#Boruto vs Mitsuki
descendant-of-truth · 10 months
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A Borumitsu teamup at this point in the story would be the funniest thing ever actually
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2virgul · 2 years
boruto chibi: old team 7
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
I actually think that THE funniest time travel concept, like, ever, acrually, would be team Taka + Orochimaru and maybe Mitsuki going from either boruto or directly before boruto into almost anywhere in Naruto Shippuden
Specifically them at the weird impass they have where they're all just apparently cool with Orochimaru now, and Orochimaru is living the good life as a stay at home mom (slash still mad scientist but with slightly less corpses involved)
No matter where you drop them into naruto shippuden it's just really, really fucking funny
Like you have this sliding scale for how visibly insane Orochimaru is at any given moment in canon vs just him peacefully living out the stay at home mom dream w this team of people that, at wome points in time, he was ACTIVLEY TORTURING !!! But they're just?? Cool now???? And Orochimaru isn't even explicitly in charge and will sometimes deffer to them (Sasuke specifically) ?????????
Make it funnier and make them a proper functional family dynamic of some kind, no one knows how they got there (it's probably largley in part bc of Mitsuki)
If Mitsuki is there play into him being just a collective kid / little brother for them it'll be fun
Honestly I really like Mitsuki (I've been more tempted to watch/read boruto than actual naruto JUST for him actually, I love snake characters) and I've seen a couple time travel fics for him floating around but I always wish there were more. He's so funny !!! And the concept of him not only being Orochimaru's recognized son but also regarding Orochimaru as a good parent, is fucking insane to literally ANYONE at ANY point in time of naruto canon !!! I want to see people do more w that !!!!
The only thing holding me back at this point is I know very little ab the specifics of team Taka outside of the handful of good them-centered fics I've been able to find. So I don't think I could enjoyably write them while feeling confident in their characterization
Oh also give Karin a scene where she gives half of Konoha a fucking heart attack by being a loud red haired Uzumaki woman with chakra chains (*Kushina parallel noises*)
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maoam · 3 months
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Someone is obsessed with me. But yeah it's not my fault you're blind and in denial. Like anyone can see Kishi has a thing for Sasuke if they're not delusional. Even some straight men can somehow see it.
Blocking and unblocking just to reblog my stuff with hate comment and then blocking again so I can't see it. Lame. 💁‍♀️
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Yes Naruto resembles his parents (there's even an interview where Kishi talks with editor how Naruto shares both of his parent's traits) and Sasuke looks like Mikoto. What about it?
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If you actually bothered to read my posts, you'd know why I make those parallels. It's about a dynamic. Not personalities. Same with Mario/Saori. And Minato isn't like Sasuke, other than smart. He's way more chipper and goofy. Boruto/Sarada certainly have the Hokage vs. Nukenin thing, I won't deny that, but they pretty much got nothing else. Sarada is neither like Naruto or Sasuke in her overall dynamic with Boruto. Ironically, Kishimoto made Mitsuki parallel Sasuke to Boruto's Naruto in his monologue about his feelings towards Boruto, how he is the moon to Boruto's sun, how he wants to be by his side, and pretty implying he has feelings for Boruto. But I'm not gonna talk about that more since I have confliced feelings about it.
Man I know some of my posts piss people off but at least I back them up. Also have some spine instead of blocking and unblocking all the time.
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mitsukisnekson · 3 months
The raws are out :D
Seems like Shikadai and Chocho are gonna skedaddle to the hospital ASAP to get Inojin checked out because honestly, by all accounts, Inojin should be dead. Seems like its not a 100% heal? Or at least Himawari just doesn't know. Probably not a minute has passed since he got skewered, but Inojin already fell unconcious so bro was really on his like, final two seconds of life before Himawari used the equivalent of the L4D2 Medkit.
I am definitely glad Inojin is alive, but I still hope that his injury still had consequences. Whether its emotionally or physically. Would love a bit of an introspection episode for Inojin, thinking about how close he was to death, or maybe physically, he's still unwell. My favorite crackpot theory is that Inojin still needs help and Amado offers to help and turn him into a cyborg. Would make some interesting tense moments between Amado and Sai, while also making Scientific Ninja Tools relevant again.
Anyways, I find it really wholesome that Shikadai is the one carrying Inojin. I thought Chocho would because she's physically stronger, but he decides to carry Inojin anyway, like a sack of potatoes 💀💀 I get they are on a bit of a timer, but seems kinda bad that to carry him like that when two minutes ago, there was legitimately a gaping hole in his chest. Chocho is a real one for not wanting to abandon Himawari, big sister Chocho is honestly something I didn't know I needed, but def want more of.
Okay, just putting my Kingdom Hearts hyper-analyzation tinfoil hat on for a second, I find it kinda suss that Matsuri is on the cover of this chapter? Not the one with just Hidari, the other one with Boruto vs Jura with Hidari and another guy.
Wouldn't it be crazy if Matsuri ambushes Team 10 on the way back to the village?
Probably not though. I kinda just wanna see some action that isn't just from Boruto :,)
Also where tf is Mitsuki, I haven't seen my boy in months 😭 When will this damn omnipotence malarkey be over, I want my team back together???
