#Busan International Film Festival 27
frdaejeon · 5 months
2024 프랑스 영화주간 / La semaine du cinéma français
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4월 18일부터 28일까지 프랑스 영화주간이 열립니다. 아트나인에서 열리는 이번 행사는 부산국제영화제와 부천국제애니메이션페스티벌에서 소개되었던 최신 미개봉 프랑스 영화 9편을 소개합니다. GV도 준비되어 있으니 많이 기대해주세요! 
Du 18 au 28 avril, la Semaine du cinéma français vous propose cette année 9 films français sélectionnés notamment au Busan International Film Festival et au Bucheon Animation Film Festival, pour la première fois distribués en Corée du Sud au cinéma Artnine à Séoul. Découvrez ces films accompagnés d’un programme de ciné-débat et de rencontres.
GV (Guest Visit) est un terme utilisé pour désigner différents types d’événements liés au film. Il s’agit généralement d’une visite d’un invité pour parler du film. Il peut s’agir d’une lecture, d’un débat.
날짜 (date) : 2024년 4월 18일~28일 du 18 au 28 avril 2024
장소 (lieu) : 아트나인 / Cinéma Artnine 서울시 동작구 동작대로 89 Dongjak-daero, 89 - Dongjak-gu, Seoul
자세한 정보 (réservation) : 예매 Megabox
후원 (sponsor) : TV5 MONDE
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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Les films
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애니멀 킹덤 / Le Règne animal
지구 곳곳에 변이가 발생한다. 의료 센터에서는 늑대 인간이나 조류 인간, 혹은 멧돼지 인간으로 변한 이들에 관한 연구가 한창이다. 에밀은 아버지와 함께 호송 중에 탈출한 엄마를 찾아 나서지만, 곧 그에게도 증상이 나타난다. 그는 인간과 동물의 세계 중 무엇을 선택할까?
4/21 (일) 14:00 (GV)
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더 드리머 / L’Homme d’argile
주인이 떠난 외딴 장원, 애꾸에 추하고 뚱뚱한 라파엘은 어머니와 지내며 그곳을 관리한다. 어느 밤, 상속녀 개랑스가 찾아오는데…
4/22 (월) 19:30 (GV) 4/24 (수) 17:30
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북두칠성 / Le Grand Chariot
삼남매와 아버지, 할머니는 순회 인형극을 운영한다. 공연 중 아버지가 돌아가시자 가족들은 공연을 이어가며 아버지의 유산을 지키기 위해 노력한다.
4/26 (금) 19:30 (GV) 4/28 (일) 17:30
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더 비스트 / La Bête
감정이 위협이 되는 가까운 미래에 가브리엘은 마침내 자신의 과거 삶으로 돌아가 모든 강한 감정을 없애는 기계에서 자신의 DNA를 변화시키기로 마음먹는다. 그러던 중 가브리엘은 루이를 만나 강력한 유대감을 느끼게 되는데…
4/25 (목) 16:30 4/27 (토) 14:00 (GV)
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생토메르 / Saint Omer
문학교수이자 소설가인 라마는 로랑스 콜리의 재판을 참관하고, 이 사건에 대해 글을 쓰기 위해 생토메르로 향한다. 콜리는 학생이자 세네갈 이민자로, 15개월 된 딸을 해변에 방치에 사망하게 한 혐의로 기소된 인물이다. 라마는 콜리에게개인적인 유대감을 느끼면서도, 콜리가 프랑스에서 가족과 사회로부터 고립된 것을 보면서 점점 자신의 삶에도 불안을 느끼기 시작한다.
4/26 (금) 17:00 4/28 (일) 14:00 (GV)
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어느 짧은 연애의 기 / Chronique d’une liaison passagère
미혼모와 유부남이 만나 연인이 된다. 오직 즐거움을 위해서만 서로를 만나고 낭만적인 감정은 키우지 않기로 했지만, 생각보다 서로 너무 잘 맞는것에 놀라게 되는데…
4/20 (토) 14:00 (GV) 4/23 (화) 17:30
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치킨 포 린다! / Linda veut du poulet !
어느 날, 폴레트의 반지가 사라진다. 애꿎게 딸 린다를 혼낸 폴레트는 사과의 의미로 딸에게 소원 하나를 들어주기로 한다. 린다는 어릴 적 세상을 떠난 아빠가 만들어 주던 치킨 요리를 해달라고 하는데, 때마침 파업으로 모두 문을 닫은 가게들. 둘은 요리에 쓸 닭을 구하기 위해 동분서주한다.
4/21 (일) 17:30 4/23 (화) 19:30 (GV)
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사이렌 / La Sirène
1980년 9월, 이라크의 침공으로 이란-이라크 전쟁이 발발한다. 전쟁이 시작되자마자 형은 전선으로 떠나고, 어머니는 포화를 피해 동생들을 데리고 안전한 곳으로 피신한다. 형을 기다리며 할아버지와 함께 남기로 한 소년 오미드는 아바단의 항구에서 버려진 보트 하나를 발견하게 되는데…
4/22 (월) 17:30 4/24 (수) 19:30 (GV)
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공드리의 솔루션북 / Le Livre des solutions
마크는 자신을 해고하려는 영화사의 경영진으로부터 편집자와 함께 도망친다. 촬영분을 가지고 시골의 숙모 집으로 도피한 마크는 부족한 자신의 영화와 현실을 똑바로 보지 못하고, 새로운 영감을 찾고자 애쓰다가 자신만의 솔루션 북을 만들기에 이른다.
4/25(목) 19:30 (GV) 4/27 (토) 18:00
부가 정보 / Plus d’informations ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2024 프랑스 영화주간 https://kr.ambafrance-culture.org/ko/2024-%ed%94%84%eb%9e%91%ec%8a%a4-%ec%98%81%ed%99%94%ec%a3%bc%ea%b0%84/
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0 notes
mayapurimagazine · 2 years
0 notes
dimensionsunited · 4 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of October 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: August schedule posts are due by the end of September 7 KST. Please do not post schedule posts in the fmdschedule tag.
As has become standard at this point, all idols under the company will be permitted a short, three-day break over Chuseok unless they have individual schedules (admin note: points claims) conflicting with the vacation. It is a true break, meaning idols may travel as they wish and are capable of doing within such a short time period and, if they don’t have individual schedules, their manager will be off the clock as well.
Important dates:
September 30(-October 2): Chuseok vacation (no activities save for any individual schedules).
As her comeback approaches at the beginning of next month, she’ll spend the beginning part of the month perfecting her performance of the song before she shoots the comeback teaser photos and films the music video in the second half of the month. Earlier in September, she’s included in the performer lineup for this year’s Waterbomb festival in Seoul with a roughly twenty-five minute set (plus “Lalalay”).
Important dates:
September 5: Performance at Waterbomb 2020 in Seoul, South Korea (also performing: BC Soloist 1).
September 18: Comeback teaser photo shoot.
September 20: “Pporappippam” M/V filming day one.
September 21: “Pporappippam” M/V filming day two.
After holding two concert dates in Seoul last month, this month, he continues his concerts with one date each in Bangkok and in Busan. The concerts have the same set list as last month, meaning the inclusion of his next release “When You Call My Name”. He’ll be in and out of rehearsals to make sure he gives his best performance possible for each date without error, but his schedule is relatively relaxed this month before he moves into final comeback preparations next month.
Important dates:
September 5: Zero concert at BCC Hall Central Plaza Ladprao in Bangkok, Thailand.
September 29: Zero concert at Busan Cultural Center Main Hall in Busan, South Korea.
After the whirlwind since her solo debut back in April, it’s finally time for her to hold her first series of solo concerts, only five months after her solo debut. The quick turnaround signals both her success and how much faith Dimensions seems to have in her before she’s even made a solo comeback, so all of the staff involved in pulling the six concert dates off are aware of the importance of getting her good press by giving only successful shows.
Important dates:
September 18: Very Special Day concert at Nodeul Island Live House in Seoul, South Korea.
September 19: Very Special Day concert at Nodeul Island Live House in Seoul, South Korea.
September 20: Very Special Day concert at Nodeul Island Live House in Seoul, South Korea.
September 25: Very Special Day concert at Nodeul Island Live House in Seoul, South Korea.
September 26: Very Special Day concert at Nodeul Island Live House in Seoul, South Korea.
September 27: Very Special Day concert at Nodeul Island Live House in Seoul, South Korea.
Ahead of their comeback next month, the members of Gal.actic must continue rehearsing their performances and they have to complete their teaser photo and music video shoots. For this comeback, Dimensions has chosen to go with a “ style film” (flashing lights tw) to show off the more conceptual nature of the comeback. With Gal.actic having passed their ninth anniversary without a first win, the A&R department wants to attempt a gradual shift in image to something better designed to retain fans than the previous strategy of getting a blaze of press at the beginning of a controversial promotion run.
Important dates:
September 22: Comeback style film (flashing lights tw) and teaser photo shoot.
September 26: “Black Swan” M/V filming.
The next English single from their upcoming album is released mid-month and internally, a release date for the English album is confirmed for January of next year. The official release date hasn’t been made available to fans yet, but they won’t be releasing any more standalone English singles until the album comes out. In the meantime, Alien must return to the practice studio this month to get their concert set list back in their minds since they’ll be holding the Seoul finale concerts next month.
Important dates:
September 18: Release of “Middle of the Night”.
Dimensions had forgone any overseas promotion for the release of MARS’s new Japanese single this month in order to keep the group in Seoul to concentrate on preparing for their Korean comeback. This month, they move on to the next step of the usual comeback process: learning the choreography for “Chained Up” and “Hot Enough”. They’ll be given a more in-depth explanation of the concept Dimensions is going for with this comeback as they learn the choreography to best embody the concept in the way they’re so known for. Mid-month, they’ll also go in to shoot for next month’s issue of Cosmopolitan Korea as a precursor to album promotions in November.
Important dates:
September 9: Release of “Can’t Say” Japanese single.
September 12: Photo shoot for Cosmopolitan Korea’s October issue.
7ROPHY is once again focusing fully on Queendom this month to give their best performance. The show has begun airing and although the ratings aren’t huge, the show is steadily growing popular in fan communities and Dimensions sees 7ROPHY performing well as an important chance to grow their fan base. 7ROPHY’s lead vocal will be representing them in the vocal unit stage, while their leader/main dancer/lead vocal will represent them in the performance unit stage. Full details of Queendom filming for this month can be found here.
