#Bill Sadler
adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Hard to Kill (1990)
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More like “Hard to Buy”, am I right? This entry in Steven Seagal’s shaky library just doesn’t know what it's doing. At times, Hard to Kill feels more like a parody of an action film than a legitimate attempt.
After uncovering corruption in Los Angeles, police officer Mason Storm (Seagal) is attacked and thrown into a coma. Awakening 7 years later, he resumes his mission to expose the villains, but this time, it’s personal.
To its credit, the plot of Hard to Kill makes sense, nutty as it may sound. When Mason is injured, his close friend, Lieutenant O'Malley (Lieutenant O'Malley), hides his identity, which is our hero wasn’t killed while he slept. What follows is difficult to swallow. Remember Kill Bill Vol. 1? how the Bride had to struggle to make her big toe move, and even then the scene required a lot of suspension of disbelief? You haven’t seen anything yet. Mason’s been in a coma for 7 years. That’s what, 3,000+ days spent not exercising and allowing his muscles to atrophy? His recovery is so speedy it would’ve been a challenge for even the most masterfully edited montages.
Now let's talk about nurse Andy Stewart (Kelly LeBrock), who essentially becomes Mason's sidekick. If she was a man and Mason a woman, you’d be yelling creep! from the rooftops. Even with the roles as is, it’s unsettling. She may have been licking her lips while giving Mason sponge baths for years, but to him, his wife was murdered YESTERDAY! Contain yourself, woman!
Even those who can forgive the premise will be thinking "Come on!" over and over. The twists are easy to spot, so easy I don’t know why they even tried to stretch the reveal for as long as they did. There are no subtle clues to the identity of the baddie, it’s just one big hint over and over. To be fair, it does lead to one of my all-time favorite bad lines ever uttered in a film, “I’ll take you to the bank, Senator Trent; the blood bank!” That doesn’t even make sense, but it’s incredible enough to make you forget which face hole you’re supposed to shove popcorn in.
Next, we dig into the action scenes. They lack all tension and are not satisfying. Mason never faces any opponent that poses any sort of challenge. His opponents' limbs might as well be made of dry breadsticks, as he fends off every single kick and punch and then promptly snaps them in two. Even when they’re armed, they're so ineffective they might as well be throwing gumballs. I want to blame the writer and the director, and I can to an extent… for not sticking up to Seagal, who wasn’t content with giving his "don't have me because I'm beautiful" wife the role of the drooling nurse but also insisted AGAIN on playing an invincible hero.
The only thing you can enjoy in Hard to Kill is a line so bad it becomes good and deserves to be immortalized. It isn't much but for that, Hard to Kill has a place in my heart. (On VHS, March 13, 2018)
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answermywearyquery · 4 months
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happy pride! 🌈 | sas: rogue heroes edition (insp: ½ + ½)
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emma-ofnormandy · 5 months
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Death sits easy on your shoulders, comrade. Turns out... we drink from the same well after all.
SAS Rogue Heroes 1.06
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teamkrissy · 9 months
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I found this in the trash at work, last week. It's from this promotion Pizza Hut did in the early 00's where they gave out free PS1 games and DVDs, I had this one and also Spyro (I think? I know I got at least 1 game from them.) This copy still had the coupon insert, expired 9/30/2003.
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incorrect-losers · 1 year
Henry: Do you value your friends? You should
Henry: Vic- six dollars
Henry: Peter- two dollars
Henry: Patrick- negative seven dollars
Henry: Moose- four dollars
Henry: Belch- five dollars
Bill: Rude, but actually, all of my friends are priceless
Henry: Yeah, well mine are worth ten dollars collectively
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horrororman · 1 year
Released July 19, 1991. Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
#AlexWinter #KeanuReeves #WilliamSadler #GeorgeCarlin
#adventure #comedy #scifi #sciencefiction #fantasy
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reyenii · 2 years
my top 6 fav ships (descending order)
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and fav friendship
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honestly, i have nothing more to say, that's how i see it
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wearebackbagels · 2 years
SAS Rogue heroes:  X-Men au
For a while now @rosescruensixxam and I have been working on an X-Men au and here are part 1 out of 3 planned posts, the rest will come soon enough. 
This is everyone’s powers, we TRIED to do the characters justice but at least we had fun while doing it!
