#Bookkeeping For The Healthcare
nspccalgary · 1 year
Accountant For Medical Professionals Calgary
NSPC Certified Public Accountants is a top-rated accounting firm in Calgary that offers specialized accounting services for medical professionals. Their team of certified accountants provides comprehensive accounting solutions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of healthcare practitioners.
With their extensive knowledge of the healthcare industry, they can help medical professionals with tax planning, preparation, and compliance, as well as bookkeeping and payroll services. They also offer assistance with practice management, financial planning, and business valuations.
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mageiad · 3 months
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the-everqueen · 3 months
Oh I have so many of these I’m gonna spam you with but first:
Fuck/marry/kill: Logan, Pierce, Gabby
[claps hands] oh this is hard. i'm torn between "marry" for Gabby and Pierce. on the one hand, i'm gay and Gabby is beautiful and more ethically aligned with my values. on the other hand, she did adopt a feral child on the fly which. i'm personally not trying to have kids, although i WOULD possibly make an exception for one with literal claws and an enthusiasm for murder. like, the bar for "good parent" for Laura is literally underground. all right, we'll marry Gabby and maybe move to a small town in Oregon so our kid can roam free in the woods.
fuck Pierce. (ethically? literally? all of the above.) we all know my thoughts about a clean shaven bhol looking like a butch lesbian. maybe this could be some kind of queer awakening for him. i was torn on the marry part because A-T seems like it pays well and he wouldn't judge me for my jeans collection. also if he's ex-military i'm assuming he's got some benefits and maybe i could actually own a house in my lifetime. i'd beard for him, is what i'm saying. in the absence of that, i'd make him pretty and peg him with a strap.
that leaves killing Logan. rip Wolverine, i'm into the teeth and the claws but i do think you might literally kill me if we fucked. i ain't trying to do the Jean Grey speedrun.
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What is a Bookkeeper’s Role in HIPAA-Compliant Businesses?
Healthcare organizations are expected to save and maintain lives, but as businesses, they must be HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant. This is required for healthcare businesses in the United States, a legal requirement designed to protect the privacy and security of patient’s personal health information (PHI).
HIPAA compliance creates a framework for safeguarding sensitive health information for a reliable healthcare ecosystem that can only be promoted by trustworthy professionals.
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These professionals in businesses like the top bookkeepers play a crucial role in protecting businesses by utilizing their expertise and ethical practices. Here are some ways in which reliable bookkeepers help and support HIPAA-compliant businesses:
To protect financial records and PHI from unauthorized access, theft, or breaches, bookkeepers must implement appropriate security measures.  This includes utilizing secure computer systems, encrypted data storage, and password protection for financial software and databases.
When handling financial records containing protected health information (PHI), bookkeepers must maintain strict confidentiality. Any individually identifiable health information, such as medical records, payment information, and insurance information, is considered PHI. Bookkeepers should ensure that access to such information is limited to authorized personnel only.
Record Retention and Disposal
Bookkeepers should adhere to HIPAA guidelines for the retention and disposal of financial records that contain PHI.  These guidelines specify the minimum retention period for different types of records and the secure destruction methods for disposing of sensitive information.
Monitoring and Auditing
Bookkeepers may be involved in auditing and monitoring financial transactions to ensure HIPAA compliance. This includes reviewing financial records on a regular basis, identifying any discrepancies or irregularities, and reporting any suspected violations to appropriate personnel.
Training and Awareness
Bookkeepers should receive HIPAA training and be aware of the specific requirements for financial transactions and record-keeping. They must understand the significance of maintaining PHI privacy and security, as well as how to deal with any potential breaches or incidents.
Business Associate Agreements (BAAs)
Under HIPAA regulations, bookkeepers who work with HIPAA-compliant businesses may be considered business associates. Any entity that performs services on behalf of a covered entity (such as a healthcare provider) and has access to PHI is considered a business associate. Bookkeepers should have a signed BAA with the covered entity outlining their responsibilities and obligations in terms of PHI protection.
The Bottomline
Overall compliance with HIPAA is a collaborative effort that involves numerous stakeholders, including healthcare providers, covered entities, and business associates. 
Just like any other industry, efficient bookkeeping in healthcare is an essential component for effortless accounting processes to efficiently run a business. Hence it is a must to entrust a healthcare system’s finances only to trustworthy bookkeepers for long-term success. 