Important dates:
September 3: Episode two of Queendom airs.
September 7: Queendom episode five & six filming.
September 10: Episode three of Queendom airs. 
September 17: Episode four of Queendom airs.
September 24: Episode five of Queendom airs.
September 28: Queendoom episode seven, eight & nine filming. (unit stages, Fandora’s Box stage)
Unity ends comeback promotions early in the month, only to immediately jump into preparations for the repackage they’ll be releasing in November. Dimensions’ hopes are high for their next release to only lead Unity to an even higher repeak, so the pressure is on. They have to go into the studio to record their next title track “Punch” along with b-sides “Nonstop” and “Make Your Day” (a unit song sung by the group’s main vocals and lead vocals). This must be completed before the CHAMPION members leave on tour again, as well as the photo shoot they have for the November issue of Dazed Korea.
Important dates:
September 4: Fan sign in Seocho, Seoul.
September 7: End of music show promotions.
September 9: Photo shoot for Dazed Korea’s November issue.
        ↳ CHAMPION
On September 25, CHAMPION once again flies out from Seoul to return to finish off their tour dates in the US. The routine is the same as before, but the members will fly out almost immediately after finishing their last concert in the states in order to return to Seoul in time for them to still have their full Chuseok break.
Important dates:
September 26: CHAMPION: We Are The Future Live concert at Viejas Arena in San Diego, CA, USA.
September 27: CHAMPION: We Are The Future Live concert at The Forum in Inglewood, CA, USA.
September 28: CHAMPION: We Are The Future Live concert at SAP Center in San Jose, CA, USA.
September 29: CHAMPION: We Are The Future Live concert at ShoWare Center in Kent, WA, USA.
Lucid may not bring home the same number of music show wins with “Navillera” as they did with “Rough”, but it’s a clear hit and well-received by the public. As promotions draw to an end mid-month, this leaves the future of their concepts in a limbo as the public has made clear what concepts they’re interested in from the group and which they’re not. Management doesn’t plan for them to come back until quarter one of next year, though, so they won’t be finding out their musical and conceptual future right away. Instead, the time between the end of promotions and their Chuseok vacation is spent making sure they don’t forget their stages to continue their LOL Asia Showcase tour next month.
Important dates:
September 5: Fan sign in Yeouido, Seoul.
September 7: Fan sign in Seocho, Seoul.
September 13: Fan sign in Mapo, Seoul.
September 14: Fan sign in Yeungdeungpo, Seoul.
September 15: Fan sign in Gangnam, Seoul.
September 17: End of music show promotions.
3 notes · View notes
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It’s today! [EDIT: UPDATED LIST]
France 18 September 2019
Greece 25 September 2019 (Athens International Film Festival)
Switzerland 27 September 2019 (Zurich Film Festival)
Finland 27 September 2019 (Helsinki International Film Festival)
USA 27 September 2019 (Aspen FilmFest)
Canada 29 September 2019 (Calgary International Film Festival)
USA 29 September 2019 (New York Film Festival)
Switzerland 29 September 2019 (Zurich Film Festival)
USA 1 October 2019 (Atlanta Out On Film Festival)
Belgium 2 October 2019
Germany 3 & 5 October 2019 (Hamburg Film Festival)
Korea 3-12 October 2019 (Busan International Film Festival)
Canada 4 October (Edmonton International Film Festival)
USA 4 October 2019 (Mill Valley Film Festival)
Switzerland 5 October 2019 (Zurich Film Festival)
Australia 5 October (Brisbane International Film Festival)
USA 5-6 October 2019 (Woodstock Film Festival)
Canada 5 October 2019 (Vancouver International Film Festival)
Australia 6 October 2019 (Melbourne Queer Film Festival)
UK 8 October 2019 (London Film Festival)
USA 10 October (Bend Film Festival)
USA 12 October 2019 (Miami Film Festival)
USA 13-14 October 2019 (Hamptons International Film Festival)
Netherlands 17 October 2019        
USA 17 October 2019 (San Diego International Film Festival)
USA 17 October 2019 (Chicago International Film Festival)
USA 18 October 2019 (New Orleans Film Festival)
USA 18 October 2019 (Alexander Valley Film Festival)
Spain 18 October 2019        
Poland 18 October 2019
Mexico 18-27 October (Morelia International Film Festival)
USA 19 October 2019 (The Rochester LGBT Film Festival)
USA 20 October 2019 (Seattle Queer Film Festival)
UK 20 October 2019 (Cambridge Film Festival)        
Russia 24 October 2019
USA 25 October 2019 (Virginia Film Festival)
USA 26 Oct-2 November 2019 (SCAD Savannah Film Festival)
Australia 27 October 2019 (Byron Bay International Film Festival)
Canada 27 October 2019 (Hamilton AGH Film Festival)        
Germany 31 October 2019        
Portugal 31 October 2019 
Canada 7 November 2019 (Cinemania Film Festival)
UK 7 November 2019 (Northampton  Q-Film Weekender)
Korea 7-13 November 2019 (Seoul International Pride Film Festival)
Taiwan 7-24 November 2019 (Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival)
UK 9 November 2019 (London French Film Festival)
Sweden 9 November 2019 (Stockholm International Film Festival)
Australia 12 November 2019 (Adelaide Feast Festival)
USA 6 December 2019
Sweden 13 December 2019      
Italy 19 December 2019
Canada 20 December 2019 (Québec)    
Norway 25 December 2019    
Australia 26 December 2019    
UK 28 February 2020      
118 notes · View notes
dailyexo · 5 years
[SCHEDULE] EXO’s SCHEDULE for October (2019)
[BROADCAST] - pre-recorded and live television and online programme broadcasts, including weekly music shows and dramas, [REC] - programme recordings, [RADIO] - radio programme broadcasts, [SIGN] / [MEET] - fan-signing and fan-meeting events, [PERF] - performance events, including concerts and festivals, [RELEASE] - album and other releases, [BIRTHDAY] - members’ birthdays and related events, [OTHER] - various other scheduled activities.
This schedule will be kept updated. Only confirmed schedules are included, and the number of entries will grow as further schedules are announced..
EXO’s SCHEDULE (Last updated on 191021)
October 1
[RELEASE] 2nd Mini-Album ‘Dear My Dear’ (사랑하는 그대에게) - (Chen)
[OTHER] Dear My Dear’ Showcase (‘사랑하는 그대에게’ 쇼케이스) - (Chen + Sehun)
[BROADCAST] Dear FM My Dear, It’s CHEN (Dear FM 사랑하는 그대에게, 첸입니다) - 17:00 KST - (Chen) - (V app)
October 2
[RADIO] MBC-R FM4U Kim Shinyoung's Hope Song at Noon (MBC-R FM4U 정오의 희망곡 김신영입니다) - 12:00 KST - (Chen)
[OTHER] SuperM Launching Press Conference (SuperM 론칭 기자회) - (Kai, Baekhyun)
October 3
[RADIO] KBS-R Cool FM Jung Eunji's Gayo Plaza (KBS-R 쿨 FM 정은지의 가요광장) - 12:00 KST - (Chen)
[OTHER] 24th Busan International Film Festival Opening Ceremony (제24회 부산국제영화제 개막식) - 18:00 KST - (Suho)
[RADIO] Kwon Jungyeol and Go Youngbae’s 10Ran Night Radio Show #120 - 19:00 KST - (Chen)
[PERF] SuperM Premiere Event - 20:00 PT - (Kai, Baekhyun)
October 4
[RELEASE] 1st Mini-Album 'SuperM' - (Kai, Baekhyun)
[RADIO] SBS Power FM Choi Hwa Jung's Power Time (SBS-R 파워FM 최화정의 파워타임) - 12:00 KST - (Chen)
[OTHER] Yes24 Fan Event - 20:00 KST - (Chen)
October 5
[REC] MBC Show! Music Core (MBC 쇼! 음악중심) - (Chen)
[PERF] SuperM Showcase - 19:00 PT - (Kai, Baekhyun)
October 6
[SIGN] SuperM Barnes & Noble fansign - 17:30 PT - (Kai, Baekhyun)
[OTHER] Twitter Blueroom Live Q&A - 14:00 PT- (Kai, Baekhyun)
[BROADCAST] SBS Inkigayo (SBS 인기가요) - 15:30 KST - (Chen)
[PERF] 2019 SBS Super Concert in Incheon - 19:30 KST - (Chen)
October 7
[BIRTHDAY] Lay's Birthday
October 8
[SIGN] ‘Dear My Dear’ Jamsil fansign - 19:30 KST - (Chen)
[REC] The Ellen DeGeneres Show - (Kai, Baekhyun)
October 9
[SIGN] ‘Dear My Dear’ Busan fansign - 14:00 KST - (Chen)
[SIGN] ‘Dear My Dear’ Daegu fansign - 19:30 KST - (Chen)
October 10
[BROADCAST] The Ellen DeGeneres Show - 15:00 EST - (Kai, Baekhyun) - (NBC)
October 11
[PERF] Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Fukuoka - 19:00 JST
October 12
[BROADCAST] MBC Show! Music Core (MBC 쇼! 음악중심) - 15:30 KST - (Chen) - (recorded on 191005)
[PERF] Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Fukuoka - 17:00 JST
October 13
[PERF] Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Fukuoka - 16:00 JST
October 14
[REC] SBS SuperM: The Beginning - (Kai, Baekhyun)
October 15
[BROADCAST] MBC Show! Music Core (MBC 쇼! 음악중심) - 15:30 KST - (Chen)
October 16
[BROADCAST] KNTV Broadcast: SMTown Live World Tour VI in Tokyo - 20:00 JST - (recorded on 190803~05)
October 18
[PERF] Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Osaka - 19:00 JST
October 19
[OTHER] Converse press conference - (Lay)
[PERF] Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Osaka - 16:00 JST
October 22
[PERF] Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Yokohama - 18:00 JST
October 23
[OTHER] Gongqing Hunan Ambassador Re-appointment Ceremony (湖南共青续聘仪式) - (Lay)
[PERF] Musical 'Return: The Promise of That Day' (‘귀환: 그날의 약속’ 뮤지컬) - 14:30, 20:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[PERF] Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Yokohama - 19:00 JST
October 24
[SIGN] SMTown Coex Artium fansign - (Chen)
October 25
[PERF] Musical 'Return: The Promise of That Day' (‘귀환: 그날의 약속’ 뮤지컬) - 14:30 KST - (Xiumin)
[BROADCAST] SBS SuperM: The Beginning Part 1 - 23:10 KST 23:50 KST - (Kai, Baekhyun)
[BROADCAST] SBS SuperM: The Beginning Part 2 - 23:50 KST - (Kai, Baekhyun)
[BROADCAST] BBC4 'K-Pop Idols: Inside the Hit Factory' - 21:30 GMT
October 26
[PERF] Musical 'Return: The Promise of That Day' (‘귀환: 그날의 약속’ 뮤지컬) - 14:30 KST - (Xiumin)
[BROADCAST] KNTV SMTown Live World Tour VI in Tokyo (filmed 190803~290805)
October 27
[PERF] Musical 'Return: The Promise of That Day' (‘귀환: 그날의 약속’ 뮤지컬) - 15:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[PERF] Fever Festival 2019 - 17:00 KST - (EXO-SC)
October 28
[RELEASE] 'The Present' (선물) - (Suho)
[OTHER] ‘The Present’ press conference (‘선물’ 제작발표회) - (Suho)
[BROADCAST] Heart4U #Chen Ep.1 (심포유 #첸 제1회) - 12:00 KST - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] Heart4U #Chen Ep.2 (심포유 #첸 제2회) - 12:05 KST - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] ‘The Present’ Unboxing Live - 12:40 KST - (Suho)
October 29
[OTHER] BVLGARI Serpenti Seduttori Launching Event - (Suho)
October 30
[BROADCAST] Heart4U #Chen Ep.3 (심포유 #첸 제3회) - 12:00 KST - (Chen)
[BROADCAST] Heart4U #Chen Ep.4 (심포유 #첸 제4회) - 12:05 KST - (Chen)
[OTHER] Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul Store Opening - 18:30 KST - (Sehun)
[PERF] Musical 'Return: The Promise of That Day' (‘귀환: 그날의 약속’ 뮤지컬) - 20:00 KST - (Xiumin)
[BROADCAST] WOWOW Exoplanet #5 - The ExpℓOration in Japan
Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com. Material not to be redistributed in part or whole without prior permission.
