thesunwillart · 1 month
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compilation of some of the outfits i drew for jatp charas!!! ✨✨
outfit meme from here
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stellarspecter · 1 year
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do you love the color of the sky jatp ships?
which one?
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legolasghosty · 3 months
if this doesn't scream boggie, i don't know what does: They smell like sparkles and sunshine and I want to kiss their stupid face so bad
Bobby slammed the apartment door behind him, heading straight for the couch. He didn't slow down until he was flat on his stomach, his burning cheeks hidden by a Gayosaurus throw pillow ("Like a normal gay, but more awesome!") that Willie had found somewhere six months ago. Bobby wasn't ever sure where he found this sort of thing. He'd given up on asking when they were still in college, the two of them and Alex randomly paired up in a freshman dorm.
"What happened here?" the previously mentioned pillow finder said from somewhere above Bobby.
The soft click of Alex closing their front door properly was followed by the drummer's sigh of, "Reggie, what else."
Bobby felt the couch dip near his feet as probably Willie sat down. "You wanna talk about it, dude?" they asked. Bobby couldn't decide if their tone was sympathetic or teasing.
"No," he mumbled into the pillow.
Look, dating your bandmates didn't work out well. Reggie and Luke had been together for a bit when they were all in college and it had burned hot and fast. Bobby had been sure the band would break up for good when they called it quits. It had taken a whole new person, Luke's now queerplatonic partner and their band frontwoman Julie, to get the two of them to talk it out and become friends again. Even then, it had been a rough couple of months for all of them.
So, no matter how pretty Reggie was or how sometimes Bobby thought he leaned a bit closer to their shared mic than necessary, they couldn't be a thing. It wouldn't work.
"Dude, you can't just keep ignoring it and hope it goes away," Alex sighed, now sounding much closer. "Remember how I tried that and it failed? Epicly?"
Bobby lifted his head just enough to shoot Alex a glare. "That's not the same thing," he protested. "No offense, Willie."
"None taken," they chuckled. "But Lex has a point. Shoving it down doesn't work, and it might just turn out better than you think."
Bobby dropped his face back down to the pillow and flipped them both off. "No."
He felt a foot nudging his shoulder, indicating that Alex had found his perch on the back of the couch above him. "Bobby, Reggie likes you back, you guys just have to get your acts together and talk about it."
"Hypocrite," Bobby mumbled. But he groaned and rolled onto his side, glancing up at his roommates and best friends. Maybe talking it out would help erase his stupid crush on his bandmate. "I know he maybe thinks I'm cute or whatever, but it wouldn't work. The band almost broke up when Luke and Reggie did, and I can't be responsible for doing that to you guys. I just can't."
"Okay, I get that," Alex began. "But what makes you so sure the two of you wouldn't work? I mean yeah, Luke and him didn't go so well, but there were a lot of reasons for that."
"Very much including the fact that they were 19 and neither of them had actually been in a serious relationship before," Willie added. "And I love them both, but their communication skills aren't the best now, let alone two years ago."
"You and Reg are good for each other," Alex continued, giving Bobby that heavy, open stare that he usually masked behind several layers of sarcasm. "He gets you out of your routine and trying new things. You help him slow down and talk things out."
"You're both better people for being around each other," Willie agreed, one hand resting on Bobby's ankle. Then the corner of his mouth quirks up. "Not to mention the fact that you guys practically make out at the mic every other song."
"We do not!" Bobby insisted, forcing himself up on one elbow. "Mic sharing is totally normal."
"Mic sharing, yes. But you two take the phrase 'eat the mic' a little too literally," Alex laughed. Then his amusement faded. "But seriously. You like him. He likes you. And we're all semi-functioning adults who can at least pretend to be emotionally mature. At least talk to him."
"Even if you decide not to give it a shot, at least you'll have been honest with each other," Willie said.
"But what if it messes everything up?" Bobby asked, hating how small his voice sounded. "I mean, yeah, he smells like sparkles and sunshine and I wanna kiss his stupid face so bad, but I don't want it to destroy the band. Or our whole... family."
Willie's expression is now solidly in the sympathetic zone. "But what if it makes it better?" they countered. "I mean, Lex and I were great as friends, and we're better as partners, and we're both better friends to the rest of you because of being together."
The smile Alex gave them for that is enough to make Bobby fake gag and throw the Gayosaurus pillow at them. But... maybe they're right.
"Hug time?" Alex questioned.
Bobby just nodded, suddenly feeling heavy at the possibility of having Reggie as something other than a bandmate. But heavy in a good way, like crawling under his weighted blanket at the end of a long day.
Alex dropped down onto the couch beside him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and pulling him in. Bobby let Willie resituate both of their legs on his lap. He usually wasn't one for being manhandled by his friends, but it was nice to let them take care of him every once in a while. He tried to focus on the clean and salty scent of Alex's hoodie and the easy movement of Willie's thumb on his ankle.
Maybe, just maybe, they had a point. At the very least, he owed it to Reggie to let him be a part of the conversation, right? Bobby let out a soft sigh. This meant he'd have to actually have a conversation about it with the bassist. But he was getting better at those at least. It was 'healthy' or something. Maybe it would be okay. Maybe they would be okay.
"So..." Willie mused after a while, "what do sparkles and sunshine smell like?"
"Screw you," Bobby groaned, hiding his face in Alex's chest.
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roughridingrednecks · 5 months
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 4 months
So basically your roommate is a cat? For Boggie(cause like... Yes)
Okay, I STRUGGLED with this. And don't even know if I like the outcome. We have like... Boggie from a distance happening here 🙈 I hope you don't hate it!
“So basically, your roommate is a cat,” Reggie’s date says, more of a statement than a question.
