#Building Permit Assistance
resdraft · 5 months
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Commercial Drafting with Building Permit Assistance
Unlock your construction dreams with precision and ease! Our service offers expert commercial drafting paired with seamless building permit assistance.
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permitmasters · 2 years
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 Building Permit Assistance  |   Calgary Building Permit  | Building Permit Services 
Building permit assistance is a service that offers a permit application and multiple types of consulting and management services to help businesses with the process of building permits, codes compliance, construction steps, and more. 
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asbestieos · 2 years
if i gut myself it would hurt really bad and be fatal but on the other hand it would be fatal and i wouldnt have to stand in dmv line anymores
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machinavocis · 1 year
if i buy a house next year i solemnly swear to never shut the fuck up about how it was literally only possible because of an inheritance and that in no way should my home ownership ever be attributed to """merit""" or """"financial competence""""
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santacruzarchitect · 12 days
Mastering the Permit Process: Twelve Essential Tips for Homeowners
In the ever-evolving world of architecture and construction, obtaining a building permit is a critical step in ensuring a project complies with local regulations, codes, and safety standards. While it may seem like a straightforward administrative task, the reality is that securing a permit can be a complex, time-consuming process, especially when working on residential and commercial projects.…
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housekeepinginfo · 2 months
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Autopsy
Autopsy - dissection and examination of a dead body and its organs and structures.
The word autopsy is derived from the Greek autopsia, meaning “the act of seeing for oneself.”
Also known as: necropsy, postmortem, postmortem examination
Why is an autopsy done?
To determine the cause of death
When a suspicious or unexpected death occurs
To observe the effects of disease; when there's a public health concern, such as an outbreak with an undetermined cause
To establish the evolution and mechanisms of disease processes
When no doctor knows the deceased well enough to state a cause of death and to sign the death certificate
When the doctor, the family or legally responsible designee of the deceased person requests an autopsy
Who does the autopsy?
Autopsies ordered by the state can be done by a county coroner, who is not necessarily a doctor
A medical examiner who does an autopsy is a doctor, usually a pathologist
Clinical autopsies are always done by a pathologist
How is an autopsy done?
After the patient is pronounced dead by a physician, the body is wrapped in a sheet or shroud and transported to the morgue, where it is held in a refrigeration unit until the autopsy.
Autopsies are rarely performed at night.
Autopsy practice was largely developed in Germany, and an autopsy assistant is traditionally honored with the title "diener", which is German for "helper".
The prosector and diener wear fairly simple protective equipment, including scrub suits, gowns, gloves (typically two pair), shoe covers, and clear plastic face shields.
The body is identified and lawful consent obtained.
The procedure is done with respect and seriousness.
The prevailing mood in the autopsy room is curiosity, scientific interest, and pleasure at being able to find the truth and share it.
Most pathologists choose their specialty, at least in part, because they like finding the real answers.
Many autopsy services have a sign, "This is the place where death rejoices to help those who live." Usually it is written in Latin ("Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae").
The prosector checks to make sure that the body is that of the patient named on the permit by checking the toe tag or patient wristband ID.
The body is placed on the autopsy table.
Experienced dieners, even those of slight build, can transfer even obese bodies from the carriage to the table without assistance.
Since the comfort of the patient is no longer a consideration, this transfer is accomplished with what appears to the uninitiated a rather brutal combination of pulls and shoves, not unlike the way a thug might manhandle a mugging victim.
The body is measured.
Large facilities may have total-body scales, so that a weight can be obtained.
The autopsy table is a waist-high aluminum fixture that is plumbed for running water and has several faucets and spigots to facilitate washing away all the blood that is released during the procedure.
Older hospitals may still have porcelain or even marble tables.
The autopsy table is basically a slanted tray (for drainage) with raised edges (to keep blood and fluids from flowing onto the floor).
After the body is positioned, the diener places a "body block" under the patient's back. This rubber or plastic brick-like appliance causes the chest to protrude outward and the arms and neck to fall back, thus allowing the maximum exposure of the trunk for the incisions.
Abnormalities of the external body surfaces are then noted and described, either by talking into a voice recorder or making notes on a diagram and/or checklist.
The diener takes a large scalpel and makes the incision in the trunk. This is a Y-shaped incision. The arms of the Y extend from the front of each shoulder to the bottom end of the breast bone (called the xiphoid process of the sternum). In women, these incisions are diverted beneath the breasts, so the "Y" has curved, rather than straight, arms. The tail of the Y extends from the xiphoid process to the pubic bone and typically makes a slight deviation to avoid the umbilicus (navel). The incision is very deep, extending to the rib cage on the chest, and completely through the abdominal wall below that.
With the Y incision made, the next task is to peel the skin, muscle, and soft tissues off the chest wall. This is done with a scalpel. When complete, the chest flap is pulled upward over the patient's face, and the front of the rib cage and the strap muscles of the front of the neck lie exposed. Human muscle smells not unlike raw lamb meat in my opinion. At this point of the autopsy, the smells are otherwise very faint.
An electric saw or bone cutter (which looks a lot like curved pruning shears) is used to open the rib cage. One cut is made up each side of the front of the rib cage, so that the chest plate, consisting of the sternum and the ribs which connect to it, are no longer attached to the rest of the skeleton. The chest plate is pulled back and peeled off with a little help of the scalpel, which is used to dissect the adherent soft tissues stuck to the back of the chest plate. After the chest plate has been removed, the organs of the chest (heart and lungs) are exposed (the heart is actually covered by the pericardial sac).
