dmonfoxfire · 1 year
for the oc ship ask, your ship with your favorite oc 2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late? / 28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other? / 36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
I'll answer for my fav throuple Falon, Charan and Zev!
2. who wakes up early/who sleeps in late?
Charan definitely sleeps in late once he's left the rigid brutal structure of the Mage Circle. Falon and Zev are both catnappers, able to sleep anywhere for five minutes and feel refreshed.
28. who's the better chef?
Mmmmm depends on where they are? Zev and Charan both need a kitchen to make something tasty, Falon can make good food on the road but is lost in a kitchen. Charan when he's in the groove is the best cook.
36. how do they feel about kids?
All three of them are pretty ambivalent to kids just because they all lead such a dangerous lifestyle? They won't go out of their way to acquire children, but a son of Zevran's finds them later in life and they do take him in and raise him. They all agree they want to change the world to make it better for the generations following in their footsteps!
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melancholy-ember · 1 year
Detroit Become Human!Kacy
That is all
When I tell you that I’m fighting for life with all the fic ideas I’ve got going on for these two, there’s no need to DBH it too. That’s just rude!
Also me: immediately plotting the how/where/why/when of a possible storyline.
Honestly just DM me at this point, because you started this, so you get to help me figure it all out. 😭
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flyingpotstickers · 2 years
To my best friend and my braintwin,
Life is hard and it’s taken a toll on us both. This we both know, all too well. But no matter what, you’ve been my constant ever since the day I started reading your fanfiction for [redacted].... I wouldn’t know who I am without you, these days... without your courageous heart, without your contagious laugh. Okay, okay.
Seriously though. You’ve saved my life more times than I can count, it would take more than one strawberry to satisfy me in giving you enough compliments. You’re the friend for me, dude.
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bleachbleachbleach · 11 months
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[Bleach 547/574]
The other day I wrote in the tags that I was certain Mayuri/Zaraki was a canon ship but I couldn't remember why, but NOW I I DO. When I first read TYBW I was reading as scanlation that translated both of these lines as "I don't dislike illogical things" and I was like hehehe... braintwins. >:} MAYURI WOULD BE SO MAD ABOUT THIS
But it's TRUE these two brought the exact same energy to TYBW. Byakuya's out here contemplating visceral philosophies of fear and Hitsugaya's rambling about thermodynamics but Mayuri and Zaraki show up like "fuck it, WE BALLLLLLLL"
Mayuri's line is 「非常識な事は嫌いじゃア無い」
Zaraki's is 「理屈の通じねえのは嫌いじゃねえぜ」
What these two lines have in common is:
the construction "I don't hate..."
both Zaraki and Mayuri not hating illogical things (though they use different words to describe the concept)
Translating the two lines, I came up with:
Mayuri: I don't DISlike the absurd.
Zaraki: I ain't mad about crazy!
For Mayuri, I decided to go with "I don't DISlike the absurd" because he's speaking pretty standard Japanese, but emphasizes one of the syllables of "hate/dislike," so I went with 'DISlike' to mimic that. I went with "the absurd" because nominalizations like that are super academic-y, which I feel like gives it the air of an ~intellectual. It also shares its construction with stuff like "theatre of the absurd," where Mayuri sure is troddin' the boards TONITE.
For Zaraki, his tiny lead-in bubble says 「ムチャクチャだな」 a translation for which can be "that's really absurd." I translated this as "fuckin' nuts" because "fucking" is used as a coarse emphatic in English all the time, and it matches the overall coarse pattern of Zaraki's speech in Japanese. The actual phrase he uses is also part of the title of a popular manga, "Love You Like Crazy." So for Zaraki's "I don't dislike illogical things" I borrowed the "like crazy" sentiment from that earlier bubble and went with "I ain't mad about crazy!" because I felt like that matched the coarse pattern of the original and there's a little fun wordplay there in terms of "mad about" as in "hate/dislike" and "mad" as a synonym for "crazy."
AT THE END OF THE DAY, the sentiment they are expressing is the same, they are braintwins!!! And given that the last two digits of these chapters are transpositions of each other, manga numerology dictates that KenMayu is super SUPER canon now.
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wingsyouburn · 4 months
Would you ever write an og story for Naoki/Tessa 👀 (I spent like 5 minutes trying to come up with a "would you ever" question bc I feel like I knew you answer for all of them hskdjakdh #braintwins)
Also, yes!! I would love to adapt Naoki/Tessa! Perhaps expanding the Haven's Point universe to include elementals? Because I'm pretty sure angels are going to show up at some point, too.... ;)
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littlestsnicket · 5 months
little did i know when you dropped your first comment on my first jaskier fic that i would find out that we are the most simpatico braintwins ever. whenever i see these writing posts go around that says 'write for yourself! & 5 of your closest friends!' you're always right there up in the first row in my mind. i love your curiosity & i love seeing the way you showcase these profound moments of friendship & trust in your fic. ❤️ i am so excited to finish my wip for you. your friendship is a joy.
