sw5w · 8 months
[ All Hooting, Cheering ]
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:50
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ammitashton666 · 28 days
Have an explodin day :V
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U 2 :>
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spaced0lphin · 2 years
Gungan Cal Kestis
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I've always wanted to see the gungans taken more seriously. They're such a neat race that get totally overlooked because people don't like Jar Jar. I noticed in J:FO our sweet boy Cal never explicitly talks about being human, nor does anyone refer to him as such. So I thought, what if I modded him to be a gungan? One of the several problems I am facing is what to do with his haillu (that's the lore word for gungan ear fins.) To have them at standard length will cause a lot of clipping problems with BD-1 ingame. I might do them torn up and tied behind his head.
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mouthlessmaiden · 2 years
REQUEST: morpheus and reader reunite after a breakup to raise their son together
Y/N and Morpheus watched each other cautiously from across the Dreaming. 
"Y/N.." Morpheus said cautiously, watching you with eyes that twinkled like stars. 
"Morpheus..." you responded. 
"I did not think you would return to this place," the Dreamlord confessed.
“My could not help it...'tis not like my could stop dreaming, nosa?"
Morpheus conceded to this with a sedate nod of his head. “Indeed, but this is the very heart of the Dreaming. It is not often a dreamer makes their way to this place. It is a choice.”
“Looky, my didn’t mean to come hair. My was only missin’ yousa and da boy, okiday?”
“Truly, Y/N?”
The dream king seemed surprised. After all, it had been you who had fled from the Dreaming after so long together, after Orpheus had come to consider Y/N a parent in your own right. 
“My did! Mesa be missin’ da duey of yousa berry muchen! M….Mesa love yous!”
Morpheus could not help but smile then. The Dreaming, foggy and stormy and arid in turns since your departure, became fair. A soft breeze caused Y/N’s haillus to flap attractively in the wind. All was well. 
“Very well then, Y/N,” said Morpheus. “Let us go.”
And, hand in hand, you went. 
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dindjarindiaries · 3 years
I only got about 300 words out sadly on one cause people were like please no but I'll drop it here just cause (and ignore the terrible jar jar characterization I'd only just met him in clone wars)
Din doesn’t remember a gungan that looked quite as meshla as the one before him. . . The moment he had spotted the gungan his attention was on him and only him, Jar Jar. The way he spoke. . .the way his eyes glistened with excitement. . . Din thought about stroking those haillu as the gungan turned towards him.
“Meesa haven’t seena yous before!” Jar Jar said upon spotting Din. Outwardly the Mandalorian just dipped his helmet down in acknowledgement but on the inside Din’s heart was hammering, as loud in his ears as the hammer strikes of the armourer. “Meesa Jar Jar! Who’s yousa?”
“Mando.” Din replied and he was thankful for the voice modulator smoothing out the slight shake in his voice. He clasped his hands behind his back to keep away from the temptation on touching those haillu. They were so meshla. . . especially with the sun hitting them just right.
At first Din had despised getting dragged into a stupid meeting with representatives since it meant he knew no one there, but now he wasn’t regretting it one bit. If he got to admire such a beautiful gungan all night, he may just be able to wipe everything else out of his memory.
“Ah! Me Jar Jar! Yousa very shiny.” Din glanced around, not quite believing it was him Jar Jar was paying attention to. Not spotting anyone else that could really be described as shiny, Din decided to respond.
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swanandphoenixsong · 3 years
Original Characters from Jedi Scholar, Ch. 1-2 - Ao3
Summary:  Original Characters introduced in my Nouveau AU, will be updated when I feel the need to.
Chapter Summary: Beryl , Auggie , Jinasa , Sirrakatta & Tarrowar
[ages as of 5 ABY]
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Beryl Calwell, Given Name: Lorelai, age: 9 yrs old, Homeworld: Alderaan
Skin tone: sun-kissed/tanned skin, freckles
Ethnicity/Heritage: maternal family from Tatooine
spends freetime outside, gardening or otherwise, so skin is tanned
Eye color: yellow-green, beryl
Hair color: dark blonde, sandy, honey
Texture: wavy, can be more curly when drying
Shape/fitness: skinny and lanky adolescent, marginally athletic
Conditions: asthma, PTSD/Childhood trauma, depression and anxiety
Education/Intelligence: studious, quick-learner, well-taught
struggles with applying knowledge until it’s experienced
Personality: introverted, friendly, headstrong/resentful at times
selfless, self-deprecating, timid, empathetic
Interests: gardening, artwork, story-telling, adventuring
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Appearance for Beryl created in the Sims 4, digitally edited after for hair color
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Attendant Auggie Thorne, age: ~29 yrs old
Inspired by: Covert Affairs’ Christopher Gorham as August "Auggie" Anderson
As an attendant, wears a tunic suit, similar in style to Padme’s handmaiden robes
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Administrator Jinasa, Gungan female, age: ~56 yrs old, ties haillus (fin-like ears) back into ponytail
Sirrakatta, Wookiee mother, fled Kashyyyk during Imperial reign
Tarrowar, Wookiee son, does not remember much of Kashyyyk, brotherly toward Beryl
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kyberled · 4 years
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More Memories
@theshaark​ asked:
💡- A memory that comes with an object or keepsake they have
It had seemed like an eternity. Multiple eternities, even.
