#Brad Grey Pictures
allonsygent · 14 days
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remy n furter and their two little bisexuals
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bkenber · 5 months
'The Departed' Movie and 4K Review
The following review was written by Ultimate Rabbit correspondent, Tony Farinella. When it comes to filmmaking, Martin Scorsese is not known for his brevity.  His films are lengthy and complex. However, because there are so many moving parts that are interesting and layered, it rarely feels like a slog to sit through them.  He also makes sure to assemble an all-star cast of some of the best…
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
Love On The Brain
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Summary: Dean and Y/N – hunting partners, bunker roommates & idiots in love. Sam is fed up with their constant “will they/won’t they” bullshit and decides to move things along with his own plan until these two fated lovers’ paths finally cross one night – naked.
Warnings: +18, smut (mentions of masturbation f & m, oral f, fingering, p in v), crack of the adorkable kind, nudity, mutual pining, friends to lovers, fluff
Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: Happy V-Day, babes! 💖 The V stands for... Welp, you know me well enough by now to know where I’m going with this 😝 This is a lot of moronic crack mixed with some sweet smut and fluff. We all know how much I love the “idiots in love” trope, and I fully dove into this one. So, grab your glass of favorite liquor & let’s settle in, shall we? ❤️😘 Written for a request by @imagine-all-the-fandoms after making some adjustments. Found Rihanna’s Love on the Brain fitting for this one, so that’s what we went with as a general mood. Hope you enjoy, m’ladies! 🖤
Feedback is highly appreciated! Get me drunk on it and fill my writer’s juice 🤓🥃
Main Masterlist | Dean Winchster Masterlist
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Freedom! Thank fucking God…
Y/N exhales a blissful sigh as she saunters to the Dean Cave with a bag of still-hot microwave popcorn in her arms. The Winchester brothers have decided on a little overnight road trip to the next, bigger town over to see a movie – and for some brotherly bonding or whatever – which means Y/N can finally enjoy some goddamn alone time in the bunker. Not that she doesn’t love Sam and Dean to bits and pieces, especially the latter one. They are like family to her, the only one she’s ever truly known, but even family can grow exhausting sometimes.
Living with two boys can grow exhausting, honestly, so Y/N has decided to spend her alone time doing a bunch of girly shit she can’t do with Tweedledee and Tweedledum around – at least not without enduring some judgmental looks.
So, first on the agenda? Watching a bunch of chick flicks, aka any movie the oldest Winchester wouldn’t approve of. Mean Girls, Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, You’ve Got Mail, and so on – you get the gist.
The second order of business is a long-ass bathroom time for a little much-needed self-care, including a hot and relaxing bath with an abundance of pink bubbles and soap that smells like the goddamn Queen’s flower garden. Then she’s going to shave and wax… everything. Admittedly, things got a little hairy in recent weeks. There wasn’t a lot of time between hunts and sharing close quarters with two men in motel rooms, and every time she did attempt a proper shave, Dean would yell outside the bathroom door, needing to pee or God knows what else, so she dropped the razor again. Honestly, it’s not like she’s being followed around by an array of suitors these days. It’s been months since anyone has seen her private parts or even her bare legs, including her. On the upside, at least her vibrator doesn’t mind the extra locks.
Oh God, she’s fucking sad, isn’t she? Yeah… It’s a sad affair all around, really.
Regardless, the mention of some self-love reminds her of her third to-do item on her list: sex. Well, technically masturbating to Ryan Gosling’s pictures. Maybe even Andrew Garfield, Sebastian Stan, that hot dude Jackson from Grey’s Anatomy… Leo in his prime. Brad Pitt – young and old. Seth Rogen… Whoa! Don’t judge, okay? It’s not all about looks. She loves when a guy can make her laugh, and his laugh is so sweet, deep, and… bear-y, alright?
Yeah, fine, she knows she needs to get fucked properly by a real dick instead of a fictional one – rather sooner than later before she goes for… the dick that’s been living right under the same roof, only three doors down from her own bedroom.
Yep, Dean fucking Winchester – God of all Gods, monster hunter extraordinaire, hero of all innocent damsels, and idiotic clown of all clowns, shamelessly stole her heart since… well, pretty much the minute they met and she first laid eyes on him. It felt like being blinded by the sun, the golden freckles on his cheeks and nose resembling the twinkling, starry constellations in the night sky. In an instant, she was an unsuspecting, innocent moth to a blazing flame. How could she possibly resist that irresistible, boyish charm? There’s no vaccine against that green-eyed virus. She swears she’s seen women faint and gasp before him, and she certainly isn’t immune, either. No one truly is, not even other men, for crying out loud.
Unfortunately, Dean will never ever look at her in that way and see more than a friend in her. The thought alone is so ridiculous it makes her snort before she starts to uncontrollably sob and whine. But God, does she wish more than anything he could be hers and she could be his.
Admittedly, she feels a little lonely, especially with the ominous Valentine’s Day looming around the corner, or as Dean likes to call it – unattached drifter Christmas.
Dear fucking God, why did she have to fall in love with that dork? Why can’t it be some nice, normal guy without an abundance of commitment issues?
On the other hand, it’s a good thing the oldest Winchester isn’t here tonight, even though he’d probably love the fourth part of her evening: naturism.
Yup, walking around naked while you’re alone is the best fucking thing in the world and so goddamn freeing. Tits out. Let the ladies breathe a little, you know? Having the girls constantly locked up in bra prison is no way to go through life. And Y/N knows for sure Dean would not only agree with that sentiment but also highly support it. After all, he was the one that suggested Naked Tuesdays when she first moved in. Sam then established a rule that the oldest Winchester wasn’t allowed to “sexually harass” her. It was completely unnecessary but sweet nonetheless. Y/N knows Dean’s just a teasing goofball 99% of the time and would never seriously harm her or make her feel uncomfortable. In fact, she loves that the brothers are always looking out for her and have her best interest in mind.
So, as soon as she hears the big metal door of the bunker slam shut, Y/N excitedly begins her girl’s night alone, trying not to think too much about the green-eyed hunter and focusing on Gosling on the silver screen instead.
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“So, this movie… is it like Zombieland?” Dean inquires with a wide grin, wiggling his eyebrows as he grabs a couple of beers and snacks from the fridge for their road trip to Wichita.
Sam’s brow furrows in confusion. “What? Dean, no… It’s not an action movie or a comedy. It’s an environmental documentary about how soil can counteract the climate crisis,” the younger Winchester explains, chuckling in amusement.
Dean’s face drops, his features morphing from excitement to shock as his eyes blink in rapid succession. “What?! But you said Woody Harrelson is in it! You lied to me!”
“Nooo,” Sam laughs, shaking his head, and corrects, “I said Woody Harrelson narrates it. It’s a good documentary. Trust me.”
“Fuck no! I don’t wanna watch a movie about dirt,” the older brother whines, his plump lips shaping into a pout. “Can’t we go see something with action and blood and guns? You know, something fun?”
“Dean, our whole life is action, blood, and guns. Would do you some good to care about the Earth and climate every once in a while,” Sam lectures him.
“Screw that! We’ve already saved the planet multiple times. All that Al Gore shit ain’t my problem,” Dean huffs, pops open a beer and takes a sip. “‘Sides, I don’t trust these environmental clowns. I know the first thing they’d wanna do is get rid of Baby, and then I swear I’m gonna start shootin’. I can’t stand for that insanity.”
“Fine,” Sam frowns and lets out a resigned sigh. “Then I guess you’ll have to stay here because I wanna watch that movie.”
“Fine by me,” Dean agrees with another sip of beer.
“Good. Since you’re not coming, I might even check out the Mid-America Fine Arts Museum,” Sam shares, the excitement gleaming in his hazel orbs.
“Yeah, nerd yourself out, little brother,” Dean snorts. “Did you know Wichita has a Pizza Hut Museum?”
“Uh-huh, yeah, you tell me that every time we go to Wichita, Dean,” Sam reminds him and suppresses the laugh. “Well, uh, have fun alone with Y/N then,” he smirks slyly, and Dean’s short-lived relief disappears as realization dawns, his brow knitting. “Who knows? Might even be a good opportunity for you to tell her you’re madly in love with her.”
