#Lake Paonga
sw5w · 1 year
Breaching the Solleu
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:21:23
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spell-cleaver · 1 year
Veeeery belated post for Chapter 28!
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The Protégé Chapter 28: The Broken Communication
Luke and Vader do some training. Sabé gets herself in over her head - again.
"Imagine something impregnable. Something with hard, impassable walls. Your mind is that."
At first, the image conjured up rhetoric about what the Theed Royal Palace was meant to be like, especially during Veruna's harsher years, but he dismissed that. The attacks he had helped facilitate there proved it was not—not anymore. Even the paths nearby were open to the public.
But the paths through the planet core were far less passable.
He imagined those. Once or twice, he'd been part of a diving team in Lake Paonga and swum down to the Gungan settlement at the bottom. A few more times, he'd gone in a bongo during meetings and talks with Gungan representatives. An unexpected attack by a sando aqua monster had sent their guide scurrying through the tunnels, where light was scarce, save for the locap plants fixing plasma in their roots. Hundreds of explorers died every year. Not even the Gungans knew what was in the depths of the planet core.
He thought about that: the beautiful fields, swamps, and lakes of Naboo, with beautiful cities and wildlife just below the surface. And in opposition, the dark, dangerous, unknown core.
He thought about the caves in the mesas and rocks of Tatooine as well, the rumours that there was water locked deep beneath rock and sand. The Tuskens had never managed to reach it. The human settlers never would. A harsh surface, with gentle life blooming far below where anyone could reach.
In the end, he had no idea what his shields must look like. All he latched onto was that idea: what you see is not the truth. It never can be. There is beauty and strangeness beneath.
Read the rest on AO3 or on FFN!
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nabooro · 2 years
Somebody (me, it's me) forgot to mark Naboo's canon cities on the map and really doesn't want to rearrange things to put more labels in on this day:
Note: some of these are no longer Canon or just in Legends or... whatever. They're all there though maybe not where they're said to be on Wookieepedia. It's fine.
Chafala - Central Danank
Dee'ja Peak - in the valleys of the mountains in Shisén, roughly between Bisemb and Jémid
Ferentina - north Arind
Harte Secur - west coast of Halân
Kaadara - north coast of Danank, not too far from Theed
Keren - the city on the map in Deetân currently named Cankab. I will amend that later
Kwilaan - south Nirerd
Moenia - central Arind, maybe a large-ish city at the base of the hills
New Centrif - Halân
Oxon City - central Danank
Parrlay - Halân
Pontel - Arind
Port Landien - Arind
Selton - somewhere in Deetân
Spinnaker - north-west Danank
Vis - Halân
Gungan cities:
Jan-Gwa City: Northern Ojian
Otoh Gunga: Lake Paonga, north of Theed
Otoh Jahai: Central Ojian
Otoh Langua: South Nirerd
Otoh Mandassa: Danank
Otoh Raban: Arind
Otoh Sancture: North Deetân
Otoh Urs: the only Gungan city on Halân
Rellias: Off the west coast of Nirerd
Shoril: Shisén
Spearhead: Danank
Umberbool City: North Arind
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mvndrvke · 1 year
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@alootus said : ❛ with time, you can get used to anything. ❜ / for seril !
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"I've never been good at patience," Seril admits. It's a thing that Padme knows about her-- she's a person of action, even if she's calm on the outside. Like Lake Paonga, there's a whole world going on just below the surface. "Queen Jamillia is a wise and just successor to the throne. I am proud to serve as a handmaiden to her, but...." She sighs. "I wish to rejoin your retinue. My loyalty has always been to you, not the monarch of Naboo. I would be honored if you would allow me to continue to serve you in your role as senator."
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africare8 · 1 year
Star Wars - Otoh Gunga
Otoh Gunga, also known as simply Gungan City or Gunga City, was a Gungan city located beneath the surface of Lake Paonga on the planet of Naboo. It was originally built by the Gungans in order to avoid contact with their surface-dwelling Naboo neighbors.
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Gungans were an amphibious sentient species and the indigenous inhabitants of the planet Naboo. The various different Gungan races could live on both water and land, but often made their home in underwater cities such as Otoh Gunga. Physically, Gungans were tall humanoids with a flexible structure, strong leg muscles, strong bills, muscular tongues, and many other traits designed for living in the waters of Naboo.
I really like the design of Otoh Gunga, it has little bubble like structures filled with air, so although they’re all underwater all their homes and building are just air pockets under Lake Paonga.
For my project I’m thinking some people would be more aquatic then others, so I’d say most can breathe underwater but some will only be able to hold their breath for a very long time. so I think any underwater city in my project would be a mix of underwater buildings and air pocket buildings. All the important buildings would have to have air pockets so that everyone can go there but things like homes or specific things to that underwater group would just be underwater. 
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lady-of-the-lotus · 3 years
WHASTA DAT TONGUE DO?: Jiang Cheng x Jar Jar Wedding Night
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There are some stories the world needs told.
This is not one of those stories.
Here it is anyway.
Jar Jar removes his inner robe, and Jiang Cheng inhales sharply.
He’s beautiful.
Every inch of the tall, stately Gungan is pure perfection.
Jarcheng - E - Read on AO3!!! 1st Fic - 1st Fic podfic
* * * * * NSFW * * * * *
The sun sinks beneath the distant mountains, painting the sky with a riot of pink and gold as the river settles in for the night.
The moon rises slowly as the sky darkens. The brilliant silver disc fills the star-studded sky, faintly illuminating the room with silver radiance and infusing everything it touches with a sense of peace.
A night bird hoots in the distance.
The breeze rustles through the treetops.
Lying in bed, Jiang Cheng closes his eyes, savoring the stillness even as his heart pounds in delicious anticipation.
“HEYO! MEESA SHU JIANGA CHENGI! DID YOUSA MISS MEESA?” Jar Jar Binks stands in the doorway of the bridal suite, arms filled with wildflowers. “LOOKY WHAT MEESA BROUGHT MEESA BOOTIFUL HUBBY!”
He locks the door and strides across the room to where Jiang Cheng is lying in bed. As always while watching his husband, Jiang Cheng is struck by the Gungan’s effortless grace, by the grandeur of his noble bearing, by the majestic flapping of his vast ears as his entire body bobs up and down like a tall, handsome stork.
