#Bree Dahlia
help-an-alter · 2 months
hi! thank you so much for doing this!
I have a younger sister fragment who can't figure out a name and I'd like to ask for suggestions for faer. fae goes by Izzy or Zeze right now and uses fae/faer pronouns. fae likes the sound and mouth feel of the letters i, z, and e but doesn't mind other letters. fae is a fairy and has a shy curious nature in a creepy beautiful way.
thank you again!
hello hello! it’s no problem at all! we’re happy to help :)
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names ->
zoe, dear, xixi (pronounced like a more j-leaning “shi-shi”), pop, miko, abby, iris, bree, sage, immi, zee, sherbet, penny, ivy, milk, mimi, kitty, lee, honey, ibby, inky, peep, jacksie, ginger, ari, mira, august, ivory, roux, saoirse (seer-sha), starburst, plum, beep, everest, creampuff, solstice, imp, dahlia, pepper, poppy, vivi(an), alex
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decided to make a pretty long list as you’re just asking for names! i overall went with the sounds you suggested, but added some outside of those! hope one of these catches faer eye, or at least inspires faer in finding a name :)!
- mod sol
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jerzwriter · 5 months
The Exes: Trystan & Carolina Edition
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Fandom old-timers may remember this template from the summer of 2022 (or was it 2021?); it was created by @jamespotterthefirst as a tool to help us delve into our characters' histories a bit more. Since I plan on expanding my HC for Trystan and Carolina in the near future, so I pulled it out, and once again, it really helped! (Thanks, Bree!). Relationships should never define us, but our actions in and surrounding them say a lot about who we are, and if we let it, they teach us about ourselves. Further, the way people treat us absolutely impacts us, sometimes temporarily, sometimes for good. So, I think exploring helps us get to "know" our characters better.
I highlighted 6 exes for both Trystan and Carolina. I imagine they had many more dalliances, flings, and one-night stands between them, but these are relationships that shaped them in some way - for better or worse - and played a part in bringing them to where they are today as individuals.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed creating it.
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Dahlia Aceves: Dahila grew up in the same Bronx neighborhood Carolina did, but they only met at 16 because they attended different schools. They became fast friends when Dahlia transferred to Carolina's high school. Dahlia was a bit closed off from others, and while she was generally liked, she didn't have a "clique" or fully fit in. Carolina was similar in those regards, and that drew them to one another. Shortly thereafter, their relationship also became sexual but neither had any desire to be in a relationship, so their friends-with-benefits arrangement began and remained on and off for nearly a decade. Everyone knew there was "something" between them, but no one dared to pry. At times, Dahlia was a fixture at Carolina's place, and she still pops by to see Tommy to this day. While neither woman even envisioned a "serious" relationship together in the future, they both thought (to different degrees) that their arrangement might just go on the way it had indefinitely. (Of course, it didn't). Carolina still sees Dahlia around the neighborhood, and they're friendly but not exactly friends. Dahlia never warmed up to Trystan and she tends to ignore him or give him an attitude when she bumps into him. (FC: Lee Rodriguez)
Marcos Candella: Carolina cannot remember a time when she didn't know Marcos. They played on the streets together as kids, went to school together from K-12, and always had each other's backs. When her father was murdered, Marcos checked in on Carolina daily, dropping off some of her favorite treats prepared especially for her by his mom. Their connection was always platonic, but that changed briefly after HS. Carolina was confused about her sexuality. She always believed she was bisexual, but at that point in time, she had only been with other women and felt like she couldn't fully make that determination unless she gave men a shot, too. Also, she also couldn't understand why she enjoyed sex and comradery with partners but couldn't form a romantic attachment to anyone, so she decided to try dating Marcos. The physical attraction was real, as was their long-established bond of friendship, so it was much more than a meaningless fling. When they reached the 6-month mark, Marcos asked her if she felt they had a future, and she said only as friends. She was happy to see he was relieved about her answer. They are still friends to this day and always have each other's backs. They usually forget this brief part of their life together ever happened. (FC: Ismael Cruz Cordova)
Josh Bowlan: After graduating from Hostos Community College, Carolina began working on her bachelor's degree in criminal justice at John Jay College in Manhattan. It was the first time she was outside of her Bronx bubble on a daily basis, and that changed her life drastically. Her on-again-off-again thing with Dahlia was in an off spot after the two women had a big spat, and Carolina was 100% single when she started at John Jay. Josh was the guy everyone wanted to date, and when he pursued Carolina, focusing all his attention on her, it was a bit intoxicating. Despite a little arrogance, he was a good guy and treated Carolina very well, even though they were far from a perfect match. She was still confused about why she couldn't "feel" the same feelings her friends did when it came to relationships, so she mostly played along because she didn't want to feel different. She liked Josh; she enjoyed his friendship, the intimacy, the sex, but that butterfly, I need you and never want to be without you feeling... it just never came for her. Josh sensed it but tried to ignore it. He assumed it would happen in time. Just shy of their one-year "anniversary," Josh stopped by Carolina's place unexpectedly and found her with another woman. He was furious that she was "cheating" on him; she reminded him that they never once said they were exclusive, so she hadn't done anything wrong, but Josh felt it was just "understood." Hurt, he broke things off, and they only saw each other when their paths crossed at school, where things were contemptuous between them. Most people "sided" with Josh, though Carolina's real friends had her back. (FC: Logan Schroyer)
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Kayla (Kai) Sato: After Josh, Carolina was pretty certain she wanted nothing to do with relationships. She and Dahlia started up again; she had many short flings and ONS, but for years, relationships were a no-no, and she ran anytime a lover suggested they take things further. That changed a little when she met Kai at a fundraiser during Pride. The two women had many friends in common and were passionate about similar causes. Carolina was drawn to Kai's creative nature, and Kai found Carolina's practicality settling. They started a passionate affair, and Carolina began to think the infatuation she was feeling could be something more, but for Kai, there was no confusion. She was head-over-heels for Carolina from the start. When she told her that she loved her, Carolina chose to be honest. She explained she cared for her and enjoyed being with her, but love wasn't in the equation, and she wasn't even sure it ever could be. Kai said that was fine. She insisted it would come in time, and until then, she "had enough love for both of us." Carolina told her she couldn't make any promises, but Kai chose to live in denial. A few months later, Kai asked Carolina about becoming exclusive, and when Carolina declined, Kai was furious. Shortly after that, Carolina ended things, knowing they wanted very different things. (FC: Karen Fukuhara)
Raul Montes: Enter Raul. Raul was one of Carolina's father's best friend's sons, and they had known each other forever. He also lived in the Bronx as a child but moved away for college and never came back. Six years her senior, Carolina was only 12 when he moved away, and neither gave each other any thought. When Raul moved back to NYC for a career opportunity, he settled on the Upper West Side of Manhattan but would visit his family in the Bronx several times a month. It was on one of those trips when he spotted Carolina, who was in the middle of a spat with a street vendor who was trying to rip her elderly neighbor off. Raul's interest was piqued, and they began talking. When he asked her on a date, she felt something and accepted. It was only in retrospect that she realized that feeling was solely because Raul had a connection to her father, and that was something she desperately craved. Raul was 30 and wanted to find a wife and settle down... and the thought of that alone terrified Carolina, but then again... he knew her Dad. He loved her Dad. Blinded by this, she wanted to see if she could make it work. By this point, Carolina knew she was demiromantic, and when Raul wouldn't slow down the relationship escalator, she explained this to him. If he wanted things to work, he'd have to be patient. She wasn't going to jump into anything just to satisfy him. Raul didn't even know what demiromantic meant, so he did some "research", but ended up mostly on information that suited his needs. On their next date, he told Carolina that he had looked into it, and she was honestly impressed, thinking he cared enough to try to learn more and understand her better, but those hopes were quickly dashed. He told her his "research" found there was really no such thing as being demiromantic. Obviously, she just had commitment issues stemming from her father's murder. He encouraged her to get more "help" so they could move forward. Not wanting to make a scene in public, Carolina smiled curtly and attempted to change the subject, knowing this was their last date. But when Raul didn't take the hint and kept pushing the issue, Carolina told him he was an ass. He smugly replied, "No, I'm not Carolina. You're just confused." She proceeded to pour a pitcher of sangria over his head as a string of Spanish curses fell from her lips, and she walked out, never to see him again. (FC: Anthony Ramos)
