#Branch FM
A first for Branch FM
A month ago, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Barnabas at #BranchFM #radiostation about my new book. Our chat is now available as a #podcast on #Spotify, and you can listen to it here. #Christian #FaithStories #Dewsbury #Yorkshire #Faith #Hope
A month ago, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Barnabas at Branch FM about my new book. He asked me some fantastic questions, and I very much enjoyed speaking with him. Apparently, I was the first person he had ever interviewed for radio. Our chat is now available as a podcast on Spotify, and you can listen to it here. This evening I will be interviewed by Stuart for Hope FM, his…
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shesnake · 3 months
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The Potluck and the Passion (1993) dir. Cheryl Dunye
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tapwater118 · 1 month
talking about object heights got me wanting to make something like this
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i hc objects to be shorter than humans but idrk how much shorter so the heights there are for my gijinkas
also its hard to measure firey’s height cause he’s a gotdamn flickering flame so if the line doesn’t seem accurate to you bite me
the point is that coiny has to look up at firey has to look up at leafy has to look up at pin
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Pleaaaseee i need more good music i dont wanna keep sifting thru stuff but i want good music -_-
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atlanticghostcrab · 2 years
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cleolinda · 9 months
I am so fucking pissed. We’re hearing forecasts that we might get FIVE FUCKING INCHES OF SNOW overnight from Monday to Tuesday. In ALABAMA, where we have no snow removal equipment. Like I think we got one bag of sand for the whole town. No snow tires, I don’t even know what those are. This isn’t cute “Haha it’s just barely below freezing! Snowball fight!!!” snow. This is 14° Fuck (-11° Come the Fuck On) snow. FIVE INCHES? We get flurries and the city descends into madness.
What if we lose POWER. Everything runs off USB cord stuck in the outlet charging nowadays. This is why everyone used to run out and buy Milk Bread Batteries. Listen. I have this memory of the power going out during this wild snowstorm when I was a kid--I want to say it was Winter Storm '93. Ask anyone who lived in Alabama at the time. Like we had Desert Storm '92 the military operation one year and Winter Storm '93 the next. It was that serious in our minds, and I'm not sure you can blame us:
The storm dumped several inches of snow each hour on Birmingham, which ended up with officially 13 inches of snow.
Due to the high winds some parts of Birmingham reported drifts 5 to 6 feet deep. One state trooper reported that the roads were in the worst shape he had ever seen. "People can't tell what's road and what's not."
Low temperatures during the storm were in the 5-to-10 degree range on that Sunday.
IN A TOWN WHERE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT A SNOW PLOW IS. I think we had one for the entire county. Like I'm only kind of joking here.
And our power went out.
The snow was so heavy that it pulled down power lines either by its own weight, or by the tree branches its weight broke off. Meanwhile, the power at my house already went off every time a squirrel sneezed. I don't how many days this lasted; it was probably like, 2-3 days, but in my head, I was 14 years old boxed up with my family with no heat and it lasted two weeks. Maybe three years. The four of us slept in sleeping bags layered with quilts, huddled on the floor around a wood burning fire. (In the haunted house, no less.) The carpet was really nice, at least. We had a--do people still call them boomboxes? A big portable cassette player--battery-powered--with AM/FM radio. We listened to whatever TV shows were broadcast from the ABC station at night. We did have hot water; I took a lot of hot baths. We cooked food over the outdoor grill (which we moved to the comfortably large area under the deck, to hold off the falling snow), sometimes using aluminum foil as a kind of thin impromptu frying pan, and kept perishables like milk and meat in a cooler. Oh, did we have a bag of ice for the cooler? No, we used snow. God knows there was enough of it. Of course, I'm sure the refrigerator was perfectly serviceable even without power, because it was TEN DEGREES FUCK ALL.
I remember going outside a good bit and playing, as much as a teenager plays, in the snow with my seven-year-old sister. I remember that all the neighborhood kids got big rubber trashcan lids and used them as toboggans, going up to the top of the hill on our street and pretty successfully sledding down. Maybe it was "lmao snowball fight!!" snow when I was 14. I'm 45 now, and the cold makes me hurt. It makes me hurt all over. Maybe Winter Storm '24 will be a fun core memory for my nephew. I am pissed. And also charging all my electronics.
(ETA: It’s ‘24 now, isn’t it. My brain hasn’t clicked the date over yet. What is time.)
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ragsy · 7 days
"Olive Branch Unlimited Pasta Pass"
A less-than friendly encounter between Dogmark and Kenneth. 993 words. Read under the cut 👇
Mark grimaced at the jangle of the shop bell. It was ten minutes to closing; surely nobody needed taxidermy services this urgently. He was going to have to fucking sweep again, and why can't these people ever just put the dead cat in the damn freezer for the night?
He was halfway through his Customer Service Greeting-- a dry and listless "Hi, let me know if you need anything" with an implied "I hope you don't," when--
"Oh. Uh. Hi Kenneth," Mark coughed.
Kenneth, as it were, stepped into the Tucksidermy shop, taking in the many display shelves of magician squirrels, burlesque raccoons, and deer with hats, before finally catching Mark's attention. He smiled, though it did not reach his eyes. "Ah! Mark! Working hard?"
Kenneth let the shop door swing shut behind him; he held a large tupperware container tucked under one elbow, and his other hand gripped something in his pocket. For a man who had walked with a cane for as long as Mark knew him, Kenneth was moving with awfully fluid, easy strides.
Mark eyed the container with heavy suspicion. If there was someone's dearly departed family pet in there, he just might scream.
"Just. Uh. Closing up for the night," he said, setting his broom aside.
"Fantastic!" grinned the older man. "Then I hope you don't mind me asking: is Tuck in?"
Mark's pointed ears flicked.
Tuck had been different since coming back from the last mission. They hadn't told him everything that had happened, and the wedge between them and Kenneth remained vague handwaves and omissions. But still, holes in a story still leave behind the shape of some great and unspeakable thing.
And, if he was being honest, Mark was kinda creeped out by the way that guy was always so chipper. If he had more than a measly ounce of candor, he wouldn't have minded telling the old man to fuck off.
Mark slipped his glasses off and polished them on the front of his shirt.
"Tuck's not here," he lied.
Kenneth's face fell. "Oh! Are they, ah, are they alright?"
"Just-... Busy. I dunno."
This was, at least partially, the truth. The usual signs of Tuck is Working were present: Muffled FM radio pulsing through the wall. A hovering scent of blood and chemicals. A bearing in the workshop vent fan that squeaked at a frequency only dog ears could hear.
Kenneth furrowed his brow. "Oh. Hm."
That was another thing-- In the days since the mission to that facility, everyone had returned drained, bedraggled, frightened, or pissed off.
Everyone, that was, except Kenneth.
Kenneth, who Mark had seen take up jogging. Kenneth, whose familiar lines and wrinkles had begun to fade. Kenneth, whose sharpened eyes and revitalized wits now studied Mark, searching him for answers.
It all made Mark's skin crawl. Even as a grown-ass adult, he couldn't avoid feeling like a kid caught in a fib by a teacher. What the hell else was he supposed to say?Desperate for a break in eye contact, he replaced his glasses, grabbed the broom, and resumed sweeping.
