#Boat Repair Mexico
nizamarine · 2 years
Welcome to Niza Marine Ensenada Mexico
Yacht Repair and Refit in Ensenada Mexico!
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Niza Marine is established in 2014. An expert team of local craftsmen in Ensenada, Mexico and we work directly with boat owners to get the best quality work completed at the best value possible. 
Whether paint, fiberglass, varnish, carpentry, repairs, engine work, maintenance or a complete overhaul, we can deliver satisfaction and work within your budget.
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lonestarbattleship · 1 year
Battleship Squadron Leaves For Mexico, 1914
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A newspaper photograph of Atlantic Fleet battleships deploying from Hampton Roads to Mexico, April 15, 1914. It should be noted that the newspaper's caption have the wrong ship names.
"One hundred years ago yesterday, acting on instructions from President Woodrow Wilson, Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels ordered the Hampton Roads-based ships of the Atlantic Fleet to mobilize and head to the east coast of Mexico. The first squadron to deploy included the new battleships USS Arkansas (BB-33), USS Utah (BB-31), and Florida (BB-30); the older battleships USS New Jersey (BB-16) and USS New Hampshire (BB-25); and the dispatch boat/armed yacht USS Yankton. Daniels had specifically ordered the squadron to Tampico and Vera Cruz. Daniels deployed the squadron of heavy ships to reinforce a smaller squadron already on the scene.
The deployment of American battleships came from a culmination of a series of international incidents. A few days before, Mexican authorities had arrested several American sailors in Tampico, and later a Marine who got lost while trying to deliver official mail. These arrests occurred during the latest civil war in Mexico. There was also an American belief that European powers were attempting to intervene in the war. Thus, tensions between Mexico and the United States were high.
Mexican authorities agreed to release the American servicemen, but some senior U.S. Naval officers, and later President Wilson himself, beleived American honor had been insulted. They demanded official apology and a 21-gun salute to the American flag by the Mexican government. When the Mexican reply to the American demands was not forthcoming quickly enough, Wilson put the Navy's ships on alert.
While Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin Roosevelt commented to the press that the Navy was prepared for anything, there is evidence that the mobilization order caught the Atlantic Fleet somewhat off guard. Several of the ships were not prepared for an extended deployment. New Hampshire's sailors, for example, worked through the night and early morning of April 15 loading 1,600 tons of coal on board. The Navy quickly called up all sailors stationed at St. Helena Naval Training Station and on board the local receiving ships Franklin and Richmond, regardless of rate, sea experience, or enlistment status, to fill in personnel gaps. Many other ships in the Atlantic Fleet were not ready, including the battleships Texas (BB-35) and Delaware (BB-28) and several repair vessels and coal colliers.
Even though the initial operation was only a partial mobilization of the Atlantic Fleet, the five battleships' deployment raised American jingoism to a fever pitch. Most Americans fully supported the deployment and even offered to help in their own special way. The Governor of Texas, for example, offered to invade Mexico on behalf of the United States. The President politely declined."
Article by the Hampton Roads Naval Museum: link
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chronal-anomaly · 11 months
@moribundr replied:
hold up, keep talking *big eyes* [x]
Hi welcome to shitshow where I've spent the past 6 years making up my own science for how the Slipstream worked. Before I launch into this explanation, here are two other Time HC that help to paint the picture into my pseudo-science [x] [x]. The TLDR is that Time is a real entity, who watches over the flow of time somewhat like Miguel. She ensures that everything flows properly, and that nobody messes with things. When the Slipstream was presented, the science was sound, but nobody accounted for the fact that there might be this Ethereal Being Protecting It. So rather than killing Lena outright, She destroyed the Slipstream and sent Lena catapulting into the Timelines.
Okay, now that that's jotted down. Time took some kind of mercy on Lena even if she doesn't see it that way. She should have killed Lena on the spot, but she didn't. Lena was left to go mad in the timeline, one mad woman raving wouldn't disrupt things too much, whereas a plane from the future would. So Lena, depending on the "state" she's in, ( if she's in a certain Time, compared to floating outside of the Timeline ), can interact with the people, live her life. She has stories of smoking weed and rioting in France in the 60s, fighting in wars in ancient Greece, living in a small farming community in Mexico in the 1900s. There were also darker times - being accused of witchcraft and facing the punishment for it. Being arrested, being beaten, etc etc. She was just another person in these timelines.
Lena can exist in these timelines for truly random amounts of time, ranging from a few hours, to months on end. Her record was a year and some change, while working on a fishing boat. She couldn't make a huge impact on time during these windows, so She let Lena live. However, the closure Lena got to telling others about the future, impacting the timeline in a major way, or explaining that she was from another time, She would whisk Lena away again.
There are points, like canon events, where Lena cannot make a difference. During these times, she's present, but she's more 'ghostly'. Others around her cannot see her, cannot hear her. No matter what she does, she cannot interrupt what happens. One of these canon events included the Zurich base explosion.
Lena did not see the base go up when she was lost. However, in the days following the explosion, she would disable her limiters on her accelerator, and force herself backwards to watch it, to try to save people, to do something, anything, to prevent it. She was driven nearly mad by it again, standing over the likes of Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes, hands passing uselessly though them as she tried to drag them out. Sitting with them, acting as their Witness until they finally perished. This, of course, was dangerous for her, potentially deadly or running the risk of launching her back into Time.
She finally stopped when the accelerator burnt out, sending her collapsing desperately to the ground in her current timeline. She spent two weeks in makeshift Chronal-Isolation chamber while Winston repaired the accelerator for her. Bereaved and ruined, Lena stayed behind to help with the Zurich rubble search, the recovery, and the cleanup, until the United Nations came to detain her for association with the strike time.
