#Bruv today has been SO long
faunandfloraas · 7 months
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Why does this cat statue have the face of a kindly old greek man
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javelinbk · 1 year
Here it is, Beatle People! The official 'Insane Things Paul Has Said About John' list, as created by the people of tumblr. I hope this is a useful supplement to the original McLennon iceberg
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Sources under the cut:
“He was a very cool boy” (@javelinbk)
"Whenever other people do that it always reminds me of John" (@javelinbk)
"We put our names next to each other in our school exercise books" (@beatlepaul4ever)
When was Lennon at his best? "When he was asleep." (@didwemeetsomewherebefore)
"A delicious broth of a boy" (@zilabee)
"A lovely little baby, John was" (@mallowedheart)
"Daddy's room" (@pauls1967moustache)
"We’re songwriting together even if we’re not together" (@midchelle)
"John seemed like some sort of emperor in control of it all" (@blondecasino)
"I'm trying to get my son to have a son and call him Lennon, and then he'll be Lennon McCartney" (@peaceloveandstarrs)
“John and I had millions of fabulous little experiences in Paris” (@divine-sphinx)
"We used to have wanking sessions" (@merseydreams)
"You can be heterosexual and be having a homosexual dream and wake up, and think, 'Shit, am I gay?'" (@skylikeaflame)
"It was a place called Menlove Avenue. [Pauses] Someone's going to read significance into that: Paul and John on Menlove Avenue. Come onnnnnnn" (@s-l-martin)
"I slept with him a million times" (@s-l-martin)
"A wild and woolly genius who it was my pleasure to work with, walk with, talk with, and occasionally sleep with." (@didwemeetsomewherebefore)
"In bed" (@i-am-the-oyster)
"Well, I’m sure Brian was in love with John, I’m sure that’s absolutely right. I mean, everyone was in love with John; John was lovable, John was a very lovable guy." (@whenyourbirdisbroken)
"Dear friend, throw the wine, I’m in love with a friend of mine." (@heartsinthebasement)
"We got very drunk and cried about how we loved each other" (@nikidontsurf)
“Then also we were like married, so you got the bitterness. It’s not a woman scorned this time, it’s two men scorned — probably even worse. And I had to make way for Yoko. My relationship with John could not have remained as it was and Yoko feel secure.” (@thefortunateisle)
"If I was a girl, maybe I could go out and…" (@alienoriana, @majinmelmo)
"You just don’t hang around with your ex-wife" (@javelinbk)
"No, I have a lot of dreams about John, and they're always good" (@notgrungybitchin, @skylikeaflame)
"This (painting) is John’s Room. It just looked to me like John, when he had his long hair and then his cloak or whatever this is. Then I just scratched in that, looked like one of those drawings John used to do. You know his funny little men. So then I called that John’s room … If I’m gonna see a face in a painting it’s highly likely to be his." (@foryouwereinmysong)
"I wish I had sat and just hugged John all the time when we were together.’ (…) I’d just sit around and hug him forever. That’s the depth of my feeling for him" (@theoldmixer)
“Here Today - a love song to John” (@javelinbk, @bluewater9)
"So if you've got someone, you want to tell them you love them, just get it said, don't wait" (@lennon-gal)
And honourable mention for the following stories:
Stalking John all over Liverpool until Ivan officially got them introduced (@only-a-northern-soul)
‘He’s been telling himself and the whole world that nobody cared about writing songs and his music before he met John. He knew George Harrison.’ (@greatsaladavenue)
Quitting his job to commit to the band aka explicitly picking John over his father (@adriansfrombrooklyn)
Writing "Here, There, and Everywhere" by John's pool while waiting for him to wake up and write with him alone in his attic (@aint-that-kind-of-blog-bruv)
Taking the one photo of him and john from that night with the cursed pictures with jane and then blowing it up and hanging it in his office at apple (@pauls1967moustache)
Taking LSD so he could join John in his potentially bad trip (@scurator)
The time he vaulted over a table because another man was touching John and Paul had to physically intervene (@scurator)
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
Letters From the Sky
[A/N: Bruv I so rarely write angst because I am a weakling and it makes me Big Sad, but this has been floating around in my drafts and I just binge watched a bunch of NCIS episodes that made me cry so 🤲🏽 a ficlet for u, here u go. It's not really the saddest ending so there's that, at least? I hope? I sorry] Pairing: Jethro Gibbs x wife!reader TW: references to funerals/loss, implied character death
Settling down on the couch in your living room, you tuck your knees underneath one of your husband’s old USMC hoodies and create a makeshift table out of your lap. Writing a letter can help you deal with your emotions, help you move on with life, your mother had advised, and so here you were, pen in hand, staring at the blank piece of paper before you. Hi, I love you and I miss you didn’t quite cut it. And were you supposed to keep adding to the letter daily, filling him in on your life? Was time passing differently for him? How long would it be until you heard his voice again? Could you ask your friend for her thoughts, or would your questions bring up too many bad memories? Head growing fuzzy and eyes growing watery from your endless stream of questions with no answers in sight, you opted to just start writing. Foregoing a greeting, figuring your husband would know exactly who this was from, you let out a deep breath and put pen to paper. 
Funerals are such a funny thing, aren’t they, Jethro? The many faces from your past and present gathered around to celebrate life, lament loss, and say things aloud that they should’ve said to the person who needed to hear it most.
I miss you more than I could ever put into words. It was so strange being there today without you. How many of those solemn events did we attend together throughout the years? Family, friends, colleagues… Too many to count, and most of them senseless losses.
I don’t know how to keep going without you by my side, but it’s been such a blessing to be surrounded by your loved ones. We’ve been trading so many wonderful memories, stories about your fearless feats, your never-ending pursuit of justice, your stubborn nature, your devotion to those lucky enough to know you. I even met one of your former lovers after the funeral, and honey, let me tell you, we got to gossiping. Turns out you’re a regular Casanova, huh? It’s those steel blue eyes that keep you coming back for more, I swear.
I like to think that, even though we’re physically apart now, you can still hear me. After all, you always did say that about my optimism- “from your mouth to God’s ears, sweetheart”. Do you think, if I yelled loud enough, I could get a message delivered to you?
This big house feels even bigger without you. I guess I can think about it like those cases that would last for days, where I wouldn’t even get a glimpse of you until your perp was behind bars, but we both know it’s not quite the same. At least I can raid your closet without hearing you grumble about your favorite hoodies going missing- silver linings, my darling Jethro. I’m not sure how long they’ll keep smelling like you, but I’m determined not to wash them, just in case… My secret’s safe with you, right?
Speaking of secrets (more like hidden gems), I found a stash of Kelly’s artwork upstairs and I’ve started adding her drawings to the gallery of photos on the walls. I know I made some changes after we got married, but the sheer lack of decor when I moved in still astounds me. You’re such a man, she said lovingly.
Anyway, I think you’ll be pleased to know that
The sound of the front door opening alerts you to your friend’s return, and you hurry to jot down your last few thoughts.
Anyway, I think you’ll be pleased to know that your girls are all together in this big house of yours :) Hopefully, we’ll see you soon.
P.S. Not too soon. I know I call you my old man, but you’re not that old- yet.
Gibbs puts his truck in park on the driveway, returning home after another day added to the list of longest days of his life. He sits in the cab for a few prolonged minutes, trying to muster up the courage to enter your big house that feels even bigger now.
When he finally trudges up the walkway, he pauses with his hand on the doorknob and releases a heavy sigh before pushing the door open. And then, for just a split second, he swears he hears you calling his daughter’s name and her answering giggle overlapping with her mother’s voice.
The moment is fleeting, and no matter how hard he strains, he can’t conjure up the sound again. But the house feels warmer, lighter somehow.
And he smiles.
LJG tags 🖤 @ilovemark1951 @doctorwhofan24
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awingedinsect · 6 months
-Flood me like Atlantic-
Chapter 9
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Word count: 2k
Warnings: slight past trauma, cursing, the briefest of allusions to SH again, III is mean but he’s getting softer. I swear.
“Are you really okay?”
His eyes peeled off the keyboard, growing instantly unfocused as she opened the door and stared at him. He sat crossed-legged on the bed, the slats of the window shades casting him in stripes.
“What?” His fingers fidgeted with the loops of a big, prominent white bow stuck on the corner of the instrument. His sleeves fell to his wrists. “Of course I am.”
She stood silently for too long, brows knit. His heart struck up a quicker beat.
“You know, you don’t have to lie to me.” She said. “I want you to talk to me. I’m your mom, for god's sake.”
“I’m fine, I swear.” He said, trying to look assuring. “Just tuning this thing, right now.”
His eyes met the carpet at her feet. She was thinking about it too, he knows. He’d memorized the crimson trail on it, now faded a dark meaningless brown that even his sisters eyes follow sometimes.
Even his sisters.
He swallowed, lashes fluttering. “��I’m gonna take her to the beach.”
“Sure you don’t wanna come?” II’s eyes wander back to him one last time as he stands in the doorway, IV holding it open with a set of keys in his hand. He waits patiently as Vessel shoves his hands in the front of his hoodie, swaying casually on his bare feet. “It’s gonna be a good time, and I know Matt would love to meet ya!” He grins, a laugh in his eyes. “Pretty sure he thinks we’re making you up.”
II has brought his friend Matthew up a couple times now. An old friend from school, now playing drums in his own garage band. The three of them were gonna go bowling today, and of course both II and IV had asked him to come along. But he politely refused. Today is the day he’s gonna take the bandage off of his forehead, and maybe talk to III about the upcoming gig, since he’s still not positive he’s even involved. Though by the end of the conversation he might need a couple new bandaids.
“I guess he’ll have to keep wondering.” Vessel says, a soft smile on his lips. He truly does love the drummer, and he hopes he’s not too disappointed. “I’m not really feeling it today, man. But next time for sure.”
“Well, try and have a nice day around here.” II says, taking a step further out the door and nodding over Vessels shoulder into the house. “You got mister grumpy pants all to yourself, bruv.”
Vessels not sure whether the look II and IV share is sympathetic, amused, or just generally deeper than he understands. But they both have stupid smiles that make him wish he was in the know.
But instead of questions they finally step outside, crunching down the gravel path as he waves them off.
He locks the door behind them.
It’s not what he was expecting.
He holds his bangs up off of his forehead, dropping the cloth into the sink and turning his face slowly in the overhead light.
To be fair, this isn’t the first time he’s taken it off. He’s been showering and waking up to it on the floor beside the sofa, making him wonder just how much he tosses and turns these days. But he always puts it back on before the mirror can beckon him.
There’s something that terrifies him about the whole thing. About the gap in his memories of that night, in which the damn thing must have been carved into him in the first place. The voice in his head feels like it hums from behind the simple scrap of cloth. And the idea of his reflection also being part of the same nightmare in his head would truly prove that, whatever this is, it’s something that won’t leave him.
His shaking fingers graze the raised flesh, following a perfect line that crosses and knits with a few others. He’d say it was a burn, if he didn’t so clearly remember the blood dripping into his eyes. He doesn’t know what it means or what it says, but the meaning is clear;
It means that he is owned.
