#Bloody crow x annalise
heraldofcrow · 2 years
Talk about your Bloodborne ships that you literally never get to talk about! (No need to mention Ludwig x Maria, we already know this one is the most valid (source: dude trust me))
AAHH, okay! I indeed never talk about this so I really had to think about it, but I also realized that I am not the best with ships, haha.
Maybe it’s my aroace-ishness, but I don’t often “ship” pairings in fandom, but rather I like to study relationships between individuals and the possibilities of what a romantic connection between them would look like. I like the psychology of it all.
Of course, once every few years I’ll actually genuinely fall in love with a pairing and go crazy for it. That has happened, and so I do have a small handful of OTPS. I just don’t think any of them have been in Bloodborne.
However, I have pairings that are close. For me it’s either gotta be a complicated, Gothic, chaotic type of romantic relationship that leads to tragedy and angst, or else the slowest slow-burn to ever slow-burn between two life-long friends that ultimately could work as marriage and/or just a really strong friendship.
So, for the complex type, the one I have thought the most about is Annalise and Bloody Crow. A lot of people don’t take it seriously because it’s such a crackship and the dynamic is always portrayed as “Vampire crow simps for the vampire queen,” but I had a different take on it, honestly.
So, in my Bloody Crow fic…the Cainhurst family is actually a big deal, and Annalise, Lady Maria, Bloody Crow, etc. all come from the same bloodline. It’s a mix of siblings and cousins, all from the same house. It goes in generations too, so Maria, Annalise, and Crow are all from one generation. They knew each other as kids.
In my head, all of these kids were innocent at one point. All of them were just children born into a messed up world where a really bad conflict between the Church and Cainhurst was brewing. To put it lightly, none of these kids came out of it healthy, and they had to deal with what their parents set in motion. That’s where I started getting into the psychology of it all.
We both like the idea of Bloody Crow being this cruel, vindictive puppeteer, but how did he get like that? What about Annalise? I love the idea of Annalise being this cold-hearted queen that embraces her own defilement to use as a weapon because what choice did she ever have? She was slandered and cursed simply for being born. To put these two characters together, is just perfect for their development in my opinion. Not actually as a couple, but as two people that are trying to survive and that end up needing one another’s help. That’s when it gets messy because there are feelings of love there, there’s this longing for the childhoods they lost, but its overshadowed by this cruelty that is growing in their hearts. I think it would be a manipulative, toxic relationship, with a lot of mistrust and betrayal. I think they’d make each other worse, maybe even to the point where they hated each other. But the conflict in their feelings is what entices me!
Anyway, I don’t wanna spoil the story I wrote for them, but let’s just say it’s not a good relationship. It’s unhealthily influenced by trauma, full of manipulation and bitterness. It’s all Gothic chaos for the vampire squad!
Ok, the other one I like is Eileen and Djura. It just sounds cute doesn’t it? This one is healthy, and could work as a really good friendship just the same. Something about these two lonely old hunters, kinda isolated oddballs in their community…hanging out on the rooftops, doing their own things. Yeah, it’s wholesome. I already headcanon them as good friends, so I could also see them finding peace together. I love PTSD veterans bonding and chilling together in their elder years. Plus, I know it’s ambiguous, but to me Eileen survived her encounter with Bloody Crow. She let the Good Hunter take up the mantle and went to officially retire. So imagine if she just went and hung out with Djura. They’d just be perfect. Two retired Yharnam weirdos, maybe they could spend their last years living on a farm somewhere lol.
And yeah, you know about Maria/Ludwig xD
That one is totally a friendship-based thing. “Two chivalrous knights that shared the battlefield for years maybe kinda liked each other at one point” type vibe, but I like to imagine it didn’t really ever grow into anything. Quiet pining maybe, but I also imagine Maria might have moved on, and then it was this unspoken, unrequited thing on Ludwig’s end before all the tragedy struck. I just like the angst and classic fantasy elements of that. It would be sad.
I also may be projecting my real OTP (Artorias/Ciaran from Dark Souls) onto this one, but hey, I like battle duos that adhere to the knightly codes of chivalry and then get separated by death and tragedy! Fun times! :D
But honestly, I think that’s it? If I didn’t see Rom and Micolash as siblings, I could see myself imaging them as having been schoolyard sweethearts that eventually turned on each other when things got messy as adults, but that’s already how I see their sibling story so…
Yeah, I mean…I haven’t thought about many others, but I’m glad you made me think about it! It’s an interesting topic and in Bloodborne, ships can actually be important for the plot if you want them to be, which is great. Couples and pairings that drive the story are my favorites :)
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fantomette22 · 8 months
This morning, while i was daydreaming in the cold while snow falls outside an idea came to me concerning Bloody Crow.
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What about an AU where Bloody Crow and Eileen don’t freaking loose it and don’t try to kill each other !!!
The hunter gives him the summon or lead him directly to Cainhurst while explaining what they discovered in the castle 👀 This lead him reconnecting with his roots and meeting Annalise once again after a lot of time.
Along the way, the hunter gave to Crow a cainhurst badge as well as a certain ring 💍
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Anyway Crow managed to break the mask curse Annalise was on. They gonna rebuilt Cainhurst and live happy ever after!
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The end.
Don’t ask me what came to my mind ok?! I needed to do something about them well there it is
Have a big WIP 👀 (here’s the final version)
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It’s literally 1am you understand i can’t finish it now but i’m really proud of it so far!
All of this really started from my imagination and literally those lil pencil sketches this morning…
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You can thanks my friend for making me like the character a lot now. And the ship too
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Alright, go crazy, go stupid ✌️
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
For the Bloodborne girl cast!
uhhh, Maria, Doll, Annalise, Henriett, Gratia, Queen Yharnam, Ebrietas, Rom, Flora, Kos, Arianna, Adella, Eileen, white church doctor, black church doctor, Fausefka, Iosefka, Old Lady lol, Viola, Gascoigne’s daughters, Mergo’s Wet Nurse, Vicar Amelia, Witches of Hemwick, uhhhhhhh, Yurie, Bell Women, Cainhurst portrait women, Dores, Adeline,…..uhhhh….well….dammit if I have forgotten someone very important then I apologize to all women.
(Ask from this ( x ) meme) Ohhhh boy, look who heard out my wish to discuss the design features!! Thank you very much!
48) What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
ATTENTION: for some of these characters I might use my own headcanons on their appearances as an answer!
Maria and Doll: their lovely super pale eyelashes! As usual, common Fromsoft W putting effort into a detail that is hard to notice by normal means!
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As for the distinct design elements (which in their case their clothes), for Maria I love the cute smaller broches by either side of her main one, and for the Doll I love her cute floral-patterned gloves!
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Annalise: I love her big forehead. I am worried that I miss out this feature on accident sometimes in my drawings of her (just need more art skill), but I am mindful about it!
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Henriett: I love that she either 1) is implied to wear a makeup (gotta stay class no matter what) or 2) just has naturally different color for brows and eyelashes? Common Fromsoft W on details no sane person would detect yet AGAIN. Close second is her awesome top hat that no one wears like her.
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Gratia: I love her red hair so much. She has the most red hair in the setting. I love this so much. Hers is more red than Cainhurst red, even.