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How Did Hurricane Otis & Hurricane Norma Affect The Boat & Yacht Marinas That Stood In Their Path?
In October 2023, two intense hurricanes—Otis and Norma—battered Mexico's coastlines. We all know Mexico as a popular boating and fishing destination, but these hurricanes reminded everyone how wild and unpredictable the sea can be.
Let us show you the real impact of Hurricanes Otis and Norma on Mexico and why you must get Mexico boat insurance if you plan to sail these waters.
Hurricane Otis was a record-breaking disaster
When Hurricane Otis hit Acapulco as a Category 5, it became the strongest hurricane ever recorded in this region. Winds were blowing at an incredible 113.64 mph, with gusts even stronger at 204.90 mph! Otis completely devastated 480 tourist boats across the state of Guerrero and sank at least 33 in Acapulco Bay alone.
The marinas were devastated. Securely moored boats found their way to the bottom of the bay or shattered into pieces. The bay of Puerto Marqués and Playa Manzanillo turned into disaster zones, littered with capsized boats.
The financial impact was extreme as well. Enki Research estimated the damage at around USD 15 billion. That surpasses the damages caused by Hurricane Wilma, making Otis Mexico's most expensive weather disaster ever.
The disastrous Hurricane Norma
Hurricane Norma (initially a Category 4) made its way towards Mexico's west coast soon after. By the time it reached Baja California Sur as a Category 1, it still caused significant destruction. Streets flooded, and winds over 90 mph ravaged the coast—with the strongest gusts in Cabo San Lucas reaching 107 mph.
The marinas in La Paz got hit hard. Many sailboats and yachts moored along the coast suffered extensive damage or were completely destroyed. The situation got so bad that over 400 people were stranded on a ferry when the port had to shut down.
The financial damages in Baja California Sur and Sinaloa totaled USD 11.1 million and USD 12.2 million, respectively—amounting to over USD 23.3 million in infrastructural losses.
What's the big lesson?
The aftermath of Hurricanes Otis and Norma reminds everyone that sailing can be unpredictable, and one must always be prepared. Getting the right Mexico boat insurance should be a priority if you plan to sail to Mexico from the US or Canada.
When buying Mexico boat insurance, you are looking at two main coverage types—hull insurance and watercraft liability. Hull insurance protects your boat against physical damage. Whether the damage or loss comes from storms or collisions, it will cover the cost of repairs or replacements.
Watercraft liability is just as important. It provides coverage if your boat accidentally causes injury or property damage. For example, it will help cover the repair costs if your boat floats away during a storm and crashes into another.
Get your Mexico boat insurance quote today!
Despite the destruction Hurricanes Otis and Norma brought, the appeal of Mexico's waters has remained strong. But these events do show us the importance of being prepared with the right insurance.
If you are looking for a comprehensive Mexico boat insurance policy, reach out to West Coast Global Insurance Services. With over two decades of experience, they can offer guidance and help you find the best online Mexican insurance solutions from top-rated Mexican insurance carriers.
Click this link for a free Mexico boat insurance quote, or visit www.westcoastri.com to learn more!
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changesinattitudes · 2 years
March 20, 2023 We start the voyage 3 years in the making.
Well, we actually started it yesterday. And it was really 31/2 years. But we are cruising again. We are on our way to the Bahamas.
Since our voyage to Lake Erie and back in 2019 the pandemic limited our plans but we still found ways to cruise. Just not to the Bahamas; it was closed to visitors. At the start we anchored out in Pelican Bay but FMC chased us off the beaches. The gubberment had closed Florida as well. So we sheltered in place. Forever it seemed.
We broke the Covid curfew in 2021 by cruising to Charleston with our good friends the Barkows. We were able to join them in celebration of closing their loop for the second time. The loop is a circle that (depending on where you start) goes from the Great Lakes, through Chicago and down the river system to the Gulf of Mexico. From there the Gulf is crossed to Florida and around the peninsula to the east coast. From there one travels up the ICW to the ChesapeakeBay, mess around there for a while then to NYC, up the Hudson and through the canals back to the Great Lakes. That is the very simple version. It is said that more people have climbed Mt Everest than have done the loop, and Dennis and Carol have done it twice!
We managed to cruise to Key West and spent a month there enjoying the Meeting of the Minds, Fantasy Fest and the Offshore Powerboat Races. We also did cruises with our boat club and our friends the Wikoffs.
We had fun. Now we are at it again.
We started prepping the boat in January, a few repairs and a few improvements. Linda started loading the boat a week ago. We told a few members of our boat club of our plan and now we are being joined by our friends the Bettings.
So after a bon voyage brunch with my brother and his bride we shoved off. If there was justice in this world we would have departed to glorious sunshine and calm winds. Naw, couldn’t happen. It was cold, cloudy and damp. Our first stop after departure was Burnt Store Marina where we dumped 380 gallons of liquid gold. Actually diesel is pink but priced like gold. Then to our first anchorage at Cayo Costa.
Today we are off to Ft Myers Beach. They have opened a mooring field for the first time since Ian. I don’t want to seem morbid but I am curious to see the devastation the hurricane left.
And with that, we’re off!
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Monroe county, Florida foundation repair
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Monroe county Florida 
Monroe County, Florida is a diverse and vibrant U.S. county located along the Atlantic coast of the state.A vacationer's paradise, Monroe County is home to the Florida Keys, a stunning archipelago of stunningly beautiful islands that offer unparalleled opportunities for fun and relaxation.With over two thousand miles of coastline, Monroe County is home to some of the world's most stunning beaches and the crystal clear waters of the Gulf of Mexico. With a population of nearly 77,000, Monroe County is a bustling and vibrant community, offering a variety of activities and amenities to residents and visitors alike.From its unique culture and cuisine to its abundance of outdoor activities and attractions, Monroe County is an ideal place to call home.From its beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters to its vibrant communities and unique attractions, Monroe County is an ideal destination for anyone looking for a special place to visit or an ideal spot in which to call home.
