#And whether i actually think it would be something i’d stick with
heraldofcrow · 2 years
Talk about your Bloodborne ships that you literally never get to talk about! (No need to mention Ludwig x Maria, we already know this one is the most valid (source: dude trust me))
AAHH, okay! I indeed never talk about this so I really had to think about it, but I also realized that I am not the best with ships, haha.
Maybe it’s my aroace-ishness, but I don’t often “ship” pairings in fandom, but rather I like to study relationships between individuals and the possibilities of what a romantic connection between them would look like. I like the psychology of it all.
Of course, once every few years I’ll actually genuinely fall in love with a pairing and go crazy for it. That has happened, and so I do have a small handful of OTPS. I just don’t think any of them have been in Bloodborne.
However, I have pairings that are close. For me it’s either gotta be a complicated, Gothic, chaotic type of romantic relationship that leads to tragedy and angst, or else the slowest slow-burn to ever slow-burn between two life-long friends that ultimately could work as marriage and/or just a really strong friendship.
So, for the complex type, the one I have thought the most about is Annalise and Bloody Crow. A lot of people don’t take it seriously because it’s such a crackship and the dynamic is always portrayed as “Vampire crow simps for the vampire queen,” but I had a different take on it, honestly.
So, in my Bloody Crow fic…the Cainhurst family is actually a big deal, and Annalise, Lady Maria, Bloody Crow, etc. all come from the same bloodline. It’s a mix of siblings and cousins, all from the same house. It goes in generations too, so Maria, Annalise, and Crow are all from one generation. They knew each other as kids.
In my head, all of these kids were innocent at one point. All of them were just children born into a messed up world where a really bad conflict between the Church and Cainhurst was brewing. To put it lightly, none of these kids came out of it healthy, and they had to deal with what their parents set in motion. That’s where I started getting into the psychology of it all.
We both like the idea of Bloody Crow being this cruel, vindictive puppeteer, but how did he get like that? What about Annalise? I love the idea of Annalise being this cold-hearted queen that embraces her own defilement to use as a weapon because what choice did she ever have? She was slandered and cursed simply for being born. To put these two characters together, is just perfect for their development in my opinion. Not actually as a couple, but as two people that are trying to survive and that end up needing one another’s help. That’s when it gets messy because there are feelings of love there, there’s this longing for the childhoods they lost, but its overshadowed by this cruelty that is growing in their hearts. I think it would be a manipulative, toxic relationship, with a lot of mistrust and betrayal. I think they’d make each other worse, maybe even to the point where they hated each other. But the conflict in their feelings is what entices me!
Anyway, I don’t wanna spoil the story I wrote for them, but let’s just say it’s not a good relationship. It’s unhealthily influenced by trauma, full of manipulation and bitterness. It’s all Gothic chaos for the vampire squad!
Ok, the other one I like is Eileen and Djura. It just sounds cute doesn’t it? This one is healthy, and could work as a really good friendship just the same. Something about these two lonely old hunters, kinda isolated oddballs in their community…hanging out on the rooftops, doing their own things. Yeah, it’s wholesome. I already headcanon them as good friends, so I could also see them finding peace together. I love PTSD veterans bonding and chilling together in their elder years. Plus, I know it’s ambiguous, but to me Eileen survived her encounter with Bloody Crow. She let the Good Hunter take up the mantle and went to officially retire. So imagine if she just went and hung out with Djura. They’d just be perfect. Two retired Yharnam weirdos, maybe they could spend their last years living on a farm somewhere lol.
And yeah, you know about Maria/Ludwig xD
That one is totally a friendship-based thing. “Two chivalrous knights that shared the battlefield for years maybe kinda liked each other at one point” type vibe, but I like to imagine it didn’t really ever grow into anything. Quiet pining maybe, but I also imagine Maria might have moved on, and then it was this unspoken, unrequited thing on Ludwig’s end before all the tragedy struck. I just like the angst and classic fantasy elements of that. It would be sad.
I also may be projecting my real OTP (Artorias/Ciaran from Dark Souls) onto this one, but hey, I like battle duos that adhere to the knightly codes of chivalry and then get separated by death and tragedy! Fun times! :D
But honestly, I think that’s it? If I didn’t see Rom and Micolash as siblings, I could see myself imaging them as having been schoolyard sweethearts that eventually turned on each other when things got messy as adults, but that’s already how I see their sibling story so…
Yeah, I mean…I haven’t thought about many others, but I’m glad you made me think about it! It’s an interesting topic and in Bloodborne, ships can actually be important for the plot if you want them to be, which is great. Couples and pairings that drive the story are my favorites :)
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nycbaby21 · 19 days
"So what if I was?"
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prompt: “Aww. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were worried about me. + “So what if I was?” 
word count:2,139
warnings: blood, maybe two cuss words
“C’mon it’ll be fun y/n,” Liana begged me. “I’ll get on my hands and knees,” she added going down when I grabbed her shoulders and stopped her. “No it’s okay no need for all of that,” I laugh,” I’ll go. Just because I love you.” Everyone laughed and grabbed their skates and headed for the door. That was the thing about when Mat came back home for a visit, he was never alone. Someone always came with him, whether that be a girl or one of his teammates. Luckily for me this time it was the latter.
“Okay so how are we gonna do this,” Tito asked sitting down lacing up his skates. As I sat beside him on the bench right next to the frozen lake, I began to tie my own skates up. “Obvisouly the two of you can’t be on a team that’s unfair,” my best friend pointed out to her brother and his friend. “So it’s a lose-lose situation,” Mat groans stepping onto the oce. “What do you mean by that,” i snap back already sick of the constant attitude he had since he came home three days ago.
“Oh c’mon. You’re a smart girl, or is that just a front so you can go off and party your way through college,” Mat smirks throwing yet another dig my direction. We didn’t always have such a draining relationship. Once upon a time I considered Mat a friend, not just because I was best friends with his sister but we were friends. Something changed and as sad as it was to realize him stepping away and being cold towards me just made me realize something I had tried to push away for so long. I had feelings for Mat and everytime he has a smart remark or a comment about me it breaks my heart just a little more.
“Some of us actually care about an education rather than trying to get by on our pretty looks,” I quip back stepping onto the ice and doing a small turn. “You think I’m pretty,” he smirekd my way and I wanted nothing more than to swipe that smug look off of his gorgeous face. “How about you and Beau goof around while we skate for a bit,” Lia suggested. I knew that she missed her brother and playing hockey with him. I took and deep breath and then let it out. “No Li you play around with them for a little. I’m a big girl I’ll be fine skating by myself,” i smile at her and watch her face brighten. “Are you sure,” she asked and when I nodded she launched forward pulling us both down as she hugged me.
After some time I was growing bored so the same small circles so I started to do some spins and tricks, remembering some of the small details from ice skating lessons years ago. As I did a jump and turn I didn’t stick it and fell on my butt. Sighing I get up and dust off the ice. “Wow that was just sad,” I hear Mat shout from across the lake. I flip him off and try the jump again this time going harder. I landed it perfectly but with just a little too much force and the hit started to crack. I froze not knowing what to do. My eyes snapped up to meet the other three. They could all sense something wrong and they were a distance away. Mat slowly skated my way, Tito and Lia behind him. He was the closest to me so he would het there first. 
“Hey look at me okay.”You’re gonna be fine,” his voice was calming and I nodded shifting my weight and hearing the crack get louder. I look down and start to wobble. “Hey no, look at me okay? You can’t look down,” I met his eyes and didn’t break my focus on them. He carefully made his way closer to me and surveyed his surrounding looking for the best way to get me out of this mess. He didn’t have anytime to think because the ice gave way. I tensed up waiting for the freezing lake water to surround me but the only thing i felt was a warm body colliding with mine and us both falling onto the ground a few feet away from the hole in the ice. 
“Shit,” Mat hissed out and I looked up feeling a dull ache in my head from moving ti too fast. I realized that my forehead made contact with his nose on the way down and it was know bleeding. “Oh my gosh. Mat I am so so sorry. Are you okay,” I ask pulling some tissue from my pocket and applying pressure to his nose to stop the bleeding.
“Aw. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that you were worried about me,” he says forcing a laugh. I roll my eyes and hold the napkin onto his nose to try and stop the bleeding. I look down at him scanning his face for any other injuries, finally meeting his brown eyes. His forehead crinkles and he takes in my scared expression.
“So what if I was,” I whisper scared if I spoke any louder he would laugh at me or run for the hills. His hand came up and held the wrist of the arm helping stop his nose bleeding. He pulls my arm away from his face and goes to open his mouth when we are interrupted. “Oh my gosh Mat are you okay,” Tito asked rushing towards us quickly taking my place and observing Mat. 
I step back and notice a group has gathered around us checking on the hockey player. As I move to make my way back to the house, I turn around and notice Mat’s eyes still on me. I feel a hand on my forearm and run to see Liana standing next to me. She gave me a sad smile. “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes and into something warmer okay,” she says sweetly leading me inside. 
“How long,” her voice breaks me out of my trance and I snap my head towards her. “What,” I was shivering, not sure if it was from the cold or her question. “C’mon y/n. We’ve been best friends forever, I know you better than anyone else. And you know me better than anyone else right,” she asked waiting for me to respond. I nodded my head and pulled a sweatshirt over my head. I joined her on the couch and she tossed her blanket over to cover us both.
“So I know when you are upset and more so when you are hiding something,” her eyes give me a once over and I sigh knowing she is right. “A little over a year now,” I respond turning my head and not making eye contact. Of course, I knew what she was asking. She wasn’t dumb by any means and she was my best friend of course she could read my emotions better than anyone else. “You’ve liked my brother for that long now and never said anything,” she asked pity creeping its way onto her face. “Yep. It’s sad I know,” I sniffle fighting back the tears threatening to spill. I feel her presence and then arms wrapping around me. 
“Oh, sweetie no. It is nowhere near sad,” she reassures me, hands running up and down my arms comforting me. “It is though. He has never seen me that way and he never will. Especially now that he is on the Islanders. He could have any model he wanted. Why would he pick me,” I cry finally letting all of the emotions I have had stored up for the past year out. “ No model holds a candle to you, babe. You are the most compassionate, generous, and understanding person I know. You have always had this glow around you and make anyone feel so seen and understood. Plus you are like smoking hot,” she says making me stop crying and laugh. “Thanks, Li,” I snort laughing and she joins in.
When everyone finally made their way back inside Mama Barzal helped Mat get settled in bed and finished up dinner. We all sat around the table and ate our soup trying to warm ourselves up from the exciting outdoor hockey game we held. Slowly one by one everyone finished and started to head to the living room for game night. I stayed behind to help clean up. “Hey, sweet girl. Would you mind taking this up to Mat? I need to finish this up and you don’t have to help me clean,” she smiles over at me, knowing I can’t say no to the woman who became like another mom to me many years ago. 
“Of course I will,” I smile trying to hide the panic in my voice. I grabbed a bowl of the soup and put it on the bed tray along with a spoon. I carefully made my way upstairs and to his door. As I tried to steady my breathing and calm my shaking hands the door opened. “Oh shit y/n/n, I didn’t see you there,” Tito laughed moving over to the side and opening the door wider for me to come in. I slowly made my way into the room. I hadn’t seen the inside of Mat’s room since Li and I were like 17 sneaking out of his window because it was easier than using hers.
My eyes landed on the bed and then on Mat. His nose was bruised but the bleeding had stopped. He lay there in bed black compression shirt on under the covers. “Your mom asked me to bring you this,” I say quietly putting the tray on the bedside table and turning to walk out of the room. He reaches out and grabs my hand pulling me backwards and to him. “I’m gonna go see if Mama B needs any help,” Tito says excusing himself. Mat laughed,” Real subtle buddy.” My eyes drift down toward our connected hands. “Will you sit please,” he asked his voice shaking.
“Are you okay,” I ask sitting near the edge of the bed never once pulling my hand from his. “Physically yeah. My nose isn’t broken or anything just bruised up pretty good. Mentally not so much,” he sighs looking down at our hands, his thumb rubbing circles on mine. “Why aren’t you okay mentally,” I ask finding his eyes with my own. “Because I am an idiot. All of these years I never noticed. The one thing I was trying to find was here the whole time,” his voice wavers and he pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth, a nervous habit he and his sister share. 
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I say breaking eye contact and letting my eyes drift around the room until they land on a small picture frame on his dresser. It was of the two of us and Liana after his draft. “You wanna know why I kept that one,” he asked. I turn to look at him and nod. “Because no matter how hard I tried to hate the picture I couldn’t, because you were in it. You with that beautiful smile and those sweet eyes looking at me. I had the biggest crush on you growing up. I guess I just always hoped you felt the same way,” he said his brown eyes scanning my face for any kind of discomfort. “What,” I whisper wondering if I had heard him right.
“You have always been in my life, not always by my choice but you were there. Every good or bad memory you were there. And when I moved out and to the city I didn’t see you as much. So I got upset thinking you were only ever there because of Lia. I don’t know what I was thinking honestly. So whenever you came with them to visit or I came home I was an ass to you because I hurt my own feelings thinking something more.” After his long speech, I couldn’t help but lean forward and capture his lips with mine. It was a sweet short kiss and then when I pulled back he rushed forward grabbing my cheeks and bringing me back into him. I shifted forward and went to run my hands through his hair when he hissed and pulled away in pain.
“Oh my god Mat I am so sorry. I completely forgot about your nose,” I rush out grabbing his face and moving it all different angles to see if I caused any further damage. “So worth it,” he smiled leaning forward and connecting our lips again. 
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preeningpisces · 3 months
Sukuna NSFW Headcanons
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Lemme know if you want me to elaborate or write something about any of these ♥️
18+ content below, mdni, implied chubby f!reader, dark content
TW: implied non-con, mentions of death, Sukuna is not nice!!!
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♛ Boy oh boy. Mr. Monsterfucker wet dream himself
♛ For starters, make no mistake: Sukuna gives absolutely zero fucks about your pleasure. You’re there solely to please him, and it makes no difference whether you enjoy it or not
♛ Knows where the clit is, he just doesn’t give a fuck lmfao
♛ I think one thing that would make him actually intelltionally please you--which is very rare, but happens on occasion when he's in a good mood---is sounds. If you make sounds of pleasure he likes, he’ll try to get more out of you. Again, not for your benefit. It's purely because it brings him some satisfaction. It’s the same with sounds of pain tho, oof
♛ Not very noisy, but doesn’t stifle any sounds either. Definitely a grunter. Talkativeness depends on his mood
♛ I definitely agree with the notion that he’d have concubines. As we know him now, I can’t imagine him falling for anyone or being loyal
♛ With that in mind, Sukuna doesn’t really have a type. His concubines all look very different. Yuki asks Sukuna what his type is and he just says pussy
♛ One thing he appreciates about you is how your soft body fills his hands. With him being humongous, having someone larger just feels more comfortable. Sometimes he just wants that vava-voom if you know what I mean. Also enjoys how your thighs feel when you're riding him--their softness rippling against his muscles
♛ That’s not to say Sukuna doesn’t have preferences, I just don’t think they’d be consistent, or that he’d care enough to pick up on a pattern. He just sees someone & knows ‘I’d stick my dick in them’ or ‘Uraume feed me this ugly hoe’
♛ OF COURSE he has a double-decker dick!! The one on the bottom is more sensitive. He likes having one of his concubines riding the top one, and another sucking his cock and balls
♛ His cum shoots--it gets airtime. Think that scene in Devilman Crybaby
♛ Without a doubt a sadist, in every way. Making you cry, making you bleed, & hurting you all get him going. Big on dacryphilia, and degratation
♛ Absolutely nooooot going to be submissive. Nope no way, especially not to some lowly human or sorcerer such as yourself. He’d have to see you as an equal, and even then, I’m not sure he would
♛ Not submissive but lowkey a pillow princess LMFAO you gotta do all the work. He just lazes while you suck him off or ride him
♛ When he’s in the mood he treats you like a fleshlight. If he legitimately railed you, it would do permanent damage. Mfer is 8ft tall—if he were to actually pound you with vigor you’d DIE. In fact, he probably does that when he doesn’t care to keep someone….yikes let’s not think about that
♛ Honestly I don’t imagine he’s that freaky or kinky. Really just wants to blow his load in (or on) someone pretty & that’s about it
♛ The freakiest thing he does is use his tummy tongue—largely because it frightens you & his other concubines bc, yknow, he could legit eat you. Also, he just wants to eat some pussy every now & then, and there’s no way he would lower his head or kneel for anyone
♛ He eats pussy for his own pleasure, not yours, but that tongue is so big and slippery you usually cum anyway. Doesn’t stop until he’s had his fill
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
Creepypasta/MH - Walking With Them
Characters: Clockwork, Nina the Killer, Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Tim/Masky
She walks pretty slowly
She likes to take her time when walking
Not because she’s admiring her surroundings, no; those don’t really interest her
She’s actually lost in her own thoughts
She’ll be staring at the sky, one hand holding her other wrist behind her, walking languidly, smiling subtly when she thinks of something that pleases her
So if you like quiet, slow, scenic walks, she’s your gal
If you do try to make conversation, she’ll indulge you
She won’t pick up the pace though; now she’s walking slow to prolong the conversation
She likes to think through her answers, only voicing things that she’s chewed on thoroughly before speaking
I like to think that she’s a deep conversationalist like that
Of course, if you want to talk about something more lighthearted, she’s still game
But if you ask her to walk faster, that’s when she’ll shoot you a judging look
She’ll ask why, and if you have a good reason she will pick up the pace
Otherwise she’ll just be like “no” and proceed as if you’d never even asked
Nina the Killer
She is holding your hand. Or your arm. Or even just the hem of your shirt. Period.