Daphne Miller: After Raul, Carolina went into a serious "fuck relationships, fuck people, I want none of this" period. Sex and her friendships more than satisfied her need for intimacy, and she had no desire for anything more. One of her lovers was Daphne, a fellow detective in the NYPD. They worked well together... on cases and in bed and in life. Their shared passion for their jobs, the NY Yankees, and just living the best life they could brought them closer. Daphne loved Carolina very much and would have pursued more with her, but Carolina was upfront about her wishes, and Daphne respected her boundaries. While they were together, Daphne, who was polyamorous, moved in with another one of her partners, but her affair with Carolina continued as it had before. But when Carolina was forced out of the NYPD, it caused tensions in their relationship, eventually leading to its end. At the time, Carolina felt Daphne was being disloyal to her; in hindsight, she can tell that Daphne was just in a terrible position and trying to make the best of it. They had no contact for a long time after their split, but in time, they became casual friends again, sometimes even going on double dates where Daphne often challenged Trystan to drinking match-ups, which she almost always won. (FC: Kim Delaney)
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Irena Baciu: As the heir apparent, Trystan was expected to court women from the finest families in Europe and find a suitable wife as soon as his formal studies ended at seventeen. His lack of interest in doing so was of little consequence to his family. After having a bevy of lovers, both public and in secret, he and Irena came up with a pact. A wealthy heiress from a traditional family herself, she was in a similar situation, so they pretended to court while secretly seeing others as well. It got their family off their backs, and the tabloids got a "darling" couple to focus on. It was a win-win. But, they found that they enjoyed each other's company, so their ruse turned into a no-strings relationship. They both knew it wasn't going to last, but they enjoyed it while it did. They remained friends, and Irena was among those who always believed in Trystan and stood by him after Juliana's death. They're still friends to this day and she totally shipped Trystan and Carolina. (FC: Anastasia Kuchinskaya)
Juliana Georgescu: When Trystan refused to find a suitable bride on his own, his family took matters into their own hands and arranged a political marriage with Juliana. It was good for their families and good for Drakovia. Trystan didn't have the will to fight it; if he was going to be stuck in a loveless marriage, he could do worse than his childhood friend, Juliana. They had known each other their whole lives, and he believed they were still friends. He didn't know that Juli had been having a secret affair with his half-brother, Vasili, and she believed Trystan to be a hedonistic, self-entitled lout. Still, she accepted her fate as his future wife because she felt it would be best for Drakovia and would allow her to enact positive changes in the nation. As time progressed, she got to know Trystan better and discovered he wasn't the man she thought he was. Under Juli's influence, Trystan matured and began to take his responsibilities more seriously, and in time, the two fell madly in love with one another. The engagement was no longer solely a political match, and the two looked forward to marriage, starting a family, and ruling Drakovia as husband and wife until that fateful night. Heartbroken, guilt-ridden, and devastated over his true love's death, Trystan was forced into exile and began a new life in New York. (FC: Isla Fisher)
Daniel Berger: When Trystan's abject depression over Juliana's death morphed into plain old depression, Trystan chose to soothe his pain with a hedonistic lifestyle. He didn't believe he was worthy of love, so living the life of excess expected of a rich playboy suited him well. Daniel attended one of Trystan's lavish parties, and the attraction between the two was instant. Their passionate love affair began that very night, and before long, Daniel had a key to the prince's apartment - with strict rules about what days he could use them. It was all about sex and fun at first, but Daniel was a sensitive soul and could sense the pain Trystan was in. He was there for him, and his tenderness, warmth, and understanding soothed Trystan's mind, body, and soul. Before long, they were exclusive. But Trystan was not out yet, so their love had to remain a secret to most. Just shy of a year after dating, Daniel was offered a lucrative position in Paris. Knowing Trystan couldn't leave the States, Daniel told him he'd turn it down in an instant if they had a future, but Trystan wasn't prepared to be open about his sexuality. Further, Trystan still didn't feel like he deserved real love, and he knew he might not be able to give Daniel what he so richly deserved, so they parted tearfully but amicably and remain close friends to this day. (FC: Chris Salvatore)
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Augustine "Gus" Riccio: Trystan let Daniel go, but his loss impacted him more than he had anticipated; he found himself sad and lonely. Most of his nights were spent with a bottle of whisky and memories of Juliana and Daniel; he was beginning to spiral. That's when Gus stepped in. One of Manhattan's best-known party planners, he made himself indispensable to the wealthy prince. Planning one huge bash after another. Their business arrangement quickly turned into a personal one, and Trystan allowed himself to believe it might be real. Eight months after they began dating, Trystan received an envelope containing compromising photos of him and Gus. The sender threatened to out Trystan unless he transferred a large sum of money to an offshore account. Using his connections, Trystan found out that Gus, who was pretending to be outraged by the blackmail, was actually the one behind it. With proof in hand, Trystan tossed him to the curb and threatened to make his life unbearable if he went to the press. (FC: John Mayer)
Alicia Porter: Trystan was done—more than done at this point. Worried about him, his sister Marguerite began dragging him everywhere she went, including plenty of fashion shows. At one such show, he was introduced to Alicia, one of the newer models, and sparks flew. Trystan made it clear, he wasn't looking for love, just a lover and sometime companion, and Alicia was fine with that. They partied, traveled, and slept together; the fun and levity were just what Trystan needed. Six months after they met, Alicia told Trystan she was pregnant and planned to have the child. He wasn't thrilled but wasn't about to back away from his responsibility. He suggested Alicia move in with him, and that they should try to see if their relationship could be more for the sake of the child. But, at minimum, they could raise their child together. Unfortunately for Alicia, her acting skills weren't as good as she believed, and before long, Trystan realized she wasn't pregnant at all. She had been hoping for a lump sum payment to "take care" of the non-existent "situation" and go away. Of course, they were over at that point. (FC: Millie Lewis)
Lucas Bernard: After Gus and Alicia, our poor prince was 150% completely done. He trusted precious few people, but among those few were his good friend Lucas. He met Lucas years before when he first moved to NYC. Lucas was kind enough to show him around and let him know he had a friend in his new hometown. Their friendship had deepened over the years, and Lucas was there for him after Daniel and Gus, and he was there for him again after Alicia. Their long talks led to the two men developing deeper feelings for each other and they embarked on a very close friends-with-benefits relationship. Lucas wasn't interested in settling down with anyone, and Trystan wasn't interested in anything more at that time. While neither expected the relationship to last forever, that doesn't mean they didn't take it seriously. It was filled with trust, kindness, compassion, and love. It was during this period that Trystan found the strength to be open about being bisexual. The two men briefly discussed more of a future together, but neither took the conversation too seriously. After about a year, they decided to remain just friends, but Lucas had helped Trystan heal and realize everyone wasn't to be mistrusted; there were still genuine people in the world. Lucas has since moved to LA, so they don't see each other as often as they might like, but they still consider each other dear friends and will always be a part of each other's lives. He and Carolina get along famously. She teases that she only adores Trystan a little more than Lucas. (FC: Keiynan Lonsdale)
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Carolina would gladly save any of her exes - even Raul, who she doesn't care for one bit; she's just not that kind of person. But she took the assignment seriously and limited it to one. She chose Marcos because he's been a friend since they were children and has been there for her even in her darkest days.
Trystan may no longer be with Daniel or Lucas, but he considers them to be two of the most important people in his life, so it was an easy answer (though he wouldn't leave Irena out to die either!)
They both dislike Raul the most of Carolina's exes, while Trystan dislikes Gus and Alicia equally; Carolina gives an edge to Gus.
Carolina is still friendly-ish with Dahlia too, but since she can't stand Trystan, it causes some friction.
Who the family liked the most was a no-brainer for Trystan. After all, they didn't even know about most of his lovers. It was slightly more difficult for Carolina to answer, as she hadn't been terribly serious with any of her exes, and her family didn't get to know them well, but Marcos was beloved by them on his own, so she picked him.
"Happiest with" was also a no-brainer for Trystan. After all, if Juliana hadn't died, he had hoped to spend his life with her. It was a much harder question for Carolina, but she selected Daphne because Daphne loved and respected Carolina for who she was and never pressured her to become or give more.
But Daphne was also Carolina's most difficult break-up. Partially because it was tied into her departure from the NYPD, but mostly because Carolina really liked and cared for Daphne and missed her when it was over.
Trystan selected Gus as his worst break-up because he felt so betrayed. He thought Gus cared for him, and the realization that he was being used all along hit him like a ton of bricks. It made Trystan doubt himself in ways he hadn't before.
Carolina realized none of her exes was particularly funny, but that's OK. Trystan makes up for it in spades. Daphne was sharp as they came, so she was the smartest. Marcos was the kindest to her.
Juliana was easily the funniest and brightest of Trystan's exes. He would say kindest, too, but Daniel had an edge because his love and kindness to Trystan were so selfless. He gave without expectation or agenda from the start, and he was always honest & trusted Trystan. While Juli was very kind, and their love grew, their relationship didn't have all of those elements from the start.
