#Bridal stage entry
netboon · 7 months
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I'm still not over Taylor's Fortnight MV... to say it's my favorite visual work she's done would be an understatement. As with all things on this album, she did her research. Her incredible DP - Rodrigo Prieto - who has shot The Man, Cardigan, and Willow MVs. As well as, Brokeback Mountain, The Barbie Movie, Killer of the Flower Moon, etc.
There are so many ways to parse the story of the Fortnight video, but I will mostly focus on Taylor's use of mirroring to make some of the video's larger points.
I am a queer former film student so I wanna note that that's the bias I'll be writing from. If that disinterests you, no worries! This just may not be for you.
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Love that we start with silent film era titles. One is black, one is white, perhaps a ying yang visual or simply representing the original album + the anthology. Could also be the light + dark of her two sides represented by Taylor and Post Malone.
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The vertical alignment shift in the word Fortnight is interesting because the other time i noticed her doing this was in the closing poem for TTP with, "Some stars never align." Would be cute to have it like a nod to screenplay scene heading: INT. FORT - NIGHT
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We start with Taylor, virtually still, but singing. She's handcuffed to an askew bed frame - sans mattress - with bars resembling a prison/cage.
The mirroring she's doing here is reminding us of "real life" Taylor's outfit at the 2024 Grammy's, but with the addition of white gauzy gloves + garter belt (like on tour), it reads more bridal, more bed sheet. That similar clock necklace is set to, best as I can tell, 9pm.
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And she's got enough hairpins to... idk... make me spin out? Her make up evokes a little Clara Bow, Greta Garbo, legends of the silver screen, etc.
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Taylor stops lip-syncing. Breaking the fourth wall, with direct eye contact, she's forced a "Forget Him" pill and unshackled from her bed prison. Unlike the next instance we get this match shot, it feels like she's telling the audience she knows we're watching and her look has a "this is what I'm forced to do" anger charged to it.
Also, the pill itself seems to break Taylor's reality from here on out. She "forgets him," but perhaps also becomes a different him herself.
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She walks over, in her wacky funhouse of a prison room - skewed angles, upside down doors (those who enter from the left walk on the "ceiling" - to an actual mirror. But this mirror looks more like a one-way mirror. Meaning that the subject can see themselves, but so can others they can't see on the other side. Usually so the subject can be observed.
Still appropriate to break the fourth wall as though we are watching her in a way she can't return.
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She wipes her face to reveal Post Malone's tattoos under the veneer of her prerfect facade. Once done, she utters the first "I want to kill her." She wants to "kill" Taylor TM?
I'll basically be going forward assuming that Post Malone is established in this mirror shot as a representation of Taylor, perhaps her True Taylor underneath the engineered perfection. This door/portal splits her in two on entry. From one white-clad figure to two black-clad ones. Kind of like the splitting of a prism.
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Instead of exiting this upside down asylum, she goes deep into a department - perhaps the Tortured Poets kind. We get an awesome match cut/panning transition where Grammy dress referential Taylor morphs into a Victorian mourning dress. One very similar to the dresses on stage during Folklore during Eras (at the bottom of post). Perhaps also a nod to Emily Dickinson herself.
The way they design the set to make it so her asylum and office are connected feels like a not so subtle call out on how she feels about her chosen industry. Not quite a cheery take on the Lover House for ex. Time also becomes a little bendy, irrelevant when she does this portal walk.
When she enters she sits at a mirrored desk, morphing into Post Malone's silhouette. To the side we have faceless writers, also dressed in black older fashions, that seem to go on for infinity like a mirror trick.
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Taylor sits down to start writing, Post Malone is already typing. They're both in black with embellished collars. We see that she has a top sheet with typed words, but under they're blank. Post has a pile next to him, along with his fountain pen, which perhaps are fully done b/c placement on the other side of him. Their desks are also arranged ever so slightly different. So Post-Taylor is a typing machine, Taylor needs to catch up...
But then Post Malone looks up to create this awesome mirrored match cut.
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Taylor and Post-Taylor get to work, singing the chorus, camera cutting on their lines in mirror shots respectively.
We see a typewriter jam the same lines from the song, but specifically "I LOVE YOU." Granted, we can't be 100% sure whose typewriter it is, but we see Taylor type "Love You." Perhaps they're mirroring each other in even this task.
Eventually their stories starts leaking blue and orange/gold ether which prisms out to reveal "The Story of Us."
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Really great shot of the infinity vanishing point effect from the unidentified crowd, how they're positioned makes them look like they're mirroring all of us watching/sharing our opinions.
This is where I'll stop for Part 1 because it's not ok how late this album has been keeping me up.
But a couple of things to start:
Taylor using very strong, very consistent mirroring techniques to create distinctions from narrator, character, and audience. Even the music is mirrored in the chorus with Post Malone's repetition.
By both wearing the face tattoos under a perfect exterior (the face we know her by), and immediately separating into two characters - one with her face/gender expression as we know it and Post-Taylor who now wears the face tattoos we just saw/is also sporting the face and gender expression we are familiar with him. It's Taylor TM the Brand vs Hidden (in plain sight) Identity Taylor.
Her typewriter emits an orange/golden glow from all of her repeated "I LOVE YOU'S," while his emits blue. Together they're creating the next story vignette: "The Story of Us."
One basic read for this is that Taylor could be owning her male POVs that come up in her songs (Folklore we're looking at you). Another read I have is that Taylor TM is writing the love song framework expected from her as an artist while Post-Taylor injects the devastation, anger, emotion, the heavy blues we often unearth from a song we originally thought was upbeat, romantic, unassuming. And considering these mirrored halves, I think that aligns with her own messages about her music, that people will always going looking for paternity tests - the publicized romance pulled from what we think we know about her. But perhaps the assumed truths of a song could be, and often are, driven by your gendered expectations - "Girl loves boy, sings about that." The hidden in plain sight Taylor subverts what the surface level shows.
The True Taylor is an unrecognizable author. And that writer is producing the meat of the work.
Additionally, I love that she's wearing a dress that feels taken off the Era's stage.
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Folklore in particular was a really different writing era for her. She presented the characters and stories as fiction and all the sudden an unknown male collaborator — William Bowery — gets credited on it. I'd love if the message, in part, was hey I'm actually my own male writing partner. Regardless, her other half/POV was able to allow her to write truths so long as they remained unrecognizable.