Doesn’t matter if you’re just friends or dating, she likes to get touchy with people she likes
It’s just her way of feeling close to you
She’ll cling especially close if it’s cold out
She’ll probably chat idly as you guys walk, unless she’s listening to music
She always offers you an earbud when she does
You can expect 2000s pop, scene, and emo music
She’ll bob her head to the beat sometimes, and her smile will double if you join her
Whether you’re listening to music or not, she has a tendency to let her eyes wander while she walks
If she sees anything that catches her eye, she’ll point it out to you
Sometimes it’s someone’s haircut or outfit, sometimes it’s a squirrel, sometimes it’s a random pebble on the sidewalk… it could be anything
Plain old walking is so boring, she’s just trying to make it more interesting for herself
That being said, she doesn’t really try to walk quickly or anything
She’s usually able to entertain herself enough that she doesn’t feel the need to
But if you’re in a hurry she’ll keep up with whatever pace you set
Otherwise she prefers an average pace
Jeff the Killer
He’s either running or speed walking. No in between
He’s efficient like that; if he has somewhere to be, he’s not wasting time commuting
Murdering people has contributed to this habit
If you can’t keep up, he’ll grab your hand and drag you
Once you get too tired to run any more he just tells you how slow you are
Depending on the situation, he might just abandon you
He probably won’t if you’re close, but again, it really depends
If you ask him to stay with you he will, though he’ll grumble the whole time
Sometimes he does like a little scenic walk
This would be the only time that he deliberately walks “slow”
He’s naturally a fast walker, that’s why I’d say “slow” with heavy air quotes
This is also the only time that he won’t mind going a little slower for you
If you’re joining him on the walk, it’s because he wants you to, and he’s not going to leave you behind
You guys will probably link arms or hold hands, just to make sure you walk at the same speed, of course
Eyeless Jack
Another fast walker
He has long legs, plus he’s often in situations which he needs to get away quick
Unlike Jeff, if you can’t keep up, he’ll offer to give you a piggy back
He’s strong like that 💪 (despite his lanky frame)
Also unlike Jeff, he doesn’t really like scenic walks
He might go with you if you ask him, but he wouldn’t choose to go on his own
Being out in the open just feels risky to him, no matter how remote he is
He’d much rather stick to the indoors, or staying in one spot to hide
This ties back into his fast walking pace
If he needs to get somewhere, he’s getting there ASAP
And if he needs to carry you to keep you with him, so be it
He’s not abandoning you; he really prefers to know where you are
Especially when you’re supposed to be with him
Honestly pretty chill when it comes to walking
Unless you have somewhere to be, he’s fine matching your pace
He does have a tendency to get a little out of breath though, so he can’t keep up for very long if you’re running/jogging
Also, he doesn’t really like to be touching
Might talk, might not, depends on his mood
If he’s not feeling talkative, he’ll listen to you rant
He’ll give little signs that he’s listening, but won’t offer much in terms of lengthy responses
If neither of you want to talk, he’s also cool sharing music
He likes your playlist(s), and is weirdly cagey about his own
It’s not that he’s embarrassed about his music taste, he just doesn’t like to share
He also likes to walk in silence though
Especially if you’re somewhere nice and scenic
He’ll be looking around, a rare peaceful expression on his face
He might even try to grab your hand or lock your pinkies
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As a walking enjoyer, this brought me great joy to compose :) hope y’all enjoyed it!! Take care honey bunches <33
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stuckonmain · 1 year
2012 Donnie with a secret human friend who he gets caught hanging out with by one of his brothers? I
Hm, good idea
'Cuz We Need Secrets
2012 Donatello x reader
It's pretty platonic, but one could read it as like an early stage of friends to lovers if they want to. In the text though it doesn't go anywhere past friendship. It's in Don's POV, and Donnie gets he/they pronouns. The reader's gender/pronouns aren't mentioned as per usual.
Work count: 3.1k
Warnings: Light angst, the age-old 2012 Donnie vs insecurity conflict, light swearing, a mentioned past crush on April
  Donatello Hamato had not meant to befriend another human. Honestly, April and Casey were plenty as it was. More than plenty, actually, in Casey’s case sometimes. 
  In fact, they hadn’t even meant to befriend you in the first place, actually.
  And yet here he was, sneaking you into the lair at three in the morning. 
  Hey, it wasn’t his fault that you were curious, and as a man of science, curiosity was something he highly encouraged!
  “Ooh-kay, so you really weren’t joking about the ‘living in a sewer’ thing, huh?” you whistled, sounding more fascinated than judgemental as he opened the manhole cover. “I’ll admit it Dee, I almost believe you about the ninja thing now.”
  He rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Oh yeah, ‘cause it’s the ninja-ing that’s unbelievable, not the mutant turtle thing.”
  “Look, it’s New York! Mutant reptiles are a dime a dozen, bro. Ever seen Godzilla?” you teased.
  Donnie snorted. “That takes place in Tokyo, actually.”
  “Eh, it’s a big city. Same difference.” you said with a shrug, sticking your hands in your pockets casually- as if talking to a giant talking turtle was something completely normal for you.
  Eh, he supposed it was, at this point. But he also knew for a fact that you had not been this chill when he first met you… But then again. That one was kinda on them, seeing as they were the one who showed up in your house unprompted.
  (It hadn’t been personal! He’d needed a hiding place and your window had been open! You were basically asking for a mutant turtle teen to break in.)
  (And apparently, he had basically been asking for a human teenager to hit him with a frying pan. Okay, he had maybe deserved that one.)
  (Nonetheless, it had all worked out and you guys were buddies now! Yaaaay!)
  “-onnie? Don? Don-tron? Dee, ya there?” you said, waving a hand in front of his face, effectively snapping him out of exposition mode. 
  “-huh? Oh, right, sewers, yeah.” Donnie grinned sheepishly. “Me first or you first?”
  “Oh you, definitely. If there’s like, a sewer monster down there, I’d prefer to not be the one mauled by it.” you said definitively. 
  Donnie bit their tongue to keep from making a comment about how technically he was a sewer monster. He didn’t want you to think of him as a monster, regardless of how lighthearted the context was. 
  Honestly, it was so nice how you just treated them like a normal person- not that April didn’t, but y’know, she was…April. And he was a sewer monster. 
  Okay, that sentence didn’t make much sense: What he meant was that…April had already basically good as rejected him- whether because she genuinely didn’t like him or because he was a giant talking turtle, he had no clue. And he wasn’t even sure if April herself knew either.
  So having you, a cool as shell human teenager who didn’t owe them your life (or at least not any more so than the rest of New York), like him and enjoy their company, made him want to scream in excitement. 
  Not that they would do that, obviously. That would be-um- really embarrassing! 
  So, shaking his head, he said “Sure, I’ll use my ninja-ing on any sewer monsters we happen to come across.” 
  “Aw, my hero.” you smiled, clasping your hands dramatically.
  “Anytime.” he said, hoping they didn’t sound too awkward as he began to climb down the ladder. You followed him down, landing on the ground a few seconds after him. 
  “So am I gonna meet your brothers?” you said, looking around the tunnel curiously.
  Donnie snorted. “Absolutely not, they’d kill me. Or, alternatively, they’d tell my dad who would then kill me.” (Or alternatively to the alternatively, you’d find them all much much cooler than Donatello. And then you’d be everyone’s friend instead of just his. Not that you weren’t allowed to have other friends, obviously, but still…he kinda liked being your favorite mutant turtle, if that made any sense?) 
  “Ooh, rule breaking. Sweet.” you said, sounding slightly nervous yet somehow relaxed. He did not even slightly understand how you managed that.
  “Your family won’t like…murder me if I met them…right? Um, not because of the mutant thing, but because of the whole um…secret ninja thing.” you continued.
  “No. Um. Maybe Raph would, but probably not- If anything, they’d be scared of you murdering me.” Donnie chuckled, leading you down the subway tunnel.
  “Oh. I mean. I am entering your home secretly in the dead of night, so it…may not be entirely unfounded?” you shrugged. “But then again. Your home is a sewer, so I think that’s one point on the ‘Donnie is more likely to murder me than vice-versa’ scorecard.”
  Donnie snorted. “Oh yeah, and the ‘being a scary mutant’ part is just normal?”
  You shrugged. “The scarier part was when you showed up on my fire escape completely unannounced that one time.”
  Donnie cringed at the mental image of Donnie-of-almost-a-year-ago. “I’m sorry about that again, I thought it was normal!”
  You chuckled, patting his shell. “It’s fine dude, really. It’s hilarious in retrospect, actually, and let’s face it- you’re way too fun for me to stay mad at.”
  “Oh- you think so?” Donnie grinned. “Thanks.”
  “Although on the topic of mutants…um…really quick question, and you don’t have to answer, but…um….I’ve wondered this forever, but keep forgetting to ask you until now…” Eguh boy, here we go.
  Donnie frowned. “Um…go on?”
  “Does the space behind your shell ever itch and then you’re like. Unable to scratch it or reach it?” you said in one breath, looking slightly embarrassed as if you were asking something incredibly personal and maybe offensive.
  Donnie blinked, trying their best not to laugh.
  “Oh okay cool. That’s good. That’s important. I’m happy for you.” you said, nodding.
  “It’s like how it doesn’t itch under your fingernails, y’know?” Donnie chuckled.
  “Huh. I guess that makes sense.” you said thoughtfully.
  “Oh, here we are!” Donnie said, smiling as you stepped towards the turnstiles. “Lair sweet lair.”
  You whistled. “Pretty neat! So this is where the secret science stuff happens?”
  “Actually, that’s over here.” he said, waving proudly at the garage door by the entrance. 
  “Wooooah! You’ve got a sick personal lab?!” you grinned, stepping inside. “Oooh and it’s all purple too? I love this!”
  “Ooh let’s keep the volume down and- oh my gosh, you think so?! Thanks! It’s mostly stuff I stole- um I mean found- from that old military junkyard, but uh hey! At least it’s purple!” they rambled, tossing their bo from hand to hand.
  “There is no way that that’s legal,” you said, wandering around the lab. “Which just makes this all so much cooler, of course.”
  “You could come with me next time!” …Idiot! “Um- if you want, obviously, no pressure-” he backpedaled. 
  “No, that sounds fantastic. I’d love to accompany you to the junkyard.” you said sincerely, before pausing. “....Woah….hey Dee, what’s with the um…organs in a tube?” you said.
  Donnie winced. Of course. “Oh…that’s Timothy.”
  “...Timothy.” you repeated. “Care to…y’know, elaborate?”
  Donnie swallowed. “I still feel pretty awful about him…he was some human that wanted to become a vigilante, and um…got himself mutated.” they sighed, staring at the glowing remains. “I’m trying to turn him back, make a retromutagen…but um…I haven’t had any luck yet.” he finished glumly.
  “Jeez.” you said softly. “That is…pretty brutal.”
  “Yeah…” Donnie shrugged. “Um…yeah. I wish there was more I could do for him. Mostly I wish I had done a better job of stopping him…poor guy wasn’t too bright, but he definitely doesn’t deserve this…”
  You patted them on the shoulder. “Hey, knowing you, you probably did your best, Dee.”
  “Well, I certainly tried, but…I dunno. I should have tried harder.” he sighed, leaning into your shoulder pat that had somehow morphed into a side-hug. 
  “Well if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that you do your best Don. And plus, you’re working on that retromutagen, so hey! Maybe Timothy will be Timothy again someday, right?” you smiled.
  “Yeah…” Donnie said, smiling half-heartedly. “Well…sorry about this, I’m being such a downer, huh?”
  “Hey, s’okay! And Dee…I dunno much about chemistry, but if there’s anything I can do to help, lemme know, okay? Like anything. Even just bringing you snacks. I’m great at snacks.” you grinned.
  “Really?” they smiled, more sincerely this time. “Gee (Y/N). That’d be great, actually- I have this bad habit where I forget to eat when I’m working, so that might actually help a lot to be honest! Man, you’re the best.” he grinned.
  “I know, I know.” you said, tossing your hair. “Everyone says so- and I mean like, yeah no I totally get it, I am so cool.”
  “Hey, you know what, I’ll believe it.” Donnie chuckled. “You’re definitely pretty c-”
  “Hey Donnie, ya mind telling me why you’re all cozied up with a human?”
  Donnie froze. 
  Uh oh.
  “I think I was too loud.” you mouthed, eyes wide.
  Donnie slowly turned around to see a short turtle with a cracked plastron and a look in his eyes that gave Donnie a very bad feeling.
  “Hi Raph.” they squeaked.
  “Hi Raph.” you echoed, waving weakly.
  Raph narrowed his eyes, glaring at Donnie. “...So you finally get a partner and then keep it secret?” he smirked. “Come on Don! I promised I’d stop calling you sad-dorable!”
  Donnie blinked, flustered. “N-no Raph, (Y/N)’s not my partner-”
  “Sad-dorable?” you grinned, staring at Raph. “That’s…that’s pretty good, actually!”
  “Right?! Mikey and Leo just said it was ‘unempathetic’- see Don, your partner gets it!” Raph grinned, prodding Donnie’s shoulder.
  “Speaking of Leo.” said a new voice.
  This time, both Raph and Donnie looked nervous. “Uh…heya, Fearless.” said Raph awkwardly, glancing over his shoulder.
  “What the heck are you two doing with a human at three in the morning?!” Leo exclaimed, looking incredibly done with his siblings’ crap. “God forbid a guy get any rest around here…”
  “Aw shuddup Leo, you weren’t asleep.” Raph scoffed.
  Leo suddenly looked a bit nervous. “Sure I was.”
  “No, you were writing-”
  “-I was writing a short story!” Leo said unconvincingly.
  “Yeah, aka Captain Ryan x reader fanfiction.” Raph said flatly. 
  “Shut up Raphael.” Leo mumbled, blushing. Donnie resisted the urge to laugh in favor of stepping in front of you protectively.
  “So what, has the whole lair decided to show up in my lab tonight?” Donnie said, rolling his eyes.
  “Go back to bed Mikey.” they sighed, not even having to turn around to know that their youngest brother was there now too. “Actually, all of you, just go back to bed. Please.”
  “Not fair, I wanna meet your secret lover!” Mikey groaned.
  “-Friend! We are friends!” Donnie exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration. “(Y/N) is my secret friend because you guys feel the need to drag our friends into the stupid ninja nonsense, and last time that happened, look what it did to Timothy!” they yelled.
  Maybe they were exaggerating a bit. But he didn’t want you to get inevitably wrapped up in the world of aliens and mutants, and being around their brothers was a surefire way of ending up in it. 
  And on a more selfish note, maybe Donnie liked having one friend that was just his. Raph had Casey, Mikey had Renet, Leo had Karai, and Donnie…well, arguably there was April, but then, she thought of him as a repulsive sewer monster. 
  Maybe, as selfish as it was, Donnie wanted to have just one friend who liked him more than their brothers. 
  Raph, Leo, and Mikey stared at him. You also stared at him.
  Donnie blinked, slowly lowering his hands. He swallowed. “Um. So. Yeah.”
  Mikey raised his hand, but didn’t bother waiting to be called on. “Casey didn’t end up like the Pulverizer, and he’s friends with us!”
  Raph shrugged. “Well yeah, but to be fair, Casey’s also kinda like a roach. I’m pretty sure he’s impossible to kill.”
  You raised your hand like Mikey had. “Um, for the record, I don’t think I’ll be falling into a vat of mutagen any time soon. It’s ah…y’know, not exactly on the agenda.”
  Donnie sighed, staring at the ground. “I know, I know…but like…What if. What if something happens and I can’t save you. What then? (Y/N), you mean a lot more to me personally than Timothy- I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt because of us.” they whispered.
