#Blood Bags Industry Size
marketinsight1234 · 2 months
Blood Bags Market: Global Industry Analysis, Growth, Trends, Covid-19 Impact, And Forecasts (2023 - 2030)
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The Global Blood Bags Market size is expected to grow from USD 243.19 Million in 2023 to USD 339.92 Million by 2030, at a CAGR of 4.90% during the forecast period (2023-2030).
Blood can be collected, separated, stored, and transported with confidence while using blood bags. The sterility and safety of the blood are intended to be maintained in these sterile, flexible plastic bags until the patient receives a transfusion.
Blood bags usually have two sections: one for the blood to be collected and another for an anticoagulant solution to help keep the blood from clotting. Preservatives and nutrients, for example, might also be added to the bags in order to increase the blood's shelf life or quality.
The safe and effective collection and delivery of blood products to hospitals and medical facilities all over the world is made possible by blood bags, which are an essential part of the blood supply chain.
The most common types of blood bags include transfer bags, saline adenine glucose mannitol (SAGM) blood bags, and citrate phosphate dried sucrose adenine (CPDA) blood bags.
By giving patients the blood products, they require to recuperate from surgery, disease, and accident, they have transformed the area of transfusion medicine and contributed to the saving of countless lives.
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Leading players involved in the Blood Bags Market include:
"Terumo Corporation (Japan), Haemonetics Corporation (U.S.), Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA (Germany), Macopharma SA (France), Grifols, S.A. (Spain), Kawasumi Laboratories Inc. (Japan), Shanghai Transfusion Technology Co. Ltd. (China), Neomedic Limited (UK), Poly Medicure Limited (India), Genesis BPS (USA), AdvaCare Pharma (U.S.), AventaMed Ltd. (Ireland), SURU International Private Limited (India), Henan Shuguang Jianshi Medical Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (China), Shanghai Transfusion Technology Co. Ltd. (China), Fresenius Kabi AG (Germany), Wego Group (China), HLL Lifecare Limited (India), Span Healthcare Private Limited (India), ACON Laboratories  Inc. (U.S.) And Other Major Players." 
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years.
Market Driver:
One significant driver in the blood bags market is the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and increasing surgical procedures globally. Chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and blood-related disorders require frequent blood transfusions for treatment and management. Moreover, the growing geriatric population, who are more susceptible to these chronic conditions, is fueling the demand for blood bags. As a result, healthcare facilities and blood banks are continually seeking reliable and efficient blood bag solutions to meet the escalating demand for blood transfusions.
Market Opportunity:
An emerging opportunity in the blood bags market lies in the development of innovative blood bag technologies to enhance blood storage, transportation, and transfusion processes. There is a growing focus on the integration of advanced materials, such as PVC-free and DEHP-free plastics, to improve blood bag safety and compatibility with blood components. Additionally, the introduction of RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) and barcode technologies for inventory management and tracking of blood bags presents a promising opportunity for market players to offer efficient and traceable blood bag solutions.
If You Have Any Query Blood Bags Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Blood Bags Market:
By Type
Collection Bag
Transfer Bag
By Product
Single Blood Bag
Double Blood Bag
Triple Blood Bag
Quadruple Blood Bag
Penta Blood Bag
By Volume
100ml - 250ml
251ml - 350ml
351ml - 450ml
By Material
By End-User
Ambulatory Surgical Centre
Blood Banks
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Effective Points Covered in Blood Bags Market Report: -
Details Competitor analysis with accurate, up-to-date demand-side dynamics information.
Standard performance against major competitors.
Identify the growth segment of your investment.
Understanding most recent innovative development and supply chain pattern.
Establish regional / national strategy based on statistics.
Develop strategies based on future development possibilities. 
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lisenberry · 1 month
We drift in and out
Chapter 2: Share the same space for a minute or two
CW: Domestic fluff, postpartum thoughts and bodies, angst, hurt/comfort sex
Ch.1. Ch.3 AO3
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“I’ll take first watch,” John said, setting down the diaper bag and the baby carrier on your dining table as you tossed your keys in the bowl and breathed a sigh of relief.
It was late by the time you returned home from the hospital. Between the hourly blood pressure checks and constant feedings, you hadn’t gotten much rest while you were there.
And let’s not forget that every trip to the bathroom was harrowing, and fraught with more discomfort than you’d anticipated. The nurses practically babysat you until you’d had a successful piss. Apparently, it was an integral part of the healing process and could cause life threatening complications if you didn’t empty your bladder regularly.
You didn’t know what you looked like down there, but you could certainly feel it. You’d cried out so sharply, John burst through the door to find you sobbing and shaking on the toilet.
After that, you doubted he would ever look at you romantically again.
But you made it through, fueled by adrenaline and instincts. You just wanted to be back in your own space. To the nest you’d built away from the poking and prodding of strangers. Of the astringent smells of industrial cleaning products and the cold glare of fluorescent lighting.
John had stepped out just long enough to buy a car seat so that he could drive you and the baby home in his truck. He’d laughed when you told him it was unnecessary, and you’d planned on taking the bus back to your apartment.
“Nonsense, I insist,” had been his only reply as he kissed your forehead as if to leave you too flustered to argue.
You had a feeling you were the talk of the nurses’ station. The juicy drama of your life must’ve seemed more captivating than the latest episode of television. They were all genuinely sorry to see the three of you go.
The three of you.
“That’s not how it works, John,” you assured him. This wasn’t a stake out. He was going back to his apartment, and you were putting the baby to sleep in the cradle you’d put together yourself until she awoke hungry and wet in two hours.
And that’s how it would be for the next 18 years of your life.
“You need some rest.” He tucked his arms across his chest and cocked his head downward, as if to intimidate you with his size alone. You imagined it was a practiced tactic, and that it probably worked on his subordinates. Sent them scrambling to please him.
But John didn’t scare you. Never did. It was what kept you going back to him. Or perhaps more like waiting for him, all those years. An easiness. A comfort.
“I’ll sleep when she sleeps. That’s what all the books say.” Despite your confidence, you yawned against your will as you unhooked your daughter from the carrier.
You still hadn’t gotten used to how light she was, and yet how substantial she felt in your arms.
When you looked back up to John to tell him ‘Thank you’, and that you could take it from here, you were met with something you’d never seen in him before.
A longing. Something unshed in his eyes, and unsaid on his lips, as he took a step toward you as if to reach out.
“Do you want to hold her?” In all the commotion, you realized that John hadn’t held her yet. Aside from the few times he’d lifted her gently from the hospital’s bedside crib to pass her to you, as if she was a live grenade.
Maybe it’d made him uncomfortable. To come back, expecting to return to your casual arrangement, only to find you knocked up with some other guy’s kid. To be honest, you hadn’t expected more than a passing hello in the hallway.
For him to take one look at you and never call you again or darken your door for a quickie at midnight. He’d move on to someone from the gym, or the café girl down the street.
Except, he hadn’t seemed uncomfortable. He’d seemed in control, focused. Calm and steady as he’d adjusted your shitty hospital-issued pillow or fetched you a refill on your water. Averted his eyes respectfully while you worked tirelessly to get the fussy newborn to latch onto your breast.
Had he not wanted to intrude? Was he waiting for permission?
“I really do need to take a shower,” you added when he hesitated.
He’d be gone by the morning. Might as well take advantage of his help while it was offered.
“Good.” He nodded at that, relieved to be of service, as he took the sleeping babe from your arms with a grace you didn’t expect from his big, gnarled hands.
A grizzled bear, holding something so soft and small in a white sleeper dotted with blush pink roses. She didn’t even shift at the change from one of you to the next. Content and unbothered in her dreams.
After taking your time in the shower, knowing it might be your last for a while, you emerged to see the two of them on your couch, watching the nightly football coverage on the telly. John was talking to someone, voice raised with heated enthusiasm, and you assumed he was on the phone with one of his mates.
But as you inched closer, you realized he was recounting his opinions on the latest match to the infant on his chest.
“You can put her down if you want,” you smiled, as you motioned to the bassinet. “You don’t have to hold her all night.”
“I tried, but I can’t tell if she’s breathing when she’s over there. Quiet little thing.”
There was nothing in the baby books and videos about seeing a man who’d been inside you hold your child as if it was the most precious thing in the world. How it could change your brain chemistry. Make you stupid in ways you never thought you could be.
You sunk down onto the cushion next to them. He urged you to go to bed, to get some sleep before she woke up again, but you didn’t want to leave just yet. You wanted to see them like this. To be a part of whatever mischief was transpiring between them.
Laying your head on his shoulder, you closed your eyes and let sleep slowly find you.
“Sorry I missed it, love.” He kept his voice low, but it rung with a depth of emotion that cut through your slumber.
“Hmm, missed what?”
He didn’t leave the next day, or the day after that, except to shower and change clothes in his apartment, or pick up food from your favorite chip shop down the road. Every time he did go, you expected him not to come back.
Assuming he had returned to his usual schedule of sleep, eat, gym, fuck, repeat. With the fucking being someone else, of course. That you’d hear footsteps down the hallway outside and look through your peephole, covered in baby spit-up and leaking breastmilk, to see him leading a beautiful young woman into his flat.
Instead, weeks went by of him driving you to doctors’ appointments and joining you for walks in the park. Decaf iced lattes and naps on the couch. The faint smell of cigar smoke was the only indication that he’d taken a bit of time to himself.
The pang in your heart, and in your gut, when he carried the bags of dirty diapers down to the bin and sang Paul McCartney tunes horribly off key to get the baby back to sleep while you soaked in the bath tub.
Every day was a gift, you reminded yourself. He was just being nice. Playing house until it was time for him to go, the way you always had before. Except this time, he hadn’t even kissed you or made any advances other than a playful hug or a supportive rub of your shoulders as you pumped an extra supply of baby bottles.
None of your clothes fit anymore. You were too slim for your maternity jeans, and not quite down to your original weight. Maybe you never would be. Maybe you were the new you.
Nothing but forgiving loungewear and tinted moisturizer to hold you together.
It didn’t stop you from wanting him.
You’d think the trauma to your reproductive organs would swear you off sex for at least a few years, but there you were. Three months postpartum, salivating over his shirtless chest and slickening at the bulge in his sweatpants as he ate a bowl of tikka masala at your kitchen counter.
Maybe that was how you persevered as a species. The carnal urge to make the same mistake over and over again, consequences be damned. It would appear you hadn’t evolved beyond it.
Your doctor guaranteed you that you were fully healed and could resume sex with your husband (you’d long given up trying to explain away the six-and-a-half-foot beast keeping your child company in the waiting room as anything but) any time you felt comfortable. Had even started you on a new birth control. Hopefully one that worked this time.
But feeling comfortable and feeling desirable were two different things. John wasn’t your husband. He wasn’t your boyfriend. He had expressed no desire to be anything more than just a...friend? What was he even doing sleeping on your couch?
‘Go find someone fun and exciting and leave me to rot in peace,’ you wanted to scream at him.
A menace was what he was.
Finally, you stopped trying to get yourself off with your vibrator and threw it against the wall in frustration. A groan escaped you as you turned over and muffled a scream into your pillow.
You instantly regretted it the moment a soft knock sounded on your bedroom door.
“You all right in there?” He opened the door a crack and the light from the hallway peeked through.
“No, not really,” you whined, pitifully. Grateful that you hadn’t woken up the baby with your little tantrum.
You noted the displacement of the shadows as he bent down to pick your still buzzing vibrator from the floor and switched it off with a muffled laugh.
“Not doing the trick, is it?”
“I’m glad you think this is funny. I don’t even know my own body anymore." Fuck, you did not want to be having this conversation with him.
“What do you need, love?” He set your stupid, useless toy on the bedside table and leaned against the mattress. It tilted you towards him with his weight.
“I need to know that I’m still me. Somewhere in here. That I can still...” you felt dumb. You were a mother. You had a child to worry about. And all you cared about was whether or not you could still—
You nodded vigorously, feeling dumber by the minute. And he was there, in the dark of your room, smelling like pine trees and black pepper. Somehow, underneath it all, like your baby. Even though she wasn’t his.
Confusing and frustrating, and—
His mouth trapped yours then, cutting off any further conversation as his hands hitched under your nightshirt and yours found the waistband of his pants.
“I need you, John,” you gritted between teeth, both yours and his.