“Thank you, A-Jar.” Jiang Cheng accepts the bouquet with a bashful smile, marveling again at what a captivating creature his husband is. He buries his face in the flowers, inhaling their sweet aroma. “They’re very beautiful.” Almost as beautiful as you are, he wants to add, but he’s still shy about saying things like that. Instead, he plucks a flower from the bouquet and tucks it under one of Jar Jar’s impressively fan-like ears.
Jar Jar giggles, coyly batting his bulbous yellow eyes. “OH, JIANGA CHENGI, YOUSA SO CUTE! LIKE DHA ITTY-BITTY FROGS IN LAKE PAONGA!” Leaning forward, he kisses Jiang Cheng, the tip of his long pink tongue just brushing Jiang Cheng’s.
A sudden rush of heat turns Jiang Cheng’s body into a blazing inferno of desire.
“Are you ready, A-Jar?” he asks, almost pants.
Dha Gungan way. Jiang Cheng shivers with anticipation at the words. Dha Gungan way…
With teasing slowness, Jar Jar removes his red and gold wedding robes, one layer at a time. Jiang Cheng is in an agony of suspense as he watches, arousal burgeoning with greater and greater urgency as each layer reveals another enticing glimpse of moist orange skin.
“Faster!” Jiang Cheng begs. “Please!”
“WELL EXSQUEEZE MEESA!” Jar Jar wags a playful finger at him. “HOW WUDE! JUST FOR DAT, MEESA’LL GOS SLOWER!”
Jiang Cheng groans to himself, his mouth suddenly dry. He’s been waiting for this moment for months.
Months of anticipation, of fantasizing, of dreaming of the moment when A-Jar would fully be his—
Jar Jar removes his inner robe, and Jiang Cheng inhales sharply.
He’s beautiful.
Every inch of the tall, stately Gungan is pure perfection.
His narrow shoulders.
His muscular orange legs with their thick, meaty ankles.
The saggy yellow-white skin on his chest and inner thighs.
The blue nails of his saucer-like feet.
His buttocks, like two large, firm oranges wedged tightly together.
The meaty flesh dangling between his legs, like an awe-inspiring carrot.
He’s truly breathtaking.
Jiang Cheng only hopes he can live up to Jar Jar’s expectations in return.
Trying to hide his shyness, Jiang Cheng pulls invitingly at the bedcovers beside him.
Jiang Cheng reaches out and traces Jar Jar’s delicately-ridged neck with his finger, trailing his fingertips up over Jar Jar’s delicately curved throat and along his jaw.
Jar Jar trembles with pleasure as Jiang Cheng touches his ear.
“You like that, A-Jar?” Jiang Cheng whispers.
“MEESA LIKEN DAT BERRY MUI! A GUNGAN’S EARS ARE BOMBAD SENSITIVE!” As if unable to contain himself any longer, Jar Jar rips Jiang Cheng’s inner robe off, tearing the delicate red silk. He slides his large orange hand over Jiang Cheng’s chest, and Jiang Cheng swallows hard at the feel of the cool, clammy skin, at the sight of the beautiful blue nails against his own pale skin. “DO IT AGAIN, MEESA SHU!”
Jiang Cheng slips a hand around Jar Jar’s long narrow face and licks his ear.
Paying back Jar Jar’s excruciating slowness in undressing, Jiang Cheng slowly runs his tongue along the length of Jar Jar’s ear, relishing how scaly the skin feels, the batwing-like ridges, the moans of pleasure Jar Jar releases with each teasing swipe.
Jiang Cheng’s own pleasure pump rises higher and higher with each toe-curling moan, until it stands tall and straight like the mast of a proud ship ready to set sail.
Jar Jar, ever attentive to his husband, notices right away.
“OHO, MOOLE MOOLE! LOOKY LIKE LITTLE JIANGA CHENGI IS COM OUT TO PLAY WITH MEESA PADDLEWOMPER!” He grins at Jiang Cheng, the moonlight glinting off his tombstone-like teeth and making his yellow eyes shine like opals. “MEBBE NOT SO LITTLE, HUR HUR! DHA THIRD PRIDE OF YUNMENG, INDEEDY!"
"You're not too bad yourself," Jiang Cheng mumbles, blushing.
Jiang Cheng nods, blushing harder, and Jar Jar’s tongue shoots out, wrapping itself around the Third Pride of Yunmeng.
Jiang Cheng gasps as Jar Jar’s thick, pliant tongue wraps itself around the most sensitive part of him, the slippery wetness squeezing tighter and tighter, jerking up and down until he comes with a cry. As he comes, every inch of his body alight with pleasure, he reflexively bites down on Jar Jar’s thick, rubbery ear.
Jar Jar releases a long, resonant, and utterly titillating honking noise.
As soon as Jiang Cheng is spent, spluttering out onto A-Jar’s tongue, he starts to apologize, only to be stopped when something sticky squirts up at him.
Jar Jar’s cum is thick and yellow, with a fragment smell reminiscent of delicately-rotting fish. The precious fluid is splattered over Jiang Cheng’s face, dripping from his upper lip and into his mouth. Jiang Cheng licks his lips, trying to catch as much of the delicious liquid as possible.
“OHO MEESA SHU, MEESA BOMBAD SHAMED! MEESA DIDN’T MEAN FOR DAT TO BE HAPPENEN!” Jar Jar looks down at himself, eyes wide. “ITSA JUST BEEN A LONGO TIME, THAT'S ALL!” The sweet fishy liquid is still dribbling down A-Jar’s glorious “Paddlewomper,” and, seized by a sudden fit of desire even greater than the fiery passion he’d already burned with, Jiang Cheng leans down and licks Paddlewomper’s long orange side, then slides the enormous girth into his mouth and sucks hard, straining to extract every last drop of the delectable liquid from the hot slick tube of erotic delights.
Jiang Cheng raises his head. His cheeks are pink, eyes hot. “I feel—I feel—” He pounces on Jar Jar, peppering his face with kisses as he grinds his groin into the ravishing Gungan’s shapely leg. “What is this, A-Jar? What’s happening to me?”
Jiang Cheng’s response comes in the form of a whimpering moan. “A-Jar—A-Jar—I need more, A-Jar—I need more—”
In a flash, Jiang Cheng is flipped over onto his stomach. Jar Jar’s strong hands raise him up onto all fours, one hand around the Third Pride of Yunmeng, his other hand firmly around Jiang Cheng’s chest, holding him in place. A squelching sound, and one of Jar Jar’s thick fingers enters Jiang Cheng’s love canal, preparing him for the entrance of Jar Jar’s meaty paddlewomper.