Before disturbing the organs further, the prosector cuts open the pericardial sac, then the pulmonary artery where it exits the heart. He sticks his finger into the hole in the pulmonary artery and feels around for any thromboembolus (a blood clot which has dislodged from a vein elsewhere in the body, traveled through the heart to the pulmonary artery, lodged there, and caused sudden death. This is a common cause of death in hospitalized patients).
The abdomen is further opened by dissecting the abdominal muscle away from the bottom of the rib cage and diaphragm. The flaps of abdominal wall fall off to either side, and the abdominal organs are now exposed.
The most typical method of organ removal is called the "Rokitansky method." This is not unlike field dressing a deer. The dissection begins at the neck and proceeds downward, so that eventually all the organs of the trunk are removed from the body in one bloc.
The first thing the diener does is to identify the carotid and subclavian arteries in the neck and upper chest. He ties a long string to each and then cuts them off, so that the ties are left in the body. This allows the mortician to more easily find the arteries for injection of the embalming fluids.
A cut is them made above the larynx, detaching the larynx and esophagus from the pharynx. The larynx and trachea are then pulled downward, and the scalpel is used to free up the remainder of the chest organs from their attachment at the spine.
The diaphragm is cut away from the body wall, and the abdominal organs are pulled out and down.
Finally, all of the organs are attached to the body only by the pelvic ligaments, bladder, and rectum.
A single slash with the scalpel divides this connection, and all of the organs are now free in one block. The diener hands this organ bloc to the prosector. The prosector takes the organ bloc to a dissecting table (which is often mounted over the patient's legs) and dissects it. Meanwhile, the diener proceeds to remove the brain.
Another method is called Virchow method, which entails removing organs individually.
At the dissection table, the prosector typically dissects and isolates the esophagus from the rest of the chest organs. This is usually done simply by pulling it away without help of a blade (a technique called "blunt dissection"). The chest organs are then cut away from the abdominal organs and esophagus with scissors. The lungs are cut away from the heart and trachea and weighed, then sliced like loaves of bread into slices about one centimeter thick. A long (12" - 18"), sharp knife, called a "bread knife" is used for this.
The heart is weighed and opened along the pathway of normal blood flow using the bread knife or scissors. Old-time pathologists look down on prosectors who open the heart with scissors, rather than the bread knife, because, while the latter takes more skill and care, it is much faster and gives more attractive cut edges than when scissors are used. The coronary arteries are examined by making numerous crosscuts with a scalpel.
The larynx and trachea are opened longitudinally from the rear and the interior examined. The thyroid gland is dissected away from the trachea with scissors, weighed, and examined in thin slices. Sometimes the parathyroid glands are easy to find, other times impossible.
The bloc containing the abdominal organs is turned over so that the back side is up. The adrenal glands are located in the fatty tissue over the kidneys (they are sometimes difficult to find) and are removed, weighed, sliced, and examined by the prosector.
The liver is removed with scissors from the rest of the abdominal organs, weighed, sliced with a bread knife, and examined. The spleen is similarly treated.
The intestines are stripped from the mesentery using scissors (the wimpy method) or bread knife (macho method). The intestines are then opened over a sink under running water, so that all the feces and undigested food flow out. As one might imagine, this step is extremely malodorous. The resultant material in the sink smells like a pleasant combination of feces and vomitus. The internal (mucosal) surface of the bowel is washed off with water and examined. It is generally the diener's job to "run the gut," but usually a crusty, senior diener can intimidate a young first- year resident prosector into doing this ever-hated chore. Basically, whichever individual has the least effective steely glare of disdain is stuck with running the gut.
The stomach is then opened along its greater curvature. If the prosector is lucky, the patient will have not eaten solid food in a while. If not, the appearance of the contents of the stomach will assure the prosector that he will not be eating any stews or soups for a long time. In either case, the smell of gastric acid is unforgettable.
The pancreas is removed from the duodenum, weighed, sliced and examined. The duodenum is opened longitudinally, washed out, and examined internally. The esophagus is similarly treated.
The kidneys are removed, weighed, cut lengthwise in half, and examined. The urinary bladder is opened and examined internally. In the female patient, the ovaries are removed, cut in half, and examined. The uterus is opened along either side (bivalved) and examined. In the male, the testes are typically not removed if they are not enlarged. If it is necessary to remove them, they can be pulled up into the abdomen by traction on the spermatic cord, cut off, cut in half, and examined.
The aorta and its major abdominal/pelvic branches (the renal, celiac, mesenteric, and iliac arteries) are opened longitudinally and examined.
Most of the organs mentioned above are sampled for microscopic examination. Sections of the organs are cut with a bread knife or scalpel and placed in labeled plastic cassettes. Each section is the size of a postage stamp or smaller and optimally about three millimeters in thickness. The cassettes are placed in a small jar of formalin for fixation. They are then "processed" in a machine that overnight removes all the water from the specimens and replaces it with paraffin wax. Permanent microscopic sections (five microns, or one two-hundredth of a millimeter thick) can be cut from these paraffin sections, mounted on glass slides, stained, coverslipped, and examined microscopically. The permanent slides are usually kept indefinitely, but must be kept for twenty years minimum.
Additional small slices of the major organs are kept in a "save jar," typically a one-quart or one-pint jar filled with formalin. Labs keep the save jar for a variable length of time, but at least until the case is "signed out" (i.e., the final written report is prepared). Some labs keep the save jar for years. All tissues that are disposed of are done so by incineration.