So if you are a healthcare business owner or a healthcare business manager now is the time to get started! Learn how! Schedule a call now!
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thebookkeepersrus · 1 year
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Let us be the prescription for your healthcare business success! 💊💼 Get in touch! Visit our website www.thebookkeepersrus.com
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ibntechnologies · 10 days
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Healthcare Bookkeeping & Accounting Services | IBN Technologies
IBN Technologies provides specialized healthcare bookkeeping & accounting services. HIPAA-compliant solutions for medical practices, clinics & hospitals include medical billing, revenue cycle management, payroll, tax compliance & financial reporting. Streamline processes with accurate, secure financial management from our experienced team. Improve profitability by outsourcing to us.
for more :-
Healthcare Bookkeeping & Accounting Services
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ranjith11 · 9 months
Testimonial for Medical Bookkeeping course | medical bookkeeping
In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the world of medical bookkeeping, and you won't believe the impact of testimonials
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tmdaccounting · 2 years
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borschtwife · 5 days
"Russian transsexuals received support and publicity from some sections of the nation’s gay rights movement. In 1992, the Moscow Union of Lesbian and Gay Men submitted the identity documents of transsexuals to the Ministry of Justice for consideration of changing their names and legal gender markers. In the same year, the queer journal 1/10 published two articles detailing the stories of two transfeminine individuals. One issue featured a cover proclaiming 'We have lesbians in the USSR and transes too!' Inside, 23-year-old bookkeeper Margarita Mankevich told her story. Rita identified as a true transsexual, stating 'I’ve been a woman for as long as I can remember.' She realized how abnormal this was at 16 years old and faced such tremendous bullying that she attempted suicide. She listed the Communists and the Orthodox Church as the two groups that were the most hateful to her. To earn enough hard currency to pay for a sex reassignment surgery, she moved to Moscow and began working as a prostitute for foreign clients despite finding sex 'in a man’s body' humiliating. People around Rita falsely assumed that she was a homosexual man. She quickly earned enough money to buy a fake passport with the correct name and gender listed and began modeling and acting for pornographic productions in Austria and Finland. Surgery, however, was much more expensive than a passport, especially because she intended to undergo surgery in Western Europe since she knew half a dozen individuals who received sexual reassignment in Moscow, and none were satisfied with the results. She concluded by listing her mailing address for other transsexuals who might want information on their own condition to contact her and tells those reading to not feel ashamed for being transsexual. An article by Tomas Radek in a separate issue told another side of the trans story. Radek began by explaining that trans is an umbrella term that can be applied to both transsexuals and transvestites. Radek’s friend Nikolas started wearing women’s underwear as a child and eventually began to dress in women’s clothing. Nikolas lived a complicated life; he kept his hair short despite his clothing, used male pronouns but referred to his sex life as lesbian, and explained that when he had sex with women, he 'played the role of a woman.' He sought the advice of a sexologist on his condition, who reacted with confusion but told him he could continue living in this manner. Nikolas had a wife and was not seeking to change his legal identity, so he appeared as a normal, heterosexual male, despite how he might happen to have sex or dress himself. Nikolas remained feeling isolated, and the article concluded with his mailing address and a plea for readers who are like him to write to him.
Opposition to the identities and desires of trans people also existed within the gay movement, primarily due to the hostility of the Russian feminist movement toward them. Olga Liposkaia, chairwoman of the Saint Petersburg Center for Gender Issues, dismissed female to male transsexuals since 'they have women’s bodies, so how can they be men? Of course they are women.' Zhuk’s short-lived queer journal Gei slaviane published an article about a young lesbian whose family sent her to a sexologist to see if she could qualify for a sex change, reasoning that if she could transition to male then she could live a normal heterosexual life, regardless of her protests. This article was held up as proof of the intent of medical authorities to cure lesbians through transsexual surgery, despite representing only a single case. The anti-AIDS publication SPID info also joined the criticism of transsexualism. In 1993, they featured an article by Aron Belkin decrying the entire enterprise of sexual reassignment as pointless. Belkin was a pioneer in the field of trans healthcare in the USSR, and for a long time only he was the only specialist who issued permits to transsexuals for surgical correction of gender. Despite this, he had little regard for his patients whom he viewed as psychologically diseased. By this time he had grown tired of treating such individuals, and in this article he relayed the story of a male ballet dancer who got a sex reassignment and then, despite becoming a prima ballerina in a music hall and getting married, she remained miserable. Her husband did not know that she was transsexual. She could not have children and because she could not tell her husband why this was so, she felt like a liar and began contemplating suicide. Belkin argued that doctors should not help patients change their sex because all such changes were merely superficial. He added that the increasing number of mentions of transsexuality in Russian media were making more men wish to become transsexual, especially since these articles declined to report the tragic outcomes of transsexualism. He concluded with a mention of what he understood as the extreme tragedy of a patient who became a woman and then fell in love with another woman, now forced to live the life of a queer. In Belkin’s view, the purpose of transsexualism was to help make the queer straight, so a patient who ended up as a queer woman was unacceptable."