Jiang Cheng grips the silken bed sheets as Jar Jar’s thick finger grazes the pleasure pod nestled deep within his secret place. “A-Jar—oh, A-Jar—“
Jar Jar’s paddlewomper enters him with a single quick thrust, stretching Jiang Cheng around its enormous girth. Jiang Cheng cries out at the delightful intrusion, spreading his legs slightly to allow his husband's powerful Gunganhood to enter him more fully. Jar Jar thrusts forward, sliding his thick paddlewhomper in and out of Jiang Cheng, faster and faster as the flame of their fiery passion grows into an erotic inferno of desire.
Desperate for more friction, Jiang Cheng rocks his hips, grinding down into Jar Jar's hand. “Harder, A-Jar, harder—”
Jiang Cheng is cut off by a hot slick something sliding inside his open mouth, filling his throat with wet, slippery heat.
A-Jar’s tongue. A-Jar’s muscular, alluringly prehensile tongue, pink as a lotus flower, warm as honey on a summer day, wet as the morning grasses bejeweled with warm dew.
Jiang Cheng almost comes on the spot.
Frenzied with desire, Jar Jar thrusts into Jiang Cheng from both ends, the sloppy wet sounds of their lovemaking filling the room like a symphony dedicated to their passion. Jiang Cheng moans around Jar Jar’s mouth-filling tongue as Jar Jar's paddlewhomper plunges deeper and deeper into the very core of his being, activating the tender love button throbbing hotly in his depths.
Jar Jar spills himself inside Jiang Cheng, marking the innermost recesses of Jiang Cheng’s being with proof of his passion. At the feel of the wet heat inside him, Jiang Cheng comes too, his erotic instrument shuddering desperately in Jar Jar’s hand and spurting its liquidy cargo over the red silk sheets.
Jar Jar pulls free of Jiang Cheng with a loud wet pop.
“ARE YOUSA OKEY-DOKEY, MEESA SHU?” He peers down into Jiang Cheng’s flushed face. A-Jar’s beautiful yellow eyes are bright, his orange face dark with pleasure and exertion. He is the very symbol of virility, radiating potency and strength. “YOUSA NEEDEN MORE LOTUS SEED OIL OR ISA MEESA SQUEEZLE ENUFF?”
“More?” Jiang Cheng gasps.
“IF YOUSA’RE UP FOR MORE SPLISHY-SPLASHY, MEESA IS TOO!” Jar Jar glances down at his husband. Little Jiang Cheng is already back in firing position, the Gungan aphrodisiac pumping through its master's veins. “Paddlewomper” is standing up too, glistening enticingly in the moonlight and casting a long shadow on the wall.
“Yes, please, please, anything you want—"
“JUST SPAKE ‘DOPWOPEE’ IF YOUSA NOSA LIKEN, OKEEDAY, AND MEESA BE STOPPEN!” And Jar Jar’s tongue shoots out, wrapping itself around Jiang Cheng’s hands and binding his wrists to the bedframe above his head. “YOUSHA LIKEN DISH, MEESHA SHU?” Jar Jar asks around his stretched tongue. "ISHA OKEY-DOKEY?"
“Yes, yes, please—”
“AHA, MEESHA ITTY-BITTY LOTUSH FLOWER ISHA EAGER! MEESHA LIKEN TO SHEE IT!” With a coquettish toss of his ears, Jar Jar raises one of Jiang Cheng’s legs onto his shoulder and, coating his magnificent paddlewomper with more fragrant lotus seed oil, thrusts deep inside his husband with a juicy squelching sound.
Back arching, Jiang Cheng strains at his slippery pink bonds. “Don’t stop, A-Jar, never stop—”
It’s almost dawn before either of them are satisfied. The bed broke somewhere between their fifth and sixth rounds, and now they lie in the sticky tangle of sheets on the floor, hand in hand.
“YOUSA HAPPY, MEESA SHU?” Jar Jar asks Jiang Cheng, smoothing his sweaty hair away from his face. “ALL BEING GOOD? NOSA OUCHIES?”
Jiang Cheng laughs. His throat is sore from hours of screaming in the throes of carnal ecstasy, his feet are cramping from all the toe-curling, his back hurts from when the bed collapsed, he’s dehydrated, chafed inside and out, and limp as a wet rag, but despite that he’s filled with a sense of bone-deep peace.
“Nosa ouchies, A-Jar,” he says.
And there never will be, not ever again. Not ones that truly matter.
Not so long as he has A-Jar beside him.
Snuggling up against his husband, Jiang Cheng falls asleep.
* * * *
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galacticshq · 3 years
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NABOO was a bountiful planet in the chommell sector of the mid rim, close to the border of the outer rim territories. it is home to the gungan species and to a population of humans known as the naboo. naboo was pushed to the forefront of galactic politics as the birthplace of the dark lord of the sith sheev palpatine, who served as its representative in the senate of the galactic republic. it is also known for being a planet of artists, though exports many ship-building materials. it is believed to represent the best of the old republic.
naboo is currently a member of the new republic.
THEED is the capital city of the naboo, and home to the royal house of naboo's palace. other points of interests included the palace courtyard, the power generator, and the headquarters of both the royal naboo security forces and the naboo royal space fighter corps. theed also houses several renowned universities. virtually a floating city, theed is nested on the banks of the mighty solleu river, located on the rich, green grass plains.
THE THEED ROYAL PALACE is set into a cliffside above waterfalls and serves as the home of the planet’s monarch as well as its central government area, which is situated on the palace plaza. briefly in 32bby, it was taken over by the viceroy of the trade federation, nute gunray. it was also the site of the legendary jedi, qui gon jinn’s final fight against the sith darth maul.
THE GALLO MOUNTAINS are a large mountain chain on naboo containing various areas of reverence for the native gungans. alongside those places it also contains dee’ja peak, a city settled into the peak of the point with panoramic views of the land below. the city was known for the gorgeous views, large waterfalls, and the way it allowed people to disappear for relaxing.
LAKE COUNTRY is known by many for being the most isolated area on naboo with areas dedicated to farmland to help support the planet's agriculture alongside having great lakes. most lakes within the area had false bottoms to prevent the large creatures from the planet's watery depths from coming to the areas above.
LAKE PAONGA held the largest city for the native species to naboo, the gungans. beneath the surface lay otoh gunga, also known as gunga city, the largest of their settlements as well as where their central governmental powers tended to lay.
