's only natural we highlight them here.
Likewise, Weis Bars have also been around for more than 60 years, and the mango and cream concoctions invoke memories of lazy summer afternoons.
But the number one, the crème de la crème, is the Golden Gaytime -- a vanilla and toffee ice cream coated in chocolate and dipped in crunchy biscuit pieces that has inspired many a replica over the years.
These treats have seen a surge in popularity after releasing three new flavors last year -- piña colada, choc-mint and unicorn. It's summer on a stick.
H: Hamburger (Aussie style)
While the burger itself is not an Australian invention, we have added some unconventional ingredients that make the Aussie version truly memorable.
Take the essentials -- a beef patty, cheese, tomato, lettuce, grilled onions, tomato sauce (ketchup) -- and add beetroot, pineapple, a fried egg and bacon, and you have yourself a massive mouthful.
A quick online search reveals variations that include pickled beetroot and spicy mayo, among others, but the classic Aussie burger celebrates simplicity.
It's easy enough to replicate at home, but nothing beats the experience of ducking into the local milk-bar (café), or fish and chip shop, to enjoy a burger and a milkshake after a day at the beach.
I: Iced VoVo
The Iced VoVo -- a biscuit covered in pink fondant, raspberry jam and shredded coconut -- is a national treasure.
"Friends, tomorrow, the work begins. You can have a strong cup of tea if you want, even an Iced VoVo on the way through. But the celebration stops there," Rudd said.
Not often found for sale overseas, this sweet treat is one to enjoy with a cup of tea when you're home visiting mum.
J: Junk food
Fairy bread hits the sweet spot.
Ask any Australian expat what they miss most about 'home' and their list is sure to include at least one type of junk food -- the absence of which is felt most keenly at kids' birthday parties.
Allen's Lollies (candy) have been around for decades and Minties, Fantales, Jaffas, Snakes and the Classic Party Mix remain as popular as ever.
The Aussie public doesn't seem to mind that they are all owned by Nestlé, which is headquartered in Switzerland.
Fairy Bread -- essentially white bread covered in butter and sprinkles -- is another party staple that manages to be devoid of nutrition but highly nostalgic.
On return trips to Australia, expats are known to bulk-buy chocolate bars like Cadbury Cherry Ripes, Caramello Koalas and ever-popular Violet Crumbles.
When it comes to savory junk foods, Smith's Chips, cheesy Twisties and Nobby's nuts are synonymous with snacking -- and nothing produced overseas comes close.
K: Kebabs
The perfect late-night snack.
AFP/AFP/AFP/Getty Images
We tend to lump all Middle Eastern meat-and-pita combos under the heading of "kebab" and be done with it.
Of course, there are subtle differences between doner kebabs, shawarma, souvlaki, and gyros -- in both ingredients and quality -- depending on the source.
Connoisseurs agree that pork gyros (Greek flatbread filled with rotisserie-roasted meat) found in more legitimate venues around Australia are the best.
Consider the sauce dripping down the front of your shirt an essential part of the experience.
L: Lamingtons
The Australian staple is named after Lord Lamington, the Governor of Queensland from 1896 to 1901.
Arsineh Houspian
Proving that Aussies love anything with jam and coconut, the lamington is the country's favorite cake.
Named after Lord Lamington, Queensland's eighth governor, these delightful squares of sponge cake -- dipped in chocolate and coated with coconut -- have become nothing short of a culinary icon.
There are entire websites (and an Australian Lamington Appreciation Society) devoted to the origins of the lamington and how to make them. Achieving the right ratio of chocolate, jam and coconut is essential.
M: Meat pies
Meat pies: Colloquially referred to as a "dog's eye."
ian waldie/getty images
There are pies, and then there are Aussie meat pies.
Synonymous with afternoons at the football pitch, brands like Four 'N Twenty and Vili's have cornered the market for mass-produced pies.
Small local outfits (like the Bemboka Pie Shop and Harry's Café de Wheels) are institutions in their own right.
Everyone has a favorite type, whether it's shepherd's pie, a floater with peas, cheese and bacon or straight up meat.
The only requirement? The pie is served piping hot with tomato sauce ... and eaten one-handed.
With Four 'N Twenty now exporting to the United States and parts of Asia, some expats can get their pie fix without venturing too far.
N: Noodles
Australia's love affair with Asian food is no secret, and our northern neighbors strongly influence what we put on our plates.