Why Dahlia and Daniel for kiss? They'd both say because they were fucking great kissers. Marry was easy for Trystan, but Carolina was surprised to find her visceral answer was Daphne. Carolina chose Raul for kill, making it clear that she really wouldn't kill him, but maiming didn't sound so bad. Trystan chose Gus and said killing seemed perfectly suitable.
They both meet their exes, who remain friends in their lives. Marcos and Daphne both liked Trystan, and Dahlia tolerates him on occasion when needed. Irena, Daniel, and Lucas all get along well with Carolina, but she and Lucas are the closest of the three.
Thank you for checking this out and if you have any questions about this, feel free to shoot me an ask!
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ssahotchnerr · 5 months
📇 anon back again
Aaliyah Abigail Acacia Ada Adaline Addison Adela Adele Adriana Adria Adrienne Agatha Aimee Ainsley Alaia Alana Alexandra Alexandria Alexis Alexia Alice Alison Allegra Amber Amelia Amethyst Anastasia Angelica Angelina Anna Annabel Annika Antonia April Arabella Aria Ashley Aspen Aster Astrid Aubrey Aura Aurelia Aurora Autumn Ava Avalon Aveline Avery
Bailey Beatrice Beatrix Bella Bellamy Belle Billie Birdie Blair Blake Bonnie Bree Briana Briar Briony Bronte Bronwyn
Calla Callista Camellia Cameron Cara Carina Carmel Carmen Carolina Caroline Carrie Cassandra Cassidy Catherine Cecilia Cecily Chantal Charlotte Chelsea Cherie Cherry Chloe Christabel Ciara Cicely Claire Clara Claudia Cleo Cora Coral Crystal
Dahlia Daisy Dakota Dana Daphne Darcy Daria Deborah Delilah Demelza Devon Dove
Eden Edith Elea Eleanor Elena Eliana Elisa Elise Eliza Ella Elle Eloise Elodie Elsa Elsie Ember Emerson Emilia Emma Emmeline Erica Esme Estelle Esther Eulalia Eva Evangeline Eve Evelyn Evelina Everly
I will send some more later on 📇
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bbygirlky18 · 8 months
Ships Updated!!!!
Here are the ships for my fanfic Mami's Breakthrough. You'll meet the main character in the ship list so be prepared. I'll use the wrestler's real name. You'll see repeated names so don't get spooked. Let's get into it.
Demi (Rhea) & Gretchen (Eliora)
Stephanie (Stephanie) & Paul (Hunter)
Jonathan (Jimmy) & Trinity ( Naomi)
Fergal (Finn) & Masami (Iyo)
Dominik (Dominik) & Gionna (Liv)
Luis (Damian) & Elizabeth (Beth)
Bianca (Bianca) & Carlisle (Luigi)
Joseph (Erick) & Victoria (Lilou)
Rebecca (Becky) & Ulysses (Ron)
Natalya (Natalya) & Jeremy (Elijah)
Maryse (Maryse) & Richard (Jules/m)
Cheree (Dakota) & James (Jackson)
Theresa (Zoey) & Leon (Brett)
Brianna (Cora) & Dexter (Mustafa)
Logan (Logan) & Donna (Stephanie)
Randall (Randy) & Conner (Brian)
Keith (Keith) & Lucas “Luke” (Mick)
Sydney (Maxxine) & Jessica (Gilda)
Brittany (Britt) & Carmen (Lola)
Milena (Rosa) & Taylor (Lilou)
Ashley (Shotzi) & Gisele (Rhonda)
Allyssa (Kayden) & Spencer (Gabriel)
Aoife (Lyra) & Dominic “Dom” (Roddy)
William (Christian) & Emilio (Kevin)
Trevor (Ricochet) & Rosalie (Anastasia)
Macey (Lacey) & Sebastian (Grayson)
Sarah (Valhalla) & Jasper (Riley/ m)
Elizabeth (Scarlett) & Luke (Vince)
Stephanie (Mia) & Enrique (Dash)
Ron (R-Truth) & Angela (Asahi)
Shayna (Shayna) & Kate (Mia)
Simone (Ava/Ava Raine) & Sammy (Itsuki)
Layla (Layla) & Dion (Gabriel)
Catherine (Cathy) & Titus (Aiden)
Michael (Shawn) & Mick (Nathan)
Kira (Taya) & Suki (Hawk)
Victoria (Raquel) & Velvet (Asahi)
Mark (The Undertaker) & Clarissa (Paige)
Taylor (Jacy) & Theodora (Lilou) 
Windham (Bray) & Austin (Tyler)
Priscilla (Gigi) & Elizabeth (Kanna)
Patricia (Trish) & Eric (Terry)
Eduardo (Eddie) & Renesmée (Riley/ f)
Jeffrey (Jeff) & Edward (Ted)
Kiera (Kiera) & D.J. (Mustafa)
Mercedes (Sasha) & Quil (Jackson)
Steffanie (Tegan) & June (Gayle)
Serena (Serena) & Embry (Luigi)
Ettore (Big E) & Ashley (Emma)
Adam (Edge) & Royal (Roddy)
Amy (Lita) & Charles (Lucas)
Samantha (Samantha) & Becca (Nastya)
Živilė (Aksana) & Jonathan (Logan)
Kristen (Kris) & Gisell (Becky)
Dwayne (The Rock) & Jasmyne (Olivia)
Daria (Sonya) & Lauren (Olga)
Brodie (Luke) & Rob (Rio)
Kevin (Kevin Nash) & Samuel (Wally)
Bryan (Daniel) & Flynn (Mickie)
Catherine (Lana) & Tara (Gilda)
Jake (Jake) & Vixen (Mario)
Amanda (Mandy) & Beth (Christy)
Joseph (Solo) & Eleazar (Chris)
Kenneth (Montez) & Sam (Mantaro)
Celeste (Kaitlyn) & Matthew “Matt) (Jimbo)
Sarona (Tamina) & Luna (Kanna)
JoJo (JoJo) & Arianne (Falcon)
Kacy (Katana) & Paul (Brett)
Nicola (Nikki Cross) & Bronson (Kaito)
Adam (Braun) & Garrett (Gabriel)
Phillip (CM) & Sean (Mickie)
Rena (Sable) & Roman (Grayson)
Anriel (Lash) & Colleen (Dahlia)
Allen (AJ Styles) & Leah (Lilou)
Renee (Renee) & Jason (Ron)
Angela (Zayda) & Tanya (Olivia)
Kia (Kharma) & Lee (Mick)
Kaori (Kairi) & Theo (Brett)
Todd (Ivar) & Riley (Jules/ m)
Danielle (Willow) & Jane (Riley/ f)
Stephen (Sheamus) & Tara (Ember)
Ashley (Dana) & Sue (Emma)
Jazmin (Mercedes) & Bridget (Alexa)
Melina (Melina) & Han (Mustafa)
Franklin (Bobby) & Bree (Lola)
Faith (Nikkita) & Archie (Haruto)
Ronda (Ronda) & Makenna (Kanna)
Pamela (Bayley) & Samantha (Emma)
Gail (Gail) & Vyolette (Kanna)
Colby (Seth) & Leann (Donna)
Skye (Skye) & Alice (Katya)
Karen (Wendy) & Mariana (Nastya) 
Steve (‘Stone Cold’ Steve) & David (Alexander)
KiLynn (KiLynn) & Kirk (Logan)
Austin (Xavier) & Elle (Gilda)
Alexis (Alexa) & Jakob (Lucas)
Adrienne (Athena/Ember) & Esme (Riley/ f)
Matthew (Matt Hardy) & Earnest (Mario)
Stephanie (Nikki Bella) & Bella (Anastasia)
Thea (Zelina Vega) & Deckard “Deck” (Terry)
Glenn (Kane) & Priya (Olga)
Mary (Maria) & Mae (Anastasia)
Jillian (Jillian) & Aro (Shane)
Michelle (Michelle) & Nicole (Katya)
Lisa (Victoria) & McKayla (Nia) 
Mickie (Mickie) & Kate (Stephanie)
Lilián (Lilian) & Esmeralda (Candice)
Leva (Leva) & Clara (Itsuki)
Toni (Toni) & Nicholas (Jimbo)
Gary (Angelo) & Murray (Mario)
Shinsuke (Shinsuke) & Jennifer (Olivia)
Saraya (Paige) & Lauren (Ember)
Karlee (Maxine) & Ashely (Jules/ f)
Cody (Cody) & Jacob (Jack)
Shelly (Ariel) & Aaron “Hotch” (Louis)
Tom (Aleister) & Emily (Sasha)
Carla (Roxanne) & Alec (Ron)
April (AJ Lee) & Sam (Roddy)
Victoria (Alicia) & Marissa (Chyna)
Danielle (Summer) & Kendall (Jack)
Matthew (Matt Riddle) & Tarrence (Nathan)
Jessica (Billie) & Whitney (Beth)
Stacy (Stacy) & Allen (Alexander)
Joan (Chyna) & Sasha (Hawk)
Jonathan (Dean) & Ophelia (Amelia)
Natalie (Eva) & Tatum (Reo)
Jade (Jade) & Jennifer “JJ” (Riley/ f)
Joe (Roman) & Marcel (Roddy)
Oscar (Rey) & Xavier (Shane)
Kimberly (Piper) & Annelise (Mia)
Leah (Carmella) & Rebecca (Gilda)
Torrie (Torrie) & Irina (Emma) 
Tenille (Emma) & Noel (Nathan)
Dori (Ruby) & Rachel (Gayle)
Eve (Eve) & Ettore (Logan)
