#Brain in a vat
notdelusionalatall · 13 days
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d-exmachina · 1 year
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"The Brain-in-a-Vat; Technophobia, cosmology, and science-fiction"
by Daan Schoevaars RUC University exam paper, Winter 2022
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residueofsomething · 5 days
Philosophy Post K: Sparking Potential
Look, I understand we are not aliens, robots, or brains in a vat. I cannot understand how sometimes fate emerges in a life. Or the fact that luck occurs. Even the unexplainable sensation a person gets when they just “feel” sparks between them and another thing. There is not enough science, religion, spirits, logic, or time to assist me in grasping the innate and ever-changing makeup of things I…
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slimethought · 3 months
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sogira-imno · 2 years
maybe the world is fake but then maybe I don't care
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shaykai · 7 months
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Brain friend
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having a normal one
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was inspired by @wraithsoutlaws "dagger's just a freak" in this response to my ask
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such exciting things can happen when you build AUs with your friends' OCs
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librarycards · 6 months
can’t believe people think they’re meant to be [‘in’] particular bodies or that their subjectivities are positively bound to embodiment…. like I never chose this sausage casing I’m just stuck here & trying to make the best of it
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mirakurutaimu · 11 months
I've been rewatching the elden ring co-cop randomizer vods recently and it's so wild that you did not know who Mr. Beast was. He would appear everywhere for me and was inescapable.
idk i don't look at the youtube homepage and all my recommended videos either pertain to vocaloid, magic the gathering, fighting games or drugs
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notdelusionalatall · 4 months
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eryanlainfa · 7 months
talk about one of your OCs!!!
I genuinely tried to think of anyone other than Aiden but failed real hard (which scares me a bit at this point ggkfkfk)
* throws RANDOM AIDEN LORE at you*
I want to talk about their shit constitution which happens because of their powers, or the absence of it to be more exact.
Back to some worldbuilding. I did say they are a witch, it means in their lineage they share blood with a magical being, and each families have a special ability linked to that being. Witches is like its own subspecies of halfbloods- they appear almost entirely human with the only exception being their 'odd colored' eyes.
Aiden's family are mind witches, their special ability is hypnosis. Its a powerful ability and Aiden was REALLY good at it without even realising, to a point it caused reoccuring incidents and weird rumors. So their parents, who wanted to lay low (witches arent very welcomed in the Light Kingdom), decided to leave and find a way to lock Aiden's power, better safe than sorry. Since then Aiden has a tattoo on their back, close to where the heart would be. (Its also how their eyes turned orange instead of purple.)
The thing is that it made Aiden's past hypnosis null. And they used to hypnotize themself A LOT. So lots of physical problems started to appear, all the times they pushed their body past its limits, all the sicknesses they seemed to not catch, plus their body losing a flow of energy it used to be swimming in. Their health got TERRIBLE. It took them a while to get better enough to come back to Old Corona.
It also made them grow a bit distant from their parents (who are genuinely very good people) because they were too over protective. Lil Aiden simply saw that their pain caused pain to their parents and that when they werent feeling well they couldnt do much except resting in bed so they decided to ALWAYS be fine no matter what. It results in them putting aside any 'wrong feeling' and the start of them focusing on others well being rather than their own. Which globally makes their own health even worse, eventually resulting in them losing some limbs and being in pain 24/7 because they cannot ask for help ever-
Cue the want to become a physician rising. It makes them able to take care of themself on their own if needs be, but more importantly they get to be busy worrying about others rather than themself.
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chronivore · 7 months
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
you are so kind and lovely and I love your characterization and the way your brain works!!
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bbcphile · 10 months
Adventures in Chronic Illness Hell: Medication edition
My narcolepsy meds—which I spent 4 months fighting insurance and my sleep doctor’s office to finally get approved, and which revolutionized my sleep and gave me some semblance of my former life back—cause tachycardia and high blood pressure, and a host of other frustrating related symptoms.
Taking propranolol to lower my heart rate and blood pressure just makes me horribly dizzy and light headed and gives me non-stop headaches, so I can’t do anything but sit on the sofa. (And it doesn’t lower my blood pressure.)
I have one more thing I can try to make the narcolepsy med work. Because of hEDS, I don’t metabolize food or medication correctly, so if the high heart rate and blood pressure are caused by my metabolizing issues, then starting this new med has a chance of fixing those things. But, I learned the hard way that I have to make other med adjustments first; I tried the metabolism med without other changes and learned 1. It works, because 2. Suddenly I was metabolizing all my other medications, because I managed to get all side effects of all of them at once, which almost landed me in the ER.
So, I am currently off my narcolepsy meds (and dealing with sleep attacks and debilitating fatigue) so that tomorrow I can go off some of my MCAS meds and try the metabolism med, so that I can ultimately try the narcolepsy med again and hope the high heart rate and blood pressure go away.
If that fails, then I will have to spend the next several weeks trying to convince my sleep Dr and insurance to let me try one of the other nighttime narcolepsy meds, in which case I will be desperately hoping that they don’t cause anaphylaxis, the way that over half of the meds I have ever tried do.
I fucking hate this.
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sneefsnorf · 3 months
i bet if they hooked my brain up to a screen i could run doom. if you poked different parts of my cerebellum it would perform functions
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onadarklingplain · 1 year
i’ve been thinking a lot about geochalex lately… maybe george and alex invite charles along once because they’re all drunk, or alex is feeling nostalgic and george thinks it will make alex happy. and charles watches (and maybe even joins in) but the whole time he’s thinking about how much time has passed since he last kissed alex, he’s not 18 anymore, he’s probably never going to get this again. or maybe it’s the other way around, and charles is the one to ask george if he wants to join them. it’s clear that they’ve been doing this for years; george is surprised by the easy understanding between them. george is also jealous of how patient alex is with charles, how gently he deals with all of charles’ prickly neuroses. it makes george want to be honest with alex, to see if alex will treat him the same way (he would). unfortunately i think any scenario ends in heartbreak for charles, but heartbreak has always looked good on him, so
omg, anon!!!! thank you for sending this to me, i love your brain. i will now also be thinking about geochalex for at least the next calendar month like, imagine alex and charles hooked up sometimes when they were teammates in the junior formulas, but it was just a bit of fun! it didn't mean anything. charles doesn't even think about it that often anymore, now that they're in F1. except one day he finds out george and alex are dating?? maybe he sees them kissing by mistake! he didn't mean to, but he can't stop thinking about it. he can't understand why alex didn't tell him about it. aren't they friends?? he goes quietly insane about it for weeks until he can't take it anymore. he has to bring it up. he asks george instead of alex, and george looks sad for a moment before telling charles, i think it's because he never really got over you. thank you so much, i feel insane about it!! ALTERNATIVELY, i think we need to consider the george/charles EUROTRUCK implications. as we know, these are two men with ZERO GAME. what if they were both hopelessly in love with alex, but convinced that they'd never be able to have him for [REDACTED PLOT REASON]. they're out one night and a little drunk and they think, why not. it's better than nothing. maybe sleeping together would help them get over it. it's nice and they like each other, so they keep doing it. then ALEX FINDS OUT, and is like.... omfg. the plot reason from before no longer exists because i say so, and HE'S THE ONE who asks.... if he could join you're so right that heartbreak looks great on charles but in my bedtime story they're all going to live happily ever after until the end of time, amen!!!
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