#Lex luthor definitely does not pay his people enough to put up with his bullshit
deadsetobsessions · 9 months
The Gotham City Planning and Building Committee might not be the best in terms of new or innovative designs (listen, they’re called Gotham for a reason) but at least they’re not the Metropolis City Planners. Those poor schmucks who think they’ve got it so good. Any employee who’ve worked at both would choose Gotham, any day. Well, not the city, but the Committee.
1) They’re the most well funded committee in the entire city (thanks, Brucie Wayne!), both officially and unofficially funded. This is impressive, considering the amount of bribes (see: unofficial funding) the GCPD gets from the local crime bosses and occasional Rogue.
2) Is the GCPBC probably led by a Court of Owl member? Probably. But the employees get Talons for body guards and no one fucks with them.
3) Metropolis has to deal with sky scrapers, ground gouged out by Superman’s strength, and the holes Superman and Co. puts through buildings. They’re frantically adding emergency supports and replacing cars. But in Gotham? The preliminary demolition is done for them. They save so much money on demolition when everyone and their mothers know how to bomb a building. The occasional sky scraper and mansion suffers either shattered glass and smaller property damage but they don’t have to even worry about it too much! The streets only have to stay functional. The damage is part of the Aesthetic.
4) They have a villain hazard pay- something Metropolis doesn’t have on the account of Superman saving the day before things get blown up. Lame.
5) Their local billionaire isn’t a massive sleazy supervillain who probably underpays his employees. Brucie Wayne is Gotham’s Baby Himbo dammit, and Lex Luthor can go suck the rgg his heads trying to imitate. Brucie Wayne respects women and wants to pay for the betterment of the city because their taxes are going to corrupt politicians. Lex Luthor’s got a hate boner for an alien and causes massive property damage to his own city.
Also Bruce Wayne is hot and Lex Luthor is very much not.
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
Smallville S2E22: Calling
There is 0 cannibalism in this episode, and the only murders are committed by Clark, so I think that makes this a filler. This is the Smallville equivalent of a beach episode.
“There’s been a complete normalisation of his higher brain functions” Patient, eyes rolled back in his head like the kid from the exorcist, “The Day is Coming The Day is Coming The Day is Coming…” Yup, that’s why I call a normally functioning brain!
Wow Clark, Lana does possibly the first legitimately nice thing anyone in this show who isn’t Lex or Whitney has ever done, and Clark’s reaction is to bitch about her making him a homemade birthday cake isn’t enough about his Man Pain. “This might not even be my biological birthday, it’s just a day my parents picked to give me cake and presents and tell me how glad they are they adopted me, birthdays suck.” *LittleKuriboh voice* Our Protagonist Ladies and Gentlemen!
So cut from Clark kissing Lana to him coming down from his bedroom grinning and his mom saying “so how was the party” – did Clark and Lana actually canonically fuck?! I was expecting at least another three seasons of pining before we got there. Good job guys, look at you being proactive.
Oh god is just occurred to me that if they’re fucking they could potentially breed. Oh gods in heaven please don’t let them breed. There are already way too many pregnancy subplots in this show, by which I mean there are more than 0 pregnancy subplots
It’s so sad that the closest thing to healthy parental figures in Lex’s life are the Kents of all people.
Oh fuck you Chloe, your friendship with Lana was literally the only thing going for you as a character and you seem determined to ruin that every time you open your fucking mouth
Holy shit, was Clark Lana’s one night stand? Is she just going to ghost him now she got some D? Because honestly, that’s the correct decision in this situation.
Every time I thin Jonathan Kent couldn’t get any worse, he finds new and exciting way to be a bastard. Just because you’re standing in for Lex’s dad at his wedding doesn’t mean you have to turn into a depressingly straight discount Lionel Luthor! And if I wasn’t already team angry-cupboard-sex-doctor I would be now because she’s the only one in this fucking show who’s prepared to call Jonathan on his bullshit!
Lex is trying to find fun bonding activities to do with Clark, but obviously Clark is going to blow him off for angsting about Lana, because Lex can’t have nice things
He’s the absolute worst, but honestly Lionel is the best thing about this damn show. He’s the only one in Smallville having any fun.
Holy shit cows! They have cows! Okay, they have a cow and a chicken, but animals! Animals who eat animal feed! I’ve been waiting nearly 2 season for this pay off and it’s honestly more narratively satisfying than any of the actual plot in this show.
“I know what we have to do. We have to kill… Clark Kent.” Ahhhhh, I see what you did there writers.
Oh good Chloe’s here. Yay.
“Hey I was wondering whether you want to blow off your best friend’s wedding and spending time with your girlfriend to help me write a story on how a man who was isn’t a coma isn’t in a coma now.” Yeah Chloe that sounds thrilling, lets do your thing. Definitely better than going to Lex’s wedding rehearsal.
Okay on the one hand I like that the costume designers have gone to the trouble of giving Clark a really horrible ill fitting suit. On the other hand I so sad for Lex that he didn’t get to indulge in his canonical favourite hobby of dressing Clark up in expensive suits.
“What, you an known evil billionaire were helping a high schooler get a job at a national newspaper for ulterior motives? How could I ever have predicted that?!”
Oh my gods Clark, how are you making Lex’s literal actual wedding rehearsal all about you? Because that is a special level of dickery!
Wait, the doctor has the Kyptionian key McGuffin. The one hidden in the jar of flour in the Kent’s kitchen. Did he just go through every container in the house?! How fucking long was the rehearsal dinner?!
“We will do battle… with ancient Egyptian laser beams!” And I know no one except me is appreciating the YuGiOh Abridged references in this review, but seriously, the linguist archaeologist man (who as established in previous reviews is terrible and his death may actually marginally improve the fields of both linguistics and archaeology) is just fucking shooting laser beams at Clark, and Clark is using his heat vision on him, and we’re somehow supposed to take this seriously
Aaaand Clark just killed a man. I’d make a joke about how unheroic that is, but he literally committed his first murder in episode two of this show so at this point I think we’re all expecting it.
Okay, I get how to a normal person Lex keeping copies of Martha Kent’s medical records would be creepy and off putting, but angry cupboard sex doctor has been engaged to him for over half a season. How the fuck is Lex being weird and obsessive a surprise to her at this point!
Man, I hate to give the Smallville writers props for anything, but they’re actually doing a really good job with Lex’s slippery slop into becoming a man who would give himself cancer by wearing a Kryptonite ring. Which begs the question, how the fuck did the same people write everything else that’s happened in this damn show.
