#chain of office
sw5w · 8 months
But Which Was Destroyed?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:08:20
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nighttime-thoughts · 6 months
Missing you come in waves. Tonight I'm drowning.
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vigilskeep · 2 months
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late night josie experiments
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Narrator [The Stanley Parable] Moodboard
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Requested by: User I forgot to ping... I'm sorryyyy D:
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kingkrakie · 4 months
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official art redraw?😭
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ouroboros-hideout · 1 month
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Vlad Volkov 05/???
Breathing slowly Mechanical heartbeat Losing contact with the living
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tweedfrog · 16 days
Hilarious to see that Knights in Westeros have the same issue as talented workers in any bureaucracy which is that the second they get too good they get promoted and promoted until they're in a mindless senior management role (the kingsguard) where they have to push papers around (babysit and bodyguard a King who is pretty rarely attacked) and often directly contradict the spirit of the work they previously did (carrying out the wishes of the most powerful guy in the land instead of defending the innocent).
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utilitycaster · 5 months
Honestly one of the weirdest things I've found with this campaign is how many people take Ludinus Da'leth's statements just...at complete face value? Like especially when I recall how everyone was like "if Trent Ikithon is speaking he is, if not lying outright, deliberately misleading" which to be clear seemed like a very reasonable conclusion, and yet now we have "guy who, even if you haven't seen Campaign 2, where he consistently comes off as someone who will say quite literally anything to get the desired result, shows up and in his first appearance pulls the exact same Trent lying by misleading implication bullshit, and also destroys a researcher's mind and casts something at Fearne" and people are like "well, in the same breath in which he implied he was Ruidusborn, which he was not, he also implied without explicitly saying anything definite that he survived the Calamity. This, clearly, must be 100% true. How uniquely cruel of you, in fact, to doubt the unfathomable pain of a real live Calamity survivor."
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sentientcave · 2 months
Got two little bite size snippets for you all if you would care to partake. One from the next chapter of Retirement Party and one from chapter uhhhhh sixteen? Of Sparrow. I swear I'm gonna start posting that soon.
As usual, MDNI please
Retirement Party
It’s strange to be back in London. He still comes here once a week— A staunch refusal to switch to a new therapist, even if it would save him the short flight from Aberdeen Airport every Friday, his whole day eaten away by travel and the hour appointment with Dr. Clara. He doesn’t like her. She thinks he’s stubborn and resistant. She’s probably right. For the first time, he thinks it might be a good idea to switch. Or stop coming in personally, conduct therapy online. Being away from Dalisay bothers him. He doesn’t like that she’s alone in the house. If something happened, he’d be too far away to do anything about it. If she left, he wouldn't be able to stop her, but... She’d seen him off, kissed him at the door, said she’d make dinner for when he got back. She wasn’t going anywhere. She didn’t want to. He had to trust her, even if it was a difficult thing to do. It would probably kill him if he came home to an empty house.
Well. Makarov was a secondary objective at this point. If the opportunity to kill him presented itself he’d shoot, but there was no sense hunting the man down and losing his chance to get off the bloody boat with him and Morgan in one piece. If it were just Ghost, he might’ve chanced it. Maybe blown up the whole bloody ship. He didn’t really care if he lived or died— In many ways he’d been dead for years now, if not since they buried him, since he buried himself along with his family in that gray little cemetery in Manchester— But he did care if she lived. He could lie to himself and say it was out of loyalty to Price, getting his girl back home for him, but it wasn’t that. There was something in that soft, stubborn little bird that he recognized, something that resonated with the part of him that was still Simon Riley, deep down inside where the light couldn’t get in. He could feel the first stirrings of life in a long while, like she was spring, thawing the frozen ground and coaxing something green and delicate out of the mud. Maybe it was just him being selfish (he’d always been selfish), but he wanted to see what could grow.
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sw5w · 8 months
Wesa Ready to Do Our-san Part
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:44:08
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cyberxyouth · 4 months
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businessmemes · 11 months
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the business child abides, but do not tempt it with your complacency.
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oodlesodoodles · 1 year
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monsterfloofs · 1 year
Carroigne (Bird creature / plague doctor creature) He/They/It x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
( An scp inspired story, I luff plague doctor creatures and took a stab at making one of my own! I hope you enjoy! :3c Tis Floofy writing hours again wheeeeee💖)
Your job had begun easy enough. Working as a janitor in a top secret facility. With a keyring of important items that consisted of your ID badge and multiple personnel keycards. Accessing just about any level required your ID, a keycard, a number of passwords, a retinal scan, and sometimes even a list of security questions to get into certain spaces. Within your time working for said non-disclosed facility, you have signed a folders worth of waivers, and disclaimers. Many personnel lived within the building while they weren’t on vacation and you were no exception. Your little home away from home space held folders bursting full of paperwork.
