#Brady Jenness
rolandkaros · 4 months
i'm procrastinating ok so here u go
tennis players as tweets
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jenlrossman · 1 year
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Flying for Christmas
It’s Christmas time~~
In the airports~~~~~!
Whether Mulder and Scully are only taking flights to her family’s celebration, a Christmas getaway, or nowhere (since they’re stranded and outta luck), these fics tap into a few things we barely see in canon: airports and holidays. 
Loose chronological order below! 
Main Series 
@cock-holliday /biggyyeehaw’s Thirty Five Hundred Miles And A Lifetime To Go - Chapter 2 
“”In the year that they’ve known one another, Scully has only seen Mulder react poorly to bugs. She questioned him on it, teased him, but he was adamant that he simply did not like them and wasn’t actually afraid. Afraid or not, he would not enjoy being handed a bug. With the abundance of options out here, it was the perfect bad gift.””
S2 Mulder starts a prank gift war to distract Scully from her sadness at being case-bound for Christmas. He even gets his hands on tickets for her, knowing he’ll bear the loneliness as long as she’s happy with her family. 
@baronessblixen​‘s (Ao3) Ficmas Day 21: “I hate the holiday season” 
““The airport is bathed in festive colors with red and green shimmering everywhere. The harsh lights have been replaced with softer ones, a harsh contrast to the cold winter air outside. Everyone around them is either tired, sad or angry. Sometimes it’s all three. Mulder just watches and observes with half a smile on his lips. That’s until Scully returns, flinging herself into the seat next to him.
“I hate the holiday season,” she says and puts a small plastic bag on her lap.””
S5 Mulder and Scully are stuck in the airport. He tries to keep her mood up, assuring her the plane will get them home in time for Christmas. Scully invites him to her mom’s to celebrate. They’re together no matter how it shakes out. 
Jen’s (mulderscreek)
Christmas Eve & Airports
““Scully watched the mother drag her son away and sighed. She _hated_ airports on Christmas. This was the last place she should be. she couldn't help thinking as she gripped her bag and walked toward the check-in station.
Meanwhile, Mulder was thinking the opposite. The busy airport was a welcome change of pace compared to his usual Christmas Eve. The Christmas Eve where his mother would call, and they would discover that once again they had nothing to say to each other. Then he would fall into a fitful sleep while watching all the "happy" Christmas programs on TV.”” 
Mulder is developing a sneeze and cough; but is happy to be spending Christmas on the go with Scully. She, meanwhile, is determined to get them back in time for her family celebration. 
Christmas & Mrs. Scully’s House 
““Scully sighed and smiled. "You'll have to wait a few days. Mulder has strep, so unless you want to catch it I wouldn't go visit him if I were you." In truth, Scully was glad to postpone the meeting of her brother and Mulder; not because she was afraid they would hate each other, but because of the "ideas" she was afraid Charlie might give Mulder. After her discussion with Charlie she was a little afraid of his "ideas" herself. "I don't mind a little strep," Charlie said, but Dana stopped him again. "And he's sleeping. If you wake him, Charlie Scully, _you_ can pay the consequences.””
Mulder gets his much-needed nap-- but also a full Scully household and strep throat. Maggie babies him while her kids talk about life; and he gets to slough off a nightmare with Scully’s cutthroat Monopoly skills. 
Jennifer Brady’s Secret Santa 
““Why would I leave him now, after all this time? Doesn't he realize that I'm in this for the long haul? 
Sigh. I suppose not. Well, here's the plan: Mulder's about to get a crash course in Dana Scully. 
Whether he knows it or not.””
S6 Scully has decided to embody “carpe diem” this Christmas: fabricating an investigation into Santa at a snowy resort to get alone time with Mulder. As she works up the courage to take their relationship to the next level (with perfect, snarky inner-monologues), Mulder is enjoying this new side to her. Also, there’s a hilarious call with Maggie. 
@msrafterdark‘s (Ao3) 
Miracle at Charlotte Douglas International Airport 
““He walks slowly away from the American Airlines help desk, his arms falling limply at his sides, his heart sinking into his chest. He doesn’t want to go back. He doesn’t want to tell her, it’s going to kill him to see her face fall, and he has no choice but to disappoint her.
He trudges back to where Scully is sitting with their luggage, watching his return with a hopeful expression. They are stuck in Charlotte Douglas International Airport on Christmas Eve, and—true to form—it is all his fault. How typical.:”
Scully is unable to catch a Christmas flight home. Mulder tries to pick her up with her favorite snacks; but really saves the day when he is able to finagle her a flight home. She insists he come along. 