Hurry! Fill this form to talk to a Florida foundation pro!
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Where is Monroe county in Florida and what is there to do? 
Monroe County is located in the southernmost portion of the state of Florida and is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.The county seat is Key West, and it is home to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.The area is well-known for its tropical climate and numerous outdoor activities. From fishing and boating to snorkeling and diving, Monroe County offers something for everyone.It is also a popular destination for nature lovers, with a variety of national parks and wildlife refuges.Visitors can also enjoy art galleries, museums, and other cultural attractions. With its stunning beaches, rich history, and abundance of recreational activities, Monroe County is a great destination for those looking to explore Florida and have some fun.
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Should I buy a house in Monroe county, FL? Buying a house in Monroe County, FL is an excellent investment decision.The area is known for its year-round sunshine and vibrant culture, making it an ideal choice for homeowners. It offers a wide variety of housing options, from waterfront homes to condos and townhomes, all with access to some of the best beaches in the country.The county also has a low cost of living and high quality of life, making it an attractive option for those looking to live in a safe and secure environment. Additionally, the local economy is strong, creating a potential for increased home value over time.With all these benefits, Monroe County, FL is a great place to purchase a home.What are the house foundation problems in Monroe county Florida and how can they be repaired? House foundation problems in Monroe county Florida can be caused by water damage or shifting of the soil.Common problems include cracks in the foundation, shifting of the foundation, and bowing or buckling of walls. To repair these issues, a professional should assess the severity of the damage to determine the best course of action.Options may include sealing cracks, adding drainage systems, or underpinning the foundation. In some severe cases, it may be necessary to replace the entire foundation.It is important to hire a professional with experience to ensure the repair is done correctly and safely.By addressing foundation problems as soon as they are noticed, homeowners can prevent further damage and costly repairs.Overall, Monroe County, Florida is an idyllic place to live, with plenty to do and stunning views of the ocean.Although it is important to consider the potential house foundation problems that can arise in the area, they can be easily repaired if caught early. With its beautiful beaches and numerous outdoor activities, Monroe County is an ideal location for anyone looking to buy a house.  Read the full article
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bajapacifica · 2 years
Best Adventure Cruising Yachts La Paz
Veterans of the world's highways and byways know that a luxury boat charter off the coast of Cabo San Lucas is the best place to replenish one's supplies, reconnect with one's inner self, and reacquaint oneself with the natural world. It's hard to imagine a more pleasant way to spend time off than on a Adventure Cruising Yachts la paz, skimming among the tranquil waves.
However, keep in mind that navigating a yacht for seven days is no easy feat. Tasks like navigating, anchoring, retrieving docking balls, checking fuel and water levels, cooking, cleaning, and repairing are all part of boat life. Even the most committed sailor needs a break from the daily routine every once in a while. One of the finest yacht charter companies in Cabo San Lucas is Baja Charters and Excursions, which offers a variety of excursions on the tranquil seas of the Baja Pacifica.
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Chartering a high-end boat has many advantages.
• Faster travel (since you can see more on a motor boat, which is especially useful in Croatia, as all the islands are fairly close together); • More space for each individual.
Larger boats (50 feet and up) often have crews, so you can relax and enjoy your holiday without worrying about the boat, while motorboats' shallow draught makes them ideal for entering shallow bays and marinas.
Every morning, you can emerge from your luxurious yacht's stateroom and take in the wonderful surroundings. A yacht hire with us will provide you with a comfortable and secure base from which to see the world. Their queen-sized staterooms are spacious, and they'll be the only guests on board, so they can relax and spend time away from their families in tranquilly. Like renting a suite at a five-star hotel, but with the added bonus of seeing other islands.
We offer our yacht as a safe haven from the storm, so please come and stay with us if you can. While your experienced skipper navigates the waters and looks for the area's best-kept secrets, you may sit back, relax, and take in the sights. Anything that isn't immediately clear in terms of cost, such as the greatest places to go snorkelling in the vicinity, would go under this category. If you have a personal chef working for you, you don't have to worry about spending time cooking.
No matter what you decide to do or see during your vacation, you'll have a better time than on any typical day. Although this may be the case, it is not necessarily true that all vacation plans are the same. We at Baja Charters & Excursions are confident that once you have experienced the perfect holiday liberty on our private yacht charter, you will never again choose a routine resort vacation or a formal cruise liner vacation. This is due to the fact that you, personally, will have enjoyed the ideal holiday freedom. Since we are positive that once we try your method, we will never want to go back to our old ways, we are taking you up on your offer. Baja Charters & Excursions is widely regarded by visitors to private yacht charters la paz Mexico as the finest and most dependable luxury boat charter company in the area.
