#Boss Rogoe
sw5w · 8 months
Battle of the Great Grass Plains Won
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:55
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stealth-skills · 4 years
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Group America (90s): An old picture of Vojislav “Voya the American” Raičević, right, and Veselin “Teddy Bear” Raičević, left. Vojislav Raicevic, aka Voja the American, was the chief executor of the "America" ​​clan, whose members were mostly Montenegrins trained in America. The "Americans" are said to have represented Milosevic's death squad and to have a list according to which they killed for service. It can be said that they were "Zemun citizens before Zemun citizens", that they performed dirty work for the state. It is said that they cleaned up almost the entire Voždovac clan, as well as other unsuitable fierce guys, but also journalists and politicians. Allegedly, the "Americans" cooperated with the Serbian and Montenegrin services all the time. The Ministry of the Interior spoke of this clan as a group consisting of the Raicevic brothers, the Roganovic brothers and others, and an informant named "Srecko" reveals details: That the clan consisted of a core of 15 professional assassins a death squad carrying out contract killings. He cited two high-ranking police officers, one from Serbia and the other, as associates of the clan from Montenegro. Srećko asked for a settlement, that the police guarantee his safety and that he would tell everything, but since he did not receive guarantees, he disappeared. Seselj was the first to speak publicly about the "Americans" when he accused the head of the DB, Jovica Stanisic, of killing his death squads in Serbia. Allegedly, the connection between Montenegrins from America and the Serbian DB was Boško Radonjić, the head of the Irish mafia in New York and a good friend of the last great Italian godfather, John Gotti. It is said that when Radonjić came to Serbia in the early 1990s because he was being tried in America for influencing the jury that tried Gotija, Stanišić personally assigned him security. When the clan was formed, it was allegedly headed by Joca Amsterdam, who is leaving Serbia due to the accusation that he ordered the murder of Goran Marjanović Bombaš. Then, at the head of the clan comes Voja, who worked for the Italian mafia in America until he hooked up with some and had to come here. In the middle of the nineties, Voja organized, but he also carried out many liquidations. They say that he was extremely skilful, he did not hesitate to disguise himself as a beggar or a woman in order to approach the victim. It is said that when Ćenta blackmailed the head of a man for 80,000 marks, Voja did it and went to Ćaldović, but he made him say: "You killed someone? Don't make me laugh, look at yourself!" It will cost him his head. The next time they met, but through a crosshairs. Voja allegedly killed Ćenta in the center of Belgrade together with journalist Maja Pavić, Ceca's godfather. Although Voja was close to Arkan's godfather Milan Djordjevic Bombon and although Arkan did not like Centa, because Voja killed his godfather and Colonel Garda, Shuca (the first husband of Legija's second wife), Arkan was very angry. Jenta and Jusa did not like Arkan, but there was respect between them because, together with Ashanin and the late Ljubo and Giška, they formed an old guard of fierce guys and used to work together abroad. By killing Jenta and Maja, Voja gained powerful enemies, Jus and Arkan. Besides them, the Americans were already at war with the people of Surčin. The agreement between the Belgrade bosses and the top of the police that Voja must leave allegedly fell. His former friends Rogo and Bojan Petrović, with whom he held "Stupica" together with Ćenta's son-in-law Mišo Cvijetinović, kidnap Voja, film him and torture him in order to admit that he killed Ćenta. Misha's motive was revenge, while the other two wanted to take over Voj's affairs. Allegedly, Bojan held him, Rogo shot him 4 times in the