#good ways to lose weight
bestcoolman01 · 2 years
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babylandbest · 2 years
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
“least favorite” isn’t anywhere close to bad. it just shows how damn hard the competition is going, but we’re talking about gold medals all around for each actor i’ve seen portray the doctor so far.
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menlove · 3 months
the other thing too is that losing weight is NOT a neutral action in the same way that being fat is.
what do I mean by that?
well, it is morally neutral in that no one should be judging you for wanting to lose weight & wanting to lose weight does not make you a bad person
however. it's not a neutral action. in the same way that feminists critique the beauty industry and makeup and constantly get replies like "but I LIKE wearing makeup!!!!" that completely miss the point. that's sort of the same thing happening when fat activists/people that advocate for fat liberation point out the flaws in diet culture and get "but I NEED to lose weight for (xyz "good" reasons) are you saying I'm a bad person?" that completely miss the point.
in an ideal world, people could lose and gain weight without a single bat of an eye. but we don't live in that world. not only is it scientifically proven that most people CANNOT sustainably keep weight they've lost off (and no, not due to lack of self control) and that losing weight (especially rapidly) can have some huge health consequences, but, more relevantly, these ideas of weight and health and beauty are SO tangled up in fatphobia and western beauty standards that it's nigh impossible to reach some Enlightened State where your reason for weight loss is untouched by it.
you want to lose weight to "be healthier?" who told you you were unhealthy? was it your doctor? doctors that routinely suggest fat patients lose weight for every complaint ever including the common cold or a broken bone? was it society telling you being fat is unhealthy even though you ARE healthy? and if you're Not healthy, do you know for sure it's your weight? because thin people can also have high cholesterol and heart problems. there's other ways to fix these things that don't involve weight loss to dangerous degrees, but doctors are already so up their own ass about fat people that they probably didn't discuss anything with you other than "lose weight." does that mean no fat person ever is unhealthy because they're fat? no. but it Does mean that that reason is so tangled up in fatphobia that 100% stating you're free of diet culture when you say it just is Not accurate
you want to lose weight to "feel better about yourself"? well this one's easy and won't be as long as the last. why do you feel that way? who taught you that being fat is something to feel bad about? if you lived 500 years ago before diet culture, would you feel pressure to lose weight to feel better about yourself?
and none of this is to say you CAN'T chose to lose weight. it's your body. you can do whatever the fuck you want with it, good or bad. but when people talk about fatphobia and fat liberation and your first response is "oh but I'm losing weight for the GOOD reasons" stop yourself. ask if that's relevant to the conversation. ask yourself if those reasons ARE neutral. if they're tied to health, body image (including dysphoria!), or how other people perceive you? the answer is no
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goldkirk · 2 months
Insurance just denied the procedure for tomorrow morning. Guess I’ll go fuck myself!
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tchaikovskaya · 4 months
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zoppzoop · 1 month
worked out today after quite a while!!! felt good to know that even after all the cracky bones and long days spent sitting at my desk, I haven't lost too much of my flexibility, although my stamina has dropped down WAY too much. hopefully I can wake up early and go for a run tomorrow and slowly build it up!!
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tswwwit · 1 year
Will Dipper always have almost no magic of his own, even after being reincarnated? He obviously has a talent for life magic but he can’t really train to get better at it, because he’s using Bill’s magic for it (and we know the latter hates it lol). I just don’t want my guy to be sad and miserable forever🥺 He deserves to become a cool and independent magician! And prove his bullies wrong once and for all!
A reincarnation of Dipper could definitely have more magic of his own! And as clever as he is, there's a bright future ahead of him. Perhaps even one where he's excellent at life magic and healing, and getting a little cocky about his own talents.
Bill, of course, upsets all the plans he had for his life. Again.
The good news is that it's a life where Dipper could use more life magic. Theoretically. The problem there is going to be hashing out how he can use it once they're bonded again.