A note on dissection technique: All of the above procedures are done with only four simple instruments -- a scalpel, the bread knife, scissors, and forceps (which most medical people call "pick-ups." Only scriptwriters say "forceps"). The more handy the prosector, the more he relies on the bread knife, sometimes making amazingly delicate cuts with this long, unwieldy-looking blade. The best prosectors are able to make every cut with one long slicing action. To saw back and forth with the blade leaves irregularities on the cut surface which are often distracting on specimen photographs. So the idea is to use an extremely sharp, long blade that can get through a 2000-gram liver in one graceful slice. Some old-time purist pathologists actually maintain their own bread knives themselves and let no one else use them. Such an individual typically carries it around in his briefcase in a leather sheath. This would make an excellent fiction device, which, to my knowledge, has not been used. Imagine a milquetoast pathologist defending himself from a late-night attacker in the lab, with one desperate but skillful slash of the bread knife almost cutting the assailant in half!
Note on the appearance of the autopsy suite: Toward the end of the autopsy procedure, the room is not a pretty sight. Prosectors vary markedly in how neat they keep the dissection area while doing the procedure. It is legendary that old-time pathologists were so neat that they'd perform the entire procedure in a tux (no apron) right before an evening at the opera (pathologists are noted for their love of classical music and fine art). Modern prosectors are not this neat. Usually, the autopsy table around the patient is covered with blood, and it is very difficult not to get some blood on the floor. We try to keep blood on the floor to a minimum, because this is a slippery substance that can lead to falls. The hanging meat scales used to weigh the organs are usually covered with or dripping with blood. The chalk that is used to write organ weights on the chalkboard is also smeared with blood, as may be the chalkboard itself. This is an especially unappetizing juxtaposition.
Another example using the Virchow method:
After the intestines are mobilized, they may be opened using special scissors.
Inspecting the brain often reveals surprises. A good pathologist takes some time to do this.
The pathologist examines the heart, and generally the first step following its removal is sectioning the coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood. There is often disease here, even in people who believed their hearts were normal.
After any organ is removed, the pathologist will save a section in preservative solution. Of course, if something looks abnormal, the pathologist will probably save more. The rest of the organ goes into a biohazard bag, which is supported by a large plastic container.
The pathologist weighs the major solid organs (heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, spleen, sometimes others) on a grocer's scale.
The smaller organs (thyroid, adrenals) get weighed on a chemist's triple-beam balance.
The next step in the abdominal dissection will be exploring the bile ducts and then freeing up the liver. The pathologist uses a scalpel or other similar tool.
After weighing the heart, the pathologist completes the dissection. There are a variety of ways of doing this, and the choice will depend on the case. If the pathologist suspects a heart attack, a long knife may be the best choice.
In the example: The liver is removed. The pathologist finds something important. It appears that the man had a fatty liver. It is too light, too orange, and a bit too big. Perhaps this man had been drinking heavily for a while.
The pathologist decides to remove the neck organs, large airways, and lungs in one piece. This requires careful dissection. The pathologist always examines the neck very carefully.
The liver in this example weighs much more than the normal 1400 gm.
The lungs are almost never normal at autopsy. In the example, the lungs are pink, because the dead man was a non-smoker. The pathologist will inspect and feel them for areas of pneumonia and other abnormalities.
The liver is cut at intervals of about a centimeter, using a long knife. This enables the pathologist to examine its inner structure.
The pathologist weighs both lungs together, then each one separately. Afterwards, the lungs may get inflated with fixative.
The rest of the team continues with the removal of the other organs. They may decide to take the urinary system as one piece, and the digestive system down to the small intestine as another single piece. This will require careful dissection.
One pathologist holds the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, and spleen. He opens these, and may save a portion of the gastric contents to check for poison.
Another pathologist holds the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Sometimes these organs will be left attached to the abdominal aorta. The pathologist opens all these organs and examine them carefully.
Dissecting the lungs can be done in any of several ways. All methods reveal the surfaces of the large airways, and the great arteries of the lungs.
Most pathologists use the long knife again while studying the lungs. The air spaces of the lungs will be evaluated based on their texture and appearance.
Before the autopsy is over, the brain is usually suspended in fixative for a week so that the later dissection will be clean, neat, and accurate.
If no disease of the brain is suspected, the pathologist may cut the brain fresh.
The kidneys are weighed before they are dissected.
It is the pathologist's decision as to whether to open the small intestine and/or colon. If they appear normal on the outside, there is seldom significant pathology on the inside.
One pathologist prepares the big needle and thread used to sew up the body.
When the internal organs have been examined, the pathologist may return all but the tiny portions that have been saved to the body cavity. Or the organs may be cremated without being returned.
The appropriate laws, and the wishes of the family, are obeyed.
The breastbone and ribs are usually replaced in the body.
The skull and trunk incisions are sewed shut ("baseball stitch").
The body is washed and is then ready to go to the funeral director.
These notes do not show all the steps of an autopsy, but will give you the general idea. 
During the autopsy, there may be photographers, evidence technicians, police, hospital personnel, and others.
In the example, the pathologists submit the tissue they saved to the histology lab, to be made into microscopic slides.
When these are ready, they will examine the sections, look at the results of any lab work, and draw their final conclusions.
The only finding in this sample autopsy was fatty liver. There are several ways in which heavy drinking, without any other disease, can kill a person. The pathologists will rule each of these in or out, and will probably be able to give a single answer to the police or family.
After all the above procedures are performed, the body is now an empty shell, with no larynx, chest organs, abdominal organs, pelvic organs, or brain. The front of the rib cage is also missing. The scalp is pulled down over the face, and the whole top of the head is gone. Obviously, this is not optimal for lying in state in public view. The diener remedies this problem. First, the calvarium is placed back on the skull (the brain is not replaced), the scalp pulled back over the calvarium, and the wound sewn up with thick twine using the type of stitch used to cover baseballs. The wound is now a line that goes from behind the ears over the back of the skull, so that when the head rests on a pillow in the casket, the wound is not visible.