DAVID STIRLING:  Power bestowal and augmentation, disintegration
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PADDY MAYNE: Metal claw growth, Superhuman Durability, Adaptive Reflexes, Superhuman Marksmanship, Impenetrable Skin, life force absorption (alias Mad Dog)  
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JOCK LEWES:  Energy Manipulation, Energy Blasts, Molecular Acceleration, Superhuman Durability, (alias Oppenheimer?)
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JOHNNY COOPER: Slowed down aging, superhuman reflexes, super leaping, superhuman speed, wall crawling, superhuman agility( he is basically Nightcrawler) (alias Sparrow( from “The Sparrow from Minsk”) nobody is gonna get this)
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AUGUSTIN JORDAN: Life Force Absorption and conduction, blood bending, Adaptive Evolution/ Immortality, Superhuman Marksmanship,  (alias Vampire/Twilight haha)
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MIKE SADLER: Wolf transformation, shapeshifting, Superhuman Durability, super acute senses, razor sharp teeth (alias Coyote idk)
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REGGIE SEEKINGS: Mutant tattoos includes (making tattoos come to life) tactile hypnosis, superhuman durability ( more will be added)
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EVE MANSOUR: Chronoskimming, mind reading, some ice-powers cause she is cool all the time
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BILL FRASER: Pyrokinesis, solar form, solar absorption, flight, wing growth/wing blades (alias Icarus( coolest name ever) 
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DAVID KERSHAW: Animal manipulation, animal empathy (alias Kitten?)
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EOIN MCGONIGAL: Weather Control( ironic we know), lightning travel, cyclone spinning, aerokinesis, flight 
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GEORGES BERGÈ: Hydrokinesis (alias Wave, Riptide, Crescent( like the moon)?)
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ARNDRÈ ZIRNHELD: Illusion generation, mind/physical control (alias Vision?) 
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PAT RILEY: X-Factor Detection, Telepathy, Force Field Generation (alias Shield?)
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JIM ALMONDS: Healing factor, (alias Nurse?)
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MARC HALÈVY: Self detonation, shockwaves (alias Grenade? pull the pin and throw me where the enemy is most numerous)
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HERBERT BRUCKNER: Invisibility, shapeshifting, self duplication
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WALTER ESSNER: Electrokinesis, technopathy( if frying phone batteries count), lightning travel?( eventually) 
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(alias Surge? something like that, I can imagine someone at the school calling Walter “Sparky” in a joking way not knowing about his past( part of a fic we wrote) and the guy just tranformes into that ptsd war dog meme) 
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THAT MEME MADE ME CHOKE ON MY FOOD LMAO, that is what im here to do, kinda
@elkro @just-barrow @onyxsboxes​ @adowbaldwin​ @invisiblegargoyl @booksoncanvas​ @bachaboska @kuro-anko @snitling @fergusfraserapologist​ @akatsuki-rin @rosescruensixxam @queerevolutionaries​ @cloudyfacewithjam​   I think that was everyone, get over here guys!
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cinematitlecards · 1 year
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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" (1989) Directed by Stephen Herek (Adventure/Comedy/Music) . . "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey" (1991) Directed by Peter Hewitt (Adventure/Comedy/Fantasy) . . "Bill & Ted Face The Music" (2020) Directed by Dean Parisot (Adventure/Comedy/Music)
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answermywearyquery · 1 year
sas: rogue heroes | my fave boys (youtube link)
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raurquiz · 5 months
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#happybirthday @Wm_Sadler #williamsadler #actor #luthersloan #section31 #startrek #deepspacenine #ironman3 #themist #roswell #billandted #bogusjourney #FacetheMusic #theblacklist #agentsofshield #hawaiifive0 #damages #Homeland #TheHollow #WhenTheySeeUs #TheGrudge #AliceFadesAway
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just-barrow · 1 year
day 9 of @almost-a-class-act's War Is Helloween prompts!
SAS: Rogue Heroes - Bill Fraser & Mike Sadler
Character A has just moved in and it's Character B's turn to tell the new neighbour the neighbourhood's dark secret…
It was his first day in this house. His house. Life finally seemed to be going Bill's way. 
He had just finished putting away the last of his clothes in his brand new wardrobe when the doorbell rang. 
