#Blake Wexler
theoscarsproject · 6 months
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That's Life (1986). A wealthy yet depressed architect and his sympathetic wife strive to conquer their life issues in anticipation of Harvey Fairchild's (Jack Lemmon's) 60th birthday party.
I often find autobiographical films from directors self-indulgent and thinly drawn, and this isn't really an exception. A bummer, because Jack Lemmon and Julie Andrews really are very good, but Lemmon's lead is unlikeable in a way that makes it hard to engage with him, and Andrews' silently suffering lead never quite becomes the beating heart of the film that it feels like she should. Certainly not my favourite Blake Edwards'. 4/10.
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
Treading Water — Chapter 2: The Runaway & The Knight
Read from the beginning in the tag "redacted pirate au" or over on ao3!
This one was a lot of fun to write to epic celtic chase music >:3c Hope you enjoy!
   Afternoon sun rays trickled through the overcast and shone against the giant stained glass windows of the East dining hall—the West hall made vast for visitors or formal dinner parties and reserved strictly for such specificities—decorating the dining table, that was far too big for just the two people living there now, in an array of vibrant colors. It had already been fifteen minutes since Angel and Sofia had taken seats for their meal and neither had spoken. Without so much as needing to clear her throat, the latter spoke up:
   "The Gods have finally decided it was time they bestow upon us some uplifting news," Sofia declared at the head of the large dining table. Her voice was always soft, smooth and even, yet the tone she used was never weak. It was strong, and it carried a certain weight; one that had surely urged all of the castle staff to oblige her every request and order as quickly and efficiently as humanly possible. As loathe as they were to admit it, Angel held no immunity to her aura, either.
   "And what is this uplifting news?" They ask, picking uselessly at the assortment of food that adorned their plate. It hadn't gone unnoticed to their personal guard that they'd been partaking in meals less than they used to. Their Knight. How they wished Stealth were here in the room with them right now, but Sofia had excused them to go take care of some issue the nearby Wonder Wharf had been struggling to deal with—something about people hearing things and some townsfolk going missing, if Angel was recalling correctly. Stealth had always been good at investigating problems and thinking up solutions faster than panic could set in.
   "It brings me such a sense of contentment to know and see that you're finally coming around to being interested in what I have to say," Angel nodded at the Queen's note, only half listening once again as their thoughts continued:
   How can she just do that? Just send someone off to a place almost across the entire country with a shrug? They asked themself.
   "Every day you get closer to fitting the mold of the perfect Monarch."
   Oh yeah, they sighed. That's how. Sofia Ighnheirt, Queen of the Kingdom Favíll in the Eastern lands of Dahlia and a horrible excuse of an adoptive mother. Even a bit of a lousy blood mother, seeing as her only son, Damien, had made his escape not too long ago. Sofia hummed at the lack of a response and continued with her original point of conversation instead, not at all discouraged:
   "The news is that Prince Kody Pluvaes of Rainfall is looking for a new suitor," Angel nearly choked to death on their own saliva at her nonchalantly spoken words.
  Kody Pluvaes...
   They'd heard of him before—from Damien back when he was still stuck here, and even just before their parents were killed in that fire. They had a feeling those rumors of what he did to the last person who had been arranged to marry him weren't rumors at all. After they had taken a stand for themself, they were locked in the dungeon, but Damien said they had escaped. He said they were going to try and find them—the Mage, Freelancer—when he escaped and promised to take them on the adventure too after the loss of their parents. Just two best friends against the world, searching for The Mage's Damnation... So much for that.
   They couldn't blame him though. While Sofia was a levelheaded Queen, she was a tyrant to her son behind closed doors. It had gotten to the point where he hardly had any life outside of being forced to prepare for his upbringing as the next King of Favíll—which was about the last thing he wanted. So, he left. He had meant to bring Angel with him and they knew that, but, in the end, he didn't have time. It was either get out alone, or get caught.
   Escaping.., they let the word roll off their mental tongue, eyes drifting to the tapestries lining the walls as they pondered. That's got quite the appeal to it.
   "I've already arranged for us to set out at dawn and meet him in Rainfall," she smiled. "How exciting." Angel felt themself begin to spiral:
  Oh Gods, they thought to themself, I can't do this. I can't let her marry me off to some mildewy creep like I'm some trading good. They pushed their seat from the table and stood abruptly.
   "Please excuse me?" They asked, barely waiting for the dismissive wave of the Queen's hand before they took the shortest route to their room and stepped out on to the balcony, letting the crisp air that carried the scent of the ocean waft through their senses and slow their mind into a state of calm. Now, they could start thinking rationally.
   When did they set off? They asked themself, gaze loacked on the distant piers of their own city. One whole week ago, thereabouts. They should be home soon. Within the day, in fact. 
   As if they themselves possessed abilities to see into what the future holds, Angel could hear the clattering and clobbering of a horse's footfall, they could see the sun shining brightly against heavy iron and the light reflecting off their bronze emblem.
   "By the Gods, they've made it back in one piece!" Angel exclaimed from their balcony, snickering to themself as they could sense the roll of Stealth's keen eyes without having to actually see them. Once they knew they had the attention of their Knight, they smiled.
   "Meet me in the private courtyard!" They beckoned, recieving a nod without hesitation before Stealth continued their trot into the stables atop Arion. It didn't take long for all of the mare's needs to be met and Stealth to find the last royal heir sat comfortably on a white stone bench deep within the private courtyard, delicately nursing a drooping sunflower.
   "Did you wish to have a casual chat, or was there something specific plaguing your conscience?" Stealth asked. Somehow, some way, they always knew when something was amiss with Angel. It was like a sixth sense of theirs that, in some instances, they were grateful for, while in others they weren't sure how they felt about being such an open book, wondering if just anyone could tell there was something wrong or if it was just their Knight who could read every crease in their features like they could.., could... they've run out of comparisons. It was always frustrating when they lost track of what they were thinking of.
   "Your Highness," Stealth redirected, now letting their gloved hand lay softly on Angel's shoulder as they awaited a response.
   "Yes, there is something wrong," they admit with ease. It always felt easy to talk with their Knight. Like they knew they would keep any secrets they'd felt safe enough to share with them like the old journal of a mistress thrown into the ocean, left to drown and become erased with time—the undertow current taking all the secrets within its pages away with it.
   "I'm always right here," assured Stealth. And that was more than enough.
   "Sofia says we're riding out at dawn to arrange a marriage between me and the Prince of Rainfall," the Knight sneered at the mention of the vile Prince. Angel agreed quickly:
   "I share your sentiment, believe me. Which is why I want to leave." The taller was stunned for a few moments, eyes suddenly blown wide as they staggered a bit at their words.
   "..Leave?" They asked. Angel nodded, lips pressed into a thin line and brows pinched in a worry that their loyal guard would be more loyal to the Queen than to themself. "You.., you want to leave?"