Swiping the hair back into his face, he gives himself a final inspection. You can barely tell it’s there now, and there’s a definite relief at the sight of an otherwise regular bloke in the mirror. With the last few weeks, the dodging his reflection and the ever growing estrangement from his own body, he’d almost forgotten he’s not a monster.
He looks nice.
He almost looks good.
“Alright then,” he says, brushing some lint of his hoodie and picking a dead flake off his lips. “Alright then.”
He treads quietly toward the door at the end of the hallway. There’s not a sound in the house, apart from the faint shuffle of his jeans and a distant flicker that he can’t place. He’s almost scared to breathe wrong, so he really doesn’t at all.
His knuckles rap three quick taps on the door.
His tongue presses the roof of his mouth, mindlessly preparing a “thhh” after he’s met with nothing but silence for a few seconds. But when his weight shifts on the floorboards in what must be the most obnoxious noises known to bassist he hears a quiet “bloody hell” on the other side, followed by a “come in.”
He turns the knob, almost embarrassed by his timidity. Why the fuck is he so nervous? He’s been carried completely naked and unconscious by this guy, he’s been poked and prodded and felt his hot breath on his tear-stained cheeks. he’s been punched in the eye hard enough to floor him and he’s made stupid fucking sounds while quite literally being bathed. So why in god’s name is standing like an 6’4” shadow in the same man’s doorway about the most awkward thing he’s ever been through?
“Um… hello.”
III’s bedroom is about exactly what he expected. On the smaller side, eclectic piles of knickknacks, clothes and colorful decorations all around, not to mention enough incense to knock a person out. There’s a record player spinning lazily by the window, the needle scratching the middle of the vinyl like it’s been forgotten for hours. And on the floor- crossed-legged with his back to the door -is III, hair sprawled all over his head like it hasn’t seen a brush in days.
“What are you doing?” Vessel asks, shoulders getting less tense as he stands curiosity drinking up the sight. He stares at III’s closed eyes in the floor-length mirror.
“Why would you tell me to come in if it’s a bad time?”
A distressed groan comes out of III and he turns his head, spindly body twisting around to lock him in a glare. “You need something, blud?”
Vessel looks at his feet for a minute, gathering his thoughts. III’s face is bathed in the colors of the several stained glass ornaments in the window, sifting through his long lashes and glowing in his stern eyes. There’s a few candles flickering around the room.
Instead of answering, Vessel decides to just walk in and sit down on the bed. Not something III was expecting, proven as he twists around and straightens fully to eye him. Vessel pulls his feet up onto the bedspread, sitting like an obnoxious cat while still retaining a bit of uncertainty. And it gets just the right reaction out of III.
“I wanted to ask about the gig. II told me one’s coming up and I… was curious about my role.”
III’s eyes are boring into him relentlessly. But again, it feels like a challenge over anything else. Vessel stays put, meeting the stare. A hard swallow tugs on his throat.
“You hoping we’ll let ya sing?”
Vessel’s face flushes, and he can’t help but break the eye contact for a second. He dismisses it by picking at a loose thread in his jeans. “Well I’ve got an extremely flexible schedule. And I’ve been singing with you all, now, for a bit.” He says, offering an awkward sort of smile. “I thought maybe… I was official.”
“Official.” III rolls the word around his mouth, tasting it for a second out of courtesy. But it’s obviously a bit sour. “You think you’re number one all the sudden, blud?”
That’s definitely not what he said. That’s definitely not what he insinuated. God, having a conversation with this man is insufferable. And here he was trying to be polite.
“Well I have been pouring my heart and ass into performing for you guys these last few weeks, crazy to think it wasn’t just for shits and gigs, right?”
III stands up to his full height at that, casting a long shadow down the bed that makes Vessel question his choice of words. “You’ve been fuckin crashing here, you twat.” He bites. “Hiding from the cops on my fuckin sofa and havin fun with a borrowed mic in the meanwhile. You’re welcome, by the fuckin way.” He rests his fist on a sharp hip, throwing a gesture of Vessel’s head. “Looks like you're good as new, now. Ready to go home.”
Oh, hell no. None of that. Vessel’s mouth twists in a scowl, since he’s not sure how else to react to that slew of shit. His throat tightens.
“First of all, the fun I’ve been having with you guys could of got me enough money by now to call that goddam motel home for another fucking month, if I wasn’t up here singing for the damn squirrels. Second I didn’t ask for any of this shit, I didn’t ask for the fire or these new scars, or any of the things you’ve blamed me for. I’m just fucking tired, man.” The knot in his throat is no idle threat anymore, and he goes quiet, staring up at those deep, frozen eyes. “…Why do you hate me?”
III is silent for a long moment. His lips form a thin line, hair shadowing his features as he bows his head and contemplates something. Most likely, just how he’ll murder him.
He steps closer. And then he fucking shoves him in the chest, knocking the air out of his lungs. He thuds back on the springy mattress, arms falling at his sides and gripping the quilt awkwardly as III towers over him like a goddam predator.
“You’re a bloody good singer.” He says, watching Vessel’s mouth fall open with some short breathes. “The boys like you.”
Each word seems carefully chosen; a gift he only has half a mind to give. The bassist sighs long and hard out his nose.
“You can get up there with us on one fucking condition.” He says. “Cover your fucking face. You might say your innocent, but until I get a whole story and some proof out of your ass, none of us fucking know you. Understand?”
Vessel nods against the bed, something serious in his face now. He doesn’t want to be seen.
“I need a keyboard.” He says, moving on impressively fast from the demand. There’s simply something atrociously fitting about the idea of a mask.
“And there’ll probably be one, too.” III says. “Just make a half decent sound either way.” He moves towards the door now, lifting a weight off of Vessel, who props up on his elbows and watches as he leaves.
“Don’t fuck up.” III says, locking him in one last stare. “Anything.”
He doesn’t have to mention II or IV to make his point. It’s clear as day, and so is Vessel’s resolve to prove that yes, he can be trusted. He can be liked. It doesn’t matter if he’s wearing a mask or not; he wants to be authentic and knowable. Something he’s not sure he’s ever been before.
Besides, the mask will cover up the scar.
It’ll keep the voice inside.
He’s suddenly left alone in the bedroom, unsure of what to do. The record player keeps scratching and the candles keep flickering, and slowly he gets up, wandering to the window. He picks the needle up gingerly, setting it on the rim of the vinyl.
The static is such a familiar sound.
“Clock strikes, upon the hour, and the sun begins to fade…”
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jossilyn-embereth · 2 years
Smoke and Zest || Tangerine X Female OC
Warnings: Violence, Language, Slight Gore?
Description: Tangerine and Lemon are hired on to a job, but they arrive to find that their package is being stolen.
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“Right. We’re on it, not to worry.”
Tangerine hangs up the phone and slides it back into his suit pocket, turning to face his brother with a smug smile, “Job’s ours. Pick up’s in an hour. We’d best be off.”
Lemon frowns and turns off the TV, rising to his feet. He checks takes his gun from the side table and slides it into place before following Tangerine out the door.
“Oi, Tan, whats the pick up? I’m not in the mood for a hostage today.”
“Not a live one. Got ourselves an old fashioned package today.”
“Sounds a bit too easy, yeah?”
“Yeah. Don’t bother with that yet. If a problem comes our way we’ll deal with it like we always do, right?”
The brothers step into the car they had parked not far from their hotel, and speed off in the direction of the pick up. Tangerine turns on the radio and leans back to listen, but Lemon already had a hand on the dial.
Lemon fiddles with the stations the entire ride, only coming to rest on the original channel as they pull into the drive. With a sigh of frustration, Tangerine turns off the radio and parks them a ways off from the building.
“The hell is this place?” Lemon asks as the exit the car.
“Old factory turned lab.”
“Lab? We picking up drugs?”
“Doubt it. They’ve got their own men for that, don’t they.”
The pair approach the doors, each becoming more aware of the silence hanging over the area. A silence that felt more foreboding than peaceful.
“This don’t feel right Bruv.”
“Come on Lemon, don’t be—“
“Naw, you listening? Ain’t a sound coming out of that place. You’re telling me theres a lab in there, but I see no guards, no white coats, no men with those stupid little ear pieces; its empty. Dead. This don’t feel right man.”
Tangerine lets out a long, irritated sigh; “Listen man, we go in, grab the fucking box and get out. All im feeling is fucking jet lag from flying round the world this past week. Now, stop talking about your feelings so we can do this. We’ve got a very angry Russian waiting for this package, right, and a very angry American waiting for us in Seattle when were through here. Lets go!”
Lemon follows his hot-headed brother into the building, which was just a quiet inside as it was out. But it wasn’t empty. Bodies line the halls, leading to the interior room, where the main floor of the factory had been converted to hold dozens of craft tables and house hundreds of boxes. Bodies litter this room as well. The floor glistens with blood. Only one living souls remains.
The figure in question holds a phone up to they’re ear, muttering as they pace the room. Dressed in baggy pants, with a hoodie to match.
Tangerine takes out his gun and nods to Lemon. Together they step into the room with their guns raised; “Hello mate. No need for trouble, just drop the case and be on your way and we can pretend none of this happened.”
Tan watches in surprise as the figure turns, revealing the face of a woman. She looks them over with a frown; “Who the hell are you?”
“Could ask you the same. We were sent by your boss to pick up the package. We weren’t told there would be a blood bath prior to our arriving. Whats going on here?”
She shrugs and drops the phone from her ear, her American accent making Tangerine tilt his head in curiosity; “The dumb asses were supposed to be guarding this warehouse, but apparently were the weakest mother-fuckers they could’ve picked for the job.”
“Is the package still here? Can the pick up still be made.”
She shakes her head; “Long gone. Sorry boys.”
Tan nods and begins to lower his weapon, but suddenly, Lemon has a hand on his arm, his gaze locked on something near the woman. Tangerine follows his gaze to a small black case.
Too small to hold drugs, or papers, or any sort of weapon. More square than rectangular, just like the boss had described. The package was there, just in front this woman who had claimed it was long gone.
“Right,” Tangerine says slowly, “And what were you doing when all these assholes got murdered?”
She had taken notice of their notice, and reached out to grip the boxes handle. She pulls it towards her with a smirk; “Raining fire.”
She tosses out a grenade from her pocket. Tangerine pulls Lemon by the sleeve into the hall and presses his hands over his ears, but the blast never comes.
After a minute, he and Lemon step back inside and approaches the explosive. Once closer, Lemon takes note of the strange sheen of its surface. He reaches down to pick it up, Tangerine letting out a sound to protest, but as soon as his hand wraps around it he begins to laugh.
He holds it out to Tangerine; “Its fucking plastic.”
Tangerine grabs the toy and chucks it away, letting out a growl of frustration; “I’ll call the client. Let ‘em know what happened. We were hired for a pick up, not a chase. It’s out of our hands now.”
He takes out his phone, the woman’s face burned in his mind. He swears to himself that if he ever finds her, hell pay her back for the shit she pulled today.