Reggie stops to think. He’d not really considered it before, but Bobby is very temperamental about touch. He likes to be left alone until he doesn’t. He’s relatively predictable but only if you can read his body language. Yeah, a cat kind of fits. But roommate? That… Might be stretching it. 
Reggie hums, “Yes to the cat, no to the roommate.”
He’s met with a curious look.
“Roommate might not be the most accurate way to describe our relationship,” he explains. “Bobby and I… Well, it’s complicated.”
“Complicated how? Are you not…” they trail off, obviously confused about what the hell Reggie is doing here if he’s got a “complicated” relationship with his “roommate.”
“We’re not… together. Well, we are. But,” Reggie takes a deep breath.
His date is growing frustrated. “Are you wasting my time? I’m not really up for being a homewrecker or somebody’s experiment.”
“No!” Reggie cries, putting his hands out to stop them from standing. “No, it’s not like that! I swear, it’s just…” He takes another deep breath. “It’s just. We aren’t labeled as anything. He’s my best friend. And we also make out and have sex sometimes.”
His date starts to gather their things in preparation to leave.
“No, wait! Let me explain. Please?”
They sigh, “Fine. You can have one minute.”
“Fuck. Shit. Okay. So Bobby’s not into dating and romance. He doesn’t want to hold me back from anything that I might want from other people. So we have an agreement that I can date freely, as if I were single. I try to be open about our relationship together from the start but it’s… Well, it’s complicated. Anyone who’d want to see me long term would have to be okay with what I have with Bobby. But I’m not like, cheating on him or anything.”
Reggie can tell that they’re processing and sits in silence while they do. He fiddles with the ends of his sleeves, his knee bouncing, while he waits. 
“Okay,” they finally say, “and like, you’re allowed to have physical relationships with the people you’re dating too? Kissing and sex?”
Reggie nods, “Yeah, honestly everything is pretty much normal. Except I have a Bobby.”
They cough out a dry laugh, “like a cat.”
Reggie grins, “Sure. A very large, very needy cat who I sometimes… y’know.”
“Well, it’s not perfect. But okay.”
Reggie’s brow furrows slightly. “Okay?” he asks, confused by the unexpectedly cool response.
They nod, “Yeah. Okay. I like you, Reggie. Let’s see where this goes.”
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michelangelinden · 2 years
Send me a number between 1 and 101 and I'll tell you what fic I would write based on the corresponding song from my Spotify Wrapped playlist!
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phantomwriter95 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters/Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Flynn Taylor/Carrie Wilson, Alex Mercer/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms) Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn Taylor, Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Carlos Molina, Ray Molina, Rose Molina, Carrie Wilson, Caleb Covington Additional Tags: Bobby Shaw is Not Trevor Wilson, Everyone Is Alive, Good Caleb Covington Series: Part 2 of Julie and the Lifeguards Summary:
It's summer time at the Hollywood Pool Club, the gang is all here, and love is in the air! Time for a Juke meet-cute round two! Or will it turn into a meet disaster...?
Part two of a collection of fics from my alive AU where Sunset Curve + Willie work at the HPC, the country club owned by (the not evil, just eccentric) Caleb Covington, and where Julie and Flynn spend their time during the summer break. Fics will be cute, fluff filled stories featuring various couples: Juke, Willex, Boggie, and Flarrie.
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caswellseyes · 1 year
“you said you wanted to talk?" “yeah…it can wait, though. enjoy your date.”
For more of my Boggie brain rot
i'm always happy to help further the boggie brain rot, thanks so much for sending this in! it got a bit long so i've posted it over on ao3, the link to the full fic will be in the reblogs!
the one who's waiting at home
Bobby is getting really tired of this.
It just keeps happening, is the issue. It keeps happening, and Reggie keeps trying, and Bobby is always left to pick up the pieces when it goes wrong. 
Because every single time Reggie goes on a date with someone, he gets attached. And every single time, whoever it is that he’s seeing ends up not appreciating the wonder that is Reggie. Every single time, it ends in heartbreak.
And every single time, Reggie blames himself.
It’s stupid, really. Reggie is quick to love, and honestly, it’s one of Bobby’s favourite parts of him. His roommate has a big heart and doesn’t hesitate to let people in, which, especially considering the difficult life he’s had, is really admirable. Bobby himself could never be this open with his affection. There’s a reason Reggie is the one scoring dates left and right while Bobby doesn’t even remember the last date he’s been on. Which is fine – based on the way dating is going for Reggie, he’s not exactly eager to ‘get out there’ – and he’s the last to judge, he really is. If dating all these stupid people who aren’t good enough for Reggie is what makes Reggie happy, then by all means, Reggie should date more people.
It’s just that, you know, all these stupid people aren’t good enough for Reggie and inevitably end up breaking his heart.
Okay, maybe Bobby is getting a little more upset about this than he has any right to be. In his defence, he’s been crushing on Reggie since the second the other moved into the apartment and so far, he’s doing an admirable job of not letting anything on. 
There’s no point in telling Reggie, of course. Reggie loves so easily, so openly, that surely, Bobby would know by now if his feelings were returned. They don’t seem to be, and thus, Bobby keeps his mouth shut. 
What he will not keep his mouth shut about for any longer, though, is how much these dates are breaking Reggie’s heart. No, that he has to stop. 
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blitziegamez · 2 years
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All Characters of Poppy Playtime is done.......and i can't wait for Chapter 3 bc there would be a new characters that i should draw........soooooo i hope you like my Artworks :D
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kybee1497 · 2 years
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If you hold me tight (all the way home, I’ll be warm) by kybee1497
Seconds later she’s enveloped in a hug of warmth and coziness and she hums, releasing her grip on Flynn in favor of wrapping her arms around Luke’s torso, doing her best to burrow under his skin and steal all that sweet, sweet warmth.