   "Yes! I want to leave, to escape, to run away—far away—from here!" Both scrambled at the royal's outburst, Stealth casting a long glance over their shoulder to be sure no one heard.
   "Run away?"
   "This isn't just something you've decided completely on impulse, is it?"
   "I'm afraid not, my dear Knight."
   "You've been planning this since the week after Damien fled the city, haven't you?"
   "Oh, absolutely." Stealth let an unsure expression cross their features, furrowing their brows and bringing a grimace to there lips.  "I want to find Damien. And running away is the best option I can think of." The guard sighed.
   "And, I'm assuming, we flee at midnight?" Angel nodded, chewing at their bottom lip as they awaited their answer. Stealth sighed, gaze softening in understanding. While they may deal with duties not too far outside of royal expectations and traditions, they do know that there is struggle within the life of a royal heir. They've seen such trials firsthand, being Angel's personal guard.
   "I do believe Warden owes me a few silent favors," their words brought a sparkle to the royal's big eyes, the ghost of a smile on their lips. The Knight thought a few moments more before nodding gradually:
   "Morticia will serve as your steed, both he and Arion can carry quite the lot without being weighed down too heavily. Water, food, maps, a few extra clothes you could borrow from myself..." They trailed off into a barely audible mumble, listing off supplies and marking the best routes in their mind.
   "So?" Angel tried.
   "We ride at midnight," they confirmed. "Be sure your ready." Angel clasped their hands together as excitement flood through their heart and their mind raced at the thought of their daydreams coming true.
   "Now, keep this talk discreet. The two of us are on the same page, so there shouldn't be any need to mention it again lest an issue arises. I will commune with Warden and get everything prepared." Their Knight instructed, the shorter listening intently to every word. This was important. Follow their plan to the T, the less chance they have of getting caught.
   As the evening continued on, Stealth had met with Warden in the dank hallways of the dungeon and discussed cashing in their favors. Warden didn't pry too deeply, but they didn't have to; they knew of Angel's discomfort and reluctance at the thought of being forced to take up the throne. However, both they and Stealth agreed without words that the former was better off not being told official. Better for the safety of all three of them.
   Warden nodded and confirmed that they'd grab whatever they could, and Stealth was off to prepare their horses before following Angel to dinner.
   Thunder rolled through the sky in the midst of night, scattered lightning leading each rumble as the dark storm clouds threatened to decorate the city below in downpour. Angel stood before their grand vanity mirror, their expressions changing drastically as they gave themself a a vigorous pep talk. They took a deep breath, clenching and unclenching their fists in attempt to keep their nerves at bay. The opened the top right drawer and pulled out their late mother's silver locket—eyes misting a little as they lingered on the smallest fragment of sapphire embedded in the center of the oval.
   "I miss you, mama.." Angel whispered. They blinked away the tears that had started to grow as they shook their head lightly and lay the locket of the necklace on their chest just below their collarbone. They were about to clasp it, but hesitated. Instead, Angel set it on their vanity and stood up to rummage through the other drawers in search of—
   "Aha!" They exclaimed in a whisper. In their hand was a burgundy leather satchel, big enough to pack a few small things in. Perfect for what keepsakes they wanted to carry with them wherever they went. They tiptoed quickly to their nightstand and grabbed Damien's favorite book, 'Beyond Nature's Blood: The Plague of Devils.' A story he loved so much that whatever image was on the cover could hardly be seen and the title not even readable anymore, but Angel had been seeing him with his nose shoved in this book for years, and they could never forget a title like that. It was a tale of Mages, written by a man who seemed to harbor nothing but a hatred for those who could tap into the world beyond the veil. Ezekiel... Ezekiel something; they couldn't for the life of them remember his surname. Not that it mattered much.  All Angel knew was Damien loved this novel, not because he had agreed with the madman—no way in hell, but because he was always fascinated by the idea of Magery. And he didn't exactly have access to any books that sung praises of Mages, so he took what he could get.
   Placing the well-loved book into the satchel with gentle care, they then were back at their vanity to pluck their locket from the dark wood and drop it carefully into one of the smaller pockets inside the bag. Now, they were off to Stealth's chambers. It was no issue getting inside, their Knight had given them a spare key as a token of their trust—and they were going to use that token to grab what Stealth had left of their parents: a single note written by their father, and signed by both of their kin. With a flourish of their hand drawn family emblem—a fully bloomed carnation painted in a deep purple. Angel rolled up the parchment softly and slid it into the satchel. With everything the needed with them, they left Stealth's room and headed for the Northwest tower, the one closest to the stables, but not before coming across one of the royal keepers, Nate Wexler. In the brief exchange, they begged of him to rush their satchel to Warden.
   They weren't sure how Warden did it, but they could be places within the blink of an eye. Nate had agreed the instant they asked, assuring them it would be delivered safely. Angel thanked him graciously and continued their way to that tower, feeling a pang of sadness strike their heart at the thought of having to leave the friends they had made with palace staff behind, but they shook there head and told themself that they had to do this. They couldn't stay here anymore. They needed to find Damien, their best friend..,
   Their brother.
   Almost as if getting lost in there thoughts made time fly past them, they'd arrived at the Northwest tower, and it was there they reunited with their Knight, who asked a very important question:
   "Are you sure about this, your Majesty?" Angel met there eyes without falter and straightened their posture.
   "I'm most certain this is what I want," they said. 'What I need' was a thought they kept to themself.  "Are you positive these horses won't turn around the moment they hear General Blake's command?" Stealth smirked at that.
   "Arion and Morticia follow no command but my own," the Knight assured, confidence burning in their eyes like white hot fires. "They have no King nor Queen, all they have are riders."
   "Equals," Angel recalled. Without a so much as a second's hesitation, Stealth whistled loud and even, slicing straight through the silence of the city below. The mare and the stallion whinny in response as they appear down below the window, ready to take off given the signal. They beat their hooves against the gravel as if urging the two get a move on, and they complied. Angel's Knight gestured for them to start the decline first, receiving an expression of uncertainty that couldn't quite mask the look of "are you serious?" lying just behind their worried eyes.
   "We may be running away together and leaving our titles behind us, but you're life still comes before mine in any situation. That's a promise I made years ago and it's one I'd damn myself if not kept," Angel would have hugged them tight and close at their words if it weren't for the series of heavy, iron-clad footfalls that echoed off the palace walls. They lifted themself atop the stone sill and swung their legs over the side in a single motion so smooth, almost like they'd been training for this moment, and Stealth had no doubt that they had been. Using any thick enough vine or brush, every jutting brick and every gap or crack wide enough to slide their fingers or the toe of their boot in, they descended the side of the sky-scraping tower. Their loyal Knight followed close behind—taking a little less time to think about where they were going to grab or brace next, Angel noticed and admired—and once they had both gotten to a spot that they discovered offered no more purchase, the two exchanged a single look.