“Stubborn you are. Been waiting for you to ask.” He buried his face between the swollen flesh of your tits. Licking and lapping at your skin.
“Careful, they—”
“Squirt? I know. Not what I’m interested in, darling. They’re not mine anymore.”
He moved past your breasts and down your stomach. The raised scars where your skin had stretched too far, too fast. Making room for life within.
You were grateful he couldn’t see them in the dark. Even still, it felt like he found each one with his lips.
“Perfect, you are. You did so good.” You didn’t know what he meant. Only preened at the words as your cunt rose toward him and he moved lower towards your hips.
“Easy, John. Easy, please.”
You knew how big he was. He was the same, but you were different. Changed. You couldn’t do it. It’d been too long. Healed over and shaped anew.
“I know, baby. There’s nothing you can’t handle.”
His tongue met you then, in the cleft at your center. Teasing and taunting, he circled where you needed him the most. Hitting it just right and then moving away when you were teetering on the edge.
His beard and mustache grazing the sensitive nerves around the nub, inflaming you further until you pulsed at the absence of his touch.
Only for him to replace his mouth with the tip of his cock. Hard and thick, it nudged and prodded as it sought a weakness in your soft, wet entry way.
“You’ll tell me if it hurts, won’t you? I know how you like to be brave.” He bit out with a grin.
Brave? You were a disaster. Is that how he saw you?
“Please don’t stop.” The words rushed out as a shudder.
You’d take it, you’d take anything to feel full, to feel him. The pull and tug of being consumed.
Still, he hesitated. Pausing just at the tip. Speechless and restrained.
“Stop being so nice.” You squirmed and sought to meet him, pull him closer.
“There’s a girl. See? Not gone after all.” His teeth dug into your neck and you arched your hips against his.
So familiar. So at home.
He sunk in then, as if with your permission. You clasped and guided him in like the other half of you.
“How does it feel?” You didn’t mean to sound as wanton as you did. You needed to know.
“Like heaven, love. Like fucking heaven.”
He lips found yours again, savoring, remembering, committing you to memory as he reclaimed your pussy for his own. As much his as it was yours.
Offering himself in return.
Pumping in a slow rhythm at first, matching you, following you. Your legs around his waist and his hands tugging your hips to hit that perfect fucking spot.
It was still there. It hadn’t moved. He’d found it like lighthouse in a storm.
“You ready, or do you need more?”
“Don’t stop.”
He grunted then, drawing some sort of strength as he kept his rhythm and touched a free hand to your clit for help.
“Yes, yes, yes!”
He found you. When you couldn’t find yourself.
“That’s it, baby. That’s it.”
“Fuck, John!” You came with a rush of power and nature as he found your mouth again. He drank your sobs and replaced them with sounds of his own.
Tears filled your eyes and slid down your cheeks.
“You all right?” He asked against your neck, when you began to still, but you could only nod.
“I’m good. Thank you.” Simple words for how you felt.
“So fucking brave.” He wiped away your tears and nuzzled your cheeks with his bearded lips.
The couch sat cold and abandoned after that.
But you found him a few weeks later, ashen-cheeked and staring troubled at his phone.
The baby was packed up in the pram and ready for a walk. She could smile now, and glowed with excitement and kicked her feet whenever her dark brown eyes met his glittering blue.
“I have to go. Got called in.” He turned a weary gaze towards you. Regret softening his usual starry skies and adding years to his features.
You knew this day would come, but it surprised you all the same.
A blow to your chest, taking the air from your lungs and tearing out your heart.
“I don’t know when I’ll be back.” The death blow to any hope you’d had that it was a training exercise or a weekend conference.
What if he was gone for another year? So much could happen. The baby would be walking. Talking. You’d be back to work by then. Trusting a stranger with her care because you didn’t have anyone else.
And who would he be when he returned? Always a little different than before.
“It’s okay. We’ll be okay. Just be safe, yeah?” You steeled your spine and tamped down on the tears that threatened behind your eyeIids.
You’d never cried for him before. Never worried about him.
No messy feelings. No expectations. Great sex and a pleasant company, right?
“I’ll say no. They can assign it to someone else.” Even as he said it out loud, you knew he wouldn’t let that happen.
“I had a plan, remember?” A reassuring smile to match the one he’d given you so many times before. “And you were never a part of it.”
He’d called you brave. You’d find out soon enough if he was right.
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velvainee · 2 months
✦ ⎯⎯ ㅤִㅤ ୭ 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦 ( dr.wick x reader )
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ᨳ ꒰ précis ꒱. oneshot. In 2236, Dr. John Wick leads "Wick Industries" in human experiments to extend life and youthfulness. But behind the facade of progress, test subjects like you are unknowingly involved, their consent ignored.
୨ৎ warnings. manhandling, non-con, forced relationship, breeding, evil intent, large age gap, p in v, blackmailing, mentions of blood, torture, bdsm, size kink. dead dove. do not eat. 2.6k words.
𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟, this is my first fic on this blog ! please excuse any mistakes and lmk if you like it, reblogs comments & likes are very appreciated! if you have any requests for another fic don’t be afraid to reach out. ( has not been proof read ) !
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As you step into the sterile corridors of Wick Industries, the faint hum of machinery fills the air, a constant reminder of the scientific endeavors unfolding within. It's 2236, an era where the boundaries between progress and ethical considerations blur into a murky haze.
You find yourself here not out of choice, but out of dire necessity, your financial woes pressing upon you like a weighty burden. Volunteering as a blood donor is your ticket to survival, a means to secure the funds desperately needed to support your ailing mother and keep a roof over your head.
You needed the money, your mother's illness draining your savings faster than you could replenish them, while the relentless march of automation threatened your livelihood in the retail sector.
With each passing day, the gap between what you earned and what you needed widened, leaving you with little recourse but to turn to unconventional means to make ends meet.
A giant in the industry, Wick Industries looms large in the landscape of scientific research, its reputation as a leader in biomedical advancements drawing both admiration and scrutiny.
When news broke of their call for volunteers to participate in cutting-edge experiments aimed at extending human youth, you saw it as an opportunity—a chance to alleviate your financial woes while contributing to the greater good. Little did you know the true cost of admission into this world of scientific ambition and moral ambiguity.
Entering the facility, you're greeted by the sight of a bustling lobby, volunteers milling about in varying states of anticipation and apprehension.
The air is charged with nervous energy, a palpable undercurrent of uncertainty running through the crowd as each individual grapples with their own reasons for being there.
At the registration desk, you join the queue, your heart pounding in your chest as you inch closer to the counter.
The old woman behind the desk is brisk and efficient, her voice a steady rhythm in the cacophony of voices around you.
“Next,” she called out, an old woman behind the counter waved her hand, urging you to move forward.
“ID?” She spoke. Your hands making their way into your little pink hand bag as they shuffled to take out your wallet, waiting for the nod of approval before tucking your things back into your purse.
“Third door down the hallway to the left,” she directed.
Guided by her directions, you navigate through the maze-like corridors of the facility, the sterile environment and the click of your heels against the polished floors adding to the surreal atmosphere.
The waiting room is a sea of faces, each one bearing the weight of their own struggles and uncertainties, their eyes betraying a mixture of hope and trepidation.
As you take your seat among the other volunteers, you can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie tinged with unease. The steady stream of departures catches your attention, prompting a question to the person beside you.
“Why are people leaving?” You ask.
Their answer, though matter-of-fact, does little to assuage your growing apprehension.
“I hear the doctors are looking for a specific blood type within the volunteers,” the man next to you replied, his eyes going back to the bright screen of the phone he held.
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Amidst the ebb and flow of volunteers, two figures emerge, their presence commanding attention as they make their way down the line of chairs. The older man's piercing gaze sends a shiver down your spine, while his companion's whispered exchange only serves to heighten your sense of foreboding.
When they finally reach you, the weight of their scrutiny feels suffocating.
The bearded man leans in to murmur something inaudible into his assistants ear, the man’s eyes flicker in your direction.
“Her,” he whispers slightly, their eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
As their stares bore into yours, the man’s assistant gestures for you to stand, and you comply, feeling a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. With a barely perceptible nod from the older man, they lead you away from the crowd, down a series of sterile corridors lined with gleaming metal doors.
Down the labyrinthine corridors you go, each step bringing you closer to the unknown. The air grows colder, the atmosphere thick with anticipation and trepidation. What awaits you behind those imposing doors remains a mystery, one that gnaws at the edges of your consciousness with relentless persistence.
Finally, you come to a stop before a nondescript door, its surface devoid of any indication of what lies beyond. With a silent exchange, the older man and his assistant confer, their words lost to you in the deafening silence of the corridor.
As the door slides open, revealing a sterile room bathed in harsh fluorescent light, you steel yourself for what comes next.
Alone in the room with these enigmatic figures, you can't help but feel a sense of trepidation. Their welcoming smiles offer little comfort, their words ringing hollow against the backdrop of uncertainty that looms over you like a dark cloud.
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"Welcome," the man with the clipboard begins, his voice a mere whisper in the vast emptiness of the room. "My name is Dr. David. Thank you for volunteering,”
As the assistant quietly slips out of the room, leaving you alone with Dr. John Wick, a sense of unease settles over you like a heavy blanket. Yet, in his presence, there's a strange calmness that washes over you, his reassuring smile and soothing voice momentarily easing the knots of tension in your stomach.
"Please, have a seat," he gestures towards a chair, his tone gentle yet authoritative. You comply, sinking into the plush cushion as he takes a seat across from you, his piercing gaze never leaving yours.
"Let me assure you, you're in good hands here," he begins, his voice smooth as silk. "Wick Industries is at the forefront of groundbreaking research, and your participation in our experiments is invaluable."
Despite his words, a nagging feeling of apprehension lingers at the back of your mind, a whisper of doubt that refuses to be silenced. Yet, you push it aside, clinging to the hope that perhaps this is just the opportunity you've been waiting for.
“I’m Dr. Wick—but please, call me John,” He gives you a charming grin once more, reaching out his hand for you to shake.
As he continues to speak, his words seem to fade into the background, your focus shifting to the way the harsh fluorescent light casts shadows across his angular features.
“Tell me about yourself,” he speaks up once more, trying to strike a conversation with his patient.
There's something magnetic about him, something that draws you in despite your better judgment.
“There’s not really much to me,” you chuckle softly, a pink shade flushing against your cheeks.
“I work in retail—heard of the small cafe Allure? Im a barista,” you say bluntly, as if you were having a normal conversation with your friend.
“Ah really?” John turns to you, his brown eyes boring into yours. “I’ll have to try it sometime, I’ve never been,” he revealed.
Your conversation starts to become more intimate, sort of like you’re speaking to a therapist.
"You're special, you know," he murmurs, his voice low and intimate. "There's something about you that sets you apart from the others."
A flush creeps up your neck at his words, a warmth spreading through you that has nothing to do with the temperature of the room. His proximity is intoxicating, his presence commanding yet strangely comforting.
“People don’t usually say that about me,” you scoff, rolling your eyes, yet you felt cared for, embracing the feeling of praise.
“A shame for such a pretty girl like you,” He jokes, rubbing his chin with his fingers.
You find yourself hanging onto his every word, his charisma and intelligence captivating you in a way you never expected.
As he shares stories of his past achievements and future aspirations, you can't help but feel a sense of admiration for the man before you.
But beneath the surface, there's a tension that simmers, a palpable electricity that crackles in the air between you. You can sense the shift in his demeanor, the subtle change in the way he looks at you, as if seeing you for the first time.
As the conversation lulls, he rises from his seat, his movements fluid and purposeful. With a slight smile, he disappears into the adjacent room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Minutes pass, the silence broken only by the soft hum of machinery in the distance. And then, he reappears, a small vial in his hand.
"I've prepared something to help ease the discomfort during the blood extraction process," he explains, his tone reassuring. "It's a simple elixir, but it should make the experience more bearable."
You nod, accepting the vial with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. As you raise it to your lips, you can't help but wonder what exactly is in the concoction he's given you.
But the pain of the extraction process looms large in your mind, overshadowing any doubts or reservations you may have.
With a deep breath, you swallow the elixir in one swift motion, its taste bitter and metallic against your tongue. And then, as the liquid courses through your veins, a wave of dizziness washes over you, your vision blurring at the edges.
You reach out for support, but John is already there, his strong arms catching you before you hit the ground.
