#Best way to Consume Tulsi
gofitnesspro · 2 years
10 Magical Health Benefits of Tulsi Leaves
10 Magical Health Benefits of Tulsi Leaves
Tulsi Leaves: An annual delicate herb cultivated extensively in tropical climate of the country. It is also planted in kitchen garden and as an indoor plant since it is kept sacred in Hindu philosophy. Medicinally the leaves are used for various kind of classical and home made preparations. Hindi Name: Tulsi Sanskrit Name: Tulasi English Name: Holy Basil Latin Name: Ocimum sactum Linn…
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ghooostbaby · 3 months
ok YEAH i just found the words to express the frustration i have with stories/characters based on revenge...
there's this all or nothing between a character becoming so consumed by revenge they destroy themselves or the "healthy" choice to leave it behind and choose life, love, happiness ... how many posts talk about loving revenge tropes but often paint them as this inevitable descent into madness and futility, and in that way they always end up being kind of moral instructions through tragedy. if only they had turned away from revenge at the last moment and chosen happiness...
i just went to this herbalism workshop on anger, what plants can be used for and to sustain us through anger... and it wasn't how to heal from anger, like a malevolent force you need to get out of you, how to stop being angry, how to be content... it was more like how to sustain yourself through anger at injustice that is right to feel and anger as an emotion to harness by taking good care of yourself in the midst of its process. how to counteract the damage longterm anger can do to your body so you won't shut down and can continue to fight.
there's something disconcerting about the standard sighing over the tragedy of revenge characters doing their revenge, neglecting to settle down and follow their bliss. what about a perspective of care and support sustaining us through the vengeance, the justice we need? maybe there's a reason for that, that we believe we can only be angry and shut down or so frenzied we're ineffectual and lose everyone we love in the process, or the alternative is abandon justice and investment in the struggle and become happy. maybe its in certain institutions best interests for us to believe those are our only choices...
what about a story where someone on a quest for revenge is sustained and supported in their struggle? why is it always a meltdown of dysfunction and social abandonment? i think if we hear stories like that over and over we believe them and forget what else is possible
P.S. the plants were: burdock, tulsi, hawthorne, linden, and rose
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sattvishtik · 1 year
Benefits of Tulsi Ark
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Tulsi is referred to as “The Incomparable one”, “Mother medicine of nature” and “Queen of herbs” within Ayurveda. It is truly an “elixir of life” for its medicinal and spiritual properties.
In India, most of our homes have a tulsi plant. It is considered a holy plant or sacred plant and is worshipped daily at home. People believe that the tulsi plant has the power to absorb negative energy and increase positivity at home. This helps us to attain mental peace. The leaves of the tulsi plant are used to cure the common cold, sore throat, headaches, heart ailments, and kidney stones. The leaves of tulsi are consumed for better health of skin, hair, and body organs. Tulsi leaves are loaded with vitamins A, C, and K. It also has minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and iron.
Tulsi Ark:
As per ancient scriptures, it is advisable to swallow one tulsi leaf instead of chewing it every morning to gain maximum health benefits. One can also drink water or tea infused with tulsi leaves.
Another best way to have Tulsi herb is by consuming diluted Tulsi ark. Ark in Ayurveda means freshly distilled herbs. So generally, 5 kinds of Tulsi leaves are boiled. The steam is collected and cooled and then liquefied to make the ark. It is made available in small bottles for daily consumption.
A few drops of this potent Tulsi Ark can be consumed with water or tea, milk, or other beverages. The ark will make your drink 1000 times healthier. If you are down with a cold or cough, you can use it during steam inhalation.
Benefits of Tulsi Ark:
There are innumerable benefits of Tulsi Ark, few are listed below:
Respiratory diseases can be cured and prevented. It can be used to treat common cold to serious conditions like bronchitis and asthma. It enhances immunity. It can relieve congestion in the nose, throat, or chest.
It helps to Boost immunity. Vitamin C and zinc present in Tulsi make it a natural immunity booster.
The 5 types of tulsi used in the ark help to calm the mind and reduce high blood pressure
It has a strong antioxidant and it offers protection against skin, liver, oral and other types of cancer.
The anti-fungal properties of ark help to prevent fungal growth on the scalp. It keeps the scalp free from flakes and it also prevents hair loss.
Tulsi ark is excellent for the skin. Due to its antioxidants, it clears out blemishes and acne. It slows down the skin’s aging process.
Tulsi ark can soothe your anxious mind and keep your mind stress free.
Tulsi ark is known as the natural remedy to heal diabetics. The ark contains vitamins and minerals which help the body secrete insulin. This is like “Amrit” for type 2 diabetics patients.
Tulsi ark contains beta-caryophyllene. It helps in reducing swelling in any part of the body. It is also helpful for arthritically inflicted people.
It has anti-inflammatory properties to cure cuts and bruises.
The main stress-causing hormone is Cortisol. High-stress levels cause weight gain. Tulsi ark can calm nerves and reduce stress. Thereby gradually aiding in weight loss.
Any issues related to the stomach can be cured by Tulsi ark. It soothes the stomach and relieves stomach aches, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, and acidity.
Tulsi Ark is a highly potent medicine to cure any disease or ailment. It keeps the body and minds fit and energetic throughout the day.