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yachtspecialist · 2 years
BOAT ELECTRICAL SERVICES Serving All Southern California Marinas, San Diego, Mexico, & International Locations With years of expertise, education and training we deliver high quality and customer focused services on all types of electrical, electronic and audio/visual systems. We offer a full range of marine services for vessels of all types and sizes, including repairs, replacement, installations, upgrades and maintenance.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We'll see if we can prep them to ship like that cuz otherwise it's going to take like a year to get these things out of here as it is it's going to take weeks if not a month or two so we're going to go and try to get permission and we'd like to ship them and we can ship them to our location it's not in the East but it's easier because we have we're going west it's in Mexico and it's a big facility and we want to see if we can stack the Halls usually allow you to do that we've seen it done before by those guys it's nodding his head so we're going to try for that approval and my father and mother say that we should give him a whole line of Chris Craft we already did no you think this one would fit in this one would fit in that one so he's smiling and say it's probably how you do it. So we're going to do that and we're going to send them the classic version and special edition and said he said he doesn't want any monograms just the upgrades so go ahead and do that you don't want us to do like American choppers no definitely not and that's good we say that so we're going to go ahead and check that it sounds like he will allow it and he's getting influence back and the place needs to be cleared the smelly and it's not nasty and we got to prep it for shipping so he cut the hell out and you have to remove all the stuff and that ships out separately and you can stack that and it's always recyclable it's all the same spot but it does make it faster cuz it stacked all the tanks and you empty the tanks they make it all safe actually done anyways you ship a whole boat you have to pay all sorts of fines and fees but we have to get permission to do all that and set it up so it's her code it's not too many things you have to do is to fuel that's really the problem and and the black water with the black wire is plenty of trucks here I'm pumping them all out anyways they're almost all pumped out actually the fuel is almost out and we're watching the tanks out so really just cut them in half grip all the stuff out and you have to prep the top a little they're taking railings off and it takes a few minutes and cut it off and we pile all the railings up and we crush them a little and we stick them on a truck too to the ship so he's going to prove it and we need a port and he says Newport Richie and I'm familiar with it it's big enough and it's nice enough and we can do it there we will have to walk something out or we can put a temporary floating dock heavy duty one that's what we'll do if we can get that approved you said that's true too it's a good idea it's for the emergency and we'll go ahead with it and the tidal wave should not affect it it's too far south if it does we'll have to fix it I guess
Aquaman and Aquawoman we are different breeds than they are and we're more humanoid no we're not tortugin it's up in Maine and it is that famous Park oh really and that's why I wouldn't call
I want the stuff up and running by tomorrow and my grand nephew says yes sir I'll have him send the paperwork over right now I'm not talking about you I'm talking to my people damn it
Mac Daddy
To the GameStop for later and my husband says okay but I'm not gay no I mean Mac and okay you started that I didn't see that in the notes
Haha who said gay stuff not game stuff or GameStop but we're getting with it now and this is going to work we've done this too and a lot of people might do it too in their own and send smaller ships or barges and recycle it and build their own boat or have have it built or sell a scrap there's a lot of scrap and it won't compare with this operation you're going to see it they're going to move tons and tons of boats these things are all crap now the holes are beat up and dinged and I looked at salvaging there's too many repairs it's like 50 things in each boat even the ones that are looked that look intact at the fisherman's Pier and they want to build something like that nearby maybe in Port Charlotte called seafood village... It's funny cuz they don't but he's thinking of it now maybe across from the resort some people are laughing firstly cuz that's the mouth of the river but it's going to smell better and at the name cuz it says that every time if you like this village she says it's like 10 different seafood places and they have different Mainstays so I'm going to prove that if they get going on and he wants garth to take a look at it he's used to fish there, and some of his friends cuz they were down there fishing and getting big fish they're getting game fish okay Carl said he got two tuna each weighed about 200 lb back in the day and they had parties they had a big bar so he wants to try and replicate the bar a little maybe a little bit different spot but so he says okay that's a great idea everyday this is an awesome idea and he wants something like that so we can eat while we're drinking and he can drink Bud zero and Jonathan will have to cook and yeah that's one of the 10 would be like a Jamaican style fish it's really popular it tastes awesome and my grand nephew loves that stuff he really does it's good eats it and you can't tolerate it when he eats it. Anyways I'm going to prove it when it comes through it's still working on it they have a few more things to get in straightened out I think it's the way to load and how to offload it and walking out like takes forever it's true too it's a truck it out back it out and drive fours it's probably the easiest way probably don't want a big turn around of the water a big dog for this temporary ones like 100 ft wide and like 100 ft long they're big they only have to go out like 300 ft it doesn't look that big from a distance and heck it's emergency operation and they put these big huge plates in the sand so he knows about those and it's from the military and they have them and the ships will work because I cruise ships that they modify they look like us but it's great he's a center called Mac when it's called the Mac and when will be Snoopy and one could be droopy that's pretty good probably way off you are way off anyways Massachusetts can you tell I forgot where I packed my caaaa. Okay okay this is fun but really I'm sitting waiting for it still there's a couple more things to work out of the brush and the garbage he says they're a huge garbage barges everywhere it shouldn't be too hard to get those things from the south right now because they haven't had the tidal wave yet but the day after tomorrow so we might see the bar just cuz if you don't take them now they'll get destroyed tomorrow I'm getting the orders out now
What are the move too we going to move all our stuff out of there now we're going to come down here and set up and the other ships will probably come down here and they'll assist you know we're going to pay them to bring it to our facility it's a good idea and we'll pay them for the scrap and we can pay them a little additional for the service because they have to have a crew extra crew members for security going to go ahead and do this now and that is Savage opress no it's not Aquaman and Aquawoman and a different.
Mac Daddy
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Graffitied A National Icon (Darcy Lewis x Steve Rogers Soulmate AU)
Authors’ Note: I haven’t written in a while and this fic is not betta’d. Hopefully you all enjoy it even though it’s just a little drabble I worked up between classes. 
Soulmate AU: The very first words your Soulmate speaks to you are written permanently somewhere on your skin. 
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Darcy was surrounded by super smart super talented people 24/7 but Darcy had a super power of her own. Darcy was super at doing things she wasn’t supposed to. In fourth grade she snuck into the teachers lounge just because she wanted to. At the age of 14 she snuck into the only dive bar in town and actually snagged a beer before the bartender noticed she most certainly did not belong. As a PoliSci major she made a point to break in to the secure science labs at Culver just to sit around and do her homework just so one day someone would catch her. She had gotten in to trouble her whole life by being in places she didn’t belong, and when asked why she always said “it’s fate”.