Kenneth cleared his throat.
"Well, then, in any case, can I leave this here?" He was hoisting the container aloft in both hands. At Mark's skeptical stare at the plastic lid, he cracked open a corner, revealing a mess of pasta, tomatoes, and cheese.
Kenneth mistook Mark's sigh of relief for gratitude.
"Lasagna. I thought you both might appreciate some leftovers from dinner at Alice's house last night. So-- Ah, so sorry you had to miss it again!" The smile returned to his face. Uneasy. Apologetic.
Sorry. Right. Maybe they stayed home for a reason. Maybe they didn't want to be there with him. Maybe Tuck would have gone if he would just get rid of that fucking tape recorder. Mark's fingers twitched. Maybe he could take it from him the hard way.
He bit his tongue and swallowed his words.
"Um. Great," he said finally. He set down the broom and picked up the dustpan, dumping its contents unceremoniously in the trash.
"Ah," said Kenneth, crestfallen. Heavy silence fell over the two of them.
Once it was clear that Mark would make no move to accept the offering, Kenneth crossed the room and placed the container on the register counter. He patted the lid conclusively.
"Well, ah, I-... I hope you enjoy it!" A glimmer of hope clung to the edges of his words with desperation.
Once again, Mark said nothing. Folding his arms, his gaze darted from the tupperware, to the clock above it, to Kenneth. He sighed and swiped a hand down his face.
"Please go."
"Wh— Pardon?"
"We're closed."
Kenneth blinked. "O-oh, so soon?"
He swept his eyes across the shop. "Will, ah, will Tuck be back soon then, maybe?"
Mark thrust a clawed finger towards the door. "Get. Out," he growled, his human mask vaporized in an instant. A snarl curled up his snout, and his hackles bristled. Enough was enough.
The older man staggered backwards, eyes wide in terror. He raised his hands in submission and, without another word, fumbled open the door and slunk outside.
Mark slammed the shop door behind him and twisted the deadbolt shut. He glanced at the clock again. Five til was probably close enough.
Seething, he finished his chores and stalked out the back door.
Later, he rapped his knuckles on the doorframe to Tuck's workshop.
"Hey, we're all closed up now. I'm gonna get going." His voice shook a little, but he had at least managed to hide the dog back away.
Tuck looked up from its workbench. "Oh, heya Mark," it drawled. "Customers give ya any trouble today?"
"No. All good. See you tomorrow."
He hoisted the shop trash bag on his way out the door and slung it into the dumpster. It landed against the metal bottom with a heavy thud.
Kenneth's olive branch would be left there to rot until pickup day.
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onepiece-asl-lover · 4 months
Reader my au x ASL Trio
Part 5 "Out of control"
TW: BLOOD, insane, Brusis, Flashbacks, Killing, screaming, fm!reader, pain, hallucinations, angst, fluff kinda, my brother was sending me memes while I was writing this.
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It's been a few days since you've been hanging out with Sabo and Ace. Like everyday Ace pick you up into a piggyback ride and always finds a way to get Luffy off his tail. The usual but now you think of it, you aren't Dadan favorite anymore as you don't help around the place anymore, but she still treats you better so a win win.
You also have been keeping an eye on your devil fruit signs this time it probably reached its peak. Your veins pop out and are a dark black color and your fangs grew, aswell you've been having headaches. You cover your veins by clothing so today you wore a white dress with long sleeves, it seems to cover up well so it good.
At the moment, you and Ace are talking to each other as Ace piggybacks you as he keeps walking.
"Ok, Y/N were going to head to Grey Terminal so I could beat some chumps up and get some cash"
You nodded. Face still dead and no expressions.
"Alright, can I help?"
,"...fine but be careful, don't want you hurting yourself"
You nodded as you guys kept walking to Gray Terminal.
When you reached Grey Terminal you and Ace saw two guys one with whiteish blonde hair and a blue and white jacket, and one with a dark green hoodie and a weird mustache and a beard. Ace leaned onto a wall and waited until he could sneak up on the chumps. You also leaned onto the wall aswell as you waited for the chumps to walk by.
When the chumps walk by you and Ace started running behind them, fast but quiet. When you catch up to them they started to run away but Ace was able to beat up the blondish guy. You punched the weird mustache dude square in the face and kicked him in his "no no" place. He fell onto the ground as you grabbed his valuables. Ace finished up beating up his guy and smiled when you were able to beat a guy on your own.
"you're getting stronger Y/N"
You nodded
"Thank you"
You turn to look at Ace and his entire face is red and he is sweating.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
"Y-yer-yes I'm fine, now let's head back to Sabo before were anymore late" He stumbled against his words as he turns away with a flushed face and a sternish tone.
You nodded as you ran with him holding his hand. One hand of your hand holding the bag of money and the other holding his hand.
You guys reached the tree, Ace sweating a bit.
"Sabo, Hey are you there?" Ace shouted at the tree.
"Oh what's up Ace and Y/N" Sabo replied
"Sorry were a little late this time" Ace apologized
"More than a little, I went out there and made a killing already" Sabo grinned
"Oh yeah well maybe we did too" Ace grinned.
You and Ace climed up the tree, Ace helping you up when you reached the top. You sat down near Ace on the thick branch as you handed the bag of money to Ace.
"Let's see!" Both Ace and Sabo shouted as they open there bag of money.
"Woah dude you guys have more than me! That's a ton of cash, What happened!" Sabo said as sweat went down his face at how much money you and Ace have got.
"Some chumps near the gate, robbed them blind and made a run for it."
"Heh well crap, guess you guys win again."
Sabo picked up the cash and started counting it as you plumed the money from both bags into the secret place for hidden treasure, which was a hole inside the tree branch that had a lid you could open and close.
"It doesn't matter if we win or lose. We got five years of pirate saving piled up. We all should be happy about that. Now we have Y/N who will be helping us all together to reach our dreams......we worked pretty hard." Ace said in a calm and netural tone.
"Eh yeah no kidding" Sabo stands up and looks out to sea. "We'll leave this dump and go places these chumps never dreamed of. This all will be worth it, just you wait. Sabo and Ace grinned.
You were looking through your guys treasure inspecting the items for fun. There was rings, bracelets, necklace and many other things as you fiddle with the objects.
Sabo sat down and looked at Ace who was looking at him.
"We better put it away now, we can't let anyone else see this." Ace said.
Sabo tossed the money that was in his hand into the treasure pile. You put away the items that you were playing with back into the treasure pile aswell.
"So how much is a ship. I want a good one but it seems like were pretty rich." Sabo spoked up.
"Yeah, could take 10 million maybe even more, shouldn't rush it" Ace replied
"It depends on the ship if you want a smaller one it might cost about 1-" you get cut off by a shout which led Sabo to smaking the treasure lid closed, and all of you to jump.
"Did you say ship! You're going to be pirates! And you got hidden treasure already! I'm going to be a pirate too!!" Luffy shouted while waving his hands and having a huge smile and giggling.
You look at Ace and Sabo and you see them face darken and they are gritting their teeths. You all look at each other as you all nod, and all rush down climbing down the tree as Sabo and Ace run towards Luffy. Ace and Sabo run towards Luffy and wack him right on the top of his head.