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solarwynd · 19 days
I just saw today that the Billboard 200 chart is delayed because there’s an audit happening. Sabrina’s album is apparently going up again Travis’ mix tape??? I was under the impression that it’s because of the long weekend. But it looks like with a couple of variants and some aggression fuelled messages, he might have beat her to no 1 and thus the scrutiny. That’s crazy bruv. I know hip hop fans stand on their business but she had such a crazy lead like we are talking 365000 units. She also is known top of Apple Music and Spotify. Absurd. Sab also posted ‘this one is for Nicki’ prematurely and this is just….. the music industry fascinates me.
I’ve been following this too, which is why it’s crazy to me that BB has so much more leniency with BB200 than they do hot 100.
BB200 is typically finalized on Saturday with the actual announcement on Sunday so it’s 3 days late. I went to Travis’ site and it looks like he only has 2 vinyls for physicals (he could have dropped more but I don’t see any) and I know Sabrina dropped like 3 digitals with new songs. She had a big lead on him and for him to gain that many units in such short of time to hit #1 is a little sus…It would be kinda 🥴 if Sab ends up #2 after that post especially if she’s the one who ends up loosing units because of that audit, but ig we’ll see.
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feuerspirit · 10 months
Yoga (Miles/Lewis)
Hellooooooo dear anon! I actually have two prompts with the word yoga, I dunno if it is one anon or several, but I hope no one is offended that I'll answer both with one OS😄
And sorry for the delay, there's been such an awful lot of work lately. I hope you like it💜
Angela had once advised yoga to him as a way to clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts, and it worked. He concentrated on his body, on its movements and the work of muscles, all thoughts disappeared from his head, leaving a blissful weightless concentration and clarity of consciousness. Angela didn't mention that in order for this magical meditation to work properly, he had to be alone.
the picture that inspired me
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Miles joins his evening yoga unexpectedly, having said earlier that he's not in the mood for training, so Lewis really isn't expecting company today. Lewis tries in vain to concentrate, inhales and exhales at the count, fixes his body in the right poses, but Miles distracts all his attention, which is why Lewis almost falls several times quite absurdly, like a beginner. He just hopes Miles doesn't notice.
He looks like a big cat, smooth and flexible, stretches his long limbs into poses that Lewis did not think about, even being very flexible himself. This is logical, Miles should be more agile and flexible, all success in his sport depends on how well Miles manages his own body, but Lewis swears that he is not able to think about anything else when Miles gets up in a half-step and stretches back a perfectly straight long leg.
Lewis turns on the music, desperate to cope with this excitement on his own, while Miles seems not to notice anything at all, continuing to calmly twist himself into knots. Lewis bends in half, almost perfectly pressing his chest to his legs, and straightens up with an exhalation, repeating the melody of the song to himself.
"Is everything all right, bruv?" Miles has the audacity to grin at him, sprawled on the floor in almost perfect splits and quite obviously looking at his ass.
"Yes, and you?" Lewis smiles, although it is quite obvious that all his attempts to do yoga today are doomed.
"Yeah, you know…" Miles looks him up and down, almost making Lewis blush. "I just think we could practice more interesting poses…"
Lewis is glad that their friendship has gone far enough that they can practically read each other's minds.
He climbs onto Miles' lap, wrapping his arms around his neck, even before Miles has finished his sentence.
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starwitness42 · 1 year
Safe and Sound
So I started a little something... figured I’d put it out here before I add more and go to AO3...
Callum can see the smoke before he’s even able to lay eyes on the crash itself. Fitzy’s driving today, which means he’s the one that’s gotta deal with getting through the congestion on the motorway, blocking them from their destination. This frees Callum up to survey the scene, and based on the thick cloud of black smoke rising in the air, he doesn’t like what he sees. 
“Where’s the fire brigade?” he asks no one really. Fitzy’s shrug says he doesn’t know as he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth in concentration. 
“No idea, bruv. Looks like we’re first on scene. If we ever get to the scene, that is.” 
He honks the horn, as if the wailing siren and flashing lights ain’t enough to tell these idiots to get out of the way, before inching his way through the crowd of motors just trying to finish up their rush hour commute home. 
There’s an itch in the tips of Callum’s fingers as he watches Fitzy maneuver between the cars like he’s playing some sorta video game. An itch that spreads all the way through his body, shooting through his veins as he presses his hands hard into his thighs to try and get his legs to stop shaking. 
This ain’t his first car crash. Not by a long shot. But for some reason, this one feels… different. And not just because there’s no other rescue workers in sight. 
“Fitzy! Pull through there!” Callum shouts when he finally sees an opening in the herd. But really, he needn’t have bothered. Fitzy’s been doing this almost as long as Callum, meaning he sees the opening right about the same time Callum does. 
He cranks the steering wheel, running up on the kerb in the process, and whips the car around until it’s smack in the middle of the crash site.
Callum likes it even less up close. 
There seems to only be one car involved, flipped and crumpled against the guardrail. There’s skid marks on the road, cutting a path to the motor responsible for all that smoke. And from what Callum can make out from this distance, there’s at least one person in the vehicle. 
Dead or alive… Callum will have to wait to find out. 
Fitzy jumps out of the car as soon as he puts it in park, moving quickly to direct traffic around the scene, giving a wide berth for when the fire trucks and ambulances finally make their way here. But even though it’s Callum’s job to do the same exact thing, he finds his feet taking him towards the crashed vehicle rather than away from it. 
“Mate, leave it for the fire brigade!” Fitzy shouts over the din, but the words sound fuzzy in Callum’s head. Like he’s listening to them under water or summat. His feet just carrying him closer and closer to the wreck until he’s near enough to see inside. 
There’s a man there, suspended by his seat belt, still holding him snugly in place. There’s blood all down the side of his head, matting his hair and leaking into eyes that are worryingly shut tight. And something jerks just behind Callum’s ribs when he notices how still the man is. 
He’s not dead, a voice in his head tells him, a sixth sense or whatever you wanna call it that’s served him well over the years. Told him when his dad wasn’t quite as passed out as he looked, or when something weren’t quite right in Afghanistan. 
His whole entire body is screaming at him that this man ain’t dead yet as his eyes trail to the source of the smoke he’d seen billowing from down the road. To the fire under the mangled bonnet, burning dangerously close to the man inside.  
It’s not even a decision in the end. Callum’s body just moves, steadfastly ignoring the shouts of his partner behind him as he runs towards the wreckage. 
In the back of his head, he knows he’s gonna get reprimanded for this. He can just hear Jack now, cursing him out for putting himself in danger when that’s not his job. But Callum just shrugs those thoughts off because nothing in his entire career has felt more like his job than what he’s doing right now. So Jack can censure him all he wants. 
He falls to his knees beside the car, the smoke thick in his lungs, the heat burning his face. And it’s just reflex, plain and simple, the way he reaches in and unclicks the belt, catching the man in his arms as he goes tumbling towards the roof. 
His body is limp, heavy in Callum’s grip. And there’s probably something about head injuries that he should be thinking about here, neck injuries and all that. But something sparks in the dashboard, a bright light too close to the man’s body for comfort. And so Callum just pulls. 
He drags him across the opening Fitzy’s created in the traffic, gets them both as far away from the car as possible. And Fitzy is just about to scream his head off when the entire motor goes up in a ball of flames. 
He feels the concussion wash over him, throwing his body further down where it was already shielding the bloke from the car. And then, for some reason, the voice in his head tells him to look at the guy’s face. 
It’s covered with blood, smeared along his cheeks, his forehead, down on his chin. And Callum’s hand is reaching out before he can catch it, cradling the man’s face in his hand and using his thumb to swipe gently at the blood. 
“Mate, are you okay?” Fitzy is asking behind him, his hand solid on Callum’s shoulder as the wail of sirens approaches from the distance. “Cavalry is here man. I can’t believe you did that! It was like something out of a film!” 
Callum doesn’t know what he’s talking about, can’t really hear the words over the sound of his own heartbeat, thumping in his chest. And then, like some sort of miracle, the man’s eyes open. 
They’re like the sky. That’s the first thought Callum has. Crystal blue and arresting like a summer day. And because Callum is an absolute flaming moron, he says the word, “Hi.” 
The man blinks. Once. Twice. Three times before clear blue rolls back into white. And if Callum can take comfort in anything right now it’s the fact that the man in his arms is probably too concussed to notice his stupidity. 
It doesn’t stop him from saying, “I’m Callum,” to the unconscious bloke in his arms. Doesn’t stop him from trailing his thumb lightly over the guy’s lips like some sort of weirdo. Because he just saved this man’s life, didn’t he? And that’s gotta mean something. 
For maybe the first time in his whole life, this moment feels like it means something. And for some shaky reason, he ain’t too keen on letting that go.
14 notes · View notes
Steph's Crew - Part 22: A Night I Won't Forget
cw- strong language, murder, death, grief, complicated family issues, etc.
This is prom night part 2, basically.
Last time, the crew went to prom. They didn't go with Steph (she decided earlier on that she wouldn't want to go without her boyfriend who is currently still abroad). So today, we'll take a look at what Steph has been up to while her friends are having fun at prom! Fun!
(Spoiler alert - it isn't all fun. But good stuff does happen, so stay tuned!)
Setting off
(Stephanie is in her car, getting her sat nav ready. She's going on a drive by herself. Suddenly, her phone chimes. She reaches to the seat next to her where she left it, and she picks it up. She smiles when she sees that it's Dylan sending a video message)
Dylan: (on the video) Hey, Steph! I just thought we'd check in real quick! Sorry for the yelling, the music is super loud in here!
(Stephanie can hear the song "I Want It That Way" by Backstreet Boys playing in the background, along with many voices singing along to it. Mostly out of tune)
Alice: (coming in from behind Dylan) Whatcha doing?
Dylan: Making a video to send to Steph.
Alice: Oh, cool! I wanna be in it!
Dylan: You already are, bruv-
Alice: (takes Dylan's phone off him) Hey, girl! How are you? Prom's in full swing, and It's great here. The outfits, the food, the energy, the atmosphere... literally the only thing that's wrong with it is the fact that you ain't here.
Bret: (walking behind her, singing badly) TELL ME WHY-
Alice: And Bret's singing. Anyway, hope you're doing alright. I'll call you later!
(Alice sits down and Stephanie sees that Elise is sitting next to her)
Elise: What are you doing with Dylan's phone?
Alice: Uuuuhhm... Nothing!
Elise: Ally-
Alice: Bye, Steph! Love you!
(The video ends. Stephanie can't help but smile, despite the awkward ending. Then she sighs, mentally preparing herself for the journey ahead)
Coming home (a few hours later)
(Stephanie gets home and immediately heads to her bedroom. She flops on her bed and groans into her pillows. This is the position she remains in until she hears her doorbell about half an hour later. She goes and answers it, and is pleasantly surprised to find that it's her friends from school, who have come to pay her a visit after their prom)
Stephanie: Oh, my gosh! Hey, guys!
Alice: Hi! (hugs Stephanie)
Dylan: What's up? (hugs Stephanie)
Bret: You ok? (hugs Stephanie)
Stephanie: Yeah, I'm ok. (turns to Elise and smiles, but doesn't give her a hug) What are you party people doing here anyway? You guys all look great, by the way.
Elise: (shrugs) Prom ended not too long ago. We just thought we'd stop by and see how you were doing here by yourself, that's all.