“The fire alarm in our dorm went off at 3 am and you ran outside without a coat. Do you want to share my blanket?”
Based on a prompt found on Pinterest with no source.
Taglist (ask to be added or removed)
@a-tomb-with-a-view @williexmercer @itsthebooks @thegirlfulloffandoms @afoldintime @angelofarts @jatpfs @julieandthequeers @imastrugglingartist @curvesomesunsets @michelangelinden @flynn-flynnagan @caswellseyes
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innytoes · 2 years
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Boggie moodboard aka: omg the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
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thesunwillart · 2 months
A4 Reggie Peters, D6 Bobby Wilson? For the art meme? 🥰
heyyyy!! here is boggie... Bobby is confused but he's got the <3 spirit
+ some extra Bobby sketches!!
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outfit meme from here
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anthonyjlockwood · 2 years
“Bobby… you left once.”
Bobby winces, his heart stinging at the reminder of just how much he has to make up for. “Let me fix that,” he pleads. “Let me be there for you now.”
Making Alex and Willie’s wedding cake would be a way to get a permanent spot back in their lives. A way to show them how sorry he was for leaving, and for breaking Reggie’s heart. A way to show them he still cares.
A way to start making up for his past mistakes.
He has to show them that he isn’t the same selfish monster he was when he left. That he’s pushed through his fears to be more. To be better.
And maybe, along the way, he can finally figure out how to look Reggie in the eye again.
AU where Bobby left the band for a bakery, but now he's trying to put all the pieces of his old life back together again, for @tillstarscollided 💕
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legolasghosty · 10 months
hi if you’re still taking prompts can you please do 12 and/or 15 for boggie 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
Heh yeah so pay no mind to the fact that you sent this in like.... over 7 months ago... I promise I didn't forget! I just haven't had a lot of writing spoons in a hot minute! ANYWAYS have a little drabble. I'm sorry for the delay!!!!
Bobby picks his way down the path to the garage in the dark. He's not totally sure what time it is, he just knows it's late. Or early? Whatever. The other boys fell asleep hours ago, all curled up on the pull-out couch. Thank God Luke and Alex have gotten over that weird post-breakup "we shouldn't cuddle" thing. It made sleepovers way too confusing.
Their breakup made everything a little confusing if Bobby is being honest. Sure it had been a mutual thing and they'd only gone out for like a month, but still. The four of them spent so much time together, of course things got uncomfortable when half of the band members were suddenly exes. There had been a minute there where Bobby thought it would be the end of Sunset Curve.
But the waves have settled now. Luke and Alex are back to being bickering best friends. Their family band is safe. Thank God. Bobby doesn't think he could bear losing them. Any of them. They're his best friends.
He pushes open the garage door as quietly as he can. The beam of moonlight coming in over his shoulder illuminates his boys all tangled together on the couch bed. Luke's head is on Alex's thigh. Alex's arm is thrown over Reggie's torso. Reggie's leg is thrown over Luke's lap. His arms are flopped awkwardly over the space next to him. Bobby recognizes it as the spot he'd been lying before he'd given up on sleep and gone to make some hot chocolate.
Oh, he left his mug on the kitchen counter. F...rick. Bobby groans. Just his luck. Technically he could just go back to the house and get the half-full cup. But that suddenly feels like way too much work. Bobby heaves a sigh and heads for the couch. Maybe the partial drink and the late hour will let him sleep?
He lowers himself carefully onto the couch beside Reggie. The bassist stirs a bit, one hand reaching out towards Bobby. And his heart doesn't flutter a bit. It doesn't. Cause it can't.
Luke and Alex's breakup almost destroyed the band. Bobby can't afford to risk his only friends on a crush. Even if Reggie's eyes light up every time he sees a dog out walking. Even if his stupid jokes always manage to make Bobby laugh. Even if he looks so pretty onstage that Bobby forgets to breathe sometimes. Even if sometimes he'll glance down at Bobby's lips when they're sharing a mic and sometimes seems to watch him for a moment too long.
He can't risk it. Maybe he lov-likes Reggie romantically. But he cares about all three of them deeply. He can't lose any of them. They keep him from drowning in his head or staying inside all the time. They give him a reason to go to school on the bad days. They never like his artsy movie suggestions and then watch them with him anyways. They're his best friends and his lifelines. He's not losing them.
Reggie rolls over towards him, mumbling something incoherent. Bobby chuckles. His sleep-talking is adorable. Reggie's body is now only half covered by the black and white throw blanket that Bobby always claims for sleepovers and Reggie always seems to wake up under.
Bobby glances at the other two boys. Both are still sound asleep. He supposes it's safe to indulge for a moment.
"How come you always end up under my blanket, baby?" Bobby whispers, laying down beside Reggie. Hey, it's not like anyone's going to hear him. He'll take what he can get. Even if his treacherous heart yearns for it to be real.
"Cause you getting all flustered is one of the cutest things I've ever seen," Reggie murmurs, lips quirking up in a smirk.
Bobby jumps, his face heating up. "I...you're awake?" he stammers, backing away from his friend slowly.
Reggie blinks quickly, sleep still pulling at his eyelids as he focuses on Bobby. "Sorta?" he mumbles back. "Awake enough to hear you call me baby."
"I'm so sorry," Bobby says in a rush. "It's nothing, don't worry about it, it doesn't have to be a thing, I'm just being stupid."
Reggie frowns. "But... what if I want it to be a thing?"
Bobby feels like he's about to be split down the middle between logic and lo-his feelings. "We can't," he whispers, feeling a lump form in his throat.
"Says who?" Reggie responds, smiling sleepily. "We're smart, we'll figure it out. Just say it again?"
"Say what?" Bobby tilts his head, confused.
"Call me baby," Reggie clarifies. He reaches out and grabs at Bobby's hands. It takes him a couple of tries to get them both with his eyes still only half open. "I like it."