shoulder until he confessed, and then Misha Tiger shot him in the head. Bojan allegedly cooperated with the Americans before, who did Goran Vukovic in order for Petrovic to take over the affairs of his former friend. The soldier's body was not found, but it is said that he was butchered, and parts of the body were thrown into the Danube or buried somewhere. After that, Vojin's protector Bombon and Luka Pejović were killed (a member of the "America" ​​clan and, according to the former head of the DB, Goran Petrović, Ćuruvija's killer). After Vojin's murder, war begins on the streets of Belgrade! The soldier's friends take general revenge and eliminate everyone they suspected of being involved. There were about twenty names on the alleged list, the most famous of which were: Rogo, Petrović, Miša, Jusa, Badža, Šijan, Ašanin, Kundak, two police colonels and many others ... According to informant Srećko, Mileta Miljanić Mike took the lead. clan, and the direct perpetrators of the murders that followed as revenge for Voja were: Veselin Raicevic Medo, Zeljko Maksimovic Maka, Ivan Delic Ico and Nikola Maljkovic Maljavi. Mike was sentenced in Greece to 40 years for smuggling 114 kilograms of cocaine. Ico allegedly killed Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic. Maka killed a policeman who tried to identify him in '95, and in 2002 he was accused that his group that took over the American clan, known as the "Maka group", organized the assassination of General Boško Buha, although there are indications that Zemun people set it up as they would drive them out of Belgrade. After the war in the underground at the end of the 1990s, it was obvious that Stanišić had let go of the reins and that the DB no longer controlled the mafia. After the stories that he and Arkan intend to betray Milosevic, he will be replaced, and the old mafia lose the protection of the state. He will be replaced by Radomir Markovic, the first man next to him will be the commander of the strongest unit, Milorad Ulemek (Legija), and the new clan in charge of dirty business: Zemunski. Thus a new death squad was born.  
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simone-boccanegra · 5 years
Okay maybe I should make a list of the Overused Opera Words (with suggested additions) because it’s getting too big for a regular bingo
drinking game: Deathmarch difficulty
with suggestions from @doreenaloysius , @tornaloadir and @lessthansix
T’amo / v’amo / m’ami
Io moro / Io spiro (proceeds to sing for several more minutes)
È mortà / morto / spento
Addio (repeat at least 10 times)
Maledizione / (Sia) maledetto/a! / Ti maledico!!! 
(Giusto) ciel! / Gran Dio! / O numi! / O dei! / O Signor!
O terror!
Ascolta / M’odi!
Viva! / Evviva!
Vendetta / Vindice / Mi vendica! / Vendiiiiicatooooor!!!
Boia / Carnefice
ASSASSINO! (requiescat in pace, bastardo)
Pugnale / Spada / Brando (stick ‘em with the pointy end)
Mio ben
Mio tesor(o)
Idol mio
Piangi / Piango / Pianto
Caro/a mio/a
Follia / Follie
Fuoco / rogo / pira / fiamma / fiamme (I learned all of these from the same opera. guess)
Scellerato / sciagurato
Vino / Bevi / Beviam(o)
O misero/a
Fatale/ Destino / Sorte
Dolce / Dolcezza
Cor(e) / Petto 
Bellà / Beltà
Orrore! / Qual orror!
Parla! / Parlate!
Taci! / Tacete! / Cessa! / Cessate!
Vieni / Andiam(o)
Vedi / Vedete
T’affretta / T’arresta
Madre / padre / fratello / sorella / figlio / figlia
Marito / Moglie / Sposo/a / Consorte 
Re / Regina / Principe / Prence / Principessa / Duca / Duchessa / Conte / Contessa 
Vittoria / Vincitor / Trionfo / Vinceeeeeeeeeeerò
Sacrificio / Martiri
Mano / Mani
Soccorso / Soccorrimi! / M’aiuta!
Vergine / Madonna 
Conosci / Conoscete
Che fai?!
Chiesa / Tempio
ONORE!!! (Io son Zuko, figlio di Signor di Fuoco)
Nome / Io son(o) / Tu sei / Voi siete / Noi siamo
Uccidere / M’uccisi / Ammazzato / Assassinato
Giuramento / Giura! / Lo giuro! 
Cena (not John)
Mi perdona / Perdon(o)! / Perdonate! 
O gioia!
Son perduta!
Bacio (insert over-the-top tenor death rattle)
M’abbandonasti / Abbandonato/a
Me stesso/a
Ove sei? 
Son qui!