“Wha-, uh, pffft, no?” Dean brushes his little brother’s lunatic accusations off the kitchen counter and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, clearing the fluster in his throat. “Dude, are you drunk? I’m so not in love with her, alright? Don’t be ridiculous, okay? Do I find her incredibly hot, smart, sweet, brave, kind, adorable, and funny? Sure… That’s why she’s our friend, right? But that doesn’t mean I like… love “love” her, okay? At least not like that.” He forms sarcastic air quotes around the cursed word and grimly swallows his uncomfortableness and the lies down with a big gulp of beer. “And for crying out loud, keep your voice down when you say shit like that. I don’t want her to hear us,” he hisses, his green orbs nervously eyeing the kitchen door. “It’s echo-y in here, you know?”
“Sure, whatever you say, Dean,” Sam casually shrugs his shoulders, clearly not buying a single one of the green-eyed hunter’s words, and it only annoys the older Winchester more.
“Don’t-… Nuh-uh, don’t gimme that fake ‘whatever you say’ bullshit shtick. There’s really nothing going on, alright?” Dean assures anew, growing more irritated by the minute.
Sam twitches his shoulders once more and then cockily folds his arms over his chest, a teasing smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. “Alright, so you won’t mind if I set her up with Matt, right? It’s just-… She seems a little lonely lately.”
“Lonely?” Dean arches an eyebrow in apprehension and scoffs, “She’s fine, Sam. She’s got us.”
Sam frowns for what feels like the hundredth time during this conversation. “Dean, you honestly don’t think that’s enough for her.”
“Why not?” The older Winchester shrugs, refusing to see clearly. “It’s enough for me. Our life is awesome. You don’t see me complaining.”
“Yes, you’re obviously the golden standard for healthy relationships,” Sam mutters sarcastically and rolls his eyes back.
Dean purses and smacks his plump lips, scratching the bit of scruff on his throat. “Well, uh… shut up, okay? And don’t set her up with Matt. The guy’s a douche.”
“Alright, what about Josh? You like Josh,” Sam suggests next.
“Yeah, as a hunting partner, he’s alright, not as a boy toy for our friend, Sam,” Dean grits bitterly and rolls his eyes, chugging the rest of his beer. “Seriously, what is wrong with you? You’re not her pimp. Just leave her alone, alright?”  
“Look, if you don’t wanna date her – fine. That’s on you. Just don’t stand in the way of her happiness because you can’t stop self-sabotaging yourself, man,” Sam argues with a judgmentally raised brow.
“That’s not what I’m doing,” Dean grumbles, the offense clearly written in every deep wrinkle on his face.
“Uh-huh, whatever you say, Dean,” Sam deadpans and grabs his laptop bag, making his way out of the kitchen.
“Stop saying that!”
“Look, I’d love to discuss all your weird issues in detail with you, but I still have to pick up Eileen on my way to Wichita,” Sam notes nonchalantly as Dean trails behind him through the bunker’s corridors. “I’ve watched you two beat around the bush for years. It’s getting annoying. You guys are worse than Ross and Rachel.”
“Wait, Eileen? Did you plan all of this on purpose? Were you trying to trick me?” Dean’s voice rises with his exasperation. He hates when Sam puts his nose where it doesn’t belong, mainly in his business. It’s the typical little brother shit he had to deal with all his life. Siblings, man…
“Me? No, I would never,” his younger brother replies with feigned innocence, marching up the metal stairs to the exit, but Dean can hear the goddamn deceit in his words.
“I don’t believe you,” Dean grits with a sternly creased brow, narrowing his juniper eyes at his younger brother as he halts at the bottom of the steps.
“Okay, whatever you say, Dean,” Sam grins complacently and opens the door. “Just don’t be an idiot. Make the first move, alright? That’s all you need to do. Trust me. It’s gonna be fine. She likes you, too.”
With that, the youngest Winchester closes the door behind him, leaving Dean to ruminate in his convoluted misery.
The hunter then stomps through the hallways of the bunker, furiously mumbling to himself as he passes the Dean Cave on his way to his room. Hearing sounds coming from inside, he stops by the cracked door for a moment and realizes Y/N is watching a movie in there. He considers joining her before recognizing Gosling’s voice, a deep sigh leaving his lips. Of course, she’s watching chick flicks again, so he decides against his plan, knowing some silly rom-com could potentially be a slippery slope and lead to some dangerous innuendos.
He downright refuses to play into his little brother’s evil scheme. Sam’s not goddamn Lindsay Lohan, and this isn’t the fucking Parent Trap. It’s better and safer if Dean stays far away from Y/N for the entirety of Sam’s absence, so the hunter quietly retreats to his room.
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Dean decided to watch a bunch of his favorite horror movies until late into the night, ignoring the boiling feelings under the surface. He then closes his laptop with a heavy sigh, ready to call it a night after a nice, warm shower.
With headphones on and some classic rock music drowning out his hammering thoughts, he takes off his clothes and wraps a towel around himself. During an earlier snack run to the kitchen, he noticed the Dean Cave had already been deserted, the room quiet and dark. Y/N luckily has withdrawn to her own room again, so he knows he won’t accidentally run into her. She still hasn’t left his mind, his head in a constant swirl since his stupid conversation with Sam.
So, naturally, Dean comes to the conclusion that only some self-completion down the shower drain might help to clear his thoughts and flush the huntress out of his mind for good. He’s not proud of it, but it’s certainly not the first time since he’s known her that he thinks about her while jerking off. Usually, it only happens when he has to spend too many nights in a row with her in a small motel room without a way to escape, but this time, though, he fully blames Sam and his big mouth for it.
Wandering down the hall to the bathroom, his head bobs to the rhythm of the music flowing through his ears, his green eyes fixed on his phone screen as he scrolls through his playlist. Mindlessly opening the door, he suddenly freezes as another body bumps straight into him.
It all happens pretty fast from there. There’s a loud, high-pitched shriek that filters through the music, his hand drops his phone, and his headphones fall down with it, severing the connection and leaving him in silence as his palms catch a taut-skinned body in his arms while the towel around his waist glides to the tiled floor. And then, he just stares into two big and shocked pupils, which are probably as wide as his own.
For a second, Dean feels incredibly exposed before noticing the warm skin that’s pressed flush against his own body. Yep, he doesn’t dare to check, but he’s certain Y/N’s completely naked, too.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God…,” Y/N’s panicked voice chimes in his ears as both of them awkwardly avert their gazes in different directions to the ceiling and avoid eye contact at all costs while still clinging tightly onto each other, aware that if one of them moves, it’s game over and they’d see each other in their full glory. Basically, they’re each other’s damn shields – as uncomfortable as that may be. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”
“I, uh…” That’s when Dean realizes Y/N probably didn’t even know he stayed behind and let Sam go to Wichita alone. “Sam wanted to watch a documentary.”
“I know!” Y/N yells in annoyance and grits, “You were supposed to go with him! Granted, I was surprised you agreed to it in the first place, but still, you’re not supposed to be home!”
“He didn’t tell me it was a documentary about dirt, alright? Otherwise, it would’ve been a straight-up ‘no’ from the start,” Dean explains and tries not to get hard as he feels Y/N’s tits press against his chest. Judging by the precise feeling that’s poking him, she must be somewhat cold.
“Yes, he did! I was right there when you agreed,” Y/N argues. “He talked about it for over an hour.”
“Oh,” Dean stumps and clears his throat rather awkwardly. Who could blame him for not listening, huh?
“You never listen to people! It’s so goddamn annoying!”
“Y/N, you need to stop talking, sweetheart,” Dean begs her, squeezing his eyes shut as he concentrates on anything else for dear life.
Baseball, Sam drinking green smoothies, a scratch on Baby’s new coat of paint… He attempts to distract his mind from the unavoidable, but it’s no use. The skin-on-skin contact is his final nail in the coffin.
“Oh, I’m sure you would love that, wouldn’t you?” Y/N continues in a furious huff, “It’s not always about you–”
“Y/N, please… All that angry shaking isn’t helping, sweetheart.”
The huntress cocks an eyebrow high, almost reaching the messy bun on top of her head. “Helping with what?”
And that’s when he can’t control it any longer. There’s a distinctive twitch against her thigh, and he’s sure she’s felt it, too. Shit, shit, shit…
“Oooooh.” Y/N awkwardly presses her lips into a thin line, her fingertips tapping a nervous melody on his skin. Her single utterance makes his heart stop. It’s game over. She’s going to call him a gross perv, move out of the bunker, and then never speak to him again. “It’s-, uhm, it’s okay,” she says surprisingly, her head bobbing with a thick swallow as she reassuringly squeezes his biceps where her palms rest.