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mtg-realm · 6 years
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Magic the Gathering - Wet Dominaria
Hinterland Harbor, art by Daniel Ljunggren "Our ancestors brought down a Phyrexian portal ship, then built our town on its hull. We're pretty proud of that." —Alene of Riverspan
Island 3 (255/269), art by Dimitar Marinski
It appears that Hinterland Harbor is a scene of the Town or Riverspan, and the span is that of a re-purporsed Phyrexian portal ship.  These ships may be seen lurking in the back ground of such cards like Distorting Wake and Disrupt (Invasion Cycle).  As for the Dimitar Island art, it looks like several Merfolk (not the bi-pedal ones) swimming toward a underwater city.  I like to imagine this being something similar to Otoh Gunga, the Gungan city beneath Lake Paonga on the world of Naboo. 
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Lake Paonga
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hircyon · 6 years
Today, I have Gungan biology/physiology headcanons. These are...loose science at best. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gungans have no gag reflex. Like frogs, they can swallow anything whole, limited only by the size the esophagus can stretch (as demonstrated by Jar Jar swallowing a whole plum).
The haillu are used as thermal regulators. While they’re fairly rubbery, like the rest of Gungan skin, more surface area means more capillaries close to the skin, allowing easier heating and cooling of blood. This is especially important because Gungans are cold-blooded, and rely on a consistently warm, humid environment to thrive. They can survive for extended periods in relatively cold water, such as diving deeper into Lake Paonga, but it’s hard on the body.
To compensate for being much larger and more biologically complex than your average frog, they also have high performing metabolisms that allow them to stay warmer longer. Assuming an individual is warmed up and well fed, their metabolism can run independent of their body temperature to prevent them from falling into a stupor at lower temperatures. This takes a significant amount of energy, so it’s not sustainable if they’re going to be in inclement conditions for more than a few hours. They can function in moderate climates just fine.
Because their metabolic energy needs are so high, Gungans thrive on a high-protein diet that includes fish, meat, eggs, and insects. They are still omnivores and cultivate vegetables, fruit, and certain grains.
In their home climate, they rarely fall below a functional body temp. They prefer heated pools to basking traditionally, but they do have specially treated plasma globes for heating, as well.
They are too biologically complex to enter hibernation. If a Gungan freezes, it dies. They don’t have the high glucose levels that would allow a real world frog to survive partial freezing.
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vcrp · 4 years
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Here’s another update! We’re excited to introduce the setting, the places that are going to be the focal points of our game. This is rather long, so everything is going under the cut. You are more than welcome to ask questions about the locations, and we’ll answer them to the best of our ability. Depending on how the information is received, we’ll expand or condense the information accordingly.
Hutta Town was the capital of the ecumenopolis moon Nar Shaddaa. It consisted of huge tower blocks that thrust up into the brown polluted air of the moon, with every available space between the structures filled with teetering shanty towns known as skyslums. The area was entirely illuminated by neon signs and holo-displays, with transports filling the skies, not restricted to docking areas or by any form of engine emissions control.
Garbage barges moved between the different buildings collecting the waste of those who hired their services. These customers were unconcerned with the fact that the barges were often overflowing with dianoga-infested waste that fell onto others, caring only that they did not have to deal with the waste any longer. It was controlled by Grakkus, a Hutt crime lord.
Located on the planet of the same name, Nevarro City was once nothing but full of criminals and bounty hunters alike. As a port for more underground dealings, the city saw many black market and trade through their streets. It was always abuzz in Nevarro City, until the Imperial remnant chose to take over. A Mandalorian covert used to be under the streets in the sewer system, but it has since been cleaned out with no Mandalorians remaining.
When the Bounty Hunter's Guild operated out of Nevarro City, they were based in a cantina just off the main thoroughfare. After the Imperial occupation and the subsequent dissolution of the Bounty Hunter's Guild on Nevarro, the cantina was converted into a school. Families and more upstanding folk came to live on Nevarro, and the rest of the city followed. One thing that remained the same were the Twi'lek healing baths, where anyone can go to relax.
The city was a large spaceport on the planet Tatooine. It was located on the Great Mesra Plateau, north of Anchorhead, and southeast of the Jundland Wastes. The spaceport, while lacking a primary landing facility, contained 362 hangars in which arrivals could berth. While one of the largest cities on Tatooine, the city itself has all manner of background. This includes cantinas for the rich, the poor, the criminal; and other underground places allow the criminal element to flourish.
As with many big cities, Mos Eisley boasts a considerable amount of trade, with the markets sprawling in every which direction. It's easy for one to get lost in the intricate network that is Mos Eisley's streets. Fortunately, there are plenty of people who are willing to help. Most will point you in the right direction, despite their misgivings about one another.
One of the few port cities on the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine, Mos Espa filled with dwellings, workplaces, and commercial operations of many kinds, along with entertainment venues, some of which were grandiose in size. The Mos Espa Grand Arena, home to the Boonta Eve Classic podrace, could seat an audience numbering almost as many as the city's entire population. Because the Hutts controlled Mos Espa and found the institution of slavery to be very useful, slaves were often traded within the city.
The city of Theed was located on the rich, green grass plains of Naboo, to the planet's north where several other larger cities resided. It was found forty kilometers from the Great Grass Plains. Virtually a floating city, Theed nested on the banks of the mighty Solleu River, which led into a network of underwaterways, tributaries, and caves created by the unstable plasma energy in the planet's core, and ultimately to areas such as Lake Paonga and the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga. The city was also built over a vast plasma source located beneath the cliff edge, which, when mined by the Naboo, provided Theed with more energy than it required.
Theed was a cultured city with elegant architecture and a unified, harmonious style borne from rebuilding after a troubled ancient past. Its domed buildings maintained a handcrafted aesthetic, although areas such as the sleek and mechanistic Theed power generator, a popular city attraction hosting regular tours, stood in stark contrast to this style.
Built from the remains of the second Death Star, Alderaan Station is still currently under construction. Using debris from the planet that was destroyed by the Death Star, the remainder of the Alderaan people have flocked together to build this new home. Right now the functional capabilities are questionable, as only the main thoroughfare and the attached housing modules are completed. Trade has continued with Alderaan, however, as they trade out the remainder of planet material they can't themselves use.
Over time, it's expected for Alderaan Station to become a major focal point of trade, and to eventually grow into something bigger than a simple space station where a scattered people live.
Known for its ace pilots and large starships, Corellia was a planet located in the galaxy's Core Worlds. Vessels such as the Millennium Falcon and Imperial starships were built on Corellia. It had a temperate climate and was covered in forests, jungles, and urban centers. One major city was Coronet City (also the planet's capital), which was home to shipyards used to build TIE fighters and Star Destroyers for the Galactic Empire.