Even Aussies living in Asia admit to craving "Aussie Chinese" or "Aussie Thai" -- dishes that give a nod to the original but are not as authentic as the real thing. In fact, some would say they're potentially even better.
We'd argue the fresh, high-quality produce and quality meats available in Australia brings out the best in Asian dishes.
O: Oysters
A fishmonger shucks an oyster at the Sydney Fish Market.
Cameron Spencer/Getty Images AsiaPac/Getty Images
It's fair to say that oysters are an acquired taste, but for those with penchant for the salty mollusks, Australia produces some of the best in the world.
You'll find two main species in Aussie waters: rock oysters and Pacific.
As bivalves, oysters filter the water around them and their location dictates their flavor.
The pristine waters along Australia's coastline provide the perfect conditions for oysters, and they rarely need any accompaniment.
There's nothing quite like eating these slippery snacks straight off the rocks -- export just doesn't do them justice.
P: Pavlova
A pavlova cake is typically served with summer fruits heaped on top.
Vince Caligiuri/Getty Images
The origins of this meringue-based dessert are hotly contested.
Recent research suggests that the Pav didn't come from the antipodes at all, but nevertheless it remains a firm favorite.
Meringue, cream and plenty of fruit are the key ingredients, though there are no hard and fast rules about what has to be included.
Expats living in tropical climes often bemoan how challenging it is to get a decent meringue, given humid weather can turn it soft and sticky, so Pavlova is a rare treat.
Q: Quandong and quince
Both the native quandong and the foreign quince lend themselves to some of our favorite condiments and desserts.
Similar to a wild peach, the quandong is incredibly versatile and nutritious and can be made into juice, jam, filling for pies or eaten raw.
The quince is a relative of the apple and pear, and while several varieties are grown commercially in Australia the fruit is best known as the star in Maggie Beer's quince paste -- the only way to eat soft cheese.
R: Rum
Bottle number 1,888 of Bundaberg Rum's 125th anniversary rum.
Bundaberg Rum, to be more specific. Or just Bundy, as it's known to locals.
This Australian beverage was created way back in 1888 to deal with an oversupply of molasses in Queensland's sugarcane region.
Producers believe that it's the sugar, grown in volcanic soil, that gives Bundy its distinct, rich flavor.
The distillery produces 60,000 bottles a day and the factory was the subject of a National Geographic documentary in 2013.
To say this drop has cult status would be an understatement.
S: Seafood
Just throw a shrimp on the barbie.
Ian Waldie/Getty Images AsiaPac/Getty Images
There are so many foods starting with S -- smashed avocado, SAO biscuits, sausages -- that could represent the land down under.
But Australia's best produce comes from the sea and expats fondly reminisce about mornings spent at the fish markets picking up the catch of the day before special occasions.
While we're known to "throw a shrimp on the barbie" there are some creatures that are far more popular.
Barramundi, Balmain or Moreton Bay bugs, abalone, and of course, prawns are just some of the native seafood worth queuing for.
T: Tim Tams
Malted, creamy, crunchy goodness.
Technically a junk food, Tim Tam biscuits are so famous, so overwhelmingly popular, that they deserve their own spot on this list.
The original Tim Tams are the best: A chocolate-coated sandwich of two malted chocolate biscuits with chocolate cream filling.
Arnott's, the manufacturers, now export to more than 40 countries around the world, so you can get your fix whether you're skiing the slopes of Niseko, in Japan, or catching rays on a Tahitian beach.
U: Uncle Tobys muesli bars
Uncle Tobys began producing oats way back in 1893. But it wasn't until the 1970s, when convenience foods started hitting the shelves, that they developed their now famous muesli bars.
The ultimate lunchbox treat or after school snack, kids had the luxury of choosing not only the flavor, but also the texture.
Many a playground war has been fought over which was best -- crunchy or chewy. For the record, we're firmly in the crunchy camp.
These days the range has grown to include yoghurt and choc-chip toppings. There's even a lamington flavor.
V: Vegemite
In Australia, toast is not toast without a slather of the brown stuff.
Brendon Thorne/Getty Images AsiaPac/Getty Images
No round up of Aussie foods would be complete without this ubiquitous salty brown spread.
Twenty million jars of Vegemite are sold each year -- that's one for every Australian citizen.
Now owned by Bega Cheese, there was great joy when the icon returned to Australian ownership last year.
No one else quite understands the appeal of our favorite toast topping.
