#Brașov County
travelella · 5 months
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Râșnov, Brașov County, Transylvania, Romania
Maria Teneva
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mioritic · 1 month
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Three lower panels from an altar (the "Schweischer Altar"), depicting scenes from the life of St. Martin, in the Johanniskirche in Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania.
In their deteriorated state they looked to me a bit like Odilon Redon paintings — a little nebulous...
The altar dates from 1520–22 and was from Fișer (DE: Schweischer / HU: Sövénység), Brașov County, probably made in the workshop of Johannes Stoß.
The predella (as shown above) is original but badly damaged and fragmented; the upper panels (not pictured) were repainted in 1776 by Johann Weiss.
As seen on 3 August 2024.
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riaisnotok · 1 year
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Dracula's friend
☆ Romantic? vampire! Bill x turist! Fem! Reader
Vampire Bill 🧎🏽‍♀️I couldn't hold myself and I made Bill romanian 😭 is that romanianwashing a german?
You and your friends for Halloween decided to visit the Bran Castle, in Romania.
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Your friends decided to go on a little trip to Bran Castle for Halloween and they convinced you too so now you are in Bran, Brașov county, Romania wooooeewww 😻 (fun fact: because of my social anxiety I couldn't went on a trip with the class to Bran Castle awww 😞)
You took the entrance tickets and entered it.  "Do you think we'll see Dracula's ghost?"  One of your friends asked.  "I don't think there is a Drcaula, pfff" You said rolling your eyes.
While you were looking inside the castle you could still feel a strange presence nearby.  Maybe it's because your friends kept talking about Dracula.
It was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you and your friends were very hungry, so you left the castle and left, with nice pictures ofc 😋, and you went to a restaurant and got some skewers because they are the best.  "Listen.." Daniel, onr of your friends started to speak.  "What is it Dany?"
"Am I the only one who has felt a strange presence in the castle?"  He asked, so you weren't the only one who felt that..hmmm…
"No" You said taking a bite of the skewer "I thought I was the only one.."
"How about we go to the castle after sunset?"  Karina suggested, that friend who at first was excited to see Dracula.
"KARI ARE YOU CRAZY?"  Daniel said with wide eyes.  You didn't say anything.
"Y/N, you want to?"  Kari asked you.  Sweat ran down your face, you swallowed and nodded yes.  "PERFECT! THEN WE GO!"  Oooooh
You walked around Bran a bit and then at 8 o'clock you three went back to Bran Castle.  You stopped on the street in front of the castle near some houses.  "Do you hear that too?"  Karina asked.
"Kari..it's just the wind."  You said pulling out your phone to check your messages.  "Y/N put the phone down, there's no time for phones now! We're going to stay here until midnight!"  Karina shouted at you.  "TILL MIDNIGHT?"  Daniel said scared.  "Yes, do you have a problem Dany?"  Karina said angrily.
All three of you sat in the car and did things and played games to pass the time faster.  It was already 11 o'clock at night, people were starting to stop going out on the street, and the road was empty.  "Umm..Dany..Kari...I don't think I'll go investigate.." You said, you were afraid that someone would catch you.  (Not in the way that he will catch you and rape you).
"Then you stay in the car. You never know if someone will take it haha" Karina said getting out of the car with Daniel.  You looked at them as they left you alone in the car and they went to the entrance.
You looked up at the castle through the car window, next to it was iron fence, wow and the tall trees.
An hour passes and Daniel and Karina did no longer come.  What did happened to them?  You asked yourself.  You got out of the car, closed the door and went to the entrance.
You will never forget what you saw in front of your eyes at the entrance to the castle courtyard.
"What the f-" Daniel and Karina were on the floor with blood on their necks.  You quickly went and checked Karina if she was breathing and then Daniel.  They were already dead.  You looked at Karina's neck, she had two red dots on her neck.  WHAT THE?
You feel a presence behind you again.  You were afraid to look behind, but you still looked.  What you saw with your eyes will give you nightmares all your entire life.  It was a man?, dressed in black, with red eyes and blood in his mouth.  "W-who are you..?"
The creature give you a smile, but not an evil one but a warm one?  "Don't scream or you'll end up like your friends." He? Said.
"I'm Bill Kaulitz, and those behind me are Tom, Gustav and Georg," Suddenly 3 more people? appeared from behind him "they are my slaves, and they do as I say. But it seems that Tom was a bit hungry and your friends were a delicious 'dinner' for him~" He said.