   Do you trust me? Stealth had asked, uttering not a single word.
   With everything I am. Angel's brows furrowed and their gaze hardened. They spoke the truth; Angel would trust Stealth with the lives of their children if they had any. The Knight jerked their head a single time in a firm nod, and that was all the heir needed as signal. Perfectly in sync with one another, they leapt from the tower's wall and landed right on the backs of their steeds. Though Angel faltered, Stealth had caught them faster than they could panic about and set them right before whipping Arion's reins.  The mare took off immediately with Morticia and his rider close beside them, hooves pounding and piercing through the twilight that used to be so tranquil as the duo galloped through the slumbering city around them.
   Stealth could hear the barking of orders not far behind, followed by the clattering of more horses, and all they could think about was Blake's horse, Parálysi; a damn bullet disguised as a mare in a hazelnut coat and a long white mane, tied up neatly to keep the wind from slowing her down even an inch.
   Parálysi.., as their thoughts raced, they tightened their thighs around Arion's figure to keep steady as they sat up straight and began pulling off pieces of their armor.
   "What are you doing!" Angel asked over the chase, trusting Morticia more than enough to not have their eyes continuously trained on the path ahead of them. Their Knight didn't answer right away, still pulling off fragments one by one and letting gravity do its thing as they carelessly let it fly out of their fingers behind them. The bottom half of their armor had been long since shed back inside that tower, just before they'd started climbing down, all that was left was the top half and their helmet.
   "Dropping the extra weight," Stealth replied, reaching over and yanking the twine on the small supply bags they'd packed so thoughtfully until it snapped; food, extra clothes—they couldn't cut the coin, that's what they needed to buy everything back. They didn't even need to think about what had to go after that factor. A harsh determination settled in their vivid hues as they wasted no time in snapping the twine of their maps and water supply instead of the bag of sentiment they knew Angel had "secretly" packed.  Stealth knew they not only grabbed the locket their mother left behind for them and their brother's favorite book, but they also grabbed the last letter sent from the Knight's parents before their private executions.
   Stealth pulled back and returned to their place atop Arion's back, tugging their helmet, chainmail, and sleeve from their head in one swift movement right as Angel's eyes grew wide.
   "Parálysi!" They exclaimed at the sight of a black-tipped muzzle had gained on them, Blake now within arm's reach of Stealth. As if it were natural reflex, they twisted and drew their arms back only a little and threw the last of their gear behind them at the perfect angle.  The heavy iron accompanied by the chainmail now balled up inside at the crown had struck Parálysi's commander in the face so hard that he was knocked off her saddle and remained prone as the distance grew again.
   Parálysi with no rider meant they could at least cross the country boarder from Dahlia into Ferris without needing to worry much about being caught. Sure enough, it wasn't long before the shouts of other royal guards and the clattering of horses—other than Morticia and Arion—had faded far behind. As their steeds grew tired from the stressful chase, Stealth had them slow to an easy walk while they searched for a hidden clearing somewhere in the surrounding wood where they could take rest for the night.
Ngl, I really like how this one turned out^^ I hope you all liked it, too!
@morgansplace @sri-rachaa @sealriously-sealrious @friendlyfaded @zozo-01 @epsi-l0n @the-gender-bending-squid @slushrottweiler @star-sheeps @nonbinarycringe404 @pinksparkl @anthrokiaera @whatalovelymae @0605018redactedasmr @beemybella @reyofsunshinelol @febreze-bottle-without-febreze (I think that's everybody- If you'd like to be tagged for stuff about Treading Waters, lemme know!^-^)
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@mctionsick said | spare blake & dallas , glory days verse, based on the last bullet point here.
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it wasn't like the two of them had a lot of time together these days; she was busy with her extracurricular activities and classes, and he was swamped with practices and training and games and, theoretically classes ( and a girlfriend, but blake knew that she was also insanely busy. ) so when they did get together, blake took as much advantage of it as she could. his alarm went off, and she sighed, switching spots with him and allowing him to get comfortable now - their world history class was boring as well, but studying was a little easier with them taking turns reading aloud to the other. "are you sure we can't have a break yet?" she whined half heartedly, stroking her fingers through his hair as he laid his head on her lap. "i mean, there's a mcdonalds like, a block away. think about how delicious fries would be right now."
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
Favorite Redacted quotes but the list gets longer everytime I find a new one
“And the energizer bunny…Takes a tumble” -Milo
“Is this why you put up with my memes and shit? Because i gotta big dick and a great ass??” - Guy
“Do you love me?” — Imp!Damien
“Keep his name out of your FUCKING mouth” -Sam
“Laying in comfortable silence, hands roaming lazily betwixt our supine bodies, tracing gentle patterns across supple skin…Yes that was all about my eyes😂” — Guy
“This isn’t like a dog or something. Like normal wolves are big. Shifter wolves are even bigger…and i’m on the bigger end of that too” -David
“Is David being a total groomzilla about your side? Oop— Heard that-” Asher
“But I bet I’d lay down for it” — Vincent
“Make it two” —Sam
“Great deal on a large sausage” —Guy
“Will you marry me, Angel?” —David
“….Isn’t that right??” “Heyyy no tickling!!” — Gavin and Caelum
“No not just yes…say the words…say the whole thing” —Vincent
“Ohh— You are getting close! Hi! Hi baby….I love youuu” —Guy
“We are NOT matching. I am wearing my work clothes, YOU’RE wearing contraband” — David
“someone please get the gentleman a door prize”— Blake
“I was thinking a little less nature documentary and little more battle bots you know like i want you to just fucking SNAP me like a twig😭” -Guy
“No! You can’t tell me I taste good >:(” — Lasko
“Who are you and what have you done with my lover??” — Guy
“I know baby I know” — Milo
“Staaapppp you’re being rude… Yes RUDE you heard me!” —Guy
“…..do it— hmmmMmMmMmm okay okay….That had a little less finesse than i’m used to” —Milo