And Bobby is apparently too weak for this. "You sure, baby?" he breathes.
"Definitely," Reggie hums, laying back down and tugging Bobby down with him.
The bassist shifts around a bit until he can use Bobby's shoulder as a pillow. "Okay, sleepy time," he mumbles, eyes already falling shut. "We'll talk tomorrow."
Bobby's heart is racing, but sleep suddenly feels much more possible. Especially once he pulls his blanket over both of them. Alex shifts a bit in his sleep so his arm is thrown over both Reggie and Bobby. Luke's legs end up tangled with both of theirs.
Bobby takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Well this was new. But not...necessarily...bad.
He drifts off to sleep.
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roughridingrednecks · 4 months
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 2 months
not just a supplier of nightmares
Boggie | T | 5037 words On ao3 It's finally, finally, finally done! Thank you to @narcissusbrokenmirror for always putting ideas into my head and encouraging me to write the things. Thank you to @60sec400 for beta-ing this for me (us). Thank you to every single person who cheerled the writing of this fic by sending asks, reblogging snippets, everything! This is for all of us 😅 Enjoy!
Reggie sifts through the stack of videos beside the television. Bobby and his brothers had convinced their parents to add a few new ones to their collection since the last time the guys had been over and he’s excited to see what captures their attention.
Reggie grabs a video out of the pile, quickly reading the back and then passing it on to Alex who passes his approvals onto Luke and returns the rejections to Reggie. 
This is their typical movie night routine and it works well for them. It never takes long for them to agree on something. 
“Really? We’re jumping up to R-rated ones?” Alex asks doubtfully as he eyes the first tape he’s handed.  
“Yeah! Why not?” Reggie beams back at him. “We only get to do that at Bobby’s anyway!”
“Yeah, ‘Lex!” Luke agrees, shoving Alex’s shoulder. “Lighten up. When else do we get the freedom to do this?” Bobby’s house is the only one where they’re not under strict parental supervision. His parents are always either away for work or out supporting his older brothers. Even when they are home, they have a tendency to be pretty hands off with their parenting. Especially when the guys are over.
“Some of those are pretty freaky, guys,” Bobby warns them, only to be met with twin scoffs. He shrugs in resignation. “Alrighty, then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Alex furrows his brow but doesn’t otherwise protest. 
It only takes three tapes before Luke hands one to Bobby. Bobby slides it into the VCR without looking at it. He doesn’t even think about it. Never does. He always just trusts their selection and it works out. If he’s completely honest, he mostly just likes spending time with the guys. No school. No band stuff. Just them. 
Granted, the band stuff is new. 
Alex has played the drums since they’d first joined the school band in 5th grade but it took until this last year for Luke to convince their teacher to let him try the guitar. Of course, he picked it up immediately. He’ll easily take Bobby’s spot next year when they hit high school, never mind that Bobby’s been playing the guitar for as long as Alex has been on the drums. 
But that’s not the point. It’s fine. 
The point is that now Luke is convinced that they can make it as rockstars. He tried to convince Bobby to shift to bass but Bobby had no interest in learning a new instrument. Luckily Reggie volunteered to fill that gap, apparently not being satisfied with the three instruments he already played. 
So now they have a band. And the accompanying band ‘stuff.’
Which also takes up almost all of their free time. And Bobby loves it. He really does. But he misses his friends. 
So, movie night.
They settle onto the floor between the L of the two couches with their individual sleeping bags and two shared bowls of popcorn. 
As the tension for the first jumpscare builds, Luke puts his finger in his mouth before leaning over to stick it in Bobby’s ear. 
“Ugh, gross!” Bobby exclaims, wiping his ear with his sleeve. “Why are you like this?”
Luke giggles as he shrugs. “You’d miss me if I was gone,” he retorts. 
Bobby rolls his eyes and returns his attention to the television. 
“You guys made me miss it!” Reggie cries, crossing his arms over his chest. “All that build up wasted for nothing,” he mutters. 
Bobby and Luke exchange an amused look. After some quick nonverbal communication, they’ve made a plan.
They watch Reggie intently as the movie progresses. They want to make sure that they time this out perfectly for when he’s most on edge. Reggie leans closer and closer to the screen, gripping his blanket tightly under his chin. Bobby grins at Luke who nods back at him. They each grab one of Reggie’s sides as the characters on screen scream. 
Reggie screeches in terror. Bobby and Luke collapse with uncontrollable laughter. 
“Really?” Alex asks from Luke’s other side, unimpressed. 
Luke turns to Alex with another shiteating grin. He launches himself at Alex, wrapping one arm around Alex’s neck and using his free hand to give Alex a solid noogie. 
Reggie ignores them, turning his attention back to the movie. Alex accidentally shoves Luke into him, trying to fight Luke off. 
“You guys are wrecking the movie!” Reggie whines from where he’s still intently watching the television. “Shut up or go away!”
“Sir, yes sir!” Luke replies, complete with mock salute. 
They finish the movie mostly in peace with a few screams escaping Reggie and more than a couple moments of Luke and Reggie hiding behind Alex and Bobby.
Bobby gets up to rewind the tape and turn off the TV.
“So worth it,” Reggie enthuses. 
Luke hums his enthusiastic agreement as he snuggles down into his sleeping bag. 
Bobby and Alex exchange an amused look before following suit.
“Wait, no!” Reggie exclaims as he jumps up, “I gotta pee!”
The others laugh and roll their eyes, well used to Reggie’s antics at this point. 
They’re all asleep before he returns.  Reggie crawls into his own sleeping bag, careful not to wake the others as he settles in.
It takes Reggie a while to slow his thoughts. Now that the movie’s over and he’s forced to be alone with his mind, he finds himself replaying some of the scariest moments every time he closes his eyes. It’s dark and quiet. The gentle breathing of his friends next to him fails to offer any comfort. 