John (John Morrison) & Brian (Riley/ m)
Andrew (Drew) & Mary (Candice)
Rami (Sami) & Edythe (Chyna)
Katarina (Katie) & Lance (Luigi)
Cassie (Peyton) & Vera (Lilou)
Kofi (Kofi) & Vallie (Becky)
Laura (Allie) & Annissa (Sasha)
Chelsea (Chelsea) & Jess (Zoe)
Joshua (Jey) & Elyssa (Ruby)
Raymond (Erik) & Russ (Kid)
Ashley (Charlotte) & Leticia “Letty” (Lilou)
Deonna (Deonna) & Logan (Wally)
Kanako (Asuka) & Vince (Mario)
Barbara (Kelly Kelly) & Julyanna (Rhonda)
Lina (Nia) & Eleanor (Stephanie)
Brianna (Brie) & Jared (Ted)
John (John Cena) & Jack (Haruto)
Mike (The Miz) & Henry (Jackson)
Debrah (Alundra/Madusa) & Douglas (Ron)
Claudio (Cesaro) & Laurent (Vince)
Ariane (Cameron) & Stephen (Tyler)
Brandi (Eden) & Erica (Stacie)
Kevin (Kevin Owens/KO) & Derek (Luigi)
Jessika (Jessika) & Jesse (Logan)
Candice (Candice) & Anne (Olga)
John (Johnny Gargano) & Ben (Jimmy)
Debra (Debra) & Jessamine (Jules/ f)
Seth (Riley/ m) & Tyler (Aiden)
Rowena (Donna) & Victor (Kid)
Tej (Elijah) & Sullivan (Mustafa)
Penelope (Becky) & Emily (Stacie)
Evangeline (Olga) & Beth (Stephanie) 
Carine (Layla) & Emmett (Wayne)
Alex (Emma) & Jedidiah (Shane)
Gina (Anastasia) & Mia (Nastya) 
Presley (Louis) & Edward (Kaito)
Gabriel (Brett) & Cain (Alexa)
Ramsey (Katya) & Katie (Nia)
Rubie (Emma) & Eloise (Katya)
Mike (Louis) & Cherylyn (Becky)
That's the full ship list. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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kokinu09 · 2 years
ok ok ok that was AMAZING…would you possibly do wedding vibes??
Another imagine you say? Well, 🎶You got my attention🎶
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The Wedding 💚💒💙
Addison had spent a lot of time planning their big day.
Creating the perfect blend of all the cultures she and Zed held value in was not an easy task, but she managed to make it perfect.
Perfectly them, that is.
They chose to hold the ceremony in the Cheer Pavilion. The ground where zombies first came to be and the building that was built in honor of cheer. The one thing she had identified herself as for so long, a cheerleader.
And with the werewolves’ help decorating, the cheer hall was transformed to almost look like the den during a traditional wolf unity ceremony.
As the time approached to walk down the aisle, Addison brushed the skirt of her modern style wedding dress. Smooth, satin fit to her form with intricate lace flowing across only one shoulder and spread down across her lower back before fanning out into a long, delicate train. A slit crept up her leg to stop at mid thigh, exposing a peak of the baby blue garter resting there. Along with her clear platform pumps adorned with sparkling stars.
She couldn’t be a more than head shorter than her extraordinarily tall groom after all.
Her pale blue hair was pinned up elegantly with a crescent moon hair piece holding it in place. The shine of dangling star earrings and matching diamond necklace tying together her look.
But she couldn’t wait to see Zed.
Her hands gripped the bouquet of burgundy, orange, and white dahlias in a mix of nerves and excitement.
The doors opened, it was officially her time to walk. She took a few slow strides into the open space before her eyes caught Zed waiting for her up at the alter.
The first thing she noticed was his unbelievably bright smile but also the moisture building in his eyes. She couldn’t lie, it made her a bit watery too.
He wore a maroon tux with a matching tie resting against the black shirt underneath. A great compliment to his stark green hair and pale skin. An orange dahlia pinned to his lapel to match her bouquet.
She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. Her future standing there, waiting patiently for her.
She only vaguely noticed the others standing at the alter with him. Eliza, Bonzo, and Wyatt on his side, Bucky, Bree, and Willa on hers. And A-spen standing beside the human minister.
Zed met her at the bottom of the steps, giving her a breathless smile as he gingerly took her hand in his to assist her as she carefully took each stair one at a time.
A-spen regarded Addison with a wide grin as she got into position. “Earthling traditions are so intriguing, Addison! Intergalactic Union between two beings is quite simple and usually not held on such a high regard!” They said in an excited tone. Making the whole wedding party chuckle.
“Love is cherished dearly on Earth,” Addison replied, looking fondly at Zed standing beside her.
A-spen sighed contently, eyes drifting to a certain she-wolf not too far away. “As I am aware,” they agreed before continuing. “The universe could learn a thing or two from your peoples.”
Addison beamed with excitement. She’s always known love could bring everyone together. But she’d never imagined bringing galaxies together.
But when she looked back up at Zed, love, pride, and adoration shining in his eyes, she knew that would have to be a dream for another day. Because their someday was today.
The preacher began with the ceremony. A beautiful blend of human and zombie wedding cultures. Zoey even sang a traditional zombie tongue love song as Bonzo played the accordion.
It wasn’t until A-spen stepped in that it all began to sink in for Addison. With A-spen being the alien’s Captain of Mothership, that meant they had the authority to grant union of their people as well. And made it official in any galaxy or milky way they could possibly travel to.
She and Zed would be regarded as husband and wife in every universe.
Zed would have been happy even if they’d just had a courthouse wedding, but Addison deserved even more than this. But as long as he had her by his side, he’d follow her across every constellation if it made her happy.
The human holy man announced their official new titles as husband and wife. Zed barely waiting to be told he could kiss his bride before his delved in, their lips melding together for a passionate show of affection.
All their friends and family cheered. The day everyone knew would come to be since that fateful first day of freshman year was finally here. Zed and Addison’s someday.
Just a girl who married a zombie.
Their wedding was perfectly imperfect and that was perfectly fine with Addison. (And Zed.)
(Honeymoon imagine coming soon)
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nintendogspeace · 2 years
Master List of All My Nintendogs
You asked, and you shall receive! Here is a full list of all of my Nintendogs & cats. Please don't copy my dogs directly, but names are okay to use, I don't own 'em ♥ Thank you! No pictures because of Tumblr's photo limit and I have way too many for it! Check out my tag #dog intros to see them all!
