duastro · 10 months
People Born in March: Traits and Characteristics
Individuals born in March belong to the zodiac symptoms of Pisces and Aries, and their personalities are influenced through the traits associated with those astrological signs. In this article, we will explore the not unusual developments and traits regularly attributed to human beings born in March.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20):
Pisces is a water signal recognized for its emotional depth, creativity, and intuition. Those born underneath this signal regularly exhibit the following traits and traits:
Empathetic: Pisceans are notably empathetic and might without difficulty understand and connect to the emotions of others. They frequently offer assist and a listening ear to the ones in want.
Imaginative: They have a vivid creativeness and frequently enjoy creative pastimes consisting of artwork, tune, and writing. Pisceans might also possess a dreamy and creative nature.
Compassionate: Compassion is a outstanding trait of Pisces individuals. They have a deep feel of caring for others and are frequently involved in acts of kindness and charity.
Intuitive: Pisceans depend on their strong intuition and intestine feelings while making selections. They consider their instincts and regularly have a deep know-how of human nature.
Adaptive: They are adaptable people who can navigate various conditions and social environments effectively. Pisceans tend to be understanding and non-judgmental.
Sensitivity: Pisceans are emotionally touchy, and their moods may be influenced by their environment and the humans they have interaction with. They may additionally need time by myself to recharge.
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
Aries is a fireplace sign acknowledged for its ardour, willpower, and leadership characteristics. Those born below this signal frequently exhibit the following developments and traits:
Leadership: Arians are herbal leaders who are frequently unafraid to take charge and make choices. They are driven by means of their ambition and preference to prevail.
Courage: Aries people are courageous and unafraid to stand demanding situations and take dangers. They regularly show off a "can-do" mindset.
Independence: They fee their independence and revel in taking initiative of their endeavors. Arians can also choose to paintings on their terms.
Competitiveness: Arians have a aggressive spirit and revel in competing in various factors of existence, whether in sports, work, or private achievements.
Energetic: They are recognised for their boundless power and exuberance. Arians method existence with power and passion.
Impulsiveness: Arians can be impulsive and might act on their instincts with out overthinking. This trait can result in brief selection-making however may additionally from time to time bring about hasty moves.
Honesty: They price honesty and straight forwardness of their interactions. Arians are regarded for speak me their minds.
It's essential to consider that even as astrological signs provide general traits, every man or woman is precise and their character is prompted through a mixture of factors, which includes upbringing, surroundings, and private reports. Astrology gives insights into the developments of people born in March, however it does not define the entirety of their individual.
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saturninemysticthreads · 10 months
Rate this from 1-10! We value your feedback.
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cheesydrip · 1 year
Introducing our latest arrivals! Happy birthday cups! We have a wide variety of birth sign-themed cups now available in our Etsy store. Whether you're an Aries, Taurus, Gemini, or any other sign, we've got something special for you. These mini birth sign cups are not only stylish and unique, but also make great gifts for friends and loved ones. Head over to our Etsy store now to check out our latest collection and find your perfect birth sign cup!
If you don’t see yours yet don’t worry it’s coming!
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alokastrologyy · 1 year
लग्न और राशि कैसे काम करते हैं ? Chandra Rashi or Lagna Which Is Important? #shorts #astrology
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abstractredd · 1 year
what's your tes birth sign?
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(original post by u/TheWitherBoss76)
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artist-rat · 2 years
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my old and new tes character Saima <3 she’s a combination of a couple of my prev. ocs!
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sandytree1 · 6 months
Soul types in Fear & Hunger
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In the Fear & Hunger series, human souls can be of diverse types. They are decided at the time of one's birth, and are indicators of how one's personality and life will be like, oftentimes being the source of a person's skills. Soul types are the Fear & Hunger equivalent to real-life zodiac signs, though birth signs are still mentioned and confirmed to exist. Soul types are not the same as unique souls, which are for the most part unlockable accessory items that give certain stat bonuses and special status effects to the wearer. The Ancient One soul, held by the girl, is unique as well and will not be listed in this article for that particular reason.
"The new gods only pass on their knowledge to those who share the same birth sign and soul with them."
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Reddit: Souls, Summarized: How Souls work within Fear and Hunger, Leftie 2023
What soul type are you?
Encyclopedia: wiki.gg
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cutekittenlady · 1 year
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Continuation of a question from awhile ago;
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landgraabbed · 10 months
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her name is farama. redguard priest of mara. pacifist, though she did kill one kwama forager. she too started at thrisk hall but having started out with water walking she managed to head to fort frostmoth and out of the island. she's still alive hehe
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saturninemysticthreads · 10 months
Your opinion matters! Share your thoughts below.
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bone-evidence · 5 months
It is time to put my laundry in and write the next fic of my Soviet LietPru series! Or at least try, the writing has not come easy lately
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figsonawheel · 7 months
i am making my neravar at the moment and let me tell you the brainworms are definitely worming
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azures-grace · 1 year
So, I have to come up with stuff that isn't specified in-game for my fic, and sometimes, I will be like, "eh, it's just silly and that's why" or something like that, but then there's days like the other day...
