#Black - Golden Marble Inlay decorative flooring
stoneartbyskl · 4 months
Black - Golden Marble Inlay Flooring - Stone Art By SKL
Experience the elegance and sophistication of our Black - Golden Marble Inlay Flooring with Mashrabiya Pattern Designs, a unique fusion of artistic expression and functionality. Let the mesmerizing patterns and luxurious materials elevate your interiors, creating a sense of grandeur and refinement.
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ilovemybishies87 · 7 months
The Vacation from Hell - Chapter Two
Chapter two is now uploaded to AO3! It is also below the cut, in case anyone prefers to read on tumblr.
This chapter is VERY loosely based on the response sketch from @damntheyare's original 'human hotel' fanart. Because some tropes will never die (nor do we want them to).
Despite the numerous changes since Alastor was alive, he could more or less navigate thanks to a few familiar landmarks, like the old Hermann-Grima place. Back in his day, it had been a boarding house for single women. He slowed as they passed its faded blue shutters and gated front door.  
“What is it?” asked Charlie. “You know this place?” 
He shook his head. “Not exactly. I know about it. This house has quite a history, spanning back to before I was even alive! The families who owned it are well known around here.” 
“Speaking of, where is here? I didn’t ask since you seem to know the way.” 
“New Orleans.” Alastor paused. “Home, I suppose.” 
Charlie’s eyes widened. “This is where you lived when you were human?” 
“Born and raised!”   
“And the hotel we’re staying?” 
He didn’t answer. He could only hope it still existed.  
Their suitcase wheels clacked on the brick sidewalk as they strode down Saint Louis Street and turned right. Many of the businesses were from after his time. He didn’t care for their newer architecture: some flashes of style here and there, but mostly it simply existed. Functional without any flavor.  
They crossed over two more streets before reaching their destination.  
Alastor allowed himself to drink in the sight. The name Hotel Monteleone was embellished in bold cursive on all three sides of the sign above the main portico. Festoons and cartouches, worn with age, adorned the hotel’s facade. Flower-filled planters lined a set of windows, and sky-blue flags waved on poles attached to metal guards.  
Charlie’s jaw dropped, and her bag nearly so. “This is . . . wow.” She laughed. “Good choice, Al!” 
“Thank you, my dear!” he said, and found his mood marginally improved. 
A solitary footman stood before a pair of golden doors. His attire was more suited to the weather—a short sleeve button down—but the black hat couldn’t have been comfortable. As they approached, he swung the door closest to him open.  
Cold air wafted out from the lobby.  
“Maybe we should have someone greet our guests at the entrance, too!” she whispered, nodding her head in thanks as they entered. “Nothing says hospitable more than a friendly face greeting you when you arrive!” 
“Oh? And who would you suggest for our doorman?”  
“Angel Dust?” 
“Not the worst suggestion.” He thought she might suggest Vaggie, but Charlie seemed to realize her dour expression would deter sinners seeking redemption. “Though I can’t say the types of guests he’d attract are what you’re hoping for!” 
“That’s the point, Alastor! Everyone is welcome,” she insisted. “The problem is whether Angel would agree to it. He already works for Valentino. But maybe this will be a step in the right direction!” 
The lobby was even more impressive than the hotel’s front. Their suitcases glided over parquet marble floors. Framed paintings of the founder, along with other men Alastor couldn’t place, decorated the walls. Above them, gold inlayed panels adorned the bases of crystal chandeliers. The lighting filled the entrance with a soft glow, making the place feel otherworldly.  
To their left, a rose centerpiece stood in the middle, bench-like seating surrounding the arrangement. A set of stairs, most likely heading to the establishment's rooms, lay before it. Another smaller set of steps led to the entrance of a restaurant. Alastor filed that away for later. Once they were settled in, food would no doubt be a priority. They passed more seating in the form of sofas and upholstered armchairs, along with a grandfather clock ticking away the seconds.  
Charlie lingered behind as he approached the counter. 
The receptionist was a completely average woman. Not too tall or short, heavy or thin. Completely unremarkable. Her only standout feature was the short reddish locks framing her face. Her smile screamed ‘customer service,’ but she didn’t appear to be in a mood either. 
“Can I help you?”  
Alastor read the tag pinned to her blazer. “Why, yes, I believe you can, Marie!” he said with a flourish. “My companion and I are needing a room for the duration of our stay.” 
“Of course, sir.” Marie began typing and glanced between him and a screen that suspiciously resembled Vox’s head. “Do you already have a reservation?” 
Yes, he did. Decades ago, when they were supposed to arrive. Alastor was left with quite the conundrum. Did he take a chance on the hotel having an open room? Or did he use his magic to . . . turn the odds in their favor? The latter was the obvious choice, but he had expended more energy than planned to transport the group and their belongings. 
Alastor lightly tapped the top of the machine and infused it with his magic. A green glow came forth from the monitor along with thread-like tendrils. They reached out toward the receptionist and infused her pupils with the same green glow.  
“Yes, indeed!” he gritted out. “It should be for Alastor Malveaux and Charlotte Magne.” 
Marie blinked; her eyes returned to normal. “Thank you, sir. One moment while I pull up that information.” 
“Was that your last name?” whispered Charlie, joining him at his side. 
Alastor shrugged. “Who knows?” he replied, his voice low. “Whatever it was, it’s lost to the wind. The Radio Demon is what I’m known as now, and I have no complaints.” 
“Okay, but what about my name? Charlotte Magne. Really? What’s wrong with Charlie Morningstar?” 
“Your last name might . . . raise a few eyebrows,” he said, smirking, “and Charlie Magne is too obvious.” 
“How so?” 
Marie interrupted before he could explain. “Okay, so I’ve found your reservation.” Her face twitched. “But I’m afraid the room you requested was double booked. Another couple has already checked in.” 
“I see.” Charlie turned to him. “I guess we’ll have to cut our trip short?” 
"No, no, Miss Magne!” said Marie. “This was entirely our fault! We do have another room available, though. Fortunately for you, it’s an upgrade!” She started furiously typing away. “How long did you and Mister Malveaux plan on staying again?” 
Alastor struggled to keep his grin. “Six days.” 
“And what time were you planning on returning home? Check out is before noon.” 
So many questions. “We can be out before then.” 
“Perfect! So, that will be five nights total—” 
“What a relief!” Charlie scooped Husk off her shoulder and held him in her arms. He had somehow managed to remain affixed the entire trip to the hotel.  
Alastor wholeheartedly agreed. “We’ll have to decide who gets which bed once we are in the room.” 
“Oh, you wanted two beds?” asked Marie, the clacking on her keyboard slowing.  
He blinked. “I beg your pardon?”  
“I’m sorry if I wasn’t clearer.” She held up her index finger. “The room only has one. If it’s any consolation, it’s a King.”  
He would not murder the woman for doing her job, even if she was getting on the very last of his nerves. Alastor forced the violent urge down and laughed. “It would be quite improper for an unmarried man and woman to share—”  
“We’ll make do,” Charlie answered, much to his shock. She looked up at him. “Is that okay?” 
“As you said,” he stated with a deep breath, “we’ll make do.” 
“All right! That’s five nights total with two pets,” Marie said, eyeing Niffty and Husk in their arms. “They receive their own little welcome package for free. Trust me, everyone loves it! And did you want any add-ons or upgrades for your stay? We offer overnight valet parking, along with a wide selection of wines and hard liquors—” 
“That won’t be necessary.” 
“Maybe some macrons for you and Miss Magne—” 
Charlie watched their exchange with rapt attention. No doubt she was mentally taking notes on what could be added to their hotel. That was the purpose of this visit. And while he appreciated her passion in theory—the more invested, the more satisfying it would be to see her dreams torn to shreds—the only one suffering at the moment was him. 
“Just the total,” Alastor ground out. “Please.” 
“That’ll be $2,204.60.” 
Alastor turned to Charlie and handed her Niffty, who let out a small ‘Yip!’ of dismay. Charlie gasped. She barely managed to catch the other demon—now dog—and juggle both her and Husk in her arms. 
Alastor unzipped the bag sitting on top of Niffty’s luggage and made a show of rummaging around. As he suspected, Husk had packed nothing but alcohol. He was grateful for once. A bottle of whiskey was calling his name. Hopefully the staff didn’t check the contents before they settled in. With his last bit of magic—at least until he could get some food and rest and alcohol—he conjured a stack of bills and zipped the sack closed. 
He pulled out the cash and began counting.   
Marie’s almond eyes widened. “Wow, don’t see that too often!” She stared at him grimly. “You’ll want to be careful. You’ll be a target for sure.” 
Alastor chuckled as he placed the last bill down. The remainder was shoved into his pocket. “I’m not worried.” He took Niffty from Charlie, much to her relief, and held the small dog under his other arm.  
Marie picked up the bills and double checked the amount. “Suit yourself. We don’t keep change here, but—” 
“Don’t worry about the extra. Consider it a tip for your hard work! Otherwise, we’d be looking for another hotel or returning home.” 
“Thank you, Mister Malveaux!” This time her smile was genuine. “If you don’t mind me asking, where is home for you anyway?” 
“I'm technically from around these parts, but it's been years since I’ve been back. Things have changed quite a bit.” 
Marie nodded. “You’ll find yourself at home in no time. Change doesn’t happen that fast here.” She turned to Charlie. “What about you?” 
“Well . . . ,” said Charlie nervously, “where I’m from is pretty big. And dry. And hot! Not to mention very . . . intense! It’s nothing like here.” 
Marie raised a brow. “Huh?” 
“California!” said Alastor, and he felt Charlie relax.  
“It’s where we met,” Charlie added, smiling at him.  
“Oh, so you must be an actor,” said Marie to Alastor. “You sure are dedicated to the craft, not breaking character! It explains the accent. The glasses and cash too. Those Hollywood eccentrics sure have rubbed off on you.” 
Alastor quirked his head. “Pardon?” 
“I’ve never seen you in anything before, but I'm not much for historical pieces.” She reached for the safety deposit box below the counter and locked the cash away. “But I’m trying to branch out. I’ll watch for you.” 
He and Charlie shared a look. A smirk graced her lips. 
“Not a word, Miss Magne,” he said under his breath. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Mister Malveaux.” 
“Your room will be ready in a few minutes. Our bellhop will take your luggage for you.” A stout man with curly black hair approached. He wore the same outfit as the doorman, though his dark pants still held the crisp line from when they were pressed earlier that day. “Olivier, could you take their things to room 606?” 
He tipped his hat in her direction, then piled their bags onto the luggage cart. “I’m on it!” 
Alastor eyed the sofas in the lounge, but before he could move, he heard the shuffling of papers from behind the counter. 
“So,” said Marie, “what do you two plan on doing while you’re here?” 
Charlie bit her lip. “I’m not sure honestly. I was only interested in the hotel,” she admitted. “Alastor did all the planning.” 
Absolutely not.  
“I see.” Marie nodded. “Any sites you wanted to visit with Miss Magne?” 
He was not having any small talk. 
“I hadn’t given it much thought,” he said, his tone clipped. 
Marie’s expression brightened. “In that case, would you mind if I made some suggestions?” 
“Not at all!” exclaimed Charlie. 
“The Phantom of the Opera is in town,” Marie said, handing over several brochures. “Not sure if you’ve seen it yet. Broadway is probably better, but it hasn’t been to New Orleans in about a decade, so we’re all excited.” 
Charlie turned to Alastor and placed Husk on his shoulder before he could say a word. She took the pamphlets from the receptionist and flipped through one.  
“Is this any good?”  
Marie leaned over to see what Charlie was showing her. “The Voodoo, Witchcraft and Vampires tour? If you’re into supernatural stuff, sure. There's no shortage of that around here, even at this very hotel.” 
"How so?” Charlie asked.  
“There’ve been countless unexplained happenings over the years. Doors that open on their own, elevators that go to the wrong floor, even shadows of kids playing in the halls! Eyewitness accounts from different times, guests, and staff. Hard to write it off as coincidence!” 
What drivel. Charlie seemed to think so too, judging by her incredulous expression. If anyone knew what happened to a soul after they passed, it would be the Princess of Hell. They were either in her domain or they weren’t. It was as simple as that. 
“What about this, Alastor? They have jazz bands and even a jazz museum!” 
“I wouldn’t mind hearing a live session again,” he said. “It’s been ages! But I also wouldn’t mind some place . . . quieter.”  
“Then you have to go to Oak Valley Plantation,” said Marie. “It’s about an hour away from here, but if you want to get away from it all, that’s your best bet! It’s like stepping back in time.” 
Alastor considered her briefly. “Maybe before we leave, to wind down.” 
“Excellent! I can help get you tickets for any or all of those excursions. Give me another ten or fifteen minutes to calculate—” 
“We’ll do them all.” He glanced at Charlie, who couldn’t have looked more thrilled than if every sinner in Hell had been redeemed in one fell swoop. Alastor pulled all but a couple of bills from his pocket and placed them in her hand. “I trust you with the schedule, my dear.”  
Charlie grasped the cash tightly. “Thank you, Al! I won’t let you down.” 
“Yes, yes.” He sighed. “I’m taking a breather until our room is ready.” 
“Olivier should be nearly finished if you would like to head up, Mister Malveaux. Here’s your key,” Marie said, handing him a piece of plastic. “I’ll give Miss Magne the other so she can join you when we’re done.” 
Alastor held the rectangular thing awkwardly between his fingers. What odd material to use for a key.  
The elevator was several paces behind them on the other side of the stairs. Leaving the two women to hash out their plans—a decision he hoped he would not come to regret—he stepped into an empty lift and pushed the backlit button with the number 6. 
Husk pawed at his head, nearly knocking his glasses off. 
Alastor turned, his glare ice cold. “You’re trying your luck, Husker! I’m not in the mood to be messed with. Unless you care to find out if cats really do have nine lives, I would suggest you mind yourself for the rest of the trip.”  
Silence filled the compartment for the ride up to the sixth floor. The elevator’s ding! notified them of their arrival, and the doors slid open. A gold cart was parked in the hall several doors down. He could see the last of their luggage—pink, in all its shameless glory—being picked up and transported inside. 