Continued with-- 
Christmas Eve Call 
““4:37 AM
A slight crease in her forehead took form when her bleary brain recalled the date alongside the time. It was Christmas Eve night—well, Christmas morning to be precise—and for the last several years, Mulder had always called her anywhere between three and three-thirty in the morning, without fail. Often it was to wish her a Merry Christmas. Sometimes it was because he couldn’t sleep (at least, even less so than normally). Once it had been because he had been lonely.
So it was odd to Scully that he hadn’t called yet.”  
Scully wakes in confusion until she remembers that Mulder is here, not back in DC. He wakes briefly to wonder why everything seems to be working out for them, and is satisfied with her wisdom.  
Day 6 (Ao3) 
““They’ll be departing in about three hours for the airport. Scully won’t admit it, but she’s bad about leaving.
She’s loved being here with him like this, where their jobs and pasts and Real Worlds are far away, She’s not an escapist by any means, but she’s relished a week bathed in Mulder’s warmth and company, delighting in the locals, eating hearty food, enjoying the snow, being made love to every night…she’s addicted to this simplicity. She loves their work, loves her life back in DC, she just wishes she could have both.””
Scully is sad to leave her and Mulder’s Christmas getaway; but he reassures that this a beginning, not an end.  
greycoupon’s (Ao3) Joy To The World - Chapter 1 
““Of course I’d love to spend Christmas with your family. Even Bill. Especially Bill.“ Mulder added honestly meaning it. Mostly. He would happily put up with the man’s glares and pointed comments, if it meant he got to spend the holiday with the Scully family.
So here he was with Scully in San Diego two days before Christmas.””
Bill is there to pick up Mulder and Scully from the airport-- proudly wearing an ugly Christmas sweater while keeping his distain for Mulder in check. Mulder is floored and actually reconsiders ol’ Billy-boy briefly.  
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls‘s Unnamed 
““She holds Matthew on her lap while he watches his cartoons, and Mulder sits beside them, pats her knee absently with one hand, tickles Matthew’s bare foot until he giggles, and Scully wants to cry. She bounces Matthew up and down on her knee absently, reads him a story at her mother’s request, and sees Mulder looking at her with a tremendous amount of affection in his eyes.””
Scully brings Mulder with her to California, unable to bear leaving him behind in the wake of their IVF success. Her family is polite and delighted; Matthew, Emily, and their own baby are interwoven beautifully; and Mulder gets to sleep on a living room pull-out while the two slowly sink their toes into the new fuzzies of impending parenthood and a brand-spanking-new relationship. 
This, THIS is an all-time favorite of mine. Me summed up, if you will. Wonderful. 
jeri’s (Gossamer) Vulpecula (Gossamer 1/ 2/)
““Sir, I wish I knew why I'm calling you. I...well, I've left for the day, and I intended to go straight home, but right now I'm heading for Dulles, and I don't know why."
He's silent for a moment. "Okay, Scully. Let me do some checking, and I'll call you back if I find anything worthwhile." Without saying goodbye, he hangs up.
I continue driving.””
S8 Scully has surprisingly positive turns in her life, despite Mulder’s absence:  Bill comes around; Jose Chung checks in; Phoebe helps with Gibson Praise’s protection; and she even finds Mulder randomly a year later by following a gut feeling to the airport. Even the CSM did good for once (by restoring her fertility via her chip.) She pulls Mulder out of his dark contemplations, they get married, and enjoy the harried stability that domestic bliss brings (which is helpful, because Krycek is now Mulder’s cousin, and their second child decides a church fire is the perfect time to be born. They’ll take whatever stability they can grasp.)
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aconstructofamind · 6 months
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gandergaal · 2 months
Okay I read the Grandest Game.....
Spoiler warning
So I got the epub.
It was in one word... intense. So much going on so much tension yet it feels like nothing had happened and we only got the introduction.
The OG characters, this book made me love them more. Like- Nash, Xander and Avery.
NASH n'Libby had BabieS ? Jaw drop movement.
The Game was truly grand. JLB fed us exactly what we wanted.
Esp, when the symbols unveiled and the infinity to eight movement (so many callbacks)
Tho I knew that Gray is a player, literal GoOseBumpS.
The callbacks, and how everything Jen posted- the cards, the sneak peaks and the book cover; they all just pieced together. It was lovely.
I am happy that Grayson is ready this time, he isn't that tortured person anymore, he is healing and admitting to his faults and flaws.
Lyra's POV was my fave
Rohan's grew on me a little late but it still did.
It got a little confusing at times I loved Gigi's chapter and by that I mean Gigi. But the Knox-Brady thing was a bit too much for me.
Idk if anyone will share this opinion, but
Like three phone calls and 12 hours together could just do it. This is Grayson, he had said he doesn't fall at first sight. The way Odette talked, 'twas like they were meant to be but how does she get to say that?
Lyra's POV was centred around the game and her trauma and she was really great but how fast she fell for Gray was a bit off putting for me. I felt a slow burn would have worked great. But in the end it's JLB's book and I'll still eat up her work.
