trollsarecute · 1 year
OOOO Broppppppyyy!!!!!
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Branch: *after a long day of hard working stretches*
Me: *notices his abbs and how thick he is*
Branch: *notices and winks*
Me: *blushes and thinks* damn! he gotta to do that to me?!
Branch: *walks over to me in my direction*
Me: *notices but keeps head down trying not to show any signs of blushing*
Branch: *sits next to me* ( Hey Ik this isn't a part of this story but I just about a couple minutes ago I was busy dyeing because....Listen to this. I was busy typing on this and I got a call and my phone was flipped so I didn't know who it was, I thought it was my dad cause he went out and I got of have to phone close to me in case he needs something quick. I thought it was him, then when I Turned it over Instead of it B Dad "don't wanna say the last name cause it's ours" so Instead of that It was a bit bolky text and my vision wasn't that clear then when I looked at it more I read scam Likely I did an evil smirk and In my head I kept saying "do it! you have the chance to finally do something you've been wanting to do cause everyone does it around you and YOU know you wanna be a part of the fun" I ended up doing It. as soon as I picked it up there was nothing so I put the phone to my ear and I said "hello" ...........This is what scared me a little.......There was a deep voice that belonged to a man that said HELLLOOOO BACKKKKKKKKK😭😭😭😰. Then I did it........Quickly I said...."YOU SUCK" then I hung up🤣🤣😭😭😭😰😰😰BUT THE VOICE WAS SO DAMN DEEEEEEEEEPPPP.)
Me: *heart thumps a million times a minute*
Branch: I hop your not simping over him. *Points over to creek*
Me: Aww hell nah bro! He's disgusting!
Branch: *smiles while signing and placing his hand onto his chest* good, that's good.
A moment of silence.
Me: Yes I'm gushing over you.
Branch: OOOOOOO You gonna sing a song about how much you hate em?
Me: I have a bad voice, not sure if you wanna let me sing....
Branch: I'm sure its great!
Me aww thanks. But I'll do it for you.
Branch: *sits and waits*
Me: 8starts raping a song*
The creepo comes over....
Branch: *glares to the right of me*
Me: *notices and looks and eyes widen as he gains closer to the both of us so I then sit not wanting to be up next to em*
Creek: Oi mate! Were you...just talking about me?
Me: hm!? I'm sorry I'm death I can't hear you!!!!!
Creek: *tries to do sign language but fails*
Me and Branch: *laughs*
Me: All's I got was hand moments.....If I were you I'd take some sign Language classes ..
Creek: *glares at me*
Branch: I mean.........*laughs*
Me: Ik I can't help that I'm funnier then creek....Oh shoot sorry CREEP!!!-
Creek: *Is taken back and collects himself before walking away angrily*
Me: *smirks and laughs and looks over at branch who's face Is cherry red and laughs at that as well*
Okay guys Ik this may look like a gip but I'm not feeling well and I got a cold and I really don't feel like it and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting and concerned. Anyways. I'm not going to check it cause I just don't feel like it. Anyways Odios!!!!
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branchieishotty · 1 year
Hi Guys
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When someone leaves you and someone keeps saying things you don't want to hear and you keep hoping but know that their right but don't want them to be right
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x-vivax · 2 months
HAHAHAH- poor branch 😔
Slowed down to see the Brancho 🤩
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jessi4fanfics · 4 months
Together - Short Broppy Parent AU fic
Branch watched silently as Poppy hummed in the kitchen, washing their month old baby in the sink. Their daughter giggled as her mom washed her feet and little legs.
She splashed and kicked.
"C'mon, just hold still a teeny bit." Poppy looked up, feeling her husband's gaze on her. She gave him a sweet apologetic smile. She was holding up dinner, she knew.
Branch smiled back, relieved that she was holding up dinner. She was a kinda crappy cook.
But she was his crappy cook.
"Ah ha!" Poppy held up the baby in triumph . "You are officially completely clean!"
