bibibooks · 1 year
HC - The Icha Icha series
Jiraiya’s famed novel series isn’t particularly high-end literature. Not even close. Nope. Nonetheless, they speak to a broad audience that enjoys them very much. Bijin often re-reads the novel series just to pass the time. They’re easy to read and entertaining enough to read the series more than once.
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kyuusou · 3 months
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Bijin is looking at the results, a smirk tugged on her red painted lips. "What can I say? It's accurate.~"
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bibibooks · 1 year
Bijin is heavily attracted to any shade of purple regarding eyes, her ex has a pair of light purple ones while her fling has deep purple. Both women hold a special place in her heart. Especially her fling 👀👀👀
@hebi-no-josei (tagging you for reasons 👀)
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bibibooks · 1 year
A bit of lore regarding Bijin and Seijurou:
As a child, Bijin is very blunt without a filter and just says what comes to mind. Her dream is to be the first female Hokage and the greatest genjutsu user ever to exist. She wants to show that you don’t need to be an Uchiha in order to be the greatest. Seijurou Uchiha, her godfather, fully supports the little girl’s dream. He knows that you don’t need to be an Uchiha to be great at genjustsu. No. His godchild shows a tremendous talent for genjutsu, more so than the regular Uchiha clan member, he knows she inherited the Kurama clan’s kekkei genkai through her grandmother. Which both excites and frightens him at the same time. It’s a very powerful kekkei genkai with a dangerous drawback. The second personality. Bijin isn’t fully aware of her kekkei genkai yet. Seijurou himself is a powerful shinobi who awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan when he was a young adult. He took it upon himself to train the young girl in genjutsu to the best of his ability. She lives with him, so he can monitor her process from up close. Bijin’s second personality already wrecked havoc on the outskirts of the village after she was caught up in a fight between shinobi who tried to infiltrate, and Konoha-nin. Bijin has no active memory of what happened and only remembers waking up at her godfather’s place and her father telling her she'd stay with him for a while. No punishment at all! She loves his house and the red roses he keeps in his front and back gardens. PLUS! Books, books, and more books! And then there’s the little red tabby cat called Momo. She’s only six when she starts to live with him, until the Uchiha massacre.
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bibibooks · 1 year
When Bijin had her son, Enoki, she couldn't bond with him in the first few months. She didn't even want to take care of the babe. The labour didn't go well and Bijin was separated from her son for over a week before she was strong enough to see him. By then she was enstranged from Enoki. His constant loud crying made her go crazy to a point she broke down in tears why he wouldn't stop. It was decided by her family her elder sister would care for the infant until Bijin was ready. Two weeks prior to his first birthday, Bijin slowly started to warm up to the boy and being his mother. Despite the rough start, she proved to be a worthy mother in the end.
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bibibooks · 1 year
1: What’s your OCs favorite color?
2: Where does your OC work?
3: What’s your OCs favorite food?
4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic?
5: How old is your OC?
1: What’s your OCs favorite color?
The easy answer would be: red, but she likes most reds on the colour chart.
2: Where does your OC work?
Currently, Bijin works at her family’s bookstore as a clerk; she'll soon take over the store and be the owner. Most people think she’s already the owner of the store as she does basically everything. Unofficially, her aid is often requested by Ibiki Morino to help them break the more resilient minds. Bijin might’ve been forced into early retirement, but she never stopped perfecting her genjutsu. Unbeknownst to most, she’s one of the best genjutsu users out there. Especially when it comes to interrogating and torture. Her darkside takes great pleasure in breaking the toughest of cases. Ibiki is fully aware of her capabilities but also knows she’s limited due to her deteriorating health. 
3: What’s your OCs favorite food?
Her favourite foods are dorayaki, kakigour and basically anything sweet and with strawberries in it. Oh! And, of course, chocolate!
4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic?
Plastic is so tedious, paper it is!
5: How old is your OC?
Bijin is one year younger than Kakashi, Gai, Obito and the gang.
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bibibooks · 2 years
Despite her forced retirement at age 17, Bijin kept up her training for a while. She was too stubborn to stop, but eventually she had no choice as her illness worsened. Luckily she still could practise her chakra control and genjutsu. Having been diligent in her training since her retirement, she's an outstanding genjutsu user. 
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bibibooks · 1 year
Bijin doesn't like to use foundation as she was forced by her mother to cover up her port-wine birthmark. In her adulthood, she covers the right part of her face were the large red mark is with her long bangs.
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bibibooks · 1 year
With the success of Tsunade’s previous work on Naruto’s prosthetic limb for Naruto, she inspired Shinju Hyuuga years later to take this to greater lengths with the help of Enoki Yuuhi. The project was fully funded by Shinju herself. Tsunade kept a watchful eye on the project which took over three years to complete. They made a prosthetic heart and arteries with the help of Hashirama’s cells for her dying friend, Bijin Yuuhi. Their project was a success, as was transplanting everything into Bijin’s body. 
This opened many doors which would've otherwise stayed closed for the young Enoki. As for Bijin, she’s healing but is doing relatively well while staying within the Hyuuga clan to heal. 
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bibibooks · 2 years
HC - Illusionary Entertainment
Despite her early forced retirement from her kunoichi career, Bijin kept training her skill in genjutsu and her chakra control. Being born within the Yuuhi family, she had an advantage over others when it came down to genjutsu. Her illusions involve books and she’s quite creative with them while creating all sort of scenarios from out of books. Her skill in genjutsu is far beyond the regular shinobi who isn’t specialised within the art of illusions. 