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Your head throbs, the sensation reverberating through your ears as you grimace in pain, your face contorted in a grimace as you watch the overhead lights flicker rapidly.
Panic surges within you, your heart racing as you realize your arms are restrained above your head, the cold metal of the cuffs biting into your skin. Your feet barely brush against the worn tiles below.
"What the hell?!" you exclaim, your voice trembling with fear. Memories elude you, leaving you disoriented and bewildered.
Surveying your surroundings, you find yourself in a stark white room, its pristine walls offering no solace. A single door stands in the corner, ominous in its silence as you hang suspended in the center, the flickering lights casting eerie shadows across the sterile space.
Suddenly, the door creaks open, revealing Dr. John Wick as he steps into the room. Clad in gloves and his white coat, he exudes an unsettling air of authority as a wave of realization washes over you.
"What's happening?!" you demand, your voice trembling with uncertainty as fear grips you tightly.
"Hush now," John soothes, his voice calm and measured as he approaches you.
Despite your frantic struggles against the chains, he moves closer, his hand deftly manipulating a remote control in his grasp. With a click, the chains lower, the sound of metal clanking echoing in the sterile room as your body descends.
“I didn’t lie about how you were special,” he smiles creepily, now eye level with the man as he lifts your chin slightly.
“We just need to text you for some experiments, nothing too big,” he added, hot tears already brimming your waterline.
“P-Please get me out this isn’t what I signed up for—“ You whined, your wrists still trying to undo the chains that bound them together.
“I’m sorry but I cannot do that. You’ll be my little test bunny for today, is that alright with you, love?” He chuckled softly.
You shriek, tears already streaming down your cheeks as John’s fingers stroke against your jawline.
“You wouldn’t want to let your poor mother die now, would you?” He whispered, leaning into your ears as you grit your teeth, jaw clenching.
“Your mother has been transferred to a better hospital—under my industry. Resist and you die, let me use you this once and I’ll ensure your mother’s safety,” he’d add.
Before you are able to say anything, he grabs a handkerchief from his pocket, wrapping it around your head.
Your body stops shaking, your mother was at risk and you were unable to do anything.
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He first took a knife from the steel cart that was placed against the wall across from where you were, his movements precise as you felt your clothing slither from your body, down your legs and eventually onto the ground.
Unable to resist, you stood there, crying, your makeup making marks on your cheeks as you shuddered from the embarrassment you felt as you were exposed to the older man.
“So young, so beautiful,” his voice tantalizing as he admired your curves, his hands starting to graze against your skin, the goosebumps visible from your fear.
“Don’t be afraid, it’s only procedures,” he teased, before pushing the button on his remote once more, your body lowering down as you gazed up at the man like a dog.
His fingers made their way under your chin, lifting them up slightly before he slowly undid the handkerchief.
“Please don’t scream, you’ll only make it harder for yourself,” he rambled, his lips now pressing against yours as you moaned in both surprise and disgust.
His tongue swirled with yours, the both fighting for dominance as he held your jaw in one hand, the other one starting to undo his pants.
John’s eyes glinted with a cold detachment as he advanced towards you, his movements deliberate and predatory.
“I promise, you’ll like it,” he drawled, his voice dripping with arrogance as he surveyed your trembling form.
You tried to protest, but the words caught in your throat as he pinned you against the wall, his hands rough and possessive as they roamed over your body.
“Don’t fight it,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your earlobe as he leaned in close.
“Resistance is futile.”
You could feel the heat of his breath against your skin, sending shivers down your spine despite the fear that gripped your soul.
“Please,” you whispered, but the desperation in your voice only seemed to amuse him.
With a smirk, he silenced you with a bruising kiss, his lips crushing yours with a ruthless intensity that left you gasping for air.
And as he claimed you as his own, you found yourself surrendering to him completely, your body a playground for his darkest desires. Each touch sent shockwaves of pleasure and pain coursing through your veins, your cunt throbbing with a mixture of agony and ecstasy.
But amidst the chaos, there was something else - a twisted kind of love that dared not speak its name.
“You like that, don’t you?” he taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he watched you squirm beneath him.
You moaned in response, unable to deny the twisted pleasure that his touch ignited within you.
With a guttural grunt, John released his load deep inside your cunt, his cock throbbing with the force of his climax. Your walls clenched around him, milking every last drop of pleasure from his pulsating shaft as he claimed you as his own.
“Take it, you filthy whore,” he spat, his voice dripping with disdain as he buried himself inside you.
“You like being used, don’t you?”
You moaned in response, unable to deny the twisted pleasure that his rough treatment ignited within you.
Each thrust was a reminder of your submission, a testament to the depths of your depravity.
As he reached his peak, his grip on you tightened, leaving bruises in his wake as he marked you as his property.
“There we go little bunny,” he sneered, his words a cruel echo of the pleasure that coursed through your veins.
And as he finally pulled away, leaving you empty and spent, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. In his arms, there was no room for love or tenderness, only the raw, unbridled passion of two souls consumed by darkness.
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♡ 𝑡𝚑𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑
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srorgana1 · 4 months
Honoring the Past
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Rock Star Kylo Ren/Reader
Warnings: physical and mental abuse of a child, alcoholism, mentions of homophobia, and lots of complex emotions
Huge thanks to my amazing friend and Beta @mrs-zimmerman ❤️
A cackle of laughter hits Kylo’s ears as he enters D’Kar Studios. He smirks, settling his helmet on his hip as he sees Taylor "Trax" Johnson, DeeDee and the front desk clerk Amelia laughing jovially at something on Trax’s phone. It still amazes him how different it is here compared to First Order Records. He remembers how stuffy and by the book it was. There was no joy, no smiles, just cut-throat business practices and the music that fueled in. He thanks the deities above for letting him finally see the light and detach himself from that toxic black hole of a company.
DeeDee turns to him, a wide smile spreading across her face. “Hey Kylo” she says through giggles “you all are set up in Room #3 today.” He nods at them, and heads down the hallway. He turns left at the intersection and takes in the various awards and accolades adorning the walls. He sees their platinum award proudly displayed under a shadow box along with a vinyl sized picture of the front of the Trials and Errors album. It broke records in sales and downloads and won them multiple awards. It showed the industry that success could be done differently.
He scans the walls at the other awards from other artists proudly displayed alongside. It didn’t matter here if you were fresh off YouTube or one of the biggest names in the scene, you were treated equally with respect and kindness. You were part of the D’Kar family. Kylo can attest it’s a great fucking place to be.
He sees the record light lit above Room #3. Looking through the window his brows crinkle slightly in confusion. He was used to seeing you at the soundboard with your custom sparkly blue Bose headphones on. But no, you are in the studio room alongside D’Kar’s videographer Vincent recording Vic on your phone. Why is the record light on then if you're both in there? His hand squeezes the doorknob and twists, entering silently.
A wave of nostalgia hits him as the haunting melody of Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) floats on the cool air-conditioned air. His head snaps to the large window as Vic hits the strings of his acoustic guitar, transitioning into the well-known chorus.
It’s something unpredictable
But in the end, it’s right
I hope you had the time of your life
Kylo sets down his motorcycle helmet on the soundboard and leans on his hands, losing himself in a memory…
He is twelve years old, walking down the sun baked sidewalk. His worn and dirty Converse slap the concrete below, a size too small for his rapidly growing feet. The strap from his heavy book bag digs into his shoulder. He looks at the watch on his wrist. The cracked electronic screen blinking up the time. He cannot go home yet. His dad is still there.
The healing burns on his shoulder flares upon thinking about it. He shifts his bookbag away from them, hiding a wince. He got off easy this time and he knows it. He was dumb and thought he wouldn’t notice. He was wrong.
The sad thing is that it’s something he learned a long time ago through multiple bouts of blood, tears and broken bones. You cannot rely on or put your trust in others. It’s the only way for you not to get hurt.
So he continues on with no real destination. He could’ve stayed at school but it would have just raised more questions. He hated when they tried to pry. Just as much as the looks he got from the other kids, whispering snide comments on his height or his hair or his ratty clothes. He knew they would never truly understand. So he held it all in and walked, hoping someone or something would give him a sign that things would get better.
He stops under a shop awning to get a reprieve from the hot Arizona sun. He leans on the bricks, wiping his sweaty black hair out of his eyes. He watches the busy street, the cars and people heading here and there. The various shops bouldering the open air flea market across the street are buzzing with people. Maybe he could sneak in and grab a sandwich again. The nice lady who runs the arepas stand may turn a blind eye like she has before. His mind made up, he takes a step towards the flea market to be stopped in his tracks by the unique sound of music hitting his ears.
For some unknown reason, he turns and heads towards the music. It invades his senses, calling his soul forward. His dad never played music at home, only hateful talk radio. Said it reminded him of his good for nothing bitch of a mother. To be honest, Kylo doesn’t really remember her. She left when he was little. He totally gets why she left though. He just wishes she brought him with her. Anywhere had to be better than here.
He comes to a dingy little shop squished between the payday loan place and the barber shop. How has he missed it before when he has walked most of the streets on this side of town? Regardless, the music rings out the open door like a siren call. Kylo’s feet lead him closer. A small sign hangs overhead matching the peeling paint on the bay window. Corellia Records. The song changes to a more soulful tune, but still with as much power as the one before.
He stands at the threshold looking in cautiously. The space is small and dimly lit. Rickety shelves line the walls full of albums and other what he assumes is musical equipment. The back wall behind the glass counter has multiple instruments hanging. A portly greasy looking man in a stained gray t-shirt and an ill fitting fedora is standing by one of the tables, shuffling through a box while grumbling to himself.
Kylo shuffles in slowly, taking in more of the shop. The song ends as the man looks up at him. “What you need kid?” he says gruffly. Kylo immediately freezes and looks at his shoes, already able to feel this man’s agitation. “Um” he starts, suddenly wishing he had not entered. “Hey kid, it’s okay. What do you need?” the voice comes again. He can smell the man’s musty body odor as he takes a step towards him. He reactively flinches, pulling his book bag closer to himself.
He continues to stare at his shoes as the man sighs and shifts away from him, groaning as he sits on the stool behind the counter. It squeaks loudly under his weight. “You like music kid?” he asks, switching out the record on the record player and pulling a bag of Cheetos Puffs from below. The man opens the bag and shakes it towards him. The classic smell hits Kylo’s nose, making his mouth water almost instantly. “I can tell your hungry kid. Come and have some” he gruffs.
He eyes the man as he slowly walks up, placing his book bag on the floor and hopping up on the adjunct stool. The music is louder over here and seems to flow through him. He shuts his eyes as his body reacts to the emotion of the music. “You like Soundgarden kid? I feel this album is one of their best” the man says, placing the ripped open bag on the counter. Kylo grabs a couple and stuffs them in his mouth, moaning at the delicious taste of orange artificial cheese.
He takes a couple more before answering. “No, I don’t know who that is. I just, i don’t know… i just like it” he says in a small voice. The man hums to himself, taking a Cheeto for himself. “I feel ya there. Music has always spoken to me as well. Led me to some awesome places. Made me believe in the better of people.” Kylo looks up at him, strangely feeling a connection to this man. “I can tell by your eyes kid, you’re the same. My name’s Raf, what’s yours?”
Kylo sighs, rubbing a hand down his face. He doesn’t notice you, Vic and Vincent watching him with concerned eyes. He’s too lost in his memories.
Raf became the pseudo-father figure Kylo needed. So much more than his drunk of a father could ever dream of being. He offered Kylo a job at the shop, saying he couldn’t pay him much but it was there if he wanted it. Kylo took him on his offer instantly. From only a couple of interactions, he found out that Raf had once been in a band, playing guitar and bass. Left the band years ago over creative differences and used the royalties to open the shop. He always said he felt he was meant to give back and help inspire the next generation.
He taught Kylo how to appreciate the classics. The Beatles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Patsy Cline, Queen, Chuck Berry, The Stones, The Eagles, ACDC, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, Tom Petty, The Cure, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Leadbelly. Showed him how musical influences never really change, they just meld and flow into the next generation. Just like the notes on the wind.
They figured out a schedule, with Kylo working the four days his father worked the late shift. He would race there after school, working the counter and unpacking boxes as Raf quizzed him on music history. He then started teaching Kylo how to play keyboard and then eventually guitar, saying learning both would instill the notes in faster. He was gruff but fair in his style of teaching but never cruel, allowing Kylo to make the necessary mistakes without judgment.