Golden Retriever Version #1 Soleil - Female - Shiba Inu Noble - Male - Shiba Inu Beau - Male - Shiba Inu Mackinaw - Male - Standard Cat (Spotted Tabby) Penelope - Female - Shiba Inu Tateyuki - Male - Shetland Sheepdog
Golden Retriever Version #2 Duke - Male - Golden Retriever Kendra - Female - Miniature Dachshund Mariah - Female - Beagle Izzo - Male - Jack Russell Terrier Tracker - Male - German Shepherd Dog Andie - Female - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Golden Retriever Version #3 Siobhan - Female - Maltese Lynn - Female - Shiba Inu Guinevere - Female - Great Dane Mhairi - Female - Miniature Pinscher Lindy - Female - English Cocker Spaniel Misha - Female - Great Dane
Golden Retriever Version #4 Bruno - Male - Golden Retriever Dainty - Female - Golden Retriever Liam - Male - Jack Russell Terrier Bree - Female - Beagle Laila - Female - Siberian Husky Everest - Male - Siberian Husky
Golden Retriever Version #5 Saeran - Male - Shiba Inu Ryoba - Female - Shiba Inu Jumin - Male - German Shepherd Dog Zen - Male - Siberian Husky Jaehee - Female - Shetland Sheepdog Yoosung - Male - Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever Version #6 Cater - Male - Great Dane Idia - Male - English Cocker Spaniel Vil - Male - Golden Retriever
French Bulldog Version #1 Antía - Female - Shetland Sheepdog Zasha - Female - German Shepherd Dog Azalea - Female - Dalmatian Genie - Female - Basset Hound Mitsurugi - Male - Shiba Inu Lydia - Female - Labrador Retriever
French Bulldog Version #2 Nova - Female - Shetland Sheepdog Devon - Male - Dalmatian Phyllis - Female - Siberian Husky Karson - Male - Shiba Inu Cain - Female - Labrador Retriever Olwen - Male - Shiba Inu
French Bulldog Version #3 Valentina - Female - Basset Hound Oka - Female - Oriental Cat Crookshanks - Male - Longhaired Cat Dobby - Male - Yorkshire Terrier Fritz - Male - Chihuahua Reboot - Female - RoboPup
French Bulldog Version #4 Cruz - Male - German Shepherd Dog Colby - Male - Standard Cat (Tabby) Elizabeth 3rd - Female - Longhaired Cat Ryder - Male - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Angus - Male - Great Dane Ringo - Male - Jack Russell Terrier
French Bulldog Version #5 Winona - Female - French Bulldog Viva - Female - Standard Cat (Solid) Talulah - Female - English Cocker Spaniel Manfred - Male - Labrador Retriever Daruk - Male - Pug Mateo - Male - Yorkshire Terrier French Bulldog Version #6 Kalliope - Female - Dalmatian Nefertiti - Female - Shetland Sheepdog Chelsea - Female - French Bulldog
Toy Poodle Version #1 Bear - Male - Pomeranian Ginger - Male - Great Dane Cecilia - Female - Golden Retriever Echo - Female - Golden Retriever Christina - Female - Shiba Inu Murphy - Male - Golden Retriever
Toy Poodle Version #2 Lilace - Female - Bull Terrier Oliver - Male - Standard Cat (Tabby) Wedgie - Male - French Bulldog Gaylord - Male - Golden Retriever Álainn - Female - Golden Retriever Dakaashi - Female - Toy Poodle (Fluffy Muzzle)
Toy Poodle Version #3 Lindsey - Female - Pembroke Welsh Corgi Santiago - Male - Toy Poodle (Clipped Muzzle) Norman - Male - Bull Terrier Chara - Female - Boxer Faith - Female - Miniature Schnauzer Bernard - Male - Shih Tzu
Toy Poodle Version #4 Franziska - Female - Labrador Retriever Dahlia - Female - Pomeranian Phoenix - Male - German Shepherd Dog Klavier - Male - Golden Retriever Apollo - Male - Beagle Trucy - Female - German Shepherd Dog
Toy Poodle Version #5 Cindee - Female - Labrador Retriever Luna - Female - Standard Cat (Solid) Kokona - Female - Oriental Cat Ayano - Female - Shiba Inu Caleb - Male - Miniature Dachshund Raffe - Male - German Shepherd Dog
Toy Poodle Version #6 Emyr - Male - Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rook - Male - Labrador Retriever Jamil - Male - Bull Terrier
Chihuahua and Friends Bailey - Female - German Shepherd Dog Levi - Male - Boxer Lyric - Female - Boxer Mallory - Female - Siberian Husky Ethan - Male - Siberian Husky Bijou - Female - Labrador Retriever Nahyuta - Male - Shetland Sheepdog Delgado - Male - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Dachshund and Friends Marina - Female - Beagle Viola - Female - Shiba Inu Kuro - Male - Dalmatian Maxx - Male - Miniature Dachshund Cody - Male - Yorkshire Terrier Zach - Male - Pug Teersa - Female - Shih Tzu Elisabet (Lisbet) - Female - German Shepherd Dog
Lab and Friends Mingo - Male - Shiba Inu Carmen - Female - Toy Poodle Ponyboy - Male - Pembroke Welsh Corgi Aryn - Female - Labrador Retriever Danny - Male - Miniature Schnauzer Shadow - Male - Labrador Retriever Sylens - Male - Miniature Pinscher Aloy - Female - German Shepherd Dog
Dalmatian and Friends Tael - Male - Dalmatian Tatl - Female - Dalmatian Navi - Female - Yorkshire Terrier Link - Male - Beagle Urbosa - Female - Shiba Inu Zelda - Female - Golden Retriever Midna - Female - German Shepherd Dog Ganon - Male - Boxer
Best Friends Rinkah - Female - Miniature Dachshund Solum - Male - German Shepherd Dog Iyesta - Female - Golden Retriever Lotus - Female - Labrador Retriever Kasimir - Male - Shetland Sheepdog Kensei - Male - Shiba Inu Tambre - Male - Siberian Husky Tony - Male - Toy Poodle
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dino-collective-bah · 2 months
Lvl 1 - keyword flower
Name(s): Dahlia, Ivy, Violet, Antony, Fio, Cresento, Nalin
Pronoun(s): bree/ber/breeze/breezy/breezeself, py/pyx/pyxis/pyxis/pyxiself, she/her, he/him
Age: 4
Species: Flower Dryad
Gender(s): florengender, bloomboy, marofloric
Source: brightgenic
Role(s): Little
Sign-off: 🌹, 💐, or 🌷
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moonunbound · 2 months
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possible names for freya and keelin’s kids (based on plot from newbornfallshq)
Born before the returning of the dead (35+ years old)
Nik (short for Nikolas) Taylor (after Klaus)
Ella Taylor (after Elijah)
Eli (short for Elijah) Taylor (after Elijah)
Marshall Taylor (after Hayley)
Born after the returning of the dead
Mikki (short for Mikayla) Taylor (after Mikael)
Fi or Fifi (short for Fiona) Taylor (after Finn)
Finn Taylor (after Finn)
Vinnie Taylor (after Vincent)
Victoria Taylor (after Vincent)
Andrea Taylor (after Hayley and Hope)
Bree or Anna (short for Brianna) Taylor (after Keelin's middle name)
Tom (short for Thomas) Taylor Junior (after Keelin’s father)
Betty or Beth (short for Bethany) Taylor (after Keelin’s mother)
Malak or Malaya or Max (after Keelin’s family name; Malraux)
Nothing named after Esther or Dahlia in it. But middle names from the living Mikaelson’s would be great!
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s1byls · 2 years
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s1byls : private, low activity, iconless. all female multi-muse. written by andrea. most characters have multiple verses.
affiliated with : bnjmin. lorebled. ulfhrafnx. blogroll : mvrigny, purehybrid, dovaeh.
rules + muse list below. using bte & xkit rewritten.
𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 :
low effort & friends only. i  don't  mind  if  you  follow  this  blog  first  but  i  may  not  follow  back  because  i  get  rlly  anxious.
lore  i  follow  is  flexible  and  may  conflict  with  canon  sometimes.
general triggers: blood, violence, horror imagery. everything  is  tagged  that  i  can  possibly  think  of,    please  feel  free  to  let  me  know  if  i  miss  something  or  need  to  add  something.    tags  formatted  as  'tag  //'
my triggers are veins / venephobia.
feel free to forceship ♡ ( jk... unless? )
dni fandoms: stranger things, teen wolf, harry potter, the lost boys. exceptions for people i know / trust.
credit: heavily edited versions of multiple psds from somresources, venuscommissions, and plutocommissions.
𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 : ( stats pages temporarily down while i move everything off gdocs )
anne montgomery : fandomless ( formerly twilight ) canon turned oc, vampiress left alone after the destruction of her coven. anne hathaway. available verses : human, elder scrolls, fantasy.
bree tanner : fandomless ( formerly twilight ) canon turned oc, normal girl trying to survive. daisy edgar-jones / india eisley. available verses : vampire, elder scrolls, fallout, mass effect / mass effect andromeda, fantasy.
corinna marinos : fandomless ( formerly twilight ) canon turned oc, addictive party girl & occasional dealer. imogen poots. available verses : vampire, elder scrolls, fantasy.
dahlia : elder scrolls oc, redguard pirate residing in windhelm. deepika padukone. available verses : modern, fallout, fantasy.
eila modi : stardew valley oc, new farmer in town & wholesome cottage girl. naomi scott. available verses : pre-sdv.
imetys arnwe : elder scrolls oc, snow elf mercenary & dawnguard agent. faceless ( for now ). available verses : modern, fantasy.
isobelle rosenius : elder scrolls oc, breton noblewoman temporarily in solitude. anna popplewell. available verses : modern, fantasy.
lilethys balvani : elder scrolls oc, redguard prophetess of mara. priyanka chopra. available verses : modern, fantasy.
luka : underworld canon, regent to the eastern coven & sonja's former lady-in-waiting. lucy boynton.
montgomery : fallout 4 oc, railroad agent and synth / robo lover. lindsey morgan. available verses : modern, fantasy.
serana : elder scrolls canon, nord vampire princess. kate beckinsale. available verses : modern, fantasy.
ulailyn : elder scrolls oc, bosmeri refugee living in solitude. eleanor tomlinson. available verses : modern, fantasy.
winnie : fandomless oc, private muse for bnjmin. shelley hennig.
other : abigail ( sdv ), isabella jones ( fandomless ), penny ( sdv ), prosper jones ( fandomless oc )
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koiikun · 5 years
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1. They do have all the same birthdays, but I will tell you exactly what zodiac they would have.