She actively uses her illusions for reading sessions the bookstore organises for adults and children. Depending for which reading sessions they signed up for, the illusions she creates cover all genres. - Even the series of the famed author Jiraiya. They’re a big hit while Bijin has fun depicting in full detail what the Sannin has written down. It should be noted that they have age appropriate reading session--especially regarding erotic and horror. 
All reading sessions for children are free of change to make it accessible for every child out there. The adult reading sessions, however, require a small fee.
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bibibooks · 7 years
bold any that apply to your muse, italicize any of your muse’s turn - ons / likes, strike any of your muse’s turn - offs / dislikes. + REPOST, DON’T REBLOG !
heterosexual. homosexual. bisexual. pansexual. asexual. demisexual. graysexual. monogamous. polyamorous. long - term relationships. casual relationships. rough. loud. growling. screaming. crying. sobbing. gentle. tender. whispers. moaning. touching others. touching self. being touched. lingering caresses. kisses. french kisses. licking. nibbling. biting. scratching. hair pulling. dominance. submission. switch. power play. struggles. wrestling. hugs. cuddling. shower / bath sex. up against a wall. being held down. spanking. body worship. breasts. butts. legs. thighs. feet. hands. ears. love bites. innuendo. choking. breath play. bondage. leather. silk. velvet. lace. being watched. watching others. half-clothed. bared skin. teasing. indoors. outdoors. semi-public. private. lingerie. stockings. corsets.
tagged by: Stolen. tagging: @frogprinceus, @hebi-no-josei (any of your Muses), @selenophilephile, @nakazaniye, @konohagakure-hero, @meditake, @tenzx, , @witheredblossom, @hyugainterior, @lionxdog, @sennenryuu, @ncji, @murasakiirohana and anyone self who likes to do this. (of course you all don’t have to do this!)
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bibibooks · 8 years
BibiCanon || Sexuality || Bisexual
Bijin is the last person to hide her sexual interest. She’s bisexual with the preferences to the same sex. There is something about women that men can’t pull off. The feminine touch.
In her late teenage years she experimented a lot with women. It was later that she got into a relationship with a man. Not something that lasted long. Her longest relationship was with a woman who she broke up with in her early twenties.
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bibibooks · 8 years
Scorpio hates…
People who ask for their honest opinion and then get sensitive about their answer or villainize them for their answer.
When people are condescending and pompous.
People who gossip and those who act or appear to be two-faced.
People who cannot keep a secret and people who have a habit of being flighty and unreliable.
Vapid people and those who do not know when to stop talking.
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bibibooks · 8 years
♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, type of person, etc.); ⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character; (;╹⌓╹) = What scares the character; (*^◇^)_旦 = What the character likes to eat and drink; ½ = How the character feels about people taller or shorter than them; ☂ = Weather the character enjoys
♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, typeof person, etc.);
She’s bisexual originated and there’s no personalitytype she’s particular interested in. You either have it or not. However, a musthave is to make her laugh.
⊙﹏☉ = Whatflusters the character;
When you beat her at her own game.
(;╹⌓╹) = What scares the character;
Uncertainty. She hates to lose control and thatmakes her anxious. Lightning and deep water (ocean, sea, lakes etc. Anywhereyou can’t see the bottom).
(*^◇^)_旦 = What the character likes to eat and drink;
Coconut tea with chocolate is what she fancies.
½ = How the character feels about people taller or shorter than them;
She wouldn’t care about something as height andor weight.
☂ = Weather the character enjoys;
Autumn and Winter.
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bibibooks · 9 years
Bibicanon || Counter the illness ||
I’m proud of all my wrinkles. – Bijin.
Being a middle age woman, Bijin takes great pride in her aging process, not only because she ages nicely, but the fact she lives beyond her life expectancy due to her illness of the heart.
Next to her daily dose of medication, Bijin started to abide by a strict diet and exercise schedule specially made for her. Practising Yoga and meditating into perfecting her Chakra control.
Her doctor, Hyuuga Shinju, found a way to counter the weakness of her patient’s heart muscle, so it’s said in theory; by perfecting her Chakra control Bijin would be able to focus her Chakra in her heart muscle and strengthen it due to the given support of. Something which in time would come naturally, as a shinobi walking on water and jumping from branch to branch without any thought.
However, as this is theory based and yet to be seen how it goes in practise, something Bijin is training very hard for to achieve, the outcome to be it a success or not is yet unknown.
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bibibooks · 9 years
Zodiac || Sun in Scorpio & Moon in Cancer ||
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces feelings that are deep and emotionally supercharged. The combination blends the emotional aggressiveness or intensity of feeling and determination of Scorpio, with the emotional sensitivity, tenacity of feeling and possessiveness of Cancer. You are proud and aloof, tending to rely on yourself more than you rely on others, but it is hard for you to say no and stick with no when you are approached with an emotional appeal. Not necessarily an outgoing personality, you don't go out of your way for others, expecting friends to come to you instead. By nature you are somewhat demanding, even harsh, but with an intuitive understanding of the world and of people. You can be reached by those emotional appeals far more easily than by logic or good sense. You are a magnetic individual, with a tremendous amount of self-confidence. Your emotions are very powerful, your intuitions keen, and you have a great respect for your hunches. You are suspicious, shrewd, defensive, and in affairs of heart, very sensitive and jealous. The danger of this combination is that you are too receptive, too impressionable, or too easily influenced through your feeling and sensations. There is never anything wishy-washy about your attitudes and opinions and you cling tenaciously to your ideals, loves, hates, and dreams. You are strongly opinionated and capable of defending your position by argument, although logic may not be one of your weapons in this war. Your arguments twist and turn, frustrating an opponent who would attack your position with pure reason.
{ source }.
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