As the years went on, his home life got worse. There were multiple times he would come in battered and bruised. Raf would fix him up and then would let him stay in the back, popping open a cold Jarritos for him. He would give him a pained look before leaving Kylo to the boxes.
At fourteen, Raf recommended Kylo to play at the local Cantina’s open mic night. Said it would be good for him to try it out and to test out his skills in front of others. Kylo will never forget that night for as long as he lived. He stood backstage at Los Nopales, his body wracked with nerves. He remembers shaking and his sweaty hand almost staining the wooden neck of his borrowed guitar.
His name was called followed by some random applause. He took a shuddering breath and walked out under the spotlight, sitting on the stool and attempting to fix the microphone to his height. It squeaked and slid all the way down, hitting the guitar with a thud. A couple people laughed and shook their heads. He fixed it quickly, his cheeks burning hot. He looked up and saw Raf by the bar, his rotund self settled on a bar stool. He nodded at him with kind eyes, silently saying you can do this.
He nodded back and focused on the feeling of the guitar in his hands. The sound of bottles clicking and the low murmur from the crowd. It’s oddly centering. He shuts his eyes and lets himself be enveloped by the energy. He strummed the opening chords, letting himself get lost in the notes. Letting the music carry him away. His rendition of Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi brought the crowd to their feet. He left the stage with a smile on his face and his heart full to see Raf’s face full of pride among the others.
He played there off and on, often on weekends. He would sneak out after his Dad passed out or left for the bar, hopping on the bicycle Raf gave him. Raf was almost always there when he performed, a glass of cold beer in front of him and a big grin on his face. It was something that struck Kylo to the core. How good it felt to have someone believe in him.
But life decided to remind Kylo of his reality. One weekend afternoon when Kylo thought his old man was out cold, he left and headed to the shop. The hot dry air hit his face as he petaled down the street, excited for his shift.
He recently had gotten into a couple newer bands: Foo Fighters, Green Day and Linkin Park. Raf had laughed and rolled his eyes when he caught Kylo rocking out in the back to them, saying how much he could hear Depeche Mode and Rage against the Machine in their sounds. Regardless, he let Kylo order some along with some other bands and they were due to be delivered today.
Kylo parked his bike and chained it up, concerned with the yelling from inside the shop. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end at the sound of a familiar voice. Please no, he prayed as he slowly walked out of the alley and to the front door. His heart sank in his chest to see his wreck of father cornering Raf by the counter, a threatening finger in his face. Raf stared down the irate man, his large face stoic. His eyes catch Kylo behind him, worry flashing in his dark brown irises.
“I knew you were coming here boy” his father snarled, turning from Raf to him. His feral anger emanated from him as he cracked his neck. “When I heard from Pedro that he saw you playing at the Cantina, I knew this is where you were sneaking off to you little shit” Kylo gulped and watched him in fear as he began to pace. It was a sign of bad things to come.
“C’mon man, he’s just a kid” Raf said, pushing himself off the counter. “DON’T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY BOY!” his father roars, knocking a box of vinyls to the floor. Kylo winced at the sound of them smashing to pieces. “You come here now” he snarled. Kylo took a breath, knowing he cannot get out of this. If he fights it’ll be ten times worse. He walked up to his father slowly, yelping when his hair was grabbed roughly. “You will never come back here” he voice getting louder “you will never play at that Cantina again and you will never see this fat fucking faggot ever again. Do you understand me!?”
As much as Kylo was scared, he couldn’t take his eyes off Raf. The pain in his eyes mirrored his. He suddenly knew why Raf had been so nice to him at the beginning. He had experienced this. He had his own abuser and was reliving it with Kylo.
It gave Kylo the strength to do what he needed to do. He pulled away, hissing through the pain of his hair being ripped out at the root. He shut his eyes and swung, colliding with his father’s jaw. A shot of pain shoots through his hand and up his arm. He groaned through ragged breaths, holding his arm to his chest. “Ky” a gruff voice said. The voice of his anchor through all this fucking bullshit.
He opened his eyes to see Raf’s eyes wet with tears and his father out cold on the floor. His arm throbbed hotly. “I’m calling the cops Ky, this needs to end” Raf said as he rounded the counter, heading for the back. It was then that Kylo noticed a silvery scar under the tattoo on Raf’s neck, so similar in shape and size to ones he had on his shoulder. “How’d you get out Raf?” Kylo grits out through the stabbing pain. “Music my boy, and I suggest you do the same,'' he responded softly. Kylo nodded as he watched Raf’s wide body disappear behind the wall.
The cops came quickly, escorting both Kylo and his father to the hospital. They set Kylo’s broken hand and arm and questioned him about what happened. He told them everything. They wrote down everything, giving him that pitied look. He hated it. They escorted him home so he could get his meager belongings and was thankfully sent to stay with Raf until the trial.
During that time he recommended Kylo to file for emancipation. He was plenty old enough to and met the qualifications with a job to support himself and had a place to stay. Why not, Raf had said, you’re more of a man now then your father ever was. It was a better option than getting sent to some shitty foster care setup until he aged out.
The courts took their time, but ultimately granted Kylo his emancipation and his father a prison sentence. He continued to play at open mics and work odd jobs along with the shop. He was happy for once. He was doing what he loved and had someone who believed in him.
The day after his sixteenth birthday, Raf told him of an opportunity of a lifetime. It was a job at Raf’s cousin’s restaurant in Los Angeles which came with a small studio apartment and a promise he could perform at every open mic night there. Raf knew it was Kylo’s dream to have his name in lights, to play his guitar for the masses. LA is where music and dreams are made and Kylo deserved to get his shot. He graciously accepted, crying into Raf’s shoulder. He helped Kylo prepare, all the while giving random snippets of advice and pointers on the music industry there.
On a hot April morning, Raf drove Kylo to the bus depot. They sat side by side on the bench until his bus was called. He told Kylo to wait a moment as he huffed and puffed back to his car. Kylo stood there confused with his small tattered duffle bag and second-hand suitcase. As Raf turned back, he saw a familiar leather case. He knew inside was Raf’s vintage Fender, the same one he learned to play on.
Kylo tried to decline but Raf refused to take no for an answer, saying it was his now and to make him proud with it. He hugged him and thanked him, promising he would do his fucking best. He hopped on the bus with teary eyes, and watched his guardian angel fade as the bus pulled away.
He never saw Raf again. He passed away two years later from heart failure. By that time Kylo was in deep working for First Order, working himself to the bone to show he was worthy. He only found out when he and the guys went for drinks at the old cantina he used to work at to celebrate their work on the StarKiller album.
Sergio, Raf’s nephew who was now the manager, let Kylo drink on the house after telling him the news. As much as the other guys tried to lift his spirits, he wallowed miserably in tequila and whiskey. Truly in mourning of his first true friend and mentor. The only one who knew the whole story at the time was Vic so he lifted a glass, toasting the man. Speaking the words Kylo held in his heart but couldn't put into words.
The memories fade as the weight of arms wrapped around his shoulders along with a pair of soft lips kissed his cheek. "Ky, baby what's wrong?" your soft voice says, full of concern. He shakes his head, finally feeling the wetness on his cheeks. "Just memories baby girl, don't worry about it" he says, turning in your arms and tucking his head in your shoulder. He feels your nails scratch at his scalp in an attempt to calm him. He knows you know the story. He told you everything. He takes a shuddering breath, attempting to compose himself.
"Kylo, I am so sorry man. I know how much that song means to you. We thought we would’ve been done by the time you got here…" Vic says coming up to them, his blue eyes full of emotion. Kylo looks up at him, giving him a warm smile through teary eyes. He knows Vic is telling the truth. He should’ve been more prepared than he was. It was known he was playing that song today, with it being one of the most requested songs on their social media poll. But like always, it hit him right in the heart and sucked him in.
"I know Vic" he says releasing you, wiping one of his red rimmed eyes with his hand. "It's on me, not you. But I can definitely say your performance was moving." Vic gives him a sad smile, finally taking a seat on the couch as you stand by his side. "How about we break for lunch and then you can do yours Ky. I can have Rae move up our order" you say, clicking a couple keys on the sound board.
His mind still swims with visions of the past: of Raf's happy tear filled eyes when he performed for the first time, of his gruff laugh and affinity for odd but comforting snacks, the last hug they shared at the bus depot. He looks over at his guitar sitting in its case next to Vincent on the couch. Obviously more worn but still the same. His only memento of the man who changed his life for the better.
"No, no I have to do this" he says, kissing the top of your head and turning to grab the guitar case. He sees you nod as you take a seat at the soundboard, your hands fidgeting with your headphones. "You want me to record it for you?” Vic asks, shaking his phone in his hand. Kylo nods as he heads into the studio. He hears Vic and Vincent follow him in. He looks over to see you blow him a kiss through the glass. He catches it and puts it on his chest with a soft smile.
He scans the studio room, deciding to sit on a tall metal stool that was discarded in the corner. He grabs it and moves it to the front of Vincent, setting himself atop it. He feels he’s right back in that dim music shop, learning his chords alongside Raf. He tunes his guitar, almost able to feel his spirit with him.
His fingers stop, his mind offering a silent thank you. He looks up and nods to you. He sees Vic and Vincent start recording as the record light goes on. "Hey all this is Kylo from the Knights of Ren, thanks for joining us for our newest segment of Classic Covers. I would like to thank each and every single one of you for your continued support of the band and we hope you like and subscribe to the channels below." He has to tell himself not to roll his eyes when Vic cracks a wry smile at him for once following the approved script.
"This next one is really special to me for a lot of reasons and I would like to dedicate it to Rafael Hernandez Corellia and his family. He meant more to me than I could ever express in words. So in memory of him, this is Fell on Black Days by Soundgarden." His calloused fingers hit the strings, starting into a song that lives in a part of his heart. His version is gritty and passionate, so much like Raf. He feels tears prick his eyes as reaches the end, barely noticing the growing group of people in the ajoining room. All amazed at the outpouring of emotion from him.
He strums the final notes, giving the camera a tearful smile and wave. Vic stops recording and immediately rushs over to give him a hug. He grunts as Vic’s body hits him, pushing the guitar into his gut. He ignores the discomfort and wraps an arm around him, holding his friend close.
A series of applause and cheers come through the speakers when they release. He looks up to see over half the staff and a couple other artists all giving him a standing ovation. You are standing in the middle with tears streaming down your face.
His eyes hold yours and can feel your love emanating from them. He can barely hear you whisper I love you over the crowd but it’s there. He lets the tears finally flow. He has honored Raf in the best way he knew how. He has you and his band mates and his friends. He has D'Kar. He has honestly and truly made his dreams come true.
soooo...yeah that happened. How ya all doing?! Lemme know what you think here or on A03 ❤️
You can find the whole collection here including the original story:
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astarab1aze · 3 months
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...come in all shapes, sizes, colors, creeds, etc etc. there is a clearly drawn line between them and other nightfolk genetically, but there are many vastly different ways one can be made - and who they can turn out to be, what abilities or talents they could have. it's a mixed bag between the undead and those who live but are of colder blood, and bloodlines / sires heavily influence genetics, inherited abilities, tolerable diet, general health issues, and plenty more ( for example: the morteatum family has a unique affinity toward the water element. moving water is a danger to most vampires (the psychic and energy varieties excluded) except the morteatums, as their affinity occasionally births a child capable of traveling over bodies of water safely, without bursting into flames & the power to manipulate it; a trademark of their genetic line is pale pink irises and silvery hair )
there are two types of vampires, however; blooded vampires, who are natural-born, and turned vampires, which needs no explanation. blooded vampires have a distinct advantage over the others in that they're able to call upon multiple elements in the same manner as sorcerers and wizards. turned vampires, unless already possessive such control, do not, only capable of the typical vampiric shapeshifting (wolf, bat, cat), mist step, short-distance teleportation, vampire telepathy, and so on - they inherit all the same weaknesses too ( uv light, silver, iron, sanctified objects, garlic allergies, bloodthirst, compulsive counting, etc )
they can naturally charm, bewitch, and enthrall, glamour themselves and hypnotize others into doing their bidding. they can transform into bats, cats, and wolves from birth / turning, mist through select physical barriers, fly, levitate, teleport, call upon insects, bats, wraiths, use various necrotic spells, disappear in mirrors, are immortal but not invulnerable, telepathically communicate with those they've bitten, have high resistances to necrotic and ice magic.