“Thank you for your hard work, my good sir!” said Alastor, steadfast in keeping the last of his remaining patience in check. He handed the man a crisp . . . twenty? Fifty? He didn’t look. “Much appreciated!” 
Olivier’s eyes widened. Had he slipped him a hundred by mistake? “You’re too kind, sir! Thank you. Let me know if you need anything!” He pushed the cart back toward the lifts. 
The room’s door remained open long enough to slip in. Alastor allowed it to close behind them as he placed Niffty on the ground beside him. Husk jumped from his shoulder and landed on the carpeted floor. They surveyed their accommodations. 
White. It was very white. Alastor crossed over to the king-size bed and upholstered headboard, a wallpapered inset behind it. They were white. So was the bedding. As was the much smaller, more rustic chandelier hanging up above. The nightstands, the single-seated sofa, and the vanity and set of chairs at the foot of the bed.  
The carpeting. The floors. The ceiling. 
Everything was white. Even the bathroom gave him no reprieve. 
Was this what Heaven was like? 
Alastor felt like he was going mad. The only hints of color came from the trio and the baggage they had dragged along for the trip. Charlie’s and Niffty’s luggage were a sight for sore eyes against the colorless landscape that was their room.  
Husk’s was too, but for very different reasons. Alastor picked up the leather bag, placed it on the vanity, and pulled out a seat. A small glass was set upside down beneath a mirror. He grabbed it and quickly zipped the bag open. The bottle of whiskey he eyed earlier clinked against a bottle of gin, and without hesitation, he twisted the cap off with his thumb and poured out a healthy amount.  
Husk jumped up and hissed.   
Alastor tipped his glass and downed the drink. “Even when you can’t pour, you make an excellent bartender, Husker old pal!”  
An almost imperceptible beep alerted him to Charlie’s arrival. “That receptionist really knows her stuff!” She dropped a handful of brochures on the vanity, along with a much thinner stack of cash, and pulled out the seat next to him. “So, I know we’re here for research—” 
“You are,” said Alastor, pouring himself another glass. “I am but the chauffer.” He picked up the money, returning it to his pocket. “And sponsor, clearly.” 
Charlie hesitated. “Are you okay, Al? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink before.” 
“Well, we are on vacation, aren’t we?” This time he didn’t down the liquor in one gulp. He allowed it to linger on his tongue before swallowing, relishing the slight burn. “You were saying?” 
“R-Right. I still plan on getting the full hotel experience while we’re here. Even checking in has given me so many ideas! I’ll need to take notes, so I don’t forget anything.” She took out a notepad and pen from her purse. “Everything is so luxurious, don’t you think?” 
If someone enjoyed the ‘padded room’ aesthetic, then certainly. 
“But I figured, we might as well take in the sights too! I can only imagine how much has changed since . . . .” 
Alastor allowed the silence to hang between them.  
Charlie looked around awkwardly. “I’m sorry about the bed. We can ask for more pillows to create a wall between us. If that helps.” 
“You needn’t worry about me.” Alastor took another long sip before grabbing a different bottle from Husk’s bag. He read the label and realized he didn’t care what he was drinking, so long as it was strong. “I will make do.” 
“I don’t want you sleeping on the floor, Al. Or in the chairs. You should be comfortable!” 
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get there,” he said, fumbling over the words. His accent slipped as well. “In the meantime, you should do what you set out to do! There’s a whole hotel waiting to be explored.” 
Charlie stood and tipped her luggage onto the floor. “What about you? You’re not going to spend the whole day drinking, are you?” 
Alastor made one last drink and toasted to her. “Well, you could say I have some research of my own. But until then”—he tipped the glass back and grimaced—“I’m starting this trip off with a bang!” 
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Silent Regret
Part 1: Alone.
Walter Goldstein regrets the pain and suffering he has caused for his son. Now that he has left home and the mansion is deserted, he wants nothing more than to apologise to him. 
Somewhere deep inside the palace-like mansion of the Goldstein estate, sounds of a liquid being poured into a glass echoed through the marble halls. It came from inside the office of the Haus of Goldstein’s patriarch, Walter Goldstein. The size of a small apartment, elegantly symmetrical, marble floors and decorations of expensive artwork, trinkets and finishings, the office reflected the wealth and status of the kingdom’s most wealthiest and powerful wizarding family. An honour the family has had bestowed on them for many centuries.
The only entrance into the marble-floored office was through a set of heavy, antique-looking double doors that only opened inwards to the office. Like most of the architectural elements in the house, they were custom designed with intricate chocolate coloured panelling inlayed with a golden brass with golden door levers and locks to match.
Walter’s mahogany oak desk, facing the doors, was placed deep inside the room, closer to the wide ceiling-to-floor arch windows, which were also the only two windows within the office, that filled the room with natural light. The positioning of his large desk was justified to accommodate the left and right walls that were transformed into thick bookshelves and glass cabinets, stretching the length of the room and holding all his professional and personal books, documents and other valuable trinkets.
Just to the left of the entrance was an arrangement of two brown leather armchairs facing a single black leather armchair separated by a small oval-shaped antique table. This was his conference space where he conducted lengthy meetings with various people – some diplomatic and some personal – in supreme comfort and privacy. When he didn’t have company, Walter sat on a comfortable black leather armchair at his desk. He would either work on blueprints for another magical tool invention, case files for ministry and government investigations or reports from the Haus of Goldstein’s many private enterprises and philanthropic missions.
Thus, the office for the patriarch served many purposes – an office, a personal library, a study, a private conference room and a trove for his most valuable possessions. However, for many years now, especially when the mood struck, the room became a lonely sanctuary for him to depressively wallow alone and deeply reflect on his regrets in life. Most prominently, his failure as a father towards his youngest son, Elias, which would also become the catalyst for his family’s suffering and misery. Once upon a time, the palace-like home was lively and colourful but now, because of him, the home had become silent, empty and dismal.
All who remained here was himself and his wife, Mary. Walter often heard her weeping, the tears of a mother’s broken heart because of the fractured state of her family and the worry she felt for her three sons. Alfonse had deserted the home and family with his whereabouts unknown. Klaus became guarded and hardened his heart to the world and moved out of the home too, desperate to be anywhere but within these walls. Today, it was Elias’ turn to leave the home to embark on his journey into adulthood but he was miserable. He barely smiled nor had any bright energy behind  his amethyst eyes. Rather, he was obsessed with his mission to prove himself to his father and gain his acceptance. Elias’ misery, anxiety, unsociability and sole interest in magic was a result of Walter’s ill-tempered draconian parenting that destroyed their bond and shattered Elias’ heart.
Despite the tension that caused this rift, Walter loved his family and they loved him but they were angry with Walter, especially Elias – who he had hurt the most – overshadowed this fact. That anger further driven by Walter’s incapacity to apologise and atone for his mistakes. Walter realises his impotence to apologise and atone for his mistakes deepened his family’s disgust, caused further damage to his relationship with Elias and added to Elias’ suffering. Instead, Walter isolated himself to his office to pitifully endure the emotional pain, a symptom, of his entrenched remorse that he felt he deserved.
The case files and reports he had been working on earlier that day were left scattered across the surface of his desk along with a photo album he had been flipping through, leaving it open on a family portrait, taken during their happier days, of himself and his three sons when they were young . Day had since turned to night with the office shadowed in pitch darkness with the silver glow of the full moon the only source of light that reached Walter at his desk.
Elias had left home and so he was in a sullen mood and found it difficult to concentrate on anything else. In a cupboard below the surface of the desk, Walter kept a square-shaped crystal decanter and a matching short glass. Those two items became his confidants when he brooded. The decanter was filled to the brim with his favourite aged whiskey along with the matching crystal glass. He paced every sip from the glass until it was empty and refilled it once again, and should the decanter run dry he had his wand nearby to refill it until he had enough or until he fell asleep.
The alcohol didn’t really make a difference, but it was a nice aesthetic. It didn’t dull or numb his pain he felt. Rather, he felt as if the alcohol intensified every layer of his pain to the point it became unbearable, but he endured it as his punishment.
Memories of all the awful things he had said and done to Elias were viewed with more clarity, and in hindsight, he corrected himself on what he should have done, not that it made any difference to the present circumstances.
“It’s easier to make the right decisions in hindsight,” he uttered, depressingly, to no one.
The alcohol made him see and hear the things he refused to notice back then, especially when it came to Elias and how much Walter had hurt him. He even could hear the begging cries from his wife and two other sons, who pleaded to him to change how he treated Elias. Their eventual disgust at him no doubt born by witnessing Elias’ happy and bright energy fade into melancholy as he abandoned all his other interests in pursuit of his father’s approval. Walter’s pride, stubbornness and temper blindly made him act severely towards Elias.
The alcohol also made Walter’s desires stronger especially when yearning for the day when is family was whole again. But, mostly, for the day where he had the courage and the right to speak to Elias once again and express his unconditional love he always held for his son, despite everything he had done and said that made it seem as though Walter rejected him.
This made Walter mourn for the time that had been lost between them and the more time they would lose the longer he waited to reach out to Elias and beg for a chance to atone for all his wrongs, but he didn’t deserve his son’s forgiveness. All he wanted was to make Elias a stronger person and wizard. But, he had foolishly put the family’s public image, legacy and pride above the welfare of his son and the happiness of his family.
“One day,” Walter thought to himself, “One day, I will have the right to call you my son again.”
Now that Elias was gone, unsure when he would return home, Walter anxiously wondered if he would ever see him again and if he had wasted all his opportunities to begin making amends. A stray tear left Walter’s eye and dropped into the glass of whiskey he held close to his lips.
“Elias…,” Walter whispered his name into the glass of whiskey, “…I apologise. I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry.”
“…I never meant to hurt you,” he whispered, hoping his whispers would somehow reach his son who was now very far away from home, “I love you, more than you know,” He whispered before taking another sip of his now tear-stained whiskey.
Desperate to ensure his three sons continued their family’s proud legacy of producing powerful and intelligent wizards, Walter set high expectations for his three sons. Alfonse and Klaus naturally possessed innate power and genius intellect and met his expectations with ease. Elias, although intelligent, lacked the same innate powerful abilities as his ancestors, his father and his two older brothers. Failing to meet Walter’s high standards, Walter became frustrated and disappointed with his son that his teaching methods became draconian.
Expecting him to possess a dormant power, Walter pushed Elias to his limits to forcibly unleash that power befitting a son of the Haus of Goldstein, often placing him in physically dangerous scenarios. But to no avail. Elias consistently failed to perform magic to his father’s high standards and would sometimes sustain injuries from either losing control of his magic or his spells backfiring. Walter’s frustration often boiled over into explosive verbal attacks which no doubt remain deep-rooted in Elias’ memories.
There were so many incidents of this abuse as it lasted for many years from when Elias was a young child until he was a pre-teen. Walter remembered everything he had done and said from every incident that turned abusive. He hated that he was aware of what he was doing back then but refused to acknowledge and apologise for it. Especially now, that when he brooded his memory would select a memory at random to reminisce every detail about that moment – the tears that stained Elias’ eyes and the bloody cuts and bruises he’d sustain when his spells failed or couldn’t block a spell and Walter’s unwillingness to administer a healing spell or check his welfare, the harmful, hot-tempered things Walter would say to Elias, he remembered it all. Most heartbreakingly, was watching Elias become afraid of his father and overhearing him asking his mother and brothers why his father hated him. It was like a punishment he couldn’t escape from that more tears leaked from Walter’s eyes and into his glass of whiskey.
Upon recollection, Walter had been warned numerously by his wife and his two other sons that his abuse of Elias would end in them having a strained relationship. He laughed it off, “absurd!” he’d used to say, believing his methods was nothing more than a father giving his son some tough love that Elias would thank him for once his inner powers were finally unleased and he was worthy of his illustrious name. He was wrong, so very wrong. They were right. Regrettably, he should’ve listened. One hot-tempered decision Walter made, that Elias had overheard, in a private conversation didn’t just strain their relationship, it severed it.  
“I should have listened,” Walter muttered to no one, taking a sip from his glass, “What a stubborn fool I am now. Klaus was right, I’m now paying the price for all my sins. Elias hates me.”
Six years ago, the abuse stopped because Walter did something that he is most ashamed and regrets it ever happening that if he had the ability to use time magic, he would happily take advantage of that power to prevent this one thought from ever leaving his mouth as it would forever wound his family and sever his relationship with Elias. It happened right here, in his office six years, three months and seven days ago.
Walter – abandoned his son.
And, since that day, they barely exchanged a word – except for public events to save face – and had become quite estranged. The day of their falling out, Walter remembered it like it happened yesterday.
 **** Six years ago…
  Klaus was home from the academy and Alfonse had run away from home. Elias was eleven years old and still failed to measure up to his father’s high standards. Their training session had abruptly ended with Walter verbally lashing out at Elias yet again for not performing magic at the standard he expected for a son of the Haus of Goldstein. Elias, dejected, retreated to his chambers while Walter, filled with anger, returned to his office. After some time, he still hadn’t calmed down and had summoned Klaus.
“I don’t know what to do anymore?” Walter paced back and forth in the space behind his armchair, “What is the matter with him?”
Klaus sighed, “Father, as a suggestion — “
“No!” Walter cut him off, “I do not want to hear anymore excuses for that boy!”
Walter felt the rage burn within him and heaved a frustrated sigh, “No more,” he shook his head.
Little did he know that Elias had come to return a tome on magical tools he had borrowed from one of his father’s bookshelves. Hearing the deep and angered voice of his father’s and Klaus’ quieter tone attempting to calm him down and reason with him, he didn’t enter, afraid of receiving another barrage of hurtful words. On hearing his name being spoken, he decided to listen and used his wand to cast a spell to hear their words much more clearly.
“He just needs —” Klaus tried to interject.
“No!” Walter refused, “I have no desire to waste anymore of my time on someone so weak!”
Klaus thought that was too harsh, “He’s trying his hardest,” Klaus tried to reason, “I think he is quite skilled.”
“Skilled? Are you joking?” Walter huffed, “He has no creativity and ingenuity in his magic and yet you say he is skilled.”
Klaus sighed, “He’s still young, Father.”
“How long are you going to use his age as an excuse?” Walter became annoyed that Klaus was defending Elias, “You may continue to train him if you wish but I will not be in the picture!”