For those living in countries where it's not yet exported, Vegemite comes in massive 560 gram jars and travel-sized tubes.
W: Weetbix
While there are similar cereals available around the world, there's nothing quite like "Australia's favorite breakfast."
These small biscuits made from wholegrain wheat are occasionally available in supermarkets overseas, but they generally sell out pretty quickly.
Aussie mums have been known to stock up on them on trips to the motherland.
Best eaten with a little bit of sugar, some chopped banana and a lot of milk, Weetbix is promoted as family-friendly health food. But we'd love them even if they weren't good for us.
X: XXXX beer
XXXX beer is a necessity, even during a flood.
Another product of sunny Queensland, XXXX (pronounced four-ex) originated in Victoria in 1878 before moving north, where it is still produced today.
XXXX has endeared itself to Aussies as a great brew and a big supporter of sports and small communities.
It's not widely available outside of Australia, but if you're an expat in China or Dubai, you may be able to find it in a bar near you.
Y: Yabbies
For Australia visitors wanting to have a taste, Grab a Yabby has locations in Perth and Melbourne.
Grab a Yabby
Small freshwater crustaceans, yabbies are similar to lobsters -- both prized as delicacies.
They're hardy little creatures, and if you grew up on a farm chances are you spent your summers fishing for yabbies in the local creek.
Yabbies have a lot of meat on them, mostly in the tail and claws, and it tastes sweet and succulent when cooked right.
Expats might find these clawed crustaceans in restaurants, but you're unlikely to find them in your local supermarket.
Z: Zucchini fritters
The zucchini fritter is yet another delicious byproduct of immigration.
Depending on who you ask, they're either Turkish and served with yogurt, or Greek, in which case they come with tzatziki.
Either way, olive oil should ooze out when you take a bite.
In some parts of Australia, you can find zucchini fritters at a local takeaway, next to the potato scallops and Chiko Rolls.
These fried pancakes may have more health benefits than your average fried snack, but they are no less delicious.
About the author: Brooke Chenoweth is an Australian freelance writer based in Hong Kong. In between trips back to her native land she writes about travel, food and lifestyle for various publications.
Travel Australian cuisine: An A to Z of the foods expats miss most http://www.cnn.com/travel/article/australian-cuisine-expats/index.html via CNN.com - RSS Channel - Travel http://www.cnn.com/travel/index.html
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vasilibox720 · 5 years
21 Questions tag game
Tagged by my cool new mutual @acastleintheair​
Nicknames: Vasili, obviously
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: I say 5′9″ but my girlfriend says 5′7″ so let’s say 5′8″
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
The last thing I googled: "whats it called when you make fun of yourself” (I couldn’t think of the word “self-deprecation”)
Favorite musicians: *cracks knuckles* Let’s do this! In no particular order: Linkin Park, Taylor Swift, Metallica, Fall Out Boy, Ariana Grande, Alessia Cara, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Toby Keith, Carrie Underwood, Halsey, Dua Lipa, Aerosmith, Selena Gomez, Shania Twain.
Some song stuck in my head: "bad guy” by Billie Eilish is basically the Tumblr version of “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” by Ariana Grande which is the Instagram version of “bad guy”
Following: 769 blogs, and probably only 300 of those are super active. I feel like I always need to find new blogs to follow!
Followers: 859 of which probably only 100 are active users; most of my followers were from my 2013-2017 Tumblr days and have been inactive for years! :/
Do you get asks: Back in the day I got a shit ton of asks all the time because ask games were all the rage. Nowadays, I don’t get as many as I used to but I do get some :)
Amount of sleep: What’s sleep? Lately I’ve been getting probably 6 hours of sleep a night if you count 6am to 12pm as “night”.
Lucky number: Let’s go with... 27.
What you’re wearing: A blue Mickey Mouse graphic tee and red gym shorts
Dream job: Long-term? English college professor but college has me burnt out enough to call it at high school English teacher. Short-term? I miss working at a movie theatre so fucking much but Panda Express hasn’t been bad.
Dream trip: I’d say Greece but that would be slightly disingenuous as if I really could only have ONE dream trip it would be a trip that hits every Disney resort worldwide with enough time to get on all the rides I would want, so a 1 day minimum at each individual park.
Instruments: Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Languages: English, but I can say Greek food words and understand very basic Greek after squeezing my brain for a few minutes, and I took 3 years of German in high school but basically can also only understand very basic German after several minutes’ refresher.