"Do you mind if I ask who you are?"  He said, he reached behind his back and took a red rose with blood on it?  from behind "This is for you, to feel a little better after what you just saw with your two friends."  He gave you the red rose.
"Thank you..." You accepted the rose "My name is Y/N and please with all my heart don't kill me!"  You said with fear in your eyes.  Your words made Bill laugh.  "Awww...you're so cute, I wonder what your blood tastes like."  He said, saliva drooling from his mouth (💀)
"Please no!"  You said putting your hands above your head, trying to protect yourself from him.  Bill laughed again "You really thought I was going to do something to you, vampirel?"  Vampirel?  What the fuck is this nickname.  "Take my hand."  He said holding out his hand.  You took his hand, his hand was cold.
You didn't even have time to blink and you woke up inside the castle.  "WHAT ABOUT WITH DANIEL AND KARINA?"  You said with pain in your voice.  "They will be food for Gustav. Now stop thinking about them, and let's spend time together, iubire."  He said and invited you to sit on the bed with him.
"I like your hair, it looks so delicious, but I think your blood is even more delicious. Will you let me taste you? I won't hurt you that bad."  He asked smiling, you could see his vampire fangs in his smile.  You looked at him, you didn't say anything, you were very afraid.  Bill chuckled and placed his hand on your thigh, making you jump up.  "AHH!"
"You're so cute~" He whispered, putting his hand on your waist and pulling you closer to him.  All you could do was stay still and try to not make another sound.
He placed his hand on your neck, caressing it gently, then moved his head towards it and smelled you.  "You smell so good.." He whispered in your ear.  You started to startle from fear that you will end up like Daniel and Karina in the shortest possible time.
Bill moved his face in front of you, the distance between the two of you was at least 8 cm, which made you blush a little.  "You have such beautiful lips, dragă."  He said placing his finger on them.  "B-bill..."
"Yes Dragă?"
"Are you sure I won't end up like my friends..?"  You asked, you were still thinking about them.  Bill smiled again, his vampire fangs were visibly again.  "Only if you want this, know that it can be done at any time."
You don't know what the hell got over you and you smiled back, looking down at your feet.  "Honey. Look at me."  Bill said lifting your head so you could look at him again.
You looked into his red eyes, you don't know why but you start to like him, the way he behaved with you until now makes you start to have some feelings for this vampire.
"Ești atât de frumoasă..." Bill whispered to you softly in Romanian (I couldn't help it😭 and it means You are so beautiful).  He took you by the waist and put you on his lap, you didn't expect that and you panicked a little.  "Shhh..why are you panicking? If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you long ago."  He said, you felt his fingers going close to your chest.  You really didn't want to imagine what would happen in a few minutes.
"How about you take off your shirt?"  He asked, waiting for an answer from you.  You could see him looking at your breasts through the fabric of your shirt.  Nothing in this life has made you as red as you are now, and besides that, you are a little ashamed.  Basically Bill just wanted to see what you looked like without the shirt and don't ask me why.
"Wh-what…?"  You said, covering your chest with your hands.  "Awwww...is my pisicuță shy somehow?"  He said playing with your hair.
"Do something good for me and take off your shirt."
You did as he said, you took off your shirt and remained only in your bra.
"Can I taste your blood..?"  he asked.  You nodded yes this time, Bill was happy.  He bared his vampire fangs and attacked your neck.  A moan of pain coming from you (KMSS💀).
"BILL!"  You screamed his name, the pain was a bit unbearable BECAUSE YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN BITED ON THE NECK BY A TRUE VAMPIRE!
While he was sucking your blood, he tried to make you calm down by stroking your bare back, and as you can see, it did work and you calmed down a little.
He sucked a little more and then he let you go.  "You have such good taste blood Y/N."  He said wiping the blood from his mouth.
"Can I kiss you?"  He clearly said this question when you didn't expect more, but you nodded yes.
He smiled and brought his face very close to yours, and connected his lips with yours.  You could taste your blood in the kiss, can I say it bothered you a little?  BECAUSE BLOOD TASTES LIKE IRON.
Not long after Bill broke the kiss and smiled at you again.
He took your waist again and looked into your eyes.