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chalamet-noir · 5 years
tc awards season update || 9・6・19 
keep reading for: confirmed appearances, rumors, and articles of interest. 
confirmed appearances & events 
bfi london film festival: oct. 2 - oct. 13 
the king showing: oct. 3 - oct. 4 (info)
busan internatonal film festival: oct. 3 - oct. 12
the king showing: most likely oct. 10 - oct. 12 (info)
the king united states theatrical release: oct. 11 
santa barbara international film festival: throughout oct. 
the king showing: oct. 18 - oct. 24 (info)
the king netflix release: nov. 1 
little women theatrical release: dec. 25
tc birthday: dec. 27 
rumors & speculation 
sundance film festival: jan. 23 - feb. 2 (2020)
unclear if the king will show here, but little women might. little women skipped tiff, and appears to be skipping most major festivals in favor of a big theatrical release at christmas, but it’s a possibility. 
golden globes: jan. 6 (2020)
little women might grab noms for screenplay, drama, or maybe supporting actor/actress. of course, the king could do the same. 
baftas: feb. 2 (2020)
film independent series awards: feb. 8 (2020)
roma was accepted into the international category. netflix has not yet been barred from these awards. (info) 
academy awards: feb. 24 (2020)
this is mostly aspirational. 
awards press & other articles of interest 
about seeing the king in theaters 
an elle columnist rants about her obsession with tc
an interesting review of the king on playlist.net
story about the life of louisa may alcott
that’s all for today! let me know if you would like to be tagged in these posts. i plan to do them once every few weeks, as things change. 
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goldstarnation · 5 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of November 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: September schedule posts are due by the end of October 7 KST.
Overall Company
Such quick growth in such a short time period appears to be catching up to Gold Star now. There’s been avoidable problems with management recently, most noticeable in their handling of Origin’s and Fuse’s next comebacks, and even the constant delay of a comeback for Gold Star Soloist 1. Gold Star may have an attractive reputation of caring more for their artists than Dimensions or BC, but their behind the scenes employees are clearly being overworked due to executives’ reluctance to expand teams as needed and incur costs that could lower their lead in industry profits. Messy management decisions haven’t affected everyone yet, but word is starting to get around within the company to watch out for delayed comebacks and poorly-handled scheduling.
Important dates:
Gold Star Soloist 1
Meetings with management, marketing, and A&R continue to be her primary schedule, but she’ll be called into one in particular early in the month after returning with representatives from all three departments to discuss her career direction and where she sees herself going musically as she enters her twelfth year. As such a big face of their company it’s important to them that she feel heard so that her eventual contract renewal is guaranteed. This month also marks the beginning of preparations for the fan meeting she’ll be holding in December to bring a close to the year.
Important dates:
October 18: Fan meeting stage outfit fittings.
Gold Star Soloist 2
Now that recording for her album is done, October brings a focus on preparing all of the remaining details for her comeback, including learning the choreography, shooting comeback teasers, and filming the music video. Later in the month, she holds a solo concert in Taiwan and performs at a festival in Busan. She won’t be performing any of her new music, but she’s allowed to hype fans up about it.
Important dates:
October 2: Comeback stage outfit fittings.
October 5: Performance at Sharing Festival at Olympic Park in Seoul, South Korea (also performing: Knight).
October 12: Performance at SBS Radio K-Pop Concert in Jeongeup, South Korea.
October 14: Comeback teaser photo shoot.
October 15: Behind the scenes choreography video filming.
October 17: Room Shaker MV filming day one.
October 18: Room Shaker MV filming day two.
October 20: Hello Taipei 2019 concert at Taipei International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan.
October 25: Performance at Busan One Asia Festival Family Park Concert at Hwamyung Park in Busan, South Korea (also performing: Aria).
Gold Star Soloist 3
The beginning of the month brings more European tour dates before he returns to Seoul. He’ll finish off his European tour dates next month, but, in the mean time, it’s fall festival season, and Gold Star has booked him for two different events, one that is likely to be a more idol fan-based audience, and the later of the two, which will draw in an audience more attuned to indie music, to capitalize on his cross-demographic appeal.
Important dates:
October 1 : Self-titled tour concert at Lido in Berlin, Germany.
October 3: Self-titled tour concert at Kantine in Cologne, Germany.
October 4: Self-titled tour concert at La Madeleine in Brussels, Belgium.
October 6: Self-titled tour concert at Trabendo in Paris, France.
October 12: Asia Song Festival 2019 at Ulsan Complex Stadium in Ulsan, South Korea (also performing: Dimensions Soloist 1, Dimensions Soloist 2, and Lucid). 
October 20: Performance at Grand Mint Festival at Olympic Park in Seoul, South Korea.
Leading up to their comeback at the end of the month, the members are going through the usual preparations of fittings, photo shoots, MV filming, and practice. The increase of expectations on this comeback grows increasingly more noticeable throughout the month and the decreasing success of their latest comebacks is no longer going ignored out of respect for their seniority in the company. Rumor is that if this comeback doesn’t do well, Gold Star may be making changes as they approach their ten year debut anniversary. What those changes might be is still entirely unclear. Before they come back in the final days of the month, the members are also saddled with another Mizuno fan sign and a filming for a Weekly Idol episode for their comeback.
Important dates:
October 4: Stage and MV outfit fittings.
October 10: Teaser photo and album jacket shoot.
October 13: “ME&YOU” MV filming.
October 27: Mizuno fan sign in Seoul.
October 29: Weekly Idol filming (to air November 6).
October 30: Release of “ME&YOU” & WE mini-album showcase, promotions continue until November 30. 
They hold their Seoul concerts the second weekend of the month (please see September’s schedule for solo/duo special stages) and have a few performances in the later half of the month. Amid concert rehearsals for their Seoul concerts and continued rehearsals for concerts in Japan month, the members will be in the studio to record their December comeback mini-album. It’s a return to original form after “I’m So Sick” earlier in the year, but they’ve been assured future comebacks with a different sound aren’t off the table once marketablity advantages between concepts and sounds have been adequately compared. The members will begin learning the title track choreography in addition to choreography for b-sides “Like U” and “Rewind” after their Seoul concerts are out of the way.
Important dates:
October 11: Pink Space concerts at SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in Seoul, South Korea.
October 12: Pink Space concerts at SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in Seoul, South Korea.
October 20: Performance at Follow Gyeonggi K-Culture Festa in Jakarta, Indonesia.
October 25: Performance at Busan One Asia Festival Family Park Concert (also performing: Gold Star Soloist 2).
Their comeback is still indefinitely delayed, meaning more unclear studio time, though Gold Star seems to want an early 2020 date and are certainly willing to move around their plans for other groups to accommodate the company’s money makers. Current priority has shifted to the release of Origin World next month, which Gold Star seems to be putting a lot of stock in bringing in enough money to make up for only one 2019 comeback. The members have group promotional photo shoots for that this month and will film “behind the scenes” interview videos, answering questions like which member’s route they would want to play in the game, why they’re excited for the release, and why fans should play the game. A MediHeal CF for a new brand deal and another concert stop on their tour round out the month.
Important dates:
October 5: Origin World promotional photo shoot.
October 8: Origin World behind the scenes filming (examples 1 & 2).
October 19: Mediheal CF (videos 1-7 in playlist) filming.
October 25: Speak Yourself Stadium Tour concert at King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The month begins by flying out to the States for their US tour. The day before their first stop and the day of, they’ll appear on the Today Show and Good Day New York, two American morning shows, respectively, to give interviews and perform the English version of their latest title track. Members who can speak English will of course take the lead during interviews, but management has told them that all members are expected to get in something to say, even if it’s something they must rehearse and set up beforehand. Similarly, they’ll be filming a lot of online promo while in America, including a friendship test, trying nine things they’ve never done before, a boy band lyric challenge, song association, and a "most likely to”. After returning to Seoul mid-month the members will begin learning the choreography for their Japanese comeback and will also film the music video.
