#Blanche Barrow
seaofsalsa128 · 10 days
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noxexistant · 2 months
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blanche my beloved
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buttonsfleas · 3 months
I made some Bonnie and Clyde recorded live icons!
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Also is it true that someone is making a slime tutorial or something of it?
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verilyproductions · 6 months
Weirdly normal facts about The Barrow Gang:
Bonnie ate boiled eggs. Blanche sometimes boiled them for her
Bonnie and Blanche would sometimes sneak off to movies. But sometimes they all went to the movies together.
Bonnie and Clyde Playing poker, cleaning their guns and making noise until 2am which Blanche said she disapproved of.
Clyde once worked as a movie theatre usher!
The gang rarely woke before noon
Bonnie and Clyde lived messily, everything covered in guns and clothes, but Clyde was an efficient packer.
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larosebisou · 1 year
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Blanche Barrow, member of The Barrow Gang.
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himbos-hotline · 3 months
Since more people are now getting into the bonnie and Clyde musical and thus the history between them. I need people to know that Clyde and Blanche got along very well. Blanche and Bonnie even went to decorate their apartment in Joplin
In Blanche's memoir she wrote that she happy bonnie and Clyde got to die together because she thought nobody should go through what she and Buck did by dying separately.
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Musical Theatre meme 2023
↳ [9/9] Characters → Blanche Barrow
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A promotional image for Samppalinnan kesäteatteri's upcoming summer 2024 outdoor production of Bonnie & Clyde.
Featuring Marketta Tikkanen as Bonnie, Karlo Haapiainen as Clyde, Maria Lund as Blanche and Jonas Saari as Buck.
Photo by Otto-Ville Väätäinen.
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westdallasgang · 9 months
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Barrow Gang member: Blanche Barrow (1911 - 1988) and she really was a preacher's daughter!
Blanche was born Bennie Iva Caldwell, to a teen mother and a father more than twice his wife's age. As a toddler, her parents divorced after her mother cheated. Therefore, Blanche was raised by her father (a farmer and preacher) in Oklahoma where she regularly attended church. Blanche's relationship with her absent mother was poor from the very beginning. The relationship soured even more when Blanched dropped out of school at age 16 to start beauty school. Not happy with Blanche's independence, her mother arranges a marriage for her. A 39 year old man named John Calloway, who promised to pay them both money if she married him. Blanche was just 17 and didn't want to disappoint her mother, so she agreed.
The marriage turned out to be a disaster. Her husband was so abusive that he caused her infertility. During a visit from a friend who stopped by to say hello, she and Blanche planned an escape. Blanche's friend said she had a cousin out in West Dallas who she can stay with and Blanche fled. Once she arrived, Blanche changed her name permanently from "Iva" to "Blanche" so her husband couldn't find her. In 1929, Blanche met Buck Barrow and they began dating. Their relationship came to a stop 2 weeks later when Buck got arrested for burglary. He was to serve a 4 year sentence in prison but escaped 3 months later, unable to be away from Blanche too long. Blanche didn't agree with Buck's choices or lifestyle. The last thing she needed was more problems but she was already in love and felt safe with Buck than she did with John.
After finalizing her divorce from her husband, Blanche marries Buck in 1931. She made Buck turn himself in to finish the rest of his prison sentence in order to start their life on a clean slate. Blanche gets a job at her sister-in-law's beauty parlor in Denison, TX. 2 years later, Buck gets an early pardon and reunites with Blanche. This too was cut short. Buck's brother Clyde paid a visit with his own agenda to raid Eastham prison. Blanche objects the plan, not wanting to lose her husband so soon after he was just freed. Clyde cans his original plan and offers a new one to meet in Joplin, Missouri. Blanche's own plan to convince Clyde to go straight in Joplin falls flat after their rented apartment turns into a bloody shootout with Missouri officers. They all escaped, only Blanche had made the drastic mistake of leaving behind her purse, including camera rolls of film.
The entire country now knew what Bonnie and Clyde looked like. Blanche was doomed for being involved. There was no escape. Buck had also killed and was in it just the same as everybody. In July of 1933, Blanche was involved in another bloody shootout, only far worse. Shards of broken glass injured her left eye that left her blind in that eye for the rest of her life. To make matters worse, Buck was mortally wounded by a bullet to the head. The gang hid in a field after the shootout where cops followed them to. That was when Blanche surrendered herself with Buck. Blanche landed a 10 year sentence at the Missouri State Penitentiary for "intent to kill" but only served 6 for good behavior. Buck died 6 days later from his wounds. After prison, Blanche remarried and lived in Dallas until her death from lung cancer in 1988. She was a camera buff, loved scrapbooking, and contrary to how she was portrayed in the 1967 film, Blanche actually had a cooler head than Bonnie. She also wrote a book about her times with Bonnie and Clyde and remained lifelong friends with Bonnie's sister and her niece.
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iloveplayrehersal · 9 months
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amidst-wonderland · 3 months
knowing if my mates hadn’t messed me about and i’d grown a pair to go myself i could’ve seen jeremy jordan as clyde in the west end.
will be forever pissed.
like, i’ve seen francis in a few things over the years and her and jordan were great when i ended up going down with my mum but i was so close to getting those concert tickets.
also, natalie mcqueen was born to play blanche in the same way jodie steele was born to play heather chandler. like natalie steals the show every scene she’s in and i’m so happy i got to see her performance in person.
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Why you shouldn’t joke about Ed Crowder. (An unfortunate rant)
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I won’t be sharing the persons username, please don’t share it if you know it but I just wanted to talk about it since although it may have been like 90 years ago but it’s still an issue that is very relevant now.
