#Best Valentine's Day Gifts For Him
madamejustice527 · 4 months
Jon and Dax kissing each other on the mouth!
On a scale to 1-10… I wonder how pissed off their wives will be?
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youvora · 4 months
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Valentine’s Day Gift For Men| Perfumes For Men | Youvora
Shopped for Valentine’s Day gifts for the man in your life yet? If not, check this guide first! Learn more here. https://youvora.com/blogs/youvoralogy/valentine-gift-guide-scents-for-every-type-of-man
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prezziefinders · 4 months
Top Best Valentine's Day Gifts for Him : Ideas to Impress Your Special Guy
"Discover the perfect Best Valentine's Day Gifts for Him  with our curated selection. From unique gadgets to heartfelt experiences, find the ideal way to show your love and appreciation this Valentine's Day." Visit https://prezziefinders.co.uk/giftCards?someProps=17&title=Personalised%20Gifts
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bombayshavingco · 4 months
Elevate Your Love: Top Valentine's Day Gifts for Him
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to show the special man in your life how much he means to you. Whether he's your partner, husband, or boyfriend, finding the perfect gift to express your love and appreciation can be a delightful challenge. To help you make this Valentine's Day truly memorable, we've curated a list of top gifts that are sure to delight and impress him.
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Personalized Keepsakes:
There's something uniquely special about personalized gifts. Consider a custom-engraved watch, a photo album filled with cherished memories, or a monogrammed leather wallet. These thoughtful keepsakes serve as constant reminders of your love and the special bond you share.
Gourmet Treats and Experiences:
Indulge his taste buds with a gourmet gift basket filled with his favorite chocolates, cheeses, and wines. Alternatively, plan a romantic dinner at his favorite restaurant or surprise him with a cooking class for a fun and interactive culinary experience together.
Tech Gadgets and Accessories:
For the tech-savvy man in your life, consider gifting him the latest gadgets or accessories. Whether it's a new smartphone, wireless headphones, or a smartwatch, these high-tech gifts are sure to impress and enhance his daily life.
Adventure and Outdoor Gear:
If he enjoys the great outdoors, consider gifting him gear for his favorite hobbies or adventures. Whether it's a camping trip, hiking excursion, or a day of fishing, the gift of outdoor experiences allows you to create lasting memories together.
Relaxation and Self-Care Gifts:
Help him unwind and recharge with a gift that promotes relaxation and self-care. Consider a luxurious spa day, a massage gift certificate, or a set of high-quality grooming products to pamper him and make him feel his best.
This Valentine's Day, go the extra mile to show the special man in your life how much he means to you. Whether you opt for personalized keepsakes, gourmet treats, tech gadgets, outdoor adventures, or relaxation gifts, the most important thing is to choose a gift that reflects his interests and personality. With these top Valentine's Day Gifts for Him, you're sure to make this day unforgettable and strengthen the bond you share.
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indiagiftsonline · 5 months
Valentine's Day Gifts: Expressing Love in Unique Ways
Valentine's Day, celebrated annually on February 14th, is a special occasion to express love and affection to those closest to our hearts. One of the most cherished traditions associated with this day is the exchange of gifts.We'll explore a variety of gift ideas that go beyond the typical flowers and chocolates, helping you make this Valentine's Day truly memorable.
Popular Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Traditional Gifts
Flowers and Chocolates: A classic choice that never goes out of style, conveying romance and sweetness.
Jewelry: From elegant necklaces to stylish watches, jewelry makes for a timeless and cherished gift.
Personalized Gifts
Customized Photo Albums: Compile cherished memories in a personalized photo album for a sentimental touch.
Personalized Accessories: From monogrammed items to custom-engraved pieces, add a personal flair to your gift.
Unique and Creative Gift Ideas
Experience Gifts
Spa Day or Weekend Getaway: Plan a relaxing spa day or surprise your loved one with a romantic weekend getaway.
Cooking or Art Classes: Explore new skills together with interactive classes that create lasting memories.
Subscription Services
Book or Wine Subscriptions: Provide a constant source of joy with monthly book or wine deliveries.
Monthly Surprise Boxes: Subscription boxes tailored to personal interests for a delightful and ongoing surprise.
DIY Gift Ideas
Handmade Cards and Crafts: Express your creativity with heartfelt handmade cards and crafts. Homemade Treats and Baked Goods: Add a personal touch by baking delicious treats or creating a custom gift basket.