A section from my dissertation on Russian queers in the 1990s
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The only reason that the Crux Fleet hasn't gone completely broke or filed for bankruptcy due to their boss's habit of throwing money at problems is because Mora-Grubber is the one balancing the books.
The crew thanks her for the fact that she is able to do this and keep their benefits which include a pension, healthcare, and other services.
The last time Ningguang tried to legislate something that would screw the fleet over, Mora-Grubber marched up to the Jade Chamber herself to strike it down.
She's given up trying to coerce her boss into using money more wisely (or simply talking things out and making it work with the disputing parties), but she is not above using the fact that she is the one holding this mess together to reel is back in a bit.
Oh 100%. Don't mess with the privateer pirate quartermaster, they're the one making sure there's food on the table. (We can call her "bookkeeper", whatever. That doesn't change the role.)
Headcanon: Farzaneh had a similar role on a Crux ship before she went private.
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astronicht · 7 months
Being forced to email begging the healthcare ppl for my healthcare card bc the bookkeeper is nagging the grumpiest manager and the grumpiest manager wants to know why I didn’t pick up my muted cell phone which seems to be bumping his calls. Everyone appears more inconvenienced by this than me, a very sick person who wants to go to the doctor pretty badly. I would normally call healthcare to beg but everyone in the office forgets that no one wants to watch me try to talk on the phone in my bad German + traditionally begging for socialised medicine with a foreign accent and horrible grammar doesn’t work. today cursed. Solo office being timeshared. Family a horror show. Occasionally hung up on girl I had a fling with over a year ago. Have to go to therapy too?? No. No!!
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accountcloud · 2 months
Navigating the Landscape of Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping Services- A Guide to Choosing the Best Agencies
Tax preparation and bookkeeping are integral parts of running a successful business. However, for many entrepreneurs and business owners, these tasks can be daunting and time-consuming. That's where professional services come in handy. In cities like Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and NSW, agencies like Account Cloud offer comprehensive tax preparation and bookkeeping services to alleviate the burden on businesses. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best agency for your needs? Here's a guide to help you navigate the landscape:
1. Assess Your Needs: Before you start your search for a tax preparation and bookkeeping service agency, it's essential to assess your needs. Determine the scope of services you require, such as tax filing, payroll processing, financial reporting, or general bookkeeping. Understanding your requirements will help you narrow down your options and find agencies that specialize in the services you need.
2. Experience and Expertise: When entrusting your financial matters to a third-party agency, it's crucial to ensure they have the necessary experience and expertise. Look for agencies with a proven track record in tax preparation and bookkeeping services. Consider factors such as the number of years in business, client testimonials, and the qualifications of their team members.
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3. Industry Specialization: Different industries have unique tax and accounting requirements. Whether you're in retail, hospitality, healthcare, or any other sector, consider choosing an agency that specializes in serving businesses similar to yours. Industry-specific knowledge can ensure compliance with relevant regulations and optimize tax strategies tailored to your business.
4. Technology and Innovation: The accounting landscape is continually evolving, with advancements in technology reshaping how financial tasks are performed. Seek out agencies that embrace technology and leverage innovative solutions to streamline processes and enhance accuracy. Cloud-based accounting platforms, automation tools, and data analytics can significantly improve efficiency and decision-making.
5. Communication and Accessibility: Effective communication is key to a successful partnership with a tax preparation and bookkeeping agency. Choose an agency that prioritizes clear and transparent communication, keeping you informed about your financial status and any regulatory changes that may affect your business. Additionally, consider their accessibility and responsiveness to inquiries or concerns.