The baby gave a happy gurgle.
"Lets match you to bed, cupcake," Poppy instructed, starting towards her and Branch's room.
"I'll start dinner!" Branch offered before she did.
Poppy set their girl into her cradle, dressed her, then kissed her goodnight. "Sleep, babykins," she teased.
The baby kerchooed.
Poppy walked back into the kitchen. She was surprised to see Branch, just about to crack an egg, but just standing there.
His foot was tapping urgently. He was thinking.
He was anxious.
"What's wrong, Branch?" she asked .
"Nothing, just... I'm nervous. "
"Bout what? " she wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her nose into his neck.
"This whole family thing." Branch sighed, rubbing her hand on his hip in a caress. "Are you sure I'm going to be a good dad for our daughter in the future?"
"Branch, we talked about this. You are an amazing troll and would make a wonderful dad."
"But I have made so many mistakes with family in the past. What if I do it again? " He looked worried again.
"Brancho, look at me. " She looked straight into his eyes. "Baby, your past doesn't define your present. It makes way for a better future. You learn from mistakes."
Branch bit his lip. He knew that she was right, but he couldn't help feeling nervous.
"It's alright to be scared a bit." She chuckled to herself. "I'm terrified every day that I might do something wrong. But remember what you have already gone through! We have done so many awesome things together. Think of what we can teach our daughter, Branch! It's gonna be crazy!"
Branch smiled at her. He gave her hands a squeeze. "Yeah. Together. You're right. As long as...I'm with you."
They smiled at each other and he leaned over and gave her forehead a sweet kiss.
"You could never do it without me," she teased.
Branch shoved her. Then suddenly, the toaster began to smoke.
Before the fire alarm woke the baby, Poppy pulled out two charcoal-colored burnt pieces of toast.
"I forgot I put those in there! " She held up the toast. "Want one?"
"I still wonder how I got stuck with you? " he chuckled before pulling her into a deeper kiss.
idk, just a fun little idea. Hope u liked! ♥
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coonae · 1 year
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come concepts for a mario universe type of Thing. info under cut
first pic: stella and devin are last change odd job workers. they get a strange message for work on a remote island and take it. there they meet doc squatch, who’s struggling with a machine since their research partner went missing. stella is sent to find the missing researcher, and meets prince pomelo along the way.
prince pomelo is the sovereign of the island inhabitants, Plantaeans/Plantaea. The citizens are the Orchin, plus the Florasaurs (the plant dinos/prehistoric creatures)
Cactor (or Cacmor? idk tentative)
Bramble Rex
the Insentai (minor antagonists) is a squad fighting for justice for bugians, though something is... off about them. The squad is: Sunni (leader, a moth), Darneen (the cool dragonfly), Rudd and Digo (the beetle twin powerhouses), and Violetta (talented little weaver ant)
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aimee-maroux · 1 year
Last chance to read the Artemis x Terpsichore x Apollon FFM threesome on my Patreon!
The story is unlocked for everyone to celebrate Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈
Read it here 💖
LGBTQ History articles I wrote that are always free to read:
Sex Change in Greek Mythology
Same Sex Love in Ancient Literature Quotes
The Life and Works of Sappho
Women Loving Women in the Ancient World
Folklore Thursday: Apollon and Branchos
Hermaphroditos - Neither Man Nor Woman, But Both
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biaportfolio · 2 years
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Paola brancho fanart
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poppibranchlover · 5 years
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He jumps like a real Brancho!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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sundaybabyblog · 5 years
And his hands; warm, firm; the night, tangible, night vast and brimming over, a profound river-flow, his intimate, deep warmth.
Coral Brancho
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trollsarecute · 1 year
OOOOOO Brancho
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I saw this on Pinterest and saves it cause I liked it. So if this does to any one of you guys then just to let you know I saw it on Pinterest and saved it that's all. Don't know who it's from.
When that type of Guy looks at you and wants you to be his
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branchieishotty · 1 year
Hi Guys It's Me The Same Girl Who Posts Images And Makes Then Into Either A Comic Or A Meme.
