#Bnha Vigilantes Spoilers
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decarbry · 2 years
finally seeing and hearing mic telling off dr garaki for making aizawa cry animated like 🙏😭 ive been waiting my whole life thank you for the erasermic crumbs brb licking them off the floor they care about each other so much
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I have so many feelings about their dynamic LISTEN it's so easy to see Shouta as the stoic pessimistic keep-things-bottled half of the duo where Hizashi is loud and obnoxious and happy. yet they BOTH bottle things up and they BOTH have moments where they can't keep them in. BUT. BUT!!!!!!! When Hizashi sees Shouta break, he immediately takes on the role of the one to take charge of the situation. YES Hizashi is upset about Oboro but the friend in front of him right at that moment needs him to be the calm and comforting version of himself. He's played off as such a joke personality with a funny character design haha bird man but he is the PROTECTOR!! He didn't punch Garaki for himself he punched him for OBORO and for SHOUTA
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helga-grinduil · 2 years
Anyway, I decided that every time someone tries to say that 'Shigaraki was independent' and to lessen AFO's hold over Shigaraki, all I'm gonna say is 'Six from Vigilantes'.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
To answer your question about the other Anon, BNHA Vigilantes chapter 123 is the chapter where Number Six dies.
Ohhh I see yeah
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nekoo3001 · 2 months
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Like old times
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peconella27 · 7 months
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MHA | season 6 | When nightmares not only hunt you in your sleep...
,,When heroes save others... who'll save the heroes...?"
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greenhappyseed · 2 months
Now I’m thinking about how Izuku and Koichi both went into their big boss battles wearing All Might merch. Licensing king!!!!!
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vigilantesweek · 12 days
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escaping-peril12 · 12 days
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delawaredetroit · 1 month
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And thus, a million UA Traitor theories were born
This conversation makes it obvious the traitor was a student. This idea also comes up in the scene immediately after Aoyama's interference with the kidnapping.
Present Mic comes across as rash and aggressive here. UA was on the backfoot and still had a missing student. That isn't the time when they should be starting a witch hunt. Fanon tends to make him the good cop to Aizawa's bad cop routine, but in canon Present Mic comes across as more hardline. Like, the dorms were Nedzu's compromise. What measures was Present Mic willing to put in place on the hero course to root out the traitor?
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I just finished a Vig reread (again (again)) and something I noticed is that All Night's catchphrase is "I Am Here" while Koichi and Knuckleduster say "I'm Here". A more informal, personal variation.
Man, I got a lot to say about “I am here” (MHA) vs “I'm here” (MHAV) so thanks for this excuse!
In MHA, “I am here” is both a reassurance to people in need and a warning to villains. It reads: "Have no fear! I am here to help you!" While at the same time meaning: "I am here to stop you villains and save the day!" It is the catchphrase of All Might: The Number One Hero and it has that kind of hero marketability that we expect out of Pro-heroes.
The first time we hear “I’m here” in MHAV we need to remember the words preceding it. The full phrase is, “Well, All Might ain’t coming, but… I’m here!” And we need to remember that this phrasing is implicit every time we hear “I’m here” throughout Vigilantes.
When Knuckleduster is beating up on common criminals it’s: “Well, All Might doesn’t have time for you, but I’m here.” When Knuckleduster is holding the hand of his daughter in the hospital it’s: “Well, All Might may not have been able to save you, but I’m here.”
So, in truth “I’m here” in Vigilantes means: “I may not have the same power as All Might. I may not be as strong or as fast. I may not be the perfect hero he is, but I’m here and I’m going to try.”
“I’m here” in Vigilantes continually puts All Might up onto a pedestal. As do many other things in Vigilantes, for example, Koichi maintaining that only official All Might hoodies contain the divine Hero Blessing™️. All Might is used as the epitome of what a hero should be.
That’s why All Might initially wants Izuku to use the phrase "I am here" too. To tell the world that: “He is here!” and pronounce that Deku will be the next Symbol of Peace just as Toshinori was as All Might.
And all of this is especially interesting considering what both All Might’s and Knuckleduster’s apprentices do with their inherited phrases.
For my money, “I am here” in MHA is 1) corrupted by All for One and 2) not adopted by Deku.
During the Kamino battle All for One uses the phrase "I am here" to mock All Might. Spitting the catchphrase right back at him while he beats the tar out of All Might and the city. This eventually culminates into the "I am NOT here" sign worn by the All Might statue. The phrase is turned on it's head and used to demonstrate All Might's failure. Because he is "not here" the world has fallen into Chaos.
but he seems to be attempting to reclaim this phrase in recent chapters so we'll see where this all leads soon
(Just want to note that I'm speaking about this from an English-language perspective, cause I know that translations of this are not exact.)