Ah early 2000s fashion, you were certainly… a thing.
I know they’re trying to string out a one season love story into 10 fucking seasons, but there is seriously no reason for Clark not to just fucking tell Lana about his superpowers.
Chloe: breaks into Clark’s house and spies on him making out with Lana. Also Chloe: Oh my god why would Clark force me to watch this when he knows it would upset me? Fuck you Chloe, you are 10 gallons of asshole in a 2 gallon jug and I hope you drown
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wr8tur · 7 years
It starts on a Tuesday morning when a Luthor makes her way inside a physics classroom. She saunters inside, hips swaying, as she approaches the teacher who's in the middle of a lesson. But Lena Luthor doesn't care that she's interrupting.
"You must be Ms. Luthor." the teacher looks at the newcomer.
The rest of the class sits up. Their rapt attention focused on the young Luthor amongst their midst. She can feel their eyes, raking up from her expensive boots, to her black designer jeans, and further up to her calfskin leather jacket. She knows that most of the class is wondering what the hell a Luthor is doing at their school.
"I certainly must be, looking as good as I do." Lena answers.
She sees the teacher's eyes narrow and knows without a doubt that the older woman's already lumped her into the deviant's category. Lena doesn't want to pretend like she's anything but herself so she's here, dressed like every bit of a rebel that she is.
"Care to introduce yourself to your peers?" the teacher gestures toward the rest of the class who look at her expectantly.
"I don't think there's a need for that." because there isn't a soul alive who hasn't heard of the name Luthor, certainly not in this part of world. "But my socialite upbringing does compel me to properly introduce myself." she stands in the middle of the room. "As you all know, I am the granddaughter of Lionel Luthor, the only child of Lex Luthor, and the only heir to the Luthor estates which as you all know is worth billions upon billions upon billions of dollars." she knows the only thing these people really want to know is why the genius prodigy of the Luthor clan has set foot in their small town and is now attending such a small building but she won't give them the satisfaction of knowing.
She disregards the whisperings as she scours the room looking for somewhere she can sit and pass the time.
Her eyes trail around the area as she glimpses over the face of the unwashed masses that look upon her like she's a unicorn gallivanting around the fountain of youth. She continues her search for a spot until finally her gaze lands on a girl seated at the corner of the room, her head covered with long flowing golden locks, bespectacled eyes glancing out the window, completely oblivious to whatever's going on with the rest of the world.
Lena's feet take her toward that area, ignoring the fact that there's a perfectly empty seat at the table near the second exit of the classroom. It's usually where she'd normally sit whenever she felt like attending her classes but today isn't a normal day.
"Move." she voices her command at the boy seated next to the blonde who's still staring out the window.
"But this is my seat." the small nerdy looking boy stammers as he looks toward the teacher whose back is turned toward them. "Ms." he's about to call out to her but Lena steps in front, blocking his view. "Eep."
"Do I look like I care?" she says as she continues to look upon the blonde. Emerald eyes narrow challengingly at the brown haired boy. "I don't appreciate having to repeat myself." he looks around the room for help but finds they're all just staring at Lena. "Move before I rip you out of that seat." the boy scampers off.
The boy scurries off to the empty seat, gathering his stuff, dropping his textbook as he takes his seat in the other end of the class.
There's a loud clack that rings around the room. It brings the blonde out of her reverie as she looks toward the source of the sound. She turns her head and Lena's greeted by the brightest blue depths she's ever seen.
She can't help but stare at the blonde. Her eyes break away from those bright blues, traveling toward a scar deep scar from her forehead toward her eyebrow down her delicate cheekbone. There's another less deep but still noticeable along the girl's pink lips and Lena thinks she's never seen a creature more enrapturing than the one she's sitting next to.
"What happened to Winn?" the blonde's eyes widen with confusion as she finds herself looking straight into pools of emerald green instead of chestnut brown.
"He was wise enough to relocate." Lena must be staring for too long because the girl's suddenly turns, bowing her head, hand touching the side of her face which houses what she undoubtedly finds to be undesirable blemishes. "Upon my insistence." it takes all of her self-control not to reach out and make the girl face her once more.
"Oh." the girl processes the information.
"I'm Lena." she pushes her seat closer to the blonde who looks her way once more, still a little confused. "And you are?" currently captivated by the newcomer's Irish accent.
"Kara." she smiles slightly after finding the ability to focus.
"I'm wondering, Kara," she mentions the blonde's name, loving the way it rolls right off her tongue. "If you'd be gracious enough to show me around the school?" bright blues look uncertain.
"You want me to show you around? Kara questions unbelievingly.
"Yes." Lena assures, certain there's no one else she'd rather spend time with than this girl who's unknowingly done what countless others before had failed miserably to do: capture the Luthor heiress's interest. "You see it's my first day and I would very much like the company of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire existence." it's certainly not an exaggeration for Lena Luthor who's intent on charming her way into the blonde's life.
"Beautiful?" Kara continues looking dubiously at the raven haired newcomer, a blush adorning her cheeks as her hand travels toward her scars.
"Yes." she affirms unabashedly. "I figure it would allow me to get to know you, Kara." she wants to make her intentions known, wants to satiate her curiosity and drown herself with whatever information the golden haired girl wishes to share. "Besides, you wouldn't want me to get lost now would you?" the blonde has a kind face.
"I wouldn't want that." the blonde finds herself saying.
"Excellent. Now, would you mind telling me what chapter we're studying?" she inches closer toward the blonde's textbook, letting her shoulder press against Kara's who's gaping at the sudden intrusion of personal space. "Relax." she says, bolding placing a hand on the other girl's knee, not daring to go higher for while she wants to let Kara know she's definitely not interested in her platonically, she also does not want to scare the apparently skittish girl off. "I won't bite unless you ask." she assures, eyes sparkling with mirth while she grins roguishly.
Kara just averts looking into those captivating emerald depths. She tries to focus on the chapter before her but there's a warm hand that's still on her knee and the aroma of peaches with a hint of motor oil that's surprisingly pleasant fills her senses.
Lena's glad that Kara hasn't shied away from her touch. She seems relaxed now so the billionaire doesn't bother retracting her hand for the rest of the period.
It turns out, they have most of their classes together so when lunch rolls around, Kara doesn't find it hard to be true to her word and show Lena around the school.
The school isn't as big any of the old schools Lena's attended so they're able to get through the tour in little time before finally making their way to enjoy their lunch hour, passing through the empty classrooms as they head toward the cafeteria, walking side by side, shoulders but a hair's width apart.