But she's wearing the mourning dress, looking over at her hidden true half, looking over anxiously. And then begins to write. They're half the story that makes up the whole, one needing the other to tell the story they want to tell. Perhaps it's a call out to Folklore in particular as a solution to being limited by expectations of her signature diaristic-like songs' perspectives. Using it as a way to tell a version of the truth from a POV society or the powers that be in her life would accept it from — not Taylor TM as she is/who she's known to be.
More generally, the "male pov" and the male pronouns, just seem to be called irrelevant smoking guns in the game of knowing the unknowable - what her work, a lot of her work, is referencing specifically. These two writers, as presented, are still both Taylor. Them's the rules here. Ok, see you in PT. 2!
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lilkisara · 1 year
Beyond Good… Beyond Evil... Beyond your wildest imagination…
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These are my personal thoughts regarding this pairing. I’ll be splitting this into three parts:
pre-Avengers: Infinity War
post-Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Love and Thunder, and Holiday Special
post-Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
pre-Avengers: Infinity War QUILL What's Smurfette doing here!? NEBULA Back rubs, dishes, killing gods, whatever I need to do to get a damn ride home. Most people only see their relationship from the point before Avengers: Infinity War i. e. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. They were reluctant allies in their fight against Ego. All Peter knew about her was that she was Gamora’s sister, Thanos’ daughter, and one of Ronan’s underlings. Back then, they haven’t been on my radar. To be quite honest, I don’t have that many pairings that pique my interest in the MCU (except one from one of the recent MCU entries). Certainly, no ship from the Guardians franchise was on my radar. I’m sure that some renegade starbula shippers have been around back then. I wasn’t one of them. Kudos to you! post-Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Love and Thunder, and Holiday Special “[...] as we come to them in Vol. 3, we realize that they are two leaders of the Guardians”. -James Gunn According to Gunn, there are “a couple of years between Endgame and Vol. 3”. Thor: Love and Thunder and the Holiday Special take place during those years. Peter and Nebula are well-established as the co-leaders of the Guardians at this point. They trust each other. The scenes that underline that - in my opinion - are at the beginning of Vol. 3 (Nebula (bridal) carrying Peter home, tucking him into his bed) and their spotlight during the hallway fight sequence towards the end of the film. I’ve always been and always shall be an ETL truther, add to that the dynamic of enemies-friends-lovers and I’m sold. And that’s the potential I’m seeing with this ship. Ever since Avengers: Endgame, they’ve been working together. They have a well-established routine as co-leaders of the Guardians as well as a synchronized dynamic during fights. They have each other’s back. We get to see Nebula’s softer side towards Peter (and Rocket) in Vol. 3. That last smile when Peters is on the ground, looks up at her and asks: “Did that look cool?” (bonus that he copied this from his sister Mantis, so my heart was already melting because of the sibling resemblance there). She just scoffs at his questions but smiles softly and helps him up. Be still my heart! Well, excuse me for seeing the possible potential between them. It’s the little things. At this point, Peter is still so caught up in his heartbreak that the mere thought of starting anything with anyone never even crossed his mind. It takes someone else pointing out the obvious for him to realize that there might be something there. post-Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Nebula and Peter are roughly at the same stage in their lives by the end of Vol. 3. Peter returns to his grandfather. Nebula builds a community on Knowhere, the kind of home she never had. In a way, they’re both settling down. I could see them staying in contact, getting their opinion on important matters, or casual chats. Both of them are still in desperate need of healing from their past traumata and the loss that they’ve experienced. I don’t know if the powers that be that pull the strings in the MCU have any future plans for the characters or not. Do I want them to dip their toes into this relationship? Nah. Honestly, I don’t trust anything coming from the US anymore. I’m pretty jaded in that regard from past experiences (the reylo of it all). Do I want content creators to make fanworks? Hell yeah!!!! Feel free to add your thoughts. No character or pairing bashing.
PS: Congratulations! You made it to the postscript. Did you catch the reference in the tagline?
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dinoburger · 2 years
LGBT Yume Nikki fangames to check out for pride month
As you're all probably aware, I recently submitted Okami no Yume for DDJ 6, in the time leading up to the jam I started digging around to see what kinds of fangames are out there - the pool is so vast. These are some queer games I found that inspired me.
For this list I've tried to focus on games that are explicitly queer rather than ones that are maybe more abstract, games that might have effects that alter the character's gender expression may not truly pertain to the queer identity as much as they're trying to be "quirky" in some way. That or the queer identity of the character is not really explored as much as it is just presented as a tidbit or side note.
This may also be a list I update at some point, but I wanted to showcase these while it's still June since I've managed to finish - who knows? There may even be more candidates for it by the time the week's grace period for DDJ6 has concluded. I'm also very happy to take suggestions for new games to try that might apply!
Madotsuki's Closet
Required reading in my eyes, and one of the better known of this list. If you haven't experienced Madotsuki's Closet please check it out. It's both a personal recount and a very interesting study on how games allow for a means to explore identity. Also gets points for making me cry at the end.
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If you're looking for something horror geared, rich in lore, fascinating puzzles and charming characters look no further than Reach. Sewa and Hiru's relationship is a pivotal aspect of the game - in ways the player might not even realize at first.
The prevalent themes on persecution and having to conceal one's identity in order to survive prove both compelling and cathartic, this game is really a treasure.
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The game was also just completed for this jam and is now in 1.0! It's been really exciting to watch Saibibi work on it and be making an entry alongside them! ^^
It's not a secret I have a soft spot for Dialogue, although there are aspects of it that elude me still. Dialogue is a traditional fangame that ironically has no dialogue to be found, mostly focusing on gathering effects. However throughout the game, you will also find events that give the player windows into the lives and relationship between the main character, Ai, and the girl who appears constantly in her dreams, Yui.
Dialogue is a poignant look at troubled love and stage fright. I would love to see more people play this game.
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This deserves a shoutout at least because it's one of the most explicitly trans themed traditional Yume Nikki fangames out there, and even in it's unfinished state has fascinating concepts. Change has a mechanic where you must choose selves to sacrifice in order to progress to the deeper parts of the game, one of which fascinatingly involves choose-your-own-adventure style branching rooms with associated dialogue paths.
Would love to see this game fleshed out but I appreciate it for what it is.
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Honorary mention, even though this fangame didn't go far, there seems to be some heavily implied themes of identity and trauma relating to it. What I've seen of it really makes me wish there was more.
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Another honorary mention for the bridal event. Unfortunately the current version of this game is a very early prototype and there isn't too much else to say about it except that it looks very promising. Whether there will be an update of any kind has yet to be seen.