Sattvishtik Wellness Farm’s Tulsi Ark is made from 5 different variants of Tulsi. The variants are Ram Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi, Vana Tulsi, Amrit Tulsi, and Bisva Tulsi. Sattvishtik Wellness Farms believe in natural farming technique. We refrain from using synthetic fertilizers. The homegrown Tulsi herbs are nourished with naturally found fertilizer at the farm. The concentrated drops of Tulsi Ark from Sattvishtik wellness farms can be consumed daily by adding 2-3 drops in warm water. This routine will keep infections like colds, coughs, fever, sore throat, and flu at bay. It will help to detoxify your body and keep you in good health.
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ayurshesha · 4 months
Best Immunity Booster
Ayurveda, a powerhouse of wisdom, offers a holistic approach to good health and well-being. The world is constantly struggling with health issues that are increasing day by day due to the unhealthy lifestyle that has gripped the youth, leading to weak immune systems. And the awareness regarding this has led people to shift slowly towards a healthy life, and so people have started to pay attention to health, especially with the help of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian wisdom. In this blog, you will read more about the same and more important information.
Improving Immunity Naturally
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The key ingredients used in immunity boosters include Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Tulsi, Turmeric, Giloy, and others, as these herbs contain high amounts of antioxidants that improve the defense mechanism of the body and also help the body fight against free radicals. These ingredients are consumed in multiple forms, like herbal teas, in powder form, and with hot beverages like milk and water.
This prevents the occurrence of chronic health issues and also heals existing ones. The rejuvenating properties help in healing and increasing the longevity of the body and internal organs. Also, the natural ingredients reduce the possibility of side effects and other allergic reactions.
Lifestyle Modifications
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Some modifications in lifestyle can help increase immunity, and that too naturally.
Proper Sleep: Taking proper sleep is very important. Try to build healthy habits by having a healthy sleep cycle that requires you to go to bed at the same time and sleep in a peaceful environment for optimal sleep.
Good Diet: The focus of Ayurveda is also on the key principles of a healthy lifestyle, which is a healthy and good diet that includes all the essential nutrients required for nourishment.
Hydration: Always hydrate yourself properly, as it is important for the body to function. From detoxification to helping with digestion, being hydrated is essential for the body.
Managing Stress: Taking too much stress can hamper the immune system. Yoga and meditation help to manage stress and also improve the overall well-being of the body.
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Other ways of increasing immunity through Ayurveda include indulging in Ayurvedic therapies, as therapies have been known to show wonderful results every now and then. They are as follows:
Panchakarma: Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy that cleanses the toxins and restores balance in the body. This promotes immunity by rejuvenating the tissues in the body.
Rasayana Chikitsa: It increases immunity by increasing longevity and rejuvenation. It enhances vitality and immunity by engaging in a healthy lifestyle and diet.
Immunity booster capsules are a rage in the market and are made with herbs. You need to try the immunity booster capsules by Ayurveda for resilient health. Formulated with natural herbs like Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Guduchi, and many others, Ayurveda Immunity Booster Capsules are a must-try. All you need to do is take a capsule daily with water and be consistent with its dosage as well. Immunity is not like a magic potion, as it takes time to develop so that the defense mechanism of the body gets better and is able to fight in a better manner against microbes.
Key Takeaway 
According to Ayurveda, immunity tells about the balance in the body. Ayurveda helps to deal with immunity issues in a healthier and more holistic manner via herbs and supplements made naturally. Therapies and formulations made using Ayurveda help to heal the body naturally without putting extra stress on it. However, if you are on any medication, it's better to consult a doctor so as to have a better knowledge of any component used in immunity boosters and its possible effects.
Q1: What are the key ingredients in immunity boosters according to Ayurveda?
Ayurveda utilizes potent herbs such as Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Tulsi, Turmeric, Giloy, among others, which are rich in antioxidants. These ingredients fortify the body's defense mechanism and combat free radicals, crucial for enhancing immunity naturally.
Q2: How can lifestyle modifications enhance immunity as per Ayurvedic principles?
Ayurveda emphasizes lifestyle adjustments like prioritizing proper sleep, maintaining a nutritious diet, staying adequately hydrated, and managing stress through practices like yoga and meditation. These modifications play a vital role in bolstering immunity and overall well-being.
Q3: What Ayurvedic therapies are recommended for boosting immunity?
Ayurvedic therapies such as Panchakarma and Rasayana Chikitsa are highly effective in enhancing immunity. Panchakarma detoxifies the body, while Rasayana Chikitsa focuses on rejuvenating and increasing longevity. These therapies, coupled with natural formulations like Ayurveda Immunity Booster Capsules, offer holistic solutions for resilient health.
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ayushaktiayurveda · 8 months
Ayurvedic herbs that control stress and keep the mind calm | Ayushakti Ayurved
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Herbs that can control stress
While many antibiotics can help you to deal with stress, you are always recommended to ayurvedic stress relief herbs. Thus, it would be best if you learned about some of the best tips for stress relief that can help you to keep a calm mind.
Ginger: Ginger, an aromatic herb, contains an antioxidant known as gingerol. Since important stomach acids can get affected during stress, ginger helps to stimulate the acid production system. There are innumerable ways in which you can eat this Ayurvedic stress medicine.
Tulsi: While Tulsi is used in religious offerings, it can also help to combat the inflammation and free radicals that are caused due to chronic stress. Consuming Tulsi regularly can help you strengthen your immune system.
Brahmi: Brahmi is a natural herb that has anti-anxiety properties. For the uninitiated, it plays a major role in increasing your body’s level of serotonin. Serotonin is a brain chemical for relaxation.
