#Bronya zaychik x reader
kiana-kaslana-423 · 9 months
Short and sweet, but maybe a reaction of Bronya(HI3), Bronya(HSR), and Silver wolf with a s/o who randomly said, "I love you in every universe. "
Bronya (HI3), Bronya (SR), Silver wolf x Reader
☆ Female Reader saying “I love you in every universe” ☆
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Yeah- this is short-
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!! Not comfy with men will block on interaction !!!
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• Bronya would just look at you and nod, maybe even say it back
• She found it sweet even if she won't say it out loud, she feels the exact same about you
• She would love you in every universe too, not a single doubt about it. You are hers and she is yours
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• She honestly took it as a compliment and smiled a little bit, instantly saying it back at you
• Cuz it's the rightful and honest truth, she loves you to the Galaxy and back! She would fight and die for your honor
• She'll even give you a little kiss on the cheek before going back to work <3
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• Silver wolf had to take off her headphones and ask what you said again just to make sure she heard it right
• And once she does the bubble that she was blowing instantly pops and she blushes hard
• She would mumbles some stuff under her breath and looks back to her game to continue playing, not wanting you to see how much your words affected her- She won't even say anything as she puts back on her headphones
• Even though it looks like she doesn't really 'care', she really does- What you just said meant the world to her
• No one has ever said that to her so it makes her feel a lot of things-
• And honestly she feels the same way! She would love you in ever universe, even if somehow you die, she'll go to another Universe just to find you again. She doesn't care how long it would take.
• You guys are made for each other and not even death will pull you away from her
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yingatlas · 8 months
Platonic!Kiamei and Platonic!Bronseele(separate) with a adopted!child!reader
Momma’s gonna buy you a mocking bird.
A very broad one so I hope you like/don’t mind where I took this <333
Kiamei, Bronseele x Adopted child reader (platonic)
Child reader was experimented on at a young age and was saved and taken into Schicksal
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After what you had been through it was expected that you would end up very afraid and hesitant about many things. You especially had a hard time warming up to people but that didn’t stop these two
Kiana and Mei absolutely adore you and try to make you feel as comfortable as possible
Kiana grew up without a mother and a sad (yet lovable) excuse of a father so she made it her life’s mission to be the best mama to you, along side her precious Mei too ofc.
Constantly taking pictures and showing you off to everyone she can possibly get to listen.
Mei is a bit more reserved but will always gush about you and doing whatever she can to be of help to you.
You were honestly really scared of everything at first but slowly warmed up to them eventually.
The first time you call Kiana and Mei “Mama”and “Mom” respectively they almost started crying.
It was mostly a normal day but you had gotten a 100 on a really important test and rushed you show Kiana and Mei.
You didn’t really register the way you excitedly yelled out “Mama, Mom look!!” As you held up your test paper simply wanting to make them proud.
However you soon realize what you just said and started blushing. They quickly noticed and started to praise you for your hard work while lowkey holding back tears.
Kiana definitely lets you get away with more things while Mei has to scold you both
Mei makes all your meals trying her best to figure out the dishes you like more and what to avoid while having it still being healthy for you.
All and all they both love you to bits and would do anything for you and your happiness
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Again it was hard to warm up to people for you but these two didn’t care and took you in anyways.
Bronya and Seele both grew up mostly alone until they were taken into the orphanage by Cocolia but even then a good major of their childhoods were without any parents/alone
Seele is the one who you opened up to faster due to how nurturing she was and how she was the also the one around more due to Bronya’s work.
It took a bit longer for Bronya but the similarities between you both eventually made you two grow closer.
Nightmares were quite common for you and did in fact caused your first slip up of calling Bronya and Seele mom/mama
You would be sobbing loudly, tears running down you cheeks while hiccuping. Hearing this almost immediately Bronya and Seele would rush to your room and try to help.
Seeing them you shakily let out a chocked sob before mumbling a small “Mom… Mama” mixed in with a few hics
Hugging you tightly they both calm you down with their warmth and sweet words until you fall asleep.
Both just smile happily at each other after you had fallen back asleep so happy you were comfortable enough to call them mom/mama.
When you wake up it is a bit embarrassing to remember but they seemed happy and you were too so you just kept calling them that
You start to call Bronya “mother” though due to how you heard her address Cocolia sometimes and just picked it up, but “mom” still slips out ever now and then. Bronya likes both so she doesn’t care which one you use as long as you’re comfortable
Seele often spoils you a lot and liked to take you out shopping. She will get as many outfits for you as possible as you look cute in anything (her words) She also enjoys reading stories for you and tucking you into bed
Bronya is a bit more busy due to her work as both a game developer and a squad leader. However there are many times she’ll have you sit in her lap while she works and give your opinion to some features of the game.
Again they both you love and make sure to give you anything and everything you need, physically and emotionally.