Angoscia / Tormento / Supplizio
Va! (thanks @maryloohoo )
MORI! (when the boss is on 1% health but so are you)
Straniero/a, ignoto/a
Tomba / Volta / Sepolcro 
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myth-lord · 6 years
Who is the Weakest and who is the most Powerful?
Here are all my common (so not unique or boss monsters) monsters collected in groups, but the catch this time is that they are collected from weakest (of each group) to strongest/most dangerous of each group. 
So for example in the human group the Buckrider is the weakest member, the Raktabija is the most dangerous and powerful. It is very messy and many monsters probably must be switched around, but it is VERY hard to come up with just the right order of least powerful -> most powerful! The strongest and weakest are mostly correct, I made sure of that!
HUMAN: Buckrider / Skinwalker / Selkie / Vish Kanya / Berserker / Bouda / Dodomeki / Tamanous / Nanaue /  Myrmidon / Korybante / Saapin / Svinfylking / Guédé / Green Knight / Raktabija
DWARF: Eloko / Ohdowas / Dactyl / Nuno / Mmoatia / Cabeiri / Alberich
GOBLINOID: Goblin / Bugbear / Scarbo / Kallikantzaros / Spriggan / Gwyllion / Likho  / Bugul Noz
GIANT: Goliath / Blemmyes / Cyclops / Munuane / Aigamuxa / Gegenees / Kapre / Argus / Moai / Cacus / Hrimpursar / Antaeus / Triton / Hraesvelgr / Fear Liath / Jack-in-Irons / Gawigawen
TITAN: Fomorian / Balor / Hekatoncheires
BEASTMAN: Pilou / Intulo / Vodyanoi / Merrow / Tanuki / Tengu / Harpy / Centaur / Lunwaba / Yawkyawk / Azeban / Lamia / Yeti / Cueyatl / Adaro / Yacuruna / Rougarou / Cindaku / Yowie / Bolotnik / Atosis / Zitiron / Minotaur / Girtablilu / Urmahlullu / Siyokoy / Capcaun / Blutschink / Telchine / Bush Daidai / Tikbalang / Arachne / Genderuwo / Serket
BEAST or MAMMALIAN: Drop Bear / Olitiau / Gulon / Pard / Veo / Rat King / Erymanthian / Satori / Musimon / Puaka / Amarok / Karkadann / Splinter Cat / Ziphius / Salawa / Kori / Cercopes / Nemeos / Aniwye / Bonnacon / Mapinguari / Ichneumon / Hrosshvalur / Sverdhvalur / Akhlut / Catoblepas / Indrik / Kokogiak / Leviathan / Behemoth / Cetus
AVIAN or BIRD: Chickcharney / Urcututo / Xecotcovach / Alicanto / Naujakuksualuk / Boobrie / Hverafugl / Tuyango / Camulatz / Tecumbalam / Stymphalian / Tera-Tsutsuki / Caladrius / Zhenniao / Valravn / Impundulu / Asipatra / Roc
REPTILIAN: Amphisbaena / Zoureg / Agemo / Jaculus / Cerastes / Kongamato / Gambo / Hypnalis / Gbahali / Hydra / Lu Dja Lako / Ogopogo / Ngoubou / Muhuru / Ropen / Burrunjor / Sierpa / Xhumpedzkin / Mokele-Mbembe / Emela-Ntouka / Kaiaimunu / Haermorrhois / Seps / Samm-Abras / Motelo Mama / Nyuvwira / Nguma-Monene
AMPHIBIAN: Alp-Luachra / Water Leaper / Aije / Bagiennik / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Tiddalik / Cmuch / Salamander / Amikuk / Bukavac / Grylio / Minhocao
FISH: Hippocampus / Mazomba / Echeneis / Akheilos / Aun Pana / Tiburon / Utelif / Swamfisk / Havhest / Trollgadda / Caspilly / Abaia / Skotumodir / Rock Bolter / Chipfalamfula / Namazu / Vatnagedda / Bakunawa