That was just from working a small janitorial job. You couldn’t imagine what kind of work loads the clinical lab coat wearing scientists had to deal with on a daily basis. Many things were kept on a need to know basis, and you were the last to know about a lot of things. Still, that didn’t exactly deter you from this job. The money and the roof over your head was convincing enough to have you keep updating the necessary forms you needed to have to stay at the facility.
You took your mop and cart of supplies past heavy steel doors with windows that looked in on an assortment of inhuman beings. The hallway's bright sterile lighting hurt your eyes when first entering the “dorms”. A few of the menagerie of creatures would press their faces against the glass, jaws working in an attempt to say something to you past the barrier.
"It's no place for sympathy," You had been briefed, "Many of these monsters would happily take the opportunity to tear you limb from limb."
You would recite those words in your head as you walked by the rows of containment units.
Yet as you look back now, that was the first mistake you ended up making.
Past the slithering forest of tendrils, gleaming eyes in shadowy corners, and aquatic creatures that floated suspended in the water, among them sat a humanoid shape at a simple table and chair. Something both strange yet familiar that sat out of place.
It was like looking at a Halloween decoration, an animatronic that sat amongst all the other oddities. It could have almost been laughable, back then. Like a prank someone had set up in the room and left for the other workers to stumble upon. The being was swathed in dark clothes, with black leather gloves, a victorian cloak, dark pants down to the knee-high boots with silver buckles. The outfit gave no hint at the skin underneath, even its face was adorned with a mask that obscured their visage. The mask itself resembles a plague doctor’s, with the long pointed beak, and dark glass where the eyes would be. The material was hard and better quality, than what you would find compared to the halloween costumes that mimicked the look. Black leather, with neat stitches that ran around the entirety of the mask. Metal rims inlaid around the round glass lenses.
You had stopped, to peer at the figure inside the room. It had sat so still, like a life sized doll. You were just about to move on, before one gloved hand raised up in a silent wave.
You had stood transfixed on the spot, eyebrows knitting together. You tilted your head, and the being on the other side of the glass mimicked you. The beaked mask resembled more and more like a wide glossy eyed bird. You shuddered, and backed away.
After that one day, whenever you traversed that corridor you could feel eyes watching you intently as you passed. Many times you couldn't help but to turn your head. Though you already knew who it was, typically they sat upon a chair. Hands clasped over a crossed knee. On one occasion you had jumped nearly out of your skin. Seeing the beaked figure inches away from the glass, a piece of paper pressed against the wall with its fingers.
"I have not seen you here before, are you new?" The letters scrawled in a spidery cursive. You felt chills creep up and down your spine, you looked around the deserted passageway, before giving a brief nod. With a flourish of their hand, they produced a fountain pen from their breast pocket. However, whatever spell that had kept you in place was dissolving. You had moved on while they had begun to write something. Taking nervous glances around you as you had sheepishly gone about your business.
The facility had many rules and regulations about the different creatures and anomalies that lay housed inside. After your shift you had sat cross-legged on your bed, flipping through the files you had the authorization to see. Chewing on your bottom lip as you ran your fingers through a thick stack of papers again and again.
There wasn’t any information on the so-called plague doctor. You could only guess that this particular being wasn’t one that was accessible for cleaning personnel. You unceremoniously dropped the stack of papers to the floor. Laying back in the small bed that took up half your living quarters.
You turned this way and that, laying with your hands clasped over your stomach, your eyes trained on the ceiling. This knowledge did very little to clear your conscience. While this being wasn’t one that you were briefed on, that didn’t indicate that they weren’t a threat. Your mind was an ocean of twisting thoughts, you had previously heard accounts of people spiraling into insanity just by hearing some of these strange creatures speak. Your knuckles balling into uneasy fists as you gripped your blanket.
Sleep was uneasy, with many rounds of jolting awake between dreaming. By morning you were exhausted, slumping forward out of bed to head out to the mess hall.
You were greeted by the sight of a bustling space. The clamorous cacophony of voices that were making small talk during breakfast making your head spin. It felt as though you were still dreaming. Grabbing a cup of coffee and a try, wading through the line until you found a seat.
“Unit 1779336 of the Janitorial department?”
You raised your head groggily, close to dozing only moments before, yet you stiffened to sit up straighter. Your eyes falling to the badges of a military uniform.