Bonus: extended family
Bianka, Siegfried, Theresa
Siegfried will often pick you up and spin you around commenting about how big you’ve gotten. Never let him hear the kitchen, he’s a terrible influence but you still love him
Bianka will pat your head and play any games/sports with you. She also enjoys reading some stories out loud to you
Theresa spoils you with sweets and snacks while also trying to get you to drink some bitter melon juice. She also plays video games with you
Veliona, Project Bunny, Cocolia, Welt Yang
Your relationship with Veliona was a bit confusing to you at first but you just kinda got used it and never thought too much into it. She spoils you secretly and gives you some tough love
Project bunny is kinda like a pet to you. It’s not rare to find them in their elf form being carried around by you like a stuffed animal. It gives them a nice break though so they don’t mind
Cocolia is someone you don’t see often but when you do she’s very sweet to you. She’ll gift you things and constantly ask about how you’ve been or your health and such. Basically just like any grandma
Welt is a busy person so you also don’t get to see him often. When you do though he’ll pat your head while trying to make some small talk. Often mentions Arahoto so you also get to learn about that more
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onlyluxalo · 3 months
Take it with a grain of salt but 👀
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strwbmei1 · 11 months
I don't know if you do this or not, but a sfw platonic captain!reader with the trio(Kiana, bronya, mei) also maybe fu hua, himeko, and Theresa. Maybe their reaction reader get fatally injured, or else!
I also like seeing bronya as my daughter😞
I'm fine writing purely sfw, but since this blog is mostly focused on smut it'll be a bit short.
Characters are written based off how they were in the first few chapters! Couldn't think of anything for Fu Hua, Himeko, and Theresa sadly :((
Kiana Kaslana
: ̗̀➛ Kiana would definitely panic, rushing over to help you while asking a bunch of questions. She'd try to treat your wounds— but she's aware that she's no expert.
: ̗̀➛ Since you're the Captain, she naturally admired and respected you. You might not know it; but Kiana definitely sees you as a role model and someone she wants to surpass one day.
: ̗̀➛ Kiana insists on carrying you on her back as she gets you actual help from doctors, even if you say you can walk. While she acts recklessly most of the time, she's dependable when it counts.
: ̗̀➛ She'll feel a bit guilty for being a troublemaker, so when you get better she'll be more behaved during missions. It doesn't take long for her to return to her usual self, though.
: ̗̀➛ Kiana would definitely put in even more effort when she's training. All she has to do is become the strongest valkyrie, right? Then, she'll be able to protect everyone from harm.
Raiden Mei
: ̗̀➛ Mei felt her heart dropped the second she saw you and the long cut that ran across your forearm. She stopped everything she was doing; focusing all of her attention on helping you.
: ̗̀➛ Mei learned about basic first aid as a student in St. Freya, but she was sure that the tricks she learned in class wouldn't be very effective on such a deep cut.
: ̗̀➛ That doesn't mean she won't at least try, though. Even if Mei can't completely treat you; she can still ease the pain.
: ̗̀➛ Mei would do her best to cheer you up as she's dressing your wounds, saying that everything is gonna be fine. But with the way she's saying it; you're not sure if those words were meant for you or meant to reassure herself. Perhaps both.
: ̗̀➛ She'll still keep an eye on you after your injuries heal; always offering to help with the most simple of tasks. Mei just wants to make sure you're okay.
Bronya Zaychik
: ̗̀➛ As a former assassin, Bronya is no stranger to the sight of gruesome injuries. Though, she can't deny the way she felt her chest tighten when she saw you.
: ̗̀➛ Her eyes are already scanning the room for bandages and the like; anything she could use to help you.
: ̗̀➛ Bronya doesn't say a word as she makes her way to you, a concerned look on her face as she treats your wounds— one of the few rare times she's shown such raw and genuine emotion.
: ̗̀➛ She'll lightly scold you; telling you you should've been more careful, to not rush in without a plan... Really, she just wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to you.
: ̗̀➛ After you've recovered completely, Bronya will hang around you more; ready to act if something happens. You're always doing your best to protect everyone, so isn't it fair that someone protects you too?
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00just-a-pancake00 · 1 year
Ticklish Struggles of a Kanchou (Part 1)
WEEEEEE- 1st Honkai Tickle fic-
Sorry btw, it has been a while since I wrote, my burnouts in writing began to waver and lose. I'm just doing this because I love Honkai Impact 3rd the week after I started Genshin.
Lees: Reader Y/N (M/F/NB)
Lers: Himeko Murata, Bronya Zaychik
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"Great work on today's missions, (Y/N)." The instructor of St. Freya herself, Himeko Murata, smiled as she gives a pat in the back. You both were done doing a mission that happened after St. Freya's class hours on a friday.
This only earned her a jump as you were busy playing some games on your HOMU station.
"O-Oh, am I bothering you?" Asked the redhead in worry.
"Nono, I'm alright. I'm just ticklish." You replied.
A small smile forms on the valkyrie's lips. You took your eyes off your game console to see the Major smirk at you.
