#Boss Gallo
sw5w · 8 months
Battle of the Great Grass Plains Won
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:55
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vixivulpixel · 1 year
In a world after the Disney-Retcon of Star Wars, it’s always nice to see an obscure bit of lore that you specifically grew up with is at least semi-canon because the events and/or characters were mentioned in a more modern source book somewhere.
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kinningainteasy · 16 days
Hello, you can call me Tooth. I use any pronouns. but if you want a default it/its preferenced. You can also call me by my kin names as well.
Adult. Minors can interact via ask box but no nsfw (Applies to whole blog) and no dms from anyone under 18.
Kins and fictives under cut.
For pronouns just use canon unless I give otherwise.
I kin:
Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Fetch Walker, Any and all Pronouns (InFamous)
Chell (Portal)
Aiba/A-Ball (Ai: The Somnium Files)
Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Gaige the Mechromancer (Borderlands)
Moze (Borderlands)
Asmodeus (Helluva boss)
Freckle (TGAWLOCG)
Rebecca (Edgerunners)
Asmodeus (Helltaker)
Augustine (The Locked Tomb)
Angelino (Mfkz)
Rogue, She/It/Its, (Cyberpunk 2077)
I have Fictives of:
Frye - He/Him + Drip/Drop/Drips/Dropself (Splatoon 3)
Sally May (Helluva boss)
Ellie Wiliams, She/It/Its, (Tlou max)
Not looking for canonmate but very happy to speak to source mates.
Biteit- My post
Art- Fanart
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hollandorks · 5 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter fifteen
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of her mother and grandmother, y/n is forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke her heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, she vows to get to the bottom of her former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what she’s expecting.
a/n: Will I remain posting regularly? That remains to be seen by everyone, myself included....Because every single time I say something, I end up accidentally not posting for weeks. Anyways, enjoy!
Series Masterlist
word count: 2.7k
Two nights later, all Bruce could think about was that Alfred had been right. 
He should have told y/n the truth while he had the chance.
“Where are you going?” 
A full day had passed since y/n found the picture in the elevator, and she half-expected Bruce’s voice to be a dream when she turned around. She hadn’t slept much, except for a brief few hours where her body literally had shut down and forced her into unconsciousness. Fear was her constant companion, but now, when she turned to see Bruce standing behind her with his arms crossed, anger cut through the fog of fear like a spear of flame. 
She mirrored his stance and crossed her own arms. “I’m going to let it slide since we’re all stressed, but try to boss me around again and see what happens.” 
Both of their jaws were clenched tightly shut. 
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. She could practically hear the words come out of his mouth, That’s not an answer. 
“I asked Gordon to come up,” she finally said, caving, though the anger still simmered below the surface. The nerve that Bruce Wayne had to barely be home, to barely care about her, and still try to boss her around all the same. She was this close to punching him in the face or pushing him down the stairs. Or maybe she would pour ice cubes in his bed next time he was asleep. “And if you’re going to bother me every single time I’m next to the fucking elevator, think again.”
Bruce relaxed marginally, completely ignoring her barbed comment–which was probably for the best. She had no energy left to really fight, anyways. 
Most of that energy had gone towards a preliminary article she had just submitted about the Gallo family. She hadn’t released any details about her involvement with them, merely reporting the fact that they were trying to make a move on Gotham. 
She had debated doing the article at all. Was it better to pretend like nothing was happening? Was it better to keep her head down and wait for it to resolve itself, whether because of Gordon and the Batman or through the Gallos finally getting to her? 
But then she realized that the people of Gotham deserved the truth, or at least as much of it she could get away with. She was already a target, but she didn’t need everyone else knowing that. 
So she had simply decided to send an article to print that Gotham was on the brink of another mob takeover, just like all of the business with Falcone and Maroni and everyone else who had corrupted their city. 
If only half of the city shared her views, y/n knew that they wouldn’t be happy with someone else trying to worm their way into their city. Gotham might be a shithole, but it was their shithole. 
The moment she had hit send, it had hit her. 
She didn’t want to be a sitting duck. She wanted to do something about it. She wanted those bastards gone. She wanted the work Bella Real and the Batman and cops like Gordon had done in the last year to stick–or at least have the chance of doing so. 
She had called Gordon, told him she wanted to talk over some things, that she needed company anyways. 
And now there she was, staring down the man who had broken her heart, waiting on Gordon to arrive on the elevator behind her. 
“Gordon and I are going to have a private conversation,” she said pointedly as the elevator doors slid open behind her. 
“Y/n,” Gordon said in greeting, but she still didn’t turn around. She and Bruce were still in the middle of their standoff. “Mr. Wayne. Good to see you again, at least under more…normal circumstances than last time.” 
She raised an eyebrow at Bruce. She could tell he wanted to argue, wanted to stick around and stick his nose even further into her business. But after a long silence, he inclined his head and said, “Detective,” before turning and disappearing back the way he had come. 
Once Bruce was safely out of earshot, she gave Gordon her full attention and said what had been on her mind the past couple of hours. Or, if she was being completely honest, the past several days.
“I want you to use me as bait, and I don’t want you to argue about it. I want you to help me actually figure out how to get rid of these motherfuckers.” She crossed her arms again for good measure.  
Gordon sighed, long and loud. She expected an argument or a lecture or a combination of the two. But instead, all he said was, “We better bring our other friend into this discussion.” 
“Absolutely not,” was the very first thing the Batman said when she laid out her plan. 
“Yeah, well, as I like to point out to certain other people in my life, you’re not the boss of me. I’m going to do something stupid with or without your help, because I am fucking sick of this. Alright? I can’t live like this.” She shivered as a particularly brutal gust of wind cut through her. 
They were on top of the signal tower. She and Gordon had decided together that it was easier to smuggle her out than it would be to smuggle Batman in. Besides, she didn’t want those two parts of her life mixing. God forbid Bruce find out what she was up to. She was arguing with him enough already. 
Not to mention the fact that she didn’t want to disappoint Alfred, or cause him any more stress than she already had. 
The smuggling had taken a willing female detective–a nice woman in her late thirties name Lori Ayers–trading places with y/n. They were relatively the same height and build luckily enough, and Detective Ayers was already assigned to the security on Wayne Tower. An outfit switch, a fake detective badge, and lots of praying later, and there they were. Y/n had asked Gordon and Ayers if she could have a gun, but both of them had practically shouted no in her face. 
Gordon held up his hands, ever the peacekeeper. “Listen, man, I’m not saying we should put her in any unnecessary danger, but–” 
“The whole idea is unnecessary danger!” The Batman cut in. His voice echoed in the darkness of the night around them. 
Gordon continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “–but all I’m saying is that we aren’t any closer to catching these guys. None of us are. So if we can do something we know will draw them out…why not do it?” Gordon gave her a wry look. “And, like she said, it’s probably better to have us for backup before she does anything stupid on her own.” 
Y/n gave Batman a triumphant look as if to say See? I’m right. 
She studied him while he worked his jaw in annoyance. Was he sick of looking out for her? Because she was certainly sick of needing to be looked out for. She wanted to end it. 
“Fine,” he said, the word a growl he spat out. She tried to resist pumping her fist in the air, she really did. He gave her a Look with a capital L that had her lowering it immediately. “But let me just–let me follow this last lead, alright? If it doesn’t pan out, we’ll make a plan. Give me tonight before you do anything stupid.” 
She nodded eagerly. “Great, fine. I needed to get out of the house anyway.” Gordon was also giving her a Look. “What?” she said a bit defensively. 
“You’re awfully upbeat for someone who wants to offer herself up for bait to the mob.” He raised one dark eyebrow above the frames of his glasses. 
She shrugged. “Well, I have cabin fever, so this helped my mood immensely. Plus, the end is in sight. It’s about to be over, one way or another.” 
Later, when she thought back to that moment, she would wonder if she had jinxed it. Or maybe she was simply jinxed all along, one thing leading to another, leading to its inevitable end. Leading to the only possible way it could play out. Her luck, ever since stepping foot back in Gotham–and even before then, ever since Alfred had knocked on her apartment door–had been nonexistent. 
“One last lead,” Batman repeated, holding her gaze steadily for once. Something ran through her like an electric current at that look. Like he was trying to tell her something. 
“One last lead,” she said, crossing her heart for good measure. “I promise I’ll be good.” 
Gordon chuckled like he didn’t quite believe her. “Alright, let’s get back.” 
“I’ll follow you,” Batman said, interrupting her thoughts of how she was going to get Gordon to sneak her past Bruce and Alfred both. She hadn’t told either of them she was leaving, and she didn’t want to think about what they would say to her if they found out. It would only make her life that much harder. 
Her ride back with Gordon was mostly quiet. 
“Where did you get this fake badge anyways?” she asked when Wayne Tower’s doors finally came into view. She toyed with it, noting all the ways it looked like the real deal. Maybe she could hold onto it…just in case. 
“Confiscated it from a kid caught forging all kinds of stuff, including badges she used to get classified materials.” 
She. Interesting. Sounded like somebody y/n would like to hang out with. 
She didn’t say any of that out loud, however. All she did was hum and put the badge back on her belt. 
“And no, I won’t give you her name,” Gordon said. Their eyes met and they both laughed in tandem. 
“Fine, fine. I might be able to find it on my own anyway.” She winked. 
They parked in an alley where Gordon or the other detectives on stakeout duty usually parked. As they stepped out into the cold air, Gordon’s phone rang. 
“Just a second,” he said, stepping further towards the mouth of the alley. “I have to take this. Don’t move.” He pointed at threatening finger at her. She held up both hands in surrender. 
He needn’t have worried–the sound of an approaching motorcycle reached her ears as Batman pulled into the alley behind them. The noise reverberated off of the building walls for a moment before abruptly shutting off. Gordon locked eyes with him, inclined his head, and then answered the phone while striding towards the street ahead. 
“So,” she said casually to Batman as he stood broodily in the shadows. “Think I could have been a detective in another life?” She struck a little pose in her smart, borrowed business suit and trench coat, imagining the fake badge glinting in the low light. 
Batman made a noise that could have been a scoff or a laugh. “Sure, except you would have been fired for repeatedly breaking the rules. And laws.” 