VERMIN or INSECT: Choukeshin / Tsutsugamushi / Xan / Deathcrawler / Scarab / Jba Fofi / Karkinos / Gastarios / Brucha / Con Rit / Moskitto / Cagn / Zarronco / Musca Macedda / Scorpios / Aasivarluut / Minceskro / Ulagu / Japeusa / Avelainya / Tcaridyi / Kranokolaptes / Polypus / Pasuk / Khepri / Eintykara / Djieien / Jinshin Mushi / Itzpapalotl / Inulpamahuida / Kugdlughiak / Myrmecoleon / Saratan / Skolopendra /
CHIMERAE: Wolpertinger / Xiao / Qinyuan / Kappa / Afanc / Baku / Ahool / Skeljaskrimsli / Griffon / Calopus / Ahuizotl / Leucrotta / Peryton / Bunyip / Nguruvilu / Serpopard / Manticore / Whowie / Sak / Bulgasari / Parandrus / Mishibizhiw / Dingonek / Ugjuknarpak / Nependis / Set-Qesu / Ookempam / Nue / Ga-Gorib / Wakandagi / Cipactli / Sphinx / Piasa / Grootslang / Lammasu / Ammit / Tarasque
DRAKE or LESSER DRAGON: Pyrausta / Cockatrice / Hodag / Bolla / Knucker / Gowrow / Wyvern / Qiuniu / Fuxi / Velue / Basilisk / Jimplicute / Tizheruk / Vouivre / Longgui / Scytalis / Aitvaras / Zabraq / Beannach-Nimhe / Haietlik / Ouroboros / Cuelebre
DRAGON or WYRM: Mhalla / Ikuchi / Zmey / Cirein Croin / Kholkikos / Jabberwock / Gargouille / Asdeev / Codrille / Kulshedra / Unhcegila / Nidhogg / Amhuluk  / Vritra / Tiamat / Zirnitra / Ghageb Tal-Ilma / Gaasyendietha / Usilosimapundu / Azi Dahaka
DRACONIAN or DRAGONMEN: Julana / Jimeng / Naga / Kampe / Echidna
PLANT: Vegetable Lamb / Guarana / Stray Sod / Cactus Cat / Barometz / Mandragora / Trenti / Aproxis / Coco / Devalpa / Rahara / Alraune / Xtabay / Ya-Te-Veo / Hungry Grass / MbieluMbielu / Jidra / Berberoka / Kayeri / El Juy-Juy / Jubokko / Otso / Zuttibur / Xoc Detsahi / Jinmenju / Andurá / Umdhlebi / Ladon / Zaqqum
FAE: Domovoi / Leprechaun / Clurichaun / Faun / Fir Darrig / Yallery / Anggitay / Tenaga-Jin / Ashinaga-Jin / Arrach / Redcap / Springheel / Gancanagh / Yumbo / Wendigo / Sarangay / Alkonost / Amadan / Ly Erg
FEY or FAE BEAST: Carbuncle / Ratatoskr / Arkan Sonney / Zlatorog / Yamabiko / Mimick / Snawfus / Miraj / Ramidreju / Kitsune / Cat Sith / Cu Sith / Dobhar-Chu / Shtriga / Shadhawar / Phooka / Kelpie / Awd Goggie / Peuchen / Yale / Penchapechi / Pioial / Bonguru / Bocanach / Malebete / Ccoa / Cath Palug / Teumessia / Ceffyl Dwr / Hrimfaxi / Traicousse / Succarath / Jorogumo / Cwn Annwn / Nekomata / Okiku Mushi / Kamaitachi / JubJub Bird / Bandersnatch
ELF or FAE HUMAN: Lofjerskor / Dokkalfar / Lausks / Dalaketnon / Ljosalfar / Erlking / Kulmking
GNOME or FAE DWARF: Kobold / Barbegazi / Leshy / Curupira / Karzelek / Pukwudgie / Nuberu / Woodwose / Ijiraq / Nalusa Falaya / Pech
NYMPH: Huldra / Bisan / Veela / Fossegrim / Encantado / Lampad / Askafroa / Maenad / Oread / Nereid / Thriae / Windsbraut / Poludnica / Te Hoata / Leanan Sidhe / Katsura-Otoko / Radande / Chione / Melinoe / Orco Mamman
FAIRY: Lunantishee / Danthienne / Ishigaq / Acheri / Tooth Fairy / Carabosse
HAG: Rokurokubi / Laure / Lechuza / Cuca / Mambabarang / Gorgon / Sunakake Baba / Qalupalik / Soucouyant / Hala / Utlunta / Yanagi Baba / Nocnitsa / Norn