“Y/N, I’m-, uh… oh God… I’m so, so sorry,” he stammers, deciding to keep his eyes shut to escape some of the awkwardness.
“I-, no, it’s not-… This is a weird situation we’re in… It’s fine. Completely normal, right? Like, uhm, like a reflex?”
“Uh, yeah, guess so,” Dean gulps, his eyelids slowly fluttering open and gaze drifting back to the ceiling. It’s not a goddamn reflex, though. It’s all her. It’s the effect she has on him.
“We should, uh, probably, uhm, detangle…”
“Uh-huh, yup, nope, agree,” he says and clears his throat once more, hoping the fluster will leave his body soon. “You, uh, wanna bend down, and we both can grab our towels?”
Fuck, it’ll probably be awkward between them for months now. They’ll avoid each other during breakfast, lunch, dinner… They’ll stop watching movies together, Sam will have to be their buffer and hate it, and they probably won’t look directly into each other’s eyes till Christmas – and it’s only fucking February.
“Oh, uhm… I actually, technically didn’t, uh, come with a towel?”
His eyebrow twitches upward, head slightly tilting to the side as he thinks about her words. “Oh, uh… Wait… Were you, uhm, walking around like… naked through the bunker?”
Well, there’s an image Dean’s never gonna get out of his head. Now, he’ll forever wonder if she takes off her clothes as soon as he walks out the door.
“Look, I thought I was alone, okay?! Again – you’re not actually supposed to be here! Don’t judge me!” Y/N defends, the panic returning to her voice, and then adds something in an almost inaudible mumble, “Just wanted to let the girls breathe a little. Sue me…”
“What?” His head tilts some more, the fine creases on his brow deepening.
“Nothing… never mind,” she quickly splutters, her cheeks flushing bright red as she visibly swallows.
Dean snorts. He’s in love with a dork, isn’t he? God, she’s adorable.
And then, it fucking happens again. Dammit…
“Was that…”
“Again – I’m so, so sorry,” he apologizes once more, although he’s sure he can’t do it often enough. His dick is an escaped zoo animal and clearly on the prowl tonight.
“No, uh… So how do you wanna do this? We could, uhm, maybe turn 180 and then close our eyes and let go… I could, uhm, run really fast down the hall, and you could just quickly back into the bathro–”
Y/N doesn’t get to finish laying out her plan. Dean’s lips on hers stop any further words from spilling out of her mouth. The featherlight kiss doesn’t last longer than a painfully anxious second, his mind racing a mile a minute, his brain positively fried.
What the hell is he fucking doing? There’s only one rule in the bunker: don’t sexually harass Y/N. Dean’s pretty damn sure he’s breaking that rule right now and crossing too many goddamn lines. How’s he supposed to ever recover from this?
“What, uh…” Y/N’s speechless, every muscle frozen stiff in his embrace. Her eyebrows draw up and reach her hairline, eyes blown wide in shock. “Or that… you could do that…”
“Oh God, I’m so sorry,” Dean groans in defeat and shame, hoping the Earth opens up and takes him straight to the burning fires of Hell. See? There aren’t enough apologies in this world to make up for his stupidity. “You know, this is all Sam’s fault… He just got into my head… I mean, this is obviously the wrong first move… I-I shouldn’t have done that. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I just have a, you know, teeny-tiny crush on you, but still, this is obviously inappropriate.”
“You-, uhm, you have a crush on me?”
Dean swallows the hard lump in his throat. “Uh, yeah… Yeah, I do,” he admits bravely. “But don’t worry about it, okay? It’s just a temporary thing, alright?”
Y/N nods slightly in understanding. “For how long have you felt this way?”
“Well, uhm, like I said – not that long… Just a very short period of time… Like, since November 29th… 2012,” he gulps and shrugs sheepishly, watching her brow furrow in confusion.
“But… that’s the day we met,” Y/N points out.
Dean chuckles uncomfortably and rebuffs her concerns. “Is it? No…,” he rasps. “Well, uhm, anyways, that doesn’t change anything. Don’t worry, alright? No need to make this weird. I’m sure if we give it a couple more years, I’ll be completely over you.”
Y/N’s head bobs again, her lips pursing. “Okay, uhm… But what if you, uh, you know, maybe get over me in the literal sense… and I could get under you?”
The gears in his head start turning as he musingly squints his pine green eyes at her and studies her features. She seems nervous. There’s a bite of her lower lip and a light swallow in her throat, her pupils flickering insecurely. “Uhm, well… is that something you would like? I mean, to get-, uh, would you wanna get under me?”
“Uhm… yes? Yeah?” She looks up at him and meets his gaze, their eyes fully connecting for the first time since they have catapulted themselves into this mortifying situation.
“Is that a question?” Dean checks and chuckles lightly. “Because you kinda need to be sure about this, y’know?”
Another swallow and Y/N nods, determination gleaming in her eyes. He feels her weight shift forward, her feet rising on tip-toes as her palms move from his upper arms to the back of his neck. Her soft, pillowy lips catch his, a tender touch as their mouths carefully mold together. She sucks on his upper lip, nibbles on the bottom one before he feels the tip of her tongue lick between. He opens his mouth wider, lets her slip inside.
Dean’s hands then begin to travel, his confidence growing as Y/N’s fingers tug slightly on the short strands of hair in the nape of his neck, trying to draw him closer. One large hand cups her neck, the other one smoothing down her spine and pressing into the small of her back. He pushes her closer, deepens the kiss, and both of them moan needily while their tongues dance with each other. His grip on her becomes stronger, their bodies melting into one. Y/N gasps into his mouth, her hips pushing against his, skin on skin, as her bare pussy brushes his bulging dick.
“Shit…,” Dean mutters breathlessly against her lips, and Y/N breaks the kiss and meets his eyes with a hint of a smile.
Her lips are red and glistening, her chest heaving with ragged breaths. He cups her blushed cheek, thumb ghosting over the kiss-swollen flesh of her bottom lip as he mirrors her soft smile.
“You okay?” Y/N checks, giggling slightly.
Dean chuckles, palm still caressing her cheek. “Yeah, uh, just realized we’re incredibly naked.”
She snorts and nods, “Yeah, guess that doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination, huh?”
“Definitely not,” Dean agrees and laughs a little, his cheeks blushing with bashfulness. “But, look, we don’t have to do anything tonight, alright? We can take it slow.”
Y/N thoughtfully chews on her lip, her dimples showing a smile before she shakes her head. “No, I think we’ve been taking things slow for long enough.”
Dean’s face breaks into a grin before he pulls her back to his lips for a searing kiss. Y/N’s hands lock around his neck, allowing him to lift her up, and her legs instinctively wrap around his waist. His hand weaves into her hair, still damp in the back of her neck from her bath, as the scent of her delicious body wash and lotion seep into his nostrils with each intake of air.
“You smell nice,” he notes, his mouth trailing along her jawline and down her throat, leaving wet kisses in his wake as he sucks her pulse point black and blue. “Like a flower garden…”
Y/N giggles, the cute sound in his ears causing his heart to flutter. She clasps his jaw and draws his attention back to her face, nuzzling her nose against his, whispering, “Bedroom. Need you inside me…”
“Jesus, Y/N… Going in for the kill, huh? You can’t say stuff like that to a man in a compromising position,” he jokes, making her laugh more. “Okay, hold on, sweetheart. You ready?”
She confirms it with a nod, and Dean adjusts his grip on her body, grabbing her a little tighter before bolting down the bunker hallway like a little kid on Christmas morning. The huntress squeals and giggles in his arms as he kicks the door open to his bedroom, gently laying her down on the mattress. She lets herself fall back and stretches out on the bed, her shoulder blades indenting the memory foam, and he hopes the thing does as advertised and fucking remembers her forever.
“You’re fast,” Y/N teases him as he quickly makes his way on top of her.
Dean chuckles, placing soft kisses on her lips in between his laughs. “Yeah, well, I’d run a mile just to get a taste of you, sweetheart. But don’t worry – not all of it will be this fast, alright?”
“Oh, I didn’t think it would be,” she giggles and licks her lips. “Can you just do me a favor?”
“Anything, sweetheart,” Dean assures her and lovingly brushes her hair behind her ears.