Walter bit down on his lip, his anger not subsiding any time soon and laying down a framed photo of himself and Elias so he couldn’t see the image any longer.
“What do you mean by that?” Klaus asked, observing his father’s actions.
“How can he possibly be a son of mine!” with a hand still placed on the photo frame, he clenched his fist and angrily punched the back causing the stand to snap off and the glass cover on the other side to break, “I can’t have someone so weak at magic representing this family!”
Klaus didn’t flinch at his father’s violent reaction but was surprised by his motions. But, he worried more about the words that left his mouth.
“Father, please calm down,” Klaus urged, “You don’t want to do or say anything you don’t mean.”
“I do mean it!” Walter angrily responded, “Until he an prove to me he can perform magic at the expected aptitude of a Goldstein, he is not worthy of his name nor worthy as my child.”
“Think about what you’re saying!” Klaus begged him. “Imagine how much that would hurt Elias if he heard you say that!”
“I have thought about it!” Walter shouted, “I do mean it!”
“I’m not letting you abandon him like this!” Klaus shouted back, disgusted by the words that left his father’s mouth, “I won’t stand by for you to hurt him like this. He doesn’t deserve it! He already thinks that you hate him so if you say this to him, he’s going to think it’s true.”
“Well, maybe I do!” Walter retorted, defensively.
“You don’t!” Klaus didn’t want to hear it though, “You are not thinking clearly!”
“I am!” Walter shouted.
With that, Klaus angrily let out a heavy tsk but didn’t respond and an uncomfortable, silent tension fell across the room. Walter turned his back on Klaus and stressfully ran a hand over his face. He refused to turn back and stared outside the window overlooking a large patch of grass they used as a practical magic training ground, the enormous gardens that decorated the estate blurred in the background. Meanwhile Klaus’ sharp gaze glared angrily at his father’s back.
On the other side of the door, Elias felt as though his heart had shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. The tears he had held back silently gushed out of him uncontrollably. His vision was blurred by his tears that wet his cheeks, hands and the book he was holding as they fell. His knees and legs began to wobble as if all his strength was drained from them. Unable to stand properly he crouched down in front of the door. He didn’t know why but this pain that he felt was like physical blow – it hurt, like some force was painfully tearing him apart from the inside.
Summoned by the shouting echoing down the hall from the office, Mary hurried to see what was going on with intentions of stepping in to stop the fighting if it was required. Arriving at the entrance to Walter’s office, she found Elias crouched down, clutching the book he was holding close to his chest and in tears.
“Whatever,” Klaus muttered from inside the office, “Do what you want but I hope you know what price you are paying.”
“What price!” Walter scoffed.
“Elias,” Klaus answered, “Elias is what you are willing to sacrifice.”
“That doesn’t make any sense!” Walter responded.
Klaus understood what he meant but explained anyway, “Are you willing to damage your relationship with him? If you go through with this, he may grow up to resent you. I don’t want that for him. I don’t want another person he looks up to abandoning him so cruelly.”
“Then tell him to become the son that I expect him to be!” Walter demanded.
Klaus could feel his own rage burning inside of him, provoked by his father’s decision to hurt his younger brother. He couldn’t hear anymore of this drivel, “It’s no use talking to you when you’re like this!” Klaus tsked and angrily pulled down on the golden lever of the door to leave the room.
Elias could hear the stomping of footsteps coming to the door and scrambled to find the strength to gather himself back onto his feet and wipe the tears off his face to both hide the fact he had eavesdropped and the agony he was currently feeling after overhearing his father’s intentions to abandon him for not being good enough. As Mary was about to approach her son, the office door swung open with the door opening backwards into the office with a gust of air ruffling Elias’ golden hair.
“Elias!” Klaus was stunned to see him standing there.
Up close, Elias’ eyes were red and his complexion was pale. His expression downward and twisting with the torment that was ripping him apart from within. His focus appeared disoriented and his body appeared limp, like all his strength had been drained. Klaus knew he had overheard everything. Klaus then saw his mother in the back with her voiceless lips asking what was going on. Klaus signalled he would explain later as he was more worried about his younger brother who held a book to his chest.
Even though those words left his mouth, Walter instantly felt an unpleasant guilt tingling within him. “How much did he hear?” Walter wondered and, with a gulp of salvia, turned around to gauge his son’s body language to discover the answer to that question. Other than his eyes, Walter observed him looking distraught and disoriented. Walter, Mary and Klaus knew that he was just trying to be strong and fool them into thinking he didn’t hear anything but they saw right through it. The tension in the air was intense.
Elias wordlessly stumbled past his brother.
“Elias?” Klaus called out to him first.
Elias didn’t answer him as he stumbled toward a bookshelf in the middle of the right side wall where Walter kept most of his tomes. Walter’s eyes fixed on his son, Klaus and Mary worriedly watched on. Elias fumbled trying to place the book in its rightful spot, between two other tomes, on a shelf that was level with his head. Eventually, he slotted it into the gap.
Turning to face his father and meeting his gaze, Walter noticed his reddened eyes and the way the light shined off his tear-stained cheek. The distorted and twisted pain on his face as if something was tearing him apart from inside of him. Walter instantly knew he had overheard everything. Upon that realisation, even his own heart began to ache as he felt guilty.
Elias broke the silence with a shaking voice, “…T-Thank you for letting me borrow your tome. I was just returning it to you,” he bowed.
Walter had never seen Elias bow to him like this before. It didn’t sit well with him.
Elias made the motion to leave the room, quickly slipping past his brother again, but Walter couldn’t just ignore this like he did every other time he had hurt Elias. This was different.
“Elias, wait!” he chased after his son who stumbled from his office.
Elias stopped but didn’t turn around to face him, afraid of his tears pouring out of his uncontrollably like it did before. He refused to allow his father, who thought of him as weak, to see him shed any tears. “What?” Elias’ voice trembled.
Walter didn’t get too close to him but needed to know how much Elias had heard, “How much… did you hear?” Walter asked, nervously.
What emotion was this now? Anger? Sadness? Contempt? Was he expecting an apology instead of being asked what he overheard?
Elias hesitated to answer, “…Nothing I haven’t heard before,” he said in a low voice, somehow finding some courage to speak back to his father.
His low voice surprised Walter that it was painful to hear, “A-Anything else?”
“What are you expecting that  I heard?” Elias asked, hoping for an apology or anything that told him that his father really didn’t mean what he had just overheard him say.
Walter didn’t answer Elias, he knew the answer.
“What part did you want me to hear?” Elias rephrased his question, unintentionally raising his voice slightly.
Slowly, Elias turned around to confront his father. Their eyes met. Walter’s eyes widened with surprise as Elias’ gaze narrowed in anger toward him. “…E-Elias…,” Mary also was surprised, “…Let’s just calm down.”
Elias ignored his mother’s cries. The only person he could see was Walter, his father. A man he feared because of all the abuse he had received but a man, despite all he had done, respected and loved. But, those feelings were now being torn into pieces as he realised his father didn’t love him in return.
“…The part where you said that I am not good enough to be a Goldstein? Or, was it the part where you admitted that you hate me. That, you don’t see my as your son. That, you don’t care if I grow up to resent you?” Elias questioned, uncharacteristically becoming emotionally angry, “Which part, Father? Which part!” he shouted.  
Elias couldn’t keep the tears from flowing again. Averting his gaze, Elias closed his eyes and took a deep breath to regain his usual composure. He didn’t like confrontations and conflict but he was too emotional to behave like his usual self. Walter was too stunned to say anything as this type of outburst was not like Elias. He finally realised the weight in his words and the impact it had on Elias. Was this what he had been doing all this time to Elias? He went to break the silence first but Elias beat him to it.
“Fine,” Elias sighed, his voice returning to a calmer tone, “Father, I’m sorry.”
“What?” Walter didn’t understand why he was apologising, “Elias?”
“I’m sorry I don’t measure up to your expectations,” Elias apologised, but the fire behind his eyes told Walter that the apology was not sincere.
Instead, Elias began making a vow, “From this day forward, I will be fatherless and I will not claim any right to my name until the day I receive your approval. Until that day, I will work hard to be a wizard that you can be proud of. I won’t bother you and I will not speak to you, except during public events, until the day I become a son that you can love.”
Mary couldn’t listen anymore, “Elias,” she urged him to stop, “Please, you don’t mean this.”
Elias shook her off, “He’s the one who said it first, I’m just agreeing to his terms.”
With those final words, Elias walked away.
“Walter!” Mary cried to him, “Go after him!”
Every fibre within him wanted to chase after Elias, but his body wouldn’t move. A part of him was stunned by Elias’ nerve but Walter could feel his own heart now being torn apart.
“Father!” Klaus also urged him to chase after Elias, “Don’t let it end this way, please.”
Mary and Klaus’ pleas faded into white noise as all Walter could do was watch the distance between himself and Elias grow farther. Elias eventually disappeared behind the doors that led to his bedroom chambers to the left at the very end of the second floor hallway.
Those would be the last words they would exchange within these walls for many years.
He had hoped that once their frustrations had subsided, Elias might talk to him again. In recollection, Walter never apologised for his words that day but instead tried to make small conversations about anything that might prove that Elias didn’t mean it when he said he’d never speak to his father again. However, his attempts were ignored and Elias treated him as if he were invisible, like a ghost that couldn’t be seen or heard.
 ****Present time…
 It remained this way.
The months following their falling out, Walter realised that Elias was not going to crawl back to him and he was sticking to his promise. Elias refused to speak to him and the roots of Walter’s regret had began spreading. Ironically, Walter showed more interest in Elias but all he could do was watch his son from the distance.
Despite desperately wanting to apologise, something in Walter couldn’t reach out to him and Walter had no choice but to watch Elias age without him.
His son’s bright energy, which he had possessed before Walter stripped it all away, hadn’t returned after the abuse stopped. Instead, he watched, guiltily, as Elias cast aside all his other interests and invested all his time and energy in pursuit of his mission to be accepted by his father as both a son and a wizard he could proudly accept as a member of the Haus of Goldstein.
From his office window, Walter would often watch Elias practice magic, sometimes under the guidance of Klaus, until his power was completely exhausted. Elias built his own collection of tomes and grimoires about magic and would always be reading them when he wasn’t practicing magic outside.
Walter notice him becoming more aloof and unsociable as he focused on honing his magical abilities. As Elias aged and grew into his handsome, prince-like features, that bright energy he used to possess still didn’t return. Walter barely saw him smile nor barely heard him laugh. His countenance was sullen but he never cried.
It's not what Walter wanted, “…ah,” Walter sighed before taking another swig at his whiskey.
More and more time was lost between them and they remained wordless. Elias’ powers impressively improved and Walter acknowledged he had quite an aptitude for crafting magical tools. However, when news reached Walter that Elias still thought he wasn’t good enough to present himself to his father, Walter had the urge to reach out to him, but he couldn’t. It was like some force held him back. Single-handedly, Walter was the reason why his son had become broken. Elias’ development of depression and anxiety was his entirely his fault.
Honestly, Walter sometimes asked for Elias to be present at public events and parties just so he could hear his voice. Even if Elias’ responses were short and blunt, making it hard to have a natural conversation or reveal any new developments in his personal character that Walter missed while they remained estranged. He knew why he used public events as a disguise. Walter missed him. Walter loved him. He always had, but regrettably never told him enough.
Despite the rift, Walter loves all his sons unconditionally. They too held love for him in their hearts, but their anger towards him was deeper. Naturally, he worried deeply about all three of his sons.
“Will Klaus and Elias be okay out there?” he muttered, “Where are you Alfonse?”” he worried.
Their anger further driven by Walter’s incapacity to apologise and atone for his mistakes. His impotence to initiate making amends drifted them further apart. Instead of fixing his mistakes, Walter isolated himself like this to his office. Pitifully, enduring this aching and unbearable pain, a symptom, of his entrenched remorse, he deserved to suffer in, alone.
Just then, the door to his office gently opened. A hue of soft yellow light from the hallway lights flooded the entry way. The glare was bright causing Walter’s eyes to squint. The recognisable silhouette of Mary came toward him with soft footsteps.
“Walter?” she said his name softly, “You have been in here all afternoon,” she stated, worriedly.
“Yes,” Walter acknowledged.
“Did you want some dinner?” she asked, but that was not her true intention for her visit to his office.
Rarely did she interrupt his brooding time but Walter didn’t mind her interrupting his thoughts. In fact, he was surprised sometimes that she remained married to him and still loved him deeply despite all he had done to their sons. He never asked why, accepting either decision to stay or to leave.
Walter wasn’t particularly hungry, “No, I’m not hungry,” he answered her, “Thank you for the offer.”
Mary didn’t like the way he holed himself inside his office. Wallowing in the darkness with the amber liquid on his desk as if it was some medicine he took to ease the pain she could see him in, but her persuasions to simply apologise and talk to Elias were useless.
“I thought you would like to know,” she began nervously, wondering if he wanted to hear her news, “…Elias made it safely to the academy.”
“He did?”
“Yes, Klaus met with him and settled him into his new life there.”
It pleased Walter that Klaus was nearby to lend his support to Elias. Though, while he was pleased he was also ashamed that Klaus had become the better role model for Elias than himself.
“That’s good,” Walter replied, his voice riddled with sadness.
Mary didn’t know what else to say to Walter in these moments. She didn’t even know if letting him know any news about Elias eased his pain or made it worse but he’d never let her know. Walter felt as though he had no right to burden his wife with his feelings of remorse. Especially when this was his own doing.
“I did tell him to write often,” Mary told him, “He said he would.”
There was an awkward silence whenever Mary told him news about Elias. Walter listened, interested to know every detail about his son but also felt guilty for being interested in knowing.
“Walter?” Mary walked around to his side of the desk and leaned against the sturdy table, “I wish you would let me in sometimes. I know how much you regret everything and I hate to see you go through this on your own.”
Walter knew how deeply caring and sweet his wife was and was happy knowing Elias still had his mother showing him all the love and care that he never did, “…I can’t do that to you,” he honestly replied, his wife the only person who was allowed to see him in such a vulnerable state, “Not after all the pain I have caused for you too.”
In the past, Mary would nag him about apologising to Elias, yearning for the day when they would be on speaking terms again. Today, she didn’t want to nag him. She wanted to understand.