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luxmiestates · 8 months
Top Teas That Help in Digestion- Luxmi Estates
Digestion and digestive disorders are one of the major health concerns of all ages. The digestive disorder can be a symptom of bigger and more serious health issues. Gulping down antacids can provide momentary relief but doesn’t provide any permanent solution. Luckily, we have natural spices, herbs, and botanicals that can help in getting rid of all digestive disorders. Herbal teas are the best and the most convenient way to consume these superfoods and solve all our digestion-related concerns.
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There are some specific herbs and spices that help to digest food and have better gut health. For example, the following herbs and spices aid in digestion:- 
Ginger: Ginger stimulates the muscles and digestive enzymes to facilitate proper bowel movement and have a clean gut and ensure better digestion.     
Cinnamon: Cinnamon helps to reduce bloating and gas and helps to digest food better.     
Lemon: Lemon stimulates the digestive tract and helps to digest food faster.     
Peppermint: Peppermint helps to ease stomach cramps, reduce flatulence, and relaxes the digestive tract.     
Spices like cumin, fennel, cardamom, and caraway seeds also help to digest food better and promote a healthy gut.
Herbal teas are easy to make and can easily become a part of your daily wellness ritual. If you like to brew your tea in hot water or prefer convenient tea bags, herbal teas are available in both forms. Here are some of the herbal teas that help in digestion:
Ginger Tea – Ginger contains gingerol that stimulates the digestive tract and ensures a clean gut and facilitates better digestion. It also helps in reducing nausea, stomach cramps, and motion sickness. Better digestion results in better gut healthy and promoting a healthy body and mind.
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile has digestive relaxant properties, that help to treat various gastrointestinal disorders.  It also helps to reduce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, and fevers. A cup of Chamomile tea post meals can help to digest food better and helps you to relax.
Tulsi Tea: Holy Basil or commonly known as Tulsi helps in digestion by flushing out toxins from the body. Tulsi controls acid reflux and maintains the Ph balance of the body ensuring better digestion.
Mint Tea: Mint tea has both spearmint and peppermint leaves boosting digestion. Peppermint relieves an upset stomach. It helps to get rid of problems like irritable bowel syndrome and bloating. It helps digest food and move food quickly from the stomach.
Lemon Tea: Lemon has dietary fibers that help in slowing down the processing of sugar enhancing the digestive process. Lemon tea after a heavy meal aid in digestion and relaxes the stomach. Lemon also soothes acidity. It helps in reducing acid reflux post meals. It enhances gut health and improves metabolism.
Have a cup of tea after every meal and get rid of any digestive issues. Herbal teas are the best way to digest food, get rid of acidity, regulate bowel movement, clear the gut, and ensure better metabolism. Herbal teas are a tasty, and convenient way to digest your meals.
There is a wide range of herbal teas to select from and start your wellness journey. So next time you have a meal, brew a cup of herbal tea and get rid of all the digestive issues with every sip.
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aristahealthy · 11 months
How to Take Better Care of Your Skin and Hair in this Humid Climate
As the mercury rises and humidity abounds, your skin and hair needs care. Nobody likes the sticky and stifling during peak summers. Along with the discomfort, the heat and humidity adds a new slew of challenges to everyone’s beauty routine. 
From breakouts to redness to even dehydrated skin, the list of problems is long. But, there are, of course, solutions. If you want to provide extra love and pampering to your skin this summer, then our blog has got you covered!
Summer Skin and Hair Care Made Easy
Eat Right
There is a lot of truth to the statement - ‘you are what you eat!’ So, healthy skin and hair during the scorching heat and torrid humidity begin with consuming natural care products that nourish your body from the core. 
Eating a balanced diet with organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and good-quality olive oil or ghee can do wonders in keeping your skin and hair looking sleek, glowing and youthful all throughout the year. For instance, ghee is rich in omega fatty acids and antioxidants and consuming organic ghee may neutralize free radicals and hydrate the skin from within.
Do Not Skip on SPF
Well, we know - some sunscreens, especially the mineral ones, can feel heavy and tacky on the skin. This is only multiplied by the humidity. However, it is extremely crucial and rather, indispensable, to wear a good-quality sunscreen with a high SPF rating. Nowadays, a lot of people are aware of the harms that the sun’s UVA and UVB rays can cause to the skin. 
From accelerating the aging process to causing hyperpigmentation, exposure to the sun’s rays is detrimental in many ways. So, the key is to religiously wear sunscreen. In the Indian market, you can find good-quality sunscreens made of natural care products, which are light, non-sticky, and do not leave a white-cast. Moreover, make sure to re-apply your sunscreen every two to three hours.
Add Cooling Foods To Your Right
Thirdly, summer skin and hair care is incomplete without relishing on hydrating and cooling products. You have to remember that feeling airy and cool does not depend on external factors and products only. Hydration, nourishment, and cooling comes from within. So, you can try incorporating natural care products with cooling properties like raw mango, fennel seeds, coriander seed water, yogurt, coconut water, and more.
Opt for a Light Moisturizer
Just because it is peak summer does not mean your skin requires no moisturizer. Irrespective of the season, moisturizers must not be left out of your everyday skincare regimen. Consider light moisturizers with hyaluronic acids and ceramides as they repair your skin barrier, help in moisture retention, and keep the skin hydrated without feeling greasy or oily. 
Some organic skin and hair care products you can try:
The organic skin and hair care products listed below may be the best ones for you:
Organic coconut oil: This oil is good for hair and skin. It moisturizes, removes makeup, and restores hair.