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(From this ( x ) page with datamined corpse models, some of the following ones will also be from here)
Queen Yharnam: This is exclusive for her pregnant/boss variant, the one we interact with peacefully doesn't have them. But I love cute rose-themed decorations around her gown! Adorable detail!
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Ebrietas: Her big anime girl green eyes, what else I can say? x) The very distinct feature, and they look like there are green cosmic nebulas shining inside them!
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Rom: This is hard to choose because this IS the perfect female body, I think her existence alone should prove how useless beauty standards are dhfsdh I will never be her 😔 Her adorable tails is the close second, but I love that she is a forest. What grows on her back is more resembling of tree branches with glowing buds! This is not lumenweed, this is lumenWOOD! XD
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Flora: The small wings. Of the 'skinny' type and not birdlike type, same as Ebrietas' and celestial children, but kinda damaged, or undeveloped? These wings tell a story. Feels similar to how Amygdalae have just lump of flesh in the place of wings, but their Kin, Gardens of Eyes, do have beautiful butterfly wings! It feels like a theme of needing humanity (?) to be truly fulfilled. Jealous Moon, eh?
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Kos: I love her fins, especially the fin on her back! Well, it doesn't look very fin-like anymore, and there is clearly better look at it on the concept art! Just...... fish
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Arianna: I love her purple eyes! Really stands out! I was really excited to find out she had such unusual feature!
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Adella: Similarly to Henriett, I love how her brows and eyelashes color has a contrast with her hair color! Hers is paler!
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Eileen: The only truly notable feature about her design is her unique mask, as Bloody Crow wears the same garb, and I feel like it won't really say anything.. The girl doesn't even have canon face data! So let me pull my own out uhhh..
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I am quite happy with her beak! x) I needed the resemblance of 'crow' in her visual design, you don't understand! My initial idea for her design, though, was making her blonde in earlier life and then have silver, basically white hair in her old age, while still having skin dark because contrast is so good. It would be to symbolise a change, from "sunshine" to "moonlight".. I got discouraged when I was told it was 'unrealistic' feature for dark skinned people (and should not have listened, because Bloodborne already has two characters canonically who are blondes with dark skin). If I ever backtrack on that idea for her, consider the beautiful white hair and how it contrasts to be the answer!
White Church Doctor: In this case I will go for the obvious answer. This is her cute mole! I am so happy when other people notice it too!! When someone draws this character and does feature the mole, I am so happy ;-;
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Black Church Doctor: I love the shape of her eyes! Interestingly though, she uses the same sliders as female preset hunter (in initial character creation), and her eyes are green like Brador's and have a similar shape, also her eyelashes are same color as his. Both Brador and Paleblood Hunter come from the same foreign land as their clothes lore suggest, so... same country? Or even relation to Brador? Hello....?
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Fauxsefka and Iosefka: Eyelashes. Eyelashes. They use the especially long variant of eyelashes. I always enjoy drawing them, especially Fauxsefka's!
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Lonely Old Dear: This is the hardest one yet, because there is nothing particular to point out. There are no other distinct old female characters we are shown in the game, nor her outfit is unique as there are many corpses in this outfit in Yahar'gul (and one in the woods). I do like the cute setting-appropriate hat, but I think a more fair one is to say that they bothered showing her eyes condition!
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Viola: I love her red brooch! ...that we never do see on her in the game. But I think it is a really good detail for her design, and the best color to contrast with both her hair and clothes!
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Older Daughter: This is an interpretation liberty, since this can and likely is a blood drop, but I like to think she has a spot on her forehead!
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Younger daughter: Another case where I gotta use my own design! I like how her appearance mixes that of both parents rather than resembling one or another x) Gascoigne used to have auburn hair and green eyes, so hers mix those colors with Viola's blonde hair and blue eyes!
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Mergo's Wet Nurse: Uhhhhh everything?? She is so incredibly stylish? fdsjfdshfd I fucking LOVE the absurd amount of heavily detalized trinkets all over her body! Get it.... because crows love shinies...... haha....
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(Take a closer look at all her glory in wiki's gallery ( x ))
Amelia: Her very tiny tail. :3
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Witches of Hemwick 1 and 2: The fact that!!!!! the eyes are all different colors??? How sick is this??? Look at this! Some also have iris whitening, same as what happened with Djura's eyes, and others have fully enlargened pupil!
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Witch of Hemwick 3: Okay, you absolutely saw this one coming lol. I love how wide is her nasal bridge! Very distinct feature! (Also coming clear with my skill issue, as I do not give a justice to her eyes; in reality they're smaller and located wider from each other!)
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Yurie: I really like her lips shape, actually! Very full, very smoochable.
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Bell-Ringing Women: I love the decoration circling around their cape! This really adds to the design, it looks so much better this way than if it was just plain cape as is!
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Cainhurst portrait women: Damn, they are all so beautiful! I guess as for Bell-Ringer resembling one, the previous point applies! Though she looks like she could be mother of Iosefka and Fauxsefka? And the knight woman has a very distinct nose shape! With Annalise's mother (I am not sure who else would wear a crown on portrait whereas not being Annalise..), I of course love how long her neck is x) Her posture is so regal, and this emphasises it!
Similar feature shared with the one who wears silver variant of the Noble Dress (basically Arianna's dress, and even identical shoes, but a bit more detailed in a couple of places). I'm gonna say though, I do love the silver variant more than burgundy one, especially with Forsaken Castle Ghosts whose hair became platinum! And the old lady has not only the necklaces, but also earrings and the bracelet which are quite modest and harder to see, but they are here! I love this attention to small details!
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Dores: As iconic as her wearing a scalp of Pthumerian face like a mask is, but my favourite bit is, actually, the ungodly amount of tools dangling from her belt! My Mico in his Research Hall surgeon era can only dream about the same level of unsettling x)
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Adeline: Again, she has the appearance of a Research Hall patient with the exception of larger amount of belts (she is feral!) and unique bandana around her neck! It feels unfair to point out either of these, because... yeah, sure. They just make her distinct. So I'll refer to my version of her and say that I love her hair buns and want to squeeze them every time I draw her. x) The bandana IS precious, though!
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Okay that was WILD, thank you for letting me go mad dfhahds You HAVE forgotten Hemwick Gravewomen, Evil Labyrinth Spirits, Snail/Slug Women, Mergo's Chief Attendants and female Beast Patients though XD I've met Tumblr images limit so I have to combine into one image.
But, Hemwick Gravewomen have strangely elongated skulls, and I love this bit. Considering the bandage over their forehead, perhaps, they've found their own way to place eyes on their brain? With statue behind Memory Altar and in the dungeons featuring a stitch over forehead and Rune Tool being found in Hemwick, would not be surprising. And with Evil Labyrinth Spirits, I guess I love the cool feature that is only in the concept art, but didn't make it into the actual model?? The evil red spirits erupting from her belly area are so badass??
With Slug Women, I guess the only thing I can tell is which variant I like more... And it is the shell one, of course x) Or simply red eyes with female Beast Patients! But with Chief Attendants, the plate on their bellies features upturned wings, and this is my favourite detail! They could represent wings of Wet Nurse or Flora! I love the mystery hidden on the plain sight so much!! Why could not Bloodborne give us a way to farm armour from mobs so we could read the description that would explain... ;-;
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Okay, now my brain is OFFICIALLY fried (in a good way), and this post definitely will help me as a good self-reference! This is, however, now one of my favourite posts by myself, because.. many women.