"Shut Up!" Sabo and Ace shouted.
You sighed as Sabo gave you some rope to tie Luffy up. You grab the rope and Luffy and started to tie him up. When you finished you sat near Ace who was standing with his hands on his hips and for some reason a sweating forehead. Sabo was also standing, crossing his arms and also had a sweaty forehead. You looked at Luffy who had a huge smile on his face, "poor boy" you sighed.
"You know what's cool, now I know where you go, I can follow you everyday" Luffy said euthisatically.
"Great" Ace said sarcastically
"Luffy huh? This was the brat you were talking to about Ace."
"Heh does that mean you tell your friends about me!"
"I was telling my friend how annoying you were"
"He also tell me your head is full of rocks"
Luffy laughed "bad rocks"
"You do realize we are messing with you right?" Sabo asked.
You sighed as they kept talking and arguing. You played with the grass, ripping it, tieing it, or just plane looking at it. You didn't really care what they were talking about, it's not like they'll will kill Luffy. You stood up and walked behind the tree where nobody was. You pulled up your sleeve and saw that your nails were SHARP and a black color, your migraines were getting worse.
You felt the need to throw up, you threw up but it wasn't normal it was a blackish color like ink. You knew..this is the final stage in matter of an hour your devil fruit will start controlling on it's own.
You wiped the black ink on the grass and pulled down your sleeve. You had to pretend everything was fine. You just couldn't bring yourself to show Ace, Sabo or Luffy. They might not want to be with anymore, Dadan might kick you out and you'll have to suffer through the pain again.
You took a deep breath before going back to where Ace, Sabo and Luffy was. Looked like they're still talking. You stood next to Ace waiting to what he has to say.
"He knows our secret, we can't trust him to keep his mouth shut, he's to stupid" Ace spoked
Luffy giggled
"We'll kill him" Ace spoke " Yep sounds good" Sobo agreed.
"Wh-" you get caught off by Luffy scream.
You fell back at how sudden and loud he was as you covered your ears from all the loud noises happening around. Sabo trying to keep Luffy quiet and them arguing who should kill Luffy.
You heard some people coming you uncovered your ears and closed your eyes. You saw a group of four. Two of them are the ones you beat up with Ace today, one randomand a big dude with a sharp sword that sent chills to your stomach.
"Um.. sabo? Ace?"
"WHAT!" They both exclaimed
"People are coming from Grey Terminal to over here"
Sabo and Ace both shut up and also heard people coming.
"Damn your right, somebody heard him probably. Set him free Sabo we got to get out of here fast. If people start snooping around they'll find our treasure."
Sabo nodded as he untied Luffy as all four of you hid behind a bush, and saw 4 guys walking around to an area in front of you guys.
"Bluejam crap, how was I suppose to know they were working with him" Ace whispered.
"You robbed those guys, are you trying to get us killed or what!" Sabo whispered shouted.
"Yeah, this is not going to end well" Ace confessed.
"That sword looks sharp, though you guys probably saw that already. The guy with him is Porchemy, he's crazy, lose a fight with him and he'll scalp you alive just to hear you scream." Sabo answered.
A drop of sweat went down your cheeks at how nervous you were. Just even defining how he acts is frightening. The sharp sword he carried send shivers down your spine.
"We should just lay low until he passes by" you whispered.
Sabo and Ace nodded. Sabo turned his head to see if Luffy is still there.
"Uh oh, he's gone!" Sabo whispered shouted.
You face went white as you looked at Porchemy who was holding Luffy by the collar of his shirt.
"You're going to put me done right now!" Luffy exlamined.
"How the hell did he get caught already" you questioned yourself.
"Oh you wanna play tough, say I didn't warn ya!" Luffy shouted and wiggled in Porchemy grip trying to pry Porchemy grip off.
"This guy won't put me down. ACE! HELP! Ace why aren't you saving me! Were friend right!"
"We should've killed him now were all dead" Ace whispered.
Luffy kept screaming, you covered your ears to block the shouting Luffys was doing.
"So you know Ace do ya?" Porchemy asked.
"Ya that's right" Luffy answered.
"And If you cry do you think he'll come for ya?"
"Ya cause were friends! Except he just tried to kill me so maybe not."
You turned your head to look at Ace who was clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. You turned your head to look back at Luffy who was still in Porchemy grip.
"If he's your friend maybe you can help us. See Ace and a girl with him stole our money and if we got it back we wouldn't have to hurt anybody, you don't happen to know where they're do ya?"
"Were screwed they're going to take our money for sure" Sabo confessed.
"For once in your life please shut up" Ace pleaded in his head as he kept looking at Luffy.
"Well are you going to talk?" Porchemy asked Luffy.
Luffy made a face where you can clearly tell he is lying where he raises his eyebrows and look to a side and put his mouth in a whistle shape.
"I dont know, sorry" Luffy replied.
You face palmed yourself, he's a crappy liar so you're all screwed. The gang that Porchemy was with had evil grins and they chuckled which didn't seem good.
"Alright fine , I'm sure you just forgot, dont worry, I have ways of jogging your memory." Porchemy said as he took Luffy and walked away, Luffy still shouting.
When you saw Ace and Sabo not following Porchemy you put it on yourself to find out where Luffy was and help him. You quietly left Ace side and begin to follow Porchemy through the forest.
Porchemy reached this shack and him and his buddies went inside, Luffy included. You had to see what they were going to do to Luffy but before you could take a step, pain coursed through your body.
You held your place only wobbling a bit. You threw up again, more ink. Your brain was in agony and you fell to your knees as you grabbed your head.
Memories, bad memories, memories of you killing your family memories of your mother memories when you were taken, memories of the friends you lost over, over and over again. Memories when the "doctors" experimented you, when the Celestial dragon guards will hit you and shout.
This only made your sadness and anger rise as you dropped onto the grass and ripped it out the ground. "Take control, no no no no" you tried to stop this. "It hurts, I can't hurt anyone else" but the memories and powers had more control reminding you of all the time when you couldn't protect somone because of yourown selfishness.
The doctors never allowed you to use your powers because it was dangerous. Now your stuck not knowing what to do, this is the first time it had happened.
Your breath hitches has you feels your right eye changing as you shout in pain. Black liquid drops from eyes. You fangs sharp and claws like lion claws.
You slowly stood up and look at the shack you knew Luffy was in. You didn't even think, your body completely moved on it's own towards the shack.
You burst through a open spot and saw Luffy hunged up by a rope, slightly bloody but bruised.
"Hey your the brat that with Ace, now I have two children to tell me where the treasure is."
You face darken, when you looked at Luffy it reminded you of somone you remember well. You dashed across the room.
"Hey where did she go!" Porchemy stated.
You cut the rope Luffy was on with your claws and stood in front of him to protect him.
"You will not lay another finger on him" You stated.
With Sabo
Sabo hid behind a wooden building seeing the chumps asking around.
What's going on? If they're asking around and still don't know about our tresure. Surely Luffy would have told them by now.
He heard someone speaking in a shack and it sounded like Y/N.
"You will not lay another finger on him" You stated.
"Eh! No way!" Sabo stated as he ran to inform Ace.