The Cliffhangers,
Gigi being more involved with Eve and Slate, I predicted that. (Elated)
Sav- we knew that deep in our hearts didn't we?
Rohan, half a point to my prediction?
Odette Mora- Idk what to tell, admittingly, I do not quite understand whatheheck happened. Maybe more to be told in Games untold.
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Queer Books Coming Out January 2024
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ Tentacle Wonderland by Reese Morrison 🧡 Cupid’s Revenge by Wibke Brueggemann 💛 Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver 💚 Soren by Miranda Page & Lina Ganef 💙 Just Happy to Be Here by Naomi Kanakia 💜 Stars and Soil by Dax Murray ❤️ Deep Sounding Chaos by Adrian J. Smith & Neen Cohen 🧡 Minor Disturbances at Grand Life Apartments by Hema Sukumar 💛 Evergreen by Devin Greenlee 💙 Matsdotter and Adrastus (Adventures in Levena #2) by Aelina Isaacs 💜 Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu Vol. 3 by Meng Xi Shi and Me Mimo 🌈 Destined by Jen Carter
❤️ Her Spell That Binds Me by Luna Oblonsky 🧡 Her Mechanic Bear Mate (Crescent Lake Bears #3) by Arizona Tape 💛 That Bitter Sting by Melissa Polk 💚 Bioluminescence by Toni Duarte 💙 Lucky Bounce by Cait Nary 💜 Don’t Want You Like A Best Friend by Emma R. Alban ❤️ Bachelorette Number Twelve by Jae 🧡 How to Share a Cat and Other Life Lessons by Evelyn Fenn 💛 A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing by Amy Allen 💙 Bound by Kate Hawthorne 💜 Moonbreak by Lise MacTague 🌈 Falling All In by Laina Villeneuve
❤️ Murder on Castaway Island by Alicia Gael 🧡 The Butler's Vessel by S. Rodman 💛 Tadek and the Princess by Alexandra Rowland 💚 Escaping Mr. Rochester by L.L. McKinney 💙 Amid Our Lines by Zarah Detand 💜 Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa ❤️ A Doctor’s Touch by A.A. Fairview 🧡 So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole 💛 Never Be a Saint by Mark Runte 💙 Maude Horton's Glorious Revenge by Lizzie Pook 💜 Eli Harpo's Adventure to the Afterlife by Eric Schlich 🌈 City of Laughter by Temim Fruchter
❤️ Enthralled by Her by Chelsea M. Cameron 🧡 Knight of Staria by Iris Foxglove 💛 The Storm Gathers by Maelan Holladay 💚 Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang Vol. 2 by Priest 💙 Fence: Redemption SC by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the Mad 💜 Dreamer by Kris Bryant ❤️ Not Just Friends by Jordan Meadows 🧡 Winter's Spell by Ursula Klein 💛 Two is a Pattern by Emily Waters 💙 All Things Beautiful by Alaina Erdell 💜 Curse of Souls by Niranjan 🌈 Voyage of the Damned by Frances White
❤️ The Principle of Moments by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson 🧡 Curse of the Dragon Shadow by Selina A. Fenech 💛 No Shelter But The Stars by Virginia Black 💚 Shards of Trust by Fox Beckman 💙 My Fair Brady by Brian D Kennedy 💜 The Summer Queen (The Buried and the Bound #2) by Rochelle Hassan ❤️ A Luminous Heart by Cailee Francis 🧡 To Cage a God (These Monstrous Gods #1) by Elizabeth May 💛 Out of Our League by Dahlia Adler and Jennifer Iacopelli 💙 Earth and Water by J.L. Gribble 💜 Rend Me, The Wayward Knight by Mary Vanalstine 🌈 Prince of Endless Tides by Ben Alderson
❤️ Sweet Wicked Thing by Jessie Walker 🧡 Ocean’s Blood by Thelma Mantey 💛 Breeze Spells and Bridegrooms by Sarah Wallace and S.O. Callahan 💚 A Reckless Oath by Kaylie Smith 💙 Fallen Thorns by Harvey Oliver Baxter 💜 Faded Moon by T.L. Morgan ❤️ Game On by Amy Aislin 🧡 The City of Stardust by Georgia Summers 💛 The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland 💙 Spark of Wrath by E.M. Lindsey 💜 Honeybloods by I.S. Belle 🌈 Love Me At My Worst by Adrian J. Smith
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shmreduplication · 16 days
i've made approximately this post before but begrudging brady bunch with Wolverine, Hulk, Bruce Banner, and their kids please please please please please marvel please
Wolverine's kids: Daken, Laura, Jimmy, and Raze
Hulk's kids: the twins Skaar and Hiro-Kala, and Lyra
Frequent side-characters: Jen Walters/She-Hulk, Kitty Pryde, Amadeus Cho, Hisako Ichiki/Armor, Hank McCoy/Beast, Raven Darkholme/Mystique, Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler, Rick Jones, Betty Ross/Red She-Hulk
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lightofraye · 5 days
Jensen's Roles (past and upcoming)
This one is gonna be a long one! Bear with me folks. (Not his full list of work, by the way.)