She laughed delightedly. “You’re probably right.” She definitely had chosen the only profession that suited her nosiness and penchant for getting into trouble, something Bruce had pointed out years ago. 
“I’m definitely right.” 
They were closer together than she expected, the toes of their shoes almost touching. She wasn’t sure how that had happened. It was if they had both been drawn in by the other’s gravity, invisible and inevitable. He stared down at her for a moment before, of course, turning his face away. 
“There you go again,” she murmured as she memorized the line of his jaw. “Scared to look me in the eyes.” She reached out and poked his stubbled cheek gently. He froze, but didn’t make a move to step away. 
“I’m scared for you,” he said in an equally soft voice that sent shivers over her skin. “I don’t want you to have to offer yourself up. I don’t like thinking that I might not be able to keep you safe.” 
Y/n felt each of his words sink into her like rocks in a deep lake, sinking down and down and down until they settled at the bottom, heavy in her stomach. She was staring up at him now, their breath mingling, and he was finally, finally looking back. 
She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. 
Instead, she did the next best thing. 
She stretched up onto her toes and kissed him. 
He went so still she immediately knew she had overstepped–and had overstepped badly. She quickly pulled away, face on fire, eyes straining to find anything to look at other than the rejection in his eyes. Stupid, that was so stupid. Just because he wanted her safe didn’t mean that he wanted her to kiss him. 
But before she got too far, his gloved hand caught her arm and tugged her closer. And then he was kissing her.
She inhaled deeply, her stomach doing somersaults in a way it had never done before. She was flying above Wayne Tower yet still somehow firmly rooted to the ground. It was like she could finally breathe again and yet somehow she was gasping for breath. His lips were gentle. One of his hands cupped her elbow while the other splayed across her upper back. She wished he had his gloves off, like that moment in another alley on another night. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. 
Then he was gone, a full step away. 
She couldn’t help it–her fingers traced her lips in a daze. 
They were staring at each other, both breathing slightly heavier than they had been before. 
“Alright, let’s go,” Gordon called from behind her somewhere. She couldn’t bring it within herself to care if he had seen or not. Her and the Batman were still staring at each other, in their own world, a seismic shift between them. 
“Goodnight,” she said, her voice low and raspy with want. 
“Be safe,” was all the Batman said as he watched her go. 
Gordon didn’t look at her like he had just seen them kissing, but she felt as if it were written all over her face. 
“Crime never sleeps,” he said to her as they walked the short distance to the doors. His head was constantly swiveling, searching for danger, and she knew a certain vigilante was watching from the shadows as well. 
Her entire body was electric, every nerve ending on fire, heat settling in her face and chest and lower, too. 
For once, she wasn’t wondering about who the Batman was. Her mind had been rendered totally blank by one kiss. She wasn’t even thinking about how he wasn’t Bruce Wayne, like every other kiss of her life. 
Instead it simply felt…right. 
She blinked and they were somehow inside. 
“Blake, can you escort Detective Ayers upstairs? I have to go to a crime scene.” Gordon gave Blake a long, searching look. Y/n knew that the moment the security guard looked up, he would recognize her. 
Sure enough, he did. His face did something complicated before he realized what Gordon said and stammered out, “S-sure. This way, Detective, um, Ayers.” He hit something on the computer keyboard, scrambling, having to hit whatever button it was a second time. 
“See you later,” Gordon said to her, the words full of meaning. 
She turned towards him and nodded. “Goodnight.” 
It felt stupid, pretending to be someone else in the lobby of her home, but they still didn’t know who had breached security two nights earlier. She knew it was better to be safe than sorry, but Blake knew who she was. What was to stop whoever worked for the Gallos from recognizing her as well? She imagined their pub, Maverick’s, covered in hundreds of stalkery photos of her. 
Gordon waved over his shoulder as she and Blake stepped into the elevator. As soon as the doors slid closed, y/n relaxed a bit. Everything was almost over. 
And she had kissed the Batman.
A smile grew on her face before she could stop it. 
When she glanced up, Blake was watching her. 
His upper lip and his hairline were beaded with sweat and he was much paler than normal. 
“Are you okay?” she asked, wondering if maybe he was sick. Something in her gut shivered with warning. 
“I’m so sorry–” he said, the words choked. “I’m so sorry. They have my sister.” 
That’s when she saw the glint of a needle in his hand.
@ktficworld @grunge-n-roses5 @anon-cat-posts @projectdreamwalker @warsaur @lachillona02 @crazyunsexycool @doetic @alexiris @that-girl-named-alex @harry-bowie-mercury @vaniasagitaa @widows-writings @missing-loki @exactlyelegantwizard @miriamnox @mavenmoon @eclipsedplanet @spencerrxids @giulia2372 @katara-is-a-goddess-changemymind @janezat @incorrectmarvelquotesss @spiritdetectivel @i-have-no-life-charlie @ilovemybabes @curseyouperrytheplatypus @lightsinmycity @yondiii @spideybv28 @fictionalmansl4t @just-pure-trash @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t @thiswildandpreciouslife @givemylovetoall @eddieslooneymoonie
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poppadom0912 · 2 months
Mafia boyfriend
Warnings: Mentions of violence, guns, canon-typical injuries, mob/mafia typical behaviour
Summary: Your boyfriend isn't exactly how you described him to be.
A/N: I’m trying to get a bunch of writing done before the new academic year, so please do enjoy! This idea was so random but the concept is kinda fun so I thought why not. I know no Italian at all, everything is from google translate so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies. This writing and description is very stereotypical and very wattpad of me, I apologise in advance. 🙏
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"So, are we ever going to meet your mysterious man?" Stella asked you while the four of you sat in the back of the ambulance having your weekly talk about anything and everything.
You laughed at her expecting face, along with the knowing glances Violet and Sylvie had. "He's just a really busy guy, taking over his dad's business takes a lot of time and not all of it is in Chicago so he's going back and forth from here to Italy."
"But he treats you good, right?" Violet asked seriously, wanting nothing more than for you to be with someone good.
"Oh he's amazing." You said whimsically, a soft smile settling on your lips at the thought of your boyfriend of one year that your family had yet to meet. "Hopefully he's back by Friday so you'll see him on Saturday for the barbeque."
"Oh I completely forgot about that." Sylvie frowned, confused as to how she forgot the yearly picnic that always took place. "What time does it start?"
"I have no idea." You shrugged. "I'll just show up whenever I'm ready."
"Wow, so organised." Stella complimented you sarcastically, ducking away from your hand when you were going to smack her.
"In my relationship, Enzo does all the planning." You mumbled with a slight pout as though trying to prove a point but it didn't work
"Mystery man does have a name!"
"Enzo sounds hot."
"Eeeee! You're here!" Violet squealed in pure joy as she practically sprinted towards you with her arms open, enveloping you in the biggest hug despite seeing you yesterday on shift. "About time, these lot are getting boring."
At her snide but playful comment, Gallo and Ritter started booing her from where she left them behind at their table with a few others from 51 who were drinking beers. You quickly waved at them and made a mental note to go and say hi to them.
"Oh Violet, I have someone I want you to meet." You eagerly smiled and the younger paramedic took note of your eyes sparkling which could only mean one thing.
Violet gasped, her arms dropping to her side as she did so in disbelief that this was finally happening. "Y/N, don't lie to me girl, my gentle heart can't take it."
You shook your head, smiling at the utter joy one of your friends had for a moment that lots of people don't consider that important. "Violet this is my boyfriend Enzo. Enzo, this is one of my best friends Violet."
With her award winning smile, Violet followed your line of sight and her brows rose in shock when she finally met the man you'd been dating for a little over a year now.
There was no doubt about it, he was an extremely attractive man but he was definitely out of his element. Unbeknownst to all of the CFD, the park was littered in bodyguards who had been held back from personally tailing their boss like they usually would.
Shaking off all her negative thoughts, Violet thought the best and held out her hand towards the attractive but intimidating man. "It's lovely to finally meet you after so long Enzo, I'm Violet."
"I've heard plenty of good things about you. It's a wonder we haven't met earlier." His voice was slightly accented, Violet remembered you saying he was Italian. His grip wasn't as hard as she thought and his tone actually softer than he looked, his words making the paramedic laugh.
"We've been nagging Y/N for so long to meet you but she's very convincing." You choked back a laugh at Violet's comment, lightly elbowing her in the gut. "Alright Vi, that's enough. Where's Stella and Sylvie?"
"Over there with Kelly and Matt."
It was comedic really, the sight of you and your boyfriend together was unbelievable. Despite being a firefighter, you were of very short stature and you were practically the embodiment of pure joy but with your boyfriend standing besides you, he was so much taller and wore all black smart ish attire with rings on two of his fingers.
It was like the typical grumpy and sunshine trope that people read about in books but this was real life. Violet almost couldn't believe you bagged yourself a man like him but in a good way.
"Y/N, hey girl!" Stella smiled, waving you over from besides Kelly as soon as she noticed you. Not only did she notice but so did three others that stood with her that a man was accompanying you, someone who was very out of his element. "Stop- is this the infamous Enzo?"
At your dimpled smile, Stella's smile widened as she fully turned to greet your boyfriend she'd been desperate to meet since you mentioned taking his number ages ago.
There was no denying you were ecstatic to be with him but something wasn't adding up and it seemed that she wasn't the only one suspicious.
Things weren't adding up and your family were dammed if they didn't find out what.
Being shot at was nothing you weren't used to living in Chicago all your life. At this point, you'd become accustomed to it and you no longer feared it how you used to when you were a child.
However, it did scare you when in uniform and out on a call.
Following Casey and Severide's orders, everything was organised in an orderly manner but as soon as you re-entered the house to bring out a victim, all the gunfire suddenly stopped.
Initially, everyone was relieved and began calming down but as soon as you exited the house with a woman in tow, gunshots began raining down once again causing everyone to shout in a flurry of panic.
But once again, as soon as you backed up into the house protecting the smoke inhalation victim, all the gunshots stopped.
It was at this moment, it all slowly started to click.
Whispering to the female victim to stay put, you very carefully set one foot outside the house and what do you know, gunshots started popping off.
Eyes wide and chest heaving, you swallowed harshly at the realisation that you were being targeted. You alone and no one else.
"Y/L/N, stay inside, we're coming to you." Casey relayed over the radio, your captains words making it clear to you that he had also connected all the dots.