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Characters The Hunter | Plain Doll | The Choir | Alfred Hunter of Vilebloods | Annalise Queen of the Vilebloods | Eileen the Crow | Bloody Crow of Cainhurst | Imposter Iosefka | Iosefka | Mergo | Valtr Master of the League | Yurie the Last Scholar | Old Hunter Henryk | Retired Hunter Djura | Mensis Scholar Damian | Arianna Woman of Pleasure | Adella the Nun | Brador Church Assassin | Simon Seeker of Secrets | Edgar Choir Intelligencer | Patches the Spider | Viola | Young Yharnam Girl | Older Sister | Saint Adeline | Master Willem | Gilbert | Oedon Chapel Dweller | Yamamura the Wanderer | Fishing Hamlet Priest | Runesmith Caryll | Lumenwood Kin | Suspicious Beggar
Bosses Cleric Beast | Father Gascoigne | Vicar Amelia | Witch of Hemwick | Blood-Starved Beast | Shadows of Yharnam | Darkbeast Paarl | Rom the Vacuous Spider | The One Reborn | Amygdala | Micolash Host of the Nightmare | Mergo's Wet Nurse | Martyr Logarius | Celestial Emissary | Ebrietas Daughter of the Cosmos | Gehrman the First Hunter | Moon Presence | Watchdog of the Old Lords | Yharnam Pthumerian Queen | Ludwig the Accursed/Ludwig the Holy Blade | Living Failures | Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower | Orphan of Kos | Laurence the First Vicar
Enemies and Others Brain of Mensis | Kos | Snail Woman | Augur of Ebrietas | Infant Great One | Great One | Messengers | Celestial Minion | Celestial Child | Shark-Giant | Rabid Dog/Crow-Headed Dog | Carrion Crow/Dog-Headed Crow | Bestial Hunter | Winter Lantern | Church Servant | Chapel Giants | Mad One | Enlarged Head Patient | Enlarged Head Giant | Silver Lady | Bloodsucking Beast | Gargoyle | Snatcher | Scourge Beast | Beast Patient | Brainsucker | Wheelchair Huntsman | Maneater Boar | Hamlet Fishmen | Younger Madaras Twin | Older Madaras Twin | Labyrinth Rat
Ships/Groups Ludwig x Laurence | Gascoigne x Viola | The Doll and Maria
Others Bloodborne Kart | BB Trivia | BB Meta | BB Weapon
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blooddrownedhunter · 7 years
Oh lord, here we go. X3
The Hunter x Anything that moves X3
Gascoigne x Henryk (and with his wife, obviously)
Alfred x Micolash (before the mensis ritual and all that eldritch mumbo jumbo) I also ship Alfred and the Bloody Crow, and also with Queen Annalise.
Gehrman x Lady Maria (thank you @bellringerkat for this lovely ship :3)
Eileen x Adella (I found a fic, fic was good, and these two were my first BB ship)
Adella x Arianna
Yurie x Iosefka
Laurence x Brador
And Micolash x Rom
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fantomette22 · 10 months
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And here’s a bloodborne crows headcanons drawing no one ask for!
Yeah I headcanons that some characters used to have some pet crows but it’s mostly a references for my fic verse too.
So I don’t have names for all the crows but I have a couple of ideas already. If you have ideas too pls share I’m listening.
Let’s begin with Cainhurst! 🛡️
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📚🦉Ok Beltran from the cut content! Not sure he’s still alive during old hunters time but basically I imagined he was the (first?) crow master of Cainhurst.
🐦‍⬛⚔️Vledemyr my oc, my fav cainhurst knight! The current crow master. (Maria & Annalise’s cousin too) He was the one in charged of them before he become captain of the royal guard, he actually have lots of them (and they all love him a lot) but his very first crow is Corvus, the crow on his shoulder.
👑🕊️Ok so Annalise was offered an Albino crow, because she’s the princess and future Queen you see. *Check notes* hm Yuki is a possible name but idk either smt Japanese or slavic who mean snow or fit with cainhurst aesthetic idk.
👑🐦‍⬛ Ah Charles (oc based on the cainhurst portrait too, king consort when Annalise was Queen). So when he marry her and was crowned he was offered a baby leucistic crow (that’s why it’s brown, it’s a loose of melanine like albinism bur not complete the the eyes aren’t red or the skin pink for exemple), he was so confused about it like you can see XD probably except a hound or smt (in his dream he would have wish for a lion but there’s no lions at Cainhurst since like 60+ years or smt)
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🐦‍⬛🌕🐦‍⬛Maria have 2-3 crows (the ones at the research hall you know 😢 minus the one with the guidance rune that belong to Ludwig like you can see) As for the names I was hesitating between Hugin & Munin (Odin’s crows) or Phobos & Deimos (Mars’moon) for the 2 crows siblings (well I hc Maria study astronomy so… heheh also her third one is the one German is holding x) yeah missing a leg I know. Ok also after Maria passed away the crows escape from the research hall and freak Gehrman out! They wanted to say to him hello or called his named and because crows can mimics sound and voices they took Maria’s voice 💀 he thought he was going crazy for a few mins before he found them… but really it annoyed more Laurence XD the crows really went to harass him (they know what’s up. Or didn’t take well he put them in cages or smt, or you know because of Maria. It got to the point Laurence almost wanted them dead 💀
Fortunately Gehrman managed to made them go with the very first official hunter of hunter, he passed to him the mercy blade as well.
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🐥Ah Voron my boy! Aka future bloody crow🩸🐦‍⬛ (No I am not detailing the entire backstory here! And yes his name means raven/crow I KNOW!) also the red of the cap don’t appear much sorry… thanks the scan.
✨+Svetta another Cainhurst oc based the painting with her crow, Voron mom yes. Vledemyr is his dad.
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👁️I managed to put Micolash & Edgar on the page XD
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💣🔥 Ah this one well when we first got into the hunter nightmare there’s a hunter before a gate right? Behind there’s a crow and I noticed the crow attacked the beasts but the hunter and the bird never attacked each other (only the hunter or beast) that’s why I now headcanons that many old hunters had crows too like this one.
🗡️🌕Ludwig & his crow with the guidance rune. One day the old hunters found many dead crows in the forest, not a good sign… Ludwig managed to recover a baby crow an care for it (he was so panicked at first he asked Maria for help so many times XD)
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🐦‍⬛Eileen and some crows & the very first official hunter of hunters! (Before her)
🐦‍⬛The friendly crow of hemwick on the top left :3 I hc it’s either the crow bloody crow had or one link with Eileen or either my own hunter.
As for the other names I had in mind : Hrafn, Karasu, Branagan (I think I’m keeping this one as the name of the first crow hunter too)
Now, you’re gonna ask me why didn’t I just named one « Kuro » (black color in Japanese) well, I’m keeping it for the horses’ names of Cainhurst!!!!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
What Bloody Crow and Maria USED TO wear before?
Honestly, @heraldofcrow made a very good point ( x ) that Cainhurst Knights are not "real" hunters - they dispose of their nobles that got too blood-drunk! We do, however, know what their warriors used to wear thanks to a link between portrait and Chalice Dungeons:
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(The 'display' one is unused, I saw it first in Lance's video about some unused items here ( x ), at 5:40)
And now I am thinking about the fact that Cainhurst Guardians (what Bloody Crow and Leo are) hunt specifically for Blood Dregs, that are said to be discovered within hunters first and foremost, and that lore bit that Vilebloods clan, was (re)born after Byrgenwerth discovered (more like brought back) the holy blood! It is possible that THE reason why Cainhurst warriors were hunting in Chalice Dungeons to begin with WAS to restore their 'legacy'.