Organic Aloe Vera Gel - This gel contains soothing aloe vera. It treats burns and eczema and any other skin-related problems. Hair and scalp are moisturized by it.
Organic Coconut Milk Soap - This soap is made from coconut milk, which moisturizes and cleans. It's gentle enough to apply daily and can improve skin's appearance.
Organic Jojoba Oil - This oil resembles the sebum that is produced by our skin naturally. It may be used to the face and hair to hydrate without blocking pores. Additionally, this can be an excellent option for removing makeup and cleaning the skin.    
Himalayan Origins Bhimal and Black Onion Seed Hair Oil is a natural hair oil that is marketed as being able to improve hair health, increase hair growth, and lessen dandruff. Bhimal, black onion seed oil, amla, and tulsi are among the herbs and oils used to make it.
Made with rose water, aloe vera, and other natural ingredients, Kappas - Soap-Free Rose Face Cleanser is a mild, soap-free face cleanser. It cleanses without stripping skin's natural oils.
Amayra Naturals Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50 shields skin from the sun's damaging UV radiation. It contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which naturally deflect the sun's rays away from the skin.
Amayra Naturals Probiotic Face Mist Toner promotes skin health by balancing the microbiota of the skin. Aloe vera, probiotics, and other natural components are found in this product.
Ziya Vitamin C Serum 15% Hyaluronic Turmeric Hydrosol is a vitamin C serum that helps to brighten skin, minimize the look of wrinkles, and enhance skin health. Some of the vital components included in it are Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and turmeric hydrosol.
For Best Organic and Natural Care Products - Choose Arista Organic Store
For skin and hair that encompasses internal factors, consider organic foods from Arista. Our range of high-quality, ethically sourced, and synthetics-free fruits, vegetables, and grains is the sure-shot way to achieve glowing skin and robust health for years to come!
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Arista Organic Store
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What are the benefits of green tea?
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What are the benefits of green tea?
Hello tea lover, there are many types of tea available and each one of them has its own set of benefits. One such type of tea with a lot of health benefits is green tea. It is also one of the most consumed teas in the world and is famous for its properties in boosting metabolism and helping in effective weight management. Let’s know more about this green tea, its types, its health benefits, and more today.
Types of green teas
Here’s a list of different types of green teas.
Ginger green tea
Tulsi green tea
Chamomile green tea
Moroccan mint green tea
Jasmine green tea
Honey lemon green tea
Himalayan green tea
All these green teas have their own set of benefits and procedures to brew them.
What are the health benefits of green tea?
1. Improves brain function
Green tea contains caffeine in it, and when consumed can keep you alert and focused. It helps keep you awake and boost your overall brain function. The caffeine present in green tea affects the brain by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine and that as a result helps concentrate better. 
2. Helps in weight management
Green tea is also famous for its weight management benefits. Most people consume it in the morning on an empty stomach for losing their belly fat. Green tea helps absorption of the food faster in the stomach and keeps you full for longer periods, and helps you consume less.
3. Lowers risk of cancer
Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight oxidative stress or damage caused by free radicals. Oxidative damage is one of the main reasons for cancer, and green tea helps treat this in indirect ways.
4. Reduces bad breath
Green tea also contains a compound called catechins, which is considered to be best for oral health. These catechins help prevent the bacteria from forming and suppress their existing growth, thereby decreasing plaque formation and also helping in the reduction of bad breath.
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teavalleytea007 · 1 year
Wellness Tea For Full Mental, Emotional, and Physical Relaxation
Traditionally, our society has placed a high value on wellness tea. They've earned their place at the top of the popularity charts worldwide because of the extraordinary benefits they provide to your physical and mental health. To those who are only now discovering the fascinating world of health tea, it is important to note that these beverages are very different from standard tea. They're prepared with a tempting blend of botanical components, spices, and tea, so you can rest assured that your body will get all the benefits of drinking them while also enjoying their aromatic appeal. Searching for "tea stores near me" should lead you to India's best online tea store. There are a wide variety of healthy teas out there to choose from. You can choose among them based on your nutritional needs and taste preferences.
What Exactly Is Wellness Tea?
By "wellness tea," we mean a blend of green tea leaves and the most beneficial herbs, some of which have yet to be discovered by humans. Regarding health benefits, wellness tea is among the best tea for health. Health tea has been used to nourish the bodies, minds, and spirits of many individuals who have reaped the benefits of this beverage. Herbs such as cinnamon, chamomile, turmeric, ginger, and peppermint are very effective in improving digestion when mixed with green tea leaves that are rich in antioxidants. Since most people today have stomach issues, wellness tea is a great way for everyone to take a step toward improved health.
Types of Healthful Tea:
Green Tea:
Green tea is the best and most obvious option to introduce the topic of healthy teas. You can fix everything from obesity to diabetes with the help of this miraculous drink. Kashmiri Kahwa, Tulsi Green, Jasmine Green Tea, and wide more varieties of green tea are available from Goodwyn. Each tea has been infused with special benefits that may come in handy for some people.
Chamomile Tea:
If you're having stomach pain or digestive troubles, there's nothing better than this tea. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile tea alleviate stomach pain.
Further, the revitalising effects of chamomile oil may help those struggling with depression and anxiety. If you want to get a true taste of chamomile, you should try Goodwyn's chamomile infusion. With the addition of dried flowers, it is the best option for preserving the natural flavour and benefits.
Jasmine Tea:
A popular variety of tea, "Jasmine Tea," is made using green tea as its base and is highly flavoured with jasmine blooms, which give off a pleasant aroma. The tea plant's flowers also contain beneficial compounds, such as antioxidants, which increase the beverage's overall quality.