Important dates:
October 2: Appearance on the Today Show in New York, NY, USA.
October 3: Appearance on Good Day New York in New York, NY, USA.
October 3: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, USA.
October 6: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Canada.
October 9: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX, USA. 
October 12: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at The Forum in Inglewood, CA, USA.
October 16: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at Oracle Arena in Oakland, CA, USA.
October 26: “Love Loop“ MV filming.
By mid-month, the members are completely done recording for their new mini-album and have moved on to learning the “Umpah Umpah” choreography in order to be ready for their comeback next month. The concept of their comeback still seems questionable for late fall and the first fittings of the intended outfits for promotions present a mix of summery dresses and crop top styling for the music video as well as a selection of intended stage outfits that don’t seem to know whether they’re going for the summery feel of the music video outfits or something more appropriate for the fall season they’ll be promoting in. Overall, management feels messy this comeback, but that hasn’t stopped the company from letting the members know in their own way that now that they’ll no longer be competing with Origin during promotions as initially anticipated and Femme Fatale’s smash summer comeback has vacated the very top spots of the charts, they’re expected to make this comeback a hit for its more public friendly sound. Regardless of how messy management seems to be for them this time around, Gold Star has chosen to accept an offer for Fuse to serve as tourism ambassadors between Switzerland and South Korea. Their duties haven’t begun in earnest yet, but they will attend a formal ceremony to be appointed to the position, an event that’s more for mediaplay than out of true necessity.
Important dates:
October 5: Performance at Gwangyang K-Pop Super Concert at Gwangyang Public Stadium in Gwangyang, South Korea.
October 11: Performance at Changwon K-Pop World Festival in Changwon, South Korea (also performing: Alien).
October 24: Switzerland Tourism Ambassador Appointment Ceremony at Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, South Korea.
October 29: Comeback outfit fittings.
No word on a comeback for Element yet, confirming they’ll only have one digital single to show for the year musically after “Bomb Bomb” failed to become their breakout hit. There’s no word on Gold Star contacting composers for new songs for them either, but when even management for Origin and Fuse has been messy lately, it’s only to be expected Element will suffer too. They’re scheduled to continue touring overseas in November and December, but this month, they don’t even have that to look forward to. Instead, their personal team is still brainstorming ways to expand their fandom and have decided to give them a test run of their own YouTube series on the company channel to “show their hidden charm points”. Before bringing managerial structure into it, they’ve tasked all of the members to shoot their own vlog in a category of their choice (e.g. mukbang, gaming, Q&A, challenge, daily vlog). They should film one by themselves and one with at least one other member. Ultimately, only the vlogs deemed interesting enough will be posted to test the waters of fan interest in more Youtube content in the form of a series. Outside of their own content creation, they’ve been booked on RUN.wav, where they’ll give a performance of “Bomb Bomb” and showcase covers of “24K Magic” and “Side to Side” they’ve previously performed on tour. During the interview portion, they’ll talk about how their predebut project prepared them for debut, the challenges of being a co-ed group personally and musically, and their touring experience.
Important dates:
October 11: Filming of RUN.wav (to be aired October 19).
Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale’s Japanese tour continues throughout the month with dates in Fukuoka and Chiba (please see August’s schedule for their assigned solo stages), leaving them only their first ever dome concert in December to finish their Japanese tour. While in Japan, they are scheduled to shoot a magazine photo shoot and film a CF, both aimed at the Japanese market. They have their first ever concerts in Seoul next month to begin their In Your Area World Tour, which will introduce some changes to members solo stages from what they’ve performed so far. Some stay the same or retain certain aspects while others change entirely. Again, the members are allowed input, but the stages are ultimately management’s decision. For the beginning of their world tour, the members also have fittings for new stage outfits.
Main rapper/lead vocal - Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - (pt. 2) [No change from Japanese arena tour]
Main vocal/lead dancer - Let It Be / You & I / Only Look At Me [Completely changed from Japanese arena tour]
Maknae/main dancer/lead rapper - I Like It / Faded / Attention [Some changes from Japanese arena tour]
*special note*: She will also begin to practice Take Me / Swalla stage which will be her solo stage beginning at their Bangkok concerts onward in 2020.
Lead vocal - Clarity [Completely changed from Japanese arena tour]
Important dates:
October 9: Photo shoot for JJ Magazine Japan  November issue.
October 10: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Kokusai Center in Fukuoka, Japan.
October 11: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Kokusai Center in Fukuoka, Japan.
October 12: ABCMart CF filming.
October 15: World tour stage outfit fittings.
October 18: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
October 19: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. 
October 20: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
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kpopotd2 · 5 years
August Wrap Up
Hello fellow K-POP enthusiasts!
August has been an intense month for all the admins! Onyx left for Korea late August to start teaching, and I started school mid-month! A lot has been happening but we’re still moving forward trying to do our best to get all the posts done as well as other projects that we are working on. We hope that you all are doing well and that if you’ve started school that things are going smoothly! 
P.S. JR will be at PENTAGON’s Prism concert this coming month so shout to all the Universes following us! ✨
August 15, 1945: Liberation Day (광복절/光復節/Gwangbokjeol) - is a public holiday which celebrates Korea’s liberation from Japan.
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August 1, 2009: Gwanghwamun Plaza/광화문광장 was opened.
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August 4, 2009: Cho Oh Ryun, a famous swimmer, affectionately dubbed Asia’s Seal, passes from a heart attack. August 8, 2009: Former President, Kim Dae Jung, passes away. President from 1998 to 2003, and the winner of  the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize.
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August 10, 2010: The Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, apologises for colonising the Korean peninsula in the early 20th century, with the promise to return cultural relics in the near future. August 11, 2010: Typhoon Dianmu stikes in the Korean Peninsula.
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August 12, 2010: André Kim, an iconic fashion designer since 1962, passes away from cancer.
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August 2013: A sabotage plot against Korea is uncovered.  August 29, 2013: The Busan International Comedy Festival is founded.
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August 18-25, 2014: South Korea suffers from flash floods, killing at least five people.
August 2009: Take Care of the Young Lady (Yoon Eun Hye, a former Baby Vox member is the main female lead. The drama averaged around 15% ratings, and eventually got a remake in the Philippines. Davichi participated in the drama’s soundtrack.) August 2009: Style (This drama boasted many cameos including members of FT Island, 2NE1, 2PM, and more.) 
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August 2010: Sungkyunkwan Scandal ( The show stars former JYJ member Yoochun and actress Park Mi Young. It averaged around 10% ratings, won multiple awards in various categories, and eventually received a Chinese remake.) August 2010: My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (This drama stars Lee Seung Gi and Shin Min Ah. It averaged 15% ratings and won acting and OST awards.)
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August 2011: Ojakgyo Brothers (This family drama went on into February of the next year. It stars former After School member Uee. The ratings averaged in the high 20%.) August 2012: To The Beautiful You (The show stars former f(x) member Sulli, SHINee member Minho, and actor Lee Hyun Woo. EXO - K and LEDapple make cameos. It averaged around 5% in ratings.)  August 2012: Panda and Hedgehog (The show stars Lee Donghae of Super Junior, Yoon Seung Ah, and former After School member Yoon So Young. A few members of the cast participated in the OST.) 
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August 2013: Good Doctor (The drama stars Joo Won, Moon Chae Won, Joo Sang Wook, and former Mint member Kim Min Seo. It averaged around 18% ratings. The show won many awards at various award shows, and eventually an American remake aired on ABC in 2017.)  August 2013: Master’s Sun (The show stars Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Seob. It was written by the famous Hong Sisters, averaged around 18% ratings, and won many awards.) 
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August 2014: What Happens to My Family? (The stars ZE:A member, Park Hyung Sik, as one of the main leads. This Saturday-Sunday family drama that went into February. It averaged around 30% ratings, and won various awards at multiple award shows.)  August 2014: Plus Nine Boys (The show stars Kim Young Kwang, BTOB’s Yook Sung Jae, Oh Jung Se, and Choi Ro Woon. Apink’s Cho Rong also has a smaller role-- and there are a variety cameos.) August 2014: The Three Musketeers (This period drama stars CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa, Lee Jin Wook, Yang Dong Geun, and Jung Hae In.) 
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August 2015: The Virtual Bride (The show stars former Sistar member Kim Dasom and Kwak Hee Sung of EDEN. It averaged just under 5% ratings.) August 2015: Yong Pal (Dubbed drama of the year, this show stars Joo Won and Kim Tae Hee. Because of it’s great ratings (hitting over 20%), it got a two episode extension. It also won multiple awards at various award shows.)  August 2015: Twenty Again (This show stars Choi Ji Woo, Lee Sang Yoon, Choi Won Young, Kim Min Jae, and Apink’s Son Na Eun. The final episode received over 7% ratings.) 
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August 27, 2009: Treeless Mountain (This critically acclaimed film won four awards at four different international film festivals.) 
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August 4, 2010: The Man From Nowhere (This classic movie stars Won Bin. This was the highest grossing film of 2010 with over six million admissions - it had the no, 1 spot at the box office for five consecutive weeks. It received an Indian remake called Rocky Handsome. At one point it had a score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, and won multiple awards at various award shows.) August 12, 2010: I Saw the Devil (This movie stars Lee Byung Hun. It did really well at the box office. It gad to go through multiple cuts because it kept getting mature ratings due to its violent content. On Rolling Stones’s “20 Scariest Movies You’ve Never Seen” article it sits at no. 8. It also won multiple awards.)
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August 10, 2011: War of the Arrows (This was the highest grossing film of 2011 with over 7 million admissions. It won multiple awards at various award shows.) 
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August 8, 2012: I am the King (This movie stars Joo Ji Hoon, and made over $4 million dollars at the box office.)  August 15, 2012: R2B: Return to the Base (This was Rain’s last work before going to the military. This movie was a remake of the 1964 movie The Red Scarf. It ended up being sold to over 30 countries.) 
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August 1, 2013: Snowpiercer (This movie by Bong Joon Ho, was a joint US and South Korea production. It stars Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, Sang Kang Ho, and Go Ah Sung. It made over $80 million worldwide. It won multiple awards at various awards shows and festivals. The story is currently being adapted into a TV show that will air in 2020.)  August 8, 2013: Supershow 4 3D (This documentary follows Super Junior at their first live world concert tour in Seoul. The tour itself garnered over $50 million dollars from 24 shows.)