  Leo sighed. “It’s dangerous, yeah. We can’t deny that. But Dee…you didn’t have to keep it secret either.”
  Raph coughed something that sounded like ‘Karai’, and Leo shot him a glare. 
  “We both know that was different.” he hissed.
  “Cough- hypocrite- cough-” Raph continued.
  You snorted. “I mean…well Dee, they know now, y’know? I don’t really plan on dealing with your ninja stuff, but if it makes ya feel any better, I took a bunch of martial arts classes a couple years ago. Obviously I’m not a freaking ninja, which is very cool and I believe you now by the way, but like…y’know, I can fight decently.”
  “Oh yeah? Wanna spar?” said Raph, grinning.
  “Not at three in the morning.” you dismissed.
  “Maybe tomorrow though.” you coughed.
  “Nice.” Raph smirked, cracking his knuckles.
  “Really?” Donnie said flatly.
  “Uhm if Donnie’s not cool with it then I guess we can’t.” you said bluntly, giving Don a look.
  Donnie sighed. He did kinda sound like a jerk, huh? “Whatever.” he said finally, fidgeting with their staff strap. “So um. Surprise, I guess. We’ve got a new friend!” they said, trying to smile at his brothers.
  You stared at him for a second longer before Leo, who had looked kinda tired and ambivalent the whole time, suddenly jolted towards you. “Oh my god is that a SPACE HEROES SHIRT?!” he exclaimed.
  You grinned. “Yeah! You like Space Heroes?!” 
  “Are you KIDDING? I love Space Heroes!” he squealed, bouncing up and down in a very Mikey-esque way. “Donnie I take it all back, your friend is amazing.”
  Donnie gave a strained smile. “...Yup.”
  Mikey gave him a look this time as he stepped away from the group. “Hey brah, are you…jelly?” 
  …At least he had the courtesy to whisper.
  “What makes you say that?” Donnie mumbled.
  “Well I mean…instead of like, being happy about your friend being like, friendly and bonding with us, you’re like…mad, dude.” Mikey said, poking them in the cheek. “Lookit that scowl bro! It says things, dude.”
  “Is it that obvious?” Donnie sighed, both annoyed and relieved that Mikey had noticed his frustration.
  “It’s pretty obvious, yup.”
  “Wanna talk about it?” Mikey said. 
  Now normally, a talk with Mikey meant a lotta joking and Mikey being purposely annoying. But something about the way Mikey sounded so earnest made Donnie say:
  “Eh…sure. (Y/N)’s busy, anyways.” 
  “C’mon, I gotta get my therapist boxers on.” Mikey said.
  “I’m already regretting this.” Donnie deadpanned. “Since when does ‘Dr. Prankenstein’ have a therapy license?”
  “Okay, okay man- no therapist boxers, I gotcha.” Mikey nodded, dragging Donnie to the far corner of the lab, where they sat down against the wall. “So what’s scraping your shell, dude?”
  “Oh jeez. Please never say that again.”
  “Ya dodged the question, D-man. D-person. D-gender neutral term.” 
  “Well…I guess it’s just that…I don’t know. It’s kind of unfair of me, but…well, (Y/N)’s my friend. You guys have your friends, so why can’t I have one friend who’s just there for…me, y’know?” Donnie tried to explain, watching you chat animatedly with Raph and Leo. “Anyways, of course (Y/N)’s getting along with everyone. (Y/N)’s awesome…and Raph and Leo are cool and strong…and obviously I’m hypercompetent too, but they’re the A-team for a reason…so I guess it’s just…well, next to them, who would ever wanna hang out with me?” 
  Mikey stared at them. “Um…(Y/N), probably? I mean like…you guys’ve been friends like…waaaaay longer than (Y/N) and Raph or (Y/N) and Leo, brah. And anyways, lookit how (Y/N) keeps looking at you, dude! It’s ‘cause you’re being weird and your friend is worried ‘bout it, yanno?”
   Donnie snorted. “Sure.”
  “Hey (Y/N), if you become friends with us you won’t ditch Donnie here, right?” Mikey hollered.
  You raised an eyebrow. “...Wait, is that why you’re being weird, Don-tron?!”
  “No- I mean- Maybe, I mean- it’s stupid, really-” they rambled.
  “Yeah no that’s really fucking stupid.” you said.
  “Jeez Don, really?” Raph said. 
  “Not now dude, they’re dealin’ with brain stuff and…stuff.” Mikey said wisely, ushering Raph and Leo away.
  You shook your head, coming over to the corner. “I mean- dude, we’ve been besties for what, a year now? Ya really think I’d ditch you like that?” you grinned, holding out your hand to help them up.
  They took it hesitantly, smiling softly. “You mean…I’m your best friend?”
  You nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I’d say so.”
  “Oh.” he said, squeezing your hand. “I uh…didn’t know that. You’re mine, obviously, I just didn’t think I was yours.” they murmured, suddenly overcome with a weird, sweet emotion that he wasn’t quite sure how to describe. 
  “I can still befriend your brothers, dude…they’re cool. I like your family. But I like you best, so you don’t needa get all insecure on me, doofus.” you smiled. “And if you're still worried about safety, then you should teach me how to make cool weapons. Because not only would that be metal as fuck, but it would also be a great excuse to hang out with you.”
  Donnie laughed. “Sure!”
  There was a beat of silence, and Donnie glanced at you. “But um…I’m really sorry about tonight, (Y/N). I was…well, am being kind of a jerk, huh? Eugh. Sorry.”
  You shrugged. “I mean yeah, but like, you talked it through and now we both are closer for it, right? And besides- meeting your brothers was awesome. But between the two of us, my favorite part of tonight has been hanging with you, you dork.”
  Donnie grinned. “Same.”
  You smiled at them again, and squeezed their hand one more time. “Ready to go face the others?”
  “Ohhh boy, I should probably apologize to them too, huh?” Donnie winced, pushing the garage door open.
  “Eh, I mean sure. Why not-”
  But it was not their brothers who were waiting outside.
  “Why is there a stranger in the lair? And more importantly- WHY ARE ALL MY CHILDREN OUT OF BED?” exclaimed Splinter, emerging from the shadows.
  Oh no.
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seonghwaddict · 1 year
★ NEVER SAY NEVER. [ 006 ] that's for the breasts, sir.
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synopsis. something about the eight most well-known boys of your campus just didn't sit right with you, so you never gave any effort to interact with them. but after a series of... interesting incidents, they can't seem to leave you alone. pairing. college students! vampires! ot8! ateez x fem! reader. genre. fluff, angst, eventual smut, college au, vampire au. chapter warnings. none? word count. 2.7k
        chapter v // chapter vi // chapter vii
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Before the four of you could finally commence the journey to the mall, you had to go through one small but very loud obstacle.
As soon as Yunho pulled off from the side of the road, a body flung itself across the front of his car. It seemed that Wooyoung booked it out of the house and locked the front door from the outside, which they apparently only had two keys to—one with Wooyoung and the other with Hongjoong.
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of the thud, but after realising what it was, couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as the others groaned. You looked to your right at the house, catching a glimpse of Mingi’s leg sticking out of the kitchen window in an attempt to escape and recapture Wooyoung.
“You’re gonna take me with you whether you like it or not!” His voice was muffled, but due to its natural volume, you could all hear him perfectly well. With a roll of his eyes, Yunho unlocked the car and Wooyoung all but pranced his way into the backseat, squeezing you in between him and Hongjoong.
“What if there’s a fire in the house? How are they gonna get out?” You asked jokingly.
Hongjoong piped up with an amused grin, “There’s a back door. I’m actually surprised they didn’t think of that yet.”
And with that, Yunho continued the journey to the mall, ignoring the way Seonghwa ran after the car for a couple of metres while cursing out Wooyoung until he gave up.
The ride there was also pretty short. It was a relatively popular mall that offered a variety of stores and a fucking amazing food court with all your favourite restaurants. As the five of you walked through the mall, Wooyoung had his arm linked with yours, leading all of you to the store that housed an assortment of technology ranging from phones to massage chairs to music equipment, which is exactly what they needed.
“While you guys do your thing here, I’m gonna go ahead and find something to wear.” You excused yourself politely and were surprised when Yunho tagged along—Wooyoung joining you was less of a surprise. But you didn’t complain, spending the last few weeks with him created a small soft spot in your heart.
After spending so much time with him and meeting all his friends, you came to the conclusion that you seriously misjudged them and told yourself you would make it up to them one day. When you brought it up to Wooyoung to apologise for being such a stubborn jerk at the start of the project, he merely waved you off and said something along the lines of “It doesn’t matter now anyway, we’re best friends forever! Unless you want to be more th-” and then you punched him in the arm.
As much as you wanted to deny it, Wooyoung, Seonghwa and that entire ensemble of frat boys were incredibly handsome. Without meaning to, you sometimes found yourself staring, tracing their silhouettes with your eyes and your fingers itching to whip out your sketchbook and draw their perfect proportions. San’s physique, for example, was so nice to look at it frustrated you sometimes, jealous of his lean figure and waist so tiny you could wrap a hair tie around it.
“I’d rather get to know you than watch Hongjoong-hyung spend an hour trying to find the perfect speakers or whatever it is he needs.” Yunho reasoned, falling into step on your left while Wooyoung took your right. It was then that you noticed how tall he actually was, having to quite literally crane your neck to smile at him understandingly.
“I heard you major in acting, is that what you wanna do in the future?” You asked, then immediately realised how stupid of a question that was. Your face scrunched up with embarrassment. “Sorry, that was a dumb question.”
But Yunho laughed, not at you but rather at how endearing you are. “No, no. Don’t worry. Yeah, that’s what I hope to do in the future. But… how do you know what I major in? I don’t recall meeting you, let alone telling you what I study.” He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, smiling at the way your eyes bulged from your skull at his insinuation.
“One of my friends also is an acting major!” You blurt, quickly explaining yourself. “You know, Kim Gahyun? I’ve heard you’re great at it.”
At his deep chuckle, you looked up at him, confused. But before you could question it, Woyooung pulled you into one of the stores abruptly.
“I love this place, you should get your stuff here!”
After observing your surroundings for a second, you realised what store you were in. Well, you didn’t realise the name of it, but rather the fact that everything would be very costly.
“I don’t know, Wooyoung…” you trailed off, stepping to the nearest clothing rack and checking the price tag of the first blouse you could get your hands on. You nearly choked at the number displayed on the pristine white tag, quickly and carefully placing it back on the rack. “Everything is too expensive and I don’t get paid enough to be able to afford more than a pair of socks here at most.”
Wooyoung and Yunho looked at each other, blinked, and then returned their gazes to you.
“I thought you were aware we were gonna pay for you.”
“Oh,” you looked between the two of them, “oh, no, no, no. I can’t ask you to do that for me.”
“You didn’t ask, we’re offering. And in this matter, we won’t take no for an answer so go ahead and explore, find things you like, try them on and then we’ll pay for you.” Yunho smiled warmly. “Consider it a gift.”
You narrowed your eyes at both of them. “What will I have to owe you?”
“Oh, Y/N,” Wooyoung sighed coming to your side and dragging you further into the store. You watched idly as he sifted his way through the clothing racks, occasionally pulling out a piece of clothing, observing it, and then putting it back. “A gift is a gift, you won’t have to owe us anything.”
“Fine,” you agree begrudgingly after two long minutes. “Where should I meet you when I’m done picking out my stuff?”
“I have to go find something to wear for our dance video, so we’ll leave you to yourself and when you’re ready just come find us,” Wooyoung said before pulling Yunho away with a smile, leaving you alone.
Browsing the racks, you realised everything seemed way too fancy to be worn to some frat party. On top of that, a lot of the things were form-fitting—a look you don’t usually go for unless it’s a really special occasion. Sighing you continued your search. The problem wasn’t the clothing, really. You felt bad about using their money. Yeah, they were rich and all, but you didn’t want to feel in debt to them.
After around five minutes of searching, you hear a soft voice next to you. It was a very pretty woman that seemed to be in her late twenties. She wore a very chic-looking black pencil dress with her hair in a sleek bun. Once she saw you notice the name tag on her chest, she offered you a friendly smile. “Hello, Ma’am. Is there any way I could help you?”
“Oh, uh,” you contemplated her offer. “Yes, actually. I need something to wear to a party. Nothing too fancy though.”
A smile overtook her features as she ushered you to follow her. Apparently, you were looking in the wrong section because she led you to a corner of the store that held things that would be more suitable; sparkly shirts and skimpy short dresses.
“Is there any style you prefer?”
You explained you’d prefer clothes that weren’t tight fits or too short. Once asking you if you had anything underneath your hoodie (a sports bra), she asked you to take off the thick material to get a better idea of your body shape. Despite hesitating for a moment, you peeled it off you and turned around slowly, letting her get a better view.
The woman—Hana, judging by her nametag—hummed and nodded. “You have some very nice curves, are you sure you wouldn’t want to show them off?”
“Well… I mean, I wouldn’t mind. But it’s just that I’d prefer comfort.” It’s true that you didn’t really mind your body, most of your weight residing in your hips and thighs. Sometimes you liked it, thinking the plump flesh gave you a softer look.
She regarded you for a moment before turning and pulling some things off the shelf. With enthusiasm, she presented some clothing items by laying them on the long bench in the middle of the section.
The first outfit she pieced together was a very short pleated black skirt accompanied by a black corset-like top. The next was made up of flared black pants and an oversized dress shirt.
Looking at them closely, you looked back at the assistant, who was watching you carefully. “What if I wear this,” you picked up the hanger with the unbuttoned dress shirt, “on top of this?” You tucked the corset top into the dress shirt and set it down on the bench, stepping back so she could take a look.
“Oh, that would work beautifully!” She smiled brightly, picking up all the items you chose as you put your hoodie back on. “You could wear a waist chain on top of the corset, it would accentuate your waist a bit more and look even more splendid. And if you’re uncomfortable you can always just button up the shirt.”
Hana led you to a smaller section of the store next to the dressing rooms, letting you go through the accessories and shoes. As you looked through the various pieces of jewellery, a hand brushed against your waist and you felt someone stand beside you. Looking to see who it was, you find Yunho, his eyes looking at the jewellery rather than you.
“Are you looking for a necklace?” He picked one from the turning display—a thin silver choker with a diamond that would rest right in between your shoulders and at the base of your neck. “I think this would be nice, no?”
“It’s very pretty.” You took it from his hands, fingers brushing against his much larger ones and inspecting it closely before you set it back on its hook. “But unfortunately, it’s not what I’m looking for. I need a waist chain.”
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. He stepped around you, looking at some of the longer chains. “Hongjoong-hyung probably has a better eye for jewellery, but I’m sure I can find something.”
“Speaking of, are they still in the other store?”
Yunho held up a thick golden rope chain, placing it back after you shook your head. “No, they’re helping Wooyoung choose his clothes. He’s very indecisive ad perfectionistic when it comes to anything related to dance, which I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
You did in fact notice that habit of his. He made you sit in the dance studio and watch him choreograph and practice, he said it was so you could get a better idea of what movements he would make ahead of time so you could already start thinking about the composition of the paintings. But you were perfectly aware he just wanted to show off to you, noticing how he would beam every time you applauded him.
However, you also noticed that if he got a move wrong, he’d beat himself up over it. Dancing it and trying to perfect it over and over and over again until he could execute it the way he wanted. Sometimes he would crumble to the ground and just lay there while you came and sat next to him, reassuring him he did great and forcing him to drink some water. You understood him completely, often feeling like that yourself. That you have to get everything right, make everything perfect just to be good at what you love to do.
There had been countless times when you scrapped your artworks. All because something felt off—the colours, the proportions, the harmony, a tiny mistake you couldn’t seem to get rid of. You understood him completely because you also knew what it was like to fail at your craft and feel like everything you worked so hard for was a waste of time.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.” You nodded, a small frown on your lips and furrow in your eyes.
A beat of silence passed between the two of you before Yunho spoke again, a laugh resounding in his voice as he held up a series of multiple chains connected with each other. “Hey, what’s this for? How the hell would you put this on?”
He tried tying it around his waist on top of his hoodie but stopped once Hana cleared her throat.
“Sir, that’s– uh– that’s for the breasts, sir.”
“Oh.” He blanched, putting it back hastily, a light blush forming on his cheeks as you laughed. He narrowed his eyes at you. “A word of this to anyone and I’ll smother you in your sleep.”
“Aye, aye, captain.” You saluted him mockingly.
Eventually, you found something that matched your preferences—a dainty plain silver chain with a small heart clasp. Right next to it, you spotted a matching set of dangling earrings.