#answers#It'd be pretty fun to see a Dipper who's managed to get a few neat achievements under his belt magically. Perhaps even... smug about it?#Suddenly faced with a guy who knows even more than him by miles#A Dipper with ideas about how to break this 'bond' and cast Bill out. Only to get increasingly stressed out as all of his efforts fail#I mean c'mon. It's Dipper. The big walls of 'I'm Great' he built were only to protect the anxiety-ridden core of himself#Bill is amused. You put up a pretty great fight kid!! You mighta made a dent if this thing didn't have centuries of weight behind it#Even then it's pretty rock-solid construction; bet you'd *hate* to meet the guy who forged it#Though in all honesty. Dipper wasn't trying *quite* as hard as he could have to break the thing#Something kept holding him back#Alternately: Healer/Doctor Dipper who's now Very Annoyed that Bill's getting in the way of his chosen practice#So what if it makes Bill sick? Screw him. If they're stuck together then what's the magical equivalent of separate bank accounts#No way he's giving up his awesome talent. He's great at it. It helps people. Bill can go kick rocks#Alternate of the alternate: Dipper insisting *Bill* learn a few life tricks even if it's uncomfortable for him#Goading him into it by declaring that well. His knowledge isn't *really* infinite without *That* area of magic. Is it.#Good job Dipper! You truly know how to needle your husband into doing stuff he normally wouldn't no matter the lifetime#Probably comes in handy when Dipper gets Very Hurt that lifetime! Bill'd rather stumble off to be sick in the bushes than lose him again
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daisywords · 3 months
as someone who was raised with a comparatively healthy mindset around food, I keep being baffled/concerned by other people’s eating practices that they’ll just drop like it’s no big deal. “I’m doing this intermittent fasting thing where I only eat one meal a day” girl if your one meal is the salad you eat every day for lunch I’m. that’s eating disorder behavior. and they talk about this stuff like it’s normal! “I’m trying out this new meal plan where—“ oh a starvation diet? You’re starving yourself?
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frociaggine · 1 month
i have a jockposting question:) do you track macros at all, or at least protein intake? and if you do, do you have recommendations for meals/snacks that are great for upping protein? i'm struggling to find things that are yummy and not too boring while also providing 30+ grams of protein!! ty jock queen 😌🫶
hi hi anon! I don't currently track macros but I have done it in the past and I KNOW that protein struggle. some ideas
greek yogurt (low fat if you really want to get max protein per serving). I used to stir protein powder into it, along with fruit and some crunchy carbs for texture
cold cuts! idk if you have prosciutto cotto or stuff like roasted turkey breast but. that.
legumes, especially lentils
cheeses like parmesan, grana padano and similar, whatever your local equivalent is. Cottage cheese also.
fish fingers
protein bars! My go-to were LIDL brand protein bars because they're dirty cheap (like 1.1€/bar) and have something like 25g of protein per 200 calories. they taste chemical though, and the strawberry flavour is rancid
protein powder in bulk. I use HSN.eu and but the 4kg bag when it's on sale. lasts forever! do NOT buy the salted caramel flavour, it's nasty (ask me how I know). white chocolate coconut is good though
(Some people will say peanut butter but personally I'm not a fan. It's very calories-dense and it has too much saturated fats to count as a "protein" source. Like, if you eat peanut butter sandwiches you're getting most of your macros, but there's not an especially high amount of protein compared to total energetic intake. It's good if you want to bulk and a spoon here and there for flavour, but I wouldn't prioritise it over other foods as a protein source specifically)
To anyone reading this who's not jockpilled, you don't need to track your macros or obsess over protein intake to see visible results from exercising, so no need to stress about it! This is definitely a case of "majoring in the minors" if you're more serious than most about reaching strength goals.
However, it IS true that aiming for a decently high protein intake has a visible, immediate impact on your recovery time, muscle building, energy levels and satiation. Anything upwards of 0.7 g of protein per kg of body weight per day is a good intake range, up to a few times that if you're Serious Serious.
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bestcoolman01 · 2 years
Weight Loss Secrets Of Amur Cork Bark The Phellodendron Amurense
There are endless diets, meals plan which claims ensure rapid weight loss. And some scientific strategies on weight management which includes exercising, keep record of calorie intake, intermittent fasting, and reducing intake of fast foods. There is a lot of bad weight loss information on the internet. Much of what is recommended is questionable at best, and not based on any actual science. However, there are several natural methods that have actually been proven to work. One of them is Amur Cork Bark based supplements.