“Hate to take you away from your breakfast so early in the morning, but you and I have some things that need to be discussed.”
You feel your chest tighten as you move to stand. The man in front of you stood with his hands clasped behind his back. A stocky man with a neat salt and pepper beard, and piercing green eyes.
You could feel curious gazes directed at you as you walked. You Hunched your shoulders defensively as you trailed behind the uniformed man. You were led down a series of corridors into a large circular office. The man’s wide shoulders slopped as he let out a heavy sigh. He settled down at his desk and tapped a folder on the polished table top.
“You’ve been requested for a promotion.” He said grimly. “This isn't a standard issue. . . but this is a special case.”
You nodded, as a weighty silence hung in the air. He took off his hat, running a hand through his slick backed hair.
“How much do you know about Caroigne?”
“P-pardon?” You inquired, the man’s expression turning stormy as his eyebrows wrinkled his brow.
“Caroigne, the so called “in-house doctor” as it likes to call itself,” He growls “That bastard seems to know an awful lot about you.”
“But I— Sir, I’ve never spoken to—“
His green eyes flashed, and your voice died in your throat. He pauses to take a tempering breath through his nose. Then he pushes the manilla folder towards you across the desk. You glance from him to the manilla, before nervously flipping it open.
In that same spidery hand, that you remember seeing on a scrap of paper, was written your full name. The one you had been sworn to relinquish while you were inside the facility, your age, your job, and a short synopsis of your medical records. There was a smaller footnote underneath the scrawl.
“This subject would be an ideal companion for me while I am enjoying my stay at your facilities.”
“Subject,” You mouth faintly, before staring up at the man, “Y-you’re j-joking. . . r-right?”
He crosses his arms, glowering at you, “Caroigne has refused to speak with all scientists and attendants. If they are willing to speak with you, then it’s a risk we’re willing to take. I will get you the necessary papers you need to have, and you will start in two days.”
Fragility hit you like a freight train, how easily replaceable you were if things were to go sour. The feeling of having the air punched from your lungs continued after you had taken your new briefing papers. The last words of wisdom he had threatened in a grave timber.
“Whatever you do, don’t talk about illnesses in front of it, don’t let it know there is anyone sick, or if you yourself feel ill. Not unless you want to be the new cadaver we have to drag from its room.”
You sat curled into a corner of your bedroom. Legs tucked into your chest as you stared numbly into space.
Those two days were days where you barely left your room. They were spent between reading over your assigned documents and sleeping. The times you did leave your dorm room, there were guards stationed outside of your door to discourage any plans of leaving. You had broken down and cried in the bathroom on that last night, the sleeve of your shirt between your teeth to muffle your sobs.
You stood between two soldiers carrying assault rifles. Your eyes blinked painfully from the tears you hadn’t been able to stop. Head pounding with an ache as you were led into an interrogation room. You entered alone, finding doctor Caroigne already sitting across the table.
“Well hello there~ How delightful that you and I finally get a chance to spea— Oh, oh dear you aren’t looking very well at all.”
You blink at the blurry figure in front of you. Compared to the other people you had encountered the past few days, this was a voice that was filled with what sounded like genuine worry. You swallowed hard, eyes turning to look at the papers in front of you, shuffling them nervously.
“I-I’m fine.” You breathed, “You are. . .”
“Doctor Caroigne dear, but you may just call me Caroigne. And I suppose you’ll want to know my pronouns, that is the new rage nowadays.” they chuckle benignly, “I don’t think I have ever had the pleasure of having any, many scientists in this facility call me a ‘he’ in any case. I truly don’t mind what you choose, but it’s best not to upset the other doctors in this facility. Between you and me, they are dreadfully foul tempered.”
A weak smile graces your lips before it disappears. “You seem to know your way around the staff.”
Caroigne folds their fingers together, tapping his thumbs against each other.
“You could consider me to be somewhat of a flexible individual. One does not simply settle into their surroundings without some difficulty. However, I am proud to say that I have managed quite well.”
You paused, frowning at the papers in your hands, you were going to have to be more direct with these questions. After a moment of hesitation you finally relented, “How. . . did you get my information?”
“Ah, I am assuming ‘they’ would like to know?”
Your eyes slowly moved from your papers to watch them.
Caroigne bobs their masked head in the direction of the dark one way viewing windows.
“I. . . I would also like to know.” You mused softly.
“Hm. . . “ A pause before they give a tsking noise, a tone between amusement and disappointment. “I can’t be giving away all my secrets.”