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Strange Memo I also thought worth a mention at least, probably the most obscure one on this list as it's not publicly available anymore.
While it doesn't quite fit the criteria, I've been watching a playthrough of this one and I really wish it was still available because this fangame is just so lovingly weird. I know the fan favourites tend to be the more eye-candy fangames, but Strange Memo's strange and surprising mannerisms are very endearing to me.
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eurovision-revisited · 11 months
1997 Dublin - Number 11 - Tanja Ribič - "Zbudi Se"
Tanja Ribič was already famous in Slovenia in 1997. She was the lead in the TV comedy show Teater Paradižnik in which she played a slightly confused actress. Performing at EMA that year was a step in a different direction for her career.
She was third on at EMA with the beautiful song Zbudi Se (Wake Up), but had stiff competition from established singer Darja Švajger, the Slovenia entry in Eurovision 1995. It was close. Only 400 televotes separated the two, but Tanja got to sing her melancholy, fairy-tale inspired song on the Dublin stage.
Zbudi se is a gentle song of a lonely woman's lonely night. She's yearning for her prince. He doesn't show. Despite her tears, she continues to dream of him, until the morning when she is the one who must wake. Its wistful, winding melody is a delicate thing, alone and vulnerable. After a false ending, there's the resolution of a reawakening into reality of continued loneliness. The arrangement is a simple one with guitar and cello on stage, while the woodwind in the orchestra echo her hopeless serenade.
Rarely has a stage failed to fit a song as badly as this. The big arch had its lights turned off, leaving Tanja to stand alone in her deceptively simple white bridal night-dress, bathed in purple and blue surrounded by TVs. There she sings sadly about heartbreak, moons, tears and princes. It needed to be in a woodland or castle. It's so out of place bathed in the colours of a nightclub toilet.
It's hard not to notice how different this song is to most of the rest of the running order. It did well with those countries who were still using juries, not so well with those who had a televote. An old-fashioned ballad, it finished 10th on the night. This is currently Slovenia's second best ever result.
Tanja did diversify and recorded a couple of albums, but mainly stuck to TV and film acting. Her last musical hurrah was another attempt to get to Eurovision in 2018. Unfortunately she failed to make it through to the final of EMA that year.
She did marry her prince in the end. Her long-time collaborator and fellow actor Branko Đurić.
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spann-stann · 2 years
Setting Blurb: Wars of the League
• World War III (20XX-20XX): The third world war caused the collapse of the Earth's geopolitical north (with subsequent blowback in the south), with regional warlords filling the power vacuum.
• The Warlords' Wars (20XX-2075): Following the chaos of WWIII, warlords rise to power and competed (with each other as well as the remnants of the pre-war governments) over territory and resources. Such wars included the Third American Civil War, the Chinese Bridal Wars, and the Migratory Wars. A coalition of likeminded warlords eventually formed what would become the Imperial League.
• The Wars of (Re)Incorporation (2075-2125): With the creation of the League, and the slow return of civilization, the founding members turned their attention to the global south and began to annex them into the growing League. Following the first Emperor’s death in 2100, his daughter and League loyalists defeated various secessionist movements taking advantage of the brief instability.
• The Cordon Rebellions (2100-2125): Concurrent with the latter stages of the Wars of (Re)Incorporation, the Cordon Rebellions were an attempt by movements within the “Cordons Sanitaire” (urban centers given to exiled opponents of the early League and later dumping ground for dissidents) to overthrow the League and restore the global system preceding it. Their defeat resulted in the Treaty of Las Vegas, forever cemented the League’s legitimacy and supremacy.
• The First Servile Revolt (2290-2292): The first of many rebellions launched by the Servile caste. The revolt heralded the end of the First Dynasty and the rise of the Second. Metahistorians use the growing threat of a servile revolt to determine the health of a ruling dynasty.
• The Martian War of Independence (2350-2364): Minor territorial disputes between Martian colonies exploded into a war of independence from Earth.
• The Second Servile Revolt (2610-2613): Serviles constructing the massive orbital habitats that many Terrans now call home hijacked several and threatened to drop them on the Earth's surface. The founder of the Third Dynasty successfully put down the rebellion.
• The Belt Wars (2620-2880): Periodic skirmishes between various mining firms (pro and anti-Imperial), growing bands pirates and revolutionaries in the Asteroid Belt, and Imperial peacekeeping forces.
• The Human-Crystalline War (2801-2885): Believed to be a response to the Extrasolar expeditions, the Solar System was invaded by an alien species. The aliens were eventually defeated in a Saturn's orbit. The war ended with the near destruction of Earth’s biosphere.
• The Sirian Civil War (2900-Ongoing): Sectarian violence breaking out among the colonies forming around the Dog Star, coupled with the trickle of veteran soldiers from the various wars that plagued the Fourth Dynasty have allowed for one low-level conflict after another to ravage the system.
• The Third Servile Revolt (3000): Orchestrated by the founder of the Fourth Dynasty, the rebellion was put down almost as fast as it started.
• The Transhuman Wars and the Wars of the Fourth Dynasty (3025-3210): Due to the unpopularity of the Fourth Dynasty, a series of rebellions broke out during their rule, with the Fourth Dynasty responding with brute force (only adding to their unpopularity). At the same time, several member states began to experiment with genetic and cybernetic enhancements and began their own revolts against the League. Cliodynamists believe that the resulting societal collapse and technological decline from this war were comparable to that of the Third World War. (The individual conflicts that broke out during the Transhuman Wars will be further detailed in an entry of their own.)
• The Centauri Conflict (3100-Ongoing): A series of low-level conflicts between the Imperial settlements in the A Centauri system, Xorta Conglomerate, and the Free Proxima movement.
• The Fourth Servile Revolt (3215-3250): Having grown in the centuries of rebellion against the Fourth Dynasty, the Servile Caste staged a revolt and managed to overpower League defenses in the Inner Solar System. The founder of the Fifth Dynasty is declared Emperor by his subordinates in Jupiter and launches a campaign to liberate the Inner Solar System, and reconquer territory lost during the previous rebellions.
• The TRAPPIST Expedition (3550-Ongoing): Home to various waves of colonization from refugees and deserters fleeing the conflicts of the Fourth Dynasty, it was decided that the TRAPPIST-1 system would be the first in a series of Imperial expeditions re-establishing contact with human settlements within a 50 light year radius around Sol.