Eventually though, he manages to drift into a fitful sleep.
He’s not out for long when Bobby, Alex, and Luke are woken by an earth-shattering scream.
They jump up in a panic and notice Reggie writhing in his sleep. His face is scrunched up in fear, his hair damp with sweat.
Bobby grabs Reggie by the shoulders, shaking him lightly. “Reggie! Reg, wake up!”
Reggie moans in his sleep before curling up into a ball. Bobby shares a concerned look with Alex and Luke. Bobby tries shaking him again. Reggie moans and pushes him away. 
Alex tries next, speaking gently to Reggie. His attempts are no more successful than Bobby’s. 
“Reggie, wake up!” Luke shouts obnoxiously. Both Alex and Bobby glare at him, returning their attention to Reggie when he shifts. 
Bobby shakes him again and Alex coaxes him out of sleep. “Reggie? Hey, it’s just us. You’re having a bad dream.”
Reggie’s arms flail, hitting Bobby before grasping onto his shirt. Reggie clings to Bobby as his eyes crack open. Bobby gently rubs his back as he wakes up.
“Y’okay, dude?” Bobby asks as Reggie finishes coming into consciousness.
Reggie gasps for breath. “Had… a bad dream.”
“Yeah, Reg. You had a bad dream. We’re here though. What happened?”
Reggie shudders as he remembers. “I was… a-a-an apparition.” He barely manages the words as he struggles to return his breathing to normal. 
Luke’s brow furrows. “A what-arition?” he asks.
“A ghost, Luke,” Bobby tells him with a fond eye roll.
Reggie realizes that he’s attached himself to Bobby and lets go, wrapping his arms around himself. He shivers again, “I-I-I died! And then became a g-g-g-ghost!”
“Like, the kind that rattles chains and goes ‘boo?’” Luke wonders.
Reggie glares at him. “No, the kind that m-m-m-murders people!”
“Man, even if you DID become a ghost, I don’t think you could ever murder someone!” 
Alex sighs, “Luke you’re not helping. Can you shut up? Please?”
Luke ignores him, leaning into Reggie’s space, “Are you okay? What do you need?”
Reggie shakes his head and squeezes his legs tighter to his chest. 
“Do you want…” Luke starts to say before pausing to think, “do you want a hug?”
Reggie looks up at him. “Yeah,” he replies in a small voice. 
“Okay. Okay, we can do that!”
Luke lunges forward and wraps Reggie up into a tight hug. Reggie sinks into him, his body visibly relaxing.
“I’m gonna go get Reggie some water,” Alex says as he slips out of his sleeping bag.
“Can I…” Reggie says hesitantly into Luke’s shoulder. 
Alex stops, turning back toward them. “Can you what?”
Reggie pulls away from Luke, just enough to free his face. His expression turns sheepish. 
Bobby rubs his back, offering what comfort he can. “What is it, Reg? Whatever you need.”
Reggie takes a deep breath. “Can I have a snuggly?”
Alex’s eyes meet Bobby’s and Bobby nods his permission. They all stopped bringing their own stuffies to their sleepovers years ago so Alex will need to raid Bobby’s room to find something for Reggie. 
“Any requests?” Alex confirms, waiting for Reggie’s answer before heading up the stairs. 
“P-P-P-Petey? If you can find him?”
Alex nods, certain that the giant stuffed penguin won’t be difficult to hunt down. “Yeah, I can do that. Anything else?”
“Bring one for me too!” Luke demands brightly. 
Alex pauses at the base of the stairs. He pointedly holds his hand to his ear.
“Please,” Luke says shamefully.
“May’s well bring one back for each of us,” Bobby adds. “Thanks ‘Lex.”
“No problem. Be right back!”
Alex returns with his arms piled with various stuffed animals. He’s trying to balance a glass of water in his hand and has some snacks stuffed under his elbow. 
Luke jumps up to help him, passing the glass of water over to Reggie. 
Alex opens his elbows and lets the bags of treats fall onto the floor. He uses the newfound freedom of movement to pass the stuffies around, starting with giving Reggie Petey the Penguin. Reggie beams as he holds the animal tightly to his chest. Luke delicately tucks the lion he’s been handed in at the edge of his pillow and sleeping bag. Bobby sets his stuffed animal on the floor, backed up against the couch as if it were watching over the boys. Alex props his up on the seat behind his head, easily accessible for grabbing in the event that he decides he wants it. 
With Reggie sufficiently calmed and the others satisfied that he’ll be okay, they settle back in to sleep the last few hours of the night. 
If they all happen to wake up wrapped tightly around the stuffed animals, nobody mentions it. 
Unfortunately, it keeps happening. 
Every time they sleep over at Bobby’s, Reggie and Luke continue to pick out some of the scariest movies in the rental stack and every time, Reggie wakes up screaming. It only takes a handful of times for Bobby to put his foot down. He refuses to play any horror movies rated higher than PG, distressed by the need to comfort one of his best friends every time they watch one of these movies. Luke and Reggie are both frustrated at the sudden lack of freedom they’ve come to expect from their time at Bobby’s.
Try as he may, Reggie’s pleading looks aren’t as effective on thirteen year old Bobby as he’d like. A thirteen year old Bobby who isn’t fond of his sleep being disturbed on a good day, no less.
He can only keep it up for so long. After a few years, Bobby’s resolve does start to crumble. And it crumbles fast. 
“Bobby, c’mon man. We’re not thirteen anymore! I promise I can handle it!” Reggie pleads, desperately wanting to watch the recently released movie that nobody at school can stop talking about. 
Luke drapes his arm around Reggie’s shoulder. A pout matching Reggie’s paints his face, “Yeah, Bobs. We’re not kids anymore. Stop being such a funsucker.”