"So, tell me about yourself." Lena broaches the subject that is Kara.
"There's not much to tell." a hand flies up to her face. She fidgets with her glasses, tilting them up and down on the side of her frame, risking a glance at those curious emerald depths. "I'm not very interesting."
"I find that hard to believe." Lena murmurs, honestly coating her tone.
"I'm being honest." she's not belittling herself out of false modesty but Lena is unconvinced. "I mean what would you like to know?" Kara finds herself offering, wanting to continue the conversation so she can hear the shorter girl's sultry brogue.
"Everything." she responds aptly.
"I don't know where I'd begin." she isn't used to being put on the spot like this, but then again she isn't used to having a beautiful girl at her side, one that seems to be taking every opportunity she can to come onto her, either.
"I say start with the basics then." Lena smirks.
"I was born in Metropolis." Kara recalls. "I had to move here when I was fourteen." she doesn't elaborate why and is thankful that the other girl doesn't ask. Green eyes look at her expectantly and all the blonde can do is pout. "I'm sorry." she apologizes. "I can't think of anything else to say."
"That's alright." they had time to get to know each other.
"I'm not used to this, you know." Kara murmurs. "To someone wanting to get to know who I am." she confesses. "I'm usually the quiet girl that sits in the back of the class, unnoticed by all." no one really pays attention to scarred nerd. "I stick to doing my work as well as I can so the teachers hardly call on me." she cringes at how nerdy that sounds yet Lena's smirk only widens. "And I can count the friends I have in one hand." she doesn't want to disappoint the shorter girl, doesn't want the newcomer to think she's anything more than plain old Kara.
"So, no romantic entanglements I have to worry about?" Lena questions and Kara looks at her incredulously, mouth opening and closing as she struggles to process the raven haired beauty's words and intention.
"That's what you're taking from my speech?" she pauses her stride, turning to face the newcomer.
"I don't see the point in sugarcoating things." one thing that she's learning is that life is too short to bullshit her way through. "I was being honest earlier when I said that I wanted to get to know you." Lena states. "I find myself incredibly interested in you, Kara." she declares.
"I think you're suffering from malnourishment." the blonde rebuts.
"Well, I am quite ravenous." her tone drops, voice throaty, as her eyes sparkle with coquetry. She boldly steps toward the bespectacled blonde, her fingers brush against golden locks, tucking them gently behind Kara's ear. The blonde stands, frozen and totally taken back by Lena's brashness and intrusiveness. "But I think there's time for that later." self-control has never really been her strong suit but her explicit methods don't seem to be failing her now, seeing as Kara hasn't slapped her or ran.
Still, she doesn't want to push her luck so she begrudgingly retracts her hand and heads toward the cafeteria doors. She holds the door open and gestures for Kara to enter.
The blonde snaps back to reality and rushes past Lena who follows her inside. They gather their good quickly before Kara heads over to where she usually sits during the lunch hour and Lena sees four people seated at the table, a lanky dark skinned boy fiddling with a camera, a girl with caramel skin and wavy brown hair with her arm wrapped around an another girl with auburn.
There's one boy who's familiar to Lena, the one who unfortunately had to move his seat twice. She deduces that he's in their year and attending the majority of A.P. classes that the blonde is in.
Hopefully she can spare him the glare and he'll move on his own accord.
Kara takes her seat, greeting her friends with her patented smile while they all stare at the newcomer who is invading her personal space. By now, they've all heard the whispers. They know exactly who's gracing their presence.
"So why are you slumming it with us, Lena Luthor?" camera boy questions.
"I'd hardly call spending time with Kara, slumming it." she scowls at the tall lanky bald headed boy who bristles at her rebuttal.
"James." the boy from her previous classes with Kara, Winn, reproaches with a terse look on his face. "What he means to say is, welcome to our table, Lena Luthor." the aforementioned girl rolls her eyes at their antics.
"I'm not Beetlejuice, you know." saying her name three times won't make her disappear.
The comment earns her a small chuckle from the blonde by her side. She relaxes, focusing on the symphonic sound, and the fact that she's the one who made Kara laugh with her rapier wit. It all comes to an end too son and Lena realizes that the blonde's probably just catching wind of her last name since the girl hadn't been paying attention in physics.
She'd managed to escape roll call since she transferred in today and the teacher's probably hadn't upgraded their rosters yet.
"Excuse their rudeness." Kara recovers. "That's Maggie and that's Alex." the caramel skinned girl, Maggie, gently nudges the auburn haired Alex who's glaring daggers at Lena. "That tall one is James and you know Winn from our A.P. classes." she introduces the table. "Guys and girls, this is Lena as you all apparently know."
"Charmed." she remarks as she plunges her fork down into her mashed potatoes.
"So," the little one, Winn she thinks, begins and Lena looks up from her plate. "How are you liking Smallville so far?" he asks. "Wait, that's kind of a stupid question isn't it? I'm sure it's boring compared to Metropolis." the boy reasons. "Not a lot of stuff happens here, unless you count the occasional pranks on the famers and the cows." he remarks sadly. "I'm sure you're bored here. I know I am since I have to wait a week before our computer store gets the new Ryzen processor." the boy sulks. "I swear, I told Mr. Collins to order those…"
"Winn." Maggie interjects before the little one goes on a full rant about the new computer processor. "Let Lena answer your question." they look at her expectantly.
"It has been eventful." she faces the beautiful blonde beside her, smirking as she licks the mashed potatoes off her spoon. "And I'm quite certain Kara here will make sure I'm properly entertained, won't you Kara?" she sends the blonde a wink and is quite pleased when she sees the girl's cheeks turn pink.
"If you want me to." Kara stammers.
"I definitely want you." she knows she's being downright suggestive, borderline lewd with the way she's undressing the girl with her eyes, but she's enjoying how the blonde's skin turns redder with each provocative comment.
"You know, I'm sure Lena can find other ways to entertain herself." Alex interjects heatedly.
"Yes but it's not as fun when you play with yourself." she smirks challengingly at the auburn haired girl who's practically foaming at the mouth. "I'm sure you two would know what I'm talking about." her eyes drift toward the two girls who are obviously a couple so she doesn't quite understand why Alex is seething because of the special attention she's giving Kara.
"She got you there, Alex." Maggie snickers, placing a kiss on her girlfriend's cheek to wipe the sour look off her face. "You're alright, Luthor."
Lena isn't really seeking their approval and doubts she'll ever get the majority vote seeing as Alex is still glaring at her, James looks like he's brimming with jealousy, and Winn is obviously still suffering from the effects of her threat and glare.