unfortunately for everyone, the non-monstrous sorts are incredibly beautiful. ethereal, elf-like, even fairy-like in some respects. beautiful creatures who ensnare their victims in charming webs of sex, intrigue, mystery, and indulgence before entreating them to a vicious end.
in the modern day, vampires are barred from feeding on the living, forced to find sustenance from blood donation centers exclusively. there is a schism among them in part for this reason, headed by the vampire separatist group the red hand (comprised of the morteatum, mausolea, montgomery, and morningstar families as well as other, non-familial members). anyway, blood is vitally important for them to survive and with limited or heavily restricted access to it, they are effectively starving under the u.s. department of regulatory sorceries. there is a lot of political fuckery going on among the vampire nobles; some are in positions of governmental power, beyond the drs. plenty more occupy other positions of power in sanguinarian churches, hollywood, meatpacking, medicine, and other industries. they're quite the enterprising bunch and love politics - manipulating people into doing their bidding never gets old.
they have their own language, but there are very few who know it well. only the oldest vampires such as dracula, some members of the sanguinarian clergy, and certainly the vampire nobles know it. there are a handful linguists who may happen to know some of it, but it's notoriously difficult to learn in the first place and vampires aren't too keen on having their secrets exposed.
the 600 headcanons thrown into this all deserve their own post, but bloodthirst desperately needs to be mentioned here as it is a very difficult part of being a vampire. it's an intense hunger that, if ignored for too long, results in a steady degradation of the mind and reversion to a primitive, feral, or doll-like docile state. it starts with anxiety, impulsivity, hypersexuality, compulsion, obsession, mood swings, blackouts, and random fits of desperate violence. crimson shadows in the periphery, tainting irises deep scarlet, and the sclera blackens. often, a vampire will suffer dizziness, exhaustion, panic, achy joints, temporary loss of cognitive function... the list goes on. advanced stages of bloodthirst will cause a vampire to regress into a more bestial state, morphing them into a twisted, monstrous exaggerations more commonly found in folklore. ghoulish creatures with translucent, skin and gnarled fangs, too-long fingers and a complete loss of identity, hair, sight, rationality, and more; they become no better than gangly undead rats with no fur. on top of this, they lose their resistences to all magic, physically cannot stop themselves from going into a frenzy and drinking insatiably-- it's a mess, it's a mess, and transformations as well as symptoms can change depending on the individual. in any event, they become something else, something that is vampire no longer. it's an extremely terrifying prospect and potentially a certainty for most of them.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Ace - A Tenny Royle Mystery
I posted a poll the other day to see if there might be some interest in reading at least part of an all-OC novel I've been working on for a WHILE. On that note, here's the first chapter of "Ace: A Tenny Royle Mystery." I appreciate any and all feedback!
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Characters: All OCs
Warnings: Graphic description of a murder victim. Minors DNI
Length: 2.3k
Chapter 1: Looks Like You've Had A Night
It was 4:35 a.m. and I could smell blood. 
The moon still hung heavy in the sky, waning, I thought, and Reunion Tower glistened in the distance. At a glance, it was like we were on another planet, a dreamier one where more than one heavenly body bobbed around ours in orbit. But instead, I was firmly on Earth, Dallas’ city lights blotting out the stars in the night and the sickly, wet, metallic scent of death on the air. 
A tendril of long, brown hair slipped out of my hastily crafted bun, but I didn’t have a free hand to fix it, boxes of donuts and an industrial sized carafe of coffee with cups and all the trimmings balanced haphazardly in my arms as I made my way to the yellow tape and the glow of crime scene lights. I delicately adjusted the load, making sure the press badge clipped to my trench coat was visible, and tried to put on my brightest smile through the haze of death, a burgeoning hangover and lack of sleep. 
“Hey Grey,” I called to the officer standing at the crime scene tape, the lights atop the cruiser beside him flashing red and blue. “Looks like you’ve had a night.” 
“That’s an understatement,” he shook his head, watching as I set out the spread of snacks on the hood of the car. I started making him a cup of coffee. “You shouldn’t have done all this.” 
“Please,” I snorted. I added a cream and two sugars to the coffee. “How else am I supposed to pump you for information?” 
“Look, Royle,” he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, his brown eyes on my shoes. “I shouldn’t have called you…”
“I’m not going to rat you out,” I frowned, handing him the coffee. He took it reluctantly. My frown deepened. I could always rely on Grey to tip me off and be grateful for whatever food I delivered to either crime scenes or the police station. He’d never shied away from free coffee or giving me information in all the years I’d been on the crime beat. “Come on, you know I’ve got your back.” 
“It’s not that,” he swirled the coffee cup around in his hand, not drinking from it, just watching it move in the flashing light of the car. He sighed. “It’s just… Fuck, Royle, I’ve never seen anything like that. You don’t want that shit in your head.” 
“Don’t recall wanting any of the other shit either,” I shrugged. “Comes with the territory.” He still wouldn’t look me in the eye, or take a sip of the coffee. “C’mon, Grey. I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.” 
“Never said you couldn’t,” he replied. “But I’m serious. It’s bad. I hadn’t seen it when I called you. If I had…” 
“If you had you still should have called me,” I tried to smile reassuringly but I wasn’t sure it was working. I’d never seen Grey so shaken. I wasn’t sure what was waiting down the alley, just out of sight. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. “Even if you didn’t tip me off, it’s still my job to write about this stuff. I’d have found out anyway. You’re just keeping me in my boss’s good graces by cluing me in early. So, are you going to let me on?” 
He stopped avoiding looking at me and watched me for a moment before sighing. 
“Here,” he lifted the tape and I ducked below it, adjusting my messenger bag as I went. “But he’s going to be pissed.” 
I snorted again. 
“When is he not pissed?” 
“It’s going to be worse this time,” he replied, looking me up and down again. “Just… take care of yourself, OK?” 
“Sure,” I bit back the kind of joke I’d usually make with Grey, our typical easy banter seeming out of place on this early, late-October morning. He gave me a stiff nod and went back to watching the street I’d arrived on, guarding the crime scene. I watched him for a moment, the coffee still in his hand. He hadn’t had a sip. 
I frowned and steeled myself, fishing my reporter’s notebook with the pen in the spiral binding and the voice recorder from my bag as I made my way to the scene. The lights were bright, all the activity centralized in a buzz around something I couldn’t see and the coppery scent of blood grew stronger as I drew closer, whatever was waiting for me just inside the mouth of the alley, hiding and lying in wait. 
The scene was bustling but orderly, and I knew just where and how to slip in without causing trouble, years of working with this police force teaching me what they would tolerate and what crossed a line. I made my way to the alley, dodging crime scene technicians and officers, before I saw what had freaked out Grey. 
On the ground was the body of a woman — almost more of a girl, I wasn’t sure if she was even legal to drink — in a pool of blood. Her dead eyes stared at me, wide, the aura of terror still there, a ghost of a scream on her open mouth. Her throat was slit. Her long, dark hair was strewn on the ground around her, soaking in her blood and her dress had been cut open, exposing her stomach. I stared, opened mouthed, unable to look away. Carved into her, just above her belly button and up to the bottom of her chest was a spade, like a symbol from a deck of cards. It wasn’t superficial, I could see the ragged muscle even from where I stood. I could see how the blood had flowed from her. Her hands rested there, like she’d tried to hold her body together, to put her blood back in as she died. 
I felt the bile rise in my throat and bolted, running back the way I came until I was far enough away from the core of the crime scene, and threw up, falling to my knees as the liquor I’d downed just hours before came rushing back up. 
A hand appeared in the middle of my back as I coughed and gagged, rubbing me gently up and down. I didn’t need to look to see whose it was. 
“Should have known you’d turn up.” 
“Not the time, Archer,” I coughed before wiping my mouth. “Jesus fuck.” 
“I know,” he said quietly, squatting next to me, his hand still on my back. “I’ve had to send more than a few patrolmen home, you’re not the first person here tonight whose thrown up. It’s a bad one.”
It felt like I’d completely emptied my stomach and I felt safe to sit back on my heels, my abs sore from vomiting. I looked over to the Dallas Police Department’s lead homicide detective, his deep, brown eyes narrowed in concern, his hand still on me. 
“I keep telling you to stop poking around my crime scenes,” he half smiled at me. I glared at him. He turned serious again. “There’s no shame in just going home, Tenny.” 
“What would be the point?” I asked. “I’ve already seen it. I’m already here. I’m staying.” 
He sighed as he straightened, offering me his hand and shaking his head. I took it and got up, retrieving my mercifully vomit-free equipment from the ground as I did. He gave me a moment to compose myself before we fell back into our usual rapport, him behaving as I expected Greg Archer to when I started nosing around his cases. 
“One of these days I’m going to find out how you keep learning about this shit before anyone else,” he said. “Simmons isn’t even here to tip you off.” 
I snorted. 
“Do you really think Ryan is the only person in your department who talks to me?” I asked. “And do you honestly think he’d tip me off to anything like this, anyway?” 
“One of these days I’ll figure it out and you’ll be SOL,” he replied, slowly making his way back toward the crime scene. I followed. 
“And then you’ll just have to deal with a reporter you don’t like as much as me,” I shrugged. “So the joke will really be on you.” 
“You’re insufferable,” he shook his head. 
“I learned from the best,” I smirked. It was almost enough to make me forget about what was waiting for us around the next corner. He paused at the mouth of the alley again, looking down at me. 
“I’m serious, Royle,” he said, the teasing edge gone from his voice. “You can just go home. No shame in it. I’ll answer whatever questions you have later.” 
“No,” I shook my head. It didn’t feel right to leave, to abandon this girl. I felt this drive to know her in this way, bear witness to her suffering in a way that was human rather than cooly analytical. She hadn’t gotten to shy away from what was done to her, so neither would I. “I need to be here.” 
“Fine,” he nodded stiffly. “You know the rules. Don’t touch anything, don’t fuck anything up and stay out of the way of my guys.” 
He didn’t wait for a response before he turned on his heel and went to talk to another detective, a newer hire who looked a little green around the gills. I stood up straighter, as though properly aligning my ligaments and bones would make me stronger, and went down the alley. 
It was a little easier, this time, now that I knew what was waiting for me. I approached the body slowly, cautiously, making sure to walk only where it had been set as OK to walk, avoiding the people gathering evidence and investigating the scene. I got as close as allowable, outside of the pool of blood and away from numbers marking evidence placement but near enough that I could see paint on her fingernails and the sparkle of the sequins on her dress. There was a stamp on the back of her left hand, a little green smiley face. It was strange to see it there, grinning out at the world from all the carnage. Like it had somehow been insulated from the violence that lay just inches away, blind to it all. I noted the stamp. 
Her bra and panties were intact, so it was unlikely that she had been sexually assaulted, but I would need to confirm with Archer. I had seen enough bodies in my time to know what an antemortem and postmortem wound looked like. The cuts on her stomach had been made while her heart was beating, of that I was almost certain. Judging by the blood soaking the cement around her, the bleeding was what killed her. I hoped she’d lost consciousness quickly, that perhaps her cut throat — the one that had nearly severed her head from her body — had knocked her out early. 
From this angle, I could see that her face, too, had been hurt. There was a cut on her cheek, one that looked like it had been made by a ring worn during a punch. Her right wrist was at an odd angle, possibly broken. 
As much as I tried to get the full picture of the crime scene, my eyes kept drifting back to her stomach, the open wounds, the perverse shape made with jagged cuts. It takes force to do something like that. Dragging a blade through skin and sinew would be no easy feat, especially if your victim was writhing below your knife. Whoever had done this hated this woman. I found her eyes as I wondered why, but she held no answer for me. 
After a while, I decided I’d seen enough. Archer had already locked down the officers working the scene and no one would talk to me, so I made my way back to the edge of the crime scene and leaned against the unmarked car I suspected was Archer’s, parked just inside the tape. It didn’t take long for him to notice me there, waiting, and he made his way over to me. 
“I suppose you’d like to grill me,” he asked wryly. 
“Something like that,” I replied, looking him up and down. He was tall, tall enough that I had to look up at him even in the boots that added two inches to my 5’7” height, and he looked worn. This job, I knew, was hard on him. His slightly curly, black hair was flecked with gray even though he was only in his late 30s, and in the glow of city at night, his richly tan skin seemed pale somehow. Even his deep, brown eyes looked tired. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “You look like you need a break. Can I buy you breakfast?” 