“Oh, look at this one! It’s so pretty!” As carefully as you could so as to not get anything tangled, you picked it off the shelf and showed it to Yunho and Hana with a bright smile on your face (Yunho nearly cooed at you).
“It’s perfect!” Hana nodded approvingly, readjusting your outfit in her gentle grip. “Are you ready to try everything on?”
“Yes, I think so– Wait.” You spun around and walked over to the selection of shoes, quickly choosing a pair of platformed Mary Janes. “Okay, I’m ready now.”
You followed Hana into the dressing rooms, Yunho going off to find the rest of the guys while you tried everything on. In the end, you were very happy with your choices. You didn’t mind that it seemed a bit fancy for a frat party, at least you looked spectacular. Besides, the oversized dress shirt added a bit of casualness to the outfit, so overall it seemed quite balanced out.
When you stepped out of the curtains of your cubical, Hana clapped and complimented you endlessly, especially when you took off the shirt and gave her a little spin with the skirt and corset top. Satisfied, you changed back into your sweatpants and hoodie and met the guys by the cashier with your outfit neatly folded in your arms.
You nodded, placing your pile on the cashier’s counter next to Wooyoung’s pile. As you watched the lady scan each item and the price on the display going higher a higher, your face contorted with guilt and you looked away.
“Are you sure I can’t at least pay some of it?”
“Y/N.” Hongjoong grabbed your attention with a firm but somehow still gentle tone. “We’re part of the richest families in South Korea, I don’t want to make you feel bad about yourself or your financial status or anything, but this is barely even putting a dent in our bank accounts.”
Mouth agape, you blinked at him, looking at each of the men individually before you settled your eyes on Wooyoung, narrowing them ever so slightly and opening your mouth to speak. But before you could ask, he answered, knowing exactly what you were about to say.
“For the last time, we’re not part of the mafia.”
Jongho, who found this a lot more amusing than his hyungs, let out a series of bubbly laughs, his lips stretching into a smile and showing off his perfect gums and his shoulder pulling up and shaking as he laughed. Despite seeing him so often, you’ve never seen him display so much happiness (except for the time your bookstore was selling signed copies of one of his favourite books and he caught you giving him a small discount because you saw how excited he was) and it warmed you inside.
“Okay, if you guys say so…” you trailed off, cutting your fond gaze on Jongho off and you accepted the stylish white paper bag with your clothing from Hana.
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  [ lilo's notes ... ] and here it is!! i love reading and writing shopping scenes in fics so much omg. but anyway, next chapter we'll be getting the party!! and happy pride month everyone! my birthday is coming up soon and i'm gonna be travelling, so i'll most likely miss the update after the next one, please don't worry i'll be right on track as soon as i get back :)
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  NEVER SAY NEVER © seonghwaddict, 2023
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runawrites-blog · 18 days
But It's Not Time (Levi x Reader)
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Summary: After getting injured during a scouting mission, you are trapped in a tree to await rescue. Thankfully, you're not alone because your captain, old friend and the object of your affection, Levi Ackerman is there to help you until backup arrives. But as time goes on and your state worsens, you two start to worry whether or not you will make it. (Gender-Neutral Reader) Word Count: 2,915 Warnings: Talk of Injuries and Blood. Angst. No Y/N. A/N: Guess what fandom I added to the list of stuff I write for! You'll never guess, I bet! No, but in all seriousness, I added AOT/SNK to the lists of fandoms I write for, so feel free to request something for that fandom, as well. I'll write it as long as it's for adult characters and you adhere to my 'What I Will Not Write' list. The lyrics at the beginning of this are from the song "The Gambler" by Fun which is one of my favourite songs and fits so well. I really hope this isn't OOC by the way because it is one of my first times writing for Levi.
You swore you’d be here ‘til we decide that it’s our time
Well it’s not time, you’ve never quit in all your life
So just take my hand, you know that I will never leave your side
“You’re lying to me.”
You looked up at Levi, ignoring the pain in your leg, the way your wet clothes clung to you and how cold you were from the storm around you. He looked back at you, still standing on the branch of the tree you had been hiding on for the past hour. Your pained expression and slight shivering must have alerted him to the fact that you were not as fine as you’d told him you were.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you injured?” Levi asked sternly, looking down at where you were sitting against the trunk of the tree. “Do not lie to me.”
“I told you. I think I twisted my ankle.” You lied, shaking your head dismissively. “I’ll be alright. What we need to worry about now is looking out for titans and for other Scouting Legion Members that could help us get back to base.”
“I am your squad leader and as such I would like to know the truth.” He said but when you just averted your eyes withtout answering he decided to change his tactics. “Besides being your squad leader, I am also your friend, aren’t I? You always refer to me as such. Shouldn’t you be honest with your friends?”
He was right and you knew it. You two had been friends for years, had gone through the hardest of battles together and had only grown closer as a result. And it would’ve been a lie to deny that your feelings had grown past those of friendship in the last few months. You couldn’t lie to your friends, to the man you cherished and had fallen for. Besides that, the pain in your leg was also getting worse and you decided to tell him the truth.
“I-- I think that I actually hurt my leg quite-- quite badly while falling down from my horse. And I’m sure I’ve made it worse by-- by jumping up and trying to go after my horse. The straps of my maneuver gear are pressing on it though, so-- so I should be fine.”
“And why would you not tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you. I don’t think the bleeding is that bad and as I said, the strap is applying pressure.”
“You not telling me is much more worrying.” He said sternly though you heard the worry seeping into his voice. “If you are injured, I’d like to know.”
“I thought that we’d be found quicker.” You sighed as you leaned your head back against the tree. “We had so much else to worry about that I didn’t want to add to that when I thought we’d be back at our base within no time.”
“Next time, don’t worry about worrying me and tell me if you’re injured.” Levi said before he knelt down in front of you. “May I have a look?”
“I guess that would be a good idea.”
You slowly reached down and tried to roll up the leg of your pants but found that with how it was sticking to you after the rain had gotten it wet it was almost impossible. So you ripped it open, flinching at the shoot of pain it sent up your whole leg. When you saw the wound for the first time you gasped. There are a huge cut stretching upwards from above your knee to just underneath the valley of your hips. Now without the added pressure of the straps, the blood was pouring out more freely.
“I’m going to bleed out, aren’t I?”
“I won’t let you.” Levi promised and looked around before shaking his head in desperation. “I need something to stop the bleeding with.”
You swallowed thickly, tears welling up in your eyes. If Levi was this concerned, things must have been more serious than you had initially thought. Fear gripped ahold of you again and you had to take several deep breaths to not cry. But Levi had noticed, observant as ever. He turned back to you, eyebrows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?”
You swallowed against the lump in your throat but a few tears still rolled down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, it’s just that if you’re this worried I-- I must be pretty bad off, right? This situation must be more-- more hopeless than I previously thought.”
He looked at you for a few seconds as if contemplating on what to do before he knelt next to you and put a comforting hand on your arm. “I will do whatever I can to get you back to base safely.”
“Thank you, Captain.”
“No formalities. I’m not your captain now. I’m your friend who’d like to get you back to base safely.” To his shock, you started crying at his words and he inched closer, looking you over in a slight panic. “What did I do wrong? Did I say somthing?”
“Thank you so much.” You sobbed out quietly, wiping at your teary eyes. “When I hid by the base of the tree I thought I was going to die but you saved me and now you’re still saving me. Thank you, Levi.”
“Of course I am.” Levi said softly, giving you a stern look. “I am your friend. Now let me think of how to stop the bleeding.”
About ten minutes later saw Levi provisionally applying a turnequette fashioned out of the straps of your gear and you trying not to make any noises while he did so. When he was finally done you looked up and gave him a thankful smile. It was getting harder and harder to not slur your speech or slump fruther down on the branch.
“Thank you.” You whispered and looked down, noticing your bleeding hand. “I must have bitten it pretty hard when-- while trying not to make any noise. But it’s-- but that’s nothing to worry about.”
“Your speech is slurring.” He pointed out and sat down next to you. “You have to stay away, alright? Help is on the way.”
“How-- how do you know that?” You slurred, trying to focus on Levi but it was getting increasingly harder to focus on anything and to keep your head clear. “I get that you’re smart and-- and a good soldier and-- but you’re not-- How do you know?”
Levi raised an eyebrow in concern and inched closer to you. “I sent out a flair earlier. Green for an injured and lost soldier. Don’t you remember?”
“Green.” You nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, green.”
“You know if Hanji was here she’d laugh at you slurring your words.” Levi remarked softly as he looked back at you. “You sound so thoughtful when you talk about the colour green.”
“It’s a pretty colour.” You retorted, pushing yourself up to sit a little straighter. “Can I-- Is it okay if I take a little-- if I just close my eyes for ten minutes?”
“Five minutes?”
“No, you have to stay awake.” Levi urged and shook his head, fishing around in the little bag the horse had dropped earlier as it had taken off, pulling out a little flask. “Here, have a drink.”
“Is this the time for alcohol?”
“It’s water, you moron.”
You chuckled at his insult before a smile overtook your face. “I like that more. I don’t like it when you’re-- when you’re too nice and soft. Makes me wonder if-- if I’m hallucinating. Doesn’t matter that I’m injured. Just insult me.”
Levi gave a dry laugh at that and then tipped your head back, gently helping you drink some of the water. You drank half of the flask before pulling back and looking at him. Levi gave you a questioning look.
“You need to-- you need water, too.”
“It’s raining. I can just collect more water.” Levi reasoned before holding the flask to your lips again. “You’ve lost a lot of blood. You need to drink.”
“Alright.” You nodded and let him help you take another sip before he leaned you back against the tree trunk while you smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. How are you feeling?”
“Cold and wet and hurt.”
Levi looked at you for a few seconds before he shrugged off his cape and draped it over your shoulders. You tried to wave it off, not wanting him to be cold, but he grapped your hand, holding it to stop you from taking the cape off.
“Take it. The cold will only make you feel worse.”
It was ironic because you had longed for this sort of gesture from Levi for years, your feelings for him only getting stronger every time you spoke to him. You two were friends and you knew that yet this gesture would have delighted you had you not been in such a dire situation. Knowing that Levi would probably not feel the same either way you shoved your thoughts away, instead giving him a small smile as you pulled the cape close around your body.
“Thank you. You know, I’m really glad you’re my friend.”
A smile tore your face and you leaned back to watch Levi scout out your surroundings, then cursing under his breath as he still saw no other soldiers coming. You hoped they weren’t waiting out the storm before they came to your rescue. Levi seemed to notice your worry and sat down next to you, turning his head to face you.
“You’re going to be fine, I promise. All you have to do is be quiet and stay awake. The others will find us soon.”
“I hope so.” You whispered, tears brimming at your eyes. “My-- my little brother is in-- He’s also in the Survey Corps and I can’t leave him alone.”
“I know.” Levi said and inched closer to you. “And you won’t. I’m sure right now he is safe with the others and in due time, you will see him again. We just have to wait a little longer.”
You swallowed then and turned to Levi, pulling out a small silver locket. “My father gave it to me for-- for my sixteenth birthday all those years ago. And-- Well, should I not make it--”
“Would you give it to my brother?” You mumbled out, tears running down your cheeks. “It’s not worth a whole lot but I’m sure he could use it-- He’ll find a use for it.”
“I won’t give it to him.” Levi said sternly. “You’ll be able to do that yourself. Because I will get you back to base safely.”
“We’re running out of time, Levi.” More tears cascaded down your face as you slowly leaned into Levi’s shoulder, exhausiton and the need for comfort overtaking any restraints you had about being so close to him. “I’m bleeding so much. I’ll never make it.”
“You will. Just keep your eyes open.”
“It’s so hard to-- I’m so exhausted and--” You paused, taking a deep breath and looking up at Levi. “Can you slap me across the face or-- or something? I need something to keep me conscious.”
“You want me to slap you?”
“Unless you-- you have a better idea to keep me from passing out.”
Levi was quiet for a few seconds and drew back a bit, making you raise from his shoulder. You expected him to slap you or shake you to keep you conscious. His hand came close to your face but instead of doing anything you had asked for he cupped your cheek and before you could question what he was planning he pressed his lips to yours, his eyes closing.
Your eyes grew wide in shock and you felt more awake than you had been in the past hour. But you quickly reciprocated, eyes fluttering shut as you leaned in to your best ability with you still being injured. He held your face gently, thumb rubbing your cheek as he gently leaned you back againt the tree with his free hand. A bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree and despite you trying to chase after his lips Levi pulled back from the kiss.
“I told you to keep your eyes open.”
Blinking back at him, you gave him a soft smile. “I thought you’d make an exception for me just this once.”
“Not when you’re this injured.” He said sternly, leaning closer again. “Do you feel more awake now?”
“Good because I’m going to climb a bit higher to get a better view and see if anyone is approaching, yet.” He said but before he stood he ran his hand along your cheek once more. “Hang on for me until I’m back.”
Before you could answer, he was gone, using his gear to get to a higher branch and dissapearing between the leaves. His absensce gave you a much needed chance to think. You had long since come to terms your feelings for Levi but he had never shown you any interest beyond being friends with you, so you had accepted that your feelings would remain unreciprocated. But now you wondered whether or not he felt the same way or if he’d simply kissed you to keep you from passing out.
“I see horses approaching!”
You nearly jumped out of your own skin when Levi landed in front of you, hair once again drenched from the rain as he knelt down by your side. With help approaching you wondered when you’d again get the chance to talk about what the kiss had meant, so you gathered all your courage and decided to ask him.
“Levi, may I ask you something?”
“This is not the time. We have to get you to safely first.” He said, standing and getting beside you before he grabbed you underneath the arms and helped you stand. “Whatever you want to ask it can wait.”
You quieted down at that, partially because you knew he was right to want to concentrate on getting to safety first and partially because of your pain skyrocketing at having to stand up. Despite trying to keep your pain hidden Levi once more saw right through you and hoisted your arm over his shoulders to support you. Exhausted and in pain you leaned your head against him and Levi let you.
“I will get you to safety, I promise.”
“How are you feeling?”
You looked away from watching the rain outside the window of the small castle this expedition had set up camp in to face Levi. He was standing in the doorway to the small medical bay you were currently staying at after you had been treated. You pushed yourself into a sitting position to get a better look at Levi and when you saw is worried expression youhave him a soft smile, hoping to reassure him.
“I’m alright. I had to get stitches on my leg but I’m alright now, still in pain but no longer in danger of bleeding to death.”
“While it’s not good that you’re in pain I’m glad you’re in a stable condition.” Levi said, coming closer to your bed and resting his hands on the board at the foot of it. “You had me worried about you.”
A surprise chuckle left your mouth at that confession. “You were worried about me?”
“You were injured, bleeding profusely and far away from basecamp. Of course, I was worried about you.” Levi said sternly, frowning at your reaction. “Is it that hard to believe that I worry about you? You are my friend, after all.”
His words made you stall because it reminded you of how you still wanted to know what the kiss you’d shared had meant and if he also felt more for you than friendship. “Levi, may I ask you something? The thing I wanted to ask you about before?”
“Does it happen to have anything to do with me kissing you?”
“Yes.” You nodded, swallowing nervously before speaking up again, gathering all your courage to confess to him. “I’m aware that you might have simply kissed me to keep me from passing out but I want to be honest about my feelings for you just on the offchance that you feel the same. I’m in love with you and I have been for a while now. You probably don’t feel the same and--”
Having apparently had enough of your rambling Levi decided to stop you and he did so by once more pressing his lips to yours. But before you could even react or let alone reciprocate he pulled back again, eyes locking with yours.
“I apologise but I had to make you stop talking before you got it all wrong.” Levi said and at your slightly confused epxression he sat down on the foot of your bed. “I was unsure of whether or not I was really in love with you but I think the prospect of losing you today made me realise what these feelings really were.”
“You feel the same?”
“I’m in love with you.” Levi said before he reached out to gently push you back against the pillow. “But now you need to rest so you won’t hurt yourself even more. Can you do that for me?”
“I can.”
Levi gave you a small smile before standing back up and nodding his head toward the door. “I have to report back to Erwin now but I will check in on you afterwards, I promise.”
“Levi, just one more thing before you leave?” “What do you need?”
“Would you kiss me again?”
“Of course.”
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clumsiestgiantess · 1 year
I think it would be so funny if someone from the tiny side of the g/t community just like fell through the phone or something and ended up smol with someone from the giant side of the community.  
Of course the initial first meet would be wacky.  Maybe the giant is scrolling through their phone before they go to bed (potentially scrolling thru g/t stuff) and the tiny just falls onto them.  Or maybe the giant happened to have it open in their hand and they have to quickly catch the tiny that fell through.
‘Who are you?  How did you come out of the screen?’
‘Where the hell am I?’