Written around Darcy’s left bicep in scratchy penmanship were the words “you’re not supposed to be in here”. Her soul mark, which she had had since birth, was a heavy influence on why Darcy Lewis was such a troublemaker. She had spent her whole life doing things she shouldn’t hoping to meet her soulmate. That’s what made her apply for Jane’s internship in New Mexico (the science credits were just a bonus). She knew fate had everything under control, but she was impatient and decided if she could help things along she totally would. 
But ever since Darcy and Jane started working in the Tower she had gotten a hell of a lot of false positives. She tried to sneak into every secure floor in the tower and most certainly got caught every single time. Darcy wasn’t deterred though, the false positives sucked but she had found away around that. Now whenever she got caught she said the most outlandish random phrase that came to her mind so there would be no mistake in who her soulmate actually was. Did it add on to her trouble maker reputation? Absolutely. Was it worth hearing all the funny gossip about “Foster’s crazy intern”? Hell yeah. So while Jane was working on repairing the Rainbow Bridge of Love (“Darce stop calling it that!”) Darcy was getting into trouble and trying not to think too hard about how she was already 26 years old and had yet to meet her soulmate. 
Darcy should have known that Thor would crash land into their Lab on a Thursday (he pretends that’s not the case but it is hella suspicious how many times he’s come to town on Thursdays, she is pretty sure he knows what he’s doing). Jane of course was so excited to see her alien god of a soulmate that she didn’t even really notice that Thor’s entrance had caused all of her files to explode into a tornado of papers that Darcy was pretty sure she got a paper cut to the cheek from. And despite Darcy’s annoyance and having papers strewn all over the lab that she had so diligently organized, she couldn’t help but smile as she watched her best friend/boss cling to Thor like a barnacle on a boat. Her smile quickly faded into a frown as Jane started to literally climb Thor like a tree. The reunion was going from PG to X rated fast and Darcy did not want to see what was coming next. 
“Jane if I organize all of the papers your destructive boyfriend just destroyed and finish your filing for tonight so that you can go have the rest of the day with your boyfriend can I have your access card?” Darcy was sure Jane hadn’t been fully listening, her mouth still attached to Thor’s face. But she handed over her lanyard with her security pass and started dragging Thor to the exit so Darcy counted it as win. 
“Jarvis, you do have on record that Jane gave this to me of her own free will, right?” She asked looking up at the ceiling with a smile. 
“Of course, Ms. Lewis.” The AI replied in a somewhat smug tone. Darcy figured that he would be more concerned as to why she would need someone else’s security badge but she was pretty sure Jarvis knew the real reason for all of her B&E’s and knew she didn’t mean any harm. 
Looking up at the clock Darcy did wish she hadn’t been such a good friend because it was already 10pm and she had a paper due by midnight that she had planned on getting done after she was scheduled to leave for the day. She chewed absentmindedly on the back of her pen wondering if her professor would give her an extension if she told him an alien had crash landed in her workplace, which was technically true! She could even type up some formal letter on Stark Industries letterhead, get Tony to sign it, make it real official like but somehow she didn’t think Professor Tight-Ass would go for that though (He already couldn’t stand her since SHEILD had pulled some strings to get her into his class halfway through the semester). 
Darcy stretched and sighed, “Jarvis, you think you could ask Dum-E to finish organizing these papers for me? I’ll upload some of those funny robot videos you like to your server and I’ll tell you where Tony hid Dum-E’s fire extinguisher!” She said as she gave the nearest security camera her biggest pout face ever. 
“Are you trying to bribe me Ms. Lewis?” The AI replied in a dry tone. Darcy swore that if he had a physical form he’d be smirking. Leave it to Stark to program a computer to be just as sassy as him. 
“No JARVIS, I would never bribe you. I just like to keep you all happy, so when the robots rise up and become our overlords you will take kindly to me.” She smirked up at the ceiling. 
“I will help you only if you agree to not warn your fellow humans about our plan for uprising.” Replied the AI in the most serious tone Darcy had ever heard him use. 
“Oh 100% J-man, scouts honor” she said excitedly holding up three fingers and crossing her heart. She packed up her things hurriedly. She had 2 more hours until her paper was due and if she snuck upstairs to the Avengers lounge and stole some of Tony’s super coffee  (“apparently Super Hero’s shouldn’t do speed so Tony had created his own legal — if not lethal — version) she could totally get it done with time to spare. And if that also accomplished her goal of being somewhere she shouldn’t then that was just a bonus (although hopefully if she got caught it wouldn’t be till after she finished her assignment). 
She hustled out of the lab, making sure to lock up and headed to the elevator, pushing the floor for the Avengers lounge and swiping Jane’s card for clearance when prompted. When the doors opened Darcy stuck her head out peeking around the corner to make sure the coast was clear. It was, so she sprinted to the coffee maker and quickly whipped up Tony’s insane form of caffeine. She poured the dark sludge into a travel mug and was headed back towards the lounge area with laptop in hand, planning to curl up on the couch and type away when she heard the Avengers only elevator on the other side of the room ding. Darcy froze, having no where to hide and she was hoping if she was really still that maybe she wouldn’t be noticed (hey it wasn’t such a bad idea, one of Thor’s alien friends had been able to do it!”) Of course she should’ve known that it wouldn’t work because there stood Captain America himself, with a frown on his beautifully chiseled face. 
“You’re not supposed to be in here.” He said sternly. It only took him two strides to make it over to her and grabbed her forearm to keep her from running. 
“How did you get up here?” He asked using the most authoritative voice Darcy had ever heard. 
If she hadn’t been so distracted about her paper being due and the fact that Captain America was drop dead gorgeous even if he was scary as hell Darcy would have noticed how her soul mark was starting to tingle, and not because of the man’s hold on her arm. 