Not wanting to instigate a heated debate, she chooses to merely observe their interactions, keeping her eyes on Kara of course.
She leans against the locker wall, knowing her intended will have to come and grab her textbooks in order to complete their homework assignments.
Lena had been disappointed because she'd been forced to part with Kara since they had different electives. The blonde had her writing elective and the young Luthor had chosen mechanics. Luckily, they only had five classes instead of the six, a perk of being a senior.
She sees that beautiful shade of gold turning the hall, heading straight in her direction. Blue eyes widen as they land on her, no doubt the blonde is wondering what she's doing hanging about her locker room.
Kara flashes her a small tentative smile.
"Tell me what's wrong." Lena encourages, wanting to address the billion dollar elephant in the hallway that is her surname. "Speak what's on your mind." Lena hadn't anticipated her being a Luthor would be a problem, mostly because she thought Kara had known.
Then again, the girl had been busy looking out the window. And Kara isn't the type of girl to get caught up in the gossips.
"I guess I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around it." she confesses as she opens her locker. "You being a Luthor just makes this," she gestures between the two of them. "It just makes things stranger." Kara admits because she can't quite comprehend certain things about Lena's and her intentions.
"What?" her head tilts questioningly.
"The fact that you're so interested in me." because Lena's probably met people from all over the world yet she seems to be truly captivated by plain old boring Kara.
"Not really." she smirks defiantly and Kara hates that she's so easily charmed by the raven haired girl. "We Luthor's have the keen ability to see the potential where other's cannot." it's what makes their business so profitable. "How about I give you a lift home?" Lena offers. "I did say I wanted to get to know you." she needs Kara to understand she's serious.
"Oh, I still have to stay for the paper." Lena recognizes this as the blonde's way of gently pushing her away and the youngest Luthor realizes she has her work cut out for her. "I'm the editor."
"Really?" the blonde ducks her head and nods in response. "Then I'll wait."
"You don't have to!" Kara turns hastily toward the raven haired beauty, head shaking vigorously. "I mean, we have lots of homework and I still have to finalize the layout for Friday's edition." Lena reaches out, placing her hands over Kara's as the blonde clutches her textbooks like a lifeline. "I would hate to trouble you." it's half the truth.
"It would be impossible for you to trouble me." she says as she takes the books out of the apparently aspiring journalist's hands.
"You're not going to take no for an answer are you?" Kara deduces.
"Luthor's never do." she purses her lips. "I'm certain that's our lesser known family motto." Kara can't help but be charmed by that damned accent. "Trust me, darling," she secures other girl's texts in one hand as the other flies toward the blonde's face. The youngest Luthor takes the journalist's chin between the crook of her index finger and her thumb. Emerald green meets baby blue and Kara feels like she's drowning in quicksand, unable to move and break herself free from the newcomer's captivating gaze. "It'll be easier if you just get used to me being around you seeing as I can be quite relentless." Luthor's are a stubborn breed. "Unless you can give me a genuinely valid reason as to why I shouldn't be." she challenges.
Kara says nothing, merely turning around. Lena smirks as she trails beside the blonde, clutching the newspaper editor's books as they head toward the paper room.
It continues. Their bond develops, mostly because wherever Kara turned Lena would be there at her side but strangely the golden haired maiden doesn't mind the young Luthor's relentless pursuit.
Still, it's been weeks and Lena feels like she's still not close to attaining her ultimate goal because here she is, wandering the streets of Smallville alone on a Saturday because Kara's busy with an errand that she must absolutely attend to. It's always seems to be the case. After finalizing proofs for the paper or doing their homework, Lena would drop her off at the Kent family's flower shop to take care of whatever mysterious business she has and take her leave.
Whatever it is, it apparently consumes her weekends as well.
But of course, the raven haired genius wishes to respects the other girl's privacy more than she wishes to satiate her curiosity so hasn't once asked what it is Kara's so preoccupied with. Whatever it is though, Lena believes there isn't a good enough reason for the blonde to turn away from what they could have.
So it absolutely confounds Lena because she's almost certain the blonde's so close to succumbing to their ever-growing bond.
She can see it in Kara's eyes, the way they soften whenever their gazes meet, but most of all she can feel it whenever she touches the blonde beauty, how soft and welcoming they've become under the tips of her fingers.
But still, there's something stopping the blonde from accepting the affection she's so willingly giving.
She's too wrapped up in her thoughts to notice her surroundings so imagine her surprise when she feels a pressure around her knee. She looks down to find a little girl with a very familiar shade of gold adorning her locks.
Her eyes narrow as she looks down into the little girl's bright blues and she swears she's looking at a miniature Kara Zor-El.
"I don't think I need to ask who you belong to." she whispers to the little girl who looks at her in fascination. "Are you lost?" the little girl shakes her head. "Playing then?" she ventures a guess and earns a wide grin from the adorable toddler. "Why don't we go find your playmate? I'm sure they're looking for you."
"There you are!" a very familiar voice catches Lena's attention.
"I assume this little beauty is yours then?" the young Luthor guesses and Kara's eyes widen with panic. Lena grasps on the little girl's hand, the one that's still on her thigh, while they walk toward the frozen blonde. "Kara?" her eyes narrow as she observes the obviously alarmed Kara. "You alright?" she reaches out to the taller girl, placing a hand on her arm that's meant to anchor her back.
Kara blinks, turning from Lena and choosing instead to focus on her miniature version who is looking curiously between the two of them.
"Yeah." her voice betrays her, cracking with the weight of her anxiety. "I'm fine." there's an edge in her tone, one that seems to be warning Lena not to ask any more questions. "I just…" she breathes but it does little to rid her of the weight she feels inside her lungs. Green and blue keep observing her, both shining with worry and Kara wants nothing more than to appease both the girls before her so she plasters on a smile, one that doesn't quite reach her eyes but it seems to satisfy the little girl. Not Lena, of course. "I see you've met Vera." she introduces the toddler. "Vera, that's my…"
"I'm her Lena." Kara's blushing now but still looks so guarded. "So she's the errand you absolutely must attend to?" Lena smiles as she grasps the little girls hand as they walk over the obviously tense blonde.
"Was an ewwand?" the toddler asks.
"A mission that someone absolutely must do." she bends her knees, so she could look straight into the little one's eyes. "And I don't blame Kara for wanting to spend time with you." this earns a wide smile from the toddler who can't be more than three years old.