"I have another game to play~"
Her hands form a tickling gesture, your face turning red as you put your console down but the moment you stood up, her strength pulled you back as you both tumbled onto the bean bag.
"M-Major! This isnt a good Ideahahahaha!!! EHEHEEK!!" You squealed as nailed hands skittered across your sides. Himeko having the widest smirk.
"Sugar, there are other post-mission awards aside from gaming." she smiled softly but with devious intent, earning laughs from you until you felt pinpricks of tears form on your face.
"C-Cahahant breheheathe!! Hihimehhekoho!!" You begged the valkyrie, tapping out. She smiled as she stops to your begging.
"Sorry, Kanchou. Your just too cute to tease~"
That didn't calm down the blush on your face but at least a smile is glued which made Himeko feel soft.
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It was rest hours for the hyperion crew upon the hours of the night. You and Bronya decided to game for the night as a job well done. No classes or valkyrie works will be done tomorrow so the both of you consider that as a bonus.
For now, you and Bronya are currently arguing over which game you guys should play.
"Homu Warriors 5? You only progressed a little over 5 days upon buying, Kanchou." Bronya makes a soft huff.
"We are not going to be playing Gang Bunny since you always beat me." You make a small sigh at her reccomendation to play.
"Bronya detects your copium in skill issue." she makes a giggle at her reply to your response, causing you to be taken aback.
"No I don't." You hissed softly.
"Oh really? Prove it, if I beat you, I'm tickling you."
Just hearing the stakes from the Herrscher of Reason herself made you twitch a bit in a line between cockiness and confidence but that fear is just a lead to the margin of error of failing.
"Bring it."
The moment Bronya boots up her HOMU station, the both of you began playing Gang Bunny. The both of you were playing rather smoothly before you both in a round tie. It was only a matter of time before Bronya does her pro gamer move and just knocks your character off the platform, giving her victory.
"Easy." Bronya made a small sneer.
"It was heated but you were just too good." You made a nervous chuckle.
"Did you just lose just on purpose because of tickles~? Bronya detects rather anticipation within Subject Kanchou's impulse while playing."
The moment Bronya says such made your face heat up slightly. You think she is some kind of esper or psyche the moment you heard her.
"Lies!" You retorted before your ticklish insticts tells you to raise your arms, Bronya's smile stretching furthur.
"No, Truths." Bronya's victorious smile has her hands reach and tickle your sides which the both of you fell on the carpeted floor of the dorms.
"Ahahahahack!!!! H-Hehehey!!"
"I should utilize this in our next gaming sessions~"
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sleepy-sirin · 2 years
Seele Vollerei x child! reader (Part 1)
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Summary: In which you are Seele’s little sister.
Second POV:
It was night time here in Cocolia Orphanage, all the kids here in the orphanage are fast asleep and no one is awake at this hour, except for one. And it's you, Y/n Vollerei, the little sister of Seele Vollerei.
You were wide awake waiting for your big sister to come back in your shared bedroom, but you know that Seele would get worried why you are still up this late. You sigh remembering what Seele told you that Cocolia needed her in the clinic and she couldn't sleep with you tonight.
You stare at the ceiling with a bored expression on your face and wondering where your parents are. Your big sister didn't tell you who or where your parents are, all you remember that you and Seele grew up here in this orphanage, nothing else.
As you heard the door open in your shared room you quickly shut your eyes and pretended to fall asleep.
"And this is the room you're going to sleep with." Seele stated, as she shows Bronya to her shared room. Bronya notice that someone is sleeping on the bed and asks Seele who was the little kid.
"Oh, that's my little sister, Y/n. I'm glad that she's asleep right now because I'm worried that she'll stay up late waiting for me." Seele said, as she went to her little sister side and gently stroke your hair. What Seele didn't know that you were awake pretending to sleep while listening their conversation.
Bronya nodded seeing how Seele really cared for her little. The two girls went to their beds and fall asleep, Seele hugs you while stroking your hair then eventually fell asleep. You opened your eyes to see that your big sister is sleeping, you shift your head to the other side to see another person sleeping on Seele's bed.
You assume that this is "Bronya" that Seele was talking to, you sigh and went to sleep for real this time, you hope this Bronya person is nice and not take your big sister attention away from you.
Few days go by, you officially meet Bronya and the two of you get along quite well but you didn't like how your big sister was paying attention to her instead of you. You were jealous at Bronya at first but your jealousy threw out the window after Bronya saves Seele when she was kidnapped.
You got your respect on Bronya after the incident and eventually you started calling her "big sis Bronya". Seele was happy that the two of you got along and you were no longer jealous at Bronya. 
The three of you stick together like a glue, never leaving each other behind. Cocolia admires your friendship but since your the youngest in this orphanage she doesn't let you participate in the experiment.
As the days went by, you notice that your big sister is acting weird lately. Seele always talk to herself when no one was watching, noticing her eyes change to red and tries to mimic herself when you ask her if she was okay.