This organic tea has been shown to improve health in many ways, including lowering the risk of heart attack, protecting against cancer, and boosting the metabolism of the digestive system.
Lemon Tea:
Consuming warm lemon water first thing in the morning is not unusual. Drinking a cup of lemon tea has the same beneficial effect. Antioxidants in the tea help the body burn fat, purge toxins and cleanse the digestive system. Keep your heart healthy by drinking Goodwyn's Lemon Tea.
Superb Health Benefits from Drinking Wellness Tea:
This aids the body's natural detoxification processes and promotes overall cleanliness:
The health tea is loaded with herbs like peppermint, turmeric, ginger, and more, which are great for cleansing and detoxing the body. Tea contains polyphenols, which have a cleansing effect, and catechins, which give vital nutrients.
Help your body fight against illness:
As a result of the element, polyphenols, and other nourishing herbs, the immune system is strengthened, and the body can better ward off potentially dangerous viruses and disorders.
Assists the digestive process:
Peppermint, ginger, and turmeric are just a few herbs that work wonders when combined with green tea to aid digestion. Drinking healthy tea can aid in the digestive process, which has become increasingly important in modern times as people struggle with various digestive ailments.
Reduces the possibility of cardiovascular disease:
Injurious particles in the blood, known as oxidative, cause heart problems. A healthy heart is well cared for by wellness tea, which contains antioxidant and heart disease prevention herbs, including cinnamon, ginger, peppermint, and cardamom.
Relaxing sleep:
Healing the body and mind works like magic for people with difficulty sleeping. Incredible herbs like chamomile, ashwagandha, peppermint, etc., help calm the mind and body, allowing for a restful night's sleep.
Aids in avoiding the onset of diabetes:
Wellness tea also provides the fortitude to combat disorders like diabetes. Some herbs have been shown to help lower blood sugar and prevent or treat diabetes. Therefore, health tea is likely among the best bonuses for diabetic people.
Benefits in weight management:
Herbs, such as ginger, turmeric, fenugreek, etc., can aid in weight reduction. This advantage of health tea is the most notable and practical of all its benefits.
Wellness tea not only protects the body but also calms the mind. Among the many excellent tea variety in India, Tea Valley is one of the best tea brands in India, where you can choose your preferred mix of healthy tea to incorporate into your daily life. Many health problems can be overcome, and a healthy lifestyle is encouraged by drinking a cup of Tea Valley tea every day. The premium blend of Assam and Dooars tea found in Tea Valley tea makes it one of the best tea in India.
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suprimo255blog · 1 year
Best Wholesale Bangles Market in Jaipur
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Do you love wearing bangles? If so, then you’re in luck! The wholesale bangles market in Jaipur is one of the most vibrant and growing markets in the country. In this blog post, we will explore all the best reasons why you should start selling your bangles here. From easy access to a large consumer base to stellar margins, there are plenty of reasons to get started in the Wholesale Bangles Market in Jaipur today.
Bangles are a must-have accessory for every woman
Bangles are a must-have accessory for every woman. The Bangles in Jaipur is one of the busiest in the country and there are innumerable options available to women of all ages and budgets. From simple gold bangles to intricate multicolored designs, the market has something for everyone.
If you're looking for high-quality bangles at affordable prices, consider visiting one of the wholesale markets in Jaipur. These markets offer a variety of brands and styles that you won't find at your local department store. Prices start as low as Rs 100 per pair and go up to Rs 2,000 or more per set.
There are different types of bangles to choose from
The best wholesale bangles market in Jaipur is an opportunity to buy bangles at a fraction of their retail prices. The following are types of bangles available at the market:
Clasp Bangles: These are made up of two metal pieces connected by a hinge, and can be opened and closed easily. They are popular among women because they can be worn in multiple ways, with different outfits.
Scroll Bangles: These resemble traditional wristwatches, with a long chain hanging from one end. The chain can be worn as a bracelet or wrapped around the wrist several times for a more formal look. Scroll bangles are often used to decorate festive events such as weddings or festivals.
Tassel Bangles: Tassel bangles are created by winding colorful tassels around a circular band base. They are simple but elegant and make a great addition to any outfit.
Wholesale bangles market in Jaipur offers a wide variety of bangles
Jaipur is one of the leading city in India for wholesale bangles market. There are many stores selling wholesale bangles in Jaipur. You can find different types of Bangles from metal to plastic, colorful to plain, and traditional to contemporary.
You can choose your favorite type of bangles according to your personality and style. You can also find different types of beads, necklaces, and other accessories in the wholesale bangles market in Jaipur. The market offers a wide variety of Jaipuri Lakh Bangles at very affordable price. So, if you are looking for a perfect bargain on some fashionable accessories, then you should head to the wholesale bangles market in Jaipur!
Bangles retail prices vary depending on the material and design
Bangles are one of the most popular accessories for women. They come in different materials, designs, and colors, and there is a range of prices for them depending on their quality.
The best wholesale bangles market in Jaipur can provide you with bangles of high quality at affordable prices. The market has a wide variety of materials and designs to choose from, so you can find the perfect bracelet for your personal style.
You can also find many designer bangles at the market, some of which are exclusive to this location. If you're looking for something special, be sure to check out the market's selection.
Bangles can be bought in different colors, sizes, and designs
Bangles are one of the most popular jewelry items in India. There are many designs and colors of bangles to choose from, and they can be bought in different sizes. Some of the best wholesale Lac Bangles Online markets in Jaipur include Nathaji Place, Tulsi Place, and Kondapur.