Deku for his part, does not take up the phrase in the way All Might wanted him to. Demonstrating, I think, his desire to be his own hero and find his own words.
Koichi, however does something different. Instead of taking the phrase "I'm here" from his master Koichi iterates on it until it becomes: "For some reason, I'm still here. I'm still here with you." Koichi's "I'm here" version demonstrates a level of care for the person he is fighting, something that no other version of the phrase has.
In full it says, "I am not All Might, and I really shouldn't be here. But because I chose too, and because I have the will, I choose to be here for you."
And I love that all of that can come out of those little phrases. Thanks for the ask!
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decarbry · 2 years
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according to plan
day 13: format
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helga-grinduil · 2 years
Do you like vigilantes? Most of the villains get redeemed and they really highlight the societies issues while not trashing heroes or villains.
Ah yes. Vigilantes. No, I actually dislike Vigilantes quite a lot, lol.
Which villains got redeemed there, exactly? Almost none of the villains in Vigilantes are actually villains, 99% are villains against their will and are either mind-controlled or are drugged.
Pop and Knuckles’ daughter? Got possessed by a villainous parasite. Aren’t really villains.
Every single one of the ‘instant’ villains, Eel boy, Mantis and Octopus guys - not villains, they were normal people who just got drugged.
Soga??? Is a fucking mistake and I wish Furuhashi knew that sexual assault of a minor by an adult =\= a middle school bully suic*de baiting, and that he can’t make another Bakugou out of the former. Also isn’t really a villain.
The only legit villains (not counting AFO) there were Queen Bee (who is a parasite and absolutely didn’t have any redemption), Stendhal/Stain (who is a BNHA character and gets a… not a redemption, but an understanding with Yagi there? Anyway, has no redemption arc in Vigs), and, finally…
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demidokuriya · 1 month
Should we hope to see Koichi?
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Koichi drawn by Horikoshi?
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Let me remind you that Koichi is currently working in the agency of Captain Celebrity, who after the death of Star and Stripe became America's number 1 hero.
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aashi-heartfilia · 10 months
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Shigaraki is Deku's villain and AFO is Bakugo's
Isn't it kind of obvious? This is the same Horikoshi who planned heroes rising as an ending for MHA and that was Bakugo and Deku sharing OFA to defeat the main villain. Why would he do the same thing again when he himself stated that the real story has moved beyond this?!
I will not go over the relationship of Deku and Shigaraki and how they are nemesis, yada yada but I would go over a possible ending for Bakugo's character arc.
So, BakuDeku has always been about Winning and Saving where Bakugo has been the face for Winning and vice versa but that's also their main weakness. Deku is always too focused on saving while Bakugo's ultimate focus is winning. That's not right.
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The story explicitly tells us that an abundance of either of them is wrong. Deku's self sacrificial nature is wrong (vigilante Deku arc) and only running after victory like Bakugo is also wrong.
And the perfect victory that Bakugo wants will require both winning and saving. For Bakugo to reach the peak of his character arc, he'll have to learn to save people (and that has already started with Bakugo rising) and the same for Deku who'll have to focus more on the winning part.
Deku has to defeat Shigaraki, there is no if-else or but in that but he'll also have to save the innocent child crying inside of him. As for Bakugo, he has to achieve the perfect victory but that cannot be accomplished without him saving someone.
And who could be a better person than All Might?
The main point of Bakugo's arc was his guilt about his actions. His actions led to the downfall of All Might, as a hero, him bullying Midoriya because of his own weaknesses etc.
Currently All Might is taking on AFO all alone because everyone else is literally down for the count but it's also high time, that people start to rise and help All Might.
Shigaraki's problem with the hero system is that it relies too much on heroes to do all the saving work while the common folks, the civilians do nothing but pass by a little boy who looked battered and bruised.
Now AM doesn't have any powers and yet he chose to fight! That should inspire everyone who was saved by him at one point or another and that inspiration and team work should come from Bakugo.
I don't know how but I feel like something big will happen, like Bakugo waking up and realising AM is fighting alone and he inspires everyone to go save AM. Teamwork and arrogance were his biggest weaknesses, and he will conquer them.
There are two demon lords after all, Tomura Shigaraki and AFO, so it would be rather poetic if Bakugo teams up with everyone (civilians) to defeat AFO while Deku defeats Shigaraki at the same time and that marks the end of MHA in the most epic way possible.
MHA is a story about love and connection.
About how anyone could be a "Hero"
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And that includes civilians and common folks.
All Might has been saving people his entire life...
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and now it's high time, that those people stand up to save him.
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Just how long do they plan to be AUDIENCE?
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xeonn6269 · 2 months
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i’ve wanted to redraw this manga panel of izuku and i did finally
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