"Youw eyes are pwetty." the little girl states, completely mesmerized. "Gween like weaves on twees!." she squeals excitedly.
"Yours are too." she bops the little girl's nose.
"Cos I got Yeyu's eyes!" the girl declares proudly, looking up at the older blonde who's gazes at Lena guardedly and it reminds the Luthor of their first meeting.
"Yes," Lena hadn't been certain before but now there's no doubt in her mind. "Your Yeyu has very nice eyes." she agrees, giving both blondes an earnest smile. "And we wouldn't want them to get tired having to look for you all time, would we?" the girl gasps, shaking her head profusely. "Maybe no running off next time then?" she suggests and the girl pouts before nodding. "Wouldn't want Yeyu to get worried, would you?" the tiny blonde turns and faces the older blonde, dragging Lena closer to the frozen writer.
"I'm sowwy, Yeyu." she continues to pout at Kara. "Yeyu?" the little girl grabs onto the older blonde's hand, jolting her free from her thoughts. "I'm sowwy."
"It's alright." she smiles a smile that doesn't brighten her eyes.
"You not mad?" the girl needs further assurance so Kara shakes her head. "You shuw?" she's full on puppy dog pouting and Lena's glad she isn't on the receiving end because she's certain there's no way in hell anyone can resist that look.
"I'm sure." she smiles again, this time it's sincere. "Now come, I think we've taken enough of Lena's time."
"Oh." the little girl pouts once again.
"It's quite alright seeing as I am actually quite free." she announces, watches as the light seeps back into the little girl and it's clear that the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
"Really?" the little girl looks up to Kara. "Can she come wit us to the pawk?"
Kara sighs because she knows she is powerless to deny the girl such a simple request. It would be unfair to disappoint the girl and it certainly doesn't help that she knows Lena won't refuse the offer to spend time with her either.
"If you want?" Kara extends the invitation, meeting Lena's gaze.
"I want." Lena doesn't want to intrude, doesn't want to burst the bubble Kara's surrounded herself around. There's a reason why Kara's kept the existence of this little girl from her and the young Luthor doesn't want to tear down this particularly sensitive barricade. "But only if it's alright with you." she wants Kara to have a choice in the matter.
Kara looks torn then, between wanting to keep the wall between them just a little longer and her desire to please the toddler, the genius, and of course herself.
"What do we say?" Kara turns toward the little girl.
"Can you pwease come to the pawk wit us, Leeena?" she's batting her eyelashes now and Lena actually has to fight herself from cooing at the adorable blonde who has her hand stretched out to the raven haired newcomer.
"It would be my pleasure." Lena remarks, taking the small hand in hers.
"You sound diffwent." Vera notes as they begin their stroll toward the park.
"That's because I'm not from here." she informs the little toddler. "I was born in Ireland." the girl looks to be confused. "It's a country across the ocean."
"Yeyu is from the oder side too!" Lena nods, knowing the tradition of Krypton had been for female descendants to hyphen the first name of their father with their last. "She was bown on Kwypro!" she declares a fact that Kara hadn't shared with Lena but the genius had deciphered it rather quickly.
"Krypton." Lena gently corrects. "I've been there once, on a ski trip." the island was located between the arctic and Russia. "It's cold but so beautiful."
"Is Iwand beautifu too?" the little one is curious.
"Yes." Lena answers honestly. "There's a lot of castles where old princesses lived." she laughs at the amazed look on the girl's innocent face. "Lot's of greens everywhere. You'd love it there."
She continues to talk about her homeland, tells the little girl tales about the myths of the Gods and Goddesses of the old world, before looking at Kara. Lena notices the blonde seems intent not to meet her stare, content to listen as little Vera asks the questions that the blonde hadn't permitted herself from posing herself.
"She's out cold." Lena announces as she makes her way down the stairs of the Kent household and Kara isn't surprised since the little girl spent the whole day running around the fair grounds.
"It's a miracle you're still standing straight." Kara teases the raven haired girl who spent the whole day chasing after the little blonde. "Thank you for today, for all the days you've spent with us." Lena scowls not liking how the aspiring journalist is sounding like she's about to say goodbye. "I don't know how I could ever repay your kindness."
"There's nothing to repay." Lena guarantees.
Her presence around Kara and Vera has been a regular occurrence. She's taken quite a shine to the little blonde while Vera practically worships her newest playmate. It's no wonder that they're inseparable now, parting only when the Kent's need Kara and even then, there are times when Lena's invited to stay for dinner.
"There is." Kara turns away, unable to meet her gaze. "I haven't been fair to you."
"I don't mind baby sitting." she comments, treading lightly toward the blonde who looks like she's about to confirm the truth. "Not for such a smart and sweet and beautiful girl." it's Lena's truth. "Who clearly takes after her mother." she broaches the subject she knows Kara's cautiously approaching.
The blonde smiles thankfully at the genius.
"Most people assume she's my sister and I don't bother to correct them." and Lena would have too, if it weren't for the panic stricken look on Kara's face, her obvious discomfort, and the fact that Kryptonese is one of the many languages that Lena learned. "It's not that I'm ashamed of her or anything like that. I just…"
"Don't want people to know because you're afraid they'd judge her for it." Lena remarks understandingly.
"I was…." Kara pauses, gathering her emotions.
"You don't have to explain." because she accepts the kindhearted blonde no matter what. But the blonde shakes her head. "You don't need to justify a thing to me or anyone else for that matter." she'd never judge Kara for what others may perceive to be a mistake.
"No." there's tears brimming behind those glasses. "I do owe you an explanation." she asserts. "Because I want…" there's a crack in her voice. "I need you to understand…" Lena nods, giving Kara her full attention. "I was sleeping in my room." and already the young Luthor dreads where the blonde is going with this conversation. "And I heard a crash… I went down stairs to my father's office and saw my father on the floor, bloodied and unconscious." the tears are falling and ever drop falling feels like a dagger is being driven through Lena's chest. "I looked over to the safe and saw a man emptying it, then on his desk was my mother, she was screaming as they…" she shakes with anger as she remembers the man who pummeled his way into her mother. "She screamed at me to run and I tried but they caught me and then it was my turn…." it's too much and everything comes barreling down, the floodgates of her emotions are opened as the normally bubbly blonde begins to sob uncontrollably.
"Kara…" Lena wastes no time, wrapping her arms around the beautiful girl who's trying to push her away but the young Luthor continues to wrap her arms around the distraught girl.