"You will stay with me forever Y/N"
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I love this sm OMGGG KSKSKKSSL there will be more and maybe I'll do a part 2 ;))
And if you do care the translations are these:
Dragă- Dear
Pisicuță- Kitty
Vampirel- it's a cute form of vampire
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howlingdemon13 · 11 months
Do you have any specific headcanons about Trevor's childhood? :>
Oh boy, do I! These are kinda general, but they should suffice.
In a fic I never ended up getting very far in, I had a much happier version of Trevor’s early life in mind. He’s from a big family (the youngest of 5 brothers) and lived pretty decently despite the exile and all that jazz. He’s pretty rambunctious, but he’s still got the understanding that he needs to prove himself of being a capable hunter and worthy of inheriting the Vampire Killer.
For the version of Trev in my current fic (for which all hcs exist now), it’s a tad spoilery(?).
Trev loses his parents fairly young (in a pretty traumatizing way for a 14-year-old especially), but his time before that was honestly not bad. His parents obviously loved him and made sure that he was well-trained and had sufficient knowledge to navigate inter-class social situations, hunt monsters, understand basic magic and alchemy, and read. He doesn’t have much in the way of worldly possessions (besides heirlooms from Leon’s day that he’s set to inherit), but he’s not really the kind of kid that cares about all that. He doesn’t have siblings, but he sometimes had friends - he cycled through them pretty quickly once any of them found out he was an exile/excommunicated and their parents didn’t want their precious godly kids playing with a Belmont. That’s why he’s so attached to his friends as an adult; he finally has people who care about him outside of his parents.
That’s all to say that he’s content to climb trees by himself or build little stick forts out in the woods.
He’s pretty mature compared to a lot of other kids in Brașov since he has the duty of his entire bloodline on his tiny shoulders, and he’s pretty good at winning people over when he and his family are desperate for resources. He more-or-less understands why he and his parents live the way they do, but it doesn’t stop him from being lonely and wistful that maybe one day he might have friends.
That said though, he’s self sufficient and can contribute to the household by hunting and fishing and all that.
When he does end up alone, it’s this precociousness that allows him to find help from others despite some villagers’ lack of assistance and distain for him. Even as a kid he can charm his way into making allies. He travels around what is now Brașov county looking for odd jobs and occasionally hunting particularly dangerous creatures in exchange for coin or a place to sleep for a night or two. He does this until he’s an adult. It’s during his later childhood years that he sees the good in people, and it comes through in those in poverty or fellow exiles like him. He doesn’t really blame anyone for his situation and sees it as his ultimate test before Drac tries to murder humanity.
In conclusion, liddol Trev is the lonely kid that plays in the dirt but is also startlingly mature and has the weight of his ancestors on his shoulders at all times.
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steliosagapitos · 2 years
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            - The Mogoșoaia Palace of Ilfov in Romania. -
            ~ “Mogoșoaia Palace, historical building in the town of Mogoșoaia, Ilfov county, Muntenia, Romania, located about 15 km from the centre of Bucharest. The complex contains the building itself, its courtyard with the watch tower, the cuhnia (kitchen), the guest house, the ice house and the vault of the Bibescu family, as well as the ‘Saint Gheorghe’ church located near the walls of the courtyard.     The Mogoșoaia Palace was in the possession of the Brâncoveanu family for approximately 119 years, then passing into the ownership of the Bibescu family. The palace was built until 1702 by Constantin Brâncoveanu in the Brâncoven style, a style previously used in another voivode's palace, built by him in Potlogi. The work was finished on September 20, 1702, according to the inscription on the east side of the palace. The date of the start of construction is not known, but it is known that Brâncoveanu started buying land in the area in 1681.
The Brâncovens after the death of the ruler (1714-1832).
    After 1714, when Constantin Brâncoveanu was executed in Constantinople together with his sons, all the family's wealth was confiscated by the Ottomans and the palace was turned into an inn. Redeemed by the ruler Ștefan Cantacuzino, it then returned to the great ban Constantin Brâncoveanu, the ruler's grandson, and remained in the family's possession until the beginning of the 19th century. The palace was devastated by the Ottomans during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, because the great ban Nicolae Brâncoveanu had sided with the Russians in the conflict. Another destruction of the palace took place on the occasion of the revolution of 1821 when the last descendant of the Brâncoven family, Grigore Brâncoveanu, fled to Brașov and the building was occupied by the Pandi.