All you had to do now was wonder why.
Following the shooting, everyone came out unharmed but you. While you were distracted with the smoke inhalation victim, you were caught slacking and got grazed by a bullet.
You'd been hurt much worse before but it was bad enough for Sylvie to warrant a trip to Med where Enzo met you, worry and concern flooding off of him in waves. Not once since your year of being together had you ever seen him so worried about anything.
He brushed off your questions about work, he told you this morning he had an important meeting with some clients but here he was with you.
Unbeknownst to you, a group of Italian men were dutifully waiting for their boss in the waiting room and beyond the hospital doors lay a few cars all inhabited with similar looking men.
Once you fell asleep, Enzo lightly placed a kiss on your forehead before stepping away, gently closing the doors to your room. Walking away, he was lucky not to bump into anyone from the firehouse, going straight towards his brothers who waited for him to speak eagerly.
"It's them. They're targeting my Y/N."
His younger siblings eyes, identical to his, all darkened at his words. They'd grown attached to you over the one year period and they'd be damned if one of the best things to happen to this family was hurt, let alone dragged into business that she was too pure for.
"Come on, we have some work to do."
That incident was over a month ago. You fully healed since then, the trauma of such an incident long forgotten. And you were too oblivious to notice the change in the people around you, especially your boyfriend and his family. Their protectiveness reaching new heights, not that it bothered you though.
Things drastically changed when one day you never showed up to shift. You were very strict on punctuality and Stella mentioned seeing you yesterday morning for some brunch.
It was only when Violet called Enzo, asking if you'd fallen sick and forgotten to call Boden, did they properly start to get worried.
Your boyfriend picked up on the second ring, voice filled with confusion at your best friend calling him, something she's never done before.
Violet explained the situation, Enzo confirming he hadn't seen you since you left early this morning for work.
The tension in his voice was clear as day. So when he said 'I'll deal with it' before hanging up, Violet was left feeling uneasy.
What the hell did he mean?!
Three hours later, Intelligence were rolling up to the firehouse, well only Jay and Hailey.
"We just got a call about Y/N being kidnapped?" Hailey said, confusion laced in her words as she approached the squad table.
The firefighters all looked at her in shock. They were never told anything about a kidnapping.
"What the hell." Cruz whispered as the two detectives explained everything they knew.
"Who knows where she was seen last?" Jay asked, looking at all of 51, everyone joining them outside in concern for you.
"Her boyfriend Enzo." Violet said, brows furrowed as she bit her lip. "I called and asked him around three hours ago now."
"Really?" Jay hummed. "What's his full name?"
"No clue. That's all we really know about him - his name, he's Italian and he's now a CEO after his dad died." Stella replied when Violet remained silent.
Dropping off a patient at Med, Violet stood besides Sylvie as she filled in some paperwork, bouncing on her feet to pass time when Will appeared in front of them suddenly.
Scaring both paramedics, he apologised with a sheepish smile.
"Hey, you guys never mentioned Y/N being kidnapped?" Before either of them could reply or explain themselves, he carried on. "It doesn't matter now, she's upstairs in a private room."
Both women were too shocked to reply, staring at the doctor mouths agape and eyes wide.
"Y/N's here? At Med?" Sylvie repeated, wanting clarification just in case she was hearing things.
"Yep." Will nodded. "Me and Maggie were treating her, I'm the primary on her case."
"Well then, what are you waiting for?" Violet said impatiently. "Lead the way Halstead."
And lead the way he did, showing them to a floor they barely saw due to their lack of 'rich rich' patients.
In the chairs outside were several men dressed in blacks and greys, all looking very similar to each other, their brown eyes glued to Sylvie and Violet as they neared the room.
Knocking on the door, Will didn't wait for a reply before entering, poking his head inside before opening it fully.
"Sylvie! Violet!" You exclaimed, trying to get up from your laid back position on the bed, wincing from moving too fast.
"Okay, let's not do that." Enzo said at the same time as Will, gently pushing you to lay back down.
"I've put a rush on your test results." Will said, looking at you and your boyfriend. "If I'm not available, I'll send Maggie."
Enzo thanked him while the two paramedics hugged you cautiously.
"Girl, what the hell happened?" Violet asked first, standing by your head with Sylvie standing next to her, opposite to where Enzo was sat.
"I'll be honest, I don't remember much." You admitted, grimacing at the pain in your head when you moved too much. "Pretty sure I was drugged for the most of it."
"I think I was taken like two blocks away from 51." You said confusingly, looking to your right at Enzo in confirmation, turning back when he nodded. "And all I can really remember is being punched and kicked a few times and like, a bunch of men talking about mob revenge stuff."
"Honestly, I don't even know or remember what they were talking about - I was so out of it."
You licked your chapped lips at which Enzo instantly held a cup of water in front of you, directing the straw for you to drink.
Humming appreciatingly, you smiled at him, dimples and squinted eyes and all before turning back to 2 of 3 of your girls.
"I was so out of it that when I first saw Enzo, I struggled to even recognise him, innit baby?"
Enzo just hummed, his one hand encompassing both of yours, his calloused fingers softly rubbing your knuckles.
"Where was she?" Violet asked, mustering up the courage to ask. "How- Where did you find her?"
Enzo finally took his eyes off you, eyes cold as he looked at your best friend. "I have a really good friend - we grew up together - whose a detective."
"I just asked for a favour." Enzo lied masterfully, having a lifetime full of experience.
The two paramedics, while quite suspicious, remained oblivious to what he was covering up.
"Fratello." A voice from the door interrupted them, all yours heads turning to one of Enzo's younger brothers. Brother
"Sono stati affrontati. Ale and Carlo assicurati che facesse male."
they have been dealt with. Ale and Carlo made sure it hurt.
"Bene." Enzo nodded, smiling at his younger brother. "You guys can go home now." good
His brother rolled his eyes, scoffing when he replied, "You're very silly Enzo, why would we go anywhere?" He said rhetorically before looking at you.
"You look much better cognata!" He smiled, brightening up his face and looking much less scarier than he just was. "All you need now is some good food and you'll be as good as new." Sister-in-law
You giggled, stifling a groan from the pain it caused in your ribs. "Thank you Luca. I expect to go home to your cooking."
He laughed, winking before he left, nodding at his brother who shooed him away.
Before anyone could say anything, the radios around their torsos went off, the familiar voice of Matt asking for their whereabouts causing them to frown.
"We should probably get back to work. We're still on shift for another fifteen hours." Sylvie said, the sadness clear in her face at the prospect of leaving you for so long.
"Yes yes. Go back and save the city on my behalf." You removed one hand from Enzo's, holding it out for both of them to take. "Say hi to everyone for me. Tell em I'll be back to working soon-"
"Ah- no you won't." Enzo stopped you before you could continue, chastising you with a smile but firm in his words. "You need to recover first. Only when you're fully healed can you go back to putting out fires, yes?"
"Exactly!" Violet agreed. "We're all on the same page, perfect."
"We'll come back and see you again after shift." Violet said as the two of them got up to leave. "Don't move an inch."
"Promise." You smiled, thanking them profusely for visiting. "Give everyone my love."
Closing the door behind them, the waiting room remained full of the same men, who now that they were looking properly, looked eerily similar to Enzo.
Making their way to the elevators, Sylvie broke the silence. "I don't- I don't think he asked a friend for a favour."
"Did you see the gun his brother had?"
"I did."
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octavian wet cat headcanons
@odysseus-crewmate-number38 and i have decided that there has been enough of rick's writing which transparently only made octavian an object onto which to project hate, rather than a character. because i am the sexiest and smartest person on the planet, i understand octavian better than rr, and know that what he is actually meant to be is a traditionally queer-coded, camp, homosexual villain, who enjoys being a villain immensely. the following are a compilation of ody and mine's absolutely true and fully verified octavian facts (he told me):
his little augur rituals are like drag performances
in which i don't means he dresses up in drag but rather that he's exaggerated and dramatic
he does the thing where he rubs his grubby little hands together
he's the type to say "well well well look what the cat dragged in"
light in the office opens dramatically as octavians spinny chair turns to the door
’i’ve been expecting you’
he’s done this 12 times already
he says the same name of. the person who hes been expecting. he eventually is right
WHY does octavian's wiki page say his ancestors are VENUS, JUPITER (also apollo obviously) and. a bunch of mortal guys like hercules? what the fuck. guy must be so inbred
his ancestory is just the olympus family tree
but i mean he's a legacy of venus so that explains everything. he's just suffering from a terminal amount of prettyboy syndrome
octavian would wear so much gold. 90 pounds soaking wet 138 pounds with all his robes and jewelery on
he'd get things covered in gold leaf just because he can
his closet takes up the space of like three entire barracks of the cohort
‘where did the funding for the new buildings in camp jupiter go’ . new suspiciously closet shaped building implemented:
not that he doesn't already have enough money. he just likes doing it like this
nobody else is allowed to touch his clothing though. high treason actually
one of his henchmen (bryce) can bc he knows exactly how to handle it and which setting on the washing machine to use with which detergent
oh he’d watch the devil wears prada and base his personality on the boss from that movie
his room has a shrine dedicated to meryl streep actually .reyna accidentally walks in on him once and sees him praying to her. they never talk about it
octavian could deify miranda if he tries hard enough
oh my goddd. do you think his biggest internal conflict during hoo would be "can a girl like me really have more than ONE evil henchman?"
how is he going to strut down the halls in an iconic triad formation if he only has ONE henchman . he has to follow in his ancestors footsteps (heather chandler, chanel oberlein, regian george-)
his henchman no1 is michael kahale, son of venus, who's canonically fit as fuck and pretty close to octavian, headcanonically a gayboy who rolls his eyes and sips his starbucks drink waaaay too loudly when people he doesn't like are talking (he does this in the senate meetings)
his henchman no2 is bryce lawrence, legacy of orcus, god of punishment, who was canonically banished from camp jupiter bc he killed someone, but in boo, octavian takes him back. he's supposed to be really big and burly, with some "traditionally unattractive" traits (which i've decided to allow, as long as michael and octavian call them pretty in a totally infatuated way)
edit: someone said that since he doesn't have a last name, it should be octavian gallo (since it means rooster), and i'm making that canon now
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lexirambles · 7 months
Eyo, welcome to the second post of this blog 🎉🎉🎉🎉
The Undertale Yellow brainrot is SO bad that I’ve gone and made an UTY au. Wanna hear about it? Of course you do, who would you be here if you didn’t! If you don’t, then leave sucka, I’m here to FUCK!