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cartoonrival · 8 months
kwutu bowling alley party (whether its teams or individually based is up to you). organized for the children but obviously whichever adults suit your needs best show up. crucial information i need from this is the shining victor(s), gutterball champion(s), and, if applicable, who breaks down into tears and why, but any elaboration on any other point is, as always, encouraged. GO!
ok. smaller gang this time; it's mitsuki's party organized by (ofc) orochimaru, and mitsuki only wants to invite boruto and sarada. so:
lane 1: boruto, mitsuki, sarada. singles. naruto suggested parents vs kids but sarada and boruto were quick to assert that would be cringe. boruto in particular insisted that if the parents wanted to play it had to be at least 2 lanes down. this does not stop sakura and naruto from closely monitoring the kids' game and shouting (unwanted) encouragement to their respective children. boruto thinks its really annoying, sarada thinks it's embarrassing, and mitsuki doesn't think anything of it.
bowling comes naturally to boruto, for some reason. he's good at things on his first try a lot. he says its because he and hima used to play a lot of wii sports (hima is at inojin's house by the way), not sure if this logic tracks but it doesn't really matter. sarada and mitsuki are both average to bad depending on the round, and sarada convinces mitsuki to pool his points with hers so that they can defeat boruto together. boruto says that's not how the game works but sarada says that if mitsuki agrees to it then of course it can work that way. boruto still wins anyways, somehow, after which he decides that actually it's alright that they pooled their points.
lane 4: sakura, sasuke, naruto, hinata, and orochimaru. again i don't know why sasuke is here. he just showed up. they decide on guys vs girls, with orochimaru, who says one of his old vessels was a really good bowler, as a sort of call-a-friend if either team is really floundering (he prefers to watch anyways). naruto is the gutter champion, which makes him mad because he feels like some of his other skills should be sort of applicable here but for some reason he sucks really bad anyways. sasuke is pretty good. a lot of spares but only one or two strikes. sakura is also pretty good, hinata is average. the game ends in a draw though because during a casual conversation about cooking (mostly consisting of orochimaru giving tips), it comes to light that sasuke did not know sarada had a nut allergy. on sakura's next turn she accidentally launches the ball so hard the lane splinters. at this point naruto and sasuke offer to get everyone drinks (ie naruto offers and sasuke comes with him), and it takes them a really long time to get back.
lane 12: kakashi and guy, both wearing bowling shirts. not part of the party. its really clear they've been here long before the rest of the gang arrived and will stay long after they've left. it's really heated. under-the-leg shots and stuff.
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justthoughts1310 · 8 months
TBV Ch.6 Fan vs. Official Translation:
So, I'm impatient like most people. I often read fan translations when new chapters of Boruto come out, because waiting a month for a new manga chapter is ridiculous.
Since I read both the fan translation and the actual translation, I want to to point out a few differences that I noticed between the fan translation and the official for Boruto TBV Ch.6.
1. The Hokage'e advisors want Shikamaru to assume the position of Hokage. That wasn't as clear to me in the fan version.
2. Shikamaru wasn't interested I'm the old mission logs at all. He just wanted to talk to Ino. The fan version made it seem as if the mission logs helped Shikamaru confirm something, and then he chose to talk to Ino.
3. When Sumire told Boruto he looked good, and he said Ditto. In the fan one, he said "you too" which was dismissive but not as dismissive as "Ditto". A lot of BoruSara shippers see this as a win for Sarada. I don't. I think this reconfirms that in Boruto's life, Sarada is essentially Sakura and Sumire is essentially Hinata. If you know who Boruto's mom is, you know why this isn't exactly a win for Team BoruSara.
4. The whole conversation between Boruto and Shikamaru was hostel. In the fan version, Boruto seemed to be more open to the conversation. I think this reconfirms how much like Sasuke Boruto has become. It, also, might show Boruto's disgust for how Shikamaru once treated Kawaki. Remember, before omnipotence, Shikamaru never liked Kawaki.
5. Boruto doesn't respect or see Shikamaru as the Hokage. In the fan version, Boruto was very respectful and called Shikamaru Lord 8th. In the official version, Boruto is basically like IDGAF who the fresh mess you are Old Man Shikamaru!
6. This is the big one, because so many so called anime experts and anime bros have been like Boruto's going to crush Mitsuki, Boruto's going to embarrass Mitsuki, Boruto is going to destroy Mitsuki, Boruto doesn't see Mitsuki as a threat! Well, I always thought that was BS and this official translation proves it. In the fan version, Boruto refers to Mitsuki as "minor business". In the official version, Boruto basically tells Shikamaru and Ino that he has to hang up on them, because he has a "loose end" to tie up. The proves that his sees Mitsuki as too big of a threat to be ignored. Remember, growing up Mitsuki was Boruto's ultimate sparing partner. After Boruto and Mitsuki missed the Chunin Exams, they spared each other in the anime. Boruto knows that Mitsuki is powerful, and I believe that Ch. 7 is going to display how much stronger Mitsuki has become. Now, is Boruto still stronger. Most likely. However, is Boruto going to crush Mitsuki? Absolutely not. Mitsuki along with Sarada are his best friends in the entire world. He's not going to seriously hurt or injure either of them, especially when he knows that Mitsuki is under a powerful genjutsu.
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live-love-boruto · 23 days
Ep. 4 | A Ninjutsu Battle of the Sexes
Rating: 15 / 25 | Watch
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Plot: 3 / 5
Characterization: 3 / 5
Visuals: 3 / 5
Importance: 3 / 5
Entertainment: 3 / 5
A fun little romp and an introduction to a lot of different characters, but as a result, most of them don't get to shine (some of the girls don't even get their names this episode.) It's a classic Boys vs Girls dynamic, where the girls think the boys are gross troublemakers and the boys think the girls are vain and prissy.