The empty trunk looks like the hull of a ship under construction, the prominent ribs resembling the corresponding structural members of the ship. In many institutions, the sliced organs are just poured back into the open body cavity. In other places, the organs are not replaced but just incinerated at the facility. In either case, the chest plate is placed back in the chest, and the body wall is sewn back up with baseball stitches, so that the final wound again resembles a "Y."
The diener rinses the body off with a hose and sponge, covers it with a sheet, and calls the funeral home for pick- up. As one might imagine, if the organs had not been put back in the body, the whole trunk appears collapsed, especially the chest (since the chest plate was not firmly reattached to the ribs). The mortician must then remedy this by placing filler in the body cavity to re-expand the body to roughly normal contours.
Ultimately, what is buried/cremated is either 1) the body without a brain and without any chest, abdominal, or pelvic organs, or 2) the body without a brain but with a hodgepodge of other organ parts in the body cavity.
After the funeral home has been called, the diener cleans up the autopsy suite with a mop and bucket, and the prosector finishes up the notes and/or dictation concerning the findings of the "gross exam" (the part of the examination done with the naked eye and not the microscope; this use of the term "gross" is not a value judgement but a direct German translation of "big" as opposed to "microscopic").
For some odd reason, many prosectors report increased appetite after an autopsy, so the first thing they want to do afterwards is grab a bite to eat.
The whole procedure in experienced hands, assuming a fairly straightforward case and no interruptions, has taken about two hours.
Complicated cases requiring detailed explorations and special dissections (e.g., exploring the bile ducts, removing the eyes or spinal cord) may take up to four hours.
Days to weeks later, the processed microscopic slides are examined by the attending pathologist, who renders the final diagnoses and dictates the report.
A final report is ready in a month or so. The glass slides and a few bits of tissue are kept forever, so that other pathologists can review the work.
Only the pathologist can formally issue the report, even if he or she was not the prosector (i.e., the prosector was a resident, PA, or med student).
The report is of variable length but almost always runs at least three pages. It may be illustrated with diagrams that the prosector draws from scratch or fills in on standard forms with anatomical drawings.
The Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), which certifies hospitals, requires the final report to be issued within sixty days of the actual autopsy.
The College of American Pathologists, which certifies medical laboratories, requires that this be done in thirty days.
Nevertheless, pathologists are notorious for tardiness in getting the final report out, sometimes resulting in delays of years.
Perhaps the non-compensated nature of autopsy practice has something to do with this. Pathologists are otherwise very sensitive to turnaround times.
The examiner returns to the brain left suspended in a big jar of formalin for a few weeks. After the brain is "fixed," it has the consistency and firmness of a ripe avocado.
Before fixation, the consistency is not unlike that of three-day- old refrigerated, uncovered Jello.
Infant brains can be much softer than that before fixation, even as soft as a flan dessert warmed to room temperature, or worse, custard pie filling. Such a brain may be difficult or impossible to hold together and can fall apart as one attempts to remove it from the cranium.
Assuming good fixation of an adult brain, it is removed from the formalin and rinsed in a running tap water bath for several hours to try to cut down on the discomforting, eye-irritating, possibly carcinogenic formalin vapors.
The cerebrum is severed from the rest of the brain (brainstem and cerebellum) by the prosector with a scalpel.
The cerebellum is severed from the brainstem, and each is sliced and laid out on a tray for examination.
The cerebrum is sliced perpendicularly to its long axis and laid out to be examined.
Sections for microscopic processing are taken, as from the other organs, and a few slices are held in "save jars."
The remainder of the brain slices is incinerated.
Sources: 1 2 3 4
If these notes help with your poem/story, do tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
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An Elementary drabble idea 🫶🏻
Joel coming home in a sour mood after a long and frustrating and just plain tiring day at work, but all of that immediately melts away when hears Reader and Sarah laughing and then spots them playfully dancing in the living area / kitchen / outdoor patio / wherever (lol). And he watches them for a minute, soaking in the precious moment, until they notice him and pull him in on the dancing that leaves the three of them in a happy, playful little mess. And… yeah :’)
Thank you!
A Hard Day
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pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader (Elementary-verse)
rating: F (irritable joel but only for a split second, joel attempts a twerk, just ridiculous fluff what can i say)
wc: <1k
series masterlist | joel masterlist
It had been a while since someone had managed to cut through the thick layer of peace your love had built around his heart, but today someone did it. It was the goddamn city inspector, of course, those fuckers having nothing better to do than nitpick over every possible fault. Joel had gritted his teeth all afternoon, holding his tongue so that they could pass the inspection only for the guy to fail them over an non-permitted deck the owners paid Joel under the table to build.
Now, walking into the house, he was afraid he was going to bring this anger home to the two most undeserving ladies in the world. He felt it in his bones, his snappiness brewing, surely bound to spill over onto you once you inevitably pressed him for answers.
He didn’t find either of you in the living room or kitchen like he expected, but he heard Sarah’s boom box outside playing her new Destiny’s Child cd she’d just gotten for her birthday. He felt irritability bubble in his chest, constricting his breath as he walked over to the patio door, finding you spinning Sarah around on your finger.
As if your laughter carried some sort of magical property to it, he felt every sour feeling in his body burn to ash as he watched the two of you giggle in between singing along off-key to Bills, Bills, Bills.
He leaned against the frame of the sliding glass door and crossed his arms over his chest, a content smile replacing the scowl he’d worn since noon as he watched the performance like a true fan.
When you caught his eyeline, he shot you a wink, expecting you to smile and go on dancing but you had other ideas. Sauntering over to him with your arms stretched out, you unfolded his arms from over his chest and tugged him onto the patio, forcing him to become a part of the performance.