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sandeepsrk007 · 3 months
Rolling Out the Red Carpet: The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Cars in Trivandrum
Trivandrum, with its enchanting backdrop of lush landscapes and architectural marvels, sets a picturesque stage for weddings. Amidst the whirlwind of planning and celebrations, selecting the perfect wedding car plays a crucial role in making your big day unforgettable. A wedding car is not just a mode of transport; it's a statement of style, an element of luxury, and a marker of a new beginning. This guide will navigate you through the best options for Wedding cars in Trivandrum, ensuring your matrimonial journey is as seamless and stylish as the rest of your celebrations.
Luxury on Wheels: Top Wedding Car Rental Services in Trivandrum
1. Trivandrum Royal Rides
Specializing in luxury vehicles, Trivandrum Royal Rides offers an exquisite fleet of cars perfect for your wedding day. Whether you dream of a classic Rolls Royce or a modern Mercedes-Benz, their collection ensures that you’ll find the perfect match for your taste and theme. Known for their impeccable service and attention to detail, Trivandrum Royal Rides goes the extra mile with floral decorations and custom ribbons to make your ride truly special.
2. Elegant Weddings Car Hire
Elegant Weddings Car Hire understands the essence of Indian weddings and offers a range of vehicles to complement your style. From vintage cars that exude old-world charm to sleek sedans for a touch of modern elegance, their fleet is maintained to perfection, ensuring reliability and comfort. Their personalized service includes a professional chauffeur, ensuring you arrive in style and on time.
3. Celestial Car Rentals
Celestial Car Rentals offers a diverse fleet of wedding cars including luxury, premium, and vintage options. They pride themselves on their exceptional customer service and flexible packages, tailored to fit every budget and preference. With Celestial Car Rentals, you can expect a hassle-free experience, with meticulous attention to vehicle presentation and punctuality.
4. Nuptial Wheels
At Nuptial Wheels, the focus is on providing a memorable entrance for your wedding day. Alongside a luxurious range of cars, they offer customizable packages that include floral decorations, a red carpet arrival, and even a convoy service for the bridal party. Nuptial Wheels combines luxury with personalization, making your wedding transportation as unique as your love story.
5. Grand Entrances Car Hire
Dedicated to making your wedding entrance grand and memorable, Grand Entrances Car Hire offers an exclusive selection of premium and luxury cars. Their professional team ensures that every detail, from the cleanliness of the car to the professionalism of the chauffeur, is taken care of. With Grand Entrances, you’re not just hiring a car; you’re investing in an experience.
Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Car: Things to Consider
Theme and Style: Your choice of car should complement the overall theme and style of your wedding, whether it's traditional, modern, or something uniquely personal.
Budget: While it’s tempting to spare no expense, it’s important to choose a service that fits within your budget. Many companies offer packages that can be tailored to your needs without compromising on luxury.
Logistics: Consider the logistics of your day, including the number of passengers, travel distance, and time. Ensure the car you choose can accommodate these aspects comfortably.
Personalization: Look for rental services that offer customization options like decorations and music, to make your ride even more special.
Reputation: Opt for companies with good reviews and a proven track record of reliable service to avoid any last-minute surprises.
Your wedding car is more than just transportation; it's a part of your wedding story that you'll remember forever. In Trivandrum, with its mix of scenic beauty and urban charm, choosing the right car can add that extra touch of magic to your day. Whether you envision a classic entry or a modern arrival, there’s a perfect match for every couple in the city’s vibrant wedding car rental scene.
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shreekalyanama · 3 months
5 Modernist & Freakish Bridal Entry Ideas
That first glimpse of the bride in her awe-inspiring look fascinates everyone present at the wedding ceremony.
Check the 5 Best Wedding Entrance for a Bride
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Imagine the bride walking down the aisle in the most beautiful dress, with beautiful jewelry, this is no historical drama for the bride, but now an event that will open everyone's eyes? This is what should happen. After all, it is an important time for the bride and everyone has all eyes on the event. The first sight of the bride's enchanting beauty mesmerized everyone attending the wedding. But what if the blushing bride walks across the stage looking special and dreamy? Let's take a look at some of the top picks and popular choices for brides walking down the aisle.
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setsinthecity · 5 months
Unveiling the Magical Tapestry: A Bride's Story
Bridal tales are enchanting narratives that weave dreams, emotions, and traditions into the fabric of a single moment—the union of two souls. The bride, adorned in resplendent attire, takes center stage in this story, and her journey is a mosaic of emotions, preparations, and cherished rituals. Let's embark on a journey through the captivating tapestry of a bride's story.
I. Prelude to the Celebration
A. Embracing Tradition
A bride's story often begins with the embrace of cultural traditions. From engagement ceremonies to pre-wedding rituals, these moments not only symbolize the union but also connect the couple to their roots.
B. The Significance of Rituals
Each ritual in a bride's story holds a special significance. Mehndi ceremonies, sangeets, and haldi functions are not just celebrations; they are threads that bind families and friends together, creating memories that last a lifetime.
II. The Bridal Attire: A Symphony of Elegance
A. Choosing the Perfect Ensemble
Selecting the bridal attire is a pivotal chapter in a bride's story. From traditional sarees to contemporary lehengas, each choice reflects the bride's personality and style. The process of finding the perfect outfit is an exploration of self-expression and cultural identity.
B. The Veil of Tradition
Veils, dupattas, or pallus—these are not just accessories but elements that carry the weight of tradition. The way a bride adorns these pieces adds layers to her story, intertwining the modern and the traditional in a seamless dance.
III. Bridal Beauty: Beyond the Surface
A. Makeup as an Art
The transformation of a bride through makeup is an art form in itself. Makeup artists become storytellers, enhancing the natural beauty of the bride and creating a canvas that reflects her inner radiance.
B. Hairstyles that Speak Volumes
From intricate braids adorned with flowers to cascading curls, a bride's hairstyle is a silent narrator of her story. Each twist and turn reflects the nuances of her personality and the essence of the occasion.
IV. The Wedding Venue: A Palatial Canvas
A. Choosing the Perfect Setting
Selecting a wedding venue is akin to choosing the backdrop of a grand painting. Whether it's a traditional banquet hall, a scenic garden, or a historic palace, the venue becomes the stage where the bride's story unfolds.
B. Decor that Speaks Volumes
Floral arrangements, lighting, and thematic decor become storytellers, setting the mood for the celebration. The ambiance created by these elements adds depth to the chapters of the bride's journey.