There's a nice summary of some of the characters, including Iwabe, Metal, ChoCho and Sarada, and it gives insight into Sarada and Boruto's catty relationship. It's a shame that more of the characters didn't get a Shino Summary, but the episode is only 22 minutes and again, there were a lot of characters in this episode.
It's another plot relevant episode, in that Nue shows up at the very end (summoned by Boruto somehow), and it's also our first hint at Mitsuki! While skippable in that you could infer everything from following episodes, I think this one is fun to watch and recommend it.
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raveneira · 7 months
Just to put into perspective just how dog shit the Timeskip is so far, here is all thats happened in 7 chapters
Sarada has been arguing B0ruto's innocence to Shikamaru for 3 yrs straight and nothing else to no avail
Himawari has been spending her time training with team 10 for 3 yrs and is the only one besides Sasuke who knows somethings off
Kawaki has been being vigilant working closely with Konoha to shrink Codes claw marks whenever they appear
Ada and Daemon are doing no different than they did in part 1
Code invaded Konoha
B0ruto arrives and stops Code from attacking Sarada who he tells to go help other civilians while he fights Code alone
Code loses to B0ruto who effortlessly beats him with a new Rasengan
None of the other cast showcase any new abilities despite training 3 yrs
Sarada didnt hide that she shes unaffected by Omnipotence and openly opposes Kawaki to his face with no plan
Its revealed Sasuke has been trapped in a tree by Code which is why B0ruto wants to make a deal but Code refuses
Bug, Moegi, & Soegi is also trapped in a tree
its revealed B0ruto now has toad summon and flying raijin and is now working with Kashin Koji
its discovered that Code fked up and accidentally created 4 overpowered clones he cant control that easily overpower B0ruto into retreat
Sumire still works with Amado
Amado is revealed to know his memories been altered by using logic to deduce it
its revealed Boruto trained with Sasuke for only a year and the other 2 years he spent under Kashin Koji
Sasuke is the one who cut Codes eye and sacrificed himself to let Boruto escape
B0ruto returns to inform Sarada of what happened to her dad and finally finds out Sumire is also unaffected but doesnt really react for some reason
Sarada learns her dads status and also doesnt really react for some reason
Boruto vows to save everyone himself
we learn nothing new about omnipotence
somehow the Bug clone can see Ada using her senrigan
the Moegi clone wants to kill Konohamaru, the Bug clone wants to kill Ada, the Sasuke clone wants to kill Sarada, and the Jigen clone wants to kill Naruto
Shikamaru now believes Sarada about the brainwashing and works together with B0ruto secretly
Shikamaru is only temporary 8th Hokage and not officially the 8th
Mitsuki fights B0ruto alone for 5 seconds and accepts defeat because he somehow subconsciously knows he's his true sun
Boruto essentially asks Mitsuki on a date to prove hes his real sun [like fr 'But if you insist on needing a sun...come find me anytime']
So overall what have we learned really? whats changed since part 1? Code is still the joke he always was even with his limiters off, the Konoha invasion was a massive let down with zero payoff that didnt even last more than 2 chapters, literally NO other characters besides Boruto showcase ANY new moves, not even Kawaki, Sarada's Sharingan is still MIA since the Boro fight, Sumire, Ada, and Daemon are doing no different than what they were doin before, their literally repeating what we already knew about omnipotence like its new information, every fight thus far with Boruto lasts 2 seconds cuz hes just THAT strong now, and everything everyone was hyped and anticipated for has already happened in ONLY 7 FKING CHAPTERS
Code invasion? done
Boruto reuniting with Sarada and Sumire? done
Boruto finding out Sumires also not affected? done
Ppl starting to realize Boruto really is innocent? done
Mitsuki and Boruto angst? done
Mitsuki vs Boruto? done
Finding out how Amado's been affected by omnipotence? done
Finding out whether Sarada and Sumire hid their unaffected by omniportence? done
Finding out what happened to Sasuke? done
Sarada finding out what happened to Sasuke? done
Finding out what happened to Kashin Koji? done
Seeing Boruto able to use some of Momoshikis abilities too? done
Literally all thats left to look forward to is Naruto and Sasuke getting unsealed cuz we know their not getting killed off, Boruto vs Kawaki which we already know Boruto is gonna win and their gonna reconcile, defeating the tree clones which we already know Boruto is primarily gonna take care of since he said so himself, freeing Sasuke and Naruto is also pretty much confirmed to be Boruto, and honestly Ada and Daemon are non factors in pretty much anything and Code is a joke Boruto can beat 1v1 so hes not even a major threat to be dealt with.
This is the most trash timeskip ever, when shippuden started things already kicked off with the Akatsuki and Gaara, when DBZ started shit got real with Raditz + Vegeta and Nappa and Goku dying, Boruto literally resolved every conflict besides him vs Kawaki and the tree clones already, but it dont even matter because both of those conflicts you know hes gonna win based on just these 7 chapters alone where hes apparently the ONLY PERSON THATS MADE ANY PROGRESS in his training over these 3 years while everyone else is still spamming their part 1 moves, but not only that, but Sasuke literally already told us what the future is so we aint even gotta guess.