“Why?” she asked softly, “Why can’t you reach out to him? Help me understand.”
Walter thought about a response to her question, a longer than intended silence but she waited patiently for his reply.
Unusually, Walter’s voice was filled with sadness as he began to speak, “…I can’t,” he stated, “I want to but I can’t.”
He paused, taking a deep breath to compose himself.
“Since Elias stopped speaking to me, I have watched him closely,” Walter revealed, “…He doesn’t smile, he doesn’t laugh, he doesn’t cry. His depression, his anxiety, this unhealthy pursuit for my approval that has made him become distant. It’s all my fault. Until I can find the right words to apologise in a way that doesn’t make it sound like I’m asking for forgiveness, I don’t deserve to reach out to him.”
Mary nodded, understanding why he couldn’t apologise.
“It is quite a complicated emotion,” Walter added.
“I understand,” Mary acknowledged, “You know, the way he is now is not entirely your fault. Alfonse disappearing hurt him too. I’ve noticed Klaus has become stricter with him too. And, I —.”
“No,” Walter cut her off in disagreement, “That’s my fault too, Mary.”
Walter took accountability for the fractured state of their family, “Alfonse ran away because I tried to force an arranged marriage onto him and tie him down when he’s a free spirit. Klaus, I burdened him to raise his younger brother because I was too narrow-minded to accept Elias as he was. I alone am to blame for their pain.”
Mary attempted to burden some of the guilt Walter harboured to ease his pain, “I should have done more to stop things becoming like this,” she expressed.
While Walter knew what she was doing, he couldn’t allow her to shoulder any of the blame for his shortcomings as a father, “No,” he said, reaching his hand out to hers and holding it gently, “You showered them with love and care that I never did but should have. Besides, I was too unreasonable to listen to you. If not for you in their lives, they would have deserted me and their home a long time ago. You are their beloved mother. So, please, never ever think you are to blame for my shortcomings as a father.”
Mary didn’t say anything but gave the hand which held onto hers a gentle squeeze as she remained quiet.
“Honestly, “Walter spoke with a depressed voice, “You needn’t bother consoling me, Mary.”
Mary was a little upset that he could say something so dismal but she didn’t express it as she knew that it was an emotional response provoked by the guilt he felt deep inside, “Why can’t I?” she asked, softly.
Walter didn’t drink his whiskey in front of her because he didn’t want her to witness such a sight but looked at the glass, desperately wanting another sip of that amber liquid. Taking a moment, he eventually responded, “…I don’t deserve it,” he replied, “…I hurt you deeply too.”
After a moment to process those words, Mary replied, “…But,” she said with a positiveness in her voice, “…I’m hopeful.”
“For what?”
“For the day our family is whole again,” Mary positively said, “Yes, there is a lot of tension and I know it will take more than a simple apology to fix everything but reaching out is the first step to begin fixing your relationships with them.”
Walter appreciated her positivity but he didn’t know when or if he was ever going to fulfill that dream. It was a complicated circle that he was walking on that she could only partly understand but never fully comprehend the difficulty of making the first step off its never-ending rotation.
“I don’t want to nag you about it tonight Walter,” she expressed, “I want you to understand that even though the boys and I are mad at you, we still love you and we hold hope in our hearts that you will fix things with Elias, someday.”
Walter knew this fact, “I know,” he acknowledged.
There was a moment of silence and Mary’s eyes strayed around the room until she spotted the photo album open on Walter’s desk. It was a photo of a father with his three sons when they were very young, before Walter’s abuse of Elias had begun.
“I remember taking this photo,” Mary smiled at the memory, “It was hard to get Elias to stay still so you picked him up and threw him up onto your shoulders so he wouldn’t run away. He thought he was flying.”
Walter remembered that memory too but couldn’t smile knowing that he was the one who stripped that happy innocence away from Elias, “I remember,” he said.
“You know,” Mary began, her eyes meeting Walter’s in the dim light that filled the office, “Elias has grown into a sensible and mature young man.”
While Walter had watched him grow into his handsome features, he didn’t really know enough about his personality, only the short and bluntness in their conversations in public. He never let anything about his personality to be revealed to his father, and the anger and pain at the sight of Walter probably stirred within him and overshadowed his other traits.
“Has he?” Walter was pleased to hear it.
“Yes,” Mary smiled as she knew Elias and the way he thinks, “He’s quite intelligent and has a fondness for magical tools, just like you.”
Walter didn’t know how to feel about that fact – did Elias pick that fondness up on his own or was it his personal mission to gain his father’s approval that he began to follow Walter’s footsteps to prove his abilities.
“Is that so?” Walter felt conflicted, “…Why are you telling me this? I don’t deserve to know.”
Mary smiled, “Because… you are still his father, Walter,” she remained positive, “He’s inherited more from you than he has from me. Elias didn’t take up magical tools to prove himself to you, if that’s what you were thinking. Even when he was small, he always had a genuine interest in the tools that you were building.”
Walter remembered how interested he was in the inventions he was building and why it was important to build new tools to help ease the lives of people. Mary’s reminiscing about their memories together when he was a small child, before Walter became a monster to him, both made him smile and made him feel worse. Was she torturing him on purpose or did she have a point?
Mary could see the sadness in Walter’s eyes as she brought up the happier memories of their relationship when they were close. Her intentions was not to make him feel worse but to make a point.
“Walter,” she called out to him, “I’m not trying to make you feel worse.”
Just now, it was like she had read his thoughts but he wasn’t surprised. Where many people couldn’t read Walter’s expressionless face and guarded mind, Mary could. She was the only person who had access to all his vulnerabilities and flaws. He didn’t say anything but listened to whatever she had to say.
“I’m trying to tell you that all Elias wants from you is to hear you say that you’re sorry,” Mary said, “Yes, it may take some time before he trusts you again, but he doesn’t hate you. He never has, despite being deeply hurt after all you have said and done. Yes, he is angry but he respects you.”
Walter didn’t believe her, “Mary, even when we talk all I get from him is short and blunt answers. The way he stares at me is as though he is imagining daggers boring into my heart.”
Mary shook her head, “You’re wrong,” she said, “He’s waiting.”
That surprised Walter, “What? What do you mean by that?”
“Don’t you remember what he said?” Mary asked, “That day you two fell out?”
“Of course I remember,” Walter declared, sadly.
“Walter,” Mary gave his hand another squeeze, “Think about what he said? He said that he would not say another word to you until you accept him.”
“But,” Walter didn’t understand, “He hates me Mary.”
“He never said that,” Mary reminded him, “You decided that he hates you but that’s not true at all. He wants you to accept him Walter, that’s why he’s trying so hard.”
Having just reminisced about that day in his isolation moments ago, Elias’ vow about not speaking to him were fresh in his mind but however Walter interpreted his words, he felt unworthy of Elias’ forgiveness.
“I’m not after forgiveness,” Walter declared.
Mary sighed because Walter wasn’t listening to her, “Darling,” she endeared him to listen carefully to her words, ���You can still apologise and accept him without expecting his forgiveness. Neither, you or Elias will not be able to heal until you make that first step.”
Mary’s word were very clear now and Walter understood them.
“He has left home,” Walter added, “I can not apologise nor express my approval of him through something as impersonal as a letter or through my familiar. It would be inappropriate and insincere.”
Mary knew he had some time to perfect everything he was going to say to him once he was home again. This was her way of encouraging Walter’s thought process.
“Well,” she squeezed his hand again, “I don’t know when he will come home again but I do know that he will because I made him promise me that he will. Until then, you have plenty of time to think about what you want to say to him. But, clean yourself up first. It would break his heart further to see you drinking away like this.”
“He has no place to feel guilty for me,” Walter sadly stated.
“He will though,” Mary said, knowing their son too well, “Elias is much more sensitive than you and his brothers. That’s about the only thing he has inherited from me.”
Walter still looked sad but her words were triggering an urge to act on his desire to begin rebuilding their relationship. Mary certainly wasn’t wrong, Walter had to take that first step. Perhaps, her words was the key to remove him from the circle he found himself walking on when it came to Elias.
How, when and where all remained a mystery but nevertheless one day Walter would find the strength and courage to reach out to Elias again. Not for forgiveness, but to help Elias heal and understand that Walter never hated him, not for a moment.
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8.            Basaltina                              Price Start From Rs.750/- and Above       Price $106.19 and Above
9.            Beige Travertine             Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $35.40 and Above
10.          Bianco Marfil                      Price Start From Rs.350/- and Above       Price $49.56 and Above
11.          Bianco Moon Face           Price Start From Rs.950/- and Above       Price $134.50 and Above
12.          Beige Serpeggiante         Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
13.          Black Beauty                      Price Start From Rs.350/- and Above       Price $56.44 and Above
14.          Black Marquina                 Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
15.          Black Pearl                          Price Start From Rs.350/- and Above       Price $56.44 and Above
16.          Blue Agate                          Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above     Price $806.32 and Above
17.          Blue Brescia                        Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
18.          Blue Lapis                            Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above     Price $806.32 and Above
19.          Blue Onyx                           Price Start From Rs.15000/- and Above  Price $2418.97 and Above
20.          Blue Pearl                            Price Start From Rs.350/- and Above       Price $56.44 and Above
21.          Bottochino Classico         Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above       Price $44.35 and Above
22.          Bottochino Crema           Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above       Price $44.35 and Above
23.          Blue Brescia                        Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
24.          Brazilian Black                    Price Start From Rs.1500/- and Above     Price $241.9 and Above
25.          Brescia Aurora                   Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above       Price $44.35 and Above
26.          Brown Pearl                       Price Start From Rs.400/- and Above       Price $64.51 and Above
27.          Calacatta White                                Price Start From Rs.500/- and Above       Price $80.63 and Above
28.          Cappuccino Onyx             Price Start From Rs.800/- and Above       Price $129.01 and Above
29.          Crema Marfil                      Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
30.          Dyna                                     Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above        Price $112.89 and Above
31.          Ebony Black                        Price Start From Rs.600/- and Above       Price $96.76 and Above
32.          French Brown                    Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above       Price $44.35 and Above
33.          Giallo Siena                         Price Start From Rs.1500/- and Above     Price $241.9 and Above
34.          Glacier White                     Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
35.          Golden Porotoro              Price Start From Rs.1000/- and Above     Price $161.26 and Above
36.          Golden Spider                   Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
37.          Green Onyx                       Price Start From Rs.1200/- and Above     Price $193.52 and Above
38.          Grey Emperador              Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above       Price $44.35 and Above
39.          Grey Flurry                         Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $40.32 and Above
40.          Grey Onyx                          Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
41.          Grey Serpeggiante          Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
42.          Grey William                      Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $40.32 and Above
43.          Honey Onyx                       Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
44.          Ivory Onyx                          Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
45.          Light Emperador               Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $40.32 and Above
46.          Mango Onyx                      Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
47.          Matrix                                  Price Start From Rs.800/- and Above        Price $129.01 and Above
48.          Michel Angelo                   Price Start From Rs.1200/- and Above     Price $193.52 and Above
49.          Mocha Cream                    Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
50.          Mocha Grey                       Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
51.          Mother of Pearl                                Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above     Price $806.32 and Above
52.          Nero Saint Laurent          Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
53.          Noche Travertine           Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $40.32 and Above
54.          Perlato-D-Martino           Price Start From Rs.400/- and Above       Price $64.51 and Above
55.          Perlato Royal                     Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $40.32 and Above
56.          Perlato Sicilia                      Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $40.32 and Above
57.          Pink Onyx                            Price Start From Rs.3000/- and Above     Price $483.79 and Above
58.          Red Terventine                 Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
59.          Rose Quartz                       Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above     Price $806.32 and Above
60.          Silver Travertine              Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above       Price $40.32 and Above
61.          Sky Blue                               Price Start From Rs.2000/- and Above     Price $322.53 and Above
62.          Smoky Quartz Dark         Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above     Price $806.32 and Above
63.          Soda Lite                              Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
64.          Statuario Marble              Price Start From Rs.1000/- and Above     Price $161.26 and Above
65.          Thassos White                   Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
66.          Tiger Eye                              Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above     Price $806.32 and Above
67.          Tiger Onyx                          Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
68.          Tobacco Brown                 Price Start From Rs.600/- and Above       Price $96.76 and Above
69.          Venatino                             Price Start From Rs.400/- and Above       Price $64.51 and Above
70.          Volakas                                               Price Start From Rs.500/- and Above        Price $80.63 and Above
71.          Volga Blue                           Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above       Price $112.89 and Above
72.          Walnut Travertine          Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
73.          White Onyx                        Price Start From Rs.3000/- and Above     Price $483.79 and Above
74.          White Quartz                     Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above     Price $806.32 and Above
75.          White Travertine            Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
76.          Yellow Travertine           Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above       Price $48.38 and Above
Imported marble in India from BHANDARI MARBLE GROUP INDIA RAJASTHAN KISHANGARH is the best Supplier of Imported and Italian marble in India. Get the best Italian Marble Price in India.
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An only blog where you find a difference in
Imported marble v/s Indian Marble Vs Italian Marble: What is the difference?
Experience more than 509 varieties and colors of Marble and Stone. Whether used in living rooms, kitchen countertops for bathrooms, marble has a timeless and elegant appeal. It has always been among the most preferred natural stones for home décor, and the most commonly used marble varieties are Italian and Indian marble.
These natural stones are available in a wide range of colors and vein patterns. The kind of opulence and aesthetic looks these marbles bring make them a popular choice all over the world. In the coming section, we have discussed the qualities of both Italian and Indian marbles with the major difference incorporated. These pieces of information will help you to choose appropriate marble for your space within your budget.
Imported Marble Imported Marble
Cozy into the charm of exquisite floorings that make your interiors speak the language of grandeur. Available in differing hues, beiges impart subtle ambient moods. Paired with soft lightings, the classic duo work to create wondrous spaces that seem like an artist’s vision. Whether light or dark, with beautifully eccentric variegations or not, the wide range of our Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese and Italian marble is guaranteed to bring out the character of your interiors.
Properties of Indian and Italian Marble
Pros & Cons of Marble
While the most significant advantage of marble is its aesthetic appeal, it does come with a lot of drawbacks.