Budget-Friendly Gift Options
Thoughtful Yet Inexpensive Gifts
DIY Coupon Book: Create a booklet of personalized coupons for favors or activities.
Memory Jar: Fill a jar with notes recalling shared memories for a sentimental and affordable gift.
Choosing the Right Gift for Your Loved One
Understanding Your Partner's Preferences: Tailor your gift to your loved one's tastes and interests. Considering the Stage of the Relationship: Adjust the level of intimacy in your gift based on the stage of your relationship.
Importance of Thoughtfulness in Gift-Giving
Expressing Love Through Meaningful Gifts: How thoughtful gifts convey love and strengthen emotional bonds. How Thoughtful Gifts Strengthen Relationships: The lasting impact of considerate gift-giving on relationship dynamics.
Gift Wrapping and Presentation
Creative and Eye-Catching Wrapping Ideas: Elevate the presentation of your gift with creative and thoughtful wrapping. Importance of a Well-Presented Gift: Enhance the overall gift-giving experience with attention to detail in presentation.
Celebrating Valentine's Day Beyond Gifts
Planning Memorable Experiences: Explore meaningful ways to celebrate beyond material gifts. Meaningful Gestures and Quality Time Together: Emphasizing the value of shared experiences and quality time.
In conclusion, Valentine's Day Gifts provides the perfect opportunity to express love through thoughtful and unique gifts. Whether it's a personalized item, an unforgettable experience, or a budget-friendly DIY creation, the key is to convey your affection in a way that resonates with your loved one.
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summers-pratt · 4 months
You know what's insane bananas bonkerballs? After 118 years together, Spike STILL was getting Drusilla Valentines Day gifts. He is out there acquiring the most gaudy gorgeous necklace for his lady love after a century of acquiring gaudy gorgeous jewelry. Wife guy of all time.
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shortnotsweet · 1 year
Love Lettered
In matters of love, the pen proves mightier than the sword. Or:
Ever since Lucerys turned six and ten years of age, Aemond has been sending him anonymous letters for the better part of two years. He finally gets one back.
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Love Lettered: short comic alluding to Aemond’s socially awkward attempts at courting Prince Lucerys when he comes of age because he wants to be proper and non-lecherous about it, unlike his brother and father. He sends an assortment of small gifts with his ‘anonymous’ letters—notably: dried flowers, exotic and fragmented soaps, candies he knows Lucerys favored in childhood, large pearls heavy enough to heft in the palm, and an ornate black and gold dagger decorated with pearls as an acknowledgment of Lucerys’ “achievements” and indicating that he no longer resents him for it. The letters’ contents vary from awkwardly earnest love poems, curt comments, to expressing the desire to touch, see, and have him. Aemond is proficient in many things, but clearly not this. Luke deduces pretty quickly that it is his uncle, seeing as every letter starts with “My Lord Strong”, but he finds it endearing and the gifts to be sufficient.
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iicynox-art · 1 year
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The Darknight Hero, you say?
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waugh-bao · 1 year
Keith: Man, I hate Valentine's day. It's all just a huge scam for the greeting card and chocolate companies to increase their sales.
Charlie: Oh, since we’re on tour I was going to ask you to be my valentine but you're right, it is a scam.
Keith: Did I say it's a scam? I meant... I'm such a fan!
Keith: I'll be your valentine. Please.
Shirley *hiding behind the door*: ;)
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bosshawg-69 · 2 months
Size And Details 11oz Ceramic Mug Dishwasher and microwave-safe
The highest quality printing possible is used. It will never fade no matter how many times you wash it.
Printed and shipped from the USA
Use the link to purchase and for more info.
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manofpropriety-blog · 3 months
Best Relationship Advice For Couples: Building a Strong and Lasting Connection
1. Prioritize Communication: Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of a successful relationship. Make time to talk regularly about your feelings, needs, and concerns. Listen actively to your partner and strive to understand their perspective without judgment.
2. Cultivate Trust and Honesty: Trust is vital in any relationship. Be transparent with your partner and avoid keeping secrets or hiding important information. Trust each other’s intentions and actions, and address any issues or insecurities that arise with empathy and understanding.
3. Practice Empathy and Understanding: Empathy allows partners to connect on a deeper level and support each other through challenges. Put yourself in your  Read More
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hhuta · 4 months
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thestylesalads · 4 months
Valentine's Day Through the Ages: Evolution of Celebrations in India
Valentine's Day in India has evolved over the years, reflecting changing societal norms and cultural influences. Traditionally a Western celebration, the day of love has found its place in the hearts of many in India, adapting to local customs while embracing modern expressions of affection.