Thank you for reading our article on the best wholesale bangles market in Jaipur. In this article, we have shared with you some of the important factors to consider when looking for a good bangles market in Jaipur. We hope that this article has helped you decide which market is right for you and given you some tips on what to look out for. If you have any questions or would like further advice please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Tulsi California Walnut Kernels Premium is the crunchy and nutty taste of walnuts can accentuate the taste of any delicacy and amps up the health quotient. And an excellent source of several vitamins and minerals. Walnuts are most often eaten on their own as a snack. However, they can also be added to salads, pasta, breakfast cereals, soups, and baked goods. Walnuts are rich in protein. This vitamin may strengthen the immune system and support nerve health. A vitamin B6 deficiency may cause anemia. Keeping walnuts in their shells in a cool, dark, and dry place can improve their shelf life. Walnuts can be a healthful addition to the diet, they can also be added to salads, pasta, breakfast cereals, soups, and baked goods. Tulsi is a premium flavored nuts and dry fruits brand. Tulsi has pioneered a new and yummy way to consume the daily dose of healthy nuts and dry fruits. At Tulsi, we bring the taste and health together in a single pack in the finest of packing. We believe in serving the best products to our customers and hence we travel across the world to procure the finest nuts and dry fruits. Our products are processed and packed in FSSC: 22000 & HACCP certified plant – The best among food safety ratings and certified by ‘FSSAI‘. Rich in beneficial nutrients. Good source of Vitamin E and omega-3 fats. Supports brain health. Rich source of antioxidants and healthy fats. 100% Natural and high quality walnut sourced from California USA. Amazing taste, soft in chewing..Shelf Life : 6 Months Storage information- Keep it cool and dry place. allergen_information: Walnuts. flavor_name: Whole Natural [ad_2]
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nityaarnafarms · 1 year
6 Best teas for your Tummy!
Have an upset stomach? Looking for a tea that can help settle it?
There's nothing worse than an upset stomach. The bloating, the cramps, nausea... it can ruin your day. Yup, it does! And if you suffer from chronic stomach issues, it can affect your quality of life.
We've all been there before. That feeling of unease and discomfort can put a damper on your day. But don't worry, we've got the perfect solution.
What is the solution?
Well, there's no need to suffer in silence when you have an upset stomach - there are plenty of things you can do to ease the discomfort and get your digestive system back on track. And while we're talking about treating the root cause, let's not forget herbal teas! Several herbal teas can be helpful for an upset stomach.
Here are a few that you can give a try:
Teas that can soothe your Tummy:
Ginger tea
If you're searching for a yummy and healthy tea to help settle your stomach, ginger tea is a great option. Ginger tea is made from the root of the ginger plant and has been utilized for centuries to help
 ease nausea,
and other tummy problems.
Ginger tea is a simple and effective way to calm an upset stomach and improve digestion. Ginger tea is made by steeping fresh ginger root in hot water. You can also add honey or lemon to ginger tea to help with nausea. Ginger tea is best consumed after a meal.
Licorice tea
 Many different types of tea can be helpful for an upset stomach, but licorice tea is especially effective. Why?  
Well, Licorice root is a natural remedy for indigestion and can help to soothe the stomach.
It is also antispasmodic, which can help relieve cramping and bloating.
Licorice tea is also helpful in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract.
If you have an upset stomach, try brewing a cup of licorice tea. You may find relief from your symptoms in no time!
Basil Tea 
We cannot forget to mention Holy Basil tea while talking about Teas that are good for your stomach. It's also known as Tulsi tea, made from a herb that has a long history of being used for its medicinal properties.
Here are some of the benefits of drinking Holy Basil Tea:
Helps to settle your stomach and ease indigestion.
is a natural antacid, so it can help to reduce stomach acidity.
can help to increase appetite and relieve bloating.
have antibacterial properties, which can help to fight stomach infections. 
And the list goes on and on! 
Green Tea 
Looking for a tea that can help soothe your Tummy? Green tea may be just what you need! Green tea is known for its digestive benefits and can help reduce bloating and gas.  
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and promotes gut health.
Green tea contains polyphenols, which are thought to promote gut health by helping to reduce inflammation and protect the lining of the digestive tract.
Green tea has also been shown to improve digestion and help to prevent constipation.
Green tea is a good choice for those looking for a herbal tea that can help improve gut health.
 So next time you feel under the weather, reach for a cup of green tea.
Peppermint Tea 
There are wide different varieties to choose from when it comes to tea. But if you're looking for a tea that's good for your Tummy, peppermint tea is a great option.  
Here's why: 
Peppermint tea can help to soothe an upset stomach.
It can also help to reduce bloating and gas.
Peppermint tea is also a great way to relieve indigestion. 
The bonus part?  
Well, it's delicious – perfect for when you need a calming cup of tea. So if you're looking for a tea that's good for your Tummy, peppermint tea is a great choice.
Chamomile Tea 
Well, if you're looking for a tea that can help settle your stomach, then you can never go wrong with a soothing, stomach-friendly tea, chamomile. 
Chamomile tea is like taking a sip of relaxation. It's made from the dried flowers of the chamomile plant and has a sweet, slightly floral flavour.
Chamomile is thought to be a natural relaxant and can help relieve indigestion, gas, and stomach cramps.
It's also a good source of antioxidants.  