1. Eric Brady. Sami Brady's long-lost twin! I remember getting into an argument with my older brother about Eric Brady. My brother insisted Sami never had a twin, and I kept saying "Well! He's her twin!" Turned out Days of Our Lives forgot Sami had a twin! (Days of Our Lives)
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2. Alec McDowell (and Ben McDowell). A genetic creation of Manticore, Jensen played two roles--first of a psychotic creation, Ben. He did such a good role as Ben they brought him back as the twin, Alec, named as such because he was sarcastic and, according to Max, a "smart alec". (Dark Angel)
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3. CJ Braxton. CJ's had an interesting storyline. He was a depressed teen who turned to alcohol to cope. Nearly destroying a number of his relationships (friends and love interests, both), CJ decided to abstain from drinking. He also joined a teen helpline called The Stand. There had always been speculation that he was the father of Jen's child, though it was never revealed. (Dawson's Creek)
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4. Jason Teague. Jason was probably a weak storyline, to be honest. He had potential, but the writers really didn't make it work. He was in a relationship with Lana, but only using her to get closer to the other characters for some stones of power. His character was unceremoniously killed off at the end by a meteor shower. (Smallville)
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5. Dean Winchester. The most famous role of all: the elder Winchester brother. Protector, stand-in parent, hunter, brother, friend. Dean would move the world to protect his brother, Sam. There was nothing he wouldn't do for him. Dean had made bargains to save his brother, sold his soul, endured lifetimes. As long as he had Sam, Dean would be okay. The show began with the brothers and ended with them. (Supernatural)
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6. Soldier Boy. The "first" Supe. (In the world of The Boys, they don't say "Superhero", largely because, guess what? It's trademarked, so a lot of other comics and such have to dance around the term.) Anyway. Soldier Boy was the first. He did it in hopes of finally impressing his father, but his father claimed he "cheated". Honestly, Soldier Boy's father sounds like an abusive douche. Ben--Soldier Boy--was also an abusive douche, continuing the family 'tradition'. Was very cruel and abrasive to his team, Payback, so much so that Vought decided they had enough and plotted to get rid of him by selling him out to Russia. It worked. Russia held him captive, tortured him for decades, until The Boys freed him in exchange for killing Homelander--who is also his son. It's a messed up family, y'all. Jensen will be returning for Season 5! (The Boys)
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7. Beau Arlen. Beau Arlen was a mystery, for the large part. The show teased at something huge that led to Beau getting divorced from Carla, that led to him "retiring" as a sheriff for a time, before he was convinced to come back as a sheriff, which led to the start of Season 3. There was a small teaser in the show that indicated a partner of his was killed and he shut down, emotionally, and Carla couldn't handle it anymore. He dearly loves his daughter, Emily, and was ready to move heaven and earth to save her. (Big Sky)
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8. Russell Shaw. What's a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a secret? You'd get Russell Shaw, that's who. What we do know: he stood up a lot to his father, who was a paranoid survivalist, protecting his siblings, at least for a time. Then their father was killed and Russell ran, afraid he would be (rightly) blamed for it. For some 20 years, Russell was in the military (approximately 18 years) before retiring to be a secret Black Ops agent of sorts for a group known as Horizon. He kept in touch with their sister Dory, but Colter kept avoiding Russell, up until Russell tracked him down and asked for help. There's a lot of hints that there's a lot more going on that Colter is unaware of--like how it was their mother who urged Russell to run instead of facing his siblings about their father's death, how Dory kept a box of stuff about their father, and so forth. Jensen will return for more episodes. (Tracker)
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9. Mark Meachum. Very little is known about this show or character. What has been said so far: LAPD officer Mark Meachum being recruited to join a secret task force of undercover agents from all branches of law enforcement to investigate. Among this secret task force is Nathan Blythe, Special Agent in Charge who’s been with the Bureau for 22 years. Then there's Special Agent Amber Oliveras, who is a DEA agent. Several others from different task forces will be joining Meachum in uncovering the conspiracy and saving the city. (Countdown)
10. Soldier Boy (again). This time for the prequel, Vought Rising. Kripke described it as: It’s a twisted murder mystery about the origins of Vought in the 1950s, the early exploits of Soldier Boy, and the diabolical maneuvers of a supe known to fans as Stormfront, who was then going by the name Clara Vought. (Vought Rising)
Phew! These are the notables. Of course, he's done voicework as both Red Hood and Batman in a number of animated films. He's done guest roles in the Buddy movies. Devour. My Bloody Valentine. And others.