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I was going to post this onto my computer but since I got Tumblr on here surprisingly I will put it on here instead. Even though I went through all of the trouble to put into onto my computer. I did it through pintrest. I followed my one account posted it on that account then went onto that other account and saved if from there and then I saved it into my pics and that's how I got it. Little life hack for all of you guys on pintrest if you ever needed anything like that pr needed to get something from your phone to another device and you happen to have pintrest or a different apo that you can post things on and it's on two different devices but the same app.
Anyways I hop you guys have a good rest of your day and I may post more but it maybe just me talking about the picture and how I feel about cause that's what I mostly do when I do thing on my phone. Anyways have a good day ODIOS!!!!!!!!
The art belongs to me but if you wanna save it or take it go ahead.
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teawiththegods · 3 years
“In the Archaic period, Didyma was run by a family of prophets, the Branchidai, who traced their ancestry to the beautiful herdsman Branchos. Once, Apollo spotted Branchos with his flocks and immediately fell in love with him. The god kissed Branchos and bestowed on him a crown, a laurel rod, and the power of prophecy, which he passed down to his descendants. The story explains one of Apollo’s cult titles at Didyma, Philesios (Loving).”
- Ancient Greek Cults by Jennifer Larson
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gayleefiora · 4 years
re: hymn 34  “ A couple of the manuscripts of the Orphic Hymns, though, have “Brankhie.” This would refer to Brankhos, who was a lover of Apollon, and became a seer at Didyma (Kallimakhos fragment 229, in Nisetich 2001, pp. 127–129), a town near Miletos that in historic times was famous for its temple to Apollon and oracle (Herodotos 1.42). Brankhos is also credited with delivering Miletos from a plague (Kallimakhos fragment 194.28–31, in Nisetich 2001, p. 105). The juxtaposition with “Didymeus” in our hymn perhaps speaks for reading “Brankhie.” Loxias is a common epithet of Apollon. It means “the oblique one,” referring to the riddling and enigmatic character for which Apollon’s oracles are (in)famous  “ “ It is supposed that until its destruction by the Persians in 494 BC, Didyma's sanctuary was administered by the family of the Branchidae, who claimed descent from an eponymous Branchos (Carian: 𐊷𐊠𐊥𐋄𐊠 parŋa),[12][13] a youth beloved of Apollo.[14] The priestess, seated above the sacred spring, gave utterances that were interpreted by the Branchidae. Both Herodotus[15] and Pausanias[16] dated the origins of the oracle at Didyma before the Ionian colonization of this coast. “
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deity-of-calamity · 5 years
Counting Bodies - Gravity Falls CMV - Captain Brancho
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oneoceandiving · 5 years
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Not just sharks are threatened by overfishing, vaquitas are too! The name vaquita means “little cow” in Spanish. The vaquita is endemic to the northern Gulf of California, Mexico and is the world’s most critically endangered small cetacean in the world (Rojas-Brancho 2006). The vaquita population is in decline due to illegal fishing with gill-nets for the endangered totoaba, a large fish sought after for its swim bladder (D’agrosa 2003). According to WWF, the swim bladders are often illegally smuggled over the US border and then shipped to China where it can sell up to USD 8,500 per kilogram in the black market. Today there is less than 30 of these unique species in the world.  • How can you make a difference? 1.     Spread the word about the Vaquita 2.     Buy Sustainable Seafood 3.      End Gill Net Fishing!  • #vaquita #conservation #sustainablefishing #savethevaquita #oneocean   Caption by intern: @teeny_travels  #Repost by: @oceanicpreservationsociety ・・・ VAQUITA UPDATE: Following the death of one adult female #vaquita 💔 and the unsuccessful capture of another, scientists have decided to suspend their efforts in capturing the world’s most endangered porpoise. “There have been no additional attempts to rescue a vaquita porpoise since November 4th and there will not be future attempts during the remaining period of the @vaquitacpr field operations.” Steve Walker, @nmmfoundation #RacingExtinction #SaveTheVaquita (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwdbDoWDXYa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ceztokp8w1uu
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aimee-maroux · 4 years
I hope you had a joyful start into the holiday season 🕯️
This is the first scene from my November Patreon story, just some fun banter between Hermes and Apollon.