“Nah, I—“
“Dance and I’ll give you a blowjob,” you whispered in his ear and Joel instantly became enthusiastic.
You and Sarah cackled, doubled over as you watched Joel shake his hips to the music, his lips puckered and eyes closed as he moved. When he started to attempt a twerk, you lost it, shaking your head at him as you laughed breathlessly. You walked over and guided his hips to stop, but secretly used the opportunity to slip his wallet and cellphone from his back pocket so that you could…
Joel’s body hit the sun-warmed water of the pool with a splat as you pushed him in, Sarah gasping before she let out another breathless laugh. When he rose to the surface, shaking out his hair and smoothing his palms over his wet face, his eyes found you, full of pride and mischief as you knelt down by the edge of the pool to greet him.
“Thought that was funny, huh?” he asked, a half-smirk on his face. “You forget, I got an assistant to do my dirty work for me.”
“Huh?” Before you could even get the sound out, Sarah was pushing you over the edge and into the pool, Joel’s boisterous laughter sounding out long before you emerged from below the surface. When you did, you shot Sarah a betrayed, open mouthed smile, watching as she innocently shrugged before jumping in the water to join the three of you, all of you in your street clothes but none of you caring.
Joel splashed you with some water as he approached you for his homecoming kiss, only to get stopped by your palm pressing against his lips.
“You started it,” he mumbled against your skin before giving your palm a nip. Giggling, you decided he was right and lowered your palm to give him a sweet peck.
“How was work?” you asked as he hugged you tight to his body and swam with you to the middle of the pool. Sarah had busied herself with floating around the two of you on her back, at peace with the water and summer breeze blowing over her.
“Don’t get me started,” he sighed, hugging you tighter as you watched Sarah pass the two of you, her eyes closed to block out the sun. “But I don’t think any of it matters any more. Not when I have you two to come home to.”
“Even if I pushed you into the pool?” you asked with a cutesy smile, Joel’s half-smirk turning into a grin of pure affection.
“Even then,” he confirmed, giving you one more quick kiss. “And good luck gettin’ me out. I think I threw my back out tryin’ to shake my ass.”
“Why do you think I stopped you?”
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
Today, on April 3rd, 2024 around 11 o’clock, an unlawful eviction was initiated by Israeli Police on the grounds of the Cow’s Garden located within the premises of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Patriarchate said in a statement.
The eviction began with the destruction of Armenian Patriarchate property, and assaults on clergy and indigenous Armenians. The officer leading the eviction was Assaf Harel.
The group of officers were asked to present permits for the eviction, the destruction of property, and physical removal of priests and indigenous Armenians from the premises.
According to the Patriarchate, permits or court orders were not presented and they continued to protect and assist the representatives of Xana Gardens in their destruction of property. During attempts to stop the unlawful activity, several members of the police continued to state that they have come with permits without ever presenting them.
“We are here to defend the rights of the workers of Xana Gardens,” they said.
The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem is one of the Custodians of the Holy Land and overseers of one of the four Quarters of Jerusalem. We fully expect the due process that is purportedly granted to all within Jerusalem and demand answers from the Israeli Police and the Israeli Government for their participation in today’s events.
“It is clear that today’s provocations are an attempt to set a precedent against the Armenian Quarter and its lawful lands. We will continue to stand our ground and ask for Christians worldwide to spotlight these never-ending encroachments on the peaceful Armenian Christian community,” the Patriarchate stated.
3 Apr 24
A coveted plot of land inside the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem has become the focus of a legal controversy between the Armenian community and an Australian-Israeli developer who intends to build a luxury hotel complex on the property, as reported by the Times of Israel. In recent weeks, the dispute over the property has escalated.
4 Apr 24
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lithepetal · 2 months
Second Chance Chapter 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
Summary: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist? Not to Aurora; more like stubborn, unreasonable, overprotective father.
Warnings: father-daughter fluff
Series Masterlist
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Crisp, cool air swirled like an eddy around her, the crunch of leaves underfoot as she jogged along the familiar path through Central Park. Aurora’s brown hair flapped in the breeze, wisps from her ponytail plastered against the nape of her neck and face by sweat.
Exiting the park, she merged onto the bustling sidewalk, her nose filled with the aroma of coffee and freshly-baked bagels. She raced past several street vendors, could practically taste the first savory bite of an everything bagel, her stomach grumbling in protest when she bypassed all of them. Determined to beat her father, she continued onward with an empty belly and only mild regret.
Aurora loved Manhattan, everything the cultural mecca offered. Opposite the laid-back vibe of California, she found that, after they moved following the incident with the Mandarin, she was happy to call NYC ‘home’. At age 11, she started ballet, and though she never dreamt of becoming an Avenger, Tony breathed a little easier each night knowing her flexibility and grace could get her out of not all, but at least some, potentially dangerous situations.
The newly-renamed Avengers Tower loomed ahead, and still, her father had yet to catch up. Exhilaration fueling her steps, her pacing and agility worked to her advantage. Her tennis shoes bleated against the concrete, pushing her closer and closer to her destination.
At last, she reached the high-rise building and stopped in front of the entrance, doubling over. Panting, she side-eyed her father as he jogged up next to her. “You’re getting slow in your old age, Dad.”
“I think,” Tony huffed a winded breath, “the term for sassing your old man is grounded.”
They entered and took the elevator to the kitchen, Aurora noticing the concern layered beneath her father’s usual veneer of sarcasm. Opening the fridge, she grabbed two bottles of water. Tossing one to him, she said, “Nice try, Dad. I’m going on my field trip.”