Back to you
You stared Porchemy in the eye as one of your eye has a dark on the outside and a white pupil, ink dripping from it.
"What the hell are you, Freak!" Porchemy shouted.
You dashed and scratched his face leaving claw marks on his face. Luffy staring in awe.
You dashed the other way kicking his back and scratching it with your claws again as he stumbled forward.
"You brat!" He shouts
He punches you as you hit a wall, debris covering you.
"Y/N!" Luffy pleads.
Porchemy grabs his sword and drags to where Luffy is crying on the floor. Porchemy raises his sword.
"Were done here brat" he says as he swing his sword at Luffy.
"Luffy!" You shout.
Before the sword can reach Luffy, Ace and Sabo barge into the room destroying a wall.
"Let Them Go!" Ace and Sabo both shout as the barge through the wall.
Ace hits a fat guy in the head with a metal pipe causing the man to get thrown back. Ace lands onto the ground as he looks at Porchemy.
"Damn it where's Y/N" Ace thought.
"Porchemy it that damn kid!"
"He's got the money, that brat!" The friend growls.
"Ace! Your here!" Luffy shouts.
Ace jumps to hit Porchemy but gets caught and Porchemy grabs Ace by the neck and holds him up.
"Thanks for showing up kid, you saved us some trouble, your friend here ain't talking, but I think you'll talk."
"Ace!" Luffy pleades.
"S-sabo do it!" Ace said.
Before Sabo could head to go get a hit on Porchemy something hit him in the head leaving slash across Porchemy face and head.
"Boss are you okay!"
Porchemy drops Ace onto the ground to hold his face. Ace looks around trying to find the thing that hit Porchemy, sweat on his brow.
Again something hits Porchemy in the chest causing him to fall back. A person stands in front of Porchemy.
Y-Y/N" Ace spoke.
You turned around and saw Ace, you had one eye that was fully black except the pupil which was white, you had weird markings on your body and your fangs and claws were sharp.
"You brat. You don't know you are messing with, you're all dead meat!" Porchemy says.
"Y/N what hap-" Sabo gets caught off.
"No time for questions! Sabo help Luffy I'll deal with this guy" Ace retorted.
"Ok be careful that big ugly guy has a sword"
You and Ace both nodded as you both started dealing with Porchemy. You punched Porchemy in the face as Sabo said he got Luffy.
"You guys go ahead" Ace replied.
"Ace let's just leave!" Sabo said.
"I dont ever run from my enemies ever, Got it!"
"And I don't go easy on my enemies" Porchemy included
"Come on these guys aren't just this they are BlueJam pirates" Sabo said.
"Yeah you got that right. I'm done playing games here, you have something that belong to us, be good and give it back. You're just a kid, I dont blame you for being stupid, but fork over the cash, or you'll regret it"
Ace hit Porchemy sword back.
"We've got better plan for the money, and it's our money now"
"Than you're dead"
Sabo came next to Ace holding his metal pipe aswell.
"You like to di-
"Sabo, Ace go take Luffy and go somewhere safe and where we can meet up, I'm going to do something, but you can get caught in the crossfire so leave"
You gripped onto your arm which started to be covered with the ink, as you twitched because it burned.
You send a glare at both of them.
"Leave. It was not a yes or no answer, go"
Ace gritted his teeth but listened and went to take Luffy somewhere safe. Sabo nodded and picked up Luffy as all 3 of them ran away.
"Now your on your own brat, you're dead"
Pain coursed through your body as ink like substance surrounded your body as you gritted your teeth, this is the complete final stage of the devil fruit, you won't be yourself....
"Wh-what the hell are you!"
"I ate the ink ink beast fruit, a devil that alllows me to have control on ink in various ways that you will never understand."
You put your hand into a fist and pointed it at Porchemy as ink spread on your arm. You laughed as you saw the scaredness in his face.
"Scared! Of a kid! How pathetic!" You laughed
You shoot your hand up as the Ink made contact with Porchemy making him fly back. You grabbed his sword and made your ink wrap around it.
"I warned you" you grinned
You stab the sword into his stomach as he scream in pain, you pull the sword and throw it to the side. You chuckled...than you giggled..than you laughed..you internally couldn't know why you are laughing but you are.
The ink spreads all over the room as it swallows every object it could devour. You closed your eyes as you smiled..... then you heard somone call your name.
You turned around and grabbed the inked sword ready to see who it was..it was your mother. The ink that covered your eyes slowly faded away as you looked at her your eye just widen in suprised.
"M-mom?" Tears streamed down your face.
"Y/N..dear your friends are waiting for you"
More and more of the ink faded away and slowly back into your body and nails and fangs slowly shrinking.
"Dont blame yourself for what happened that day, I still love you no matter what"
More more tears streamed down your face as you ran to her. You went to hug her but you just passed through her. You turned around hoping she was just playing a trick..but no she was not there anymore.
You sighed as you looked at your hands and around the place, everything was back to normal except for the damage you've done and the dead Porchemy in the corner. She helped you hold on to life, you smiled.
"Thank you...mom"
You wiped your hands on your dress as you went back in the forest looking for Ace, Sabo, And luffy.
What will they do when you come back. Will they be relieved, happy, mad. You knew you had to confess to them about your powers you just hoped they won't get too mad.
AN:I'll be making a part 6 on Sunday so stay tuned.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
Yuli Entertainment’s interview SBMS exclusive interview with Xiao Zhan ☀️
Xiao Zhan: I have some questions about Shengyang
"The value of an actor lies in using his work to speak and having a very real feedback connection with the audience."
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At the end of 2019, Xiao Zhan had just celebrated his 28th birthday. He received the script of "The Sun Is With Me" and met the 26-year-old Sheng Yang in the script.
About the same age and having similar work experiences, there seems to be some wonderful connection between Sheng Yang and Xiao Zhan. Coupled with the lively and lovable characters in the script, it seems to be an obvious choice to take on the drama.
In Xiao Zhan's work resume, he has played the roles of a lonely and cold prince, a young man with infinite sincerity, a soldier who strives to break through himself, a doctor who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, etc. These roles have given Xiao Zhan different life experiences. But he still seems to be missing a life-flow work - after Sheng Yang met the audience, this role filled the gap.
The script took more than three years to write. Xiao Zhan also experienced some of his own growth during these three years, which made him have some doubts about his firm choice of Shengyang, "I At 31 years old, how can I play the role of a young brother who is new to the world and has no experience in the world? Can I convince the audience?" In his heart, Xiao Zhan asked himself repeatedly.
Xiao Zhan told screenwriter Li Xiao all these questions.
The original Sheng Yang was lively and innocent, with endless energy. In Li Xiao's words, "He was a sunny and light character." This was also Xiao Zhan's initial feelings about Sheng Yang, but such a character was very Soon there was a round of challenges.
After writing more than 20 episodes of the script, Li Xiao's emotional life has changed, and he has a deeper understanding of the love story between his younger brother and his older sister. "The younger brother who really wants to fall in love must be very mature in his Temperament and ideas." Li Xiao said.
26-year-old Sheng Yang actually has several years of work experience. Should he still be a big boy who doesn't understand the world? Is it possible that I admired Jian Bing for ten years because of an advertisement ten years ago? Should Sheng Yang be a completely straight-forward and passionate character? Can I fall in love with my sister Jian Bing just based on pure love?