“Just judging by, uhm, size-,” she interrupts her sentence for a giggle, and he joins in. She’s so fucking cute. “Can you go slow?”
“Oh, trust me. I would’ve taken my time either way, but tell you what – I’ll even do you one better,” he says. His fingers then slide up her arm, along her collarbone and down to one breast. She shivers underneath him, her skin breaking into delicate goosebumps, soon soothed by his warm lips. His thumb brushes her bud, plays with it until it hardens and then alleviates the sensation with his hot breath and wet tongue.
“Fuuuuck,” Y/N sighs blissfully, her toes curling as a smile shapes on her lips, fully relaxing under his care. “Feels so good, De.”
His chuckle vibrates against her ribcage, his mouth traveling down her upper body, his kisses not missing an inch of smooth skin. Every rib, every beauty mark, every freckle gets the attention they deserve, even teasingly dipping his tongue into her navel. The last tender kiss is placed on her mound as he moves between her legs and spreads her thighs a little wider.
A smirk forms on his face as he leers at her pussy, bright pink and already glistening with her arousal. He catches her watchful gaze, sees a bit of insecurity shimmering in it as she nibbles her fingernails and bottom lip almost bloody, so he cheekily wiggles his eyebrows and sends her a wink, causing her to giggle and roll her eyes at his antics before she lets herself fall back into the mattress with a calming, deep breath.
Licking his thumb pad, he presses it against her sensitive nub, her thighs jolting for a second at the initial touch as a hiss escapes her throat, followed shortly by a strangled whimper. Y/N’s hands fist the bedsheet a little tighter, her knuckles turning white, every muscle wired to the nth degree. Her chest heaves frantically as her breathing grows more erratic with each little circle of his digit. His index finger then stretches and reaches her dripping entrance, rubbing at the tight ring before he easily pushes inside and curls it, poking the spongey spot.
“Fuck, Dean…,” she manages to croak out, biting down on her tongue.
Dean only chuckles, a giddy feeling spreading in his stomach and loving how responsive she is to his touches. There’s a loud whimper when he kisses her pussy lips, tongue dipping between and giving her clit a kitten lick, distracting her enough to shove his middle finger inside her cunt as well, scissoring them once he’s knuckles-deep.
“Oh God… shit,” she groans and whines above him.
He laughs lightly and curiously observes the torment on her face. “Wanna cum, huh?”
“Dean, I swear… I-… please,” she begs, her initial threat morphing into a soft plea for mercy.
“I got you, sweetheart,” he assures her amusedly and swiftly presses his mouth back on her pussy, sucking her sensitive bundle of nerves between his plump lips and thrusting his digits harder and faster inside her. It only takes three, four pushes and one skilled suck before she convulses, trembles, and soaks his face and fingers in her juices. He groans at the sweet taste of her on his tongue, his cock twitches gleefully between his bow legs, only too eager to slide in next.
“Oh God! Fuck… shit… D-Dean!”
The green-eyed hunter grins broadly up at her, his face almost split in half as he bathes in her blissed-out expression and the rosy cheeks that accompany it.
“Wow,” she breathes and shakily catches his swollen and wet lips as he comes back up to her eye level, propping his arms up on the sides of her head.
“I think you’re ready for the big gun now,” he laughs and places a loving kiss on the tip of her nose and another one on her forehead.
“Uh-huh, I’m not so sure after this,” she giggles, still catching her breath. She cups his jaw, kisses him deeply, and licks her arousal from his pillowy lips. “You’re… amazing.”
“Right back at you, sweetheart,” he winks, the softness of his smile contrasting his cockiness. “Do we, uhm, need–”
Y/N shakes her head, anticipating his question. “No, uh, I’m on the pill. I just need you.”
With a smile, he nods and ducks his head, entangling her in a blazing kiss as he devours her lips. His hand pushes between their heated bodies, fisting his achingly hard cock before he threads his dickhead through her folds, coats it with her slick before it catches at her entrance. His thick and leaking tip pushes inside, slowly entering her drenched cunt inch by inch till he’s buried deep and touches her cervix, stretching her tight walls around his impressive girth and hearing her little gasps of sheer pleasure.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he rasps at the feeling of her pussy enveloping his cock and gently brushes her hair out of her face, kissing her deeply. “Taking me so well… Such a good girl f’me.”
“God, you feel like heaven,” she whimpers and wraps her arms around his neck.
As he languidly pulls out to the tip, he kisses down her neck, sucking a mark into her skin. His hand wraps around one of hers, pinning it above her head to the mattress, fingers tightly interlocking before he thrusts back into her heat. His hips then work up a rhythm, a slow and soft song, as he fucks her deep and slams home harder at just the right spot.  
Her second orgasm builds slowly yet deeply, aiming to shatter her from within as she hears the ticking of a bomb in every muscle of her body, counting down the seconds before a massive explosion. She moans loudly as the earth-shattering climax hits her at full force, booming and wild as she curses his name over and over.
His fingers grip hers tighter, his thrusts growing sloppy as he lazily fucks her, her pulsating walls clenching around his firm cock. His hips begin to stutter, broad shoulders quaking as he spills deep inside her and stills. He grunts, her name falling from his lips, loud, strained, and primal when he cums, painting her walls with his milky seed.
“Wow,” Dean repeats her earlier sentiment, her giggle causing his heart to soar higher than the moon in the sky. “You okay?”
A wide smile spreads across her face, a tired nod moving her head. “Yeah, more than okay,” she assures him and seeks out his lips.
Dean places one last kiss on her hairline before removing his limp and drenched dick from her center, rolling to his side and pulling her onto his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around her frame. “Hey, Y/N?”
She wearily lifts her heavy head to meet his green eyes. “Hm?”
“Were you, uhm, lonely?” Dean asks, his fingertips drawing tender patterns on her back.
“I guess… a little, yeah,” she admits. “Why?”
He kisses her forehead and pulls her closer. “Nothing. Just… I’m here now. And I’m not going anywhere, okay? You wanna move into my room?”
Y/N’s beam is blinding, her cheeks blushing brightly pink. “Yeah, I’d love that,” she replies and snuggles back into his chest.
Dean then notices her eyes falling shut, losing the battle against sleep as her breathing calms in his embrace, his own mind following her into dreamland soon after.
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In the morning, Y/N and Dean are still soundly asleep, entangled in sheets and limbs, when there are a few abrupt knocks on the door before it pops open to its full extent, the youngest Winchester’s voice drowning in from the hall.
“Hey, Dean? I’m back! Look, I figured we could talk. I’m sorry about yesterd–… ay… Whoa!”
“Wha-!” Y/N jolts up from the bed at the unexpected intrusion, her elbow hitting Dean straight in the face as he rises behind her. The force of the blow knocks him out of bed, the hunter tumbling to the cold ground.
Y/N clasps her palm over her mouth, staring at Sam’s shocked expression, their eyes both wide before she glances over her shoulder to her lover on the ground.
“Ow! Jesus…”
“Hi, Sam,” the huntress smiles awkwardly at the younger Winchester, sheepishly shrugging her shoulders as she hides her naked body underneath the sheets. “Good morning. How-, uh, how was the documentary?”
“Uhm, good?” Sam doesn’t look any less freaked out by what his hazel eyes are witnessing, though.
Dean groans behind her, rubbing a palm over his aching face before sending his little brother a lazy grin. “Hiya, Sammy.”
Sam then lets out a long sigh through his nose and mutters, “About damn time…”
“Yeah, about that, little brother… Might call Eileen and book yourself a room for at least a week somewhere,” Dean tells him, smirking.
Sam’s brow furrows, “What? Why?”
“Oh, because I’m gonna rail Y/N in every room we have,” Dean explains casually, watching Sam’s eyes widen.
“Oh?” Y/N sends her boyfriend an intrigued look, which he responds to with a sly wiggle of his eyebrows and a wink. “Even the dungeon? Are you, like, gonna tie me up and stuff?”
Dean’s eyes look at her lovingly, causing her cheeks to flush with heat. “Where have you been all my life, sweetheart?”
“Oh God, what have I done…,” Sam groans with a thick swallow.