So, basically, the Guardian type might have been a later invention, as they're 1) associated with the 'clan' (consanguineous contract with the blood queen) 2) NEED hunters' bodies for their quest and 3) found as hostile NPCs in dungeons but there are no corpses of THIS type of hunter scattered like this, so they simply could have dived in later
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^^^ There is an armour of warriors on horses in Annalise's throne room specifically that is very similar, though! If anything, looks like the same armour but a silver variant instead of golden one! Within the lore, both silver and gold are believed to repel beasthood!
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It is hard to say for sure which is which! Cainhurst seems to be more particular on silver in the end, though, whereas Healing Church picked gold as THEIR trademark, especially manifesting in Gold Ardeo of Executioners. But.... yeah, you know, THAT theory:
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I would think that initially, Cainhurst had the golden heavy armor, but soon enough they started to prefer silver instead! Maybe to further distance from the Church as the tension between was growing, or maybe to connect with their ancestry more (Pthumerian ancestors DO seem to wear mostly silver things, Mergo's servants and Labyrinth Warrior off the top of my head). Maybe both! Or maybe 'golden' warriors were the army - diving into dungeons, travelling lands, etc, but 'silver' warriors were bodyguards specifically, with attached presence to the castle and the queen! I think I like this one!
My point is? If Bloody Crow and Leo were guardians of the queen from the start, this might have been their armour before adopting the new style as hunters of Blood Dregs.
And maybe Maria also used to wear a set like this? Beasts (and undead Pthumerians in the dungeons, for that matter) are very agile, and heavy armour would not be effective. You need to jump and roll and run with these fuckers, you'd need a lighter armour! We can see confirmation of it with just how many warriors are dead in the dungeons. So, Gehrman and other Old Hunters appeared and helped Cainhurst to adopt different tactics with clothing and maybe weapons?
Alternatively, just like heraldofcrow said, maybe Maria WAS a Knight and not the warrior; but, again, Knights are basically internal staff with their clothes and unnecessarily elegant fancy weapons x) Their forte is killing their peers that went cringe and fail, not so much the beasts! So, again, a training to become stronger and go out there to protect the city from "plague of beasts" was needed.
Male Knights specifically have shoes of horse riders (with sharp metal plates to them, you know) and the name of the weapon Reiterpallasch means 'horse rider's sword' in German. So yeah, like I said before, it is expected that male Knights would prefer riding horses and using Reiterpallasch and rely more on their physical capacity; meanwhile, female Knights would likely rely more on bloody sword Chikage, that is also then used by Guardians! Interestingly, transformation of Chikage doesn't include stabbing oneself like in Maria's battle, but instead, you slide it in the sheath and it comes out bloodied.
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Maria's weapon is also interesting, as it is not simply Chikage but without blood, of course! I feel like typically male Knights would use Reiterpallasch that is a sword, but also a gun, meanwhile female Knights (and later, Guardians) would use Chikage and Evelyn, and Evelyn Maria is pretty familiar with too!
Basically, she could have already been a unique Knight on her own, maybe already had her unusual weapon, or maybe she used Chikage + Evelyn combo but never used Chikage's bloody state. But Cainhurst seems to be the most gender-roles place, and if Cainhurst Knights had certain "norms" within them (with men being more dex and women being more blood), I can imagine Maria being 'your angle or yuor devil' with her style and clothes x)
Yet I just..... keep thinking about the possibility that guns using silver bullets were Old Hunters' invention entirely, that Cainhurst OWES Evelyn to Gehrman, and that Knights became a thing after holy blood was brought back. Because now the vampires could drink it like that! In that case? Maria and Crow could wear that cool metal armour, then Maria would adopt new style from Gehrman and Cainhurst would be the one to steal the drip for themselves! @fantomette22 made a good point that Knights on the portraits are depicted WITHOUT the ribbon; meanwhile, Knight's Wig is not only the ribbon itself but a... well, wig. It has a piece of silver hair attached to it! So maybe not Maria imitated the look of the Knights as a hunter, but THEY imitated her look in honor of her being the most important warrior amongst themselves?
Yeah it largerly depends on how long one wants to make the timeline, but what do you guys think? Was Maria wearing that cool silver armour before becoming Gehrman's student, as a guardian of the queen before they became something else? Or maybe what Crow's armour is actually DID exist for a while, and Maria was wearing that one before departing as a hunter? Or was she wearing just male Knight outfit but with fighting style more common for female Knights? Or she had unique look entirely? (But yeah also please consider..... Bloody Crow in alternative armour...)
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I accidentally stumbled upon a post you rbbed about canon characters who beat each other up violently and in fanon they violently make out and your tags about alfred and the cainhurst crow have made something in me stir. this is a brilliant pairing how did I never consider this
Oh, damn really now fshgdfdsg This pairing is actually a controversial classic of this fandom, on the level with Ariadella or Bradmon!! I am glad to give you an Insight point on accident hahaha; I believe it's normally called Crowfred, I tend to opt out for Alfeater! Ships where one or both characters aren't named goddamit..
My style of discussions about ships is to offer some more Insights like some dealer but with autism instead of drugs, so.. Two things:
1) Their age and/or timeline gap is uncertain!
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In original Japanese script, Alfred doesn't call himself a "protege" of Master Logarius, which leaves it up to interpretation whether he even met Logarius in person or simply adores him parasocially! Should Bloody Crow come directly from Cainhurst, that'd make him much older than Alfred!
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On the other hand, despite Arianna and Bloody Crow (and Fauxsefka, for that matter) existing, Annalise says that you are the only one consanguineously connected with her! It could come from the effect expiring over time if the person doesn't take her blood, which is what I am using. But at the same time, the Vilebloods we know might actually be descendants of the surviving ones! I've had some analysis on Arianna in this ( x ) post, but the gist of it: since actual noble dresses are silver, but hers is burgundy and coincidentally stretches during pregnancy no problem, her mother might have ran away while pregnant with Arianna!
But why Bloody Crow could not be similar, simply a descendant of the Vilebloods that never met Annalise in person and follows the mental image? Both Alfred and Crow could be caught in the unhealthy quest of admiring a person they've never met, continuing the rituals and the ideas of their ancestors they might not fully grasp, and moreover, continuing the old violent ideological conflict they don't even know the actual roots of or the reasons of continuing. They "gotta" kill each other because... why? Who told them they should? What about their own lives, not lives and honour of their 'ancestors'? It adds a lot of drama, and even makes stopping the war that isn't even their with love of all things more romantic!
At the same time, if one of them IS older and smarter, it opens up a whole other potential for the story. Crow could push the "naive fool" away from the crazy quest, or Alfred could convince Crow that sacrifices for "child of blood" is an evil and cursed thing. ....only if either of them calms their murderous unhinged energy for a second. :') And IF they both hail from the 'OG conflict' (time works strange ways in Yharnam), there is the appeal of simply growing tired from the pointless conflict which already destroyed both sides and they can face it together. Bonus controversy points depending on how many of each others side they've killed yet: Alfred straight up identifies as hunter of Vilebloods, whereas Crow is found in Grand Cathedral and strangely wields Healing Church's gun instead of something from Cainhurst (was he looting the victims or something?)
