#Bethany I made biscuits
piraterefrigerator · 1 year
Alice: Wait- you're not coming to my tea party?
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losdibujitos · 2 years
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Gatito panadero 🐱🍞
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Biscuits are important for tea parties, for sure.
Although do they mean British biscuits or American biscuits...
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Could someone maybe mail me some biscuits? I’d like some right now
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echovale052 · 4 months
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@wingless-cupid I drew your version of Beth from @castleaudios for fun, and bc she’s gorgeous and very much wife ☺️💛
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moonsweetswirl · 11 months
wriothesley: wait what. youre not coming to my tea party? clorINDE I MADE BISCUITS
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One of my favorite headcanons, personally, is Reginald and Galeforce being friends.
Now, I don’t mean an angsty “we’ve chosen our paths now we must walk them” type friendship. I also don’t mean a “oh, technically I’m supposed to capture you but oh no look at that you escaped that’s so sad” type of friendship either. Both Reginald and Galeforce are EXTREMELY loyal to their factions. Reg can and will blow up Government buildings without hesitation, and Galeforce can and will arrest every living Toppat he comes across without remorse. No, I mean friends like this:
Galeforce learns that Reginald got a promotion so he writes a card of congratulations and leaves it in his pocket knowing the thief will steal it at some point during their conversation
Reginald learns Galeforce got a promotion so he breaks into Galeforce’s house one night and leaves him a card and a dubiously acquired gold bracelet that leaves Galeforce with a dilemma of “is this stolen and am I going to get arrested if I wear it” so he just leaves it in a display case because he can’t bring himself to throw it away
Reginald comes out at FtM trans and Galeforce spends hours going back through each arrest warrant and document with his name on it to change it to Reginald
Galeforce complains about his boss and two days later said boss is arrested for tax fraud and Reginald when asked just grins and says “his finances became more complicated than he’d planned for, is all”
Reginald breaks into a Government base to change his legal name and gender but Galeforce catches him and hands him a folder full of articles and resources to help trans people that don’t involve breaking and entering and identity fraud
“You’re no fun at all” “At least I don’t have seventeen different arrest warrants over my head at any given time” “We could change that” “NO”
Reginald “borrows” and crashes Galeforce’s car because he’s in the area and needed a quick getaway and Galeforce is rightfully pissed but then the next day there’s a nicer brand new version of the car in the driveway with documents in his name
Said car is also painted a hideous neon red color that cannot be painted over no matter how much Galeforce tries and Reginald just asks “what, is red not your color? That’s too bad, I thought you’d like it”
Galeforce sends three spy cameras into the airship but labels them 1, 2, and 4 so Reginald panics and spends the next three months trying to find camera 3 but never does
Reginald and Right Hand Man get married and Galeforce is invited to the wedding with a full mutual understanding that the Government will in fact show up to try to arrest everyone there but Galeforce waits until after the vows are complete to call in reinforcements
“Hey we’re stopping by for dinner” “Use the door this time you bastard” “Ha! No <3”
Galeforce saying “anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law” vs Reginald proceeding to infodump about a very random niche topic so that during the trial they have to listen to a two hour recording of him explaining the language and symbolism of deadly flowers in the 1800s because “what he says will be used against him in court”
Galeforce ranting about how insufferable Reginald is and someone agrees with him and misgenders the thief in the process and Galeforce immediately flips a 180 to lecture the soldier about respect and basic decency
Reginald kidnaps Charles for like a week but instead of interrogating him for Government secrets he just asks the pilot to help him plan a surprise party for Galeforce’s birthday
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rixalynn · 3 months
Vox realizing that Alastor abandoned him be like:
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bloodycyrano · 5 months
Any other Dragon age fanatics who purposefully don't bring Anders along on the expedition in DA2 just to give their Hawke more spicy character development?
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 4 months
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danelloevee-sky · 5 months
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You’re not staying for my housewarming party?? Bethany I made biscuits!
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kmoneymartini · 4 months
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tentakilly · 3 months
Dr Glass sounds like the guy from the “BETHANY I MADE BISCUITS!!” vine.
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ethanthespookymonth · 6 months
Wait. You're not coming to my tea party? BETHANY, I MADE BISCUITS-!!!😡🤬😡
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evrensadwrn · 9 months
i cant take younger marquis de gramont fanfics seriously because all i think about is that one vine going “you’re not coming to my tea party? bethany. i made BISCUITS” because thats honestly how he seems like to me if he was younger
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jellydishes · 1 year
The apprentice with the dark mop of curly hair had snuck down the see him again. She'd barely spoken to him last time except to pass some food through the bars to him with a whispered, "Sorry that it's cold, I couldn't sneak down until after the second patrol." He'd barely had time to respond with a faint thank you before she'd scampered off into the darkness again towards the stairs.
This time, she seemed a bit more brave. She hardly recoiled back from the hand he reached through the cell's bars at all, when she offered him leftover biscuits. The apprentice wrung one of the wrapped braids that hung down to her collarbones between her hands after they were empty. "Oh!" She whispered, with a nervous, wavering laugh that made Anders wonder how long it'd been since she last got the chance to use it for real. "The templars were wrong, you hardly scowl at all!"
"I save all of my most ferocious expressions for the templars," Anders reassured her when his mouth was slightly less full of biscuit, and grinned when that earned him a giggle. "What's your name?" He added, tearing the next chunk in half to make it go further.
"Bethany," the apprentice said back in a slightly louder and more confident tone, though her smile still shook at the corners when she peeked back towards the stairs. "Bethany Hawke. I've been here since I was five or six or so, I suppose...? It's hard to keep track when you're not supposed to celebrate namedays properly anymore. I can't even make pie the way my father did," she said all in a rush, then apologized again, seemingly on reflex. "Sorry, sorry! Everyone says I talk too much when I'm nervous."
"It's fine. You're fine," he smiled, trying not to laugh at her. Half out of relief just to hear another friendly voice after... a week, maybe more? It was difficult to tell. "Honestly, it's a lot better than talking to myself down here. Though occasionally there's the cat."
Bethany perked up. "The cat?"
"Mr. Wiggums. Have you seen him around the library?"
She started to shake her head, then shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe? There's a bunch of mousers, and everybody seems to have different names for them. Like they're starting a collection. But I'll keep an eye out for him, if you'd like to see him? What does he look like?"
"Orange and big, bigger than you'd expect," Anders replied with the first touch of genuine affection she'd heard from him. He left the hand holding the other half of the biscuit drop a bit as he smiled. "He's spoiled rotten, too, I bet he'll come running as soon as he sees you have a treat or pets waiting for him, same as any of the rest of us would," he finished with a laugh she must not have placed, because she just looked at him with a strange, lopsided tilt to her smile that evened out when he blinked at her.
"It's nothing," she said with another one of those uneven bursts of laughter half hidden behind one hand. "It's just... you talk about him like a friend. It's nice."
"In Kinloch, you need every friend you can get," he said grimly, and Bethany Hawke could only nod.
She knew, too.
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