Manufacturer of Imported Marble – Statuario White Italian Marble, Black Marquina Marble Polished 20MM
Imported marble is one of the best heat resistant marble, its oldest and best quality Imported marble. Imported marble excellent features just like fine finish, smooth polish, and aesthetic look make its demand in the market.  We are direct from our own mines and manufacturing plant in leading marble city Kishangarh Rajasthan India.
Marble is a porous stone and is prone to stains. Chemically, it is made of calcium carbonate, a basic salt that can react with an acidic material. That’s why citrus juices can corrode the surface and make it susceptible to small pits. For this reason, granite is preferred over marble for kitchen countertops.
As marble is a natural stone, deeper layers of the stone could have fissures and cracks which may not be visible on the surface. As a result, the slabs you buy may sometimes come with a high percentage of wastage.
Marble is prone to scratches and heavy or sharp objects should not be moved on the floor. Unless you have experts laying the stone, it may not be done perfectly. Over a period of time, marble can wear away and develop hairline cracks due to weight or pressure. This is more common in Italian marble. However, many people feel this adds to the charm as the stone ages. Marble is more expensive than granite, vitrified, or ceramic tiles.
Imported marble, Indian Marble and Italian Marble Costs
Marble from Italy is among the finest in the world and is accordingly priced—with the cheapest varieties starting from Rs 150 per square foot, and the more exclusive, fine stones costing even Rs 4000 for a square foot. Creamy Calacatta marble with its feathery veins and Carrara are classified as Group A. These are available only at the lower depths of quarries. They are highly-priced as they have very few fissures running through the stone. Indian marble is much more cost-effective, with the lower-end prices starting at Rs 150 per square foot.
When calculating the costs, you will also need to include the prices of cutting the slabs to size and laying it in your required pattern. This will come to around 150 per square foot inclusive of the fixing material. Marble inlay work requires very specialized craftsmen to do the work. Depending on how intricate the design is, costs can go up to Rs 2,500 per square foot. Finally, the marble needs to be polished with fine stones of carborundum and buffed and sealed with tin oxide. This polishing costs approximately Rs 40 per square foot.
Trending Ideas in Marble:
Marble is primarily used in flooring and cladding in upmarket homes, office lobbies, and hotels. It is not preferred for external use, especially not in polluted areas, as it can get damaged. Marble has always traditionally been used in sculptures and artwork – like this serene seated Buddha. It is also used on tabletops, in mantelpieces, and in smaller pieces of décor like trays, soap dispensers, and so on.
Cleaning Tips for Marble:
Marble is a stone that requires a high degree of maintenance to keep it looking good. Its porous nature makes it very prone to scratches and stains, and such imperfections show up all too well against a polished surface. Here are some maintenance tips:
Acidic substances like vinegar, lime, and tomato will stain the marble, so wipe up any spills immediately.
Use diluted organic cleaners that are environmentally friendly and do not contain any chemicals.
Seal the surface regularly with a sealant that forms a protective barrier. When water stops beading on the surface, it’s time to re-seal.
Every few years, marble should be re-polished with carborundum stone and tin oxide, to restore the surface luster.
The water used for mopping the floor should not be hard or contain any chemicals.
To conclude, Italian marble, as well as imported marble and Indian marble, has its own niche for interiors and exteriors. Though Italian marbles have gained popularity over the time Indian marbles are also becoming popular in the same pattern these days. Therefore choose the right marble based on your style and preference.
We Import Italian marbles from Italy and manufacture Indian marbles in Kishangarh. The company has the best imported Italian marble design and for its quality, with quantity.
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sonimarbles · 3 years
4 Granite Stones that Offer a Luxurious Finish to Your Home
Rajasthan is one of the most beautiful states in India. And along with beauty, it is home to many other resources that we use in our daily lives. And the best example that tells about both is the types of granite in Rajasthan. But first, we need to know what exactly granite is. 
It is a coarse, hard-grained igneous rock rich in feldspar and quartz. It is formed when the hot lava from the volcanoes cools down at a depth of the earth. It is one of the most potent stones found in nature that is used for kitchen countertops and bath accessories, including washbasins and bathtubs.
Because of its fantastic texture and robustness, it is used as a significant building stone in many construction houses. Also, the quarrying of granite in the mines of Rajasthan is a big industry. Following are the most famous types of granite in Rajasthan that people prefer in their houses. 
• Kashmir Yellow 
The hue of the Kashmir yellow granite is luxuriously charming. The hardening of the molten lava creates a distinct pattern, and the rock looks shimmering with a golden tint. For people who want to build thematic homes with a set color, the Kashmir yellow granite is the best option. 
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• Silver Pearl
As the name suggests, this type of granite found in Rajasthan is a mesmerizing rock with a classic silver finish. It uplifts the decor of your home and suits perfectly with any furniture and style for a charismatic look in your bathrooms or kitchens. The silver pearl granite is a perfect choice. 
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• Madurai Gold
This graceful granite is one of the soberest yet beautiful rock types that enhance the aura wherever it is installed. It is a light yellow-colored stone with black freckles all over it. A dark set of furniture with this light-hued granite will create a significant contrasting effect.
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• Sapphire Blue
This type of granite in Rajasthan looks no less than a precious stone. It gives a classic vintage look. Whether you want to install it in your office as a countertop or in your hotel as an inlay flooring, it will not let you down. 
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The other types found in Rajasthan include rosy pink, Indian mahogany, tropical green, Himalayan blue, absolute black, Impala black, and so many others. The hues and textures of each are different. So you will get a variety of options to choose from when you construct your home. 
Also Read  Make An Elegant Interior Choice with Morwad White Marble
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SINCE 1631
The pioneer group in India
Experience more than 500 verities and colour of Imported Marble, best quality of imported marble white , light and dark colour beautiful marble wide range of Spanish ,Turkish, Portuguese ,Italian , Iran ,Tunashiya, South African , Vietnam ,Afghanistan etc.
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Leading importer ,manufacturer, supplier and great collection of Imported marble
1. Afhgani Portro Price Start From Rs.1000/- and Above Price $161.26 and Above
2. Amethyst Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
3. Antique Beige Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
4. Arbescato Price Start From Rs.500/- and Above Price $80.63 and Above
5. Armani Black Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
6. Armani Brown Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
7. Azul Bahia Price Start From Rs.1500/- and Above Price $241.9 and Above
8. Basaltina Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
9. Beige Treventine Price Start From Rs.225/- and Above Price $36.28 and Above
10. Bianco Marfil Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
11. Bianco Moon Face Price Start From Rs.1000/- and Above Price $161.26 and Above
12. Biege Serpeggiante Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
13. Black Beauty Price Start From Rs.350/- and Above Price $56.44 and Above
14. Black Markino Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
15. Black Pearl Price Start From Rs.350/- and Above Price $56.44 and Above
16. Blue Agate Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
17. Blue Brescia Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
18. Blue Lapis Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
19. Blue Onyx Price Start From Rs.15000/- and Above Price $2418.97 and Above
20. Blue Pearl Price Start From Rs.350/- and Above Price $56.44 and Above
21. Bottichino Classsico Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above Price $44.35 and Above
22. Bottichino Crema Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above Price $44.35 and Above
23. Blue Brescia Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
24. Brazilian Black Price Start From Rs.1500/- and Above Price $241.9 and Above
25. Brescia Aurora Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above Price $44.35 and Above
26. Brown Pearl Price Start From Rs.400/- and Above Price $64.51 and Above
27. Calcatta White Price Start From Rs.500/- and Above Price $80.63 and Above
28. Cappuchino Onyx Price Start From Rs.800/- and Above Price $129.01 and Above
29. Crema Marfil Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
30. Dyna Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
31. Ebony Black Price Start From Rs.600/- and Above Price $96.76 and Above
32. French Brown Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above Price $44.35 and Above
33. Giallo Siena Price Start From Rs.1500/- and Above Price $241.9 and Above
34. Glacier White Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
35. Golden Portro Price Start From Rs.1000/- and Above Price $161.26 and Above
36. Golden Spider Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
37. Green Onyx Price Start From Rs.1200/- and Above Price $193.52 and Above
38. Grey Emperador Price Start From Rs.275/- and Above Price $44.35 and Above
39. Grey Flurry Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
40. Grey Onyx Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
41. Grey Serpeggiant Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
42. Grey William Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
43. Honey Onyx Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
44. Ivory Onyx Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
45. Light Emperador Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
46. Mango Onyx Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
47. Matrix Price Start From Rs.800/- and Above Price $129.01 and Above
48. Michel Angelo Price Start From Rs.1200/- and Above Price $193.52 and Above
49. Mocha Cream Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
50. Mocha Grey Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
51. Mother of Pearl Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
52. Nero Saint Laurent Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
53. Noche Terventine Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
54. Perlato-D-Martino Price Start From Rs.400/- and Above Price $64.51 and Above
55. Perlato Royal Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
56. Perlato Sicilia Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
57. Pink Onyx Price Start From Rs.3000/- and Above Price $483.79 and Above
58. Red Terventine Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
59. Rose Quartz Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
60. Silver Terventine Price Start From Rs.250/- and Above Price $40.32 and Above
61. Sky Blue Price Start From Rs.2000/- and Above Price $322.53 and Above
62. Smoky Quartz Dark Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
63. Soda Lite Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
64. Statuario Marble Price Start From Rs.1000/- and Above Price $161.26 and Above
65. Thassos White Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
66. Tiger Eye Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
67. Tiger Onyx Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
68. Tobacco Brown Price Start From Rs.600/- and Above Price $96.76 and Above
69. Venatino Price Start From Rs.400/- and Above Price $64.51 and Above
70. Volakas Price Start From Rs.500/- and Above Price $80.63 and Above
71. Volga Blue Price Start From Rs.700/- and Above Price $112.89 and Above
72. Walnut Terventine Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
73. White Onyx Price Start From Rs.3000/- and Above Price $483.79 and Above
74. White Quartz Price Start From Rs.5000/- and Above Price $806.32 and Above
75. White Terventine Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
76. Yellow Terventine Price Start From Rs.300/- and Above Price $48.38 and Above
77. Yellow Valencia
Imported Marble
Import rich and premium quality of Imported marble from various countries around the world. We have marble products mostly from Italy, Spain, Iran, Vietnam and Turkey as you can check below. Imported marble that we offer is widely appreciated for providing high lustre and visual appeal to the area like inlay the floors, walls, rooms , elevation and decoration etc.
# Beige Marble
#Botticino Marble
#ImportedBottichino marble,
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33 Dazzling White Dining Rooms Plus Tips To Help You Accessorize Yours
A dazzling white dining room may raise a few eyebrows among parents of spaghetti slinging toddlers, but in this age of wipe clean modern furniture materials and washable paint finishes this crisp and clean look can belong to anyone. Some may be concerned that a plain white space could lack in personality or individuality. However, this is not the case in any of these 33 dining rooms that utilise beautiful accessories to make each decor scheme completely different to the next. Join us on a journey to discover distinguished dining sets, statement dining table pendant lights and a sprinkling of bright accent ideas.
Visualizer: Artem Bobrov   Crown your dining spot. A modern chandelier hovers like a halo over this heavenly black and white dining room. Wood tone and greenery breath life onto the blank canvas.
Visualizer: Alexey Kilimichenko   Let treasured items inspire your scheme. A colourful travel poster is the inspiration for the tropical palette of this coral and green accented scheme. Jade green modern dining chairs encircle a round dining table with a white marble top, under a coral coloured dining room pendant light. A bulky white dining room buffet blends into the background.
Visualizer: Julia Buza   Add a look of expense and luxury with golden trims. The subtle sheen brought by a gold dining pendant, slim ceiling inlay, and the golden legs of chic grey dining chairs and black console unit simply oozes upper class. Don’t go overboard on this metallic though as it will have the entirely opposite effect.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Don’t be afraid to mix things up. With a plain white backdrop and a clear glass dining table, this room scheme could afford a little mix and match when it came to selecting the dining chairs.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Contrasting colour accessories give maximum impact. Three orange tinted versions of dining ghost chairs add extra interest to this carte blanche. A blue based art canvas lends terrific contrast to the tangerine chairs. Blue and orange accessories pop out from white decor around the room.
Visualizer: Alesya Kasianenko   Introduce a colourful area rug. Just because your walls are painted white doesn’t mean you can’t be seated in a colourful dining area. This striped red rug design is matched by dominant red artwork. A single red accent chair is quirkily positioned along one side of the extendable wooden dining table, rather than placed at the more obvious head of the table. The shape of the dining pendant light emulates pomegranate seeds, which can be seen tumbling from the table centrepiece. A similar chandelier is available here.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Balance the space. The dark wirework shade of this Vertigo pendant spans the entire length of a bright eight seat dining set, made up with the Muuto Nerd chair and Saarinen executive side chair.
Designer: MAMOUT architects & AUXAU   Mark out your dining zone with multiple pendant lights.
Visualizer: Andrea Papini   Low hung lighting visually anchors a centrally placed table to its spot.
Designer: Craftr Studio   Incorporate existing built-in seating as a banquette bench. This white dining room set is positioned up against a window seat to save space – it also saves on splashing the cash on extra dining chairs.
Visualizer: Lab59   Wood and white for the win. A wooden dining set makes a perfect warming addition to icy dining room decor. This wooden sculptural chair design is the Genny Easy chair by Morelato.
Visualizer: Igor Sirotov   Bespoke designs can save on space. A white dining room table and chairs morphs with a kitchen island here, creating a streamlined design.
Visualizer: Ignacio Riera   A dining bench can seat extra guests. Impromptu diners can be accommodated by budging up on this black and white dining room set with bench.
Visualizer: Dina Kuzmenko   Introduce some pattern. A chevron feature wall has been created behind a pure white dining room table set, in this cheerful blue and white dining room. The modern white dining room chairs are the Eames armchair.
Visualizer: Coloroom Interiors   Let the shelves do the talking. At least, let the contents of your shelves be the loudest part of quietly colour free decor. Recessed shelving makes a modern change from a more traditional white dining room hutch.
Visualizer: Pham Phuc   Do the legwork. These white dining room chairs have Eiffel Tower inspired legs that bring a look of strength to a gentle white scheme.
Visualizer: Bercy Chen Studio LP   Don’t underestimate the power of plants. Indoor plants are an easy way to add flashes of greenery to a plain looking room.