“An entire weekend…” Tony began, reigniting their argument over whether he was going to permit her to go. The field trip was already paid for, but she had a nagging feeling that it was her father’s personal assistant, Pepper’s, doing. Short of outright telling her ‘no’, he did everything in his power to persuade her against it. “You’ve never been out of my sight for that long.”
“You’re gone all the time,” she pointed out, “for much longer.”
“I’m an adult. How old are you, again?” he asked offhandedly, as he fidgeted with the blender to make their post-run smoothies.
“Precisely,” Tony retorted, gaze finally alighting on hers. “Seventeen. Too young to go off for the weekend on your own.”
Aurora rolled her eyes. “I’ll be with classmates and my teacher. Besides, we’re just going to the Smithsonian.”
“There ya go. Problem solved,” Tony exclaimed. “If you want a history lesson, we can invite Cap over.”
“Dad…” she groaned.
Not that she didn’t relish the idea of Steve dropping by—with the exception of Bruce, it had been a couple months since she’d seen anyone from the team. However, she didn’t understand why he was being so stubborn about letting her go on a class field trip.
Tony paused as he stared blankly at the assortment of greens on the counter, then— “Washington, D.C.”
“Three whole days.”
“Mhm,” she answered, taking a sip of water and smiling into the bottle.
Tony leaned against the counter, arms crossed in front of him. “What if I said I have a bad feeling?”
“Hey, JARVIS?”
“Yes, Miss Stark?”
“Statistically, what are the chances of me getting kidnapped?”
“The probability of Miss Stark being kidnapped is 0.27 percent per 1,000 residents in the District of Columbia area.”
Aurora turned to her father with an ear-to-ear grin. “See, Dad, I’ll be fine.”
“Not helpful, JARVIS, you forgot to factor in she’s my daughter,” Tony reprimanded, garnering an apology from the AI. “And you, young lady, are too smart for your own good.” There was another lengthy pause, during which Aurora’s amber eyes glittered, sensing the weeks-long stalemate coming to an end. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth.”
“Anything else?”
“Yeah…” An uncharacteristic somberness settled over Tony’s features. Closing the space between them, he wrapped his arms around her, chin pressed against the top of her head. He muttered, “Be careful.”
“I will, Dad.”
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intheholler · 8 months
Appalachia & Southeastern USA LGBTQ+ Resource Masterpost
Under the cut, you'll find queer-focused resources sorted by state.
I have a sister post with donation links for those outside of the region who'd like to help us grow.
If you aren't from the region, I encourage you to find the organization that speaks to you the most, put your money where your mouth is and help us be better.
If you are from the region, I sincerely hope this can help you or someone you know in some way.
This list is inexhaustive as Tumblr is only permitting 100 links (which is also what necessitates the sister post and is why you may not see your contribution unfortunately).
Disclaimer: I do not (necessarily) personally endorse these organizations, nor have I vetted them thoroughly. If I have included anything you know to be detrimental or harmful in any way, please DM immediately me so I can rectify it.
General Regional Resources
Appalachian Outreach organizes events and provides access to resources for the queer community all across Appalachia.
STAY (Central Appalachia) is a youth-led activist organization in central Appalachia.
Trans in the South is a directory for gender-affirming healthcare in the south.
Southerners on New Ground (SONG) is a queer liberation group funding projects, protests, and campaigns to build a queer-friendly south.
Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project (STYEP) connects trans youth affected by anti-trans legislation with gender-affirming healthcare providers in the southeast; they offer grants up to $500 to individuals for emergency support.
Trans Health Project helps trans folks understand, access and utilize their medical insurance. They provide grants for gender-affirming surgeries.
Campaign for Southern Equality provides funding, training and resources for/to queer individuals and activists.
Not region specific, but important all the same: Help suspected transgender John and Jane Does regain their identities.
Resources by State
AIDS Alabama helps provide housing to vulnerable individual and families, including helping queer youth find housing.
ALTGO’s list of local resources for gender-affirming care, legal services and generally queer-friendly physical/mental healthcare.
The Knights & Orchids Society provides housing, healthcare, and general support to the Black queer community.
Based in Birmingham, Magic City Acceptance Center offers supportive safe spaces and direct support to 52 counties in Alabama.
Medical Advocacy and Outreach in southern Alabama provides HIV+ care, as well as HIV & hepatitis C testing.
Prism United funds free therapy and hosts gatherings for queer individuals along the Gulf Coast.
Shoals Diversity Center is a Florence-based group that offers mental health services, support groups and other resources for the queer community in the Shoals area.
T.A.K.E. Resource Center provides direct support, grants, housing advocacy and other services for trans women of color in Alabama.
Thrive Alabama facilitates access to queer-focused healthcare services in North Alabama.
Carollton Rainbow organizes queer-focused social events in West Georgia and provides tools for advocacy in the community.
Emmaus House is a soup kitchen in Savannah also providing laundry and shower facilities.
Emory is an Atlanta-based, queer-focused law firm.
Feminist Women’s Health Center (I know the name isn’t necessarily ideal, sorry) in Atlanta offers trans-inclusive, affordable medical care. They also provide access to abortions.
First City Network in Savannah provides referral services for healthcare, advocacy, education and mutual aid for queer Georgians.
List of housing assistance in the Savannah area
Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia serves the queer community’s legal needs in Georgia.
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington (AVOL) provides housing and assistance to low-income people living with HIV/AIDS.
Arbor Youth Services provides emergency shelter to queer youth in Louisville, up to age 24.
Berea Human Rights Commission offers free investigations into claims of housing or employment discrimination with a focus on queer folks.
Kentucky Health Justice Network provides referrals to gender-affirming providers, as well as financial assistance for trans healthcare and abortions.
Kentucky Youth Law Project provides free representation to queer youth.