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My fav solos this year
(please send anons or something, I'm down with bronchitis in 30°C weather :()
Avery Altobelli, Epic - "Heavenly Bodies" (Rudy Abreu)
Madisyn Amos, Elite Dance Pro - "A New Life" (Mandy Korpinen & Elizabeth Petrin)
Ellie Anbarden, P21 - "Somebody Help Me" (Madi Hicks)
Hallee Anderson, Larkin - "So This Is Love" (Kenzie Symanietz)
Harper Anderson, Concept Pavielle - "Paint It Black" (Brady Farrar)
Kennedy Anderson, VDA - "Come On Dreamer" (?)
Lilly Anderson, Larkin - "Cell Block Tango" (Michele Larkin)
Belle Marie Arauz, DT Miami - "How To Feel" (Ruby Castro)
Brielle Arias, Studio X - "Black And Gold" (Lia Dominique)
Finley Ashfield, Larkin - "Fools Who Dream" (Chelsea Jennings)
Melina Biltz, Rock - "Madness" (Crystal Huang)
Sofia Cuevas, Pave - "Locomotion" (?)
Kinley Cunningham, TheCREW - "Come Together" (Mollee Gray)
Aaliyah Dixon, Summit - "Take Me Oya" (Jay Jay Dixonbey)
Kensington Dressing, Evolve - "From The Ashes" (Chelsea Sebes)
Aria Du, Yoko's - "Je M'arreterai" (Megan Ellis)
Hope Edwards, OCPAA - "Winner Takes All"
Brinley Evans, Southern Strutt - "Silent Night" (?)
Gracyn French, P21 - "Chemtrails Over The Country Club" (Molly Long)
Kourtney Gampol, OCPAA - "Steam Heat" (Rachel Miller)
Regan Gerena, P21 - "That's Life" (Molly Long)
Lily Hackney, WFDC - "I Love You" (Gianna Adianez)
Sloane Hall, Southern Strutt - "Watch Me" (Leah Evans)
Lainey Hess, WFDC - "Between These Hands" (Gianna Adianez)
Reagan Hess, WFDC - "Twilight" (Gianna Adianez)
Izzy Howard, WDP - "Over It, Scene" (Maria Konrad)
Annsley Huff, Southern Strutt - "The Swan" (Shelby Barnes)
Desa Jankes, WFDC - "Find You" (Jessica Disalvo)
Eva Jimmerson, Renner - "A Mischievous Waltz" (Jordan Pelliteri)
Tayah Klimcuk, Pave - "Slow Me Down" (Courtney Schwartz)
Lily Knopps (Club) - "Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend" (Ashley Moffitt)
Mya Lanigan, Evolve - "Breakin' Dishes" (Lauren Herb)
Esme Lee, OCPAA - "Bring On The Men" (?)
Jillian Mahan, OCPAA - "London Bridge" (Hannahlei Cabanilla)
Savannah Manzel, Larkin - "Flowers In May" (Chelsea Jennings)
Scarlett Manzel, Larkin - "What A Feeling" (Chelsea Jennings)
Kennedy Marble, Club - "Mr. Monotony" (Jaycee Wilkins)
Taylor Morrison, DC2 - "My Discarded Men" (Tanya Emmer)
Avery Olsen, OCPAA - "Woman"
Helena Olaerts, Mather - "She Used To Be Mine" (Shannon Mather)
Roxie Onellion, Base - "Amor" (Kelly Inskip)
Addyson Paul, Pave - "The Garden" (Courtney Schwartz)
Emily Polis, VDA - "When I Go" (Jessica Malafronte)
Mila Renae, Studio X - "Voila" (Fiorella Baclit)
Dylan Reuss, OCPAA - "Favorite Crime" (Amy Berokoff)
Lola Rodi, Evolve - "Heavenly Bodies" (Chelsea Sebes)
Amaya Rodriguez, DUC Miami - "3 Breaths" (Chelsea Sebes)
Elsie Sandall, Club - "Beneath The Mask" (Chelsea Jennings)
Emma Santos, Studio X - "Have A Little Faith" (Avery Cardozza)
Berkeley Scifres, P21 - "Cornet Man" (Molly Long)
Tatum Self, Club - "Gorgeous" (Jaycee Wilkins)
Everleigh Soutas, DCDF - "Something New" (Molly Long)
Kayleigh Stoler, Enthusiasm - "Medusa's Curse"
Sailor Stormoen, Larkin - "Bloom" (Chelsea Jennings)
Kiera Sun, WDP - "Mist" (Renee Kester)
Macey Strickland, WFDC - "Heavenly Bodies" (Chelsea Sebes)
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Club - "Over The Rainbow" (Mark Meismer :()
Sylvie Win Szyndlar, Club - "Magic Within Me" (Chantel Aguirre)
Ella Venerio, DUC Miami - "Beneath The Surface" (Chelsea Sebes)
Greta Wagner, Summit - "Me And The Devil" (?)