2) There is an alternative way to go about their story!
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What if you read Alfred's deep resentment towards Annalise "seducing" people not as some hateful propaganda of the Church he's probably parroting, but as an actual precedent of something that happened? What if Bloody Crow wielding a Healing Church weapon IS his? What if the two used to BOTH be with the Healing Church and look for Annalise together, and one time Bloody Crow managed to reach his goal.. only to be completely charmed by Annalise and betray the Healing Church to join the Vilebloods instead, and he is only acting like crow-feathered Hunter of Hunters to have easier access to murdering people rather than beasts! (Djura pls stop trying to intervene let me finish typing the post ffs hfdjfdshsdfh)
So, Alfred IS pretty mad at his friend having chosen to simp instead, but can't blame Crow himself for it. This idea does need to address why then Annalise says you're 'the only one', as well as how would Crow overcome Logarius being an obstacle? @val-of-the-north says that maybe Bloody Crow instead joined via some other surviving Vileblood outside, so what we have. Parasocial? Telepathy? Communication via bell teleports? In either case, I think this is also an alternative idea worth exploring! Less dramatic, but also less controversial? (though would Alfred be a possessive jealous EX then? who knows..)
I want you to know though: I am actually kinda indifferent towards this ship by 'default', but while typing this reply I was going a little 😳 and thinking this is actually pretty great...? So, I've accidentally made YOU interested in it, and by YOUR interest, you've made ME interested in it- What is going onnnn dshhfdshdsf THIS IS TOO FUNNY HELP
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P.S.: It is a no brainer that similar thinking applies to Ariadella in many parts! Adella only murders Arianna if she "dirtied" Hunter's blood for like three times, but in all cases, there is hope to look past fanatical brainwashing / glory and honour of ancestors respectively.. The way I see it, the message Miyazaki put here (and WOULD put here, considering his track record) is more "both sides were corrupt as fuck leeching on Yharnam in their own ways and this war was always pointless" than "church bad vampires good" fdsjhhdfs They all can talk..... this contradiction is so meaningless, ESPECIALLY if you are only continuing the ways of your ancestors before you had a choice to develop your own world-view. god. just talk, guys/girls....
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katyspersonal · 2 months
8, 12, 16, 18, 22, 23 for the last ask game!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I am not sure whether this qualifies as "everyone", the takes I've seen might not reflect larger fandom, but I'd say thoughts that beasts are innocent? Beasthood in Bloodborne is revealed, not created! Dark Souls trilogy AND Bloodborne both depict humans in their lore as inherently evil and dangerous by nature, but the gut punch is that the attempts to deal with it make things even worse.
Humanity did not need to consume the holy blood to start being violent, cruel, destructive, stupid, unhinged and to eat their own; we've always been this way. Does it matter if what we're consistently doing is in human form or furry form, in the end? Holy blood removed the restraints that already were not super functional should you analyse history and society in general! At the same time, attempts to 'remove' that side of humanity with Eyes Inside and Kin ascension are whole another can of worms, and likewise a bad thing no one asked for. But yeah.. Beasts, indeed, ARE men! This is just Fromsoft's brand of despair!
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I answered this question like 3 times already, because in 'choose peace' variant of the ask meme it was unaltered! XD ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) These replies are for Gratia, Forgotten Madman and Dores and they still work! This time I will offer not a set character, but a mentioned character that does have backstory potential!
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Logarius killed the king, but who was he? Was he Annalise's husband, since she is a Queen and not a princess? Or maybe he was her father, and she is the Queen on the account of no other ruler left?
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^ The King is unused content and there are two kinds of models used for him; the first collage is for 'ghost king' that comes in three variants, and the second one seems to be 'actual' king. Again, are these spirits relevant? Or they're his servants? Or you can use these references to make TWO characters - the father and Annalise's husband?
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I think this is some really good material to use for Cainhurst backstory! Maria's past in general is never developed aside of her Hunter era and all that happened afterwards, but I think he'd be a presence in her past in some way! As well as characters like Annalise, and maybe Bloody Crow depending on your timeline headcanons! + My take on it is to use both variants; former was how King used to be and three ghost variants currently function same as Brador's phantoms, latter is what he turned into (just less skeletial xd) since apparently for the ritual featuring Ring of Betrothal to conceive a child of blood it doesn't matter if you propose to Annalise as male or female hunter 🤔 And what are your thoughts VOTE NOW FROM YOUR PHONES
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
"Laurence is Choir and Micolash is Mensis" headcanon. Okay, this is instant lie, right off the bat, because I DO understand why so many people like this! It creates the parallel/opposition that is fun to utilise in Micolaurence ship. Rivalry and all. But, honestly though.. Laurence is the head of the Healing Church! The bit about "creation of the Choir divided Healing Church in two" could be read as either 1) the staff now had a proper distinction between blood ministration and Insight research, in which case Laurence still governs BOTH 2) Choir lowkey turned on Laurence by pursuing more Willem-esque research but wasn't defunded for one reason or another or 3) Choir formed after Laurence's death where Healing Church was no longer organised properly. And in all of these cases, he is not Choir's 'face'!
If anything, School of Mensis is closer to how Laurence researches with Moon rituals and removed Great One cords. He is not Choir, he is either above Choir or against Choir! And more than anything, I don't understand the appeal of drawing Laurence in unaltered Choir garb. Regardless of headcanons, it makes no sense for the leader to dress the exact same as his subordinates! He should create the impression of the most important person, not a Choir boy that forgot his hat! ......what?
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Siiiiiigh FINE, I'll downvote my own uploads here and say that it IS possible that Laurence was wearing this clothing and Choir copied him afterwards, when he either died or shifted into different direction (with new drip). It can work! But I still do not understand the appeal personally!
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
The historical background within Bloodborne's universe! What happened with Pthumerians, how all of this started, how Pthumerians and humans divided exactly, what happened in Loran, the reasoning between civil war within Pthumerians, what happened with the Great Ones, who was the guy that created Holy Moonlight Sword, what the heck was with beta!version of the Hunter's Dream since you can see Hunter's mark and Messenger statues back in Dungeons- argh if only they've made Bloodborne PREQUEL, because all this information is so worth it! I want to create a Pthumerian warrior character xD
Also no, not the "then do it yourself if you're so damn smart" moment: I do have all of this and more mapped in my head! You can read the summary in this ( x ) post if you want to, but warning, it is fanfic-sized, not even an essay!
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Everything in canon is my favourite part lol x) I don't even know which bit to single out! I think maybe Logarius' relation to the core Healing Church? With ignoring Brador, you could cope saying he was just 'another' assassin, or that the Cleric Beast he killed was not Laurence, or something.. But how can you erase Logarius and his Executioners, that went to destroy Cainhurst on Laurence's behalf? It is always just "oh look, Laurence and his TWO most important associates Ludwig and Gehrman! :3" meanwhile Logarius is just here like:
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23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
I used to dislike Gascoryk, believe it or not! I started right out with the 'the grandpa little girl mentioned IS Henryk, so he is Viola's father!' so it constantly felt strange for me. And I also had bad taste after previous fandoms where people would take a male character who canonically had girlfriend/wife established and either ignored her to not let her "get in the way" or paired her with female character to "get rid" of her (you just know what I mean). It just felt so weird for me that people liked this ship when I just started in the fandom?