You were not dumb enough to know that Seele has someone inside her body. You want to confront if she was hiding a secret from you since Seele never hide a secret from you. When you went to your shared bedroom to find Seele but she's not there, you search everywhere in the orphanage but she was nowhere to be found. You gave up finding her and went back to your shared bedroom and went to sleep.
Inside your dream
You woke up to unfamiliar place to see someone far away from you calling for you. You walk up to the person who was calling you, only to see the person was calling you is none other your big sister, Seele.
"Big sis Seele!"
You called out to your big sister and ran up to her, Seele did the same thing running up to her little sister. You hug Seele as tight it can be and started crying upon hugging her.
"Where were you big sis? Did you abandoned Y/n? Did Y/n do something wrong?"
Seele denied what you said that she abandoned you, she knew her time is running out and gave her sister a hug one last time and said:
"Listen to me Y/n. I didn't abandoned you, I was running out of time to tell you. Big sis Bronya will take care of you while I'm gone. I'm sorry."
You notice that Seele was almost vanishing out of your sight, you called her name one last time only to hear her last words.
"Goodbye my little butterfly, see you in the future. I love you..."
After hearing what she said you suddenly woke up from a cold sweat and noticing that someone was carrying you while you were asleep.
Bronya took a vow to protect you and Seele but she failed to protect Seele and you're the only one left. She promise to take care of you while Seele was gone, and reunite with Seele in the future and take the two of you to see the sea together.
Part 2, anyone?
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
Hello! Can i request platonic headcanon about captain!reader? Just being to valkyries and actually after some time became a parentla figure for them? (For kiana or mei, or together lol)
avavavavava okeeyyy!
“Hello parental figure!”
captain!reader x valkyries (PLATONIC)
warning: typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, I only post my works on Tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N, the captain of Hyperion” you greet the new girls that today are visiting your ship, you bow, and try to hold your laughter when you saw Kiana, Mei, and Bronya try to bow as well, but all of them bump to each other’s head.
“Don’t get into the Bronya’s way Kiana idiotka.”
Kiana who’s tried to bite Bronya’s head quickly stopped by Mei, at that moment you lost your control, and your laughter successfully out of your mouth, in a split second, the three of them stopped fighting and end up looking at you who just laughing out of nowhere.
“Sorry, it’s just fun to see a fun person like you guys, please make yourself comfortable here” you speak to them while holding Kiana’s hand followed by Mei and Bronya’s hand
“Captain don’t go too easy on them” Himeko tried to remind you about them who’s a bit problematic (even though Mei isn’t), but you swing your other hand, telling her that “it’s fine”
“Captain, thank you for being with us for all of these years... “ you look at Mei, and then you nodded, “I’m the one who should say that, you guys mean a lot to me, happy that you guys coming into my life, feels like owning a daycare here haha!”
“D- daycare!? we’re not kids captain, don’t say that!”
“Captain I’m hungryyy~!” 
“Should we go to a Sushi restaurant? or how about we grill? or I can just make you a normal dinner here, I’ll cook”
“you can cook captain?”
“You underestimate me, Kiana? then you’re not going to eat tonight, bye-bye ~!”
“Happy birthday Bronya! here’s a present for you!”
Bronya taking a big box as she knows is your gift for her birthday, and it’s heavy...
when Bronya opened it, her eyes widened, it was the new HOMU plushie, figure, a new game console, and also a new headset, of course, can’t be forgotten is a small box filled with cookies with many HOMU shapes
“Did captain prepare all of this just for Bronya..? thank you... the Bronya will keep all of this...” 
“But you must eat the cookies I made-”
“Bronya doesn’t want to eat the cookies, Bronya wants to keep them”
“Bronya they’ll rotten, you can keep the rest”
“Fu Hua...? can’t sleep?” you walk and stand beside her, looking at her holding a cup of warm tea
“It’s nothing just.. get woke up.. I’ll sleep again later” she replied, greets you with a smile.
You sigh and put your blazer on top of her shoulder, “It’s cold today, Your tea will be cold soon”, you could see her nodding even though your hall is dark
“Thank you... captain”
"No news about Kiana or Himeko? " You sat on a chair, looking worried, you can't sleep for the past few days after Himeko's brave move to stop Herrscher of the Void, but you don't want to worry, because there is still more to do rather than just standing still, worried, and making everything more difficult.
"We got nothing, but we will try again tomorrow, get a rest Captain.. " Headmaster Theresa replied and then left you alone, because everyonwe needs to rest.
"I'm so sorry... "
"Captain.. Are you okay? Bronya worried about you.. " You look at Bronya standing behind you, try to hold you on your shoulder but she's so small that she can't reach it,
"It's.. Nothing, it must be harder for you and Kiana right? Mei got away like that.. " You scoffed, patting Bronya's head and give her a slight hug or warm and calmness.
