kmlaney · 2 years
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I got tagged by @fitzonomy to post 9 pictures of myself from 2022!
Apparently I only took 12 pictures of myself in all of 2022 and only one didn't include a cat. So here are the least repetitive, and one from last week when I made sourdough English muffins.
So here's seven pictures of cats in which a human also appears, one of a muffin, and one of me.
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flowbykrisz · 2 years
"Amíg te alszol, az italomat bontom, itt van a pezsi, igyál belőle tesi..." - Deniel x Mate : Éljen Az Éjjel
“Amíg te alszol, az italomat bontom, itt van a pezsi, igyál belőle tesi…” – Deniel x Mate : Éljen Az Éjjel
A címben is olvasható előadópáros, Deniel x Mate, Éljen az Éljen dalához forgatott videoklipjébe, egy Péntek Esti Partizán interjút megszakító reklám során futottam bele, és már az első pár másodpercével megfogott az Éjen Az Éjjel számuk. A Mate néven futó előadó srácnak pedig már nem ez az első zenéje, hiszen az elmúlt 1 év során is folyamatosan dobálta kifelé a különböző, mozgóképpel rendelkező…
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kaytheday · 3 months
Dallas Winston In New York Headcanon
I've been wanting to do some of these for a little while because I am fascinated with Dallas's life before the events of The Outsiders.
Story Headcanon's
Dallas had a bad home life. His mother was in and out of the house and when he turned ten she was gone for good.
Later he grew to understand that his mother was a prostitute. 
His father canonically hit him and ignored him. I think this messed young Dallas up, and definitely contributed to his ‘look out for number one’ attitude.
He was ten years old the first time he was in jail or juvie or whatever they called it in the 1960s. He was put in jail for a robbery with some other boys.
Being in juvie for the first time also changed him. The reformatory in the Bronx wasn’t a good institution. While he did his time, other boys and the workers there beat on him, boys often didn’t have enough to eat, and the conditions were filthy. He came out hardened and meaner with black eyes and a selfish attitude.
He would be in and out of juvie or reformatory for the rest of his time in New York.
He was twelve when he started middle school and in the same year he started doing favors for an official outfit. He mostly just ran errands or did other low level stuff. Though this didn’t mean that he didn’t see anything terrible. He definitely did.
Later when he got into the 13-14 year old age, they let him do more high level crime stuff. 
He saw many murders while living in the impoverished neighborhood that he did. A couple of the ones were similar to the way he died. (getting shot while shooting at the police) Whether or not he got the idea from those shootings or it was in his subconscious can be debated. 
When he became an official mob associate, he became very paranoid and careful. After getting beat up by mob members for a stupid mistake, he became worried that he would be wacked.
He was anxious and was always watching his back. He worried constantly about being followed.
He was always prepared for a quick getaway, though he never originally planned on leaving New York City.
He left New York when he was 15 because he did a job wrong and accidentally got someone killed. Due to his paranoia he got out of town quickly and went down to Dallas Texas. 
While in Dallas he meets Buck Merrill who offers him a room in return for some work at the bar. That's how he gets into Tulsa.  
General Headcanon's
Dallas was born and raised in the Bronx. (I just see him as a Bronxy boy)
He got his St. Christopher's necklace from some Roman Catholic guy who lived in his building. The guy gave him a jacket as a favor and the necklace was in the pocket. He slept on this guys couch more than once because of his dad.
He learned how to bartend by watching bartenders at the Snakehead bar. Which was a gang hang out for some guys Dallas was associating with. 
He quickly learned not to trust anybody. He gathered this through his interactions in his home life and gang stuff. Because of this, he didn't have very many close friends and was always disappearing when he thought people were mad at him.
There were some kids in his building that used to beat him up. They stopped when they heard he had gangster friends.
He watched many gangsters die, he threw up the first time but after that he became indifferent to it. 
When he left New York, he took none of his parents' possessions. There was nothing he wanted.
There was one night a few weeks before Dallas left for good that his father was beating him. In between hits Dallas managed to get a gun out of his pocket. His father stopped and left the house. Dallas still doesn’t know why he didn’t kill him. 
He cried after his mom left.
He stopped crying all together when those kids made fun of him and then beat him up so bad he could hardly walk for the next few days. The next time he cried was in the hospital when died.