Tinsley Wallace, Renner - "Broken Wings" (Chelsea Sebes)
Skylar Wong, Woodbury - "Just A Room" (Ricky Ubeda)
Fiona Wu, Yoko's - "Voila" (Erin Lamoyne)
Aliyah Yen, P21 - "Mink, Schmink" (Molly Long)
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rolandkaros · 6 months
monfils, paula, and frances all getting picked by multiple people for best partner…and then frances also getting picked as worst 😭
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jenlrossman · 1 year
Seven of Nine got a week to recuperate after the events of "Infinite Regress"
Harry only got two days after he fucking DIED
Looks like mom has a new favorite
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self-made-cages · 2 years
Morgan's 2023 Reading List ✨📚 
Jan 2: Truly Madly Guilty - Liane Moriarty (1 star)
Jan 4: True Biz - Sara Nović (4.5 stars)
Jan 15: Spare - Prince Harry (4 stars)
Jan 20: Blood of Olympus - Rick Riordan (re-read) (3 stars)
Jan 23: This Time Tomorrow - Emma Straub (3.5 stars)
Jan 25: The Last Thing He Told Me - Laura Dave (3.5 stars)
Feb 2: Beartown - Fredrik Backman (5 stars)
Feb 5: The Hawthorne Legacy - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (4 stars)
Feb 6: The Final Gambit - Jennifer Lynn Barnes (3.5 stars)
Feb 19: Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting - Clare Pooley (4 stars)
Feb 19: The Unsinkable Greta James - Jennifer E. Smith (2.5 stars)
Feb 28: Where’d You Go, Bernadette? - Maria Semple (5 stars)
Mar 15: A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 20: A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas (5 stars)
Mar 23: A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 25: The Quarantine Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot (2.5 stars)
Mar 26: A Court of Frost and Starlight - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
Mar 31: The Mutual Friend - Carter Bays (4 stars)
April 5: From Blood and Ash - Jennifer L. Armentrout (3.5 stars)
April 9: A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire - Jennifer L. Armentrout (4.5 stars)
April 15: The Crown of Gilded Bones - Jennifer L. Armentrout (3 stars)
April 19: The War of Two Queens -Jennifer l Armentrout (3 stars)
April 23: The Reading List - Sara Nisha Adams (3 stars)
April 30: Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus (5 stars)
May 6: Happy Place - Emily Henry (4.5 stars)
May 10: Everything Beautiful in Its Time - Jenna Bush Hager (not rating)
May 13: Well Met - Jen DeLuca (3 stars)
May 21: The Last Mrs. Parrish - Liv Constantine (2.5 stars)
May 25: The Displacements - Bruce Holsinger (4 stars)
May 27: Rock the Boat - Beck Dorey-Stein (4.5 stars)
May 31: Damn Few - Rorke Denver (not rating)
June 14: A Court of Silver Flames - Sarah J. Maas (2 stars)
June 25: Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall (not rating)
June 27: A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J. Maas (reread)
July 2: Pineapple Street - Jenny Jackson (4 stars)
July 5: Once More With Feeling - Elissa Sussman (2 stars)
July 13: It All Comes Down to This - Therese Anne Fowler (3.5 stars)
July 15: Mad Honey - Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Finney Boylan (4 stars)
July 27: The Secret History - Donna Tart (3 stars)
July 29: The Comeback Summer - Ali Brady (4 stars)
July 30: The It Girl - Ruth Ware (4 stars)
August 5: The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern (4 stars)
August 6: Educated - Tara Westover (not rating)
August 9: The First 90 Days - Michael D. Watkins (not rating)
August 11: This is How it Always Is - Laurie Frankel (5 stars)
August 20: Demon Copperhead - Barbara Kingsolver (4.5 stars)
August 27: A Soul of Ash and Blood - Jennifer L. Armentrout (1.5 stars)
August 30: The Alice Network - Kate Quinn (3.5 stars)
September 4: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V.E. Schwab (4.5 stars)
September 15: This Is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (4 stars)
September 17: Hotel Laguna - Nicola Harrison (2 stars)
September 24: We're All Adults Here - Emma Straub (5 stars)
September 26: A Bend in the Road - Nicholas Sparks (1.5 stars)
October 5: The Celebrants - Steven Rowley (2.5 stars)
October 8: Anxious People - Fredrik Backman (3.5 stars)
October 9: Born a Crime - Trevor Noah (not rating)
October 14: The Wishing Game - Meg Shaffer (4 stars)