Residence of the Bibescu family.
      After Grigore's death in 1832, the Mogoșoaia property was inherited by his adopted daughter, Zoe Mavrocordat, and through her marriage to the ruler Gheorghe Bibescu, concluded in 1826, it passed into his family. The palace was renovated between 1860–1880 by Nicolae Bibescu, who also built the family vault in the palace park, and the nearby Elchingen villa. The palace was still administered by the Bibescu family who, however, moved to the new villa and the old building remained uninhabited. This until 1911, when Maria-Nicole Darvari sold the palace to her cousin George-Valentin Bibescu, who gave it as a wedding present to his wife, Martha.
The era of Martha Bibescu (1912-45).
    Martha Bibescu took care of renovating the palace starting in 1912. During the First World War, the renovation works were hampered by further destruction suffered as a result of the German bombings. During the German occupation of Bucharest and southern Romania, Princess Martha Bibescu remained in the capital, taking care of Queen Maria's hospital and living in the palace for a while. Returning to the country after she had gone to London, being accused of collaborating with the German troops, Martha Bibescu resumed the renovation works after 1920, spending a large part of the wealth collected from the books she wrote. Thus, the palace was re-inaugurated in 1927, with some interior works continuing, however, until 1935. While it was owned by Marthea Bibescu, the palace was visited by personalities such as August von Mackensen, Charles de Gaulle, Marcel Proust, Nicolae Iorga, King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King Carol I of Romania, Queen Maria of Romania, King Ferdinand I of Romania or Winston Churchill. During the Second World War, the palace was a meeting place for allied diplomats, being, for a few months, rented to the Swiss legation in Romania.
Under the communist regime (1945-89).
       After March 6, 1945, the estate was forcibly nationalised by the communist government, Martha Bibescu obtaining from the authorities the declaration of the palace as a historical monument, which she still owned. However, the princess left the country for good in September 1945, leaving the palace to her daughter Valentina and her husband, Dimitrie Ghika-Comănești, son of Eugen Ghica-Comănești.       In 1949, the palace was also nationalised, Valentina and Dimitrie Ghika-Comănești were arrested. By 1957, the building was ravaged and ransacked, the art collections stolen and dismantled. It was only in 1957 that the palace became the seat of the feudal section of the National Art Museum, being restored starting in 1977.
After 1990.
    Currently, the Mogoșoaia Palace houses the Brâncoveneasc Art Museum and is an important tourist attraction. Starting from 2010, the legal heirs of Marthea Bibescu, who live in Great Britain, are fighting in court for the recovery of the complex, or if necessary for obtaining adequate compensation.” ~
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Brașov County   @emp_vision
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skovonski · 5 years
Timelapse The old clock tower of the Evangelical Church (Biserica Evanghelică CA) at Republicii Street (Strada Republicii) in Rasnov (Râșnov). View from Râșnov Fortress (Romanian: Cetatea Râșnov, German: Rosenauer Burg)
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unplaces · 6 years
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Centura Brașov, Brașov.
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poleteli · 7 years
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Брашов, Румыния 
Олег Пелин | Фотография | Карта
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hedome · 3 years
Nature, Earthquakes, Romania
Seismic hazard for Romania from the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP). 455 July 10 AD. It destroyed several towns and villages in Transylvania. C. 543 AD. A 7.5 magnitude earthquake with the epicenter in Dionysopolis, Dobrich Province, Bulgaria. Large tsunami on the Dobrujan shore of the Black Sea. The Roman fortress of Capidava, Constanța County, is destroyed. 815 August AD.…
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Special 300 followers post: places to visit while in Romania (1/5)
I know this post is long overdue, sorry for stalling posting this, but it was hard to think of just a couple of places to visit. Sadly, my mission to bring just a couple of places to visit failed, and I have 40 places to talk about in this post. So, with that said, in no particular order (beside an alphabetical one), here are 40 places to visit while in Romania:
1. Alba Iulia:
Alba Iulia, the seat of Alba county, has a historical significance for Romania. Since the Dacians lived there, the city was an important economical, political and social centre, known back then as Apulon. Once the Romans arrived, they renamed it Apulum and the XIII Gemina Legion was stationed there. Apulum is the largest Roman castrum on the current territory of Romania.