The planet became known through the galaxy for the Corellian people's wanderlust and its massive shipyards. The once influential world gained a reputation as a polluted planet with extensive poverty and crime. With its importance in galactic affairs reduced, Corellia was nonetheless recognized for its historic significance.
Also known as Imperial Center during the rule of the Galactic Empire, was an ecumenopolis—a city-covered planet, collectively known as Galactic City— in the Coruscant system of the Core Worlds. Though debated by historians, it was generally believed that Coruscant was the original homeworld of humanity. Noted for its cosmopolitan culture and towering skyscrapers, Coruscant's population consisted of approximately one trillion citizens hailing from a vast array of both humanoid and alien species. In addition, Coruscant's strategic location at the end of several major trade routes enabled it to grow in power and influence, causing the city-planet to surpass its early rivals and become the hub of galactic culture, education, finance, fine arts, politics and technology.
Coruscant's surface was defined by its urban sprawl, which collectively was called Galactic City. As a hustling, bustling planet-wide city with an underworld full of dark alleys and an abundance of people, Coruscant provided the ideal conditions for a sneak thief to prosper, especially targeting tourists from quieter planets. Galactic City was divided into sectors named by designated coordinates. Some sectors also had unofficial names. Sector H-46 was unofficially named Sah'c Town. Sectors were further divided into zones, with zones determined by purpose, such as financial, senatorial, or industrial zones.
Hosnian Prime was a cosmopolitan ecumenopolis located in the Hosnian system, on the edge of the galaxy's Core Worlds. Unlike Coruscant, Hosnian Prime is renowned for its peaceful inhabitants. While there is still some crime at the lower levels of the planet, the upper areas are richer, connected by various walkways and super pedestrian passages that allow people to traverse from one business to another. It's here the New Republic is starting to build the first Senate of their government, accumulating political figures from all planets that will join. Hosnian Prime will only be the first of the planets the Senate will travel to.
Aside from the political backbone of the planet, Hosnian Prime also boasts intelligent and creative innovators. Always finding new ways to build starships, ground vehicles, and more in an industrial age they've been in for a long time. Fortunately, they also have their economic prowess, with trade being one of their main focuses as they are along the Corellian Trade Route.
A planet in the Bastatha system of the Inner Rim, the planet is independent from the New Republic. It has become a haven for organized crime, and the Kajain'sa'Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di ran his cartel on the planet. Bastatha's surface was superheated by its red giant star, forcing all life on the planet, except for some bacteria, to live in underground caverns and tunnels. These tunnels network for thousands of miles, allowing people to live and thrive despite the harsh conditions.
The criminal element hasn't put off those looking for more black market trade. Merchants can find anyone and everyone to sell their wares to, which has allowed the planet to gain some economic standing in the Inner Rim despite its background for being a criminal haven.
A remote desert planet located in the system of the same name, it is within the Western Reaches of the galaxy's Inner Rim. Though considered by many within the galaxy to be distant and relatively worthless, Jakku was the site of important events that would shape galactic history. In 5 ABY, Jakku was the site of the pivotal Battle of Jakku, which ended the Galactic Civil War in favor of the New Republic.
Jakku was once a verdant world with forests and water, but some past calamity turned it into a barren globe of scorched badlands and marching dunes. It hosted the Wheel Races in the north and mining operations dotted the planet. Buttes were located in the south in which lichen could be scraped off of to create the alcoholic beverage Knockback Nectar. One could become an Anchorite if certain vows were taken, while scavengers often used luggabeasts to carry supplies across the desert.
Also known as the Pilgrim Moon, or as the Cold Moon, it was a small desert moon which orbited the planet NaJedha. Located in the Jedha system of the galaxy's Mid Rim, the moon had a cold climate due to its lasting winter. The historical and spiritual significance of Jedha led the moon to become a world of worship for those who believed in the Force, and a holy site for pilgrims who sought spiritual guidance.
Sometime before the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire occupied the moon to control its kyber crystal resources that were once used by the Jedi Order as components for their lightsabers. The occupation later provoked an insurgency to oppose the Imperial tyranny, coordinated by the rebel extremist Saw Gerrera. Sometime after the Empire abandoned Jedha, and after the destruction of its main holy city, the moon was hardly visited by those seeking peace and meditation. Finally, the population began to grow, and on another part of the moon where kyber crystals had been plenty, a new religious settlement was founded, continuing the traditions the major city had before.
A bountiful planet in the Chommell sector of the Mid Rim, close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories, it was home to the Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo. Naboo was pushed to the forefront of galactic politics as the birthplace of the Dark Lord of the Sith Sheev Palpatine, who served as its representative in the Senate of the Galactic Republic, and later went on to become the Emperor of the Galactic Empire.
Naboo's surface comprised a vast array of different landscapes, from rolling plains and grassy hills to swampy lakes caused by the water-filled network of deep-sea tunnels. The swamps acted as a gateway to the world's seas, where legendary creatures dwelt. Besides its natural features, Naboo was considered a world of classical beauty due to the aesthetics of its population centers. The porous crust's natural plasma was harvested for energy and building material, and was generally thought to be the key to many of the planet's secrets.
Referred to simply as Kafrene, it was a mining colony and deep-space trading post in the Kafrene asteroid belt of the Thand sector. The Ring of Kafrene was a monumental construction which served as both a mining colony and a deep-space trading post. Its structures, made from durasteel and plastoid, were slung between a pair of malformed planetoids in the Kafrene asteroid belt. Areas such as its aft docking bay were covered in lurid, phosphorescent graffiti. Roads led out from the docking bays towards the distant rock warrens of the planetoids, and the outpost itself was a labyrinthine sprawl of shacks, prefabricated housing, and countless maze-like corridors.
Although there was some structure to the buildings around the main throughways, beyond these areas the layout of the Ring changed almost daily; shacks were made of sheet metal, and shelters utilized housing units recycled from foreign colonies. Alien housing complexes and tenements featured ventilation shafts that sent wafts of ammonia into the streets.
A volcanic planet located in a sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Nevarro was home to a number of various individuals, including the Bounty Hunters' Guild, who were based out of a cantina on the planet. During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire controlled Nevarro, though they lost control of the planet after the end of the Galactic Civil War. Despite the turmoil it's had in recent times, Nevarro has become a hub of trade and economics, with new upstanding citizens and mining operations coming to the planet to have a slice of a world not completely settled.