October 16: Counting the Cost - Jill Duggar (not rating)
October 18: Love and Other Words - Christina Lauren (2.5 stars)
October 22: Rules of Civility - Amor Towles (4 stars)
October 29: Maybe You Should Talk To Someone - Lori Gottlieb (not rating)
October 30: Troublemaker - Leah Remini (not rating)
November 2: Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen (3.5 stars)
November 7: Good Girl Complex - Elle Kennedy (1.5 stars)
November 23: Modern Lovers - Emma Straub (2 stars)
November 25: Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros (3.5 stars)
December 3: Daisy Jones and The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid (2.5 stars)
December 6: Know My Name - Chanel Miller (not rating)
December 10: Girl in the Blue Coat - Monica Hesse (2.5 stars)
December 15: The Circus Train - Anita Parikh (2 stars)
December 20: Catch and Kill - Ronan Farrow (not rating)
December 22: Today Will Be Different - Maria Semple (4 stars)
December 27: Iron Flame - Rebecca Yarros (4.5 stars)
December 29: Vampire Academy - Michelle Mead (1 star)
December 30: Percy Jackson: The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan (5 stars)
97 notes · View notes
td-rarepairs · 6 months
rarepair calendar
Jasamy January (jasmine/amy)
Fangruno February (fang/bruno)
Maxeardo March (max/beardo)
Alesam April (alejandro/sam)
Mariles May (mary/miles)
Jensee June (jen/josee)
Jaylor July (jay/taylor)
Anneshawna August (anne maria/leshawna)
Sugammy September (sugar/tammy)
Owrady October (owen/brady)
Noarold November (noah/harold)
Davella December (dave/ella)
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palmviewfm · 2 months
mw counterparts?
this  list  got  a  little  bit  longer  than  anticipated.  as  there's  soooooo  many  counterparts  to  consider  choosing  from  !  so,  i  put  it  under  a  read  more  for  you  !
Tumblr media
counterparts:  monica  geller, ross geller, joey  tribbiani,  chandler bing, janice litman, mike hannigan, ursula buffay, aria  montgomery,  emily  fields,  spencer  hastings,  mona  vanderwaal,  alison  dilaurentis,  caleb  rivers,  maya  st  germain,  toby  cavanaugh,  betty  cooper,  veronica  lodge,  cheryl  blossom,  archie  andrews,  reggie  mantle,  toni  topaz,  tabitha  tate,  quinn  fabray,  rachel  berry,  brittany  pierce,  olivia  baker,  layla  keating,  jordan  baker,  jaymee, spencer  james,  lucas  scott,  peyton  sawyer, brooke  davis,  quinn  james,  julian  baker,  anna taggaro, rachel  gatina,  blair  waldorf,  serena  van  der  woodsen,  dan  humphrey,  nate  archibald,  callie  adams  foster,  mariana  foster,  buffy  summers,  willow  rosenberg,  tara mclay, kendra young, faith  lehane,  cordelia  chase,  heather  mcnamara,  marissa  cooper,  summer  roberts,  seth  cohen,  angel, anya jenkins, ryan  atwood,  taylor  townsend,  elena  gilbert,  caroline  forbes,  bonnie  bennett,  stefan  salvatore, anna zhu, enzo  st  john,  sandy  olson,  betty  rizzo,  frenchy,  danny  zuko,  marty, jan, sonny,  jackie  burkhart,  donna  pinciotti,  eric  forman,  laurie  forman,  belly  conklin,  sloane  peterson,  ferris  bueller,  duckie  dale,  bianca  stratford,  kat  stratford,  patrick  verona,  mia thermopolis, sabrina spellman, harvey kinkle, libby chessler, barbie  roberts,  ken  carson,  jenna  rink,  allie  hamilton,  noah  calhoun,  brandon  walsh,  david  silver,  brenda  walsh,  kelly  taylor,  donna  martin,  conrad  fisher,  jeremiah  fisher,  steven  cokin,  taylor  jewel,  sarah  cameron,  jj  maybank,  john  b  routledge,  kiara  carerra,  pope  heywood,  cleo, topper  thornton,  prue  halliwell,  paige  matthews,  piper  halliwell,  phoebe  halliwell,  meredith  grey,  arizona  robbins,  jackson  avery,  callie  torres,  april  kepner,  derek  shephard,  alex  karev,  cristina  yang,  lizzie  stevens,  callie  torres,  jo  wilson,  addison  montgomery,  lexi  grey,  atticus  lincoln,  nancy  drew,  lucy  grey,  sam  montgomery,  austin  ames,  jen  lindley,  pacey  witter,  dawson  leery,  katherine  pierce,  rebekah  mikaelson,  hayley  marshall,  tatum  riley,  sidney  prescott,  casey  becker,  tara  carpenter,  samantha  carpenter,  beca  mitchell,  chloe  beale,  jessica  day,  winston schmidt, cece  parekh, laney  boggs,  dewey  riley,  gale  weathers,  