Vanilla: Sagittarius
Sugar: Virgo
Dijon: Cancer
Honcho: Aries
Cadet: Leo
Bree: Pisces
Captain: Capricorn
Max: Scorpio
Chrys: Taurus
Marigold: Libra
Anemone: Pisces
Dahlia: Aquarius
Corona: Taurus
Amaretto: Cancer
Obsidian: Capricorn
Ashes/Miasma: Gemini
I looked at a thing and looked at their worst qualities. Don’t know much about zodiac though so these might be a little inaccurate...
Simple Flavors: Vanilla, Sugar, Chrys, Anemone, Amaretto, Obsidian, Honcho
Complex Flavors: Captain, Dijon, Dahlia, Corona, Bree
Weird, only come out once in a blue moon: Cadet, Max, Marigold, Ashes/Miasma
Ones who would want to propose first, cause they want to say they did it first: Captain, Honcho, Corona, Cadet, Max
Those who don’t care: Everyone
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violentviolette · 4 years
1. dahlias!! I learned so much about them from u and now whenever I see them I'm like aww bree flower
2. bread, but specifically braided breads and peasant loaves dusted with flour
3. cherries?? for some odd reason lmfaooo but not like as a food but as an aesthetic like very much that 50s/Betty boop stylized cherry vibe
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bbygirlky18 · 9 months
Ships Updated!!!
Here are the ships for my fanfic Mami's Breakthrough. You'll meet the main character in the ship list so be prepared. I'll use the wrestler's real name. You'll see repeated names so don't get spooked. Let's get into it.
Demi (Rhea) & Gretchen (Eliora)
Stephanie (Stephanie) & Paul (Hunter)
Jonathan (Jimmy) & Trinity ( Naomi)
Fergal (Finn) & Masami (Iyo)
Dominik (Dominik) & Gionna (Liv)
Luis (Damian) & Elizabeth (Beth)
Bianca (Bianca) & Carlisle (Luigi)
Joseph (Erick) & Victoria (Lilou)
Rebecca (Becky) & Ulysses (Ron)
Natalya (Natalya) & Jeremy (Elijah)
Maryse (Maryse) & Richard (Jules/m)
Cheree (Dakota) & James (Jackson)
Theresa (Zoey) & Leon (Brett)
Brianna (Cora) & Dexter (Mustafa)
Logan (Logan) & Donna (Stephanie)
Randall (Randy) & Conner (Brian)
Keith (Keith) & Lucas “Luke” (Mick)
Sydney (Maxxine) & Jessica (Gilda)
Brittany (Britt) & Carmen (Lola)
Milena (Rosa) & Taylor (Lilou)
Ashley (Shotzi) & Gisele (Rhonda)
Allyssa (Kayden) & Spencer (Gabriel)
Aoife (Lyra) & Dominic “Dom” (Roddy)
William (Christian) & Emilio (Kevin)
Trevor (Ricochet) & Rosalie (Anastasia)
Macey (Lacey) & Sebastian (Grayson)
Sarah (Valhalla) & Jasper (Riley/ m)
Elizabeth (Scarlett) & Luke (Vince)
Stephanie (Mia) & Enrique (Dash)
Ron (R-Truth) & Angela (Asahi)
Shayna (Shayna) & Kate (Mia)
Simone (Ava/Ava Raine) & Sammy (Itsuki)
Layla (Layla) & Dion (Gabriel)
Catherine (Cathy) & Titus (Aiden)
Michael (Shawn) & Mick (Nathan)
Kira (Taya) & Suki (Hawk)
Victoria (Raquel) & Velvet (Asahi)
Mark (The Undertaker) & Clarissa (Paige)
Taylor (Jacy) & Theodora (Lilou) 
Christopher (Chris/Y2J) & Becca (Nastya)
Windham (Bray) & Austin (Tyler)
Priscilla (Gigi) & Elizabeth (Kanna)
Patricia (Trish) & Eric (Terry)
Eduardo (Eddie) & Renesmée (Riley/ f)
Jeffrey (Jeff) & Edward (Ted)
Kiera (Kiera) & D.J. (Mustafa)
Mercedes (Sasha) & Quil (Jackson)
Steffanie (Tegan) & June (Gayle)
Serena (Serena) & Embry (Luigi)
Ettore (Big E) & Ashley (Emma)
Adam (Edge) & Royal (Roddy)
Amy (Lita) & Charles (Lucas)
Samantha (Samantha) & 
Živilė (Aksana) & Jonathan (Logan)
Kristen (Kris) & Gisell (Becky)
Dwayne (The Rock) & Jasmyne (Olivia)
Daria (Sonya) & Lauren (Olga)
Brodie (Luke) & Rob (Rio)
Kevin (Kevin Nash) & Samuel (Wally)
Bryan (Daniel) & Flynn (Mickie)
Catherine (Lana) & Tara (Gilda)
Jake (Jake) & Vixen (Mario)
Amanda (Mandy) & Beth (Christy)
Joseph (Solo) & Eleazar (Chris)
Kenneth (Montez) & Sam (Mantaro)
Celeste (Kaitlyn) & Matthew “Matt) (Jimbo)
Sarona (Tamina) & Luna (Kanna)
JoJo (JoJo) & Arianne (Falcon)
Kacy (Katana) & Paul (Brett)
Nicola (Nikki Cross) & Bronson (Kaito)
Adam (Braun) & Garrett (Gabriel)
Phillip (CM) & Sean (Mickie)
Rena (Sable) & Roman (Grayson)
Anriel (Lash) & Colleen (Dahlia)
Allen (AJ Styles) & Leah (Lilou)
Renee (Renee) & Jason (Ron)
Angela (Zayda) & Tanya (Olivia)
Kia (Kharma) & Lee (Mick)
Kaori (Kairi) & Theo (Brett)
Todd (Ivar) & Riley (Jules/ m)
Danielle (Willow) & Jane (Riley/ f)
Stephen (Sheamus) & Tara (Ember)
Ashley (Dana) & Sue (Emma)
Jazmin (Mercedes) & Bridget (Alexa)
Melina (Melina) & Han (Mustafa)
Franklin (Bobby) & Bree (Lola)
Faith (Nikkita) & Archie (Haruto)
Ronda (Ronda) & Makenna (Kanna)
Pamela (Bayley) & Samantha (Emma)
Gail (Gail) & Vyolette (Kanna)
Colby (Seth) & Leann (Donna)
Skye (Skye) & Alice (Katya)
Karen (Wendy) & Mariana (Nastya) 
Steve (‘Stone Cold’ Steve) & David (Alexander)
KiLynn (KiLynn) & Kirk. (Logan)
Austin (Xavier) & Elle (Gilda)
Alexis (Alexa) & Jakob (Lucas)
Adrienne (Athena/Ember) & Esme (Riley/ f)
Matthew (Matt Hardy) & Earnest (Mario)
Stephanie (Nikki Bella) & Bella (Anastasia)
Thea (Zelina Vega) & Deckard “Deck” (Terry)
Glenn (Kane) & Priya (Olga)
Mary (Maria) & Mae (Anastasia)
Jillian (Jillian) & Aro (Shane)
Michelle (Michelle) & Nicole (Katya)
Lisa (Victoria) & McKayla (Nia) 
Mickie (Mickie) & Kate (Stephanie)
Lilián (Lilian) & Esmeralda (Candice)
Leva (Leva) & Clara (Itsuki)
Toni (Toni) & Nicholas (Jimbo)
Gary (Angelo) & Murray (Mario)
Shinsuke (Shinsuke) & Jennifer (Olivia)
Saraya (Paige) & Lauren (Ember)
Karlee (Maxine) & Ashely (Jules/ f)
Cody (Cody) & Jacob (Jack)
Shelly (Ariel) & Aaron “Hotch” (Louis)
Tom (Aleister) & Emily (Sasha)
Carla (Roxanne) & Alec (Ron)
April (AJ Lee) & Sam (Roddy)
Victoria (Alicia) & Marissa (Chyna)
Danielle (Summer) & Kendall (Jack)
Matthew (Matt Riddle) & Tarrence (Nathan)
Jessica (Billie) & Whitney (Beth)
Stacy (Stacy) & Allen (Alexander)
Joan (Chyna) & Sasha (Hawk)
Jonathan (Dean) & Ophelia (Amelia)
Natalie (Eva) & Tatum (Reo)
Jade (Jade) & Jennifer “JJ” (Riley/ f)
Joe (Roman) & Marcel (Roddy)
Oscar (Rey) & Xavier (Shane)
Kimberly (Piper) & Annelise (Mia)
Leah (Carmella) & Rebecca (Gilda)
Torrie (Torrie) & Irina (Emma) 
Tenille (Emma) & Noel (Nathan)
Dori (Ruby) & Rachel (Gayle)
Eve (Eve) & Ettore (Logan)
John (John Morrison) & Brian (Riley/ m)
Andrew (Drew) & Mary (Candice)
Rami (Sami) & Edythe (Chyna)
Katarina (Katie) & Lance (Luigi)
Cassie (Peyton) & Vera (Lilou)
Kofi (Kofi) & Vallie (Becky)
Laura (Allie) & Annissa (Sasha)
Chelsea (Chelsea) & Jess (Zoe)
Joshua (Jey) & Elyssa (Ruby)
Raymond (Erik) & Russ (Kid)