"The Bronya.. Doesn't want to see captain sad.. Bronya and idiotka Kiana are okay.. "
now time flies fast, you could never see the same kid that used to stay on your ship ever again
but nonetheless, you must accept that many things changed
but you will never change to be a good supporter for any way they’ll be at
still, you can’t lie but to say you miss the four of them.. to be together...
“Captain, thank you for still letting me be in here”
“I’m happier to be able to see you in my ship, Mei, just like the old days..” you hummed with a smile
“But it’s not the same huh?”
“it’s not the same, but I still feel grateful for anything that happens to the four of you.” you sip your tea, looking at Mei with a soft stare, enjoying the silent night with the two of you sitting on a couch
You miss them. but you can’t do anything.
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i want nothing but to be apho!bronya's beta tester...
not only because, as you can tell, i like playing games, but because i think it'd be lovely if she hadn't coded a tutorial in just so she would teach me how to play herself.
wouldn't it be lovely? seeing her all focused on explaining all her creations to you, brow furrowed all cutely, not even bothering to mask, only to lose her train of thought when you sit on her lap "to give it a try." maybe lean back against her too, "to get a better view of the screen."
"am i doing well, miss zaychik?"
"u-uh- da. subject darling is doing well."
"i'm glad, ma'am!"
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pettymachete · 2 years
Has anyone else thought about how everyone in hi3 has human reincarnations all the way up to the present but bronya is a robot in the present. Seeing all her past life forms, I just wonder if anyone can specifically say what happened so catastrophic that they were only able to revive bronya through spirit.
I didn’t follow the story too closely after APHO2 if they stated it then and could have missed it at some point but if anyone knows!
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 9 months
Can I request Mobius bronya and elysia with a crybaby reader? 😋😋
Mobius, Bronya, Elysia x Crybaby! Reader
☆ Female Reader that's a crybaby ☆
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Bet!! Cute prompt! A little bit short so sorry about that-
TW: this probably has some spelling errors or something
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!! Not comfy with men will block on interaction !!!
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• Mobius found you pathetic, simple and easy
• She sees you crying all the time and most of it is caused from something simple! Maybe like accidentally dropping your pen or someone dare saying a curse word at you, tears instantly start flooding out of your eyes
• She seen it so many times and honestly she's impressed that you have so many tears you can shed, makes her almost want to experiment on you for some stupid reason
• But over time she started to find it cute rather than pathetic, it's still pathetic but it's cute in a way now- She'll just watch you cry over something so simple like a dog accidentally running into a door
• Most the time she'll just watch you cry and if it's over something really stupid, she might say something about how humiliating it is to be with you but please do not take her words to heart- she's just trying to be funny in her own way but if her words do make you cry,, she'll come over and wipe your tears with her thumb and whisper in your ear to stop being a crybaby and she didn't mean it but if you keep crying and can't stop the tears rolling down your face, she'll maybe let you sit on her lap as she does some work or something like that
• She wants to show you that she didn't mean it but her pride won't let her say it so cuddling is how she normally makes it up to you without saying anything
• The only time she would get angry with you're crying is if it was from someone else making you cry and not something stupid, she's willing to legit poison them and experiment on them like a rat, no one is allowed to make you cry. The only thing she will allow you to cry over is something stupid like a panda falling out of a tree or just something like that- She doesn't like to see you cry over something serious
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• Bronya is chill like always, she doesn't mind you crying since she's already used to Seele /j
• She doesn't like to see you cry but she understands that you can't control it so she'll just try to comfort you the best way she can, like rubbing your back or having your head on her shoulder, maybe even let her read to you or letting you watch her trained to maybe distract you?
• Bronya will allow you to cry on her shoulder even if it's over something stupid, if it's not over something stupid then she's instantly taking care of it after you're done crying, she won't let you know of course sense she doesn't want you to cry over them or it but it's definitely getting taken care of it
• She'll do what it takes to get you to stop crying again
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• Elysia would probably like to tease you but she knows it maybe shut you down or will get you angry that she's teasing you when you're sensitive so she's not taking that risk, she's smarter than that lol
• if you were crying over something not serious then she would be a little bit laid back and maybe a little bit flirty but if it was over something serious then she would be listening intensely and trying to give you as much help as you need
• She'll comfort you with cuddles, kisses and almost anything that you want! She'll say praises in your ear like “You're such a good girl for being strong for so long,,” or “You're doing so well I'm proud of you baby girl <3” Elysia will absolutely find it cute if you start blushing and stop crying, she will instantly start kissing you all over the face leaving lipstick marks, she finds you so cute-
• She'll probably tease you after you're done crying, the only time she won't tease you after is if it was something serious or it hurted you a lot since she doesn't want to tease about something serious like that
• But she finds it adorable that you're a crybaby <3
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yingatlas · 8 months
Hello!! May I request bronseele x fem really outgoing reader? :D + maybe the reader thinks that she is annoying to people so sometimes she gets sad and stuff but tries to play it off! anyways, take care of yourself <3
Take you by the hand, you’re the only one who understands
Bronseele x female outgoing reader (comfort)
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You were outgoing and loud you knew that. That was apart of you, it came naturally but sometimes it makes you think, would it be better if you weren’t?