So y’all know me, I’m a giant Ceroba fan, simp, and apologist. This fandom be shitting on her and I cannot STAND for this INJUSTICE! So, I sat down and thought “hey, how about we entertain that idea. What if Ceroba didn’t inject Kanako?” And it just spiraled into an entirely different universe of its own. So here we are, I’m way too deep, I’m just gonna dive in.
So, we all know the context, ye? Chujin is veeeeery dead, leaving Ceroba and Kanako to pick up the pieces of his work. This time, when Kanako offers herself as the boss monster vessel, Ceroba denies, not wanting to risk the only family she has left and wanting to respect Chujin’s last wishes. Kanako is upset by this, even staring an arguement between the two and Kanako even trying to steal the vile, but who can blame them in such a tense situation. One thing that’s bothered me on this whole argument is that Kanako was manipulated into her decision, or didn’t understand what she was doing, when she clearly did. She saw the consequences first hand, it look her father for crying out loud, she knew it could take her as well. Adolescents are reckless, and will fight like hell to get what they want, especially if they strongly believe in it. I think Kanako is far older and more mature then we think, I personally enturpret her as 15 or 16 at the time of her falling down. I don’t see no striped shirt on that kit!
So now what are we left with? They can’t just go find another boss monsters, they’re very rare, and most don’t even know if they are apart of that minority. So, we got two options; Asgore or Toriel. No way in HELL Toriel would agree, and I don’t think anyone even knows where Toriel went to. So we have Asgore. Wheeler he goes along with it or not is… debatable. He wants the best for his subjects, and would do anything to get out of this one sided war with humans. But this isn’t an alternative to breaking the barrier, it’s a back up plan for if history repeats itself. It could save many monsters lives, but would Asgore trust her after the stunts Chujin pulled? Maybe he even feels guilty for what happened to him. For the sake of this au, he agrees, desperate and grieving just like the women in front of him. But we all know what happens to Kanako, so…
THE KING IS DEAD! Vive la révolution!
Ok, not really, he’s just fallen down. That’s now Alphys’ problem to deal with (I’m sorry gurl I love you). But now Ceroba is in hot, HOT water, for a few crimes like ✨attempted assassination✨, ✨regicide✨, and ✨treason✨! If you’ve ever seen Undyne in the neutral routes, then you know she’s one trigger happy fish that’s very loyal to Asgore, and ain’t the biggest fan of the iron gallos. She’d much rather do it with her own two hands. So before Ceroba can run, plead her case, or even fight back; she’s got a spear straight through the soul.
Kanako, obviously, ain’t so happy about this. Poor gurl just lost her dad, and now her mom is also very dead, right in front of her too. Ouch! So she reacts as you’d expect anyone to, and attacks Undyne back with quite the fierce fireball. Luckily, it’s not a DnD fireball, but it does serve as the reason she wears an eyepatch now. With her attacker blinded, Kanako makes a desperate run for it, not wanting to risk retaliation. Back at the Wild East, all she has is her mother’s staff and the mask she made to as evidence of what happened.
The Wild East is heavily shook by the news, every resident feels it, but Starlo is hurt especially hard. That was his best friend, perhaps someone he saw as more, someone he cared for deeply and devotedly. We saw Starlo is the flawed pacifist run, he don’t take this too well. But right now, he doesn’t care about what he thinks or feels. In front of him is a grieving now orphaned child who watched her own parents turned to dust, who he watched grow up and been by their side the whole time. So like he always does, he comforts her before anything else. For this AU, Starlo will be serving as Kanako’s guardian, since she has no parents now. The fandom has kinda agreed on that Starlo is Kanako’s honorary uncle, and he definitely has some strong dad energy he needs to unleash. So he’s going to be the one to step up and care for this poor child.
Starlo decides this is a pretty good chance to give her something; a hat just like his own. He even cut out holes for her ears, Ceroba always complained about how the way his hat made it hard to hear and folded her ears in uncomfortable matters. He wants to share his passion of western culture with Kanako, to pass on what helped comfort him. Though he is very unaware that escapism is a very self destructive coping mechanism, and has just damned Kanako to become worse; whoops! He even offers to teach her gunslinging and give her lassons when she’s older. There’s a solum comfort in the promise of future, something to look forward to, a goal to achieve. And so, Kanako latches into it, and holds onto it for dear life.
Years go by, Kanako has grown up, and the 6th human falls. Kanako has shown to be a natural at wielding a gun, but ends up falling back on her natural magical abilities. Starlo offered for her to join the feisty five, maybe even become deputy, but she refuses. Instead, she adapts the persona of a bounty hunter, a lawless predator that only abides by the count of coin under her victim’s wanted poster. I really want to give her a cool alter ego name like North Star does, but I don’t have any ideas on what a good name for her would be. So if you guys have any cool names for her, I’d really appreciate it! Nonetheless, she joins in on Starlo’s western fantasies, relishing in the role as the villain. The classic self righteous vigilante sherif VS the aloof bounty hunter just getting paid. She embraced their role as some Saturday cartoon bad guy, tying damsels to train tracks and robbing banks, shooting the good guy all “this town ain’t big enough for the both of us,” style. It’s a performance, a chance for her to be someone else. The bounty hunter isn’t a lost, confused, and traumatized child who had her parents and childhood ripped away from her claws right in front of her, but a powerful and respected foe people can be scared of.
How would Kanako interact with Clover and the gang, I don’t really know yet. I’m imagining Starlo instructing her to sabotage the trials he sets up for Clover as a way to cause drama and challenge his soon to be deputy, while playing none the wiser to the posse, but that’s all I really got. What I’m more interested in is her dynamic with Martlet. Kanako isn’t a big fan of Royal guard for obvious reason, it’s a big reason why she takes on a bounty hunter role, their whole point is to give the law enforcers the middle finger. So when a blue bodied yellow eyed Royal Guardswomen rolls up into town, she’s going to be pretty heavily reminded of her late mother’s executioner. You can’t have a hunter without the hunted, and fittingly enough, foxes are known to hunt many kinds of birds; from small songbirds to juvenile birds of prey, but usually just the eggs. It would be a good reason for Martlet to be in jail, she pulled a Ramsey Murdock and put herself in jail so she doesn’t join her cousin Berdly in the grocery isle as fried chicken.
So, to end things off, why does this Au exist. For a lot of reasons, but it’s mainly to show the point of Ceroba’s and Kanako’s role in the story. They are both left doomed by the narrative, whether she gets injected or not. It doesn’t matter who lived or who died, the survivor is left no better then dead wishing it was them instead. The point of Kanako is to be a tragedy, to show what happens to many families, the inevitability of death and how grief can tear someone apart. If Kanako is the sacrificial lamp, someone else has to be. Inversely, if Ceroba isn’t there to be the the consequence of that sacrifice, someone else will have to. It doesn’t matter what choice Ceroba made on injecting her daughter, she was doomed to a fate worse than death, whether through amalgamation or orphaning. But it’s also meant to be a commentary on the nature of Undertale Yellow’s main theme; Justice. In my mind, and the way Kanako sees it, blind justice doesn’t exist. Yeah, there’s moral things everyone can say “that’s pretty wrong,” but at the end of the day, justice is self serving. Every person’s moral compass and what they believe is right and wrong is different, and so the Justice they enforce exists to push their own agenda. Clover in one timeline will sacrifice their soul to give monsters justice, while in another killing every monster that moves is delivering justice for the crime of the other children’s deaths. Did Ceroba deserve execution for what she did even if it was an accident, is it just of Kanako to mercilessly slaughter a child for the sake of the underground? That question doesn’t matter to her, all that matters in justice. Anyway, have adult Kanako in a cowboy hat, I’ll finalize her design for this AU one day…
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marketfreshfics · 5 months
The Stratagem Strain - Part III
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Plot summary: Arriving at Hogwarts for an advanced graduate program on the direct appointment of the Minister for Magic himself, Paisley Gallos anticipates a successful sixth year of classes. Unbeknownst to her, she is a pawn in a sinister ploy orchestrated long before the start of the school year.
Tags: violence | angst | blood | vampires | tragedy | forced proximity | regret | denial of feelings | NDEs | eventual smut | dark magic | accidental death | read on AO3
WARNING: This chapter contains scenes of graphic violence, blood and gore.
Theophilus Harlow was never fond of taking orders, despite his immaculate delivery on the follow-through. Were it anything else besides this momentous occasion, he’d employ one of the handlers at Horntail Hall to check this mess off the to-do list. His compliance was bound to Rookwood's authority and reinforced by the occasional galleon payment. Thus, albeit warily, he resolved with a trademark determination to see this task through to its conclusion.
No stranger to the grittier aspects of his line of work, this assignment would undoubtedly earn him a prominent mention on his professional dossier. The honour was not lost on Harlow; he understood the weight of the curse that churned within his gut—a responsibility he considered both a gift and a source of potent authority. Every detail of the forthcoming endeavour had been meticulously planned, and he stood poised to initiate the chain of events with unwavering resolve.
Naturally, there was a sense of accomplishment. Pride and prestige for being entrusted with setting the components in motion, toppling the first domino, privy to watch as the rest of them fell on the next in line, the forward momentum of disaster and death brought on by his move. He could watch from his vantage point at the start of everything and see the fruits of his labour sprout, bud, flower, and decay in that kingdom of the beginning of the end. The prospect made his mouth swim.
Still, the idea of whetting his whistle with swill this evening fouled his insides.
“Mudblood little bitch.”
“What was that, boss?” The Ashwinder recruit piped up, tugging his snake-emblem bandana over his mouth and nose.
Harlow let out a curt groan. “Keep an eye out. They’ll be along any moment now, and I want to get the jump on ‘em.”
The recruit fidgeted with his wand, tossing it between his palms. "And, the plan?"
“She’ll be travelling with another student,” Harlow interjected with a steely edge. “Make quick work of them, y’hear? Can't leave any witnesses.”
The Ashwinder shifted his weight uneasily, swaying back and forth like a jittery pendulum in an attempt to quash his nerves.