Massive Kentuckian LGBTQ resource list provided by Lexington Pride Center, broken down into easy-to-browse categories.
Louisville Youth Group strives to give queer youth the tools and skills they need to grow personally and facilitate positive change in their communities.
Sweet Evening Breeze helps queer young adults in Kentucky between the ages of 18-24 obtain emergency housing.
Trans Kentucky’s list of gender-affirming healthcare providers across the state
Guide on changing your name following gender-affirming surgeries in Kentucky, and a tool to help you do so.
AcadianaCares supports folks living with HIV/AIDS while providing support to houseless and impoverished individuals.
ACLU Louisiana website.
Community resources in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Lafayette (much of it only provides addresses and emails, so it’s hard to link individually here).
Directory of trans-focused healthcare providers
List of in-person and online queer support groups. In-person groups are based in Monroe, Lafayette and Baton Rouge.
Mutual aid in Shreveport
Out of the Closet provides clothing for the queer community with multiple locations throughout the state.
OUTnorthla is a queer film-festival hosted by PACE Louisiana.
Queer-forward healthcare in Louisiana.
QUEERPORT is a grassroots org offering a platform for queer creatives.
Tulane Drop-In Clinic provides free medical and social services to runaway and otherwise houseless youth.
Guides for legal name changes in Louisiana.
Capital City Pride hosts pride events, meet-ups and book clubs for the queer community around Jackson.
Gulf Coast Equality hosts drag shows, food drives and other events for the Gulf Coast area.
The Spectrum Center in Hattiesburg offers a community closet, short-term emergency housing, free HIV testing and scheduled support groups/events for the queer community in Hattiesburg.
Violet Valley Bookstore is a queer feminist bookshop owned by a published lesbian author in Water Valley.
Guide for name changes in Mississippi.
North Carolina
Charlotte Transgender Healthcare Group (CTHCG) connects trans folks with gender-affirming care.
Down Home NC helps rural working class communities organize to advocate for their rights.
Guilford Green Foundation & LGBTQ Center provides financial support to queer nonprofits and activist groups in NC to fight anti-queer legislation.
Ladies of the T is provides resources and support to trans and gender non-conforming women of color in the Tri-City area. .
North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Attorneys (NCPMB) provides attorney referrals, visibility, and support for the queer community.
Pitt County Aids Service Organization (PICASO) provides HIV prevention and testing services in Eastern NC, as well as support for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.
Asheville-based Tranzmission’s compilation of trans-focused medical, social and legal resources in WNC.
Triad Health Project provides free HIV testing, contraceptives, prevention outreach, daycare and access to their food pantry in Guilford County.
Durham-based Triangle Empowerment Center provides the queer community with emergency housing, access to PrEP, as well as support groups and other events.
South Carolina
Harriet Hancock Center is a community center offering social support for queer individuals in the Midlands area.
Free gender-affirming gear to South Carolinians!!!
Alliance for Full Acceptance (AFFA), a queer-focused social justice group
List of queer-friendly medical providers across the state
Uplift Outreach provides safe spaces for queer youth in Spartanburg.
Charleston Black Pride serves the queer POC community in the low country area.
We are Family Charleston’s community center hosts support groups and provides direct support to the queer community around Charleston. They offer microgrants to trans individuals in the state as well as in-person support groups and aforementioned free stuff for trans folks.
Closet Case is a thrift store by and for queer individuals, operated by We Are family, offering safe and affordable clothes shopping.
T-Time holds support groups for trans individuals, based in Myrtle Beach.
Palmetto Community Care provides confidential HIV testing and support as well as free contraceptives.
South Carolina based community support network for the trans community
Legal assistance in Columbia, SC/Midlands area
Guide on changing your name in South Carolina
List of queer-safe, gender-affirming care providers in Columbia, SC
CHOICES provides low-cost LGBTQ healthcare, among other services, such as abortions.
Emergency housing in Tennessee for those living with AIDS
Launch Pad helps queer youth among others obtain emergency shelter in the Nashville area.
Metamorphosis provides transitional housing and other emergency support for queer youth between 18 - 24.
Mountain Access Brigade provides abortion funding across the state.
My Sistah’s House in Memphis provides emergency housing and support for queer people of color, as well as access to health services for sex workers.
The Seed Theatre in Chattanooga provides free resources such as binders for the trans community and hosts safe, social spaces.
Tennessee HIV Prevention & Care
Trans Empowerment Project provides support to trans and gender-nonconforming folks around Knoxville.
Youth Villages provides emergency housing for youth under 18.
List of trans-focused healthcare providers across the state.
Counseling, free hygiene products, temporary housing and more provided by Side by Side VA
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls partners with Pride Place to provide temporary housing for queer young adults (18-25).
Side by Side VA provides temporary housing for queer youth for up to 6 months.
Nationz, based in Henrico, provides free STI/HIV testing, food pantry, PrEP, and notary services for the queer community.
Justice 4 All provides legal aid for low-income Virginians.
Virginia Rural health Association’s list of gender-affirming healthcare providers
General rural healthcare resources in Virginia
West Virginia
Dr. Rainbow connects folks with queer-friendly care in the state.
Fairness West Virginia’s list of gender-affirming care providers.
Harmony House West Virginia provides queer-friendly shelter for houseless people.
Holler Health Justice is a queer- and POC-led mutual aid organization based in WV, though they seem open to serving all Appalachians.
Holler Health Justice also provides financial/logistic support to West Virginians seeking abortions.
WVFREE connects West Virginians with birth control providers.
Nearby gender-affirming care for trans youth at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Transgender Health Center.