"Apollo and Mercurius [Hermes] are said to have slept the same night with Chione, daughter of Daedalion." Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 200
Hermes followed Apollon's handsome servant into the god's bedroom. He had flown here with a burning question but the girl he had spotted bathing near Mount Parnassos had set alight a different fire. A petite beauty with shining eyes as dark as the night sky and long flaxen tresses. He had considered taking a detour but approaching a lady while bathing wasn't a very smart move. So he had continued on his way to the palace atop the peak of Mount Parnassos where his golden brother lived when he was not on Mount Olympos. Apollon hummed a melody, seated on the floor in front of a hole in the ground where he was working on a mosaic. Hermes had known the god of the arts for a long time and yet he was always amazed when he beheld the extraordinary beauty created by his skillful hands.
"Lord Apollon," the servant spoke softly, "Lord Hermes is here to see you."
Apollon looked up from his work with eyes the colour of a cloudless sky, a happy smile on his lips. He rose and Hermes flew into his arms for an embrace. Not that it had been long since they had last seen each other. Hermes always found one reason or another to drop by and if Apollon saw through the more flimsy excuses, he never said anything. Before the elder god even opened his mouth, Hermes blurtet:
"Brother! You won't believe the story I just heard in Messenia!"
"Get us a cup of nectar and some ambrosia for my brother," Apollon told his servant, then he turned to Hermes. "Sit down, little gossip, and tell me the story."
Hermes impatiently sat down on Apollon's bed, the wings on his sandals buzzing with excitement.
"I was helping the shepherds as I often do – you're going to love this – and as we sat around the camp fire passing bread and wine–"
"You stayed for mortal food? Hermes, I–"
"Shush! So I'm enjoying a simple rustic bread with watered wine when one of them says he heard a story from his older brother about Hermes and Apollon visiting the sacred grove of Karneios. So of course I ask him to tell the story."
"Of course."
"And he goes really quiet and says: 'Last year during the festival, Hermes and Apollon appeared in Messenia and wandered among the celebrants as they often do, unrecognised. Despite the loud music, the gods noticed the fearful cry of a lost lamb coming from the woods and, true to their nature, the keepers of the flocks followed it to bring it home. Only to find a shepherd boy, all by himself, trying desperately to protect the lamb from a wolf. The gods scared away the beast and, admiring the bravery of the shepherd boy, they both offered to lie with him beneath the stars. Wishing not to offend either of them, the shepherd boy asked if they would share his love like brothers and so Apollon and Hermes embraced him both and fulfilled their desire.'"
Apollon raised an eyebrow.
"That's what you came all the way from Messenia for? Some horny shepherd's fantasy?"
"Oh come on! You inspired it! You or one of the Muses!"
Apollon shrugged.
"It certainly wasn't me. What a load of bollocks."
"You totally fuck pretty shepherd boys, Apollon. Or have you already forgotten about Branchos?" Hermes nudged his brother with his elbow.
"I'm sorry, I don't recall the part where you swooped down from Olympos to join us in our love-making."
"Maybe deep down you wanted me there to help. That's why you inspired the Messenian shepherd to come up with that story."
"It's more likely one of my Muses developed an infatuation with you, wouldn't you say? It wasn't me."
"Could it have been unintentional? I'm you sure you were rock-hard setting every tile on that gorgeous mosaic." He nodded to the work in progress.
Apollon grinned.
"Someone is horny today."
"I knew it!"
"Not me. You."
Apollon's servant came in with a jug of nectar and two cups, followed by a girl with a platter ladden with ambrosia. They pulled the table from below Apollon's large bed and set out food and drink.