Alba Iulia has also a history of siege, military victories, and unions. The catholic cathedral still has canon marks from a siege by the Ottomans in 1442. In 1599, Michael the Brave entered victoriously the city after the battle of Șelimbăr, becoming Voievode of Transylvania (and soon after uniting Transylvania and Wallachia with Moldavia) and in 1918 the city was chosen for the declaration of union of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania, and 4 years later, King Ferdinand of Romania was symbolically crowned there as King of Romania. Each year, on the 1st of December, there are celebrations held in Alba Iulia, as in the rest of Romania, to celebrate the Great Union, but Alba Iulia remains the spiritual center of the event, and I wholeheartedly recomend visiting it in that period.
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2. Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși at Târgu Jiu
The Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși at Târgu Jiu is an homage to the Romanian heroes of the First World War.
The ensemble comprises three sculptures: The Table of Silence (a circular stone table surrounded by twelve hourglass-seats, which symbolize time), The Gate of the Kiss (it features a kiss motif on the gate pillars; the transition to another life occuring through it) and the Endless Column (symbolizes the concept of infinity and the infinite sacrifice of the Romanian soldiers), on an axis 1,300 m (4,250 ft) long, oriented west to east. The ensemble is considered to be one of the great works of 20th-century outdoor sculpture.
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3. Black Church
Biserica Neagră or, as it would be translated, the Black Church, is a church build by the German community in Brașov, being the most important Lutheran place of worship in the region and Romania’s main gothic style monument. When it was finished, it was so big (89 meters/292 feet in length and 65 meters/213 feet in height) that it was declared the biggest church between Vienna and Constantinople.
When visiting, you may want to pay attention to schedule, since in summer time, there are pipe organ concertos three times a week, from musicians across both Romania and other places.
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4. Bran Castle
Castelul Bran or Bran Castle (or, as much as I hate to say it, Dracula’s Castle) is a national monument and landmark in Romania. Bran Castle was built by the Transylvanian Saxons of Brașov as a defensive fortress against the Ottoman Empire, and now is a museum dedicated to displaying art and furniture collected by Queen Marie of Romania.
When visiting the Castle, beware the presence of Dracula, as the area is chocked by shops and tourist traps dedicated to the fanged count, but, sadly, this castle may be errenously known as the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s book, but there is evidence that he never visited the place, and the description does not match the actual castle. While you are there, please visit the ethnographic museum, which is close by, and take a breath of the authentic local culture, and not a breath of the stereotypical vampires. There is more to Bran than Dracula and vampires.
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5. Cantacuzino Castle
Castelul Cantacuzino or Cantacuzino Castle is a building completed in 1911, at the request of Prince George Grigore Cantacuzino. The building has a Neo-Romanian style, and belonged to the noble Cantacuzino family, until 1948, when the building was forcefully nationalized and transformed into a preventorium.
The Castle is now a museum, but I have to say, it is sad to visit it. During communism, the building can be said to have been vandalised: the original wall decorations in some rooms were painted over, in some rooms it is 3 layers of paint, in one there are 6. The original furniture was removed, and the family emblem on doors was removed. Seeing and hearing about the damage made my heart ache when I visited it. After the Revolution, the building was given back to the descendants of the Cantacuzino family, who then decided to sell it to private investors. Today, it is open to the public, but, if I recall correctly, the descendants sometime come together at the castle, to have family reunions.
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6. Hunyadi Castle
Castelul Huniazilor/Corvinilor or Corvin/Hunyadi Castle is a Gothic-Reneissance Castle in Hunedoara, being one of the largest castles in Europe.
Being known as one of the most beautiful castles in the world, its history began in the 15th century, but the castle is now standing because of a vigurous restoration campaign after a desastrous fire and years of total neglect. The Castle has been featured in different movies and TV shows, the most recent one being 2018′s The Nun, being named as “Cârța Monestary“ in the movie.
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7. Peleș Castle
Castelul Peleș or Peleș Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle and former royal summer residence located near Sinaia, constructed for King Carol I, the first King of Romania.
The Castle is placed in a beautiful sceneric zone, being able to somewhat transport you back in time to the monarchical era. Peleș, much like the Cantacuzino Castle, was nationalised after the forced abdication of King Mihai, but it has been preserved and returned to the royal family of Romania, which allows the museum inside to still function. Near the Castle, there is one more location I recommend visiting: the smaller Pelișor Castle, which was very dear to Queen Marie of Romania, so much so that her heart is kept in the room it stopped beating. Both castles are jewels of architecture among Romanian castles, and are a must when it comes to visiting Romania.