Bobby glares at Luke, “I am NOT a funsucker.”
Luke purses his lips doubtfully, “Mmmm, you kinda are.”
“Reggie doesn’t need to be more traumatized.”
Reggie squeaks, “I am NOT traumatized.”
Bobby stares at him.
Luke ruffles Reggie’s hair playfully. Reggie pulls himself out from under Luke’s arm to glare at him. Luke grins and ruffles his hair again.
Reggie rolls his eyes, directing his attention back to Bobby. Ignoring Luke is a well-honed skill at this point and he has higher priorities at the moment. 
Reggie puts on his most pathetic puppy dog face, fluttering his eyelashes dramatically and clasping his hands under his chin. He and Luke have always known the power their faces hold and regularly use it to their advantage. Though Reggie’s only recently realized how effective it can be with Bobby. With that realization has also come an exploration of how far he can push it.
It takes everything in Bobby to force himself to look away. He can feel Reggie’s gaze on him and he’s not able to ignore the pull for long. Bobby’s shoulders fall, his resolve crumbling. He turns back to meet Reggie’s eyes and sighs. “Fine. One time, we can try. But just once.”
Reggie whoops gleefully. 
They settle into their usual spots, which haven’t changed in the last two years, as Bobby sets up the movie. 
Much like when they were thirteen, Reggie and Luke still hide behind Alex and Bobby at the scariest parts. Much like when they were thirteen, Bobby teases Luke about it mercilessly. Much like when they were thirteen, Bobby and Alex share exasperated, though no less amused, looks over the antics of the other boys. Unlike when they were thirteen, these looks are now accompanied by a little more pink on their cheeks than either of them will ever be willing to admit to. 
Unfortunately, much like when they were thirteen, the boys are woken by Reggie deep in the throes of a nightmare. 
Unfortunately, unlike when they were thirteen, Bobby’s much less capable of resisting Reggie’s pleading. The scary movies continue, as do the nightmares and distressing wake up calls. 
Alex hands the tape back to Luke and crosses his arms across his chest. “No!” he repeats.
All three of them turn to look at Alex with confusion. He’s refused every option that Luke and Reggie have proposed, a stark shift from the routine they’ve had for years. 
“No scary movies,” he explains simply. 
Reggie furrows his brows, narrowing his eyes at Alex. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to watch one.”
Reggie turns to him fully. “I can-,” he starts to say, ready to defend himself. He doesn't love being babied by his friends, even if he's appreciative of how much they care.
Alex cuts him off, “It’s not about you. I don’t want to watch a scary movie. Can we choose something else please?”
Reggie eyes him warily as he spins back around. He works on resifting through the tape collection, handing new suggestions to Luke who passes his approvals onto Alex. 
They finally agree on a Jurassic Park rewatch. 
As they settle in, Bobby directs an appreciative nod Alex’s way. Alex shrugs in silent acknowledgement.
Alex continues to refuse Luke and Reggie’s R-rated suggestions (of both the horror and “adult” variety) and their frustration grows.
It’s been months of this. It all comes to a head at the next sleepover at Bobby’s. They’d started drifting there more often, the appeal of the lack of parental supervision increasing as they grew older. As their own home lives became more hostile, Bobby’s place offered a bit of a safe haven for all four of them.
“Alex, why are you doing this?” Reggie groans after Alex hands back the most recent suggestion.
Alex stares at him blankly. “Doing what?”
“Why won’t you let us watch any of these?” Reggie gestures toward the rejected pile of movies. 
Alex shrugs, “Because I don’t want to watch them.”
“But why?”
Alex narrows his eyes at Reggie. “Does it matter why?” he challenges. 
Reggie takes the bait, straightening up and puffing out his chest, “Yeah, it does.”
“Why do you need to know?”
Reggie stares at Alex. “Because. We-” he gestures between himself and Luke, “both want to watch these. It’s not fair for you to get veto power if we can’t know why.”
“And,” Luke interjects, “we can’t pick different things if you won’t tell us what’s wrong with these.”
Alex rolls his eyes. “Because I don’t like girls,” he explains simply.
Reggie huffs out a frustrated breath and narrows his eyes at Alex, “You KNOW that’s not what I mean.”
“Fine. They scare me too much.”
Reggie directs an unimpressed glare his way. “Really?”
“Really,” he confirms, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Since when?”
“Since always.”
Reggie scoffs, “You never had issues with them before.”
Alex eyes him, “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to watch them anymore. Or talk about it. Pick something else.”
Reggie stares Alex down. 
Alex stares back. 
Bobby clears his throat.
Reggie looks up at Bobby with wide, questioning eyes. He’s feeling both a little caught and a lot confused about why he’s not being backed up in this.
“Can we get on with this? Please?” Bobby pleads.
Reggie huffs, “Fine,” and turns back to the stack of movies. He finds something that he knows neither Luke or Alex are going to reject, passing it to Alex. He flops onto the couch while he waits for it to be approved by his friends. 
After setting up the movie, Bobby takes the spot beside Reggie. “We’re a little pouty today,” he observes quietly. 
Reggie halfheartedly tries to put some distance between himself and Bobby but doesn’t manage to go far. “Shut up.”
Bobby chuckles lightly as he leans back, looping his arm over Reggie’s shoulders. 
They settle in side by side to watch the movie much like they normally do, with Reggie shifting slightly so he can see the screen better, leaning into Bobby’s side. 
The next time Reggie spends the night at Bobby’s solo, he pleads his case again.
“C’mon Bee, please? “
“I don’t understand why you like freaking yourself out so much. We could do literally anything else. Something that won’t give you nightmares.”
Reggie shrugs, “I dunno. I just like them. And now with Alex…” he grimaces, “this is my only chance. Please?”