Upon comparing the reformatory he spent time at in New York versus the reformatory in Tulsa, he would say that the one in Tulsa was significantly nicer.
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zeroz2ro · 2 years
30 éves lesz idén
Életben maradtak, Idétlen időkig, Összeomlás, Cliffhanger - Függő játszma, Jurassic Park, Az utolsó akcióhős, A cég, Szabadítsátok ki Willyt!, A szökevény, Tiszta románc, Bronxi mese, A pusztító, Carlito útja, Zongoralecke, Mrs. Doubtfire, Schindler listája, Philadelphia, A szomszéd nője mindig zöldebb, Tombstone, Apám nevében, Sose halunk meg Like ha te is láttad akkor a moziban ezeket, reblog ha te is kurvára öregnek érzed magad!
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clonehub · 2 years
the NYC accent and all its variants and stereotypical presentations in media is about as foreign as you can get in an accent without having to actually source one from overseas. Characters in stories where new york does not or cannot exist, or where characters literally have had no contact with earth, will get a new york-bronxy accent. You know, the oi for words that have ir/er/ar/or, etc (foist instead of first).
the author of this book offers several examples, including one about star wars in which 3PO was originally supposed to have a bronx accent--and his personality matched in terms of sarcasm, street smarts, wittiness, and tendency toward being snappy. He was supposed to sound like a cabby from NYC.
The author then goes on to give an example of that accent in World of Warcraft, where the goblins--written to be greedy, obsesse with money, hoarders, crafty, shrewd, conmen/artists/generally lying, untrustworthy people--sound like New Yorkers. He sent the description of the goblins and an audio clip of their voice lines to a linguistic colleague who refused to listen to the actual audio because he read the description and immediately picked up on the antisemitism in it.
Sound familiar?
The author says "I dont think the accents borrow from Jewish speech patterns" which is wild to me considering how she spent a decent amount of time talking about how academic institutions went out of their way to stifle the jewish populations in their undergrads, which replaced what was commonly associated with smarts/education/Jewish people with the SAE people speak with now. LIke. I completely disagree with her on that aspect and I think frankly its a dumb take.
But what I'm getting at here is that antisemitism in media often presents itself in accents and mannerisms of characters. Notice how a character that needs to be quickly coded as untrustworthy, unreliable, or any other host of negative things speaks NYCE (if they're not given an explicitly foreign accent, like British or eastern european).
The linguistic colleague was right that that description just calls back to wildly antisemitic stereotypes; they likely made the connection that if the goblins are written like this and they sound like New Yorkers, they're meant to be stereotypes of Jewish people.
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jeremy-hand · 1 year
bronxy bronx asking here because its the selfship blog but would you be opposed to me writing smth with umm one of your ij sonas (probably jeremy because then i could throw brettdad in there) and renato .. would that be fun
GIGGLE BIG GRIN... i wouldn't mind at all :)
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charmyposh-blog · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Dkny Sandals.
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radiorampa · 7 months
Wiadomości Dnia 2-29-24 from RAMPA on Vimeo.
WiadomosciDnia.com - Wiadomości Dnia w RAMPA TV – dzisiaj jest 29 lutego  – Monika Adamski zaprasza.
A dzisiaj w programie:
- konduktor metra, został zaatakowany wykonując swoje obowiązki w Nowym Jorku,
- drugie nielagalne lokum dla migrantów odkryto na Bronxie,
- w czwartek, zarówno prezydent Joe Biden, jak i były prezydent, Donald Trump, przebywali w Texasie, aby ocenić sytuację na granicy z Meksykiem;
- Sąd Najwyższy zadecydował, że weźmie pod rozwagę wniosek Donalda Trumpa, w którym były prezydent twierdzi, że powinien mieć immunitet od spraw kryminalnych;
- bez ostatecznego porozumienia zakończyły się rozmowy premiera Donalda Tuska z przedstawicielami protestujących rolników;
- dzisiaj jest 29 lutego – polecamy rozmowę z Polką, urodzoną tego wyjątkowego dnia!