1. Traditional Roots:
In India, where the celebration of love has deep historical roots, Valentine's Day has seamlessly integrated with traditional expressions of affection. Couples often exchange flowers, sweets, and Best Valentine's Day Gifts, mirroring the timeless charm of expressing love through gestures.
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2. Globalization Impact:
With the advent of globalization, especially through popular media and the internet, the concept of Valentine's Day gained momentum in urban India. The younger generation, influenced by Western culture, embraced the idea of celebrating romantic love on February 14.
3. Modern Expressions:
Valentine's Day in urban India has taken on modern and personalized expressions. Couples celebrate with romantic dinners, weekend getaways, and thoughtful gifts. The notion of expressing love has expanded beyond traditional gestures to include more elaborate and creative ways of making the day special.
4. Online Gifting Culture:
The rise of e-commerce and online shopping has significantly impacted the way Valentine's Day is celebrated in India. Many individuals now turn to online platforms to find unique and personalized Valentine's Day gifts. From custom-made jewelry to personalized gift hampers, online options provide a vast array of choices for those seeking special and memorable presents for their loved ones.
5. Social Media Influence:
The digital age has amplified the celebration of love on social media platforms. Couples share their special moments, thoughtful gifts, and romantic gestures online, creating a virtual celebration that reaches a broader audience. Social media has become a platform for expressing love publicly, further shaping the narrative of Valentine's Day in India.
6. Inclusive Celebrations:
Valentine's Day in India is not limited to romantic love between couples. Increasingly, the day is seen as an opportunity to celebrate all forms of love, including friendships and familial bonds. This inclusive approach has contributed to a more widespread and diverse celebration of love.
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puff0o0 · 2 months
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Your eyes watered before tears left them, falling down your face and into your hands as you tried to cover them
"Schatz.. I didn't think it would make you cry-"
König said softly, his hands meeting your shoulder before pulling you into a hug and holding you tight. His hand met the back of your head as he tried holding your head and burying your face, wanting nothing more but to comfort you
"You're too sweet for me.."
You mumbled between sobs, burying your face into him
"Sweet? I only got you a gift, liebe"
König laughed, his hands rubbing your back comfortingly as you pulled back to look at everything he did for you
Balloons filled with your favorite color, 5 expensive gifts you've been wanting, and an entire letter telling you how much he loved and adored you
"It was way more than a gift!" You exclaimed, now knowing you were going to have to best him next Valentines Day
You didn't take him seriously when he said he was going to make it the best one you've ever had and that only motivated him more
You pulled away and reread the letter, not a single lie in that letter as he listed everything from your head to your personality.
He told you why he fell in love and how, he told you what only made him fall deeper in love with you as time went on, only to end it off with an 'I love you'
you started crying again
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ohimsummer · 1 year
Blossom and Watermelon for your pink asks?
would you get a tattoo? if so, what would it be of?
something small and simply (and probably generic) like a heart or a sunflower :) maybe tiny matching tattoos with my friends
have you ever had to reject anyone romantically? how did it go?
i technically rejected one of my friends in high school who told me he loved me (even though i didnt say shit and cried after he left because it made me so uncomfortable lmao)
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iicarused · 4 months
##cant take my eyes off of you
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valentine’s day special // vox x reader : alastor x reader : lucifer x reader : striker x reader
synopsis: it’s valentine’s day. the lead up, the present, the aftermath
beware: fluff, minor angst, establishment relationships (not for lucifer) // short hc’s
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you have to tell him months in advance of what you want. if you don’t, he may not even think about the day. valentine’s day to him always seemed like a chore, but when you gave him a solemn gaze and a sweet smile — he couldn’t say no. all you asked for was a dinner together back in december, a gentle reminder and two months in advance. what you didn’t expect was how he was planning to go even bigger
while he didn’t ask you to be his valentine, he did plan a whole day of activities for just the two of you. it started off small as he didn’t want you to think much of it. it’s quite normal for vox to bring you breakfast in bed, especially since he wakes up much earlier than you
the key different was a rose on the edge of the tray. before you cod thank him, he was already out the door. it was a sweet gesture, and you believed that it was just vox doing something nice for the start of your day. although, more signs of him planning something started to show up afterwards: an outfit waiting for you in your bathroom to wear after your shower, a certain perfume set in place for you to wear, the entire penthouse being cleaned to the speck.
finally, you found a note left for you at the coffee table. “you rest your pretty face today and don’t worry about lifting a finger.”
vox came back not long after with a large bouquet of flowers and a bag of sweets in hand. “you really think i’m just going to allow you to settle for some lousy dinner?” finally admits through a laugh. “you deserve this whole day served to you on a silver platter.”
you thought he forgot about it till you found a letter at the foot of your door. you still had a week before the day of love even came, but alastor thought about it very thoroughly on what he wanted to do and how to do it. the letter was sweet and genuine, the scent of his cologne lingering on the paper.