Stephanie: Well, you didn't have to come here just 'cause everyone else did, El.
Elise: It was my idea, actually.
Stephanie: Really?
Dylan: Yeah, she insisted on it.
Bret: She was practically yelling at my aunt to drop us off here…
Elise: Oh, I wasn't yelling, B.
Alice: Yeah, you were. Don't lie.
Dylan: Nearly shattered my eardrums, she did.
Stephanie: (laughs) Aw, El. You softie.
Elise: (smiles) That's me.
(The two girls finally hug, the initial tension fading away)
Stephanie: (whispers) I love you, Ellie.
Elise: (whispers back) Love you, too.
(The two stop hugging)
Elise: How have you been tonight, Steph?
Stephanie: (sighs) Honestly, I've had better nights. But it's not too bad now that you guys are here.
Dylan: Wait, what happened?
Elise: Shall we discuss it over cake pops? (pulls out some prom snacks she had stored in her bag) I thought I'd save some food for you.
Stephanie: You're the best.
(FIVE MINUTES LATER - the crew is sitting on the floor in the living room, eating Elise's snacks and drinking Coca-Cola from Stephanie's fridge)
Stephanie: I've been trying to reach out to my old foster family for ages, now. I feel bad about how I ended things with them, you know? But tonight, I actually went out of my way to find out where they live now, and pay them a proper visit.
Alice: Well, how did that go?
Stephanie: Terrible. So fucking terrible… ugh, they got so angry at me. They kicked me out and basically disowned me. But, you know, whatever. I never really felt like I belonged there anyway.
Alice: (rolls eyes) Jerks.
Dylan: Fuck them. I don't even know them, but they already sound like they suck.
Elise: I'm so sorry, Steph. That must've been awful. (reaches for her hand)
Stephanie: It was. (takes Elise's hand) But you know what? Who even needs them? I'm great as I am. And at least I got closure. I feel like that's what I've been looking for all this time, you know? I finally got it tonight, and I'm grateful.
Bret: (puzzled) Isn't closure usually supposed to be positive, though?
Stephanie: Whatever. I got what I needed. Sometimes what you need isn't the same thing as what you want.
Bret: (nods) I guess that's a fair point…
Alice: Wow. It's crazy how we've literally been partying all night, living it up, while you basically had the worst night of your life.
Stephanie: Oh, I've been worse.
Alice: One of the worst nights of your life, then. But you know we got your back, right? We're your real family. Your chosen family. And I think that's what makes us special. Like, we found each other and chose to be friends. It's not like with a regular family.
Elise: Not that our regular families are all that bad…
Alice: No, no. That's not what I meant.
Elise: No, I get what you mean.
Dylan: And as your chosen family, it is our responsibility to make sure you had fun on prom night like everyone else.
Stephanie: Uh… little late for that, don't you think?
Dylan: Nonsense, it's only quarter past 11. We can still have a bit of fun before midnight, can't we? (stands up) Who's with me?
(Everybody smiles, and they all get up)
The After-party!
(Some time later, the crew takes off from Stephanie's flat and goes out for a bit more fun. Alice and Elise aren't wearing their prom dresses anymore - Stephanie let them both borrow some more casual outfits)
Alice: I love not having to walk in heels. Ha-ha! I'm free! I can move however I want to without killing my ankles! (stops walking and quickly does a series of graceful pirouettes to seemingly prove her point, but accidentally bumps into Elise whilst doing so)
Elise: OW!
Alice: Oopsie. Sorry, girl.
Dylan: So, where should we go first?
Stephanie: I dunno. It was your idea, bro.
Dylan: Well, yeah. But this is for you. I figured you'd have an idea or two…
Stephanie: Well, you figured incorrectly. I didn't even know that this was how tonight was going to go. (pauses) Hang on. I know the perfect place. Come on. (walks ahead)
Bret: Where are we going, Steph? (runs after her)
Stephanie: You'll see!
(She leads them to a nearby bus stop, where a bus is waiting. They board it, and eventually, it sets off. They sit on the five adjacent seats at the very back - Stephanie sits on the window seat at the far left, then Eise, then Bret, then Alice, and then Dylan on the far right)
Bret: I'm still confused.
Stephanie: You'll know where we're going once we get around to that area, Bret. Don't worry. One of you'll probably hit the stop button before I do, that's how familiar we all should be with this area.
Elise: Well, there's no need to be so cryptic, mate…
Stephanie: All will be made clear when the time comes, Ellie. But alas, that time has not yet come.
Elise: (rolls eyes) Whatever.
Stephanie: So anyway… how was prom, guys? Did you have a good time? Tell me about it! I'm dying to know.
Dylan: It was dead, man.
Stephanie: What?!
Alice: He's lying.
Dylan: Nothing happened. It was so boring!
Alice: It was actually great.
Dylan: Yeah, she's right. Of course it was great! We had a lot of fun. Well, right up until Ally almost died of alcohol poisoning.
Alice: I- ok, he's exaggerating. I drank a bit too much, and I threw up. But I'm fine now! Mostly.
Stephanie: (laughs) That's good. But just to be safe, you probably shouldn't drink any more tonight, Ally.
Alice: Wasn't planning on it.
Stephanie: (to Bret and Elise) How about you two?
Bret: Oh, it was amazing! (puts an arm around Elise) Wasn't it?
Elise: (rests her head on Bret's shoulder, smiles) Yeah, it was. We all won awards, too!
Stephanie: Really? Wow!
Bret: I won "Most Likely to Be on Jeremy Kyle!"
Stephanie: Uh… congrats?
Bret: (beaming) Thanks!
(The bus pulls up near Hampstead Heath Park, and they all rush out and immediately head to their favourite tree. On the way there, they pass some ponds, and Dylan takes a bunch of pictures of the reflection of the sky on the water)
Dylan: This place is so beautiful at night…
Alice: (pouting) Where did all the duckies go?
Bret: It's super late, they're probably sleeping.
(Stephanie and Elise are walking in a pair a little further behind Bret, Alice and Dylan)
Stephanie: I'm glad you and Bret made up.
Elise: Yeah. Me too.
Stephanie: Can we make up? Properly?
Elise: I'm not angry with you, Steph.
Stephanie: Ok, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about this. I mean, you might say you're not angry anymore, but that doesn't mean-
Elise: I was never angry with you. Was I upset? Sure. Was I hurt? Absolutely. Angry, however… I don't know, it's not quite the word I'd use.
Stephanie: If you were angry about it, I wouldn't blame you. I guess that's what I'm trying to say here. Like, if I was in your position, I'd probably be angry.
Elise: Well, I guess that's the difference between me and you.
Stephanie: Um… Yeah. Right. (awkwardly pauses) Look, I have no clue what to say to convince you that there's absolutely nothing going on with Bret. We're just friends.
Elise: (sighs) I know.
Stephanie: So you have nothing to worry about as far as I'm concerned! I have zero intentions of stealing your man or anything. I promise! There are no feelings there. Nothing. Maybe a small amount of basic primal animal attraction, but nothing more. That's it! (pauses) Ok, that sounds bad. Can I start again?
Elise: Please do.
Stephanie: We didn't kiss. We nearly did, but we didn't. Nothing happened.
Elise: I mean... (pauses) You wanted to.
Stephanie: That doesn't mean I want him. I was super depressed. I wanted Ben. And Bret felt like he was ruining things with you. We were both caught up in our loneliness and I guess we were just looking for some peace away from that. Like an escape, almost.
Elise: ...So you almost cheat?
Stephanie: But we didn't! (pauses) Look, I'm sorry. Alright? That night never should've happened.
Elise: Right. Well, again, I'm not angry with you.
Stephanie: (frustrated) Will you stop saying that?
Elise: What? I'm being honest. (sighs) I think the reason hearing about you and Bret hurt me so much is because I finally understand Holly now.
Stephanie: Holly?
Elise: Oh, you know. Holly? We've mentioned her before… she's one of Bret's exes. I don't think you've ever met her, she left our school right before you joined. But she was… it was a lot. Long story.
Stephanie: Tell me.
Elise: Ok. Here goes...
The Holly Story
Elise: So, Bret and Holly got together the summer after Year 10, right? So, just before Year 11.
Stephanie: Right.
Elise: And before that, she and I were cool. Like, we weren't super close friends or anything, but we got on well. I considered her to be a solid school acquaintance. When Bret started taking a liking to her, she kind of got integrated into our group dynamic.
Stephanie: (nods) Ok. Well, then, what happened?
Elise: (sighs) Well, you know me and Bret have always been good friends.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Elise: And Holly knew that going in.
Stephanie: Of course.
Elise: But once she and Bret became a couple, she started having problems with it. And with me.
Stephanie: What?
Elise: Yeah. It started out small. You know, just the occasional rude comment. That sort of thing. And after everything I had to go through with the Adam and Grace crap, I was honestly kind of used to that treatment. So it didn't really bother me. But then, it got worse.
Stephanie: H-how so?
Elise: Her comments and general rude attitude toward me got worse. Eventually, she started spreading rumours about me, and I tried distancing myself from her and Bret for a while. Just to give them space, you know? Bret wasn't too happy about it, but I needed it. I just needed a break from Holly.
Stephanie: Hey, I get it. I need a break from Holly, and I don't even know her…
Elise: (laughs) Ok, let me finish. So, Holly and I have been avoiding each other for some time now, right? And during this time, something terrible got brought to my attention.
Stephanie: What?
Elise: Hate site.
Stephanie: (confused) What? What do you mean?
Elise: I got sent an anonymous link to a hate page dedicated to me.
Stephanie: Oh my God… but wait. Doesn't that count as cyberbullying?
Elise: Yeah. But I had no clue who it was, so it's not like I could report the bully.
Stephanie: But it's obvious!
Elise: I know, but I had no proof. Anyway, I didn't tell anybody about this at all. Not Bret, not my parents, not even Adam. I kind of just kept it to myself and tried to deal with it on my own.
Stephanie: Stupid…
Elise: I know. 15-year-old Ellie made some questionable choices.
Stephanie: So does 18-year-old Ellie.
Elise: (laughs again) Shut up, Steph!
Stephanie: (laughs as well) Go on, though. What happened next?
Elise: Um… Ok, so back in school. I missed Bret, and I wanted to patch things up with Holly. I wanted to make sure there was no bad blood, since I kind of speculated that she was responsible for the cyberbulling thing. Or at least closely connected to it.
Stephanie: Well, duh…
Elise: Right. So I tried talking to them both separately and making up with them. Bret and I went back to being buddies, and Holly agreed to put our differences to bed!
Stephanie: Yay!
Elise: Or so I thought…
Stephanie: UGH!!
Elise: I know. But what she said that day did stick with me a lot… I asked her why she didn't like me and���
Stephanie: Well, why? Genuinely curious here.
Elise: Well, she said that she didn't NOT like me. But-
Stephanie: (interrupts) Ah. I see. She's jelly.
Elise: What?
Stephanie: She was jealous of you. 'Cause of how awesome you are. That's how most bullies are, you know. Take it as a compliment!
Elise: There's more to it than that, Steph. You'd know that if you let me finish.
