#Bruce’s claim to fame isn’t dressing up as a furry
deadsetobsessions · 6 months
The Gotham City Planning and Building Committee might not be the best in terms of new or innovative designs (listen, they’re called Gotham for a reason) but at least they’re not the Metropolis City Planners. Those poor schmucks who think they’ve got it so good. Any employee who’ve worked at both would choose Gotham, any day. Well, not the city, but the Committee.
1) They’re the most well funded committee in the entire city (thanks, Brucie Wayne!), both officially and unofficially funded. This is impressive, considering the amount of bribes (see: unofficial funding) the GCPD gets from the local crime bosses and occasional Rogue.
2) Is the GCPBC probably led by a Court of Owl member? Probably. But the employees get Talons for body guards and no one fucks with them.
3) Metropolis has to deal with sky scrapers, ground gouged out by Superman’s strength, and the holes Superman and Co. puts through buildings. They’re frantically adding emergency supports and replacing cars. But in Gotham? The preliminary demolition is done for them. They save so much money on demolition when everyone and their mothers know how to bomb a building. The occasional sky scraper and mansion suffers either shattered glass and smaller property damage but they don’t have to even worry about it too much! The streets only have to stay functional. The damage is part of the Aesthetic.
4) They have a villain hazard pay- something Metropolis doesn’t have on the account of Superman saving the day before things get blown up. Lame.
5) Their local billionaire isn’t a massive sleazy supervillain who probably underpays his employees. Brucie Wayne is Gotham’s Baby Himbo dammit, and Lex Luthor can go suck the rgg his heads trying to imitate. Brucie Wayne respects women and wants to pay for the betterment of the city because their taxes are going to corrupt politicians. Lex Luthor’s got a hate boner for an alien and causes massive property damage to his own city.
Also Bruce Wayne is hot and Lex Luthor is very much not.
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