Amur Cork Bark - The Phellodendron Amurense
The Phellodendron is a plant. Its bark is used to make medicine which make this plant is an interesting specimen. Its name cork is derived from its corky inner bark. In young trees, the Amur Cork's bark has a light golden-brown color, while more mature trees have barks that appear gray/brown. The inner bark, pictured, is neon yellow just below the surface. Compounds in the bark such as the various alkaloids and flavonoids contribute to the many health benefits that can come from consuming extracts from the amur cork tree. The bark of the tree, known as huáng bó in traditional Chinese medicine, is considered one of 50 fundamental herbs. It has been used as treatment for meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, jaundice and a host of other diseases.
This herb is rich in following compounds are as follows:
obacunonic acid
HOW Amur Cork Bark Reduces Weight
Taking Amur cork bark for weight loss is an excellent way to control your weight and lower your stress levels. It also supports the liver and heart, supports glucose metabolism, and reduces triglyceride levels. Here are the benefits of this amazing ingredient.
Berberine: Berberine is the main compound found in Phellodendron plant. Berberine, it seems is a very effective for weight loss. It works by going into the bloodstream after ingestion before going directly to cells and plays a huge role in regulating metabolism.
BAT: Berberine helps in uses stored fat as fuel to create energy in the form of heat. Burning through fat stores causes reduction in fat mass.
Anti-inflammatory: It lowers LDL cholesterol, which is a major cause of weight gain. Keeping your stress levels down is vital to controlling weight gain. It also helps regulate blood sugar and remove bad cholesterol.
Support liver and helps in digestion: It helps the body digest foods, store nutrients, and regulate blood sugar. The liver helps the body use carbohydrates. By providing a balanced supply of glucose in the bloodstream, the liver can better use the nutrients it receives from food.
Improve Glucose Metabolism: Amur corkboost the body metabolic rate. It contains antioxidants. It lowers triglycerides and improves the production of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Decrease the triglyceride levels: The Amur cork plant have powerful antioxidants. It reduces the triglyceride levels and increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. It is also said to reduce fat storage and fatigue, and to boost energy levels.
Increase HDL Cholesterol Levels: The magical properties of this plant claimed to reduce cholesterol levels and increase high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. It collects fatty acids in the bloodstream and promote the activity of lipase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down triglycerides.
The bark is used in many medicines due to its enormous beneficial properties. The chemicals found in the bark can reduce blood glucose and bad cholesterol levels, which aids your body in decreasing body weight.
Our company The best cool man introduced “Exipure”  a weight loss supplement that helps you to lose weight in a healthy way. Each capsule will contain 8 clinically-proven ingredients that increase calorie-burning brown adipose tissue (BAT). The following are the magical herbs are as follows:
1.      Perilla (Perilla Frutescens)
2.      Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)
3.      Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum)
4.      White Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
5.      Amur Cork Bark (Phellodendron Amurense)
6.      Propolis
7.      Querecetin (Quercetum)
8.      Oleuropein (Olea Europaea)
This weight loss supplement contains only organic ingredients. No chemical, smell, and artificial substances is added. You can take this in your daily life without any disruptions and noticeable way
Reduce your body weight.
If you are looking for healthy way to loss weight that will directly affects your body fats, then this supplement is right for you. You can also avail our discount while the stocks last.
Click here to visit our official website
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derpinette · 4 months
i have a weird relationship with weight because i hated eating more than anything the moment i was ready for solids ( i hate chewing with my entire life always have & will ) which made me underweight for most of my life ( to this day ) & during late primary-middle school this made me actively suicidal because i felt like something was wrong with my sex because i just was not developing whatsoever prompting me to have a years long phase of trying to gain weight in any way i could ( #EPICFAIL by the way ) & i was already insecure but i felt seriously so unforgivably ugly after bullying not just at school but by adults of my entourage. but then i did in my late 15s which prompted the pendulum to swing in the other direction & suddenly i FREAKED OUT & thought well being skinny is pretty much all i have & know myself to be & clearly it is not going to last forever so i Better preserve it i was delusional about how skinny i thought i was actually i look stumpy & weird i have to prove myself. But now i am normal again kind of