A planet in the Ryloth system of the Outer Rim Territories, and the homeworld of the Twi'lek species, its terrain varied, filled with jungles, mesas, valleys, and volcanoes, and had an atmosphere breathable for Twi'leks and humans alike. A forest covered its equator, filled with dangerous predators. Given the varied and dangerous terrain, Twi'leks lived in caves underground where it was safer. Ryloth was a hot, humid world and a hot bed of life. Its surface included regions of desert such as the Jixuan desert, rocky dustbowls, patches of dense jungle big enough to be visible from orbit, and mesas. A portion of the planet some distance from the Jixuan desert acted as breeding grounds for the gutkurr species.
Ryloth was an important world due to the fact that it was the homeworld of the influential Twi'lek species. For centuries, the planet and its people were exploited by the Hutts and their criminal enterprises as the world served as a key world for the spice trade where slave labor was used to produce goods. On Ryloth, it was possible to find all manner of crime, though most of it was organized into the spice and slave trades. Most come to Ryloth for a less than savory reason, but there are some areas that can be navigated without having to worry about being attached.
Ryloth's economy and independence came under threat from the Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di's cartel, which had become a major spice dealer and smuggling group. Rinnrivin's cartel exacted a heavy toll on Ryloth's offworld shipping due to sporadically-enforced New Republic financial regulations, infrequent patrols of the shipping lanes, and rampant bickering within the Galactic Senate.
Sriluur was a desert planet located in the Hutt Space region of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of the Weequays, a species whose tough, leathery skin helped them endure its harsh conditions, and the Sriluurian butterfly. Sriluur was conquered by the Hutt Cartel, which was controlled by the Hutts from the neighboring world of Nal Hutta, who turned the Weequays into slaves or vassals. The pirate Hondo Ohnaka, leader of the Ohnaka Gang, was a male Weequay from this world. Now known as a notorious criminal world, Sriluur was a place of haven for those that were less than fortunate, and those who thrived in the crime element.
A sparsely inhabited circumbinary desert planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, it was the homeworld of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, who would go on to shape galactic history. Part of a binary star system, the planet was oppressed by scorching suns, resulting in the world lacking the necessary surface water to sustain large populations. As a result, many residents of the planet instead drew water from the atmosphere via moisture farms. The planet also had no natural surface vegetation.
The planet itself is home to a variety of species, mostly clustered in the city centers such as Mos Eisley and Mos Espa. Bounty hunters come to Tatooine as many bounties try to hide out in the sands, the dunes a good cover if one can survive the harsh conditions and the Tusken Raiders.
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sw5w · 1 year
We Could Use a Transport
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:15:44
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theworldhopper · 8 years
The Fall
AN: A NozoEli Star Wars AU that I wrote months back. Caution: You will be hurt...emotionally...but probably in the same magnitude Anakin felt when Obi-wan cut his arm and legs off...-.-
P.S. @sea-birdie, I think you’d like this...lol...:P
That was all Nozomi could hear as she meditated on her ship. She slowly opened her eyes and before standing up and walked towards the window, allowing her to get a good view of the endless expanse of the galaxy as well as a part of the planet of Naboo. When she was meditating, Nozomi could hear those endless cries of grief, suffering and despair. The only problem was she couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from; the people suffering from the iron grip of the Empire or herself. The young sith could think of a lot of reasons why it would come from the people around the galaxy. But…she could also think of so many reasons why it could come from herself. And all of them were related to her past as a Jedi and her former best friend, Ayase Eli…
See, Nozomi was taken from her parents when she was too young to even remember them to be trained by the Jedi Order the moment they realized she was Force-sensitive. It really did not help that they lived in Coruscant, the seat of the Republic Senate and the Jedi Order. So, she grew up with the order as her only family. A few months later, she met a blonde girl with blue eyes, named Eli. And the two quickly became fast friends since they were, after all, in a place filled with strange people teaching them strange things. But it wouldn’t be just the two of them for long. Then, they met Nico and she quickly became a friend of theirs to. A year later they were joined by three more; Honoka, Umi and Kotori, three childhood friends who were taken by the order at the same time. The next year after that; Rin, Hanayo and Maki joined them. After that, Honoka and Eli’s younger sisters joined them. And they all trained together as friends, albeit with some form of distance due to their individual trainings…as well as their masters’ orders. But Eli and Nozomi always did manage to find away to keep close to one another…
Years passed and they grew up. Their skills improved and soon enough, they became Padawans and eventually, Jedi Knights. Out of all of them, Nozomi was the first to become a Jedi Knight, followed shortly by Eli. It was no surprise that Nozomi would be first; her gifts in the Force as well as her midichlorian count could only be rivaled by Master Yoda and, of course, Anakin Skywalker himself. Then, the Clone Wars broke out and thankfully, they saw each other in the field as well, even though they were on their own missions with their own masters. And at some point, she realized that she was in love with the blonde girl. But all the deaths and suffering that they saw made Nozomi question everything; why were the Jedi participating in this war? The war should’ve been the Senate’s problem; not the Jedi’s. They should’ve remained neutral in everything. She saw Jedi masters injured in the war and Padawans dead, either at the hands of the droids or something else entirely. In the brief, fleeting moments they were granted time to themselves in Coruscant, Nozomi confessed her love to Eli and begged her to run away with her; abandon the Order and just leave to live peacefully somewhere. To her relief, Eli reciprocated her feelings and agreed to run away with her after they consummated their love.
But when Nozomi woke up the next morning, Eli wasn’t by her side. She was left with on a cold bed and a simple note of an apology from her. And in that moment, Nozomi felt all the sorrow, all the sadness, all the loneliness, all the pent up anger she’s kept inside for all the years the Order trained her, come rushing into her. She gave most of her life to something that would never give anything back to her. Nozomi hid her feelings so as to not go into conflict with the Order’s teachings. She felt cheated; deprived of life’s simplest pleasures such as love and a family. Just as she was preparing herself, her master arrived at her room and she struck him down before he could even put up a guard. Nozomi kept him alive long enough to tell him everything she felt. Once she was done, she drove her saber to his chest and she watched the light in his eyes go out. And at that moment, she knew…before she even looked at herself in the mirror and saw those sickly yellow eyes of hers…she knew that she had given in…
Toujou Nozomi had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force.