V. The Ceremonial Unveiling: Walking Down the Aisle
A. The Entrance: A Grand Prelude
The bride's entry is a moment of anticipation and awe. The rhythm of her steps echoes the beating hearts of all who witness this sacred journey down the aisle.
B. Exchanging Vows: The Pinnacle of the Story
The exchange of vows is the climax of a bride's story. The promises made, the vows spoken—they become the foundation upon which the couple builds their shared destiny.
VI. Capturing Moments: The Role of Photography
A. Photographs as Timeless Narratives
Photographs freeze moments in time, preserving the chapters of a bride's story. Candid shots, stolen glances, and joyous celebrations become a visual narrative that the bride can revisit for years to come.
B. Candid Moments: The Heartbeat of the Story
In the midst of the grandeur, candid moments capture the essence of the bride's emotions—laughter, tears, and the unfiltered expressions that make her story authentic and relatable.
VII. Post-Wedding Celebrations: A New Beginning
A. Reception: The Epilogue
The reception marks the conclusion of the grand celebration. It is a chapter where the bride, now a wife, steps into a new role, and the story transitions into the promising chapters of married life.
B. Honeymoon: A Romantic Prologue
As the newlyweds embark on their honeymoon, a new story begins—one of shared adventures, discoveries, and the deepening of the bond forged during the wedding festivities.
VIII. A Forever Tale: Beyond the Wedding Day
A. Building a Life Together
The wedding day is a momentous chapter, but a bride's story extends far beyond. Building a life together involves facing challenges, celebrating victories, and crafting a narrative that spans a lifetime.
B. Cherishing the Ever After
Through every milestone, every shared laughter, and every tear shed together, the bride's story evolves into a tale of enduring love and companionship—a story that continues to be written with each passing day.
IX. Navigating Challenges: The Subplots of Marriage
A. Weathering Storms
A bride's story doesn't shy away from challenges. The early days of marriage may bring unforeseen storms, but it's in facing these challenges together that the couple solidifies their bond.
B. The Art of Compromise
Every marriage has its unique dance of compromise. Balancing individual aspirations, merging two lives, and making joint decisions—these become the subplots that add depth to the ongoing narrative.
X. Family Additions: New Characters in the Story
A. The Gift of Parenthood
As the chapters progress, some brides choose to expand their story through the gift of parenthood. The arrival of little ones introduces new characters, and the story transforms into a family saga.
B. Balancing Roles: Juggling Act of Modern Parenthood
Modern brides navigate the challenges of balancing career and family, creating subplots that resonate with the evolving dynamics of contemporary relationships.
XI. Milestone Celebrations: Chapters of Joy
A. Anniversaries: Reflection and Renewal
Anniversaries become milestones, providing the couple with moments to reflect on their journey. These chapters of joy are celebrated with love, renewing the commitment made on the wedding day.
B. Grandparenting: Passing the Torch
For brides who embark on the journey of grandparenthood, the story comes full circle. Passing on traditions, wisdom, and love to the next generation becomes a fulfilling chapter.
XII. Narrating Legacy: The Tale Lives On
A. Passing Down Traditions
A bride's story transcends generations as traditions are passed down. From bridal attire to cultural rituals, each element becomes a part of a larger legacy.
B. The Continuation of Love
The tale of love doesn't end with the final chapter of a bride's story. It lives on in the hearts of those touched by the narrative, creating ripples of love that extend far beyond the immediate family.
XIII. Celebrating Renewal: Vow Renewal Ceremonies
A. Renewing Commitments
Vow renewal ceremonies mark the chapters where couples reaffirm their love. These celebrations of renewal are a testament to the enduring nature of a bride's story.
B. Recapturing Moments
Whether it's a small intimate gathering or a grand celebration, vow renewal ceremonies provide couples with the opportunity to recapture the magic of their wedding day.
XIV. Words of Wisdom: Insights from Seasoned Brides
A. Reflections on a Journey
Seasoned brides often share insights gained from their journey. These reflections offer wisdom and guidance to brides embarking on the initial chapters of their own story.
B. Lessons Learned
From communication to patience, seasoned brides emphasize the importance of key ingredients that contribute to a successful and fulfilling marriage.
Conclusion: The Eternal Charm of a Bride's Story
In the grand tapestry of weddings, the bride's story stands as a masterpiece, a fusion of tradition, style, and personal narrative. From the first chapter of engagement to the final pages of a lifelong commitment, each moment is etched with love, joy, and the promise of a happily ever after.
A. The Ever-Evolving Story
A bride's story is not a static narrative but an ever-evolving tale. It's a tapestry woven with threads of love, resilience, and the shared experiences that make each chapter unique.
B. An Ongoing Saga
As each day unfolds, the bride's story continues to be written. It's a saga that transcends time, embracing the past, present, and future in a dance of eternal love.
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pratibha191 · 10 months
Best Bridal Lehenga And Choli
Bridal Lehengas: A Journey through Elegance and Tradition, an Enchanting Landscape
The realm of fashion is a canvas on which artistic imagination paints tales of tradition, culture, and beauty. The bridal lehenga stands out as a masterpiece among these bold strokes, perfectly expressing the spirit of richness and tradition. A bridal lehenga is more than just an attire; it is also a representation of Indian weddings' cultural richness, joy, and celebration of love. Let's explore the minute details, classic styles, and feelings that these ensembles arouse in this mesmerizing environment.
The captivating pairing of the lehenga and choli is at the center of the bridal lehenga attire. The bride's enormous lehenga, which flows beautifully around her, is the epitome of ethnic splendor.
Embodying Tradition: The Importance of the Bridal Lehenga
The bridal lehenga is more than just clothing; it is a container for custom, culture, and history. Its Indian ancestry serves as a nod to the bride's origins while also representing her entry into a new stage of life. Red is the most common color used as a symbol in the selection of colors. Red denotes good fortune, fertility, and happy marriage. However, modern brides are adopting a variety of colors to showcase their unique personalities, from pastels to jewel tones.
The bridal lehenga is transformed from apparel to artwork by a designer's creative touch. Designer lehengas for brides represent innovation while preserving the fundamentals of tradition. These works result from the merging of
While red remains a timeless choice, the modern bride dares to embrace the kaleidoscope of colors that reflect her personality. Blush pinks, royal blues, mint greens, and regal golds now adorn the bridal lehenga palette. These colors dance in harmony with the wedding's mood and theme, enhancing the visual splendor of the event. Each shade tells a different story, evoking emotions and sentiments that contribute to the overall aura of the celebration.