“You know what wordplay reminds me of? Tounge twisters!! And you know what tongue twisters remind me of? Tongue kissing!! Let’s explore that topic shall we?” —Guy
“The goal is healin me, you can’t be hittin me at the same time” —Milo
“Show me that wagon ya draggin sexy uehh” -Guy
“Who’s that bitch we hate?” — Asher
“Any hole is a goal” — Guy
“Just move your ass…..hmm i didn’t mean to move it quite like that but you’ll get no complaints outta me” —David
“My mouth is good for a lot more than just…talkin” —Milo
“It’s our bedroom….It’s our bed” —Geordi
“Hey Baaaaabyy” —Ollie
“I’ve sat with these feelings long enough to know how to manage them I promise” —Blake
“Call me that one more time and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow” —David
“I cant be another mistake…because it’ll break me” —Blake
“I’m sure seeing him is like….like those healing classes. A nice diversion😊” —President Moore
“Milo…play nice” — Imp!Asher
“You don’t have to order anyone to do it…Just take volunteers” — Imp!Milo
“I just set my fucking curtains on fire” -Damien
“Who taught you how to do healing magic?? A construction worker with a jackhammer?!” —Milo
“You’re taking me so fucking good” —Milo
“I’m trying to get off of you…I don’t wanna crush you” —David
“Awe yeah i often walk into work with shotgun shells in my fucking brief case” —Milo
“I cant read your mind baby” — Vincent
“Welcome home my love. How was your day?” -Gavin
“Park it on me Sweetheart” — Milo
“That does not feel like searching for a key Lovely” —Vincent
“Do i need to set this stuff down or are you gonna behave?” —Vincent
“Yeah, no thinking about work today. Or we’ll come over there and kick your ass” —Milo
“Hey…sorry i’m late” —Blake
“Do I look like i care??” —Blake
“I’m a grown ass man” —Milo
“I DON’T whimper…” —Damien
“You know what we do to…Bad Boyss around here—💀💀💀” —Guy
“Did I really just get drive by kink shamed??!” —Asher
“Awweee poor baby” —Asher
“Keep it in your pants you two. I already mopped this morning😒” —David
“…boop” —Sam
“I don’t want this for you baby” —Milo
“Boot Licker” —Milo
“I’ll always find you” —Avior
“Wexler, Greer is causing problems at the west entrance” — That One Guard😭
“That wasn’t rhetorical. Answer me” —Imp!Damien
“I love you more than human words can convey” —Gavin
“Yes baby” —Gavin
“Ruth Holland are you here? Hello? Hello?” —Milo
“Fuck, bounce on my fucking dick” — Guy
“Moan. They moaned. You moaned.” — Geordi
“Pfftttt hahaha- Okay— WuHwuhWwaA—” — Guy
“This isn’t happening!!” — Ivan
“I don’t like you, and I’m not going to” — Alexis
“Hold still i’ll grab you one of mine” — Milo
“Bad. Worse. Better.” — Vincent
“Go kick that ass….champ? Oh God-” — Lasko
“No can do baby” -Huxley
“I’m just fucking with you” — Sam Collins
“I needa stop saying fuck. Fuck. Sorry. And i needa stop saying sorry. fuck. sorry. FUCK i mean FUCK so— oh fuck😭 Oh my god i am such an idiot” — Lasko
“I wanna touch” — Stranger/Caller/John..?
“Fuck! Fuck me—” — Lasko Moore
“Can I cum on you?” — Milo Greer
“I am not gonna have ants runnin round my house cause of you😭” — Sam Collins
“It is not funny, you FUCK” — Milo Greer
“I’ll spank your ass brat. Not like it’d be the first time. Or the last.” — Milo Greer
“You’ll be safe” — Blake
“Well of course it’s gaudy. I made it” — Gavin
“Shit Darlin. You really weren’t gonna say anything about this?” — Sam Collins
“It’s all good” — Huxley
“I hate to make a guy lose his fuckin’ noodles” — Milo Greer
“Where do you want these fangs baby?” — Sam Collins
“Do you have any idea just how much energy is coming off of you right now?” — Fool!Gavin
“Sorry” —Fool!James
“I gotta go faster before i start…fucking…crying or something😭” — Asher
“Moan for me baby” — Milo Rebane
(I will be updating this list when i find/remember new ones😊)
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Its done! 64 competitors on this.
its so small I will put the mashups under the cut, but know that the first 8 polls, Round 1 A will release on Sunday, August 20th, 3pm EST, and will last 1 week.
If anyone has ANY specific photos they want me to use for anyone here, please send them to me. (Also if you see anyone on this list you like, feel free to send n more propaganda for them because I may put it in their poll and some people here don't have any lol)
Round 1 A
Edgar and Fay from Dolls of New Albion vs Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from star wars
Catra and Adora from She ra vs The doctor and the Master from Doctor who
Jekyll and Lanyon from The glass scientist vs Chell and Wheatley from Portal
Colm Doherty and Pádraic Súilleabháin from Banshees of Inisherin vs Chalres Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr from x -men
Jesus and Judas from Jesus Christ Superstar vs Rogue and Gambit from x- men
Grace and Simon from Infinity train vs kim Wexler and Jimmy from Better call Saul
Evellyn, Luel, and Sahar from Luna Story picross/coloring book apps vs Andreth and Aegnor from Silmarillion!
Anna and Hans from Frozen vs Kirk and SPock from Star trek
Round 1b
Ruth and Debbie from GLOW vs Agent Curt and Owen Carvour from Spies are forever
aziraphale & crowley from good omens vs Nastya and Aurora from Mechanism
John Doe and Arthur Lester from Malevolent vs Kotetsu and Barnaby from tiger and Bunny
Fitz and the fool from Realm of the Elderlings vs HeathCliff and cathy from Wuthering Heights
Akeelah and Dr.Larabee from akeelah and the bee vs Arthur and Guinevere from Arthurianna.
Peery the platypus and Dr. Heniz Doofenshmirtiz from phineas and Ferb vs Skull and vintage from Spatoon
Hil and Tavek from Girl Genius vs Vrisrezi from Homestuck
Harry Du bois and Dora Ingerlund from Disco Elysium vs Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao-Long from RWBY
Round 1c
Jackieshannua from Yellow Jackets vs Addek from Greys Anatomy
Eddie and Shannon from 9-1-1 vs Mercymorn the First/Augustine the First/Emperor John Gaius from The locked tomb seris
Junpei and Skane from Zero escape vs Lea & Isa / Axel & Saïx from Kingdom hearts
Scooge MC'Duck and Goldie I'Gill Ducktails (2017) vsCavendish and Dakota from Milo Murphy's law
Rebecca Bunch and Josh Chen from Crazy ex-girlfriend vs Sophia and fitz from keeper of lost cities
Cherry and Adam from sk8 vs Dazi Osamu and Nakahara chuuya from Bungo Stray dog
 Shen Qingqiu & Yue Qingyuan from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System vs Igor Grom and Sergey razumovski from Major Grom: Plague Doctor 
Jack harness and John Hart from Torchwood vs Yuma Tsukumo and Vector/Rei Shingetru from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Round 1d
Powl and Mesothulas (trantulas) from transformers vs Jason Mcconnel and Peter simmonds from Bare: A pop Opera
Cappie and Even from Greek (2007) vs Junnana from Revue Starlight
The band Amatelast from Show By Rock! vs Mac Macdonald and Dennis Reynolds from Its always sunny in Philadelphia
Mulder and scully from x-files vsRosho and Sasara from Hypnosis Microphone!