Harlow sighed wearily, the weight of impatience palpable. “Oh come now, don’t bloody well tell me you’re one of those soft ones. You let an Ironbelly singe your arse hairs off, but the idea of snuffing out a mopey teenager is too much?” 
“They’re just kids, boss.” 
Harlow threw him a loaded cannon of glare.
The Ashwinder relented, throwing his hands up. “Alright, alright! I’ll get it done.”
Harlow sniffed the air, catching a faint lick of life on the barely-there breeze. Even through the slight mist, he could discern the subtle aroma of two heartbeats, synchronized in rhythm, growing more tantalizing with each step forward that carried them closer. It was a slow build to savour, a crescendo of anticipation, waiting for the wren to perch so the fox could snap it up. The sensation thrilled Harlow to the core, matched only by his unrelenting thirst.
As footsteps scattered pebbles on the path, marring the scent of blood with upturned dirt, an involuntary growl bubbled within Harlow's throat.
“Which one are you taking, again?” The Ashwinder wielded his wand, his gaze darting toward Harlow for guidance.
Harlow pinched the brim of his bowler hat, his gaze filled with predatory intent.
“The girl. Dispose of the boy, whatever means possible.”
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It wasn’t every day that Paisley found herself comparing ratios of Bertie Botts bean flavours based on package size, but Sebastian seemed intent on making it a topic of debate, no doubt to help distract her ping-ponging fears. His freckle-dusted grin broadened before he popped another unsuspecting bean in his mouth, and his complacent expression deemed it savoury. “Honestly, I think the amount of bad versus good beans depends on how the candymaker was feeling that day.”
Paisley couldn't help but emit a derisive snort. “You cannot be serious.”
“There’s a kernel of truth to it,” Sebastian argued. “I’ve been a loyal customer to Honeydukes since my first year, even had the odd treat of stopping in before that when my parents were still around.”
A twinge of discomfort knotted her insides at the underlying tension there. Instead of addressing it, plenty dredged in the difficult anxiety of the present, she deftly changed tack. “Do they change flavour varieties often?”
“Nah.” His response was a chew of sound, of gelatin lodged between teeth. “They’ve been pretty consistent since I was a child, I’m guessing far beyond that as well. But I often wonder how they decide which boxes receive more good beans than bad." A sudden spark of animation lit up his features. "I swear, there was one week when I indulged excessively, and every box I opened contained nothing but delightful flavours! It felt like striking gold. Must have been a stroke of luck from the sweets-maker himself..." “Perhaps someone warmed his bedroll.”
Sebastian nearly choked on his candy. “That’d do it-”
The paradigm shifted so abruptly, so entirely, as Paisley was snatched up before her brain could detect the threat, a blur of broad, striped waistcoat dragging her into the dense cover of the Forbidden Forest. A silencing charm swiftly cut off her shrill scream, planned and executed with chilling precision.
And before Sebastian could even react, dropping the box of sweets to retrieve his wand, he was already dodging a blasting curse from an Ashwinder. 
“Paisley?” The underlying silence behind the zips and thrums of spell barrages heading his way caused Sebastian's voice to become tense mid-battle. He prioritized shield charms, suspecting, correctly, that the dark wizard would employ some more unsanctioned forms of magic. A hex narrowly skimmed his shoulderblade, passing over the arc of his shield spell, and the Slytherin countered with Confringo.
The Ashwinder was fast on his feet, tucking and rolling in the nick of time, and as he took a moment to right himself Sebastian bolted off the main path, diverting towards the Forbidden Forest, sprinting along the dirt path and past the countless signs foreboding the danger within. 
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Caught in Harlow's overpowering grasp, Paisley found herself ensnared, her resistance futile against the immense force. She made twisted attempts to break away, but she was entangled in his sinister hold, her flailing movements a tragicomic dance of rebellion against an unchangeable force.
As Harlow's eerie laughter echoed through the air, Paisley's heart sank as she realized how far they had travelled in what seemed like an instant. A chilling sensation enveloped her as she struggled to make sense of their inexplicable journey, of the distance traversed in moments. Her logical mind desperately sought answers, even in the face of danger.
“Your little friend is trying to find you,” He looked at her with disdain, his breath fanning heat and horror on her face. She sensed the spell that had silenced her starting to weaken, her audible grunts of resistance serving as proof, while Harlow continued chiding her. “But I doubt he’ll be so friendly once he does. Perhaps he can be your first meal…”
“What the devil are you talking about?” Still confused by his uncontrollable power over her, Paisley mumbled under her breath as she writhed in fruitless attempts to break free. It terrified her, for more reasons than one.
Harlow grinned darkly at her, then leaned in, mouth open wide, targeting her throat.
Paisley's spell struck Harlow point-blank, the abrupt impact freeing her. She took advantage of the moment to scuttle backwards, creating distance, but the outcome of her quick wandwork was nightmare fuel in itself. The spell shredded through his shoulder cap, flaying his skin, altering his silhouette. The sight of his exposed bone, with its pale pink and white hues, was disturbing enough, let alone the flesh torn asunder to reveal the pulsating agony beneath. The dark wizard howled more in shock than pain, exhaling forcefully through his flared nostrils as he glared knives into her. 
“You bitch…”
It would have been an ideal opportunity for escape then, but as Harlow composed himself, Paisley observed in startled fascination as his shoulder miraculously started to heal right before her eyes. A network of muscle fibres wove around his humerus, connecting with the sinew of bone and nerves, while a fresh layer of skin and visceral enveloped it all, similar to wrapping meat in butcher paper. The bizarre nature caught Paisley off guard, and as Harlow approached, he smirked with irritation. “Well, that pissed me off.” He lunged toward her, but she managed to evade the forward motion, relying on her agility to navigate through the thick bramble around her. She winced as the thorny branches snagged on her forearms, leaving angry, red, weeping scratches on her skin. Her sole focus was to escape from his line of sight, so she could stun or maim him further.
Harlow's head twitched, the scant scent of blood piercing the veil of focus, and a snarl-turned roar ripped from his throat. In an instant, her attention shifted behind her, fully aware that his threat dug beyond the mere barrier of simple harm. With determination, she raised her wand and unleashed another spell, this time shooting Glacius with intent.
The freezing charm struck Harlow's dominant arm, fusing his wand to his palm. With determination, he clenched his jaw as he shook off the layer of frost, raising the conduit of his dark magic to hurl a stun toward Paisley, which she promptly dodged.
Engrossed in an intense exchange of magic, the two ventured further into the Forbidden Forest, the canopy of trees growing denser, the daylight diminishing rapidly. And despite how steadfast she was in her resolve, Paisley couldn’t help but sense that fate had already predetermined the predicament. She glowered at Harlow, before dodging a disarming spell, countering with---
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“Bombarda!” Sebastian nearly swung a full rotation around a tree trunk, narrowly evading the Ashwinder's attack. With wide eyes, he observed the enemy preparing to cast another spell his way. Ducking each of his limbs behind the sprawling white oak, he anticipated the impact of the spell on the tree. As the fractured bark shattered and splinters flew outwards, he seized the opportunity to unleash a torrent of Incendio toward his attacker.
“Ah!” The Ashwinder yipped, evidence that Sebastian’s spell hit paydirt. The wizard shook off the stray flames, caught on his pant leg, but it wasn't enough to hinder. “You’ll get raked for that!” He hollered, but Sebastian was already on the move, rolling down an embankment to transition to an entirely different path, intent on confusing his pursuer as he ambled upright into a full sprint again. He refrained from looking back, as the audible crunch of gravel beneath his feet served as a constant reminder of the Ashwinder's near pursuit. Projectiles of red swiftly passed by in close proximity, his erratic running pattern seemingly far from foolish for how effective it proved, and at one point he observed that he managed to dodge a stray tail of green light from a spell he had never seen before--
“Petrificus Totalis!”
Sebastian's body went stiff, his arms rigid at his sides, and he collapsed to the ground, letting out a pained groan as he felt the sting of broken skin along his forehead. The shit-eating grin of the Ashwinder evolved to a guffaw, much to Sebastian's chagrin. He approached Sebastian, panting with self-assured swagger, as if he had just proven himself by outsmarting a student. “About time you stopped trying to scurry off, little rat.”
The dark wizard nudged Sebastian’s petrified form and rolled him over, rendering him face-up. He sneered down with disdain in a sordid, pathetic demonstration of authority. “I’ve got you now…” Sebastian sensed the wane of the petrification charm, though he remained motionless, not letting a single breath escape. Drawing upon his duelling experience, he awaited the moment when the unsuspecting Ashwinder would raise his wand, providing patience over power. There would be one opportunity, no more; with the incoming Expulso spell at such proximity, the sheer force of impact alone would likely stop his heart.
Once the spell manifested, Sebastian immediately flicked his wand upwards, uttering, “Protego!”
As expected, the shield deflected the spell. It ricocheted and returned to the caster, sending the dark wizard flying backwards in a somersault through the air. His cry came to an abrupt halt as he collided with the nearby cliff face, a sickening crunch sealing his fate. 
Wholly unprepared to investigate after the Ashwinder remained still for several heart-wrenching seconds, Sebastian pivoted on his heel in the direction where his newfound companion had been taken away. He hoped above all else that the last of his luck had not run up just then.
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Luck was not generous to Paisley. Her competencies in magic combat were remarkable, with spellwork finessed from dedication to her craft, Still, she was not prepared to take on Harlow, deftly avoiding her spells and leaving her in frustrated awe of his dexterity. He appeared to defy the laws of physics with every blurred sidestep, and Paisley couldn't help but wonder whether he had enhancement beyond what mere mortals could achieve.
Paisley was abruptly pulled airborne towards her kidnapper, who yanked her wand from her dominant hand with a grin before she hit the ground. Her struggle only amused her impromptu captor, his smirk a testament to dominance. 
Harlow caught Paisley’s leg, and despite her kicks and thrashes, his inhuman strength managed to keep a hold of her, dragging her through the underbrush without cause or care for the scrapes and bruises she acquired along the way. “Let, me, go!” She grit through a clenched jaw, curling her torso upright to claw his arm, anything to get him to release her or loosen his grip, but her attempts were met with cruel indifference.