Weaving Dreams: Lehengas Beyond Borders
The allure of bridal lehengas transcends geographical boundaries. The elegant blend of tradition and contemporary designs has made them a favorite among not only Indian brides but also those from diverse cultures who seek an extraordinary ensemble for their special day. The lehenga choli has seamlessly woven itself into the global tapestry of wedding attire, with brides across the world embracing its charm.
After the Wedding: Lehenga Love Survives
The bridal lehenga is a jewel that endures; it is not only worn on the wedding day. As it is handed down through the years, it develops into a beloved treasure that carries the memories of love, joy, and celebration. In order to recapture the romance and emotion associated with their big day, brides frequently convert their bridal lehengas and sarees or other clothes.
In conclusion, bridal lehengas are a tapestry made of threads representing tradition, elegance, and individuality. Each component, from the precise craftsmanship to the varied color palette, adds to the symphony of feelings that characterizes a wedding. The bridal lehenga is more than just an outfit; it's also a celebration of culture, a work of art, and an expression of the bride.
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vanakamgermany · 2 years
Balloon Decorations In Delhi
Balloon Decoration — Starting at Just Rs. 1200/- (Delhi/NCR)
Planning a surprise for your loved one? Or are you organizing a kids’ party at home? Is it a wedding reception? Or a small gathering at the farms? Balloon Decoration is a perfect party popper for any celebration. Schedule a decoration artist with Delhi Decorators for at-home arrangements or take our services package for an outdoor-event decoration!
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Simply, provide us with the details of your color and theme preferences, and forget about the rest. Creativity at Its Best — Balloons for Every Occasion! We can customize the decorations with balloons in every possible and imaginable way. Our creatives know how to play around with these beautifiers to create a welcoming appearance at any place.
Here are some of the balloon artworks you can choose to have at your event: • Designer Balloon Entry Gate: Because an entry should always be eye-catchy! Our artists will mix and match the colored balloons to create a perfectly dressed-up ensemble at the gate for a warm welcome of your guests. • Balloon Columns: A Balloon display that adds dimensions to any place — Balloon Columns can be an elegant addition to stage corners, entry hall, auditorium, or anywhere it goes as per the decor. • Balloon Arches: Highlight of any party or event, Balloon Arches look impressive wherever installed. • Balloon Centerpieces: A centerpiece is a must! Our Balloon Decoration Services would include creative artwork including the centerpieces for tabletops and countertops. • Balloon Bouquets: A balloon bouquet can be a unique yet thoughtful way of welcoming your guests. You can avail of our balloon bouquet decoration services at the best prices! • Balloon Dance Floor: A lifeline of any celebration — The dance Floor when surrounded by balloons and lights always makes a difference. Allow us to dress up the dance floor before you groove there with your friends. • Balloon Sculptures: A stunning focal point to any event, balloon sculptures can be used to mark an entrance, announce an event theme, decorate the stage area, or can be used as a prop in a game.
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Events We Cover:
We offer our balloon decoration services for the below-mentioned events: • Corporate Events • School Events • Grand Openings • Showrooms Decoration • Birthday Parties, Baby Showers • First Birthday • Trade Shows • Conventions • Bridal Showers • Weddings, • Sweet 16 • Memorial Services & Funerals • Holidays & More
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meltingflowers · 2 years
2022’s Most Trending Wedding Flower Decoration Inspirations
Nothing beats the simplicity and glamour quotient of flowers when it comes to wedding decorations. Flowers excel in all aspects; right from their power to ace up every type of space to their lingering aroma in the air. Over the years, there the best flower decorators in Bangalore have given their best to keep their wedding decorations over-the-edge. However, wedding decoration has undergone a massive change recently.
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But when you are planning a wedding decoration for someone very close to you, you have to keep up with the latest trends to keep the compliments flowing and the celebration grander. Here is a list of all the best trending wedding flower decorations.
Trending Wedding Decorations To Bookmark Right Now
Of the numerous wedding flower decoration ideas, here is a list of all the trending ones that you might consider.
Floral Aisle For A ‘Bollywood-Like’ Bridal Entry
Who is a crazy fan of a dreamy floral wedding décor? We all love watching wedding venues decked up in flowers. But to walk down a floral aisle is something you mightn’t have heard yet. They make for the most glamorous and colourful carpets ever. The flower wedding decoration Bangalore has undergone the newest and latest makeover and it isn’t limited to suspending garlands anymore.
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There are far better ways of introducing flowers into weddings and laying them out on a pretty floral decoration aisle surely seems to be one of them.
Go For Divine Cascading Ceilings With Floral Decoration
It doesn't matter whether it is about the wedding entrance ceiling, a stage ceiling, aisles or even the mandap, the cascading ceilings are way beyond draping decoration. The cascading ceilings make up for the trending flower decoration idea.
Cascading ceilings with conventional marigolds and Mogras can be the perfect option to dazzle your wedding venue. well. Not only are they perfect for daytime weddings but for evening outdoor wedding decoration as well.
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Trending Mandap Decoration For The Best Most Pin-Worthy Wedding Photographs
From canopy-style mandaps to traditional mandap decoration Bangalore, the fresh floral decoration can add that extra oomph that you need. Floral mandap not only looks extravagant in photos but comes with a plethora of design possibilities. You can use the floral branches to add some natural whimsy or you can also combine various types of flowers and leaves for a refreshing look.
A Floral Wall For The Best Selfie-Space
Floral walls are now every Indian wedding staple, given how guests love clicking a dozen photographs against a good backdrop. Go for traditional Mogra and marigold to elevate the look of floral walls to several heights. You can also use floral walls as your main entrance decoration or as a wedding stage decoration. Floral walls look the best and are turned into various striking floral arrangements with a combination of different flowers.
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Let Your Creativity Wild With Ornamental Floral Decoration
Indian weddings are always synonymous with grandeur, opulence and elaborate rituals. That said, even your floral decorations should be on point as well. How about creating some larger-than-life striking ornamental figures like trees, lotus, elephants and peacocks? Use iridescent flowers to decorate striking figures and install them at various places to complete the theme wedding decorations.
These refreshing wedding flower decoration ideas are best for both summer and winter wedding parties. If done well by a professional wedding decorator, all of this decoration can ace up the overall look of your wedding venue.
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tommyfroggie · 2 years
Chapter Three: It's okay.
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Summary: It's all out now. He knows the shit you were pulling. He knows that you didn't agree to this.
Pairing: Mob!Tom Holland x Mob!FemReader {Mafia AU}
Warnings: lil angst, so much fluff, talks about drug usage, overdose.