"The police came and the men had been too busy arguing to notice the snipers..." Kara continues with her story after she gathers herself enough to push through. "I was lucky enough that they didn't sensationalize the news on the media." she'd been fortunate to escape public scrutiny. "Apparently Cat Grant took pity on me and decided not to publish what really happened to my family, blackballed my story from leaking out." and Lena understands now, why Kara has been so passionate about news and controlling how information is released. "I had been too traumatized to worry about what happened to me that I didn't think about…" her eyes drift toward the stairs, were Vera's room is located. "I don't want anyone thinking she's a mistake because she's the best thing that's ever happened to me." she declares resolutely. "Martha and Jonathan took us in because Clark though it would be best for us to have a quiet life outside the city." she'd come after the pregnancy and that's why no one had known. "We were fine and I thought I could never want anything more…" but then Lena came along, like a wildfire that blazed past her defenses. "But I was selfish." she pulls herself from Lena's embrace, ripping herself out of the raven haired girl's comforting hold, bright blues ablaze in anger and disappointment. "That's what you make me, Lena. Selfish." she watches emerald greens flicker with confusion. "I liked having you around me, liked hearing you talk about everything and nothing, and most of all I liked it when you touched me…" she turns away as though she's revealed an abhorrent truth. And perhaps for Kara, she did see it as such and that just breaks Lena's heart all the more. "But do you understand now, how absurd the idea of you and me is?" there are tears, hot and angry and filled with shame and all Lena wants to do is erase these feelings. She doesn't want Kara to feel guilty for wanting her, not when she had no reason to. "I'm sorry that I let it continue for so long, that I let you…"
"Is this why you're telling me this? You think this'll be the thing that will push me away, drive me to the furthest corner from you?" Lena shakes her head in disappointment. She knows Kara's doing this because she thinks it'll force Lena to see how unworthy she is. And Lena disagrees wholeheartedly because Kara she deserves only the best this world has to offer and the youngest Luthor will gladly spend the rest of her days proving it to the blonde. "If that's the case then you underestimate my feelings for you, Kara." she stands firmly. "I'm here to stay." she declares, leaving no room for argument.
"Lena…" a strong pair of arms wrap around her as the floodgates of her emotions break, Kara sobs uncontrollably into the raven haired Luthor's collarbone.
"I'm here for you." Lena says, pulling away from Kara slightly so green can meet blue. "I'm here for Vera." she declares as she wipes away the blonde's tears. "I'm not asking for you to return my feelings." even though they both know Kara already does. "I would never ask you for anything you'd be unwilling to give." and the blonde knows this. "I just want you to accept my presence as a constant."
"Even after… still?" she asks, though she can see Lena's truth clear and tangible in the young Luthor's emerald green depths.
She sits, staring at that chiseled jaw, thankful that those green eyes are currently focused on the pages of her novel. It allows Kara to stare at the raven haired beauty and sit and wonder why she's still gracing her with her presence when it's obvious that the rest of the school wants a piece of the Luthor heiress.
Yet Lena seems content to just bide her time, reading a book, waiting for Kara to finish writing her article for the school paper or spending her free time accompanying Kara and Vera.
"I can feel you thinking." the genius looks at the blonde expectantly.
"I still don't understand, how it is you're still here." she'd shared with Lena her most deplorable truth yet the genius stays. "How you can sit there and continue to look at me like that?" because those greens still gaze upon her like nothing's changed, still simmering with want and affection that seems to be amplified daily. Lena still stares at her like she hung up the moon and painted the stars on the night sky. Perhaps the only difference now is that Lena looks at Vera fondly as well. "Still?"
"All I see," Lena's hands flies toward the distraught girl. She cups the blonde's face with one hand, while the other was busy tracing the scars adorning Kara's features. "Is you." she doesn't see a strong survivor or a shattered soul. "Sweet," she takes Kara's hand in her own. "Smart," she links their fingers together. "Strong," she brings the Kryptonian's hand near her lips. "Pure," her lips meet the back of Kara's palm, bringing a blush to the blonde's delicate features. "Irresistible." and she knows that this is Lena's truth, that it hasn't changed despite her sharing her own truth.
"Irresistible?" Kara repeats. "Pot calling the kettle black much?"
"Oh, well I already know I am." she remarks confidently as she frees her other hand of the novel, inching closer to the blonde. "I wouldn't be here with you if I weren't." she remarks, challenging Kara to dispute her statement. "But you know, I wasn't done with my list of your attributes yet."
"Oh?" apparently Lena isn't done listing all of the blonde's desirable qualities.
"Honest." it's a refreshing trait, perhaps one that she admires most about Kara. "Virtuous, like a modern day heroine really." she raises her free hand, brushing her knuckles on the blonde's cheekbone. "I've been to five continents on this Earth." she needs Kara to understand that she isn't some passing dalliance. "Met girls and women from all over." slept with more than her fair share. "But you are the most breathtaking creature I've ever beheld."
It's hard to tell, who's inching closer. It maybe Kara, it's probably Lena, or highly likely that they're both unable to deny their attraction to one another anymore. Their lips are but a hair's width apart and Lena feels Kara's warm breath upon her and they're so close to meeting.
An excited squeal breaks them apart as Vera runs excitedly around the Kent's backyard.
Lena sighs as Kara slowly, almost painfully, regains her personal space. The young Luthor decides she must get used to little Vera's interruptions seeing as they'll be happening in their future. Besides, it's simply impossible to be upset at the adorable girl who is so much like her mother.
To her credit and Lena's absolute glee, Kara doesn't avoid her after their almost kiss like she'd been dreading the blonde would do. Then again, it'll be impossible for Kara to attempt since Vera and the Kents have welcomed Lena so openly in their lives. Hard to believe but even Jonathan Kent, the notorious Luthor skeptic, fell to the youngest Luthor's charms much to Lena's utter delight and Kara's absolute shock.
It's made Lena even bolder now with her flirtations and advances. There's not an instance when she doesn't blatantly proclaims her wanton desire. She constantly creates opportunities to touch the blonde.
And according to Winn and Maggie, they were the talk of the town. Not that Lena really cares.
But she knows that Kara isn't used to the attention, doesn't want any of it, so the young Luthor's been actively trying to make sure it won't affect the blonde or her daughter. Thankfully, her charm and last name can influence almost everyone's good opinion. There are of course stragglers who are refusing to stop spreading hateful words about her relationship with Kara.
Lena knows they are merely jealous so she hasn't really paid any of them any attention.
But as she waits against Kara's locker she sees Simone Smythe, the mayor's daughter, and Leslie Willis, the school's number one gossip, heading her way she knows that's all about to change.