Yoo Junghyuk and Anna Croft from omniscient reader vs Archie and maxie from Pokemon
sherlock and Watson from Blackeyed Theatre's Valley of Fear vs Anna, Sasha, and Marcy from Amphibia
The two boys from Bokura from Bokura vs Rom and Tammy from Parks and recs
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Final list of submissions
Hey everyone, here's the final list of submissions (under the readmore, because we have over 150 entries!!) I am 99% confident that I managed not to miscopy/paste and leave anyone out, but if you don't find your submission here, please reach out - here or via @purlturtle !
There are still a few characters who could use a better/more enthusiastic endorsement, if you'd feel inclined to write one!
Also, still up in the air: should the 13th Doctor be included or not?
9-1-1 (TV show) Henrietta Wilson
A Series of Unfortunate Events (franchise) Violet Beaudelaire A Town Called EUReKA (TV show) Allison Blake A Town Called EUReKA (TV show) Jo Lupo Abbott Elementary (TV show) Barbara Howard Age of the Five (books) Emerahl / The Hag Ally McBeal (TV show) Ally McBeal Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate (video game) Evie Frye
Babylon 5 (TV show) Delenn of the Religious Cast and Chosen of Dukat Babylon 5 (TV show) Susan Ivanova Battlestar Galactica (franchise) Kara Thrace Battlestar Galactica (franchise) Laura Roslyn Better Call Saul (TV show) Kim Wexler Blindspot (TV) William Patterson Bones (TV show) Dr. Temperance Brennan Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV show) Buffy Summers Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV show) Jenny Calendar Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV show) Willow Rosenberg
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (movie) Yu Shu Lien CSI (TV show) Catherine Willows
DC (franchise) Alex Danvers DC (franchise) Anissa Pierce aka Thunder DC (franchise) Barbara Gordon DC (franchise) Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman DC (franchise) Lena Luthor DC (franchise) Sara Lance DC (franchise) Zari Tarazi The Devil Wears Prada (movie) Miranda Priestly Discworld (franchise) Esmeralda "Granny" Weatherwax Discworld (franchise) Susan Sto Helit Doctor Who (franchise) 13th Doctor Doctor Who (franchise) Donna Noble Doctor Who (franchise) River Song Doctor Who (TV show) Bad Wolf Doctor Who (TV show) Sarah Jane Smith Dragon Age (video game) Cassandra Pentaghast Drawtectives (Youtube show) Jancy True Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (movie) Holga Kilgore
Elementary (TV show) Joan Watson Everything Everywhere All At Once (movie) Evelyn Wang The Expanse (TV show) Camina Drummer The Expanse (TV show) Chrisjen Avasarala The Expanse (TV show) Naomi Nagata
Fairy Tail (anime) Erza Scarlet Farscape (TV show) Aeryn Sun Flashpoint (TV show) Jules Callaghan Fringe (TV show) Olivia Dunham Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (TV show) Olivier Armstrong
Gentleman Jack (TV show) Anne Lister Gilmore Girls (TV show) Paris Gellar Greys Anatomy (TV show) Dr. Addison Montgomery Gunpowder Milkshake (movie) Anna May Gunpowder Milkshake (movie) Florence Gunpowder Milkshake (movie) Madeleine Gunpowder Milkshake (movie) Scarlet
Halt and Catch Fire (TV show) Cameron Howe Halt and Catch Fire (TV show) Donna Clark Harry Potter (franchise) Fleur Delacour Harry Potter (franchise) Hermione Jean Granger Holby City (TV show) Dr. Bernie Wolfe House MD (TV show) Lisa Cuddy House of the Dragon (TV show) Rhaenys Targaryen
The Jane Doe books (book series) Jane Doe
Killing Eve (TV show) Villanelle Killjoys Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen
Law and Order (franchise) Anna Mill Law and Order (TV show) Abigail M. Carmichael Leverage (TV show) Parker Leverage (TV show) Sophie Devereaux Leverage (TV show) Tara Cole Leverage: Redemption (TV show) Breanna Casey The Librarians (TV show) Eve Baird Little Witch Academia (TV show) Amanda O'Neill The Lord of the Rings (franchise) Éowyn The Lord of the Rings (franchise) Galadriel Lupin III (TV show) Fujiko Mine
M*A*S*H (TV show) Margaret Houlihan The Magicians (TV show) Margo Hanson Marvel (franchise) Daisy Johnson Marvel (franchise) Melinda May Marvel (franchise) Shuri Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (TV show) Phryne Fisher Moana (movie) Moana Modesty Blaise (franchise) Modesty Blaise Motherland Fort Salem (TV show) Raelle Collar Mulan (animated) Mulan Murdoch Mysteries (TV show) Dr. Julia Ogden
NCIS (franchise) Ziva David
The Old Guard (franchise) Andromache The Scythian Once Upon a Time (TV show) Regina Mills Orphan Black (TV show) Cosima Niehaus Orphan Black (TV show) Mrs S / Siobhan The Owl House Eda Clawthorne
Percy Jackson (franchise) Annabeth Chase Person of Interest (TV show) Jocelyn "Joss" Carter Person of Interest (TV show) Root Person of Interest (TV show) Sameen Shaw Pirates of the Caribbean (franchise) Elizabeth Swann Pokémon (franchise) Cynthia Pokémon (franchise) Iris Pokémon (franchise) Nemona
Ratched (TV show) Gwendolyn Briggs Ratched (TV show) Mildred Ratched Relic Hunter (TV show) Sidney Fox Resident Evil (games) Jill Valentine Rizzoli & Isles (TV show) Jane Rizzoli Rizzoli and Isles (TV show) Dr. Maura Isles
Sabrina The Teenage Witch (franchise) Zelda Spellman Sanctuary (TV show) Dr. Helen Magnus The Sandman (TV & Comics) Death of the Endless Scream (franchise) Sidney Prescott Sense8 (TV show) Nomi Marks Six of Crows (franchise) Inej Ghafa Sonic the Hedgehog (franchise) Amy Rose Star Trek (franchise) B'Elanna Torres Star Trek (franchise) Deanna Troi Star Trek (franchise) Dr. Beverly Crusher Star Trek (franchise) Erica Ortegas Star Trek (franchise) Guinan Star Trek (franchise) Jadzia Dax Star Trek (franchise) Kathryn Janeway Star Trek (franchise) Kira Nerys Star Trek (franchise) Laris Star Trek (franchise) Lwaxana Troi Star Trek (franchise) Michael Burnham Star Trek (franchise) Nyota Uhura Star Trek (franchise) Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) Star Trek (franchise) Philippa Georgiou (Prime) Star Trek (franchise) Raffi Musiker Star Trek (franchise) Seven of Nine Star Trek (franchise) Una Chin-Riley (Number One) Star Wars (franchise) Ahsoka Tano Star Wars (franchise) Hera Syndulla Star Wars (franchise) Leia Organa Star Wars (franchise) The Armorer Stargate (franchise) Janet Frasier Stargate (franchise) Samantha "Sam" Carter Stargate (franchise) Vala Mal Doran Steven Universe (TV show) Garnet Supernatural (TV show) Eileen Leahy Supernatural (TV show) Jody Mills
Tomb Raider (franchise) Lara Croft
Warehouse 13 (TV show) Claudia Donovan Warehouse 13 (TV show) Helena George Wells Warehouse 13 (TV show) Myka Bering Warrior Nun (TV show) Ava Silva Warrior Nun (TV show) Sister Beatrice The Wheel of Time (franchise) Moiraine Damodred The Wheel of Time (franchise) Siuan Sanche Women's Murder Club (TV show) Lindsey Boxer
Xena Warrior Princess (TV show) Gabrielle of Poteidaia Xena Warrior Princess (TV show) Xena The X-Files (TV show) Dana Scully
Yellowjackets (TV show) Shauna Sadecki
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aspiringpolymath · 11 months
July 2023 Reading Wrap Up
I've been pondering starting a bookish instagram, but in the likely event I never do, here are the monthly wrap up images I made for July 2023. (If it doesn't have a rating it just means it was too short or too . . . personal? to easily rate. I didn't track DNFs on these graphics, but I DNF'ed seven books.