Yes, he knew that didn’t make sense, but he liked to think he was entitled to a bit of harmless nonsense every so often. Especially after this.
Countless exams. Endless essays and reports. Enough research to make his eyes ache. All for this.
“Almost there,” Hano mutters. Lohata elbows him in the side, but she’s the one who moves, not him. The Force dances with good-natured irritation and familiar amusement, swirling happily in oranges and blues and warmth enough that Braig can’t help a smile of his own.
“You have come so far, young ones.” Master Kiwan said. The aged Zabrak’s eyes creased in the corners when he smiled. “Many of you, I have had in my own classes over the years. It has always been my honor and pride to help shape you into the Jedi you are becoming. And for those of you I was not able to teach,” he folds his hands behind his back, “I trust that my colleagues within the Corps feel much the same.” Some of the other teachers nodded from their positions at the front of the room. Braig gave a slight shake of his head to clear away a bit of stray hair, straightening his posture. Master Kiwan let the sentiment hang for a moment before continuing.
“The time has finally arrived that you may all embark on your own journeys, outside of our classrooms. I cannot say where that will take you; it is not my place to decide. Only you can make that choice, and all the ones that come after. I can only hope that the Force guides you to be your best selves, and the lessons we of the Education Corps have passed on will help you along the way.” He glanced over his shoulder and nodded, and some of the other teachers stepped forwards, a few of them carefully picking through the red bands in their palms.
“Congratulations to you all.” Master Kiwan bowed, and the collection of padawans assembled before him did the same. “May the Force be with you.”
“May the Force be with you.” The padawans echoed. The teachers set about their task, one by one bestowing the students with the red band that would mark their graduation, adorning braids and beads and horns and more with practiced movements. An Iktotchi in tan robes stood before Braig, carefully wrapping the band under the white bead. He hadn’t had classes with her, but if he remembered right, he’d heard her called ‘Master Belwin’ before. She’d always seemed nice enough.
“Thank you, Master.” He said, and she smiled as she stepped back.
“Well done, Padawan.” She returned. They bowed, as did the other teachers and padawans as bands were affixed and rank was attained. The excitement in the room thrummed in the Force, barely contained and itching for freedom. It mingled with a pride that puffed itself up, a gilded sense of accomplishment. The air itself was giddy.
They’d done it.
Group by group, they were adorned and sent out, clasping hands and earning a few last well-wishes from the schoolmasters as they went on their way. Braig waited by the door, joined soon by the Twins.
“Finally.” Was the only thing they said, in their long-practiced unison. Braig only grinned in response. Hano came after, followed closely by Naweh. Naweh had a broad grin across her face, tinges of orange blooming on the edges of her scales, and Hano’s whiskers were twitching excitedly. The Force around them bubbled, and only intensified when Booda and Lohata emerged (walking as close as they could without drawing attention). Hano threw tree trunk arms around Braig and Booda, casually steering the group down the hall and glancing over his shoulder every few steps.
“Are we far enough?” Lohata asked, pulling her datapad out from the inner pocket of her robe.
“Yeah.” Garak shrugged, thumbs hooked into his sash.
“Freedom!” Hano exclaimed, punching the air with both fists. “We did it!”
“We did!” Booda chirped, bouncing as she clapped her hands together. “No more classes!”
“No more cellwork.” Braig grinned, pushing his hand through his hair.
“No more research projects.” Shah-Ki crossed her arms. “What do we do with all of this free time?” The entire group faltered in stride. Braig opened his mouth and closed it again without a word. Naweh frowned at the floor.
“More missions.” She shrugged, continuing down the hall. The others sighed collectively, then followed.
“Yeah. We’ll actually get free time when the war is over.” Lohata rolled her eyes.