Purple = Info Source
Blue = Wikipedia Page
All mentions to the musical are referring to the uk versions (Tour/West End) unless specified
Before I actually start I just want to put out there that I talk about SA, Abuse and violence in general in this post.
This post also isn’t me defending the gangs actions, i’ve spoken about this before and people have told me i’m apparently defending them when that is not the purpose, this is simply just to educate people of what happened to these VERY REAL PEOPLE. Not just musical characters.
Who was Ed Crowder?
Ed Crowder was initially serving a sentence for Bank Robbery up to 99 years and was also believed to have been behind a prison break at Ferguson State Farm where 35 convicts had escaped. As of June 26 1927, 23 convicts had been recaptured and a guard called Will Ruder (if i read it correctly) was killed during the prison break. On May 6 1929, Crowder and another inmate had escaped from solitary confinement but ultimately was recaptured. Here are two articles taking about the events.
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Ed Crowder’s name is only said twice in the musical and it is never said what exactly he did to Clyde however, if you watch the UK Tour version, after Clyde receives his sentence to Eastham State Penitentiary/Farm you can see him push his head in between two of the cell bars and then a man approaches him from behind. This man is most likely Crowder judging by how Clyde literally screams after. In West End, you don’t physically see him screaming or see Ed but you can hear him screaming during the blackout before Raise a Little Hell.
What did Crowder do to Clyde in Prison??
Ed Crowder used to prey on Clyde. Quite literally. Barrow was quite small his entire life, according to William Daniel ‘W.D’ Jones, “he was only about 5 feet, six inches tall and he weighed no more than 135 pounds.” It’s believed that Clyde was between 125-135 pounds. Crowder on the other hand was 6 foot and weighed 200 pounds. For most of Clyde’s time in the prison, Crowder had harassed him. Barrow was s3xually assulted and beat by Crowder and possibly other inmates.
Despite Barrow reporting it to the guards several times, nothing was ever done about it. considering it was around sometime around 1930-1931 when this was happening to him, incidents like this in prisons were incredibly common. Guards simply didn’t see any point in doing anything. Most of the guards were amused at how Barrow was being tormented. Some guards even joining with beating him.
Ralph Fults, a member of the Barrow Gang who was also at Eastham at the time, claimed he watched barrow “change from a schoolboy to a rattlesnake”.
Alongside not being helped by the people who were meant to be the good guys in situations like this, Barrow also was teased by other inmates. One example of someone who teased him was Wade Hampton McNabb, an Inmate Building Tender in Eastham Building 1. He was in was the same building as Clyde, despite Barrow not hearing what was being said at the time it was a motive for something the Barrow Gang did around 3 years and 2 months later which I’ll come back to.
Raise a Little Hell
The song Raise a Little Hell takes place on October 29/30th 1931 (the wording of the news report confused me so i’m not exactly sure) and is about Clyde’s plan to end the abuse he is being subjected to in prision. Towards the end of the song, Barrow completes the murder by (although it isn’t exactly said it’s pretty obvious) beating and crushing Crowder’s skull with a Lead Pipe.
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Top two gifs by @dontyouknowemma-itsyou ! Bottom gif by @noxexistant
Note about continuity: Although in the Proshot it shows that Clyde got the pipe from his bed, in the West End/UK tour version, he is shown to get the pipe from another inmate. Clyde actually got the pipe on his way back inside from the outside work they were made to do in the prison and hid it in his trousers.
Although, yes, Clyde did kill him, another inmate called Aubrey Scalley took the blame for the murder. The article about Crowder’s death mentions he was stabbed 15 times, Scalley was the one who stabbed him.
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“One of the men left his bunk and went back to the rear part of the building” refers to Clyde. Apparently he somehow lured Crowder to the area and that’s how it all went down.
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For reference, here’s a picture of Eastham Building 1 (1930). The murder happened just behind the furthest pillar.
Wade Hampton McNabb
This is a separate murder from Crowder. It happened on April 3rd 1934, 50 days before Bonnie & Clyde were ambushed and killed.
During Clyde’s time at Eastham, McNabb would call him his “Prison Wife” without him knowing. Not much longer than two years after his early release from prison Clyde found out what McNabb had said about him and whilst McNabb was on a 60 day furlough he was found dead with his face down somewhere between Texas and Louisiana. Apparently he looked like he had been kneeling down like he was saying a prayer before being hit in the back of the head and a gun being emptied into his head. Read a newspaper article about it here.
Joseph Conger Palmer (Usually just referred to as Joe Palmer) was the one to actually kill McNabb.
Palmer was executed by Electric Chair alongside Raymond Hamilton on May 10th 1934 for the murder of Prison Guard Major Joe Crowson. Crowson was shot 11 times on January 16th 1934 with a rifle and machine gun, he survived for 11 days after before dying due to his wounds.
My point is, maybe don’t make jokes about literal SA. If it isn’t meant to be harmful, still just don’t say it. SA is still a very real issue that happens daily and can be incredibly traumatic. Whether you’re joking about a criminal or not. just don’t. <3
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noxexistant · 2 months
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“ask the good lord to forgive.”
a lil west end ver blanche cosplay because i love her forever
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buttonsfleas · 3 months
So I'm making a part 2 to this ask
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verilyproductions · 6 months
Just a reminder that Bonnie, Clyde, Buck and Blanche did jigsaw puzzles together. Just imagine it, criminals on the run just doing puzzles in their spare time
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kaitlinj16 · 5 months
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You better shut your mouth, Marvin. Or I'm gonna leave you and brain dead Blanche in the goddamn ditch! - Bonnie & Clyde (2013)
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