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Of course, I wrote a bunch of stuff about the books here, but then tumblr ate my words. So, on the off chance you have a question about anything I read, let me know.
I might keep posting here, if no one minds and I find it easy enough to keep up with. I'm hoping to make the graphics a little less rough and ready in future.
Also, I will list the books for accessibility purposes.
Indelicacy by Amina Cain - libby - novella - 3.5 stars
Assembly by Natasha Brown -libby - novella - 5 stars
Red’s Wolf by Beth Laycock - freeb - novella - 3.5 stars
Sergeant Delicious by Annabeth Albert - freeb - re-read - short - 3.5 stars
Sea Lover by J.K. Pendragon - smashwords - novella - 4 stars
45 and Holding by Jacki James and Jill Wexler - ku - 4 stars
The Stablemaster’s Heart by Sarah Honey - arc - 4.5 stars
Kiss Me Like You Mean It by Jacki James - ku - novella - 2.5 stars
Overtime by Marina Vivancos - arc - 3 stars
A Lifetime Kissing You by Riley Hart - ku - 4.25 stars
Like a Charm by Jordan Castillo Price - ku - short - 2.5 stars
The River’s Edge by Jordan Castillo Price - ku - short - 3 stars
The First and Last Adventure of Kit Sawyer by S. E. Harmon - arc - 3.75 stars
Not Over You by Samantha Wayland - ku - novella - 3.5 stars
Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram - libby - 5 stars
Nothing Special by Jay Northcote - audio re-read - 4.25 stars
Open Throat by Henry Hoke - audiobook - novella - 4.25 stars
Our Colors by Gengoroh Tagame - library - 3.75 stars
Sincerely Harriet by Sarah W. Searle - mg - graphic novel - library - 3 stars
Dirty Slide by KD Casey and Lauren Blakely - audiobook - novella - 3.5 stars
Ephemera by Briana Loewensohn - graphic memoir - library - no rating
Rockstar and Softboy by Sina Grace - graphic novel - hoopla - 3.5 stars
Like I Needed by Charlie Novak - ku - 3.75 stars
Dirty Steal by KD Casey and Lauren Blakely- audiobook - novella - 3.75 stars
The (Pet) Detective Agency by Noji - manga - hoopla - 3.5 stars
Love & Vermin by Will McPhail - cartoons - hoopla - 4.25 stars
It’s Paradise, Baby by KD Ryan - novella - 4 stars
Out in the Country by Alexandra Hale - ku - novella - 3.5 stars
Second Chance at First Love by N.R. Walker - ku - novella - 3.5 stars
An Exception by Megan Derr - hoopla - short - 3.5 stars
Use as Wallpaper by Glenn Quigley - freeb - short - 4.25 stars
Five Dares by Eli Easton - 1 star (for extenuating reasons, have liked other stuff by the author)
The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera - own/hoopla audio - mg - 4 stars
Mistletango by Alexandra Caluen - hoopla - 4 stars
Paper Planes by Jennie Wood - graphic novel - libby - ya - 4 stars
It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth by Zoe Thorogood - hoopla - graphic memoir - 4.25 stars
Quest of Fools by Megan Derr - smashwords - 3.25 stars
Fairy Wings by Sasha L. Miller - smashwords - novella - 3.5 stars
Deal Maker by Lily Morton - audiobook re-read - 4 stars - more frustrating in audio
Riding the Wave by Daria Fisher - sapphic short - freeb smashwords - too short to rate, really
Thieves by Lucie Bryon - graphic novel - f/f - ya - library - 4.25 stars
Aug 9 - Fog by Kathryn Scanlan - libby - too strange to rate
The Best Men by Sarina Bowen and Lauren Blakely - ku - 4.5 stars - very expertly done
Garbage by Reese Morrison - arc/ku - 3 stars
Fine by Rhea Ewing - graphic non-fiction - library - 4.5 stars
Silent Sin by E.J. Russell - audiobook - 4 stars
Sweat Connection by Katherine McIntyre - arc - 4 stars
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thenovotnys · 5 months
Queer as Folk (US) Locations - Season 1
This part includes places seen on Season 1.