He wiped a hand across his brow. He didn't have anyone to help him move to his new place, so he had been lugging around boxes all day by himself. He was sure he looked a mess as he  walked into the hallway and opened his front door.
Before him stood a man with an undeniable air of confidence about him, his hair and clothes casually disheveled in a way that made Bill sure it was intentional. 
"Hello there. I'm your new neighbor, Mike," he introduced himself with a little wave. "Or, actually, you're the new neighbor, I suppose." His grin was effortlessly charming.
Bill returned a small smile. "Bill. Hi."
"You settling in alright?"
"Yes, thank you. Got almost everything unpacked."
"Good, that's good." Mike cast a look down the quiet street, as if he was expecting someone to appear. Dusk was creeping up on them.
Something about his tone and demeanor was off. Bill eyed him suspiciously. "Why are you here?"
Mike, realizing it was no use to make smalltalk, pressed on. "So. Just some advice about this place. You can't go outside after dark."
Bill did a double take. "I…what?"
"Don't go outside after dark." His tone had gone serious, a worried crease appearing in his forehead. "There's something ancient out there."
"Are you taking the piss?"
Mike's tone turned a little more stern. "I'm serious, this is important. Stay in your house and don't let it see you. Some very lucky people have managed to escape, but most who try to go out at night disappear without a trace."
Fear was starting to prickle along Bill's skin. It sounded ridiculous, but Mike seemed genuinely on edge, looking behind himself every time something rustled amongst the trees.
"Did the estate agent tell you what happened to the previous occupants?"
Swallowing thickly, Bill shook his head. He had wondered why he seemed so eager to sell, and for a great prize, too. He thought that maybe he had just gotten lucky for once in his life. He should have known. 
"That's because no one knows," Mike said. "They took the risk, and they vanished."
Bill felt cold all over. 
"Look, I'm sorry to have to tell you this." Mike looked apologetic. "It sucks, but you learn to live with it."
It was starting to get dark now, and with a final warning to keep his curtains closed and a hurried goodbye Mike jogged back to his house.
After he had closed the door, Bill walked over to the back window. He opened the curtains, just a little bit, and tried to focus on the woods behind his house. Mike had seemed scared of the trees. The wind whispered faintly through the treetops as darkness descended. For a moment, he felt relief; there was nothing there. This was all just a stupid prank.
But then he saw something move. It stalked behind the trees, slowly, threateningly. Glowing eyes suddenly turned towards Bill and looked directly at him. 
Bill sensed it throughout his entire body, a terror so visceral that he almost vomited on the spot–it was ancient, just like Mike had said, and it was hungry.
And now it had seen him.
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Every supernatural SAS unit should include: a bisexual French vampire, a pansexual/poly werewolf, a gay telekinetic, a grumpy bisexual Scottish pryokinetic, a non discriminating American absorber, a tall straight that will eventually realize he's bisexual and is human, and a short grumpy gay Irishman with 42 undiagnosed mental illnesses.
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ratleyland · 7 months
I was a massive fan of the first two movies when I was younger, so I thought I'd watched the third one.
Either my taste in movies changed as I got older... or I didn't get this movie 🤷🏾‍♂️
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wearebackbagels · 2 years
Information on the SAS ships.
A post for those who are new to the fandom and are CONF U S E D or those who want to know what this fandom has to offer. 
Timestamp for post: 17 / 12 2022, this is the current status of the ships. Mild spoilders ahead!
            Ship. Paddy Mayne x Eoin McGonigal, sometimes called Paddon.
Who??? The short, angry irishman( Paddy) and the taller irishman with black, curly hair and a wide smile( Eoin, appears in ep 1-3).
Descriptive tags. Angsty in the poetic, “one died too early” type of way, really beautiful, two-sided love, loss.
Canon content. Lots, great for all the canon-lovers out there, anecdotes found in biographies etc, new stuff is always ticking in. These two are a canon and irl couple what more could you possibly want?
Fanon content. Angst, fluff, basically all is canon complient, not much smut yet.
Widely known? Yes, this is the biggest and most accepted ship you will encounter in this fandom.
Ship status. Undead, one is deceased the other never lets go and therefore the ship is forever sailing the seas.
            Ship. Paddy Mayne x Augustin Jordan, called Maydan, MaydAn and on rare occations referred to as The Poet and The Philosopher, more of a descriptive nickname but everyone will know who you are talking about,.