TROLL or FAE GIANT: Tenome / Dulhath / Troll / Ninya / Asanbosam / Abuhuku / Buggane / Nargun / Porotai / Yehwe Zogbanu / Bulgu
BOGEY or FEAR EATER: Bauk / Shellycoat / Kikimora / Uay-Cot / Guiafairo / Marabbecca / Kludde / Krojemanchen / Shokera / Hellequin / Tailypo / Osschaart / Sandman / Rawhead / Astwihad / Stuhac / Nuckelavee / Marmajor / Metminwi
DEMON: Imp / Aswang / Oseichu / Incubus / Succubus / Pishacha / Skrzak / Tsenahale / Mahaha / Eurynomos / Cambion / Dydko / Manananggal / Kishi / Berbalang / Moselantja / Idaemonon / Nadubi / Empusa / Kigatilik / Alp / Ukobach / Delgeth / Hinkir Munkur / Makhai / Kurita / Aghash / Binaye-Ahani / Caorthannach / Asag / Oneiroi / Bies / Chort / Erchitu / Hashihime / Bushyasta / Chrysaor / Andrealphus / Baxbakwalanux / Dybbuk / Popobawa / Ajatar / Yeitso / Geryon / Aeshma
FIEND or DEMONIC BEAST: Apocalypse Locust / Muscaliet / Psoglav / Sigbin / Aerico / Garmr / Makalala / Mantabungal / Decarabia / Heikegani / Orthrus / Zheng / Druj Nasu / Marool / Akashita / Lavellan / Taotie / Each Tened / Apaosha / Sianach / Morgawr / ColoColo / Amdusias / Camazotz / Apep / Khudumodumo / Nian / Odontotyrannus / Cerberus
ONI or POSSESSION SPIRIT: Ovinnik / Suiko / Nodeppo / Rakshasa / Onocentaur / Chirizuka Kaio / Sazae-Oni / Chagrin / Tesso / Huay Chivo / Rogo-Tumu / Daitengu / Akhekh / Torc Triath / Batibat / Kasha / Mandarangkal / Leraje / Amanojaku / Nure Onna / Kumiho / Abaasy / Naqiq / Sandwalker / Tsuchigumo / Isonade / Tartalo / Ihuaivulu / Sin-You / Arzshenk / Stolas / Futsunushi / Omukade / Hua-Hu-Tiao
ANGEL: Anteros / Valkyrie / Erinyes / Limos / Achlys / Nemain / Nike / Keres / Ishim
UNDEAD: Zombie / Spartoi / Tiyanak / Oniate / Barghest / Rompo / Hrokkall / ChonChon / Gaki / Draugr / Banaspati / Bezkost / Myling / Dagwanoenyent / Gloson / Mano Peluda / Wether / Mormo / Mummy / Drekavac / Rusalka / Bloody Bones / Lagahoo / Mekurabe / Topielec / Inugami / Harionago / Helhest / Catacano / Xing Tian / Yuki-Onna / Candileja / Melalo / Duamutef / Pesanta / Aipalookvik / Mngwa / Raven Mocker / Jiangshi / Baykok / Dullahan / Ahkiyyini / Charon / Petsuchos / Nida / Airi / Coiste Bodhar / Gashadokuro / Bakekujira / Fext / Moroi / Naglfar / Legion / Taniniver / Ankou / Tzitzimitl
SPIRIT or GHOST: Will o Wisp / Adze / Poltergeist / Wraith / Waldgeist / Tebwem / Isogashi / Buruburu / Einherjar / Aatxe / Banshee / Luz Mala / Pesta / Jokkho / Bloody Mary / Sessho-Seki / Brollachan / El Tunche / Sluagh
ELEMENTAL or NATURAL SPIRIT: Squonk / Dorotabo / Undine / Bilwis / Hantu Anak Gua / Seitaad / Enenra / Akubozu / Obambo / Hongaek / Shudala Madan / Bisha Ga Tsuku / Polong / Chenoo / Raiju / Planctae / Nojukubi / Ebajalg / Gu / Nishi / Sachamama / Ahl At-Trab / Umibozu / Cherufe / Pericó / Phoenix / Psonen / Hakuturi / Hinqumemen / Odei / Landvaettir / Gaueko / Aten
GENIE or ELEMENTAL LORD: Ghul / Dasim / Zalambur / Redjal Marja / Ifrit