“Ah, a fighter are ye?” Harlow’s snide remark sunk in, wholly entertained as he pinned her to the dirt with an elbow pushing between her ribs, forcing the air from her lungs faster than she could welcome it in. “ That’s good, you'll need it… but for now, you’re just makin’ this more difficult than it needs to be, kid.”
His mouth opened wide, angled at her neck, his intentions clear. When the realization hit, panic surged through Paisley, her cries of terror rending the air as she pleaded for salvation, her mind racing with thoughts of escape, of rescue. Had Sebastian managed to escape from that other wizard? 
In the depths of her terror, Paisley clung to a desperate hope, a fervent wish that she alone would bear the weight of the impending tragedy. It was a selfish plea amidst the chaos of her ordeal. She prayed, with every fibre of her being, that she would be the sole victim of Harlow's depravity this fateful evening. For in that moment of anguish, the alternative was too monstrous to contemplate — the thought of another soul enduring the same fate, the same agony, was a burden far too heavy at this moment. And so, amidst the turmoil that harassed her hopeless soul, she clung to that solitary hope, a fragile thread of solace in the darkness that threatened to consume her whole.
His razor-sharp incisors lacerated her jaw as he missed his mark once, twice, then thrice, still a novice to feeding on something so alive and virile.
Paisley was determined to thwart his progress, writhing and coughing through the pinch point of his arm to her chest. Harlow muttered an expletive, withdrew his wand, and prodded her chin.
“Arresto Momentum!”
Paisley was rendered immobile, and her fate was sealed.
Harlow gave no pause or reprieve, finally biting into Paisley’s throat.
Suction pulled her jugular into his mouth, and he consumed her blood, her accelerated pulse practically flushing it to him willingly, as each heartbeat became a morbid offering. Paisley's final scream rent the air as the stopping charm faded, its fruitless attempt at intervention fading into obscurity, and the darkness swallowed her gargled pleas.
At that moment, Sebastian let the echo of her howl guide the way, his heart clenched with a mixture of dread and despair. The flicker of hope that sustained him faltered, its fragile flame threatened by the relentless onslaught of despair, like the first unsuccessful attempt to blow out a candle, bending the flame to near extinguishment.
“No…” A cold dread settled over him in a suffocating shroud. Sickening certainty assured him that his intervention would come too little, too late, a bitter realization. The burden of self-doubt bore down upon him with crushing force, doubling his center of gravity until he felt liable to collapse under its oppressive weight. He couldn’t manage to keep a classmate safe on a routine trip to Hogsmeade; what good was he for even attempting to cure his sister? Paisley’s already sapped strength was being let out entirely, her heartbeats slowing, her lungs rendered dormant. But for all the pain of holding on, therein lay a tranquil acceptance of the inevitable. As her life came to a close, she felt a strange sense of peace wash over her, as if the forest itself conspired to cradle her in its embrace. In the stillness of that fateful moment, the spectre of death loomed ever closer, its gentle whispers beckoning Paisley forth with a solemn invitation, and it was an all too familiar friend in the end. 
And yet, amidst the darkness, a yearning stirred within her.
Oh, how she wished she could see the stars one last time…
Before she lost consciousness, she witnessed Harlow slash his finger, inserting it into her mouth, and then spreading his blood across her tongue. Fortunately, at that point, she lost the ability to taste.
And then Paisley slipped into the very last sleep she would ever experience.
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Headcanons - Dino's family
Because Amano did not give us anything at all, please see below my headcanons for Dino's family and guardians.
Big Disclaimer: these all all OCs except obviously for Dino and his dad, who canonly appear in both manga and anime.
I am also very conscious that I have used actual Italian names and surnames for my OCs, so yeah. Perks of actually being Italian I guess. Anyway. Here you go:
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And here you have all general explanations.
So, Dino's family is mainly normal people - as normal as they can be in the KHR universe, let's say they are mostly Nana Sawada's kind of normal.
I still have to establish how the Cavallone family came into existence, but I figure they were once nobles and once Italy got rid of the Savoy family and voted to establish a republic rather than a monarchy (2 June 1946) they kind of went through the change to kind of save themselves.
So, the thing in Italy is that we don't really have horse races, unless you count the Palio di Siena and the Palio di Asti, BUT we have EVERYTHING about cars.
Car races are A LOT, there is Formula 1, Formula 3, Moto GP, rally, whatever involves car races under the sun. It's kind of our specialty lol, Alfa, Ferrari, Lancia and Lamborghini are VERY famous brands.
And car races means a lot of betting, which is something a mafia boss would want to have part in it money-wise and power-wise.
Which went quite well as an alternative income after losing nobility status until Cosimo Cavallone (the Ninth) inherited the thing from his father Giorgio (the Eighth) and kind of leaned too much into betting and went into huge and heavy debts. Reasons why Dino had to pay off his dad's debts whilst becoming the Tenth boss. :)
Surely this must have given Dino a deep hatred of betting, but I feel this is a headcanon for a different post.
Onto his family.
We of course know Romario and Ivan and all of his subordinates, but SURELY Dino has a big family.
Dino is an only child with an ungodly amount of cousins. He is also one of the oldest among the cousins, which means he has had to babysit A LOT during family gatherings. Here I am including the closest ones, but trust me, there is an entire army of cousins.
And he has to know them all.
Speaking about cousins, the most notable are:
Marco Gallo: son of his aunt Marta and his uncle Donato, Marco has never had a single serious thought in his head in his whole life. He loves playing pranks and whilst the 99% of the times they are harmless, he is also a very easy target if anyone takes his pranks the wrong way. Among his pranks, mainly at Dino's expenses, he snapped a "Christmassy" photo of teen!Dino and teen!Squalo crouched over one of the newborn cousins at a family event and dubbing it as "the Nativity". Oh, sometimes he shows up way too drunk at family events and shenanigans ensue.
Margherita and Irene Testa: they are twins. Those twins who look the same and you cannot distinguish them unless they wear different clothes/different hairstyles. Which was an issue until they hit their teenage years and they developed opposite tastes, as in Margherita is the one who will have everything made of natural fibers, is into the new age kind of thing and Irene is the exact opposite of it. In spite of everything they really get along well. when they were children their favourite sport was to corner Dino and make him play dolls with them, which Dino hated. Once Squalo was in the picture they made him play dolls too.
But Dino not only has cousins and a father, he also has a mother. Veronica Greco, aka the Most Beautiful Woman no one has yet understood how she could marry Cosimo Cavallone, a very average-looking man. Dino took after her in looks.
By the way, in Italy we DO NOT take the husband's name, unless the person specifically wants to, it's the very first "fuck you" to patriarchy that women could have, because up until the mid-seventies women were pretty much treated like property/objects.
Veronica is one of those people who are naturally good at everything. She also has the ability to step into a room and make everyone go quiet, which is very useful when family events go downhill. She just says "Stop" and everyone goes quiet, then she smiles and solves the issues at hand.
Dino can do that for about 1 minute, then he trips or falls down or something and the magic is gone.
Veronica also deals with a lot of the family drama and the gossips and has also gone very near a divorce because of Cosimo's gambling habits.
And speaking of Dino's dad, he is not actually dead, he decided to retire once Dino became boss and he is now enjoying the countryside with his wife Veronica. His hobbies consist in collecting scale models of cars and tending at the garden.
Of course Dino has his own Guardians. We do not usually see them because Dino can deal with most of the things himself, but - figure something like Byakuran happens - they will gladly join the fight. They all were people either saved or friended by Dino whilst Reborn was his tutor and was in the process of becoming the Bucking Bronco.
They are:
Alessandro Ferro: Storm Guardian. Very reliable in a fight, he uses a crossbow and he is a master sniper. Somehow he once got arrested for stealing manholes, but never served as his alibi was proved.
Diego Guerra: Rain guardian, he originally was supposed to join the Varia, but they had enough swordsmen and he needed a job, as he was deep into debt. Dino listened to him and helped him get back on his feet. since then Diego's loyalty has been with Dino. He uses a rapier as weapon.
Lucrezia Battaglia: Sun guardian, Judo black belt 8th dan, undefeated so far. She is short and way too much into cutesy stuff, but she will beat you to a pulp if she feels a hint of threat. She absolutely loves shoujo anime.
Cristian D'amico: Thunder guardian - and no, I have not messed the spelling, in Italy we tend to omit the H bc it is a mute consonant. The chillest guy on earth. Takes things with such a phlegm. It's obviously the calm before the storm when he fights. Would rather nap than fight tho.
Danilo de Angelis: he is the aloof one. He likes wandering about and looks a little bit lost, but don't be fooled. He is very perceptive and will notice when things are not going well.
Iacopo La Morte: everyone is scared of him because they hear his surname (aka The Death) andeveryone is like "OMG this guy is going to kill us all", and they kind of get disappointed when they see he is actually a really nice person. Unless you wronged the family, in which case he is going to make sure you regret it with all your being.
And I admit I have only developed everyone this much just because I was like "oh, it's only for the Big Damn Table, they are going to have sporadic apparitions whilst I fill the 100 prompts", but now that I actually see this written down I kind of want to expand. What do you all think about this?
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amused-bouche · 3 months
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Jackson “Jacks” Rossi-Gallo
Age: 40 (verse dependent)
Height: 6′5″
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual (In all verses he is single ship, he is in a committed relationship with @thatonekrys' Austin.)
Species: Werewolf
Children: Olivia-Grace
Main Verse Bio:
Jackson runs a supernatural club / bar, “Jacks”. It is only visible to those who can use magic, are magical, or know how to find it. He was Michael's boss when he bartended at Jackson's club back in the day. Now he’s still his boss, but Michael sings at the club. He's a simple man who loves his motorcycles and looking out for anyone who can't look out for themselves.
Generally, he’s a nice guy, but he can be a little gruff. He does not fight or attack anyone unless it’s absolutely necessary. He runs a tight ship at his club and doesn’t allow any of “that shady shit.” He can count the times on one hand he has had to actually use his werewolf abilities to kick someone out of his club.
His forms include his human form, a large black wolf, and a form that is somewhere between the two.
Click here to see his club.
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sw5w · 8 months
Whosa Dis?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:40:46
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boredwritergirl · 4 months
Day 20 - Jackpot
‘Gotta win big, gotta win big, gotta win big.’ Jasmine thought to herself as the wheel on the roulette table spun.