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namenerdery · 10 months
Girls with interesting names born in Ohio between 2011-2015 [B & C]
Babigirl-Brooklyn Oshima London Grace Lee Baeily Denise B'Beautiful You'Nique Beauti'Adore Marie Beautiyfulle Mon'Roe
Benzley Rayn Bexslynn Elizabeth Blaezze Leighann Boudicea Barbara Braeylynn Khristina Marii-Korrine
Brayleeonia Serenity Breilinne Lili Brentinee Ann Brittanalee Paige Broggan Hope
Bronxie Ashanti Brooqlin Marie Browning Despina Bruklynn Ann Marie Brynndolyn Elizabeth
Bryxton Ann Bur-Lynn Destiny
Cadaleigha Tyler Calavinna Lee Calidora Pearl Calikay Camelia Cambridge Elisabella
Canada-Monet Belle Canary Ani Carder-Jayde Elizabeth Carmina-Madaliyssa Serenity Lynn Cassiopeia Ailis Cayzileh Willow-Marie
Ceceillia Rose Cehngslyn Jarae Chcyais Roekai Celebrity-Sade Deloris Celesity Reign Cenagha Rain
Cencier Monet Ceophia Rose Cequoia Jaylynn Cersei Christine Chadalyssia Coren
Chadsyti Keyonn Chailynn Darling Chairtey Leeann Chantillee Lace Cha'Nyveiah Alyesse Del'Rae
Chareylivette Marie Chassis May Chastelyn Kristell Chayclynn Shiloh Mayclynn Dannelle Chevrolet Lee
Christiohanna Addison Cinderella Ignatia Gail Ciraia Patrice Antoinette Citrine Josephine Morrow Civana Solei
Civic Audrina Cizender Ghost Cliffene-Rose Zehariah Naomi Elizabeth Olivia Lenae Cobra Raylynn Cohynn Sue
Colerayne Aaleigha Columbiannah Rachelle Consooniyieah Believen Coraellyna Rosalie Corgan Ventura Michelle
Corlexius Isabella Cosima Aurelia Belle Countess-Kyle Adamma Crailee Alice Rae Cricket Jenivieve
Curizma Nichole C'Vannah Jaylin Cwenlee Nicole Cynificant Dai'Ana Marie
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chivasnews · 1 year
Mateusz Gamrot ataca Islam Makhachev e Charles do Bronxy após usa vitóri...
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filmszeresz · 1 year
Egyszer 80 éves a Robert De Niro. És az ma van! Hamar megkapja a listát. Ami végül hosszabb lett, mint terveztem. És még így is kellett kihagyni filmet. (És hát, mindjárt jön a mozikba az új Scorsese, amit még nem láttam.)
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Hiába csinált sok szart is, kérem szépen, ez egy életmű.
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Robert De Niro Top 40
1. Taxisofőr
2. A szarvasvadász
3. Nagymenők
4. Cape Fear - A rettegés foka
5. Dühöngő bika
6. Szemtől szemben
7. Volt egyszer egy Amerika
8. Aljas utcák
9. Huszadik század
10. A Keresztapa II.
11. Casino
12. Csak egy kis pánik
13. Angyalszív
14. Ébredések
15. Éjszakai rohanás
16. A komédia királya
17. Amikor a farok csóválja…
18. Aki legyőzte Al Caponét
19. Pokoli lecke
20. Jackie Brown
21. Apádra ütök
22. Copland
23. Bronxi mese
24. A misszió
25. Hibátlanok
26. Mindenki megvan
27. Napos oldal
28. Feketelistán
29. Az éjszaka és a város
30. Zuhanás a szerelembe
31. Frankenstein
32. Ez a fiúk sorsa
33. Marvin szobája
34. Brazil
35. Ronin
36. Joker
37. Az ír
38. A rajongó
39. Mocsokváros utcáin
40. Machete
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tenpixelsusie · 1 year
bronxy bronx my bff ever :D
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news99alert · 3 years
Yankees undefeated by six games since adopting team pet named 'Bronxi the Turtle'
Yankees undefeated by six games since adopting team pet named ‘Bronxi the Turtle’
Getty Images The New York Yankees are notorious for bolstering their team through sneaky free agency moves, but the Bronx Bombers cashed in a very different way for their most recent impressive addition. The Yankees are 6-0 since adopting a turtle named “Bronxie” to hit the local pet store and roam the locker room. Pitcher Nestor Cortés Jr. convinced the team to adopt the Bronxi ahead of last…
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zibanejad · 3 years
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i would die for bronxie the turtle
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chipthekeeper · 3 years
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Good night to the Yankees and to Bronxie the Turtle especially
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teesbuysclothing · 3 years
Yankees Bronxie The Turtle t shirt
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