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'Then there wont be anyone who'll be able to stop you'
Like thats all you need to know right there to know where the story is goin, thats it, they literally TOLD you so theres suspense, no wondering how Boruto is gonna overcome these obstacles, no they just had Sasuke tell us Borutos gonna build on what he learned from him and eventually there wont be anyone able to stop him.
So its fkin GGs already, yea we already know all the MCs are gonna win, but we dont know how, if they'll need help, theres some doubt that he might actually lose cuz sometimes the MC does lose and gotta come back after getting stronger or needs to team up where only their combined power can win etc, like theres opening for numerous possibilities that keeps the fans engaged and guessing exactly how its gonna go down.
But Boruto? nah lets just reveal everything thats gonna happen not even 10 chapters into the fkin timeskip
Boruto is gonna free Sasuke and deal with his clone, he literally tells us and Sarada this, Sasuke also told Boruto to take care of Sarada which Boruto intends to do just that, officially removing her from having any involvement in her fathers situation because Boruto has to atone for getting Sasuke trapped in the first place and he also has to keep his promise to keep his daughter safe, stop denying what has blatantly been spelled out for yall you KNOW this is whats coming
Boruto is gonna defeat Kawaki because he literally says thats what hes gonna do, hes following the same path Naruto did of not wanting to kill him but just beat some sense into him and reconcile as brothers, again stop denying whats blatantly being spelled out for you because this sequel has a consistent habit of telling you instead of showing you so theres no guessing whats gonna happen, you already know cuz they tell you 20 chapters before it happens
Nobody will be able to stop Boruto, he is a literal one man army, the most is he'll be delayed like with the tree clones but overall its already been foreshadowed that Boruto is gonna be the one who resolves all the conflicts because as Sasuke said, NOBODY will be able to stop him
If the clones could overpower Boruto into retreat then its already confirmed Kawaki is not beating any of them and gonna get his ass whooped by the leader clone pursuing Naruto and will most likely need to be saved by Boruto
Mitsuki is eventually gonna seek Boruto out just like he told him to and will realize Boruto really is his true sun, it took nothing but some sarcastic banter and Boruto not killing him during their fight to make Mitsuki waver, so all hype for their conflict is dead
Ada and Daemon I must repeat are non factors, they do absolutely nothing and bring nothing to the table, Ada is AT MOST a non human camera just like Ino is essentially a human telephone atp, and Daemon does absolutely jack shit besides laying on or sleeping on his sister or just looking menacing, they serve zero purpose and at best might be used for a bootleg cell saga moment where their absorbed by the clones to become infinitely more powerful, which atp is probably the only thing that'll make things interesting again since it actually would even the playing field instead of Boruto being the one man army he has been thus far
Kawaki I have no idea what hes been doing these 3 years but he obviously wont be this much of a scrub for long otherwise Kawaki vs Boruto would be the most boring rival fights in the history of rival fights, so somewhere along the lines we know hes gonna get a power boost, but that wont even be satisfying because he had 3 yrs to make progress and yet he stayed the same level he was in part 1?
Even Naruto made progress and showcased some new moves and growth, sure he was inferior to Sasuke but to act like Naruto just made NO progress at all not even a little bit to show he atleast did SOMETHING during that time is crazy, but this is an issue with everybody not just Kawaki because literally NO fkin body has made any progress but Boruto, apparently hes the only one thats been training which is ridiculous, especially for Sarada who's always spouting shes gonna be Hokage and not let Kawaki do what he wants
Well you could've fkin fooled me cuz I aint seen her do nothin worthwhile yet, still chidori and fireballs, still forgetting she has a whole sharingan since a fight that happened 3 years ago which was over 40 chapters ago, probably still dont even know she has MS, do yall not understand how ridiculous that is? that NOBODY not even her has showcased any progress?
'But its just 7 chapters' weekly manga with way less than 40 pages showcased more than Boruto which is monthly with 40 pages each chapter has, yall cannot defend this abysmal writing and pacing because theres no excuse for why a monthly manga with far more pages to work with accomplishes less than weekly mangas that had far less pages to work with
Half of these 7 chapters has been them repeating the exact same information about omnipotence that we already knew just in different wording, but its all the same information we already knew.
Keep in mind this could be dialogue telling use what Sarada and Sumire have done to try and fight against omnipotence which apparently is just yelling at ppl but imagine we actually got exposition detailing how Sumire has been looking into scientific ways to combat the chakra distortions that omnipotence caused to alter their memories and keep them brainwashed, how Sarada has been sneaking intel on anything and everything Otsutsuki related to try and find anything that might help them counter omnipotence, how she even went to Orochimaru to try and see what he might know or have that could help, hell maybe Sumire even goes back to her fathers old lab to see if she could find any traces of SOMETHING that could help since he had the Gozu Tennou which was related to Kaguya so who knows what other clues he might have
Like imagine we got THAT exposition instead, imagine we got 'Sarada and Sumire have actually been bustin their ass over these 3 yrs' instead of
'omnipotence is so difficult to counter, nothing we say works, no amount of proof sways anybody cuz omnipotence just makes them not care and disregard it, ugh how do we fix this?, oh theres no way to fix it cuz they'll all just eventually forget anyway, whatever suspicions they have will just fade overtime, logic doesnt work, Ada doesnt know how to control or undo it, omnipotence cant be resisted, except by Sasuke, Amado, Hima, Shikamaru, and now Mitsuki apparently, but logic doesnt work so its pointless trying to convince anyone that their memories been altered' even tho Amado literally uses logic to realize his memories been altered.