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The Proud scene, where Brian and Michael stand on the edge of the rooftop, is at 151 Front Street West. (from episode 101)
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Brian drives Michael to the straight bar to hang out with his colleagues. The Shoeless Joe's was at 1189 King Street West (no longer exist). (from episode 102)
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Jennifer asks Justin about Brian. He gets out of the car and runs away. It is on Vyner Road. (from episode 104)
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1000000 Comix where Michael and Brian talk about the date was at 513 Yonge Street (no longer exist). (from episode 106, also on 112 and 115)
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Brian test drive the car by crashing it on the building. The car dealer was at 2 Eastern Avenue. The place is no longer exist, but can be seen back in time with Google Street View. (from episode 108)
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Brian walks to the bar where Jack (his father) hangs out. It was on Hayden Street (no longer exist). (from episode 109)
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The boys walk in 'New York' to search Justin. In reality, it is on Berczy Park on Front Street East. (from episode 110)
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The pharmacy where Ted and Emmett see Ted's one night stand, was at 132 Front Street East. The store is no longer exist. (from episode 111)
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The Seduction, where Ted and Melanie looks for gift for Michael's birthday, was at 577 Yonge Street. It looks like the store is now closed. (from episode 111)
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Emmett and Ted, and Lindsay, Brian and Gus on Trinity Bellwoods Park. (from episode 111 and 116)
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Emmett meets Heather at 315 Queen Street East, while Ted and Melanie watched movie on Paradise Cinema at 1006 Bloor Street West. (from episode 114)
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Ted and Emmett meets Dale Wexler in Metro Toronto Convention Center at 255 Front Street West. (from episode 115)
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A day with Michael, David and his son Hank. They walk on Amsterdam Bridge and later skate on Harbourfront Centre Rink on Queens Quay West. (from episode 115)
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Michael and David have lunch at 475 Church Street (no longer exist). (from episode 116)
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Brian meets Guillaume and Gus in St Lawrence Market. (from episode 117)
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Brian, Emmett and Ted see a gold Miata, which is Michael's car, on Market Street. The same street is also where the boys plan to go to Babylon for King of Babylon. The buildings on the street had been renovated and now look different. (from episode 117 and 120)
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Brian and Michael play bowling in Bowlerama West, 5429 Dundas Street West. The building had been demolished. (from episode 119)
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Justin meets Daphne while she is at work at a cd store (the text in window says cd cat) at 613 Yonge Street. The store is no longer exist. (from episode 119)
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Ted, Michael and Emmett walk on Jefferson Avenue and Liberty Street. (from episode 121)
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Ted and Blake go shopping for a suit. The same store is where Brian buys the scarf. The store is on the corner of Sultan Street and Charles Street West. (from episode 121 and 122)
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Brian and Michael watch a movie in (now) Danforth Music Hall, 147 Danforth Avenue. (from episode 121)
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The Gang has dinner to celebrate Vic's victory in Allen's, 143 Danforth Avenue. (from episode 121)
Places that I cannot locate
Episode 105, Jennifer looks for Justin.
Episode 107, David's cabin.
Episode 107, Brian's car gets hit by Justin's father's car.
Episode 110, Brian's tire gets flat.
Episode 114, Melanie and Brian have lunch and discuss about the lawsuit.
Episode 119, Jack Kinney's burial.
Episode 119, Ted buys some flowers.
Episode 119, Brian stops at a road to throw the bowling ball.
Episode 122, The balroom and the parking space from the prom scene.
Previous list: Queer as Folk Locations - Main locations
Next list: Queer as Folk Locations - Season 2
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valleyledger · 2 years
ArtsQuest to host three comics on the Visitor Center Stage BETHLEHEM, Pa.— Weekends are about to get a whole lot funnier! Three hilarious stand-up comics, Tyler Rothrock, Chanel Ali and Blake Wexler will bring their talents to ArtsQuest’s  Visitor Center presented by St. Luke’s Health University on November 19, December 16 and December 17. Tickets for each show are now on sale: $14.50…
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10/22 Book Deals
Good morning, everyone! I hope your week has been going well! It’s been a little while, I know, but I’m finally back with some books on sale to share with you all. :) I really hope you’ve all been doing well, it’s a crazy time for everyone and I feel like there are stressful things happening all over the place. It’s also finally getting a little cooler where I am, so it actually feels a bit more like fall now. It’s my husband’s birthday today also, so that’s another positive! How are you guys doing?
I’m really excited that Coraline is on sale! I already own it, but I really love it, and the movie is just as great for once. I’d also recommend Legacy of Ash--it’s a bit long, but the sequel is coming out soon so you’d have another in the series to read again soon!
Have a great rest of your week, everyone! :)
Here is the link to find resources on how you can help out with the BLM movement! Keep the momentum going!
Today’s Deals:
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Coraline by Neil Gaiman - https://amzn.to/2TkQWaU
Legacy of Ash by Matthew Ward - https://amzn.to/37szbip
Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler -  https://amzn.to/3m7bjEU
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black - https://amzn.to/2TfZjVx
Frostblood by Elly Blake - https://amzn.to/34inrNu
In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien - https://amzn.to/34ldrDe
Good Hunting: An American Spymaster's Story by Jack Devine & Vernon Loeb - https://amzn.to/34j6eDp
Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke - https://amzn.to/2TdACJg
The Invitation by Lucy Foley - https://amzn.to/31xaVbf
The Wild Robot by Peter Brown - https://amzn.to/34n4Cc5
Case Histories by Kate Atkinson - https://amzn.to/35s72pb
Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes - https://amzn.to/3jm4KwL
The Silver Arrow by Lev Grossman -
The Host by Stephanie Meyer - https://amzn.to/31stz3V
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson - https://amzn.to/31yKFwV
NOTE:  I am categorizing these book deals posts under the tag #bookdeals, so if you don’t want to see them then just block that tag and you should be good. I am an Amazon affiliate in addition to a Book Depository affiliate and will receive a small (but very much needed!)  commission on any purchase made through these links.
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davidhudson · 4 years
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Haskell Wexler, February 6, 1922 - December 27, 2015.
With Blake Edwards during the making of The Man Who Loved Women (1983).
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42 Bi & Lesbian Books Out in July!
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Young Adult:
I Kissed Alice by Anna Birch
Melt My Heart by Bethany Rutter
You’re Next by Kylie Schachtesite (YA Thriller)
Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power (YA Horror)
Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy (YA Superhero)
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Young Adult Fantasy:
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
A Wicked Magic by Sasha Laurens
The Green Ray of the Sun by Reinhardt Suarez
Ghost Wood Song by Erica Waters
The Shadow of Kyoshi by F. C. Yee
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Fiction & Mystery:
The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue 
The Feasting Virgin by Georgia Kolias
My Favorite Girlfriend was a French Bulldog by Legna Rodriguez Iglesias, translated by Megan McDowell
Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell
Tack & Jibe by Lilah Suzanne
No Regrets by Tabitha Webb
Once You Go This Far by Kristen Lepionka (Mystery)
The Lady Upstairs by Halley Sutton (Noir Thriller)
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Kiss Me Every Day by Dena Blake
Entangled by Melissa Brayden 
Love Actually by M. C. Cerny
One Woman's Treasure by Jean Copeland 
Things Hoped For by Chencia C. Higgins 
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite
Storm Lines by Jessica L. Webb
Hairpin Curves by Elia Winters
Love Bites by Ry Herman (Paranormal Romance)
Infaemous by Arizona Tape (Paranormal Romance)
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Science Fiction and Fantasy:
Unconquerable Sun by Kate Elliot (Science Fiction)
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavour by Hank Green (Science Fiction)
I Come with Knives by S.A. Hunt (Fantasy/Horror)
Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler (Fantasy)
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Heathen Vol. 3 by Natasha Alterici (Comics)
SFSX, Vol 1 by Tina Horn (Comics)
Is Rape a Crime?: A Memoir, an Investigation, and a Manifesto by Michelle Bowdler
Imagining Latinx Intimacies: Connecting Queer Stories, Spaces and Sexualities by Edward A. Chamberlain
Storytelling in Queer Appalachia: Imagining and Writing the Unspeakable Other by Hillery Glasby, Sherrie Gradin, and Rachael Ryerson 
Lady Romeo: The Radical and Revolutionary Life of Charlotte Cushman, America's First Celebrity by Tana Wojczuk
Check out the original post at the Lesbrary for covers and blurbs!