OOZE or SLIME: Nuppeppo / Globster / Baldanders / Ashi-Magari / Ozaena / Morko / Dheeyabery / Suzuri No Tamashii / A Bao A Qu / Nurikabe / It
ABERRATION: Grindylow / Sagari / Mulilo / Stella / Akaname / Keukegen / Atuikakura / Kamikiri / Shen / Akkorokamui / Issitoq / Marakihau / Fachen / Kurage Hinotama / Cecaelia / Skolex / Tculo / Mooldabbie / Huallepen / Sandewan / Cuero / Lakuma / Agropelter / Lolmischo / Burach Bhadi / Chicheface / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Pua Tu Tahi / Lorelei / Lou Carcolh / Tlanusi / Siranis / Hiderigami / Migas / Camahueto / Ewah / Iku-Turso / Muirdris / Charybdis / Scylla / Lagarfljot / Kraken
ALIEN: Chupacabra / Gray / Roperite / Pugot Mamu / Schilalyi / Lilyi / Mamlambo / Rhinelapus / Tripodero / Snoligoster / Whimpus / Colorobetch / Bitoso / Chemosit / Dijiang / KawKaw / Butatsch / Yann-An-Oed / Alkuntane / Hidebehind / Mothman / Stoa / Rake / Snallygaster / Egregore / Argolito / Poreskoro / Papinijuwari / Doppelganger / Stewa Rutu / Hundun / Annunaki
CONSTRUCT: Trollnoste / Bakru / Formica Aurum / Gargoyle / Terra-Cotta / Invunche / Tupilaq / Dogu / Automaton / Grotesque / Wanyudo / Khalkotauroi / Indombe / Wulgaru / Ushabti / Celedon / Pixiu / Wicker Man / Kikituk / Minokawa / Juggernaut / Talos
TSUKUMOGAMI or LIVING OBJECT: Hinnagami / Kasa-Obake / Biwa-Bokuboku / Nosoi / Ittan-Momen / Furu-Utsubo / Hannya / Osakoburi / Kyobun-Sensei / Garei / Kameosa / Ipetamu / Bubak / Koto Furunushi / Ungaikyo / Boroboroton / Aoandon / Menreiki / Jenglot / Bugaboo / Oboroguruma / Fulad-Zereh / Seto Taisho / Zorigami / Agrippa / Tyrfing / Sakabashira / Caleuche / Cofgod / Pandoras
PS: Just for the record, I KNOW that spiders, centipedes, crabs and scorpions are NOT Insects, but I have more than enough groups as it is, don’t need an ARACHNID group, they are insects/vermin in my project! They are magical creatures anyway. 
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shehla79 · 4 years
The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement - 30th Anniversary Edition
The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement – 30th Anniversary Edition
Price: (as of – Details) *A Graphic Novel version of this title is now available: "The Goal: A Business Graphic Novel" 30th Anniversary Edition. Written in a fast-paced thriller style, The Goal, a gripping novel, is transforming management thinking throughout the world. It is a book to recommend to your friends in industry – even to your bosses – but not to your competitors. Alex Rogo is a…
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sw5w · 8 months
Whosa Dis?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:40:46
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sw5w · 9 months
Wesa Got a Grand Army
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:31:30
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sw5w · 1 year
Departing Otoh Gunga
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:17:24
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