Ashley (Charlotte) & Leticia “Letty” (Lilou)
Deonna (Deonna) & Logan (Wally)
Kanako (Asuka) & Vince (Mario)
Barbara (Kelly Kelly) & Julyanna (Rhonda)
Lina (Nia) & Eleanor (Stephanie)
Brianna (Brie) & Jared (Ted)
John (John Cena) & Jack (Haruto)
Mike (The Miz) & Henry (Jackson)
Debrah (Alundra/Madusa) & Douglas (Ron)
Claudio (Cesaro) & Laurent (Vince)
Ariane (Cameron) & Stephen (Tyler)
Brandi (Eden) & Erica (Stacie)
Kevin (Kevin Owens/KO) & Derek (Luigi)
Jessika (Jessika) & Jesse (Logan)
Candice (Candice) & Anne (Olga)
John (Johnny Gargano) & Ben (Jimmy)
Debra (Debra) & Jessamine (Jules/ f)
Seth (Riley/ m) & Tyler (Aiden)
Rowena (Donna) & Victor (Kid)
Tej (Elijah) & Sullivan (Mustafa)
Penelope (Becky) & Emily (Stacie)
Evangeline (Olga) & Beth (Stephanie) 
Carine (Layla) & Emmett (Wayne)
Alex (Emma) & Jedidiah (Shane)
Gina (Anastasia) & Mia (Nastya) 
Presley (Louis) & Edward (Kaito)
Gabriel (Brett) & Cain (Alexa)
Ramsey (Katya) & Katie (Nia)
Rubie (Emma) & Eloise (Katya)
Mike (Louis) & Cherylyn (Becky)
That's the full ship list. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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romace-tea-cup · 4 years
Imagine being a rose quartz goddess and being mated to felix Part three
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Today was finally the day of the battle , after a week of training me and bree decided we would not be fighting , we got ready and dressed for the " Battle " bree left before i did because i had some business to take care off . This was my outfit for the new born battle vs the cullen's .
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I found out i am able to feed of ice , it filled me up so now i was walking my way where the battle was gonna take place , i took a short cut so i would not have to get wet so i was glad .
Fast forward to the battle
I was hiding behind a bush with bree and then a blonde haired man and a brown haired woman discovered us and i noticed bree stiffen up so my older sister side jumped infront of her and i summoned my shield and sword and they looked shocked and their eye's widened .
" Hey , you are okay , we won't hurt both of yall , my name is carlisle "
I then knew they were telling the truth so i out my guard down .
" My name is y/n and this is bree , we do not have anything to do with the fight "
" Okay , just stay behind us and we will protect yall the volturi will be arriving any minute now "
" Them again ? Really ? Im getting tiered of all if this already "
" You know about them ? "
The woman with brown hair spoke to me
" Yes , they saw me ans my powers and they confronted victoria and Riley and they asked about me but did not want to follow me or even track me down . "
" that's weird , they normally track down or confront someone who has catched their eye or breaks a law "
" Well i don't know either but we have not broken any laws because we have not engaged with the others or let ourselves be discovered by humans , not even me since i do not fed off any type of blood just ice . "
" You are extremely gifted y/n , there is no doubt that the guards will want you in their coven "
" Leah no ! "
I saw a silver wolf attack a new born then i saw a brown haired wolf being beaten by the newborn and then i went to rescue the wolf but he broke his ribs and i grabbed the new born and i slammed him on the floor and used my sword and i decapitated him . The others just stood there frozen after witnessing my powers .
" There here ! "
Me and bree stepped right behind the cullen's after the wolf got taken by his pack . I saw the vampires i had seen days ago , a short blonde girl that had an innocent look , along her side on her left there was a boy that was just as young as her and look identical as her with medium height and brown hair and look pretty hot honestly , on the girls right there was a very handsome man , he was really tall infact he was the tallest one out of all of them , he had an olive complexion and his hair was cropped he was just pure perfection ! Lastly a man who had beautiful light brown hair , he was also tall abd looked like a womanizer honestly along with the other tall guy so i did not get my hopes up .
Jane : Impressive , i have never seen a coven if a magnitude result intact .
Carlisle : we were lucky .
Jane : i doubt that .
Alec : it appears we missed an entertaining fight .
Jane : yes , its not often we are rendered unnecessary .
Jane : you missed one .
Carlisle : we offered he silence exchanged for her surrender .
Jane : it wasn't yours to offer .
Jane : Why did you come !?
Bree then falls to the floor and now i use my shield and i protect her with my sword and everyone's eyes goes towards me and the giant is just staring at me motion less he looks so cute ! Ugh y/n keep it together !
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Jane : It's you .
Alec : never expected to see you again , what is your name ?
Y/n : what ever it is its not on the list of your next victims .
I hissed at them .
Jane : it seems like generations these days do not know how to dress decently , you should cover up .
Y/n : My body my clothing baby im sorry ... Im not sorry .
Alec : What is your name pink girl .
Y/n : y/n
Then the dude next to the human let out a loud laugh that caught all of our attention .
Edward : It's amazing to me that part of your mission was to see if my mate is still human while one of yours has found their own mate .
Y/n : Sorry honey what ?
Edward : share with us felix wont ya ?
The tall man lets out a growl to be hared directing it to edward obviously but then his attention goes towards me .
Jane : is that true felix ?
Felix : yes i feel my mate bond pull me towards her .
Alec : master aro would love to meet your mate especially is she has a such strong power .
Suddenly a black wolf emerged from the shadows and bent down and walked towards me now i was sitting in the wolf and so was bree and the wolf took off running as fast as it could , bree was convinced had just been saved from her death and so was i but i wanted to be close to the man , i needed him . As the wolf was running i hared the tall man growl and yelled
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And that was the end before we were half way away from the battle field .