As soon as she could, she fled. It would only be later that she would learn of Order 66. She felt indifferent towards the lives of the Jedi that was lost, yet a tiny bit of her hoped that her friends were able to flee. Her biggest hope was Eli’s escape but not because she felt something for her. No, her reasons were different. Nozomi wanted Eli to flee because she wanted to be the one to strike her down. She wanted Eli to die, knowing and seeing what she had turned Nozomi into. At some point, while she was searching for Eli, she ran into Darth Vader and he offered to turn her into his apprentice; hone her skills in the dark side. Nozomi genuinely contemplated his offer but instead, she informed him that she would seek him out once she’s severed her only connection to the light side; Ayase Eli. As a sign of the Emperor’s goodwill, Vader left her with her own Star Destroyer and a large garrison of clones.
Now, it’s been three years since Order 66 and she could feel that her confrontation with Eli is closer than she expects. Who would leave alive, however, is something for fate to decide.
“Lady Toujou. We’ve found her.” One of her officers informed her. She turned around and gave her an indifferent look.
“Where?” She asked as she summoned her saber towards her, running her gloved fingers through the small reverse crescent moon mark she left there when she made it as a mere youngling, on the cusp of becoming a Padawan learner.
“Naboo, my lady. In the swamps near Lake Paonga.” The officer reported. She merely turned back to the window and continued looking on.
“Thank you. Ready my ship. Should you not hear from me in a week’s time, return to Lord Vader.” Nozomi coldly ordered him.
“Yes, my lady.” He replied before turning around and walking away.
“Can you feel me, Elichi? I’m just nearby.” She whisperedbefore grabbing her robe and walking out of her room, steeling herself for this final confrontation that would decide her fate.
Eli was sitting around the fire near her makeshift home in the swamps of Naboo, trying to formulate how she was going to avoid the Empire in case they ran into her again. This was taking such a toll on her as well as the other Jedi, who were on the run. When Order 66 started, she met up with the others and they decided that splitting up was the best way to ensure the survival of the Jedi. Her own master died saving her from the initial assault. Honoka went with her friend and fellow Jedi, Kira Tsubasa; last she heard, they were in Alderaan. Umi and Kotori had their sights set on Dantooine. Maki and Nico; she had no idea where they were. Rin and Hanayo were in Kashyyyk. Yukiho and Arisa were well on their way to Tatooine. And Nozomi…
She had no idea where Nozomi was at the moment and that caused her a great deal of worry. Eli had no idea what happened to her after she left her alone and snuck out, like a thief in the dead of night. She couldn’t run away with Nozomi like she promised, so like a coward, she wrote a note, gave her one last kiss and left. And every day, Eli regretted her decision. Because once the Order fell because of Order 66, it made Eli realize she had absolutely nothing left. She had left Nozomi for nothing. While she was thinking, she saw an Imperial TIE Fighter fly overhead and even though she should be fleeing, Eli couldn’t find it in herself to run. The TIE fighter landed a few feet away and when it opened, Eli suddenly founder herself pinned to a tree behind her, her airways being blocked off. She closed her eyes as she struggled to fight for breath.
“Hello, Elichi.” A familiar voice greeted her. Eli opened her eyes in shock once she heard the familiar nickname. Eli saw her friend, Nozomi, holding her in a Force choke. Tears sprung from her eyes once she saw Nozomi; instead of their vibrant and playful Emerald green eyes, they were now a sickly yellow with slits. A tell tale sign that she had fallen to the Dark Side.
“Elichi, see me now? This is what you turned me into.” Nozomi said with a bitter smile. Eli activated her lightsaber and threw it at her; not to kill her but to distract her. It worked as Nozomi dodged and she lost her grip on Eli’s throat. Eli used her telekinesis to push her away, just in time for her blue lightsaber to return to her. When Nozomi recovered, she opened her own saber; once green in color, it was now a dark red. Another sign of the Dark Side. Nozomi rushed forward to attack her but she managed to block it just in time.
“What happened to you, Nozomi?” Eli asked as she desperately tried to keep the tears at bay. Nozomi separated and moved to attack again but she dodged before continuing their battle.
“Don’t play dumb, Elichi! You turned me into this! You toyed with me! Used me! Then you left me the next morning after making me believe that we were going to be happy together!” Nozomi angrily yelled as she swiped at Eli, managing to graze her arm. The blonde Jedi retaliated and managed to cut her leg.
“I couldn’t just leave, Nozomi1 I couldn’t abandon the Order and the galaxy!” Eli yelled in her defense as she blocked Nozomi’s blow.
“How admirable of you, Elichi! To give everything to something that would give nothing back in return! You know what I did when you left me? I killed my master the next time I saw him! I drove my saber into his chest as I listed down the things the Jedi took from me! I watched the light leave his eyes! And now I’m going to do the same to you!”
Eli was completely caught off guard by everything Nozomi said. Was she really that consumed by anger? What had she turned the woman she loved the most into? Eli was so caught up in her shock that she reacted a bit too late to Nozomi’s attack that all she could do was throw her hand out to push her opponent back with Telekinesis, something that Nozomi seem to have seen coming as she did the same to her. They both hit trees in the opposite direction and they both struggled to stand but Nozomi got to her feet first and once she saw Eli on the ground, she brought her saber towards her and delivered a barrage of Force lightning towards her. The blonde howled in pain as the electricity coursed towards her entire body. She was only granted a few brief respites before Nozomi resumed her torture. Eventually, the purple haired Sith stood before her, pointing her dark red saber towards her torso.
“Don’t worry, Elichi. I’m going to end you and that will be it. I won’t go after the others. Especially little Arisa.” She said in a false attempt to comfort Eli. At this moment, she was content to accept death if it would free Nozomi of her pain.
“Do it.” She whispered. Nozomi tilted her head in confusion as Eli looked up at her, the tears she’s been holding back finally escaping.
“Do it, Nozomi. If it’ll free you of your pain, then do it. I want to at least do something right for you. I’m sorry I left you but I never once lied when I said I love you.”
Eli shut her eyes and waited for the finishing blow but, instead, all she heard were sniffles from the woman standing over her. She saw that Nozomi was crying as her saber was raised above her head, poised for the killing blow but for some reason, she can’t do it.
“I-I can’t…I can’t do it. Why can’t I do it? I thought I no longer loved you.” Nozomi said, anguish apparent in her voice.
“You don’t have to, Nozomi. There’s still good in you; I can sense it. Please. Please return to the light. Please, Nontan.” Eli begged her. She knew that Nozomi still had some good in her. The fact that she still called her by her childhood nickname and that she won’t go after their old friends proved that much.
“Elichi…I want to but…this will never end unless one of us dies!”