Visualizer: Tesla Studio   Think outside the (white) box. A swing arm wall lamp is a novel way to add lighting over a dining room table, and this black Flos Mod 265 is just the ticket to complement a modern white dining room table. A cheaper replica is available here.
Visualizer: Inviz   Make your table centrepiece suit your needs. You don’t have to splash out on fancy candlesticks if you’re not the dinner party type. A simple modern fruit bowl will do.
Photographer: Hey!Cheese   Visualizer: Fungo Design   Add colour in unexpected ways. A blue pegboard wall behind two Caravaggio Pendant lights provides a repositionable shelving system, plus wall hooks where and when they’re needed.
Designer: Maayan Zusman   Make a shy white scheme blush. This blush pink dining table makes a sweet departure from the surrounding monochrome scheme. Different white dining room chair designs keep the set looking fresh. The dinky globe pendant lights are the Flos String Light Round.
Visualizer: Evgenii Bulatnikov & Devid Liquify   Geometric accents bring edge to any scheme, like these Vibia Wireflow 2D pendants.
Visualizer: Home d   A roaring fireplace adds movement, colour and light. Large artwork can be propped on the floor behind the table for a change of scene.
Visualizer: Stijn Vereeken   Kitchen bars aren’t just for breakfast. This tall and elegant black and white dining room set is made by placing modern dining chairs at a sleek kitchen bar.
Visualizer: Maria Garkusha & Ruslan Kovalchuk   Go large on lighting.
Visualizer: Inuti   Linear thinking makes light work of minimal spaces. A striking linear suspension lamp looks crisp over black and white dining room sets.
Designer: Flat White   Visualizer: Tomas Firla & Lukas Teuber   Maximise on monochrome. A black and white dining room table takes on a new dynamic amongst chunky black accent pieces.
Visualizer: Z Design   All white dining room sets blend in unobtrusively in a white kitchen diner setup.
Visualizer: One Design Studio   Earth tones add depth and warmth. Choose a white dining room cabinet that has wooden shelving nooks, or layer a wooden dining set in front of plain white dining room furniture. Make a centrepiece with a ceramic vase of green fronds to finish the look.
Visualizer: Sasha Gnativ   Off white dining room sets have a softer look.
Visualizer: Slava Korchagin   Use your table top as a canvas for colour.
Designer: Soffit Interiors   Visualizer: Apollo Render   Display elaborate artwork right on the table.
Visualizer: DA Visual   Add pops of colour with pendants. Colourful wood and concrete pendants colour this monochromatic Scandinavian dining room. A mismatched selection of black and white dining room chairs add to the quirky eclectic aesthetic, placed around a plain white dining room table.
1. Menu Dropp fruit bowl 2. Saarinen Tulip style dining chair 3. Secto sculptural pendant 4. Menu ceramic salt and pepper shakers 5. Alessi lily bird sauce container 6. Decorative driftwood vase 7. Extendable dining table 8. Dragon wine holder 9. Unique wine glasses
For dining table chair combination recommendations, check out: 42 Dining Table & Chair Combinations That Just Work Great Together
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decorfrontline · 7 years
How To Combine Modern Home Style With Original Features
New Post has been published on http://www.decorfrontline.com/index.php/2018/03/16/how-to-combine-modern-home-style-with-original-features/
How To Combine Modern Home Style With Original Features
Original architectural features bring history and stunning individuality to a home in spades. Just about everybody swoons at a place that harbours these preserved special little treasures – but what about when you’re in love with modern day home style, is it safe to meld the two? Yes, say these three home designs by Sergey Klochkov. The combination of contemporary furniture, modern home accessories and quirky accents only gain in impact when set against a traditional backdrop. Embrace every bit of decorative crown moulding, intricate boiserie, heavy wainscotting and deep architrave, and see how to create your very own and extra special version of modern meets traditional home style.
Apartment number one resides in St. Petersburgh, with a total area of 78 square metres. The ceiling has beautiful original plaster coving around the inset of the ceiling. To draw attention to the architectural detail, a bespoke shelving unit has been fitted into the alcove directly below it, causing the eye to travel up over the display and ultimately meet with the ceiling detail. The cubic design in the side supports of the shelf unit also reflects the square perimeter of the ceiling feature, whilst a nearby wall clock matches the intricacies of the moulding pattern itself.
Down at ground level, a modern accent chair and sofa keep the look crisp and colourful.
The unique coffee tables add a weighty base note to proceedings, and appear as a continuation of the monochrome shelf art.
The rest of the open plan living room is light and bright, with white walls and light wood accents.
The window drapes have a stunning frill feature that spans the ages. They are plain coloured and modern in their makeup but give a nod to the frilly fashions of years gone by. The frivolous finish is superbly suited to the highly ornate scrolled ceiling moulding above them. Decorative vases on the console and coffee table provide clean sharp silhouettes so that the scheme does not appear overdressed.
Indoor plants are timeless home accessories. The simple design of this petite gold floor lamp too could be of another time.
The dining table chair combination has a somewhat eclectic look, due to the mixed nature of woodtone and black leather chairs around white marble.
Beneath sparkling wine glasses, the classic marble matches the hue of the curtains.
Stunningly intricate boiserie lines the sides of a hallway. At the end, a flat white modern door with a white door handle almost disappears into a featureless skimmed wall. A wooden bookcase has been recessed into the end wall to add a modern focal point. Ceiling track lighting highlights the 3D element of the traditional walls, whilst hidden LEDs brighten the contents of the shelving unit.
The ornate walls look like the sides of a wedding cake, standing proud in royal icing. To counterbalance the swirling frames, a linear wooden feature wall has been added in the entryway.
The artwork here is modern and monochrome.
The bedroom contains a sumptuous mix of materials. The headboard has a dual material design of warm wood tone under a fabric section, where a modern wall sconce is mounted directly onto the padded section.
Blue bed covers cool down the warm palette of the room.
The pattern on the headboard fabric complements the design of the crown moulding. A piece of modern art emphasises the split paint effect of the room.
A modern pendant light hangs from the centre of an original large ceiling rose. A unique teapot adds a traditional twist to breakfast in bed.
A modern dressing console is teamed with a classic looking leather bedroom chair.
Geometric is a modern trend but this table finished in gold lends itself to well to a classic or contemporary scheme.
Chic marble adorns an all contemporary bathroom.
A small hanging space keeps clothes from becoming crumpled on the bathroom floor.
A neat shelf holds a few essentials and soap dispensers.
Apartment two, also in St.Petersburgh offers up some more gorgeous original features.
Modern curtains descend directly from behind traditional coving.
Super modern furniture is placed in direct proximity to ornate wall decorations.
Deep blue fur covers one section of the modern sofa.
A huge boiserie frame is highlighted by an inlay of bright pink to match the pink kitchen. The tone works vivaciously with the surrounding finery.
Extending high from a slender planter, leaf shapes naturally complement the cut of the coving.
Thoughtfully placed lighting highlights the homes best features.
A neat and timeless dining pendant light anchors a modern dining set in place.
To avoid damage to the original wall, a perspex shelf stand provides a landing spot.
A wall of ovens are recessed to keep the profile of kitchen cabinetry to a minimum.
Apartment number three, located in Moscow, is a lavish mix of traditional architecture with contemporary art and modern home style over 86 square feet.
The depth and breadth of ceiling moulding here is unmissable, so the modern part of the interior design goes all out in fighting for some of the glory.
Strong blue accents appear throughout, in the window blinds, the sofa table and in kitchen accessories…
… Even in neon lights.
A blue table lamp adorns a very upmarket breakfast bar that stands on golden legs. Three entirely different designs of bar stool surround it.
Above the white kitchen is a gold leaf ceiling.
The gold ceiling has an LED inlay that lights its outer frame of coving.
The spread of this fantastic ceiling rose is matched by a modern ceiling light.
It’s difficult to decide where to let the eye rest in the cornucopia of design that resides within this meandering hallway. An unusual rug tries to coax the eye downward from the highly layered crown moulding. Propped casually by the architrave, a tall example of modern art joins the fight for attention, before you notice a quirky monkey wall sconce climbing down the centre of the wainscotting. A subtle colour palette prevents the lively scheme from becoming overwhelming.
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stoneartbyskl · 4 months
Transform Your Space with Exquisite Inlay Flooring by Stone Art By SKL
In the world of interior design, flooring sets the foundation for the entire aesthetic of a space. While there are numerous options available, inlay flooring stands out as a superior choice for those who desire a blend of luxury, artistry, and durability. Stone Art By SKL, a renowned manufacturer of decorative flooring, offers an impressive array of inlay flooring options that cater to diverse tastes and styles. Let's delve into the world of inlay flooring and discover how it can transform your interiors into a masterpiece.
What is Inlay Flooring?
Inlay flooring is a sophisticated technique where pieces of various materials are meticulously cut and set into the surface of a floor to create intricate patterns and designs. This method allows for unparalleled creativity, resulting in floors that are not just functional but also serve as a statement piece in any room.
The Beauty of Marble Inlay Flooring
Marble has long been celebrated for its timeless beauty and unmatched elegance. Stone Art By SKL specializes in marble inlay flooring, offering a range of exquisite options:
1. Black Golden Marble Inlay Decorative Flooring
For those seeking a dramatic and luxurious look, the Black Golden Marble Inlay decorative flooring is an excellent choice. The deep, rich black marble serves as a striking backdrop, while golden inlays add a touch of opulence and grandeur. This combination is perfect for creating a bold statement in living rooms, dining areas, or grand foyers.
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2. White Golden Marble Inlay Decorative Flooring
If you prefer a lighter and more ethereal aesthetic, the White Golden Marble Inlay decorative flooring offers a pristine and elegant option. The white marble exudes purity and sophistication, while the golden inlays provide a subtle yet luxurious accent. This style is ideal for spaces that require a serene and refined atmosphere, such as bedrooms and bathrooms.
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3. Black White Golden Marble Inlay Flooring
For those who appreciate contrast and visual interest, the Black White Golden Marble Inlay Flooring combines the best of both worlds. This flooring option features a harmonious blend of black, white, and golden marble inlays, creating a dynamic and eye-catching design. It’s perfect for spaces that aim to impress and inspire, such as entrance halls and formal living rooms.
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The Elegance of Mirror Inlay Flooring
In addition to marble inlays, Stone Art By SKL also offers Mirror Inlay Flooring, a unique and glamorous option that adds a touch of sparkle and sophistication to any space. Mirror inlays reflect light beautifully, enhancing the brightness and spaciousness of a room. This type of flooring is particularly stunning in spaces like dining rooms, ballrooms, or luxury boutiques, where a bit of extra shimmer can make a significant impact.
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Why Choose Inlay Flooring by Stone Art By SKL?
Choosing the right flooring is crucial for achieving the desired look and feel of your space. Here are some compelling reasons to choose inlay flooring by Stone Art By SKL:
1. Superior Craftsmanship
Stone Art By SKL is known for its meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality. Each piece of inlay flooring is crafted by skilled artisans who take pride in their work, ensuring that every design is executed to perfection.
2. Customization Options
One of the greatest advantages of inlay flooring is the ability to customize designs to suit your personal taste and the specific requirements of your space. Whether you have a particular pattern in mind or need guidance from expert designers, Stone Art By SKL can help bring your vision to life.
3. Durability and Longevity
Inlay flooring is not only about aesthetics but also about durability. Stone Art By SKL uses high-quality materials that are built to withstand the test of time. With proper care, your inlay flooring will maintain its beauty and integrity for years to come.
4. Enhanced Property Value
Investing in high-quality inlay flooring can significantly enhance the value of your property. The unique and luxurious appeal of inlay flooring is a major selling point that can attract potential buyers and elevate the overall market value of your home or commercial space.
Tips for Maintaining Your Inlay Flooring
To ensure that your inlay flooring remains in pristine condition, follow these maintenance tips:
1. Regular Cleaning
Regularly sweep or vacuum your inlay flooring to remove dirt and debris. Use a damp mop with a gentle cleaning solution to keep the surface clean and shiny.
2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals
Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools, as these can damage the delicate inlays and the marble surface. Opt for pH-neutral cleaners specifically designed for natural stone.
3. Protect from Heavy Furniture
Use protective pads under heavy furniture to prevent scratches and dents. When moving furniture, lift it instead of dragging it across the floor.
4. Seal the Surface
Depending on the type of marble used, sealing the surface periodically can help protect it from stains and moisture. Consult with Stone Art By SKL for the best sealing products and maintenance schedule for your specific flooring.
Transform Your Space with Stone Art By SKL
Inlay flooring by Stone Art By SKL is more than just a flooring choice; it's an investment in art, luxury, and durability. Whether you choose the dramatic Black Golden Marble Inlay, the serene White Golden Marble Inlay, the contrasting Black White Golden Marble Inlay, or the glamorous Mirror Inlay Flooring, you are guaranteed to receive a product that combines exceptional craftsmanship with stunning design.
Stone Art By SKL's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that your inlay flooring will not only meet but exceed your expectations. Transform your space into a work of art with the unparalleled beauty and sophistication of inlay flooring. Contact Stone Art By SKL today to explore their exquisite collection and discover the perfect flooring solution for your home or business.
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marthaohara · 7 years
10 Best Design Projects By Marcel Wanders
10 Best Design Projects By Marcel Wanders – Marcel Wanders. What can we say about a legend in the world of design? One of the world’s best interior designers, the worldwide renowned Marcel Wanders has made his mission to “create an environment of love, live with passion and make our most exciting dreams come true.” His work excites, provokes, and polarises, but never fails to surprise for its ingenuity, daring and singular quest to uplift the human spirit, and entertain. Best Design Projects invites you to take a look at the 10 best interior design projects by this top interior designer.
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In his designs, including residential projects, Marcel Wanders often mixes innovative materials and techniques with references to well-known historical styles and archetypes, so users can easily connect to the pieces, enjoying them for a long time and in doing so create sustainable surroundings.