He looked back to the body for a moment, watching as technicians worked, before looking back to me. 
“Sure,” he nodded. “You’re right, I do need to get the fuck away from here for a bit. I have some things I should settle before I step away…” 
“Take your time,” I waved him off. “I’ll just meet you at the usual spot? I’ll grab a booth.” 
He just nodded and I watched him walk back to the crime scene before I said my goodbyes to Grey, went back to my car, and drove into the night. 
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boundlss · 29 days
my muses except i assign them to loose leaf tea flavors i currently have in my house
please read my posts about tea i have kind of what my detractors might call an obsession.
apple cinnamon french toast - currently my second favorite tea. delightfully sweet and bold, has a strong smell and a rich taste. i would assign this tea to roland fortis!
savannah sunrise - citrusy but not too strong, a very clear and vibrant tasting tea. it's new to me so i haven't had much of it. i would assign this tea to ty lee!
lavender raspberry honeybush - a very subtle but rich fruity tea, easy to brew and drink at any temperature. i would assign this tea to cahir mawr dyffryn aep ceallach!
blue lady grey - very strong and unique tasting, sort of not what you expect upon seeing it but a very memorable tea. i would assign this tea to roy mayrana!
tangerine ginger - extremely flavorful but VERY heavy on the ginger flavor. if i drink it in the wrong mood it feels sort of like i'm being attacked but i actually like the way it looks and smells a lot. i would assign this tea to stella!
peach ginger detox gold - actually very good, has a more muted flavor than you'd think but the low brewing temperature means it's easier to drink fast. the ginger is also not noticeable in here. i would assign this tea to pleasant clemens!
pacific peppermint - smells almost exactly like a candy cane. tastes like a very muted candy cane. actually very good for a dessert or afternoon tea in my opinion. i would assign this tea to aurilis ayeva!
earl grey supreme - a plain tea but actually quite good as far as earl grey goes (i am an earl grey fan though). i would give this tea to mukuhara kazui.
decaf earl grey - i didn't honestly like this one that much, it was bland and taking away the caffeine is kind of detracting from earl grey in general ... i would assign this tea to vernon roche! because that man does not need to be more wired than he already is all of the time.
caramel toffee pu-erh - a VERY sweet tea with a very long brew time, but i really enjoy it as a dessert. i would assign this tea to luminous!
white cherry - it smells exactly like cough syrup. the taste is fine but i can't get over the cough syrup thing. i would assign this tea to five pebbles to help with his rot. feel better soon five pebbles!
apricot white - a VERY very good and light white tea, it's very appealing to look at and very nice to drink. i've been debating ordering some more of this. i would assign this tea to dandelion!
chocolate covered strawberries - it was alright. it actually didn't stick out to me really at all. i would assign this tea to benjamin clemens!
pomegranate green tea - a very strong tea, the pomegranate flavor really comes out and i usually drink this before my friday dnd! for that reason and because it looks a lot like blood i'm going to assign this tea to cyran azerrad kapral!
elderberry fortress herbal tea - it's a good tea and one of the only actual medicinal teas i have in the house. genuinely like it, but we save this for when we have sore throats or allergies. i would assign this to ankita culathene!
houjicha - a VERY VERY VERY good japanese green tea. my favorite tea we currently have. it's moderately sweet and nutty and amazing and i drink it almost every sunday night before bed. i would assign this tea to yanna lazaros!
moringa tulsi - why is it spicy ................ i would assign this tea to jet!
international breakfast tea - my best friend. he's like a brother to me. very plain and slightly bitter but i drink this tea every morning for breakfast. i have an industrial sized bag of this tea so i can drink it every morning for breakfast. very high in caffeine. i would assign this tea to shirogane kei!
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spicykaraage · 8 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Takeshi Momoshiro
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Birthday: July 23rd (Leo)
Blood Type: O
Relatives: Father, Mother, Younger Brother, Younger Sister
Father’s Occupation: Public Servant
Elementary School: Kagoshima Third Elementary School
Middle School: Seishun Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: Second Year | Class 2-8 | Seat 16
Club: Tennis Club (Regular, future vice captain)
Committee: None
Strong Subjects: Math
Weak Subjects: English, Social Studies
Frequently Visited Spot at School: School Store
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Favorite Motto: “Less is better than more.” ➜ “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” [TP]
Daily Routines: Playing darts before bed, buying food, eating lunch early
Hobbies: Listening to music, motion sensor games ➜ BBQ, dance games [TP]
Favorite Color: Red, Pink [23.5]
Favorite Music: Idol group music
Favorite Movie: Animal films
Favorite Book: Weekly Shounen Jump ➜ How to Organize a Team [TP]
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Favorite Food: Shrimp katsu burgers, Very Berry Coco Parfait, honeyed lemon squash [23.5]
Favorite Anniversary: March 3rd “My day! You get it?” (Hinamatsuri, also known as the Peach Festival)
Preferred Type: An energetic girl who likes sports ➜ “A girl who’s energetic, cheerful and caring!” [TP]
Ideal Date Spot: An arcade
His Gift for a Special Person: Brand new sneakers
Where He Wants to Travel: Hollywood
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: Brand name t-shirts
Dislikes: Reading maps while walking ➜ Masks [TP]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Kawarawari (karate smashing tiles, he can smash up to 8 at once ➜ 25 at once [23.5]), playing cards (Cheat) [23.5]
Spends Allowance On: Food and snacks
Height: 170cm ➜ 172cm [23.5]
Weight: 58kg ➜ 60kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 27cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 2.0 Left & Right
Play Style: Aggressive Baseliner
Signature Moves: Dunk Smash, Jack Knife, Bullet Serve, Black Jack Knife
Number of Bento Boxes He Brings in a Day: 4
Favorite Brands:
Racquet: MIZUNO (PROLIGHT P10 Ti Hyper)
Shoes: PUMA (Aspiration PT0631 0020)
Fitness Test Results:
Sidesteps: 62
Shuttle Run: 139
Back Strength: 159kg
Grip Strength: 58.5kg
Backbend: 64.6cm
Seated Forward Bend: 47.5cm
50m Run: 6.4 seconds
Standing Long Jump: 290cm
Handball Throw: 41m
Endurance Run (1500m): 4:47
Overall Rating: Speed: 3 / Power: 4 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 3 / Technique: 3 / Total: 16
Kurobe Memo: “Momoshiro is exactly the type of player each team should have to inspire and boost the morale of the team. The only problem is he's so good at it that sometimes he even invigorates the opponent and awakens their strengths.” [RB]
What’s in His Bedroom [10.5]:
MD stereo system // He’ll convert music from CDs to MDs with it. He carries his favorite music in MDs at all times
Video game poster // A Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix poster that came with the game. He also has a pile of posters under his desk
Industrial pipe desk // A desk made with iron pipes. Manga and CDs are scattered all over it, making it ineffective as a desk
Console port of an arcade game // The PlayStation port of Dance Dance Revolution. He makes full use of it since it also helps train his jumping abilities
A (messy) bed // Used to recover his energy from playing tennis. He will sometimes not change out of his school uniform when he’s tired from practice
A dartboard and darts // Authentic darts made of wood. It helps boost his concentration, and he always throws one at the board before going to bed
What’s in His Bag [10.5]:
Healthy, balanced snacks // Healthy Club bars. He eats them to replenish energy after workouts
Yakisoba bread // He eats them every day without fail
Pen case // There are signs that he’s never used it…
MD player // He listens to music a lot
MiniDiscs // The latest hit songs are recorded on them, he always carries some
Oil absorbing sheets // Uno brand
Hair wax // Uno brand
The Prince of Tennis 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 11/02/2001
He tends to hum songs on occasion. He likes singing songs that other people can sing along to
He always checks out the latest trending music on the charts
One of his hobbies is playing games, he also enjoys playing games with others as well
He has formed a bond with Tachibana’s younger sister, An
Konomi created his Dunk Smash to fit his powerful and flamboyant image
His ankle was sprained in his first appearance from him falling off of his bicycle
He styles his hair everyday with wax
Despite his appearance, he is into fashion
He has a rivalry with Kaidoh. Konomi states he wrote them that way since he wanted to convey that the second years have yet to mature
He eats a tremendous amount of food each day and frequently visits the School Store to buy more
He does fine when playing doubles with Kaidoh but struggled when he was paired with Ryoma due to the latter having no sense of cooperation
In Genius 48, he was the only one who recognized Karupin as Ryoma’s cat since Ryoma had mentioned it to him before
His personality is described as someone who is popular and well-liked since he hates misdeeds and is straightforward, but tends to overreact at times
Konomi describes him as the “biggest ruffian”, he is zealous but gives the proper amount of thought towards things. Tezuka and Momoshiro were the first members Konomi had created
The Prince of Tennis 20.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2003
His spirit animal is a dragon
He is a big junk food lover and eats a lot of foods that are high in sugar, fat and calories. He also loves sweet desserts
When asked what he thinks of An Tachibana, he (tentatively) responds that he’s only focused on tennis and thinks of her only as a tennis partner
His secondary sport would be basketball
The Prince of Tennis 40.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2007
It is stated that in a previous life, he was a writer/musician. He lived a life of entertaining and delighting others and was also creative, fashionable, and had good taste
He has a flexible way of thinking and can get along with almost anyone without bias
He tends to have emotional ups and downs
He eats before and after school, before and after club activities, as well as the standard three meals a day. Each of his meals are proportioned
He is into old-school anime and was heard discussing “Famous Dog Lucky” with a girl in his class
Konomi states he is the character he has the most in common with
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elizabethplaid · 7 months
I changed my sheets this evening. I can't trust any of my stuffed animals to be snuggle-able until I can shake 'em out outside, maybe vacuum 'em. My hotel-duvet* and summer quilt need to be washed in an industrial machine anyway, so I'm not bothering to put those back on my bed. Instead, I have my fleecy robe, which makes a fantastic blanket, and the striped blanket I knit. If it gets really really bad, I have a sleeping bag that can unzip flat.
*The hotel duvet is from Hampton Inn. If you like the stuff they use in their rooms, you can buy some for yourself in their online store. Mom liked their duvet (queen/full size), which was fine for her hospital bed (twin). I have my parents' old king mattress, so it doesn't cover the whole thing. Honestly, with my habits of tangling myself in blankets, I don't -really- need that big of a blanket. And the combo of summer quilt (which IS king-sized) and the duvet is enough weight and warmth.
Tomorrow is a follow-up blood test, then library on Tuesday, and I think that's all my big plans for the week.
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doomedandstoned · 1 year
MARGARITA WITCH CULT Summon Chills with “The Witchfinder Comes”
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Bursting on the scene from Birmingham, England, we welcome to the pages of Doomed & Stoned MARGARITA WITCH CULT. Today the doom rock trio are sharing a new single and music video from their upcoming self-titled debut.
"The Witchfinder Comes" is a menacing number that likely alludes to the Puritan zealots Matthew Hopkins and John Stearne, who hung hundreds of suspected witches during the English Civil War. The song's chorus is as irresistible as its rollicking, Sabbath-style riff-making (and a bit chilling): "Oh son, what you done wrong? All I know is you'd better be gone. Oh son, you'd better run, run. Don't be around when The Witchfinder comes."
In the band's own words, the track is "a macabre tale of an impending witch hunt, climaxing with the subject running in fear over the spiraling coda. The slab of bludgeoning '70s style proto-metal is a stadium sized version of the song which first appeared on the band’s demo cassette that brought the Margarita Witch Cult to the public eye in 2022.”
Margarita Witch Cult is a vibrant, rollicking old-school doomer from edge to center. On April 21st, Heavy Psych Sounds will issue the album in a stunning array of media (pre-order here). Stick it on a playlist with Black Sabbath, Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats, Warlung, Orchid, and Bang.
Give ear...
WATCH & LISTEN: Margarita Witch Cult - "The Witchfinder Comes"
Born from the murky industrial depths of Birmingham, UK, Margarita Witch Cult’s self-titled debut studio album is a tour-de-force in classic metal, hard rock, doom, and mind-melting psych.