Meanwhile both are frozen in shock because OMG ITS FINALLY HAPPENING!!!!  Idk whether one or the other would actually flat out tell them they’re in the g/t community, or explain what that is, but maybe they find out another way.  Maybe the giant is immediately gentle and lowers their voice like they knew what to do.  Maybe the tiny enjoys being held a suspicious amount for having just shrunk.  Either way, once the ‘secret’ is out I’d imagine it’s like the Spider-Man meme where they point at eachother like ‘no way, you’re in the g/t community too?’  
Imagine it though, two people who want the exact same thing but in reverse.  The giant badly wanting someone to protect and the tiny desperate to feel protected.  Or just a silly idea like ‘hey, there’s this dollhouse I have…’ and the tiny’s already been thinking about exploring it.  No need to imagine g/t scenarios anymore, you just tap your gigantic friend and ask to sit on their shoulder, or fiddle with their hand.  Though I guess they can still imagine scenarios, and maybe the giant and tiny can experiment and try some of them out irl.
The phone could also consistently work as a teleport spot too, so they could both go on with life like normal, but whenever the Yearning Hours set in they could meet up and both have that niche longing filled.  The tiny could just be bored and message the giant like ‘pocket ride? 👉👈’ and the giant laughs and agrees before sticking their phone in their pocket and letting the tiny slide in through the screen, safe and completely unnoticed by the rest of the world.
This could also work as a story with two random people that meet by one falling through their phone and coming out the size of the screen.  Idk, but I want a little friend to hang out with and I feel like this would be the perfect way to achieve that.
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neonoddeye · 1 year
Heart-Stealer | Law x Gn! Reader
A/N: I will be utilizing my all-time favorite trope for this: the “there’s only one bed” trope! Yes, it’s cheesy. No, I do not care. As a side note, I wrote this for an OC I made, but I’m rewriting it bc I know no one would read it if I left it as is.
CONTENT INCLUDES: …sharing a bed (it’s sfw, just cuddling)
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“Are you sure this is okay, Law?” You ask with a crack in your voice. “I can always bug the staff for a new room…”
“It’s fine, y/n-ya”, Law replies, “I’d rather us stick together here.”
“Fair enough,” you sigh, moving your gaze up nervously towards the top of the elevator. Maybe if you hadn’t decided to accompany your captain on a trip at the last possible second, the single-bed hotel room issue would’ve been solved. Alas, the two pirates have a long night ahead of them.
I hope Law doesn’t hear my heart pounding against my chest right now…
It was a very nice hotel room; whether Law actually legally rented it or threatened a few lives for it, you didn’t know. It doesn’t matter, either, as you admire the luxury that lies before you. Nice going, captain, you remarks to yourself. Life has been new and exciting since you joined the heart pirates recently; you’d even go as far as to say it’s the best decision you’ve made in life so far. The only downside is that you’ve properly fallen for the sadistic captain, the surgeon of death, the literal heart stealer. It feels like an unspoken rule to not fall for your pirate captain, especially if he’s notorious and stands above most typical pirates. It’s not like you were trying to catch feelings for Law; he’s an anomaly in the way he makes you stop dead in your tracks, unable to move under his gaze as if he’d bound you with sea prism stone. You didn’t realize you had been lost in thought for a little too long until the man of interest interrupts your thoughts.
“You should take a shower first, y/n-ya,” he offers, placing himself on a smooth, leather swivel chair with a book already in hand.
You perk up upon hearing his voice cut the painful silence, sweet honey in your ears. “‘Kay”, you give Law a small smile before collecting your things.
The shower was, to no surprise, heavenly after having to shower in a metal box underwater for some weeks. After taking off your clothing and jewelry, you allow the deliciously hot water and its steam to envelop you and wash the day’s worries away. After stepping out, you change into a black tank top and plaid sleep shorts and gather your toiletries to finish your nightly routine. Placing yourself at a vanity, you turn to Law behind you.
“Shower’s all yours,” you smile, trying not to linger your gaze too long as Law swings his lengthy figure off the desk and carefully places his book down. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes as you try not to imagine the intimacy of having such a gorgeous man sleep next to you, even if not in a sexual context. To have him close, feel his presence intoxicate you and lull you to sleep like a drug: it’s something you’ve wished upon a star for.
Moments pass as you dry your hair until the bathroom door slides open. revealing Law in just a pair of sweatpants, his signature hat nowhere to be seen, replaced by a wet mop of jet-black hair. For a fleeting moment, you admire the mosaic of tattoos adorning his tanned skin before whipping your head back to focus on your nightly routine, finally placing the hair dryer down beside yourself. You blink a few times, noticing a rosy shade of pink dusting your pale cheeks and eyes wide enough to hold mini hearts. Soon after, you see Law approach you from behind in the mirror, his chest almost grazing your head as he reaches over to unplug the hair dryer, gingerly gathering it to use himself. The faint scent of hotel soap, mild tangerine and white tea float above you and dizzy your already jumbled senses as he walks back to the bathroom. You sit there in mild shock at the tiny gesture, thinking that Law seemed to linger there for a moment longer than needed. No matter what he did, Law was your own personal siren; your one true opponent in a world you once thought you conquered.
After some internal pep talk, you walk over to the bed, propping yourself up on two pillows as you nestle under thin, white blankets with a book in hand. You immediately feel the bed sink, signaling that Law has done the same, presumably with a book covering medicine.
“Uh… what are you reading?” Law cuts into the tension.
“It’s a book on the geography of the new world,” you respond, your nose still in said book (though you’re not entirely paying attention to it, as talking to Law is much more enthralling). “A pirate on the Oro Jackson wrote it. Not an easy find.”
“I can imagine it wasn’t easy. You’re into geography?” Law pries his gaze off his book.
“Not particularly. I just thought the book seemed interesting. Besides, the knowledge could help us.”
“Thanks for the research, but I think we’re good. I trust Bepo as a navigator.” Law gives a ghost of a smile at the last remark, either at the thought of his best friend or the sentiment of you helping him.
“What about you? Another doctor book?” you inquire, scanning the cover of the book in Law’s hands.
“Yeah. This one’s about medicinal herbs, I’m thinking about finding some on the islands we’ll come across.”
“You’re very dedicated to your work,” you compliment your crush with a glimmer in your eyes. Law’s commitment is truly admirable; you adore how intelligent he is.
“I guess,” Law shrugs. He yawns, placing the book on the nightstand beside him. “Mind if I turn the light off? We need to wake up early.”
“I don’t mind,” you say quietly, the beating of your heart becoming a little too loud for your liking as the reality of your situation sets in.
Does he feel even a bit the same way that I do right now?
Law reaches over to turn off the lamp next to him, leaving the light of the full moon to creep through sheer curtains, beautifully illuminating his sharp features. Law lies on his back, decorated arms crossed at his stomach, and you mirror him, even if it’s not the way you typically lie down to sleep. Silence passes, both parties secretly not sleeping a wink.
“Does it ever bother you?” You start, letting your words reverberate into the unfamiliar pitch black room. “It seems like the entire world is watching you. You were already a monster rookie to begin with, and now you’re a damn warlord.”
There’s silence for a few seconds, then you hear Law stir a bit. “You could say the same about yourself. You joined my crew, after all.” 
You smirk, turning your head to the side. Though you can’t see him too well, your heart swells at the thought of your face being so close to his. You silently thank the gods that you’re able to see such a handsome man this close, even with his heavy eyes and messy hair.
“I don’t think about it much. I guess it’s because I’ve been scrutinized all my life that it doesn’t bother me. I did this to myself, after all.”
“I assume you have your own reasons for being a warlord, but I won’t pry,” you respond softly.
“You’ll find out eventually. We have to face it all pretty soon,” Law sighs. “It’ll be a lot to handle.” Whatever baggage he has, you can tell it claws at him, even now.
“We’re pirates, Law, we handle tough situations all the time. I’m… happy to go through it for your sake. I mean, for the sake of the crew.” Way to cover that up at the end.
Law smiles, genuinely, at your last remark, though the darkness covers it and he turns his head to the side so you won’t see. He conceals his feelings most of the time, but when he’s truly thankful, it shows. And for you, he is eternally grateful for.
The moonlight of the night before is long forgotten as the morning sun engulfs the hotel room, filling your senses just enough to pull you out of slumber. To your surprise, you’re no longer at one edge of the bed, but in the middle, wrapped in Law’s arms as if you never woke up from your dream. Your eyes widen completely, breath hitching in your throat as you feel Law stir awake and see the same shock in his eyes as soon as they open. You both scramble away from each other, mumbled apologies escaping raspy morning voices as you gather yourselves. 
“I uh,” you start, “did not intend on that. I swear.” Shit, he definitely felt my heartbeat.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Law shakes his head awake, trying to understand why it felt so wrong to pry himself away from your warmth. He looks over to see you slightly shivering, clearly at a loss from warmth as well.
He hesitates before his next proposal. “Come here, you’re cold,” he says, extending his arm out. You pause as well, not believing your ears, before slowly bringing yourself back into Law’s chest, his arms gingerly wrapping back around you. You’re both stiff for a few moments, the rhythms of two hearts like taiko drums in the otherwise silent room.
“Is this okay, y/n-ya?” Law whispers into your hair, still stiff against you.
You smile weakly into his skin. “Yeah, it is. Don’t do this for me, though.”
“I’m not.”
Your heart leaps at the confession of Law actually wanting to be this close to you, and your shoulders finally relax into his touch as you allow yourself to relish in his warmth. He follows suit, pulling you a little closer and closing his eyes in serenity. Silence follows again as you both become overwhelmed in the feeling of touch, limbs entangled and gentle grazes of hands on skin sending you both to heaven. It doesn’t take long until you both accidentally succumb to sleep once again, and miss the free breakfast Law had intended to wake up on time for. The extra time together more than makes up for it, though.
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peachesofteal · 4 months
Reading “Dead Disco” again, and Lord does it bring back such familiar feelings.
I was Darling in my early twenties. I have bipolar disorder, and was horrible about taking my meds, causing my brain to be in shambles half the time. I had horrible anxiety, one boyfriend couldn’t stick around because he needed someone “normal,” it hurt. And it sucks to not fully understand yourself or why you act/think the way you do.
But then, when I turned 25, I met a man. And oooohhhh did he change my life. He saw me - I mean REALLY saw me. He didn’t let me push him away, he never let the nasty thoughts in my head win. If I fell into a dark space, he sat there with me until I felt strong enough to climb back out. He was there every step of the way. I didn’t think it would last, because, hello… it’s me. Surely I’ll ruin it, right? For once, I’m happy I was wrong.
On Wednesday, we’re going to our favorite restaurant to celebrate our five year anniversary, and after dessert, I’m going to give him the (well cleaned) positive pregnancy test I took two weeks ago.
My point, Darlings, is that it does get better. You will not be in the dark forever. You will find true happiness, whether it be through friends, a lover, a pet, a hobby, or (saving the best for last) yourself. Never stop fighting for your happiness. Ever. You are so much stronger and braver than you think.
I promise, we’re all going to be okay in the end. ❤️ sorry for the rant - your writing puts me in my damn feelings and I love you for it.
I wanted to keep this in my inbox forever, selfishly, but then I wouldn’t be able to share it with others who I know might be feeling or experiencing the same things.
Tw mental health (and some personal lore which feels a little uncomfy if I’m being honest but this felt important to me so)
I know your story. I suspect others know it too. I know how it feels to think something is broken in your brain, how it feels to be afraid that you’ll never “be normal”, what it’s like to think the best parts of your personality are actually just symptoms of some “mental disorder” (I call it ✨ spicy brain ✨ because I refuse to call anything disordered)
You’re right, the darkness does end. Things do get better. They did for me, they did for you, and they will for all the darlings who haven’t gotten there yet. With or without spicy brains.
The key is to not give up. Keep going. Keep fighting. Don’t quit. The world didn’t end when I was 17, or 23, or 25. It didn’t end through the highest highs and the lowest lows. I kept going and so did you, and I’m so happy for you. I’m proud of you. Of us. And to top it all off, you found your person. So did I. A triumph in itself, for someone like darling. And sure, do I still struggle? Yeah, as I’m sure you might as well. But we know the darkness doesn’t last forever, and I’d love to try to give that hope, that knowledge to someone who’s in the bottom of the well right now.
I’m unbelievably thrilled for you and your happiness. I hope your anniversary was lovely, and I’m sending you all my love for your big news.
Thank you so much for sending this to me. 🩵 this was really special.
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chipmunkfanno1love · 5 months
Cliva Theories
I thought I’d write my personal thoughts on the Cliva ship and how I imagine it playing out if it possibly does head down the romantic path. I also want to give my comparison if they stick to the platonic route. 
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Thoughts on the ship generally:
When I learned that Viva was related to Poppy and later found out that she's actually her long-lost older sister, the thought of her falling in love with one of Branch's brothers sounded like such an adorable idea to me. Considering that she and Clay rule over the Putt Putt Trolls together, the pair already have an established relationship in the platonic and professional sense. The two seem to have a lot of respect for each other (which I'm sure Clay appreciates as he wasn't taken seriously by his brothers during his teen years) and seem to be the best of friends.  
Viva appears to look up to Clay as her rock and confidant when it comes to her strongest fears and insecurities (something she struggled to open up with even Poppy). The fact that she’s been so open with him and trusts him with the responsibility of being her right hand man shows that Clay has proven himself as trustworthy and that he’s very important to Viva. She was obviously devastated by his betrayal in the movie, but doesn’t appear to hold a grudge due to her focus on freeing Clay from his diamond prison while Branch and Poppy were working on freeing Floyd. Obviously Clay is very important to her, not just as a right-hand man but also as a friend. 
Despite trying too hard to be serious, Clay isn’t afraid to have fun and be silly around Viva, which shows he feels comfortable around her and she helps him embrace the fun side of himself while also acknowledging his desire to be taken seriously. Clay may also lean on Viva when it comes to handling his insecurities and frustrations (specifically regarding his issues with his brothers). I’m sure he appreciates someone as fun-loving and energetic as her taking over the responsibility of being “the fun one” and I’m sure he actually has fun with Viva due to not feeling the pressure of living up to his past boy band image. These two truly seem to empathise and understand each other as trolls. 
I definitely believe that Clay and Viva have a shared love of dancing. Clay was obviously in charge of choreography for Brozone back in their youth, plus he’s famous for his Rusty Robot and later the Well-Oiled Robot dance moves. Viva is obviously a talented and enthusiastic dancer herself with lots of energy for crazy moves like flips and cartwheels. I personally would love to see more of these two dancing together, whether it be as two friends dancing together or possibly as a romantic dance fast and/or slow. 
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I think it's only natural that possible romantic sparks could grow between them as they re-adjust back into the lives of their long-lost family members and also accept that Bergans are no longer out to eat them. They obviously have a strong and special connection which they already built up even before they learned that their respective younger siblings are dating, so the possibility of them falling in love themselves does not seem that strange. 
I have heard some people say that it's wrong and even incestuous for Branch's older brother and Poppy's older sister to start a romantic relationship because when Broppy gets married it will make them in-laws. While I do acknowledge for some people it may be weird for one romantic partner's brother to date and/or marry their romantic partner's sister I will say in the ship's defence that it is neither morally wrong nor incestuous for a husband/boyfriend's brother to date and/or marry his wife/girlfriend's sister. They are not related by blood or legal siblings themselves, so there are no reasons why they can't date or marry (with Poppy, Branch's and King Peppy's blessing). It's not that unusual for a couple's siblings to fall in love and eventually marry in real life and fiction (e.g. The Chipmunks and their Chipette counterparts in the Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise are some examples). Either way, let's try to respect each other's thoughts and opinions without judgement or harsh criticism. 
I’m certainly open to this ship from a compatibility standpoint, but from a chemistry standpoint I think I’ll need a little more convincing as their limited interactions seemed more platonic in nature than romantic. I personally felt that Clay calling Viva “girl” sounded more like how a male would greet his female friend than how he would a potential lover. Although I have heard from some people’s translation of some non-English dubs of Trolls Band Together that Clay calls Viva “babe” which sounds slightly promising on the romantic side. Still you could easily say that was simply how the international production people personally translated the dub rather than it being the original writer's intention. Still, I’m certainly open-minded with this interpretation. 
I definitely think like Branch, Viva will need some time to reconnect with her family and readjust to the outside world again, including learning to overcome her fear of the Bergans and coping with her trauma and abandonment issues. While well-meaning in her desire to protect her sister and fellow Putt Putt Trolls, I found her holding Poppy and to an extent the other Trolls hostage in order to “keep them safe” to be quite frightening and unhealthy. I only hope that to some extent Clay stayed with Viva out of genuine loyalty and care for her and not because he was basically held hostage by her. It would not be healthy for them to build any type of relationship out of fear and possessiveness. 