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2077hq · 3 years
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𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( rutina wesley, non binary, she/they ) you are a [ NETRUNNER ] in night city, and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ TZIPPORAH ‘ZIP’ FALK ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY TWO ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ BRILLIANT ] and [ STUBBORN ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( maric, 25, cst, he/him )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( sen mitsuji, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ CORPO ] in night city, and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ 森川勝雄, MORIKAWA KATSUO ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ LOYAL ] and [ ABRASIVE ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( maric, 25, cst, he/him )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( linus roache, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ CORPO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREET ] as a [ HEAD OF THE ARASAKA CYBERCRIME DIVISION ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ CARTER BAILEY ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ FORTY EIGHT ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ RESOURCEFUL ] and [ COCKY ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( maric, 26, cst, he/him )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( sebastian stan, cis man, he/his ) you are a [ SOLO ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ HIRED ASSASSIN ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ CASSANDER FARKAS ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY-FOUR ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ DEDICATED ] and [ SULLEN ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( bree, 28, cst, she/they )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( ryan potter, demi-boy, he/they ) you are a [ NETRUNNER ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as a [ HACKER ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ THEODORE ‘TEDDY’ HIMURA ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ CHEERFUL ] and [ NAIVE ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( bree, 28, cst, she/they )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( colin morgan, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ MEDIA ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREET ] as a [ FIELD REPORTER ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ SETH BISHOP ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY-FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ PASSIONATE ] and [ STUBBORN ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( bree, 28, cst, she/they )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( sam witwer, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ RIPPERDOC ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREET ] as a [ RIPPERDOC/BLACKMARKET ARMS DEALER ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ DEXTER “DOC” MILLER ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY SEVEN ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ LOYAL ] and [ SCEPTICAL ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( jasper, 24, gmt +8, he/him )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( rami malek, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ TECHIE ] in night city, working [  FOR THE STREET  ] as a [ BRAINDANCE EDITOR ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ MADDOX WEST ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ KIND-HEARTED ] and [ RECLUSIVE ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( jasper, 24, gmt +8, he/him )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( emilia clarke, cis woman, she/her ) you are a [ SOLO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as an [ ENFORCER / HITMAN ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ IRIS BAILEY / WINTER WOLF ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-SIX ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ LOYAL ] and [ COLD-SHOULDERED ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( art, 26, gmt-8, he/him )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( charlie rowe, trans man, he/him ) you are a [ TECHIE ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREET ] as a [ CYBERCRIME FORENSICS SPECIALIST FOR ARASAKA ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ GALEN ABRAMS ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-FOUR ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ DECISIVE ] and [ COMBATIVE ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( art, 26, gmt-8, he/him )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( baba fumika, cis woman, she/her ) you are a [ CORPO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as an [ EXECUTIVE ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ FUJIMOTO KIYOKO ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ INTELLIGENT ] and [ SELFISH ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( xena, 24, pst, she/they )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( karen fukuhara, non binary, they/them ) you are a [ NOMAD ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ SOLO ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ RICK MATSUI ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY NINE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ LOYAL ] and [ FERAL ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( xena, 24, pst, she/they )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( elodie yung, cis woman, she/her ) you are a [ SOLO ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ HIGH END ESCORT ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ DAHLIA ST MARTIN ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY EIGHT ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ CHARMING ] and [ MANIPULATIVE ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( xena, 24, pst, she/they )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( aslihan malbora, nonbinary, they/she ) you are a [ MEDIA ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ JOURNALIST / TALKSHOW HOST / NETRUNNER ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ AIMÉ DECREÉ ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-SIX ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ DEDICATED ] and [ CUTTHROAT ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( annie, 19, gmt, they/she )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( lewis tan, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ SOLO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREET ] as a [ MERCENARY ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ TAO HUANG ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY TWO ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ RELIABLE ] and [ STUBBORN ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( annie, nineteen, gtm, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( lim jino, nonbinary, he/they ) you are a [ NETRUNNER ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREET ] as an [ INFORMATION BROKER ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ YUN HAESEONG ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-EIGHT ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ HARDWORKING ] and [ IRRESPONSIBLE ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( kush, 24, gmt+1, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( lee soo-hyuk, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ SOLO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as a [ BODYGUARD ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ RAPHAEL JOON CHOI ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY-THREE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ RESOURCEFUL ] and [ SLEAZY ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( kush, 24, gmt+1, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( im jinah, demi woman, she/they ) you are a [ CORPO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as an [ EXECUTIVE ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ SERI NIM ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-SEVEN ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ CUNNING ] and [ MANIPULATIVE ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( kat, 25, est, she/her )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( kiernan shipka, cis woman, she/her ) you are a [ CORPOS ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT INTERN ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ JANE THOMAS-SACHS ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY ONE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ PLAYFUL ] and [ NONCHALANT ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( neri, 24, pst, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( amandla stenberg, nonbinary, they/she ) you are a [ MEDIA ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREET ] as an [ AMATEUR JOURNALIST ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ JULIET NISSEN ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY TWO ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ RESOURCEFUL ] and [ NAIVE ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( neri, 24, pst, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( abbey lee kershaw, cis woman, she/her ) you are a [ CORPO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as a [ SOCIALITE ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ NOVA INDIGO ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ SPITFIRED ] and [ NAIVE ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( cait, 20’s, gmt, she/her )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( alba baptista, demi woman, she/they ) you are a [ NOMAD ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREETS ] as a [ MERCENARY ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ DELFINE ‘DELL’ LUZ ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ ZEALOUS ] and [ NAIVE ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( say, 24, est, she/her )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( kim woobin, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ FIXER ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as the [ OWNER OF SALON PAPILLON ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ HYUN JAEWON ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY-ONE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ SHREWD ] and [ EVASIVE ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( say, 24, est, she/her )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( chris hemsworth, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ FIXER ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ FIXER ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ NIK VALENTINE ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ FORTY ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ REPENTANT ] and [ HYPOCRITICAL ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( joey, 24, gmt, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( amita suman, trans woman, she/her ) you are a [ SOLO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as a [ BODYGUARD ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ HARI DEVKOTA ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ PATIENT ] and [ DESPONDENT ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( joey, 24, gmt, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( robert pattinson, non-binary, they/he ) you are a [ SOLO ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as an [ ASSASSIN ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ ERO AKA ERROR NOISE ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY TWO ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ DETERMINED ] and [ EASILY LED ]. you [ ARE NOT ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( sigi, 25, pst, she/her )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( andy biersack, cis man, he/him ) you are a [ ROCKERBOY ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ MUSICIAN ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ ANTOLIN CHRISTYAKOV ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ TWENTY-EIGHT ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ POWERFUL ] and [ BLUNT ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( sigi, 25, pst, she/her )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( kat dennings, demi woman, she/they ) you are a [ TECHIE ] in night city, working [ FOR THE STREETS ] as a [ CYBERNETIC SPECIALIST ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ THEODORA “THEO” HAND ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY-TWO ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ INTELLIGENT ] and [ SARCASTIC ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( tig, 21, gmt+1, she/her )
( mads mikklesen, agender , they/he ) you are a [ FIXER ] in night city, working [ FOR YOURSELF ] as a [ FIXER ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ ALASTAIR FOLKE ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ FIFTY ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ CONFIDENT ] and [ ALOOF ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( saint, 20, cst, they/them )
𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 — ( levy tran, cis woman, she/her ) you are a [ RIPPERDOC ] in night city, working [ FOR THE CORPOS ] as a [ TATTOO ARTIST ], and you are here to make a name for yourself. that name is [ MIRABELLA NGUYEN ], and you’ve been on this godforsaken earth for [ THIRTY FIVE ] years, and most people tell you you’re [ INDUSTRIOUS ] and [ SELF-DESTRUCTIVE ]. you [ ARE ] a night city native, but you will be a night city legend. — ( nyx, 21, gmt+4, she/her )
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stormibreedaily · 4 years
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When designing Aurora, Spelly had another kind of muse in mind to our usual. She’s vibrant, full of boundless energy and never sleeps. The subject of many incredible songs, an inspiration for those who seek her and a mixed bag. She is the Big Apple, the city of New York.
Inspired by the notion of a city being another character in the story, as Spelly’s favourite TV character Carrie Bradshaw once said, “If Louis was right, and you only get one great love, New York may just be mine. And I can’t have nobody talking shit about my boyfriend.”
This sentiment from the show has always stuck with Spelly, and when designing Aurora there was certainly a free-spirited, independent woman (with an amazing wardrobe, of course!!) in her mind… what might her favourite fictional NYC characters be wearing today if they were strutting down the street?
We are pretty proud of Aurora. There is a mix of some beautiful new silhouettes in our Dahlia print we think you will all just love, some of our most romantic and detailed Spell whites to date, and beautifully sophisticated detailing in our Aurora and Rosalie styles.
For the first time ever, we worked with hemp in our old favourite flannel and slouchies, a sustainable blend of hemp and cotton was used to create these and they’re amaaazing… we live in these babies!
Our campaign was shot with American bombshell (and mama!) Stormi Bree who exudes the allure and confidence that rivals that with the character of NYC. We worked with the insanely talented creative, influencer, photographer, musician, entrepreneur and artist Tessa Barton of Tezza to shoot the campaign, and the pairing with the backdrop of the city was an ultimate fruition of our vision to reality.
The campaign film nods to one of Spelly’s favourite TV scenes, which features a break up on a post-it… our muse ultimately realises, with friends and an amazing city where anything is possible, what more could you want?
Muse Stormi Bree Photographer Tessa Barton – Tezza Stylist Lisa Danielle Hair Josphen Zamora Makeup Allan Aponte and Jocelyn Biga Production Mel Carrero, Zoe Googe and Cole Herman Film by Amadeus Bell-Todd
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