Stephanie: Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Elise: (sighs) She felt threatened by me. By my relationship with Bret.
Stephanie: Oh… so she was scared you'd steal her man?
Elise: Something like that, yes.
Stephanie: Well… I guess she has good instincts, then.
Elise: What do you mean?
Stephanie: I mean, you're dating Bret now!
Elise: Yeah, years later!
Stephanie: But you've always liked him, El.
Elise: I had nothing but respect for Bret's relationship with her, Steph! That's how I've been with all of his previous girlfriends. My feelings for him… I didn't think anything would happen with them. I never thought I'd end up with him. That possibility has always been the last thing on my mind! Not even-
Stephanie: I know, I know. It's just… you're terrible at acting.
Elise: Meaning?
Stephanie: It was always super obvious you were into him. In fact, it's a miracle HE didn't see it all these years. You're always so genuine about how you feel… I'd say that's the biggest thing you and Bret have in common, actually. Maybe Holly could see it, too. Maybe that's part of why she had all this rage towards you.
Elise: Hmmm. (pauses) Well, the story isn't over yet.
Stephanie: Oh?
Elise: Nope. We all seemed to get back on track once I'd talked things out with everyone, but then Dylan threw this big party when his dad was out for the weekend…
Stephanie: Kind of like that party at your place that we threw for Ben!
Elise: Yeah! Except, that was just for us. Almost everyone in our year group came to Dylan's place back then. How everyone managed to fit in that house is still a mystery to me. But anyway, I was invited, but I didn't go. I got the story from Alice the next day. Bret and Holly both went together. They left separately.
Stephanie: Oh, no…
Elise: Yeah. And then, after half term break, me and the others found out that they broke up. And that she hooked up with someone else while they were at Dylan's party.
Stephanie: Damn.
Elise: I know!
Stephanie: But what about that feud she had with you?
Elise: Oh, it wasn't a feud…
Stephanie: Her bitchiness towards you. The bullying. How did she get her comeuppance?
Elise: Right. That's a whole other thing. So, the hate page got updated every week. I tried to ignore it, but... it was really tough having to see all those hurtful words, you know? I struggled to keep it to myself, and I eventually told my brother. He told my parents, and they got the school involved. My greatest nightmare came true.
Stephanie: But at least you've got some people on your corner now!
Elise: I didn't see it that way at the time. I was too ashamed… I couldn't stand being the freak that everyone was gossiping about in the halls AGAIN. I had enough of that with the Adam and Grace ordeal. But looking back, it was the right thing to do. They got to the bottom of it and Holly got suspended along with everyone else who posted mean comments on there. And then she went to a different school for sixth form, so she's not really in any of our lives anymore. She can't get to me ever again.
Stephanie: And then she got replaced with Steph, and Elise and the crew lived happily ever after. The end!
Elise: (giggles) Exactly.
Stephanie: (shaking her head) Holly sucks. You don't need her. And neither does Bret.
Elise: She wasn't that bad, Steph. She was just… a lot. She stressed people out with her extremeness, you know? Bret changed himself a lot to make her happier, and I feel like that took a toll on him. Almost like he was always walking on eggshells with her all the time.
Stephanie: (shrugs) Sounds like she sucks to me, El!
Elise: Bret liked her a lot. She made him so happy. He just wanted to make her happy, too! There's nothing wrong with that.
Stephanie: Not at the expense of himself.
Elise: (nods) I know. I keep telling him that if he wants to change, he should do it for himself first and foremost. (pauses) I don't know, though. I kind of understand where Holly was coming from now. After hearing about your thing with Bret. I get how she felt.
Stephanie: You feel threatened by me?
Elise: Yeah. Or at least, I did. When I first found out about it.
Stephanie: You really shouldn't! I don't-
Elise: I know you don't. I know! It's just- it made me realise a few things about me.
Stephanie: Like what?
Elise: That I'm not all that different from Holly. Like... (pauses) I was friends with Bret for years before Holly got with him. I had a connection with him that she didn't have. I understood him in ways she probably didn't. I knew him better. She felt threatened by that.
Stephanie: Well, you know Bret better than I do.
Elise: I know.
Stephanie: I'd say you're closer with him than I am.
Elise: I know. But… the fact that he went to you when he was upset…
Stephanie: He literally told me that he would've gone to you if he wasn't avoiding you. You know, after the fight?
Elise: I am aware of that. But you guys did have a moment. You almost kissed.
Stephanie: Nothing happened, though.
Elise: It could have.
Stephanie: Listen-
Elise: No, Steph. You listen. Bret and I are very, very different people. You know that. We don't have all that much in common. As close as we've always been, there have always been stuff that I could never fully connect with in my relationship with him. And I feel like that kind of affects the way I handle things with him. It always has, I think.
Stephanie: …Oh.
Elise: When I found out about you and Bret, I guess my mind just went straight to the worst- you know how it is, right?
Stephanie: (nods) I do.
Elise: I just couldn't help but think that… well, when things get tough, he runs to you. Because of course he does. Not me, his girlfriend. No, he chooses you. I mean, you have more in common with him than I ever did. You can probably understand him in ways I can't. You can connect with him in ways I probably can't. Remind you of someone?
Stephanie: Holly!
Elise: No. Me. That was me to Holly. No wonder she was so mad... I now know what it's like to be in her shoes and have an Ellie in her life. Except you're Steph. You're not just the awkward book nerd, you're gorgeous and confident and talented and inspiring. You're already kind of threatening in a ton of ways…
Stephanie: Ok, stop it. You're not an awkward book nerd, El. (pauses) Well, you are, but you're so much more than just that. Give yourself some credit, girl. You're beautiful, smart, kind and an amazing friend. I mean, come on. There's a reason Bret chose to be with you.
Elise: (smiles) Eventually.
(Both girls laugh)
Stephanie: (sighs) I think get it now. I'm sorry you had to go through all that.
Elise: It's fine. It's all in the past.
Stephanie: And again, I'm really sorry about… you know.
Elise: I know. (whispers to Stephanie) That was part of what I was referring to, by the way. In case I wasn't clear.
Stephanie: (giggles) Ok. Now, come on. Let's catch up with the others.
Elise: Let's!
(They rush over to their friends walking ahead of them. They end up having a really great night together)
Coming clean (Flashback to earlier this evening)
(Stephanie knocks on the door of her old foster home. Her heart is racing with a level of anxiety she's never felt before. She contemplates leaving before the door opens, but she forces herself to stay. She knows she needs to do this)
Foster Father: (opens the door) Stephanie? Oh, my gosh! (rushes forward to give her a hug) Where the hell have you been all this time?! Wha- are you ok?
Stephanie: Yeah, yeah. I'm alright. Look, is Miranda in there, too? I have something important I've been meaning to discuss with you both.
Foster Father: Of course! Come in, come in. (leads her inside) God, Stephanie. Where the hell have you been?!
Stephanie: You asked me that already, John.
Foster Father: Why didn't you call? Leave us with some kind of message, and let us know you were ok? You know, it was bad enough losing Mel before finding out you were no longer home...
Stephanie: (teasingly) How did you know I came here to talk about Mel?
Foster Father: Did you? Oh, I didn't know that.
Stephanie: (awkwardly) Yeah. I know, John. It was meant to be a joke.
Foster Father: Miranda, love!
Foster Mother: (calling from the living room) Yes, darling?
Foster Father: You won't believe who was at the door!
(Stephanie sighs. It was going to be a looooong night...)
Stephanie: It's me, Miranda!
Foster Mother: Who?
Stephanie: Steph!
Foster Mother: Steph- what the... John, Stephanie's back?!
Foster Father: Yes! She's here!
Stephanie: It's not that big a deal, you know.
Foster Mother: (meets them in the corridor) Not that big a deal?! Sweetheart, you've been missing for ages! We were worried out of our minds! Where the hell have you been?!
Stephanie: You guys really like asking that question, huh?
Foster Mother: (sarcastically) "Not that big a deal..." (angrily) Are you serious, Stephanie?
Stephanie: Ok, maybe it is a bit of a big deal. Not as big as what I came here to tell you, though. Can we sit? (gestures to the living room)
(A short while later, Stephanie and her foster family are all seated in the living room)
Stephanie: (fidgeting with her jewellery) Ok... ok. So I have something to talk to you about.
Foster Mother: Yeah, we know.
Stephanie: It's about Melanie.
Foster Father: Our dead daughter? Yes, we remember her. Thanks for coming to the funeral, by the way. Oh, wait...
Foster Mother: She didn't go to the funeral, John.
Foster Father: I know love. I wasn't being serious.
Stephanie: Look, I'm sorry that I didn't go, but I just need to get this out, alright? You guys deserve to know this-
Foster Mother: No, dear. What we deserve to know is what you were up to all this time? Where have you been? Why haven't you called?
Stephanie: (mimicking her foster parents from before) "Where the hell have I been?" Look, I'll get to that. But first, let me just say that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate you guys enough. I'm sorry I left without a word. I'm sorry I didn't go to the funeral. I'm sorry I never got along with Melanie. I'm sorry your daughter's dead... and it's all my fault.
Foster Father: ... Steph?
Stephanie: It's all my fault... (voice breaking slightly) I'm sorry I hated her so much that it ended up killing her.
Foster Mother: You killed Melanie?
Stephanie: It was an accident, I swear.
Foster Mother: You killed my baby...
Foster Father: Wait. (rubs his wife's arm) Stephanie, what happened?
Stephanie: (welling up with tears) I was sick of being here. I needed to leave. I had everything ready. But then your daughter came in and tried to stop me. I was furious. I was just so sick and tired of her always ruining everything for me. Standing in my way all the time. Everything. I just didn't want to be around her anymore. Or any of you...
Foster Mother: Stephanie...
Stephanie: I tried to explain that to her. She didn't get it. Which I expected, since she always was a major idiot. Anyway, we had a massive argument. Eventually, it got physical. I started pushing and shoving her, especially when she started blocking the door so I couldn't leave the room. That made me even angrier. She started to fight back, which is where I got these from (shows a bunch of scars and marks from the altercation). Not that you asked. Or acknowledged whatsoever. But now you know. After a while, I noticed her grab a knife.
Foster Mother: (whispers) Oh my God-
Stephanie: I managed to get hold of it myself. I had the upper hand at this point. It got worse. I pretty much threw her against a table where she hit her head, which knocked her out. I panicked... I didn't mean to do that. I never meant for it to go that far...
Foster Father: (clears throat) Look, Steph-
Stephanie: Then I noticed the bleeding.
Foster Mother: Bleeding?
Stephanie: Well, she'd been injured from the fight, definitely. But also... remember the knife?
Foster Mother: Oh, my God!!
Stephanie: She fell right on it. Or against it. I don't know... Anyway, it may've stabbed her.
Foster Father: May've?
Stephanie: I didn't stay long enough to check. I didn't do anything. I just left. I didn't even call for help... I left her vulnerable. Unconscious and bleeding out. Injured because of me. And I did nothing. I didn't think much of it at the time. I thought you'd do something to help her out... you guys cared about her much more than you cared about me, after all. But then I heard about her death...