georgina  sparks,  elle  woods,  francesca  bridgerton,  daphne  bridgerton,  penelope  featherington,  sookie  stackhouse,  karen  smith,  regina  george,  gretchen  weiners,  janis  ian,  cady  heron,  aaron  samuels,  dj  tanner,  stephanie  tanner,  marcia  brady,  cindy  brady,  greg  brady,  carrie  bradshaw,  cher  horowitz,  kirby  reed,  jim  halpert,  michael  scott,  kelly  kapoor,  pam  beesly,  peter  parker,  mary  jane  watson,  analise  keating,  olivia  pope,  tony  stonem,  effy  stonem,  joey  donner,  john  bender,  allison  argent,  scott  mccall,  lydia  martin,  olive  penderghast,  maggie  greene,  marty  mcfly,  bella  swan,  alice  cullen,  charlie  swan,  emmett  cullen,  jacob  black,  carlisle  cullen,  esme  cullen,  jane  volturi,  morticia  addams,  donna  and  sophie  sheridan,  lorraine  banes,  jennifer  parker,  sam  winchester,  luke  danes,  dean  forester,  tristan  dugray,  lane  kim,  paris  geller,  logan  huntzberger,  jeanie  bueller,  simon  basset,  kate  sharma,  colin  bridgerton,  shiv  roy,  gerri  kellman,  roman  roy,  olivia  benson,  clary  fray,  isabelle  lightwood,  jace  herondale,  simon  lewis,  daphne  blake,  shaggy  rogers,  velma  dinkley,  fred  jones,  cinderella, ariel, tiana, jasmine, tom  wambsgans,  kendall  roy,  greg  hirsch,  lestat  de  lioncourt,  louis  de  point  du  lac,  and  claudia  !
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artisticlegshake · 2 years
1st Kiera Sun - WESTSIDE DJP!
2nd Keelyn Jones - DANCEOLOGY DJP!
3rd Isabella Kouznetsova - P21 DJP!
3rd Annabella Atkinson - THE ROCK DJP!
3rd Khloe Rodriguez - DANCEOLOGY DJP!
4th Peyton Szuberia - DANCEOLOGY DJP!
5th Sasha Milstein - THE ROCK DJP!
5th Tiara Sherman - THE ROCK DJP!
5th Roxie Onellion - THE BASE DJP!
6th Naiya Abalos - DANCEOLOGY DJP!
6th Allison Shin - THE ACADEMY DJP!
7th Bella Ramirez - OHANA DJP!
7th Karina Yamada - LEGACY DJP!
8th Peyton Kanda - ELEMENTS
8th Ella King - THE ROCK
8th Claire Hansen - DANCEOLOGY
8th Karyna Majoroni - THE ROCK
8th Reily Phillips - BOBBIE’S
9th Tessa Johnson - THE ROCK
9th Alexis Kathol - MATHER
10th Francesca Jen - THE ACADEMY
10th Tatum Brady - P21
10th Cassidy Kapanke - BOBBIE’S
10th Ellie Kuai - BOBBIE’S
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google1000 · 6 months
Master Of The Air
Oldest~ Top of Section
Youngest~ Bottom Of Section
⭐️-Smut ❤️-Fluff 💔-Angst 🚫-None
🪢- Polyamorous 🍷-Alcohol🩸-Blood ☠️-Death 🤰-Pregnancy
🚺-Female Character 🚹-Male Character ⚧- Gender Neutral Character
Gale “Buck” Cleven
John “Bucky” Egan
Curtis "Curt" Biddick
Harry Crosby
Kenneth “Ken” Lemmons
Howard " Hambone" Hamilton
Everett Blakley
James “Dougie” Douglass
John Brady
Bernard “Benny” Demarco
Joesph “Bubbles” Payne
Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal
Incorrect Quotes
Bucky & Harding Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Crosby & Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Buck & Curt Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Curtis & Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Crosby & Brady & DeMarco Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Bucky & Buck & Kidd Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Buck & Bucky & Kidd & Curt Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Bucky & Buck & Brady Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Rosie & Bucky Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky Incorrect Quote by Easy-Percy-Squeeze-A-Lemon💙
Buck & Curt Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky & Curt & Douglas & Rosie & Kidd Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Crosby & Bucky Incorrect Quotes by Jenning-Fcb💙
Bucky & Buck Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
John & Everyone & Curt Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky & Random Soldier & Buck Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky & Curtis Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
John & The 100th & Curt Incorrect Quotes by ImASexyPotato💙
Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Buck & Bucky & Curt Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bubbles & Harry Incorrect Quote by BeInfinite💙
Curt & Kidd Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
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