But yeah, I could only see this ship enjoyed and treated normally so often before I started to question my own perception of it. Like maybe I was reading it the wrong way, or projected former cringe experiences with shippers on this new fandom that is more mature? This is why I say that I came around it 'unwillingly': everyone enjoyed it and no one thought it was strange, so I ended up being chill about it over thinking that maybe I was the strange one about it. Granted, it was to the BETTER, since I figured that timeline is flexible and they still had a story before Gasc's marriage, also open relationship is a thing, also maybe 'grandpa' was not to be taken literally but just a sign of how present he was in the family or something they told to the girl xd Not to mention that the most active shipper of Gascoryk that I know of absolutely DOES care about Viola and Eileen too, so I've had a lot of positive exposure that completely overrode the negative impression from previous fandoms that I carried here!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
A potential of ANOTHER ideological conflict in Bloodborne
I've been thinking back about the concept that what Bloody Crow is doing would be considered a "blasphemy" for Hunter of Hunters traditions and mindset and discussion on it with @heraldofcrow ( x ), but it got me thinking of an AU/sequel/whatever regarding the concept?
Like, imagine if after Eileen retires, Bloody Crow would instead take the mantle of Hunter of Hunters for good and repurpose the agenda and the tradition of a covenant? Instead of tradition of the Sky Burial, it WOULD now align with search of the Blood Dregs within blood-drunk hunters, officially and deliberately. Instead of letting the birds eat the body of a blood-drunk hunter and thus deliver their soul into "Heaven, or maybe Hunter's Dream"? Now the agenda is, "Even if they've fallen morally, they can still be reborn into something good".
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Not a secret that Blood Dregs look like bloody sperm cells, but also seem to have "faces" like Messengers', or even Flora's. They are 'blood echoes', souls of those a hunter killed! So, Bloody Crow could make a believable point that letting the fallen "atone" this way, by becoming a material for creation of a 'bigger' being, is a solid strategy too! When this 'child of blood' is born, they might be a beginning of a better era for humans, after all!
And the coolest part? I could see even remaining Old Hunters see some meaning in it. Both "strategies" deal with superstition - but at the same time in Bloodborne lore, any superstition can be an absolutely real thing. There ARE magic and gods!
Furthermore, the 'Dream', and Nightmare (Winter Lanterns' heads are made of melted Messengers) deal with the Moon Presence by association. And it very well could be that Pthumeru Ihyll, and as follows, Vilebloods are "opposing" force to it! Imposter Iosefka (who is implied to be a Cainhurst noble too) and Annalise can both recognise the "scent of Moon" from Paleblood Hunter, Pthumeru Ihyll like Loran are said to have incurred wrath and curse of the Great Ones, Healing Church has Moon simps (Laurence and Ludwig namely) that went against Cainhurst the way they did... All that!
So, traditional ways of Hunters of Hunters, carried on until Eileen are more 'Team Moon', and Crow's new ways would be more 'Team Curse/Blood' hahahah! Maybe he'd even slightly alter uniform too, making it instead resemble black wings, bloodied ones too. Hahah... living up to his nickname.....
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katyspersonal · 8 months
I love to think that before Maria and Gehrman assembled into the main four with Laurence and Ludwig, they had their own respective "teams" of four earlier
So, Gehrman was also friends with Dores, Willem and Gatekeeper! They were the original Byrgenwerth staff. And Maria was also friends with Bloody Crow, Annalise and the King (the noble children). However, another fun idea is Laurence having previously formed the team with Micolash, Caryll and Rom x) So, Gehrman could not stay back idly with the gatekeepers, Maria did not like the cursed blood antics of her ancestors, Laurence leaned towards blood unlike the eyes nerds...
Ludwig seems to break the """pattern""" hahaha. Maybe he could have been friends with the "heretics" previously (Archibald, Izzy and that guy who had Oto Workshop (beta Powder Kegs)) but stopped being seen in public with them to side with the "cool kids" bghgjhnghhn vgnb
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katyspersonal · 8 months
full size portrait of queen annalise when? 🙏
(i am simping for how you draw her)
dshfsdjf d ddh Soon, soon <:3 I am glad that you like her!
I have a reference planned with her and Maria, I've just hit a slight roadblock with Maria's former outfit but that doesn't explain why I am not just focusing on Annalise instead... xD All my WIPs suffer from the case of me deciding to go an extra mile from the original idea..... when I do not have energy to...
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(Ripped by @grimmgrinningghouls in this ( x ) post, check it out!)
My original headcanon for Annalise was being as tall as Maria so this one perplexed me, but @heraldofcrow pointed out that not only she uses default NPC model (which are all the exact same height so they don't count), but also Fromsoft is sometimes not very exact with the models (like apparently boss models of Friede and Gehrman are taller than their NPC ones?). Basically, the models are not as restricting as I thought...? So yeah, tall Annalise is back now fhhdd But I still want to make her shorter than Maria now, just barely shorter and not like this 🤔
Also I am using this ask for A MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSOR possibly useful tips for drawing her!
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^^^ Basically, there are three distinct stages of her: 1) the former portrait one with the hairbun, necklace, collar accessory and long sleeves 2) apparently the later one, after "traitor from Byrgenwerth brought the forbidden blood" (as far as Alfred is aware?) with cut sleeves, loose hair and removed neck accessories presumably to not get in the way of the iron mask and 3) the hair color loss after pregnancy with a GO (presumably aborted for the cord used for Hunter's Dream).
I assume that blinding oneself with either a bandage or a helmet that doesn't open eyes is the way to stay in touch with Annalise and be telepathically guided by her despite being "blind". 🤔 So, her saying she is in 'solitary confinement' refers to how there is no one left connected with her by the blood contract. Whether Bloody Crow and Arianna don't count because they haven't sipped her blood for a long while or because they were born in Yharnam by runaway parents and never had the contract is up to interpretation!
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^ Bloodborne also has a secret mode only accessible via save-edit that TURNS your player into Annalise (but she doesn't have face and your player's hairstyle still sticks), but notice how deadly blueish her skin is! So I also think she had normal, 'alive' skin before (even if still very pale) but got this zombie-like color after (interrupted) birth!
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katyspersonal · 11 months
I genuinely had no idea how to call Rom x Ebrietas ship and your Spiderietas idea is really neat. Sorry if that's a weird question but do you have some other names for the ships that aren't really named by the fandom?
Oh, thanks! Yeah uhhh, "creative" names usually happen from the fact that actual characters names might not clash well at all... Normally I just clash names where they share a letter, but at times there is no shared one as well, or a character is not named..
So yeah I will just share names I am using:
Spiderietas - Rom x Ebrietas, obviously! Because Rom is a spider.
Iosedgar - Iosefka x Edgar. Another rareship, based on the fact that there is her blood vial in Nightmare of Mensis! I had an alternative version that it was a parting gift (?) from Iosefka to Edgar, and just recently some anon had the same idea, which prompted me to name the ship!