#also i used to get beaten to finish my food nearly daily & it would take me forever to do that like literally hours with no exaggeration#just made me hate eating even more. now my technique is eating as fast as possible before i even realize how overwhelming#the sensory experience is & i can just be done with it VS the pain&dread of eating slowly -> disgust of Everything+hyperawareness#eating tightens my muscles like i hate it so fucking much catching the food putting it in my mouth CHEWING swallowing#what a damn chore#so i always liked cheese it was my “safe food” pretty much the only thing i liked#i even hated the foods autists usually like like fries & fried chicken meatballs ETC. HATED.#i was/am more of a soup & turning all my food into varieties of Slop kind of girl nothing hard for me please...#i experienced middle school during the like ♯Thick era of the world which was honestly a good thing like for The Populace#but i felt like killing myself because i felt like an unforgivable fugly genetic failure & people did not hesitate to let me know#anyway either way i would be unhappy caus if i did gain weight during puberty i would have a meltdown about all the Changes#so i feel content for the time being about only losing the fat in my face & getting age appropriate wrinkles really#trying to enjoy the privilege of thinness while i have it because it will not last forever 0_0 but that should not matter anyway...#the privilege of thinness: being way uglier than others & constantly looking like a gibbon dying of disease + no energy or strength ever#JK people are much MUCH nicer to thin people & they do things for me on account of looking physically incapable so um yay i guess#light at the end of the tunnel that is very significant in the grand scheme of things socially. ♯CountingMyBlessings#also i was raised on ♯HAES tumblr from 2014-2018 i truly believed in that & was so damn envious i was not curvy & beautiful LOL#so i never hated overweight people really i think for the most part the SJW tumblr values stuck with me#but now i know it depends on your base frame & genetics & there is no guarantee to what you choose to do (naturally) acceptance is peace#sorry for the gigantic Arse post i just needed to get that off my chest for a long time. not on here specifically just in general#oh & i am a ♯Grignoteuse but grignoter (grazing) is different from eating in my mind&body#& my insecurity was not a result of wanting to fit in really but kind of in the sense that i wanted people to stop berating me for my looks#like body wise only & also not understanding why every other girl looked like a girl blossoming into a woman#& i looked like i was transitioning to Malnourished (unsexed) Ape made worse by bein GNC.& like the need for control later on & erthang ETC
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stellewriites · 11 days
just tried on some swim shorts for my weekend away with some friends and they’re actualllyyyyyyyy So Cute????
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siriuslygay1981 · 6 months
"You look like you lost weight! You look great!"
😭 I just put a tighter shirt on dawg
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i-am-church-the-cat · 3 months
"lose weight you'll feel better" every joint hurts but now i am not a tank i am just weak
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eggmeralda · 21 days
do you ever feel casually suicidal? like you're not depressed or anything you're doing fine but also it feels like a convenient option
#if you can't make connections with people or be seen by anyone then like. at least you can feel like you're helping a better cause#to like charities and gfms and anyone else#but you have to tone that down bc you're slowly losing money bc you still can't get a job#and bc you don't have a job it means you're just stuck in the house all day. which gives Way Too Much opportunity to Think about everything#and also so like. i still share a room with my sister but it was fine bc she'd stay at her bf's a few nights a week#but he's got a job that's a bit further away and basically she can't go round his as much. so now it's maybe like once a week#the room is getting messier so it gives me less energy to do anything#you can get really into an unhealthy weight loss obsession bc at least it feels like you're getting towards something#but idek is set weight theory real? bc once i get down to a certain point it suddenly resets#like honestly counting calories and donating money to every gfm i saw and writing a film script was what kept me going#but first one isn't working and second i need some sort of income and third is finished and i have no way of actually creating it#and then there's the whole lack of stable hyperfixation and ability to find new music i enjoy#and realistically what would fix me is having a good job that i enjoy and somewhere to live on my own#but until i get a job that's currently impossible. and even then it probably won't feel like enough#my entire life is lived on my phone i need more physical objects but i don't have enough space#bc i share a room with my sister. it's like all my problems are connected#and i have enough optimism that i still think it'll get better in the next few weeks. maybe i'll be able to get a job and that'll#get everything going again#but at the same time i could easily just die#I've graduated from uni. I've seen the who live 3 times. I've crashed my car twice. I've watched 30 years of corrie. I've met various dogs#what else is there to do with my life honestly#(<- joking)#but yeah like. in summer 2021 i almost got suicidal (it was just letting the occasional thought linger in my mind etc)#but that was bc i was so depressed#but now it feels like i could just kill myself. but more just out of convenience#idek. i'm not gonna kill myself. bc i have a job interview on tuesday. and just in general i won't#but there is this casual feeling of like. well i might as well. i can't describe it#ramble#suicide tw#weight loss mention
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