These questions seemed to have different answers in Li Xiao's mind. At this time, Xiao Zhan met Li Xiao for the first time at the script planning meeting.
Xiao Zhan's doubts and Li Xiao's thoughts collided at the same time, "Sister Li Xiao and I have met each other late." In Xiao Zhan's eyes, Li Xiao is a person who is very serious about work. The two people's thoughts about Sheng Yang We hit it off right away at the first script meeting.
Xiao Zhan was worried that he might not interpret well the "image of a fledgling, inexperienced younger brother" that was almost overthrown by Li Xiao, and he transformed into a more resolute character, a bit stubborn, and a more serious Sheng Yang. He is no longer a novice in the workplace, but a character with strong personal abilities, inner aspirations, and a sense of maturity.
When encountering difficulties, Sheng Yang is responsible; he also has his own persistence when he extends an olive branch to Jian Bing after losing his job; choosing to start a business is not a young and energetic impulse or a hothead, "We want the audience to believe that Sheng Yang After everything he has gone through, I believe in the decisions he has made," Xiao Zhan said.
Xiao Zhan participated in such script meetings three times in total. The communication with Li Xiao also extended from the script itself to the two people's taste in art. "We will talk about some of the works we have watched recently, and she will recommend many to me." I also saw interesting movies, TV series, and even FM and audio books through her recommendations, and I saw a lot of good works that I had never seen before.”
It is in this atmosphere that Sheng Yang's image becomes more and more full-in Xiao Zhan's heart, Sheng Yang is no longer just a cold description like words, but outlines a complete character portrait. All Sheng Yang's choices The motivations become clear. Only by convincing yourself can the audience have the possibility to believe. Sheng Yang's changes finally gave Xiao Zhan the confidence to perform.
"Now Shengyang has a clear growth line, and the family atmosphere is also clearer. His sense of responsibility and ability, as well as his ability to withstand stress, have improved. His relationship with Jian Bing has also become more grounded and more capable. Make people believe it." In the three years of script creation, Sheng Yang, like Xiao Zhan, has grown up.
"SBMS" was filmed in Chongqing, a city where Xiao Zhan has lived and can give him a sense of security. It may be easier to find the "sense of life" desired in the play in such a city.
Even so, Xiao Zhan was still a little nervous before joining the group, "What I'm particularly worried about is actually that I want to interpret the character of Sheng Yang in a very life-like and natural way. If I can make everyone feel that Xiao Zhan is not acting, but If he is Sheng Yang, then it will be successful."
How to interpret a life-like character is a lesson that Xiao Zhan must complete.
Director Song Xiaofei once took Xiao Zhan to Shengyang's home. After entering Shengyang's room, Xiao Zhan first stopped and looked around to familiarize himself with the environment. Then he went to tidy up the quilt and pillows he was going to sleep on. He sat on the sofa again, then got up, came to the desk, and adjusted all the ornaments on the desk to where he could easily reach them.
"I particularly like the Shengyang family. The art teachers in "SBMS" are very good. They made the Shengyang family very life-like. So when I walked in, I didn't feel like I was acting at all. Instead, it felt like I had already I’ve lived here for a long time.”
In Shengyang's room, Xiao Zhan seemed to see the house where he lived when he was a child. Whether it was the living atmosphere or the environment, everything was too similar.
With such an atmosphere, Xiao Zhan wants to show the role of Sheng Yang better. Therefore, he is always a little nervous, "I have never acted in such a life-oriented drama, and I will be a little uneasy." From the first day of filming, Xiao Zhan would send the director a message every day. information.
"Director, do you think there are any adjustments today?"
"Director, do you think this is okay?"
"How do you feel?"
"How about the scene tomorrow?"
Xiao Zhan likes the feeling of being in the sun on the set of "SBMS". He communicates, discusses, and creates with the director every day. For Xiao Zhan, this is a way to make progress.
On the first day after joining the group, Xiao Zhan's first scene was the scene where Sheng Yang met Jian Bing in a restaurant ten years later. Song Xiaofei deliberately put this important scene on the first day of filming in order to retain Xiao Zhan's character. The feeling of just getting to know Bai Baihe is exactly what the character needs.
Recalling the first day of filming, Xiao Zhan thought it was "quite fun." On the second day, when filming the scene where Jian Bing was drunk and Sheng Yang took care of her in the hotel, Bai Baihe's acting skills brought some touches to him. .
"The plot of that part was that Jian Bing asked for a song. Sheng Yang asked what the title of the song was. Jian Bing looked at Sheng Yang and said, "I really love you." What impressed me deeply was the look in Sister Bai's head when she raised her head. This was very shocking to me at the time. I saw the light in her eyes and her whole state directly and closely, and I really learned a lot."
The excellent performance of the opponent actor also inspired Xiao Zhan's energy. In the subsequent scenes where Sheng Yang muttered to himself, Xiao Zhan's performance was more refined than when he was walking.
Director Song Xiaofei is always good at capturing the impromptu reactions of actors under the camera, and that reaction is the most real and the most touching to the audience. Xiao Zhan said: "In the play "SBMS," I Just do subtraction, don’t think too much about the design or anything else, it’s enough to just immerse yourself in the character.”
Sheng Yang's lines are life-like, but they also convey viewpoints. To be able to express these views without preaching is a test of the screenwriter's creative ability, and it is also a test of the actor's line performance.
Director Song Xiaofei does not ask the actors to say their lines exactly according to the script, which makes it seem a bit rigid. Most of them do not deviate from the original settings of the script, and the actors can handle it as they feel comfortable. "This is similar to the costume dramas I have made before. There are still some differences. For costume dramas, there is his own way of segmenting lines and saying words." Xiao Zhan said.
In addition to family, love and other story lines, Sheng Yang's work scenes are also very important. When walking into Shengyang's office, Xiao Zhan, who had also been a designer, even had a sense of time travel. "Those work stations, hand-drawn tablets, pens, and even the office and design software in the computer are all too familiar." Sitting at Shengyang's workstation, Xiao Zhan will feel relaxed.
"Although these software are not commonly used now, and the technology is a bit degraded, it is still possible to make some pictures and cut some short films when filming." While waiting for the scene on the set, Xiao Zhan would occasionally make two random sketches on the draft paper. , this sense of atmosphere created an inexplicable connection between him and the character Sheng Yang.
In "SBMS", there is a scene that moved the audience and called out the truth: Sheng Yang lost his job due to a certain project accident, but he did not complain to his parents. Instead, he behaved as usual every day and went out to find a job at the designated time. , go home on time to accompany your parents.
Xiao Zhan fully understands Sheng Yang who reports good news but not bad news, because the way he gets along with his family is similar to Sheng Yang. Xiao Zhan likes the noisy but harmonious way of getting along with each other in the play, " Parents will quarrel and have arguments, but they love each other very much, are very happy, and are very beautiful." During the filming of "SBMS", Xiao Zhan's parents visited him twice. For Xiao Zhan, This is also a kind of happiness.