Favorite songs: "The Catalyst,” “One More Light,” “Breaking the Habit,” “Papercut” by Linkin Park. “Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying from You” by Jay-Z and Linkin Park. “I Knew You Were Trouble,” “Enchanted,” “Better Than Revenge,” “I Did Something Bad” by Taylor Swift. “Hedwig’s Theme” by John Williams. “Man! I Feel Like a Woman” by Shania Twain.
Random fact: I saw Avengers: Age of Ultron in theatres 9 times during its initial run in summer 2015.
Aesthetic: Graphic tees, cargo shorts, New Balance sneakers. I’m basically a dad without kids.
Tagging: Let’s round up the usual suspects, if any of you are game: @antoniaeleni @thalassakimou @meganlikesdogs And let’s also tag some other mutuals: @impracticalchickensuit @tallulalusa @nerd-force-one @bertie-renard
Thanks again for the tag, Mia! I love tag and ask games, it makes Tumblr more fun than just mindless reblogging.
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cryptswahili · 6 years
Flubit.com Announces 25% off all Stock in Massive Online Sale
Bitcoin Press Release: Popular online marketplace Flubit.com has announced a sale, with 25% off every Item, including TVs, Laptops, Beauty items, Video Games and more.  
14th February 2019, London, UK – Online global marketplace Flubit.com has announced that from today it is offering a huge sale, with 25% off all stock, worldwide. The digital retail giant already has over one million items listed at a cheaper price than its largest competitor, Amazon.co.uk, every week. Users of Flubit.com can now take advantage of the considerable discount when they pay with the sites MUE (MonetaryUnit) digital currency.
Bertie Stephens, Co-Founder, and CEO of Flubit.com said the following:
“We have never before seen savings like this for online shoppers. Where else can you get significant savings on Amazon prices? This “25% off” offer applies to all of the millions of items we sell; so you can save on the latest video games, laptops, perfumes, books, coffee machines, clothes and more. We believe this is set to disrupt online shopping and really bring into focus the huge benefits that can be realized when using digital currencies as a method of payment”.
Byron Barnard, founder of the MonetaryUnit Blockchain project described the importance of showing (not telling) the world about the benefits of digital currencies;
“Our mission is to show why digital currencies will benefit you; we believe offering these massive savings will be the breakthrough for mass adoption. What better way to do it than by creating the cheapest online marketplace in the world?”.
Flubit.com expect that many of its shoppers will be unfamiliar with using digital currencies, so it has created a simple 3-step guide to allow shoppers to install the free MonetaryUnit digital wallet, top-up with MUE, and then place their orders as easily as they would with a debit or credit card.
In addition to accepting the MUE digital currency, Flubit.com also accept payment in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. The marketplace is also strict on the sellers it accepts, only enabling verified merchants to sell through the platform.
Launched in 2014, MonetaryUnit last year acquired the rights to operate the Flubit.com platform. This acquisition created the world’s largest cryptocurrency enabled marketplace in Flubit.com, and further work on past success looks to create major waves in the established model for traditional online shopping.
With prices surpassing that of it’s biggest competitors, 2019 is set to be a standout year for
Flubit.com as it continues to grow and develop.
To find out more about Flubit, visit – http://www.flubit.com Learn more about MonetaryUnit – https://www.MonetaryUnit.org Find Flubit on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/flubit Follow Flubit on Twitter – https://twitter.com/flubitweet Check out the Flubit Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/flubit Meet the Flubit team on Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/company/flubit-limited
Media Contact Details
Contact Name: Ashley Hill Contact Phone Number: +44 (0)203 1377341 Contact Email: [email protected]
Flubit.com is the source of this content. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.
The post Flubit.com Announces 25% off all Stock in Massive Online Sale appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.
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fernewitzel20-blog · 7 years
The King Baby.