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8. Cazanele Dunării
Cazanele Dunării is a sector of the Defileul Dunării region, the region where the Danube has carved out its path over centuries through the Carpathians. The area showcases beautifully the wonders of nature, conquest and ordinary life of cultures iving by the course of a river.
There are 4 hour cruises leaving the town of Orșova, on these cruises you can see the surrounding landscape, small monestaries and two important monuments, one ancient and one modern, but both tell the story of how the Romanian people formed by tradition: the ancient Tabula Traiana, a Roman plaque to celebrate the victorious conquest of Dacia by Emperor Trajan, and the modern carved head of Decebal, the last king of the Dacians, who fought Trajan, until he killed himself to avoid a shameful capture. If you wish to visit other places, the border with Serbia is very close (the Danube itself is the border), and the surrounding towns and villages are very ethnically diverse, giving a taste of Serbian, Romanian, even Czech and German culture.
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Part 2
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travelella · 9 months
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Amfiteatrul Transilvania, Moieciu de Sus, Brașov County, Transylvania, Romania
Taken by Razvan Mirel
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mioritic · 7 months
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Mândra, Brașov County, Transylvania — where two people asked me if I was the new village priest.
27 January 2024
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history-of-fashion · 4 years
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1847 (copy after) Theodor Sockl - Clara Adelheid Soterius von Sachsenheim, the artist’s wife
(Brașov County Museum of History, the original is lost)
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draculyr-a · 4 years
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i specifically commissioned this piece from @kingvolturi​​​ so that i could discuss the count’s political and royal standing as count, or in reality, a form of boyar to his cousin, the voivode. it is imperitave to my portrayal that you understand i do not write him as vlad the impaler, but rather a cousin to the same family that served within the holy order of the dragon, as per van helsing book lore and fell/the sight lore by david clement-davies. he had command over a substantial fiefdom in ardeal/erdély ( transylvania ), including timis to satu mare, all the way to brașov and harghita and covasna. even in undeath he kept his title, despite his family tossing him away into the carpathian mountains when they learned of his possession/return (a la 2004 van helsing). and when he broke free and returned to his castle home in brasov, he deposed the acting boyar and retook his place as the leader of the county. while imposing and terrifying, he still supplied what was needed to protect his peoples from invading armies and attempted to remain truthful to the laws of the cojvoda for years to come, until finally giving in to his reclusive nature and holing up in his castle instead. even in court he terrified those who would have opposed him until he was finally cast out by the son of ra.du cel frumos, who sent numerous people to kill dra.cula and rid transylvania of his plague.    (  note: this foray into maddened loneliness is before he meets his first bride, verona, and is what prompts him to steal his firstborn son and is around when he begins wearing the pelt of Larka.  )
the count speaks in the book of his people with so much pride- not just of his heritage, but of his family. he speaks in the royal pronoun of we, stating that the draculas have batted off invaders to their land for centuries prior to even his birth. and he speaks of his székely and magyar and slavic heritage and of the crimes of humanity brought to the land in recent times. he speaks of pride not just for those of his bloodline, but of all those who live within ardeal as being her own people, attributing a great service to those outcasted in the cities and announcing his disgust to the influences of western society, since he witnessed the exile of those people exile first-hand (and it is these people which he employs and gives his business to expressly, and will never feed on). with an appreciation for all those who live within the borders of ardeal, he possesses a deep love; and it is that love that has him so connected still to his people even in death. and that which promotes him to starve himself on what little he needs to survive. 
this changes immediately on the death of lisa, in which the count then forsakes everyone in transylvania that is born of mortal blood for the murder of his human wife. he throws his crown away and adopts the monkier king of vampires instead; he stops considering himself to even be of the same birth and clings to his vampiric nature as a demon in his grief and rage, sending out his army of demons to kill every last human living in the principality. this decision leads to him being put down by trevor belmont. the events of dra.cula take place in my timeline after his first resurrection. 
i requested this particular piece of art because it would be hanging somewhere in the castle. perhaps in dark chamber forgotten by time, where the dust is piled so high it seems like fog. but it is there in the castle. and your character can find it.  thanks owly! 
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steliosagapitos · 2 years
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                 Lower Moeciu Mountains of Brașov County in Romania.
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