The audience said that "Sheng Yang is Xiao Zhan in the parallel world." Sheng Yang, a Chongqing native and designer, has a high degree of similarity with Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan himself also felt that "in the process of playing Sheng Yang, I will It's a little bit unconscious." For example, Sheng Yang and Xiao Zhan would scratch their heads when they were shy.
"But I'm also afraid that everyone will feel this way." Xiao Zhan said, "I'm afraid that the audience will project their feelings and emotions towards Xiao Zhan onto this character. Although Sheng Yang and I have the same career, in fact we are in the same profession. The personalities are still different, Xiao Zhan may be quieter and more stable, while Shengyang is more outgoing."
There will definitely be some connection between the character and the actor himself. The real reaction given during the filming may include Xiao Zhan's own temperament in some of Sheng Yang's scenes, but this does not mean that Sheng Yang is the actor. Xiao Zhan.
If the audience feels that Sheng Yang seems to be truly living in a certain time and space, it may also mean that Xiao Zhan's interpretation of this character has achieved a landing effect. The "sense of life" he wants to show has been The audience approved.
Broadcasting three TV series in one year is a very rare achievement for an actor. Xiao Zhan also knows clearly, "The value of an actor lies in using his works to speak and having a very real feedback connection with the audience." In the future, TV series are still Xiao Zhan’s main development direction, what will be his next work?
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losfacedevil · 10 months
Deck The Halls // SFK (A FM Short)
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a/n~ I’ve missed my babes, they help me work through so much. I’ve been struggling this holiday season with missing loved ones and I want you all to know you are not alone. My inbox is always open if you need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out.
A smile caressed Sam’s lips as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and made his way over to where Sophia stood, her eyes dancing over one of the big fir trees that the market had supplied for its vendors to take home as a gift. Axel was sat at her feet, the pups leash wrapped securely around her wrist. Sam cocked his head to the side, watching as she thoroughly inspected the branches on the tree before nodding her head excitedly and turning to locate him in the crowd.
Her face lit up as she spotted Sam stood just a few feet away, a loving smile kissing his lips as he watched her intently. She raised her hand, motioning for him to her and pointed towards the tall tree in front of her. He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips as he slowly made his way over to her, tugging gently on Rosie’s leash to encourage the pup to follow suit.
“I think this is the one! It’s almost exactly like the ones my mom would take us to get at the Christmas tree farm that was right down the street from our house when we were small.” She gushed, her eyes stinging with tears at the memory.
The holiday season was something Sophia struggled with, her parents no longer being with her erupting feelings of sadness deep within her chest. Something she tried her hardest to fight off this year, not wanting Sam to feel like he had to pick up her broken pieces as Christmas drew nearer.
He recognized the shift in her mood almost immediately, how her face had dropped slightly and the childlike twinkle in her eye had dimmed. She looked up at him with an eager smile on her face, but knew that her grief was shining through as his smile softened and he wrapped arm around her shoulders, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her temple.
“This one it is. Wanna bring the pups to the truck and help Danny finish bringing the rest of the crates out of the hall? I’ll have this wrapped up and on the truck in no time.” Sophia nodded lightly and reached out for Rosie’s leash, leaning up on her toes to press a soft kiss to Sam’s lips before turning her attention to the pups sitting at her feet.
“Let’s go find uncle Danny and get warm, okay?” She cooed, tugging lightly on both leashes and took off in the direction of the hall.
Her mind wandered slightly as she slowed her power walk to a more leisurely stroll, the cold not bothering her northern skin, and took in the lights that had been strung up around the makeshift tree farm the market had created. She knew Sam had felt the shift in her mood, the kiss to her temple telling her he knew more than he let on.
Pulling a deep breath in through her nose she let herself feel the grief, if just for that moment, to get the urge to cry out of her system. She became so lost in thought she didn’t realize she was standing at their booth until Danny’s voice shook her from her thoughts.
“Hey, are you okay?”
It was then that she realized the tears had fallen, creating warm, and salty streaks down the length of her cheeks. She nodded softly, reaching up to rid her cheeks of the tears. Danny nodded and rounded the table, reaching out to wrap his arms securely around her shoulders.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He pressed his cheek to the crown of her head, swaying her body lightly as she warmed up from the brisk cold that she had just exited from. She shook her head lightly and took a deep, calming breath as she urged the bout of sadness to pass.
“It’s okay, I don’t want him to know I’m upset. Christmas is just… different with her gone.” She felt Danny’s arms tighten around her, and he nodded lightly not wanting to push the subject any.
“He’ll understand if you bring it up, you know. We’ll help you get through it, you’re not alone, okay?” Sophia nodded lightly and pulled away from Danny’s embrace, taking a deep breath in and held it to the count of ten before slowly releasing it. Danny reached up and ruffled the hair on the top of her head, earning himself a giggle and a swat to the back of his hand.
“Sammy said to help you pack up but it looks like you’re all set. Except.. honey?” She nodded towards the empty table and a smile caressed her face at the single jar of honey that still sat there. Danny’s cheeks warmed and he averted his gaze elsewhere.
“Whoops, looks like I forgot one.” He chuckled, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck. A wide grin spread across Sophia’s face as realization sunk in, and her eyes began to dance along the quickly disappearing crowd.
“Okay where is she? Sabrina’s here, isn’t she?” Danny coughed gently and shrugged his shoulders as he tried to scoop the jar of honey up off of the table. Sophia tapped the back of his hand, shaking her head as she spotted his girl across the hall.
“Oh SABRINA!” She called, watching as Danny’s cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. She giggled lightly as she waved at Sabrina and nodded in Danny’s direction.
“I have to get the pups in the car before Sam wonders where we’ve gotten off to. Good luck.” She made a kissing noise in his direction before turning on her heel and made her way over to the truck.
Sophia couldn’t help the giggles that slipped past her lips as she watched Sam try and swing the tree into the bed of the truck, just missing the mark and sent it careening to the ground. His shoulders slumped forward in defeat before he bent as the waist and wrapped his hands around the tree trunk the best he could once more.
“I think you need Danny’s muscles for that.” Sophia giggled, nodding in the direction of the tree as she opened the cab door and whistled for the pups to hop in.
“Where is Danny?” Sam called, continuing to wrestle with the tree as Sophia made sure the pups were secure. Sophia made her way to where Sam stood and bent at the waist to help him lift the tree into the truck bed.
“He’s with Sabrina.” She cooed, wiggling her eyebrows as they managed to slide the tree into the back of the truck and slammed the hatch shut. Sam nodded his head once and held his hand up in a silent request for a high-five. She happily obliged, reaching up and gently placed the palm of her hand against his.
Sam watched her expression, her eyes a little more dull than before and her smile didn’t reach her eyes like it once did. He wrapped his fingers gently around her hand and tugged her against him, wrapping his arm securely around her lower back. Sophia melted into his embraced, resting her cheek gently against his chest and wrapped her arms tightly around his midsection.
The damned tears that snuck past her lids earlier began to sting the corners of her eyes once more. She pulled in a deep, steadying breath and hoped he hadn’t caught on to the slight shift that had just occurred. Sam rested his chin against the crown of her head and tightened his grip on her, knowing that the pressure his arms were putting on her helped calm her.