"If you came here for a tumble in the sheets, I have to disappoint you. But please, dig in."
Hermes didn't have to be told twice. The meals in Apollon's palace were always excellent. The god of the arts continued with his floor mosaic while Hermes ate, portraits of the Muses. Hermes thoughts wandered back to the bathing girl. If she had returned to her chambers, a linen robe covering her charms? When he returned, he would get her out of them with crafty words and tender hands. His lips would travel over smooth white skin, her sighs encouragement to be even bolder...
"I said: 'what other news from Messenia'?" Apollon said pointedly. Oh shit! Had he been talking all this time?
"Nothing much. A little help was needed with their livestock. I provided it," Hermes mumbled.
"It seems to me," Apollon said bluntly, "that your mind is somewhere else. Or your cock."
Hermes considered brushing it off with a lie but Apollon was vexingly good at seeing through them. So he put on a charming smile and said:
"Well, there is this girl..."
"I knew it."
"I spotted her on my way here. And on my way back..." He made an obscene gesture.
"Aha," Apollon said dryly. "Well, I have my sight set on a girl as well. Fair-cheeked Chione, the daughter of Daidalion, granddaughter of Eos' son the Evening Star. Beautiful golden hair, eyes as dark as the depths of Okeanos, and when I see her rosy arms I want nothing more than to hold her in my embrace. She doesn't live far from here, you may have seen her take a bath in the river around this time of day."
"Maybe I did." Hermes grinned. "I was lucky to catch my girl bathing."
"Just now?"
"What does she look like?"
"Blond, dark-eyed, petite... I guess we have similar taste. She looks exactly like you described the girl you fancy."
Apollon scowled.
"She is mine, Hermes, stay away from her."
"Yours? Did you get her with child or what do you mean?"
"You will not steal her away from me, do you hear me?"
"If you want her so badly, why haven't you taken her already."
Apollon was often enough rash with these things, all reason thrown to the wind.
"It wasn't the right time."
"Maybe for you it isn't. I plan on having a splendid time."
"Stay out of this, Hermes. I mean it." Apollon's voice had taken on a threatening tone that didn't sit well with Hermes. It meant that his brother was being serious and that playtime was over.
"That is so unfair! I saw her too. Why should you get to decide who takes her?"
"Because I'm the elder god and your older brother. We can have a contest for her, if you prefer losing on the race track again."
"You beat me ONE TIME. It was a fluke, I will gladly prove it to you!"
"Then run home to Olympos and get the stadion ready. There should be witnesses, don't you think?"
Hermes frowned. He couldn't wait to outrun Apollon in front of everyone. But if he left for Olympos now, he wouldn't get the chance to seduce Chione until after he had won, surely two days or more. He was horny now.
"Ooooor we could take inspiration from the mortals and, you know... share her? Like brothers?"
"Share her?" Apollon raised an eyebrow. "Are you already certain you will lose?"
Hermes rolled his eyes.
"No. But we could save ourselves the trouble of a competition. If you are willing."
"I suppose you can have her after I am done."
"No, I mean like..." Hermes put on his most charming smile. "Together."
"I see." Apollon seemed to deeply ponder the suggestion as if it were a tough mathematical problem.
"Look, it's very simple," Hermes interjected, "Instead of two partners, we will be three. So you get an extra partner to enjoy. Me."
Apollon looked down at him, his eyes soft.
"I know. I am working out the best way to go about it considering our difference in height and, well, size."
"So your answer is yes?"
"If you wait until tonight I shall be happy to go to bed with both of you."
Apollon smiled.
"Await me after sunset."
"Oh by bountiful Gaia, I'm telling her! I'm telling her to work up an appetite because tonight, she gets double servings!"
Full story on my Patreon, including an explicit illustration by @roconita 🔥
In December, the story will be an Ikaros/Phaethon romance and there will be an article about the similarities of Christmas with the Roman Saturnalia.
Love, Aimée
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