Just like Poppy and Viva are adjusting to their newfound sisterly relationship, I think both Clay and Viva would also need to make some adjustments in their relationship as it changes with them being back with their families and learning to trust the Bergans. I’m curious how they’ll lead the Putt Putt Trolls now, whether they return to Pop Trolls Village or continue to run the Putt Putt Village together as they always have, but this time make it more welcoming and friendly to Bergans and give themselves and the Putt Putt Trolls more freedom to explore outside their home. I believe it will not only be good for Viva’s mental health, but will also help their own relationship to grow as Viva learns to be less codependent and becomes a little more interdependent with Clay. Plus, I trust that Viva doesn’t hold any hard feelings against Clay for his betrayal, knowing that he was only trying to save his brother. I’m sure she can empathise and understand him on that over knowing the pain of losing and parting ways with family.
Here are two plausible directions I could see the ship taking:
Romance option 
Perhaps over time, Clay and Viva begin to notice that their relationship has grown and changed as they've settled back with their families. They start to realise that their feelings for each other may be more than platonic and their partnership may be based on more than a purely professional connection. I imagine that they both may struggle to open up about their feelings for each other at first. Clay's brothers (namely John Dory) may tease him over his crush on Viva but are overall supportive of the relationship. 
Clay’s brother’s teasing him over having feelings for Viva (3:51 to the end) I imagine  Chandler as Clay, Rachel as Bruce, Phoebe as Branch, Ross as Floyd, Monica as John Dory and maybe Gunther as King Peppy: 
Branch in particular empathises with Clay's struggle with getting out of the friend zone and being in love with an overly energetic royal. He and Bruce may offer Clay courting and dating advice as they are currently the only two brothers to be in happily committed romantic relationships. 
Poppy is incredibly supportive of Clay and Viva becoming a couple and even offers to help them get together. She gets excited at the possibility of the pair going on double dates with her and Branch. Despite some hurdles along the way, the two eventually get the courage to confess their feelings for each other and eventually become a couple.
Before that happens, I could see a little ship teasing happening between them in this form. Perhaps Poppy and Branch have just gotten engaged or maybe it’s their wedding day and the two can’t help but get into a touching yet very awkward discussion similar to that of Ross and Rachel from Friends as they watch the happy young couple.
Viva and Clay ship tease example (0:05 to 0:34) (*Warning*: Sexually suggestive adult content)
I could see the conversation playing out like this:
Viva: “Look at them, they make such a Fantastamazing couple, don’t they!” 
Clay: “My baby brother and your little sister are in love and getting married. I never would have believed it.”
Viva: “Yeah, kind of ironic…what with you being my right-hand man and all. I guess it shows they were really meant to be.”
Clay: (chuckles a little) “Yeah, it is a pretty big coincidence, huh?”
After a few moments of silence, Viva finally speaks up again.
Viva: “Hey, Clay?” 
Clay: “Yeah, Veevs?” 
Viva: “Do you ever think…we’ll have what they have?”
Clay: (becomes noticeably nervous but yet also hopeful) “Uh, we, as in…”you, me, us: together”
Viva: “Oh nonono, not us (gesturing between the two of them) together (laughs nervously). I mean like, you with someone and me with someone. 
Clay: “Oh, whew. (fakes wiping his brow) You kinda scared me there.” 
Viva: “No probs, Clay. Just shake it off!” 
Clay: “Right, shake it off.” (Clay shakes himself rapidly like a dog and Viva lets out a little laugh to which Clay follows after her)
Viva: “You make me laugh.”
Clay: “Hey, I’m the former Fun Guy of Brozone and your current right-hand man. It’s what I do.”
Viva: (chuckles, though she’s still smiling it looks somewhat strained) “Yeah…i-it would make things kinda weird if we became a couple wouldn’t it?” 
Clay: (smiling but his eyes look visibly saddened) “Y-yeah, real weird.” 
The two share a heartfelt but very awkward moment, hinting that maybe the idea of them being a couple isn’t so weird to them. They may even be visibly disappointed at the thought of the other thinking it’s weird. 
In terms of romance comparison to other fictional characters' relationships I would imagine a romantic relationship developing in a similar fashion to these character’s relationships:
Melman and Gloria:
Perhaps like Melman, maybe either Clay or Viva have had feelings for their friend for a long time but have always been too shy to admit their feelings, while like Gloria the other expresses interest in dating, completely oblivious that their friend is in love with them. Maybe it’s only when one of them starts dating someone else who later turns out to be wrong for them (not that they have to be a bad person) do they start to realise the strong extent of their feelings and they get the boldness to finally confess. Overall, in the end the oblivious friend soon realises that their best friend is actually the one for them and the two eventually become a couple.
Melman and Gloria moments:
Melma and Gloria love confession: 
Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable:
Viva and Clay share a lot of similarities to Kim and Ron in that they aren’t just best friends (Kim and Ron have been friends since Pre-K, while we’ve yet to learn what age Viva and Clay were when they first met) but are also professional partners, e.g. Ron Stoppable is Kim Possible’s crime-fighting sidekick while Clay is Viva’s right-hand man in the leadership of the Putt Putt Trolls. 
Kim and Ron as a couple:
Unlike Melman and Gloria in which one was simply too shy to confess their feelings and the other is oblivious to their friends feelings for them, it’s hinted a lot throughout the Kim Possible series that Kim and Ron share mutual feelings for each other but neither of them confess out of fear ruining their friendship. It was certainly confirmed to be the case from Ron’s side of things, while it’s merely hinted at from Kim’s side.
Proof that Kim and Ron had feelings for each other:
I could see either Clay or Viva being reluctant to admit their feelings for each other out of fear of their friendship being ruined as a result of their feelings being unrequited or their relationship doesn’t work out and they break up. I could see this storyline working well as their excuse in future Trolls shorts and/or films. 
There’s a possibility that they may have even not confessed their feelings due to it interrupting their professional relationship, e.g. Clay was too focused on being taken seriously in his job as Viva’s right-hand man while Viva let her fear of the Bergans returning stop her from considering a romantic relationship with Clay, possibly out of fear of losing him too or she was too focused on her job as leader to consider what her feelings for Clay truly were. 
With time for them both to reconnect with their families and time to readjust to the real world again, perhaps they both consider the possibility of romance in their lives, which possibly opens them up to dating other trolls but realising that they don’t have the same connection with their dates as they have with each other, leading to them realising that their feelings for each other may be more than platonic. 
Chandler and Monica:
Perhaps they may go down a similar route as Chandler and Monica from Friends where perhaps they begin a relationship off-screen and try their best to hide it from their siblings, either because they don’t feel ready to tell their family and/or they’re worried about how they will react to them being a couple. Though when they finally do confess their relationship, I’m sure their whole family is very supportive of the two as a couple.  
Monica and Chandler Love Story (*Warning* - Contains sexually suggestive adult content and possibly triggering fat jokes)
One thing all these couples have in common is that they were all friends first before eventually becoming a couple. The female character is generally depicted as a bold and beautiful woman (seemingly out of the guy’s league) who while she’s generally strong and independent does occasionally struggle with insecurities (with maybe the exception of Gloria perhaps), while the male character is generally depicted as more comical and goofy but overall very supportive of their female friend and vise-versa. Perhaps they date other trolls or other creatures, but ultimately realise that they’re each other’s true love. 
As we all picked up, they are quite similar to Branch and Poppy’s dynamic as well, only their roles are reversed somewhat with Viva being the more emotionally traumatised one and Clay being the more stable one who is there to emotionally support his friend/lover. Though Viva still has Poppy’s energy and enthusiasm while Clay is a little more cynical and organised like Branch.
If they do become a couple like Poppy and Branch I could see it happening in a slow burn manner with little romantic hints here and there. Though hopefully there are enough differences in their pairing that they don’t play out exactly like their younger siblings do and therefore their own relationship is still its own. 
Platonic option 
Of course, there's also the possibility that these two may just remain really good friends and later close in-laws when Branch and Poppy eventually get married. They may even support the other in their romantic relationships with other trolls/creatures. 
In terms of other fictional friendships and professional partnerships I can definitely see similarities between Princess Fiona and Brogan’s shared leadership of the Ogre Resistance in Shrek Forever After to Viva and Clay’s shared leadership of the Putt Putt Trolls. 
They may also have similarities in their relationship to General Amaya and Commander Gren from The Dragon Prince series who have a very close friendship as well as a professional partnership much like Viva and Clay themselves. I feel if either one or both of them eventually fall in love with someone else I could see either of them supporting their friend’s romance as Gren supports Amaya’s relationship with Queen Jenai. Perhaps if Clay is one to fall in love with someone else (such as perhaps a girl from his Sad Book Club) maybe Viva would feel a little jealous at the thought of losing her best friend and confidant, but only when Clay reassures her that he’ll always be there for her as a friend does she eventually accept his new relationship and gives the couple her blessing. 
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Whichever direction Cliva goes, whether it remains platonic or heads in a more romantic direction, I am keen to see more of these two interacting with each other and seeing how they met and became partners in leadership. I hope their relationship grows with the changes to their situation and environment and continues to flourish. 
I'm just glad that Broppy has become canon as their romantic chemistry was so obvious and I'm just grateful that the ship has sailed nicely. Whatever happens with their older siblings is up for debate. 
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mipexch · 7 months
thinking about a potential ultrakill lethal company au type crossover for fun. long ramble of headcanons under the readmore. feel free to add on, i’d love to start something silly
i haven’t thought too much on the possibilities of an Actual fully fleshed out au complete with designated planets being certain layers so all of this is made under the idea that it’s just these characters tasked with doing what the employees do. all the headcanons i’ve made are just how i feel these characters would act :)
gabriel is.. he’s gabriel. his ass is getting fired IMMEDIATELY. he’s smart sometimes but his impulsivity & arrogance gets the best of him. he doesn’t need a flashlight— or a walkie-talkie for that matter. what is he, a husk? he goes in empty handed and comes out empty handed. his pride wont let him return to admit his tactic was shit so at best he steals another piece of scrap someone may have set at the front to bring back. sure. it works. he agrees to bring a walkie-talkie but sticking with the group is completely out of the question.
being the one on the monitor isn’t too difficult for him but it gets VERY stressful for the ones actually inside the facility. he’s going to yell at you to go a certain way and alert you to a nearby enemy only when he feels it’s absolutely necessary. he switches cameras very often and tasks himself with keeping everyone safe. if you stand still for more than 4 seconds he’s going to declare you dead and stop checking. (unless it’s V1)
if a dog happens to come by while he’s monitoring he’ll try hard to stay quiet for a short amount of time before fear gets the better of him and makes him start the ship (even if there’s still people inside). goes inside the facility half the time and stays back the other half. he enjoys reading through the bestiary and organizing all the scrap people dump onto the floor of the ship. very prone to getting attacked by snare fleas. he checks his surroundings but Not above him. dumbass
V1 is going in with nothing but a shovel and…another shovel. you cant even wield both but that doesnt stop them from wanting another. no one’s entirely sure how they have so many on hand except for gabriel. if he isn’t around to reluctantly buy them a shovel they’re going to buy as many as they can before they get caught. (gabriel makes sure to keep an eye on the terminal when they’re using it for this reason alone)
they beat the shit out of every enemy they find and disregard scrap completely. it’d probably beat another crewmate to death. whether it was on accident is up to you. they’re able to outsmart and survive certain enemies given they can hear them. they’d probably do very well at sneaking around dogs, although their first instinct is to make a run for it when there’s a forest giant. (they’re fast dont worry they can make it) the only creature they wouldn’t be able to survive and potentially beat to death is the bracken. explanation should be self explanatory given the enemy list i’ve made but they are Bad at frequently checking their surroundings and are very easily caught off guard. they can defend themselves quickly, but the bracken is. hm. yeah. you get it.
the only help they can offer their crew is being the only one brave enough (if you could even call it that) to retrieve someone’s corpse and successfully bring it back to the ship.
LOVES to scare other people by chasing after them with shovels but minos wrestles the damn thing away from them every single time
V2 is less like their predecessor but they still take after them quite a lot. they’re smart and actually have the decency to take a walkie talkie with them, but they don’t communicate much with it. it’s less of a necessity to them and more of a tool that may or may not prove useful in certain cases. they don’t particularly like being given orders (even if they know it’ll help) so it’s turned off half the time anyways. they’re smart in that they’ll actually look for and bring back scrap, but they have a bad habit of attempting to hold as much as they can instead of bringing more important things back to the front. they enjoy bringing back a big haul— it’s affirming. if V1 is with them, they’re going to try their hardest to avoid them but still follow their trail because they know every enemy they encounter will either be dead or chasing after the other. there’s a high chance there’ll be scrap V1 has ignored along the trail anyways. it’s smart until the frantic running stops and suddenly they’re face to face with a bracken. they’ll figure out a way around this eventually i’m sure.
they’re also really bad at jumping across platforms. they jump without looking and often take chances with jumps they can’t see. LOVES closing the ship door on V1 but if gabriel’s there its gonna be opened in under a few seconds & V1 will promptly chase them down with a shovel (and kill them!)
ferryman has a horrible case of GET SCARED disease but generally they do pretty well! they tend to follow around other crewmates but on the offchance they’re going alone or somehow get lost they ALWAYS bring a flashlight. they’re bad at navigating through the dark but they have a Really good sense of direction and can find their way back very easily. always the one tasked with investigating steamy rooms because they usually find the valve pretty quickly. surprisingly good at defending themselves against enemies given they have a weapon and a warning given before it shows up but coil-heads are a nono. they’re bad enough at prolonged eye contact as it is.
can’t work the monitor because they’re way too quiet for anyone to hear and they get really nervous about the forest giants (dogs are okay with them. they’re good at being silent) but they really like reading the logs people find. also really good at making jumps between platforms
swordsmachine ACTUALLY DOES THEIR JOB!!!!! SOMEWHAT!!!!! every piece of scrap they find goes to their designated corner at the front of the building. no one is allowed to take their scrap back to the ship. Their Pile. Will die everytime they land on a stormy planet because of their refusal to put their shit down. they’re smart but i think their scrap is too important to them and they think making a mad dash for the ship might give them enough time to get back before they get struck by lightning and explode. they bring NOTHING with them. they need all the space available to hold as much scrap as possible. if V2 is on the ship they tend to to tag along with them.
mindflayer reads as pretty lazy to me. im not sure why. they’d go into the facility but once they find one or two items they’re gonna return to base and camp out there for the rest of the time. they LOVE the mansions though. will stay in there for much longer than they should. steals all the keys people have collected overtime for mansion expeditions & unlocking all of the doors. very fond of almost every enemy EXCEPT the forest giants. they’re bad at not getting spotted
minos is like the Only level headed person on this entire fucking ship. does what he needs to! does it well! he heads into the facility when there’s less people going in (or the only ones going in don’t typically do much) but most of the time hes at the monitor. very good at calming people down when there’s an enemy near them. tends to lead the group whenever he actually goes inside. when he delivers back his first haul of scrap he always checks the monitor just to make sure everyone else is doing okay. he’s gonna go after them if he feels like they’re in a tight spot. instinctually goes for the fire exits instead of using the main entrance because he believes it’s better for some reason.
he has a nasty habit of staying in the facility for Far too long but he’s pretty diligent about getting back safely and with everything he’s found. if he feels particularly worried he’ll drop everything and run for it.
sisyphus is also pretty great. makes a lot of jokes over the walkie talkies whenever he’s doing monitoring (much to the dismay of whoever is being chased by creatures). he Will lock you in a hallway for shits and giggles but he’ll let you out after a few seconds. he does really well actually within the facilities but he’s mostly doing work outside with bringing scrap people leave outside back to the ship. loves jumping out of the ship before it lands so he can get a head start. if he hears or somehow knows that someone around him has just died he’s going to do everything in his power to bring their body back to the ship. he feels strangely obligated but in a way he enjoys. LOVES the jetpacks. buys one whenever it’s possible. weirdly bad at making the jumps between platforms
mirage really loves the mansions. will bring scrap back but leaves to explore the planets rather than focus on the job at hand. turns off her walkie talkie and keeps the flashlight just to stay out a bit later but always makes it back within the nick of time. if the monitor person dies (or everyone else does) she’s usually the one to start the ship and go. knows most planets like the back of her hand. if the mindflayer on the ship hasn’t already taken the stored keys then she probably will. not one to explore the facilities in the dark but she does really enjoy it when she gets to be alone. knows when it’s about time to leave if she starts hearing other people screaming. not intimated by the bracken- if anything she enjoy its company. her favorite piece of scrap are the paintings
POTENTIAL enemy list….
thumper - filth (ignore the staggering difference in power these two have)
spore lizard - cancerous rodent :)
bracken - something wicked. loves to target v1 specifically
snare-flea - ??? help me out here
hoarding bugs - swordsmachine would make SO much sense but for the sake of them actually being a crew member on this hell of a ship i’ll say a swordsmachine copycat. a scraphead
spider - i’m running out of enemies. spiders exist on earth too so i think it’d make sense for it to be a husk of some sort. nothing specific
baboon-hawk- drone :)
forest giant - i think corpse of king minos is most fitting. let’s just pretend he isnt 20 stories tall for the sake of this. cerberus would also make sense. either of them work
eyeless dogs - imagine a giant maurice rolling around. now imagine many of them. cant exactly see you because it’s made of fucking stone but it sure can hear you & you’ll definitely hear it when it comes barreling towards you before running you over
earth leviathan (worms) - EASILY the leviathan
coil-head - mannequin. maybe. bonus points if she gets to strike a different pose everytime she moves
ghost girl - i think it’d be funny if it were that one council member. any council member, honestly. they go after gabriel specifically
jester - im actually not sure! the skull looks most similar to minos’ parasites but at the same time having it be some weird hell-made husk machine would also be cool
jeb - it’s a bit lazy but hell itself would fit very nicely
turret - sentry. pink dot instead of orange
i’m ill. thanks for reading
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juinxa · 6 months
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[ an excerpt from BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME! that I wrote so long ago ]
[ TW: suggestions of animal cruelty (nothing actually happens they were just being loud kids) ]
OR, kisaki’s first encounter with his slice of Heaven
                KISAKI WAS ALWAYS a nervous child, never sticking up for himself. His younger years weren't his best, but maybe he could’ve made up for it when he was older. For now, he was teased and an easy target for lunch money robbing. He never fought back. Was there any point when the most he could be scream before they would tape his mouth shut? Older kids were more dangerous than they used to be. He wasn’t sure he heard about kids mugging other kids from his parents. He wasn’t sure that he heard about kids his age abusing animals like it was an afternoon run. Though, he knew better than to criticize them. Who was he to say anything when they were dangerous. Ah, who was he kidding?