Foster Mother: (tearfully) You killed her. There's no other way of saying it, Stephanie. You killed my baby.
Stephanie: (sighs) I'm so sorry. Hell, "sorry" isn't even enough-
Foster Father: Stephanie, why didn't you tell us before?
Stephanie: I don't know. I was scared, I guess. I didn't want to get into trouble. And honestly, I didn't think you guys would care. Again, you guys never really cared about me. I didn't trust the fact that you'd try to protect me. Or even be on my side at all. I didn't feel safe to tell you the truth.
Foster Father: Oh, don't give us that bullshit, Steph. Of course we cared about you! We chose to take you in and give you a home!
Stephanie: A home where I was always an outsider, John. Where I was always the "foster kid." You didn't treat me like one of your own!
Foster Mother: Because you aren't one of our own!
Stephanie: Let's not kid ourselves here, guys. I never belonged here! I never did... and now, I never will.
Foster Mother: Damn right...
Foster Father: You need to leave now, Stephanie. We can't have you here after what you've shared with us. After everything you've done...
Stephanie: (stands, wipes tears) Fine. I'll leave. But don't you dare act like you're all innocent in this. You guys are pathetic people. And pathetic parents. You never gave a shit. Certainly not about me, and arguably not enough about Melanie, your biological kid. You were just collecting a paycheck.
Foster Mother: You have a real nerve, Stephanie. Never show your face here again.
Stephanie: Fuck you. Fuck both of you. This whole fake ass family can go to hell. Good riddance!
(Stephanie storms out of the house and heads straight to her car, where she immediately breaks down and cries for a long time)
And that's all for today.
Bet you didn't see that one coming... plot twist of the year, amirite? lol
Yeah, this Melanie death mystery (Steph's involvement in particular) is the main drama throughout the series set into motion. It comes towards the end of the first instalment. 'Cause I'm a weirdo like that.
In better news, the crew is so great together, aren't they? So sweet how they all come to cheer her her up after prom (and I love how it was El's idea. She's a true friend, and I'm glad she and Steph made up. That scene where they talk about Holly was honestly one of my favourites to write!), but it also kind of sucks how Stephanie isn't giving them the full truth. I mean, it's understandable. But can she even consider these people to be her friends if she can't even be real with them? Or be her true self around them? Part of Stpehanie's arc is her realising that she actually has no idea what true friendship is. In fact, this applies to all her relationships (even with Ben, since he doesn't know the truth about Melanie either).
So, there are only 4 posts left of this dialogue series (crazy to think about, omg), but don't worry. They'll be every bit as epic as this one - maybe even more! No promises, tho lol. Plenty more drama to come, that's for sure! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time!
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i-peregrin · 2 years
i’ve been having a really stressful ( week? month? year? life? spare me ) and today i got so emotional about some of my favorite ships. ( it’s the escapism, innit bruv )
but anyway. here’s one of the little scenes that has played in my head all day long:
edward teach / stede bonnet —
“edward.” stede’s whisper was the sea. soft-sounding, but deafeningly-crashing against edward’s ears. the sound flooded his body; he was drowning in it. in him. he leaned into the warm palm that caressed his jaw. stede’s hands were gentle. not scarred and marred and weather-worn like ed’s own.
“yeah, what is it?” he murmured in reply. his whisper was far less entrancing than stede’s. it was gruff, strained. like the tide being dragged back from the shore, only to surge forward once again. he tried to mirror stede’s gentle nature, bringing his own hand up to touch stede’s pretty fucking face. he hesitated; his hands were filthy, and stede’s skin so clean.
sensing his unease, stede bonnet took edward’s hand and pressed it to his own cheek, smiling into the heel of his palm. “never stop yourself from touching me, ed,” he soothed, shaking his head. “never, ever. have you got that?”
“is that what you were going to say?”
“well… no.”
“fucking say it then; i can hardly stand it,” ed huffed impatiently, narrowing his eyes at stede. his eyes quickly softened though, getting lost in the other man’s lips. stede snorted quietly and patted the outside of edward’s hand, fingers grazing his knuckles lightly. edward shivered. “go on,” ed urged him again, a little softer this time. he was trying. learning. softness was a language he understood perhaps even less than his understanding of sophistication. they seemed to go hand in hand; although, softness brought along a far greater tone of generosity.
stede looked at him for a long moment, listening to the song of the sea and the stars and the sighs that fell from his lips when edward experimentally slid his fingers into stede’s hair. “it can wait,” stede said decisively, smiling, “it’s not important.” he ignored the crestfallen confusion that beamed on edward’s face, and opted instead to kiss him. the radiant warmth that came from kissing edward far surpassed the importance of any conversation. no words could ever amount to this feeling. this bliss.
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isaurr78789 · 9 days
Oh my great heavens bruv. I HATE SCHOOOOL. It only gets worse from here 😕 it’s the first full week and good havens I almost started crying earlier. NO I DONT WANT TO COUNT TO 50 ON BASE 2. And I didn’t. So my grade is going to drop. So I’m gonna have my 900th F!☹️ and in geometry today, We were meant to complete cards with math problems and I did not ONE. Every other Einstein in that class did like 900 more but I didn’t even complete the first one😭 AND THEN. My crush came to me and laughed at me being in my first card (he’s the only person ik in that class and I don’t even talk to him fr) and he looked at me and said I was NOT supposed to be in that class (as a joke)and I stood there and smiled like a goon. AND HES RIGHT I SHOUKDVE NEVER BEEN RECCOMDNDED TO ALL HONORS DIE DIE DIE I DONT even know how I “passed” the regents there must’ve been a spy in there praying for my demise
I missed one day of class and now all of a sudden it’s all Fs and ughhhh what the freakkkakakakdnidndjdnd and it’s so hard to make friends BUT let’s just say I’ve been chatting it up with this girl in my English class and she’s cool she’s also in my biology 😎😎 ANYWAYS. I’m starting band wich I also have an F in and I chose to play either flute or alto saxophone but idk we’ll see if I’m bootycheek or not. OH MY GOD I HATETETE PE. First of all I was NOT wearing the appropriate brassiere that day. Second I cannot run. And people very much noticed ☹️ but whatever as long as I TRY then I’ll hopefully get graded decently.
Okay okay now to what’s been in my mind. My crush. 😨😨😱😱 I e never had a real one before so idk BUT. This one has like lore ig? BARELY. So basically in middle school when I was my ugliest I liked him a tad and yeah that was that and then LATER (1 year) he liked ME for a little but just for a little. And I liked him too but I told everyone and their mama who asked that I didn’t. Because idk BALLS about what I feel but I don’t wanna lie to myself so I’ve settled that I DO like him. For the record eeeevery one of my friends thinks HES ugly but I think he’s cute ☹️
AnywYs tTOODS 💕💜
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heesingshoon · 1 month
Bruv... I'll be honest... I was gonna post part 2 of "Brother's Best Friend" today, but then when I was about to... I uh... ;-; I accidentally deleted it...
SO! INSTEAD!! While you wait even... Ahem... Longer... ;-;;
Here's some "Coach!Heeseung hard thoughts"
Be warned, it isn't proof read. :|
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Coach!Heeseung - Who asks you to stay for an extra hour so he could "teach you this new technique".
Coach!Heeseung - Who holds you by the waist as you jump to make a score.
Coach!Heeseung - Who helps you put your hair up and "accidentally" tugs it a bit too roughly.
Coach!Heeseung - Who, while you were mid change, walked into the girls locker room to check on you.
Coach!Heeseung - Who pulled you close to smell the sweet scent of your sweat and strong deodorant.
Coach!Heeseung - Who stared at your lips just a little too long.
Coach!Heeseung - Who relentlessly fucked you in the locker room, and told you that you need to practice one on one more.
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He holds you up against the locker, holding your hair back while he devours your neck. Your scent, driving him absolutely insane. He pulls his pants down just enough for his cock to be free. He kisses your ear before whispering. "Red or green, L/n."
And right as "gr" left your mouth, he rams into you. He doesn't give you time to adjust, or even breathe, before he just thrusts in and out at a gruesome pace. His cock bulging out where he can see it in your stomach, driving him even more up the walls.
He bites down on your collarbone, trying to steady himself as he somehow picks up the pace. Your screams have his mind running wild as he slams your back into the locker.
He eventually pulls back from the painful bite to lick the wound and groan into your ear. "Fuck, L/n... If I knew you were this tight, I would've fucked you sooner."
And right as you were about to speak, the knot built in your abdomen. He could tell you were close. He didn't say it, but he was too. He holds you by the throat, not too tight, as he kisses you hungrily and sloppily.
You were finally able to get some words out, but it was just a broken statement. "C-Coach! I... Cumming... Fuck!"
And right as you finished your sentence, your orgasm hit like a bullet train. You were convulsing around him and it drove him over the edge with you.
He waited for you to calm down before talking so he knew you were listening. "L/n... I think you need more one on one practice."
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Dawg... This has been in my drafts for a while... It was meant to be my first post, but I really wanted to get Princely manners out of my drafts. I dunno. Lol. I wanted to make this a whole story, but I wasn't entirely sure how to go with it without it basically just being another "Student fucks teacher" trope, ya know? Even just like this, it is still like that... But I didn't want to make a whole story like that.
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the-good-projxct · 4 months
March 4th, 2024
11:30 pm listening to H.E.R every kind of way while sitting in my room in Karen waiting for Sweetie Banana, KaMami and LoustaLousta to show up. Isn’t that cool? I will have my mom, nephew, grandma, brother, dad, cousins, uncles, aunts and so much more extended family in the same country. I feel like a normal human being again. I have been away from so much family for so long that it felt abnormal because it is abnormal. I had a lovely, long, tiring and fulfilling day. I got up around 10, got ready and went down to the farm to see a family member that tends the farm. The first time he saw me, he literally gasped and said my moms name. He couldn’t believe I was her daughter on the farm, in person. It was so kind. So I went to see him for a little bit and he just praised me and sent blessings my way for being kind and present for him. He told me if he could, he would cut out his heart and give it to my mom, my brother and I. But if he did that, he would die. But if he could, he would. Lol, such a morbid kind gesture. Then I went back to the house linked up with Karimi and headed out to Kitengela to see her daughter and her kids. It was a long ride there and we got lost but once we got there, we had a lovely time. I met my second cousins, they are pretty cool and now I have another Kendi in my life. So many Kendi’s bruv. But it’s so cool that I have so many young, fly and cool girl cousins. We stayed for the afternoon, then headed back. We hit traffic so it took a minute to get home. It was a quiet ride because we were both tired. Karimi also blessed me for taking her and spending time with her family. Honestly, I am in a stage where I am asking the Universe to give me a baby girl so I have a role to play as well and that is to be Gøod especially to my elders and family. I can feel it in my body that this is right. I want a baby girl soooo bad. Everyone seems to have an opinion as to when, where, and for what reasons I should. Whereas I just want a baby girl made from Love. The rest is filler. Remember how I said, I am in a stage of falling in Love while I am writing the chapter on Love. Today, I was thinking about how I have been afraid of falling in Love for years. Like I had situationships, vibes etc and I genuinely had feelings for those people. Was I in Love with them though? No. Mostly because I couldn’t fall in Love. I was too guarded. I theorized all the reasons of being non-committed, not living together, never getting married because if I lived/Loved with one foot in the door and the other foot out the door, it wouldn’t really hurt if we split. If I jumped all the way in, I was scared I wouldn’t ever get over the heartbreak. And I know this stems from a previous heartbreak, my parents divorce and divorce in general. I know that I would not do this with anyone else but Munene. Why him? Because he has been my bestie my whole life. Because he validates me. He values me. He sees me. He understands me. He knows my fears, anxieties, hopes, dreams and wants to align with them. Because… him, I trust him. Likely the only man on this planet I trust other than Shaka. And so, I will Love. I am ready, I am brave. So yeah, all these theories I had that were actually walls built to avoid vulnerability are coming down. And the person I am on the other side of that wall is beautiful. She is in Love, happy, playful and present. Sometimes, it feels like who am I even?!? But I know this Love feeling will settle and this will be my new normal. Thanks for the lessons Universe.