Just brew a cup of special stomach-settling tea and let it work its magic. 
Support your digestive system with Herbal Teas: 
Try these 6 best teas for tummy trouble and see how quickly they help soothe your belly. If you find it difficult to go through the hassle of making your herbal teas, NAF has a wide range of herbal tea collections that are best for your stomach!  
Try our chamomile tea if you're experiencing bloating or our ginger tea if you're nauseous. Our licorice root tea might be a better fit for you if you're struggling with constipation. And if you're looking for a general tea to help with an upset stomach, our lavender tea is a great option. No matter your tummy trouble, we have a tea that can help!
Our collection of teas has something for everyone, and we're sure you'll find the perfect one for you. So, take your time, browse our selection, and find the perfect tea for your stomach!
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bestcoolman01 · 2 years
Tulsi - The Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum) great herb for weight loss
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Today holy basil also known as TUSLI is commonly consumed in supplement form. In India it is an Ayurvedic Medicine. It is belonged to Lamiaceae basil plant family and mostly found in India. Holy basil/tulsi is one of the most common houseplants in India. Extracts, oils and supplements can also be made from holy basil seeds, leaves, flowers and stems.
The holy basil contains many health beneficial properties. It has antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. This herb acts as an adaptogen which helps our body to adjust with stress and promotes mental balance. It is rich in phytochemical composition that’s why used in wide range of ailments and conditions, which makes it deserving the title “Queen of the herbs”.
The basil plant contains vitamin A and C, Calcium, Zinc, Iron and Chlorophyll. These all vitamins and minerals are used to strengthen the immunity, treat various hair and skin disorders
The others names of the Holy Basil Plant
There are three types of tulsi found in India.
The one is Ram Tulsi the most common type.
The second is Krishna or Shyam tulsi the second most common type.
The third is Vana Tulsi the common wild basil.
How The holy basil (Ocimum Sanctum) helps in weight loss
Basil is rich in many nutrients and compounds but remember that no ingredient can solely enable in weight. Tulsi leaves for weight loss is a natural, safe remedy and has no side effects. The following are the reasons how basil is useful in weight loss with other natural ingredients.
Ursolic Acid – Holy basil is a rich source of ursolic acid it helps in boost Bat (Brown Adipose Tissue). It also reduces obesity, glucose intolerance and fatty liver disease by increasing skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue. On one hand it burns the calories and on the other hand its helps in building muscle mass.
Eugenol a constituent of the oil in the basil leaf – Some studies show that eating fresh basil leaves early morning increases the metabolic rate of the body and also helps lower stress-induced cholesterol levels. The basil leaves managing bad cholesterol, good cholesterol in the body and reducing fat.
Absorb Nutrients – The basil leaves absorb the nutrients from the food and helps in improvement of health. Which means it converts food into energy and helps the body to keep active for long time. And further this process helps in burning fat
Good gut bacteria – Taking basil tea regularly promotes good gut bacteria and enables proper bowl movements which cleanses the lives toxins and cut fats fast. The tulsi tea contains zero calories also helps to boost stamina and endurance.
Diabetes Management – It regulates blood glucose levels in the body. And because of its ability to control blood sugar and cholesterol, the adaptogen proves itself to be a helpful weight-loss solution
Our company The best cool man introduced “Exipure”  a weight loss supplement that helps you to lose weight in a healthy way. Each capsule will contain 8 clinically-proven ingredients that increase calorie-burning brown adipose tissue (BAT). The following are the magical herbs are as follows:
1.      Perilla (Perilla Frutescens)
2.      Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)
3.      Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum)
4.      White Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
5.      Amur Cork Bark (Phellodendron Amurense)
6.      Propolis
7.      Querecetin (Quercetum)
8.      Oleuropein (Olea Europaea)
This weight loss supplement contains only organic ingredients. No chemical, smell, and artificial substances is added. You can take this in your daily life without any disruptions and noticeable way
Reduce your body weight.
If you are looking for healthy way to lose weight that will directly affects your body fats, then this supplement is right for you. You can also avail our discount while the stocks last.
Click here to visit our official website
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hustlebush · 2 years
Tulsi is a widely grown sacred herb in many Indian homes. Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron & Calcium, Tulsi can be consumed in various forms and has umpteen health benefits ranging from perfect skin health to a great immune system. One of the ways to get the best out of Tulsi is by incorporating it into the food or drinks that we consume daily. One such drink is Tea.
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choicemonkofficial · 2 years
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Tulsi drops: The Natural Immunity Booster for You
The holy herb tulsi has both healing and meditative qualities. It goes by a variety of titles in Ayurveda, including "The Queen of Herbs" and "Mother Medicine of Nature."
You've certainly heard of tulsi-based traditional cures. But how is this widely accessible Indian herb useful? And what advantages can tulsi drops provide for you? Thanks to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, cough suppressants, and anti-allergic characteristics, tulsi is helpful in multiple ways. It helps in reducing the symptoms of cough and colds. Taking a few Tulsi drops with honey can assist with cough and flu symptoms while boosting immune function. Daily use of Tulsi tea has a relaxing effect and lowers stress.
We demonstrate some of the tulsi's health advantages as well as panch tulsi drops, a combination of 5 distinct tulsi species.
Immune support and wound healing assistance
The immune system is modulated by tulsi. It is also a crucial component of the Ayurvedic infusion (Kadha), which also contains species like cinnamon, black pepper, dried ginger, and raisins and is used to increase immunity. It can be taken twice daily to help maintain immunological health.