I spent way too long annotation a map of Cyrodiil I found with rudimentary distances, populations, and travel times. In this process, I realized that I have to go edit some stuff from the last 2 chapters.
And THEN, I spent a while trying to figure out what Birthsign Lucien would have and ended up choosing one (but I won't specify) and that I'm really happy about because yeah, I think it's real neat and I tied it to his characterization :]]]
Anyway, thank you to my co-author/beta for putting up with this. Love you bestie (platonically)
(idk if you wanna be tagged)
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oberonofthevanr · 1 year
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Those born under the sign of the Tower, in the season of Frostfall, are especially skilled at finding gold and opening locks.
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rxng · 2 years
[txt]: Random question, but does your planet/base/homeworld/location of operation have its own constellations? Or even a concept of them? Because I realized star positions would look pretty different depending on where you were in the sky, and on Earth we've been using star positions to navigate for a long time, but it'd be pretty moot in a different part of the sky. Kind of like trying to find the North and South poles via compass on a planet without a magnetic field.
[txt]: Sorry if that's is out of nowhere, I'm stuck in my dress shop waiting for an order to process and it's basically just me and my thoughts in here. How are you?
There's a moment of silence before...
A photo. A night sky, lit by thousands of stars that burn brighter than they do on Earth. No atmosphere, after all.
Another few photos filter in, noted in glyphic scratch with a quick edit in English above. There's the star configuration of a disc, a Tanuki, and... a crab.
Well, some things are universal.
[text] We have quite a few constellations, actually! The photos included are a few of our Zodiac, which we use for assigning 'birth times.'
Another photo pops in. It's a spiral.
[text] This one is mine. Unity, the start of our year. In some times, due to Cybertron's odd orbit, both the Key and Unity are present in the sky. Those are said to be odd years.
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unironicallytes · 4 months
✨📜 A Mostly Very Specific Elder Scrolls OC Ask Game 📜✨
I wanted to talk about my TES OCs, so I threw together an Ask Game - anyone can use it, so play to your heart's content if you feel inclined! Remember to indicate if you have multiple OCs that can be asked about. I hope you have fun with it!
What era(s) is your OC from?
What is your OC’s birthsign? Does it affect the way they live their life?
What is your OC’s race and cultural heritage? Are they multiracial?
How old is your OC? Is their age typical for their race, or are they an outlier?
What is your OC's first language? Do they know any others?
Does your OC have any formal education? Via what organization, if so?
What province does your OC currently live in?
Does your OC tend to live on the road, or do they tend to settle in one place?
What is your OC’s current primary living space? Ex: a house, a mansion, an alley, a dormitory, campsites, etc.
How does your OC decorate their primary living space?
What does your OC's daily/nightly schedule look like? Do they have any routines?
Which different provinces has your OC visited? If they haven't visited any others, do they have a particular place they'd like to go?
Can your OC ride a mount? If so, what do they ride?
At what age did your OC leave their hometown and why? Or have they never left?
Has your OC ever been to the sea? Is it mundane or remarkable to them?
Can your OC swim? Do they like or dislike it?
Does your OC have a living family? What is/was their relationship like?
Does your OC have a companion, romantic or otherwise? How did they meet?
How easily does your OC make friends?
How does your OC earn money? How much does money affect their life?
What skill lines does your OC primarily excel at? Which ones are they weak in?
Is your OC passionate about an area of study? What got them into the topic?
What are your OC's opinions on vampires and werewolves? Do they belong to one of those groups? If so, what is their opinion on vampire/werewolf clans?
What moral boundaries does your OC have? Have they ever crossed them? What happened?
What are your OC’s religious beliefs? How strong is their faith?
How does the game’s main plot affect your OC’s life? (ex: Skyrim = civil war and dragons; Oblivion = Oblivion crisis; etc.)?
Your OC runs into some bandits on the road. Does your OC comply with their demands, fight them off, flee the area, or etc.?
Somewhere in a town your OC has frequented, another character mentions their name in conversation. What reactions do others have to your OC’s reputation? Does your OC even have a reputation, or do they fly under the radar?
Your OC sits down at a tavern. What food/drink are they ordering?
While walking through town, your OC is approached by a beggar asking for some gold. How does your OC respond?
Your OC is packing for a day-long trip on the road. What is in their travel bag?
A guard has confronted your OC, suspecting that they've broken the law in some way. What offense is your OC most likely to be accused of? Did they actually do it?
Your OC has just woken up from a horrible nightmare. What was it about?
Your OC feels that they are about to die. What are their last words, and to whom do they speak them to?
After miraculously surviving a near-death experience, your OC regains consciousness. What are the first words out of their mouth, and to whom do they speak them to?
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