Bobby’s shoulders drop in defeat. He sighs. 
Reggie tries to hide his grin, knowing that means he’s about to win this one. “You’d be my favourite for FOREVER, Bobby,” he pleads, widening his eyes and jutting out his bottom lip.
“I’m already your favourite,” Bobby grumbles as he takes the tape from Reggie, sliding it into the VCR. 
Reggie flops onto the couch he and Bobby normally share, finally letting the victorious grin take over his face. “Thanks, Bobs. You’re the best!”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Don’t come crying to me when you have a bad dream.”
Reggie crosses over his heart with a light giggle. His expression morphs into a frown when Bobby sits on the other couch. “We’re not sitting together?”
Bobby stares at him, “Did you want to?”
“We always do. Don’t you love me any more, Bobby?” Reggie asks, eyes wide as he tries and fails  to hide his teasing grin. 
Bobby rolls his eyes but gathers the blanket up and moves over to sit in the  open space beside Reggie. 
Reggie lets out a contented sigh as he leans into Bobby. “Much better! Can’t have scary movie times without my pillow.”
Bobby groans half-heartedly, “Good to know what I am to you. A pillow and supplier of nightmares.” He wraps his arm around Reggie’s shoulders just the same, though. 
“Exactly,” Reggie beams at him, “the best!”
Bobby fights the blush threatening to rise up his face, grateful that Reggie had turned his attention back to the television so quickly. He clenches his hand into a fist once, twice, three times, before letting himself relax again.
Bobby holds back a laugh the first time Reggie jumps under his arm, smirking at Reggie’s half-hearted glare.
When Reggie hides his face in Bobby’s shoulder at the next scary point, Bobby gently rubs Reggie’s back in comfort, his attention never drifting from the movie. It’s nothing they haven’t done before. Only this time, when Reggie turns back toward the screen, Bobby doesn’t stop. 
He seems to be moving mindlessly as his hand drifts down to settle on Reggie’s waist. Bobby gently caresses the space between Reggie’s shirt and the waistband of his jeans with his thumb. 
Reggie freezes up slightly, not expecting the much more intimate than usual contact. He quickly relaxes though, leaning back into Bobby. 
When his thumb starts to creep beneath Reggie’s waistband, Reggie starts to panic. Sure, he’s had a thing for Bobby for as long as he can remember, but he never expected that it might be reciprocated and he certainly didn’t expect for Bobby to be the one to initiate this kind of physical contact. 
He turns to look up at Bobby who seems completely unaware of the crisis that he’s inflicting on Reggie, intently watching the movie. 
It doesn’t take long for Bobby to register Reggie watching him, directing a questioning look down at Reggie.
“Something wrong?”
Reggie swallows thickly, “No. Nope. Everything’s fine.” He turns to look back at the TV.
The ministrations at his waist stop. Bobby starts to move away and Reggie gently covers Bobby’s hand with his own, keeping him in place. “You uh… you don’t have to stop,” Reggie whispers.
“I’m really sorry, Reg. I didn’t even realize…” Bobby starts to say, trying to defend himself as he attempts to stave off his own panic at realizing what he’d been doing. His chest tightens as he considers the discomfort he’s subconsciously subjected them both to, not to mention the fear of his feelings coming to light. 
“It’s okay,” Reggie insists quietly. “Really. You can stop if you want but uh…” his voice turns shy, “I… I like it.”
“Yeah?” Bobby coughs out breathlessly and Reggie nods. 
“Okay,” he whispers and directs his attention back to the movie.
It doesn’t take long before Bobby’s thumb starts moving over Reggie’s skin again.
Reggie finds himself completely incapable of paying any attention to what’s happening on-screen. He lets his own hand drift over to Bobby’s leg, running circles with his thumb on the inside of his knee.
Bobby looks down to acknowledge the unexpected contact but says nothing. 
After a short while, they shift and Reggie sits up slightly, swinging his legs around to drape over the front of the couch, still leaning into Bobby’s side. Bobby reaches down with his free arm and grabs Reggie’s knees. He rotates Reggie slightly and positions his legs over his lap, dislodging Reggie’s hand.
Reggie lets out a giggle, “I can’t see the movie like this.”
Bobby rolls his eyes and directs a fond look at Reggie, “You have no idea what’s been happening for at least the last half hour.” Reggie scoffs, mocking offense. “I’d know because you haven’t tried to hide once.”
“Shut up,” Reggie mutters and Bobby laughs. “You’re very distracting.”
“Yeah?” Bobby looks down at Reggie. 
“Yeah. Now shut up and watch your movie.”
“I put this movie on for you, remember?”
“You did not.”
“I did. You specifically requested it even. I was there.”
“You’re bullying me,” Reggie mumbles into Bobby’s chest.
Bobby laughs again, bringing his hand up to rub up and down Reggie’s back. Bobby’s other hand rests on Reggie’s knee. He starts drawing circles through the rips in his jeans with his thumb. If he’s going to be given permission to touch Reggie, he’s going to allow himself to follow some impulses. 
Reggie doesn’t bother trying to watch any more of what’s going on behind him. He settles for listening to it play in the background. He lets himself enjoy the feeling of being wrapped up with Bobby. It’s something he’d imagined before, sure, but the reality of having Bobby’s warmth surrounding him is more than he could have dreamed. He feels more at home, more at peace, then he’d even though possible. 
Reggie extends his arm around Bobby’s waist and starts to fiddle with the hem of his shirt as he listens to Bobby’s heartbeat, relishing in the feeling of Bobby’s hands on him. He chances a glance up at Bobby, smiling to himself when he notices Bobby’s stern look. His resting expression has always steered toward the stoic side of the scale and that remains true even as they allow themselves to explore this new development in their relationship.