Kisaki Tetta wasn’t a hero.
Maybe he could’ve been the smart sidekick with the smart plans. He didn’t have the looks of a typical hero protagonist when he had black, messy hair with strands poking out, dark bags that carried heavily, and a face that wasn’t unique enough to attract model agencies. However, his smarts made up for it. His intelligence was exceeding more than others. He knew how to plan things accordingly, and whether there were bumps or not, he would easily find a way around them in order to reach his goal.
His classmates were a bore; they never interested him in the slightest. Sure, there was Hinata Tachibana, but she was more of a female who praised everyone, and she rarely stood around him to know much. Everyone in his year was bland, tasteless, and boring, overall. He couldn’t understand the joy of having many friends when everyone seemed to distance them from himself. He could’ve tried, but he didn’t know why he didn’t. Maybe it was fear of rejection. Maybe it was because they weren’t worth it. Maybe it was because he knew there was someone better out there.
Better there was.
[Name] [Surname], who was a year above him. She went to the same school as him. She also attended cram school. She was a peculiar girl with a likable personality, and he wondered why she had to be in the grade above him. Coincidentally, they sat next to each other in cram school. She always spoke about her adventures with her friends. Every story she told was interesting and caught his attention. He was always invested in what she had to say next. She was like an enigma force, like a book with millions of stories, or like a refreshing air after a day of being locked in a cramped room. Kisaki truly thought this girl was a heavenly slice of life.
Not to mention, she paid more attention to him than cram school. She explained that she was only there because of her parents and didn’t really want to attend. He felt flattered, flattered at the fact that she had rather spend time with him than listen to what was going on. She was given two options, and she went for the one that included him. She was including him in something that she chose. Refreshing. It was refreshing. At that point, he enjoyed her company. She was a good friend to have around.
”Kisaki, we should totally get ice cream afterward. You’re like my cram school friend, y’know?” She murmured, spinning her pencils through her spinning fingers. Kisaki pushed down the phrase “cram school friend” into his throat and decided to twist the words to his own liking—my best friend. ”I’d like that,” He smiled at her, heart racing fast at the offer.
At other times, she would ask other questions.
”Kisaki, you’re very quiet. May I ask why?” She asked, placing her chin atop of her hand while she stared at the words she was writing like she was in a trance. He continued on, thinking over his next words. “I’ve always been at the top of my exams, and many tend to avoid me because of it.” She hummed lightly, placing her hand down on the table to put her head down. It didn’t sound like he enjoyed those experiences. She never understood why being smart had to do with isolation and loneliness. Without much thought, she crawled out a response, “That’s stupid of them. If they spoke to you as I did, they’d see more than just a smart student. I suppose they’re missing out on a piece of art.”
‘There it was again,’ Kisaki thought, ‘that stupid heart thump.’
[Name] had no problem opening up to him about her concerns or worry. She’d ask for advice about troubles she was experiencing. He loved helping her out. Whenever she would confess something, he felt like he was getting closer to her. She was growing vulnerable around him, and it was blissful to know that she could trust him. There was a bond—a genuine bond that he had never experienced with others. It was the type of bond that exceeded any other he had. It wasn’t a bond of pity like others may have done. This was a true bond of friendship. She had willingly taken the time to befriend him, and Kisaki knew how important time was. You could never get time back, once you wasted it, there was no chance of getting back. You couldn’t reverse time!
So when she took the irreversible time to speak, know, and understand him, Kisaki felt like he was at home. It wasn’t like the location of the home. It was a sense of familiarity—where you could be safe behind the walls that wrap around you and hold memories. He held memories with her. He didn’t care if it was only at school. To him, as long as it was with her, he’d cherish it to the end of time.
She was always oblivious to her surroundings. He took notice of it. Cram school came with its own difficulties. There were those in cram school who were aggressive. Some were even rude to her, but she was never phased by it, simply ignoring their threats and taunts. She was strange indeed. When he asked her why, the answer was the same as always: “Hm? Why do I ignore them? They aren’t threats to me or my friends. If anyone hurts my friend I’m mad. Besides, I’m a pretty patient person.”
No threats to her or her friends. He wondered if he were threatened, would she do something? Would her patience run low if someone bothered him? He didn’t have the answer, and he wanted to know. She didn’t seem like the type to fight anyone. Throughout his time with her, she never displayed any signs of violence or aggression. Languid is what she was. 
“Who can make me mad?” She repeated Kisaki’s question, in which he nodded. Pondering, she poked her chin with the eraser on her pencil. “I don’t think anyone can make me mad. Oh(!), but I know someone—or some people—who can annoy the hell out of me.” Her smile was wide like she enjoyed having them annoy her. Kisaki felt his throat clench. She seemed very happy about the ones who could annoy her. Why was she so happy?
”Mikey and Baji!”
”Mikey?” He breathed out. It sounded familiar to him, but Baji was a foreign name to him. Since Mikey was the only one he was familiar with, he asked, “Who’s Mikey?”
”Hm, he goes to a different school, but he’s my friend! He knows how to get on my nerves, though.” The girl admitted, giggling at the memories of what he had done. Kisaki felt his hands grow sweaty. Her giggles were nice, too nice to be caused by someone named Mikey. He felt his brain freeze. It was as if he felt there was a threat towards him. Why was he feeling this way? He had only seen her around school and during cram school. He never hung out with her outside of school. He had a chance with the ice cream scenario, but he couldn’t go out late as she could, so he had missed an opportunity.
”Mikey, huh?”
”Mikey isn’t his real name. It’s actually Sano Manjiro!” She beamed, and Kisaki felt his hands go cold, mouth losing its salvia that lapped around, and his legs began to bounce from confusion. The Sano Manjiro? Who hadn’t heard of him? He was an infamous name around the elementary schools. He was a delinquent who managed to beat up many middle and high schoolers. He didn’t know how you were affiliated with him. You were so pure and innocent, so how did you know him?
It kept Kisaki up all night. Mikey seemed to be one of your closest friends. When he thought back to previous conversations, it was then he remembered that you mentioned him in some of your stories that sounded like dreams to him from how adventurous they were. He couldn’t believe he forgot the repeated name you continuously brought up. Mikey was always in your adventures. If he met Mikey, would he be able to tag along? Would he be able to understand the inside jokes you had? He definitely would’ve. He wanted to be her true friend! He wanted to be by her side! She stuck with him, always acknowledging him, unlike others. He opened up to her and she opened up to him about her feelings and thoughts.
Kisaki knew her better than anyone! He was her best friend!
”Kisaki, do you wanna walk home with me? You don’t have an umbrella, I see.” She noticed, looking out the window to see the small neighborhood that was dark from the heavy, thick clouds. Cram school had just ended and everyone was packing their papers and pencils, rushing to get out before the rain could start pouring. There were whispers thrown around about how it was going to be a bad storm, which didn’t deter the [h/c] haired girl one bit. Kisaki had just finished putting his things away, now only staring at the girl who was looking out the window. Her black umbrella was loosely in her hand, still waiting for the inevitable response of her friend.
”Um,” His hands grew sweaty, legs almost collapsing like there was a building he was lifting. This would be his first time hanging out with her after school. He couldn’t miss the chance. This could be his only chance to then hang out with her on the days there was no cram school. His adam apple bobbed as he swallowed his spit that was overflowing in his mouth. He was nervous, so nervous that he could barely muster a sentence. “I w-would like-like that, [Surname].”
Ignoring the stutters, she turned around to finally walk out of the classroom. Walking past him, she grabbed his hand to lead him out. The sky was darker now, giving the school an omniscient vibe. Putting up her umbrella, she released his hand to pick it up over her and Kisaki’s head. It was drizzling, faint sounds of patterns forming puddles in the potholes around the streets. Some kids from different schools were walking as well, chatting away while the pair walked in silence. The silence was insufferable to Kisaki while [Name] didn’t mind it. She enjoyed peace and quiet from time to time.
“[Surname], do you still want to take up on that ice cream appointment one of these days?” He felt his throat go dry, almost shaking that he actually said that. She hummed lightly, not even thinking before speaking. “I’m afraid I can't, I’ve been very busy these past couple of weeks compared to the last time I asked.”
His heart dropped as his eyes were wide. She didn’t spare him a glance, looking forward towards a park. Kisaki felt like he failed. She had been busy in recent times? He almost cursed at himself for not just taking the chance when she has asked him last time because now she was too busy. “I see, can I ask with what?”
”It’s personal.” Was her response, but she continued, “I think the rains picking up.”
Kisaki nodded in understanding, but truth be told, he wanted to yell in frustration. He was masking it well under his smile. He did feel the rain go harder as his shoulder was poking from the umbrella, slightly soaking his uniform. However, the sounds of the rain could not block out the cries of a kitten. Kisaki stopped as soon as she did. He noticed her head turn towards the park where a group of middle school delinquents stood around a box. He gulped, realizing that they were one pester him for money. He freaked out, worrying for the safety of the girls next to him who continuously stared at them like she was trying to figure something out.
”Hey, what are they doing?” She wondered, stepping forward on a twig that snapped loudly. Kisaki’s breath hitched, knowing that it drew their attention. [Name] heard the noises of a distressed kitten, but she didn’t know if it was coming where she thought it was coming from. The group of boys craned their necks to see the pair under an umbrella. Then, their eyes laid on Kisaki, someone who they knew very well as they began to walk towards them. Kisaki looked at her, hands shaking, “[Surname], we need to leave. We shouldn’t involve ourselves with them.”
”Oh, and why not?” One asked, looking down at the female and male. She didn’t pay mind to them, looking past them to see the cries from the kitten stopped as soon as they left, followed by a small cat poking it’s head out, perfectly fine. She heaved a sigh. It confirmed her suspicion. They were bothering a defenseless kitten, so whenever they left to come to them, it had stopped meowing because it was left alone. However, it may only be because they moved their targets to other people—them.
”Kisaki, you wouldn’t have any money leftover. I really need a drink right now.”
”Hmm, who’s your little friend?”
”She’s very pretty! Is this your girlfriend?”
”Nah, no way he could’ve bagged a girl!” With a push, he was stumbling back on the ground. The rain was getting worse, making the sidewalk runny and slippery. They surrounded him while a boy stood in front of [Name]’s face, keeping an eye on her. Kisaki’s breath was taken from him as a punch was delivered to his stomach. 
“Stop,” [Name]’s voice was hushed when the older male’s burly finger was placed on her lip. He grinned at her, looking into her eyes that were blank. Kisaki gasped, garnering all of her attention. She hadn’t noticed that she spaced out, too focused on the box that was away. It looked red? Was she seeing things?
”Leave her out of this!” Kisaki wheezed out, “Run!”
”Kisaki?” She muttered, looking down to see his glasses on the floor the same way his body was. One of the older boys laid his hands on her shoulder, pushing her into his chest. She repeated once more, trying to be patient as best as she could. “Leave him alone.”
”Hm, we couldn’t hear her?” He taunted, leaning closer to her mouth. Her mouth was parted, and he didn’t notice, but her eyes were shaking at the frustration that was bubbling within her. “I said: leave him alone.”
She was pushed down on the ground, the grip on her umbrella coming unloose. Her hands scraped against the concrete, an abrasion ripping the top layer of her skin off. Her face was in a puddle, dirtying her uniform. Kisaki’s voice was shrill as someone delivered another kick to the stomach. They moved their attention away from her, focusing on the smaller boy that “owed” them money. The leader leaned down, smiling at Kisaki’s busted lip and bruised skin. “We need you to speak up, Kisaki~“
“Hey,” [Name] placed a hand on his shoulder, gripping it tight, “leave him alone.”
”Huh?” He turned around to her, “What are you going to do—!”
Her knee swiftly knocked into his mandible before she pulled her knee back to strike again in his face. Pulling his hair, she swiftly threw him aside. The commotion stirred Kisaki. It was then he stared at her. Kisaki saw something different. She looked different. The atmosphere was different. The emotions being expressed were different. Her skirt was dirty with some stains of blood from her first victim. One of the other males grabbed her shoulder from behind, in which she pulled her arm forward before jabbing him in the face with her elbow, making his head fling back. Turning around towards him, the toes of her feet slammed into his jaw, sending him back.
Moving her head to the left, she avoided a quick punch from behind. Grabbing the arm she dodged, she pulled him over her body, slamming him onto the ground. He coughed violently, eyes going white from the impact. Her eyes looked at the last member who came at her with full speed. She scoffed, striking a hit in his face before he could react. His nose cracked as he fell to his knees. She took the chance to then give a back kick in his face.
”I warned you. I gave you three chances, and you didn't stop.”
Kisaki’s vision was hazy, but he saw the whole thing clearly. He didn’t know where that came from. He didn’t know how you managed to take care of them so easily. You saved him. Why did you save him? He carefully heard your words, and the next sentence made his heart stop.
”You hurt my friend.”
The rain continually poured down on him, drenching him to where it felt like a flood take over his body. He remained still like the other bodies around him. His pulse was racing while his body was weak. The rain was loud, the thundering booming and clapping. It was everywhere. The droplets fell and fell on him—until they didn’t. His eyes were cracked open, staring at the sky that was then blocked by a black umbrella. He was no longer being attacked by the rain. His eyes widening when [Name]’s face came into view. Her shining [e/c] eyes staring down at him in concern while her [h/c] hair was framing her face as she bent down. She looked like an angel coming to help. She was like a descendant from heaven.
His slice of Heaven.
”Kisaki, are you okay?” She placed his head on her lap, observing the wounds on his face. “Can you stand up?”
He nodded slowly, admiring her appearance, saving it to his memories. Her eyes were full of worry. They continued to stare at each other, ignoring all other surroundings. She sighed, “I’m sorry I didn't fight them sooner.”
”It’s okay,” He confessed, and it was true that he believed it was okay. You had a breaking point that they crossed. Smiling, Kisaki reached up to her face before dropping his hands back down. She didn’t grab his hand, only focusing on his wounds. After a short while, she decided to help him up from the soaking floor. With careful steps, she pulled him to his feet, cautiously keeping her hands around him to prevent him from falling. He almost fell if she hadn’t caught him. She smiled at him, telling him to not worry since they were going to get him fixed up.
He liked her smile. It comforted him in a way that no one else could. Kisaki’s stomach bloomed in a euphoric way, his gut tightening when her saw her dazzling eyes. She did so much to help him. He almost felt pathetic, but he was grateful for her at the same time. She could’ve gotten hurt, but she protected him. There was a reason for it, and he was then reminded of what she said way back: “They aren’t threats to me or my friends. If anyone hurts my friend, I’m mad.”