1) Oh! project, 2017 (residential)
From the collaboration with Uribe & Schwarzkopf, residential marvel was created by Wanders&YOO. The Oh! project (2016) is a nature-inspired living space set in the exclusive urban neighbourhood of Gonzales Suarez in Ecuador. It encompasses two towers of 102 apartments. Divided into one, two and three bedroom typologies, the project includes extensive public, entertaining areas. These common areas include a spa, multi-purpose sports court, a fitness centre, a teen area and kids club, an outdoor cinema hidden in-between trees on the 21st floor, rooms for games or business, a sunset lounge, a communal terrace and yoga deck. The apartments in this project are executed in three different styles. The Fire Style uses contrasting patterns and surfaces to spark passion like fireworks. The Air Style creates serenity with soft colours and materials and natural light. Finally, the calming Earth Style utilises warm tones and woods, mosaics and stone. Infused with botanicals, Oh! offers a living experience inspired by local flora and fauna. Neighbours become friends as common living areas extend the residences with hand-tufted shaved carpets and hanging gardens. Designed for smarter living, Oh! creates community and a sense of belonging.
2) Taipei residence, 2015 (residential)
Lovingly conceived and richly designed, the Private Residence Taipei is filled with local-inspired elements that blend to offer an unmatched sense of place. Within each individually designed room, reliefs and bespoke furniture set an exquisite tone. In addition to the master bedroom suite, the floor plan includes two guest bedrooms, a dining and show kitchen, as well as an entertainment and study room. Black woven Jester textile walls dress the master bedroom with a royal flair, while nightstands with One Minute lamps and a free standing headboard divide the entire space. Colourful mosaics by Bisazza, luxurious furniture, thick red woven carpets in the study, and warm woods give the entire residence multiple moods and different atmospheres – from bright and glamourous to sensual and mysterious.
3) Amsterdam Residence, 2008 (Residential)
When it comes to residential projects, it’s not a house someone wants. By a house, you want a place to call home. And a house becomes a home when bespoke design touches and thoughtful organisation is applied throughout. In the Private Residence, Amsterdam (2008), details of typical Dutch typology create a monumental and refined feeling from one room to the next. Given the architecture space of merely 102m2 inside and a garden area of 100m2 outside, the overall concept allows for the garden and home to live in harmony. Strong interior design elements such as the semi-circular wall, the intricate wooden parquet flooring with different types of wood inlays and panelled ceiling of cast GRG with relief gives the main living area an iconic presence. Outside, the garden is designed with artificial topiaries, black and white marble tiles and ceramic wallflowers, creating a calming oasis within this exuberant experience.
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4) Casa Son Vida, 2009 (Residential)
This ultra-luxurious Mediterranean villa breathes sophistication. Located in Mallorca, Casa Son Vida (2009) is a state-of-the-art residence that introduces the modern to the classic and the present to the futuristic. With bold, juxtaposed and tactile surfaces, the high-design atmosphere throughout represents the shift toward sustainability as an expression of architecture and technology. Bespoke pieces from Marcel Wanders, Poliform, Cappellini, MOOOI, Baccarat and Bisazza fill the 850m2 residence giving it a deep sense of place. From its curved corners to its classic lines, a unique home emerges and reveals a playground for reliefs and spaces. Casa Son Vida is a house that inspires and redefines contemporary luxury living.
5) Villa Moda Bahrain, 2008 (Residential)
As the ultimate marketplace, the Villa Moda Bahrain (2008) pulses with the richness of overlapping cultures and showcases the artisanship, motifs and techniques of local craftsman. Set in a prime central location with views of the sea, this enchanting international souk hosts innovative and luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Bottega Veneta, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci and Fendi. Designed as a treasure trove, the 1050m2 retail space in Bahrain is laid out like a small ancient city and each building houses a specific department or brand. A long, narrow corridor leads to a dramatic space with a high-ceiling, giant black and white patterns on custom-made carpets, over-scale wallpaper and Bisazza mosaics. A modest black and white colour palette serves as the back drop for the luxurious, colourful items on display.
How To Decorate Like A Pro With Best Design Projects
6) IBEROSTAR Grand Hotel Portals Nous, 2017 (Hospitality)
The Iberostar Grand Portals Nous (2017) is an indulgent five-star hotel where guests are rejuvenated through pampered recreation. Nestled on a magnificent beach, this luxurious setting uses transparencies, whites and reflective surfaces to create a flow of openness. Emphasising craft and tactile design, the Mallorquin style is reinforced, inspiring guests with the scenery of Spain. From the lobby’s bouquet motif to the boundless luxury of the hotel’s 66 rooms, four penthouse suites and five themed suites, guests discover a recurrent theme of life. Outside are manicured gardens and a pool with a 30+ metre water cascade and bar. A secret garden offers clandestine seating areas, a daybed and a Tree of Life. An extensive gym, a spa featuring a steam room, sauna and treatment rooms complete this destination to fulfill your ultimate dreams.
7) Mondrian Doha, 2017 (Hospitality)
A wonderful story unfolds around every turn in this contemporary classic hotel, whose iconic building is designed by SWA architects. The Mondrian Doha in Qatar (2017) is a 5-star destination designed by Marcel Wanders and operated by the global hospitality company sbe, drawing on local knowledge and exhibiting innovative materials and techniques. Each space possesses its own identity, allowing guests to form a collection of stories woven with a main theme that runs throughout. Marcel Wanders’ signature style spans from the hotel’s lobby and restaurants to its royal penthouses, VIP units, suites, premium and standard rooms. Bespoke designs reflect local patterns, Arabic writing and historic souks. Giant columns with golden eggs, a ‘tree of life’ made of flowers, falcon video art, ornate stained glass and intricate mosaic tiling add to this most luxurious and holistic hotel experience.
8) Eden Hotel, 2015 (Hospitality)
As part of the Revolution Precrafted Properties collection, Eden (2015) is a luxurious precrafted home designed from a human perspective and built from the inside out. This peaceful sanctuary dispels the notion that prefabricated houses ought to be only practical and inexpensive. Eden is where families reconnect with others and create treasured memories, in a monumental setting. This inside microcosms becomes spacious through the amplified use of glass, and finds its only border in plants that serve as breathable boundaries. The extended roof over the terrace, connecting outside to inside, creates a limitless living area. The roof is sustained by two rows of hand-woven textile columns that cast shadows during the day and light up dramatically at night. The materials, colours and finishes of its Natural style create an authentic setting that offers a true sense of belonging.
9) Maison Decorté, 2017 (Retail)
Maison Decorté (2017) is located in the Ginza Six shopping complex in Tokyo, Japan and here, you are invited to take a journey to renew the mind, body and spirit. With a full range of Decorté cosmetics, facial and body treatments, this space an exclusive retail & spa experience.
Four themed environments, divided into three treatment rooms and a retail space, represent nature’s effect on female skin throughout. In the welcoming space, the first theme, rejuvenation, is designed to restore and inspire the body to fight gravity and spring forth life. The second room, offers the shield of a lush forest that diffuses the sun’s harmful rays, warming the skin without causing damage. In the third room, where crystals form and solidify, a woman’s skin is suspended in a perpetual state of purification. Finally, in the last of the treatment rooms, the skin is calmed and reborn in a dim and mysterious place. At Maison Decorté, connecting with nature holistically, guests emerge revitalised, refreshed and completely renewed.
10) Mandarina Duck Flagship Store, 2008 (Retail)
For the iconic luggage brand, Mandarina Duck, a living, breathing retail space was created. The Mandarina Duck (2008) store was completed for the purpose of introducing their Italian-made clothing and luggage lines. Beautifully designed, this location is anchored in the tale of Gulliver, perhaps the most legendary British traveller. Bright yellow, and without clothing, a seven metre tall figure stands connecting the two floors of the building. Supporting his presence is a two-story chromed breathing mirror wall and 40 other mannequins designed to breathe. Their subtle movements present the Mandarina Duck brand in the most realistic and humanised way. Inside, glass tables and shelves display items, while outside a constant stream of air-bubbles accentuate the living identity of the brand.
Know more about Marcel Wanders and his amazing work here: http://ift.tt/10Qvh8f
Read also: Be Inspired By Hotel Interior Design Trends 2018
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from 10 Best Design Projects By Marcel Wanders
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stoneartbyskl · 4 months
Inlay Flooring | Stone Art By SKL
Redefine elegance with SKL stone inlay flooring. Immerse yourself in bespoke designs crafted to elevate your interiors.
Read More-: Inlay Flooring
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stoneartbyskl · 4 months
Stone Art By Skl offers a wide range of luxury marble inlay flooring and Pietra Dura Art in Dubai. They provide superior designs delivered through high-class cutting and designing. Dubai is a global city and the business hub of the Middle East. It is also a major global transport hub for passengers and cargo and was historically a major mercantile hub. Today, less than 5% of the emirate's revenue comes from oil. Dubai's economy relies on revenues from trade, tourism, aviation, real estate, and financial services.
Looking for luxury marble inlay flooring or Pietra Dura art in Dubai? You've come to the right place. Stone Art By Skl offers a superior array of marble inlay flooring designs delivered through high-class cutting and designing. Dubai is a global city and the business hub of the Middle East. It is also a major global transport hub for passengers and cargo. Today, less than 5% of the emirate's revenue comes from oil. Dubai's economy relies on revenues from trade, tourism, aviation, real estate, and financial services.
Our experienced artisans use advanced tools to cut the marble into the desired designs, which are then polished to give them an excellent finish. Marble inlay flooring is best exemplified by the Taj Mahal. During the Mughal empire, this art was at its peak. Since that time, artisans have continued to restore this art form. It basically involves decorating Flooring made from mother of pearl, precious and semi-precious stones, and marble. Marble inlay flooring adds a unique presence to decorate your villas, buildings, commercial offices, and mansions.
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Best Flooring Solutions in Dubai
When it comes to choosing the best flooring solutions in Dubai, Stone Art By SKL stands out with its exceptional range of inlay decorative flooring options. Specializing in natural Indian marble and Indian sandstone, Stone Art By SKL offers a variety of designs to suit any taste and decor style. Here are some of their top offerings:
Inlay Decorative Flooring
Transform your space with the timeless beauty of inlay decorative flooring. This intricate flooring technique involves embedding various materials into the surface to create stunning patterns and designs. Stone Art By SKL's inlay flooring is perfect for adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room.
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Black - Golden Marble Inlay Decorative Flooring
For those looking to make a bold statement, the Black - Golden Marble Inlay Decorative Flooring is an excellent choice. This flooring combines the luxurious appeal of black marble with the opulence of golden inlays, creating a striking and elegant visual effect.
Mirror Inlay Decorative Flooring
The Mirror Inlay Decorative Flooring adds a touch of glamour and sparkle to your interiors. This flooring features mirrored inlays that catch the light beautifully, creating a sense of space and brightness.
Mosaic Flooring
Mosaic flooring is a versatile and artistic option for any space. Stone Art By SKL offers a range of mosaic flooring designs, including:
Black Star Mosaic Flooring: Featuring intricate star patterns, this flooring option is perfect for adding a touch of celestial beauty to your space.
Modern Mosaic Flooring: With contemporary designs and patterns, modern mosaic flooring is ideal for those looking to create a chic and stylish environment.
Petal Mosaic Flooring: Inspired by nature, the petal mosaic flooring features delicate floral designs that bring a sense of serenity and beauty to any room.
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All these exquisite flooring options are crafted from high-quality natural Indian marble and Indian sandstone, ensuring durability, elegance, and timeless beauty.
Manufacturer: Stone Art By SKL
Stone Art By SKL is renowned for its craftsmanship and attention to detail. With a focus on quality and innovation, they provide the best in decorative flooring solutions, making them a top choice for those seeking luxurious and unique flooring in Dubai.
For more information on these stunning flooring options and to explore the full range of products, visit Stone Art By SKL. Enhance your interiors with the best in decorative flooring and enjoy the timeless beauty and elegance that only natural stone can offer.
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stoneartbyskl · 4 months
7 Styles of Decorating with Marble Floors | Stone Art By SKL
Marble floors have long been a symbol of luxury and elegance, adding timeless beauty and sophistication to any space. Stone Art By SKL is proud to offer a diverse range of decorative flooring options that can transform your home into a masterpiece. Whether you're aiming for a classic look or a contemporary vibe, our selection of the best decorative flooring solutions, including inlay decorative flooring and mosaic flooring, is designed to cater to all your aesthetic desires. In this article, we'll explore seven stunning styles of decorating with marble floors, highlighting the versatility and charm of this exquisite material.
1. Classic Elegance with Inlay Decorative Flooring
Inlay decorative flooring is the epitome of refinement and opulence. By incorporating intricate designs and patterns into the marble, this style creates a stunning visual impact that is both artistic and luxurious. One of our most popular offerings in this category is the Black - Golden Marble Inlay decorative flooring, which combines the rich, dark tones of black marble with the luxurious accents of golden inlay. This combination not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also adds a touch of grandeur to any room.
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Why Choose Inlay Decorative Flooring?
Timeless Beauty: Inlay designs have been used for centuries in palaces and grand estates, making them a timeless choice for sophisticated interiors.
Customization: Each inlay pattern can be customized to suit your personal taste and the overall decor of your home.
Durability: Marble is a durable material that withstands the test of time, ensuring that your inlay flooring remains beautiful for years to come.
2. Modern Appeal with Mosaic Flooring
Mosaic flooring is an excellent way to introduce modern artistry into your home. By using small pieces of marble to create intricate patterns and images, mosaic flooring can turn your floors into a canvas of creativity. Stone Art By SKL offers a variety of mosaic flooring options, including the Black Star Mosaic Flooring, which features a captivating star pattern that adds a touch of contemporary elegance.
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Advantages of Mosaic Flooring
Versatility: Mosaic patterns can range from simple geometric designs to complex images, allowing for endless customization possibilities.
Visual Interest: The combination of different colors and shapes in mosaic flooring creates a dynamic visual effect that can enliven any space.
Easy Maintenance: Marble mosaic floors are relatively easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical choice for busy households.
3. Geometric Harmony with Hexagonal Mosaic Flooring
Hexagonal mosaic flooring is a unique and eye-catching option for those who appreciate geometric designs. The hexagon, with its six-sided symmetry, brings a sense of balance and harmony to any room. Our Hexagonal Mosaic Flooring is available in a variety of color combinations, allowing you to create a personalized look that complements your decor.
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Benefits of Hexagonal Mosaic Flooring
Unique Aesthetic: The hexagonal shape stands out from traditional square or rectangular tiles, offering a fresh and modern look.