Yea we really needed that spelled out for us 7 chapters straight, thats totally what fans wanted to hear when the timeskip started, just constantly reminding us of how strongly brainwashed everyone is and how unbeatable it is instead of what they've been doing to try and fix it and what new skills they've gotten over the years to deal with the Code threat and his army
I and Im pretty sure most ppl dont give af how difficult omnipotence is, we already had Momoshiki break it down for us at the end of part 1, and then Sarada and Sumire hammer in again just how difficult omnipotence is to overcome, so why tf did we need 6 more chapters telling us how difficult omnipotence is? WE GET IT but what have they been doing to try and fight it? just TALKING? yea Im done
I've ranted long enough but I think yall get the point, this timeskip is a friggin joke, the most boring and time wasting timeskip I've seen in any anime, and I've watched Yashahime and even that used its time better establishing things than Boruto has
This whole thing just feels like some weird self insert poorly written fanfic where their the cool badass MC who comes back and just beats everybody and hes just so cool and look how hardened he is from all hes been through [barely anything] oh and look at that rizz he got all the girls wantin him and siding with him and hes just so cool and awsome and just the best MC ever unlike [insert far better written MCs here] and ya know, their just the cool unbeatable badass that all the girls want that they'll never be but wish they were irl, thats what this timeskip feels like atp, it doesnt feel real or earned it just feels like someone living out their fantasies through Boruto cuz their losers irl.
I aint sayin thats what Ikemoto or ghostwriter-kun are doin, but I aint sayin thats not what their doin either, either its their own self insert fantasies or the self insert fantasies of alot of Boruto's pathetic fanbase that wants Boruto to be this rizz king badass on some Sasuke or Eren Jager type vibe they know he and they will never be, because as I've used DBZ and and Shippuden as examples of good written timeskips, you tell me if this doesnt scream self insert fanfic to you.
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 1 year
the boruto ships randomly came to my head. many think there’s a love triangle and insist it’s BoruSumi vs BoruSara… but it’s seems the love triangle isn’t Sumire-Boruto-Sarada like we all thought, but Sumire-Boruto-Mitsuki and honestly, that makes so much more sense when you really think about it
it’s been confirmed multiple times that sumire is in love with boruto. her feelings are canon and she plays the role of the love heroine (shonen tend to have two heroines. one is the main heroine and the other the love heroine. like sakura and hinata were in naruto). there is no debate here. sumire loves boruto
sarada’s been asked three times already if she likes boruto and the girl always denies it. her response never changes. it’s consistent. when sumire asked her about her feelings, sarada said she does not like boruto, this made sumire confident enough to admit she does like boruto. sarada is the closest girl to boruto. it makes sense she’s her main competition and would ask her how she feels about the guy she’s interested in. when mitsuki asked her about her feelings for boruto, she not only dismissed the question, she also turned it back on him and said he’s the one whose eyes light up when he sees boruto. when eida asked her, sarada doesn’t even answer and lies (literally lies during this entire conversation) about eida’s enchantment ability to not answer. not just that, but a bit prior to asking her this, sarada literally thinks the entire romance topic is dumb
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sarada literally has zero interest in romance. there’s no other way to put it. there is no deeper meaning or “reading between the lines”. what we see is what we get and exactly what it means
now let’s talk about mitsuki here. he said he wouldn’t know what he’d do to the person if they hurt boruto
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and was the one who brought up the question to sarada. asking her about her feelings and instead, she says her wanting to help boruto has nothing to do with her feelings. literally shutting any questions about romance down. mitsuki then asked if it’s hard to know your own feelings. this tells us he is internally trying to understand his own feelings, and it’s when sarada tells him his eyes light up when he sees boruto
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a few chapters later mitsuki is affected by eida’s enchantment ability and he wonders what that feeling is as he’s never experienced it. mitsuki doesn’t understand human emotions. not 100% anyway and is learning about it as the series progresses. mitsuki asking sarada about her feelings for boruto and being told he’s the one whose eyes light up and then feeling a certain emotion for the first time ever could be a hint to his own feelings for boruto
really thinking about it, i’m starting to believe many of us have been seeing this manga wrong the entire seven years it’s been going. i always see ship wars between boruto x sumire vs boruto x sarada… when in reality we’re wrong here. this isn’t sumire-boruto-sarada, it’s sumire-boruto-mitsuki. and seeing as we already have a nonbinary character (orochimaru) in the narutoverse, it should be no surprise if mitsuki doesn’t care for gender regarding himself and his potential romantic partner
now i’ll touch a bit of boruto x sarada since it’s the most popular ship and i know many will be quick to point out their interactions. truth is, with the amount of times she’s been asked if she likes boruto and never confirming things, it kind of throws sarada out the window as a potential lover for boruto in the future. they’re really close and good friends that care about each other. if anything, they’re more like family since it’s the way their parents (naruto and sasuke) bonded (like brothers). then why are they always asking sarada if she has feelings for boruto?? the answer is simple. it’s as simple as throwing a bone to the shippers to keep them in. with the manga’s sales not being very good and declining with each release, everyone knows the only people who will see this manga to the end are shippers just to see if their ship is canon, so the writers have to find a way to keep them in. it’s really that simple
sorry for the long post >.< i don’t mean to make things long but there’s really no other way for me to put things in a short version. i find it best to try and explain myself in detail. thank you for reading to the end !!