Your eyebrows furrow, “But,” He says, raising a finger, “I might be able to part with a few of them, for a small price, a token, if you will.”
“And that price would be. . .”
“Oh nothing taxing,” Caroigne huffs, “This,” He spreads his arms, “Is all that I require. It’s been so long since I have talked to someone. Truly talked to someone. Tis a breath of fresh air. As a beast of science myself, I do not mind the others, but all they want to do is batter me with questions, questions, questions. It is that, or I dare say isolation.”
You bobbed you head wordlessly, as the doctor took a breath and continued.
“Furthermore, I liked the look about you, curious, inquisitive, I like that.” They chuckle warmly, “I have a bit of a nose myself~” They joked as they tapped at the mask's beaked visage.
The first meeting was odd. The doctor was well mannered if not very chatty. They asked many questions about yourself, where you had grown up, your childhood. You spent a great deal of time stepping around its questions and asking ones of your own. It had felt stiff with politeness at first, but it had become more natural the longer you talked.
When you had been finally taken and led away, Caroigne impressed just how lovely it had been to chat. Wishing you well, and eager to speak again. Back in your room, you looked back at his case folder, picking up the single photo that was in your file. It was a picture of Caroigne hovering over a mutilated corpse and holding a pen and clipboard. Blood smattering the walls and floor, as the guard had tried to defend themselves. You shuddered, placing the photo back into the folder, the image facing down. It was proof to remember, that no matter how kindly this being seemed, they were dangerous.
You had to be careful.
And you were! For a time. It fell into a routine, a weekly dance the two of you had. You asked him questions and he asked you things as well. You talked about your work, and the folks you missed at home. Somewhere along the way, you could notice yourself changing, the way you talked to them. Less sterilely polite, and more heart. You would laugh at the jokes they had tossed your way, and you spoke more sincerity than you had expected.
Then one day, you messed up.
You hadn’t felt well that day. The beginning of a headache pulsed across your forehead. You settled down at the other side of the table. Cariogne had leaned forward, “And how are you my dear?”
It was just a simple slip up, an off-handed comment. One derived from familiarity and not caution.
“Oh, I’m doing alright, I just have a little bit of a headache.”
You could feel the room go deathly still, “A. . . headache you say?” The calm voice drifted behind the mask. The room fell into pin drop silence as you realized the mistake you just made. Then began a tapping, a sudden drumming of the doctors fingers against the table of the interrogation room. They sat unmoving except for those fingers. The rhythmic tone was the only thing that showed a sudden change in their mood. An almost strained kind of excitement, like a cat ready to pounce.
“What. . . kind of headache, tension? An oncoming migraine, perhaps?” Their voice was casual, off-handed even. But your eyes were transfixed on the four fingers of his right hand.
“T-tension,” You replied, flinching as your voice cracked. You could already feel your pulse begin to quicken as gooseflesh began to creep up your arms. With all the briefing you had done, and reading his file countless times. Going over the information just before you left for these visits, the simplest most easiest rule to remember.
“Ah.” His hand froze, before his hands steepled themselves together.
“I see,”
You nodded your head jerkily, looking away, your eyes scanned the sealed room.
“I see, I see,” He muses, his voice sounding much closer than before. “Our little visits must put a strain on you, I hadn’t realized that.”
You hadn’t seen him get up, and they had moved across the table to stand across from in a blink of an eye. You hadn’t even had a chance to pull away. He leaned down, almost hovering on top of you.
“I wish to impress this upon you, little fledgling, you truly have nothing to worry about.”
The gloved hand touches your chin, raising your head up to stare back at the mask.
You begin to blink back tears as you watch little dots of laser light blink all over his form.
He turns his head, not aware of the sudden change of atmosphere, examining your face until there is a bark from one of the guards behind you.
“Release them Carriogne, and we won’t have to use force,”
He turns his attention away from you finally, “. . . That is quite rude.” The doctor scoffed, “I had known there was someone listening in to our chats. Haven’t you chaps heard of privacy?” He retracts his hand and you can breathe again. Taking the distraction to push out your chair, hastily stepping backward until you reach the threshold. The guards in their heavily armored uniforms push past you to get a clearer aim.
“He’s out of his cuffs again,” One of the soldiers shouted back to the main guard.
“Well, of course I am,” The doctor quipped cheerfully, “I told you they don’t work. I don’t know why you keep trying to use them.”
“That’s enough humor for one day doctor,” Another of the security personnel grunted, tension coloring his voice, “Make a note that the silver handcuffs have no effect, we’ll have to try a different pair next time.”