6. Compliance and Security: Compliance with tax laws and regulations is non-negotiable when it comes to financial matters. Ensure that the agency you choose adheres to the highest standards of compliance and stays updated with the latest regulatory changes. Moreover, prioritize security measures to protect sensitive financial information against unauthorized access or data breaches.
7. Scalability and Flexibility: As your business grows, your accounting needs may evolve as well. Select a tax preparation and bookkeeping agency that can scale its services according to your business growth. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, flexibility in service offerings and pricing structures ensures that you receive tailored solutions aligned with your current and future needs.
8. Cost and Value: While cost is undoubtedly a factor in the decision-making process, it's essential to consider the value proposition offered by the agency. Instead of solely focusing on the lowest price, evaluate the services, expertise, and support provided in relation to the cost. A higher upfront investment in quality services can often yield long-term benefits and cost savings through improved financial management.
Choosing the best tax preparation and bookkeeping services agency requires careful consideration of various factors, including your specific needs, the agency's experience and expertise, industry specialization, technology adoption, communication practices, compliance standards, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. By conducting thorough research and due diligence, you can find a trusted partner like Account Cloud to handle your financial affairs efficiently, allowing you to focus on growing your business with peace of mind.
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gloriousfckingpurpose · 2 months
oh to be a fly on the wall when whoever’s in charge of the fbi’s bookkeeping/healthcare/whatever found out they’ve been giving the chesapeake ripper like $500 a week for however fucking long
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 year
So something I wanna talk about after seeing a video about ableism in spiritual spaces (and idk who reblogged it but no shade to the video, it had a decent point about not encouraging the delusions of strangers or being anti-medication to people who may need it or suggesting using stones over healthcare) but like...
Something can be both mental health related and spiritual.
My psychosis harms no one, aside from occasionally being a bit personally distressing, and I have made the choice to deal with the distress without medication because I have decent non-medicinal coping mechanisms. The cognitive/negative symptoms of my schizophrenia are a bit more difficult, but still not to the point of needing treatment.
Some of my psychosis - delusions especially - form core parts of my identity, especially my spiritual identity. I am endel. I am POSIC. I experience double bookkeeping. Even the distressing delusions are to me a layer of the realities surrounding us that I simply refuse to engage with.
So I would like to ADD to that video - don't DIScourage the delusions of people you don't know, even if they believe them to be angels or demons speaking to them. Don't pressure them into seeking medication. Let each of us, as individuals, set the expectations for how we want our mental health handled. For some of us, it IS spiritual. And if you reality check our system personally, you'll catch a block so fast your head will spin.
We will ask people we trust if we want a reality check.
For us it is no different than our system origins being partially spirigenic/schizogenic. For us, the neurological and metaphysical are inextricably intertwined.
Just... let us take the lead. We are capable of doing so. If we are not a direct and present danger to others, don't say "don't get medication/try stones instead/those are spiritual entities trying to reach you" AND don't say "that's just mental illness/seek help/etc".
Just putting this out there because while I fully support everyone who does medicate, finds their symptoms entirely negative, and for whom linking the symptoms to spirituality is dangerous; not very many people talk about how it is ableist to, to DENY the spirituality of mad people on the basis of their mental illness/neurodivergence.
And my experience with ableism has been people trying to deny the spiritual aspects of my mental health conditions. Don't do that either. And DEFINITELY don't act like we're not capable of deciding which case is healthy or otherwise right for us!
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Bookkeeping Mistakes Made By Small Businesses: How To Avoid Them
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Small and Medium-sized businesses are eager to grow, but they often miss the fundamentals like understanding the value of Bookkeeping which may undermine business procedures.
Accounting is often overlooked by business owners who consider it easy. Incorrect accounting and bookkeeping processes may adversely impact any company’s finances. Recurring bookkeeping errors can actually bankrupt your business.
Bookkeeping Mistakes
Keeping financial records is a very important part of running a business, big or small. Bookkeeping that is accurate and well-organized makes sure that your financial records are up-to-date and precise, which helps you make good decisions and compliance with legal policies.
There are however some mistakes that small businesses often make with their books. Here are some of these mistakes.
Failure To Keep Records
Some small businesses fail to keep accurate financial records, which can lead to confusion and errors. Record-keeping is an essential process in organizing your financial records. Adopt best practices and create a system for organizing and storing your financial documents. These relevant documents may include invoices, receipts, and bank statements. It is helpful to consider using accounting software to automate the process and centralize everything.