You see how others flinch at your loudness or don’t seem to quite match the same energy as you and you can’t help but wonder if you’re just a bother.
Perhaps it would be better if you just shut up. Bronya and Seele will have none do that though.
As soon as you grow quiet suddenly they immediately start analyzing the situation and asking you what’s wrong.
You try and play it off asking what they mean, ofc you’re fine! But they always see right through you.
Eventually you just break it to them, saying all your worries. About how annoying you can be and if you were just too much
Bronya and Seele will immediately discard any previous thing they might have to do that day and just cuddle with you.
They’ll wrap their arms around you making a barrier from all sides so you can’t move. They both snuggle into you as they whisper sweet things into your ears
“No, the Bronya cannot get enough of Y/n, the Bronya could listen to you forever. Please do not think such incorrect thoughts”
“I love and care for you Y/n, you light up my world. How can I live without my sun? Nothing is too much when it comes to you”
A few tears may or may not have been shed by you as they held you just comfortably. Yes, you loved them too.
Cuddles and kisses all day long everything else can wait, nothing can take away the feeling of having your two girlfriends snuggled up with you <3
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n0tamused · 18 days
Hi! I saw that you requests were open and I had a brain rot about an idea, with platonic! Ratio with a student who acts like Bronya Zaychik. Feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like writing this! I love your work sm! Take care🗣🗣🗣
- 🧈 anon
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A/N: My first emoji anon >:D Hello! Thank you so much for your request, I do hope I did it justice. I do have to say I did not play HI3 besides a little bit of the start, so I am not that well versed with Bronya's character there, but I did ask a friend to tell me about her, so I hope this is alright <3 Enjoy! You take care too!
Contents: PLATONIC! Dr Ratio x Reader, hcs, fluff?? Fight me
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-Dr. Ratio is hard to get close to, both as a professor and an individual outside the Intelligentsia Guild. With that comes great impartiality when dealing with people, no one gets a better or a necessarily worse treatment by him, unless they’re really asking for it
-This does not mean that he is not keen on observation. Seldom few things can go by him without his notice, and that includes the little details about the students he teaches. The things they think escape the view of others
-It took some time, some odd few months before he really began to focus a bit more on you, all past observations accounting up to what he thinks now. His view definitely changed, positively so too.
-He is very appreciative of you, as a bright spark among the sea of dull minds, and he also began to look forward to your essays and exam papers. Although his rather harsh outward demeanor is yet to soften, it is clear he is taking steps to take a bit more care about you, taking steps to nurture your mind and to encourage its further growth
-Dr. Ratio really does want to spread knowledge far and wide, that is his life mission, and his way of teaching can be hard to catch on to, something he is aware of. So whenever he does see someone grasping his talks and being in tune with the material, he will do his best to not let that student stray from this path
-As a professor it is his duty and responsibility to be like that, but he takes that duty on tenfold
-During the days and classes which are spent in practical learning, Dr. Ratio would observe your way of going about the task, the way you look so…deadpan when being seemingly sarcastic with your peers, and how much you just cherish those few people in your closest circle, and how they cherish you in return- it is something that leaves him with an odd sense of pride in his chest.
-Having mentioned that, he finds it oddly peculiar and curious how you seem to refer to yourself as a third person too, and at times he does find it to be a pet peeve of his. In his mind it’s a cruel way to demean yourself like that, and at times when it seems as if you’re being rude to yourself, he will jump in to correct you - not only on the way you refer to yourself, but also the way you talk about yourself. He may be blunt, but he is not unnecessarily rude and there is care interwoven between his sharp words. Dr. Ratio does not take out rage on his students either, unless asked for, obviously - when did he ever mince his words or  actions with idiots? But you are human, so at least treat yourself as one.
-It is an odd feeling Dr. Ratio feels,  a sense of paternal protectiveness when it comes to you after a long while of teaching you and getting to know you through small talks here and there and through the answers you offer. 
-Should you encounter an issue, any issue, rest assured, Dr. Ratio does not mind repeating himself - after he let a small sassy remark fall from his lips about having to repeat himself. He shows you how he does it himself, before letting you take a go under his watchful eye. You may even catch a subtle praise or two slip from him
-He is well aware of the setbacks you can encounter, mainly with the issues of walking and going about. Dr. Ratio would try to accommodate the needs of his students, including you, as practically as he could. Thankfully, you won’t need to walk much at all during his classes. 
-Going back to the protectiveness he feels, he sort of has that demeanor which in a nutshell is just “I can yell at them but no one else can”. The other professors at the Guild can really strike his nerves when they are just rude and cruel to students, and aeons save the person that dares to dig their nasty teeth into either one of his students. They’re not gonna hear the end of it
-Say what you want about him, but one thing that is not true is that Dr. Ratio is emotionless, or that he lacks empathy. He was a student once too, and someone’s child. And now you’re his student, and while you may not be coddled in any way, you will be taken care of.