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PHEW! And we’re done with one shot week, babes! 😮‍💨 I honestly hadn’t planned this but found some inspiration over the weekend and finished some WIPs, and since they were all about different kinds of love, I figured they were perfect for Valentine’s Day 💖
Hope you enjoyed these various journeys, and if you did, please consider telling me here and leaving me with some kind words 🥰 Now excuse me while I go work on a few Soldier Boy one shots. I’ve missed my toxic Ben-Ben. Read you soon, babes! 😝🖤
Everything Jensen Tags: @extraterrestriali @this-is-me19 @writercole @awkward-and-indecisive @eevvvaa @panicking-outside-the-disco @globetrotter28 @imherefordeanandbones @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @xlynnbbyx @jassackles @maggiegirl17 @perpetualabsurdity @deans-spinster-witch @deandreamernp @foxyjwls007 @roseblue373 @lyarr24 @deanwanddamons @deanwithscissors @mrsjenniferwinchester @justrealizedimmascifygurl @akshi8278 @flamencodiva @chriszgirl92 @lhymer1995 @wittyboldsoul @djs8891 @leigh70 @snowlovespie @b3autyfuldisast3r @recoveringpastaaddict @ladysparkles78 @muhahaha303 @mimaria420 @creepzeyecandy @avanatural​
Dean Tags: @parinarain​ @hobby27​ @fromcaintodean​
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jaidens · 1 year
omg wait bradley introducing his gf to his parents (obvs in an au where goosie poo and carol arent dead <33a0 PLS AND TYSM ML <3333333333333333333333333333
there ain't a thing a man can do she'll only love you for you
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pairing [s] : bradley bradshaw x reader
warning [s] : nothing!
a/n [s] : dal lives for requesting brad [requests are open!]
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“Brad,” You say above the music that plays on the radio. “I’m worried. Who says they'll like me? I mean, these are your parents.”
Bradley looks over to you, hand stopping the tapping movement on your thigh. His Ray-Bans cover his eyes, but you can tell he's looking at you. “Baby, just be yourself. My mom said she's tired of hearing the stories about you, and how ‘wonderful’ you already seem. I promise it will be fine.”
When the large, suburban Bradshaw home comes in your sight, you feel the pit in your stomach start to fill with worry. “Are you ready?” Bradley asks.
You nod and he shuts the engine off and gets out of the car, and you follow slightly after and grab your purse and phone. There are about fifteen cars parked in the driveway and on the edge of the road, as well as in the grass. You knew it was a family reunion, but not this big of a reunion. You connect your hands with Bradley’s and scoot closer to him.
He takes you up the stairs and knocks on the door. There are some small Halloween and fall decorations on the wrap around porch on each pole. You're zoned out on the porch decor when you hear it. “Bradley! Hello honey!” An older woman's voice captures your attention and you give her a large smile.
She has Bradley in her arms before she takes you in. “Oh, you must be Y/N! You are so beautiful. You are just the sweetest! Come inside!” Her hand pushes you both in and you look around at everyone mingling, children running around, and right in the middle of everything stands Nick Bradshaw.
“Here, why don't you come and meet my dumb husband Nick. Now, we have both been dying to meet you. Bradley never seems to shut his mouth about you, I already love you from what he's told me.” Carole is practically dragging you too, and Bradley shrugs his shoulders and follows after his mother.
“Bradley! There's my boy!” A loud obnoxious shout fills your ears. You smile when Nick hugs Bradley in his arms, and shakes him around. He looks almost identical to Bradley, with thinner hair and the fact he was greying. “And you must be?” He turns and lets go of him, and shakes your hand.
“Y/N. I’m Bradley’s girlfriend.” When you say it, he shouts a yell and kicks his feet around. You can't tell how a man in his sixties can somehow do all of this, but you're smiling and laughing.
“Oh! You are one pretty catch! It is really nice to meet you!” Nick puts his arm around Carole and tugs her into his chest. She hits it playfully and lets Nick kiss her.
“Isn’t she just beautiful?”
“Bradley has good taste, just like his father.” Nick jokes and Bradley laughs. The atmosphere is warm and the worries start to disappear. Bradley stays close to you and he interacts with cousins, aunts, uncles, and others.
“I told you it would be fine.” Bradley told you later, handing you a water as you flipped through old baby pictures and other pictures from his childhood. He sits down next to you and covers an embarrassing picture with his hand. You look up and smile at him, and he kisses you on the tip of your nose and travels to your lips with soft pecks.
“I know. I've also been invited to brunch with your mom.”
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zombehlovejuice · 2 months
my hear me outs
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slimecicle, beelzebub (good omens), buffalo belzer (wendell & wild), sister helley (wendell & wild), tim wright (marble horbets), brad majors (the rocky horror picture show), 90s jonathan davis, lila (spooky month), lady gaga, spencer reid/matthew grey gubler (criminal minds), wallace wells/keiran culkin (scott pilgrim franchise), butterfly (death proof), amber sweet (repo! the genetic opera), steph evelyn (my source/everymanhybrid), vinnie everyman (my source/everymanhybrid), stanford pine (gravity falls), graverobber (repo! the genetic opera), brandon flowers, alex kralie (my bf(marble hornets))
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fatherfigurefusion · 8 days
My personal design headcanons for the choir (but I don't use the 2016 cast as inspiration)...
(Bet you can't guess my favorite cast!)
Uniforms: (primary inspirations: McCarter Theatre, Chance Theatre, and Roxy's Downtown) dark blue and silver argyle sweater vests (with their school's insignia on the front) over white long-sleeved dress shirts and red ties/ribbons, grey pants for the boys, grey skirts for the girls
Ocean: (primary inspirations: Jackie Wilberton, Juliana Balzano, Addison Ward, slight inspiration from Nat Beaumont) 5 ft 4 in, long and wavy brown hair with a headband, has bangs, pale skin, a wide smile with a noticeable snaggletooth, wears a black blazer over her sweater vest and a sparkly red bowtie instead of a ribbon, black tights, and brown loafers.
Noel: (primary inspirations: Erwin Guerrero, Benjamin Michael Hall, slight inspiration from Ricky Johnson, Miclo Gonzalez, and Andres Lagang) 5 ft 11 in, Mexican, long and straight black hair that is often in either a bun or a low ponytail, chubby build, tanned skin, nails painted red, lets his hair loose and switches to a black dress, red feather boa, ripped lace leggings and arm warmers, and black heels, when playing Monique.
Mischa: (primary inspirations: Wyman Wheeler, Eli Mayer, Brad Hutchinson, slight inspiration from Jared Machado) 5 ft 9 in, curly dirty blonde hair in a faux-hawk, has stubble all over his chin and is attempting to grow a soul patch, slightly pudgy and stout build with "tattoos" scribbled all over his skin, pale skin with noticeable eyebags, wears a blue hoodie over his dress shirt instead of a sweater vest, stuffs his tie in his pants pocket, has rings on his fingers and a golden heart necklace that holds a picture of Talia in it.
Ricky: (primary inspirations: Ciara Kenny, Yannick-Robin Eike Mirko, Bennet Preuss, slight inspiration from Josh Otero and Link Hagerty) 5 ft 3 in, half-Puerto Rican, wears a backwards cap and glasses, shoulder-length curly dark brown hair, slightly-tanned skin, perpetual cat smile, wears black fingerless gloves that help with their joint issues, short and skinny build, is often seen with either forearm crutches or in a wheel chair, switches to a galaxy printed bodysuit with a purple and silver jacket and a matching star-studded and fur-lined cape over it, grey boots with cat paw prints on the bottom, clear purple glasses and white cat ears on their head, when performing "Space Age Bachelor Man"
Jane Doe: (primary inspirations: Em Flosi, Mary Jane Oken, Scout Graham, slight inspiration from Bryn Studer, Sara Dukes, and Janelle Catherina) 6 ft, primarily based on a Raggedy Ann doll, is tall and gangly, flops around like a ragdoll when she moves, has slightly charred red hair that falls over her eyes in uneven twintails, a stitched-up smile and cracks all over her face, wears an oversized white sweater that's charred and torn-up over her equally charred and torn-up school uniform, has mismatched black and white socks, and one missing shoe.
Constance: (primary inspirations: Tiffany Polite, Zoë Lewis-McLean, slight inspiration from Sereniti Patterson and Melissa Goldman) 5 ft 3 in, African-American (is part First Nations), has long curly black hair with two afro puffs on the top, the left puff is dyed pink while the right is dyed blue, the bottom of her hair is dyed purple, chubby build, wears a dark blue cardigan with a rainbow design instead of a sweater vest, wears short white socks and blue Converses on her feet.