Pattern Flexibility: Hexagonal tiles can be arranged in various patterns, such as honeycomb or interlocking designs, to achieve different visual effects.
Durability: Like all marble flooring, hexagonal mosaic tiles are robust and long-lasting, making them a wise investment for your home.
4. Luxurious Sophistication with Black and White Marble
The combination of black and white marble creates a striking contrast that exudes luxury and sophistication. This classic pairing is perfect for creating a high-end, timeless look in any space. Whether you choose a checkered pattern or a more intricate design, black and white marble flooring adds an element of elegance that is hard to match.
Why Black and White Marble?
Timeless Contrast: The stark contrast between black and white never goes out of style, making it a safe yet stylish choice.
Versatile Design: Black and white marble can be used in various design schemes, from modern minimalist to traditional classic.
High Impact: The dramatic visual effect of black and white marble flooring can serve as a focal point in any room.
5. Nature-Inspired Beauty with Marble Inlay Flooring
Bringing elements of nature into your home can create a serene and calming atmosphere. Marble inlay flooring with nature-inspired designs, such as floral patterns or botanical motifs, can help achieve this effect. Our collection includes beautiful options that incorporate green and earth-toned marbles to mimic the beauty of nature.
Benefits of Nature-Inspired Marble Flooring
Aesthetic Appeal: Nature-inspired designs bring the beauty of the outdoors inside, creating a harmonious and tranquil environment.
Personal Touch: Customized inlay designs allow you to incorporate your favorite elements of nature into your home decor.
Enhanced Ambiance: Natural patterns and colors can enhance the overall ambiance of a room, making it more inviting and relaxing.
6. Art Deco Glamour with Geometric Marble Patterns
Art Deco is a style that celebrates bold geometric shapes and lavish detailing. Incorporating Art Deco-inspired geometric marble patterns into your flooring can add a touch of glamour and sophistication to your home. Our Modern Mosaic Flooring options include stunning geometric designs that are perfect for achieving this look.
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Why Choose Geometric Marble Patterns?
Bold Statement: Geometric patterns make a bold design statement, instantly drawing attention to your flooring.
Historical Charm: Art Deco designs have a rich history and cultural significance, adding depth and character to your decor.
Customization Options: You can choose from a variety of geometric patterns and color combinations to match your personal style.
7. Minimalist Elegance with Single-Tone Marble Flooring
For those who prefer a more understated and minimalist look, single-tone marble flooring is an excellent choice. This style focuses on the natural beauty and veining of the marble, allowing the material itself to be the star of the show. Stone Art By SKL offers a range of single-tone marble options, from pristine white to deep black, each with its unique veining and texture.
Advantages of Single-Tone Marble Flooring
Simplicity: Single-tone marble flooring provides a clean and elegant look that complements any decor style.
Natural Beauty: The natural veining and patterns in marble add subtle interest without overwhelming the space.
Versatility: This style can be used in any room, from bathrooms to living areas, and pairs well with both modern and traditional furnishings.
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Decorating with marble floors is an art form that can transform your home into a luxurious retreat. Whether you prefer the intricate beauty of inlay decorative flooring, the modern appeal of mosaic patterns, or the timeless elegance of single-tone marble, Stone Art By SKL has the perfect solution for you. Our wide range of products, including the best decorative flooring options like Black - Golden Marble Inlay decorative flooring, Black Star Mosaic Flooring, and Hexagonal Mosaic Flooring, ensures that you can find the perfect match for your style and taste.
Marble floors not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also add value and sophistication that will be appreciated for years to come. Explore our collection today and discover the endless possibilities of decorating with marble floors. Let Stone Art By SKL help you create a space that is truly a work of art.
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Why White marble or White Italian is best option for flooring?
Reply by D.C. Bhandari
Bhandari marble group
Since 1631
Many homeowners love the look of an all-white marble. White marble look that will never go out of style. There are many reasons people choose an all-white marble. One of the biggest reasons is that it creates a fresh and bright look. Some may think this color scheme is so plain and dull but it’s something to consider to best to play with other stones.
White marble, Italian white marble
Bhandari marble group
We compliments every design style in our website ebook online catalogue!
White marble, White Italian marble,
Bhandari marble group
From contemporary, to modern, to worldwide living, white marble is the perfect color choice to fit any design style. A backdrop of white marble will highlight all the important elements in the room, like those beautiful countertops or the amazing tiled backsplash you just installed. Your all home shine in an all-white flooring, and elevation lights hanging over your home island seem to come to life with the white background.
White marble, White Italian marble,
Bhandari marble group
White marble creates a sleek and minimalist look to the room, which is known in contemporary design. The earthy elements like exposed beams or a brick wall of a modern hmoe will go great with an all-white marble background. The many colors and patterns of home villa will be enhanced in an all-white home. You just cannot go wrong with an all-white background in the home villa hotel and projects..
White marble, Italian white marble,
Bhandari marble group
It opens up the space
If you have a smaller homr, white marble tends to open things up a bit. It gives the illusion of a larger space. White marble is known for visually expanding smaller spaces.
White marble, Italian white marble
Bhandari marble group
White flooring with white elevation like Bhandari white marble countertops will create a fresh look to your home villa. Everything in white marble might create an institutional look but the veins in Italian white marble will break up the monotony of all white slabs. The Statuario White marble are dark gray lines and purple can pick up some of the color in your home to create a cohesive look.
White marble, Italian white marble
Bhandari marble group
Another natural stone that will fit an all-white Vietnam marble. Carrara white stone has a white background with dramatic gray veins that really stand out. Carrara natural marble stone offers a pleasing look to the home villa hotel and projects, and is not overwhelming. Statuario marble certainly will enhance the look of your home without taking away from the all-white marble theme. White marble stone will expand the space in the lobby while offering a visually appealing look.
White marble, Italian white marble
Bhandari marble group
Easily change the look of your home villa hotel and projects
You don't have to stick with one design style or color theme when you have an all-white flooring. If you want to change up the look without doing extensive work, then it is very easy. Add pops of color stone with flooring elevation and decorations.
White marble, Italian white marble
Bhandari marble group
The window treatments can be easily swapped out with patterned fabric that instantly changes the look of the home. How about a geometric pattern with colorful details? It will add a pop of color to break up the white marble in the home while Italian marble adding a trendy and unique vibe to your home villa hotel and projects.
White marble, Italian white marble
Bhandari marble group
you can instantly place colorful ones to add a pop of color to your home. How about black marble mix with white marble looks trendy. White marble will add a touch of drama to your all-white home. The dark marble will pick up the dark veins of your Italian White marble. Elevation and decorations and everything will go together.
White marble, Italian white marble,
Bhandari marble group
Inlay work will add a nice glamorous touch that will give your floor a high-end look. And, when you get tired of it, easily change the look again with new inlay in another color. Golden marble would be a nice change.
White marble, Italian white marble
Contrary to what many people think, an Flawless white marble is very versatile. There are so many ways to choose this background flooring while still being able to change up the look of your home with ease. A simple swap of certain elements in the home will create a new look for your flooring and elevation. if you are one to get bored easily. Flawless white marble is the way to go if you’re looking for a fresh and clean look.
#White marble
#Italian white marble
#Flawless white marble
#,Vietnam white marble
By D.C.Bhandari
Bhandari marble group
Since 1631
Contact number
+91 9672941111
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jeremystrele · 6 years
33 Dazzling White Dining Rooms Plus Tips To Help You Accessorize Yours
A dazzling white dining room may raise a few eyebrows among parents of spaghetti slinging toddlers, but in this age of wipe clean modern furniture materials and washable paint finishes this crisp and clean look can belong to anyone. Some may be concerned that a plain white space could lack in personality or individuality. However, this is not the case in any of these 33 dining rooms that utilise beautiful accessories to make each decor scheme completely different to the next. Join us on a journey to discover distinguished dining sets, statement dining table pendant lights and a sprinkling of bright accent ideas.
Visualizer: Artem Bobrov   Crown your dining spot. A modern chandelier hovers like a halo over this heavenly black and white dining room. Wood tone and greenery breath life onto the blank canvas.
Visualizer: Alexey Kilimichenko   Let treasured items inspire your scheme. A colourful travel poster is the inspiration for the tropical palette of this coral and green accented scheme. Jade green modern dining chairs encircle a round dining table with a white marble top, under a coral coloured dining room pendant light. A bulky white dining room buffet blends into the background.
Visualizer: Julia Buza   Add a look of expense and luxury with golden trims. The subtle sheen brought by a gold dining pendant, slim ceiling inlay, and the golden legs of chic grey dining chairs and black console unit simply oozes upper class. Don’t go overboard on this metallic though as it will have the entirely opposite effect.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Don’t be afraid to mix things up. With a plain white backdrop and a clear glass dining table, this room scheme could afford a little mix and match when it came to selecting the dining chairs.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Contrasting colour accessories give maximum impact. Three orange tinted versions of dining ghost chairs add extra interest to this carte blanche. A blue based art canvas lends terrific contrast to the tangerine chairs. Blue and orange accessories pop out from white decor around the room.
Visualizer: Alesya Kasianenko   Introduce a colourful area rug. Just because your walls are painted white doesn’t mean you can’t be seated in a colourful dining area. This striped red rug design is matched by dominant red artwork. A single red accent chair is quirkily positioned along one side of the extendable wooden dining table, rather than placed at the more obvious head of the table. The shape of the dining pendant light emulates pomegranate seeds, which can be seen tumbling from the table centrepiece. A similar chandelier is available here.
Designer: Atelier Daaa   Balance the space. The dark wirework shade of this Vertigo pendant spans the entire length of a bright eight seat dining set, made up with the Muuto Nerd chair and Saarinen executive side chair.
Designer: MAMOUT architects & AUXAU   Mark out your dining zone with multiple pendant lights.
Visualizer: Andrea Papini   Low hung lighting visually anchors a centrally placed table to its spot.
Designer: Craftr Studio   Incorporate existing built-in seating as a banquette bench. This white dining room set is positioned up against a window seat to save space – it also saves on splashing the cash on extra dining chairs.
Visualizer: Lab59   Wood and white for the win. A wooden dining set makes a perfect warming addition to icy dining room decor. This wooden sculptural chair design is the Genny Easy chair by Morelato.
Visualizer: Igor Sirotov   Bespoke designs can save on space. A white dining room table and chairs morphs with a kitchen island here, creating a streamlined design.
Visualizer: Ignacio Riera   A dining bench can seat extra guests. Impromptu diners can be accommodated by budging up on this black and white dining room set with bench.
Visualizer: Dina Kuzmenko   Introduce some pattern. A chevron feature wall has been created behind a pure white dining room table set, in this cheerful blue and white dining room. The modern white dining room chairs are the Eames armchair.
Visualizer: Coloroom Interiors   Let the shelves do the talking. At least, let the contents of your shelves be the loudest part of quietly colour free decor. Recessed shelving makes a modern change from a more traditional white dining room hutch.
Visualizer: Pham Phuc   Do the legwork. These white dining room chairs have Eiffel Tower inspired legs that bring a look of strength to a gentle white scheme.
Visualizer: Bercy Chen Studio LP   Don’t underestimate the power of plants. Indoor plants are an easy way to add flashes of greenery to a plain looking room.
Visualizer: Tesla Studio   Think outside the (white) box. A swing arm wall lamp is a novel way to add lighting over a dining room table, and this black Flos Mod 265 is just the ticket to complement a modern white dining room table. A cheaper replica is available here.
Visualizer: Inviz   Make your table centrepiece suit your needs. You don’t have to splash out on fancy candlesticks if you’re not the dinner party type. A simple modern fruit bowl will do.
Photographer: Hey!Cheese   Visualizer: Fungo Design   Add colour in unexpected ways. A blue pegboard wall behind two Caravaggio Pendant lights provides a repositionable shelving system, plus wall hooks where and when they’re needed.
Designer: Maayan Zusman   Make a shy white scheme blush. This blush pink dining table makes a sweet departure from the surrounding monochrome scheme. Different white dining room chair designs keep the set looking fresh. The dinky globe pendant lights are the Flos String Light Round.
Visualizer: Evgenii Bulatnikov & Devid Liquify   Geometric accents bring edge to any scheme, like these Vibia Wireflow 2D pendants.
Visualizer: Home d   A roaring fireplace adds movement, colour and light. Large artwork can be propped on the floor behind the table for a change of scene.
Visualizer: Stijn Vereeken   Kitchen bars aren’t just for breakfast. This tall and elegant black and white dining room set is made by placing modern dining chairs at a sleek kitchen bar.
Visualizer: Maria Garkusha & Ruslan Kovalchuk   Go large on lighting.
Visualizer: Inuti   Linear thinking makes light work of minimal spaces. A striking linear suspension lamp looks crisp over black and white dining room sets.
Designer: Flat White   Visualizer: Tomas Firla & Lukas Teuber   Maximise on monochrome. A black and white dining room table takes on a new dynamic amongst chunky black accent pieces.
Visualizer: Z Design   All white dining room sets blend in unobtrusively in a white kitchen diner setup.
Visualizer: One Design Studio   Earth tones add depth and warmth. Choose a white dining room cabinet that has wooden shelving nooks, or layer a wooden dining set in front of plain white dining room furniture. Make a centrepiece with a ceramic vase of green fronds to finish the look.
Visualizer: Sasha Gnativ   Off white dining room sets have a softer look.
Visualizer: Slava Korchagin   Use your table top as a canvas for colour.
Designer: Soffit Interiors   Visualizer: Apollo Render   Display elaborate artwork right on the table.
Visualizer: DA Visual   Add pops of colour with pendants. Colourful wood and concrete pendants colour this monochromatic Scandinavian dining room. A mismatched selection of black and white dining room chairs add to the quirky eclectic aesthetic, placed around a plain white dining room table.
1. Menu Dropp fruit bowl 2. Saarinen Tulip style dining chair 3. Secto sculptural pendant 4. Menu ceramic salt and pepper shakers 5. Alessi lily bird sauce container 6. Decorative driftwood vase 7. Extendable dining table 8. Dragon wine holder 9. Unique wine glasses
For dining table chair combination recommendations, check out: 42 Dining Table & Chair Combinations That Just Work Great Together
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