“Alright, alright, I’m going, no need to cause a fuss.” The doctor huffs, his calm voice sounded only mildly harassed, due to the circumstances. He is jostled out of the interrogation room at gunpoint. He turns his head towards you, sounding apologetic.
“I’m so sorry my dear, for this abrupt change of plans. I also apologize for these men, the lot of them could do with a lesson in manners. . . I would see to it myself but I don’t suppose that would do me personally any favors. I shall see you anon, next week at the latest. If they allow me.”
You don’t respond, but rather watch him being led away. Your heart hammering in your throat, and only finding the energy to sob until you fell into a crumpled heap on your bed. You weren’t sure how close of a shave that could have been.
Due to the events of the last appointment, you were briefly taken off of doctor Caroigne’s appointed meetings. However, word leaked through the grapevine that the doctor hadn’t taken the news well. The whole right wing of the facility had gone on a code red lockdown as they had muscled his way past a squad of guards, sending one of them to the hospital with shattered ribs.
There were about three weeks of bated breath after the lockdown, when things were quiet and you hadn’t heard word of any one being reassigned to Caroigne. Then an envelope had been thrust into the small mail slot in your door, and your heart sank.
You had gone from being a nobody, happy to clean and do janitorial tasks. Avoiding high risk jobs, to now being an imperative piece in dealing with a high risk entity.
Bright lights beating down from above as you were acutely aware of your footsteps. Your breath sounded loud and unnatural in your ears. When the room came into view you saw Carroigne, no simple handcuffs with time, but a full body straight jacket, mingled with heavy metal chains that were also wrapped across their form.
“Y-y-you’ve been a bad birdie,” Your voice shook slightly as you whispered the words, sitting down at the table.
Caroigne’s chains shifted around them as they gave a bemused shrug, “Why, I would contest to this, but I fear, perhaps you are alright. Is the chap in the hospital doing alright? I could take a look at him,”
You shook your head, “He is alright, he is being looked after.”
“. . . How can you be so calm about this?”
“Should I not be?” The strange masked face tilts, “Perhaps I also should not overlook the fact that I am held here against my will.”
You feel your expression falling. “I. . . I don’t think I can do this, I’m s-sorry.” You had begun to get up, signaling to the guards that you wanted to conclude the session.
“Wait— Mon cher-“
Caroigne must have moved too quickly for the guards' liking. As the door opened and two guards stepped inside the space weapons raised.
You glance back before your eyes go wide. An inhuman noise comes from behind you. You are roughly pushed behind the guards. You let out a strained noise as a clawed hand shoots forward, a wrenching of strained metal and tearing fabric. The hand itself was scaly and ribbed like a birds, past that the skin was dark with veiny irregular skin. Keloid bumps are peppered up the arm and a small smattering of feathers like a molting bird.
“Stop, stop, STOP!” You realize you were the one screaming, voice high and frantic trying to push past the guards. As they opened fire upon Carriogne, his stance hunkering down to shed the cloth to ribbons and toss it aside. The next moment you were alone, the two guards in the room and the others that were trying to rush inside, had been knocked over like a set of bowling pins. You reacted by freezing, covering your face with your hands as a shadow looms over you.
You could hear more inhuman noises above you, a clicking sound making your ears ring. You let out a shuddering breath of air, keeping your hands pressed tightly to your face. Like the mentality of a child afraid of what lurked in the dark, if I don’t look, it can’t see me or can’t hurt me.
The softness of a glove caressed your cheek. Your knees buckling as you are coaxed against a velvety form.
Worker Update
Worker ID Number: 1779336
Previous Position: Janitor
New Position as of September 8th 2021: Interrogatee of entity 275
Status: Employee Terminated
Reason: Unknown Disappearance
!: Emergency Update as of August 6th 2023
Disappearance of entity 275, site wide lock down initiated.
Entity was last seen with employee 1779336, recovery of both Entity 275 and 1779336 is in progress. Any sightings of either should be immediately reported to C. Ivan Willowicke, head of security.
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inmate-24601-911 · 10 months
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Keep the line, inmates!
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
Jack... You are not okay, and you need to get out of that asylum before you convince yourself to do something horrible.
Searching for a "good cause" to let Renfield continue a food chain experiment that would logically end up at humans since we are the apex predator of all. Which would also mean that he would let Renfield consume another human regardless of the horrible implications of it...
Just because Seward is desperate to find a justification for his own working mental theories that are fueled by his dellusions of grand discoveries, and his depression over being rejected by Lucy.
Seward is drowning, and it seems that he would gladly swim deeper if it meant that he could find something.
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