She was his friend. She was his first friend. Kisaki was infatuated with that idea. He wanted more of it. He didn’t know what more he could want, but then he finally knew where it had to go from there. It could go from friend to something more. He swore he’d do anything to protect her, to understand her, to have her. Kisaki didn’t know how just yet but he would find out. After all, she was the first one to know him, really know him. She was the first person to accept him with open arms. She was his very first friend.
And his very first love.
never published this, let alone the story, probably never will bc I lost motivation from it but I didn’t want this to sit, I wrote it almost three years ago? Time flies
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the-travelling-witch · 8 months
𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐦: 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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pairing: suna x reader
prompt: corn maze
haikyuu!! masterlist || hollysm event
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“Let’s face it: We’re lost.”
Flicking the leaf blade of a corn plant that looked exactly like every other plant around, you huffed in frustration. The falling night made it even harder to discern whether it was the same stone you had come by for the nth time already or a new one. By now you were sure, you and your boyfriend were the last idiots wandering through this corn maze.
“I’d like to remind you that this was your idea, by the way,” you grumbled, not actually all that mad. 
“And you were the one who said ‘Oh, let’s do something cute and coupley this Halloween!’, if I may remind you,” Suna retorted, throwing pieces of corn at you. He seemed far less concerned than you, as calm and collected as ever. “Plus, you agreed rather enthusiastically when I brought it up.”
“Well that was before we’ve been walking in circles for hours. It’s gonna get cold soon, too,” you defended yourself. To emphasise your point, you rubbed your hands up and down your arms.
“Here.” Suna was already shrugging off his own jacket and draping it around you, fastening it in the front. Immediately, his warmth still radiating from the material made you feel better and you sighed contently. Your boyfriend had the audacity to laugh at you, pulling a leaf out of your hair. “How lucky you are to have a boyfriend who dresses warm enough for both of you.”
“Yes yes, you’re the best or whatever,” you rolled your eyes, then sidled up to him and slipped your hand into his calloused one, blatantly ignoring his amused snort. “About getting out of here though, if you’re now also packing something like a map–”
“Yeah no, I’m not,” your boyfriend shattered your hopes. Holding up his phone to show the endlessly loading map, he added. “I also don’t have reception.”
“I can’t believe it, we’re going to die in a corn maze. That’s not how I wanted to go out,” you joked. Turning both ways again, you tried to recall if you had seen this place before. “But seriously, what are we going to do? Even you are losing in height to a stupid plant… Try jumping though?”
“Absolutely not,” Suna deadpanned. He started moving again, tugging you along. “You know, our high school volleyball team used to do this, too. Do you know how easy it is to get lost in a maze when you have the twins with you?”
“I can imagine,” you snorted, the thought of Atsumu and Osamu bickering endlessly the entire way cheering you up. “I’m sure Kita handled it though.”
“Yeah, his sense of direction is freakish,” the middle blocker said. Taking another right, you followed him. “I’m still pretty sure he’s a robot or something.”
“Can’t blame you, someone should study him,” you agreed. All the times you had met the former captain you had failed to point out a single flaw, so you supported that theory whole-heartedly. “But I don’t think anyone else could’ve handled that team. You guys always had a knack for causing trouble.”
“Hey now, don’t lump me in with the rest of them,” Suna purposefully tugged at your intertwined hands, so you’d stumble right into him, disproving the point he was trying to make. “I never was a troublemaker.”
“‘Course not. You only filmed all of it,” you shook your head at him in amusement. By now you had figured out his strategy. You had been sticking to the right side of the maze this entire time and in the distance you saw the lights of the maze’s end. 
“See, that wasn’t so hard. No need to write out your testimony,” Suna one-sidedly grinned at you. 
“If it was so easy, why didn’t you just do it sooner?” You stared back, unimpressed.
“Where would be the fun in that, babe?” By now his smirk had widened and he wrapped a strong arm around your middle to pull you flush with his chest and you let him. “Anyway, don’t you think I deserve some kind of reward for saving you from dying in a corn maze?”
“You are the worst, Suna Rintarou,” you laughed but still took his face between your hands and pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek, lingering a little longer than necessary. “There, happy now?”
“Hmmm, is that really all I get? I mean we’re talking about your life here…” Sharp olive eyes were looking at you expectantly and your heart, the traitor, melted at the sight.
“How corny,” you mused before leaning in and connecting your lips.
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
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Hello, I hope you don't mind if I share a weird headcanon of mine 👉👈
I normally see people talking about Kakyoin make drawing about you but what if Jotaro does that too? The reason I have this headcanon because I remember the scene when Jotaro using Star Platinum drawing the fly he saw in the picture, and he draw it so well. It makes me think that maybe Jotaro has talent in art too. Jotaro's style will be realistic style while Kakyoin will be more like cartoon/anime style.
Imagine their sketchbook filling with so many drawing of you 💕 Jotaro will watching you from afar, sketching you with your cute smile, your beautiful eyes, he captured it all. For Kakyoin, I think he will even make up characters (oc) that look like you and him and ship them together lol (this headcanon inspried by my friend, she actually do that with her crush).
Thank you for reading my ramble, glad to talk with you :D I would love to hear your thoughts about my weird headcanon
P/s: Love you writing so muchhhh 💝
This is fun stuff, I could eat it up all day. Thanks for sending it in, so I can blabber my mouth about it
This always internally bugged me so I’m very thrilled that someone brought up how well Star Platinum drew that fly. I suppose it’s kind of easy to gloss over for a lot of people compared to Kakyoin’s scene of painting on that canvas. (Then again that fly was kind of important to identify to figure out where Dio was so then again it’s “???” for an explanation)
Anywho, I’d say signs point to Jotaro being able to draw, and I think it’s a hobby he prefers keeping to himself. Like you said of him having a sketchbook, almost no one sees what he draws in it and he doesn’t want anyone else to see it especially if it’s various sketches of you. So more than likely when he does do so, he’s somewhere where he won’t be pestered by school girls, or whatever punk tries to start a fight with him.
I’d also like to think he goes back and lingers on prior stuff, just staring at it for a little while. This applies usually when you’re out of school sick (which he’ll probably stop by later anyway with or without your knowledge). But there’s something comforting about seeing every piece of your visage in his sketchbook. Literally no one else knows about this sketchbook aside from maybe Kakyoin (Holly has her suspicions he takes a sketchbook around but she smiles not pestering her son on his hobbies as she thinks it’s adorable).
For the most part art wise I think Jotaro sticks to traditional art, maybe a dabble of charcoal but he prefers pencils. Maybe watercolor if he ever went beyond, but traditional with pencil/pen is the easiest way for him to pull something out at his leisure. Would he let you see? Maybe eventually when he gets you where he wants you, or if the cat is out of the bag early and you see it and you’re not quite with him yet. Let’s just say seeing that may speed up him taking you.
Kakyoin I could definitely see diving into the oc type of thing, he’d certainly reference an artstyle of a manga you like. (Don’t ask how he figured that out so quickly). Though he definitely loves putting some passion into his artwork and occasionally shamelessly make sultry artwork of you and himself. He loves painting the most as he spreads colors, mixing them into the wondrous hues that is your skin tone. Or splashing watercolors in a notebook, that looks something out of a fairytale. Soft and warm lighting….oops he’s getting a tad bit excited.
He definitely presents pieces that are obviously meant to be stand ins for the two of you. That no one else would ever be wiser too, yeah you might have this odd feeling something’s not quite right, but there’s nothing there you could really prove other than observe just how pretty the composition is. If you compliment it, that just fuels this man’s desire further.
Biggest takeaway here is Jotaro and Kakyoin very blatantly have their own styles whether sticking with black/white/grey, or full on color. Both would be pretty in their own right, and their style choices speak of their personalities without saying a single word.
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This may be an out-there one but stick with me for a sec! I remember Leona going off to Jamil about how Kalim’s best asset is that he’s friendly and he knows how to use that to sway people whether he knows it or not. With that in mind, may we see Kalim’s magical charms work on Maleficia?
Consider this interaction as a part 2 to this one! They just happen to flow together really well.
P.S. For no reason at all, you should totally go read Jade's School Uniform vignette :))
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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A single spot of sunshine lit up all of Diasomnia's dank, gloomy lounge.
Kalim, a gargantuan smile plastered on his face, was seated at a table, playfully swinging his legs back and forth. He had with him a portable stove and a tea set, both ridiculously fine and expensive. His friend Silver would soon be there, and the two would delight in sharing an afternoon snack and catching up on one another's lives.
I wonder when he’ll get here! Kalim thought, angling his head toward the doors that spilled into the room. He said he was meeting up with his dad first, so maybe they’ll come together?
From a corridor came faint voices, low and calm, like lost souls afraid to startle their own shadows. The shapes of two people extended along a stony wall, green candlelight haloing them as they approached. Their forms steadily grew larger and larger until they had, at last, consumed all light.
"Silver?" Kalim called as he hopped out of his chair.
A pair entered the lounge, chasing away the sun in favor of the stars. Cloaked in black and pale-faced, inhuman horns protruding from their heads, they heralded in the night and bad dreams like the monsters from under one’s bed.
Kalim greeted them with cheer anyway.
“It’s you, Malleus!! You’re with your family today, huh?” he cried out, excitedly waving at the duo. “Didn’t think I’d run into you today. Usually you’re so hard to find for meetings!"
“Asim. I had not expected to encounter you myself.” The corner of the prince's mouth lifted into a slight smirk. "Perhaps you've not looked hard enough."
"Gahahah! I'll try harder next time then!"
“Who might this be, Malleus?”
“Excuse me.” His eyes slid to the woman beside him as gestured toward Kalim. “Grandmother, I give you Kalim Al-Asim, a fellow dorm leader. Asim, my grandmother, and current queen of Briar Valley.”
“Your grandma?!” Kalim’s exclamation echoed off the cavernous walls. There was no effort to conceal his shock, not in tone nor in face. “Whoa, I never would have known…! I thought she was your sister or something! You look a lot alike.”
Maleficia chuckled darkly. “We fae mature quite differently than humans. Our true age rarely shows.”
“So you look a lot younger than you actually are? That’s so cool!” Kalim laughed, oblivious to his own brashness as he ran his mouth. “There’s someone in my year level that’s kind of like that too. Have you met Riddle? He looks small but he’s actually super smart and responsible! I really look up to him!”
Maleficia nodded as she patiently listened in.
Next to her, Malleus slowly surveyed the room, then allowed his gaze to drift back to Kalim. “If I may ask, where have your own relatives, Asim? Were they not to accompany you today?"
“Oh, that!! Only dad could make it this year.He had to take an important business call, so he said go hang out with some friends and he’ll catch up with me later!”
Kalim indicated the canister beside his tea making supplies. “He brought back a new blend from one of his trading partners. It’s a rare tea made with petals and buds from the Queendom of Roses and Briar Valley. That’s where Silver’s from, so I wanted to share it with him!”
“A tea made in part with plants from the Briar Valley, you say…” Malleus cradled his chin in one hand. “Most intriguing. Our kingdom is a small, isolated one. It is not often that our culture is able to merge with that of another."
“The Queendom of Roses is the country east of our continent,” Maleficia said sagely. "It is not only known for its roses, but all kinds of flowers that blossom in the springtime. Being that our Briar Valley is more northward, our flora tends to be much hardier than that of the Queendom."
"That means your flowers and theirs are different somehow, right? It's neat how someone thought to bring roses from two completely different places together!" Kalim grinned widely. "It's like going to a feast where each guest brings a dish from their culture so everyone can have a taste of where they come from.”
Maleficia stared at the young man, her expression indiscernable.
“Oh yeah, if you guys are interested in it, you can try some!” Kalim offered.
Malleus cocked his head. "I believe you stated that your intention was to share the tea with Silver?"
"Don't be shy! It's my treat, and there's plenty to go around! I'll go and brew it. Take a seat while you wait!"
“Hmm, if you are offering… I suppose it would be rude of us to refuse your thoughtful invitation. Grandmother?”
“No objections.”
The Draconias slunk to the table and sat, their lithe forms melded with the quilted leather chairs. They looked right at home with their refined posture, commanding the lounge from their thrones without so much as lifting a finger.
Kalim appeared like nothing more than an attendant in the powerful presence of royalty, buzzing about and fiddling with various tools as he set to making the tea.
Removing the lid off of his kettle, he poured in enough water to fill most of the vessel up. Kalim set it upon the portable stove and cranked the heat up. A soft electric hum started, and the flat disc upon which the kettle sat slowly warmed.
“What a strange device," Malleus mused, his brows creasing at the various dials and settings on the stove. "Would it not be more efficient to prepare the tea with magic? A single puff of fire breath would also suffice to hasten the tea."
"Probably! But you two are my guests. It's my job to feed you and make sure you're enjoying yourselves! This is my way of doing that."
As he talked, Kalim kept his hands in motion. He popped the cap off of his cannister, scooping out unassuming mounds of dried leaves and flowers and letting them fall into each teacup. First, the queen's, then Malleus's, and himself last.
"In my home country, guests are always served before the host. It's to welcome people into our homes. 'You're my friend, and I respect you. I want to honor you with food and drink, to treat you like you're a member of my family.' That's the feeling behind it!"
“I see. So this is the hospitality that comes specifically from the Scalding Sands.” A small smile formed on Malleus’s lips. “I do recall similar kindness from my trip to Silk City. The people of the Scalding Sands are very friendly and warm, much like the sun.”
“The times have certainly changed,” Maleficia remarked. “Back in my day, the children of man were not quite so open-minded. To invite fae to any gathering was to invite danger—such was the common sentiment.”
“Ahhh, that’s too bad. Being left out of a party never feels good!” Kalim let a rare frown appear. “I guess I never realized how lucky I am to live in a time where all kinds of people can be friends.”
The kettle rattled on the stove, a high-pitched whistle erupting from its spout. He swiftly removed it by the handle, and set to pouring hot clear liquid into Maleficia’s cup, then Malleus’s, and his own. Curtains of steam rose up, hiding his features as he chewed on his thoughts.
“Silk City wasn’t always as big as it is now,” Kalim finally said. “My ancestors found a way to use the waterways for trade. It connected us to new information, goods, and people. Then over time, the population grew into the big community we know today.
“Things changed a lot! I’m thankful that they did, because that means all of us can experience so much more together, like this tea. The world really opened up to us.”
The leaves and rosebuds started to unfurl, their colors and flavors seeping into the hot water. A subtly sweet, mellow scent wafted up, filling the lounge with a flowery perfume.
“Indeed, it has.” Maleficia agreed. “Our Briar Valley is set in its ways, yet the world around it seems to constantly shift. I did not think I would live to see the day a child of man so fearlessly entertains me for tea myself—but here we are, fae and human, on equal terms.”
She reached over and squeezed Malleus’s hand. He laid another over hers and smiled back. There was something sad and haunting in their eyes, a mutual understanding of something far darker than their words would allow.
“Yeah, it’s great that we can do stuff like this without worrying anymore! Speaking of, I think the tea’s about done brewing. One last final touch…”
Kalim picked up his entire sugar pot and inverted it over Maleficia’s cup. Several cubes tumbled out and splashed into the beverage. The typically composed queen startled at the sugar and tea concoction (especially when Kalim produced another sugar pot and proceeded to do the same to Malleus’s cup).
“Is this… customary?” Maleficia carefully inquired.
“No, we’d usually add more! Luxurious tea is sweet tea!!” Kalim responded, totally oblivious to her shock. “I thought I’d just be serving Silver today though, so I bought way less sugar than I usually do. I hope it’s still to your liking though!”
“Ah, this style of tea would be the same kind I was served in Silk City. The… exceedingly sweet kind,” Malleus said warily. He spoke no more, but the warning had already made itself evident.
“… I understand. This dish is an integral part of your culture.” Maleficia lifted her cup with the grace and elegance befitting of a queen. “I shall partake in your saccharine fare… Asim, was it?”
“Yup, that’s me! Kalim Al-Asim.”
“Fufu. I will remember your name and face, Kalim Al-Asim. Of that, you can be certain. After all, I had the opportunity to hear many interesting things from you. It would not do to forget such an important individual—and a beloved companion to my Malleus.”
She swallowed her overly sugared tea without flinching. It was strong, peppered with floral notes—two adjacent springtimes at the same threshold. To one side, the Queendom with a sweet medley of rainbow flowers clustered around its roses. To the other, the once great Briar Country, its rosen blooms shrouded by bitter bramble.
So different, yet still meeting in the middle. Humans and fae, reconciling under the same sun.
“How is it?”
Maleficia slowly lowered the cup from her lips. They ached from the sugar in a single sip, yet she was satisfied all the same.
“It was delicious.”
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