Bobby’s hand migrates to Reggie’s thigh, still rubbing small circles with this thumb as he watches the movie. Reggie’s breath catches. He fights down the urge to kiss Bobby’s neck. He’s right there. He’d barely need to move.
Reggie’s fingers catch skin where he’d been playing with Bobby’s shirt, drawing Bobby’s attention back to the boy who’d wound up in his lap. 
He looks down at Reggie and barely hesitates before dipping his head down to kiss him. 
Reggie readily returns it. They work through the preliminary awkwardness quickly, moving their lips together as they find their rhythm. 
Bobby’s hand travels the rest of the way up Reggie’s thigh and to Reggie’s hip. He squeezes slightly to pull Reggie further around. 
Reggie takes the hint, repositioning himself so that he’s straddling Bobby, never breaking their kiss. Reggie wraps his arms around the back of Bobby’s neck, taking advantage of the new angle to deepen the kiss.
Bobby’s hands roam the expanse of Reggie’s back as he grants Reggie access to his mouth. He twines his own tongue with Reggie’s as he lets his hands venture down Reggie’s body.
Bobby grabs Reggie’s ass, eliciting a soft gasp from the other boy.
Bobby grins against Reggie’s mouth.
Reggie recovers quickly, pressing himself closer to Bobby as he again captures Bobby’s lips with his own. He moves his hands up to grasp at Bobby’s hair and tugs gently. He’s rewarded by Bobby’s groan and smirks delightedly to himself.
They continue to tease each other as they make out, experimenting with their teeth and tongues, learning what the other seems to enjoy.
When they finally separate to breathe, both panting to catch their breaths, Reggie laughs lightly, “We should have done that forever ago.”
Bobby wraps his arms tightly around Reggie’s middle, resting his face in the crook of Reggie’s neck. “Yeah,” he agrees, voice low. “Better late than never, or something.”
Reggie dislodges Bobby as he draws back. He directs a curious look at Bobby. “How late are you considering late?”
Bobby shrugs, pulling Reggie back toward him by tightening his arms around Reggie. “Does it matter?” 
Reggie laughs, “Well, it would be nice to know how long I wasn’t alone in this for.”
“Who says you were first?”
“Who says I wasn’t?”
Bobby reaches up to press a single kiss to Reggie’s lips. “Me,” he says with finality.
Reggie hums doubtfully.
“Dude, why do you think you kept getting away with,” Bobby waves toward the television now sitting ignored on the other side of the room, “this?”
“How do you know I wasn’t asking for them on purpose?”
“Because you’re you.”
Reggie smacks Bobby’s shoulder, “Hey!”
“You telling me I’m wrong?”
Reggie purses his lips, trying to come up with a rebuttal, wrinkling his nose in the process.
Bobby’s gaze tracks over Reggie’s face and he grins. “Exactly.”
Reggie glares at Bobby before his eyes suddenly widen in realization, “Is this why Alex didn’t want us watching them any more?”
Bobby swallows a laugh, “Yeah, I don’t think so.”
Reggie narrows his eyes, “It’s ‘cause of me, isn’t it?”
Bobby averts his gaze, refusing to respond.
“Isn’t it?” Reggie insists, pulling Bobby’s hands off of him. “Not answering just tells me I’m right.”
Bobby sighs with defeat, “Yeah. I think so.”
Reggie huffs as he starts to climb off of Bobby’s lap.
Bobby stops him, grabbing Reggie by the hips. “Hey, no. Come back.”
Reggie looks down at Bobby. “But why?”
“Why what? Why come back or why did we stop with the movies?”
“The second one, obviously.”
“Reg,” Bobby pulls at Reggie, encouraging him to at least sit back down. 
He complies, sitting down next to Bobby. 
Bobby turns to face him, pulling his feet up onto the couch and crossing his legs underneath him. 
Reggie mimics the position. “So?” he encourages once they’re both settled.
Bobby lets out a deep breath, “Reggie, you don’t know how much it sucks to see you so scared. The way it feels to be woken up by your screaming. Knowing all we can do is comfort you after it happens and hope you’re okay.”
Reggie’s face falls. “Oh,” he says simply.
Bobby brings a hand up to cradle Reggie’s face. “We love being there for you. Comforting you. But it still sucks. It was just easier to say no. Or try, anyway. We’re not meaning to baby you. At least… not entirely.”
Reggie rests his hand over Bobby’s, “Yeah, I know. I get that. I hate that my brain loves things that hurt me so much.”
“Hey, that’s why we’re here,” Bobby assures him. “We’d never hurt you on purpose. I never want to hurt you.”
Reggie lifts his gaze up to meet Bobby’s. “You don’t.”
“Good,” Bobby murmurs, leaning closer to Reggie. “Now that that’s sorted, can we do more kissing now?”
“Oh, I see how it is,” Reggie teases. He drops one gentle kiss to Bobby’s lips. “You just want me for my body.”
Bobby hums, letting his hands drift from Reggie’s face, down his arms, and up his back. “Well, we hadn’t gotten there yet but I can’t say that it’s not part of it.”
Reggie rolls his eyes as he lets out a light laugh. 
Bobby grasps Reggie’s hips and pulls him close. He leans back against the arm rest, letting his legs stretch out under them. 
Reggie adjusts to make room for Bobby’s legs, straddling Bobby’s hips. Reggie leans down to kiss him. 
Bobby’s hands travel up Reggie’s back, pulling him down to kiss him back fiercely. 
“I’ll let you choose all the movies forever if this is what we get to do while they’re playing,” Bobby murmurs. 
“I’ll hold you to that,” Reggie counters cheekily. He presses his lips to Bobby’s: once, twice, three times. 
Bobby all but growls as he pulls Reggie back down to kiss him properly, finally letting themselves get lost in each other. 
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