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August 13, 2014: Haemoo/ Sea Fog (The movie passed 1 million admissions in just a week. It was former JYJ member, Park Yoochun’s movie debut. It was sold to five countries at the Cannes Film Market. It won multiple awards at various shows and festivals.) 
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August 5, 2015: Veteran (The film stars Yoo Ah In and Hwang Jung Min. It gained over 13 million admissions (5th all time grossing film in Korean film history). Won multiple awards at various shows.)  August 20, 2015: The Beauty Inside (This movie us based off of the American movie of the same name. It tells the story of a man that wakes up every day in a new body-- because of that there are multiple famous Korean actors portraying the main male lead. Han Hyo Joo stars as the main female lead. A 2018 drama, based off of this movie, was made starring Seo Hyun Jin.) 
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August 2014: Hayeon (하연) departs from GI. August 24, 2015: EXO-M’s Tao (타오) leaves EXO and files a lawsuit against SM.
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August 7, 2015: Sulli leaves f(x) to focus on her acting career. August 20, 2015: Kibum leaves Super Junior and SM Entertainment.  August 31, 2015: 2AM's Changmin leaves JYP Entertainment and signs on with BigHit Entertainment.
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It’s a tie?!?!
Super Junior with Mr. Simple!
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Wonder Girls with Reboot!
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Schedule 2019
1 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.57 (13 🇮🇹) 
5 - Under Nineteen (J-Hope) + Golden Disc Awards (i BTS parteciperanno ma non si esibiranno)
6 - Golden Disc Awards (i BTS parteciperanno, si esibiranno)
8 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.58 (13 🇮🇹)
9 - Jungkook Day
12 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Nagoya (Nagoya Dome)
13 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Nagoya (Nagoya Dome)
15 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.59 (13 🇮🇹) + Seoul Music Awards 2019 (i BTS parteciperanno)
17 - Inizio del webtoon “Save Me”
19 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Singapore (Singapore National Stadium)
22 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.60 (13 🇮🇹)
26 - Uscita di LOVE YOURSELF IN SEOUL (Film)
29 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.61 (13 🇮🇹)
5 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.62 (13 🇮🇹)
10 - Grammys (2 di mattina del 11/02 🇮🇹)
12 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.63 (13 🇮🇹)
16 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Fukuoka (Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome)
17 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Fukuoka (Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome) 
18 - Compleanno di J-Hope
19 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.64 (13 🇮🇹)
26 - Edaily Culture Awards (i BTS non si esibiranno)        2019 GLOBAL V LIVE TOP10        [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.65 (13 🇮🇹)
5 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.66 (13 🇮🇹)
9 - Compleanno di Suga
10 - Primo evento ARMYPEDIA (Seul)   
12 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.67 (13 🇮🇹)
19 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.68 (13 🇮🇹)
20 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena)
21 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena)
23 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena)        Secondo evento ARMYPEDIA (Seul) - Live su BangtanTV
24 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena) 
6 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Bangkok (Rajamangala National Stadium)
7 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Bangkok (Rajamangala National Stadium)
11 - Fine del webtoon “Save Me”
12 - Uscita di MOTS: Persona + Boy With Luv (11 am 🇮🇹)         SiriusXM Hits 1 (13 🇮🇹)         Elvis Duran Show (14 🇮🇹)         BTS 꿀FM 06.13 : Comeback Special (17 🇮🇹) 
13 - Saturday Night Live (Comeback Stage) (5:30 🇮🇹 della notte tra 13 e 14)
17 - Conferenza stampa globale per l'uscita di MOTS: Persona (4 am 🇮🇹 della notte tra 16 e 17)
18 - MCD BTS Comeback Special
19 - Music Bank
20 - Music Core
21 - Inkigayo  
24 - The FACT MUSIC AWARDS (12:00 🇮🇹 - i BTS parteciperanno, non si esibiranno)
25 - MCountdown (11:00 🇮🇹)        Fansign (13:30 🇮🇹)
26 - Music Bank (10:00 🇮🇹)       Fansign (12:30 🇮🇹)
27 - Music Core (8:35 🇮🇹)       Fansign (11:00 🇮🇹)
28 - Inkigayo (pre-registrato) (8:50 🇮🇹)        SBS Inkigayo Super Concert (Gwangju) (12:00 🇮🇹)
30 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.69 (14 🇮🇹)
1 - Billboard Music Awards (i BTS si esibiranno) (2:00 🇮🇹 della notte tra 1 e 2)
4 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Rose Bowl Stadium)  (4:30am 🇮🇹)
5 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Rose Bowl Stadium) (4:30am 🇮🇹)
7 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.70 (14 🇮🇹)
11 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Chicago (Soldier Field) (2:30am 🇮🇹)
12 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Chicago (Soldier Field) (2:30am 🇮🇹)
14 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.71 (14 🇮🇹)
15 - The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  (5:35am 🇮🇹 della notte tra 15 e 16)         Festival di Good Morning America (Central Park)
18 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: New Jersey (Metlife Stadium)  (1:30am 🇮🇹)
19 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: New Jersey (Metlife Stadium) (1:30am 🇮🇹)
21 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.72 (14 🇮🇹)        The Voice (3am 🇮🇹 della notte tra 21 e 22)
25 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Sao Paulo (Allianz Parque) (0:00am 🇮🇹)
26 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Sao Paulo (Allianz Parque) (0:00am 🇮🇹)
28 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.73 (14 🇮🇹)
30 - Esibizione a Britain’s Got Talent
1 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Londra (Wembley Stadium) (20:30 🇮🇹)      Conferenza stampa ufficiale Love Yourself: Speak Yourself 
2 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Londra (Wembley Stadium) (20:30 🇮🇹)
3 - BTS FESTA Opening Ceremony - Family Portrait #1
4 - BTS FESTA BTS Photo Collection 18/19 + Anpanman      [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.74 (14 🇮🇹)
7 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Parigi (Stade De France) (20 🇮🇹)      BTS FESTA Choreography Video #1      BTS WORLD - Canzone Jin x Jimin x Jungkook
8 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Parigi (Stade De France)  (20 🇮🇹)      BTS FESTA Bangtan News
9 - BTS FESTA Choreography Video #2
10 - BTS FESTA Family Portrait #2
11 - BTS FESTA Euphoria (Piano Ver.)        [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.75 (14 🇮🇹)
12 - BTS FESTA BTS Profile 2019 Ver.  
13 - 6° Anniversario        BTS FESTA Bangtan Attic
14 - BTS WORLD - Canzone V x J-Hope   
15 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Busan Asiad Auxiliary Stadium) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
16 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Busan Asiad Auxiliary Stadium) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
18 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.76 (14 🇮🇹)
21 - BTS WORLD - Canzone RM x SUGA
22 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Arena) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
23 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Arena) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
25 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.77 (14 🇮🇹)
26 - BTS WORLD - Uscita del gioco + Uscita ‘Heartbeat’
28 - BTS WORLD - Uscita dell’album delle colonne sonore
2 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.78 (14 🇮🇹)
3 - Uscita di 「Lights/Boy With Luv」
6 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Osaka (Yanmar Stadium Nagai) (9:30 🇮🇹)
7 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Osaka (Yanmar Stadium Nagai) (9:30 🇮🇹)
9 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.79 (14 🇮🇹)
13 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Shizuoka (Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa) (9:30 🇮🇹)
14 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Shizuoka (Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa) (9:30 🇮🇹)  
16 - Handshake per l’uscita di  「Lights/Boy With Luv」        [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.80 (14 🇮🇹)
17 - Handshake per l’uscita di  「Lights/Boy With Luv」
23 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.81 (14 🇮🇹)        Uscita su AppleTV e Amazon Prime Video di BTS World Tour        ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ New York/Europe 
30 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.82 (14 🇮🇹)
6 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.83 (14 🇮🇹)
7 - Uscita di Bring The Soul (Film al cinema)
11 - Lotte Duty Free Family Concert (11 am 🇮🇹)
13 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.84 (14 🇮🇹)
20 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.85 (14 🇮🇹)
27 - Uscita della docu-serie di Bring The Soul (Weverse)
1 - Compleanno di Jungkook
12 - Compleanno di RM
27 - Uscita “Chicken Noodle Soup” di J-Hope feat. Becky G.
2 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Suga (14 🇮🇹)
3 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - J-Hope (14 🇮🇹)
4 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - RM (14 🇮🇹)
7 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Jin (14 🇮🇹)
8 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.86 (14 🇮🇹)
9 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - V (14 🇮🇹)
10 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Jimin (14 🇮🇹)
11 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Riyad        (King Fahd International Stadium)        [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Jungkook (14 🇮🇹)
13 - Compleanno di Jimin
18 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.87 (14 🇮🇹)         Uscita del remix di “Make It Right” con Lauv
22 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.88 (14 🇮🇹)
24 - Inizio votazioni per i MAMA 2019
26 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Seul (Olympic Stadium)
27 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Seul (Olympic Stadium)
29 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Seul (Olympic Stadium)
5 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.89 (13 🇮🇹)
11 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.90 (13 🇮🇹)
19 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.1 (13 🇮🇹)
21 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.1 (13 🇮🇹)
23 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Zozo Marine Stadium)
24 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Zozo Marine Stadium)
28 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.2 (13 🇮🇹)
29 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.2 (13 🇮🇹)
30 - MMA 2019 a Seul  
3 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.3 (13 🇮🇹)       Fine votazioni per i MAMA 2019 (15.59 🇮🇹)
4 - Compleanno di Jin       MAMA 2019 a Nagoya (Giappone)
5 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.3 (13 🇮🇹) 
6 - SUGA’s Interlude (6 🇮🇹)       iHeartRadio Jingle Ball
10 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.4 (13 🇮🇹)
12 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.4 (13 🇮🇹)
14 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Kyocera Dome)
15 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Kyocera Dome)
17 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.5 (13 🇮🇹)
19 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.5 (13 🇮🇹)
24 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.6 (13 🇮🇹)
25 - SBS Gayo Daejeon 
26 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.6 (13 🇮🇹)
27 - KBS Gayo Daechukje
30 - Compleanno di V
31 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.7 (13 🇮🇹)         Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve con Ryan Seacrest 2020         (in Italia saranno le 2.00 della notte tra 31 e 1)
2 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.7 (13 🇮🇹)
7 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.8 (13 🇮🇹)
9 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.8 (13 🇮🇹)
La schedule può essere soggetta a modifiche in qualsiasi momento.