A thunderous drum fill propels you into opener "Diabolical Influence" -- a lurching behemoth of a tune that makes easy bedfellows of crushing stoner riffs, Latin incantations, and a simply humongous chorus. The pace quickens with the frantic "Death Lurks at Every Turn" -- a hair-raising thrasher of breakneck snare rolls and unruly guitar solos. "The Witchfinder Comes" only furthers the sense of foreboding, as tales of torture and pleas for exile fall on the ever-deafening ears of the listener. "Be My Witch" comes in hot and heavy as a grungy ode to the forbidden, and the blistering "Annihilation" concludes side A with speed-freak ferocity.
The more adventurous and immersive side B is kick-started with "Theme From Cyclops" –- the deft chops of all three members being undeniable as we gallop into the ambitious, face-melting journey that is "Lord Of The Flies" -- a belting doom groover that culminates in a classic guitar & bass dual to rival even the most virtuosic of axe-wielders. As we near the end of our perilous sonic expedition, "Aradia" serves up an instrumental serving of pure downtuned filth, with sleazy swagger and tasteful shredding that give extra provenance to its author's deep bag of tricks.
The killer blow comes in the shape of the simply savage "Sacrifice" -- an unholy exhibition of undeniable force. The duality of the track makes for an experience that leaves our sweet listener reeling- the bludgeoning weight of its monstrous main-riff giving way to razor-sharp verses and a tripped-out, mind-bending psych jam- only to come crashing back to crushing reality as the final, fatal notes ring out.
With their debut LP, Margarita Witch Cult have crafted a timeless, merciless beast; one that will chew you up and spit you out, yet somehow keep you crawling back for more. The Sabbath City power trio is serving a heavy handed measure of '80s thrash precision mutated with '90s stoner groove. Infatuated with themes of the occult and proto-metal aesthetics, Margarita Witch Cult tell tales of the village witchfinder, omniscient death, archaic blood rituals.
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Medical Plastics Market Scope, Size, Share, Trends, Forecast By 2031
The circumstantial development of plastics used in the medical industry has led to several technological advancements in recent years. The expansion of comprehensive medical care facilities in developed nations across all socio-economic boundaries, combined with the penetration of modern medical care techniques in developing regions, has significantly bolstered the market for medical devices and their packaging. The associated cost and safety concerns have prompted a growing potential market for plastic medical products. At present, plastics reign supreme in the medical world with numerous applications, including tubing, containers for IV and dialysis fluids, blood bags, dialysis bags, IV sets, and examination and surgical gloves.
For Full Industry Insights: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/medical-plastics-market
Polycarbonate and PEEK Outweighing Conventional Plastics’ Demand
Depending on customer requirements, cost-effectiveness, raw material availability, and applicability, medical device manufacturers opt for different types of plastics. Conventional plastics such as PVC, PP, and PE account for more than 30% share in the medical industry. However, with the emergence of high-temperature applications of plastics, device manufacturers are shifting focus towards advanced polymers such as engineering thermoplastics, which are used for various stages of disease management and surgeries.
The advanced polymers increasingly finding space in the medical industry include polycarbonate, acetal copolymer, polymethyl methacrylate, polyether ether ketone, and polyphenylsulfone, among others. The unique set of characteristics of plastics has enabled manufacturers in the medical plastics market to replace titanium/stainless steel metals with plastics in medical tubing applications. Examples of medical devices made using plastics include surgical instruments, catheters, coronary stents, pacemakers, MRI machines, X-ray machines, prosthetic limbs, artificial hips/knees, surgical gloves, and bandages.
Robust Development in Implantable Devices Arising Need for Engineered Polymers
Biocompatibility and durability are considered the most important factors when selecting a new raw material for any medical product. It requires a tremendous amount of research to select apt polymers to replace metal usage in medical devices. This factor has led to exceptional developments of implantable devices, giving rise to the demand for suitable polymers.
In the 1990s, many suppliers were resistant to serve the medical industry due to high regulatory requirements, small volume consumption, and high-profile litigations. Those who did supply this market charged higher costs associated with regulatory compliance and risk management. To overcome such challenges, polymer manufacturers are continuously making efforts toward product innovations, focusing on biocompatibility, while others are developing combination products with drugs blended into polymers.
Plastics have contributed immensely to the healthcare sector during the pandemic, enabling public safety. Frequent usage of hand sanitizers along with wearing plastic-based personal protective equipment (PPE), including face masks, gloves, medical suits, aprons, gowns, face shields, surgical masks, and other PPEs, have proven to be the best possible solutions in these challenging times. Properties of plastic, such as an excellent strength-to-weight ratio and durability, along with versatility, have made plastics irreplaceable in the healthcare industry. Thus, medical plastics are likely to find major applications in single-use medical tools, equipment, and most importantly, packaging.
Regulatory Requirements Intensifying for Medical Devices
Regulatory requirements for medical devices have been progressively becoming more stringent over the past few years. Examples include tighter material specifications for medical applications, USP and ISO-10993 testing compliance, and no-change policies for manufacturing or formulations. In most cases, these compliances and tests are levied upon the raw polymer suppliers. This has made polymer suppliers more aware of the unique requirements of the medical market.
COVID-19 Reemphasizes the Role of Single-use Plastics in North America
In North America, the demand for blood bags to store blood and blood components has increased considerably over the past year. A double-digit increase in the demand for convalescent plasma as COVID-19 cases surged in numerous states has been observed since June 2020. As people become more aware and the number of blood donors constantly rises, the regional blood bag market is on the rise as well. Not only this, but the demand for intravenous (IV) bags and dialysis bags is also on the continuous rise, not just because of COVID-19 but also due to other health-related issues. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is continuously updating its guidelines regarding the disposal of medical waste. This ensures a protocol-driven risk assessment and recommends mitigation steps to be adhered to by clinical and biomedical laboratories. Therefore, the demand for biohazard bags is expected to rise at a substantial pace worldwide in the near future. This has had a compelling effect on polymer manufacturers to utilize their production capacity to the maximum extent in order to fulfill this ever-increasing demand.
Asia Pacific and Europe, highly virus-affected regions, had to overutilize their production plants for manufacturing medical products and devices. This led to tremendous demand for raw materials, with plastic being the key amongst all. The role of plastics in these regions has been inevitable due to the tremendous demand from highly populated areas.
Companies Focusing on Capacity Expansion to Meet the Soaring Demand
The key companies operating in the global medical plastics market include Celanese Corporation, Eastman Chemical Company, GW Plastics, Orthoplastics Ltd, Aran Biomedical Teoranta, Rochling, SABIC, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, SOLVAY, and DOW Chemical Company. These leading market players are devising strategies such as partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, facility expansions, and research and development to expand their geographic presence and customer base worldwide.
In January 2020, GW Plastics completed the expansion of its Royalton, Vermont Manufacturing and Technology Center to expand its medical device business. To extend a helping hand in managing the current COVID-19 crisis, Solvay has promised to supply high-performance, medical-grade transparent film to Boeing for the production of face shields.
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vijay1225 · 10 days
Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope The preparation of coffee extracts involves the process of extracting the soluble components from roasted and ground coffee beans to create a concentrated liquid form of coffee that can be used to make various coffee-based beverages.
Sizing and Forecast The preparation of coffee extracts market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $6.66 billion in 2023 to $7.12 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to growing coffee consumption, consumer preferences for convenience, expansion of coffee culture, rising awareness of health benefits, diverse product applications..
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The preparation of coffee extracts market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $9.01 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to innovations in coffee products, health and wellness trends, premiumization and specialty coffee trends, global expansion of coffee shops, e-commerce growth.. Major trends in the forecast period include artisanal and small-batch production, premiumization of coffee extracts, innovations in extraction techniques, packaging innovations, focus on health-conscious consumers, global exploration of coffee origins..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The preparation of coffee extracts market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Product Type: Capsules Or Tablets, Powder, Liquid Green Coffee Bean Extraction, Chews 2) By Source Type: Green Coffee Beans, Rosted Coffee Beans 3) By Nature Type: Organic, Conventional 4) By Application: Food Industry, Beverage Industry, Pharmaceutical And Skincare, Other Applications
Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the preparation of coffee extracts market in 2023. The regions covered in the preparation of coffee extracts market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth Increasing consumption of coffee extract by individuals is expected to propel the preparation of the coffee extracts market going forward. Coffee beans and alcohol are combined to produce a coffee extract, a concentrated coffee flavoring that can be added to desserts, ice cream, and drinks. Coffee extracts are commonly used by many individuals due to their various health benefits and their application in products that are involved in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and others due to the presence of chlorogenic acid, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hypertensive bioactive ingredients presence. For instance, in October 2022, according to the report published by the International Coffee Organization (ICO), a UK-based intergovernmental organization for the import and export of coffee, in 2021/22, global coffee consumption increased by 3.3% to 170.3 million 60-kg bags. And the consumption was projected to be 3.1 million bags greater than the output in 2021–2022. Therefore, increasing consumption of coffee extract by individuals is anticipated to fuel the preparation of the coffee extracts market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the preparation of coffee extracts market report are NatureWise Inc., Sports Research Corporation, McCormick & Company, Incorporated, J.R. Watkins, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Naturex S.A, Softigel by Procaps, Kerry Group, Treatt PLC, Purely Inspired, Nestle S.A., J.M. Smucker Company, Starbucks Corporation, Keurig Dr Pepper Inc., Tata Consumer Products, Strauss Group Ltd., Tchibo GmbH, Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., UCC Holdings Co. Ltd., Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group S.p.A., Melitta Group, Tres Coracoes Alimentos S.A., Dunkin’ Brands Group Inc., The Kraft Heinz Company, Jacobs Douwe Egberts B.V., Illycaffè S.p.A., Luigi Lavazza S.p.A., Aspen Beverage Group, Monin Incorporated, S&D Coffee Inc. .
The preparation of coffee extracts market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market Characteristics
3. Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market Trends And Strategies
4. Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market — Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market Size and Growth
. .
31. Global Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market Competitive Benchmarking
32. Global Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market Competitive Dashboard
33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market
34. Preparation of Coffee Extracts Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
35. Appendix
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marketinsight1234 · 2 months
IV Therapy Market: Global Industry Analysis, Growth, Trends And Forecasts (2023 - 2030)
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The Global IV Therapy Market size was reasonably estimated to be approximately USD 47560 Million in 2023 and is poised to generate revenue over USD 78900 Million by the end of 2030, projecting a CAGR of around 6.70% from 2023 to 2030.
Intravenous therapy, or IV therapy, involves injecting blood, medication, nutrients, or fluids directly into a vein. IV therapy involves the use of a needle, a small plastic tubing called a cannula that inserts into the vein, and plastic tubing that links the setup to a fluid-filled bag. The components collectively are referred to as a "IV."
Rehydrating via intravenous injection is a popular method for giving nutrients to people who are unable or unwilling to eat or drink by mouth (for example, because of diminished mental capacity).
While many therapies are administered as a "bolus" or one-time dose, they can also be administered as an extended infusion or drip. The act of administering a therapy intravenously, or placing an intravenous line ("IV line") for later use, is a procedure that should only be performed by a skilled professional. The intravenous route is the fastest way to deliver medications and fluid replacement throughout the body because they are introduced directly into the circulatory system and thus quickly distributed.
The simplest type of intravenous access is when a needle is used to puncture the skin and reach a vein, which is then connected to an external tubing or syringe. This is how the intended therapy is delivered.
Medication and fluid replacement that must be disseminated throughout the body, particularly when rapid distribution is required, are administered via intravenous (IV) access. One other application of IV therapy is to prevent the liver's first-pass metabolism.
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Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years.
Leading players involved in the IV Therapy Market include:
"BioScrip Inc. (US),Option Care Health Inc. (US),Coram LLC (US), BriovaRx (US), PharMerica Corporation (US), Amsino International Inc. (US), BioLife Plasma Services (US),Cigna Corporation (US),CVS Health Corporation (US),Express Scripts Holding Company (US),Diplomat Pharmacy Inc. (US),Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc. (US),AmerisourceBergen Corporation (US),Baxter International Inc. (US), B. Braun Melsungen AG (Germany), Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA (Germany),Terumo Corporation (Japan), Nipro Corporation (Japan), Smiths Medical (United Kingdom), Grifols S.A. (Spain)".
Market Driver:
One prominent driver of the IV Therapy Market is the growing aging population worldwide. As the elderly population expands, there is a corresponding increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders, which often require long-term intravenous treatments. Additionally, the elderly are more susceptible to dehydration and nutritional deficiencies, further driving the demand for IV therapy solutions.
