notaventura · 4 days
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drawing on phone is difficult but this bloomlordmon turned out nice
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Bloomlordmon BT10-057 Alternative Art by Naochika Morishita from BT-10 Booster Xros Encounter
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semisemily · 11 months
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the guy
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mcauley-art · 7 months
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30- Unlimited Pt2
I'll see you again, partner
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Some new DGG art.
I just see this series and think how it ended, and just feel a bit sad. But Bloomlordmon and Quantumon sharing an umbrella is cute, I suppose.
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tourneys-by-me · 8 months
Preliminaries Part 5 - Phytomancy 3/3
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Top 4 gets into the final preliminary.
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holly-natnicole · 2 months
If Team 7 were DigiDestineds (Part 12):
(Got legally adopted in his 20s by Senju Tsunade) Senju Yamato's Crests would be Sincerity (Virtue) and Pride (Sin). His digivice is a lime green D-Ark/D-Power (which lacks the card slot and) which has a forest green rim (around the screen) & matching buttons & a likewise strap with the clip for attaching the digivice to things being lime green. The digivice's dark grey square screen has 1 of Yamato's Crests appear on it in lime green whenever he connects with his Digimon partner emotionally in ways that link to either of the 2 Crests. He has a
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Popomon who hatched from a DigiTama/DigiEgg and got nicknamed Hana by him (Yamato originally thought 'bout not giving Hana a nickname; but quickly realised that, in trying to distance himself from this infant, he's behaving like Shimura Danzō).
The 2nd ever time when Yamato & Hana manage to emotionally connect with each other either through Sincerity or through Pride, Hana digivolves into a
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Tanemon. The 3rd time, he digivolves into an
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Alraumon then
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Shurimon followed by
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Toropiamon or into
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Woodmon followed by
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When his partnership/platonic friendship with Hana reaches its peak for the 1st time whilst Hana is in his Alraumon form, Yamato & his Digimon partner matrix digivolve into
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Yamato tries to keep his partnership with Hana professional, but they end up platonically loving each other any way and he realises his childhood trauma still affects him. Yamato helps shy Hana become more honest and self-confident whereas the more socially savvy Digimon helps the human understand the difference between being blunt & telling the truth and the difference between arrogance & self-assurance.
(To be continued in Part 13...)
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digi-guy · 1 year
ghost game ep 66 screnshuts :(
spoilers below cut
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So cool
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heaven looks upon a demon
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man Bloomlordmon was really out here being the coolest fairy digimon ever in the span of 1 episode
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like they put that “lord“ in his name for a reason
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digimonloving · 2 years
Hi! Idk if this was already asked but what imagine a tamer that already has their life sorted out as a 20 something independent young adult, having their own place and having like 3 dogs and a cat that they call their children. Now imagine beelzemon, bloomlordmoon, myotismon, grandracmon and lucemon FM having to be around their tamer's pets
Beelzemon LOVES the pets his Tamer has. He loves the dogs, and he likes to mess around with the cat, too, gripping their little paws and toying with them as they just sit in his lap. Playing fetch or scratching the stomachs of the dogs. He's pretty good at keeping them company when his Tamer needs to go out to do something or the like. His Tamer doesn't have to worry about them with Beelzemon in-charge of them. He's pretty impressed with his Tamer's set-up, that he has to admit.
BloomLordmon isn't sure how to feel about the animals, really. He doesn't mind the creatures, but they seem a bit... much for him. Especially the cat. As much as he thinks it's a cute little thing, it tries to either nibble on him, or the plants he's caring for. The dogs can also be a bit much, he's lucky that his petals are tougher than they look. He's glad that his Tamer has their life all settled, but he does want them to maybe try to help him handle the animals and getting them to stop messing with his petals and plants.
Myotismon is rather happy to hear that his Tamer can live independantly, it's quite a nice feeling indeed. Having such a large manor back in the Digital World, he understands how it is. Though... the pets are certainly not something he has in his own place, only Bakemon that do as they're told. He prefers the cat to the dogs, really. They're just a bit too much for him, and the cat simply rests on his lap when he's reading. He does play fetch with the dogs and keeps them entertained, or at least he makes his bats do it, but it's still the same.
How good for his Tamer! GranDracmon can't help but give a small applaud to his Tamer, seeing them working their life so well already. He at least doesn't have to hide away from anyone, not unless they're a guest. GranDracmon would love to interact more with his Tamer's pets... but they don't quite seem to want to approach him. Which.. understandable to him, the large mouths on his lower body don't do much for making things easy when it comes to animals, and his general aura isn't too welcoming. He gets quite excited when the dogs first actually approach him. GranDracmon is still working on the cat.
Lucemon FM
Lucemon is quite proud of his Tamer's living arrangements. How good for them that they could get a place for themself and live as they do. They should feel good about themself indeed. When it comes to the animals... Lucemon isn't quite a fan. It takes him time to get accustomed to them. For the first while, he seems to try to not touch them and is reluctant to play with them. He bonds with the cat first before the dogs, as the cat and him seem to feel the same, but the dogs eventually get to him.
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sonicasura · 10 months
Hello, It's been a bit for the DMC/Ben 10 crossover, but I have an idea for another demon form this time for the devil arms Lucifer. The basis for this form is Zan form Monster Rancher. An almost insectiod like demon with a sleek body that attacks at great speed towards it's foes. Anything to add to the design?
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That looks really cool. If I have to add anything then maybe some flower or floral details kinda like Bloomlordmon from Digimon. A more regal air considering Lucifer was once God's angel in mythology before he fell.
The monster hidden within beauty.
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notaventura · 5 months
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digimon doodls
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coolsmcfools · 10 months
took one of those favorite picker things for digimon
and uhhhh... can't say i expected these
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semisemily · 1 year
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aggie bloomlordmon doodle, pretty much just based off its ref image
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mcauley-art · 7 months
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30- Unlimited Pt1
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jadeazora · 1 year
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BloomLordmon is still holding up pretty decently against Regulusmon, even shattering off one of his horns.
...Also, as far as evil plans go, this is a bit lame of just making a roided-up super-army... That said, I know it was established Gulus had that survival of the fittest mindset, so I guess it isn’t surprising.
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