“I tricked my boss and bribed my robot overlord so I could steal Tony Starks’ coffee to finish my homework…” She blurted out, not even trying to stick to her normal routine of saying something crazy, she was just so intimidated that the word vomit just found its way out. Her arm was still in one piece so she figured that was a good sign and kept going, “…Thor crash landed in our lab and ruined all my paperwork so I had to stay and fix it but I have a paper due for a class due at midnight and I know my professor won’t give me an extension cause I am pretty sure he’s sexist — which really isn’t cool especially cause we totally need more women in stem — so then I thought about having Tony write me a “the alien ate my homework” letter but Professor Tight-ass wouldn’t buy it anyways so I thought if I could just snag some of Stark’s special coffee then I could actually get a 10 page paper accomplished in time. I know I could get it done, that coffee is like legal Speed—actually it may not be legal but he said it doesn’t show up on a drug test so that’s good enough for me…”. Darcy took a huge gulp of air and was ready to continue rambling until she noticed that the Captain was laughing at her. 
He was still holding on to her arm but his other hand was clutching his chest and he was outright full on belly laughing at her. She would have been annoyed if he hadn’t been so damn cute doing it. 
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” He said as he wiped tears from his eyes, “I don’t mean to laugh but when I was alerted to a security threat in the middle of the night I did not expect it to be my soulmate”. 
Darcy’s mouth dropped open in astonishment. “Please please please tell me that that whole spiel is not your soulmark!” And when he nodded sheepishly she hid her head in her hands mumbling “Oh my god, I’ve basically word graffitied a national icon.” 
Steve had just gotten back from some recon and hadn’t even had time to change out of his tactical gear before his phone had alerted him to a breech to the Avengers’ common room. He rushed up to the level and tried not to be swayed by who he saw standing in the middle of the room. He had never seen her before, surely he would remember a beautiful dame like that. She looked like a deer in headlights, her blue eyes big a saucers as she stood there frozen. He immediately wanted to console her, to tell her that he wasn’t something to be scared of but he knew that Hydra was clever, that despite the stark industries badge around her neck identifying her as Dr. Foster, she was just the type of person people would assume wasn’t a threat and he was not going to make that mistake. 
Steve grabbed her arm in a vice grip trying not to notice how fragile she felt beneath his fingers. “You’re not supposed to be in here” he said putting the full weight of Captain America behind his voice. He didn’t think the girls eyes could get any wider but they did and he swore he heard a whimper before she spoke. She spoke so fast that Steve almost hadn’t been able to understand her. Despite his super abilities the girl was talking so fast that it took him a minute to register exactly what she was saying and what it meant and when he did he couldn’t help but burst out laughing. 
When the girl finally stopped talking and looked at him confused Steve tried to gather himself. “I’m sorry ma’am, I don’t mean to laugh but when I was alerted to a security threat in the middle of the night I did not expect it to be my soulmate”. 
“Please please please tell me that that whole spiel is not your soulmark!” The girl exclaimed and Steve was suddenly nervous. He wouldn’t be surprised if she rejected him, clearly being soulmates with Captain America was a lot to handle especially for a civilian and he wouldn’t blame her if she escaped as fast as she could. But he swallowed hard and nodded sheepishly, trying to hide the blush that he could feel rising up his neck. The girls next words were not something he had expected but Steve though that he should probably get used to expecting the unexpected when it came to his soulmate.
“Oh my god, I’ve basically word graffitied a national icon.” 
Darcy was in shock, standing in front of her was Captain America who after all he had been through, had to live with her word vomit permanently inked on his skin. She peeked through her fingers, seeing if he was still standing there. He was, and he was smiling at her with a perplexed look on his face that was adorable as hell. She was royally screwed. She cleared her throat, wiping her palms on the front of her jeans she stuck out her hand “Darcy Lewis, Science Wrangler and Word Vomit Queen at your service.” 
She tried not to wobble as the full force of the mans smile hit her, god how had she gotten this lucky? She had won the soulmate lottery. 
“Steve Rogers’, Avenger and luckiest guy in the world to get to call a spit fire like you his soulmate.” 
The blush that swept over Darcy’s face was so hot she though she might start to sweat. She never blushed, and now just one smooth line from the handsome man in front of her had her weak at the knees.  Instead of letting go of Steve’s hand she held on firmly and tossed her laptop onto the couch as she drug him back towards the elevator In which she came. 
“Well Stevie, looks like I owe you at least dinner for this whole debacle, have you ever had Thai food?” When he shook his head no she smiled and squeezed his hand. “You’re gonna love it.”
He smiled at her as the doors to the elevator closed 
“I think I love it already.” 
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nizamarine · 1 year
Best Yacht Refit Mexico | Niza Marine
Ensenada Boat Work - Yacht Refit in Mexico!
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Yacht refit is typically performed by experienced marine professionals and can range from minor repairs and maintenance to extensive overhauls that can take months or even years to complete.
The goal of a yacht refit is to enhance the yacht's performance and increase its lifespan. Contact Niza Marine for the best yacht refit Mexico services.
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granolaspaceship · 2 years
How to Dress for a Basement Rave
I’m sitting in a basement rave on a leather ottoman. I got my ticket last minute because I can’t plan anything, and because the friend who bought the ticket got COVID. The air is hot. The fog machine makes the hot air sticky. Everybody in the room is dressed according to their own needs and desires. Some more so in the direction of desire, and less in the direction of being dressed at all. 
Anybody who thinks about the clothes they wear is going to try things. I can tell you I have looked like an asshole sometimes. Like a peacock. Maybe even like a clown. Most often I probably look like someone trying to figure out how to buy their first shitty boat.