“my dearest, y/n.
oh, how i look forward to spending valentine’s day with you, or i hope you do accept this to be my valentine. a day that is entirely booked for just you and i, what a wonderful life to live. i hope by the end we are able to bask underneath the stars with our love stronger than ever before.
with love,
when the day came, alastor was at your door with 7 roses in hand. “the best for you, my dear.” while it wasn’t a large bouquet, you noticed how he wrapped it with a string, you noticed the paper bag wrapping, then you noticed the ends trimmed: he prepped it for you to either set it in a vase or to be hung and dried. the petals were already bloomed for you — it was a genuine gift
after, he took you out to cannibal town. not the most romantic, but to say it was more preferred than the other rings of hell is an understatement. on behalf of his close friend, rosie had prepped a table for you both on the gazebo. lined with flowers and vines for privacy
a mundane valentine’s day, but a well spent one with your lover. gentle kisses against your fingertips and the skin of your shoulder — his teeth grazing every so often just for a reaction.
by the end of the night, he has his cane playing some old timey tunes while he whisks you around in his arms. not only does alastor have a way with words, but he also has a way to sway you off your feet; quite literally too.
“i was hoping you would be my valentine this year — totally fine if you decline — not that you have too but-“ “i would love to be your valentine this year.” and that’s how lucifer asked you on a date for valentine’s day. extremely nervous and was pulling at the hem of his collar, in high hopes that you would accept. after dedicating his whole life to a single soul, it is kind of expected that he would be nervous to jump back into the dating game.
most definitely had to ask charlie and/or got a little tipsy by the bar to chat with husk about it. more so, he blabbered about his nervousness and fears of what could happen — husk just nodded and hummed while listening to the king of hell freak out about a date — what if he can’t woo you?
finally settled for something simple and something that’s hes good at. he brought you to the castle for a lunch he prepared in the garden. “i got word from charlie that you enjoyed a strawberry shortcake.” lucifer sheepishly admitted through a proud grin.
a talker, a chatterbox, any other word in the english vocabulary of a man who talks your ear off. it’s almost funny because you know it isn’t word vomit, he just enjoys a chat and especially getting to know you. he questions are almost endless, his interest seem to go on forever, and somehow he doesn’t seem like an egotistical guy who just rules hell. he’s just some guy who loves ducks and getting to know someone on a deeper lever.
took you around the garden afterwards, introducing you to all his favourite plants and getting to know yours. his hand rests on your back for a majority, leading you around and allowing you to lead him to plants that pique your interest.
the entire day is just spent with you talking about anything and everything, honestly. from stories to old tales you heard throughout the years, it almost made you forget that it was only a date and not a lifetime of being together.
he has been working a lot these days. a whole lot. his attention span is very slim, and it is very evident how he tries to not show his irritation towards you. tired eyes always gaze over yours, almost like he’s not in touch with the world to really concentrate on you. sometimes you question why you’re still around — why he bothers to stop you at the door and tell you he’ll put more effort.
finally, the day you dreaded. you were on the path of grabbing a bag of chips and turning on a movie, but striker had other ideas. he came back home about lunch looking more clean — more refreshed than any other day you had seen him — a bouquet of dandelion’s and a gift bag in hand.
“sweet pea, you didn’t think i was falling out of love, did yah?” he was smug — he was smug until he realized you started to cry. “shit, sweet pea, i was jokin’!” he was by your side in seconds and had to calm you down. after a long needed conversation, you were ready to start the day. he wanted to tell you why he was busy, but that would mean spilling everything he had planned.
he admitted his faults, but his promises were never broken. on one condition, he was not allowed to speak or bring up any work related topics on this special day, to which he quickly agreed.
he took you out for lunch and dinner, but the rest of the evening was spent lazying around on your back patio with some country music playing. tennessee whiskey to be exact. he never stopped giving you kisses on your face either, his tail wrapped over your waist to keep you on top.
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