Crownalise - Bloody Crow x Annalise! This name is coined by @heraldofcrow actually, since Crow doesn't have canon name and you'd have to improvise, but it is cute as it has word 'crown' in it xd I also used to call King x Annalise ship cainnalise... Because king of Cainhurst and Annalise, and because of some headcanon regarding taking name/title of 'Cain' upon marriage, dating back to an important member of the dynasty named that, but my headcanons since then changed from THE first Cain being Yharnam's (sacrificial) spouse in cursed marriage ritual, to being her brother that had to continue the bloodline since Mergo literally fused with Yharnam's womb, sooo.. Yeah, I am not SURE if this name still works. I might cope with it being related to the castle rather than the person Cain, so that's up in the air!
Djurally - Djura x Djura's Ally. Again, that NPC has no name, he is literally titled 'Djura's Ally, so same thing x)
Assasimon - Using it for Brador x Simon. I did hear variant 'bradmon', but I think the "creative" one just works for me better. I'd usually use both in the tags, actually!
Simoonlight - Simon x Ludwig, another "had to use my imagination" moment because I swear Simon's name works sooooo awfully with most of the names ;-; I heard variant 'bowblade', but it really doesn't satisfy me because it is literally Simon's weapon's name dsjhfhds It is a personal nitpick and you should not use my silly replacement and instead should just use 'bowblade' like a normal person xd
Hunterriet - Hunter x Henriett! Aka wasted potential of the character on From's side in my opinion
Yahargura - okay, this ship 10000% doesn't exist, like, no chance in Hell. I totes made this shit up 😎 But basically, a Yahar'gul hunter we find in Underground Cells - same place where Yamamura and Gratia are at, is not Antal. He uses Church's pick too, but he has completely different data otherwise! I have this whole story in my head, with how Yamamura is a summon in Yahar'gul, and how there is already a defector Antal - that maybe it was another defector friend that helped him to escape! So Yamamura, Simon, Gratia and this hunter basically formed the YOU MEDDLING KIDS team to close in on Church's darkest secrets! So yeah, it is one the ships possible within the team (and my preferred one). There are also simamura (Simon x Yamamura) and gratimon (Gratia x Simon). See, Simon's name is so inconvenient! He makes ship names sound like Dig1mon names -_-"
Romaria - Rom x Maria. It is closer to a crackships than to a rareship, and was based off my old joke about how Willem x Rom is similar to Gehrmaria but with magic aesthetic instead of warrior one dhfdhs Granted, it is not that similar (for one I am CALLING status and age difference between Rom and Willem to be much bigger), but somewhere deep in my mind there are unborn shitposts mostly based off Willem and Gehrman getting cucked I am thinking maybe willemoonside for Willem x Rom (awful and cursed) since she is in the Moonside Lake as a spider.., because I am NOT calling it 'romushroom'. NOPE.
Yurimposter - Yurie/Julie x Imposter Iosefka. Really have had it with unnamed characters... :( Yuriedgar for her and Edgar, of course. And impostedgar for the remaining pair, though I've never seen anyone ship it?
Yurimian - Yurie x Damian. It was my very first BB ship, along with @val-of-the-north, based on the idea that both of these characters are, actually, "failed" members of their respective institutions. Since then my vision of both characters had changed so much that I find it hard to feel the same way about this ship now, but there is just still.. something. Besides Val still loves this ship, so I am not allowed to 100% disown it xD
I also simply use yurom for Yurie x Rom, although I personally consistently refer to her as Julie (a more accurate translation of her name). I tried to have something creative, like for example 'vacurie' (vacious + yurie), but I didn't like anything so I just clashing names here!
Bradorence - Brador x Laurence, my beloved. If there is secretly a "fancy" name that is used instead, let me know! This ship basically doesn't exist so I cannot be sure on whether there is accepted name for it yet or not?
Romicolash - Rom x Micolash, I use it together with 'micorom' because I just like this name for the ship better.
Kosmicolash - Micolash x Kos, obviously, and Abductor Parents for Micolash x Wet Nurse because I honestly don't know what word to come up with BUT they do have a kidnapped infant xdddd
Djurman - Djura x Gehrman! Talked about this one, lotta parallels with Maria, lotta reasons to theorise Djura was his first Dreaming Hunter; and I think the only one that worked with him for him for more than one night.
Swordsmelia - Amelia/Emilia x Cleric Beast from the bridge! That beast drops Swords Hunter badge, basically a toned-down version of the badge of Ludwig's Holy Blades, so I presume it used to be one of the clerics who are also... well, swordsmen... Badge's description says so. Chiemilia is an alternative that I probably will use instead tbh, coming from chief + Emilia (it is a more proper translation of her name), since with that badge it is ALSO how you buy Hunter's Chief Emblem, so likely that cleric beast is now in the status Ludwig used to be... okay, this paragraph is just turning into 'why you should care about Cleric Beast of the bridge, lol sdhfdsdf. In fact, if there is already a name, I'd like to know, but I have not seen this ship often...? Like, at all? I've seen Laurence x Amelia more often than this, actually! (that I call amence, as hysterical as this name containing word 'amen' is lol.) Again, I saw these ships, but I never saw a name for either, even once? help
Adolline - Adeline x Doll! There are like 5 ways to justify how it could happen, so I will just leave it be here.
Mariador - Maria x Brador. If someone ever actually ships it please kick me, I am not proactive on this ship but it could be pretty fun I think xd
Maria x Ludwig genuinely has me puzzled, because mariudwig doesn't sound all that bad, but I also WANT to "get creative" xd Cainhudwig is as punny as I like em, but mariudwig sounds better? Honestly, I think with this one I am okay just calling it this..?
Nightmaresearch - this one is also silly, and comes from the fact that BOTH characters in it are unnamed. It is how I called a ship of those female Church hunters (black and white) that you have to fight before entering Research Hall. I also have a variant knightmaresearch when Maria is involved, because she is a Knight, so it becomes double pun.. I saw this "ship" with all three girls usually in pr0n context in Japanese sources, but also I once saw the white girl and Maria legitimately shipped. Basically, 'nightmare' is replaced with 'knightmare' whether it is Maria with both or only one of these girls. If Hell freezes over, sky falls on Earth, BB gets ported on PC and these hunters become popular enough to discern the ship names better, I might reconsider, but so far it works!
Micoed for Micolash x Edgar, damicolash for Damian x Micolash and edgamian for Edgar x Damian. Nuff said. Edgamialash for all three.
Forgotentacles - Forgotten Madman x Madman's Escort. xd I know this name is hysterical, but it makes sense because they both wear robes wrapped with coiled tentacles, and use Augur.... :') xd Again - when both characters are not named lmao bottomtext.
Despairing - both of Desperate Hunters / Hunters of Despair / whatever shipped.
Alfeather - Alfred x Crow, but it's been like two years since I've lost liking for this ship, sorry.. Too much hassle with how not only Alfred's questline should never progress, but he also should have been a total looser that never actually found and harmed a single Vileblood in his life- because Crow would never forgive that. I just prefer to let Alfred be eeeeeviiiiiil rather than "preserve" him from actually doing something for the sake of a ship I do not even main xd
Okaaaay..... That's all I have to offer for now- Again, maybe there are secret corners of the fandom I haven't seen that named some of these already and I am just being goofy, just hit me up if something comes up! I also absolutely cannot come up with a name for Maria x Bloody Crow... I was thinking Astral Crowtower, but maybe a better name is yet to come to me. (besides I do not main this ship either) Thank you for an ask! And honestly sorry for (most likely) frying your brain with the puns 💀💀💀
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fantomette22 · 1 year
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I like being able to draw really differents mood (from angst to silly memes) who are somehow linked xD
Alright i already talk about the first one here so the 2nd drawing. Well it’s a meme based on this. It represents some OCs : young nobles of Cainhurst currently in training to become knights and royal guards + an already young royal guard (a few years older than them). Nothing to serious here but i feel they weren’t always focus during training xD and there’s their poor senior is trying his hardest to supervise them. (he can't blame them he's been at their place a few years ago).