<3 <3 <3
it is so so so nice to find someone that just, gets a character in the same way you do. can hardly describe how much joy all your comments on my witcher fic give me :D
and i am deeply honored to be on your 5 closest friends to write fic for, you're on mine too!
and i cannot wait for you to finish the fic!!!!
(also, i re-read stories we tell recently, and i have a whole list of quotes i pulled, and some day soon i will either make it a proper comment or just dump my quotes and squee your way)
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jmtorres · 2 years
last night i was explaining to my braintwin (who has yet to read locked tomb but gets hear about all my feels anyway because braintwin) about how in that canon both people and planets can have souls because they are complex enough to host biomes. and she goes, by that logic, a LOT of things have souls. and i'm like i know! Cows have souls!
and then i had to explain about the cows
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djeterg19 · 2 years
I really truly hope that @adampascalfan escapes the braintwin curse this time.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Ben!!! My braintwin!!! Happy birthday my friend!!! <333
(^◇^)♡ ♡ ♡ THANK YOOOOU!!!!
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realisvita · 5 months
No matter how dark Times get. No matter what you think you‘ve become. You dont have to be nice.
But be KIND all the time.
When I started this Block I was 15 and shared memories with my Braintwin. Poetic and Important. Now Im 23 and will leave this Place for memories. Our little Secret. (JS)
Where we talked, without words and read Books from Night to Night.
(Still using another Tumblr tho.) But this is an Importan Place for me. See Ya again Next Year 💪🏽😂
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I'm gone, I'm just gone
But at least I author my own disaster
At least I author my own disaster
Performance breakdown and I don't want to hear it
I'm just not available
Things could be different but they're not
Things could be different but they're not
The mousy girl screams, "Violence! Violence!"
The mousy girl screams, "Violence! Violence!"
She gets hysterical because they're both so mean
And it's my favorite scene
But the cruelty's so predictable
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
Slowly losing sight of the real thing
And the message is clear—this could be the year of the real thing
1 2 3 4
Todays grey skies
And tomorrow is tears
Who says we can’t touch ourselves to keep from getting bored? Nothing else is touching that’s for sure
I will watch you play
I come here every night
it’s just me, the bartender, the waitress and the lights shining on you not getting it right
I will sing your fears
you should back out now I’ll still be here when the last poor soul has left the room
Everyone knows your name and that’s your whole claim to fame, never miss a night
so you did Miami cause you got there for free (shall we talk about that trip where Jess “borrowed” some of my favorite clothes and “left them there” two days after she moved in)
“You get the car”
If I don’t die or worse I’m gonna need a nap (when I was hit and crossed over, I had a dream I was on a hayride with my braintwin Megan, and I really was tired and wanted to sleep. She kept trying to talk to me about stuff, but finally I laid down on the hayride to sleep. I woke up a few minutes later with people standing over me. )
I wanna see it when you found out what comets, stars and moons are all about
“I wanna see movies of my dreams. “ well you got that, blond. Can’t wait to see them myself.
“You know you talkin' all this goddamn shit and you ain't shit"
But it's all good, you know what I'm sayin'?
Because before I goddamn left this motherfucker
I hit this motherfucker up for everything, you hear me?”
Momma loves her baby!
ooooh Baby Oooooh babe.
But ladies…don't be surprised when a crack in the ice appears under your feet. You slip out of your depth and out of your mind with your fear flowing out behind you as you claw the thin ice.
What song to hear when in another’s head
The last one out of the box, the one who broke the spell……little by little, by hook or by crook
Deathwish in the fading light
Headlight pointing through the night
Never thought I'd see the day
Playing with my life this way
Gotta keep my foot right down
People think that I'm insane, insane
Judgment that could be my last
Don't wait up 'cause I'll be late
I'll be late
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
Soccer dad (or Quidditch dad) Sirius taking Harry to practice. Or to a game. And Remus sitting in the stands drinking wine out of a thermos and gossiping with all the mums. Or would Sirius be the gossiper? Anyway, here is a prompt for you to run with :)
oh hello, thank you for this, you perfect human. <3
"So, her mother told her cousin, who told her brother who lives out in Wales, who had already heard the story from somebody else's husband, who was there when Clara got fired. No one knows why or how, but I don't exactly think it was on good terms if you know what I mean...."
Sirius had to conceal a smirk behind his hands as he listened to his husband talking with the other Mums there for pee-wee football game day. He knew damn well Remus didn't know a single person named Clara, and hadn't heard a damn thing through a consulted grapevine.
"Oh, I just knew she was up to something. She has one of those faces, you know?"
"And that haircut--"
"Who's going to tell her those bangs were last season?" Remus commented again, causing Sirius to look over in his direction. Sun shining down on the top of his brown curls, innocently sipping out of a thermos that Sirius knew was filled with white wine. Remus gave him a small, cheeky smile out of the corner of his mouth, and Sirius rolled his eyes. Remus, in his denim shorts that had a patch on the arse and a stain on the left pocket and the oversized t-shirt and flannel combination, also knew nothing about hairstyle seasons. The other Mum's hadn't caught on, agreeing with him with gusto while the game continued.