A REMARKABLE exclusive collection of undetected honest photos of Diana, Princess of Wales as well as the Royals during a shooting event has actually been discovered. Coverage to the Elder International Alumni Supervisor, the International Alumni Supervisor will be based in Fundraising & Fan Advancement and also function to provide as well as assess a detailed program of occasions and also volunteer possibilities for international graduates in priority regions, including task management of associated mailings, internet as well as email interactions. These regulative genetics-- the master switches of advancement-- contain the recipes for ensuring proteins that adhere to various stretches of the genome, where they function like brake footwears, regulating at just what time throughout development, and in exactly what part of the body, other genetics (for things like growth-factor proteins or actual structural elements) get turned on. The same basic molecular elements get released to earn the six-legged architecture of a bug or fish fins or elephant trunks. In a nationally aired humiliation, both males crept on their knees to the feet of King Bhumibol for an imperial reprimand: You have actually not adhered to individuals," the King scolded silently. God sent out the Jewish prophet Jonah to conserve the Assyrian city of Nineveh. Despite its current hack, purported leak of consumer details, as well as resignation of its chief executive, the parent firm of Ashely Madison states organisation is going, well, simply penalty. One thing that most people consider provided is the fact that we are genuinely component of nature which nature responds to our mind and also spiritual advancement. The Second Globe War caused many changes yet the monarchy preserved its noteworthy position. But I still took pleasure in season 7 greater than I've appreciated any season of Game of Thrones in years. Spoken Thankyou and name coming in KickStarter Completion video clip! It looked as though the Princes of Wales as well as Duchess of Cornwall did not know which means to turn when they leaned in to welcome King Felipe VI and his spouse, Queen Letizia on the start of their three-day state see to the UK. Jordan's King Abdullah II stopped a browse through to Davos, Switzerland, to travel to Saudi Arabia, as Jordan's imperial court stated 40 days of grieving. Moves for ₤ 500,000, at the time a document for a British gamer Named European Footballer of the Year twice (1978 and also 1979). She is a firm believer in leading by instance and what she shares comes from her experience in life needing to establish her very own goals and also make things happen in her life ... not depending on any person else. The business has because elevated over $360M in financing from investors like NBC Sports Ventures and Comcast Ventures. W każdym apartamencie do dyspozycji Gości jest bezpłatny bezprzewodowy dostęp do Internetu, zmywarka do naczyń oraz telewizor z płaskim ekranem. Her dad Royal prince Albert, that was nicknamed Bertie, notoriously had to get rid of a stammer in order to carry out public responsibilities as well as talk on the radio. The Queen and also the Duke of Edinburgh have actually contended in it - with Prince Philip in the Carriage Driving event - for Three Decade. That look was the very best part of the period for me-- which's stating something. You might want the Million Favored Ones promise if you backed our earlier project. We encourage worldwide pupils to achieve their maximum aspirations-- whether graduating from leading colleges in the UNITED STATE and also UK or developing English abilities for life. The event was intended to be a rare conference of majesties to commemorate the 60-year milestone, but it has been ruined by strong criticism from campaigners about those welcomed to the Windsor Castle occasion. If the businessperson does not to learn this lesson, an embarrassing component of his makeup, generally booked for sitting upon will certainly be exposed, metaphorically talking. Along with a year of mourning, the Thai prime minister said that home entertainment must be toned down" for a month, inning accordance with the AFP. Yet the phrase refers to something a lot more important than territorial governments and also earthly kingdoms When you loved this article and you would want to receive more details about simply click the next site please visit our web-site. .
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epchapman89 · 7 years
10 Wonderful Moments From World Of Coffee Budapest
For three days in mid-June, the World of Coffee Budapest 2017 filled and fueled the Hungexpo fair center. Coffeemeisters and coffeelings from around the world united, celebrating the drink in ways old and new, traditional and millennial, literal and sartorial. Here are 10 of my very favorite highlights from a memorable event.
Starsky & Hutch
You may recognize the Loveramics Egg as the official cup of the World Latte Art Championship, though this year marked the brand’s first on the expo floor. Debuted was the brand’s new Starsky & Hutch series, evoking a “mid-century design” and “American diner-style,” according to sales manager Jenny Cheung. Like their eponymous plainclothes detectives, the cups appear pretty ordinary, albeit colorful and with a body “so thick and strong,” as per Cheung, they can take on high-pressure situations (like direct AeroPressing, microwaves, dishwashers, and who knows, perhaps bashing an escaping crook over the head).
“Your caw, caw, caw-ffee can still be good!” Etzinger’s crow logo seemed to be calling. The Liechtenstein-based burr manufacturer (say that three times fast) premiered a prototype of its on-demand grinder designed specifically with short-staffed restaurants in mind. “We wanted to reduce it all to the essentials and make it as small as possible, as simple as possible, so even if you’re not a barista you can get a good shot,” said Andrea Schoech, who works for the company and is married to its founder, Christian Etzinger (also the engineer behind Baratza’s Sette burr technology). Expect the etzMAX—with its 32-millimeter conical burrs, digital control panel, and removable 1000-gram hopper—to be available by yearend.