"I see you're still busy with the Kent orphan." Simone practically sneers, envy clear and present in her entire demeanor. Her nose upturned because she believes Lena to be fraternizing with someone of a lower class when she is clearly the better pick. "I don't even know why you're bothering with her."
"Maybe she's into the girl next door type." Leslie Willis, the school's number one gossip, remarks. "I mean, aside from those god awful sc-"
"If you want to keep your tongue," the young Luthor steps toward number two and three of Smallville High's most popular students. She knows they're looking to knock her off her peg somehow, because Lena's number one. "Keep your mouths shut." it's downright barbaric, Lena knows, but Luthor's are known for their vicious nature.
"Is that what you got kicked out from your last school?" Leslie is ready to stir the rumor mill with her next juicy gossip.
"Do you really think it wise to antagonize me?" she cocks her head to the side, regarding the pair of imbeciles before her. "You think you can rule this quaint little town but my reach extends farther than your tiny little minds can ever comprehend." it's the honest truth. "So if I hear either of you uttering one more deplorable thing about Kara, I will make your pathetic insignificant lives miserable." as her grandfather taught her, there are worse things than death. "Now run along before I show you just how ruthless a Luthor really is." she snarls, enjoying the fear that's shining through their entire demeanor.
They wisely follow her order and the Luthor smirks triumphantly. As they pass Lena's met with a familiar pair of bright blues that are wide with shock. No doubt the blonde's surprised because the raven haired beauty had been nothing but sweet and kind. Sure she's a bit of a wise ass and a downright flirt but Kara had never thought Lena would be capable of being cruel and cold like the Luthor reputation that precedes her.
"Are you alright?" Kara asks as she steps forward, nearing Lena's cautious form.
"How much of that did you witness?" the blonde takes a purposeful step toward the young Luthor who won't meet her eyes, fearing she'll see disappointment directed her way.
"All of it." she speaks honestly.
Lena channels her inner Luthor, gathers her courage, and readies herself for journalist's reaction. She expects to be chastised, for the Kryptonian to advise her not to delve into her Luthor upbringing, for her to be told to ignore the bullies. But what she gets instead is a warm accepting hand on her cheek, one that guides her gaze toward Kara's bright inviting blues.
"You're not upset."
Kara shakes her head, smiling brightly at the young Luthor. Her fingers trail down the raven haired beauty's cheek to her wonderfully cut jawline.
"Why would I be?" Kara's hand continues to move, grasping onto Lena's, as she entwines their appendages together. The young Luthor looks at the blonde disbelievingly. "A little surprised." she admits. "Because you've always been so warm and thoughtful." not just to her but Vera as well. She blushes and Lena's eyes narrow curiously as she listens intently to the girl's next words. "But you know, I'm here for you too." Kara murmurs. "The good the bad and the in between." and she accepts Lena as a whole, just like Lena accepts her. "Though I'm certainly hoping I never get on your bad side."
"You never have to worry about that." Lena assures quickly. "Neither does Vera." they're the only two people in existence who can boast this fact.
"I know." she actually smirks and the raven haired beauty can't help but swoon. "Rao help the person who does." because the Luthor wrath is infamous. "But you do know that Leslie will probably be telling everyone you hit her and that's probably why you were expelled from school."
"I wasn't expelled." the young Luthor knows Kara's been wondering what the billionaire's daughter is doing in their quaint little town. "I did nothing impressive to land me here but tell you what, go out with me tonight and I'll answer whatever questions about me." she'd been planning on telling Kara, seeing as the blonde had told her truth so now it's only Lena's turn, but the genius figures she'd take the opportunity to deviously extort an outing with her favorite person.
"Go out with you?"
"But it's a school night and..."
"I'm sure Alex and Maggie won't mind watching Vera for a little while," because Lena knows Kara doesn't want to abuse the Kent's kindness. "And if not, well we can even bring her along." Kara looks at her like she just suggested they go burn the gym down. "Come on Kar, live a little." "I promise I'll make it worth your while." with that, Kara can't help but nod her head.
"I'll swing by around 6 tonight." Lena grins whilst Kara curses her damned accent because it never fails to melt her resolve.
Lena parks the car and immediately rushes toward the passenger's side to open Kara's door. She extends her hand and the blonde instantly takes it.
"We're at look out point." Kara notes as she looks around the empty cliff side.
"Well we're at a cliff point but not the one everyone frequents." she wanted complete privacy, an intimate setting where they wouldn't be seen by the unwelcomed masses. "This is cliff side view from the Luthor estate." she cranes her neck toward the Luthor manor on the edge, the mansion by the edge of the beach.
"Oh, sorry." she fiddles with the rim of her glasses in embarrassment. "I've never been to look out point." she's always been focused on Vera and her studies. Her gaze is out onto the ocean, seemingly endless, and full of possibilities. She feels the cool breeze caress her features and takes in the beauty before her, completely oblivious to Lena's movements behind her. Kara turns and sees that Lena's finished setting up. "Wait, is this a date?" she looks at the picnic blanket laid out in the middle of the field.
"Yes." Lena thought she'd been obvious.
"I've never been on a date before." which means she'd probably never been asked out on one before.
"Oh." Lena frowns, suddenly feeling like she should have made an even grander gesture so Kara could better commit this moment to memory. "I should have prepared a better soiree than this." she eyes the basket she made, scrutinizing their surroundings, a frown etching into her mouth.
"It's perfect." Kara appreciates her efforts all the same.
"I'll just make it up to you next time." because the Luthor in Lena won't accept anything but the excellence she knows that's what Kara deserves.
"Next time?" she plants herself down on the blanket, eyes narrowing playfully at the confident heiress. "You're pretty sure of yourself, aren't you Luthor?" though they both know she'd probably say yes to anything Lena wanted, trusting the raven hared heiress wouldn't lead her or Vera astray.
"About you," she joins the blonde, positioning herself beside the beauty. "Absolutely."
"I bet you say that to all the girls." and Lena knows she's only being playful but it's an opportunity for the genius to further validate her feelings for the blonde so she takes Kara's hand in hers, squeezing it like she's afraid that once she lets go the Kryptonian will be carried far into the wind.