Who??? The short, angry irishman( Paddy) and the lanky, french guy with dark hair and glasses( Augustin, appears in ep 5-6), they have an erotic scrap in the sand.
Descriptive tags. Brat vs Brat-tamer, love to get on each others nerves, shared love of poetry, horny.
Canon content. About as much as Paddon but every interaction these two have gives off the same vibe as a watersoaked, sparkling power outlet.
Fanon content. A lot of the fandom’s content is dedicated to this ship. Dirty as all fuck smut, headcanons, fics, AUs (so far: vampire/supernatural, modern, pirate), playlist, moodboard.
Widely known? Yes, this is the second biggest ship( at the moment).
Ship status. Alive
            Ship. Reggie Seekings x Johnny Cooper (x Mike Sadler).
Descriptive tags. Two huggable bears and their twink, super sweet and caring ship-dynamic.
Who??? The guy that looks a bit like Draco Malfoy( Johnny), the guy who is shirtless a lot, has a heavy british accent and lots of tattoos on his chest( Reggie) and the one who has a poker game in Cairo on Thursdays, is blond and is also in desperate need of a haircut( Mike, appears in ep 4-6)
Canon content.  Some, Reggie and Johnny have good chemistry and the real people the characters are based on were close irl. Interactions are subtle but interesting. Lots of anecdotes found in biographies that strengthen the ship.
Fanon content. Fluffy smut, smut, AUs (modern, supernatural, pirate)
Widely known? Yes and it is gaining recognition fast.
Ship status. Alive.
             Ship. Bill Fraser x Mike Sadler.
Descriptive tags. ? I’m not very famililiar with the ship.
Canon content. Non-existing.
Fanon content.  Some.
Widely known? Not really.
Ship status. Alive.        
            Ship. Paddy x Eoin x Augustin
Who??? See “Paddy x Eoin” and “Paddy x Augustin”.
Descriptive tags. Fix-it, more of a love-corner than a love-triangle, two of the characters never even met but that is easily fixed in fanon.
Canon content. None( ish). Two characters have a similar relationship to the third only in different periods of time.
Fanon content. Not much.
Widely known? No.
Ship status. Undead, one is deceased, the other never lets go and the third never met number one.
             Ship. Walter Essner x Herbert Bruckner.
Who??? The tallest of the french legionnairs, the one that got baptized as Mr Real Thing and got his hat kicked(Essner) and the other german, the guy from Dark (Bruckner, both appears in ep 5-6)
Descriptive tags. Angsty but in the ugly way, betrayal, friends or something more, outsiders being alone together, lies.
Canon content. Non-existing, the ingredients are there but you’ll have to squint really hard and use your imagination.
Fanon content. M I N I M A L.
Widely known? No.
Ship status. Ghost. Both died under *caugh* tragic circumstances.
             Ship. David Stirling x Eve Mansour
Who??? Adam from Sex Education( David) and the beautiful woman( Eve)
Descriptive tags. Two-sided love, really beautiful.
Canon content. Lots, these two are a canon couple.
Fanon content. Not much.
Widely known? Yes.
Ship status. ?, it is a bit muddy.
            Ship. Jock Lewis x Mirren ?
Who??? The small, eccentric guy( from GOT, Jock, appears in ep 1-4) and his hallucination  wife.
Descriptive tags. Really sad, beautiful but sad, two-sided love.
Canon content. Lots, but there are a lot of gaps to fill in.
Fanon content. None.
Widely known? Yes.
Ship status. Ghost.
I know I have forgotten some information because I can’t keep up with all of the ships being born and reborn in our conversations so if anyone could help me out with more info on Bill x Mike for example I’d be thrilled!
@rosescruensixxam @fergusfraserapologist  @homeahoy  @invisiblegargoyl @elkro  @akatsuki-rin   who have I forgotten this time?
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eoinmcgonigal · 1 year
Unit: 1 SAS Commanding Officer: Lt. R. Barb
Place: AO3 Date: 04 Oct 2023 Summary of Events and Information: Mike Sadler/Bill Fraser Fisting, Emotional Porn, Tenderness . Mike gets to not be in charge for a little while. . Remarks: Not Safe for Work, @saskinkheroes / SAS: Kink Heroes fic Reference to Appendix: Appendix 231004/CYFI
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