The herb's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities also aid the body by providing protection. especially for your kidney, liver, and heart. It might aid in accelerating the healing of wounds.
Protection Against Microorganisms for Your Body
The broad-spectrum antibacterial effects of tulsi are well established. Due to its antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal characteristics, it can combat a range of infections.
Reduces respiratory disease
Additionally, tulsi is utilised to treat respiratory conditions like colds and coughs. It is used in Ayurveda to treat both bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
Combats Physical and Mental Stress and Aids the Body
Tulsi improves how well your body handles and manages stress because of its adaptogenic qualities. Along with psychological stress, this also refers to physical, chemical, and metabolic stress.
Beneficial For Digestive Health
It is well-known that drinking basil or tulsi water can promote healthy digestion and remove toxins. Escherichia coli clinical strains that are multidrug-resistant have proven successful against it. These E. coli strains are known to induce diarrhoea.
How are tulsi drops taken?
Want to boost your immunity and overall wellness without using any synthetic or chemical substances? Add a few drops of tulsi drops to a glass of water to begin taking them on a regular basis. These drops are offered as a concentrated liquid made by one or even more tulsi herb varieties. Therefore, the typical method for taking tulsi drops is to mix a few drops with a glass of water before consuming. Keep in mind that they contain concentrated tulsi leaf extracts so avoid taking the drops immediately. The dose is generally stated on the pack in terms of how many drops you should take each day. The dosage, however, may differ based on your age, body weight, overall immune response, and the advice given by your doctor.
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Ayurvedic practitioners and people who value natural health are familiar with the advantages of tulsi drops. Regular use of tulsi drops can strengthen your immune system, enhance your cardiovascular health, and do much more.
How to find the best tulsi drops?
For the best outcomes, a person might utilise the best product. However, not all items made with tulsi drops are the same. However, the question is, how can you identify which is really the best tulsi drop for you?
To assist you in selecting the best tulsi drops, we have put together a few tips that you can follow as a brief shopping guide.
Take into account various tulsi blends, such as Rama, Shyama, Van, etc.
The bottle or container should be out of the sun's direct rays.
Avoid genotoxins like methyl eugenol, safrole, and estragole (if mentioned on the pack).
There should be no added colours or preservatives.
An effective tulsi drop should contain only the tulsi extracts as ingredients.
Final Thoughts
Utilize the Best Tulsi Drops for a robust immune system. The infections will be kept at bay. One of the simplest methods to get maximum health is by consuming tulsi drops. Here, the quality and safety of the tulsi drops are the most crucial parameter for obtaining all the advantages. But it’s not always possible to check its quality just by checking the outer package.
To simplify your shopping experience and save your endless time from researching for the best product, check Choicemonk. It’s your one-click shopping genie. Get the top brand recommendation of tulsi drops according to your preferences before purchasing.
Link- https://choicemonk.com/
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Natural Healing Through Ayurveda
Ayurveda, a traditional system based on creating medicines and products derived entirely from nature. Originated thousands of years ago in the Indian subcontinent, the science of Ayurveda can be found documented in ancient scriptures highlighting its miraculous healing and strengthening powers.
In the twenty-first century, we do not have to refer back to these old mystical tales because we can see the effective results of Ayurveda ourselves. The use of Ayurvedic products has risen tremendously since a few years especially during the pandemic and post-pandemic period. To battle the harmful side effects caused by the allopathic medicines and to boost the immunity of the human body which took a hit during the peak COVID-19 period, the world turned to Ayurveda for help and it did not disappoint. Especially in the North American countries like Canada, Ayurveda has been highly approached not just for immediate medical treatments but also as a lifestyle choice. The wide range of Ayurvedic products which are easily available in supplement stores across Vancouver include carefully concocted remedial concoctions, herbs for daily cooking, self care and essential oils for external application and many more.
Ayurveda is not just a classical science of medicine but a way of life that was followed by sages and ascetics for a longer healthier life. Ayurveda is based on the belief that the human body can only be entirely healthy if the three elements: the mind, body and the spirit are effectively functional and in peaceful harmony with each other. Imbalance in any one of them may lead to problems. Therefore, the medicines and remedies of Ayurveda do not just aim at immediately curing the ailment but target the root of the problem, healing it in its entirety. It is a naturopathic way of bringing order in the human body and its regular use by incorporating it into our daily diet also helps in the prevention of future problems.
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"Ayurvedic Healing" is another name for ayurvedic medicine. It mixes a well-balanced diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle with items that are primarily derived from plants, herbs, and minerals. The most commonly used herbs in various ayurvedic products are: Brahmi, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Ajwain, Shilajit and Guduchi. Each of these herbs has its own unique property and can be consumed to heal various issues after consultation from an Ayurvedic expert. The therapies are specialised for specific issues and can be sought in Ayurvedic Clinics in Canada. The treatments are especially created by balancing between three factors, taking into account a person's physical, emotional, and social well-being. The purpose of treatment is to rid the body of undigested food, which can remain there and eventually cause a number of ailments. "Panchakarma" is the name of one of the purifying procedures that is used to rid the body of impurities and maintain balance.
Incorporating Ayurvedic medications into one's daily routine may help the body's system regain balance and harmony. It helps our body become cleaner and more detoxified by getting rid of toxins that tend to build up with time. The medications are created using extensive ayurvedic medical research and knowledge and are approved by the health authorities around the world. In addition to being completely natural and incapable of causing any side effects, Ayurveda Canada promotes the way to change from better to best and healthy to healthiest.
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