“I wanna know all about her, you know. You bring her up so seldomly, and I know you think I don’t see you crying but I do. I don’t want to overstep but, when you’re ready, I wanna know all about her. I bet she was as beautiful and amazing as you are.”
She pulled in a shuddering breath as the tears she tried to fight began to fall freely down her cheeks. She nodded lightly, burying her head farther into the layers of clothing that covered his chest. A soft smile caressed Sam’s face as he began to rock her body gently.
“I miss her. It’s hard, Sammy. This was her favorite holiday, this was her time to shine. She loved it all. The cooking, the baking, the decorating, the gifts. But she’s not here to see the pretty tree I picked out for her, she won’t get to put the star on top. She won’t get to meet you and Danny, and to see how much happier and healthier I am now. She won’t get to know you and your mom, oh would she love Mama K with her whole heart. It just stings a little bit more so please, be patient with me?”
Sophia tilted her head so her chin was resting against his sternum and the cold breeze stung her cheeks where her tears lay. Sam reached up and rested his gloved hands against her reddening cheeks, keeping the chill away from her skin as she blinked away the last of the tears that pooled in her eyes. Sam nodded his head and ran his thumbs along the apples of her cheeks, drying her tears and warming her skin.
Sam leaned down and captured her lips with his in a soft kiss that answered her question perfectly. Pulling back he rested his forehead against hers, the long strands of his hair falling to curtain their faces from the world.
“Whatever you need you say the word, okay? And when you’re ready to let me in to that part of your world, I’ll be ready and waiting with hot chocolate and tissues.” Sophia couldn’t help the giggles that erupted from her chest, a mixture of love and the feeling of her grieving mixing to create an odd sensation. She pushed up onto her toes once more, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“Hey love birds! What the hell are you doing?!” Danny’s voice bellowing from the entrance to the hall shook them from their moment of solace. Sam lifted his head and nodded in Danny’s direction.
“You ready?” Sam called, straightening his back and reached out to take Sophia’s hand in his. Danny nodded and made his way over to the truck. Sam leaned down and pressed a kiss to Sophia’s forehead before turning her where she stood and began to slowly make their way to the truck.
TAGLIST: @gretasmokerising @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @vanfleeter @tommie-gvf @the-wicked-gnome @runwayblues @gracev0609
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exposedfm · 2 months
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It's hard to believe another summer has come and gone already. Let your celebrities soak up the last remaining bits of summer with our End of Summer Bash! From August 11th-15th your celebrities will be staying in luxurious condos that are waterfront to a private beach in Malibu, California.
August 11th: Get settled into your rooms and explore the area a bit before the beach bonfire kicks off at 9pm. Ingredients for s'mores will be provided, as well as snacks and drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) at the outdoor bar.
August: 12th: Enjoy a free day to yourself. Take advantage of some of the available beach activities such as surfing, jet skiing, snorkeling, kayaking, paddleboarding, etc.
August 13th: Exposed FM presents the End of Summer Bash: Concert Series. Enjoy an afternoon of music by all of your favorite performers. Your celebrities are absolutely welcome to sign up as a performer for this event, if that's something you're interested in. Each set will be approximately 5-7 songs long and on the day of the event, we ask that you post their setlist.
August 14th: Y2K Flashback Bash. Re-live the nostalgia of the early 2000s by dressing up in your favorite vintage looks. We're talking butterfly clips, "bling", low rise jeans, or whatever else comes to your mind when you think Y2K. Feel free to post your outfits using the tag #exposedfmwardrobe and the gossip blog will repost it as a part of their fashion column. A community center nearby has been rented out for the evening for this event. There will be a DJ playing all of your favorite nostalgic hits and even a karaoke machine if you wanted to put on a little performance. A special menu of Y2K inspired drinks and snacks will be available at the bar as well.
August 15th: This is your last chance to do any activities you may have missed out on earlier. You can leave first thing in the morning if you're eager to get back home, or you can choose to hang out for a while and enjoy the beach for a little bit longer. All guests must be gone by 7pm so a cleaning crew can come in.
Here's a few more details for you guys:
Each condo has four bedrooms ( all with Queen sized beds ), three bathrooms, and a fully stocked fridge with any necessities you may need.
There will be four people assigned to each condo, so everyone has the option of having a room to themselves or sharing with one of their roommates. Roommates will be chosen at random, so there is a chance that couples may not be roomed together. This is just to ensure everyone is branching out a little bit more with their interactions. The roommates list will be posted a couple days before the start of the event, so everyone can have some time to chat and plot with each other before everything kicks off.
Children are allowed on this trip and there will be plenty of family-friendly activities for them to participate in.
Your celebrities are not limited to staying on the private beach or their condo. Feel free to have them explore other nearby places in Malibu whether it's shops, restaurants, or excursions.
We hope this event is so much fun for everyone and we can't wait to kick it off! If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
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Lvkv fm/43 on the lookout for more pine branches
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duckapus · 6 months
are the glitchy gang considered honorary agents by cuttlefush?
Bob, Meggy and Mario are considered honorary/part-time agents (like how I picture they justified Deep Cut's "Marie's Henchmen, apparently" role), a few of them are in non-agent support positions like Sheldon and Off the Hook, most of them are considered either civilian consultants or allied vigilantes, and the Guards (plus whichever branch of the military they've found themselves in charge of for some reason), MKPD and Koopa Troop are considered separate allied organizations (I included them because I still consider Bowser, X and FM to at least be part of the extended Glitchy Gang even if they're not part of the core SMG4 Crew)
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brainrotdotorg · 2 years
disco elysium cards against humanity cards
with credit to @orang3lover . i saw ur post and went crazy. this is by far not a complete list and if anyone has any suggestions i would absolutely love them im making an online deck right now lol. theyre under the cut
Dios Mío! ______!
The RCM recently incorporated _____ _ in order to boost morale
What’s your favorite Dick Mullen book? Mine is Dick Mullen and the case of _______
What’s your favorite Man from Hjelmdall book? Mine is Man from Hjelmdall and ______
______? Cuno doesn’t fucking care!
______? Now THAT shit Cuno can get into!
Neha is branching out of her dice making business and also partaking in _______
Mack and Chester’s latest fuck up this week involved three things: _____, ______, and _______.
You can’t hear anal beads, but the sound of _____ is unmistakeable.
The newest hit SPEEDFREAKS FM single apparently drew inspiration from _____ and _____.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- You know what would make this even sexier? _______!
If your Authority level is high enough, you can get Kim Kitsuragi to engage in ______
Something beautiful is going to happen: _____
Normally when you fail a red check, it’s bad, but if it’s about _____, then you’re fucked.
[EMPATHY:FAILURE] Sylvie probably left the whirling because of ____!
SAVOIR FAIRE- _____- for the money, baby.
When Trant starts talking about _____, you know you’re gonna be in for a long lecture. 
Harry’s Latest thought project is about _____.
Harry’s latest thought project is about the intersection between ______ and _______.
Idiot doom spiral’s latest hustle has to do with _____, _______, and _______- and you think you should invest.
The most important part of being a communist is ______
RHETORIC - The reek of communism is unmistakable, and it's coming from... (blank)!