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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chiyoso · 7 months
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𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 — [ hsr x hi3rd crossover. ]
during your long years under the tutelage of bronya zaychik, you've stumbled across old files, archives, one of your discoveries being welt yang, a once leading, previous figure of anti-entropy, and the former herrscher of reason. confusion led to curiousity, and bronya, nostalgic at the mention of her old teacher, all of you, with the help of other herrschers, you ventured to seek out once and for all where welt yang had ended up on. not knowing things would play well, too scarily well.
ᝰ.ᐟ content warnings. female reader · crossover · hi3rd elements · reader is a herrscher · reader is suggestive and teasing · mentions of heavy and sensitive topics · blood · destruction · fighting · trauma · dead dove: do not eat.
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[ part one ] : encounters. astral express · stellaron hunters · nanook.
[ part two ] : the arbiter general. jing yuan ft. fu xuan · yanqing, the astral express.
[ part three ] : trader apocalypse. luocha ft. jing yuan · tba.
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[ part four ] : immortal, you said? blade ft. kafka, silverwolf.
[ part five ] : durandal. gepard landau ft. serval, pela, bronya, seele.
[ part six ] : retired? you? welt yang ft. astral express.
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TAG: #— 死 [Herrscher Of Death Series] ♰
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sseele · 11 months
୨୧⋆。 Bronya Zaychik X Female Reader !
Playing Video Games together.
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You were watching Bronya play Minecraft. She seemed really good at the game. Damn..!
As you were watching her a certain thought came into ur mind.. What if you guys could play together..!
"Bronya... Could we.. um play Minecraft together?"
Bronya was slightly confused since you don't usually play any video games..
"You want to play Minecraft with me?"
Bronya had a faint smile on her face.. She saw you had nodded to her question.
"Wait.. Y/N do you even know how to play Minecraft?"
Bronya asked you.. she was 99% sure you had no idea what Minecraft even was ...
"I played it with Kiana once! So i pretty much know the basics!"
"Really? You've played Minecraft once??"
Bronya was slightly shocked but she seemed excited to play Minecraft with you.
She had opened a new survival world in the game.
You were playing on ur own Laptop. After a couple of moments Bronya invited you to the survival world.
"Okay. Y/N basically our goal is to build a house."
It seemed like an easy goal to you... I mean building a house in Minecraft is easy.. right?..
"Bronya that's so easy!"
You poked Bronya's cheek to tease her. You were pretty confident about this.
Bronya smirked at you
"Oh really? Then let me make it harder for you."
Bronya started to hit you in-game... that's so unfair?!?
"Bronyaa?! Wait— Wha—"
After a few moments of you trying to run away from her in-game...
"Bronya... I don't think i like Minecraft anymore...!"
Bronya replied before giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"Can we do something else next time?"
Bronya snuggled onto ur neck..
"We should become gaming buddies"
She teased you while giggling.
"Bronya wha—"
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rouecentric · 2 years
since i only have two mutuals i decided to make this post for them <3
i'll basically do this post like this:
character's that reminds me of a mutual(personality wise)
characters voices that i voiceclaim for a mutual(take it in a /lh way)
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CHARACTERS THAT REMIND ME OF ELI(@ineligible-indefinitely)
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your dislikes are the reason why you remind me of ace trapolla 💀 but you're also pretty energetic and somewhat hyper as well as optimistic through your posts, which honestly pretty much is the same as kalim's general personality. ok but your reblog posts when it comes to x reader stuff?? it reminds me of elysia for some reason
idk why but your posts make me mentally read in cavetown's(idk his name💀) voice???
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CHARACTERS THAT REMIND ME OF RIA(@xxhome-is-where-ria-isxx)
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the way you write simply screams bronya zaychik so much😭 and idk why but you somehow just give off trey(twst) vibes
raiden mei. that's literally it.
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sleepy-sirin · 11 months
Incarnation (Honkai Star Rail x Child! Herrscher! Reader)
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Summary: In which Y/n, the creation of Will of Honkai, successfully defeated her own creator with the help of her friends. After defeating the Will of Honkai, for using too much of her power she goes into a deep sleep.
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Chapter 5
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Y/n's POV:
"Ah! Ahhhh! What the heck!"
I was disturbingly woken up by someone who let out a terrified scream outside my door. I stretch out my body, get off the bed, and left the room to meet up with the trio.
"Good morning, Y/n!" March greeted me
"Morning..." I let out a yawn.
"Hey. Did you hear that?" March asked.
"There's a group of Silvermane Guards at the entrance... and I don't think they're here to say hi." Dan Heng said.
"If this our escort, it's less friendly than I was expecting." March said.
"You guys are assuming a lot. All I can see is their helmets." Stelle said.
"...I just have a feeling." March said.
"Let's go and meet them. We won't know until we're down there." Dan Heng said.