Ase. Ase. Ase.
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sufferinggod · 5 months
Finally. God damn how long did it take has anyone been keeping track? Finally made another paycheck bro. Fuck bro it is so nice having money. Fucking just bought a bunch of food today. Ate a good breakfast, ate a good lunch. Fuck bro this is the most full my stomach has been in weeks bro no lie. Having a good day. Just 3 more hours of work then it’s the weekend and bruv I’m gonna party
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thecontumacious · 3 years
Hi again! I enjoyed the Vox headcanons! This time can I request luxiem just simping for their s/o when they do their streams because it’s always been us simping, now it’s their turn! Sorry I keep requesting because I can’t resist your writing.
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Luxiem simping/crushing over you
a/n: good to see you again, luna! and pls don't apologize for requesting! i'm always happy to deliver and it's frankly therapeutic for me too hehe~ please do drop in my inbox if you ever come up with any new scenarios for any of the boys ^-^
i also wanna inform you that i struggled with some of them, so i the word "simp" might be synonymous to "crush" in some parts. hope you enjoy <3
warnings: unseiso moments in vox's and ooc shu (IM SORRY TT)
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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this man
is a self-aware simp
is he embarrassed about it? no
is he reserved about it? nope
will he ever shut up about it?
you know the answer
all of his thirst, affection and aka supas only belong to you
there’s no talking him out of it┐(´~`)┌
the way he shows just how much of a simp he is going to be from not missing a single of any of your streams
okay he’s going to reconsider watching them all if the time zone is too different but you get the point
he’s going to send so many chats in there and maybe throw in some akasupas too just so he could have his name mentioned and have you read out the message he has
bruv aren’t you a mod???
bet vox is going to chat so many innuendos and pick up lines
i think he even challenges himself to send pick up lines that can make you flustered or mess up your game
“oh fuck me!”
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 oh i will gladly fuck you
“i will gladly fu—JESUS VOX—OH SHIT NO”
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 awe sorry darling~
he is a menace in the chats lol
“vox i’ll consider the option of unmodding you”
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 i dare you, dearest
if you don’t manage to do it, vox is most likely going to bug you about it until he’s very satisfied.
he’s going to say that you’re just not up for the challenge and that you’re pretty much “wrapped around his finger” to do that
but if you actually do unmod him, well-
he’s going to bug you all the same HAHSHSHSH
only this time, he’ll think you’re playing hard to get with him
vox in his own stream:
“did you know chat? y/n unmodded me on their last stream. can you believe that? god, that makes me so fucking hard”
here we go with the yabai content☜(`o´)
have you seen him trying to propose to ike??? that times infinity
good luck dealing with him, y/n
if vox gets this bad in your chats, imagine what it’ll be like when you collab with him
“hey vox! do you have time for a collab anytime soon?”
*cue vox weighing his life choices whether to drop his fnaf stream for the next week*
vox: oh fuck it
“yeah, i have some slots open for next week! what are we doing?”
he’s got a long list of pickup lines for you, hoo boy. pls keep your body and soul in mind for the shit this demon can come up with
“hellooo, chat! hi, welcome~” you greet, smiling. “ah yes, i know, we do have a special guest today. would you like to say hi special guest?”
“if it’s for you, i’d do anything, y/n my dear,” vox chuckles and you see the chat exploding
“here come the clippers,” you giggle. “vox you’re making a scene on my channel this isn’t good.”
“isn’t good? you wound me! i thought you adored my presence,” he replies, frowning
“said no one ever.”
“y/n, my loveeeeee, why would you say that:(((((“
“guys please just ignore him whenever he says anything like that, thank you!”
when the vice versa happens, depending on what picture you allow him to use on his streams, vox will put your overlay on his shoulder or at the top of his head
if he’s feeling cheeky, he’s gonna place you super close next to him or literally in front of him just so he can say:
“hey, y/n, how’s my lap?”
i think he’ll generally just act like you and him are already in a relationship most of the time, to feed his simping needs
whenever you dodge his lines, it makes him wonder about how you really feel about him and it in fact, motivates him to try harder
but whenever you get the impact of his lines, whether he’s on stream with you or just in the chats to hang out, vox is proud of himself and is confident you’re weak for him
all in all he can’t get his head straight about how you feel about him and he loves it so fucking much
the chase, the back and forth game, the uncertainty
vox lives for it all
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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he won’t admit he’s a simp
he’ll continuously tell anything and everything that he’s not simping for you
but yeah, it’s pretty much obvious he is┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
there are so, so many clips of him being a total bottom simp for you
you bring out the barks from within mysta
and when you arrive in his chat-
“oh! y/n’s here????? chat, are they here???? hii!!!!”
Y/N L/N [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 : mysta you're falling!!!
i think this is almost like the opposite of vox
you have most of the power in this lil dynamic you have and in terms of all the other members, mysta has it the worst when it comes to simping
i don’t think he’ll be the most active in your chat but he will make himself present
it’s not because he doesn’t want to show his support or anything, it’s because he’s shy!
but again, it’s still pretty obvious he’s head over heels for you
you’ll tease him a lot in his chats and he’ll never get whatever game he’s doing done
“bark for me, mysta”
“WOOF WOOF WOOF” all day long 🐶
mysta continues to check his chat to make sure he didn’t miss any of your messages so that’s another factor to why he keeps getting distracted
in collabs, it’s usually more chaotic than that
but with you, compared to playing with vox or any other members of nijisanji, mysta is more… composed?
mysta rias
he also tends to give in more effort when you’re gaming together
obviously to impress you 🙄
there was one time mysta lost pretty miserably while you were around and although he was upset he didn’t get to impress you, he didn’t mind your amused reactions and offering sympathy for him!
“awee sorry mysta! but hey, you did really good in that round tho! you came pretty close!”
“ahhhh but still—that loss sucked a lot”
“don’t worry about it, mysta! it’s just a game ehe”
“said the person who won the round without breaking a sweat?????”
you laugh at his response, and mysta in actuality was glad he could make you laugh anyway
it’s his consolation prize :3
but when he does win
he’s pretty chaotic. the real mysta comes out here.
“congratz mysta! that was so cool!!!”
“o-oh thank you—“
okay maybe just a part of the real chaotic mysta comes out. he’s shy bcs of your praises
also, i forgot to mention that mysta reduces his unseiso tendencies and his cursing when you’re around
the chat and the members all notice this
vox: “wow you’re surprisingly very civilized today, mysta”
mysta: “huh—what’s that supposed to mean?? i’m always civilized!!”
ike: “he’s right tho. he hasn’t said anything unseiso today”
shu: “maybe he’s finally living his seiso dream”
luca: “yeah that’s super pog of you mysta”
mysta: “shut up guys, i’ve always been seiso!!”(⩺_⩹)
when you’re collabing with him, you don’t notice this, but when you’re talking and he’s not, he’s busy looking at your model moving around because he thinks it’s so pretty
he also likes to wonder what you actually look like under the model
mysta will sometimes retweet fanarts of you
“guys look it’s mommy/daddy” *mysta on a good day*
when you’re not around at all though, mysta is going to gush about you. whether it’s about a fanart he recently saw, or clips of your best moments on stream
yes i know i said mysta is actually really shy, but if any of his simping moments ever get clipped and you happen to watch them, yes he’ll get embarrassed but he doesn’t have to face you directly that way
in a way, mysta wants to hint at you just how much he admires you
in real life, mysta continues to wonder if you mean any of the things you said to him all this time
do you really think of him as cute from that one time you told him that? were your praises of his gaming genuine? do you actually put up with his shit???
it literally keeps him up at night and he’s waiting for the day he gets to know the truth behind it all
for now though, simping is his shield
other boys utc!
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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i cant say he has the real traits of a simp????
you can’t exactly tell probably because he’s just a natural himbo
okay i wouldn’t say simp, luca just idolizes you so, so much
whenever you see him and he’s looking at you or talking about you, you can see the stars twinkling in his eyes and you just wanna die from HOW FUCKING CUTE HE IS AHHHHH(iДi)
luca tends to hang out with you outside stream a lot since he thinks it’s way more genuine than doing things online like through streams or things
because of this, he’s stocked up on so many stories involving you with his chat
when he’s gaming and there’s something that reminds him of you, luca is quick to tell a story to chat
“chat chat i just remembered! the other day i was talking to y/n right?”
he giggles so much when he’s talking about you >:((((
luca loves collabing with people so he’ll constantly make sure he’s collabing with you enough, whether you on his channel or vice versa
he enjoys your company and although talking about you is usually enough, luca just can’t help himself!!
i can definitely see luca in a big collab with you and if he’s placed right next you, he’s more than likely going to lean his head towards you in hopes you’ll learn your head back
oh come on you definitely will won’t you??? how could you resist
if it’s not his or your turn to speak in a big collab, he’s going to message you through discord to rendezvous
“wtf luca”
don’t worry u still love him <3
luca is both rly enthusiastic and reluctant to give you any deez nuts jokes he finds
one half of him is rly urging him to tell you, see if you’d fall for it
but the other half doesn’t want to because he doesn’t wanna do that to you!!
pls luca don’t, spare us
depending on the time zones, luca will definitely show up in your chats!
he’s not crazy like vox to send you supas but if he came up with a rly good message to send you (could be a joke or just a congratulatory message for reaching a milestone), he’ll def send you an aka supa or a rainbow even
“oh luca‘s here! hey luca!!”
“hi y/n!!! sorry for being late :(“
“hey don’t worry about it!! you’re always welcome in my streams luca!”
all the pogging in the chats, sigh
“POG Y/N!”
when doing a horror game stream (inspired by his little nightmares streams), he will absolutely ramble to you about how scary everything is
“oh god y/n this is too creepy!!!”