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frosted-skies · 3 months
trikey —
deliver to: heaven
TW: Dr*gs, overdose and s*icidal ideation
i would wait for you a thousand years, but would my life last long enough?
trevor philips x michael de santa
a series of nine letters, corresponding to the nine years since michael townley’s death during a failed heist in ludendorff, north yankton, written by trevor philips.
the nine letters are kept safely in individual envelopes, stacked chronologically and locked in a wooden box under his bed.
engraved in the wood was:
deliver to: heaven.
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Yv3sN3tq0kfgZyI83k5P2?si=JKbagLZiS0KzG9A9vOgbjA&pi=a-ATFl3aYgQmuF
I can't believe you’re not with me anymore. I can’t believe you are gone, I can’t believe you are dead. I couldn't leave your tombstone, even after everyone else had left, including your wife and children.
I stayed there for god knows how long. I cried in the cold unforgiving North Yankton winter, kneeling next to your grave. I held onto your tombstone. That smooth concrete with your name engraved.
Michael Townley, 1965-2004.
I wanted to dig out your body, I wanted to look at your face one last time. I cried, screamed, begged for all of this to be a dream. I prayed to a God I didn't even know existed, I yelled into the empty grey skies. I yelled your name. hoping that somehow and somewhere, you’d come back.
Why did it have to end like this? I should have taken that bullet instead of you, I should have died and not you. Why was it you? Why did it have to be you? Why? I don’t know how to live without you, Mikey. You were my everything. And now…you’re gone.
Maybe you’re happier on the other side wherever you end up. I don’t fucking know. But I can’t think of a way to live a life without you. I’d crumble without you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I see you in everything and everywhere. I can’t get you outta my mind. I have a shirt of yours. And a jacket. Those are my only two things that will remind me of you. And I’ll treasure it with my whole life. I promise.
I’m missing you so much, Townley. And I’ll keep missing you forever. I’ll always be waiting for you on the other side. No matter how long it takes. I’m waiting for you. I promise.
It’s been a year since you left me. A fucking year. 12 months, 48 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours and 525,600 minutes.
All that time. I spent it alone. I moved to another part of the US. I decided to move to San Andreas. Blaine County. Sandy Shores. In a trailer.
I did drugs. All that you could think of. Just so I can fill the void and the never ending pain that your death caused. I still can’t believe that you’re actually gone. Sometimes I saw see you in my dreams. Sometimes I see your face in other people’s. God, I miss you so much I think I’m going a bit crazy.
But I don’t think you would like to see me like this, do you? I don’t know. But I just needed something to quell me from the emptiness that you left me. I still have that shirt and jacket of yours. I take care of it well, so your scent doesn’t ever go away. I kept all the pictures we took. I look at them when I miss you the most. And then I cry my eyes out. And then I smoke meth. And repeat.
One year since you left me and I’m struggling. I don’t know what will happen to me soon. But I’ll wait for you. I promise, I will never forget you and I’ll wait.
I miss you and I love you. Forever. Until I die.
Two years. Two fucking years. Two years have passed since you died.
I don’t know if I’m surviving. Barely.
Writing to Brad. He’s in prison. Even though I hate his guts kinda, I still write. I’m not heartless am I?
I went to visit you up in North Yankton. Still cold as always. I think the priest saw me. I don’t know. Don’t care. I sat there for probably three hours. Talking to you. Talking to a fucking stone. I don’t know if you heard me. I guess you did.
I miss you so much Mikey. I really do. Why did you have to leave me so soon?
I have no energy to write more. I’m gonna go smoke meth probably.
I miss you. I love you.
Three fucking years.
The more days I live, the more I wonder if I should still stay. My life has no purpose.
My tolerance grew. The usual amount I smoked isn’t cutting it anymore.
I sometimes smoke with a picture of you next to me. You’re my only friend. I think.
I tried huffing gas. Interesting experience. Ended up with a pounding headache and puking my guts out at the abandoned motel. Who cares.
I don’t think I should stay alive anymore, Mikey.
I can’t do this anymore. I’m numb. I feel invisible. Miserable. Horrible.
I should just…die. I have no purpose to live anymore. Especially without you here with me. I’m tired of crying, breathing, and living. I might just die by an overdose. I should.
I’m broken, Mikey. Maybe I’ll see you. You’re waiting for me, right?
Four years. Sorry I wrote later than usual.
I was high as fuck. Took a mix of meth and heroin. Crazy. I probably killed a guy or two. I don’t know.
Almost died. Wasn’t planning to at that moment.
I heard your voice when I was tripping. Were you visiting me Mikey? I missed you.
I dont know if it was the drugs or my imagination. But I swear I saw you.
Planning to overdose next year, on the fifth year. Probably gonna mix a fuckton of drugs. It’ll be effective. I hope so. I just wanna meet you again.
You’re waiting right? Wait for me Mikey.
I’m coming.
Well…I tried.
I overdosed. I drank, I smoked. Somehow. But somehow, I’m still alive. Fuck.
Damn it. Fuck. Wait for me Mikey.
Please. I wanna see you again.
Hold you. Hug you. Talk to you.
Wait for me. Please.
I’ll come to you, Mikey. I promise.
Six years have passed.
I still wished I was the one who got shot. Not you. God. I miss you everyday. It hurts. Even the drugs aren’t cutting it anymore.
I miss you so much. I don’t know how to describe it. This grief seems to go on forever.
Should I just…keep living and accept the fact that you’re gone?
Tried to die twice to meet you but it seems like my life has other plans. Maybe one day I’ll accept the fact that you’re gone. But that doesn’t change the fact that I miss you so much. Remember that.
Coming to terms with the fact that you’re dead is weird. I’m still doing drugs though.
I think I found a friend. His name is Ron or whatever. He's a bit of a weirdo and his wife's an ass.
He's kinda like a little apprentice to me. I started a little drug stint to make money. Forgot to tell you that.
Even though I'm slowly accepting reality…that you're gone…
I will never forget you.
Take my word for that.
Sorry for not writing. Ron got a divorce from his ass wife. He lives in the trailer next to mine. I got another kid. Wade. Very gullible young kid.
I've been thinking of you a lot.
I've fully accepted that you're dead. After eight damn years. Almost a decade of me crying at night because I missed you.
Accepting that you're dead feels weird. Really weird. It's kinda like I've made peace with it. I no longer feel the weight of my grief. Nor have I felt that soul-crushing, rose-thorns-on-my-throat feeling of deathly missing you. Even after all that.
Remember that in another universe I still love you with all my heart.
Happy New Year. Well…I'm a month late. You don't care, do you?
I hope you're okay wherever you are. It's almost ten years since you're gone.
Isn't it weird that everyone grieves differently? I'm here always having you in my thoughts. Maybe your wife moved on quick and married someone else!
Finally accepting your death is calming. I'm not a miserable mess anymore. I have those two idiots and my business to occupy my time.
You're always in my thoughts. I miss you lots, Mikey. I love you lots, too.
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deedala · 10 months
🌱Weekly Tag Wednesday🌱
Thanks for these amazing questions and for tagging me @suchagallabitch!! 💛 and @energievie @creepkinginc @darlingian and @metalheadmickey!!! 💖
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? Gosh I don't know who exactly but I guess maybe any billionaire hanging out somewhere tropical and beautiful because I'd love to enjoy that scenery and also drain their fucking bank account to myself and literally anyone else, it's so much money it could fix so much 😋 (elle you mentioned taking money from rich people and i fixated on it sorry lol)
2. whats your most trivial / dumbest hot take? buuhhh...i dunno...one day shipping is stupid.
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in? pfft ...flatting??? im useless for the most part guys i dunno what to tell ya.
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen? Omg ok. First of all, Ian and Mickey will be carrying this season with the most important plotlines. Carl, please quit the cop thing, own the bar...NORMAL bar. Debbie still has her career shit together but she's finally gonna get her love life together. Lip and Mickey and Brad will do some stupid hijinks together. Liam is gonna get some personal life drama as he's getting a bit older now. We're gonna also follow some plotlines down in Kentucky with V and Kev and Fiona (who moves there to live near them because shit falls apart for her in Florida)
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology). Mythal (the Protector, All-Mother, and goddess of love, is the patron of motherhood and justice)
6. what’s something you love about yourself? *tire deflating sound*
7. describe your day in 5 emojis: 🥱👧🧑👩‍⚕️🥨
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? you know what, i dont WANT to fight her, but i like to think i could take debbie. we would absolutely destroy each other but i think i could do it 😂
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie!