“It has to be soon, though, doesn’t it?” Braig asked, tilting his head to the side. “I mean- The Republic’s scored a lot of decisive victories, lately, and I have a hard time believing that the Separatists aren’t as tired of fighting as we are. Not Dooku and Grievous and those, of course, but the reasonable ones. The Mina Bonteris, if you will.”
“I have a hard time believing every other Separatist is a Mina Boonteri, Braig.” Shah-Ki said.
“It doesn’t have to be all of them.” Braig set his eyes forward. “It just has to be enough.”
“Ever the optimist.” Garak commented, and Braig finally let himself smile again.
“I have to keep my sanity, somehow.”
“Oh, Sith spit.” Hano stopped suddenly, looking quite scandalized. “We’re supposed to be sane?!” He huffed and scratched the back of his head as he resumed walking. “I must’ve missed out on that memo.”
“Yeah,” Naweh grinned and nudged her shoulder against Braig’s. “A sane Jedi? Are we from the same Order?”
“Okay, okay.” Braig nudged back, the Force around the both of them buzzing with amusement.
“Well.” Hano stretched his arms over his head. “I don’t know about all of you, but I’m going to use the free time and freedom we have now to go take a nap.”
“Exciting.” Naweh and Shah-Ki chorused wryly.
“Oh, be nice!” Booda patted Hano’s arm. “You know he just got back from the Outer Rim.”
“Another successful hunt.” Hano sniffed. “As always. ... Anyway, after that, I think I’ll head to the third-floor gym, if anyone wants to join?”
“I will.” Braig said, just as Garak added, “I could do for some rounds, sure.”
“I’m headed to the archives.” Shah-Ki crossed her arms. “I want to see what I have access to, now.”
“Ooh, good idea.” Lohata nodded. “I’ll come too.”
“I’ve got to check in with my master.” Naweh  shrugged. “We’re supposed to be heading out in a few days, so it’ll probably just be a briefing, but. Whatever.”
“Me, too.” Booda brushed one of her haillu over her shoulder. “Well - not the briefing. But Nid asked me to see him once the graduation was over.”
“Meet for supper, though?” Braig asked, and was pleased to be answered with a series of affirmations. At least they had that much.
And years later, sitting on his bunk in the Remnant, the tired rogue would stare at the red band on the ‘bracelet’ around his wrist.
And he would wish beyond all hope that he could have that much again, even just once.
It would never come true, of course, but he could wish.
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hircyon · 6 years
Today, I have Gungan biology/physiology headcanons. These are...loose science at best. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gungans have no gag reflex. Like frogs, they can swallow anything whole, limited only by the size the esophagus can stretch (as demonstrated by Jar Jar swallowing a whole plum).
The haillu are used as thermal regulators. While they’re fairly rubbery, like the rest of Gungan skin, more surface area means more capillaries close to the skin, allowing easier heating and cooling of blood. This is especially important because Gungans are cold-blooded, and rely on a consistently warm, humid environment to thrive. They can survive for extended periods in relatively cold water, such as diving deeper into Lake Paonga, but it’s hard on the body.
To compensate for being much larger and more biologically complex than your average frog, they also have high performing metabolisms that allow them to stay warmer longer. Assuming an individual is warmed up and well fed, their metabolism can run independent of their body temperature to prevent them from falling into a stupor at lower temperatures. This takes a significant amount of energy, so it’s not sustainable if they’re going to be in inclement conditions for more than a few hours. They can function in moderate climates just fine.
Because their metabolic energy needs are so high, Gungans thrive on a high-protein diet that includes fish, meat, eggs, and insects. They are still omnivores and cultivate vegetables, fruit, and certain grains.
In their home climate, they rarely fall below a functional body temp. They prefer heated pools to basking traditionally, but they do have specially treated plasma globes for heating, as well.
They are too biologically complex to enter hibernation. If a Gungan freezes, it dies. They don’t have the high glucose levels that would allow a real world frog to survive partial freezing.
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vuisburning · 6 years
Carmng is a good person who cares about her friends and answers their calls when they need her and im proud of her 💕 사랑합니다 _Haillu
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sw5w · 8 months
Tarpals to the Rescue
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:58:12
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sw5w · 8 months
Jar Jar Holds on to the Cannon
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:58:02
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sw5w · 8 months
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:57:19
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sw5w · 8 months
Jar Jar Swings
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:50:01
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sw5w · 8 months
Come On, R2
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:36:46
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sw5w · 11 months
We Must Survive On Our Own
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:41:13
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sw5w · 1 year
Theed from the Bongo
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:21:26
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