“it’s okay luca we can do this!”
you help him however you can when he’s stuck on a level and he appreciates you not backseating <3
and when he has to face the mannequins (little nightmares 2), you’re there 100% to support him
the reason he invited you to his horror streams in the first place tbh
luca likes it sooo much when he’s being cared for by you, especially when he’s scared or creeped out by something
i think the most evidence you can find of him being a simp is when he goes easy on you in games
you’re offended, i’m offended, we all are
let’s say for example he’s playing friday the 13th with other people, HE’S FOR SURE GOING TO LET YOU OFF THE HOOK (literally?)
either he’ll do it conspicuously by taunting you out loud or warning you he’s super close by
or he’ll do it subtly by purposely ignoring you or turning a blind eye when you’re right there
in real life, luca just really adores you as a person and not just as the streamer you
he enjoys your company and all he wants is to make you laugh and smile all the time, sharing his happiness whenever he can and inviting you to his streams to have fun!
luca doesn’t realize this and someone really needs to tell him that he’s… feeling things for you and if he doesn’t sort it out with himself and you, there might be unwanted consequences
i say this because luca does seem like the type to mistake romantic love for platonic love so it might be either you or other members that has to tell him
sonny: someone has been violating the simping limit. please, simp responsibly.\(`0´)/
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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unlike vox and mysta’s uncontrolled manners, ike keeps his simping tendencies to a minimum to the point that no one really catches on immediately
you’d have to keep a really good eye on him
clippers do your job!!! expose him!!!
but anyway, ike might not seem like he’d hardcore simp but he does indeed worship you although lowkey :3
the way he does this is most likely going to be collabing with you a lot and mentioning you in his solo streams, similar to that of luca’s
ike’s a pretty busy guy, so he unfortunately cannot bond with you outside of vtuber work much (;﹏;)
thus why he really savors every second passing by whenever you and him collab
you could see the difference of aura radiating off this man whenever he’s on stream with you and when he’s with someone else
for example, when you try to flirt with him, ike doesn’t actually dodge it????? either he responds to it or gets really really embarrassed
he’s an absolute gentleman so he always tries to talk about you more than himself!
you got a story? he’s all ears and has a notepad ready to jot down any accumulating questions
the one obvious evidence he’s simping for you is when he really lets himself loose around you, letting his geekier side run free
another difference of how he treats you compared to anyone else is probably the teasing
ike is going to tease you a lot during streams cheeky bastard
he’s also going to challenge you to say things in swedish and or japanese
even better if you don’t understand either languages ;-;
if you speak a language he doesn’t know, pls do bully him back. he might not like it, but he’s too smitten hearing you speak in a different language
ike eveland caught simping in 4k 📸
another sign is when he chats a whole lot during your streams
as aforementioned, ike is a busy guy and he can’t interact with you outside of work unfortunately
him making time to send you chats during your streams is a big win right there bestie
he’ll say the sweetest things on there and maybe throw in an aka supa or two
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: hey y/n! i’m glad you’re having fun! 💙
“o-oh hi ike!! thanks for coming!”
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: no problem, y/n! i’m always glad to be here
even vox is jealous
speaking of chats, ike is also def going to respond to all of your tweets. repost, retweet, reply and all that good stuff
ike enjoys your streams too!
okay this particular simp symptom is something no one and absolutely not a single soul on this earth (not even you or the members) know
but he’ll absolutely listen to your streams when he works
yes he’s busy, can’t touch the keyboard currently
but listening to you game or have fun while he works? killing two birds with one stone if you ask ike eveland
did i also tell u that he excuses himself before leaving your stream and only leaves when you get the message?
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: “hey y/n sorry i have to go now:((“
he won’t leave until you read it.
“oh okay! thanks again for stopping by ike!! mwah!”
ike: Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
now he doesn’t wanna leave sigh
ike adores you so much and he’s admittedly rly upset he can’t bond with you as much as he’d like
he’d love to know what you’re into, what your favorite foods are, what games you like the most if you’d ever consider collabing with him next week
so in terms of feelings beyond simping, ike is stumped.
one of the concerning factors is the fact he only interacts with you through streams and barely through real time hangouts on discord and such
ike is worried that he’s only feeling these things through a screen and he’s not getting enough of the real you without the streamer label. sure, you’ve been absolutely nice to him and have made flirtatious comments here and there, but weren’t you only doing that for the fans? only for the internet to see?
perhaps, it’s best he just listens to your streams and appreciate what he has already with you
ike doesn’t want to lose whatever you have with him already
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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here's the culprit that made me pull at my hair
this guy.
seriously, it might be me but he rarely shows really bad simp symptoms
he’s so much of a geek that he basically turns a blind eye to those kinds of things :”
i don’t even think shu is going to “simp” because he doesn’t really simp?? he admires ig
i can conclude that shu’s way of “simping” for you is basically befriending you more than he would with others
with that being said, the person he “simps” for will definitely get very very special treatment
in solo streams, shu is sure to use your model and just make it tiny, put it in a corner or something
*reading chat* "what's y/n doing there? nah, they're good. they're just chilling."
he's gonna mention you a whole lot
say like there's a character that you like or it reminds him of you, he's gonna say your name a lot or imitate you💀
in collabs, shu usually holds himself back or reserves himself when he’s with someone else
sure, he’ll crack a joke here and there, or add a commentary but it’s just not the same with you obviously
he tends to be more comfortable around you!(/ω\)
it doesn’t look like it but shu is actually always very excited when he collabs with you
“so uh guys,” shu laughs nervously. “you heard that we’re gonna have a guest today. say hi, y/n.”
“hi hello! hi yaminions! hi shu!”
and when you're teasing/flirting with him, he'll most definitely start messing up his words or just get super flustered(•゚д゚•)
and btw, when another vtuber asks him about you in a collab, he's more than likely going to either be shy about whatever it is or excitedly talk about you depending on the topic
i think shu will purposely have collabs with you for games that need more brain than brawn
he wants to be able to impress you just like mysta, but mysta wants to do it with games that are more hardcore, need practice and strategy
shu on the other hand is most likely going to do it with brain games like that one stream where he played the coding gameᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ
no matter if you understood coding or not, shu figuring it out without your help blows your mind away
you praise him so much, but shu just laughs it off
when in reality, he’s pretty embarrassed but also rly glad he was able to impress you with his smarts
shu is relatively active in your chats!
he’ll stop by to say hi, or say he’ll come back again later
or he’ll just straight up announce he’s gonna barge into your stream—
Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: yo y/n whaddup
“sup shu. not going to play getting over it with me?”
Shu Yamino [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: only if u swear to send me 10$ if i can get higher than u by the end of the stream
“oh it’s on yamino. get in here”
surprise collab?????
i think shu would submit to your art tag with a doodle of you ashjahj
the closest thing you can really see shu simping is when he sees your design and just rants about it on his stream
it lives in his head rent free
also, you two hang out on discord a lot
he sends you memes all the time only because he wants to be able to laugh with you
“hey y/n look”
the memes he sends can be corny sometimes but you appreciate him sending it to you nonetheless
because of these random conversations, you guys have your own inside jokes and when in collabs, shu will mention some and you’ll laugh
the chat will go bonkers on what you guys mean by that
4:36 minutes of shu and y/n being aliens
5:08 minutes of shu and y/n being best friends
in the eyes of the chat, you guys look like really fun best friends and that’s why until now, no one has really noticed or even called the things shu does for as simping
from the inside jokes, the times where you barge into his streams or when you ask for his help mid stream
“so like when—oh, hold on guys. y/n just asked for my help for their stream.”
he hides the fact he can flex his tech shupport skills to you
we love a man with a beeg brain
the only people who can notice shu actually “simping” is only within nijisanji
they notice how shu gets all cozy with you and just instantly warms without much obstacles
they notice how you and shu basically made a world of your own with your own languages and jokes no one else can understand
they notice shu being more like himself when he’s around you
is shu himself aware?
hard to tell
mysta has probably called him out once on discord that he’s down bad for you only to have shu brush it off
ike will say to him that he’s been really close to you and he thinks it’s very sweet, then shu will contemplate if that’s what it really is between you and him
a part of him says that what you have is nothing more than platonic
he enjoys your company and how you always laugh together, even if you’re in completely different streams
but then shu realizes just how right everyone was
how he has been treating you differently than anyone else
why do i do that? shu would think.
and he’s admittedly nervous of the answer
did he like you??? was what he had been doing all this time really just because he wanted to be friends??
or was it really simping just like mysta pointed out?
shu doesn’t want to think about it, really. so he tries to shrug it off. but when he sees you… well, there’s really no avoiding it
you guys, i'm gonna kick myself for doing this at 4 fucking am i have school in like 3 hours :D
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
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【 Five | Previous | Masterlist | Next 】
“Mr. Haitani?” That voice, and there’s only one person that refers to him as that. It can’t be, what are they doing here? He turned around to face the usual bright grin plastered on your face. “I knew it was you, can recognize your hair from miles away.” “Why hello there, you can just refer to me as Rindou outside of the daycare.” “Hmm alright then, and you can just call me Y/N! So you're here for work?” “Yeah, you?” “A friend’s plus one.” “I see.” 
It wasn’t long before your conversation was cut short. “Rin!!” You both turn around to see Ran running towards you both, he stopped before Rindou to catch his breath. “Oh, if it isn’t #2, what are you in such a rush for? Gotta take a #2?” You teased. He just rolled his eyes, grabbed Rindou’s arm and whispered into his ear, “The target has been spotted, let’s go.” Rindou quickly turned around and bid you farewell as you did the same while Ran proceeded to drag him away from you.
Huh, maybe he needed some assistance so he brought Rindou along to his bathroom trip. Nah, I need to stop with the #2 jokes. After losing sight of you Rindou sighed in relief. It's a good thing we’re just here to kidnap some random dude and not put on a freak show and shoot everyone on sight. They’ll be safe tonight. Wait- why am I relieved?! He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts by Ran clicking his tongue out of exasperation. “What was that daycare worker doing here?” “With a friend.” “Let’s just hurry and get out of here.”
*I’m too lazy to write it all out but yeah they got Light, knocked his ass out, got their asses out of that building and got back to the Bonten HQ.*
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*It’s currently Monday*
It was finally Rindou picking up Kiyoko today and you decided to start up a conversation with him. “So…you ended up leaving early on Saturday?” “Oh yea, my brother wasn’t feeling so well so we both left early.” “Wait, don’t tell me that he was constipated.” Wait, was that even appropriate to say in front of a kid’s parent? “Actually, never mind what I said, if he was constipated, he probably would’ve just spent the whole night in the bathroom instead of going home early.” WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING, WHY AM I STILL TALKING?! 
Rindou’s just staring at you, completely baffled. “Oh my god, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, please just erase that whole conversation from your memory.” “Not a chance, after all you didn’t want to forget about my first conversation with you. Guess we’re even now.” You facepalmed and let out an embarrassed groan. “I guess you have a point.” You hear Rindou chuckle a little. “You’re an amusing person.” “Thanks I guess?” “Oh by the way, can I get your number?” HUH???!!! 
The little girl who you both have forgotten about made her presence known with 3 words, “ooh papa’s flirting!”
➼Taglist: @wakasagurl @moodyclouds89 @gulfkfl @thisbicc @watermaylon-writes @rinrinfoxy @haitani-bruv @royal-shinigami @luno-614 @xrosexblossomx @severellamahottub @katsukismelons @haitani-22 @night-shadowblood-writes2 @ilysmbaji @shuujin @heartonthemoon @oikawascutie @simpfound @ayhashi
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