Word count: 1.3K
"Fuck!! Y/n! No, no, no, shit!"
He went into pure panic, as he lifted your limp body in his hands. Wiping your mouth with his sleeve. He called his men to get the medics ready immediately. He was taking you to the Holland Mansion. Taking you to a hospital after doing heavy drugs could put you in serious danger.
He got quite a few looks from people around the place as he was carrying what looked like a dead body outside, but he couldn't care less at that moment. His car was right outside the place and he somehow managed to open the door to the passenger seat with his elbow and get you in.
He drove to the mansion as fast as he could. Not the fastest he's ever driven but he managed to get your dead-looking body to his home in a short amount of time. Thankfully, there was none of his family at his house today. His little brother Paddy visits almost everyday but for some reason, he didn't today and Tom was thankful for that. Even though Paddy was old enough to handle himself, he's still in his early learning stages and he wants his brother nowhere near the thought of drugs or what it feels or looks like.
He picked you up bridal style and closed the car door behind him with his foot. He rushed to the entry and bent down for a quick retina scan to get him in. He knew it was for his safety but it annoyed the shit out of him in moments like these when he desperately needed to get inside the house.
There were several men and his trusty medics already standing at the entry, ready to take over. He gently placed you on the bed they had set up. "Fuck- I uh think she took heavy drugs or, or something I don't know maybe she overdosed- Listen, just get her to wake up. I need her to be okay" He said the last sentence sternly, with a warning look in his eyes. The two doctors nodded and took you into a separate room, away from the small crowd. He waved the guards to leave him alone and so they did. He clutched at his once, perfectly gelled hair, messing them up and running his hands all over his face in attempt to calm down.
He couldn't stop the thoughts in his head.
'Is this because of me?'
'Did she not agree to this?'
'I thought she agreed to this.'  As far as he remembers, you did agree to this. That's what your dad said so...?
All of this got him thinking back to the one time that he did the same thing you did, to himself when he was 17. And shit, he doesn't even remember why he did it. All he knows, is that it felt awful, absolutely terrible, to look at the sad, even crying faces of his family after he woke up from his hospital bed. That was when he swore to never do drugs again, for his family. He'd do anything for them.
He was brought back to reality when one of the guards told him that you would gain consciousness very soon. He immediately stomped to the room, and saw you on the same bed, attached to wires and surrounded by these weird compute- or whatever the fuck they were. He sat by your side as you stirred, taking your soft hand in his. He just sat and admired you. Even in such a state, you looked beautiful to him. He knows he isn't supposed to feel this way. He's a motherfucking king, he's supposed to rule cities, kill people and get away with all and every money. But something about you, just made him feel weak from the moment he laid eyes on you, and he didn't know why. You just pulled out a soft side of him that he didn't even know existed. So naturally, he wanted you and he ALWAYS gets what he wants. And so he did, just by pulling a few strings. But now, it seems like he's got it all wrong. He can tell that you didn't want any of this. Only if he knew... He never wanted to force you into something you didn't want.
A frown settled on his face with realization of everything, as your eyes slowly fluttered open. The light stinging into you hurt like hell so brought your hands up to your face, shielding yourself from it. "Hey" you heard a soft voice and looked towards it, finding Tom to your side, your hand in his.
You quickly became aware of your surroundings. You weren't where you were before, and there were- What?!! Fucking wires attached to you. You became very aware of your huge mess up and sat up way too quickly for Tom's liking. You groaned in pain.
Hey!! Calm down. You're very weak right now." He started off sounding pissed but he quickly recovered and went back to being gentle. He wasn't the best at this. It's not exactly easy to act so cozy and gentle for someone, you know, when he's been trained to not care about anybody and be a bad, scary mobster everyone is afraid of.
"Shit! I'm so sorry I don't know why I- I don't-" He cut you off by keeping a finger on your lips, giving you a sad smile.
"It's okay. You don't have to act anymore. I know you don't want this" He said, ever so softly.
You didn't even realize when your eyes filled with tears, blurring your vision as you looked down. He knows. What's the point of your entire stupid planning and plotting. He knows and now he's just going to force you into marrying him. At least that's what you thought.
"It's okay. I had no idea. I'm so sorry. I never wanted to force you into this." He gently caressed your cheek, and many different emotions hit you in that moment.
Firstly, you realized that of course he had no idea. Your dad is a motherfucking cunt, who told him that you agreed to this.
Secondly, you felt dizzy again. Fuck, that's not the point.
And secondly, you couldn't help but feel so much fondness for the man you once hated. But, you just wanted to push that feeling back. You both didn't belong together. Not yet, at least.
All you could muster up was a broken whisper, "I'm sorry." you said as you finally looked him in the eye again. They were bloodshot, red. You didn't know he was crying. Hell, you didn't know it was possibke for Tom Holland to cry.
"It's okay" He repeated. "I don't want to be the reason to this. You did this to yourself, because of me" He mumbled the last part, both of your foreheads touching now.
"I know... Fuck- I'm so sorry I didn't know you didn't know that I didn't agree I- I was plotting and planning all these stupid games to play against you because I thought you knowingly stole my freedom and- and-" Your rambling was cut of by his lips on yours. You were taken aback by it, for sure. But you eventually closed your eyes, basking in the comfortable feeling of it. It felt like you had been doing this forever. He pulled back with a small giggle and your heart melted right then and there. He didn't know why he did it, especially after learning that you didn't want him. It just.. felt right.
"What was that for?" You said, breathlessly.
"You're cute when you ramble" He said, completely dodging your question but making a red tint coat your cheeks. This man was doing things to you, things you couldn't explain. And you didn't want to, you didn't want to start something you couldn't finish. For now, You just wished you could stay like this forever. With the man you like, maybe. A hardcore MAYBE.
a/n: It's finally here!! Thoughts??
@livieweasley @racewife2004 @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @mn-jun @spidey-central @yoursopretty15
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sarvaweddings-blog · 5 years
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candidwed · 4 years
Why You Need A Candid Wedding Photographer
Sitting on a stage and getting clicked in the same pose with different people for hours on end sounds really boring. But that’s what most brides and grooms have to do when mediocre photographers make their wedding album.
This is where candid wedding photographers come in. Indian wedding photographers are now evolving in their style of wedding photography and don’t believe in static shots of just the bride and groom anymore. Now, it’s more about candid shots of everyone in the wedding party and capturing moments which mean something to the bride and groom.