Black Sheep
No need to clutch your pearls: that pristine white Giesen W1 was not vandalized. The graffito is part of recent rebranding by Black Sheep, one of at least 16 Hungarian micro-roasters represented at the World of Coffee. Black Sheep senior roaster Gábor Tóth explained that his Debrecen-based business recently updated its “old-fashioned” logo to coincide with the opening of a second cafe and roastery. The venue will house the little lamb of a Giesen along with a similarly customized black W15, helping fulfill a corporate mission to provide “a bridge between the new wave of fruity coffees and the classic, darker roasts.”
New Zealand’s Nara Lee may not have won the 2017 World Brewers Cup—that honor went to Chad Wang of Taiwan—but the contestant still wore a fitting crown. Off the competition floor, her copper dripper-turned-cocktail hat glistened in the Hungarian sun. See the beaded wiring details captured on camera and proudly shared by Lee’s home cafe, Black and Gold Coffee/Eatery in Auckland.
Brewista Artisan
If Punky Brewster bought a kettle, surely it would be this rainbow Brewista Artisan. The limited-edition 600-milliliter gooseneck brewer with variable temperature is already available in most of Asia and will follow in August for Europe and the US. Other new hues include rose gold, flash black, and pearl white. And speaking of pale pleasures, Brewista’s potentially game-changing NutraMilk nut milk machine will be launched in October, said Carolyn Chen, marketing director at parent company Smartco.
Comandante’s C40 Ironheart first showed off its silvery tattooed cylinder this past spring in Seattle. But in Budapest, the Munich manufacturers started selling their handmade manual grinder with a carbon steel burr set. It is ideal for fine-grinding Turkish coffee (while leaving Comandante’s C40 nitro blade for espresso). As company co-founder Raphael Braune noted: “Carbon steel has a 66 Rockwell hardness, so that’s basically like a Japanese sword.”
Ethiopian Women in Coffee
In a separate building, out of earshot from competition roars and arena anthem interludes, the World of Coffee gave space to slower-paced, more intimate gatherings. In this spirit, 10 representatives of the Ethiopian Women in Coffee association held two cuppings of 28 washed and natural coffees. The event was sponsored by SheTrades, an initiative “providing market competitiveness training and services to benefit women in coffee,” as host Andrew Hetzel of Coffee Strategies put it. I personally attended this event, a highlight within my list of highlights from the show—if you get a chance to check out this programming at upcoming coffee events worldwide, do it.
Coffee Socks
Uri Wollner’s main job is running Cophi cafe in Warsaw, but his side-hosiery-hustle gained some traction in Budapest. “You get up in the morning, put your feet down, you see this,” he said of the coffeehouse quips and barista flair stitched onto his Coffee Socks. “Start the day positive and remember what you’re here to do, which is spreading love.” Your opinion on a barista’s goodwill ambassador role notwithstanding, you can design your own socks and order 100 to be produced on a six-yarn “old-school machine” in Lodz, Poland’s historical textile town, where Wollner has family roots.
BOB Coffee Lab
The BOB Coffee Lab stand presaged the same-named cafe and roastery due to open this summer in Bucharest. Behind it are Romanian triple Coffee in Good Spirits champion Paul Ungureanu, 2016 World Coffee Roasting champion Alexandru Niculae, and two other co-founders. But what about Bob, you ask? “Bob is a man who one day woke up as a dog,” offered Ungureanu, referring to their corporate mascot: a Kafka-reading shaggy canine. Meanwhile, said Niculae: “‘Bob’ in Romanian means ‘bean,’ like a coffee bean… But it can be anything. You could be Bob if you wanted to.”
Arcade Attire
These Pac-Man screen-patterned trousers were worn by multi-title-holding coffee champ Davide Berti as he judged the Cezve/Ibrik Championship. Perhaps they got the famously fashion-forward Berti (cf. Sprudge Sunday Magazine’s Edizione Italiana) in a gaming spirit. Regardless, Pac-Man was an apt sartorial metaphor for the World of Coffee, which can leave a visitor feeling like a mouth-led head consuming its way through a life-strengthening maze and occasionally reaching that especially fruity bonus.
Karina Hof is a Sprudge staff writer based in Amsterdam. Read more Karina Hof on Sprudge. 
The post 10 Wonderful Moments From World Of Coffee Budapest appeared first on Sprudge.
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