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narhinafan · 7 months
Boruto vs mitsuki talk and fight is more than 25 pages, ikemoto cooking with action sequences. But still no major kawaki appearance..
I can't wait till see it as I have been looking forward to this fight since before the time skip.
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asknarashikari · 11 months
I remember your name is reference to Shikamaru lol then i remember i watch Naruto when i was a kid (Not really watch all the episodes at the time, i just watch it when i am so bored and can't find anything on the TV, and it's rare i watch the TV, also just watch 360p mostly naruto fights lol) then i watch fully Boruto series in my middleschool
What would you think of Boruto (the series)
For me, the plot is okay ig (I like the concept of Naruto lose everything at the beginning but he will get everything while Boruto do the opposite but the lore is just make more confusing with otsutsuki ig, like it's cool but why it's have to be op aliens lmao), i just have issues with it but i kinda not vocal about it cause it's not too important to hate it too much (I just let the lore do it's things whether i hate it or not) but i get emotional attached to Boruto's characters like Boruto itself (he is my son /delusional), Mitsuki, Himawari, Sumire, Inojin and Shikadai.
I guess i love the concept cause i am angst lover i just can't escape it
I haven't seen much of Boruto tbh, so I don't have any significant thoughts to offer.
The only thing I really decided to watch was Boruto: Naruto the Movie, which iirc was back when Naruto Shippuden was still on air. I liked it a lot, though in retrospect that could be more because of the Naruto nostalgia factor (like the Naruto+Sasuke vs Momoshiki fight referencing past fights in the series, using soundtracks from Part 2/Shippuden as opposed to Naruto the Last using Part 1 soundtracks, the fucking father-son Rasengan scene) rather than... well, Boruto itself.
I also read The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring and... it was okay, I guess? Again, it felt like the stuff I liked about it was more Naruto oriented than Boruto oriented.
As for other arcs, I just mostly saw clips here and there. The ones I remember top of mind... the one where Himawari befriends Shukaku, Kurama's death... time travel arc... and then some random scenes I came across on Youtube. I didn't seek it out otherwise.
I do understand things have gone spectacularly pear-shaped and Boruto's now a fugitive... so there's that?
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ddog10132 · 8 months
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Mitsuki Vs. Boruto 🔥
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Ok so everyone say thank you to @kirabasai for infecting me with the thought of Commander Fox getting zapped from starwars to naruto
Mitsuki and Fox clone solidarity,, I know Mitsuki only exists in Boruto but I don't give a shit so now not only is this a dimension travel au it's also a time travel
Somehow both Fox and Mitsuki end up in normal naruto canon, and work together bc uhhhh. Reasons, I dunno.
Fox gets zapped first to boruto, probably through spooky Palpatine sith shenanigans that don't actually matter. But he's only there for a second, with just enough time to knock into Mitsuki before he's zapped again into naruto— accidentally bringing Mitsuki with him.
He actually feels kind of bad ab it. Or like, as bad about it as Fox can feel, bc he's Fox. But then he learns Mitsuki is a clone and it isn't just awww shit he accidentally kidnapped some kid but aww shit he accidentally kidnapped a Shiny
Head in his hands, he didn't ask for this,, he was a good boy,, he did his job so diligently,, he hid all the bodies and killed all the people Palpatine told him to,,, literally never done a thing wrong,,,,
Fox winds up with Palpatines lightsaber somehow, and over the course of the story it kind of becomes his. It freaks the absoloute FUCK out of literally any sensors, it is radiating legit evil over there and Fox is holding it like it's no big deal (bc he can't sense shit and is kind of numb to sith energy anyways)
Fox also has a blaster and I am definitely thinking ab the comedy of like. A gun in Naruto. It's a gun. It's a gun that moves fast as light. No one knows what a gun is and Fox is going to get SO much milage out of just having a weapon he can aim places without people realizing what it's ab to do (shoot you in the fucking face)
If someone were to pry into Fox's mind they'd actually have a really awful time of it, then probably walk face first into some nasty lingering sith mind fuckery stuff. Bad experience, 0/10, Fox is very happy w how it turned out but also has no idea why he got that effect. Either way, keep ur nasty ass mind fingers to yourself
Also, Fox speaks Basic. Not Japanese.
I'm thinking he has some sort of standard translator chip that allows him to communicate, but it sometimes translates the stuff he says weirdly. For example, from everyone else's perspective, he keeps introducing himself as Kitsune.
Which, for obvious reasons, doesn't really go over that well with a lot of people in Konoha when he gets there.
He's also visibly foreign and keeps being mistaken for being from Suna
So anyways, Fox and Mitsuki first fight bc like. Hey!! You fucking kidnapped?? Me???
Mitsuki gets the jump on him bc shinobi kid vs guy who doesn't know what a fucking shinobi even is
But then they're able to kinda talk it out and like, look neither of them know where they are so... truce?
Ok so now the fun part:
Fox has no fucking clue what's going on.