"I haven't." Lena assures. "Yes, I'm a sweet talker and a decided flirt but I've never declared my feelings for someone so explicitly as I have with you." she gazes deeply into those warm trusting blues. "You've been honest with me and so now I should probably do the same." Kara waits for the raven haired heiress to continue. "I've had my share of girls throwing themselves at me just because I'm a Luthor." she admits. "And I let them because I thought I might as well enjoy myself because one of the privileges of being who I am is having things come so easily." she wills their eyes to remained locked, not allowing herself to turn away. "I thought I could get away with everything and I have," the byproduct of the Luthor gene. "But then my grandfather was diagnosed," there's a weight pressing against her throat but she pushes through. "I told father and mother I wanted to come home and they wouldn't deny me my wish." she smiles. "They never do." because despite their massive fortune, Lena knows she's the one they treasure most. "So I returned to Metropolis but I just couldn't stand seeing my poppy in that bed, looking so frail with all those tubes.." her voice begins to falter. "So I lost myself for a while, trying to run away from the reality of it all, like a coward I ran from the one situation I couldn't control." she doesn't bother controlling her disappointment or anger. "I was reckless and desperate to forget so I wasn't there when he needed me most." Lena scoffs derisively. "He died and I wasn't there." there's anger boiling through her veins. "My parents decided we should take this moment to grieve," her father and mother wanted a quiet and peaceful time for their family. "They've been so sweet and understanding." not once did they display any disappointment at the youngest Luthor. "And I don't deserve any of it because I am every bit the spoiled socialite everyone's claiming me to be."
"Lena." Kara starts, ready to prove Lena wrong but the heiress won't allow a reprieve from her guilt.
"There's no excuse for what I've done." she confesses her greatest shame. "But I learned quite a bit from it all," at least she took some lessons from her loss. "Now I'm done running." she means it every time she tells Kara she's here to stay. "I don't want to hide anything from you." she's prepared to cut through the bullshit and lay out all her cards. "From the moment I saw you sitting in that corner, looking out that window, dreaming of a world beyond the one you know, of the life that could have been." Kara's eyes bulge because she'd never told anyone this. "I knew I had to have you." it was a pull she'd never felt before. "I want you." she doesn't want to lose any one else. "I want Vera."
"Why?" it's incomprehensible, the girl who could have anyone and anything, wanting some one with so much baggage.
"Because you're you." Lena answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Sweet, and smart, and kind, and pure." she brushes Kara's hair back. "It's very rare to find a girl so so very beautiful inside and out," her hand settles on the Kryptonian's cheek. "One who doesn't even know how special she really is."
"Lena.." the other girl always knows what to say.
"But I want you to want me to." because Lena refuses to be another person to take from Kara.
She leans forward pausing when she feels the blonde's breath upon her lips and Kara knows she's giving her a way out, a chance to back away, the opportunity to forget all this but for her to turn away from Lena is impossible.
Kara responds by placing a hand on the back of Lena's neck and pulling her closer until their lips meet.
Because Lena makes Kara so selfish.
And a lone tear falls from Kara's eye because she can feel Lena's compassion, her kindness with each movement and each caress. She's never been touched like this, with so much desire and devotion, and Kara never believed she'd be able to feel how a kiss should be, not after all that happened.
The blonde presses their foreheads together after they part for air. Green meets blue and she smiles, ready to impart another truth.
"I think I wanted you the moment I looked into your eyes."
Kara practically skips out the door, chancing one last glance at her mirror, before heading out into the hall.
The last instance she'd ever felt this giddy was when she was eight years old, about to climb onto a pony for her first riding lesson. A lot has happened in between then and now, things that made her believe it impossible to feel such unadulterated happiness that didn't necessarily concern her adorable daughter.
But here Kara Zor-El is, brimming with so much happiness that she feels her chest will burst with her overwhelming zeal.
She hears laughter, raucous yet still contagious, as she heads further down the stairs. When she looks out from the bottom of the stairs she finds Lena seated at the Kent's dinning table, with Vera seated in her lap.
"Good morning," it's meant to be a greeting for everyone though her eyes are locked only onto Lena.
"Yeyu!" the little girl greets as she bounces on Lena's lap, hands outstretched, clamoring for her breakfast table hug and kiss. "Kisses!" she declares and Kara smiles at her very affectionate daughter.
Kara makes her way around the table, placing a kiss on both Jonathan and Martha's cheeks before slouching toward her daughter. She gives her three kisses, one on either cheek, and another on her nose, earning a grateful giggle from the little toddler. Kara then hovers toward Lena, uncertain what she should do considering last night's events.
"You not gonna kiss Lena, Yeyu?" little Vera asks and Kara's blushing while Lena continues to look at the blonde, smirking with her perfect brow curved upward.
"You're certainly welcome to." Lena sultrily invites.
"I mean, I wouldn't want to disappoint Vera." Kara quips as she inches toward the raven haired genius, but the problem was she didn't know exactly where she should plant her lips.
"Just Vera?" Martha Kent teases and the aspiring journalist blushes even darker.
"For God sakes, Kara!" Johnathan Kent laughs at the older blonde's conundrum. "Just kiss her." so Kara does what the audience is requesting and plants a quick kiss on the raven haired genius's cheek.
"The cheek?" Lena pouts and Kara can't help but roll her eyes affectionately at the sullen girl.
She pushes forward again, planting another kiss on the Luthor's face, this time landing one her lips and Lena beams, looking smug and so incredibly content. Kara plants herself beside Lena, readying her breakfast whilst Lena continues feeding Vera off her plate.
"You didn't have to pick me up." Kara gently reminds.
"Isn't it expected of couples to ride to school together?" the raven haired genius cautiously questions because despite their exploits last night, they hadn't quite established their relationship.
"Well, yeah but…" she hears Martha actually cooing. "Wait, does that make me your girlfriend?"
"I'd certainly hope so." Lena declares.
"Oh." she processes the information, chancing a glance at the Kent's who are merely observing their interactions with wide smiles accompanied with a euphoric look. "And that makes you my girlfriend too right?" she's still uncertain about how relationships are conducted.
"For now." Kara looks at her in confusion as the raven haired beauty places a hand over Vera's eyes. She doesn't have time to dwell because her mind becomes too foggy when Lena presses their lips together in a not so chaste kiss. One that's broken when Jonathan Kent clears his throat rather loudly. "I'm going to marry you one day, Kara Zor-El." the raven haired rebel breathes against her and Kara knows that statistically, couples in high school hardly ever make it to the altar. "I asked Vera and she said it's okay." the little girl nods and smiles while Kara laughs at her daughter's enthusiasm.
But there's not a statistic that Lena can't defy so Kara finds herself eagerly resigning herself to the fate that the youngest Luthor's designed for them.
"I'd be okay with that." Kara murmurs against Lena's lips.
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