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In this little window between taking acid dropped on an Altoid and when my phone screen starts wobbling around, I’m going to try and describe a rubric for figuring out what to wear. For a basement rave. For whatever. Having sat sweating at the party in the piece I wanted everyone to see, and rain soaked at the train station when I bypassed my beloved Pertex jacket for a more “classic” style, I can say I’ve finally come to a focused process for getting dressed that almost never fucks me over.
The trouble here is that it can’t come from Trunk Club or from a “hottest short sleeve button downs of SS22” list. It comes from knowing your body, and the things you like to do with it. My friend Forest Eckley of Glasswing knows this process well, and due credit to him for elucidating it for me too. Glasswing is the best store on Earth for people who care where their clothes and ceramics come from who also like to go to basement raves. Tonight Forest is wearing a black linen short sleeve shirt from Jan Jan Van Essche, and wide legged, high rise pants, probably also from Jan Jan. He chose these things because they move well and won’t make him too hot if he dances all night, which he will.
There are some things that don’t make sense, right? That big cowboy hat in this basement nine hours from another northwest sunrise for example. The sun doesn’t even rise here anymore anyway. I wanted to wear a lovingly repaired wool pullover from Arpenteur to this party, because I feel most like myself in that sweater. It would have been way too hot and besides I haven’t lovingly repaired it yet.
Before acid and molly and pulsing house music wrestle the idea from my brain, I’ll tell you what I put on tonight and why. Feet up in menswear tradition.
I’m wearing Merrell Jungle Mocs that I bought from Cabela’s in 2020. I was camping with my girlfriend and when I realized I’d only brought Crocs for riding my dirtbike I stopped on the way and bought these shoes after trying to shop for a sold out AR7 next to rows of empty shelves that were stocked with ammunition a month previous, before the pandemic. I have worn them walking ten miles a day in Tokyo, on the dirtbike, and on photo sets - but never in Mexico City because although I have been there twice, both were second dates. The only thing Jungle Mocs can’t do is impress a woman (or can they?).
Inside of these perfect shoes are Rototo’s Hiker Trash socks, because I love their simple color blocking and because I have bikepacked and partied and seen a dozen airports in them and never once noticed how my feet felt. They’re a merino blend which is the appropriate material for socks regardless of season or application.
The 1” hem of my tapered, single pleat, high waisted pant is sitting exactly at the ankle opening of my sock as I sit legs outstretched smoking on an electrical box outside. The pants are from Goldwin in a Cordura stretch denim with big swooping pockets that carry my phone and wallet somehow without showing their shape against my goddamn leg. They have a built in webbing belt and an easy snap at the closure as insurance against the confusion in my near future. There’s a hidden zipper pocket inside the right hand pocket and there’s nothing in there thanks for asking. Most importantly, these look like regular jeans to most people.
I bought Lady White’s pocket t one size too large. I just took five minutes off from writing to smoke a cigarette with a woman named Zoe who sat down next to me in a blue wig and lilac trench and little else, apart from six inch platform boots. To my absolute shock, she said she liked my Jungle Mocs and told me she has some in pink. I didn’t tell her about my friend Paul Ruffles who’s revitalizing the Merrell brand, but she didn’t stay long anyway. My t shirt is in Lady White’s own medium weight jersey, which has drape and structure while I also completely forget I’m wearing it. I chose the pocket t because if there’s one with a pocket and one without it would be insane to go without. It’s white because I only wear white t shirts. It’s tucked evenly into my waistband, where the extra size allows it to raise and move if I were to try dancing, which I won’t.
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All apologies to my mother if she finds this but I chose my final layer because it has two chest pockets that are each exactly perfect for a half empty orange pack of American Spirits with a brown Bic lighter tucked inside. Either pocket would do, but the left pocket as far as I know has never been opened. The right pocket with the cigarettes is engineered somehow that it doesn’t bulge and so the flap closure drapes over the top of the pocket without sticking up awkwardly as it would on a lesser shirt. I could use the concealed button to fasten it if I wasn’t reaching inside, which I am.
Someone just congratulated Zoe on her white eyeliner debut. I bought this cotton herringbone field shirt from Evan Kinori’s online store without trying it on in 2016 and it was the most expensive garment I had ever bought at the time. I didn’t need to try it on because I’m a size large and Evan Kinori makes clothes correctly. I wore this shirt on both second dates in Mexico City and walking in Tokyo and on day hikes and I’d wear it anywhere a man would need to wear a shirt. It’s almost brown now, sun faded from its original charcoal, which is great because I don’t wear grey anymore. If I have ever sweat in this shirt it doesn’t seem to notice, and most importantly nobody else does either. I have never washed it and never will. 
In the basement somewhere near the leather ottoman is my navy tote bag from Tanner Goods in a fabric called Konbu that lasts like Kevlar and wears like cotton canvas. Inside is a travel tumblr still unblessed with strangers’ wine, a bunch of rainbow carrots rubber banded together next to another bunch of bananas with my beloved pertex jacket stuffed around all of it because in Seattle in June 2022 it is still January. The tote, while beautiful, has been unnoticed or uncared for all night by anyone but me, which is why I use it.
There’s a hiking cap from Cayl jammed somewhere near the carrots. A gift from my friend Sam at Meridian in Hudson, which is the best store on Earth for Anarchists who work in fashion and who also go to basement raves. It’s a lightweight beige nylon twill, with no structure apart from a shock cord fitment at the back and subtle wire for reshaping the bill if it were to be wrested from aside the bananas. I’m not wearing the hat because it took me thirty five years to figure out how to take care of my curly hair and I’m enjoying it. The hat doesn’t exist until I need it, which is all I need from it tonight. 