"RHETORIC - Alright, here we go. We're devoting all your available brain cells to coming up with a question about communism. Scratch that, to coming up with *the* question about communism, the alpha and omega of communism questions, and that question is: is ____ bourgeois?" 
what finally made kim break his one cigarette a day rule? ________
A new thought has entered your cabinet- the inexplicable _____ agenda 
What’s behind the curse of the doomed commercial area?
The graffito idea Cindy’s been waiting for:
____ is HARDCORE
_____ + ______ = _______
Plaisance’s latest Supra-natural worry is about ______
CUNO- _____-shit. ______-style!
KIM KITSURAGI- Detective, when you are done with _____, we need to get back to the case.
THE HANGED MAN- It was _____ that did me in, coppo
EVRART CLAIRE- Do you think I would wast your time and distract you from your case with _____? Please, I’m a busy man, Harry!
KIM KITSURAGI- Sunrise, _____.
KIM KITSURAGI- What is it they say about ties? That they’re like ______…
YOU- Don’t be scared, but I think I have supra-natural abilities. KIM KITSURAGI- Which school do you subscribe to? _____ or _____?
How did Kim get so cool?
KIM KITSURAGI- Yeah, drugs. Shit. ____ . We don’t care.
A wild cocktail of pyhrrodon, speed, and medicinal spirits
The insulindian phasmid
Disco, baby!
The homosexual underground’s lowest level
A horrific necktie encouraging you to relapse 
Working out like you’ve got the devil on your back
A shitty cosplay of your ex-coworker
The jamrock Shuffle
A 12-year old that calls you slurs
Dolores Dei’s left labia
Telling the whores and liars of the world that there are 9,855 days remaining
The forbidden 8th copotype- 
Masturbating in a public bookstore
A leopard print bodysuit that awakens something in you
Pigs and wheat 
A crypto fascist that’s definitely not wearing anal beads right now
The inexplicable urge to yell “YEEEAAAAAGH”
Age inappropriate dancing 
Rampant and frankly apocalyptic levels of alcoholism
Getting double teamed by your ancient reptilian brain and limbic system 
24 voices yelling at you all at once
A Kim Kitsuragi kink
A breakup you’re still thinking about 6 years later.
Being a Pissfaggot
That dope, man! The smack! The D!
Auto-erotic asphyxiation 
A stuffed lamb that restores a morale point
A chair so uncomfortable it fucking kills you
Three little piggies in a boat
Being a naampanki idiot
Collecting tare instead of solving a murder
A mural that says “I LOVE YOU CUNO”
Franconigerian hard-body
A beer in one hand a tit in the other
Contact Mike
Being so fucking normal.
Cock carousel. Cock carousel. Cock carousel.
Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun.
The Might of The Eyebrow
Fascism- no, traditionalism.
A three meter-tall semenese supremacist.
Keeping your eyes on the ball, dinky winky.
Monica’s titties
Aligning your sines 
A crab-man that lives in a church.
The 2 mm hole in the world
Saying fuck the police even though you are the police.
A horse-faced woman
0.0002% of communism
Making fun of other communists
Moralist freaks
Women. Men of wö.
An inexplicable feminist agenda
Jean Vicquemare’s unending wrath
The expression
Guilliame de Million
The subsumption of everything into capitalism
The death of disco
A lawyer that could also be a model, if she wanted to
A vehement and decades-long hatred of pinball
Getting in touch with your body 
Licking rum off a cafeteria table
The Ham Sandwich Race
An ice-cop-hat-fuck show
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"It's fresh. It's meat. You're welcome."
Reblogs greatly appreciated!
I have so many ideas for the restaurant in Fresh Meat!
The electricity is janky, most of the lights don't work, and the ones that do flicker constantly.
An eagle-eyed fan recently spotted that there's a kitchen stain in canon that has been there for at least three years.
Branching from this, the restaurant in Fresh Meat is old and gross. Everything is dirty and has a layer of grease on it, making any surface slick to touch.
As previously mentioned, I imagine freshmeat!Mort to be a man of few words. But I also see him as extremely blunt/abrupt. He's a man of business, he's not here to make friends.
BUT, I can see him having an extremely dry sense of humour.
An unspoken dynamic forms between him and freshmeat!Bob, as fm!Bob is more short-tempered than canon Bob. He will frequently tell customers to leave if he deems them as food novices.
If you listen close enough you can hear fm!Mort have a quiet little chuckle to himself when Bob snaps at customers. From these snippets of not-really-interaction an unspoken bond is formed.
@duckmine if you have any thoughts or changes let me know!
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stormyoceans · 1 year
bl\gl with what plot would you like to see? fm this is a detective story, a thriller, asexuals \ aromatics
i actually agree with all the ones you listed and in general i'd say i would love to see more plotty shows with grown up characters. we're definitely getting more variety these days, but i really want both BLs and GLs to keep branching out and trying new things (though i do think GLs should be allowed to give us all the highschool and office setting shows they want since we're only just now starting to get some consistent content for the genre). anyway here are some ultra specific shows i would love to see one day!!!!!
(just as a quick note, when i put BL/GL is because i'd like to get that show for both of them)
heist BL. GMMTV made this spot for the LOL fan fest and i've been obsessed with the idea ever since. except you know.... love all these dudes but i actually want women in the cast too. just give me a dozen random characters with weirdly specific abilities coming together to pull off the heist of the century and ending up becoming one big found family with multiple queer pairings!!!!
police procedural BL/GL. you know all those crime shows where the main characters are often two dudes who at first deeply dislike each other so of course they get paired up together and by working together they eventually build an 'epic bromance' (god i hate that term)? YEAH SO WHERE IS THE SHOW WHERE THEY ACTUALLY SMOOCH IT'S ABOUT TIME THAT HAPPENS ME THINK.
revenge plot GL. i don't really have a specific story in mind, i just think female characters should be allowed to commit some crimes, especially if said crimes are carried out against people who wronged them in the past. and while they're busy taking revenge they also find a girlfriend. OR!!!!!! group of girls murders someone and years later it comes to bite them in the ass so they have to cover the thing up and then they all kiss (aka what i wish could have happened in p.s. i hate you).
merman BL. FRANKLY INSANE TO ME THAT THERE'S NO MERMAN BL TO DATE. we could have got this with 49 days with a merman but they didn't make it a BL in the end which is a pity SO YEAH I DEMAND ONE (my dream would be to have forcebook playing this but i'd take anything at this point).
historical BL/GL. i know we're getting a couple of historical BLs this year, but it's so funny to me that both i feel you linger in the air and love upon a time are gonna be about a character from the future traveling back in time. i mean, don't get me wrong, time travel is one of my weaknesses, but also i'd just like an historical show where BOTH characters are from the same time period.
BL/GL with a teacher who doesn't get paired up with a student. sadly this is one of my limits: i don't really get the appeal of teacher/student, especially when we could have teacher/single parent (I NEED IT SO BADLY) or even teacher/teacher (i personally think it would be really interesting to get a university BL/GL but from the point of view of the teachers).
BL/GL exploring other sexualities and gender identities. pretty self explanatory, like you said just give me ace main characters, trans main characters, non-binary main characters, ALL THE DIFFERENT QUEER MAIN CHARACTERS!!!!!!!
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