All of us went outside the Goethe Hotel to meet up the Silvermane Guards. One of Silvermane Guards approached us.
"Hey! Commander Bronya is waiting for you all down below. Hurry up and go see her. And no tricks!" A stern Silvermane Guard said.
"Are we... in a lot of trouble?" March asked.
The guard didn't reply then said to hurry up to meet up Commander Bronya. As we went down, we saw Bronya waiting for us and she was with someone we don't know.
"Huh? It's you... you were there at the Fort..." March said.
"I am Bronya Rand, acting commander of the Silvermane Guards. In the name of the Amber Lord in the highest, and under order of Supreme Guardian Cocolia Rand, I hereby arrest the suspected infiltrators under of plotting to incite rebellion." Bronya said.
'Huh, so her last name isn't Zaychik then.' I thought.
"As agent of the supreme guardian, I herewith temporarily strip you of your freedom of action and speech. When you are tried by the adjudication panel, you will be given the opportunity to defend yourself against the accusations." She said.
"Resistance will prove futile. You must come with me."
"W-Wait a minute! This isn't what we agreed! She said we were gonna be escorted to discuss an urgent matter!" March said.
"...This is an orchastrated betrayal, obviously." Dan Heng said.
"I told you to keep your guard on. Well you didn't listen to me. I knew that woman was a lying snake in every different worlds." I said.
"Looks like we've been downgraded to accomplices... again. Seem like it's every third planet this happens." March said.
"That's because you always act without thinking, you never have a plan." Dan Heng said.
"Hey, I'm improving! I'm coming up with a plan right now... aaaand... got one!" March said.
"Stelle, Y/n, Dan Heng, the alley!" She whispered.
"The one that's been sealed off... Hmm, it's possible. Y/n, Stelle, March, be ready to make an escape." Dan Heng said.
"Huh? Really? I just wanted to say something..." March said.
"It's now or never!" Stelle said.
"Three of a kind..." Dan Heng said.
"I guess we are a strange quadruplets..." Stelle said.
"Shh! It's an old Astral Express escape signal. Do you play cards?" March asked Stelle.
"Two pair..." Dan Heng said.
"Hey, what are you whispering? Let's get going!" A Silvermane Guard said.
Dan Heng grabbed me and March, Stelle smacked the Silvermane Guard using her bat. Dan Heng summons his spear as he trips the Silvermane Guards feet's making them fall. All of us run to the alley to our escape. Some of the guards were about to shoot us with their guns but it was jammed with ice in it.
"Have an "ice" day!" March playfully said. As  the four of us run through the portal.
"Hah! See, they weren't brave enough to follow us! Freedom! Serves them right! Better luck next time, slowpokes!" March said.
"We got lucky." Stelle said.
"Well, you can get good at getting lucky~" March said.
"We caught them by surprise, nothing more. They'll be in persuit soon enough. Let's follow the path. We need to guarantee out own safety before making any further plans." March said.
The four of us find a way to leave the Fragmentum, we came across Silvermane Guards behind the gate.
"Wait! There are Silvermane Guards here. Careful not to alert them!" March said.
"They must have entered from another direction to cut us off. We should avoid an open conflict. Let's find another path." Dan Heng said.
All of us tried to find a different path away from the Silvermane Guards. We tried to open the mechanism to open the gates. As we found a portal, we ran as fast as we can.
"Look out!" Dan Heng said.
We all stopped running and looked around to see all of the Silvermane Guards surrounded us.
"She really caught up with us... Even had time to set up an ambush..." March said.
"Hmph, you dare underestimate me?" Bronya said, as she was behind us.
"Even though it has suffered Fragmentum corrosion, this is still part of Belobog. It was our home. The Guards know this place like the back of their hand." She said.
"Enough cat and mouse, drop your weapons and come with me."
"Ugh, you're such a nuisance! Just what crime are we supposed to have committed again? It better be worth you following us all the way out here!" March is done with Bronya's bs.
"My orders are to arrest you. It is for the adjudication panel to present you with the nature and penalty of your alleged crimes." Bronya said.
"You saw us yesterday, do you remember? Madam Cocolia received us as honored guest. How can such a drastic change occurred in the course of one night?" Dan Heng said.
"...The Madam Guardian investigated your backgrounds. She summoned me last night to tell me that you had deceived her. Your identities and purpose here are counterfeit. You seek to overthrow the rule of the Architects." Bronya said.
"Ah! What a two-faced hag!" March said.
"That Cocolia is... What do you humans say it... Ah, a bitch." I nonchalantly said.
The trio looks at you with surprised expressions, they didn't expect that you would swear.
"Publicly insulting the supreme guardian only elevates the seriousness of your crimes. Throw down your arms and surrender!" Bronya said.
"We're wasting our words, March. At least one thing is clear. We mustn't be caught." Dan Heng said.
"Well, if there's no escape, then maybe it's time we gave them a taste of Astral Express medicine!" March said.
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Taglist: @starxao
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