Her forehead was sweating profusely, creating a noticeable sheen that reflected off her caramel skin and leaving stains on her cheap, checkerboard leisure suit. The gold finish on her cheap, fake jewelry was smudging against her wrists and phalanges. Jasmine pulled on her collar, her heart racing as her eyes refused to leave the rapid spin of the roulette ball.
She had spent all day gambling at every joint in vegas. She played blackjack, Texas hold’em, slot machines, darts, anything it took to get all that money. She needed the money badly. She wasn’t in debt, but the woman she loved was. Jasmine had a big crush on this Mormon girl, she had come into town and lost all of her savings. Vegas is a city of sink or swim and she sank.
When the mob got a hold of Jane, the Mormon girl, they weren't too pleased that she didn’t have the money. So, they gave her two options; either go on a permanent scuba trip to lake mead, or get all dolled up and escort some “esteemed guests” to their hotel rooms. Jane chose the latter.
Jasmine had seen Jane the previous week, all naive and wide eyed and ready to take on the world. Just one glance at how Jane looked this morning was all Jasmine needed to get the full story. She saw Jane’s thousand eye stare and immediately realized what had happened and knew she just had to save her.
That’s why she spent all day doing this, why she’s taking a big bet at the roulette table to double-or-nothing her earnings.That’s why she needs to win big.
As the ever spinning ball of the roulette table finally came to a close, it landed on red 23, Jasmine’s number. 
Jasmine screeched in celebration at her win, practically jumping in the air as she dramatically swung her fist in the air. “OH HELL YEAH!” she roared, the jitters of watching the ball all this time finally leaving her system.
She cashed in all of her chips, her high stakes winnings coming in a silver briefcase as courtesy of the casino.
She saw the mob boss, Don Dom Gallo, over by the poker table. Jasmine fiercely gripped the silver handle, her legs stomping across the busy room of waiters, dealers and either excited or stressed gamblers. 
Don Dom Gallo was a highly respected man in the Las Vegas strip. Perhaps more feared than respected, but he wasn’t the kind of guy that people felt safe getting near. Yet Jasmine stormed right up to him and shoved the briefcase into his chest.
Jasmine let out a big huff and puff as she stared daggers at the mobster. “I got the money. You better let her go, now!”
“Hey Hey, what’s the big idea over here?” Gallo asked, his sarcastic tone and beady eyes made it clear, he wanted to know who this woman thought she was to do that to him. He wore a tight black suit and slicked back hair, looking like a real jackass, but it never mattered what he looked like, because he had the money to do something about it if someone said something he didn’t like.
“You know what the big idea is. We spoke about this this morning. I want to buy Jane’s contract.” She said with a stern tone.
“Forget it, she’s not for sale.” He said, trying to brush her off.
“Fucking excuse me!” Jasmine barked. 
“I said, she’s not for sale.” Gallo repeated. “I changed my mind. It happens sometimes.”
“I am not leaving here without her.”
Gallo rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Fine…” He then snapped his fingers and Jane quickly arrived. The girl who looked rather plain last week was now in a sparkly black dress with a thick coat of makeup plastered all over her face. 
“Yes?” Jane asked.
Gallo pointed over to Jasmine, “She’s your boss now. Go with her and make sure she gets home safe.”
Jane looked at Jasmine and then looked back to the Dom, before finally grabbing Jasmine’s hand, running out the casino doors and jumping into her convertible together.
As Jasmine drove and drove outside the city limits, she had a big smile on her face, happy to have beaten the mob.
But Jane looked uncomfortable, telling her, “Hey, park the car. My kidneys feel like they’re about to explode.”
Jasmine noded, parking her car at the side of the road, surrounded by miles and miles of dirt in all directions. 
As Jane walked behind a rock and kneeled to do her business, she took out a tiny pistol that was hidden between her breasts and shot Jasmine right in the throat.
Unable to speak, Jasmine held her hand against her neck, trying to keep the blood from pouring out of her.
Jane walked closer, pointing the gun at the gambler. “I don’t know what sort of perverted sex fantasies you had in that twisted mind of yours, but there’s no way I’d go over to be your slave or lover or whatever the hell you expected. You’re a stranger, a nobody! At least with The Don, I have somebody looking out for me. I get to move up in the world, not live in lord knows what hell hole with a loser like you.”
The ungrateful brat kicked sand into Jasmine’s eyes as she watched the gamble slowly die from internal bleeding.
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one-strugling-bean · 1 year
OFMD Random Commentary (Ep 8)
A friend, huh? Alright let's see where this goes
I'm sensing we're going to be dealing with jealousy in this episode
I wanna give Olu a hug... Poor guy doesn't enjoy being the only sensible person aboard
Buttons truly is one of the good ones
Ngl, I wouldn't enjoy hearing about homicide over brekkie either
Ahh, they look so happy to have a room for themselves! I'm so happy for them!
Hmmmmm, I'd love it if Jack didn't turn on Stede... But I'm starting to suspect it
Third time this year?? How do your crews keep mutining? What do you do to them??
"We were gonna mutiny on Stede." "Yeah, probably will again someday!" They're so earnest saying these things, it makes it so funny
"That was cool." "Yes, it was." Yes it very much was omg
Yeahhhh they're both kind of fighting the other, got it
Hmmm I kind of get both Ed and Stede in this issue. But Stede is getting disrespected...
Ahh, it makes me so happy to see Jackie and Jim just talk and bond over life, I love to see it
I just had a wild idea. Could Jack be one of the Gallos?
Karl..... no......
Karl's death is actually making me get emotional, what the hell
And now Ed's leaving too....? Oh, now I'm sad...
The two heartbroken lovebirds in each other's company
Yessss, Lucius, show these two who's boss!
Buttons deserves the world
"Neither of us will like you less or more than we did before." They're all children of divorce now
Of course, he would come back!
Livy, the true MVP
Wow, just like that, they're invaded
There are 2 episodes left. That's plenty of time for everything to go pear-shaped.
Can't wait to see what happens next~~
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hollandorks · 1 year
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter four
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of your mother and grandmother, you’re forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke your heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, you vow to get to the bottom of your former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what you’re expecting. a
a/n: had today off work so I wrote two chapters while watching the film for the *checks notes* millionth time. Anyways, in this chapter we get to see why the reader hasn't figured out Batman's identity...and it's because she as one (1) braincell to her name.
Series Masterlist
word count: 2.6k
“No,” he said. He went to walk away, the lines of his body rigid, but paused. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he said over his shoulder. 
She wondered if it was true.
The next morning, y/n woke up to good news in the form of an email from her editor granting her a leave of absence and temporary assignment at the Gotham Tribune. The editor there had been cc’d and asked her to call at her earliest convenience.
Then she saw the small package on her nightstand, delivered by Alfred sometime while she’d slept. Her phone had been returned and his short note told her to check to make sure everything was in order.  
She immediately called the editor of the Gotham Tribune. 
“Jansen,” he said in a gruff voice. 
“Hi, this is y/n, we emailed about my temporary assignment?” She absently spread the articles about Batman across her bed. One of them was a huge picture of some sort of…light signal against the night sky. Her brain turned that picture over while she spoke. It looked like a bat. She almost laughed. Subtle. 
“Oh, right!” She could practically hear the editor, Jansen, sitting up eagerly. “We heard about your attack, but your identity is being protected by Gotham police. What are you proposing? A tell-all?” 
“Well, I’m glad they’re tight-lipped. You heard one of them got away?” A noise of assent. “And a tell-all is only part of it. Part tell-all, part investigative report, part vigilante op-ed. I want to investigate who was murdered and why. I have a hunch that this was…not your run of the mill hit. There were four of them, two victims bound and gagged. And then this bat guy–I assume you know plenty about him–he steps in and tells me to run.” 
Jansen paused for so long she was afraid he would tell her no and hang up. “That’s a lot of work,” he finally said. “But if you do it right…hell of a piece. Front page, at least.” 
“You’re not going to tell me my hunch is made up? Or tell me not to go after the Batman?” She raised her eyebrows. Part of being an investigative journalist was getting the boss to believe in it enough to pursue the story–and part was pursuing it even after being told no. 
Jansen scoffed and said, “Fuck no. My source at GCPD is thinking the same thing about the murders. One suspect may have ties to the Gallo family in New York. All three who were caught lawyered up real quick without a word. And the Batman? Three years this guy has been around, even made national news last year, and you know what I have on him? Squat.” 
Y/n scrambled for a pen and flipped over the picture of the light signal to scribble notes. “Can you get me that source’s name?” She wrote out a note about the Gallo family and underlined it twice. 
“Nope.” He popped his lips on the P. “But I heard that Gordon took a shine to you. Batman’s right hand man.” 
She hummed and wrote another hasty note. “I preemptively asked for an interview but he told me to shove it.” 
“Sounds about right.” 
“Listen–can I work from home? Since the fourth suspect got away, I…don’t really want to be out and about in the city if I don’t have to be.” She would go into the Tribune offices if she had to, though, but working from home would also offer her a lot more freedom with the article. She was concerned about her safety, sure, but really she needed free reign to do what she wanted. 
Jansen chuckled darkly. “I get it. Sure. Send me updates as you get them and weekly summaries of your work. If I come across any leads, I’ll send them your way. Are you in protective custody right now?” 
She glanced around her room and thought about all of the security Wayne Tower offered. “Yes,” she said, and it wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t the police protecting her. It was the Wayne legacy. 
“Well, be careful. If it is the Gallo family and they’re trying to set up here in Gotham….” He didn’t need to finish the sentence. 
“I will be. I have a lot to research right now anyways. And thanks–this helps me out a lot.” 
Jansen outright laughed this time. “Listen, kid, if you turn out right about any of this–or even manage to get more information about our friendly neighborhood vigilante–it helps me out a lot. I’m not being altruistic here.” 
“Thanks anyway,” she said with her own laugh. She had known as much when he had agreed to the assignment. It was a big thing, and she was willing to tackle it. She knew how the business worked. She could make the paper and its editor look really good if it worked out. “I’ll be in touch.” 
“I’d tell you to be safe, but we both know you investigative types aren’t like that. So I’ll just say this: don’t die before you get me a story.” 
They hung up. 