Eli was horrified when she realized what Nozomi meant by her words and before she could rush forward to stop her, the purple haired woman stabbed herself at her side. The blonde Jedi rushed forward to catch her in her arms.
“No. No. Nozomi, stay with me.” She begged as she cradled her in her arms. Eli had no idea why she was begging; she knew how fatal a stab wound from a lightsaber could be. There was no saving Nozomi from her fate.
“E-Elichi…” Nozomi weakly whispered as she put a hand to Eli’s chest, seeing the familiar item there.
“You…you kept it…all…these years…” She said upon seeing the blue Kyber crystal necklace that hanging around the blonde’s neck. It was identical to the green Kyber crystal necklace around Nozomi.
“Of course…it was the first thing you ever gave me.” Eli said as tears fell from her eyes. Before they moved to being Padawan learners, they underwent a ritual called The Gathering to find a Kyber crystal for their lightsabers. Nozomi not only got hers but managed to get two more for Eli and the blonde fashioned them into necklaces for each other with Eli keeping the blue crystal and Nozomi, the green.
“Elichi…can you…do something for…me?” She weakly asked and Eli nodded as she held her hand.
“What is it?”
“T-tell me…you love me…even if it’s a lie. For one last time, I…just want to know what being loved feels like.”
Eli held her close as she cried. She was not ready to let her go just yet; she just found Nozomi and now, she was going to lose her again. It would’ve been better if the Jedi never found them. They could’ve met under different circumstances and lived a peaceful life, even with the threat of the Empire looming above them.
“I love you, Nozomi. I’m not lying. I never lied.” She said before kissing her. When they separated, Eli gasped upon seeing that Nozomi’s eyes had returned to their vibrant green color but simply smiled and continued to hold her.
“Hey, Nozomi…what do you think our lives would’ve been like if I did run away with you? We’d probably be living peacefully here. Maybe in Lake Country. We’d be in hiding but we’d be together. Wouldn’t you like that, Nozomi?” She asked as tears fell from her eyes. A life like that with Nozomi was everything she could ever wish for. It was everything she wanted for them and especially for Nozomi.
“That…would be nice.” The purple haired woman weakly said as she cupped the blonde’s cheek. “Hey, Elichi…”
“I…I love you. Never forget that.”
And her entire form went limp in Eli’s arms. Eli’s eyes widened in shock and horror as she watched Nozomi become one with The Force; her body disappeared, leaving only her robes, her saber and her Kyber crystal necklace. The blonde Jedi cried at her loss until she no longer had the strength to do so. Eli gathered enough strength to stand and burned Nozomi’s robes but keeping her saber and her necklace for herself, wearing the accessory around her neck. The blonde’s eyes landed on Nozomi’s TIE Fighter and immediately, she knew what she had to do. Without any hesitation, she walked towards it and in turn, her destiny.
“Hello, my friends and fellow Jedi. It’s been a while. I don’t know if you felt it through The Force but…Nozomi is dead. I should know because I saw her kill herself. She…turned to the Dark Side and she tried to kill me. But she couldn’t…so she killed herself instead. I will be following her soon. It was my fault why she turned; I told her I loved her and then left her. Which brings me to the last advice I can give all of you; forget what the Jedi taught us. Forget what our masters said about attachment and love and how those things are dangerous. If you fall in love, take the risk but remember to not let it lure you to the Dark Side. It’s a possible thing to do. I know that none of you will fail in ensuring the survival of the Jedi; especially you, Arisa. Goodbye, my friends. May The Force be with all of you…always.
“Admiral! Lady Toujou’s TIE Fighter is returning.” One of the ship’s crew informed the Admiral.
“Excellent. No doubt she’s taken care of the Jedi scum.” He said as he left the bridge to greet Nozomi. The TIE Fighter landed on the landing bay as stormtroopers and officers went about their usual rounds. Just as the hatch to the TIE Fighter opened, something jumped out and started butchering the people on the landing bay. A blonde Jedi with blue and red lightsabers. She relentlessly attacked each and every one of them and just as she thought she could let her guard down for a moment, she felt something hit her from behind. She looked down and saw a burned hole through her chest; she had been shot. She turned and saw a young officer with a blaster pistol pointed at her. He was young, not even out of his twenties and very nervous at the sight of her. She poised herself to attack but before she could even move, he shot her twice. She fell to the floor. As she lay dying on the floor of the Star Destroyer, all she could see was the vibrant night life of Coruscant and a beautiful purple haired Jedi Knight with green eyes.
And with those words, Jedi Knight Ayase Eli finally became one with The Force.
The young officer who shot Eli stood over her body and watched as her physical form faded away and he was surprised by the sudden hand on his shoulder.
“Well done, young man.” The ship’s Admiral praised him. “I will see that you receive a promotion for this.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“So, who is our mysterious attacker?” The Admiral asked.
“A Jedi Knight, sir. She said something before fading. I heard her say ‘Nozomi’.” The young officer answered. The Admiral sighed and shook his head.
“Then, it was the Jedi that Lady Toujou was hunting. And if she’s here, it could only mean that Lady Toujou is dead.” He said with a tone of disapproval. “I always did warn her that her obsession would lead to her end.”
A beat of silence occurred between them before the Admiral spoke up again.
“Very well. Pick up the sabers. We must deliver them to Lord Vader and inform him that his potential apprentice is dead.” He ordered before he walked away. The officer nodded and moved to collect the fallen Jedi’s belongings. Just as he was about to stand up again with the sabers in his hands, two more objects caught his eye and he moved to pick them up as well…
They were two crystals on thick leather strings; one was colored blue and the other, green.
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thomdunn · 6 years
We do need to be honest with ourselves and admit that Snoke wasn’t the most popular character in Episodes 7 and 8. That’s why I’m going to suggest that something should go wrong during Snoke’s cloning process. Perhaps the cloning machine is hit by a bolt of space lightning, which causes someone a little different to be created; someone I’m going to call Cool Snoke. This Snoke wears pince-nez styled sunglasses and uses catchphrases like, “Okey-Snokey.” Instead of coming across as a weakling like he did in Episodes 7 and 8, he’ll use his Dark Side powers to perform some epic feats, such as throwing a rancor at Rey’s head and mind-controlling a horde of rabid Ewoks. Of course, Cool Snoke will be swiftly drowned in the unforgiving depths of Lake Paonga, but his visage will live on in the Pop figures posing on our bookshelves.
It’s Time to Remake the Star Wars Holiday Special
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sw5w · 9 months
[ Grunts ]
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:39:08
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sw5w · 1 year
Into the Depths
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