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thehappyrhino · 2 years
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Repost @busanfilmfest —— 🎉 #제27회부산국제영화제 #티켓예매 일정 안내! ✔ 개·폐막식 & 아시아콘텐츠어워즈 예매 오픈 : 9/23(금) 오후 2시 ✔ 일반 상영작 예매 오픈 : 9/27(화) 오후 2시 3년만에 정상 개최되는 부산국제영화제�� 더불어 아시아 전역의 우수한 TV, OTT, 온라인 콘텐츠를 대상으로 하는 시상식인 #아시아콘텐츠어워즈 (Asia Contents Awards, 이하 #ACA ) 또한 3년 만에 전격 오프라인 개최됩니다. 3년 만의 정상 개최를 예고한 이번 부산국제영화제는 좌석의 100%를 사용할 예정입니다. 팬데믹 이전 활기찬 영화제의 모습을 기대해주세요! 그럼 모두 10월에 #부산 에서 만나요🖐 #부산국제영화제 #BIFF #티켓예매일정(부산국제영화제 Busan International Film Festival (BIFF)에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cirm_LArON2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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philmax2018 · 3 years
Busan International Film Festival reappoints Chairman Lee
The organizing body of the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) said, Jan. 27, it has reappointed its Chairman Lee Yong-kwan to lead the organization and the festival for four more years, during its general assembly at the BIFF Hall in Busan Cinema Center. from Korea Times News https://ift.tt/3g706Do via IFTTTDiigo Blogger Tumblr Evernote
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rbbox · 4 years
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This Diwali, India and Indian cinema chains will have tons of reasons to celebrate. After having experienced a rather tough phase due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdown, most cinema chains are all set to open this month as an outcome of the unlock guidelines. Riding with the tide of new beginnings, Zee Studios and Kross Pictures are all set to release their first international release of 2020 - Peninsula on 27th November, Peninsula is the sequel to the 2016 super hit zombie film Train to Busan that was a sweeping hit worldwide.
Announced as an official Cannes Film Festival 2020 Selection, Peninsula was set to make its world premiere at the festival. Directed by Yeon Sang-ho (who also directed the prequel) and starring Gang Dong-won and Lee Jung- hyun in the lead roles. Peninsula is set 4 years after the virus outbreak in Korea as depicted in Train to Busan zombie outbreak in Korea. The sequel follows an ex-soldier who is sent along with his team to retrieve a truck full of money from the wastelands of the Korean peninsula now inhabited by zombies & rogue militia.
Talking about creating his own Zombie universe, director Yeon Sang-ho says, "I imagined what Korea would look like after the outbreak depicted in Train to Busan and what kind of scenarios would unfold. It is also the culmination of all the anticipation from fans all over the world. I wanted to tell the story of modern people who live in a rational society, and how they react to a new world enveloped in barbarism and contrasted humanism” he added.
Shariq Patel, CEO Zee Studios, added further, “Korean films have a growing fanbase in India and going by the popularity of its predecessor ‘Peninsula’ promises to top that experience. We are confident that this film will be one of the best theatrical experiences our audiences will have this year”
Hyunwoo Thomas Kim, CEO of Kross Pictures, says “We’re thrilled to distribute a Korean film in India in conjunction with Zee Studios and feel privileged that it’s Yeon Sang-ho’s much loved Peninsula, which is one of the biggest hit movies in Korea this year. We hope it will be a great cinema experience for Indian audiences coming out of the long lockdown."
Jung-seok, a soldier who previously escaped the diseased wasteland, relives the horror when assigned to a covert operation with two simple objectives: retrieve and survive. When his team unexpectedly stumbles upon survivors, their lives will depend on whether the best—or worst—of human nature prevails in the direst of circumstances.
Four years after South Korea’s total decimation in Train To Busan, the zombie thriller that captivated audiences worldwide, acclaimed director Yeon Sang-ho brings us Peninsula, the next nail-biting chapter in his post-apocalyptic world.
ALSO READ: Train To Busan Presents: Peninsula – Gang Dong-won, Lee Jung-Hyun face zombie apocalypse in first trailer
November 09, 2020 at 11:55AMGang Dong-won, Lee Jung-Hyun starrer Peninsula to release on November 27 in India https://ift.tt/3lc9E13
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dimensionsunited · 6 years
Note: As always, individual schedules are up to roleplayers within reason. Any major individual schedules, especially those related to points claims, should be cleared with the main first. These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Overall company
Worries from the investors in Dimensions about the company’s dropping profits have trickled down to the ears of artist management and possibly the artists themselves. The company is in a tight position trying to convince investors they aren’t headed back to a downward trend.
July Company Schedules:
“Joker” may have been a tick upwards in recognition for Gal.actic again, but once again, they failed to make back comeback costs on their album. Dimensions won’t give up that easily, but seeing as they’re already in a tight spot financially, they’re not rushing to put the group back out there as whole.
July Group Schedules:
July 20-21: Photoshoot for BNT International with 7ROPHY and Vice.
They wrap up their tour at the end of July and beginning of August with the American leg, and will be in America from July 19 to August 4. Some work will be done on their upcoming album during the time they’re still in Seoul.
July Group Schedules:
Preparations for upcoming comeback.
July 8: Alienate Tour concert at Taipei International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan.
July 17: Alienate Tour concert at Kowloon Bay International Trade Exhibition Center in Hong Kong.
July 20: Alienate Tour concert at Rosemont Theater in Chicago, IL, USA.
July 22: Alienate Tour concert at New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, NJ, USA.
July 25: Alienate Tour concert at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center in Atlanta, GA, USA.
July 27: Alienate Tour concert at Verizon Theater at Grand Prairie in Dallas, TX, USA.
July 29: Alienate Tour concert at Smart Financial Center at Sugar Land in Houston, TX, USA.
(August 1: Alienate Tour concert at Warfield Theater in San Francisco, CA, USA.)
(August 3: Alienate Tour concert at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, CA, USA.)
Other than a few performances scheduled throughout the month, MARS is essentially on a vacation with no immediate plans clear from the higher ups.
July Group Schedules:
July 7: Performance at SBS Super Concert in Taipei, Taiwan.
July 14-15: Red Angel K-Pop Festival in Jarasum.
Dimensions is currently looking toward August or September for the comeback they’ve been working on, but no official date has been passed down to the members themselves yet. Regardless, they’re hard at work preparing to come back again and hopefully increase the momentum they built with Black Dress. Unfortunately, with Vice’s most recent physical sales exceeding even 7ROPHY’s best, there’s some tension within 7ROPHY’s direct management team.
July Group Schedules:
Preparations for next comeback throughout month.
July 7: Performance at SBS Super Concert in Taipei, Taiwan.
July 14-15: Red Angel K-Pop Festival in Jarasum.
July 20-21: Photoshoot for BNT International with 7ROPHY and Vice.
Ending promotions this month with one music show win, Dimensions overall response to their comeback is mixed, but mostly positive due to impressive physical sales for their album. Management is hopeful that the release of their Japanese album next month will help to continue growing their fanbase.
July Group Schedules:
Studio recordings for Japanese album.
July 2: Fansign in Daegu.
July 9: Fansign in Busan.
July 10: Member Jaewon releases non-promoted Dimensions Portal single “Dally” with Vice’s Xi.
July 13: End of Touch music show promotions.
July 27: Member Blue releases debut solo album “H U E S” + music video for title track “Bittersweet” + has album showcase and begins solo promotions, solo promotions continue until August 27.
(August 2: Performance at Korea Music Festival Day 2 at Gocheok Sky Dome.)
Vice seems to be exceeding expectations with this comeback, nearly tripling their debut single album sales. By the end of the month, they’ll have surpassed 7ROPHY’s latest sales. This is great for Vice, but overall an unexpected situation for the company, as they’ve only just debuted and have physical sales second only to Gal.actic’s best selling album among their current girl groups.
July Group Schedules:
July 7: Performance at Bingo Music World Fest in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
July 10: Member Xi releases non-promoted Dimensions Portal single “Dally” with Unity’s Jaewon.
July 14-15: Red Angel K-Pop Festival in Jarasum.
July 20: End of Good Night music show promotions.
July 20-21: Photoshoot for BNT International with 7ROPHY and Vice.
(August 12: Performance at KCON LA in Los Angeles, CA, USA.)
Soloist 1
Now that his American tour activities are wrapped, he returns to his usual more casual off-time schedule.
July Schedules:
No public schedules.
Soloist 2
She continues work on her album this month, with high expectations on her shoulders.
July Schedules:
Preparations and studio recordings for upcoming album.
July 5: Performance at M!Countdown in Taipei, Taiwan.
July 14-15: Red Angel K-Pop Festival in Jarasum.
Soloist 3
Slow comeback preparations are underway as usual, but no track list, finalized concept, or release date are decided yet.
July Schedules:
July 2: Attendance at Paris Fashion Week Ralph & Russo Haute Couture Show.
July 4: Attendance at Paris Fashion Week Fendi Haute Couture Show.
Soloist 4
He finishs preparations for his comeback this month with music video filming and photo jacket shootings.
July Schedules:
Comeback preparations throughout month.
July 14-15: Red Angel K-Pop Festival in Jarasum.
(August 8: Release of “Baby It’s U” & After mini-album showcase, promotions continue until September 8 with variety show and music show appearances.)
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enthralleddd0112 · 7 years
Kyungsoo’s Schedules & Sightings 2017 (on/off record)
Ongoing Compilation of Kyungsoo’s on/off record schedules this year (as at 22 Sep 2017)
Note: In the below compilation (I could have missed out some), the schedules are divided into the below categories:
1) ~EXO Activities~ - All schedules relating to his work as performer D.O. - Music Shows Pre-recording, attending Award Ceremonies, TV/radio interviews  2) [Acting Activities] - All schedules relating to his work as actor Do Kyungsoo - Filming, Script Read, attending Promotional Activities for his projects, Interviews, Award Ceremonies, Movie Premiere, Stage Greetings  3) [Concert] - Official EXO Solo Concerts  4) [FLIGHT] - Self explanatory  5) ^SIGHTINGS^ - Fan sightings & fan accounts but on unofficial business 6) {Personal Schedules} - Fan sightings & fan accounts but these are activities totally unrelated to his work. 