From his point of view, he's on... some kind of semi primitive planet. Doesn't remember how or why, but he's here now. So standard GAR procedures; find a way to contact home base. He has his normal gear on him, but no deep space radio, so he'll have to just... make one. Fuck, ok. If he can find the parts, it's doable. All command class clones are taught the basics of how, just like how they're taught how to assemble a blaster from scraps.
But from Mitsuki's point of view, they time traveled.
Mitsuki's POV is the only reason Fox knows there's smthn seriously up, but he's not exactly gonna go "aha! Dimension travel!" On top of it all
Now here's the thing. They're in early naruto canon, some time after wave arc.
Mitsuki only knows chunks of history, and only what has been taught to him second hand from school, Orochimaru, and very very occasional stories from Sasuke or the rest of team Taka
(I feel like Suigetsu especially would have fun telling all sorts of stories)
Not... all of these stories are completely accurate. And even if they are, they're often dumbed down to be easily understood by children— think that one Boruto episode where they put on some sort of silly play about the sanin (which was adorable btw and also fucking hilarious. Actual war criminals son learns about war crimes in class and everyone is just cool happy magic of friendship about it. Amazing.)
So now Fox is learning these fuckin third hand stories from Mitsuki, who literally learned it from the villains of many of the stories, and there is some SERIOUS biases going on
They go to Orochimaru for help.
Local scientist, parent of child (= dependable?) Best source of tech for potential radio + blaster repairs if needed. Fox can trade information to him if needed, it seems like a good choice.
It is not a good choice.
Orochimaru is like nearing the heights of his insanity, and I think it'd be real fun if he decides Sasuke is cool and all but a man from the stars??? A man literally made in a vat to be the perfect example of human physique???? Who's also resistant to many forms of corrosive chakra????
New perfect body alert.
Mitsuki is cute but Orochimaru isn't really in a parental sort of mind set, sorry <3
Mitsuki is going "Huh!! My parent did say they had a pretty severe midlife crisis..."
"Kid I think this is a bit more than just a midlife crisis."
Anyways, then they escape and continue to fuck around trying to build a deep space radio, which at this point is Fox's only hope home which also means it's Mitsuki's bc maybe the jedi can help with the whole uhh... time? Thing?
I'm thinking that after the thing w Orochimaru goes to shit, they're both a lot more wary of the fact that Mitsuki's information may not be the best.
After Oro in terms of figures of power and safety, almost everyone else is either a child, not born yet, or their current location is unknown— except for good old dependable ✨️ rokudaime Kakashi ✨️
Ok so picture this. You're Kakashi, sleeping peacefully in bed after a long day fucking with your students (who you're still very conflicted about having) You wake up to a presence in ur room and there's some fucking snake kid leaning over ur bed going "Hatake-sama—"
You freak out.
Knives may be thrown.
The snake kid has a very angry looking, foreign adult man body guard.
This is so fucking suspicious.
The snake kid says he's a time traveler, and that you are the eventual Rokudaime and also the only person he knows he can trust 100%
This is so fucking suspicious.
So obviously, Kakashi plays along then turns around and reports the fuck out of their asses to the Hokage.
Yeah, Fox doesn't really know what he expected. If some random kid showed up looming over HIS bed in the middle of the night, said he'd be the next chancellor and they know bc they're a time traveler and also pretty please help me build a deep space radio so I can go home— well, he wouldn't report them to Palpatine because not even he's that sadistic. But he'd probably toss them into the cells for a minute, if only because it was one of the only perks of his job
Or, well, for that analogy to work it wouldn't be a deep space radio, because he was used to space travel. It'd have to be something wilder— like an interdimensional radio. Haha, good one. Like that existed. God, imaging having to try and make one of those, that'd be insane. Fox would just kill himself at that point. Good thing he doesn't have to, right? Right?
Anyways mid adventure, they bump into Jiraiya who is fucking horrified to recognize Orochimaru's way of smiling in Mitsuki and gaslights himself into thinking he HAS to be wrong.
I think its Jiraiya who finally helps them out
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doamarierose-honoka · 8 months
While Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 is set to be released on Friday, January 19, its spoilers and raw scans have already arrived online. As revealed through the manga chapter preview, the upcoming chapter is set to feature Sage Mode Mitsuki going after Boruto. However, there are several new developments concerning Boruto and Kawaki. The previous chapter revealed Sasuke and Boruto's past and how Sasuke sacrificed himself for Boruto. Following that, the "Shinju" were seen deciding their individual targets. The chapter later hinted that other Shinobi had also begun suspecting their memories' integrity. Soon after, Boruto returned to the Hidden Leaf Village and reunited with Sarada and Sumire.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 spoilers and raw scans: Kawaki learns about the "Shinju"
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According to spoilers of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6, the upcoming chapter will be titled "3 years." The chapter opened with Shikamaru seeking advice from the two elders of the Hidden Leaf Village. Shikamaru informed them that Boruto helped the village fight Code.Nevertheless, the elders were adamant that Boruto needed to be eliminated, given that he tried to kill Uzumaki Kawaki. It was not just the feudal lords, but the entire situation had made running the village a tough task as well.Hence, the elders asked Shikamaru to take the title of the eighth Hokage. If things were to continue like this, it would not appeal to the other villages. From the conversation, it was very evident that Shikamaru had chosen to become the tentative hokage for three years. But with the period over, the elders wanted him to become the permanent Hokage.