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name? nope
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence i dont collect a lot of memes but i do have this one i guess
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12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order? if im ordering coffee its gonna be an iced peppermint oatmilk latte
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life? oh this is not a thing im good at....uhm grey street by dave matthews band? team by lorde?? something like that i guess!! Okay little nuggets im going to tag you if you wanna play! @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @mybrainismelted @heymrspatel @gardenerian @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @scurvgirl @themarchg1rl @mmmichyyy @juliakayyy @sleepyfacetoughguy @jrooc @sam-loves-seb @crossmydna @tanktopgallavich @palepinkgoat @sickness-health-all-that-shit @gofionaonthem @thepupperino @purplemagpie @suzy-queued @rereadanon @transmickey @mikhailoisbaby @auds-and-evens @tsuga-of-mars @vintagelacerosette @ardent-fox @callivich @lingy910y @lee-ow @squidyyy23 and #💟YOU 😘
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thealmightyemprex · 9 months
Oscar Nominated Genre Film Performances of the 20th Century
HB Warner in Lost Horizon
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Walter Huston in Devil and Daniel Webster
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Robert Montgomery and James Gleason from Here Comes Mr Jordan
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Angela Lansbury in Picture of Dorian Grey
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James Stewart in Its a Wonderful Life
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Ethel Barrymore fromThe Spiral Staircase
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Cecil Kellaway from Luck of the Irish
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Jean Simmons in Hamlet
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Janet Leigh in Psycho
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Bete Davis in What Ever Happened To Baby Jane
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Agnes Moorhead in Hush Hush Sweet Charolotte
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Linda Blaire,Jason Miller,and Ellen Burstyn in Exorcist
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Sissie Spacek and Piper Laurie in Carrie
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Alec Guiness in Star Wars
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Melinda Dillon in Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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LAurance Olivier in Boys from Brazil
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Warren Beatty ,Dyan Cannon and Jack Warden in Heaven Can Wait
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Jeff Bridges in Starman
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Kathleen Turner in Peggy Sue Got Married
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Sigourney Weaver in Aliens
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Robin Williams in FIsher King
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Brad Pitt in 12 Monkeys
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Michael Clarke Duncan in Green Mile
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Hayley Joel Osment and Toni Collete in 6th Sense
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@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @minimumheadroom
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
I wanna go on a little ramble about the papz photos and this weird couples holiday.
On Tuesday at 11:25am (British time zone (BST)) Max jet touches down in Sardinia. Hours later Maria posts a pic from the jet window with the tagged location of Sardinia. Then at 5pm (BST) the daily Mail release papz shoots of them at the airport getting off the plane. The photos were taken by ciaopix and Italian papz agency, for someone to know they'd be there at that airport and at what time, someone had to have tipped the papz off. The article was written by Bethan Edwards who is followed by pageboyprojects, she has also written serval recent articles about kelly on the DM.
The second papz pictures come out on the 3rd of august, the Tumblr account reigningmax release them, the same Tumblr account that released the first set of st Bart's photos. (Not gonna get into how they have access to the photos, something to do with they pay a papz agency for access to all their celeb photos, idk.)
This account seems to have 2 sets of photos from different days, the ones on the beach where max is wearing blue shorts and a white Simpsons top, Kelly wearing a Chanel swimsuit, light grey trousers and a Celine basket bag.
The second set is on a boat. Max this time wearing a red and blue shorts with a white t-shirt, and kelly wearing a long black patterned skirt.
These outfits match with the one with the restaurant guy (on august 3rd) and the post Yara (Kellys friend posted).
Now the interesting part comes with this fourth set of papz pics. Released by Justjared and taken by backgrid, who are known for celebs calling them to tell them where they are. The kardashians and Hailey Bieber all use them. Now, these photos look to have been taken at their private villa, which none of the group had posted the location of it anywhere making it unlikely papz were just waiting outside to take pictures. Meaning someone would have probably tipped them off to where they were staying. They were released yesterday at 7:30 pm (BST) and its obvious they didn't do they're research cause despite naming kelly in the headline, they named P as 'their friends children' instead of Kelly's kid.
Justjared released the pictures of kika and Pierre about a month back on the beach.
Also, they are wearing the same outfits as the first lot of beach photos.
Now Kelly has asked her fans to delete the ones from the villa but none of the others. If this were about privacy she would have asked for all the papz pictures to be deleted but she didn't.
So for a little timeline, I'm guessing the villa and beach ones were took on the Tuesday the 2nd and the boat ones and restaurant on the Wednesday 3rd.
Throughout this tho I noticed that maxv1stappen__ hasn't posted any of the papz pics, despite posting the ones from st tropez and St barts.
Max's jet is still in Switzerland for maintenance and repairs so I don't think we'll actually know when they're back in Monaco, unless Kelly or even brad posts.
Everyone knows the reason why she wants them gone is because she got the actual experience of being papped 💀
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f1-giuki · 1 year
Hiya, I just read your art theft AU and had to release a compliment because omg what a charming and sexy and fun story! I’m sooo glad you’re continuing it! As someone who studied some art theory and is an art enjoyer, I really needed a fun tale like this one. I’ve also been struggling with writing recently, and this story made me realise that maybe if I also try to write something light and fun it might get my love for writing back. So thank you for blessing us with this AU. I’d definitely hang it in the Louvre <3
Hello sweet anon💖💖 thank you so much for being so lovely🥺💖
I'm glad this fic could help you, darling, I'm not very good with advice, but a wise person told me to write about what you love or what you know!! The more you enjoy it the better it is!! Write for yourself darling, you deserve all the fics you'd love to read! 💖💖 Love you darling, hope you have fun writing!💖
here's a little snippet from the second part!!
Max breaks the heavy silence. “Okay, gentlemen, now it’s time for the plan. Boss, do you want to do the honours?” Max says, slapping his hands together.
"Which of you sodomites is Brad Pitt and which is George Clooney?" Asks Carlos rhetorically with a grin. 
Lando laughs so hard he bangs his forehead on the table of the conference room.
"Obviously I'm Brad Pitt, he's the old guy with grey hair," Max says and Charles rolls his eyes.
The Boss gets up from his seat as Max and Charles sit down. Charles clicks a button in the remote in his hand and the slide changes, showing the picture of a huge villa in the middle of a vaste property near a lake.
"This is Palazzo Pozzoli, the residence of Count Mattia Binotto. It's situated in Switzerland near lake Lugano, in the city of Neggio. A ten hectares property where the main three-storeys high villa is hidden in a wood, next to a vineyard and cultivated fields. There’s one entrance road only and the entrance is surveilled by an army of people. Needless to say, the security is extremely tight, worse than the Louvre on a bad day: five former soldiers stay in the little farm house by the main gate, you can see the building, ten people guard the perimeter, two snipers surveil the business office of Count Binotto on the patio around it and two special agents are in the house, at best in the room next to where Count Binotto is, acting as his personal bodyguards. But this is not the worst thing that needs to be faced. The artworks are located all over the villa, in different rooms on different floors, all protected by the same security system powered by AI. Count Binotto has paid several engineers from the best intelligence organisations on the globe to create it and collaudate it, inviting some of our competitors to try to steal his collection. They all failed through the years. It’s a system that can’t be beaten, can’t be blown up because it has five servers across the globe, and you can’t fuck it up with magnets, it recognises brushstrokes, the order of it and it can date the age of the paint used. Nine artworks protected by a nearly sentient genius in an impenetrable fortress with only one exit, one staircase for the whole house and about fifteen machine guns and two snipers.” The Boss says as Max keeps on showing different slides showing the different buildings and paths.
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blogger360ncislarules · 4 months
Canadian procedural Wild Cards is coming back for a second season on The CW.
The renewal news came this morning as originating broadcaster CBC renewed the show and unveiled it at its Upfronts.
It marks a bit of good news for The CW, which canceled Walker earlier this week, while Canadian drama The Spencer Sisters, which it also aired, was canceled at CTV.
The show, stars Grey’s Anatomy’s Giacomo Gianniotti, Riverdale’s Vanessa Morgan and Jason Priestley, has been one of The CW’s stronger performers over the last year.
Earlier this month, The CW’s President of Entertainment Brad Schwartz told Deadline that he was keen to bring back the show for more episodes.