Suggested Read: Best Ideas For Indian Wedding Photography
Candid wedding photography is fast making its presence felt at Indian weddings, but several couples still opt out of candid photographers hoping that their untrained photographer will be able to do the job. That never happens. Instead, what the bride and groom will be left with are boring shots of their entire wedding. And we’re sure you don’t want that.
Also, See- Top Destination wedding photographers
The mehendi is one of the smaller functions of an Indian wedding but is now considered one of the best opportunities for beautiful, sunlit pictures. Day mehendis are the trend now and brides come with their own swag to this function.
With floral or traditional jewellery and fresh mehendi on their hands, brides have a unique look on this function and stand out from the crowd. Since this is now a daytime function, the colourful outfits, décor, and drinks in the guests’ hands make for gorgeous pictures. But only a candid wedding photographer will be able to tell where to look for the most fun pictures. People are generally walking around and mingling so expecting them to stand in one corner and pose is unfair and can ruin the mood of the party.
Suggested Read: Special Moments to Capture on your Wedding Day
When you’re dancing with the love of your life for the first time in front of your family and friends, you want to remember that moment forever.
Whether it’s a choreographed dance or a spontaneous jig, the emotions, anticipation and excitement during this time will be unique and only a professional candid wedding photographer will be able to capture the beauty of this moment.
Suggested Read: Ways to Flaunt your Jewellery in your Wedding Photography
If you’re from the groom’s side of the family, you know how much everyone looks forward to the baraat. It’s the only time when it’s totally legit to dance on the road in front of a horse or a carriage. When you’re part of a baraat, the mood all around is to party and have a great time. You’ll dance with your family and friends, urge the groom to join in, and make him the centre of attention when he does. These days, baraats are not limited to a groom sitting on a horse. Now, there are jeeps, autos, and other fun forms of transport used for a groom’s entry to his wedding. These make for great pictures but only through the eye of a candid photographer who knows what’s unique and should be the centre of attention in the pictures.
Suggested Read: How to find the Best Photographer for your Wedding?
One of the most beautiful pictures is that of a bride getting ready for her big day. She’s adorning herself in her finest jewellery and clothes and trying to look better than she’s ever looked.
One of the most beautiful pictures is that of a bride getting ready for her big day. She’s adorning herself in her finest jewelry and clothes and trying to look better than she’s ever looked.
Suggested Read:- Top Destination Wedding Photographers in Delhi
During this time, a bride goes through several phases. She is trying to get her final look together just as she imagined it to be, and at the same time, she’s also realising that this is the day when her life changes completely. To expect a normal photographer to be able to capture the several nuances of this part of the wedding day is unfair, which is why you need a candid wedding photographer who will be able to gauge how the bride is feeling and click fantastic portraits of her accordingly.
Suggested Read: How to Pose for your Wedding Pictures
Let’s face it. Indian weddings are about the bride more than anyone else. And when she enters the wedding, it feels like time has stopped and the queen of the land has made her entrance. She’s dressed impeccably and is the centre of all the adoration among her family and friends.
Since India is so diverse in its culture, and weddings are where the diversity truly comes out, no two brides will ever look the same especially when they first enter their wedding venue. Whether it’s under a phoolon ki chadar surrounded by the love of her brothers, or being accompanied by all her girlfriends and cousins, this is a wonderful moment to be captured and only a candid wedding photographer can do justice to it.
Suggested Read: Tips for your Bridal Portraits to win a million hearts!
While the bride and groom are the centre of attention during the wedding, one can’t ignore the joyous family members as well. These days, with the advent of choreographed dances which involve the whole family, it is a must for wedding pictures to give them their share of attention too. But not everyone can capture these special moments when the family is celebrating among themselves.
Your candid wedding photographer, or another trained photographer from their team, will be around your family to make sure you don’t miss out on these memories. Such photographers also take care to not intrude on your family or disturb them to pose for pictures. They make the best of what is in front of them and make sure you get amazing pictures which you can look back on fondly for years to come.
Candid wedding photography is an art that cannot be emulated. You can’t get it cheap, and you can’t get it anywhere else other than a professional candid wedding photographer who knows the intricacies of wedding photography. Indian weddings are a colourful, vibrant, unique affair, and to capture all the aspects of this beautiful time, a candid wedding photographer puts in all their time and effort to make sure you have wonderful memories for the rest of your life. So hire a candid wedding photographer and rest assured that you’ll have fantastic pictures of your big day.
Suggested Read: 5 key things to consider while hiring a Wedding Photographer
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marswellvictor-blog · 4 years
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When a Bengali bride makes her entry to the stage, the moment freezes, jaws drop and there is a sense of awe that arises in the heart. A Bengali bride with wedding jewellery looks all the more awesome and super adorable! If you are a Bengali or have seen one, you know how it is.
 A Bengali wedding is often referred to as Biye. It is a celebration of a lifetime for the bride, groom and the family. It must be mentioned that the wedding rituals last for 2 - 3 days. They are rich in tradition, very colourful and breathtaking in all respects.
 Bridal jewellery is an integral part of Bengali bride adornments. It is an age old fascination to wear some of the most adored wedding jewellery as a bride. The other highlight is the love for the colour red. Draped in Benarasi Saree which is quite popular and the favourite among Bengali bride’s, wide range of jewellery pieces like rings, hair accessories, nose rings, necklaces are a must-have. Aath poure is the traditional style in which brides wear Sarees.
Bangles are the eternal favourites for a Bengali bride. Famously known as nowa, ruli, the bride and her gang of friends take immense pleasure in wearing those magnificent pieces of jewellery.
 Since heavy necklaces along with the traditional attire are the popular choice, you can choose the perfect match at Love Is For Ever. What’s more, you can get it customized at the hands of experts and wear just the necklace you have always dreamed off.  
 Another style the Bengali bride usually follows is that the hair is tied up into a pleasing bun. A wide variety of accessories can be worn over it as well.
 A lot of gold chains and rings are the top picks but you can always look dashing with a little change. Wedding diamond jewellery set can make you stand out from the rest.
 Talk about the rituals, there are a number of ones which makes it memorable. The family and friends always have a blast at weddings and various programs that precede and follow it. Aiburobhat is one such occasion. It is similar to the bridal shower. This takes place either in the afternoon or night before the big day. The close friends and loved ones come together and gifts are given to the bride.
 If you are planning to attend a Bengali friends wedding, the finest bridal jewellery collection is available at Life Is For Ever. You can gift one to your friend and we are sure everyone will love it.
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