Check out more LGBTQ new releases at:
LGBTQ Reads: TBRainbow Alert: 2020 YA Starring QTIPoC, Part II, 2020 LGBTQA Adult Fiction Preview: July-December
Women and Words: New Releases & Coming Up
Lambda Literary: July’s Most Anticipated LGBTQ Books
Reads Rainbow Book Releases: July 2020
Support the Lesbrary on Patreon to get queer books in the mail throughout the year!
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maliatatevevo · 4 years
Helllllll yeah I fuckin love getting tagged in shit. s/o @pusheen1802
rules; name ten favourite characters from ten different things (tv, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people. You cannot repeat the same show/movie/book in the same list.
1. Natasha Romanoff (marvel)
2. Steve Harrington (stranger things)
3. Finnick Odair (the hunger games)
4. Ruth Langmore (ozark)
5. Annie Edison (community)
6. Kim Wexler (better call saul)
7. Rosa Diaz (brooklyn 99)
8. Richie Tozier (IT)
9. Octavia Blake (The 100)
10. Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman)
I’m tagging whoever sees this and is bored lol
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blakegopnik · 4 years
Dear Blake, My wife and I have admired your work for many years, including your time with the Washington Post. We also just purchased a copy your biography of Andy Warhol. That said, we wanted to ask a question about a theater program from 1953. It appears Andy Warhol(a) designed the cover of the program for the play "A Sound of Hunting". The play was presented by Trio Productions and Yale Wexler. In your research for the biography did you come across anything related to this play?
I’m afraid I haven’t found a single reference to the play as something Warhol was involved with, and haven’t found any images of the program. (The show seems to have been at the Cherry Lane Theater in 1954.) If you have the brochure, I’d love to see it -- but perhaps other users of this Web site will have insight that I don’t have about it. (And you sent your question anonymously, so I have no way to reach out to you.)
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thisiswhymomworries · 5 years
Bisexual / Pansexual Book Reccs
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links to Asexual / Aromantic, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender / Non-Binary sheets
TCCL stands for Tulsa City-County Library, in Oklahoma. These reference sheets list the books physically available (not including ebooks only) at the 24 library locations in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For folks outside of this range, I suggest double-checking your local libraries, as well as the apps OverDrive, Hoopla, and YourCloudLibrary!
An online version of this list can be found at https://bit.ly/2kqkA0E. This goodreads shelf includes ebooks, new releases, and books not available at the library! It also features a notes section that specifies which character is bisexual or pansexual, their exact identity if stated in the text, and whether they are a main or side character.
In the shelf list along the left side of the page, you can also find shelves for other LGBT+ identities, as well as books featuring characters that are disabled, fat, mentally ill, neurodivergent, and people of color. All the books are cross-tagged, so a book featuring a black disabled trans woman would appear in the shelves named disabled, POC, and transgender.
transcription below the cut!
Books with Bisexual / Pansexual Characters Available at TCCL
(format: Title Author Genre)
Temper Fargo, Layne Mystery
Indigo Springs Dellamonica, A. M. Fantasy
Wilder Girls Power, Rory YA Horror
Sorcery of Thorns Rogerson, Margaret YA Fantasy
Final Draft Redgate, Riley YA Fiction
If It Makes You Happy Kann, Claire YA Romance
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter Hall, Alexis Fantasy
The Girl in Red Henry, Christina Fantasy / Horror
Technically, You Started It Johnson, Lana Wood YA Romance
Broken Things Oliver, Lauren YA Mystery
Mask of Shadows Miller, Linsey YA Fantasy
Ruin of Stars Miller, Linsey YA Fantasy
Six of Crows Bardugo, Leigh YA Fantasy
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue Mackenzi, Lee YA Historical Fiction
A Darker Shade of Magic Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
A Gathering of Shadows Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
A Conjuring of Light Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
Seven Ways We Lie Redgate, Riley YA Fiction
Missing, Presumed Dead Berquist, Emma YA Fantasy / Mystery
The Lost Coast Capetta, Amy Rose YA Fantasy
Don’t Date Rosa Santos Moreno, Nina YA Romance
These Witches Don’t Burn Sterling, Isabel YA Fantasy
Red, White, & Royal Blue McQuiston, Casey YA Romance
Furyborn Legrand, Claire YA Fantasy
Kingsbane Legarand, Claire YA Fantasy
False Hearts Lam, Laura Science Fiction
Not Your Sidekick Lee, C. B. Teen Fantasy
Seven Blades in Black Sykes, Sam Fantasy
Failure to Communicate Sønderby, Kaia Science Fiction
On the Edge of Gone Duyvis, Corinne YA Science Fiction
A Duke in Disguise Sebastian, Cat Romance
All the Wrong Places Gallagher, Ann Romance
Radio Silence Oseman, Alice YA Fiction
Our Own Private Universe Talley, Robin YA Romance
Not Otherwise Specified Moskowitz, Hanna YA Fiction
Spellbook of the Lost and Found Fowley-Doyle, Moïra YA Fantasy
Leah on the Offbeat Albertalli, Becky YA Romance
Bingo Love Franklin, Tee Graphic Novel
Autoboyography Lauren, Christina YA Romance
Carry On Rowell, Rainbow YA Fantasy / Romance
Sawkill Girls Legrand, Claire YA Horror / Fantasy
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy Mackenzi, Lee YA Historical Fiction
Noteworthy Redgate, Riley YA Fiction
Naamah Blake, Sarah Historical Fiction
Belly Up Darrows, Eva YA Fiction
How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom Goslee, S. J. YA Romance
Ace of Shades Foody, Amanda YA Fantasy
King of Fools Foody, Amanda YA Fantasy
The Devouring Gray Herman, Christine Lynn YA Fantasy
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet Chambers, Becky Science Fiction
The Light Brigade Hurley, Kameron Science Fiction
After the Eclipse Dorricott, Fran Mystery
Shallow Graves Wallace, Kali YA Horror / Fantasy
A Memory Called Empire Martine, Arkady Science Fiction
Ship of Smoke and Steel Wexler, Django YA Fantasy
Wake of Vultures Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
The Song of Achilles Miller, Madeline Historical Fiction / Romance
Queens of Geek Wilde, Jen YA Romance
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shutupdont · 5 years
baseball players who I’d let smash without hesitation:
tall bae aaron judge (he’s 6’8” idk if he’d even fit; very ilana wexler and blake griffin)
thicc bae jd martinez (I would also like to lay in his teddy bear like embrace and massage biofreeze into his back)
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