Wild Cards is a crime-solving procedural with a comedic twist that follows the unlikely duo of a gruff, sardonic cop and a spirited, clever con woman. Ellis (Gianniotti) plays a demoted detective who has spent the last year on the maritime unit, while Max (Morgan) has been living a transient life elaborately scamming everyone she meets. But when Max gets arrested and ends up helping Ellis solve a local crime, the two are offered the opportunity to redeem themselves, with Ellis going back to detective and Max staying out of jail. The catch? They have to work together, with each using their unique skills to solve crimes. Terry Chen and Karin Konoval also star.
It is produced by Blink49 Studios, Front Street Pictures and Piller/Segan with Michael Konyves as showrunner. He exec produces alongside Shawn Piller, James Genn, Lloyd Segan, Alexandra Zarowny and James Thorpe. Produced by Charles Cooper and Virginia Rankin, it is distributed internationally by Fifth Season.
The second season will premiere in winter 2025 on both The CW and CBC and consists of 13 episodes.
“We are thrilled to order a second season of The CW’s breakout series Wild Cards,” said Liz Wise Lyall, Head of Scripted Programming, The CW Network. “Wild Cards has clearly captured the imagination of our viewers thanks to exhilarating storytelling and the crackling chemistry between Vanessa and Giacomo. We are confident Wild Cards is the kind of smart and sexy blue-sky drama that could continually build its audience for years.” 
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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So today, we watched the movie "Se7en" in the class.
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This is my first time watching a crime thriller movie. Although I listen to true crime podcasts, I never watch crime movies because I know my overly emotional self cannot handle that. Well, I was right because I could not handle or even process what happened throughout this movie. In the beginning, I was excited.... Oh, little did I know the context of the movie. I was utterly shocked and I am really sorry to say this but I was disgusted with some scenes in the movie. But amidst all the chaos in my mind, when Tracy met Somerset and said she was pregnant and she was scared, I knew Tracy is not going to make it alive, and GUESS WHAT??!!! I WAS RIGHT. The movie overall was traumatic and emotional because I lost it when Detective Mills started crying in the end (well it was BRAD PITT crying !!!!). I couldn't even speak for like 20 minutes after finishing watching the movie. It was a really good movie but I can't bring myself to rewatch it. It's just that since I am not used to watching crime movies, it was too much to process.
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So, I did a little background check about the movie after watching
Setting -
The film takes place in a nameless, perpetually gloomy city. This urban spawl is depicted as a grimy, crime-ridden place, reflecting the overall bleak atmosphere.
Characters -
William Somerset : A veteran detective nearing retirement. He is a world-weary and jaded by the constant violence he's witnessed.
David Mills : A young, hot-headed detective recently transferred to the city. He is idealistic and clashes with Somerset's cynicism.
John Doe : The enigmatic serial killer, who taunts the detective with elaborate crime scenes linked to the seven deadly sins (Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Lust, Envy, and Pride).
Plot -
As Mills and Somerset delve deeper into the investigation, they discover the killer, John Doe, orchestrates gruesome murders that embody each sin. The film explores the psychological toll the case takes on both detectives, especially impulsive Mills.
Theme -
Se7en goes beyond just hunting a serial killer. It really gets into some deep stuff, like the struggle between good and evil, how sin is everywhere, and how living in a morally grey world effect us.
Style -
The director David Fincher knows how to make a movie that catches the watcher's eye. The way he uses darkness, rain, and those chilly blue and green colors really amps up the tension in the film. The camera work is so tight and intense.
Legacy -
Se7en is still considered a neo-noir masterpiece. I think people love it for its gripping plot, deep themes, and unforgettable ending that keeps people talking.
David Fincher
David Fincher, the creator of the chilling atmosphere in Se7en, is a director who has established himself in the genre of neo-noir and psychological thrillers. Before entering the world of cinema, Fincher honed his skills in music videos and commercials. this early experience instilled in him a mastery of visual storytelling and the ability to create a specific mood through his use of imagery.
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Fincher is a meticulous director, known for his perfectionism. He does not shy away from multiple takes and intricate camera work to achieve his vision. The meticulousness is evident in the final product. His films are recognized for their captivating visuals. Fincher isn't one for bright and cheery. Instead, he uses lighting, color palettes, and camera angles to evoke a sense of unease and tension throughout the narrative.
Thematic exploration in another characteristic of Fincher's work. He is drawn to psychological thrillers and neo-noir stories, where he can delve into the complexities of human nature. Morality, obsession, and the darkness that lurks beneath the surface are recurring themes in his films.
Se7en was not only a critically acclaimed film, it was a turning point that solidified Fincher's reputation as a master of suspense. The success of Se7en opened doors for him to direct other critically acclaimed movies that reflect his signature style. Films like "Fight Club", " The Social Network", and "Gone Girl" all demonstrate Fincher's ability to create visually stunning narratives that grapple with complex themes.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
(i know lisa came out a while ago but just noting spoilers ahead- please play this game w/o spoilers!)
the one reason Lisa is painful to play (i know, this will be a easy joke to make but its true) and watch the ending for is that its a tragedy, and also the two different endings dont stop the tragedy
there are two paths you can take. one seen as good and one seen as bad. there are of course various other choices- options to kill or not kill certain plot characters, and you could decide if thats good or not. but whatever you do, no matter how good, its a tragedy ending for brad.
my main conflict and feelings come from the fact that i still couldnt decide if i felt like brad was doing the right thing. even still, i am not sure how i would summarize my thoughts- and he's grey, he's supposed to be. but its not often that i struggle to come to any personal conclusion...
i mean, through most of the game i was confident i was doing a good thing- what happens to buddy regardless of brad is ultimately... bad. there were hints of not great moments between the two at home but even so- his help was needed right? whats going on outside would never compare, the implications were horrible. but you know as the plot continues that is where things start to make you question. it seemed every moment you got closer she got away, and it slowly became apparent that she was actively getting away regardless of how close you were. And there is confusion at first- wondering why, you didnt think brad was a terrible guy, surely she wouldnt want to endure all of this to get away?
the thing i love about the storytelling is that it is vague in the right way. it is a very particular 'show dont tell' that is hard to do right because if youre vague in the wrong way, then you have no clue what is happening. there is so much i see but dont get all the views of, that even i could make assumptions on and start to think "hm.. that sounds bad". and it leaves a bad feeling, a pit in your stomach that maybe what you think it was, really is what it was. and thats what makes the lead up to the end so hard. because even right up to then im kind facing the exact moral dilemma as brad-- there is clearly some kind of disconnect between you and buddy that is hard to grasp, but its real. and by this point maybe youre realizing your various thoughts from those glimpses of the past really were exactly what you thought they were. but brad just can't see why, he tried so hard. and honestly i feel like i was trying with him- even so, i knew something was wrong and i knew deep down that forgiving him for whatever had happened couldn't happen, and buddy's character reflects that well.
so. for the endings to basically be the same no matter what you thought you did was good, hurts a lot but makes perfect sense. you did not change or fix brad's actions and you hardly see any clear pictures where he changed or improved (i think the act of isolating buddy and closing her off alone is a very important thing to remember, even if it seems safer for)- in general, voicing a second chance doesnt even imply some hard change or awareness (in the sense that he was desperately grasping onto buddy as some kind of validation that he could do it right this time).
i love a game with a tragedy ending that not only keeps it that way despite your attempted goodness. but also one that still leaves you conflicted even after the credits roll.
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schibborasso · 2 years
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Eyes Wide Shut - TRACKLIST Music From the Motion Picture 2xLP Vinyl Record
Side A: 1 Musica Ricercata II (Mesto, Rigido E Cerimoniale) - György Ligeti 2 Waltz 2 From Jazz Suite - Dmitri Shostakovich 3 Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing - Chris Isaak 4 When I Fall In Love - The Victor Silvester Orchestra Side B: 1 I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) - The Oscar Peterson Trio 2 Naval Officer - Jocelyn Pook 3 The Dream - Jocelyn Pook 4 Masked Ball - Jocelyn Pook Side C: 1 Migrations - Jocelyn Pook 2 If I Had You - Roy Gerson 3 Strangers In The Night - Peter Hughes Orchestra Side D: 1 Blame It On My Youth - Brad Mehldau 2 Grey Clouds - Franz Liszt 3 Musica Ricercata II (Mesto, Rigido E Cerimoniale) (Reprise) - György Ligeti
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