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resdraft · 5 months
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Building Permit Assistance
ResDraftoffers building permit assistance in Arizona, Texas and Florida and peace of mind knowing that experienced professionals oversee every aspect of the permitting process.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months
Dear Magisowo, id like some legal advice if you have any.
I’m a wizard and have recently acquired and renovated my home into a proper wizard tower. However problem is I’ve been getting harrased by the local HOA, them complaining that my tower is an “eyesore” and “disturbing” their neighborhoods image. My tower was built perfectly legally, I’ve got all the proper building permits and followed all local county tower laws. That still isn’t enough for them as they’ve sent countless “inspectors” who’ve found nothing, and have been sending threats of legal action. Is there any way to get them to stop and do their threats actually hold weight?
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Good morning!
That sounds like a horrid situation and let us assure you: this so-called Homeowner Association hasn't got a leg to stand on. Of course neighbours are always free to band together for purposes of mutual support - like establishing a feral griffin watch or communal herb garden - but legal rights are only granted in the case a HOA of owners that share communal real estate. As is the case with apartment complexes where one buys an apartment instead of renting it.
If your home is a detached building and you obtained the proper planning permission, your tower construction is perfectly legal. I imagine these people are threatening to report your building to the urban aesthetics commission, but if you have your papers in order the municipality will have ran your plans by them already. Besides, wizard towers are protected under the Occult Habitat Provision, as studies have shown they are a requirement for performing certain types of magic and frequently attract endangered magical species.
We advise passing this information on to the individuals that are bothering you, asking them politely to stop, and if need be warn them that you will treat their actions as intentional harassment if they continue. We will send you an example of how to keep a log to build a harassment case, if worst comes to worst.
We absolutely can not recommend contacting the Wizard Orb Assistance Helpline (WOAH) and inquiring after the latest neighbour-repelling wards that they have on file under Occult Commons. That would be irresponsible from a community building perspective and as such we would under no circumstances advise you do such a thing.
All the best,
~ the MagISoWo Team  
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femboycatofmystery · 7 months
I just realized that when Hordak is assigned community service the first assignment is going to be something like "assist in rebuilding Salineas" and it will take him all of five minutes to go from ah yes I will help these builders to wait no you're doing it wrong to stalking down some random bureaucrat and tossing them around like a rag doll while yelling about building permits and zoning regulations and anyway now I have a new fanfic I have to try to write at some point
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santacruzarchitect · 6 months
ADUs in Santa Cruz County: What are the Current Regulations?
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are a trending topic in California, particularly due to the state’s recognition of the housing shortage. Consequently, state laws regulating ADUs have been progressively relaxed, accompanied by increased pressure on local municipalities to simplify the building process. This has led to what is known as the ‘State Mandate,’ resulting in frequent revisions of local…
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Imagine the beast pirates learning you are a criminal mastermind
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Kaido: *going over a cargo manifest* we will sell these in Port Chugal, prepare them for shipment.
King: Port Chugal won't buy pirate goods anymore, the world government found out they've been trading with us, so they replaced the king there.
Kaido: That's the third distribution market I've had to change in the last month. First the Bourgeois Kingdom, then Ballywood, and now Port Chugal. How are they finding my warehouses?
Queen: we don't know at the moment, but we're working on it
You: *King's assistant* I would like to point out something that all three have in common.
King: Silence.
Kaido: let em talk, I want to hear what they have to say.
You: they were all common stops on Captain Rondow's transport route, who was captured almost three months ago by the world government.
Kaido: You think the poor bastard broke under torture?
You: It appears so, and from the other reports we're getting I'm guessing they have figured out how you conduct your exportation operation. *Hands King the reports*
King: *Skims them* we spent years building this system.
You: which means building another will be faster this time. I'm guessing how they're locating our goods is by the fact that while it's labeled under a company that doesn't have any paperwork officially filed in countries we claim it's from.
Kaido: what are we supposed to do, get a business permit?
You: yes, but actually no. Now any new businesses from any nations in your territory will come under scrutiny by the world government. So I think we should find any failing, but long-established companies, and bail them out in exchange for slipping our illicit cargo into their product distribution.
King: that... might actually work, but there's no way we can guarantee their loyalty.
You: that's why you give them a small percentage of the profits and gather blackmail material. Most rich people are sick fucks will have skeletons in their closet, you just have to look for it.
Kaido: I'll entrust the task to you, and in the meantime we'll have Yamato fill in for you with King.
King: what! No! Your son is... not great at paperwork.
Kaido: Sorry bud, but I'd like to see what they can do on their own, so I'm setting them loose.
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Returns from setting up the new network seven months later
Kaido: I just got the finance report for the last quarter
You: *literally just got off the boat* Sir?
King: Your network is more efficient than what we had set up.
Kaido: you're getting promoted, so you can manage it from here.
You: But I was really looking forward to working with King again.
Kaido: then you'll work under him not me.
You: I'm keeping my desk in your office.
King: For someone who ruthlessly castrated a man to get him to do what they wanted, you are very clingy and sentimental.
You: I was well within my rights to revoke that man's dick privilege, you had no idea how man people he's assaulted. I did that town a fucking favor by pickling that man's junk
Kaido: you pickled it!
You: Yes I did, how else, so you think I got an entire town to look the other way about our ships coming into the harbor?
Kaido: I never would have thought of that... You know when I met you I never would have guessed you'd be an asset to my operations. You seemed too soft and naive, too kind.
You: *shrugs* Well thank you for thinking I'm kind, but I just so happen to hate you less than the world government, and you have more money than the revolutionary army. And Lin Lin and her family freaks me out.
King: don't forget Akagami and Whitebeard won't hire you since you've worked with us.
You: *clicks your tongue* and I regret it every day.
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Coming Soon
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