Y/n immediately opened her laptop and typed up everything she’d learned from the phone call. Then she made a list of research topics: the Gallo family and their potential ties to Gotham, how to get the GCPD to feed her information, the Batman, and a whole lot of other things that may or may not be connected. 
Her eyes fell again on the picture of the light signal–to the bat in its center. 
She chewed her bottom lip as she stared at her phone on the bed. Gordon wouldn’t give her an interview, at least not yet. 
The idea was a flash of lightning. 
Officer Martinez, with his mustache and wide eyed wonder at the home of Bruce Wayne. 
She did a quick internet search but couldn’t find any contact information for him specifically. There was, however, a general call number for the GCPD station he worked at. 
“Hi, I, um, had you guys come out for a robbery not too long ago and this really cute–” She gave a fake giggle, “–officer came to take my report…I’d like to send him an e-giftcard, you know, to say thank you? So if you have an email or something I could use…I promise it isn’t a scam. This is so embarrassing, I’m sorry–” 
The woman on the other end of the call sounded like she mostly just wanted y/n to hurry and hang up. “What’s the name?” she interrupted. 
“Officer Martinez. Cute mustache and–”
“I know the one. Hang on.” The sound of a keyboard clicking filtered through the call. “Here’s his official work email. So no funny business, alright? Or we’ll trace it back to you.” 
Y/n typed the email address in as the woman gave it to her. “Oh thank you so much!” 
Before she even finished hanging up she was writing the email. 
Officer Martinez–
You came to Wayne Tower after I witnessed a murder, and I was just reaching out because you seem trustworthy. I know that one suspect got away and, honestly, I’m afraid. If you have any information you can give me it might help with my peace of mind. Another truth? Lieutenant Gordon intimidates me, so I definitely can’t ask him.
Anything you can give me would really help. 
Feel free to email me–I know giving out any more personal information would be unprofessional and I really respect what you do. I don’t want to get you in any trouble. 
She read through it and wondered if she was laying it on too thick. But she knew, the same way she knew this case was big, that Officer Martinez would be a willing source. Even if he didn’t know that that was what he was doing. 
Y/n spent the rest of the day in a deep research hole, her eyes aching by the time the sun set. She hadn’t seen Bruce or Alfred either time she’d left in search of food or caffeine. 
She was in the study again, feet bare against the chilly hardwood floors, staring at a spot that looked like faded…white paint? She frowned as she ate her sandwich one-handed. Since when had someone painted on the floors? She tried to make out what it said, but almost all of it was scrubbed away. Maybe it was leftover from the bombing investigation. There was a section of flooring and a window that were much newer than everything else. 
It was late again, nearly one in the morning. Time always passed quickly when she was deep into a story. Her back and eyes hurt, her wrists cramped, and her brain was mush. But she hadn’t thought about her grandmother all day, and the ache in her chest was a little better than it had been the day before.
She leaned against the nearest window. She wanted to go out, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t still scared. 
She rested her forehead against the window as she finished the last bite of her late dinner. Something bright caught her eye.
The light signal. The one with the giant bat. 
She straightened. What had that article said? A way for the city to call the vigilante when in need? 
She stared at the light. It was cloudy, which made it almost easy to trace the path of the light down, down, down…
She could see the half-built tower in the distance. Wayne Tower had a perfect view of it, in fact. 
A thrill ran through her blood. 
Forget staying in–she needed to get to that light before it was turned off. 
She ran down the hallway, the sound of her footsteps reminding her of a million games of tag, half of which had ended with a sleepy Alfred scolding them for waking him. She slowed her steps automatically. She didn’t want to be caught now, either.  
She grabbed her shoes, jacket, phone, and pepper spray then ran back out again. 
The elevator ride felt like it would never end. She was afraid that she would step outside and the light would be gone. 
But no–when she stepped out to the chagrin of the security, whom she had to remind weren’t there to keep her prisoner–the light was still bright in the sky. 
She held a hand out for a taxi. Thankfully one was passing by. 
Maybe her luck was turning, she thought as she got in. Things had to go right after going wrong so often, right? Especially lately. That was one thing she believed in her life–things would always revert to the mean. A lot of bad meant a lot of good would come to even out the scales. Bruce had broken her heart…then she’d accepted an offer for her dream job in Bludhaven. 
“Where to?” the cabbie asked as he scrolled Instagram with one hand. 
“Um,” she said, smushing her face against the window and trying to estimate the distance. “Can you just take me like ten blocks straight that way?” She pointed.
The cabbie set his phone down and looked at her skeptically. “Whatever you say, lady.” 
The ride was quick, made quicker still by the lack of traffic. She paid and got out, eyes on the sky. The cabbie muttered about crazy rich people as the door shut. 
It was harder now that she was closer, but there was an entire city block nearby that seemed to be under construction. And there were two really tall buildings there, each still only half-finished. 
She jogged down the sidewalk. One hand clenched the pepper spray while the other held her keys between the fingers. It wouldn’t be enough if a murderer wanted to shoot her in the head, but it was all she had. Maybe it was stupid, coming out so late when she was probably the target of a mob hitman. But she couldn’t let it go. 
The block under construction was surrounded by a huge fence topped in barbed wire. The only way in, as far as she could see, was a gate that required a code for entry. She cursed under her breath, the words fogging in the chilly air. 
There was a roar from behind her. 
She whirled and ducked behind a trashcan in the same breath. Her heart stopped as the noise came again. 
Headlights pierced the air and a car sped straight up to the gate. 
Calling it a car was like calling a dinosaur a lizard. It had armor or something on it and an honest to god rocket on the back. It was less of a car and more of a tank. She could see the bones of it underneath, some type of semi-familiar sports car. Bruce would love a car like that, she thought. He loved adding ridiculous modifications to cars. 
She shoved away the thoughts of Bruce and quickly took out her phone to take a couple of pictures, just in case. She’d left her actual camera in her room and silently cursed herself for it. 
The gate slid open and the car sped through. The gates started to slide closed almost immediately. 
This was her chance. The signal light was still on for the moment and she doubted many other cars would drive into a construction zone at nearly two in the morning. 
She ran through the closing gates. 
They clanged shut behind her a second later. 
Okay, now what? she wondered, glancing around. One of the tallest towers was to the left, another one to the right. Now that she was almost directly below them, it was nearly impossible to tell where the light was coming from without circling the whole block. It looked like it was coming directly from the spot where she stood, but she knew it was only because it was coming from somewhere close. 
She chewed her lip and glanced around more carefully. And–there. That weird tank of a car was parked beneath the tower to the right. She heard soft clanking and then a caged elevator started to lift on the outside of the building. 
She ran over, wishing she had more skills suited for being a secret agent. Her footsteps were anything but silent and her breath gasped through her teeth as she ran. She kept to the shadows as best she could, which was made easier by the lack of lights on the whole site. But if there was anyone else around, she wasn’t being that stealthy. 
She looked up. 
The light switched off right as the noises of the elevator faded. 
Double bingo. 
The elevator was descending, empty now. 
There was another car, too, half-hidden. 
An unmarked police car. 
She took a picture of that for good measure. She knew for sure now that she was on the right track.  
That fire was back within her. She was so close to finding out if her hunch had been correct. She was close to…well, something. She knew it. 
She went to the elevator and stepped inside. One button, and she was headed to the top. 
Her palms were sweating. The long ride up gave her time to think, which was bad. She had fucked up. She realized that now, but hitting the button to go back down did absolutely nothing. She really should have thought things through more. 
She had no idea what–or who–was at the top of the building. She had no idea if the Batman was actually a nice guy or not. He could very well take one look at her and toss her off the edge. Her mind spun with possibilities, including her death being ruled suicide, the trauma of the deaths of her family too much. 
Or what if the murderer who’d gotten away had lured Batman up there? Or what if they were in cahoots? What if that editor, Jansen, was in on it too? 
She really, really should have thought this through a bit more. 
The doors opened with a noise so loud she winced. 
When she looked up, she was face to face with a gun.
Next Chapter
@ktficworld @grunge-n-roses5 @anon-cat-posts @projectdreamwalker @slovakshadow @warsaur @lachillona02 @crazyunsexycool @doetic @alexiris @that-girl-named-alex @harry-bowie-mercury @vaniasagitaa
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jesuisgourde · 5 months
at work yesterday we spent the first hour hate-reading vincent gallo's website (my coworkers/boss are absolute founts of weird useless knowledge) and it's fucking insane. i highly recommend going to the "merchandise" section because it's absolutely bonkers. like i mean it'll just make you hate him more because he's a disgusting piece of shit but also the website seems like a joke but it's obviously not?? it's just bizarre and wild. like he's selling his own sperm (is that even legal?) for a like a million dollars and there's a whole bunch of stipulations and they just get crazier and crazier.
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episodeoftv · 1 year
Any shows you don't know/aren't familiar yet?
ooh yeah!
actually I’m just gonna put the whole list under the cut and bold the ones I haven’t heard of before/know nothing about‚ italicized are what I’ve actually watched (x next to ones I added)
submissions are still open btw
30 Rock
Adventure Time
American Gods
Angel: The Series
The Aquabats Super Show
Assassination Classroom
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
Better Call Saul
Better Off Ted x
BoJack Horseman
Breaking Bad
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Criminal Minds
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Digimon Adventure (1999)
Doctor Who (2005) x
The Dragon Prince
Epithet Erased
The Facts of Life
Game Changer
The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo x
Girls' Last Tour
Good Omens
The Good Place
Gravity Falls
H2O Just Add Water
The Haunting of Hill House
Helluva Boss
How I Met Your Mother
I Love Lucy x
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Lego Ninjago
Leverage x
The Little House on the Prairie
Mad Men
The Mary Tyler Moore Show x
Mythic Quest
New Girl
The Newsroom x
Odd Taxi
Our Flag Means Death
Over the Garden Wall
The Owl House
Parks and Recreation
Party Down
Pushing Daisies x
Revolutionary Girl Utena
The Righteous Gemstones x
Shiguang Dailiren
The Simpsons
Spy x Family
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: The Original Series
Star Trek: Voyager
Stranger Things
Succession x
Tangled: The Series
Tiger & Bunny
Twin Peaks
Utopia (2013-14)
The West Wing
WKRP In Cincinnati
The X-Files
Xena: Warrior Princess
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