While doing this, my conclusion is? OUR BOY IS MADE OF STEEL. His schedules are so torturous, it’s nearly impossible. *cries*
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01/02 [Acting Activities] First filming for Movie ‘Room No.7′ 01/03 [Acting Activities] Attended Movie 'Misbehavior' VIP Premiere 01/08 {Personal Schedule} Spotted in Japan with Jo Insung, Kim Woobin, Kim Kibang, Lee Kwangsoo (Kim Woobin was holding fan meetings at that time) 01/10 {Personal Schedule} Visited El Burger (via fan acct) 01/14 ~EXO Activities~ 31st Golden Disc Awards 01/16 [Acting Activities] Filming for Movie ‘Room No.7′ 01/19 ~EXO Activities~ 2nd Seoul Music Awards 01/21 ~EXO Activities~ EXO Nature Republic Festival 01/31 {Personal Schedule} Spotted playing billiard with Baekhyun
02/06 [Acting Activities] Spotted filming for Movie ‘Room No.7′ 02/09 [Acting Activities] Spotted at Café for filming (presumably for Movie ‘Room No.7′) 02/10 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Hong Kong  02/11 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Hong Kong Day 1 02/12 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Hong Kong Day 2 02/13 [FLIGHT] Hong Kong to Seoul  02/14 [Acting Activities] Spotted filming for Movie ‘Room No.7′ 02/16 [Acting Activities] Spotted entering TV building (via fan acct)  02/16 {Personal Schedule} Spotted at BBQ restaurant (via fan acct)  02/17 [Acting Activities] Spotted filming for Movie ‘Room No.7′ 02/18 [Acting Activities] Spotted filming for Movie ‘Room No.7′ 02/22 ~EXO Activities~ 6th Gaon Chart K-POP Awards 02/24 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Manila  02/25 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Manila Day 1 02/26 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Manila Day 2 02/27 [FLIGHT] Manila to Seoul  *Official news on Movie ‘Room No.7′ reported that filming was done between 01/02 to 02/22.
03/03 {Personal Schedule} Kyungsoo visited Art Academy 03/08 [Acting Activities] Kyungsoo went for Movie ‘Room No.7′ Closing Dinner Party 03/12 {Personal Schedule} Gwangju Trip with Jo Insung, Kim Woobin, Kim Kibang 03/17 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Malaysia  03/18 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Malaysia 03/19 [FLIGHT] Malaysia to Seoul  03/22 {Personal Schedule} Spotted with Kim Kibang, Kim Woobin, Lee Kwangsoo in cafe
04/01 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Singapore  04/02 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Singapore 04/03 [FLIGHT] Singapore to Seoul  04/07 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Macau  04/08 ~EXO Activities~ 5th VChart Awards 04/09 [FLIGHT] Macau to Seoul  04/09 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM  04/10 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM with Suho, Chen, Sehun 04/22 ~EXO Activities~ EXO Lotte Fan Meeting 04/24 [FLIGHT] Seoul to New York  04/24 {Personal Schedule} Spotted at Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) 04/25 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Newark 04/26 [FLIGHT] New York to Mexico  04/27 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Mexico  04/28 [FLIGHT] Mexico to Los Angeles 04/28 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM in Los Angeles
05/03 [Acting Activities] 53th Baeksang Arts Awards  05/05 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Myanmar 05/06 ~EXO Activities~K-Pop Festival in Myanmar 05/07 [FLIGHT] Myanmar to Seoul 05/11 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Japan 05/12 ~EXO Activities~ EXO CUP CHANNEL FANMEET (Day 1) 05/13 ~EXO Activities~ EXO CUP CHANNEL FANMEET (Day 2, 2 sessions) 05/14 ~EXO Activities~ EXO CUP CHANNEL FANMEET (Day 3, 2 sessions) 05/15 [FLIGHT] Japan to Seoul 05/18 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM  05/24 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM  05/25 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM  05/26 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM and SUM Café with Sehun 05/27 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM Dot in Seoul  05/28 [Concert] EXO’rDIUM Dot in Seoul (and Press Conference before concert) 05/31 ~EXO Activities~ U Have A Dream Show
06/02 ~EXO Activities~ World Friends Music Festival 06/03 ~EXO Activities~ Dream Concert 06/05 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM 06/05 [Acting Activities] Tap dance practice (via @87.5tapdance Instagram Update)  06/12 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM 06/13 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SUM Café and on the street (speculated to have gone to watch Premiere of Movie ‘Okja’) 06/15 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM and SUM Cafe 06/16 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM and SUM Cafe 06/17 {Personal Schedule} Visited Minipet Mall Gangnam 06/19 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Jeju Island 06/19-20 ~EXO Activities~ SMTOWN Workshop 06/21 [FLIGHT] Jeju Island to Seoul 06/27 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM 06/28 [Acting Activities] Tap dance practice (via @tapper_gavy Instagram update)
07/04 [Acting Activities] Brilliant Korean Film Star Awards Ceremony 07/08 ~EXO Activities~ SMTOWN Live World Tour VI in Seoul 07/10 ~EXO Activities~ ‘KoKoBop’ vlive (EXO practising for comeback) 07/13 ~EXO Activities~ ‘Knowing Bros’ Variety Programme Pre-recording 07/13 [Acting Activities] 2017 21st Bucheon International Fantastic Film (BiFan) Opening Ceremony (Movie ‘Room No.7′ Premiere) 07/14 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Japan 07/15 ~EXO Activities~ SMTOWN LIVE VI in Osaka (Day 1)  07/16 ~EXO Activities~ SMTOWN LIVE VI in Osaka (Day 2)  07/17 [FLIGHT] Japan to Seoul 07/18 ~EXO Activities~ ‘THE WAR’ Press Conference 07/18 ~EXO Activities~ ‘KoKoBop on One Summer Night’ vlive 07/19 ~EXO Activities~ SBS Cultwo Show radio programme 07/19 ~EXO Activities~ Mukbang with Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun 07/19 ~EXO Activities~ MBC Kangta’s Starry Night radio programme 07/20 ~EXO Activities~ M! Countdown Pre-recording 07/21 ~EXO Activities~ KBS Music Bank 07/22 ~EXO Activities~ MBC Show! Music Core 07/23 ~EXO Activities~ MBC Section TV Idol Men (Part 1) 07/23 ~EXO Activities~ SBS Inkigayo 07/24 ~EXO Activities~ 2017 Ulsan Summer Festival 07/26 ~EXO Activities~ MBC Show Champion Pre-recording  07/26 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Japan 07/27 ~EXO Activities~ SMTOWN LIVE VI in Tokyo (Day 1) 07/28 ~EXO Activities~ SMTOWN LIVE VI in Tokyo (Day 2) 07/29 [FLIGHT] Japan to Seoul 07/30 ~EXO Activities~ MBC Section TV Idol Men (Part 2) 07/30 ~EXO Activities~ SBS Inkigayo
08/01 ~EXO Activities~ MBC Show Champion  08/01 [Acting Activities] Tap Dance Practice (via @tapdance_heo Instagram update) 08/03 ~EXO Activities~ M! Countdown  08/04 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Hong Kong 08/05 ~EXO Activities~ SMTOWN Special Stage in Hong Kong 08/06 [FLIGHT] Hong Kong to Seoul 08/07 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM 08/10 ~EXO Activities~ M! Countdown 08/11 ~EXO Activities~ ‘THE WAR’Fansign 08/12 ~EXO Activities~ Show! Music Core Pre-recording 08/12 [Acting Activities] Jecheon International Film & Music Festival (JIMFF) Awards 08/13 ~EXO Activities~ SBS Inkigayo 08/13 ~EXO Activities~ ‘THE WAR’ Fansign 08/15 ~EXO Activities~ ‘THE WAR’ Busan Fansign 08/24 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Japan 08/26 ~EXO Activities~ A-Nation Concert 08/27 [FLIGHT] Japan to Seoul
09/01 [FLIGHT] Seoul to Jakarta  09/02 ~EXO Activities~ Music Bank in Jakarta 09/04 [FLIGHT] Jakarta to Seoul  09/05 {Personal Schedules} Spotted at Military Manpower Administration for periodic body check-up 09/06 ~EXO Activities~ ‘THE WAR’ Mini Fanmeeting 09/07 ~EXO Activities~ M! Countdown 09/08 ~EXO Activities~ KBS Music Bank 09/08 ^SIGHTINGS^ Real Red Restaurant  09/10 ~EXO Activities~ SBS Inkigayo 09/10 {Personal Schedules} Mihawk’s Wedding Party 09/11 ~EXO Activities~ ‘JYP’s Party People’ Pre-Recording 09/14 ~EXO Activities~ ‘The Power of Music’ Fansign 09/14 ~EXO Activities~ M! Countdown 09/15 ~EXO Activities~ KBS Music Bank 09/15 ~EXO Activities~ Lotte Family Concert (First reveal of Movie ‘Room No.7′ Trailer) 09/16 ~EXO Activities~ ‘The Power of Music’ Fansign 09/17 ~EXO Activities~ Inkigayo Pre-Recording 09/18 ^SIGHTINGS^ Spotted at SM (Sighted with cane, presumed tap dance practice) 09/20 [Acting Activities] Filming Schedule (Presumed)   09/20 ~EXO Activities~ Soba Best K-Music Awards (missed Red Carpet) 09/24 ~EXO Activities~ SBS Inkigayo *Absent from: 09/22 ~EXO Activities~ KCon in Australia  09/24 ~EXO Activities~ Asian Song Festival  09/30 {Personal Schedules} Kim Kibang’s Wedding Party October (Upcoming) 10/16 [Acting Activities] ‘Room No.7′ Production Briefing
To be continued…
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dailyexo · 6 years
[SCHEDULE] EXO’s SCHEDULE for October (2018)
[BROADCAST] - pre-recorded and live television and online programme broadcasts, including weekly music shows and dramas, [REC] - programme recordings, [RADIO] - radio programme broadcasts, [SIGN] / [MEET] - fan-signing and fan-meeting events, [PERF] - performance events, including concerts and festivals, [RELEASE] - album and other releases, [BIRTHDAY] - members’ birthdays and related events, [OTHER] - various other scheduled activities.