Market Opportunity:
An emerging opportunity within the IV Therapy Market lies in the expansion of home infusion therapy services. With advancements in technology and the development of user-friendly infusion devices, there is a growing trend towards shifting certain IV treatments from traditional healthcare settings to patients' homes. This presents a significant opportunity for healthcare providers to offer convenient, cost-effective, and personalized IV therapy options for patients, while also reducing the burden on hospitals and clinics.
If You Have Any Query IV Therapy Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of IV Therapy Market:
By Type
Implantable Ports
Intravenous Catheters
Hypodermic Needles
Infusion Pumps
By Medical Application
Volume Expander
Medication Administration
Blood Based Products
Buffer Solution
By End User
Ambulatory Surgical Center
By Distribution Channel
Hospital Pharmacies
Retail Pharmacies
Other Distribution Channels
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
 Effective Points Covered in IV Therapy Market Report: -
Details Competitor analysis with accurate, up-to-date demand-side dynamics information.
Standard performance against major competitors.
Identify the growth segment of your investment.
Understanding most recent innovative development and supply chain pattern.
Establish regional / national strategy based on statistics.
Develop strategies based on future development possibilities. 
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Veterinary Infusion Pumps Market Landscape, Demand and Trends by Forecast to 2031
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The Insight Partners latest market research - " Veterinary Infusion Pumps Market Forecast | Share and Size - 2031", provides a detailed analysis of the top investment pockets, top winning strategies, drivers & opportunities, Veterinary Infusion Pumps market size & estimations, competitive landscape, and changing market trends.
The Veterinary Infusion Pumps market report represents a detailed overview of the current market situation and forecasts till the 2031. The study is perhaps a perfect mix of qualitative and quantitative information highlighting key market developments, challenges, and competition the industry faces alongside gap analysis and new opportunities available and Veterinary Infusion Pumps market trends. This report offers market size, recent trends, growth, share, development status, government policy, market dynamics, cost structure, and competitive landscape. The research report also includes the Veterinary Infusion Pumps market growth potential in the given period of forecast.
This research is based on valid information sources that make it a credible asset. Through a range of quantitative methods and qualitative approaches, this research brings forward comprehensive insights on trends, drivers, and restrictions ahead of Veterinary Infusion Pumps market players. PESTEL, Porter's five forces, and SWOT models are used for Veterinary Infusion Pumps market analysis of the business environment across a range of categories, geographical regions, and applications.
Key companies in the Veterinary Infusion Pumps market are- , B, Braun Melsungen AG, Heska Corporation, Q Core Medical Ltd., Burtons Medical Equipment, Grady Medical, Promed Group Co., Ltd., SAI Infusion Technologies, Kent Scientific Corporation, Mediaid, Inc, Jorgensen Labs and others
Market Analysis and Insights:
The report identifies emerging revenue pockets and opportunities for growth in the market. It analyses changes in market regulations and provides a strategic growth analysis, which can be used by businesses to develop effective growth strategies.
Overall, this report is an essential resource for businesses seeking to stay ahead of the competition in the Veterinary Infusion Pumps market. With its comprehensive Veterinary Infusion Pumps market analysis of recent developments and emerging trends, it provides valuable insights into the market that can be used to develop effective growth strategies and improve market positioning.
Market Drivers and Restraints:
The report provides valuable information on the production costs, supply chain dynamics, and raw materials that are essential to the Veterinary Infusion Pumps market. The report identifies key market restraints, such as economic constraints in emerging countries and business market obstacles. By understanding these risks and challenges, businesses can develop strategies to mitigate them and achieve long-term success in this exciting and dynamic industry to increase their Veterinary Infusion Pumps market share.
Market Segmentation:
The political and economic landscape of the Veterinary Infusion Pumps market is analyzed in depth, providing a comprehensive understanding of the market's potential risks and opportunities. The report includes a detailed analysis of the competitive landscape of the market, identifying the top players and their Veterinary Infusion Pumps market size, and evaluating their strategies and performance. The research report covers a wide range of topics, including market trends, technological advancements, and emerging opportunities, providing valuable insights for businesses looking to expand their presence in the market.On the Basis of Product this market is categorized further into-
Collection Bags and Transfer bags
On the Basis of End User this market is categorized further into-
Blood Banks
Ambulatory Centers
and Others
On the Basis of Geography this market is categorized further into-
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Key regions Veterinary Infusion Pumps Market Research Report:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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market-spy · 4 months
What's Brewing in the Medical Fluid Bags Market?
Hey there, fellow earthlings! Ready for a journey into the dynamic world of medical fluid bags? Buckle up, because we’re about to take a rollercoaster ride through the latest report on the Global Medical Fluid Bags Market. No, we won’t be decoding or navigating anything. We’re just going to have a casual chat about it. So, grab your favorite snack and let’s dive in!
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The Growth Story:
So, turns out, the medical fluid bags market is not just about plastic bags hanging around in hospitals. It’s a booming industry valued at a whopping USD 3.21 billion in 2021. And guess what? It’s expected to party its way to USD 4.742 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.0%. Now that’s what I call a growth spurt!
Why the Hype?
Picture this: an aging population, a surge in chronic illnesses, and a global pandemic. What do you get? A skyrocketing demand for efficient fluid management solutions! Medical fluid bags aren’t just for show; they play a crucial role in IV therapy, blood transfusions, and more. Oh, and did I mention the cool features like ergonomic designs and antimicrobial coatings? It’s like the James Bond of bags, keeping it safe and classy.
The Pandemic Effect:
Ah, the COVID-19 pandemic — the unexpected plot twist. The world needed IV solutions and blood, and medical fluid bags stole the spotlight. Production soared, and these bags became the unsung heroes in the battle against the virus. Talk about stepping up when the world needed them the most!
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/fatty-acid-ester-market
Challenges in the Bag:
Now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Strict regulatory frameworks and growing environmental concerns are like the villains in this market story. Compliance issues and production costs are the hurdles our heroes (aka medical fluid bags) must overcome. But hey, every good story needs some challenges, right?
Market Snapshot:
Let’s take a quick snapshot, shall we? The market size in 2021 was USD 3.21 billion, with PVC compounds leading the way. The fastest growth? You guessed it — PVC compounds again! And the forecast? A cool 5.0% CAGR. North America is the reigning champion, but the APAC region is catching up like the rising star it is.
Product Showdown:
In the battle of products, Intravenous (IV) bags steal the spotlight. Widely adopted for saline solutions, medications, and other IV drugs, these bags are the rockstars of the medical fluid bags world. On the flip side, drain bags are making a name for themselves, collecting bodily fluids like a pro.
Material Matters:
PVC compounds are the rockstars in the material department. Cost-friendly and flexible, they’ve held their ground despite environmental concerns. But here’s the plot twist — Thermoplastic Polyurethanes (TPU) are making waves with their eco-friendly nature. Looks like sustainability is stealing the spotlight!
Regional Rumble:
North America is the heavyweight champion, thanks to the US and Canada. But hold on — the APAC region is on the rise, with countries like South Korea, India, and China leading the charge. Looks like the underdog is becoming the top dog.
Key Trends:
Customization is the name of the game. Patient-centric solutions are in, with bags designed for specific patient conditions. And guess what? Eco-friendly materials are stealing the show, aligning with the global shift towards sustainability. Who said medical fluid bags can’t be trendy?
Competitive Arena:
The market is a battlefield, and the top players include Baxter International Inc., Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Terumo Corporation, and C.R. Bard. These industry giants are in a constant dance of innovation and collaboration to stay ahead in the game.
Recent Developments:
B. Braun Melsungen AG is integrating IV fluid bags with infusion pumps, Baxter International Inc. is launching PVC-free IV fluid bags, and Technoflex S.A. is extending the shelf life of IV fluid bags. It’s like the Avengers assembling to save the day, but in the medical fluid bags universe.
Key Market Trends:
Customization and patient-centric solutions are gaining popularity. Bags tailored to specific needs? It’s like having a wardrobe for your medical fluids. And let’s not forget the shift towards eco-friendly materials. Sustainable and stylish — who knew medical fluid bags could be so chic?
So, there you have it — a not-so-robotic exploration of the Global Medical Fluid Bags Market. It’s a tale of growth, challenges, and innovation. Who knew medical bags could be so fascinating? Until next time, keep it fluid and stay bag-tastic!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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sqinsights · 4 months
What’s Brewing in the Medical Fluid Bags Market? 
Hey there, fellow earthlings! Ready for a journey into the dynamic world of medical fluid bags? Buckle up, because we’re about to take a rollercoaster ride through the latest report on the Global Medical Fluid Bags Market. No, we won’t be decoding or navigating anything. We’re just going to have a casual chat about it. So, grab your favorite snack and let’s dive in!
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The Growth Story:
So, turns out, the medical fluid bags market is not just about plastic bags hanging around in hospitals. It’s a booming industry valued at a whopping USD 3.21 billion in 2021. And guess what? It’s expected to party its way to USD 4.742 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.0%. Now that’s what I call a growth spurt!
Why the Hype?
Picture this: an aging population, a surge in chronic illnesses, and a global pandemic. What do you get? A skyrocketing demand for efficient fluid management solutions! Medical fluid bags aren’t just for show; they play a crucial role in IV therapy, blood transfusions, and more. Oh, and did I mention the cool features like ergonomic designs and antimicrobial coatings? It’s like the James Bond of bags, keeping it safe and classy.
The Pandemic Effect:
Ah, the COVID-19 pandemic — the unexpected plot twist. The world needed IV solutions and blood, and medical fluid bags stole the spotlight. Production soared, and these bags became the unsung heroes in the battle against the virus. Talk about stepping up when the world needed them the most!
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/fatty-acid-ester-market
Challenges in the Bag:
Now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Strict regulatory frameworks and growing environmental concerns are like the villains in this market story. Compliance issues and production costs are the hurdles our heroes (aka medical fluid bags) must overcome. But hey, every good story needs some challenges, right?
Market Snapshot:
Let’s take a quick snapshot, shall we? The market size in 2021 was USD 3.21 billion, with PVC compounds leading the way. The fastest growth? You guessed it — PVC compounds again! And the forecast? A cool 5.0% CAGR. North America is the reigning champion, but the APAC region is catching up like the rising star it is.
Product Showdown:
In the battle of products, Intravenous (IV) bags steal the spotlight. Widely adopted for saline solutions, medications, and other IV drugs, these bags are the rockstars of the medical fluid bags world. On the flip side, drain bags are making a name for themselves, collecting bodily fluids like a pro.
Material Matters:
PVC compounds are the rockstars in the material department. Cost-friendly and flexible, they’ve held their ground despite environmental concerns. But here’s the plot twist — Thermoplastic Polyurethanes (TPU) are making waves with their eco-friendly nature. Looks like sustainability is stealing the spotlight!
Regional Rumble:
North America is the heavyweight champion, thanks to the US and Canada. But hold on — the APAC region is on the rise, with countries like South Korea, India, and China leading the charge. Looks like the underdog is becoming the top dog.
Key Trends:
Customization is the name of the game. Patient-centric solutions are in, with bags designed for specific patient conditions. And guess what? Eco-friendly materials are stealing the show, aligning with the global shift towards sustainability. Who said medical fluid bags can’t be trendy?
Competitive Arena:
The market is a battlefield, and the top players include Baxter International Inc., Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Terumo Corporation, and C.R. Bard. These industry giants are in a constant dance of innovation and collaboration to stay ahead in the game.
Recent Developments:
B. Braun Melsungen AG is integrating IV fluid bags with infusion pumps, Baxter International Inc. is launching PVC-free IV fluid bags, and Technoflex S.A. is extending the shelf life of IV fluid bags. It’s like the Avengers assembling to save the day, but in the medical fluid bags universe.
Key Market Trends:
Customization and patient-centric solutions are gaining popularity. Bags tailored to specific needs? It’s like having a wardrobe for your medical fluids. And let’s not forget the shift towards eco-friendly materials. Sustainable and stylish — who knew medical fluid bags could be so chic?
So, there you have it — a not-so-robotic exploration of the Global Medical Fluid Bags Market. It’s a tale of growth, challenges, and innovation. Who knew medical bags could be so fascinating? Until next time, keep it fluid and stay bag-tastic!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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