Irregular Reconciling of Accounts
Failure to reconcile your bank and credit card accounts on a regular basis can lead to inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Reconciliation entails matching your financial records with your bank and credit card statements. Reconcile your accounts on a regular basis and resolve any discrepancies quickly to avoid problems.
Combining Personal and Business-Related Finances
It is critical to separate your personal and business finances by avoiding using personal accounts for business transactions. This can complicate bookkeeping and make it difficult to accurately track expenses and income. You must establish a separate business bank account and use it solely for business transactions.
Inconsistent Categorization
It is critical to properly categorize your income and expenses for accurate financial reporting. Refrain from inconsistent or ambiguous categorization, as it can make evaluating of your company’s financial health a lot more difficult. It will be helpful to create a chart of accounts with distinct categories that correspond to your field of business and use it regularly.
Neglecting Cash Transactions
Small businesses often transact in cash, which can be overlooked easily and not properly recorded. To ensure that cash transactions are accurately accounted for, use cash registers, petty cash logs, or digital tools. Better yet, set up a system for keeping track of and documenting all cash transactions, including sales and expenses. 
Failure To Keep Track of Receivables and Payables
Failure to maintain track of unpaid invoices (accounts receivable) and bills to be paid (accounts payable) might jeopardize your cash flow and client-vendor relationships. Use accounting software with invoicing and payment tracking features to implement a structured strategy for monitoring and following up on both receivables and payables.
Mishandling Payroll 
Payroll can be complicated, and mistakes can have legal and financial ramifications. Keep up with advances in payroll requirements, calculate wages and taxes accurately, and make timely payments to employees and tax authorities. To ensure accuracy and compliance, consider adopting efficient payroll software or you can also outsource payroll duties. 
Failure To Keep Backup of Records
Financial records might be lost because of corrupted data, hardware failure, or other unanticipated factors. Back up your financial data on a regular basis and keep it secure. Cloud accounting software can back up your data automatically to add an extra degree of security. 
Neglect To Track and Remit Sales Taxes
If your company is obligated to collect sales taxes, it is critical that you track and remit them appropriately. Understand your sales tax duties, register with the proper tax authorities, and maintain accurate sales and tax collection records. To simplify the process, consider employing seamless sales tax automation software.
This is a critical error that can have serious consequences for your company. Because bookkeeping is a complex process, it is best to seek professional help from a bookkeeper or accountant to set up and review your bookkeeping system on a regular basis. They can assist you in avoiding mistakes, providing financial insights, and ensuring tax compliance.
You can reduce the likelihood of these frequent errors and retain accurate financial records for your small business by being proactive and following appropriate bookkeeping practices with the help of expert bookkeepers and record-keepers.
How to Avoid Bookkeeping Errors
To avoid bookkeeping errors some proactive steps must be taken by small business owners. This may include familiarizing yourself with basic bookkeeping principles and practices to help you navigate your financial records effectively and make informed decisions. 
This can be further established by using a good bookkeeping system coupled with reliable accounting software. As a business owner, it is important to invest in a reputable accounting software solution that suits the needs of your business and reduces errors. 
In addition, it is important to reconcile accounts regularly to ensure your financial records match financial statements to help identify discrepancies and errors promptly.
Keep meticulous records by maintaining detailed records of all financial transactions and accept that it is always best to seek professional assistance from reliable bookkeepers and record-keepers who specializes in small business finances. 
By implementing these practices, small business owners can reduce the likelihood of committing bookkeeping errors while maintaining accurate financial records. 
The Bottomline
When you own a company, you put yourself in a position to take advantage of many different possibilities, including the chance to learn from your errors. When it comes to making mistakes, the key to success is to steer clear of those that are readily apparent and cut down on others as much as you possibly can. Remember that good bookkeeping and record-keeping practices contribute to informed decision-making and long-term business success.
Consider this list seriously and implement its suggestion so you will be well on your way to running your business in profitable ways and expanding it in all ways possible.
There is more that you can achieve with the most reliable team of professional bookkeepers and record-keepers. Visit us now and get started!
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thebookkeepersrus · 1 year
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Break out of your comfort zone! Level up your #bookkeeping and #recordkeeping processes with #thebookkeepersrus team of #experts😃. 📲Contact us! and we will help you #thrive💯!
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