This schedule will be continually updated.
EXO’s SCHEDULE (Last updated on 181013)
October 1
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.7 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제7회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 2
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 20:00 KST - (Suho)
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.7 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제7회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 3
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 14:00 KST - (Suho)
October 5
[RELEASE] ’Give Me A Chance’ digital pre-release - 16:00 KST - (Lay)
[OTHER] 23rd Busan International Film Festival stage greeting (제23회 부산국제영화제 무대인사) 2) - 17:00 KST
[OTHER] 'The Island' (一出好戏) première at 23rd Busan International Film Festival (제23회 부산국제영화제 레드카펫행사) - 17:00 KST
October 6
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 14:00 KST - (Suho)
[PERF] 2018 Gangnam Festival - Yeongdong-daero K-Pop Concert - 19:00 KST - (EXO-CBX)
October 7
[BRIDTHAY] Lay's Birthday
[BROADCAST] KBS Documentary 3 Days (KBS 다큐멘터리 3일) - 22:40 KST - (recorded on 180915)
[RELEASE] ’Give Me A Chance’ Music Video - 23:19 KST - (Lay)
October 8
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.9 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제9회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 9
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.10 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제10회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 10
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 15:00 KST - (Suho)
[BROADCAST] SM Super Idol League - 21:00 KST - (Baekhyun, Sehun)
October 11
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 20:00 KST - (Suho)
October 12
[PERF] IBK Good Concert with 2030 (IBK 참! 좋은 콘서트 위드 2030) - 19:30 KST
October 13
[OTHER] Park Yura's wedding
[OTHER] Actor Byun Yohan’s fanmeeting ‘Hidden Track’ (변요한 배우의 팬미팅 '히든 트랙’) - (Suho)
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 19:00 KST - (Suho)
[MEET] 2018 Welcome Daehak-ro Festival ‘The Man Who Laughs’ fanmeeting (2018 웰컴 대학로 페스티벌 '웃는 남자’ 팬미팅) - (Suho)
[MEET] Milka fanmeeting - 21:00 CST - (Lay)
October 14
[BROADCAST] 2018 Gangnam Festival - Yeongdong-daero K-Pop Concert - 21:00 KST - (recorded on 181006) - (JTBC) - (EXO-CBX)
October 15
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.11 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제11회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 16
[RELEASE] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ OST '벚꽃연가' - 16:00 KST - (Chen)
[RELEASE] A Tribute to Michael Jackson 'Let’s Shut Up & Dance' - (Lay)
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.12 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제12회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 17
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 15:00 KST - (Suho)
[REC] iQiYi Idol Hits recording (爱奇艺中国音乐公告牌) - (Lay)
[BROADCAST] SM Super Idol League - 21:00 KST - (Baekhyun, Sehun)
October 19
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 15:00 KST - (Suho)
[RELEASE] 3rd full album 'NAMANANA' - 16:00 KST - (Lay)
[MEET] Converse fanmeeting - 15:00 CST - (Lay)
[RADIO] Shanghai Radio FM101 (上海动感101) - 18:00 CST - (Lay)
October 20
[PERF] 2018 Busan One Asia Festival (2018 부산 원아시아 페스티벌) - 19:00 KST
[OTHER] 2018 TMall Double 11 Collection Showcase (2018天猫双11潮流盛典) - 19:00 KST - (Lay)
October 21
[BROADCAST] 2018 Busan One Asia Festival (2018 부산 원아시아 페스티벌) - 00:45 KST - (recorded on 181020)
[BROADCAST] Day Day Up (天天向上) - (recorded on 180920) - (Lay)
[BROADCAST] IBK Good Concert with 2030 (IBK 참! 좋은 콘서트 위드 2030) - (Mnet)
[BROADCAST] Tencent Yo! Bang (腾讯由你音乐榜样) - 20:00 CST - (Lay)
October 22
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.13 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제13회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 23
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.14 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제14회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 24
[REC] iQiYi Idol Hits recording (爱奇艺中国音乐公告牌) - (Lay)
October 25
[BROADCAST] SM Super Idol League - 21:00 KST - (Baekhyun, Sehun)
October 26
[BROADCAST] iQiYi Idol Hits (爱奇艺中国音乐公告牌) - 20:00 CST - (Lay)
October 27
[AWSRD] 2nd The Seoul Awards (제2회 더 서울어워즈) - (D.O)
[BROADCAST] SM Super Idol League - 21:00 KST - (Baekhyun, Sehun)
October 28
[REC] MBC Show Champion in Manila (MBC 쇼 챔피언 인 마닐라) - 19:00 KST
October 29
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.15 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제15회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
October 30
[OTHER] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ final episode party (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 종방연) - (D.O)
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 20:00 KST - (Suho)
[BROADCAST] SM Super Idol League - 21:00 KST - (Baekhyun, Sehun)
[BROADCAST] tvN ‘Hundred Days’ Husband’ Ep.16 (tvN ‘백일의 낭군님’ 제16회) - 21:30 KST - (D.O)
[REC] Tencent Rave Now (腾讯即刻电音) - (Lay)
October 31
[OTHER] Musical 'The Man Who Laughs' (뮤지컬 '웃는 남자') - 15:00 KST - (Suho)
[BROADCAST] KBS Music Bank in Berlin (KBS 뮤직뱅크 인 베를린) - 23:10 KST - (recorded on 180915) - (KBS2)
Credit: dailyexo.tumblr.com. Material not to be redistributed in part or whole without prior permission.
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27timescinema · 4 years
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By Amalia Mititelu (pics © Daniel Morawitz)
As the 27 Times Cinema programme comes to an end, we had our last panel discussion, Festivals and Markets, where Jean-Christophe Simon and Teresa Cavina talked about the journey a film makes since entering the open calls for festivals, getting through the selection process and also how it is later sold and distributed world-wide.
Teresa Cavina has been part of the programming team for festivals such as the Venice Film Festival (1989-1997) or the Locarno Film Festival, which she later also co-directed from 2001 to 2005. In 2006 she launched the Rome Film Festival, working as a Co-Artistic Director until 2008. She has been Artistic Director of FIPA Biarritz (2009-2012) and Programming Director of Abu Dhabi FF (2009-2014). Currently, she collaborates in the programming of the Venice Days, El Gouna FF and Busan IFF.
As she has a lot of experience in one of the most renowned film festivals in the world, I was curious to find out more about her personal experience as a programmer and artistic director and what drives her to want to be part of initiatives such as Sarajevo Talents and Locarno Open Doors.
I know you have been part of the programming team for many renowned film festivals, so I wanted to ask you what makes a good film? One that you take into consideration when you are programming for a film festival.
I think that something very important to underline is that the selection of a film festival is a question of taste. At the end of the day, there is somebody who signs the selection, even if it’s the result of many people who are doing research and watch the submitted films, there is somebody responsible for the final decision. Just like first time artistic director Gaia Furrer has made the final decision on the Giornate degli Autori selection. If it had been my selection maybe it would have been the same or different but it comes down to the sensitivity of the programmer.
As far as I am concerned, the most important thing is that a film takes you somewhere, it doesn’t matter where, it could be a trip inside the mind, a trip in the universe or an exciting trip in a gripping story, but I need to go somewhere. If at the end I realise that I haven’t had any emotional, intellectual or aesthetic involvement then the film is not for me.
When you make the selection for a specific section, do you think of it as a whole, so you have different films that all work together, or do you only think about the films themselves?
I think about the films in the first place, but of course I am aware of the origin because a film section has 15-20 films maximum, so if I already have 2-3 films from the same country it’s a bit unbalanced. In the end all might be selected, but I am aware that I am making an exception because they all have exceptional ideas. There is something that always happens to me which is very curious: I always end up having like 3 slots left and 5-6 films that I like a lot, but I wonder which ones deserve to take the last places and all of a sudden the selection makes the decision for you. You see which ones are right because it’s like a dialogue that establishes itself among the films without you being aware of it. When this doesn’t happen, I keep checking and rechecking my selection to understand what is not working, because if the selection is done well it should work. In the end you are just looking for good cinema, not certain themes or subjects, and then you see that there is a fil rouge (red line) that was hiding itself and came up without you being aware of it.
I know that film festivals like Locarno have a reputation for its avant-garde and cutting-edge selection, and other film festivals have a certain profile as well. Do you sometimes feel that when you are making the selection you have to follow the profile of the festival?
No, you follow the audience of the festivals. In Locarno, for example, it would be a scene to go traditional, and people are free to like or dislike what they see. The public is also vocal when they don’t like a film, but I have never seen an empty theatre or a scarcely occupied one even for the most daring or avant-garde film. I have been programming for several years for Abu Dhabi, and of course you should try to build bridges so what I was doing in Abu Dhabi was to push a little bit the envelope, but not too far because it’s very different to program for Abu Dhabi than Locarno. But in the end, if you really want to be a good programmer you have to go to the theatres and check the reaction of the audience and learn from them. See what they like and then make the audience grow. In Venice and Giornate degli Autori, that carved its own space of freedom, you are not so related to the local aspect of the festival as it’s very international, but Sarajevo is a fabulous window for the Balkan Cinema, so of course the programmers of Sarajevo have always been more interested in finding great Balkan films to show to their own audience. Also other programmers go especially to Sarajevo to discover the best films of the area.
You are also involved in initiatives such as Sarajevo Talents and Locarno Open Doors. Why is it important for you to help young filmmakers?
I love Sarajevo deeply; I am a mentor for a script platform of the talent campus. I really like it because it’s a very creative and inspiring moment when a script is being born and I like working on it with the director. In a way, I only give technical service, I try to be like a midwife, I just want to give possibilities when the director is stuck, but not influence them in the storytelling, because when you write and rewrite a script you need an external eye to see why you are stuck and try to imagine how the situation can evolve. A trick that I use to help is that, if you have a scene with your main character but they are talking to somebody else, you should try to imagine the situation from the perspective of the other person. Then you can see what works, what doesn’t work and what is missing from the scene.
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