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Ino Yamanaka as seen in the Boruto anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 spoilers then saw Ino meeting Shikamaru at his office. Shikamaru had asked Ino to deliver some documents so that he could speak to her using her Mind Body Transmission Technique. He conveyed to Ino that he wanted to speak to her without being eavesdropped by anyone, i.e., the detection team, Eida, Kawaki, or Amado. While Ino was reluctant at first, she agreed to help him.Elsewhere, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 spoilers saw Eida telling Kawaki about the Shinju and how they were awakened consciousnesses of the ten tails. With that, she told Kawaki that they were targeting Naruto Uzumaki. While Eida also wanted to tell Kawaki that she was a target, she noticed that Kawaki only cared about lord seventh.Meanwhile, Daemon noticed something crucial. If the Shinju were to arrive in Konoha to consume Naruto, the villagers would find out about Kawaki's lie. With that Daemon, conveyed to Kawaki that he did not care about him. Immediately after, Kawaki left the place. That's when he met Mitsuki and realized that Boruto had returned to the Hidden Leaf Village.
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Elsewhere, Sarada was having a tough time conversing with Boruto. However, Sumire helped Boruto speak his part. He stated that he did not have much time because, unlike the detection team, Kawaki could detect him. Hence, Boruto started speaking about Sasuke. He revealed that Sasuke had been turned into a Divine Tree while trying to rescue him.
The Claw Grimes were earlier tasked with consuming Otsutsuki to become a God Tree. However, Code's chakra had seemingly caused the claw grimes to evolve, giving them consciousness and new goals. Around the same, Mitsuki contacted Shikamaru, stating that Boruto was somewhere in the village. With Boruto being able to detect Kawaki, Mitsuki wanted to go after Boruto. Hence, he asked Shikamaru to learn Boruto's location from Eida and convey the same to him.Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 spoilers then saw Shikamaru contacting Boruto using Ino's Mind Body Transmission Technique. He asked Boruto to not show any expressions and to speak to him through the jutsu. Boruto had doubts about Shikamaru due to his position as a Hokage. That's when Shikamaru relayed that he was a tentative Hokage and had not taken over the title officially. Right after, Shikamaru warned Boruto to get away from his location as he was about to get attacked.
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Mitsuki in his Sage Mode attacking Boruto (Image via Shueisha)
Immediately after, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 saw Mitsuki, in his Sage Mode, attack Boruto. However, Boruto managed to escape using his Flying Raijin technique. Sarada and Sumire tried stopping Mitsuki, however, he had no mercy to spare for Boruto.
As the fight began, Boruto relayed to Shikamaru that he should have stopped Mitsuki if he wanted to speak to him. However, Shikamaru's hands were tied as the whole of the land of fire wanted Boruto to be eliminated. Hence, Shikamaru stopping Mitsuki would not have made sense.Nevertheless, Shikamaru wanted to help Boruto in certain ways only he could. Right after, he asked him if he was actually "Boruto Uzumaki." Upon finally finding someone willing to question their memories, Boruto wanted to speak to Shikamaru about it. Unfortunately, he was being chased after by Mitsuki. Hence, he asked Shikamaru to hold on because he had a minor business to handle.
Final thoughts on Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 spoilers
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Shikamaru Nara as seen in the Boruto anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 6 spoilers finally confirmed that Shikamaru had doubts about his memories. Hence, he was willing to risk his position to speak to Boruto and learn the real truth behind the incident that took place three years ago. Unfortunately, this revelation was interrupted by Mitsuki attacking Boruto.
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ac-liveblogs · 7 months
pt1 for boruto: sumire was one the first anime antagonists. her dad worked for danzo and was pissed about him dying so her took his wife out of the city, and when they had a child indoctrinated her into hating kohona and raised her to get revenge using research he stole from danzo by fusing a chakra-eating summon called nue to her soul. then he died and sumire went to kohona to carry out his plan. her mom died earlier btw.
pt2 for boruto: anyways sumire joins the ninja acadamy and everyone likes her so much she becomes class president and everyone calls her that forever. then she starts stealing chakra from people in secret and we get some investigation episodes with boruto. so sumire gets nue super big and starts to attack the village. then boruto and mitsuki jump into her special nue dimension and mitsuki tries to kill her and then boruto stops them with the power of friendship. then she doesn't matter anymore more boruto things. so mitsuki. mitsuki is a clone child of orchimaru. orchimaru lives with team taka(?) in an underground bunker exile prison where they do science and creep out the anbu watching them. orchimaru is now immortal bc of white zetsu so he's chill now and decides to make child clones for reasons not explained. bc mitsuki was raised by orchimaru he's got no morals and doesn't understand emotions. then he gets to go to ninja acadamy and he decides boruto is his sun and learns emotions
Thanks for letting me know! We have ninja class presidents?
I still can't get over your friendly neighbourhood Orochimaru, but I guess him being fucked up by it makes sense. Also yeah, seriously, what's up with Mitsuki calling Boruto his 'sun' or whatever I read the Boruto vs Mitsuki chapter of Twin Blue Vortex with eyebrows raised the entire time.
And it's a shame Sumire stops mattering. I really didn't expect that to be her backstory at all given how little she does in TBV. Her having some wild revenge plot on ROOT's behalf seems pretty ironic given Danzo's role in the Uchiha massacre.
I guess it just strikes me how much more interested I'd be in reading Naruto and co. trying to make changes in the village dealing with post-war bullshit and raising traumatised children that may or may not be their own.
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