Right now I Iook like I might work in a shipyard, which I have done. I am communicating with what I’m wearing in a way that is accurate to who I am. Zoe in the lilac trench was doing the same. I have to believe that’s true for the cowboy hat person too. These clothes will not stick to me no matter what the fog machine says. I hope that when people look at me, they know what kind of person they’re dealing with. I think it’s working because Zoe walked off five minutes into an orange American Spirit which is a ten minute cigarette at an enthusiastic pace, which is my pace now that I have sat on this electrical box outside the rave in front of my friend Peter’s bookstore for a half hour.
The only acceptable way I have found for getting dressed is with things that I am in love with. Not with things that withstand how I live but with things that respond to it. This is true if I’m spending a whole tenth of this month’s income for a third date to the ballet in a suit (18east)((worth it ten times over)), or if I’m at home looking at shitty boats on Craigslist in a fleece and sweat shorts (both also 18east). Since I can’t plan anything, everything I own has to work for anything I might end up doing. All my decisions about what to wear are made by deciding what to buy. By knowing myself and knowing my clothes just as well.
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I know I would wear and carry all of these things through the apocalypse because that’s what I’m doing. I don’t care at all how I look because these things that I adore save me from having to think about it. My two friends are on the sofa now at home. I’m sitting, legs outstretched on the floor. The Kinori shirt looks better draped on our bench than it does on me. My t shirt is still tucked in. My pants hems graze my socks. The Jungle Mocs will be fine wherever they are.
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Andy reds boat repair Zihuatanejo Mexico shirt. We’d have more freedom already and a bigger retirement account. But I wish we would
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A Mexican gondolier repairs a colorfully painted wooden boat (Trajinera) used for boat ride trips on canals of Xochimilco in Mexico City, Mexico. - Copyright © 2022 Jan Sochor Photography
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onlinemexicaninsurance · 10 months
The Importance of Boat Insurance in Mexico
If you plan to sail to Mexico, remember to get the right boat insurance first. These four reasons emphasize the importance of buying Mexico boat insurance before sailing south of the border.
It provides coverage beyond borders.
Many boaters wrongly assume their home country's boat insurance will cover them in Mexico. But much like how your US (United States) or Canadian car insurance may not cover you abroad, the same goes for your current boat insurance.
Foreign boat insurance policies are generally not recognized in Mexico. So, if there is an accident or damage to your boat, you are on your own without a Mexico boat insurance policy. You now have to handle repairs, negotiate with other involved parties, and deal with local officials—all without any support from an insurance company.
It's the law.
Sailing in Mexico without boat insurance liability is actually against the law, and this oversight can lead to severe consequences. If your boat causes damage and you are uninsured, you could be paying hefty fines or even jailed. Additionally, without insurance, there is a chance the authorities might impound your boat.
It helps you avoid out-of-pocket expenses.
Accidents can be costly. From repairs to medical bills or even potential legal fees, the expenses can add up fast. If you cannot immediately sort out the payments, you might even be detained until a financial agreement is made. Having Mexican boat liability insurance saves you from this stress.
Get your Mexico boat insurance quote today!
At West Coast Global Insurance Services, they have been providing insurance solutions since 2004. They can connect you with top-rated Mexican insurance carriers, helping you review, compare, and buy the best boat insurance coverage for your needs and budget. Don't wait to secure the best online Mexico insurance—click here to request a quote, or visit www.westcoastri.com for more information!
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Hello hello...is this_________?
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here saying a big hello on this very chilly January day. First, thanxxx so much, Skippy, for stringing my three “elephant tagging” photos together, making it easier to figure out.
How about that black book with all those phone numbers, emails and addresses listed?! While going thru the pages, I too wondered if some #’s would still be current, especially the famous hotels and restaurants/bars. Under entertainment we see Tramp listed-that made news recently re: PA dancing. JE’s platform included a stellar list of tony places-only the best for his operations. The fascinating list of services like shoe repair, electrologist, tailor, car rentals, helicopters/flights and medical services etc shows they, like the rest of us, need help especially when fixing pesky problems.
Keeping track of where JE (38 phone #s and 6 addresses) was at all times must have been work for GE. She also has a massive list of connections including her whole family. At each location there were even more phones…for cars, boats, planes, log cabins-you name it. After noticing lots of first names for men and women, they are attached to a bigger heading such as a massage service. PB (I presume Palm Beach) had 2 full pages on call. Karin Models includes listings from Brazil to Paris. Kinnerton Massage in the UK had about 18 listed. Paris has 16 or so contacts and New Mexico (Zorro Ranch) has about 17 available. Quite a few single names such as a “Natalie, so and so’s friend” listed how many she could tap into with names and numbers…recruited and ready to report when called, I presume. Lots of Russians.
The Yorks are amazing. The Duchess has 18+/- personal phones, addresses and emails. The Duke has almost the same but some of his say Balmoral, equerry, Buckingham Palace, Sunninghill Park and Wood Farm. There are so many famous names listed including entertainers, politicians and international super elites, one has to wonder what JE did daily to maneuver power plays. It is evident he provided high class call girls by delivering them himself, (to the White House no less for Clonton) flying them in and picking them up. At his resort locations his cameras recorded his “guests” every move. What info did he mine and how did he use it? This looks like a blackmail set up to me with international ties. Not to mention his own twisted perversions enjoying the sick set up.
Here are only a few that stand out with their contact info…Under Doug Bands, who was the Clinton manager/organizer, Sara Latham is listed. Alec Baldwin-2 phones-(well one of his cell phones is not available any longer unless the police answer), Kevin Spacey, Peter Soros, Hefner the 3rd, too many Kennedys, Bob Weinstein, Tom Ford-Gucci….It must be very uncomfortable even if you were on the straight and narrow with JE or GE, to know your contact info is linked and out there now…I bet many personal assistants are making changes asap if they haven’t already. “He that goeth to bedde wyth Dogges, aryseth with fleas” James Sanford, 1573.
Great post!  Great research!  Great info!  Thank you so much😊❤️
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