It was the perfect activity. Harry, who hit five and suddenly never wanted to sit still again, had taken to football. A sport that allowed him space to run across a field for hours on end. Remus had done the research, figuring out the logistics of muggle-leagues through Harry's school (because Sirius was still confused at best and positively dreadful at worst at navigating muggle spaces) and signing him up. Every Saturday, without fail, the three of them would find themselves on a field, watching Harry run, glasses strapped to his head, laughter heard from the sidelines. Remus would have his thermos, quickly making friends with the other parents through conversation and lies. While Sirius--
"GOAL!" he shouted. His attention turned back to the field just in time to see Harry kick the ball into the net, skating past the other kid who ended up face down on the grass. The whistle blew, Sirius bending low to the ground as Harry ran in his direction, not stopping until he collided with Sirius.
"Did you see, did you see? I kicked hard!" Harry told him excitedly, making a sound effect as he reenacted how hard he kicked the ball.
"You kicked it so hard and so good, babe," Sirius grinned, reaching forward to tickle Harry on the side, his godson laughing and grabbing Sirius's hand to hold.
"I'm a winner! I win!"
"Always, even when you don't kick. Yeah? You could just sit there, if you wanted and you would still be a winner to me."
"Yeah, but kicking helps."
Sirius laughed, "It sure does. How about some water before you go back out there?" Sirius looked over at Remus, who was responsible for guarding the bag with snacks and drinks in it with his life, his husband quickly pulling out a blue water bottle with stickers on it to put in his hand.
"You're doing great, Harry," Remus told him with a smile that Harry met ten-fold before drinking enthusiastically out of his water bottle, half of it spilling down his chin. Sirius chuckled again, wiping the water off Harry's face with his thumb.
"And we get ice cream?"
"Ice cream dinner," Sirius told him seriously, and Harry's eyes lit up.
"Yes!" Harry pumped his fist in the air and gave his water back to Sirius unceremoniously, eager to get back to the field, "Sirius! Watch me! Watch!"
"I'm watching, kid," Sirius stood up, making good on his promise to watch as Harry ran out to the field to join the rest of his tiny teammates, giving them high fives as he did so. Remus's hand snuck around his body from where he was sitting next to him in a camping chair, hand resting low on Sirius's hip, patting it lightly.
"Tiny James, hm?"
"Yeah," Sirius nodded.
"His laugh is yours, I think."
"You're drunk." Sirius whispered, looking towards Remus.
"I am having a great time, there's a difference."
"Go back to telling your lies," Sirius teased, tilting Remus's face upward to kiss him quickly.
"That he has your laugh or that Clara got fired?"
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melancholy-ember · 1 year
Isn't it obvious your writing has been married to mine for like, 7 years now?
Why do you think I immediately messaged you? I was convinced you had ghost written the anonymous ask. When I tell you that it literally made my day, I was so not kidding! 😂
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flyingpotstickers · 1 year
Sometimes, when Kate can’t bear to think anymore, she returns to her glory days: the high school phase of being a basketball all-star. Right now, Kate’s trying very hard not to think. She’s been doing that too much lately. Got in her head, and now she can’t find her way out. She is trying to claw her way out, trying so FUCKING hard to regain who she was. Lucy promises that she’ll be here even through this difficult transition.
Kate wishes she felt worthy of such a kindness.
The mission itself had gone alright, but she’d lost a friend somewhere along in the lines of brittle and battle and bitterness is threatening to take over, but she didn’t want to let it win. She couldn’t let it win. She aimed her ball at the hoop -- shot the right hook, took a step to the left. Nothing but net, nothing but emptiness. She grabbed for the ball, ready to aim again. And again. Until she felt like she was able to sleep, she would keep this up.
Instead, her hands meet Lucy’s. “Hey.” she says, quiet. Like she’s afraid she’s going to spook Kate.
Perhaps she will. Kate certainly feels spooked; she hadn’t even heard the woman she loves exiting the house, much less coming for her on the courts. Kate sighs, runs a hand through her hair.
Your defenses are down, Whistler. You need to stay alert if you’re not planning on losing more.
Kate winces. “Hey.” Lucy’s hand goes on top of hers over the ball. Kate risks a shaky smile. It feels like it’s more than she can bear. Kate wants to whisper a word of thanks. She isn’t sure Lucy would understand why, so instead she looks down at the ball.
“Need a partner?” Lucy asks gently.
Get your head in the goddamn game, Whistler. Kate nods. “Only if it’s you.” she says at last. It’s the right thing -- Lucy beams.
“Lucky I’m here.” Lucy says. And oh. Yes.
Kate feels it from the bottom of her soul. “Lucky, lucky.” // @melancholy-ember gets a little ficlet for their new ship. Hope I did them justice!!! I love you Braintwin :)
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frankiemorales · 3 years
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pinkoptics · 5 years
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A conversation between myself and @cherikyassss.
The level of maturity is high people.
Also the universe is cruel keeping me from In Service of the King.
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