I need to find names for them (well i know one is named Maria at least!). And i need names for their horses too… (yes i have stories for the horses!) Maybe I should describe them a bit more too 😅 I'm thinking.
So there's the 2 boys in the middle. One is a pro of using firearms, he's not the strongest in physical strength. The other one is a bit more strength based is not a bit too much XD (yeah he have 2 chikages...)
And you got Maria on the right and the other girl on the left.
I hope nothing bad will happened to them :))
Beast of Cainhurst (looked like a abhorrent beast) : Hey
NO ! Get out of there ! Let me be in denial about my own imagined stories ! (I am so not ready to wrote about it...)
(yeah the 2 drawings are link but shhh!!! spoiler...)
And i think i already speak a bit of the royal guard, his name his Vledemyr. He’s the cousin? of Maria and a close friend of her and Annalise (that’s her bodyguard/« shadow » too). Oh and he’s linked with Bloody Crow as well somehow but it’s another story x) and he’s basically the nicest guys at Cainhurst and the MVP. He might appear soon in my writing if i managed to continue soon i hope..
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Ok every time I start to write your name, I almost type “Fanta” which I find hilarious. It’d be a cute nickname!
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(Cherry best flavor)
ANYWAY. Back on track. I am curious if you have any head-canons for Annalise and her role to play in the story? What is her character like to you? I am very curious 😈
Never thought some would compared my nickname as a soda xD (a YouTuber I used to follow is named like that too)
But anyway, Annalise ! I don't have too much too (because you know my brain is way much concentrated on always the same stuff but here's the few ideas/headcanons I got :)
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I already talk about it, but for me this, is a younger Annalise.
So what she's like hm ? (I'm not sure XD) I mean if we look at the source materials she can be a bit mean if you don't do what she wants x) she sure have a LOT of pride. It's understandable she's the queen ✨ after all. But she's one of the few npc who don't want to hurt us too (that's kind of an accomplishment in Bloodborne & soulsborne games) & if we behave accordingly she can be quite sympathetic towards us.
But she's definitely not innocent and probably have bloods on her hands (less than a lot of people but still) I feel she might have order really dark things to get blood dregs and have the church against her But still... she lost so much too... I really feel bad for her... And I think she's kinda in denial... like how can you not go completely crazy after what happened ?!
But perhaps in her youth it was more different. Still with a big ego but perhaps quite caring too, who wants the best for Cainhurst, her family and all. Pretty sure she was quite good in politics, reasoned and have a really good prestance. And you know all the things a XIX century princess was supposed to do/know I guess. I mean ok everything she wears is a bit outdated. But like everyone seems to wear 1700s clothes in this damn castle. Oh and pretty sure she had good relationship with Byrgen, the church, Laurence, the hunters too maybe help them with their own expeditions too ! Maybe Logarius too. Before everything went down at least...
I think she used to have a good relationship with Maria ? Even if they didn't agree all the times she understood that Maria couldn't just be locked in Cainhurst and that another way of life fit her better. And Even if she was originally supposed to become one of her personal bodyguards/royal guards ("a shadow" of the queen like I call them hehe). Also, she always have an excuse and wise words for Maria rebellious teenage years x) And yeah they're cousins or smt similar in my main interprets and basically grow up together even if Annalise is a few years older.
I need to mention my oc Vledemyr too (still not sure of the orthograph help) basically Maria's cousin? almost the same age as Anna/bit older who became her bodyguard, then the chief of the royal guards later. Her closet friends and he's always been quite overprotective of the 2. Like an older brother to Maria and really want the best for /protect Annalise. He's really dedicated. (He's the mvp too).
Her mother died when she was young (but like not too young? between childhood/pre teens ?? yeah lot of people dies...) so not always easy. She likes her father too but you know he kinda let things just pass and happened too...and being really active.
Need to talk a bit about her husband too, but not too much it's not the subject (I mean... should i finally share his name and what he did to be king?! I don't remember if I already share... (I love this smart idiot so much, she do too). Yeah she actually really care about him. She knows he wants even more to restore Cainhurst power (for the honor of cainhurst blabla), he went to the chalices to find lot of things (statues, the ring...) and is doing a lot for her that she acknowledge. And to finishes with the relationships. I need to mention of course the bloody crow of Cainhurst ! I hesitated for a while but it's not Vledemyr...BUT there's a link somewhere.
But first, when she became "immortal" ( like the great one I guess? you live really long, don't really decomposed and your soul can't die but your body can die/be destroyed??) so yeah cool, as such she wasn't really stressed out to have an heir at the beginning. (And she got relatives that could take after her just in case but there's one relatives she know wouldn't want that to happened at all...) but still I feel she really wanted to eventually have one, and in their own way ascend like the pthumerians wanted to do. + have a family kinda. I guess the child of the immortal queen would be quite powerful and such an event don't you think ?
But... It didn't work... I mean she either have huge difficulties to fall pregnant / or don't manage to have a pregnancy going to term... either because of natural physiology or maybe the forbidden blood itself... king fell awful about it... she blames herself, he blames himself... that's why I think it took a few decades to have the child of blood with all blood dregs and all ! (sure took lot of times and researches) (ultimately it didn't work too but it could have if well you know... 😔) ((yeah love drama and sad stuff T_T that's maybe a bit dark too I'm really sorry...)
So in the meantime to compensated, she passed a lot of time with well... baby Crow ! (that I call Voron if I remember. I let you guess what it means. And literally everyone was crazy with him when he was a baby. Some much hc about him now thanks to you Crow!!!) Who's actually the son of a close relative (no telling yet hehe). She even made him some kind of heir of Cainhurst until she get could got hers, in case smt. happened. (Crow is a prince and rightful heir to Cainhurst hello ?! wouldn't that be cool?!)
And when you ask me about her role ? Like in the stories in my head XD ? Well it's not a really big role at the beginning . Until her father (the former king) died and she became queen. Cainhurst was becoming really dusty she wanted to make things moves, make Cainhurst strong again, and the church/byrgenwerth? needed help with the chalices + researches and blood were a good deal. And then they found the forbidden blood... but didn't wanted to gives to much info to Cainhurst to soon... even if that was their rightful inheritance ! So you know one of the scholar leaks some info to the Queen... then stole it and bring it back kof kof 👀 (not telling too much bc it's not the subject but this guy I swear I have a few ideas XD guess what the guy become after lol)
Then things don't move too much but slowly behind the scenes. Cainhurst get in too much with their lost Pthumerians irritate, goes into chalices dungeons, bring back some stuff... but then at some points their views clash with the healing church + maybe begin to kills hunters for blood dregs. At the beginning it's just mad people but maybe at some points it's not anymore so... and then you know they try to have the child of blood but the executioners show up...
Hope it answers you're question ! If you want smt for specific about some subject in particular let me know ! :)
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